Sunday, March 16, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mary asks…

Can I get in trouble for putting 3 full garbage bags outside on the day when the recycling day is?

I have 3 full garbage bags on my terrace and they put the big garbage bags outside every Tuesday. Will I get in trouble if I add my 3 there? Is it ok that I have mixed bottles in each of them for eaxample I have some of plastic some of glass and some of aliminum will I get in trouble for mixing them?

The Expert answers:

Not at all! It actually helps!

Chris asks…

Is taking stuff from garbage or recycled bags from a residential apartment building then selling them legal?

I work as a porter for a very big New York City residential bldg and I find a large amount of mainly books that people throw out , about 100 a week which i know i can sell and make nice money from. I was wondering if thats ok. Some are already inside the recycled bags or just laying on the floor in the compactor rooms.

The Expert answers:

Once its in the trash its public domain so you are fine

Mark asks…

Where can i find blue recycling bags?

so i want to start recycling and i bought a trash can for them but i want to buy some blue garbage bags. if anyone knows where i can find them please answer (: and also if you can mention the price that wouls be great (:

The Expert answers:

I’ve been getting them @ the local grocery store. If they’re what I’m thinking of, I believe they are made by GLAD and are usually in the isle with other trash bags.

Steven asks…

Where can I buy recycled garbage bags?

The Expert answers:

You can buy them from

Susan asks…

Can I use garbage bags to make “plarn”?

I want to make a recycled bag using plarn, or yarn made from plastic bags, but we have a cat, and we use them for cleaning the litter box, and therefore my mom isn’t willing to sacrifice a lot of bags. However, we have plenty of 13 gallon garbage bags, which would make a LOT of plarn. What I am wondering is if you can use garbage bags to make plarn, and how well it would work, figuring the difference in thickness and durability between garbage bags and plastic grocery bags. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

I don’t see why it wouldn’t work with garbage bags too. I say say you can. Have you looked at for videos on Plarn” making tips and such?

Betty asks…

Why is my cat addicted to chewing on plastic bags?

My cat is constantly chewing on plastic bags and swallowing small pieces. I can’t imagine the havoc this plays on her digestive system. I have tried to keep all plastic out of her reach but every now and then she gets her paws on one. Strangely she prefers the black garbage bags to blue recycling bags or grocery bags. Anyways, apart from making her stop I was wondering if any one had any insight. Does she need cat grass maybe?
Just as a clarification. This is not a play activity, she is about 13 years old and has alot of play activity. I would believe it was done to sooth teething but her teeth are in fine shape, and her health is good.

The Expert answers:

Who knows why cats do the things they do?

At first i think our cat, Hobbes, was just curious as to what a plastic bag would taste like. We yelled at him and he ran off. Pretty soon it became a game for him. “lessee how long i can chew on a bag before daddy gets pissed off and starts yelling.”

i honestly don’t think he really cares for plastic trash bags that much. If he did, every trash bag in the house would be chewed to smithereens.

As it is, the only time he bothers a trash bag is when i’m in the same room with him. Then he makes a big point of sauntering over to the trash can to start nibbling on the bag. And of course, he always gets a rise out of me. I yell and he runs off. Some fun game, eh?

William asks…

Recycling plastic bags, shrink wrap?

does any one know if shrink wrap, ziplock bags, and garbage bags be recycled? or do bag recycling places at super markets only want grocery bags?

The Expert answers:

Super market bags are made from a combination of LLDPE, LDPE, and HDPE. The same substances that typically go into Shrink Wrap, (primarily LDPE), Ziplock bags, and Garbage Bags (primarily LLDPE).

So you should absolutely recycle them in the same method you recycle grocery bags.

Donald asks…

How many bags of garbage do you throw away in a week?

About 10 (thirteen gallon) bags for our family of three. We do not recycle our garbage. What about you?

The Expert answers:

1 medium sized black bag for our family of three.
We do not recycle unfotunately. Used to do it in the UK but here in saudi!

Sharon asks…

Recycling Bin – Compostable Garbage Bag or No?

Recycling Bin (not compost) – Is it more eco-friendly to use a compostable garbage bag in the bin or is it more eco-friendly to rinse out the bagless bin with a water hose? If you have any data to back up your answer please cite it along with your answer.

The Expert answers:

If your area does not require bags for recycling, then go without them. Rinsing out the bin is simple and clean, it’s more eco-friendly than garbage bags. Even compostable ones need to be produced, shipped, etc.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Steven asks…

How can I make money recycling plastic bottles, paper, cans, etc. for money?

I live in Arizona and I was wondering if there is a place where I can get money for bringing in plastic bottles, paper, cans,etc. for money?

The Expert answers:

Try checking the referenced web site for where you can take your recyclables. Call them and see if how much they pay per pound.
-Do your calculations to find out how much one pound of these items is. (How many cans make a pound?)
-Make sure you have a proper place to store the items so you do not make a home for bugs and vermin. You might be surprised at the amount of you must bring at one time to make any sizable amount of money.

Donna asks…

How/Where to make money recycling bottles ,cans, etc.?

Where I live you just recycle for free but how can i make money and where?

The Expert answers:

Bring them to a bottle redemption center, or to the machines they have a supermarkets.

George asks…

Where can I go in NC to get money for plastic bottles and aluminum cans/?

Looking for recycling money.

The Expert answers:

Go to, to find your local recycle center, they will give you location, hours and a list of items each center takes. You can call or follow a link to see what they pay.

Daniel asks…

What do I need to get started recycling cans, paper, & glass for money in Atlanta, GA?

I am trying to make a difference in the world. I want to be able to help others in any way I can. I thought recycling for money and then donating to various causes would be great because it’s a two-fold idea. It helps others plus helps the earth as well. I have no idea how to start or where I need to go to turn the materials in for money. It seems like here where I live it’s hard to find recycling resources vs. somewhere like California. Any amount of direction would be appreciated.

The Expert answers:

There are three things you need for a recycling business – a source of discarded materials, facilities in which to store and sort the recyclables, and outlets to which to sell the valuable materials and dispose of the valueless materials.

The last step is the hardest part. Before you do anything else, you need to find scrap buyers who will give you money for the materials you collect. In my town, there are places to sell paper sorted by color, pasteboard and corrugated cardboard, and sorted scrap metals (aluminum, copper, brass, steel,etc.) If there are no places to sell any salvaged materials, there is no way to make money from salvaging them. In my town, there are no buyers of glass. There are buyers of bottle and jar glass in my state, but there are no plate glass buyers within hundreds of miles.

One you have identified materials for which there are local buyers, and other materials which will be accepted for recycling by local agencies, you can set up a sorting facility and develop collection methods. The key is to acquire waste with high proportions of high value salvage, separate them out at low cost, and get them to the buyer at low cost, thus making a profit on the whole exercise. High volume is necessary because you will have lots of stuff left to throw away, and the cost of disposal must be more than covered by the income from sales.

Ken asks…

Who get the money for recycling?

My husband will not contribute on a daily basis to our collection of things to recycle. In fact, I have to get HIS soda cans out of the trash to recycle. But when it comes time to turn everything in – guess who claims the money!! My son has collected cans from school as well as what cans he sees beside the road. Since he does this I was going to let him keep the money this year but my husband says no. He won’t tell me why he wants the money but he says since he has to drive the truck to the recycling center (an hour away) that he gets the money. I was willing to compromise and say that whatever gas it took that he could keep that out of the recycling money – he says no – that since he makes more money than I do that he has contributed more to the family so he should get something back in return. I disagree since my son put work into this project and my husband has not put the first can in – only driving the truck. What do you think?
I agree that my husband is being selfish. But what makes me the angriest about this is that at each payday (twice a month for him) he wants $500/payday for his own – I am not to ask where it goes and if I do then I get a glare from him. He wants me to pay the bills out of my check and then when I am down to no money, he wants me to ask him for it and then I have to tell him where it goes or else he won’t give it to me. I had hoped that with my son recycling that at least he could have some extra spending money without having to ask for it (and then having to explain why he wants it). This is may sound stupid but something this “petty” is getting to be the straw that breaks the camels back. We have separated before but he came back – now I am beginning to have doubts about letting him come back with something this stupid happening.

The Expert answers:

It’s a sorry individual to take a child’s money like that. Your son should get every Penny. Your husband is a greedy penny pincher, who has no passion for his son. That’s a shame. If my son was picking up cans and such, I wouldn’t only contribute, I would help him out, and get mad at him if he even thought about giving me a penny of the money. I would want him to buy something he wanted and I would be tickled pink for my son. Your husband is hard hearted. It’s a shame.

Chris asks…

do you make more money recycling bottles and cans for 5cents each or by the weight?

The Expert answers:

Here the redemption value is based on the volume of the containers.
Larger than 24 oz is twice the value but not always twice the weight.
Remember that the value they place when they do it by weight is a high average.
I have always felt better about getting a per item refund rather than the bulk rate.

Sandy asks…

Recycling Money easy to make?

so i was wondering first is a pop tab worth more than a can? also i am 13 years old and the reason i am recycling is because i need some money but are aluminum cans the best thing to recycle and if not what is the best thing to recycle that go’s for the most money?

The Expert answers:

There have been hoaxes involving the saving of pop-tabs supposedly for some child needing expensive medical care, or to help Ronald McDonald Houses. They are exactly that — hoaxes. Have you ever seen a sign in a hospital or doctor’s office “Turn in your aluminum pop-tabs here”? Nope, and you won’t, either. Back to your question, though……Pop tabs, cans and other aluminum scrap are only worth their salvage weight. It all gets melted down the same way. I am almost 60 years older than you, retired, and I don’t need the money, but I usually pick up flattened cans if they are near my path across the parking lot, and I throw them into a barrel when I get home. Then when the barrel is full (several months), I give them to my grass-cutting guy for him to turn in for cash. He needs the money much more than I do. It’s also the environmentally responsible way to keep things out of the landfills. Not an environmentalist wacko/tree-hugger, but I do what I can without offending or demonstrating.

A 13-year-old boy or girl might do well to consider baby-sitting, mowing grass, trimming hedges, shoveling snow, tutoring younger children in subjects you know well, walking dogs, etc. If a neighbor is out of town, they might hire you to check on their pet, feed and water them, and take in the mail and newspaper every day so it doesn’t begin to look like an abandoned house. Neighbors, especially old or handicapped, might need you to go pick up some item at a nearby store. Billionaire Bill Gates started a traffic counter service (computerized, of course), when he was still in high school. Now look at him.

Your work ethic and attitude in your life’s journey, will ultimately be worth more than a specific choice of roads to get you there. I wish you well, young person. I’m counting on you to achieve your goals.

James asks…

Do you think extending recycling program money for trash could be as effective as money for cans/bottles, etc?

Why or why not?

The Expert answers:

As a garbage man/recycler I would have to see the details. Generally a bounty on trash is an interesting idea…say as a carbon credit for the haulers. Expand on your idea please.

Carol asks…

Recycling money?

Is there a websie that says where yyou can bring your cans and get payed for it. In fox lake, gurnee, lake villa, antioch illinois or lake county illinois preferably. THANKS!

The Expert answers:

I dont know about the websites but a lot of grocery stores do it now days

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandy asks…

How can I get my 3 plastic recycle bins apart?

This is really stupid but I’m in Ontario. We have plastic recycle bins that we fill and put out with our garbage. The goofs who empty them sometimes put one bin inside another. Rigth now I have 3 bins stuck together; and 2 bins stuck together. We have tried pulling them apart without success. Maybe there is a suction thing happening. Any suggestions on how I can separate these bins?

The Expert answers:

Hold the top one and tap the bottom bin with a hammer…then when that falls , do the same to the next

you can also run water from a garden hose in between the bins

Mary asks…

How do I get our city to set up recycle bins?

I live in an apartment and we only have a dumpster for all trash. I would like to begin recycling. How do I find out where to take my recyclebles and how would I go about getting our city to place recycle bins next to our dumpster?

The Expert answers:

Call the city and ask them if the waste management company provides recycling bins and ask them if there is recycling pick up in the city. There may already be recycling in the city, but your apartment complex does not participate. If your city doesn’t recycle at all, do a little research and demonstrate to a few politicos how recycling is economically the way to go. Paper, glass and aluminum frequently result in financial contributions to waste management. It could also be that all the trash pick up is privately run, and is based on a contract that would need to be amended unless the waste mangement company already does some recycling separate from the city contract. Other arguements are for safe disposal of pesticides, electronics, the new and old flourescent bulbs and other household wastes that once in a landfill are long term contaminants. So gather your arguements and talk with the city planners, shakers and movers.

Richard asks…

Where can I get cheap or free recycle bins in Florida?

I’m starting a recycling program for my office and the manufacturing plant attached to it. Currently we don’t recycle anything. Does anyone know where I can find cheap or free recycle bins in South Florida?

The Expert answers:

They dont give them away anymore for free. You have to pay $5 each

Michael asks…

How can i recover permanently deleted files from recycle bins on windows xp?

How can i recover permanently deleted files from recycle bins on windows xp?

can i do it manually or with a free program?

The Expert answers:

You can download tune up utilities 2008 from It has a 30 day fully functional trial and it has an undelete function which you could possibly retrieve what was deleted.

Charles asks…

Where can I find a three bin horizontal cart made for recycle bins?

Oh yeah, where can I find a three bin horizontal cart made for recycle bins ONLINE?

The Expert answers:

Try Uline at this web site

It is in their print catalog so it should be on line too. When HD or a place like that sells this item to you they bought it from a place like Uline. You can get the savings yourself.

James asks…

For the state of Washington, what CAN and CANT go into the large blue Recycle bins?

For the state of Washington, what CAN and CANT go into the large blue Recycle bins?
I have a Fishers Price little plastic tricycle and the front wheel is all broken and cracked, the only thing on it is plastic and a few nuts and bolts…. Is there any reason i COULDN’T just put it in my recycle bin?

The Expert answers:

I remember there is a question similar to your question asked by someone few days ago. Someone has answered it very well, and the answer has been chosen as the best answer. You can try to search it in search function above, hope you luck

Mandy asks…

Can I get in trouble for taking cans from recycle bins?

Scrap prices for aluminum have pretty much skyrocketed and I was wondering if taking cans from recycle bins or other places is illegal or not? I just need some extra cash.
Ok, so it is illegal, however if I asked the people and they gave it to me then it wouldnt be illegal right?

The Expert answers:

Yes, most people don’t care. I myself do care and have stopped people many times from doing that,

problem is, they take the cans/bottles and dump other stuff on the floor. If called the cops will take action.

Daniel asks…

With computer recycle bins how do you only delete one file?

My laptop has a recycle bin but I only want to delete one file. How do I do that rather then deleting them all?

The Expert answers:

Click on binto open r click on file to delete then click restore all items

Chris asks…

Where are the outside newpaper recycle bins?

I am new to this couponing thing, and was told I could go through newspaper, recycling bins.. I think I have seen them outside of schools, or stores. But Can’t find them on google. I must be wording it wrong because I just come up with bins that you buy at the store.

The Expert answers:

I am afraid America is horrible at recycling, and its because of exactly things like this. It shouldn’t be difficult for you to find Paper, Aluminum, Plastics, and Glass recycling bins.

Yokohama, Japan for example has 10 catagories of recycling! I have this outleighed on my blog ~> (Recycling America Vs. Japan)

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Chris asks…

Is there a computer recycling center in Chicago?

I am looking for a company that collects the precious metals from motherboards.

The Expert answers:

Yes, but I am not sure where it is and you can google it to find out. My brother lives there and he go there for used parts.

Donna asks…

Does anyone know of any recycling centers that accept magazines in Chicago, IL?

I been trying to find a recycling center in the Chicago area that will take magazines. So far no luck finding one, can anyone help me?

The Expert answers:

Some high school art teachers might take them. I know when I was in high school my art teacher liked it when students brought in old magazines they no longer used.

Nancy asks…

I need help with recycling in the Chicago-area?

How do I find a local recycling center? I live in the suburbs of Chicago, which is in Illinois (obviously); I’ve looked online and I can’t seem to find a recycling center or anywhere I can drop off things to recycle. Is there a website that lists recycling drop-offs or might have relevant information to help me out? My neighborhood does NOT have a recycling truck that comes by every week to get recyclables.

The Expert answers:

Have you tried calling the folks who collect your garbage? I live in a super small town and we have a recycling drop off here in town.

I’m in NW Indiana and I know a lot of stores such as Strack’s have drop off centers in their parking lots.

Good luck!

Lisa asks…

what are the best recycling centers in north Chicago?

I am trying to recycle coke bottles and plastic water bottles.


The Expert answers:

I am happy for you!!

Helen asks…

Recycling Centers in Chicago???

Does anyone where I can recycle CPUs, old monitors, and broken printers for free and they offer a recycling certificate? I have visisted all the sites on this site: and they all have a lot of info. but don’t really say anything. (They all say: Please contact us for more info…)

The Expert answers:

Good evening!

Try this website:

You didn’t say a city so I can’t help too much… Go ahead and call your local city officers or e-mail them for more questions on recycling. They can help! Try to reach the cities recycling division if there is one or if you can! Take Care, and thanks for making a difference in this world!

Daniel asks…

What are some recycle centers in Chicago?

I am looking for a place (or several places) that can recycle my collection of plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and glass bottles, and maybe even get money from it. Anyone know?

The Expert answers:

Drop off recycle

sell recycle Aluminum, Brass, Copper, Nickel Alloys, Precious Metals

Other place

Steven asks…

does anyone knows a place likd this in chicago?

i heard that in some were in chicago some were in a recycling center
you recycle the cap of the cans (the thing that makes it open) and if you give a lots then they will give you around $1,000 some were around there.
so does anybody knows this place or a place in chiago that gives a lots of money for aluminum cans.please and thank you
does anybody knows were this is?

The Expert answers:

Well of course they are liberal hippies and depend on the government.

Ruth asks…

1. The Chicago Center for Green Technology (CCGT) has 4 stops on its self-guided tour. Name each of the ?

The Chicago Center for Green Technology (CCGT) has 4 stops on its self-guided tour.
Name each of the 4 stops, describe how it looked, and the purpose of each stop.

2. The Resource Center in the CCGT contained many sustainable building materials/appliances/fixtures, etc. at each exhibit.
Name 1 item.
Explain what it was made of/or how it’s different from traditionally used materials.
Explain why that material is a sustainable choice.

3. Why does the CCGT have showers?

4. What percent of the new building materials were used in the rennovaton was from recycled materials?
What is the reason for the large east-facing windows?
What are the four components of ecosystems? These are each represented in symbols in the self tour guide and throughout the building.

The Expert answers:

Hey, do your own homework!

Or, go to their website…

Thomas asks…

Tire and/or Vinyl Siding Recycling?

Are there any recycling centers in between NE Illinois (Chicago) and SW Wisconsin (Milwaukee) that buy Tires and or Vinyl Siding??? If so post the address as a answer… Thanks

The Expert answers:

Ben’s Tire Svc Inc
(773) 651-5055 Write a Review 9018 S Halsted St
Chicago, IL Map

Erie-Lasalle Body Shop & Car Care Center
Quality State-Of-The-Art Repairs Since 1934!
(866) 751-7407 Web Site Contact Us More Info 146 W Erie St
Chicago, IL Map

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

John asks…

is there any recycling centers in san diego?

i love to keep the earth clean and im like an enviorment freak!!!! where can i recycle in san diego…it would help if there are any close to ALPINE, CA thanks sooo much!

The Expert answers:

The Closest Waste Management Company is at 1001 W Bradley Ave. El Cajon, CA. Well thats the closest I know of.

Helen asks…

San Diego Recycling Center question?

How do I locate a recycling center here in San Diego that will give me money back for the CRV on the bottle? I mean 5 cents per bottle, I notice some recycling centers only do weight, which from what I heard, is 4 cents per bottle instead of 5, not a huge difference, but if you have a whole bunch of recyclables it does add up.

The Expert answers:

YAY. GO SAN DIEGO! If you have $100 dollars worth of bottles in comes out to be around 1 dollar lost lost. Why would you bother asking when you can just do the first. My Orc. Conductor does it by weight i think. Idk why though.

William asks…

Recycling in San Diego?

Where can I take bottles and cans to get recycled and exchanged for $$$ in San Diego? I used to go to the recycling centers at Staters Bro’s in Orange County but haven’t seen one down here since I moved 6 months ago. Thanks! 🙂

The Expert answers:

For recycling prices go to Demolition, Scrap Metal and Salvage News

Charles asks…

San Diego Computer Monator Recycle Centers?

The Expert answers:

San Diego Futures Foundation
4275 El Cajon Blvd. #200 San Diego, CA 92105

Lisa asks…

dose anyone know were a pc recycle center is in san diego?

we are trying to find a recycle center for computers because we don’t wont ours could any one help

The Expert answers:

Recycle Electronics?
8222-A Ronson Rd,
San Diego, CA?
(866) 525-6655?

4265 Fairmount Ave,
San Diego, CA?
(619) 281-1600?

Joseph asks…

Is the Time recycling center on 412 Cesar E. Chavez Pky. San Diego, Ca open on Sunday?

The Expert answers:

Yes, see for yourself below

Sandy asks…

I’m looking for those Recycling box centers.. the ones that are usually outside of stores?

I live in san diego and i havent seen any. do they have a website. I’m talking about the little looking box things and theres usually just one guy taking your cans. does any one know how i can find one?

The Expert answers:

Try your local yellow pages. You might find a collection center that pays you a little more cash than what you would find at one of those small setups. They will most likely be in an industrial part of town, but they can give you a current price per pound over the telephone.

Laura asks…

IN SAN DIEGO are there any dance troups/theatre troups that would be willing to “lend” costumes 4 short time?

I think that when performing costumes help the kids get in character, However at the Community Center I work at, the kids have little parent support or if they do, they haven’t got the $ to support their kids with “costumes” for performances & recitals. I am attempting to COACH quality programs without the HIGH cost that if they had to pay they wouldn’t be able to join the programs. I want to have a recital & a competion….The kids want to “dance” the part.. and why shouldn’t they with a variety of “themed dances”, however, they’ll never be able to afford it, So, I was hoping to get hooked up with some theatre companies and dance troups that would “lend” some costumes for a couple a week. Shouldn’t we recycle & won’t they and thier parents be proud to be able to look the part… and dance the night away. I wish every child could have the chance to perform and I am hoping to make that happen…thanks for any advice & information.

The Expert answers:

I would ask UCSD or CSUSD or even La Jolla Playhouse.

It is possible that one or more of these companies may have a way for you to use these costumes at a very low price… If not free. Maybe you could trade internship hours for costumes.

I am sure UCSD would be a great place to start.

Sharon asks…

What are my chances to the schools I’m applying to?

I’m applying to Johns Hopkins Early Decision. Here’s my resume

• Applying to these colleges: UC Berkeley, UC Los Angeles, UC San Diego, University of Southern California, UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine, Johns Hopkins University, Dartmouth College, Rice University, Stanford University, Claremont McKenna College, Northwestern University, and Bowdoin College

Walnut High School, Walnut, CA Sept. 2007—Present
Overall GPA: 3.61;
Sophmore&Junior GPA: 3.77
Soph&Junior Weighted: 4.03
SAT I: 2060 (Writing: 660, Math: 770, Reading: 630); SAT II Chinese: 800;

SAT II Math Level 2: 800; SAT II Chemistry: 770

Senior Year Coursework includes: AP Government, AP Statistics, AP Literature, and
AP Calculus BC

Stanford University, Stanford, CA June 2010—August 2010
Coursework included: Astronomical Physics and Bioethics

Acupuncture Chiropractic Center, Rowland Heights, CA Jan. 2009—Apr. 2009
• Served as first contact when patients entered the office, answered phones, and scheduled
• Edited and administered patient forms, filed patient histories, and cleaned gurneys

Walnut High School Environmental Care Global Awareness Club (ECGA) Jun. 2009—Jun. 2010
Senior Member
• Spearheaded ECGA partnership with the Robert J. Bernard Biological Field Station at the
Claremont Colleges that involved setting up an open house, weeding out invasive plants in
blooming areas, and setting up plant ID signs
• Initiated recycling program at Walnut High School by implementing recycling bins in each
• Organized campus and park clean ups at Lemon Creek Park and Creekside Park

Walnut High School Amnesty International Club Aug 2010—Present
Public Relations Manager
• Educate students about current human rights issues
• Organize meetings and presentations
• Discuss current events among other officers
Walnut High School Tennis Team, Walnut, CA Sept. 2007—Present
Varsity Captain
• CIF semi-finalists in 2008
• League Champions in 2007 and 2008
• Starting player since freshman year

Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center, Pomona, CA Mar. 2009—Present
• Worked in Labor, Delivery, Recovery, Postpartum (LDRP) helping new mothers feed their
newborns, helped nurses with their duties, delivered meals, and discharged patients
• Organized patient records, made beds, and delivered and sanitized medical supplies
• Observed Caesarean Sections and other invasive surgeries

Long Beach Dragon Boat Club, Long Beach, CA Mar. 2009—Present
• Placed third in annual Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival team rowing competition
• Responsibilities as caller included shouting commands and beating a drum to synchronize
• Served as paddler on 22 man team with ages ranging from 15—18

Walnut High Advanced School Orchestra, Walnut, CA Sept. 2008—June 2010
• 1st violin section
• Performed at school concerts and functions, Disneyland, and in the Walnut community

• Awards: California Scholarship Federation (CSF), National Honors Society (NHS), and
San Antonio League Student Athlete Award

The Expert answers:

Use the site below, input each school indiviudaly, and compare your profile with that of the entering freshmen./

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

William asks…

How come my local recycler won’t take some of my recyclables?

We recycle all our bottles that have the symbol on it. But the local recycler won’t take the large plastic juice bottles.
He only takes the refreshment size ones.
Anyone have an idea, why?

The Expert answers:

Some bottles have a stamp indicating “CA Redemptive Value,” and many other states have their stamp & refund listed as well. They have a recycling symbol, as do the larger juice bottles, but there are fewer companies recycling the material without the special designation, and the profit isn’t as high. It’s not necessarily a storage issue, but if you ask them and they say it is then tell them you would recycle there more often if they accepted all your recyclable materials. If they think they are losing money from customers like you, they may expand their storage space. But if it’s a matter of lack of suitable vendors in the area, you won’t make any headway and may want to seek alternative recyclers in your area, if they exist.

I have a local college nearby where I can turn in scrap paper, cardboard, all kinds of glass and many different kinds of plastic. They take my large plastic juice bottles! And some of their profits are donated to student scholarships. A real win-win situation.

Lisa asks…

My hard drive was wiped all of the sudden and only the recycler remains?

My computer crashed a while back and would have vertical lines on startup. After hooking it up to a hard drive enclosure i noticed that the only left on it was a folder by the name of RECYCLER. I have heard about the recycler virus; could this be it? Can i recover anything from the hard drive or should i just destroy it.

The Expert answers:

It could be a virus but I personally have not seen one that would wipe everything out with exception of one file.

I know you mentioned that you connected the drive to a “hard drive enclosure”; not sure exactly what was done there but one thing I would try is to connect the hard drive directly to a good computer… When booting up the computer, will assign a drive letter to it. Go to “Computer or My Computer” and see if you can explore the drive under that drive letter it assigns.. If there is nothing there, could mean that the drive has completely failed.

One way to know is to shake the drive and if you hear any rattling, then chances are the drive is no good. Also, if you can, run a drive diagnostic tool *such as Acronis) when you have it connected to a running computer to see what the overall condition is…

Hope this helps
Jerry Diecidue
Ten Two PC Repair

Daniel asks…

How do i locate the recycler folder in windows vista Home Basic?

My PC hard drive is almost full, but there are no additional files, document and the recycle bin is empty. I need to locate the recycler folder folder so that i can delete some files

The Expert answers:

Actually, in vista you can just type $Recycle.Bin to get to that folder.

They changed it from C:Recycler for whatever reason.

That being said, it is probably empty if the bin was. I recommend uninstalling some programs you don’t use or deleting some music/pictures/video you don’t need anymore.

Mandy asks…

How can i become a better recycler?

i know that theres plastic paper glass and aluminum but what do i us to hold them seperatly and where do i put the bins? im 15 so i cant just put them anywhere they have to go somewhere out of the way. and if i could i would but them in my room but then i would have to go up and down the stairs any time i was recycleing

i really want to become a better recycler so please help

The Expert answers:

If you have a garage, or basement, that is an ideal place for recycle bins. I don’t have a garage so my recycle bins are outside at the foot of my deck, in the back of my house.

Take the plastic bags either to the recycling center, or back to Walmart where they have bins for them. When you go to the store, take cloth shopping bags so you don’ t need to accept the plastic ones., or just reuse the plastic ones you already have.

Recycle glass, cans, aluminum, newspaper, junk mail, cardboard, telephone books, plastic (look at the bottom of the container to see the recycling # and find out if your local center takes them, most places only take # 1 and 2). Some recycling centers take magazines, and any household items that you don’t need, and give them away free to anyone who needs them. Some have a small charge for such items.

Try and reduce the amount of stuff you bring in the house, and reuse everything you can. Sometimes schools accept things like toilet paper rolls, clean cardboard, spools, plastic containers, and other items that can be used for crafts.

Recycle styrofoam peanuts, either at your recycling center or a store that does mailing, like Mail & More.

Most recycling centers have useful booklets that help you know what can and can’t be recycled.

There are long lists of recyclable material. You can look them up on the internet also. Here is one hjelpful web site:

Thank yoou for recycling. People like you are the future of our planet.

James asks…

How do I remove a recycler virus from my PC and external?

There is no “Recycler” folder found on either of the drives, and yet when I double click on either of them, I get an error message. Any suggestions? I really want to avoid formatting them, as I would lose all of my stuff
I have Norton Antivirus and it’s not detecting a virus, double clicking my drives brings up an error message. I’m not sure what to do.

The Expert answers:

An antivirus or spyware program

Computer wiz®

Thomas asks…

How to delete recycler virus from the system ?


i am using window xp and i have had problem due to recycler. i format my system but the problem was not solved, when i connect external memory or pendrive in the system the recycler folder and other 4 shortcut file automatically appeat in pendrive when i put courser on those shotcut file it show the location control panel but i can’t find the location in control panel now how can i delete these file and folder from my system.these days my usb port is not working better due to recycler.
Please help me from this problem.

The Expert answers:

1. Start -> run
2. Cmd
3. Go to your designation of pen drive (Ex: d: or E:)
4. Attrib -h -r -s -a RECYCLER

6. After you create manually autorun.inf folder

Sandy asks…

How to move a file into the recycler with cmd?

Im trying to make a batch file that can move a file into the recycler, I wonder if theres any way to do that, because the recycler always have random names 🙁
Or atleast how to create a folder in it, Thanks in advance
And for you that wonder why im asking this is because im planning to make a script that makes a protected folder inside it

The Expert answers:

You can move the file to “RECYCLER”
MOVE filename drive:recycler

but that isn’t the recycle bin and it doesn’t appear when you open recycle bin.
The recycle bin is a “s-1-5-……” folder under the RECYCLER folder and MOVE won’t move it to there.
It DOES move it someplace, but I can’t find it.
If I replace the file and run the CMD again it wants to overwrite it.

Robert asks…

How to delete C:recycler when it says “Access is denied?”?

I got on as Admin. But I can’t delete the Recycler because it keeps saying, “Access denied – make sure disk is not fully protected or overwrited etc.”
Please help me delete this.
It is causing a lot of trouble for me, my PC is running slow, my USB shows up as a folder icon…
I would give many many many points to the person who can get me out of this.

The Expert answers:

Go here:

Hope it helps ^_^

Betty asks…

How do I find a pop can recycler in Ontario – Kitchener/London/Toronto?

Looking to raise funds for a support group – someone recommended pop can recycling – but how do I find a recycler in my area?

The Expert answers:

From pop can recycler website

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mary asks…

How many of you feel recycling is a waste of time and space in your garage?

I hate to take that attitude but it seems as though there would be more incentive to recycle by paying more per pound for cardboard and aluminum cans.

The Expert answers:

I read some where, that I think it was New York or New York city, stopped doing glass because it wasnt even cost efficient? I saw once tons of glass being conveyer belted into a huge cargo ship heading to some foriegn nation for processing, how green is that!! Where I use to live, I liked the ideas that the neighborhood kinda left thier recyclables in a bundle for those going thru the rubbish. To me, that was recycling to its best intent. It was horrid when the city gave out bins, and tickets to the people who really needed the money.

Paul asks…

Is paper recycling really a waste of time and energy?

My husband claims that recycling paper is pointless… My good friend says he is ignorant and I should not listen to him. I am not sure who to believe. I AM currently leaning toward my husband because at least he gave me some points that sound good. My friend’s only “point” is that my husband is ignorant. I am hoping for some more facts to support both sides of this argument so I can form a more educated opinion on the matter.

This is what he says: The work that goes into recycling the stuff causes more pollution than if we put it in the landfill… since it is 100% biodegradable and 100% renewable… Replanting trees causes no pollution. He says the only things we need bother recycle are things that are non-renuable resources that are not biodegradable… Like plastics for example. Using and disposing of paper is not depleting rainforests, because the countries that are doing that are not using the trees to make paper for us – that it is done for reasons such as creating more farm-land. All the paper we use here is from trees that are grown and replanted…

The Expert answers:

Your husband is neglecting a few critical points.

1) It takes a long time for trees to grow. The more paper we recycle, the fewer trees need to be cut down to make new paper, and this gives newly planted trees more time to grow and replace the cut down trees.

2) Making new paper from recycled paper uses 30-50% less energy than making paper from trees and it reduces contributions to air pollution by 95%.


So no, recycling paper is certainly not a waste of time and energy. In fact, it saves energy.

James asks…

Does anyone else think recycling is a waste of time?

Facts: The more paper we use the more money trees a worth so the more trees get planted. There are 3 times as many trees in the USA today then there were in the 20’s.____Also 60% of things put in recycling bins dont even get recylced because it is too expensive to recycle most things._____ The exhaust from machines used to recylce(collection truck included) does more damage then just making new stuff.

The only thing worth recycling is metal that is why you can sell old metal it is easier to reused old metal then to mine new metal. If recycling paper was worth it then the paper companies would pay you for your old paper like the metal companies pay you for old cans and other metals

The Expert answers:

Yeah, except cans … The rest is hippy BS

Ken asks…

my parents think recycling is a waste of time how can i change their minds?

The Expert answers:

Tell them that when you recycle can and bottles at your local grocery store you earn money.

Lizzie asks…

Paper Recycling: is it just a waste of time and money now?

Yeah, ok, let’s bow to green pressure and stick it all in a warehouse. It is currently uneconomic to make new paper from it due to the price per Tonne falling from £40 to £1, and is likely to stay this low until the recession finishes.

Any likelihood of realism dawning?

ps: Y!A wanted this to go in the sports section!
None of the TDs from me I swear, just some of the TUs.

The Expert answers:

Yes, I mean just look at the refuse collectors, all the rubbish goes into one dustcart, general bottles and paper, and after the time we take to sort the things out.

Richard asks…

Is recycling a waste of time ?


The Expert answers:

I think it is. I mean I do it if it’s about if it’s out of my way then I don’t go searching for it.

Joseph asks…

If recycling turned out to be a waste of time would you feel betrayed?

Hypothetically! Would you?
What if it was harming the environment! Blame this video! It made me think recycling is just another gri gri!

The Expert answers:

Yes i would feel betrayed,like it was a waste of time, and the recycling truck truckers would feel double betrayed,wasting their time collecting recycling bins >_>

i mean,i actually care for the earth. I actually DO recycle, and convince others to do the same, and “if it was harming the environment”, i would feel 100x betrayed.

George asks…

Is it true that recycling is just a waste of time?

The Expert answers:

This is not a simple yes/no answer. Does recycling help the environment. Definately yes. Does it help the environment as much as we think? That is an entirely different question.
Some plastics do end up in the landfill because they are not suitable for recycling (too thin, wrong composition ect…). However, some of the plastics received are a good match for recycling.
My personal thoughts are that we should all recycle away because even if a little of what is sent to the recycling plant gets recycled it’s better than none ever making it there.

William asks…

what are the long time benefit of waste recycling?

The Expert answers:

Did you know its cheaper to get aluminum from recycled cans than it is to get it from raw ore? Sometimes recycling is actually cheaper. The same thing happens with copper. Which is why some people have taken to stealing live power cables to sell the copper inside to recycling plants.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

David asks…

recycling facts!!!!?

i need fast details about recycling paper newspaper and how does it reduce trees what is the process of old paper into new paper?????

The Expert answers:

*To produce each week’s Sunday newspapers, 500,000 trees must be cut down.
*Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000 trees.
* If all our newspaper was recycled, we could save about 250,000,000 trees each year!
* If every American recycled just one-tenth of their newspapers, we would save about 25,000,000 trees a year.
* During World War II when raw materials were scarce, 33% of all paper was recycled. After the war, this number decreased sharply.
* If you had a 15-year-old tree and made it into paper grocery bags, you’d get about 700 of them. A supermarket could use all of them in under an hour! This means in one year, one supermarket goes through 60,500,000 paper bags! Imagine how many supermarkets there are in the U.S.!!!
* The average American uses seven trees a year in paper, wood, and other products made from trees. This amounts to about 2,000,000,000 trees per year!
* The amount of wood and paper we throw away each year is enough to heat 50,000,000 homes for 20 years.
* When you smell a dump, what you’re actually smelling is the paper in the dump!
* Approximately 1 billion trees worth of paper are thrown away every year in the U.S.
* Americans use 85,000,000 tons of paper a year; about 680 pounds per person.
* The average household throws away 13,000 separate pieces of paper each year. Most is packaging and junk mail.
* In 1993, U.S. Paper recovery saved more than 90,000,000 cubic yards of landfill space.
* In 1993, nearly 36,000,000 tons of paper were recoverd in the U.S.–twice as much in 1980.
* 27% of the newspapers produced in America are recycled.
* Each ton (2000 pounds) of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, three cubic yards of landfill space, 4000 kilowatts of energy, and 7000 gallons of water. This represents a 64% energy savings, a 58% water savings, and 60 pounds less of air pollution!
* The 17 trees saved (above) can absorb a total of 250 pounds of carbon dioxide from the air each year. Burning that same ton of paper would create 1500 pounds of carbon dioxide.
* The construction costs of a paper mill designed to use waste paper is 50 to 80% less than the cost of a mill using new pulp.

Helen asks…

Can anyone tell me the general facts about recycling?

I just want to know about the general recycling facts about recycling,can anyone please share sufficient stuff.

The Expert answers:

Recycling reduces the waste
it will make the environment pollution free

Steven asks…

What are some good websites where I can find GLOBAL waste and recycling facts?

I’m doing a global issues project for Social Studies, and I need some good websites that have GLOBAL waste and recycling facts and statistics.

The Expert answers:

The Weee Directive, is an enormous piece of legislation on recylcling electronic stuff.

Paul asks…

Can someone give me websites with facts about recycling?

I need facts about recycling! interesting ones or basics.

The Expert answers:

William asks…

What are some facts that can prove that mandatory recycling is bad?

I am working on a debate in speech class and i need to know what are some facts that I can use to prove that mandatory recycling is bad.

The Expert answers:

The only strong debate is for the pros of recycling but then again there is one bad thing. Well in my state it is now mandatory to recycle plastic bottle but some people aren’t close enough to the recycling places and others are too old to do much other than what is necessary.

Robert asks…

Does anyone ave interesting recycling facts on PLASTIC?

I really need it for a project, but i cant seem to find any interesting ones. Help me please? -Thanks

The Expert answers:


Mandy asks…

Any positive facts about recycling or any negative facts about littering?

I need to know this for a school project we are doing on persuading people to recycle and not to litter!

The Expert answers:

Well for one recylcling paper helps trees. I mean sure theyre already dead because theyre paper but you could still help by not having to kill anymore trees:/ we need trees to live, so there you go.

Donna asks…

What are some fun facts about recycling?

To share with my school.

The Expert answers:

Only 10% u put in the recycling bin is actually recycled.

Isn’t really a fun fact but still good to know

Maria asks…

I’m doing a project for school about recycling and plastic utensils ,facts?

I am doing a huge project. I need facts and I can’t seem to find any! Does anyone know how many plastic utensils are thrown away each day, week, year, etc in the US? THANK YOU!!
PS if you have any other facts about recycling too, that would be great!!

The Expert answers:

1.The average American uses 650 pounds of paper each year – 100 million tons of wood could be saved each year if all that paper was recycled.
2.Americans use 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour.
3.A typical family consumes 182 gallons of soda, 29 gallons of juice, 104 gallons of milk, and 26 gallons of bottled water a year. That’s a lot of containers that can all be recycled!
4.About 80% of what Americans throw away is recyclable, yet our recycling rate is only 28%.
5.Every month Americans throw out enough glass bottles and jars to fill up a giant skyscraper (think: Empire State Building), but all of these jars are recyclable!
6.Plastic bags and other plastic garbage thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1,000,000 sea creatures a year! Ever heard of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? It’s twice the size of Texas and is floating somewhere between San Francisco and Hawaii. It’s also 80 percent plastic, and weighs in at 3.5 million tons.
7.Recycling one ton (about 2,000 pounds) of paper saves 17 trees, two barrels of oil (enough to run the average car for 1,260 miles), 4,100 kilowatts of energy (enough power for the average home for six months), 3.2 cubic yards of landfill space, and 60 pounds of pollution.
8.The 17 trees saved by recycling one ton of paper can absorb a total of 250 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the air each year.
9.If all of our newspapers were recycled, we could save about 250 million trees each year! If every American recycled just one-tenth of their newspapers, we could save about 25 million trees each year.
10.More than 20 million Hershey’s Kisses are wrapped each day, using 133 square miles of aluminum foil. Believe it not, ALL that foil is recyclable, but not many people realize it so most it goes in the trash!
11.Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours. In spite of this, Americans throw away enough aluminum to rebuild our entire commercial fleet of airplanes every three months!

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