Sunday, March 16, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

Does anybody know of paper recycling companies that collect paper waste in the Yonkers NY area?

We are a small office but have a serious amount of paper waste on a weekly basis.

The Expert answers:

Go to to find a local recycle center for any item.

Thomas asks…

Is selling hospital waste to recycling companies illegal?


The Expert answers:

Hospitals often sell their hazardous waste (including needles) to REPUTABLE companies who will recycle the components. This is almost always done by explicitly detailed contracts.

Robert asks…

Should we Promote Electronic Waste Recycling?

-The disposal of electronic waste into landfills shall be prohibited.
-The transportation of electronic waste to foreign nations shall be prohibited.
-Electronic waste recycling companies shall be extended subsidies in the form of tax cuts.
-Corporations who are found guilty of violating the provisions of this bill shall be fined $10,000.
-This shall be enforced by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Yes or No? Why? Please give details.

The Expert answers:

We should absolutely promote electronic waste recycling. Here’s why:

–Electronics can contain toxic chemicals like lead, mercury, and cadmium. (For example, old CRT TVs and computer monitors can contain up to 8 pounds of lead.)
–If electronics end up in landfills, it can leak toxic chemicals into our air, land, and water. For an example, look up Guiyu, China.
–On a similar note, we should never export electronics to foreign nations. It consumes more energy and a lot of that e-waste ends up in landfills.
–We need some sort of universal bill for electronics disposal in the U.S. As it is right now, only about half of the states have e-waste laws.

Betty asks…

is there a government subsidy for companies recycling what waste they can?

The Expert answers:

No, there are no subsidies. The only incentive is on lower (landfill) tax.

This is an oversight in my mind, however, being green leads to efficiency savings throughout an organisation.

Minimising waste is the key

Donald asks…

Has anyone worked for Burrtec (Waste and recycling company) before?

has anyone work for Burrtec before? It is a waste and recycling company. I’m about to accept a job from them, but they have very few public holidays and few sick leave. Is it a nice company to work for? do they give salary adjustment every year? thank you.
Burrtec is pretty big, they have many location, the one i’m talking about is Fontana.

The Expert answers:

Where and which country, correct adres pls?

George asks…

I have a project to recycle waste computer parts.How do I go about it?Ilooking for individuals and companies.?

Waste computer recycling

The Expert answers:

Depending where you are Free Geek is cool.

“FREE GEEK is a 501(c)(3) not for profit community organization that recycles used technology to provide computers, education, internet access and job skills training to those in need in exchange for community service.”

Also try: Earth911

Chris asks…

Why does the brunt of the responsibily of recycling fall on the shoulders of the consumer?

The companies that make products seem to use unlimited amounts of packaging. Does one stick of gum really require 3 layers of wrapping? If all these water bottles are clogging our oceans, why aren’t manufacturers of beverages required to stick with glass or aluminum bottles?

Why I don’t mind recycling, I feel there would be much less need for recycling if companies were regulated by how much waste they created. I also don’t like it that recycling is voluntary. Why aren’t consumers and manufacturers alike compelled by law to cut down on waste and recycle?

The Expert answers:

The responsibility for all the excess packaging also falls on the shoulders of the consumers. Manufacturers are responding to market demand. As we want cheaper food that is quicker to prepare and can sit on a shelf or in a freezer for years on end it requires more packaging. I avoid excess packaging as much as possible, it did require changing my shopping habits. I buy fresh bread from the bakery, fresh produce from the farmers market and few processed foods. We are eating healthier and producing a fraction of the waste.

I also write to some of my favorite brands and let them know I want recycled content in packaging and reduced packaging.

There is a law that was put into place in the 70’s, but it is rarely enforced due to lack of funding for oversight. Look for the resource conservation and recovery act.

James asks…

Which company can plan to design and build waste tyre recycling processing automatic equipment?

The Expert answers:

Yeuan Jih has more than 20 years experience in the planning designing and builder machine of various automatic equipment. Currently the issue of environmental protection has been emphasized by the public gradually, and resource recycling is being promoted through out the world. To respond to this tide, our company has developed the waste tyre recycling processing system, providing complete machinery and plant planning for the whole process of waste tyre processing, from drawing out the steel wires, breaking, to powdering and reuse. The system is highly efficient and has excellent performance.


TEL:886-4-8291808 FAX:886-4-8294297

Laura asks…

Recycling plastics for local councils?

i understand the need to recycle paper and glass, but when it comes to plastics…

what i want to really know is, where is the money declared that the local authority makes from selling the raw materials (our waste) to recycling companies? do we get any reductions? i’ve never seen it quoted in official figure..
collection and delivery – isn’t that through private contractors now? which are also, making a profit.. getting a pattern here!

The Expert answers:

Contractors bid to handle waste at recycling depots. They calculate the amount and that is deducted from what they pay for the privilege, thus councils argue, keeping costs down to benefit taxpayers. That’s rubbish, of course.

There’s money to be made – a lot of money. At one recycling centre (tip) near here, the contractor parades round with his fat money-belt. He isn’t able to conceal his smirk.

The profits from waste should ALL be used to benefit the local community – we paid for it, so that’s only fair.

Plastics recycling = Catastrophic, expensive, daily mistakes world-wide!!! Appalling wastage / oversights. Unforgivable.

Glad you’re concerned / interested. That’s reassuring.

Full details here:
See: Chapter 9: Waste

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