Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Laura asks…


Does anybody know of a recycling place thats in Watts or near by and takes carboard?

The Expert answers:

I assume Watts is known by everyone here. Except me. If I knew I could help. Try, Curbside. Cardboard is not valuable per pound. I only get 4 bucks for 700 pounds of it. Some people burn it for heat.

Thomas asks…


Who recycles? Does it matter?
I recycle everything. Toilet paper rolls. any paper that does not have my name or address. etc…
how about everyone else?
does it make a difference?

The Expert answers:

The difference may not be immediately felt by our generations.

Recycling,,,or the idea of doing so is a valid thought for our species to not only control our excess waste, but to re-use those things that don’t truly degrade rapidly, or at all, naturally, or use natural resources that we seem to be unable to stop using,,,IE: Clear cutting Forests,,, with one byproduct being your toilet tissue rolls.

It is also an expensive effort, though I have no Stats of the difference in cost savings.

Our species major problem is greed, and it is a fact that in the USA we are more wasteful, or casual about waste, in general, than most other nations,,,NO offense to us as a nation is meant however.

One of the long term effects,,,hopefully, will be reflected in less Clear Cutting of Forests, though housing, etc. Is the largest user. Plastic Milk jugs will likely be around as long as I am, but have some value when recycled.

I guess my feeling is that conservation is as important as recycling. We should develop better systems for USE of anything, and define what we want to end up as LANDFILL.

Rev. Steven

Joseph asks…

How do you get new recycling bins for the home?

My parents only recycle paper because if they tried to recycle both paper and plastic/glass/aluminum, the one recycling bin they have would overflow. They said if I got them another recycling bin, they would recycle everything, but I don’t know where to get it. Can somebody help?

The Expert answers:

You call your waste hauler. They give them out for free (whoever picks up your trash)

Lizzie asks…

How recycling can be done in easy and interesting ways?

Recycling can also be done at home,can any one tell the easy way or idea for recycling?

The Expert answers:

Are you talking about recycling things without sending stuff out?

There are not many continuous loops you can achieve, but you can at least re-use things once or twice.

Example: Capturing as much “grey” water for reuse. Grey water can be almost any used water – from dishwashing, to laundry, to shower/bath/rinse water, to (although gross) sewage. You don’t need to recover every drop, so any amount would make a difference.

– Water your plants, and ideally, food plants in a garden, but a bunch of window planters in the city would work too.
– Capture shower/wash/mopping water for flushing your toilet.

Oddly, you may already recycle more than you think. Washing dishes is technically recycling, as you get to use your dinnerware more than once and reduce waste. So are hand-me-down clothes and toys. Heirloom items and prized possessions are a stretch, but the re-use is in the enjoyment of the items, so they count. Keeping old clothes for dirty rags or work shirts counts as well. Even lining trash cans with supermarket shopping bags is recycling of generated waste. We still buy some grocery items based on possible reuse of their glass jar/packaging.

We use food prep discards (vege skins. Ends, scraps and such) to make soup stock.

Croutons from stale bread.

When cooking fatty foods, I save the grease for flavoring/future use (example of recycling not being healthy for your “environment . . .).

I re-use drink bottles by freezing new drinks in them – keeps the drink cold throughout the day and acts as a cold pack for my other items in my lunch cooler – no need to risk the communal office fridge. I can toss when they really wear out.

Then there’s going out of your way to recycle at home: Composting; making fireplace logs from used paper/newsprint; recovery of rainwater for indoor use; quilting old scraps of cloth; making a workbench from an old door;etc.

It’s all how you want to think about recycling.

Good luck!

Ruth asks…

How can I recycle if the recycling truck doesn’t come to the apartments were I live?

I live in an apartment and I would like to recycle because I love the environment but the recycling truck doesn’t come to this apartments. Please help me!

The Expert answers:

I’m in the exact same situation; my apartment building manager says that recycling would be too expensive… I now collect all my recyclables in my unit, and drive to the recycling facility every 3 weeks.

Depending on where you live, there is probably a drop-off location. If you go to this website ( and enter your zip code at the top of the page to find a location.

William asks…

How do recycling plants determine how much to pay you for recycling water bottles and how much do they pay?

Is it by bag fulls, pounds, or what? I have about 4-5 large trash bags full of empty water bottles, how much do you estimate I’ll get paid for recycling>

The Expert answers:

Where I live the state set the price. Check to see if your state has a recycling program.

California Refund Value

Consumers pay CRV (California Refund Value) when they purchase beverages from a retailer, which is refunded when they redeem the containers at a recycling center. Effective January 1, 2007, CRV paid to consumers when they recycle containers at recycling centers will increase to 5¢ for each beverage container less than 24 ounces and 10¢ for each container 24 ounces or greater.

Sharon asks…

How do I start a recycling program at my university?

I’ve talked to some authorities, who support me fully in starting a recycling program here at CalU. I’d just like to know how to start one, who I should talk to, where should I go, etc to start one. I really don’t know that much about recycling, so any tips would be helpful. I just hate seeing everything thrown into a dumster, and I hope recycling will make the campus a better place. What steps should I take?

The Expert answers: has an online publication entitled “On-Campus Recycling Campaign Guide” at . It has excellent suggestions for starting recycling programs on college campuses.

The National Wildlife Federation’s Campus Ecology program has lots of information about environmental projects in the university environment. They also have case studies from campuses across the country. See for more information

Finally, the Grassroots Recycling Network has a Campus Action campaign that includes links to successful campus recycling programs. See

Please let me know if you need more information.

Laura L. Barnes, MSLIS
Illinois Waste Management and Research Center Library

Linda asks…

What kind of waste is produced by recycling paper?

Okay, so I’m doing a report for my environmental management course, and I need to know what kind of waste is produced from the process of paper recycling.

In other words, I am the recycling plant. Through the process of which the original paper is recycled and turned into new, recycled paper, what kind of waste is produced from the process of doing so?

The Expert answers:

You have to transport the waste paper to your plant, fuel is used, Diesel.

You grind the paper into small pcs. Electrical energy is used to power the grinders. Gas or propane is used to move the bails of paper out side of your building and electrical power is used for fort lifts inside the plant.

Moving the paper from the grinder to the bleacher is conveyor belts. Electrical power again.

Bleaching of the paper will take out most of the color and leave you with a gunky mess of ink and fine paper, this isn’t usable waste.

To the dryers next, again in tubs and a fork lift. Pour it out and press it down into form and extrude it into the thickness you want and the pattern on the paper you need. I.e. A paper napkin that is a lite brown in color and used to clean up after eating fast food.

So your waste is anything that is not made into paper that comes in with your paper. String, wire, etc. Fuels and electrical power. Any water used will be contaminated so it has to be put into a holding pond and then pumped out again to drain and to the sewer system a After it is stirred and cleaned up.

Richard asks…

How would I go about organizing a recycling event?

My friend and I want to organize an event where, for a week, people in my city come to our local park to recycle and we want to encourage them to continue to recycle. So far, we are planning on contacting the recycling company and we were thinking of giving out little incentives to everyone who recycles, something organic or along those lines. How can I create something like this? What issues do I need to think about? I’ve never done anything like this so I kind of need some help. Thank you! 🙂

The Expert answers:

It sounds like a great project! Be sure you have official permission from the park to hold your event. Will you have someone there to receive the donations or will you provide receptacles that you will empty periodically? If you are manning the collection area, do you have enough volunteers to cover your staffing needs? If not, many high schools (at least around here) require community service from their students. You could get willing workers there. You could also check with your local Boy Scout and Girl Scout Councils. They can point you to troops in the area who might like to help. When you get the word out about your event you”ll want to be very specific about what you’ll accept in the way of recyclables. If you’re thinking cans and bottles you don’t want to annoy people by turning away their donations of dead televisions and newspapers. I’m not sure what you’re thinking of in the way of incentives, but a good source for little crafty things would be Girl Scout leaders. They might even be willing to put their girls to work making things if you provide the materials. Anyway, good luck on your event!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

Recycled Crafts??????????

Hi does anyone have ideas for recycled crafts like duct tape wallets and paint chip notebooks. Any ideas or links? I have a huge box of candy wrappers and we are selling crafts at school. Anythiung would help…

The Expert answers:

Few possibilities

Faraday cage wallet could be interesting or even phone cages using some creativity you can even add some candy wrappers.
Basic instructions below at wired.

Paint chip whimsy can be book marks,window decor or doorway chains( connect with paperclips for fun make them colored clips)
Use a hole punch for nice even clean cuts. Put 2 back to back add nice piece of cord and a piece of hardware to put on ceiling fans or light pulls.

Charles asks…

recycled crafts?????

what are some good recycled crafts ideas?? like de out of cans and bottles and wood and stuff????????need them by this weekend and 8 of them so fast.And any website references would be good too.

The Expert answers:

There are a number of recycled craft ideas.
1. Using plastic shopping bags to crochet into door mats,
2. Using old cotton shirts, cut into strips and crocheting into rugs,
3. Pop can tabs to make purses and totes,
4. Large plastic pop bottles to turn into bird feeders,
5. Old forks and spoons hung to make windchimes
6. Using egg cartons for kids crafts like caterpillars, bugs, etc.
7. Taking paper shopping bags and turning them into masks,
8. Unravellling an old sweater to make scarves, mittens, and hats.

Google any of the above and you will find the instructions.

Helen asks…

Recycled crafts?/??????

i have to do a recycled craft project for my fiber arts class. Any ideas?
-Has to be either an article of clothing, or accessory (purse, shoes etc..)

Also i prefer it be made out of stuff easy to get

-Please include a picture, and some sort of directions

Thanks 😀

The Expert answers:

Here’s a very simple tutorial on turning an old t-shirt into a shopping bag.
Here’s one on making a headband from a t-shirt.
If you’re feeling daring, here’s a video showing how to make a bikini from an old t-shirt (lots of other cool recycled clothing projects at this site, too).
Good luck with your project – hope this is what you were looking for!

Sandra asks…

What are Some Recycled Crafts?

For school I need to make different items out of recycled or reused items, and other things like that. I can make anything as long as it it recycled or reused. Please list things that high school children are interested in. Thank You!

The Expert answers:

The knitiign ideas are good 😉 There are websites about recycled crafts too:

I am sure you will find something at one of these sites 🙂

You can also use recycled materials to make your own greeting cards. Here’s a list of recyclables I put together for people to consider as card making or scrap booking materials:

Have fun!

James asks…

Does Any One Know any waste recycled crafts ?

If Any One Know About It Pls Sent It Before November 30-11-2009 Or you can send it by its site?Urgently !

The Expert answers:

I know of some guys in Haiti who used an oil drum and cut it up, beat the metal flat and sculpted a tray and table from it. Very nice work.

Richard asks…

What are some simple recycled crafts?

Give me some easy crafts. It is for our history class project.

The Expert answers:

There are a ton!
-Decoupage from old magazines and greeting cards
-Scrapbooking using recycled materials
-Knitting and crochet using reclaimed yarn unraveled from old sweaters
-Sewing with fabric from old clothes
-Creating candles from old candle stubs

Is that enough?

Lizzie asks…

What are some crafts you can make with recycled material?

I need to find a hands-on recycling project that would be appropriate and interesting for high schoolers. I wanted to focus on Reducing and Reusing in addition to Recyling. It would be fun to find a craft activity where we could make something from items that are typically thrown away or recycled. Any ideas?

The Expert answers:

You could make little notebooks out of paper that would usually get tossed, like old printouts that only have writing on one side, or paper bags. Then you could use unique stuff for the cover, like old floppy disks.

Alternatively, have you noticed how, at the end of the year, perfectly good lunch boxes, stretchy book covers, locker shelves, binders, etc, end up in the garbage? Maybe you could do something with that, if this is a yearly project.

Joseph asks…

What are some recycled crafts?

Any recycled craft ideas? Something unusual. Please?

The Expert answers:

You can do a lot of fun stuff with bottles, both plastic and glass bottles. You can use recycled cloth and yarn and paper to dress them up and make them into little people. I once made a fish out of a blue plastic dish detergent bottle. You can paint glass jars to make them into decorative containers. Glass bottles also make great holders for candles. You can also use cans to make recycled crafts. One fun craft I did was to make a Santa Claus out of a tin can. But you can make anything you like with your discarded bottles and cans, for any occasion or no occasion. Just use your creativity, and if you have kids, get them involved.

Sharon asks…

Can anyone tell me about crafts made out of recycled items?

Got any ideas for crafts made out of recycled items

The Expert answers:

You can use heaps of things again in paper crafting. I use clothing tags on my scrapbook pages and cards. I also cut out pictures from tissue boxes and use them as images for cards. The other day I cut down some Coke cans (washed, of course) and put them through my Big Shot to cut some tin leaves from them, which I then put on a card. I recycle ribbons and bows from presents and packaging. There is so much you can do with recycled products!

Here’s a page I wrote about recycling for papercrafting:

I hope the list helps but if you look further around the site, you will see more things I have made from recyclables 🙂

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

James asks…

Has anyone used the Waste Management Recycling kits?

I no longer have curbside recycling available to me and am looking at the Waste Management home recycling kit that you order and then mail back to them for recycling. I was wondering if anyone has used this program and how do you like it?

The Expert answers:

My husband and I run our city’s dropoff Recycling Center and are in the process of starting Curbside Recycling in our town, so this question interested me.

I visited the Waste Management website to acquaint myself with their mailable Recycling Kits. Apparently you can recycle, by mail or Fedex, items such as CFL bulbs, batteries, and single-stream (plastic/aluminum/tin/cardboard/etc)

My main objection to this practice would be the expense; for example, $49.95 for the Single Stream Recycling Kit. A box of this dimension would probably not hold more than 2 weeks worth of recyclables for an average family of 3-4 people.

Visit to look for recycling options near you. There may be a center that will accept your recyclables free of charge. Since the centers themselves post the information, always call the centers to make sure their information is current.

You don’t mention why curbside recycling is no longer available, and whether you live in an urban, suburban, or rural area. Sometimes if enough residents contact their elected city officials to express displeasure about discontinuing a service (such as recycling), the elected city officials may consider reinstating the service.

Ruth asks…

How to search people interested in Waste Management and Recycling?

I’ve visited LinkedIn and found a group on Waste Management. But is there any other forum or way to find people interested in Waste Management and Recycling ?

The Expert answers:

Rub a recycling bin all over your face.

Donna asks…

what is recycling and waste management?

defination, to write for an assinment(project), pictures of waste managment and recycling, pictures of wastecollection vehicals of diffrent types, types of recycling, types of waste management, and types of waste, few qutions for wastemanagement,detail information of recycling and wastemanagement, what is recycling and waste and wastemanagement.
where can i get the information for my project of ‘RECYCLING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT

The Expert answers:

Recycling is nothing but rehabilitating the use of old and used items by redoing. E.g., plastics. Melt again and cast and reuse.
Similary waste and thrown of materials such as tins and cans also can be recycled by reproducing useful materials from them.
Drain water is treated and recycled for use. Oil from drains of industries are stored and reclailmed and used after mixing up chemcials to get back the qualities required.
In all the cases, either for lesser important uses or for the same use itself can be had, depending upon the qualilty of recycled product. Thus waste othewise thrown out can be recycled, by duly segregating them for a particular recycling use, known as waste management. E.g. Plastics. Papers, steel and ferrous items. Non-ferrous metals, acids, rubber etc. Segregated for recycling.

Sandra asks…

I’m doing a project on Waste Management and Recycling what should i do for an entertaining video?

It has to be funny or entertaining or both yet informational. There are 8 people in my group but they don’t all need to be in the video. One group had there project on air pollution and are comparing how to environmentally friendly rob a bank and how to rob a bank in a way that is not healthy for the planet. Any ideas are excepted, thank you!

The Expert answers:

Stop-motion videos are pretty fun. Some people in my dorm did a recycling project where they took the trash from the dorm over the weekend, and sorted out all of the trash from the recycled goods, and built a sculpture with all of the recyclable materials. Building off that idea, what if you made a stop-motion video of all of the recyclable materials sorting themselves out of the trash can, and crawling over to a recycle bin, or doing something else humorous. Just use the video camera to take one frame at a time and move the cans/paper just a tiny bit every frame. It would be funny, entertaining but it would make an impact when people see how much recyclable stuff gets thrown away (especially on the weekends when people dump all their beer)

Mary asks…

What can I put in my waste management recycle bin?

I Just move into a house and waste management is my garbage service. they left a recycle bin but Im not sure what I can put in it. Im assuming glass, plastic, and aluminum is ok but what about cardboard and white paper?

The Expert answers:

We cannot put in glass! So you need to call them and ask. They also have a website, but if you can find their recycle list on there, congratulations. It took me awhile!!!! Each state or locale will be different.

Basically what we put in is:

aluminium, steel cans, plastic with recycle numbers 1-7 (on the bottom of the container), newspaper, paper such as junk mail/office paper.

We cannot put in garbage, plastic bags or glass.

Michael asks…

Does waste management recycle the papers I throw into the grey can?

Is it better if i go to a recycling place than to throw the papers into the grey can?

The Expert answers:

Recycle center is the best option

Daniel asks…

I want to start a scrap metal & waste recycling / management business in morocco?

I am from the UK looking to set up a business in Morocco – mainly collecting waste scrap metal such as Aluminium cans/profiles, HMS 1&2, Lead Batteries, RADIO, Copper & other items for resale such as plastic bottles etc whether local / abroad. Plse advise:

What would be best location?

Do you know people / firms doing this that could help/ buy?

Does govt have to give me license?

what are the pitfalls I have to be aware of?

Whats my total investment?

any advice abt starting business in morocco would also be appreciated, thnx all in advance!

The Expert answers:

Some where near a Port as you will probably be exporting your metal to China once you have collected 25 tonnes. I would assume you would need a licence, but I don’t know Morocco licensing laws.

You will need to buy equipment to process the scrap, shears, balers etc These can cost many 100’s of thousands of Pounds.


Bright Copper Wire is worth over £5000 per tonne, Aluminium £1000+ China pays very quickly, you should get payment on production of your Bills Of Laden which is about 2 weeks after the ship has left Port on it’s final destination. But you will probably need £250k+ cash to start buying.

I have only skirted round the edge of what you need to do, and I am sure that there will already be Scrap men in Morocco so you will need to do a lot more research. Good luck if you do try it

Richard asks…

Is recycling an environmentally and economically sound waste management strategy?

The Expert answers:

Not always. That’s why you hear the phrase, “Reduce, reuse, recycle” You should be focusing your efforts in that order, as that is the order of least to most resource intensive. Recycling is not the environmental cure-all, but it is usually better than simply disposing of certain wastes.

Most recycling activities would not be undertaken if they were not economically feasible. If recycling aluminum was not economically feasible, you would not get any money for cans. Some recycling activities that are not feasible, but are mandated are items such as used automotive components, like tires and batteries. While there are components that can be recycled, it is costly to recover these materials, making them difficult to be economically viable.

Chris asks…

When your waste management company asks you to comingle your recycling, how is it separated?

By hand (ick!)?
By machine (how would it decidwe whatr was what?)?
Anybody out there have any idea?

The Expert answers:

Where I live, they actually dump it all out on a warehouse floor and hand-sort it. I was told so by an employee.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Nancy asks…

Does anyone know where I can take glass and aluminum for recycling in San Diego?

Preferably something close to Normal Heights?

The Expert answers:

Go to

If you put in your zip & the name of the item,you’ll get a list of centers in your area.

Paul asks…

Is there a place in San Diego where I can get money for recycling cardboard?

I have a ton of cardboard boxes and was wondering if there is any recycling place in San Diego that will pay per pound?

The Expert answers:

If you only have a hundred pounds or less, at best don’t expect much at all. If you have over a thousand pounds, it depends on the buyer.

Most cardboard recycling centers are looking for large quantities that are devoid of staples, tape and other contaminants. When you get a few thousand pounds accumulated, then it becomes worth something.

You may find specific buyers here:’

You can also contact your local unit of governments’ solid waste coordinator to find out if they have some contact information. That would be your city or county depending if you live in town or not.

Laura asks…

recycling in san diego, Ca?

I realized that I throw away way too many bottles a day, that can be recycled. So I would like to start recycling. Does anyone know how to recycle? Someone told me that you have to smash cans. What do you do to plastic bottles? Where do you take them? Also I would like to donate the money I get from them. Know of any local foundations in need right now??

The Expert answers:

Simple, for best price separate cans (no need to smash), plastic bottles
and glass bottles. You do not have to separate, but will not get as much.
Take them to recycle locations indicated below.
Best utilization of donations is Salvation Army, with minimal administrative costs, of Father Joe’s, also below.

William asks…

What are some good topics about recycling?

I have to write a 10 page research paper on a topic about recycling in San Diego, Ca for my English class. but my mind has gone blank. Can anyone tell me good topics to write about? Anything will help me out. Thanks.
websites would help as well

The Expert answers:

Avoid the obivous: How much can be saved (money, environment, society, etc) and take a different approach. You might: Compare time it takes for different things to decompose; compare how much litter is generated by the different items (soda cans, plastic bottles, paper towels, newspapers, beer cans or bottles, cans from food items (metal), electronics, wood or grass debris, litter box “remains”, etc); do a history of recycling, ending with the history of your city’s recycling program; or. A totally off-the-wall paper on recycling of the future.

Helen asks…

I live in San Diego County. Where can I recycled my cans and bottles for cash?

The Expert answers:

Go to to find local recycle centers.

John asks…

san diego recycle?

Where can I recycle, mother of pearl inlays from on old Asian art hanging, in San Diego?

The Expert answers:

I think you would go to one of the local art or antique dealers in the area.

Here’s a link to some of our local dealers here in San Diego:

Donna asks…

where can i recycle cardboard boxes in San Diego?

i have a lot of cardboard boxes to recycle but i don’t know where to recycle them..can you tell me where?

The Expert answers:

Take it to the landfill…Miramar and Santee landfills take them and will give you cash for them

The Miramar landfill is off the 52.

Depending where you are coming from:

Take the 163 to the 52 W, Exit Convoy. It’ll be to the RIGHT.
Take the 805 South to the 52 East, Exit Convoy, Turn LEFT.

The Santee landfill is also off the 52 but further EAST.

52 East, Exit Mass blvd.. Turn LEFT at the light off the freeway, Turn LEFT at SECOND light. You’ll see it.

Good luck 🙂

Jenny asks…

Where do I Recycle Paper in San Diego?

have a lot of school hand-outs and Papers that I Don’t need no more, and i just feel bad trowing all that paper to the trash can, maybe there is somewhere to recycle paper??

maybe where people go recycle their newspaper, but i have no idea…

The Expert answers:

This website is great, it will tell you if their are any locations near you for your particular item.

George asks…

Where can an individual recycle plastic bottles in San Diego?

Rancho Bernardo area preferably

The Expert answers:

There is supposed to be a Community Recycling Center at Rancho Bernardo Community Park on Bernardo Center Drive (18000 block, near the I-15)

A lot of Von’s stores have a recycle center, the one on Poway Rd does, not sure if the one in RB does.

You could also donate your recyclables to a community group like the RB/Poway Boy Scouts (Troop 668), the kids get recycle accounts and use the money for summer camp, trips and community projects.

There’s also local churches and other community groups that will pick up recyclables for fund raisers, may even be tax-deductible…

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

George asks…

do u think there should be more garbage cans and recycling bins at elementary schools?

The Expert answers:

I have seen garbage cans in schools , that are not used at all , kids just trow stuff outside it for the fun of it , and adults should not be blamed for kids irresponsibility , yes recycling bins are the hell of a good idea to teach our younger generation that stuff can be reused and that we all can help our environment .
Also i believe that environmentalists should come personally to schools and have a talk about what is going on with global warming and other issues so that they gain awareness of what is really going on and do something about it!

Joseph asks…

What fills up first: your garbage bin or your recycling bin?

The Expert answers:

My recycling bin…..

Donald asks…

About recycling? garden material doesnt get re-used, and half-sized garbage bins?

Did you know that they can’t certify that garden waste doesnt have toxins in, so they cant give it back to us as fertilizer when we recycle it.

and would halving the size of your bins make you recycle more, of fly tip and put your stuff in comunal rubbsh bins and those of your neighbours?

The Expert answers:

Unfortunately, much of the public recycling does not get recycled. It is too tough to keep impurities out (especially when many people still throw garbage into them).

I am not embarrassed by my strong belief in recycling. I will reach into a stranger’s garbage to sort out obvious plastic, glass, and cans. I have been known to empty a badly loaded bin completely and sort it from scratch.

Ken asks…

My city has giant recycle bins now like garbage bins, so no more sorting, but what happens to everything?

They come by seperate from the garbage trucks and dump the recycling bin into a garbage-truck look-alike and compact everything together. How can these items be recycled if all together? Do they take it somewhere to be seperated? What happens if they compact everything together but a few items were spoiled with food or other non-recyclables?
I’m very skeptical of this.
I spend extra time recycling everything I can of everything I use – including cleaning cans, jars, other items so they can be recycled. I hate to find out that I am wasting my time.

On the plus side, if this system is legit, I’ve cut our garbage by over 50%.

The Expert answers:

Go Redwings is pretty close

It is mostly hand sorted by laborers in a big smelly place called a recycling center. They also use centrifuges and electromagnets in the process. There is no need to clean cans or jars, just scrape what you can out. A food residue is not big deal at all.

William asks…

Throwing away broken shoes…garbage bin or recycling bin?

I know this question is pointless but i have a lot of worn-down, broken shoes that I can’t wear anymore, and since I’m throwing away these shoes in large quantities, is it better off to just throw them in the garbage bin or recycling bin?

The Expert answers:

Garbage bin. Shoes are a mix of different materials that makes them very hard to recycle. Your local recycling depot will just end up putting them in the trash. It takes more effort on their part, which in turn makes recycling more expensive and less financially sustainable.

Ruth asks…

where / company can i take my rubbermaid garbage bins to recycle them?!?

our new company(trash and recycle) said they would take them but they would be thrown out…. what is the point of being a recycling company then!!!!!!!!????? anyways i would really like to get the bins off my hands, well out of my garage. thanks!

The Expert answers:

You could try asking other recycling companies what they do with them.

Donna asks…

how do you say recycling bin and garbage bin in italian?

thanks so much!
translators are not comming up with recycling bin….*

The Expert answers:

What size?
Like a container?
Then it’s “cassonetto”

or smaller? Would be “pattumiera” (slang) or more “scientific” and general:

Recycling is “riciclaggio” or in general it’s “raccolta differenziata”

recycling bin:
cassonetto della raccolta differenziata
or contenitore della raccolta differenziata

garbage bin: cassonetto RSU (rifiuti solidi urbani)
or cassonetto/contenitore dei rifiuti

Chris asks…

How can I recycle if people keep stealing my recycling bins?

My recycling bins sit outside with my garbage bins. All three were stolen in the last couple months. They have been sitting our there for years. One was an old rubbermaid garbage can, with recyclables written on it.

We don’t really have room in the kitchen for them.

I want to support the environment by recycling, but people keep stealing my bins!

(Any ideas how I secure my bins, so that the recycling truck can still pick it up and toss it in the truck? Or a good recycling system in the kitchen that works?)

The Expert answers:

Yeah one person said chain and lock that would work lol,but take all of the air out of the bottlles and then put them in say a trash bag and keep it in say ur garage if you have one then take the bag out to the truck and get the bag back from them so you can REUSE it to save some money on bags to

Thomas asks…

Do we pay taxes so our garbage goes to the landfill?

As in the garbage, and recycling bins the garbage men take, i also would like to know if it’s free because of taxes.

The Expert answers:

I’ve never had my garbage hauled away using tax dollars. Currently I have to hire a private company to do it. In virtually every other place that I’ve lived, I either paid a private company or a public utility for trash and garbage disposal. There may be some places where it’s done with tax dollars, but I’ve never lived in one.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ruth asks…

When recycling in California, why are you not reimbursed the full 5c CRV?

We are charged a CRV of 5c per can/bottle, reads 5c CRV on these bottles, yet when returned to a recycling center one would only receive 1-2c per container. Why is it that we are not reimbursed the full 5c, and where does that remaining 3-4c per can go to? I had assumed that “California return value” actually meant the value the item is actually worth when returned/recycled.

The Expert answers:

There are actually recycling stations that give you full value. They are machines into which you put the uncrushed cans, bottles or plastic. I take a stool and let the kids put the items into the machine one by one. The machine spits out a ticket which is then redeemed for cash. I let the kids have the proceeds, which has encouraged them to police the neighborhood.

I used to take my stuff in to a big recycling center, but like you, I did not receive full value. You just need to call around to find who does give full value and then make sure you have saved up enough of the recyclables to make the trip worthwhile. should get you a list of local recyclers.

Donald asks…

Where to find information on recycling in California, Just moved here.?

Hello, I just moved to California and I am trying to learn how to recycle. I am confused at to where to go and how to go about this. I have tried doing web searches but have hit a wall. I would like to know what the recycle codes mean and where i can take them. I have asked quite a few people and to my suprise, they really don’t know much. If you have any information on this please HELP!! I already know what I can do with bottles and cans.

The Expert answers:

Hi there,
Usually your local recycling center will accept all types of plastic. The phone book will provide a number and you can always call ahead before you go to find out what’s accepted. The number’s on the bottom represent the type of plastic- so what’s it’s made with basically- #1 and #2 are the most common plastics to recycle the other #”s are considered to be less common but are harder to recycle- # 4 & 6 are worth quite a bit! Check out my website, where I blog about recycling, environmental issues, natural mothering, going green…etc. Http://
Hope to eco-chat soon. Good luck. Http://

Mandy asks…

Where can I sign a petition to pass a law for mandatory recycling in california?

I am giving a persuasive speech and I need a call of action.
If you have a link to a website where there is a petition for this I would really appriciate it if you attached it.
Thank you

The Expert answers:

I think u need remove your head from your buttox first, california is already much greener than the rest of the country…stop acting like your better than everyone else your choking on your own cloud of smugness.

Linda asks…

Do any recycling centers in California pay for tin cans?


The Expert answers:

None that I know of, the difference between tin and aluminum cans is that the tin cans will break down very quickly.

Michael asks…

in california when recycling, are cans or bottles worth more?

The Expert answers:

They are both worth the same amount. In California they go by the size of the container. Containers under 24oz are worth 5 cents, 24oz and up 10 cents.

Lizzie asks…

Recycling cans in California

We are stationed at Ft. Irwin California, We have Collected about 800 pounds of cans, our recycling center in Barstow, CA pays about 1.65 a pound, considering how much we have does anyone know where we could get a better rate, it seems other areas get better rates.

The Expert answers:

Go to, they can help you locate local recycle centers, there should be contact info so you can call and see what the various rates are.

Robert asks…

what are my rights for recycling in California?

i recycle bottles and cans at my local recycling centers every so often to get my money back. each center has different methods of measurements, some digital others balance, and that is where my concern comes in. the last few times i measured my recyclables prior to going to the center to see how much weight i had. i used a bathroom scale and zeroed out the scaled before measurement. i had 26 lbs or plastic and 47 lbs of metal. but when i got to the center they asked me to put my bottles and cans in to trash cans they had there and then they measured how much i had. to my dismay, i the difference in weight was significant. according to their digital scale i had 14 lbs of plastic and 38 lbs of metal. i know that doesnt sound like much but that was almost 1/3 – 1/4 of my total weight and thus 1/3 -1/4 the return in cash. i felt i was robbed of my tax dollars i spent when i bought the bottles that was not returned upon recycling.
my question is, do i have the right to ask the recycler to zero out the scale prior to me loading up the cans or is it up to the recycler to decide how much of a profit margin they want to take? if they are getting away with this time after time, we are talking tens of thousands of dollars a year, per center. i just want to know what my rights are and if anyone knows of the authority to turn them in for bad practices other then the BBB, please let me know.
in california we pay CRV, at tax, every time we buy a bottle or can. that is supposed to be returned when we recycle. i am not a hippie but i do my part to keep this world clean. it is nice to get paid for doing something i do anyways. so dont focus on that, i am asking what my rights are. for those ignorant people, where is the crv law in CA

CRV stands for “California Refund Value,” which is the amount paid to consumers when they recycle beverage containers at certified recycling centers. The minimum refund value established for each type of eligible beverage container is 4¢ for each container under 24 ounces and 8¢ for each container 24 ounces or greater.

i feel like they are giving me a honest RATE but a dishonest WEIGHT

The Expert answers:

Actually, the CRV is 5¢ each container under 24 ounces and 10¢ for each container 24 ounces or greater.
You have the right to have your CRV bottles counted rather than weighed IF you bring in fewer than 50 bottles.
If you think you’ve been cheated you can file a complain with the California Dept. Of Conservation, Division of Recycling. Here is the website:. Http://

Steven asks…

How do i open a recycling center in California?

i would like to open a recycling center to collect cans glass plastic

The Expert answers:

Have a physical center open and ready to receive incoming items.
Use intenet as your media of publicity. Its cheap and effective.
Set up your own webpage, talking about recycling and your business in that webpage. You don’t need many page, 5 pages is more than enough. Remember to get a nice domain name that your clients and prospects can remember easily.
Preferbly, your webpage can also help you to make money at the same time like the system in domain registeration of this site:

Jenny asks…

Where can I find an Antifreeze ( coolant ) recycling center in california ?

Where can I find the Antifreeze ( coolant ) recycling centers in california ?
how to dispose of Antifreeze ( coolant ) in california ?

The Expert answers:

Most auto store will do this i know auto-zone and advance auto takes them not sure of to many places in ca but most part store will recycle them

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Susan asks…

In Irvine are there recycling bins in public places and schools?

1. Why is this a problem.

I need to know the answer to these 2 questions for my own personal use to support recycling.

The Expert answers:

They won a nation wide recycling competition for the 2nd year in a row.

Michael asks…

Who do i, contact in Collinsville, OK about putting recycling bins in place in Collinsville’s public schools?

i am a student of the school’s in question and have seen the cafeteria and classroom trash bins in our public high school, i feel we could help the enviroment and save some money for our not-so-rich school system by recycling paper, bottles, etc… i just don’t know who exactly i’m supposed to write to about doing anything about it… any help would be much appreciated, thank you

The Expert answers:

Having lots of material may make it easier.

Aluminum should be easiest, any scrap metal dealer should be happy to take it if he does not have to pay.

Plastic might go to a refinery or chemical company.

Pure newspaper might go to a paper company or a composting operation.

Organic material (bannana peels, etc.) can also compost.

Other burnable material *might* be burned for power by your local power company, or used for biogas.

Laura asks…

Draw attention to recycling bins at school?!?

I am in a club at my school called Greener Impact, and it is basically all about being environmentally friendly, etc. I am in charge of our recycling committee and I really wanted to get people in my school more involved in recycling. I made a bunch of cute recycling posters that have facts and encourage you to recycle and I was going to put them above the recycling bins at school, but our recycling bins are literally cardboard boxes in the corner that no one sees. Do any of you have ideas as to how to glam up these cardboard boxes or cheap alternatives for them?!?! Thanks!

The Expert answers:

I struggled with this at my university.
The best thing you can do is make sure there is a clearly marked recycling receptacle next to EVERY garbage can. Maybe not in the bathroom, but garbage and recycling cans should be considered a single unit.
If people have to walk any further to recycle something, they simply wont do it. Or, they will put all their trash into the recycling.
You may want to contact your local waste/recycling company to see if they would sponsor your school. They usually have access to a lot of garbage cans, stickers, and lables that can be used to help promote recycling.
Otherwise, it is likely that your school has a lot of extra garbage cans around that could be painted or clearly marked in a way that they would look differently. It is always important to have a simple label of some kind which graphically shows what is acceptable recycling material, since most students still do not know. I.e. Glass bottle, Plastic bottle or cup, papers, cardboard.

Paul asks…

Raising money for recycling bins at school?

What is a good, fast, and easy way to raise up money for recycling bins at school. I was thinking about asking the principle if we could do some sort of relay for life kinda’ thingie except it would be funding for recycling bins. i’m pretty sure kids would do it because it would look good on their application for college(community service). Help!?!?! By the way, I’m in high school if you haven’t already guessed. =] thanks in advanced!!

The Expert answers:

You could make a kind of yard sale !!!
Ask kids to bring old stuff that they don’t want anymore, and make like this huuuge garage sale !
If there’s a business class in your school, you can ask them to make some advertising ! Ask your cooking class to bake some pastries and make refreshments that you can sell at the same time !

That way, you can get rig of your old junk and make money too! If your school is really dedicated, you can even throw in some car washes ! LOL

You can also give a ticket with a number to anybody that buys anything, and you can have like a raffle for an item of the yard sale !

Or, if this is too much and you don’t have a lot of time, just stick with a regular yard sale 😉

Steven asks…

What do I do to get recycling bins for a school?

We have money, we just don’t know where to order them from.
Links please!

The Expert answers:

A lot of states have recycling programs that will donate bins for free to schools. Might want to look into that also.

Here’s some sites that sell recycling bins that i’ve pulled off yahoo search:

Donna asks…

How to help the Earth without using a recycling bin?

This is weird to say, but someone stole our recycling bin-the one i had at my house. I’m not one of the CRAZY earth lovers, but I do believe in cleaning the Earth. We have recycling bins at school. So I use them, but not a lot. I also use plastic bags because I need them for picking up my dog’s poop…..
So um yeah, how can I help the Earth?

The Expert answers:

You can get plastic bags which bio-degrade which will help, you could also collect your recycled waste in another bin and take it to your local recycling station.

Other options include purchasing a compost bin or maybe even another recycling bin.

Richard asks…

how to earn money by school recycling water bottles?

My school currently recycles water bottles. However, they do not get the 5 cent refund per bottle that is recycled. Does anybody know a way to recycle the water bottles (in NY) other than putting them through the recycle bin where the school can collect the monies from the bottles? It s a great way fo the school to get money for items needed. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Plastic water bottles have no material value that is worth recycling, the only reason they are is because government subsidizes the cost to do so. If something has a raw material value you will see private companies paying money for it, such as scrap metal.

Sharon asks…

Recycling in New york schools?

I’m in this club encouraging the school to recycle. I heard that most schools don’t recycle since students seem to contaminate recycling bins with non-recyclables. However, if we do accomplish our goal for a recycling school, will the school have to pay for the recycling truck to come to the school to recycle it? Or does the recycling company pay the school for the recyclables?

The Expert answers:

It depends on where you are. Many towns do subsidize recycling, especially now that recycled materials are becoming more and more of a commodity, and if your town doesn’t cover the costs, there are some companies and non-profits who might take compost off your hands.

Lizzie asks…

How can I get FREE recycling bins for my private school in Charlotte, NC?

I’m pretty sure that the county only supplies the bins to public school…

The Expert answers:

I go to a public school and we didnt have recycling bins at my school.
But there are ways simple and easy !

What you should do is gather card board boxes and just decorate them and make sure people can see that they are for recycling.
Be sure to locate most of them in regularly used hallways so that people will find it less difficult to get to one.
And when the time comes for the recyling man to come by at your school to make it less difficult for he/she to gather all the bins have vollunteers gather all the recycling bins at one place to make it simple for the recycling person to gather up .
Well hope it worls out for you : ]
– estefani.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asks…

What can not be recycled in the nutrient cycles?

The Expert answers:


At each level 90% of the energy is lost. Plants absorb the energy from the sun.

Lisa asks…

Biogeochemical cycles describe the cycling and recycling of elements in ecosystems. In your own words, describ?

Biogeochemical cycles describe the cycling and recycling of elements in ecosystems. In your own words, describe the cycling of carbon, phosphorus, and nitrogen through both the living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) components of ecosystems. And, describe how humans have impacted each of these three cycles.

The Expert answers:

Humans make each cycle fun!

Ruth asks…

Recognising the new and recycled exide motor cycle battery?

I have purchased a new exide battery for my motor cycle , how to recognise whether it is original or a recycled one, he has given a battery no, and bill with the tin no. He is carrying the exide authorised dealer certificate.

The Expert answers:

..Only the positive plates are recycled, everything else is new, you can not tell the difference. I does not matter anyway

Nancy asks…

Over a long amount of time is urine recycled through the water cycle?

I’m pretty sure I remember learning in a science class that over a long amount of time urine is recycled through the water cycle and eventually people end up drinking urine…. VERY filtered urine but urine nonetheless. is this true? Also, since sweat evaporates… how involved is it with the water cycle and would it be possible that we drink sweat over a very extended amount of time?

The Expert answers:


James asks…

how is matter recycled throughout the biosphere?

in the carbon and nitrogen and water cycle how is matter recycled through the biosphere of these cycles?

The Expert answers:

See below.

Chris asks…

Can’t everything be designed and the product life cycle managed so that items can be recycled?

Can’t everything be designed and the product life cycle managed so that items can be recycled?

The Expert answers:

Probably.. The problem comes where it may cost too much or cause other problems that may make not feasible to make the item completely recyclable.

David asks…

how is glass recycled? does anybody the cycle?

im doing a project.. and i was just wondering if anybody knew the recycling cycle of GLASS! thanks!


The Expert answers:


The unwanted glass needs to be sorted by their colors. This is because different chemicals need to be added to different colored waste glass to produce recycled glass of the desired color.

Processing: Producing glass cullet

After the sorting stage, the next stage in the glass recycle process involves crushing and grinding the waste glass into tiny pieces. This finely crushed glass pieces are referred to as cullet.
Processing: Making recycled glass products

In the last stage of the glass recycling process, the recycled glass, colored or clear, is then molded into the various products and sold in the markets.

Other facts about recycling glass

An interesting point about the glass recycling process is that glass can be recycled as many times as required, without any deterioration in quality.

What makes glass recycling even more important is that glass never decomposes. If disposed of in the landfills and incinerators, they will contribute substantially to pollution. Hence, it is particularly to send your unwanted glass ware for recycling.

Go to the source web site for all the facts!! 🙂

Paul asks…

Which of the following is NOT recycled in a biochemical cycle in the biosphere?

A) energy
B) nitrogen
C) carbon
D) water

There can be more than one answer

The Expert answers:

Energy flows and is not recycled.

John asks…

The hydrologic cycle is different from other nutrient cycles in that?

water is not recycled, but flows one way through ecosystems.

the ocean is involved.

the soil is not involved.

the atmosphere is involved.

most water is chemically unchanged throughout the cycle.

The Expert answers:

Assuming we’re talking about a terrestrial environment, then one of these two. Better check your text.
The ocean is involved.
Most water is chemically unchanged throughout the cycle.

If I had to pick one, I’d pick
the ocean is involved.
This isn’t a really great answer since the ocean is also involved in the phosphorus cycle.

If we’re not talking about strictly terrestrial environments, then this one:
most water is chemically unchanged throughout the cycle.
After all, marine environments occupy most of the biosphere. LOL.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

Does anybody know of paper recycling companies that collect paper waste in the Yonkers NY area?

We are a small office but have a serious amount of paper waste on a weekly basis.

The Expert answers:

Go to to find a local recycle center for any item.

Thomas asks…

Is selling hospital waste to recycling companies illegal?


The Expert answers:

Hospitals often sell their hazardous waste (including needles) to REPUTABLE companies who will recycle the components. This is almost always done by explicitly detailed contracts.

Robert asks…

Should we Promote Electronic Waste Recycling?

-The disposal of electronic waste into landfills shall be prohibited.
-The transportation of electronic waste to foreign nations shall be prohibited.
-Electronic waste recycling companies shall be extended subsidies in the form of tax cuts.
-Corporations who are found guilty of violating the provisions of this bill shall be fined $10,000.
-This shall be enforced by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Yes or No? Why? Please give details.

The Expert answers:

We should absolutely promote electronic waste recycling. Here’s why:

–Electronics can contain toxic chemicals like lead, mercury, and cadmium. (For example, old CRT TVs and computer monitors can contain up to 8 pounds of lead.)
–If electronics end up in landfills, it can leak toxic chemicals into our air, land, and water. For an example, look up Guiyu, China.
–On a similar note, we should never export electronics to foreign nations. It consumes more energy and a lot of that e-waste ends up in landfills.
–We need some sort of universal bill for electronics disposal in the U.S. As it is right now, only about half of the states have e-waste laws.

Betty asks…

is there a government subsidy for companies recycling what waste they can?

The Expert answers:

No, there are no subsidies. The only incentive is on lower (landfill) tax.

This is an oversight in my mind, however, being green leads to efficiency savings throughout an organisation.

Minimising waste is the key

Donald asks…

Has anyone worked for Burrtec (Waste and recycling company) before?

has anyone work for Burrtec before? It is a waste and recycling company. I’m about to accept a job from them, but they have very few public holidays and few sick leave. Is it a nice company to work for? do they give salary adjustment every year? thank you.
Burrtec is pretty big, they have many location, the one i’m talking about is Fontana.

The Expert answers:

Where and which country, correct adres pls?

George asks…

I have a project to recycle waste computer parts.How do I go about it?Ilooking for individuals and companies.?

Waste computer recycling

The Expert answers:

Depending where you are Free Geek is cool.

“FREE GEEK is a 501(c)(3) not for profit community organization that recycles used technology to provide computers, education, internet access and job skills training to those in need in exchange for community service.”

Also try: Earth911

Chris asks…

Why does the brunt of the responsibily of recycling fall on the shoulders of the consumer?

The companies that make products seem to use unlimited amounts of packaging. Does one stick of gum really require 3 layers of wrapping? If all these water bottles are clogging our oceans, why aren’t manufacturers of beverages required to stick with glass or aluminum bottles?

Why I don’t mind recycling, I feel there would be much less need for recycling if companies were regulated by how much waste they created. I also don’t like it that recycling is voluntary. Why aren’t consumers and manufacturers alike compelled by law to cut down on waste and recycle?

The Expert answers:

The responsibility for all the excess packaging also falls on the shoulders of the consumers. Manufacturers are responding to market demand. As we want cheaper food that is quicker to prepare and can sit on a shelf or in a freezer for years on end it requires more packaging. I avoid excess packaging as much as possible, it did require changing my shopping habits. I buy fresh bread from the bakery, fresh produce from the farmers market and few processed foods. We are eating healthier and producing a fraction of the waste.

I also write to some of my favorite brands and let them know I want recycled content in packaging and reduced packaging.

There is a law that was put into place in the 70’s, but it is rarely enforced due to lack of funding for oversight. Look for the resource conservation and recovery act.

James asks…

Which company can plan to design and build waste tyre recycling processing automatic equipment?

The Expert answers:

Yeuan Jih has more than 20 years experience in the planning designing and builder machine of various automatic equipment. Currently the issue of environmental protection has been emphasized by the public gradually, and resource recycling is being promoted through out the world. To respond to this tide, our company has developed the waste tyre recycling processing system, providing complete machinery and plant planning for the whole process of waste tyre processing, from drawing out the steel wires, breaking, to powdering and reuse. The system is highly efficient and has excellent performance.


TEL:886-4-8291808 FAX:886-4-8294297

Laura asks…

Recycling plastics for local councils?

i understand the need to recycle paper and glass, but when it comes to plastics…

what i want to really know is, where is the money declared that the local authority makes from selling the raw materials (our waste) to recycling companies? do we get any reductions? i’ve never seen it quoted in official figure..
collection and delivery – isn’t that through private contractors now? which are also, making a profit.. getting a pattern here!

The Expert answers:

Contractors bid to handle waste at recycling depots. They calculate the amount and that is deducted from what they pay for the privilege, thus councils argue, keeping costs down to benefit taxpayers. That’s rubbish, of course.

There’s money to be made – a lot of money. At one recycling centre (tip) near here, the contractor parades round with his fat money-belt. He isn’t able to conceal his smirk.

The profits from waste should ALL be used to benefit the local community – we paid for it, so that’s only fair.

Plastics recycling = Catastrophic, expensive, daily mistakes world-wide!!! Appalling wastage / oversights. Unforgivable.

Glad you’re concerned / interested. That’s reassuring.

Full details here:
See: Chapter 9: Waste

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Charles asks…

Why does the recycling symbol appear on styrofoam products?

I’m confused. I heard that styrofoam is the absolute worst product for the environment since it’s is not recyclable. So why does it generally contain the recycling symbol? I try to avoid take-out boxes and such, but when I have them how should I dispose of them?

I appreciate your response.

The Expert answers:

Because styrofoam is technically recyclable. It’s a type of plastic.

However, it’s usually considered unrecyclable because, well, it’s hard to find people that will recycle it! It’s not cost effective (recycling centers are still businesses) and takes a lot of energy to recycle.

If you can, find out if anyone in your area will take them.

If not, well, take-out boxes are very good for plant drainage.

Joseph asks…

Should you recycle items without a recycling symbol?

I have a plastic bottle of Suave body wash that I just finished. It doesn’t have a recycle symbol on the bottom (or anywhere on the bottle). Should I still put it in the recycling bin or just throw it away?

The Expert answers:

No – a lot of plastics can’t be recycled because they contain dyes and other additives that can’t be removed from the plastic polymer. Adding plastics that can’t be recycled to your recyclables makes a lot of trouble for those trying to sort – meaning increased manpower and increased cost to recycle. (and not all plastics that DO have the recycling symbol can be recycled in your area, e.g. NYC will recycle bottles made of #1, but not take out containers due to the WAY the plastic was formed – blown versus molded). Anyway, the most eco-friendly thing to do is buy a bar of glycerin (vegetable based) soap which foams up just as well on your pouff and doesn’t have a bottle, and write Suave an email telling them why you won’t use their body wash anymore. 🙂

p.s. Vegetable based soaps are better anyway – the others contain phthalates and are PETROLEUM based which means that you’re diverting oil from energy to soap – imagine how much cheaper oil would be if we all used vegetable based shampoos, dish soap, laundry detergent, etc!

Lisa asks…

Is there an HTML code for the recycling symbol?

I recently wanted to use the recycling symbol for a post on Facebook, but couldn’t find an HTML code for it. Does such a thing even exist?

The Expert answers:


So you would use:
& #x2672 ;
without the spaces after the & and before the ;

Ruth asks…

Can I put in the recycling bin paper boxes that don’t have the recycle symbol?

For a while I have been putting in the recycling container paper boxes that are commonly used as packaging for grocery/retail items. They don’t necessarily have the recycle symbol. Would they be recycled anyway? They usually are coated with a glossy substance. I know other paper gets recycled. I have NOT been contacted by the company that picks up the items to be recycled, about my having put the paper boxes in question in the recycling container.

The Expert answers:

It’s a question for the recycling companies. Each company has its own process to sort out the recycled materials collected. Unfortunately, many do not provide enough information of “What to” and “What not to” for the customers.

Susan asks…

where can i purchase a shirt with the proper recycling symbol on it from?

i would like one of those shirts with the recycling symbol on it.
either white with the green symbol,
or green with a white symbol.
preferably one that will fit a 13 year old.
anyone know where i can get one from?

oh, and i live on the gold coast, australia, so preferably somewhere close

The Expert answers:

You can make your own (although I would imagine that they probably have some already made)

Robert asks…

What is another name for the recycling symbol?

Was just looking for another “name” for the recycling symbol =)

The Expert answers:

The three arrows mean Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. 🙂 but names for them are Recycled, Recyclable…

Daniel asks…

Can I recycle something that has no recycling symbol?

Such as sandwich baggies, shredded cheese bags & other misc packaging that does promote recycling by use of the symbol?
I meant any packaging that DOES NOT have the recycling symbol. My transfer station takes ALL plastics, aluminum, papers etc. I recycle everything that has the universal symbol….

I’m wondering solely about the packaging that bears NO symbol. thanks!

The Expert answers:

Very generally speaking, the items you mention are not recyclable. The difficulty would be that the facility that ends up with your recyclables would not be able to tell what the items are made of, so they would have to discard them.

Sandwich baggies are usually made with #4 plastics, which many recycling facilities do not accept. I’m not sure what the shredded cheese bags are made of; different manufacturers would use different types of plastics, but the cheese bags may also be #4’s.

At my Recycling Center, we do not accept food wrappers or baggies for that very reason.

Unfortunately, not everything is recyclable. But bless you for trying!

Mary asks…

How many sides does a recycling symbol have???

How many sides does a recycling symbol have???…

if u forgot how it looks like… thanks everyone soo much i love u alll

is it??
or 12

The Expert answers:


Richard asks…

What if there’s no recycling symbol in garbage bin?

I recycle a lot, and my dad brings it to these garbage bins that say Paper, Plastic, and Cans. But the problem is, he doesn’t remember seeing the recycling sign, the triangle. So does that mean that my recycling is going to waste because they only dump the garbage, not take it to recycling centers?

The Expert answers:

Generally recyclables are separated and not trash, so i’d say u’re fine.

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