Friday, February 21, 2025

Recycling Our Closets

How many times have you torn through your closet and come up empty, even though you may have thrumbed through 45 outfits? The basic idea in recycling is to reuse, right? So, why do we insist on keeping perfectly good outfits, hanging on a hanger in our closets, when maybe they would be worn by someone else? This basic, simple idea is one we should keep in mind when we find ourselves frustrated without “a thing to wear!”

I’ve done it. I’ve had times where I can’t add another article of clothing to my bulging closet, full of items I don’t wear, and then I do it…I go buy more. There is nothing in that process that looks anything like the model of recycling; reduce, reuse and recycle.

One of the best ideas I’ve come across in learning all I can about recycling is the idea that when it comes to our attention that we are in possession of items we are no longer putting to use, pass them on. I love the idea of knowing that someone who maybe couldn’t afford it is wearing something of mine that no longer fits me. The other part of that positive thought is that the particular article is no longer taking up space and collecting dust in my closet!

We need to be mindful of what items are hanging in our closets that could be possibly worn by someone else. Isn’t the base idea of recycling to reduce the excess? If I’m buying new clothes and just hanging on to the old ones, I’m not doing my part at all. I’m allowing for waste to accumulate right under my nose! But if I am mindful of what I own, I can keep the clutter in my closet down to a minimum by paying attention to items that no longer see daylight with me. I’m not a woman who is sentimental about things, even clothing that has meaning and I seem to be okay passing on to others what once meant something to me, but could now mean something to them.

Why have items that we no longer have any use for taking up precious space in our lives? Doesn’t it feel better when you can go into your closet and move hangers around and not have a twinge of guilt that you no longer fit into certain items? It took me a while, but that was one of the best things I ever did for myself; cleaning out my closet. I didn’t do it just once, either. I am aware of the new items I buy and I don’t allow the closet to over flow with things I’m not longer having a use for; I pass them on and that feels really good.

Do yourself a favor, go through your closet, find what you’re no longer wearing and pass it on to someone who can once again, breathe life into it. It may not seem like a big deal but, guaranteed, someone out there, maybe a little less fortunate, will be grateful.

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