Sunday, February 23, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

Why do people act like having and looking after their children is a selfless act?

Western society worships parents (especially mothers) for raising and looking after children. I’ve heard it said that it’s ‘the hardest job in the world’ and sometimes people behave as though it’s practically martyrdom to have children and look after them.

But in reality, isn’t it a totally selfish act? There are already far too many people in the world, and so many children who need to be adopted but aren’t. And of course people are going to care for their own children, it’s not ‘selflessness’, it’s a natural instinct. Selflessness is giving money to charities to help the starving, giving your time to volunteering to help the underpriviliged, or giving your support to movements that seek to make the world a better place. Producing offspring that will carry on your genes and ensuring that they have the highest chance if survival and prosperity possible is not selfless. It’s the opposite, especially in a world where there are already many children who need parents and there aren’t enough resources to go around.

Has anyone else noticed the way society worships parenthood? Why is this the case, and do you think it’s justified?

The Expert answers:

I think you are comparing apples and oranges here. There are many types of selfless acts. Sure not every parent is out to create world peace. Donate their time and money to charity, or save endangered species, but there are plenty of parents that do those things on top of being a parent, People consider being a parent a selfless act not because people think parents are out to save the world but because GOOD parents give up their need, wants, and time to raise children (whether that child be biological, adopted, etc) to become well adjusted, productive members of society which leads back into the idea that there are multiple acts of selflessness.

If it is the planet you are worried about many parents also teach their kids to care for their planet ie: the going green “fad” and recycling. Parents also support and help their children with projects such as food drives, volunteer work for the homeless, adopt a highway programs, selling candy bars for charities, and much more.

Sadly there are many children who need a home, and thank goodness for those selfless parents who are able to adopt those children, but not everyone is able to adopt due to the fact that they may not be able to pass adoption qualifications. Also there is a decline in World population because people are getting older and less younger people are having babies due to focus on careers, and other reason for a decline in WORLD population are low fertility rates, high death rates and emigration.

Being a good parent is something to be proud of and more people should see it as honorable. If you are not comparing two very different things you will see why being a parent is in fact a selfless act.

William asks…

Please, Please Help Me !!!!?

Ive finished my speech ! 😀 , I just need help to improve it. I am writing a SECOND of 4 parts. It is a speech to peruade poeple to recycle. My job is to talk about the diffrent types of waste.What effect did it have on you ! Thanks 😀 x

So what is waste? , Is it the paper you threw away yesterday? ,Or Is it when you forget to turn the light off before you leave the room? ,
One type of waste is Non-biodegradable waste, This type of waste will NOT break down or won’t for many many years. Examples of these are bottles,plastics,polythene and cans. Biodegradable waste, when not recycled is sent to landfill sites where it will produce methane which is a harmful greenhouse gas, and contributes to climate change. Landfill sites are very harmful, and not only to they pollute the atmosphere but they are harmful to surrounding wildlife. By simply recycling your bottles, yoghurt pots, carrier bags, jars you can help reduce the amount of non-biogradable waste. Therefore you will be saving the environment and helping to protect wildlife.
Another example of waste is Biogradable waste, Biogradable waste is something that will be broken down over time. Typically it orginates from plants and animal sources such as paper and decays to become part of the earth. When left in landfill sites this type of waste produces harmful gasses which get into the earths atmosphere and contribute to climate change. By composting things such as banana skins you will be helping to save the environiment.
Have you ever left a room without turning the light off ? , Wasting energy is harmful to the environment because electricity comes from fossil fuels, the more energy we use the more fossil fuels are needed to be burned. Fossil fuels are used for things such as heating homes. Burning fossil fuels releases Co2 into the environment, this is very harmful as it is a greenhouse gas and pollutes the atmosphere. So by simply turning the lights off, and making sure electrical objects are switched off you will be not only be helping the environment but saving money.

Thanks ! , Ill be very happy ! 😀 x If you want me to aswer any questions just post the link. thanks again !
Wher should i add emotive language -_- !! :S !
Thanks Georgie ! 😀
You really helped , The questions at the start are meant to be rhetorical questions but ill change them 😛 x
How could i add , Emotive Language 🙂 Thanks again

The Expert answers:

It’s really good! Well done! Would you mind if I made a few suggestions?

At the start when you say “Is it the paper you threw out yesterday.”
You need to change it a bit..make it sound stronger. Its a bit arb.

“When left in landfill sites this type of waste produces harmful gasses which get into the earths atmosphere and contribute to climate change” <—- Don't say get into the earths atmosphere. Put it differently. 🙂

You use "harmful to" alot. Try using differnt versions of that word in different places to make it stronger and not SOUND like you are repeating points.

You might want to mention that fossil fuels cannot be replaced and took millions and millions of years to form. Then find a good fact on what percentage of the ancient worlds fossil fuels we have burnt up in the last 100 years.

"So by simply turning the lights off, and making sure electrical objects are switched off you will be not only be helping the environment but saving money. "
You werent talking about saving money…. So you can't start the sentence with "SO" as if thats what you had been speaking about the whole time.

You have really really good points there!! Its really interesting!

I hope this helps!


P.S. Use descriptive language…. Maybe paint a picture of what life would be like if….

Add some humoour? Rehtorical Questions?

Sandra asks…

Does Trazodone expire?

I have always had a problem with insomnia and have been prescribed multiple different meds. The medication that I have a prescription for now is not that effective. I however found one of my older prescription bottles of Trazodone from 2009. I’m just wondering if it would still be safe to take since I know this worked for me. I wish I could simply just go back in and have them adjust my meds but unfortunately I had quit my job and have no current insurance. Hence the fact for this question. If anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated.

The Expert answers:

No, it’s out of date. The drugs break down and will no longer work. They may form toxic compounds.
Dispose of old Rx drugs safely. Never flush them down a toilet. Put them (the pills/capsules) and a sealable bottle or can, add water, (just enough to make the pills gooey / slushy) and put that bottle in the garbage. Take the vial and put in with the plastic recycle bin.

Lizzie asks…

On 9/11, would you have stood by and did nothing like bush did or would you have had the planes shot down?

IF I’m “misinformed” then enlighten me, just what DID bush DO on 9/11?
Experts anticipated terrorists using planes as far back as 1993, why didn’t bush?
kerry was at the helm on 9/11?

The Expert answers:

People who refuse to accept the fact that the U.S. Government had their hand in the Terror Attacks of 911 are ignorant. It’s impossible for Jet fuel or Kerosene to melt iron. Also if the floors collapsed causing a chain reaction it would have taken well over 90 seconds for the buildings to come down. They came down at free fall speed….9 seconds. There is no logical argument here. Explosives were pre-planted in the building. Some will argue that the fires were raging hot inferno’s…however if that was the case then why were there people standing in the holes where the planes impacted waving for help? Their clothes weren’t even burnt.

Here we are talking about the biggest crime scene in the history of the United States…and what did Guilani do? He scooped up all the evidence and got rid of it as fast as he possibly could. Sent overseas to be recycled? I doubt it…my guess is they dumped it all in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

If people would for one second look at the evidence…it’s a common tactic for a country to injure or attack itself and then blame it on the enemy. Then we can go get em. There is even a name for it…it’s called.. “Pretext for Military Intervention” Why doesn’t someone tell me why NORAD didn’t scramble any fighters to escort the hijacked planes down? They didn’t miss 1, but all 4!! Anytime a commercial airline goes off course without explanation, within 10 minutes, fighter jets are supposed to escort them down. Especially the air space over the Pentagon! Hmmm. How convenient. You think it was because Bush ordered Cheney to take control over NORAD the same morning of the attacks? Did you also know that the WTC changed owners about six months prior to the attacks? Did you know that the buildings were worth more if destroyed than standing? That Larry Silverstein is the man who cashed out on the scam…walking away with billions? Did you know that there was a flurry of activity on Wall Street prior to the attacks, and the majority of the trading was “Put options” on the doomed Airlines stock? Did you know that there were multiple explosions heard inside the buildings from all kinds of firefighters, police officers and witnesses? Did you know that WTC Building 7 fell at approximately 5:30 p.m.? That the building did not suffer any major damage, but it somehow blew up into a fine pile of dust? Does anyone know what propaganda is? Do you know that it is also a well known and effectively used tool for the government to pull the wool over your eyes? Well, don’t say we didn’t warn you when your asking yourself 5 years from now “How could this happen?” Educate yourself and open your eyes folks. This is real, and there are more than just a couple of us who think so. Go to Google and type in..911 inside job…have yourself a look at all the choices there are to choose from.

Daniel asks…

Oklahoma City Bombing, 9/11, Anthrax Attacks, Jose Padilla: Is There A Connection?

Anybody believe any or all of these are connected?

The Expert answers:

People who refuse to accept the fact that the U.S. Government had their hand in the Terror Attacks of 911 are ignorant. It’s impossible for Jet fuel or Kerosene to melt iron. Also if the floors collapsed causing a chain reaction it would have taken well over 90 seconds for the buildings to come down. They came down at free fall speed….9 seconds. There is no logical argument here. Explosives were pre-planted in the building. Some will argue that the fires were raging hot inferno’s…however if that was the case then why were there people standing in the holes where the planes impacted waving for help? Their clothes weren’t even burnt.

Here we are talking about the biggest crime scene in the history of the United States…and what did Guilani do? He scooped up all the evidence and got rid of it as fast as he possibly could. Sent overseas to be recycled? I doubt it…my guess is they dumped it all in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

If people would for one second look at the evidence…it’s a common tactic for a country to injure or attack itself and then blame it on the enemy. Then we can go get em. There is even a name for it…it’s called.. “Pretext for Military Intervention” (Operation Northwoods) Why doesn’t someone tell me why NORAD didn’t scramble any fighters to escort the hijacked planes down? They didn’t miss 1, but all 4!! Anytime a commercial airline goes off course without explanation, within 10 minutes, fighter jets are supposed to escort them down. Especially the air space over the Pentagon! Hmmm. How convenient. You think it was because Bush ordered Cheney to take control over NORAD the same morning of the attacks? Did you also know that the WTC changed owners about six months prior to the attacks? Did you know that the buildings were worth more if destroyed than standing? That Larry Silverstein is the man who cashed out on the scam…walking away with billions? Did you know that there was a flurry of activity on Wall Street prior to the attacks, and the majority of the trading was “Put options” on the doomed Airlines stock? Did you know that there were multiple explosions heard inside the buildings from all kinds of firefighters, police officers and witnesses? Did you know that WTC Building 7 fell at approximately 5:30 p.m.? That the building did not suffer any major damage, but it somehow blew up into a fine pile of dust? Does anyone know what propaganda is? Do you know that it is also a well known and effectively used tool for the government to pull the wool over your eyes? Well, don’t say we didn’t warn you when your asking yourself 5 years from now “How could this happen?” Educate yourself and open your eyes folks. This is real, and there are more than just a couple of us who think so. Go to Google and type in..Physics 911…have yourself a look.

Oklahoma City was an inside job as well. Anthrax Attacks were orchestrated by the CIA.

George asks…

can you have a meaningful life without any moral absolutes?

if everything is relative to the circumstances, the search for wisdom and truth is meaningless.
if everything is just a natural blind process of a thoughtless universe, what is your purpose…to live your biological lifespan and continue the species by natural selection

The Expert answers:

Most people behave in a way that benefits themselves, and this in turn benefits the community as well. We’ve also evolved to feel rewarded when we do favours for others; this in turn increases the chances that others will return favours.

Whether they believe it or not, I don’t think most people behave like this because of the threat of eternal punishment.

This and other behaviours probably developed over millions of years of evolution by natural selection. It has survival value, and is observed in other species.

Our behaviours are more complex than that of other species, and our communities are very complex too. We’ve developed behaviour patterns to live in community. When several behaviour patterns conflict in a given situation, our upbringing, experience, need to live as part of a community, and the satisfying chemical changes that evolved to happen in our brains when we do someone a favour, determine which to suppress; this is often done subconsciously, but can sometimes be conscious (which might be what we experience as conscience). When that behaviour goes awry, we have Police, Courts and punishments, and military, to help control it.

Basic moral behaviour has been observed by the ancient Greeks, and has been known as the Golden Rule. It’s also found in the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, and most of us are familiar with the motto, credited to Jesus in the gospels, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”; this isn’t originally a religious idea, but an evolved behaviour pattern.

I don’t think there’s any objective point of living. We adopt or are given our own purposes as we go through life, although we don’t think of them in those terms, nor are they always planned or decided consciously. I’m generally happy and excited about how my life has turned out, and look forward to retiring in a couple of years (although I don’t really feel old enough – maybe I’ll get a part-time job).

Personality doesn’t survive death; it is a function of the body. In fact, it doesn’t even always last while the body lives.
We will return to the way we were before we were conceived. And the molecules that made up our bodies will be recycled by nature.

If we have children, then our genes persist in later generations. People we leave behind will be left with memories, emphasising the happy ones hopefully, once they have come through the grieving process.

Heaven and Hell are mythical places. So, we can take comfort from knowing that we don’t risk eternal torment.

Donna asks…

How can I insulate a very old house, without tearing out the walls?

My house was built in the late 1890’s. It has that old ‘slat interior wall type’ with plaster wall covering (instead of drywall).

I have a full basement, and 1/2 sized attic.

I want to insulate to make summers/winters more comfortable … and also cheaper to heat/cool.

Is it possible to insulate an old house like this … without tearing out the walls to lay new insulation, and/or rebuilding anything to get this done???

If so, what do you suggest?

How should I go about doing this, and what type of insulation should I use??

ALL suggestions are welcome!

Thanks in advance 🙂

The Expert answers:

These steps assume you are working with dry wall. You’ll do the same thing but working with plaster will be slightly more work. I would suggest using a hole saw to make the hole in the plaster. Go slowly, particularly when you get to the wooden slats. Keep the teeth clean so it will cut as smoothly as possible.Don’t apply a lot of pressure as you don’t want to dislodge the existing slats from the plaster.When you repair the holes use some small wooden strips and good glue. (I like Liquid Nails it bonds very well) Insert the strips through the hole and pull the glued ends up against the existing slats and allow to dry. (You can place a piece of wood on the face of the hole and wire or tie the repair slats to this to hold the slats in place until the glue dries. There are products on the market designed to repair plaster walls. Don’t use dry wall mud or spackling or anything designed for use with dry wall. After the glue has dried holding the repaired slats mix your mud and patch the holes. Since the house is this old I would suggest being very careful of lead paint and asbestos. Depending on what type of siding you have on the exterior you may want to consider working from the outside. It may be easier than trying to patch the plaster.

You can add insulation to your exterior walls—without the cost and inconvenience of removing your existing drywall—by blowing cellulose fibers between your wall studs.

Cellulose is a popular blown-in insulation material because its small particles fill in the nooks, crannies, and irregular areas of wall space quite well. It is also considered by many to be a “green” material, as it is composed of up to 75 percent recycled newsprint and does not contain formaldehyde, which can release harmful vapors into the air.

Another bonus is the fact that cellulose insulation can be added to walls by the ambitious do-it-yourselfer. Equipment for the job can be rented at many home improvement centers. Always wear safety goggles and a mask or respirator when working with this material.

1) Use a stud finder to locate studs in the wall. With a hole saw, cut a small hole (between 2 and 3 inches wide) between two studs and near the top of the wall, and place the cut portion aside—you will reattach this later. Repeat this step between each pair of studs.

2) Thread the blower hose into the first hole, and point the nozzle down deep into the wall cavity. Wrap a rag around the hose where it meets the wall to form a seal.

3) While you hold onto the hose, have a friend turn on the blower. Pull the hose back as the cavity fills. Ask your helper to stop the machine when you feel resistance and can no longer insert insulation.

4) Repeat steps 2 and 3, filling up the remaining wall cavities.

5) Once you have finished, reinsert the drywall cutouts and patch up and paint over the holes.

Donald asks…

my mom keeps calling me crazy for wanting a road bike instead of a car?

She sits in her chair playing farmville all day and makes fun of me for wanting a $900
road bike at 16.I have this unignorable desire for a road bike because of the freedom it offers and the amount of other benefits. I dont want to be like all the other kids that ask their parents for a carbon emitting car, because i dont mind the pain of riding a bike to and from work. I do it everyday on a cheap 35 lb bike except i ride it to a nearby gym 3 miles away. With a road bike i would ride even more. I also like stepping out of
my comfort zone and let my legs burn as i climb hills with my current bike. My mom is stuck in a comfort zone all day so she doesnt understand what its like to step out of that comfort zone. I dont know exactly how to explain it, i love my mom and all but she just doesnt get it. Am i crazy for trying to be different?
just to show how great a desire i have, i sold my ps3 and all my games so i could have enough for the bike

The Expert answers:

1) Don’t fret about your carbon footprint. We are polluting a thousands times less than three decades ago, yet have always been on the order of less than 1% of the particulates and dangerous gases emitted by geology. This subject was my college thesis two decades ago, and I really infuriated several professors that tried to refute the facts I provided. That said, being “green” is great, just ask Kermit. Much like supporting your local businesses, one should support their local environment. Give a hoot, don’t pollute.

2) Don’t be harsh on mom, exercise is not for everyone. When I was your age, I had two bikes at my disposal, bikes bought because they were great for getting around campus, but once my parents graduated and got jobs, who the heck wants to ride those things anymore? Be patient but persistent in asking her to join you in physical activities. We get comfortable with our lifestyles, and it can be very hard to break old habits. It took me 24 years to get my wife off her butt. She wasn’t totally inactive or overweight, but she had never experienced the endorphin rush that you get with exercise. She’s addicted now.

3) It is honorable that you sold your gaming gear, but not required. You only need to find balance between the things you love that are good for you and those that are not so good, then balance them against the other activities that are good for you like social interaction and work.

4) Regarding your desire for a new bike, you might try taking your greenness a step further and “recycle” a used bike. Last fall I rescued a Trek 4300 from someones spouse who had no interest in it, for half of retail. My wife’s Specialized road bike was a fourth of retail. Neither bike had been ridden enough to even need a chain cleaning yet, although the Trek got a new one because the bike had been put away wet, them sat for six months in a garage. Used can get you on a great quality, light road bike without the expense associated with it.

In addition to being cheaper, in the first year you will learn what you like and dislike about better quality road bikes, and this will lead to a better purchase when you do finally pull the trigger on a major purchase. It will leave you the financial freedom to deal with cycling incidentals, like finding out most good bikes come with crappy water bottles and cages, you really do need a decent air pump, the seat that came with the bike is most uncomfortable, etc. It wii also give you the opportunity to consider your other needs. Unless you are one of the few that never really wants to go anywhere and can always depend upon your friends in a pinch, you will want some mode of transportation other than your bike and your mom’s car.

Be green, just don’t be mean (don’t be a leech).

Charles asks…

What makes Animal Crossing NL better than WW?

I am thinking of getting a 3DS with Animal Crossing newleaf. Previosuly I have had Animal Crossing Wild World on the DSi some time ago. I am aware it is being realeased next week. I was just wondering other than the graphics of course what specifically makes it better than the previous version
Here are some questions you can answer which would help a lot

1) What are the differences between both games
2) Would you recommend getting a 3DS if so WHY
Any more details you can add would be greatly appreciated.

I will rate best answer!


The Expert answers:

Well there is actually a game in between those two called AC: City Folk, and thats a lot better than Wild World, but I’ll list the differences between WW and NL.

Firstly, in this world, you are the MAYOR. It’s really cool in the fact that you can do public works projects where basically you set up something new for the town to enjoy! I’ll talk more about that in a second.

Here there are a lot more shops and things to do on Main Street such as,
Gracie grace (designer clothing store)
Able Sister’s (clothing store) I beleive they have changed to an accesory store actually
A Gardening store
Tom Nooks Home Store (can change outside of home and add fences and whatnot
Timmy and Tommy’s Store (Tom Nook’s twin nephews store – just like tom nook’s regular store in animal crossing WW)
Recycling Store
Kicks Shoe Shinery (Can change shoe color and style)
Shampoodle (Get your hair done)
Brewster’s cafe

Some other features are
You can wear pants and skirts and different clothes
You can swim in the water
You can custom design your furniture, not just your clothes
You can get a part time job at Brewster’s cafe

Now or the Public Works Projects, some include
Buying a boat and being able to visit Tortimer Island from your town, (it has a gift shop!)
Getting new features for your town like a fountain and bridges (Since you are the mayor you can layout the town however you want!)
Getting a store called the Dream House where you can visit any place or town in the world that you want throuhg a dream!

Overall, the creators pretty much reinvented animal crossing and made it a lot better and cooler, I HIGHLY recommend you get it. I am getting a cheap used 3ds just to get the game, but if for some reason you don’t get it because it’s too much for just one game, consider getting City Folk if you have a wii!

Hope that helped! Good luck!

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Chris asks…

Why do people act like having and looking after their children is a selfless act?

Western society worships parents (especially mothers) for raising and looking after children. I’ve heard it said that it’s ‘the hardest job in the world’ and sometimes people behave as though it’s practically martyrdom to have children and look after them.

But in reality, isn’t it a totally selfish act? There are already far too many people in the world, and so many children who need to be adopted but aren’t. And of course people are going to care for their own children, it’s not ‘selflessness’, it’s a natural instinct. Selflessness is giving money to charities to help the starving, giving your time to volunteering to help the underpriviliged, or giving your support to movements that seek to make the world a better place. Producing offspring that will carry on your genes and ensuring that they have the highest chance if survival and prosperity possible is not selfless. It’s the opposite, especially in a world where there are already many children who need parents and there aren’t enough resources to go around.

Has anyone else noticed the way society worships parenthood? Why is this the case, and do you think it’s justified?

The Expert answers:

I think you are comparing apples and oranges here. There are many types of selfless acts. Sure not every parent is out to create world peace. Donate their time and money to charity, or save endangered species, but there are plenty of parents that do those things on top of being a parent, People consider being a parent a selfless act not because people think parents are out to save the world but because GOOD parents give up their need, wants, and time to raise children (whether that child be biological, adopted, etc) to become well adjusted, productive members of society which leads back into the idea that there are multiple acts of selflessness.

If it is the planet you are worried about many parents also teach their kids to care for their planet ie: the going green “fad” and recycling. Parents also support and help their children with projects such as food drives, volunteer work for the homeless, adopt a highway programs, selling candy bars for charities, and much more.

Sadly there are many children who need a home, and thank goodness for those selfless parents who are able to adopt those children, but not everyone is able to adopt due to the fact that they may not be able to pass adoption qualifications. Also there is a decline in World population because people are getting older and less younger people are having babies due to focus on careers, and other reason for a decline in WORLD population are low fertility rates, high death rates and emigration.

Being a good parent is something to be proud of and more people should see it as honorable. If you are not comparing two very different things you will see why being a parent is in fact a selfless act.

Donna asks…

Please, Please Help Me !!!!?

Ive finished my speech ! 😀 , I just need help to improve it. I am writing a SECOND of 4 parts. It is a speech to peruade poeple to recycle. My job is to talk about the diffrent types of waste.What effect did it have on you ! Thanks 😀 x

So what is waste? , Is it the paper you threw away yesterday? ,Or Is it when you forget to turn the light off before you leave the room? ,
One type of waste is Non-biodegradable waste, This type of waste will NOT break down or won’t for many many years. Examples of these are bottles,plastics,polythene and cans. Biodegradable waste, when not recycled is sent to landfill sites where it will produce methane which is a harmful greenhouse gas, and contributes to climate change. Landfill sites are very harmful, and not only to they pollute the atmosphere but they are harmful to surrounding wildlife. By simply recycling your bottles, yoghurt pots, carrier bags, jars you can help reduce the amount of non-biogradable waste. Therefore you will be saving the environment and helping to protect wildlife.
Another example of waste is Biogradable waste, Biogradable waste is something that will be broken down over time. Typically it orginates from plants and animal sources such as paper and decays to become part of the earth. When left in landfill sites this type of waste produces harmful gasses which get into the earths atmosphere and contribute to climate change. By composting things such as banana skins you will be helping to save the environiment.
Have you ever left a room without turning the light off ? , Wasting energy is harmful to the environment because electricity comes from fossil fuels, the more energy we use the more fossil fuels are needed to be burned. Fossil fuels are used for things such as heating homes. Burning fossil fuels releases Co2 into the environment, this is very harmful as it is a greenhouse gas and pollutes the atmosphere. So by simply turning the lights off, and making sure electrical objects are switched off you will be not only be helping the environment but saving money.

Thanks ! , Ill be very happy ! 😀 x If you want me to aswer any questions just post the link. thanks again !
Wher should i add emotive language -_- !! :S !
Thanks Georgie ! 😀
You really helped , The questions at the start are meant to be rhetorical questions but ill change them 😛 x
How could i add , Emotive Language 🙂 Thanks again

The Expert answers:

It’s really good! Well done! Would you mind if I made a few suggestions?

At the start when you say “Is it the paper you threw out yesterday.”
You need to change it a bit..make it sound stronger. Its a bit arb.

“When left in landfill sites this type of waste produces harmful gasses which get into the earths atmosphere and contribute to climate change” <—- Don't say get into the earths atmosphere. Put it differently. 🙂

You use "harmful to" alot. Try using differnt versions of that word in different places to make it stronger and not SOUND like you are repeating points.

You might want to mention that fossil fuels cannot be replaced and took millions and millions of years to form. Then find a good fact on what percentage of the ancient worlds fossil fuels we have burnt up in the last 100 years.

"So by simply turning the lights off, and making sure electrical objects are switched off you will be not only be helping the environment but saving money. "
You werent talking about saving money…. So you can't start the sentence with "SO" as if thats what you had been speaking about the whole time.

You have really really good points there!! Its really interesting!

I hope this helps!


P.S. Use descriptive language…. Maybe paint a picture of what life would be like if….

Add some humoour? Rehtorical Questions?

Mark asks…

Does Trazodone expire?

I have always had a problem with insomnia and have been prescribed multiple different meds. The medication that I have a prescription for now is not that effective. I however found one of my older prescription bottles of Trazodone from 2009. I’m just wondering if it would still be safe to take since I know this worked for me. I wish I could simply just go back in and have them adjust my meds but unfortunately I had quit my job and have no current insurance. Hence the fact for this question. If anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated.

The Expert answers:

No, it’s out of date. The drugs break down and will no longer work. They may form toxic compounds.
Dispose of old Rx drugs safely. Never flush them down a toilet. Put them (the pills/capsules) and a sealable bottle or can, add water, (just enough to make the pills gooey / slushy) and put that bottle in the garbage. Take the vial and put in with the plastic recycle bin.

Betty asks…

On 9/11, would you have stood by and did nothing like bush did or would you have had the planes shot down?

IF I’m “misinformed” then enlighten me, just what DID bush DO on 9/11?
Experts anticipated terrorists using planes as far back as 1993, why didn’t bush?
kerry was at the helm on 9/11?

The Expert answers:

People who refuse to accept the fact that the U.S. Government had their hand in the Terror Attacks of 911 are ignorant. It’s impossible for Jet fuel or Kerosene to melt iron. Also if the floors collapsed causing a chain reaction it would have taken well over 90 seconds for the buildings to come down. They came down at free fall speed….9 seconds. There is no logical argument here. Explosives were pre-planted in the building. Some will argue that the fires were raging hot inferno’s…however if that was the case then why were there people standing in the holes where the planes impacted waving for help? Their clothes weren’t even burnt.

Here we are talking about the biggest crime scene in the history of the United States…and what did Guilani do? He scooped up all the evidence and got rid of it as fast as he possibly could. Sent overseas to be recycled? I doubt it…my guess is they dumped it all in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

If people would for one second look at the evidence…it’s a common tactic for a country to injure or attack itself and then blame it on the enemy. Then we can go get em. There is even a name for it…it’s called.. “Pretext for Military Intervention” Why doesn’t someone tell me why NORAD didn’t scramble any fighters to escort the hijacked planes down? They didn’t miss 1, but all 4!! Anytime a commercial airline goes off course without explanation, within 10 minutes, fighter jets are supposed to escort them down. Especially the air space over the Pentagon! Hmmm. How convenient. You think it was because Bush ordered Cheney to take control over NORAD the same morning of the attacks? Did you also know that the WTC changed owners about six months prior to the attacks? Did you know that the buildings were worth more if destroyed than standing? That Larry Silverstein is the man who cashed out on the scam…walking away with billions? Did you know that there was a flurry of activity on Wall Street prior to the attacks, and the majority of the trading was “Put options” on the doomed Airlines stock? Did you know that there were multiple explosions heard inside the buildings from all kinds of firefighters, police officers and witnesses? Did you know that WTC Building 7 fell at approximately 5:30 p.m.? That the building did not suffer any major damage, but it somehow blew up into a fine pile of dust? Does anyone know what propaganda is? Do you know that it is also a well known and effectively used tool for the government to pull the wool over your eyes? Well, don’t say we didn’t warn you when your asking yourself 5 years from now “How could this happen?” Educate yourself and open your eyes folks. This is real, and there are more than just a couple of us who think so. Go to Google and type in..911 inside job…have yourself a look at all the choices there are to choose from.

Maria asks…

Oklahoma City Bombing, 9/11, Anthrax Attacks, Jose Padilla: Is There A Connection?

Anybody believe any or all of these are connected?

The Expert answers:

People who refuse to accept the fact that the U.S. Government had their hand in the Terror Attacks of 911 are ignorant. It’s impossible for Jet fuel or Kerosene to melt iron. Also if the floors collapsed causing a chain reaction it would have taken well over 90 seconds for the buildings to come down. They came down at free fall speed….9 seconds. There is no logical argument here. Explosives were pre-planted in the building. Some will argue that the fires were raging hot inferno’s…however if that was the case then why were there people standing in the holes where the planes impacted waving for help? Their clothes weren’t even burnt.

Here we are talking about the biggest crime scene in the history of the United States…and what did Guilani do? He scooped up all the evidence and got rid of it as fast as he possibly could. Sent overseas to be recycled? I doubt it…my guess is they dumped it all in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

If people would for one second look at the evidence…it’s a common tactic for a country to injure or attack itself and then blame it on the enemy. Then we can go get em. There is even a name for it…it’s called.. “Pretext for Military Intervention” (Operation Northwoods) Why doesn’t someone tell me why NORAD didn’t scramble any fighters to escort the hijacked planes down? They didn’t miss 1, but all 4!! Anytime a commercial airline goes off course without explanation, within 10 minutes, fighter jets are supposed to escort them down. Especially the air space over the Pentagon! Hmmm. How convenient. You think it was because Bush ordered Cheney to take control over NORAD the same morning of the attacks? Did you also know that the WTC changed owners about six months prior to the attacks? Did you know that the buildings were worth more if destroyed than standing? That Larry Silverstein is the man who cashed out on the scam…walking away with billions? Did you know that there was a flurry of activity on Wall Street prior to the attacks, and the majority of the trading was “Put options” on the doomed Airlines stock? Did you know that there were multiple explosions heard inside the buildings from all kinds of firefighters, police officers and witnesses? Did you know that WTC Building 7 fell at approximately 5:30 p.m.? That the building did not suffer any major damage, but it somehow blew up into a fine pile of dust? Does anyone know what propaganda is? Do you know that it is also a well known and effectively used tool for the government to pull the wool over your eyes? Well, don’t say we didn’t warn you when your asking yourself 5 years from now “How could this happen?” Educate yourself and open your eyes folks. This is real, and there are more than just a couple of us who think so. Go to Google and type in..Physics 911…have yourself a look.

Oklahoma City was an inside job as well. Anthrax Attacks were orchestrated by the CIA.

Sandra asks…

can you have a meaningful life without any moral absolutes?

if everything is relative to the circumstances, the search for wisdom and truth is meaningless.
if everything is just a natural blind process of a thoughtless universe, what is your purpose…to live your biological lifespan and continue the species by natural selection

The Expert answers:

Most people behave in a way that benefits themselves, and this in turn benefits the community as well. We’ve also evolved to feel rewarded when we do favours for others; this in turn increases the chances that others will return favours.

Whether they believe it or not, I don’t think most people behave like this because of the threat of eternal punishment.

This and other behaviours probably developed over millions of years of evolution by natural selection. It has survival value, and is observed in other species.

Our behaviours are more complex than that of other species, and our communities are very complex too. We’ve developed behaviour patterns to live in community. When several behaviour patterns conflict in a given situation, our upbringing, experience, need to live as part of a community, and the satisfying chemical changes that evolved to happen in our brains when we do someone a favour, determine which to suppress; this is often done subconsciously, but can sometimes be conscious (which might be what we experience as conscience). When that behaviour goes awry, we have Police, Courts and punishments, and military, to help control it.

Basic moral behaviour has been observed by the ancient Greeks, and has been known as the Golden Rule. It’s also found in the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, and most of us are familiar with the motto, credited to Jesus in the gospels, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”; this isn’t originally a religious idea, but an evolved behaviour pattern.

I don’t think there’s any objective point of living. We adopt or are given our own purposes as we go through life, although we don’t think of them in those terms, nor are they always planned or decided consciously. I’m generally happy and excited about how my life has turned out, and look forward to retiring in a couple of years (although I don’t really feel old enough – maybe I’ll get a part-time job).

Personality doesn’t survive death; it is a function of the body. In fact, it doesn’t even always last while the body lives.
We will return to the way we were before we were conceived. And the molecules that made up our bodies will be recycled by nature.

If we have children, then our genes persist in later generations. People we leave behind will be left with memories, emphasising the happy ones hopefully, once they have come through the grieving process.

Heaven and Hell are mythical places. So, we can take comfort from knowing that we don’t risk eternal torment.

George asks…

How can I insulate a very old house, without tearing out the walls?

My house was built in the late 1890’s. It has that old ‘slat interior wall type’ with plaster wall covering (instead of drywall).

I have a full basement, and 1/2 sized attic.

I want to insulate to make summers/winters more comfortable … and also cheaper to heat/cool.

Is it possible to insulate an old house like this … without tearing out the walls to lay new insulation, and/or rebuilding anything to get this done???

If so, what do you suggest?

How should I go about doing this, and what type of insulation should I use??

ALL suggestions are welcome!

Thanks in advance 🙂

The Expert answers:

These steps assume you are working with dry wall. You’ll do the same thing but working with plaster will be slightly more work. I would suggest using a hole saw to make the hole in the plaster. Go slowly, particularly when you get to the wooden slats. Keep the teeth clean so it will cut as smoothly as possible.Don’t apply a lot of pressure as you don’t want to dislodge the existing slats from the plaster.When you repair the holes use some small wooden strips and good glue. (I like Liquid Nails it bonds very well) Insert the strips through the hole and pull the glued ends up against the existing slats and allow to dry. (You can place a piece of wood on the face of the hole and wire or tie the repair slats to this to hold the slats in place until the glue dries. There are products on the market designed to repair plaster walls. Don’t use dry wall mud or spackling or anything designed for use with dry wall. After the glue has dried holding the repaired slats mix your mud and patch the holes. Since the house is this old I would suggest being very careful of lead paint and asbestos. Depending on what type of siding you have on the exterior you may want to consider working from the outside. It may be easier than trying to patch the plaster.

You can add insulation to your exterior walls—without the cost and inconvenience of removing your existing drywall—by blowing cellulose fibers between your wall studs.

Cellulose is a popular blown-in insulation material because its small particles fill in the nooks, crannies, and irregular areas of wall space quite well. It is also considered by many to be a “green” material, as it is composed of up to 75 percent recycled newsprint and does not contain formaldehyde, which can release harmful vapors into the air.

Another bonus is the fact that cellulose insulation can be added to walls by the ambitious do-it-yourselfer. Equipment for the job can be rented at many home improvement centers. Always wear safety goggles and a mask or respirator when working with this material.

1) Use a stud finder to locate studs in the wall. With a hole saw, cut a small hole (between 2 and 3 inches wide) between two studs and near the top of the wall, and place the cut portion aside—you will reattach this later. Repeat this step between each pair of studs.

2) Thread the blower hose into the first hole, and point the nozzle down deep into the wall cavity. Wrap a rag around the hose where it meets the wall to form a seal.

3) While you hold onto the hose, have a friend turn on the blower. Pull the hose back as the cavity fills. Ask your helper to stop the machine when you feel resistance and can no longer insert insulation.

4) Repeat steps 2 and 3, filling up the remaining wall cavities.

5) Once you have finished, reinsert the drywall cutouts and patch up and paint over the holes.

Helen asks…

my mom keeps calling me crazy for wanting a road bike instead of a car?

She sits in her chair playing farmville all day and makes fun of me for wanting a $900
road bike at 16.I have this unignorable desire for a road bike because of the freedom it offers and the amount of other benefits. I dont want to be like all the other kids that ask their parents for a carbon emitting car, because i dont mind the pain of riding a bike to and from work. I do it everyday on a cheap 35 lb bike except i ride it to a nearby gym 3 miles away. With a road bike i would ride even more. I also like stepping out of
my comfort zone and let my legs burn as i climb hills with my current bike. My mom is stuck in a comfort zone all day so she doesnt understand what its like to step out of that comfort zone. I dont know exactly how to explain it, i love my mom and all but she just doesnt get it. Am i crazy for trying to be different?
just to show how great a desire i have, i sold my ps3 and all my games so i could have enough for the bike

The Expert answers:

1) Don’t fret about your carbon footprint. We are polluting a thousands times less than three decades ago, yet have always been on the order of less than 1% of the particulates and dangerous gases emitted by geology. This subject was my college thesis two decades ago, and I really infuriated several professors that tried to refute the facts I provided. That said, being “green” is great, just ask Kermit. Much like supporting your local businesses, one should support their local environment. Give a hoot, don’t pollute.

2) Don’t be harsh on mom, exercise is not for everyone. When I was your age, I had two bikes at my disposal, bikes bought because they were great for getting around campus, but once my parents graduated and got jobs, who the heck wants to ride those things anymore? Be patient but persistent in asking her to join you in physical activities. We get comfortable with our lifestyles, and it can be very hard to break old habits. It took me 24 years to get my wife off her butt. She wasn’t totally inactive or overweight, but she had never experienced the endorphin rush that you get with exercise. She’s addicted now.

3) It is honorable that you sold your gaming gear, but not required. You only need to find balance between the things you love that are good for you and those that are not so good, then balance them against the other activities that are good for you like social interaction and work.

4) Regarding your desire for a new bike, you might try taking your greenness a step further and “recycle” a used bike. Last fall I rescued a Trek 4300 from someones spouse who had no interest in it, for half of retail. My wife’s Specialized road bike was a fourth of retail. Neither bike had been ridden enough to even need a chain cleaning yet, although the Trek got a new one because the bike had been put away wet, them sat for six months in a garage. Used can get you on a great quality, light road bike without the expense associated with it.

In addition to being cheaper, in the first year you will learn what you like and dislike about better quality road bikes, and this will lead to a better purchase when you do finally pull the trigger on a major purchase. It will leave you the financial freedom to deal with cycling incidentals, like finding out most good bikes come with crappy water bottles and cages, you really do need a decent air pump, the seat that came with the bike is most uncomfortable, etc. It wii also give you the opportunity to consider your other needs. Unless you are one of the few that never really wants to go anywhere and can always depend upon your friends in a pinch, you will want some mode of transportation other than your bike and your mom’s car.

Be green, just don’t be mean (don’t be a leech).

Sandy asks…

What makes Animal Crossing NL better than WW?

I am thinking of getting a 3DS with Animal Crossing newleaf. Previosuly I have had Animal Crossing Wild World on the DSi some time ago. I am aware it is being realeased next week. I was just wondering other than the graphics of course what specifically makes it better than the previous version
Here are some questions you can answer which would help a lot

1) What are the differences between both games
2) Would you recommend getting a 3DS if so WHY
Any more details you can add would be greatly appreciated.

I will rate best answer!


The Expert answers:

Well there is actually a game in between those two called AC: City Folk, and thats a lot better than Wild World, but I’ll list the differences between WW and NL.

Firstly, in this world, you are the MAYOR. It’s really cool in the fact that you can do public works projects where basically you set up something new for the town to enjoy! I’ll talk more about that in a second.

Here there are a lot more shops and things to do on Main Street such as,
Gracie grace (designer clothing store)
Able Sister’s (clothing store) I beleive they have changed to an accesory store actually
A Gardening store
Tom Nooks Home Store (can change outside of home and add fences and whatnot
Timmy and Tommy’s Store (Tom Nook’s twin nephews store – just like tom nook’s regular store in animal crossing WW)
Recycling Store
Kicks Shoe Shinery (Can change shoe color and style)
Shampoodle (Get your hair done)
Brewster’s cafe

Some other features are
You can wear pants and skirts and different clothes
You can swim in the water
You can custom design your furniture, not just your clothes
You can get a part time job at Brewster’s cafe

Now or the Public Works Projects, some include
Buying a boat and being able to visit Tortimer Island from your town, (it has a gift shop!)
Getting new features for your town like a fountain and bridges (Since you are the mayor you can layout the town however you want!)
Getting a store called the Dream House where you can visit any place or town in the world that you want throuhg a dream!

Overall, the creators pretty much reinvented animal crossing and made it a lot better and cooler, I HIGHLY recommend you get it. I am getting a cheap used 3ds just to get the game, but if for some reason you don’t get it because it’s too much for just one game, consider getting City Folk if you have a wii!

Hope that helped! Good luck!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Laura asks…

where can i get money for recycling?


The Expert answers:

If you are in one of the states that will give you money to recycle, then you can go to some walmarts, I don’t know if dumps would do it, but recycling centers around your area. If you are not in a state that is lables on the bottle then you cant get any money for it unless you drive to the state. You can also go to to find local recycling places. Hope this helped! Also, if you think my answer kicked butt then you should totally vote me best answer! Thanks so much! Good luck collecting money!

Sandra asks…

I love to recycle soda can lid in DFW….is there any place I can get money from?

The Expert answers:

It would much easier to find places that recycle the whole empty soda cans. You can do that at most supermarkets, providing DFW has a recycling program. In order to get money for the lids you would need at least a pounds worth and would have to find a junk or scrap yard that would take them. You can also check the internet for DFW’s recycling program and see where they take scrap aluminum or metal.

Richard asks…

can i recycle can’s for money?

The Expert answers:

Aluminum cans recycle for about 40 cents per pound and it takes a lot of cans to make a pound. If you crush the cans, it makes for easier transportation and storage prior to selling.

David asks…

Where do I go to recycle cans for MONEY?

I want to make a little money by recycling cans, paper, and bottles. Can food cans be recycled also? I live in Falls church, Virginia.

The Expert answers:


You go to a recycle center to recycle cans for MONEY.

Can food cans be recycled also? No, but ask them to be sure.

Lizzie asks…

How do I recycle cans and bottles for money?

I want to start recycling cans and water bottles for money, but i dont know how much i can get for each can and each bottle. and where i can take the recyclables. answers anyone?

The Expert answers:

Prices vary for aluminum cans and bottles, depending on the market. Most recycling centers post a daily price. But, even if you DON’T earn any money, recycling is still worth the effort! I recycle everything; nothing except easily biodegradable food scraps get hauled away to a landfill (and that’s only because my apartment complex won’t allow composting). I REduce, REuse, and REcycle steel, plastics, aluminum, newsprint, glass, magazines, mixed paper, telephone directories, used cooking oil, cardboard, asphalt, computer parts, ink and toner cartridges, TV sets, tin, and styrofoam. I also ‘recycle’ old clothing, furniture, etc. By donating it to the Goodwill. Thank you for helping to save our planet by REducing, REusing, and REcycling! Your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will really appreciate what you did so they can breathe fresh, clean air and still find enough clean drinking water. -RKO- 07/04/07

Nancy asks…

Is there anything besides metal and aluminum that can be recycled for money?

I have a ton of junk in my house and I’d like to get rid of some of it. I can sell the useful stuff on craigslist, but a lot of other stuff is just garbage. It’d be nice if I could get some money out of it. Is there anything besides metal and aluminum that can be recycled for money? I’m in the Los Angeles area.
I actually like the electronics and clothes ideas. I’ve got plenty of those. Is there anything specific I can google, so I can check if the place would pay me any cash?

The Expert answers:

Plastic bottles can certainly be recycled-usually for money.
Paper can be recycled-though probably not for money.

Look for an E-Waste(electric waste) recycling program. They take back computers, printers, toner, cell phones, screens, tvs, light bulbs…etc. Don’t know if they offer money. That would depend on the area.

Even if you can’t make a few dollars, it is wise to recycle. Recycling is much better for the environment than just throwing out stuff!

James asks…

Places i can recycle cans for money ?

I have saved up soo many cans and im looking for a place in washington state were i could recycle them for money. Closer to olympia wa.

The Expert answers:

Well, you better get connected with Louisville Recycling. Check their site at

Robert asks…

How much money could I get for recycling soda cans.?

Iam collecting cans and I would like to know how much can I make.

The Expert answers:

Some place on the can it should say, but in the event it does not, most states pay 5¢ and a few pay 10¢ per can. I believe they have guidelines on the condition of the cans in how they are turned in; I don’t think you can crush them to fit more in a container. Another thing you could try is calling a recycling facility, they pay by the pound and I’m sure it won’t amount to as much as 5¢ per can. However, volume = weight = $$$ = 🙂

Hope this helps.

George asks…

Where can I recycle Pepsi cans for money in Melbourne ?

You know on the cans they say you can recycle them for 10 cents at SA.
What does SA mean ? And where can i give them.
That is if Australia has a recycling firm for pepsi.

The Expert answers:

SA means South Australia. The South Australian State Government puts a surcharge of 10c for things like cans, to make sure they’re recycled. It’s a great idea!

I’m in Victoria too by the way, near the South Australian border

In Victoria the laws are different – The only value of them is their raw material, the aluminium itself, which is worth maybe half a cent each. The way the government encourages us to recycle them is to give each house a big recycling bin, and a small general rubbish bin, so we NEED to sort it or we’ll run out of bin space! That’s fine, but it does NOTHING to encourage people to recycle if they’re away from home… Then it comes down to individual people wanting to do the right thing.

There is some groups trying to get Victoria to have the same 10c surcharge laws as SA – Let’s hope they’re successful!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mark asks…

Does New York City have recycling bins on the streets?

do they even have a recyling program in the city?

The Expert answers:

The city does have a limited recycling program that derives from street pick up on at least one of the garbage collection days:

The present mayor has a keen eye for profitability and suspended the fall leaves recycling when it was found to cost money and not make money for the city. As 100% of NYC garbage is hauled somewhere else it would seem prudent to have an intense recycling program:

The only bins you will see for collection will be in store parking lots for the collection of clothing but that is not a governmental function. Several years ago the city baned uncovered garbage collection bins from all businesses. They had to be covered with a fence or eliminated in favor of using bags. Some business collection went from 2-3 times per week to daily with increased costs. There is room for improvement.

Carol asks…

I want to start recycling, but I don’t know how?

I want my parents to start recycling, but they don’t want to because there aren’t any good near-enough places to go to- that they know of. They used to recycle cans, but got tired of collecting them since it made a mess and they had to drive so far.
I’ve tried to find closer places, but am having no such luck at the moment.
Is there a way to start some recycling program that would give people a closer place to drop off ALL of their recyclables and have it shipped to a recycling place?
If I can’t find something else, I’d really like to get someone to start that, but I wouldn’t know how.
If I am able to find somewhere close enough, how could I go about getting my parents to recycle?

The Expert answers:

First of all, thank you for trying to do your part to recycle. There are opportunities available in most communities in the USA. Here are a few places to start looking:

1. Go to Earth 911 and enter your zip code. Http://

2. Look in the local yellow pages under “recycling”.

3. Visit the website of your state, county or city environmental agency. If that doesn’t have a section about recycling, compose an email to them and ask them about recycling. Always be polite.

4. With the help of a parent, visit the Freecycle website at This is a good place for local folks to donate and ask for things that would typically end up in the landfill.

Don’t forget, there’s more to recycling that just cans and bottles. Pay particular attention to wastes known as “household hazardous wastes”. You probably could toss these wastes, (like unused oil paint, solvents, pesticides, and even burned-out fluorescent bulbs) into the normal trash, but it’s best to take them to the special collection events that many communities have nowadays. It’s better to keep this stuff out of landfills and garbage trucks rolling down the highways.

Even better than recycling is doing what you can to avoid making more waste. One thing to consider is to try and eliminate most of the junk mail that is sent to your house. Visit and try to do at least a couple of the things they suggest to reduce the junk mail that comes to most of our homes.

Use a mulching mower to cut your grass…never bag grass again. Leave it on the yard or start a compost pile. You don’t need a fancy compost bin, you just need a spot, a turner and a little water every day or two.

Look for opportunities to donate stuff like computers and old paints to charitable organizations like Goodwill or Habitat for Humanity .

I hope that you find something useful in all of this….best of luck to you and to your family. And remember, the more people you can involve… the better! Some people take a little kind coaxing, so be patient.

Sharon asks…

Do you recycle or just throw stuff away?

i was taking out the recyclables today and i was just wondering; im bored haha

The Expert answers:

I recycle everything I can. And not only is it good for the environment, but it saves a lot of room in the garbage can so I use less trash bags as well. : )

David asks…

Why don’t more people recycle?

The Expert answers:

You should move to Ontario. They’re crazy about recycling here. We get taught how to recycle in school and I swear to God, if someone in this province sees you litter they will death stare you like there is no tomorrow. It’s in our blood haha.
We also, in the city I live in, have garbage laws that state we are only allowed to have ONE full bag of garbage per household each garbage day. The rest must be our recycling (we can have as many bags and bins of that as we want) and our green bin (compost..also a law that we put all used food and food stuffs in a green bin).

I can’t imagine not recycling. I have friends in a small town in Ohio who I visit often, and they don’t have a reclying system there. I actually have so much trouble throwing out bottles and cardboard etc…it bothers me !! Hahah

Susan asks…

is it possible to recycle everything in your house that you throw away everyday?

i would like to know the most efficient way to recycle everything other people throw Away on a daily basis the one with the most thought out plan will be picked

The Expert answers:

Theoretically, you should have no need for garbage. You can use reusable items, recycle you aluminum glass and plastic, have a compost pile and burn the rest if necessary. We have a woodstove to heat the house so burning come natural. We have a compost pile with all food items, paper, egg shells, coffee grounds etc. We recycle as above and go to the store with canvas sacks. About once a month or more, I do take a small bag up to the dumps with stuff that has somehow slipped thru the cracks.

Michael asks…

How to convince my parents to use reusable shopping bags?

I already bought like 2 reusable shopping bags and a lady gave me one randomly telling me not to waste money on bags. I told my mom one day why don’t you and dad use reusable bags? And I believe I said it helps the environments. And she tells me no it does not help and gives me a reason that it won’t matter if you user reusable shopping bags theirs many other factors that are killing the environment. So I did my research in why people use it cause I was curious, and I was shocked at how bags are so bad for the environment, and I don’t understand why my parents don’t see that. I’m sure they like to eat plastic in their fish.
Even recycling the bags gives off heavy metal I read…not that great.. Don’t you love to breathe polluted air 😛

The Expert answers:

Collect the plastic bags and return them to the store to recycle them.

You are probably not going to convince your parents… But you can reuse plastic bags for other purposes (lunch bag, garbage bags, shoe covers, doggie doo receptacle, kitty litter trash bag, etc.)

You can also return them to stores where they are collected and recycled.

I know almost all places that have plastic bags also have bins to take them back and recycle them.

Ruth asks…

What to do with garbage and waste?

A much more serious question than worry about global warming (by people) is: What will we do with all of our garbage? There are not enough holes to dump it in without serious consequences. We had better get serious about recycling SOON.

The Expert answers:

One thing that we all have to do is recycle always, no exceptions, and if possible, compost. Consequently doing those two things should help a lot.

Here is an article on how to compost:

Also, avoid products that come with a lot of packaging.
Avoid plastic bags..

Here are the worst “Eco Sins”:

I am not using plastic bags at all anymore.. It took some getting used to, but I’m there now.

John asks…

how are HDPE and LDPE plastic bags recycled?

how are they different?

please help


so HOW are they recycled?

The Expert answers:

High Density Polyethylene and Low Density Polyethylene are the same in terms of chemical ingredients however the structure of their polymers differs.

HDPE is durable, resistant to chemical change and tougher than LDPE. HDPE is used in buckets, garbage bins and many other applications.

LDPE is used mainly for its flexibility at the cost of durability and strength. LDPE is used in glad-wrap, shopping bads and drink bottles.

Polyethylene wether it be high density or low density is a thermoplastic so theoretically is could simply be melted down in an environment absent of oxygen and remoulded into a new product. Also if they are heated more the polymer itself will break down becoming its original monomer (ethene) or other alkanes or alkenes depending on various factors. Ethene can be used to make more polyethylene or potentially PVC, polystyrene, polypropene and many others.

LDPE is different at a molecular level to HDPE as a result of their different styles of production.

LDPE uses a three stage process involving the introduction and then termination of a free radical that causes the monomer ethene to polymerise into polyethylene. The production involves backbiting and results in backbiting of the chain leaving large amounts of branching. This branching means the polymer cannot pack tightly together so it is less dense and as a result weaker this also means that as the chains are not aligned and are more “tangled” it is more flexible.

HDPE uses an ionic catalyst called the Ziegler-Natta catalyst this process is much more complicated but it is done by slowly adding the monomer to stop branching and producing much less branching and more parallel chains resulting in a strong, inflexible plastic.

This is all I can remember off the top of my head. I have tried to simplify it as your question is very vague and the answer could be 500 pages long if you let me go on but thats a condensed version.

Lisa asks…

Do we need to reduce the usage of plastic bags? for the sake of enviornment reasons?

The Expert answers:

Yes, I think so.

There is a lot of news stories about the plastic bags we get at the food market, but I think the bigger problem is the garbage bags we use when taking out the trash each day.

I recycle a lot and have done so for years even when it was not popular to do so. And I have a large composting area that I’ve used for almost 20 years. All for the sake of environmental reasons.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

What should I wear on Saturday?

On Saturday I am teaching a recycled crafts to a bunch of kids. I am a high school girl. I have a lot of clothes but I don’t know what would be the best outfit to wear.

The Expert answers:

Just wear something average, unless it’s one helluva class. I’d wear any of these outfits:

* dark jeans, plain t-shirt, flannel shirt over top, sneakers
* jeans again, with a nice cami and cardigan

just wear what you normally wear on a good day !

Charles asks…

craft ideas using recycled materials?

I need craft ideas that are good and easy for kids to make, but they must be made out of recycled materials, such as water bottles, old pens, newspapers, etc.
i need exact crafts… like all the steps on how to make a water bottle piggy bank, not just egg cartoon caterpillar. websites also will help!
Thanks again

The Expert answers:

Kids love making animal toys, so get them to pick an animal and make it, I loved making animals out of old stuff as a kid, you can use a bottle to make a mouse and use straws and polystyrene 🙂 hoped this helped.x

Laura asks…

What kinds of crafts (easy) can be made with used glass wine bottles?

Our area doesn’t have glass recycling. One of my hobbies is making my own homemade wine. When I give away a bottle, my friends pay me back with grocery sacks full of used bottles. What can I do with them?

The Expert answers:

You can always just tell them you have enough bottles for now.

For a craft, you could etch them and fill with powdered bubble bath. Http://

Or lights. Http://

You could also dig a trench and plant them in the ground for a pretty border.

Nancy asks…

What do you do with your old plastic gallon milk jugs?

Any arts and crafts? Recycle? Trash it? I remember my dad would cut out the top with the handle and plant tomatoe seeds inside or green scallions(onions).

I myself made a bird tree feeder. I cut out 2 sides and put wildbird seed in it. It did attract a few birds and squirrels!

The Expert answers:

I love these plastic containers. I usually have the 4 litres bottles as we have lots of cereals in our house.
I normally cut the front off from neck to half way down but leave the handle at the back. I put turps or some other brush cleaner in it and stand my paint brushes in. When the decorating is done, wash the brush and sling the bottle. You can store nails in it, pegs, cottons and many other uses. The bird feeder is a great one. I’ll certainly try that.


John asks…

Does anyone know of any good recycling craft websites?

I want cute things like tin can lights

The Expert answers:


Sandy asks…

Can you please help me with my recycling project?

I have a project about recycling a plastic bottle or tin can into a recycled craft. Could you please give an idea on things that could make out of plastic bottle or tin can? And please give me an instruction please? and some added materials…
Thank you very very very much for helping me…..

The Expert answers:

Do you mean arts & craft…. Craft?
If not, take a large juice bottle carefully cut bottom off (can use this as a dish for something outside like bird food maybe) the bottomless bottle can be used as a mini greenhouse in the early spring by placing it over young plants that need some frost protection.
If so…(and you’re old enough to use a hammer and nail safely.)
Take a can, make sure the lid is completely removed and there are no sharp points. Fill with water and place in the freezer. Meanwhile find a hammer and a strong straight nail. Also begin planning a dotted pattern that will eventually surround the can.
Once water is frozen, map out the dotted pattern on your can with a waterproof marker. Find a sturdy area to lay the can down so you can hammer the nail throught the metal. Wear safety glasses please and you may need some gloves. (I used a picnic table, placing the can along the spot where the boards join.) Hammer the pattern so the nail goes through the metal. Once that design is done let the ice melt. Dry can. Place a small votive candle in a small glass that fits into the can. Should look nice.
Just found these… Go here they’ll be more helpful..

Michael asks…

What things can I create with old magazines and cards?

I teach classes to developmentally challenged people and have tons of magazines/cards and want to use them for some projects/also anything else I can recycle/make crafts with!
-like something besides collages

The Expert answers:

You can create a ”collage” work , which means making a shape of a person or a thing like maps, birds,etc from different piece of magazines , by cutting and then pasting them in a meaningfull shape

William asks…

recycled crafts???

does anyone have any ideas for things to make out of any recycled things? jewelry, decorations, bags, anything? i love crafting in all areas and would like to learn some new ways to make things and help the enviroment.

thanks so much!

The Expert answers:

There’s a board devoted to recycling crafts (both creating crafts from recycled materials and by recycling crafts into other items) at

Linda asks…

Recycled craft ideas?

I need some fun crafting projects. I would prefer to do some using recycled materials, any ideas???

The Expert answers:

Well, I have a few ideas…:-)

Bottle cap crafts:…0.0…1ac.r3dI62q5gmU

Pull Tab crafts:…0.0…1ac.qW7IyobVPog

Light bulb crafts:…0.0…1ac.CrumxRKA260

Plastic bottle crafts:…0.0…1ac.zZ-EMm_G-Ro

Aluminum can crafts:…0.0…1ac.M9J_V1Xvmuo

Have fun…

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

How can we correct water pollution?

Here’s what I have so far:

People can help prevent water pollution by recycling and disposing of their waste safely and properly. Although laws already exist about dumping, they should be more strict and more enforced to prevent people or companies from getting away with it. Water treatments facilities should be available in every area.

I need a paragraph, though – that’s not enough.


The Expert answers:

Don’t forget agricultural pollution from fertilizers and pesticides. Buffer zones of vegetation can protect bodies of water.

There are also heat pollution, as from cooling water, acid water from mines, and airborne particles that settle out. That should get you a good fat paragraph once you elaborate.

Daniel asks…

Why do we put up with phone companies littering our lawns with pnone books?

We take this for granted, however it is littering. Call your local law enforcement and/ or local government to have them enforce the law. I receive four books per year, it is a waste of natural resourses and a cost to taxpayers to have these books recycled. These are for profit conpanies and I for one do not want to subsidize them. Get involved, please

The Expert answers:

Tell the phone company to stop sending phone books. And when you need a new 1 just call and ask for 1, it’s that simple.

Helen asks…

Why are companies not being pressured into being ‘Greener’?

There is a big thing about saving the planet, being ‘Green’, recycling, using less electricity, reducing pollution, etc at the moment. There is alot of pressure on individuals to do their bit at home but what about companies? Where i work is very wastefull but there doesnt seem to be anyone going on at them about it! They produce alot more waste that could be recycled, for example then i ever could!
I understand the companies side, why they would not want to. Cost, effort….
and i know some companies are doing stuff because it is in their interest.
Its just as an individual im getting it shoved in my face all the time, its everywhere and its effort and cost on my part but i have no choice it.
For example every house has a blue recycle box which the council collect once a fortnight. Which comes out of my council tax but i can’t not pay it! As i live in flats i dont even have a box!!!

The Expert answers:

True to the core! I accept your arguement.

But, we have to see a problem in a maximum number of perspectives before coming to a conclusion.

The industries and factories form the major contributors to the nation’s economy, besides agriculture. This becomes a great constraint for the government itself for not imposing more and more restraints on the industries, to make them greener & greener. So, its the companies, who must take up the job of greenifying themselves.

The scientists could contribute by inventing newer & cheaper methods for recycling wastes…!

Lisa asks…

about recycling companies:?

I was just wondering if there are recycling companies that come to pick up your recycled items, like how the trash companies pick up garbage.


The Expert answers:

It depends on where you live and the amount of recycling you have. Like the garbage company they may charge for the service. Look up waste management or recycling, you may also try

Joseph asks…

Recycling food waste…?

I have been gradually going more green over the past year and a half and have made great progress. I feel bad about our food waste though.

It’s just my husband and me. I plan all our meals out on Sunday night, and since you can’t buy 2 chicken breasts for example, we always have leftovers. I eat leftovers for lunch pretty much everyday and I freeze things that freeze well, but we still wind up throwing food in the trash.

I live in the city and don’t have a garden, so are there other composting options for me?

The Expert answers:

Yes-composting units can be purchased through numerous gardening companies. Keep a record for about a week of how much food you dispose of in order to buy a compost unit suited to your needs. There may be a community garden nearby that would appreciate the compost. You could contact a local community center to inquire about persons or groups that accept compost. It is also helpful to talk to others about their composting experiences: Is it better to separate meat products from vegetable matter? Where do folks dispose of bones, etc? After you’ve researched the realities of composting in an urban area, you’ll have a sense if composting is something you can commit to.

Ken asks…

Do you recycle?

The Expert answers:


The waste management company provides my neighborhood with bins for newspaper and plastic & cans.

Considering that 5% of the electrical consumption of the USA is spent on making aluminum, recycling aluminum can significantly reduce that that consumption. Five percent may not seem like much to many but it is a very big deal. Three percent of the electrical production is from petroleum. Recycling aluminum cans can eliminate the use of any petroleum for producing electricity.

Linda asks…

Which company can plan to design and build waste tyre recycling processing automatic equipment?

The Expert answers:

Yeuan Jih has more than 20 years experience in the planning designing and builder machine of various automatic equipment. Currently the issue of environmental protection has been emphasized by the public gradually, and resource recycling is being promoted through out the world. To respond to this tide, our company has developed the waste tyre recycling processing system, providing complete machinery and plant planning for the whole process of waste tyre processing, from drawing out the steel wires, breaking, to powdering and reuse. The system is highly efficient and has excellent performance.



Paul asks…

Recycling for businesses?

I would like to find somewhere that will recycle electronic components, foam, cardboard, and plastics for businesses.
I do live in a major city, so I wouldn’t think it would be so difficult, but I’ve checked alot of places and can’t find much, except for the cardboard.
Any help would be appreciated.

The Expert answers:

At our business we use the GreenDisk company to recycle our electronic waste. We bring our cardboard and plastic bottles to a local recycling facility. We have no place to recycle foam, but try to reuse packing foam and peanuts when possible. Also, you didn’t ask, but to recycle batteries we use BigGreenBox company and Radio Shack.

Betty asks…

How do I get my company to recycle paper?

75-90% of the company’s waste is good quality, clean paper. All that paper is being thrown in the garbage and ending up at a dump. When asked, my superiors wanted to know how much it would cost. Are there any sites or resources that I can research? This is a collossal waste of a valuable, renewable resource. Companies that do this should be fined!

The Expert answers:

Check the website of the city you live in, most have info on recycling services. It is possible that your company might qualify for free pick-up. You’re correct, the company you work for should be fined, it would be too bad if the press did a piece on companies like the one you work for don’t you think?

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

How to recycle plastic bottles?

I’m one of those people that throw away plastic water bottles, soda cans, and etc into my garage bag. But now I started to feel like crap when I do that. So now I want to start recycling water bottles and other plastic items. But I don’t know how to recycle them.

1. Do I take the cap off from the water bottle before I put it in my recycle box?

2. Am I suppose to crush my soda can before putting it into my bin?

3. What about milk cartons, milk gallons, fruit plastic containers and etc?

4. How many bins should I buy so I can separate the items?

5. Do I get pay for recycling if so how?

The Expert answers:

In Australia, recycling is standard. The council provides a large rubbish bin for recycling & a smaller one (to encourage recycling) for other rubbish. We also have a green bin for garden waste. Usually, you only put plastic in that has a recycling triangle mark on it. There are many types of plastic & not all are recyclable. Our supermarkets usually collect the plastic shopping bags as they have a place they can be recycled. I don’t put full containers in the bin I tip out the contents & rinse them. I also rinse really dirty jars etc. You would take the caps off because they’re a different plastic to the bottle. Same goes for jars. Metal on glass. I’m careful with paper & cardboard too. They can’t recycle mixed types of products. They don’t have time to separate them. If paper has a metallic cover then its two products in one. If a box has a plastic window, I either rip it off or put it in the rubbish. Waxed cardboard like milk cartons & drink cups are recyclable here too. Crushing is optional the truck will crush them anyway but if you fill your bin up easily, it will give you more space. We don’t get paid to recycle & we don’t have to go out & buy the bins although there is a charge for the green bin in our council rates even though we didn’t ask for it. One big one for recycling & one for rubbish should be enough. One for green waste if you need it. Over hear, if we save aluminium & aluminium cans, we can take it to a scrap metal place or Comalco & get money for them. Recycling factories have people standing next to a conveyor belt pulling the recycling off & putting them in the appropriate bins, so you can see that it would be dangerous & unpleasant for them to have to deal with needles, dirty nappies & the like because people are too lazy to put it in the right bin. Best rule is, if in doubt, put it in the general rubbish. If you’re really conscientious & want to put small pieces of recycling material in, don’t bother. The people on the conveyor line aren’t going to pick up every little bit.

William asks…

Where can I recycle hard plastics?

Plastics found in: Pens, highlighters, eyeglasses, soda bottle lids, microwaveable meals, etc.

The Expert answers:

You can recycle almost everything. Like bottles, plastic, boxes paper, tires, light bulbs and much more.

Enter your Zip code and find out where and what the recycling plant accepts

Tire recycling

Bottle recycling, plastic etc. At

Light bulbs…

Mary asks…

Recycling plastic bags?

Does anyone have any good essays or articles I could read about recycling plastic bags? I need to give a presentation and it would really help!!!

thanks <3

The Expert answers:


Plastic Bags: Sword Towards Ourselves
Five hundred billion used globally and one hundred billion of them end up in U.S. Landfills, taking about one thousand years to decompose, but only 5.2 percent were recycled (Borrud, 2007, p.75).-These are the figures plastic bags have produced every year. Human beings invented plastic bags for the convenience of carriers and packers. However, just as other great inventions, say, nuclear energy and biotechnology, plastic bags are causing serious issues like global warming, environment pollution and energy consumption. They are gradually becoming sword towards ourselves. In responding to this problem, the city of San Francisco has become the trail blazer to prohibit non-biodegradable plastic bags in its large supermarkets and pharmacies. Actually, petroleum-based plastic bags should be banned because they consume colossal amount of natural resources and energy, cause inefficient in economics and can badly pollute the environment…

You can get more info here:

Daniel asks…

do plastic bags get recycled?

okaii so im doing a science project and i found out thath you donate plastic bags to supermarkets but what do they do with the plastic bags do they reuse them and give them to other customers or do they make new bags out of them

The Expert answers:

Q: Can I recycle plastic bags?
A: Yes, plastic grocery or merchandise bags, dry cleaning bags, and bubble wrap can now be recycled. To be sure this is a successful program, please place only the types of bags requested and remove all receipts, other packaging material, and any food residue. It does not matter if the recycling symbol is not on the bag or if a certain number is inside the chasing arrows on the bag. They can all be placed in the plastic bag bin.
Plastic bags cannot be recycled with rigid containers because they have a different melting point. The plastic bags melt very quickly compared to rigid containers and therefore cannot be used in the same process.
The plastic bags will be mixed with urban wood waste then melted into a new siding product in residential and commercial construction that is resistant to rot. Plastic bags can also be used to make plastic lumber for decking, outdoor furniture, and lawn edging.
It takes a lot of plastic bags to make a bale, so please bring us your plastic bags and bubble wrap! Plastic bags can be reused and most grocery stores have recycling bins near the front door for plastic bags as well. Instead of using a plastic bag, try using durable canvas bags on your next shopping trip!

Laura asks…

recycling plastics materials?

The Expert answers:

Yes, you can recycle plastic. I don’t really understand how much you need to know from your question, but there is a code on the bottom of all plastic bottles which relates to recycling level. Most any plastics can be combined together to be dropped off at a recycling facility. Contact your garbage service collector, and see if they offer a weekly or monthly pick-up. If everyone did there part, the world would be a cleaner place!

Thomas asks…

How to recycle plastic bags?

I know that plastic bags had been destroying the environment, and I feel extremely terrible that every plastic I have used is still on earth today. Is there a way to recycle plastic? like have it gone? Can you burn it? So that the plastic will melt (would burning it affect the environment?

Is there a way that I can recycle plastic and not cause a negative impact on the environment?

Pliastic stuff:

plastic bags,
plastic food trays
plastic items

Is there a center where I can bring these plastics to in New Westminster?

I feel so angry that people always say that the environment has nothing to do with them, “blah, blah, blah.” But if there are too much plastics and garbage in the ocean, it will kill the plankton = death of fishes = death of whales, marine animals = death of birds/animals that eat marine animals = death of earth = death of HUMANS. When it has everything to do with them.
I can’t put in the blue bin for it will jam the machine that packs the garbage. So that is why those company don’t really want the plastic to be in the bins.

The Expert answers:

The plastic bags can’t be recycled with the recyclables because the bags would wrap around the rollers and the whole line would need to be shut down to pull them out. However, there is a market for them to produce insulation for jackets, pillows and quilts hence there are collection bins at the grocery stores specifically for plastic bags. Some recyclers that use hand sorting will let you bag all your plastic bags in one bag which they would then pluck out for sale.

The other low grade plastics that the recycling company does not want simply don’t have a market. What we see today as recycling isn’t recycling, it’s a business.

Joseph asks…

recycling questions… plastic etc.?

I know this is a very stupid sounding question, but i grew living in the country and we burned our garbage because we didn’t have any pick up… now that i live in the city our apartment building has a recycling program. we recently went out and bought a blue bin. my biggest question is what can’t be recycled i have heard from several sources that bottle lids (from pop and water bottles) can’t, and i have heard just as many saying you can. and also what are the rules about mail, enevelopes and the little plastic things in them? also what are some things that not many people know you can recycle.

The Expert answers:

If you recycle water bottles, milk jugs, etc. You have to make sure the top is off, but you can still recycle the top. You can recycle the envelopes with the plasic thingys on them. Somethings that a lot of people don’t know can be recycled are paper towels, toilet paper rolls, and plastic grocery bags. Hope that helps.

James asks…

Why can’t I recycle plastic bags and saran wrap?

If we can recycle bottles, styrofoam and most plastic containers (in some communities), why can’t we recycle plastic bags and wrap, broken toys and other forms of random plastic?

The Expert answers:

Plastic Bags can be recycled but what it comes down to with those is that the cost of collection and sorting is very steep and many companies don’t want to deal with it. Broken toys can be as well however the problem with them is that many don’t just contain plastic and once again the sorting issue becomes costly. Any contaminate can make the batch usless and in the case of metal being introduced dangerous as well. Now saran or cling wrap is a different story… The resin that cling wrap is made of cannot be reextracted from the product without mass amounts of energy (more than it takes to make it from scratch) therefor it is a throwaway product… Also food contamination makes extracting the resin next to impossible because the slightest molecule of food can destroy any usefulness of the resin.

Mark asks…

How would recycling plastic help the environment?

The Expert answers:

Recycling a plastic bag have contribute the re-use of the product and it indeed helps save the wildlife and the environment. Carbon Oxide (CO2) is a very serious matter to the environment, which we cannot breathe if we don’t recycle plastics.

Recycling is a main contribution to saving the environment and it does benefits the re-use of a product. For example, if I were recycling a plastic bag, it could save about 1 cubic pound of CO2. If I were recycling 500 plastic bags per second, I would have saved 500 cubic pound of CO2 per half a second.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

Is Atlanta’s recycling program profitable?

Does anyone know if Atlanta actually makes money off of it recycling program? Also, does anyone know where all of our recycling material go? Any help would be great. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

It gets recycled back into the all over the country, including my dad,uncles and so on have been making a living for years on this type of waist.there is not one city that i know of that is making money.but they are looseing money.typical government bull crap.atlanta like every other city in the country couldnt make money with a gold strike.its there job to bleed the public.not make money for be it.i dont know why.but it has become the american way with elected officials.could it be greed and dishonisty.hmmmmm.

Laura asks…

Are there any recycling bins in Broward county in fort Lauderdale, FL?”?

We wish to recycle the newspapers & Magazines which pour in every week and don’t like to throw them away. We live in a Apartment complex unfortunately they don’t provide recycling facilities..:( , so thought if we can drop it off in a designated place..any ideas??

The Expert answers:

Wow! There isn’t much which looks like it will do the job. Have a look at these:,-80.136681&sspn=0.280467,0.41851&ie=UTF8&z=12 (Click on the red dots for details.)

Chris asks…

If I set rat traps at the local recycling plant — Is that considered a “green job”?

Under Obama… yes.

Feel free to add your own outrageous examples.

The Expert answers:

If I get a job dumping toxic waste, a by-product of making solar panels, into a lake. Do I have a “green job”? Yes I do.

Sharon asks…

I want to recycle And I don’t know how ?

I Am A recycle freak and I don’t have time to go anywhere How can I recycle???

The Expert answers:

Good for you! You can probably visit your local township/town commissioner for information on where to recycle certain things or what your garbage collector will take. If they don’t know it’s their job to figure it out and tell you. Also, if your community doesn’t recycle very many kinds of plastics/glass etc, try to buy less of that kind and reuse what you already have by buying in bulk or just find ways to reuse the items not able to be recycled. My community actually won’t take anything but glass, its ridiculous so we try to minimize the plastics we buy. Even though you don’t have time to go anywhere I would consider looking into your local boyscout chapters, they usually run many recycling programs where you drop off items like magazines/newspapers/plastic/cardboard etc at a place near you then they drop it off at the correct place.

Robert asks…

Recycling and advertisement?

If a big name company started a recycling program would you have a more positive outlook on them? Would you be more likely to choose them over competitors?

The Expert answers:

What is the price comparison? All other things being equal, I will go with the company with the lower cost.

Do they manufacture here or do they import from China? (I will go with the home-grown company rather the one that imports. Remember, the job you save could be yours.)

James asks…

11 year old jobs?

is there any jobs for 11 year olds i tried to cut grass with my grand dad but he said i gotta be 14 or up so is there other jobs (no newspaper route i broke meh arm doing that)

The Expert answers:

I understand your desire to make money but I agree that eleven is too young to be working with power mowers, weed wackers, etc. You need to work with your skills, interests and experiences to make money. There are a number of really good library books that can help to answer your question about what you can do safely and legally to earn money so I’d suggest you talk to your librarian about books like “Fast Cash for Kids” by Bonnie & Noel Drew. You’ll find a number of other titles. What you want to do is find a need that your potential customers have and fill the need. Consider recycling, selling “green products,” running errands, painting, crafts, house and yard cleaning, and other things within your skill level. It’s important to read and learn about business and your industry. Check out Junior Achievements to network with other teens and tweens who are making their dreams come true…

Sandy asks…

Jobs for 14 yr olds nz?

I am a responsible 14 yr old in top classes at my school in nz. Does anyone have any ideas of places that would higher some of my age, and no i am not talking baby sitting or lawn mowing i mean a proper partime job.
Thanks in advance
And to jamie who has recently awnsered thanks for your help but in nz i dont need a work permit from school and we sadly do not have any baseball parks as that is not a very big sport here, the only stadium in town is closed when not in use.

The Expert answers:

It depends on you state laws. Most places in California like CVS and some grocery stores will not hire you until 16-17 years of age. Maybe check with your school to see if you can obtain work permit. Otherwise, you will have to stick with the under the table jobs like mowing lawns. One good idea is to go around to different baseball parks after the games to collect recycling….I take my 12 year old son out and he makes a nice amount of money weekly when there is games. I give you major kudos for wanting to get out and work!! That is awesome!! Good luck and keep trying, employers may say no the first time, but they like it when people come back 🙂

Nancy asks…

job troubles?

where can i go to get a job when im 15 and a 1/2

The Expert answers:

Mow lawns
Pull weeds
Do chores for an elderly neighbor or relative
Deliver newspapers
Collect and recycle aluminum cans
Rake leaves
Shovel snow
Walk dogs and/or train them
Bring in the papers for neighbors when they are on vacation
Wash cars

Susan asks…

how do you recycle wood ?

how do you recycle hardwood floorboards into furniture (lifting, striping, preparing) I have an old cottage that has solid hardwood floors it needs to be torn down but I would like to use the floorboards as doors and tables. The boards are about 80yrs old, any suggestions???? I have tried to google but not any answers just products. Thanks

The Expert answers:

Its a good idea but not an easy job. First, you have to be positive that all metal (nails, screws, etc.) are removed from the wood. Then the boards have to be surfaced in some way. Usually they would be run through a surface planer to clean them up but you could also power sand every board. I don’t know how wide your boards are but the edges will have to be planed so that they can be glued together to make boards wide enough to construct furniture. If these are really nice old hardwood boards, they would certainly be worth saving and storing until you can find a way to process them for use.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

George asks…

i am having a debate on how recycling should be reqired by law and i am arguing the negative side…?

and i cant seem to find any supporting facts to back up my argument.Can someone help me?

The Expert answers:

I would focus on one aspect of recycling – newspapers. Do a search on it and see how effective it is. It’s my understanding that it isn’t very effective. As for things like aluminum cans, you can’t win that argument (because of the energy savings), same goes for plastics and glass. But I think if you study the process, the costs (vs benefits), what we use recycled newpaper for and what would happen if we didn’t recycle newspapers, you can make a good argument (organize you outline along those lines).

Sandra asks…

What’s really wrong with recycling your own papers for a different class?

Meet Joe. Joe could be, if he were not a hypothetical example, a college student at any university. Several times, he has considered turning in papers that have already received a grade in a previous class. Clearly, he wouldn’t turn in the exact paper (grade, comments, and all), but it would be a printout of the same paper nonetheless. Joe has thus far restrained himself – apparently, his university would consider this to be plagiarism and would most likely result in his failing the class and (possibly) expulsion. This restraint is only due to the fear of being found out and punished for something that should be a non-issue in the first place. This is a completely unnecessary fear. “Recycling” papers from other classes is not only morally permissible, but in some cases (admittedly, few and far between) should be actively encouraged.
Ordinarily, I have little use for Utilitarianism. There are far too many flaws and loopholes (for lack of a better word) for me to justify using it as the decision-making moral theory on which I base my life. In this situation, however, I find it both useful and defensible. Turning in a “recycled” paper for a grade in a different class maximizes happiness for the only two people in the situation whose happiness matters – the professor and the student. This Utilitarian principle, maximizing happiness, defends the recycling student while at the same time pleasing the professor.
What, then, defines happiness in each person’s situation? Having never been a professor, it would be unfair for me to say that I know exactly what would make him or her happy, but I can offer a few logical guesses. Students doing well in class (gradewise) would make a professor happy. Seeing that, while a student may not have the best grades in the class, he or she is actively learning and (or) enjoying the class would make a professor happy. Knowing that (based on students’ test scores, papers, or attitudes) he or she is doing a good job and living up to his or her and the university’s expectations would logically make a professor happy. There are probably more “happiness indicators” for professors, but as I said, I have never been one and therefore do not know everything about the position. Collectively, these happy professors make for happy deans, provosts, and chancellors, but this situation is concerned with the professor only. I will refer to “byproducts” later.
The happiness of students is something I know a little more about. Good grades make students happy. Learning more about something that actually interests them makes students happy. Being actively involved in a class they enjoy makes students happy. Having fun in a class (yes, this is possible) and living up to their own expectations for themselves are both excellent components of student happiness. Different students have different ideas about what makes them happy, but these are a few basics. Eerily enough, it seems that they mirror the things that make professors happy. The symbiotic relationship demonstrated here shows that as one side is made happy, the other follows, and vice versa. Once again, there are byproducts of the happiness that will be discussed later.
Now we come to the actual paper in question, “recycled” or not, as the case may be. What about a paper makes a professor happy, or at the very least satisfied? The student should be able to answer the question(s) in detail, showing knowledge of the material covered in class (at minimum). Hopefully the student will be able to go above and beyond to show an ability to synthesize material from other sources, and to draw his or her own conclusions other than regurgitating simple facts and repeating the professor’s own words on paper. It should be turned in on time and satisfy whatever requirements are placed upon it in terms of length, format, sources, and so on. Notice I do not include the requirement of it not being a “recycled” paper, since this paper is designed to make that even more of a moot point than I already consider it to be. Each discipline (sciences, history, literature, and so on) will of course have its own peculiarities, but in any case the paper should be well written, demonstrating a grasp of and control over the language. These things, and I am sure there are more and different things in different class situations, are what make professors happy.
What about a paper makes the student happy? It should be able to be completed to the standards of both professor and student in the given amount of time. It should be over things the class has covered or been given opportunity and direction to cover on their own. The student should be able to understand and follow the directions easily. Easily, however, may not always mean that it does not take time. Hopefully the topic will hold the student’s interest – maybe providing a different spin or alternative view of said topic, or allowing the student to provide opinions and his or he
or allowing the student to provide opinions and his or her own individual take on the subject matter. Shorter papers and fewer source requirements (if any) certainly help, but alas, such is not always the case.
It is possible for a “recycled” paper to fit every single one of these requirements for both student and professor. Where then is the problem? Somehow, “recycling” papers has fallen under the heading of plagiarism. Surely this cannot be classical plagiarism, copying verbatim or paraphrasing from a source, without giving credit where credit is due. The student has clearly done all the work involved in the paper, and for the sake of argument we can assume that he or she turned in a copy of the original bibliography or Works Cited page along with the “recycled” paper. All it would take to “legally” beat the plagiarism argument in this case would be to put the entire paper in quotes and list it on a Works Cited or bibliography page as being “published” in the
class it was
class it was turned in to before:

Herfkens, Timothy. “On the Morality of ‘Recycled’ Papers in Academia.” Ed. R. Mohr. Contemporary Moral Problems, University of Nebraska at Omaha. Omaha, NE, 2005.

Of course the form may have to be reworked for different disciplines, but the example is clear. A ridiculous example, certainly, but it could be done if only to prove a point. Where would be the merit in, in effect, punishing a student for writing a good paper for a previous class (or not being able to see the future)?
Imagine (and it is not very difficult) a paper giving a Marxist interpretation of George Orwell’s classic novel Animal Farm. This could easily be used for a Critical Theory class demonstrating the student’s knowledge and application of Marxist theory. It could just as easily be used for a literature class, proving that not only does the student have an in-depth knowledge of the book itself, he or she realizes that it is more than a cute little animal fairy
cute little animal fairy tale. Had the student known that he or she would be reading and writing a paper on Animal Farm in a future class, it is reasonable to imagine that he or she would have or could have chosen a different critical approach to the book or chosen a different book to practice Marxist theory on. Well, the whole seeing the future thing does not happen and (horror of horrors) the student earns an “A” on the paper. Why in the world would the student not turn it in again to the literature professor, if it satisfies all the requirements for the second paper as well? Not only does it fit all the professor’s
requirements, it would more than likely also satisfy the above requirements for making both the student and professor happy. It really should not even matter if the professor knows or finds out that it is a “recycled” paper – happiness is maximized for all involved. He or she got what was asked for, and the student will probably get another good grade.
In fact,
In fact, a student “recycling” a paper (or papers) almost by definition is maximizing happiness every single time. Logically, there is no point to “recycling” a paper that earned or received a poor grade. So, the paper in question will have already maximized happiness in one class for both professor and student. If a situation arises where the student can use a high-scoring paper again, is he or she not then (Utilitarianly speaking) morally obligated to use the same paper again, knowing that it is highly likely to maximize happiness for both the second professor and him or her self? This is then seen as a superogatory act, one that (according to class discussion) would be seen as obligatory by both Bentham and Singer.
Now, what about those byproducts? First of all, there are the happy deans, provosts, and chancellors that were referenced earlier. A student earning good grades would make the parents happy, and depending on each individual family structure, the extended family (s
family (siblings, grandparents, and so on) would be happy as well. Happiness is being passed around like marijuana at a 311 concert! The student would also be happy that he or she had to do a little less work for a class.
That last sentence seems to be the sticking point, revealing a problem in the mindset of what seems to be (in my experience ONLY – no surveys conducted) a minority of professors. Never in ten full time semesters at this university have I heard this “recycling” of papers mentioned as a problem, much less on a par with plagiarism, until now. Coming from an English major who has written quite a few papers, that means something. There is, in this situation, a focus on “did the student do the work” rather than “does the student know the material.” Not only that, the “did the student do the work” part is restricted to a four-and-a-half month time frame. However, grading is based on “does the student know the material.” Of course the student should do the work – th
Of course the student should do the work – that is a given. Does it really matter when? No.
Joe is having a good day now. After Joe read this paper and explained it to his professor, Joe’s professor announced to the class that “recycled” papers would no longer be a problem in that particular class. Joe’s unnecessary fear is gone. Look, happiness even before receiving a grade! He has turned in his “recycled” paper, the one that he received an “A” and high praise from the previous professor for, and even told the current professor that it was a “recycled” paper. “Recycling” papers has been proven to be morally permissible (at worst) by the Utilitarians, and happiness will abound on all sides.
I apologize MOST profusely for the length . . . I wrote this for a philosophy class 4 1/2 years ago. Just curious as to other reactions.

MANY thanks to all who take the time to read and react.

The Expert answers:

Yeah, I didn’t read all that, but education, unfortunately, ends up being about process. You go through the process of giving every teacher, lecturer, etc what they want. It’s like a love fest for the professors point of view. It lessens as you go through the system, but it’s not until you’ve got Phd after your name that all of a sudden, what you think actually means something.

Donald asks…

How to get town to expand recycling program?

I recently moved to a small town in Texas from a town in New Jersey, and am suprised that each home doesn’t get recycling bins or anything like there was where I lived in NJ. A lot of money can be made from recylcing right? And its good for the environment. But in the town I’m in now you can only put recylable materials in a place at the municipal building. I dont think that is convenient for most people.. and most people would recycle if they had a bin they just had to put stuff in and then a truck can take it away.

What can I do to get my town to have a program like that? What articles can I read about this topic so I can know more about the facts? Cause I don’t know much on the topic but its definitely something I want to rally for. I’m 16 years old and its a suburb of Dallas, if that helps. Should I call my municipal building or go there myself or what? I dont know what I should do as the first step.

Thanks if you can help!

The Expert answers:

I live here in North Texas and was asking myself the same question, I did alot of research and found that a company called Abitibi Bowater has it’s own program which encourages local Texas companies to start recycling, the program is called “EcoRewards Recycling” and they actually make it profitable for local businesses to start recycling.

My point of contact was Casey, see below;
Casey Gray “Business Recycling Consultant”
EcoRewards Recycling
1923 Meridian Street
Arlington, TX 76011
Tel: 800-874-1301

I wrote and article on the experience which you can read on my blog;

You can also visit the EcoRewards website directly here;

They can supply local businesses with curb side pickup recycling bins as well as larger recycling containers. Contact them and see if they can help your town.

Charles asks…

Can a professor copyright an exam?

I am wondering if a professor can copyright an exam… For example, I am taking a biology course in University and we had a 50 question multiple choice exam… Firstly, if the questions is factual (along the lines of “Which of the following statements are correct?”, or “What occurs after glycolysis?” can they br protected or can they be redistributed? Secondly, although it is a multiple choice exam, the student is choosing the answer and is it therefore considered his/her own expression?

As far as the material being redistributed… It will be redistributed solely for educational purposes, i.e. emailed to a friend or student taking the class in the future to help them study and prepare for an exam.

(I do know that redistributing an exam will tend to upset professors, and many professors recycle exams, however, that is another issue. My concern here is strict legalities and whether I can or cannot redistribute an exam under fair use for educational purposes.)


The Expert answers:

(1) YES, a professor CAN copyright an exam. Of course, copyright only protects “expression” and not “facts,” so some of these factual questions may not, in and of themselves be copyrightable (if there’s no “originality” to the question). However, other parts of the exam are copyrightable — like the order and selection of the multiple choice answers, the order and selection of questions (which could be considered independently copyrightable “factual compilation”), and the particular expression used for longer questions.
Don’t believe me? Look at this case between the entity that creates the bar exam and a study-prep company:

(2) The “first sale” doctrine provides that, if the professor GIVES you the exam, you can do whatever you want with that copy (except, of course, to make more copies from it). So if you want to put it in an exam file or pass it on to a student, copyright law wouldn’t prohibit that. Now, there may be other agreements, such as the school code of ethics, a confidentiality contract, or other regulations, that may affect that, but not copyright law. Of course, if you COPY the test, or if you acquire the test when the professor has taken it back into his possession, that’s a whole different kettle of fish.

(3) A student adding his own answers may either be a derivative work or may be independently copyrightable material (although circling “c” on a multiple choice portion would not likely be considered “original” as required by the Copyright Act). However, that does not change the fact that the underlying work is still copyrighted.

(4) The previous answer by one user is COMPLETELY wrong. First, it doesn’t matter if the work is for “educational use” or not. It’s still covered by copyright. Now, if you use a PORTION of a copyrighted work for educational purposes, that may allow you to gain the benefit of a very specific defense called “fair use,” but the fair use defense will likely not cover a wholesale copying of someone else’s work.

Second, copyright is original to the author. There has to be a specific, written “works for hire” contract between the author and his employer for the school to have copyright. And, in academia, the standard is for the professor, NOT the institution, to have copyrights in anything created for academic purposes. And even if the institution owned the copyright, by copying the test, you’d still be violating copyright — but it would be the school who would sue you rather than the prof.

Finally, copyright infringement is NOT about profits. If you make copies and give away copyrighted materials, you’ve committed infringement. Now, if you don’t do it for profit, you cannot be charged with criminal copyright infringement (i.e. Punished by the state), but you can still be sued.

In summary:
(1) Professors CAN have copyrights in tests
(2) If the prof gives you the test back, you CAN GIVE it to someone else without violating copyright (but no guarantees that you’re not violating some other rules). You CANNOT COPY the test without technically violating copyright (whether the professor cares or not is a different story)
(3) The fact that it was education, or not for profit, technically doesn’t matter under the Copyright Act. However, that may make a difference in determining whether you can be prosecuted by the government and what damages would be if a civil action was brought against you.

Hope this was helpful.

Lisa asks…

why doesnt the film industry recycle?

you would think they do but they don’t.
Ive worked in all the studios and sets. you may find one or two seperated bins out of the whole lot or a rare movie that encourages recycling but thats it.

The Expert answers:

Most don’t recycle, reduce pyrotechnics, etc. Feigning interest-level/concern for the inenvironment, the Film industry wishes to use offsets for their pollution-ridden industry practices.

No amount of public service announcements or celebrities driving hybrid cars can mask the fact that movie and TV production is a gritty industrial operation, consuming enormous amounts of power to feed bright lights, run sophisticated cameras, and feed a cast of thousands. Studios’ backlots host cavernous soundstages that must be air-conditioned to counter the heat produced by decades-old lighting technology. Huge manufacturing facilities consume wood, steel, paint and plastic to build sets that are often torn down and simply tossed out after filming ends. Not to forget the cross-country or overseas transport of gargantuan sets and the action-packed pyrotechnics which are always the trademark of a long-running A-lister. The energy guzzling continues on the exhibition side, too, with multiplexes drawing millions of kilowatts to power old-school popcorn makers and clunky film projectors that cash-strapped theater owners are reluctant to replace.

A two-year study released last year by the University of California, Los Angeles, concluded that transportation, special effects explosions, idling vehicles and diesel generators make the entertainment industry a major Southern California polluter, second only to the oil industry. A new study about pollution in Los Angeles is pointing a finger directly at — Hollywood. A report from the UCLA Institute of the Environment says the film and TV industry emits up to 140 tons of ozone and diesel particulate emissions each year from such things as trucks and generators, special effects explosions and the destruction of sets with dynamite. This makes Hollywood the second largest polluter in the region — trailing only the petroleum industry. In fact, the makers of the global-warming film “The Day After Tomorrow” belched out 10,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions during production. One cannot ignore the huge carbon impact these action-packed films with pyrotechnics on steroids have on our environment from just one block buster. The movie made $543 million worldwide. Producers contributed $200,000 dollars to plant trees and take other steps to offset the pollution they created.

Also, one convenient yet controversial method is the purchase of carbon credits by studios and producers to offset the greenhouse gases from their production activity. The credits attempt to counter such pollution by investing in environmentally friendly projects such as more planting of trees or funding wind power, etc. Studios, and a growing number of other industries, calculate their emissions then write a check to one of several brokers who funnel the money to projects around the world. The goal is to become carbon neutral by funding activities that reduce an equal amount of emissions. This writer wonders if any major reductions, guidelines would be given to the industry also, not just as a recommendation to these major effluent contributors, as the purchase of credits sounds very much like an open season on anything goes as long as you can afford the payoff. This practice has come under fire by some who also agree that it is an easy way to avoid the hard work of directly reducing pollution. Others question whether carbon credit payments are actually going to projects that make that much of a difference. Regulating the path of where these monies actually end up without lining the pockets of bureaucracy would be an amazing feat.

“If you’re going to drive around in a big ol’ Hummer and then buy carbon offsets to mitigate that, that’s like getting drunk on the weekends and throwing some money through the window of an AA meeting and thinking you’re doing something,” said Ed Begley Jr., who was a poster child for energy conservation long before Al Gore made it trendy. Ed Begley Jr. Has a hilarious and informative show “Living with Ed” on HGTV. To read more of Ed who also has a great site with green tips go to

Ruth asks…

how much aluminium is recycled per year?

does anyone know how much aluminium is recycled per year worldwide compared to how much is produced?
Even if you know the stats just for Australia or America it would help


The Expert answers:


The fact that they can be recycled to produce more cans means there is no excuse for many people to unaware of aluminum recycling. People should also be aware of the benefits that can occur from it. This has created a strong awareness of the recycling nature of cans and this has been a key factor in the growth of this area.

In many canteens, dinner halls and corridors across schools and places of work there is a recycling bin. Wherever people can be found drinking from a soft drink can, a specific aluminum recycling bin can be found for cans to be placed in. Compared to the recycling of many other products, it is easier to find a recycle bin. The provisions for recycling soft drink cans have been more progressively tackled and many people are aware of the need to recycle soft drink cans. This has created awareness and knowledge about recycling and this has moved from school to the outside world. One of the major tactics of marketing departments is to target children and get them to pass the message through to all the family. This is usually done in a bad manner but it can also be done promote recycling.

You may see people who go around picking up cans that are thrown away without thought and send them to a recycling center. There are some recycling centers that will make payment for numbers of soft drinks that are recycled. This is a way for people to make some money. It would take a phenomenal amount of aluminum recycling to make a fortune. However, it can help the environment and make a small amount of money back so many people can find the motivation to recycle. There are many places that could be a great source of finding soft drink cans that are thrown away:

– School playgrounds

– The beach

– The car park

– Parking lots

– Busy streets

The amount of products that are available to be recycled continues to grow but it is unlikely that they will grow to be more popular than aluminium recycling.

Lizzie asks…

How does recycling reduce pollution?

The Expert answers:

The sad fact of the matter is that recycling usually does not help the environment.

The exception: metals. The worst offender: paper.

In most cases, recycling a product consumes more energy and causes more side effects from re-manufacturing than simply burying the old and producing a new product. This is especially true of paper. In the US, and most first world countries, paper is produced exclusively from replanted trees. No new deforestation occurs. It isn’t the cleanest process, but initial production can’t even come close to the toxicity of recycling the paper. Plastic recycling creates toxic byproducts, and consumes more energy then simply creating a new product.

The other thing that has to be considered is landfill. There is a huge amount of FUD surrounding them. The fact is we are not running out of space (not even close), and modern landfills have not only incredible environmental safety records and protections, they also are used to create clean energy from the byproducts of decomposition. Most of the confusion stems from a very poorly worded report from a single person at the EPA about twenty years ago.

Metals on the other hand, are impact neutral when it comes to recycling, and it is much cheaper to recycle than to mine. The only real side effect that metal recycling creates is the black market in copper, people are stealing from constructions sites and even occupied houses to scrap the copper from AC, electrical, and plumbing systems. This is more of a side effect of the price of copper than recycling as a whole. Mining can have a large local environmental impact depending on the type of mine. 🙂 🙂

Michael asks…

What are some facts about water?

I’m doing a project at school about water. So can someone please give me some fun facts about water, uses for water, minerals that are found in it, or anything else you know about water?

The Expert answers:

The fun facts first:
If you drop a frog into boiling water it will hop straight back out again, but if you put it in cold water and heat it slowly the frog will boil to death.

There is the exact amount of water on Earth today as when the Earth was formed. Water is never totally consumed. It always recycles itself, in one form or another.

It is possible to drown and not die. Technically the term ‘drowning’ refers to the process of taking water into the lungs, not to death caused by that process.

Juice that has ‘all natural’ written on the label even if it has less than 20% or 10% of juice… The water is natural, so the contents are ‘all natural’

The elephant can smell water up to 3 miles away. Also, a dogs’ nose is so sensitive that it can tell the difference between a tub of water and a tub of water with a teaspoon of salt in it.

Why are those gossip-hunting spies called eavesdroppers? It is because in Middle English, the water that falls from the eaves of a house was called eavesdrop, and eavesdropper was first used to describe someone who would stand close to a house in order to hear what was going on inside.

The Catholic Herald, published in Great Britain, warms about the dangers of drinking holy water from religious shrines. While it may have curative powers in a religious sense, it seems that it also is a breeding ground for germs.

Old Faithful, a geyser in Yellowstone National Park, can spout water 170 feet in the air. That is as high as a 17-story building.

In Australia, a scientist put a Big Mac in a desk drawer and left it in there for a year to test the preservatives. When he pulled it out a year later, there was not a speck of mould on it. The only only thing different was that the buns were hard. He then microwaved it with a cup of water and ate it.

There are almost 800 different brands of bottled water for sale in the United States.

Other facts:
Ninety-seven percent of the earth’s water is ocean. Two percent of the earth’s water is frozen in glaciers. One percent is fresh water for us to use.
The average American uses about 100 gallons of water a day.
A shower, bathroom faucet, toilet and kitchen sink use two to five gallons a minute.
A dishwasher uses 25 gallons of water in a load.
A washing machine uses 30 gallons of water in a load.
75 % of the earth is covered with water.

97 % of earth’s water is in the oceans. Only 3 % of the earth’s water can be used as drinking water. 75 % of the world’s fresh water is frozen in the polar ice caps.

Although a person can live without food for more than a month, a person can only live without water for approximately one week.

The average person in the United States uses 80 to 100 gallons of water each day. During medieval times a person used only 5 gallons per day.

I picked the more interesting ones, hope these help. Visit my sources if you want some more.

Robert asks…

Soda Can tabs donations

i am currently the vice president for my sophmore class and i just wanted to know if there are any organizations that would donate to cause or would possibly donate back to our class for giving soda can tabs? Thank you.

The Expert answers:

Recycling cans is your best bet.

I know I volunteer my time at the local Ronald McDonald House, & they collect pop tabs, I save them for them too. I know for a fact that the $$ does go on things they need.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Michael asks…

what are some ways to reduce reuse recycle?

need for my home work by 9:00

The Expert answers:

If you can recycle anything plastic, paper, or metal, do so. If you have anything like that, just throw it in the recyling, might take a extra minute, bt it’s worth your time. :]

Reuse stuff, a good example of this is re-using grocery bags, always get plastic, or so i’ve been told, and when you get home, insteads of throwing them out, re-use them as little garbage bags in the bathroom, for cleaning out the cat box, cleaning up the dog’s poo, that kind of thing. There is lots of stuff you can re-use.

Reduce, reduce your use of things that come from the enviorment i suppose, buy those reusable bags you see at stores and such.

Jenny asks…

Three questions: Do you recycle? What do you recycle? Do you support a recycling program in your town?

I am trying to get a cross-section of society….

The Expert answers:

We have an excellent recycling program in our town. (Throughout most of the Pacific Northwest, actually — my son-in-law was blown away when he saw the guys at the Mariners’ game going through the stadium with the recycle bags, and everyone putting their beer and pop cans in.) We sort by newspapers/scrap paper/bottles, cans & plastic bottles. We just introduced a garden waste & food scrap pick up in town, but I don’t use that since I have a compost bin of my own.

We also have a place called the ReStore, where you can find all sorts of construction and remodeling materials. People recycle a lot of stuff through there.

It doesn’t all just go into the garbage, by the way. Although we pay to recycle, the company actually makes money on the cardboard.

Donald asks…

someone is throwing their trash on our lawn on garbage pick-up day?

Okay, i’ll keep this simple
Our garbage pick-up day is every wednesday, we take out garbage/recycle and compost early in morning.. but some scumbag decided to put their garbage bag on our lawn.. I’m quite sure this is against law and this isn’t first time it has happened… we live in condo complex and I’m 99% sure its houses beside us, so one of neighbours… already complained to property manager and he is useless.. If I find out who it is, should i throw trash back on their lawn or call police

The Expert answers:

Ok had the same problem once and this is what I did.

When I noticed the extra trash bags appearing with my trash bags.

I didn’t give it much thought, until 3 weeks later. So one day while off from work
I decided to open the trash bag to see whom may be tossing their garbage at my expense.

Open the bag and found several receipts from the local grocery store with the persons name on the receipt.

Also found several envelopes with the persons name and address. So this had to be the person taking advantage of my having to pay for garbage removal.

Went to the persons home and asked them why they were discarding their trash on my lawn.

Funny thing it was a single mom whom had 2 children. She told me that she could not afford the garbage removal service and she just placed her trash bags with mine.

I told this person that she may continue to place her trash with mine.

Needless to say she was grateful and appreciated my allowing to continue to combine her trash with mine.

Glad I did not go to the Police and I also thought that she was not really hurting anything. After all the trash was bagged and never discarded in the yard.

I will quit now just thought I would let you know my story.

Joseph asks…

Can I stop using plastic grocery bags, without increasing my use of trash bags?

Right now I reuse my grocery bags as trash bags. I think it’s a good idea to switch to canvas bags for groceries, but then I would have to buy trash bags, which seem like they have a lot more plastic in them.

Is there a better alternative to plastic trash bags?

The Expert answers:

* You can pretty much avoid going to the supermarket altogether if you choose to.
* Buy meat wrapped in butcher’s paper.
* Buy fruit and vegetables from the fruit shop and they will sel it to me in my canvas bags and a recycled cardboard apple box.
* I buy fresh bread in a loaf from the local baker and put that in my hession bag and cut it up myself.
* Buy milk in cardboard cartons or recyclable plastic.
* All those processed foods and pre-packaged foods you buy contain transfats and preservatives.. Avoid them if you can.

* Now recycle your metals, plastics, glass and cardboard. We sort it into separate bins and our local govt collects it for recycling for our community.. Lobby yours if it doesn’t.
* Green waste also collected separately by Local Govt… Lobby yours if it doesnt collect green waste separately.
* Compost all kitchen scraps and/or buy 4 egg laying hens and feed them the scraps (except for meat scraps).
* Get a dog to keep cats away from your chickens… Feed that dog your meat scraps.

After all this recycling you will be surprised how little household waste there is to throw away in your garbage… Put it in a cardboard box (OK.. I use cornflakes -) and then into your bin.

Steven asks…

When it comes to recycling…?

When I recycle boxes, can I recycle any box that does not have food on it?
When I recycle bottles, should I rinse them out and remove their caps?
When I recycle plastic bags, can I simply add them to my plastic bottles?
Thank you guys! Stay classy!

The Expert answers:

Your community garbage collector should have given you a list of things that are acceptable. If they haven’t you can visit their website or call the local city council to find out more.

When I recycle boxes, can I recycle any box that does not have food on it? – Usually I try to flatten the cart board boxes, like cereal boxes. It’s a lot easier for them to collect it.

When I recycle bottles, should I rinse them out and remove their caps? – For us they said we don’t have to clean any of the bottles or cans out and don’t even need to pull the labels off them. Their facilities can apparently handle these.

When I recycle plastic bags, can I simply add them to my plastic bottles? – I throw them together into one pile. If you’re not sure, some grocery stores recycle plastic bags. Places like Walmart and other local stores have big bins in the entrance to collect them.

Hope this helps

Ken asks…

my cat chews on plastic bags?

help me, my cat chews on plastic bags like crazy, i have to keep all bags hidden, i bought the scented bags for my bathroom trashcans and he didn’t chew on them for a while but now he does, i even came home today and he had actually eaten some, he vomited on the carpet and there was a big chunk of bag, it really scared me. is there something wrong with him? is his belly hurting? he also does something else weird, he’s a total inside cat, never been out, about 3 years old, from time to time he will poop on the floor right beside his litter box, it’s clean and everything, it seems weird to me. should i take him to the vet?

The Expert answers:

Some cats chew on plastic bags, some chew and eat wool. You can’t keep bags near them so lock up or dispose/recycle ALL your plastic bags and use paper bags in the garbage bins instead.

His ability to actually EAT the bags is your one warning, the next time it may be an emergency trip to the vet to do major surgery on his intestines to get the stuff out.

As for the litter box,some cats decide they want a second box to poop in, and keep the first for peeing only. I have one that does that. But if putting down newspaper around the box helps, then try that first.

Paul asks…

Do South Africans recycle? Are they environmentally conscious about there surroundings?

With all the wildlife there, and beautiful scenery, i would hope so!

The Expert answers:

Yes, we do recycle, but not in the way you might in the U.S.A or the U.K. It is still very “underdeveloped”, if I could put it that way? Like the British have 4 bins? 1 for plastic, 1 for glass, another for paper and the last one for general garbage. Here we recycle paper mostly, usually once a month when a company called “Mondi” comes by.

They provide you with a large bag to dispose your old magazines and newspapers etc, and come by to collect the bag. As for glass and plastic, we do recycle that too, but I don’t believe as many people find the time to make their way out to the recycle plants to do it.

Richard asks…

What items can be recycled?

The Expert answers:

Your question involves a bit more detail than you have provided as it may vary from city to city or county to county, BUT in general most communities recycle
as follows:

Recycling Collection

– Put clean rinsed items in recycle bins.

– Plastic bottles (water, soda, milk, detergent, shampoo, others marked #1 and #2.)

– Steel and aluminum cans. (rinse & tuck in lids)

– Glass bottles and jars (clear, green and brown)

– Newspaper-place in a separate brown paper bag.

– Batteries – place in clear bag.

– Cardboard – flatten and place in bin. No larger than 4×4 or in excess of 25lbs is accepted.


[[recycling bins may be available from your waste collecgor, city or county. They may be free or charge a small nominal fee.]]


Drop Off Recycling & Hazardous Waste

[[location and days vary by comunity–contact your city or county.]]

The collection center is open on the days listed. Please note there is a 25 gallon liquid limit and a 200 pound dry limit.

Recycled items include: motor oil, car batteries, corrosives, adhesives, roof tar and patching compounds, used oil/hydraulic fluids, pesticides and fertilizers, contaminated gasoline, pool cleaning products, solvents, fiberglass resins, anti-freeze and wood preservatives.
Note: Cannot accept explosives, asbestos, radioactive wastes or biohazard materials.

Regular Yard Waste
[[your community may also recycle waste into compost or mulch-call them to find out]]

This is the ordinary debris that mother nature (with the help of lawn mowers and trimmers) produces each week. Things like grass clippings, shrub trimmings, palm fronds and small tree branches, less that 4 inches in diameter.

– Place in any standard collection container with handles, not larger than 32 gallons (no heavy steel barrels or bushel baskets, please). Yard waste shouldn’t protrude more than 12 inches from the top of the container, or weigh more than 50 lbs.

– Tie your yard waste in bundles less than 4 ft. Long, weighing less than 50 lbs.

– Use twine or string, NOT metal ties or wire.

– DON’T stuff yard waste in plastic bags.

– Place your container or bundles at curbside.

Oversized Yard Waste

This is the big stuff, like tree branches larger than 4″ in diameter, or 4′ in length. This doesn’t include debris from commercial tree removal, land clearing, or home construction.

– Cut debris in lengths of 6 feet or less.

– Place neatly at curbside, where it will be picked up by mechanical collection equipment. DON’T place under power or phone lines.


Robert asks…

Can I dispose a left over bag of sulfuric acid in regular trash pick up in a garbage bag?

Is this legal? Should I dispose of it in a better way? It was left over from battery acid refill, some was still left in the bag.

The Expert answers:

Ideally, recycle it. If not, get a large 5 gallon plastic bucket and fill half way with water. Pour the acid into the water (NOT the other way around). Add baking soda slowly to water and mix. The baking soda/acid mixture will fizz and bubble.

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