Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asks…

Where can I recycle plastic water bottles and cardboard in Macomb County?

I have a bunch of Dasani water bottles that I really want to recycle,but I can’t find any recycling centers.Does anyone know where I can recycle them at?And I have a boatload of old boxes,too.

The Expert answers:

Try the macomb county official website.

Robert asks…

Is it possible to recycle paper towels, kleenex and napkins?

along with the other papers you’d normally recycle?

The Expert answers:

It is possible to recycle these products. But there is one factor that needs to be considered. Paper is sold and bought by its weight. Because these products are so light the market for them as useful recycled components is not very good. Thats why you don’t see them recycled much. It takes a great deal of weight to make recycling paper goods profitable and these products are just not desirable….at this time.
Good thinking though.

William asks…

Is it possible to recycle the uranium in retired nuclear warheads?

I just read that thousands of nuclear warheads are going to be “retired.” Would it be possible to recycle the enriched uranium and use them for useful purposes? Like electricity, etc? Thanks.

The Expert answers:

Actually, that is already being done. I believe between 10-20% of the worlds nuclear energy comes from surplus, or recycled, nuclear stock piles, namely from enriched warheads.

This helps off set the mining costs, as we are currently not mining enough Uranium to fulfill the power needs.

These numbers may be wrong and I don’t feel like searching for them, but I believe we mine around 40,000 tons of Uranium a year and use around 10,000 tons of military Uranium a year for Civilian power.

Chris asks…

Where can I find recycle center for magazines?

I live in orange county,ca
I want to recycle so I can get some money for charity.

The Expert answers:

There’s this book that they give out for free…it’s called the “phone book,” and if you look in the “yellow pages,” you can find names and addresses! Wow!

Laura asks…

What happened to the recycle bin on my laptop?

I took a file, put it in the recycle bin, and it just got erased off my desktop. How do I get it back?

The Expert answers:

1.Do a system restore applicable to XPVistaWindows7.

Start>all programs>Accessories>system tools>system restore>click on a highlighted date 5 days or older & follow the steps.

2. VistaWindows7

Right-click on your desktop and choose Personalize

Click on the Change Desktop Icons link in the upper left hand corner

In the Desktop Icons Settings window, check the Recycle Bin box and click OK

click apply & then ok

Linda asks…

What are different things that I could recycle for money?

I’m realing determined to raise two hundred dollars in a few days.
I would consider recycling, but I’m not sure what kind of things I could recycle. Anyone have any ideas?

The Expert answers:


Steven asks…

Which materials are worthwhile to recycle and which are not?

I’ve discovered that certain things are indeed helpful to the environment when recycled, but there are also certain things that do more harm than good when recycled.

I read that aluminum cans are probably the best thing to recycle. But when it comes down to paper, for example, it’s probably a net loss for the environment (due to all the transporting, sorting, processing, bleaching, re-manufacturing, etc, that must be done to get it back to a usable state).

So basically I’m trying to figure out what items make sense to recycle and which don’t.


The Expert answers:

A very good question.

Yes paper recycling is a net loss for the environment, but it means more trees can be used for wood instead of paper.

Glass is an interesting thing to look at. It’s made from sand and people think sands not going to be in short supply so it must be a net loss. However, the sand is usually dredged from sand bars in the sea.Sand bars act to shelter coastal areas from powerful waves If too much of these sand bars are taken away they can collapse, destroying marine environments and opening up the coastline to erosion. Therefore it makes sense to recycle glass.

Plastic recycling makes sense because the oil it is made of is non-renewable. But it’s not that great for the environment because different types of plastic have to be sorted before they’re recycled, so they ship it off to china (where wages are low)to be sorted.

Richard asks…

How to recycle sack bag instead of dispose it?

I having problem with sack bag that filled with sludge oil from ship. After recover the oil into the tank, the sack bag are useless. But my thought said that this bag can be recycle and reproduce to be new item.Anyone with the method recycling those sack bag? I’m trying to support green planet.

The Expert answers:

The oil sludge has contaminated your sacks thus making your entire sack a hazardous material. The only systems I’m aware of that actually “use” contaminated oil are a specific type of heating system that can burn oil contaminated with an assortment of other materials. In this country, they are most often found in industrial, auto repair, and auto salvage buildings. Some individuals use these systems to heat their home garages and shops; I am more aware of older installations and no new installations. Still these oil burning systems require a fluid to burn; to the best of my knowledge, they do not burn solids.

I can only think of hazardous waste disposal for either eventual containment or incinerator burning.

Lisa asks…

How much does aluminum recycling pay in Southern California and where can i recycle it near Burbank, CA?

I have aluminum scraps that i would like to recycle, how much does it pay and where can i recycle that’ll give me the most $$?

The Expert answers:

Here is the CRV site… …….California Refund Value
Eff Jan 1, 2007, CRV paid to consumers when they recycle containers at recycling centers will increase to 5¢ for each beverage container less than 24 ounces and 10¢ for each container 24 ounces or greater. (use link for more info)…
Find A Nearby Recycling Center….
Just enter your zip code to find a bottle & can redemption center near you. (click on the link on the page)

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