Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

Is it illegal to take recyclables from a recycle bin?

i researching about the laws where i live, can’t find any about recyclables thief. is there a website i can found. I’m from South Bend in the northern state of Indiana.

yesterday around 3:45am i see someone with a bag digging threw recycle bins and taking only Aluminum cans out of there. is it wrong to do that?

The Expert answers:

That is theft and can be charged as theft with a fine or even jail if it is someone with a criminal history.}{

Betty asks…

Can you recycle phone books in a newspaper recycle bin?

We have some old phone books to get rid of. Is it Ok to put them in one of the large bins that recycle newspaper?
Actually, I am in the US. But John’s answer made sense ~ I thought for sure there was a reason they couldn’t go in the regular recycle bin. And I know I have seen grocery stores occasionally collect them in bins out front, but of course I never think to get rid of them then, lol 🙂

The Expert answers:

In the UK you can’t recycle the yellow pages, the glue in the spine doesn’t go throught he machine. Everything else is fine.

Linda asks…

Does anyone know how bins/recycle bins are manufactured?

My current GCSE Design technology prodject entitles me to explain how recycle bins are manufactured and i am currently clueless and my deadline of monday is coming very close PLEASE HELP

The Expert answers:

There are two processes in plastic manufacturing that bins can be made ,,,thermoforming ie:vaccum forming,,and injection molding,,

both have there pros and cons

thermoforming is cheaper to build molds or forms but depending on how deep the tote is can be problematic with cosmetic issues..not to mention long cycle times ,sourcing sheet thats consistent in color and ……..

Injection molding is the best method with fast cycle times from10 sec. To 5 min ,but tooling is spendy 2000 up to 200,000 cost of a production mold 15-30 thou. But run1-2-million parts w/little service

Joseph asks…

If you were wanting to recycle more, how many different bins should you have for each kind of product?

For example, one for glass bottles, one for cans, etc. What different bins should you have?

The Expert answers:

In my area of the U.K. We all have

a green bin for cans and glass
a grey bin for food waste (with a smaller indoor one to be emptied into the large one)
a clear plastic bag for paper,
” ” ” for cardboard.
” ” ” for plastics
” ” ” for textiles
A large black wheelie bin for other household rubbish plus black bags if the bin isn’t sufficient.

In some areas people are expected to separate different coloured glass and use a different container for cans. Some families front gardens are completely full of containers so that they, effectively, no longer have a garden. I’m all for recycling but there has to be a better way than this. I’m not surprised that some people just put the whole lot in their wheelie bin and use some black plastic sacks for what will not fit in the bin.

I think that, in every area, there should be huge bins strategically placed with slots for different coloured glass, plastic, paper and card. We occasionally see these in car parks or we can take our stuff to the recycling centre but that takes time and petrol. There should be more of these places if they wish to keep the co-operation of the public. We pay our council tax, which rises every year yet we are expected to do a great deal of the work that the councils used to do. There is a great shortage of jobs, not surprisingly, because they’ve fired most of the people who used to be paid to sort out our rubbish.

Ruth asks…

What does each color for recycling bins stand for in North Hollywood?

Mainly I am wondering what color bin I use to recycle paper in. Also the color bin for newspaper. Thanks.

The Expert answers:

Check your neighbors with same service. Some different services even in same area have different colors

James asks…

where do our stuff in our recycle bins go when its deleted?

The Expert answers:

The files and data stay on your computer but it is “marked” as deleted. This allows the computer to overwrite the data with new stuff.

Because of this you can recover data that has been deleted (search using goole or yahoo for undelete programs) so long as you haven’t already overwritten it with anything new.

It is also worth noting that the computer wont always overwrite the oldest stuff first, it just overwrites which ever bit it comes accross.

Lizzie asks…

can cardboard Juice and milk containers be put into our cities recycle bins?

The Expert answers:

They can be put into the bins, but they won’t be recycled.

Cardboard containers that held ice cream, juice, and milk are not recyclable. They have a wax coating that makes them waterproof.

In order to be recycled, cardboard is first soaked in water to make it into a pulp. You cannot soak wax-coated paperboard (cardboard) to make it pulp.

My husband and I run our city’s Recycling Center, and we have talked over this issue many times with our cardboard recycler. They must take out the wax-coated containers and throw them away.

David asks…

Can you put pubic hair in the recycle bin?

Basically I cleaned my whole house yesterday and found quite a lot of pubic hair (most in the bathroom or bedroom). Recycling is very important to me, as it should be to everyone, so I just want to know if its OK to put it in the recycle bin?

It says on the side the normal stuff (cardboard, paper, glass etc) but no mention of hair.

Any one know the rules on pubic hair? I know the council are quite strict if you put the wrong stuff in the bins.

Thanks in advance, James

The Expert answers:

No put it in a compost pile or if you do not have one put it in the grass it will decompose.

Nancy asks…

Where do I get a recycle bin?

I want to start recycling, but I dont know where to get those blue recycle bins. The recycling truck comes by my neighborhood picking up everyone elses stuff, and im thinking ‘I want to do that too!!’ How?

The Expert answers:

If you can’t get one from the township, you can buy one from Staples for around $7.

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