Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandy asks…

What do I need to do and know to open a waste vegetable oil recycling business in Florida?

I am currently making biodiesel and would like to expand to include grease removal as a business. I know I need some pumps, tanks, and the proper vehicle such as a flatbed truck. What else would I need and more importantly, what do I need to know about oil recycling. Additionally, where can I find the information neccessary to be legal in Florida?

The Expert answers:

Grease is already a big business. Maybe get a job with someone local and you can learn the business while getting paid…….NOW THAT’S GREEN THINKING!

Sandra asks…

how do people make money from recycling wasted oil?

what do they do after they have collected the wasted oil? how do they recycling the wasted oil?

The Expert answers:

It is n ot so much they make money off of it, they most often use it for heat. There are furnaces built for burning motor oil. Those facilities that collect a lot of oil often sell it to cement factories for producing cement. Lesser amounts often are collected by heating a garage, barn or workspace.

In a perfect world they would have it analyzed for metals content, to meet EPA standards but more often than not it is used as an excuse to track and quantify amounts burned for purposes fo future carbon taxation.

Waste vegetable oil is a different matter entirely. In summer, many diesels can run on straight unprocessed WVO as long as it has been filtered. In winter it has to be processed, or mixed with regular diesel to be able to work in cold weather. There are some other modifications for cold weather use as well. Various agencies still want their fingers in the operations of such people who collect it for purposes of taxation and other matters.

So they are really not making much if any money off of reselling the oil, they are saving money by making use of a product that if rerefined, would not be as good as the virgin crude products, plus an unpredictable waste slurry that may or may not be suitable for asphalt.

Helen asks…

how recaliming or recycling waste lube oil(previosly black crankcase-oil) without using high temperature?

waste oil means. textile oils,soluble oil,transmission oil,mototr oil,industrial oil….they ingredients iron,lead,zinc,oil,sulphonates,epm,rubbers…

The Expert answers:

All you need do is filter it to reclaim used motor oil without using high temperature.

Daniel asks…

What happens to waste engine oil?

I do a lot of work on cars & trucks & being a responsible person(!) i take my waste engine oil to the council recycling centre & pour it into one of their waste oil containers – What happens to it after that? We hear all about paper, packaging & electrical equipment being recycled but even one of the council workers couldn’t tell me what happened to waste oil.

The Expert answers:

It is re-fined for re use.

Maria asks…

what do i need to establish simple waste oil recycle plant?

The Expert answers:

You need informations.

Donna asks…

How can i recycle the waste engine oil?

The Expert answers:

Most auto gas stations have a recycling centre where used engine oil can be deposited for later recycling back into oil for engine lubricants. Check with these stations or any auto spare parts store. Otherwise check for oil recyclers in your yellow pages telephone book.

Nancy asks…

Is making high-quality “Biodiesel” from Expired and/or Recycled Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO) a potentially …..?

… viable business proposition for developing nations?

Assuming you:

1- can get the Expired or WVO at no or very low cost (i.e. transportation / recycle collection expenses)

2- have access to an affordable labor force

3- mean to produce it on a reasonably large scale to sustain a relatively large size business and NOT just for personal use

4- mean to produce a high-quality Biodiesel and hope to sell the glycerin byproduct to the industry as well

5- can market the Biodiesel directly to the target customers (e.g. trucks, buses, heating market, etc.)

Would the upfront cost of a reasonably large Conversion / Reactor Facility plus the other ongoing costs of production / operation / distribution (fix and variable) make this a potentially viable business opportunity for “the developing country markets”?

And do you know of similar type operations (on large scale) anywhere in the world that you can direct my attention to?

Would greatly appreciate serious comments.

The Expert answers:

Mr. L the mega corprations don’t like this. This is funny you should ask this one right up my alley…So check these out and if you want to talk further you know how to reach me,,,,

Other Useful web sites:

Steven asks…

what’s the difference between diesal oil and the home heating oil?

could we use biodiesal oil to run the household heating system? could we recycling any wasted oil, like vegtable oil, to be home heating fuel?

The Expert answers:

2 diesal fuel is what trucks & cars
#1 deisal Fuel is mixed for cold weather driving again for trucks & cars
#2 deisal fuel or Home heating fuel can be used for homes but is not as clean as #1 home heating oil and also if your tank is installed outside and the temp goes down in the teens, your fuel might congill causing your fuel line to plug up due to the parifin wax in the fuel.
Thats why many people use #1 heating fuel which is much cleaner and does not congill.

David asks…

Waste oil/tire recycle machine question?

I use waste oil to run my small foundry but want to make a larger foundry using tires as fuel. This helps keep land fills from filling up too fast. Does anyone have a web site that explains a large tire burning furnace that I could build at home?

The Expert answers:

Tire burning releases EXTREMELY toxic gases. PLEASE do not get into burning tires. It makes more sense to fill landfills with them or better yet, shred them for other uses that do not pollute our valueable atmosphere. Thanks-nick in giles county (one of the most polluted counties in the country due to coal burning and other industry pollution)

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

recycling cans?

can you really make some money recycling aluminum cans
like is it worth the time

The Expert answers:

If you live in states that have a 5 cent deposit on your cans, they do add up quickly. If you don’t then you you still get some money, depending on how much you have. It is worth your time no matter how they are recycled, the earth is worth it. And so are your children and future grandchildren, they need an earth to call home in the future. If you fill the land with waste there will much less for them to enjoy. Do the right thing and recycle what you can! If you don’t want to do it, give them to someone who will.

Sandy asks…

Recycling Cans???????

when you are recycling cans (like bean cans) do you have to take of the labels?

The Expert answers:

No. When the cans are melted, the paper will burn off (along with the glue) and the residue will be drawn off with the rest of the dross.

Helen asks…

Recycling cans…?

Do you have to pull the labels off to put in the recycle pile for the truck?

The Expert answers:

We recycle everything together it gets sorted at the recycling depot, similar to LA or San F. Don’t remember which. All plastics up to 7 all paper, all metal except for beverage cans which go back to the store. Glass has to be taken to the depot separately. Everything has to be clean

William asks…

How much money do you make for recycling aluminum cans in Alaska?

A few friends of mine were considering recycling cans to make a few extra bucks (we’re going to regardless) and we wondered how much is paid out for aluminum in the the Anchorage, AK area. We searched the web for a while and couldn’t get any answers. Any help wold be greatly appreciated!

The Expert answers:

At the military base in Anchorage, AK, right off base you get 41 cents a lbs today.

Sandra asks…

how can i start a bottles and cans recycling business?

i love to start businesses and i was wondering if you guys can help me with this one. i want to open a recycling center for bottles and cans. but what do i need? permits? do i need to contact a agent to locate a location for me. i was told that city hall will do this for me because they need to space these locations out! some one please help. thank you!

The Expert answers:

Hire an agent he will guide you for the further procedure,good luck

Steven asks…

How much can people make for aluminum cans for recycling?

I see a lot of Asians and some Latinos going through people’s trash for soda and beer cans for recycling. They have to get a ton of them just to make a nice piece of change don’t that? It’s not like aluminum cans are gold or copper. Do the buyers charge by the pound or what?

The Expert answers:

Yes you cash them in and they pay you by the pound, the last time I saw the price at the re-cycling center it was $1.80 a pound. Not bad.

Sharon asks…

What are the proper rules/steps for recycling plastic bottles and cans?

Is it true that when you recycle bottles the caps should be left out of the recycling bin as well as the cans need to be washed out first? If so why, aren’t they just getting melted down to be reused anyways?

The Expert answers:

Personally, I put anything in the recycling which has a triangle symbol that the municipality says they pick up. So here, they accept 1,2,4,5 and I think milk jugs have 1 on the jug and 4 on the cap, so I toss the caps in separately.

Donna asks…

How much can you get for recycling aluminum cans per pound in New Mexico?

How much can you get for recycling aluminum cans per pound in New Mexico? In Texas you get about 75 cents per pound.

The Expert answers:

Check out some of the links to find the answer to your question:

But the best thing to do is to contact your local recycling center!

Hope I have helped.

Thomas asks…

how much can I get for recycling my aluminum cans in Minnesota?

I want to recycle my aluminum cans, I live in Slayton MN and we have our own recycling center in town. What can I get for them if I take them to the recycling center personally?

The Expert answers:

Since there is not yet a deposit on beverage containers in Minnesota, you would just get the rate for scrap aluminum. Go to the Earth 911 website; enter what you are recycling, and your zip code. This will get you a list of recyclers in your area. You may want to check with a few to see how much they are offering.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

recycling numbers???

On recyclable items there is a little triangle with the number 1-7 in it. Do you know which each number stands for?

The Expert answers:

Recycling No. Abbreviation Polymer Name Uses once recycled
1 PETE or PET Polyethylene terephthalate Polyester fibres, thermoformed sheet, strapping, soft drink bottles.

2 HDPE High density polyethylene Bottles, grocery bags, recycling bins, agricultural pipe, base cups, car stops, playground equipment, and plastic lumber.

3 PVC or V Polyvinyl chloride Pipe, fencing, and non-food bottles.

4 LDPE Low density polyethylene Plastic bags, various containers, dispensing bottles, wash bottles, tubing, and various molded laboratory equipment.

5 PP Polypropylene Auto parts and industrial fibers.

6 PS Polystyrene Desk accessories, cafeteria trays, toys, video cassettes and cases, insulation board and expanded polystyrene products (e.g. Styrofoam).

7 OTHER Other plastics, including acrylic, polycarbonate, polylactic acid , nylon and fiberglass.

Laura asks…

What do the numbers in the recycling logo mean?

For example, a bottle water could be 2 or something. Other materials that have those numbers are shampoo bottles, Starbucks cup, etc. Does anyone know what the numbers it stand for?

The Expert answers:

1 Poly(ethylene terephthalate): Soda bottles, water bottles, vinegar bottles, medicine containers, backing for photography film.

2High-density Polyethylene: Containers for: laundry/dish detergent, fabric softeners, bleach, milk, shampoo, conditioner, motor oil. Newer bullet proof vests, various toys.

3Poly(vinyl cloride): Pipes, shower curtains, meat wraps, cooking oil bottles, baby bottle nipples, shrink wrap, clear medical tubing, vinyl dashboards and seat covers, coffee containers.

4Low-density Polyethylene: Wrapping films, grocery bags, sandwich bags.

5Polypropylene: Tupperware®, syrup bottles, yogurt tubs, diapers, outdoor carpet.

6Polystyrene: Coffee cups, disposable cutlery and cups (clear and colored), bakery shells, meat trays, “cheap” hubcaps, packing peanuts, styrofoam insulation.

7Other. Products labeled as “other” are made of any combination of 1-6 or another, less commonly used plastic.

Nancy asks…

What do the numbers inside the recycling symbols on plastics stand for?

I heard it has something to do with what it can hold. And not necessarily recycling.

The Expert answers:

My answer for you is in the followings.

Jenny asks…

What do those numbers in the recycling symbols mean?

You know when for example you look at the bottom of a plastic cup and you see the recycling symbol and it has a number in it, hat does the number mean?

The Expert answers:


Those numbers show what type of plastic it is. So there is type 1 and type 2 and there are many and different recycling centers accept different numbers. Check with your local recycling center and see what they accept. Or, if you have a city-provided recycling bin, see if it tells you on there. Sadly, not all centers accept all types of plastic.At least this is what I think.

Carol asks…

What do the recycling numbers mean on water bottles? it is true some are not safe to reuse?

The Expert answers:

You already go the answer to what they mean. Not all plastics are safe for food or water storage. Many plastics including the #1 clear water bottles have only been deemed “safe” for single use. Anytime the plastic is scratched or creased it breaks the surface and can allow chemicals to leach into the water.

I hope you will take a moment to check out the 2 links I provided, they give more detailed info on the risks of plastics for drinkning water as well as the damage caused by bottled water.

Ruth asks…

Why so many different numbers used with the recycling sign?

There is 6, 2, 3, etc. How many are there and why use them? Heck, why use a recycling symbol, when just tell people to recycle glass, paper, plastic, and cardboard?

The Expert answers:

There are 7 numbers that refer to different types of plastic – PETE, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP, PS and other. The number is on plastics so that when they are recycled, they are divided into the type of plastic to be reused. Milk containers are made of HDPE and they recycle them into playground equipment and other items. Yogurt containers are made out of polypropylene and they can be recycled into automotive parts. The numbers are ONLY used on plastics, not glass, paper and cardboard.

Ken asks…

What do the numbers inside the recycling triangles on plastics mean?

The Expert answers:

Pretty much means how recycleable they are, 1 and 2 means they can go into normal recycling bins, but 3 and up have to be put into special one because they are different types of plastic

Charles asks…

On plant pots and the like, what do the numbers inside the small recycling signs represent?

I havent seen them on all plant pots and other plastic goods, and i think they represent the amount of years it takes for the item to degrade. it seems likely to me, but im not sure if im right. am i?

The Expert answers:

It just indicates the type of plastic. Recycling centers may stipulate that they only take recyclable plastics of type 2, 3 and 6. Others may take more or less. It all depends on the process necessary to reuse the plastic, and some are more easily recyclable than others.

Michael asks…

question about recycling icons on products, what does the different numbers represent?

On the recycling icon on products there is always a number in the middle, but what do they stand for?

The Expert answers:

1 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE) Used to make soft drink, water, sports drink, ketchup, and salad dressing bottles, and peanut butter, pickle, jelly and jam jars.
GOOD: Not known to leach any chemicals that are suspected of causing cancer or disrupting hormones.

2 High density polyethylene (HDPE) Milk, water, and juice bottles, yogurt and margarine tubs, cereal box liners, and grocery, trash, and retail bags.
GOOD: Not known to leach any chemicals that are suspected of causing cancer or disrupting hormones.

3 Polyvinyl chloride (V or PVC) Most cling-wrapped meats, cheeses, and other foods sold in delicatessens and groceries are wrapped in PVC.
BAD: To soften into its flexible form, manufacturers add “plasticizers” during production. Traces of these chemicals can leach out of PVC when in contact with foods. According to the National Institutes of Health, di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), commonly found in PVC, is a suspected human carcinogen.

4 Low density polyethylene (LDPE) Some bread and frozen food bags and squeezable bottles.
OK: Not known to leach any chemicals that are suspected of causing cancer or disrupting hormones, but not as widely recycled as #1 or #2.

5 Polypropylene (PP) Some ketchup bottles and yogurt and margarine tubs.
OK: Hazardous during production, but not known to leach any chemicals that are suspected of causing cancer or disrupting hormones. Not as widely recycled as #1 and #2.

6 Polystyrene (PS) Foam insulation and also for hard applications (e.g. Cups, some toys)
BAD: Benzene (material used in production) is a known human carcinogen. Butadiene and styrene (the basic building block of the plastic) are suspected carcinogens. Energy intensive and poor recycling.

7 Other (usually polycarbonate) Baby bottles, microwave ovenware, eating utensils, plastic coating for metal cans BAD: Made with biphenyl-A, a chemical invented in the 1930s in search for synthetic estrogens. A hormone disruptor. Simulates the action of estrogen when tested in human breast cancer studies. Can leach into food as product ages.

Also, if you are interested, some people contend that you shouldn’t use #1 for containing food or drink as it’s not as stable as #2, 4 or 5

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

How do I find a Recycling Center near Grand Rapids that will pay for Office Paper?

The Expert answers:


Steven asks…

Does anyone know of a good recycling center near avon, indiana?

I’m looking for a drop off place for glass, plastic, aluminum, and paper. Please help.

The Expert answers:

Go to they can locate a local recycle center by zipcode.

Mark asks…

Recycling center near Nashville?!?!?

I live in ashland city and would like to start recycling…the only problem is that i can not find a recycling center near where i live….if you could help me i would much appreciate it….

The Expert answers:

Go to to find a local recycle center

Chris asks…

How can I recycle empty cd cases?

I have no recycling centers near me.

The Expert answers:

Donate them to the Goodwill, Salvation Army, or your local school district.

Robert asks…

recycling center in/near toledo ohio?

i have a huge amount of cans,beer/pop,that i want to take in to recycle.I have no idea where to take them,i’ve checked in yellow pages and on internet but i keep getting recycling centers such as garbage places.I know there is one that pays for aluminum in the toledo area.

The Expert answers:

Yes there is you can take them on ominsourse or if you are closed to bowling green there is the bg recycling center on mercer road. I know that ominsouse is on detroit by telegraph but don’t know the exact address.

Mandy asks…

I need to find a recycling center, etc., near Parkersburg, West Virginia that will accept paper to be recycled?

The Expert answers:

Here is a link to recycle centers in your area, with maps and driving directions, and phone numbers so that you can call and ask them what the are accepting.


Betty asks…

Where can I get cash for aluminum cans in trumbull county, ohio?

There is an un-manned recycling center near me but my 8 year old is collecting cans for cash and I don’t know where to cash them in, rather than just turning them in.

The Expert answers:

Cash ?For Cans
(724) 962-1894
135 ?Youngstown Hubbard Road
Hubbard, OH 44425

Paul asks…

need to find a recycle center near me?

near stow ohio 44224

The Expert answers:

Google recycling center in stow ohio

Nancy asks…

What’s the best way to dispose of used batteries (not car batteries)?

there’s no recycling center near me that takes more than paper and aluminum.

The Expert answers:

Alkaline batteries are landfill safe. All chemicals in them are non-hazardous (steel, zinc, carbon, potassium, and pH).

NiMH or NiCd batteries contain nickel and cadmium, hazardous materials. A university or government building will have on site recycling, and with polite asking the right people, may accept your small quantity of exhausted consumer batteries.

Lithium batteries are landfill safe, but are more fun to drive a screwdriver through and watch some sparks and smoke.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

John asks…

How do I organize things in my recycle bins?

My family is gone, and the day they come back is the day after recycling is collected. I’ve never put out recycling before.

Do I put cardboard and paper in one bin, and plastic and glass in another?

The Expert answers:

It really depends upon who is collecting the recycling. My recycler wants EVERYTHING seperated. Newspaper, magazines, chipboard, cardboard, tin cans, aluminum cans, coloured glass, clear glass, and plastics by number.

How many bins does your family usually use? Then divide the items into like categories. The bottom line is the recyclers make money picking up your recycling so they will sort it into smaller categories if they have to.
When your family gets home find out more about how your household runs, you’ll be amazed at the things you learn.

Ken asks…

How To Get A Grant For Recycle Bins For My School ?

Allright I Am Looking For A grant To Supply About 120 recycle bins for my middle school and i cant find one my mom was trying and couldn’t find one so if you have a place that does this sort of thing please let me know

The Expert answers:

Check with your state Conservation Board or google ‘recycling grants’ and your state and see what pops up. Good luck and bless you!

Donald asks…

Should people go though our recycle bins?

We have a city wide recycle program. This curbside pick up is done weekly with our regular garbage collection. Some individuals go through these bins the night before. Should they be allowed to glean the rewards for our recycling effort? Our city of 1800 residents receives the revenue, and it helps offset some of our costs.

The Expert answers:

First its a dumb retarted anwser and people should not go through or receclying bins

Mark asks…

Is there any website that i can go to to get recycle bins for every classroom for my school?

I was wondering if anyone knew a company or website that can provide my school with FREE or CHEAP recycle bins to put in every classroom to enforce recycling and living a green life, thanks (:

The Expert answers:

Cheap would be ebay…. ;D

Maria asks…

Where can a buy recycle bins?

what local stores will sell recycle bins in the store, and not only online?

The Expert answers:

Ahhhh, if u live in england or those citys where recycling truks come and pick up recycling bins, u mean that no? U should get them by a request to the local recycling center. When u see the truck, ask them about it. They should tell u were to get one free of charge

James asks…

Where can I buy the large metal recycle bins with separators?

I want to place a recycle dumpster in my community and Im looking for one that is for more than one item. I think usually they have 5 compartment. Its an all in one kind of deal.
What im looking for holds maybe 5 ton…like the big dumpsters that companies use for trash but its for recycling and has seperators.

The Expert answers:

Modern recycling services are called Single Stream Recycling because it turns out that consumer sorting is too variable to be of use and they have to resort anyways just because someone is bound to missort. Therefore it’s more cost effective to have just one bin and save money by having just one collection stream since they have to sort at the plant anyways. Sorting at the plants is now heavily mechanized.

George asks…

Why have the trash bins on computers become recycle bins?

Way back when when I was 8, my computer had a “trash bin.” Now, on my new laptop, it’s a “recycle bin.”
Is Microsoft trying to cozy up to environmentalists?

The Expert answers:

Maybe they are encouraging everyone to recycle everything possible. Even Movies,games etc lol ^_^

Lisa asks…

What can you put in your recycle bins?

What kind of materials can you put in you green lid recycle bin?

The Expert answers:

That depends upon where you live and what is accepted by your local recyclers. As to how you are required to sort materials is also dictated by your local recyclers. I would suggest you call your local “city hall” for the correct information.

I can and do recycle aluminum, tin cans, plastics soda bottles as well as most plastic containers, paper of all types and cardboard.

Not all recycling programs are created equal.

Mandy asks…

Are there any pc recycle bins around Fort Worth texas that allow you to pick parts.?

I am gathering pieces for a summer project and need an lcd and/or parts recycle bin where I could gather lcd parts to repair broken lcds.

The Expert answers:

Yea, its called peoples trash cans

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

William asks…

In Lodi CA I saw that everyone had small garbage containers and large recycle ones. It took me awhile to?

figure it out. If you wanted a large garbage container it would cost you an arm and a leg. Smart..everyone recycles. What do you think of that and what would you think if your community started doing that? Oh I am asking it here because I posed this question in the right section at the same time I posted my other question in R & S. I got absolutely no response to the question posted in the other section and right away got many ansers in R & S to my former question. Keep it up you guys…appreciated. Mmm

The Expert answers:

That’s a good tactic.

I wish, though, we could put more pressure on the product manufacturers, who decide on the packaging they use. THEY need to help make recycling more available to everybody.

Lizzie asks…

Does sorting our garbage really matter?

I visited the local recycling center and the local garbage processing center. Two separate businesses. One picks up the recycled garbage can contents and the other company picks up the regular trash cans on garbage day. We have two trash cans.

The local recycling center collects all of the recycled trash that home owners sort out and put into recycling containers. We get a bill for these services. The recycling company then sells the goods and makes money.

During a tour the garbage processing center said that they liked it when people did not sort the garbage because they have machines that sort it out for them. I saw the machines that separated the recycled goods from the trash. They then sell the recycled goods for a profit.

Why should we separate our garbage for the recycling center and get charged for it when the garbage processing center does the same thing? Is it like this everywhere? Does anyone in the garbage business know?

The Expert answers:

The organic material people leave in the trash is responsible for 70% of landfill contamination ,and this in the end pollutes ground water flows

Whilst organic material is the easiest to take care of ,if one makes a compost heap;_ylt=AipYXT_2Inncd.19oS8vfyjsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20070908054731AAgi49O

Sandy asks…

How do I get rid of fruit flies?

I returned home 4 weeks ago from vacation – tons of fruit flies in my kitchen. I had emptied and washed out garbage and recycling containers before I left – they weren’t hanging around there. I have cleaned out cupboards, washed down counters, doors, washed floors, etc., put out cider vinegar (which works, but the following day there are as many fruit flies again) Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

Omg i had the same problem, they were EVERYWHERE!! We put out the vinegar and covered it with tiny holes in the plastic wrap in a cup so they can get in, but not out. We put a couple of those around the house along with a cup with a banana in it with vinegar. Leave it out for atleast a week and some should die. If that doesnt work just keep killing them!
Good luck =)

Paul asks…

can i get ‘in trouble’ for not recycling a yogurt container but throwing it in the garbage?

i was taking out the trash when i noticed a yogurt container in the garbage bag. obviously i don’t really want to take it out as it is at the bottom of the bag and covered in really nasty stuff. someone in my family must have thrown it into the garbage by accident.

will there be problems if i just throw it out with the rest of the garbage, or would it be wiser to fish it out of all the guck, rinse it off, and throw it into the recycling?
oh and i live in canada. i have 0 clue whether the garbage and recycling regulations are different here than in the US so i thought i’d just add that.

The Expert answers:

No way. Recycling is 100% voluntary.

Robert asks…

My neighbors have garbage everywhere, what can I do?

Okay, so I live in a nice quiet little neighborhood. Everyone’s lawns are well taken care of, the town in general is very clean. I pick up all the garbage around my house once a week, and of course if I see something laying around on my way in or out, I’ll pick it up then and there. Well, my neighbors never put the lids on their garbage and recycling containers, so their garbage blows around and onto my property. I’m so tired of cleaning it up. I tried to talk to them about it, but they don’t speak English, nor do I speak Spanish. I thought they understood when I took the wife by the hand and physically showed her the garbage on my lawn, but yet, it continues. What can I do to stop this? Its ridiculous already and I’m tired of it!
Can I really call the health department? Its not like heaps of garbage, just milk jugs and cans, like from vegetables that blow into my yard. It really is a nuisance though, as I’ve got to pick them all up.
If I call the city, will they accept an anonymous tip? These are my neighbors, and I really don’t want to start trouble with them. They seem to be nice people, they just need to be taught some cleanliness.

The Expert answers:

If you want to be nice, find someone who speaks Spanish and take them over to your neighbors and have them translate for you. Or have them write out what you want to say in Spanish and and take it over to the neighbors, maybe with a home made cake or plate of cookies.

Nancy asks…

I live in Toronto, ON. I live in an apartment building. I wanted to know; If and where can i recycle paper?

I have tons of paper (from school, from advertisements, useless mail etc), Instead of garbaging the paper, i would recycle it all. But living in an apartment building, they don’t have any recycling programs, only garbage containers. Please let me know if you know a place where i can take this stuff for recycling. Thanks and appreciate it.

The Expert answers:

Get in touch with someone here and let them know you want to be able to participate in the cities recycling program:

For collection inquiries and general information about your garbage, green bin, yard waste and recycling, or to book a white goods (large appliances) pick-up:

Customer Service: 416-338-2010
TTY: 416-397-0831

David asks…

Do we have a service for recycling grease from private homes?

I think we should have containers from the garbage service that allows us to put grease in biodegradable cups and then into a recycle barrel, maybe even a Company devoted to this service.Couldn’t they then sell to a recycle entity and solve a huge problem?

The Expert answers:

Every now and then, the city will have a campaign where they distribute lined paper bags for people to put their kitchen grease such as used cooking oil into so that they get tossed into the trash instead of poured down the drain. This is because grease is the main reason why drains get blocked so encouraging people to throw the grease out instead of pouring it out saves the city millions in sewer work.

In theory, a refinery could take such grease in, mix it with their crude and refine useful products from it but I’ve only seen really small mom and pop refineries do this, not many of these around, the only one I knew of was in Calgary and after it burned down, it was never rebuilt but it had been operating since the turn of the century and was taking in kitchen grease. There is a company that developed a technique to synthesize fuel but since they couldn’t find anyone willing to pay to build the full scale facilities, they use their demonstration facilities to process used cooking oil to get some revenue, I believe the company is Dallas based Syntroleum.

Mandy asks…

Is Nancy Pelosi’s big private jet hurting the Environment?

I wash my garbage to recycle containers like gooey peanut butter jars and greasy chili cans. I drive a compact car that sits so low to the ground I feel like I’m crawling out of it. I combine errands into one trip per day so I can conserve fuel. My thermostat is at 67 in winter and 79 in summer. I added insulation to my attic, caulked inside and outside of windows and doors, installed compact flourescent light bulbs, use energy saving windowshades instead of pretty window treatments, and a host of other things. I’m not whining–I WANT to do my part.
Then I see our leaders and other celebrities in the news saying somebody ought to do something about pollution. Somebody else! They say there ought to be more laws to force me to do more. When the interview is over, they hop on a private jet to their next stop. Then they ride in one of their gas-hog vehicles to one of their three huge houses that must be heated and cooled. Shouldn’t THEY be setting the EXAMPLE in their personal choices?

The Expert answers:

Yes. As is her huge ego.

John Edwards talks of ‘two Americas…one for the rich and one for the poor’ while he lives on a 4 million dollar estate with indoor raquetball and basketball courts.

Politicians are hypocrites. Democrats, Republicans, Americans, Iranians, it doesn’t matter.

It’s human nature.

Lisa asks…

A community has enacted a law that requires residents to separate their garbage into recyclables?

and non-recyclables. The recyclable items are placed in plastic containers marked “Property of the City of Ecology.” The city collects the contents of the containers and sells it to a recycling facility, boosting the city budget by several hundred thousand dollars per year. Joe, a homeless man, makes the rounds on garbage day and selects metal cans from the recycling bins, which he crushes and sells to a recycling facility. He is arrested and charged with theft of city property. What is Joe’s best defense to the theft charges?

The Expert answers:

I hope he showers before he tries to defend his illegal actions!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

George asks…


i was busy cleaning my computer that without knowing i deleted the recycle.
how can i restore it
if u know post

The Expert answers:

Presumably you meant that you have accidentally deleted the recycle bin from your desktop. If you are running Vista, to restore it you can go to:

Control Panel
Appearance and Personalization
Then click “change desktop icons” from the left-hand column. From there just check Recycle Bin and click OK.

You may need to reboot afterwards

If you are using a different operating system other than Vista (such as XP), add the info in the Additional Details area of your question and someone should be able to help.

Mandy asks…


What is the most recycle item in the world?
*I heard it on a radio show*
missed the “d” recycle… recycled…

The Expert answers:

An old fashioned glass milk bottle?

Also, iron and steel is very highly recycled and always has been. There have always been facilities to return old iron to the scrap man.

Donald asks…


Whats a thing u can do thats fun and help by recycling

The Expert answers:

Origami reuses paper so it helps!!:)

Sharon asks…

Can you recycle Starbucks paper products made from recycled materials?

Why aren’t there recycle bins at Starbucks for paper products like coffee cups and napkins? Their website says that it is up to the individual starbucks landlords to make decisions on recycling. I live in a community where recycling is abundant so I am shocked that it is not available in any of the shops. When asking the barista she said that the materials they use for coffee cups, sleeves, napkins, etc. are already recycled so they can’t be recycled again. I’ve never heard of this. Is it true you cannot recycle products made from recycled products?

The Expert answers:

You have discovered Starbucks dirty little secret. What is really funny is that Starbucks has won awards for using recycled products: They buy recycled cups & napkins but do not offer a single bin to take them back for recycling. Paper can be recycled many times and at the end the sleeves(the most recycled paper-similar to egg cartons) can be composted and returned to the soil. Starbucks has never supported any kind of recycling effort in any of their stores. I want to know what happens to “an estimated 1.5 billion cups” that come out of Starbucks every year!

Nancy asks…

How many times can you recycle a plastic bottle?

I’ve been using recycle bottles to refill drinking water. I’ve read somewhere that you cannot use the bottle after many times or recycling because of the chemicals in the bottle. So how many times exactly can i recycle it?

The Expert answers:

The chemical content of the bottle will not be affected by the water (unless there’s a serious problem with the water), plastic will last for 1,000s of years.

The first poster is right about bacteria growth, if you are concerned about this, use two, and freeze them alternately (easier than washing every time, but you should wash them occaisionally). Do not fill the bottle before freezing as water expands when it freezes and it will split the bottle.

Lizzie asks…

How do I recycle old batteries?

I have lots of old devices lying around with rechargeable batteries that I want to get rid of. Cell phones, laptops, cordless vacuum cleaners, etc. Everyone says not to throw these things in the garbage but I don’t know where or how to recycle them. My city only recycles plastic and aluminum. What should I do?

The Expert answers:

Go to target, to the customer service counter, there should be a box which has two sides. One is for old cell phones, the other for batteries. IKEA also has a similar recycling program!

Sandy asks…

How do I recycle glass bottles in Sweden?

I have two types of glass bottles to recycle

1. Glass bottles which have a simple recycle logo. From what i heard, these do not pay money if u recycle them.

2. Glass bottles with a special ‘bottle’-shaped recycling logo containing the words: ‘26.3 UK units’ or ‘1.0 EEK’ .

I’ve been asking around and different people have told me different things. Hope that someone who is familiar with the system, like who lives in sweden could help me clear up the doubts once and for all. Thanks very much!

The Expert answers:

Every Swedish flat I’ve lived in had a recycling area or room, usually in the cellar of the building (may be labeled återvinning or just have a symbol). Different bins are labeled for different types of waste, and you sort them appropriately.

Otherwise, there are communal areas/bins (återvinningsstationer) in neighbourhoods where you can take your sorted bottles, paper, etc. If you are unsure where this is located for you, you should ask a neighbor.

I’ve never received money (pant) for recycling glass bottles, only plastic or aluminum cans. You take these to specified locations (usually grocery stores) and put them in machines. In return, you get a receipt, which can be traded for cash or put towards your grocery bill.

Glass is often separated by colored and clear.

James asks…

How and where do I recycle gift cards?

I am a big recycler and I have several phone cards and gift cards that I would love to recycle. Does anyone know where I can send these cards so they will be recycled? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Gift cards are a new currency. They’re perfect for gift givers in search of hassle-free presents and for gift-receivers tired of sweaters they’ll never wear and gadgets they’ll never use. Because of their popularity and ease of use, it’s no surprise that almost 17 billion plastic cards, including gift, library, video rental, and membership cards, were produced in 2006, according to the International Card Manufacturing Association. Unfortunately, once spent, these cards typically get trashed–a very unfriendly environmental practice because the cards are often laden with polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a known human carcinogen.
To keep cards out of the trash, Earthworks, an eco-friendly manufacturing and recycling company, recently launched its Retailer Gift Card Return Program. It allows retailers and consumers to send in cards for recycling so that the gift of these cards can live on and on.

Plenty Magazine chatted with Earthworks President Rodd Gilbert about the card recycling business, greenwashing, and the best gift card he’s ever received.

What inspired you to start recycling gift cards?
Since I’m in the recycling and manufacturing business, I was already taking unwanted materials from one company and selling it to another. After awhile, I began to see that the card manufacturing industry makes a lot of scrap that gets trashed. I saw a chance to make a difference not only for the environment, but also for the industry. It’s just good business to avoid buying raw materials because they can be expensive. At the same time, I also noticed that people wanted to be green, but that there’s not always the option to do so. I started working with the card manufacturing company Arthur Blank & Company on recycling these cards. Earthworks collects the cards and reprocesses them into recycled card sheets, and Arthur Blank reprints new cards from the sheets. The company now has the exclusive right to brand its recycled products with the Earthworks name. Now that we’ve started this program, there’s an outlet for people who don’t want to throw their cards away.

How successful has the program been so far?
The program started in January 2008 and we’ve already had a couple of nationwide retail chains starting to collect cards and send them to us. We’re also currently doing a couple of pilot programs in the Greater Cleveland area, including a Starbucks. A Starbucks employee contacted me after noticing how many gift cards the Starbucks she works at generates. She brought the plan to recycle these cards to the general manager and it snowballed from there. The program has done so well that Starbucks is looking to bring the card recycling program to a national level.

Does the recycling process create any waste?
It absolutely does not create any waste. It’s a really simple process that involves securely destroying the material by chopping it up and then melting the plastic down. There’s no chemical waste because we don’t use any chemicals in the process, which a lot of post-consumer products need in order to clean the material. The other great thing is that recycling a card and making it into a new one saves about 80 percent of the energy that would be used to make a brand new card. That’s because our product is made from 100 percent recycled materials with no raw materials and no petroleum.

This seems like such a basic idea. Why is your company the first to recycle gift cards?
Since it does seem to be an easy enough thing, you’d think it would’ve been done before. But the recycling process does get a little complicated: A lot of cards have magnetic strips, use different kinds of inks, and are made from different types of plastic, so it makes it difficult to recycle these cards without getting cross-contamination. The same is true with plastic bottles. Many people go out and buy a bottle made from corn plastic thinking that they’re doing something good for the environment, but they don’t realize that you can’t mix corn plastic and traditional plastic in the recycling process because one will contaminate the other. That’s why we encourage our companies to buy Earthworks-approved products–they’re not only 100 percent recycled, they’re also 100 percent recyclable. You also need to be careful if companies claim their products are biodegradable, because often there’s a magnetic strip and additives on the cards, so it’s pretty hard for them to biodegrade. There’s lots of misinformation out there and people need to be aware of it and ask questions.

Can individuals mail in gift cards?
They definitely can. After all, it will only cost you shipping. We think it’s great when people send in their individual cards. It makes us feel good that consumers are taking the time to do that. But it would really make a difference if people pressured their favorite stores to start offering the card recycling service. It’s easy to do, just put up a collection box and people would be happy to throw their used cards in.

Should consum

Thomas asks…

How to Recycle water from the washing machine?

How to recycle the water poured out from my washing machine during the rinse and spin cycles? Can i use this water in a treated/untreated form for watering my garden? Would save me tons of water especially in the comming summer season! How can we make this water useable?

The Expert answers:

Call a plumber and ask how to pipe the outgoing water from the clean spin cycle…there might just be a way to do this….good luck

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ruth asks…

Normal Garbage And Recycling Trucks?

How are those trucks differ from each other?

The Expert answers:

The regular garbage trucks compact everything together & dump it all in landfills. Recycling Trucks separate things like cardboard, aluminum, etc. And take them to recycling centers. This keeps things that can be used again from filling landfills & taking years to decompose.

Helen asks…

Boston Garbage and Recycling?

Is Capital waste boston’s contractor for Garbage and Recycling? Why are there Boston DPW Garbage trucks?

The Expert answers:

Department of Public Works (DPW) is responsible for Garbage and Recycling, you can call them at 635-7555

Mandy asks…

do recycling centers mash all the garbage into a sort of recyclable material slurry to make new products?

its just that the trucks i see in my neighborhood look like regular garbage trucks, just wondering the general process i guess. i rip up and crush everything together as it is, seeing if i’m botching up their process

The Expert answers:

Most curb side recycle programs take the materials to a transfer or sorting center. They are separated and bailed into big blocks of specific materials, paper, cardboard, #1 plastic, #2 plastic etc. From there they are transported to a distribution center or a company who use them as raw materials.

Paul asks…

Had there ever been a time that you had missed the garbage truck and/or recycling truck?

The Expert answers:

Yep, and then I have to run after it. Those with a bit more style tend to go for the motorcycle chase. Over where I live, they do things differently. You wait until you hear the truck coming (they play Schubert/Schumann, can’t remember which, on loudspeakers so you know), and then walk directly over to the truck to throw the garbage in the back. If you’re lucky, the security guard of your apartment building does it for you.

Ken asks…

Does recycling get picked up curbside in the USA?

This is to settle a debate between my boyfriend and I.

In Canada we have a recycling truck that comes around the same day at the garbage truck to collect our recycling at the curb side.

Does everywhere in the USA have this service or do you have to take your recycling yourself to a recycling facility?


The Expert answers:

I don’t even have curbside garbage pick up where I live. I have to haul my trash off to the “Recycling Center”. Which is basically a mini dump. There are 3-4 dumpsters to throw trash in. Also there is a trailer for all recyclables.

Mark asks…

Do people that deal with landfills and/or drive the trucks to pick up the garbage recycle some of the things?

Like lets say if a person throws out something that can be recycled…. id how to word it…. my mom says they do….

The Expert answers:

Indeed they do. Some who work on the landfills (the one who do manual jobs like picking and driving) are poor. They get what they can reuse and recycle objects they find useful and even return items to the manufacturer or put in the junk shop as an extra source of income.

Betty asks…

Isn’t it funny/odd that massive carbon spewing garbage trucks make an extra trip to pick up “recycle” bins at?

… houses around the country each week?

Isn’t this just another Democrat scheme that destroys the planet — having the garbage collectors make a 2nd trip each week to your house to pick up a small bin of tin cans, newspapers, magazines, etc.?

Those garbage trucks are so heavy that they just guzzle diesel fuel.
Garbage trucks get UNDER 3 mpg.

The Expert answers:

What’s even more ridiculous is when recycled items are thrown in with the regular garbage.


Thomas asks…

How do I know that my recycling is really being recycled?

When the truck comes to pick up my recycling it looks just like a garbage truck. My husband says that it all goes to the same place & that he knew guys who worked for Waste Management who said it all gets dumped in the dump. So how do I know that all the recyclables that I so painstakingly separate, actually make a difference for the planet?

The Expert answers:

My brother in law also worked for waste management. The recyclables are taken to a seperate facility where they are sorted. Unfortunately some of the stuff isn’t recycled even if it has a 1 or 2 on the bottom. This typically happens to plastics. For example the lids to plastic containers are usually not in the recycling finale and envelopes witht he plastic windows don’t make the cut either. Everything is hand sorted. It depends upon the facilities capabilities but it is not all dumped. Not all waste management facilities work the same either.

Steven asks…

Recycling. Is it really worth it?

When you think about it, it’s not. Remember how ur recycled items are being transported. In a massive garbage truck! so it’s doing more harm then good really.

What do you think we could do to solve this problem? Like an alternative for the recycling trucks.

The Expert answers:

Or not buy it in the first place. Its known as precycling. Http://

Recycling is a very environmentally friendly process. Although it may produce some emissions getting the recyclable waste to the sorting and recycling stations its significantly less than it would if its just dumped into landfill. Remember its all taken away in a big truck.

Aluminium cans are a good example of why its important to recycle. Aluminum is very energy intensive to produce. It can be recycled over and over again with out any problems (like all metals) and the energy used in recycling it is significantly lower than that used in producing it from scratch. In Australia research by plant ark i think it was suggested that recycling 6 aluminium cans would offset a 25km car trip or something like that. A good example of hour energy intensive there production is.

Anyway in conclusion yes it is worth it. With out it we will put an even bigger strain on our planets limited resources that are already near collapse.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

What is the answer to this math problem?

This is a very easy question. The first person who gets it correct gets 10 easy points!

A teacher wants to buy a recycle bin for $32. There is a sale and the discount is 10% off. There is also a sales tax that is 4.25%. What is the total price of the recycle bin in the end??
That was the question

The Expert answers:

32 x .9 = 28.80

28.80 x 1.0425 = $30.024

Robert asks…

How can I delete an unwanted program on a mac without dragging it to the recycling bin?

I got a computer for a good price at a garage sale. How do I delete a program without dragging it to the recycling bin?

The Expert answers:

In windows, If I really wanted to delete my files
with out being catch into the recycle bin I simply
hold on “Shift” key then click the delete … Just try it if it works in Mac

Sandy asks…

How do you dream? PLEASE ANSWER?

I VERY rarely dream, and it’s normally me as my role playing character (I KNOW, RIGHT?!) I just woke up one day with this story in my head for her, I think I had dreamed the story too. She was like, a little girl, running like crazy. She was crying, and just running. I didn’t take it seriously at first. But then…yeah. I don’t really know HOW TO DREAM, but I like my dreams. Can’t control it either, it’s like someone else’s story! I dream in black and white, but mostly colored. ALSO, I see things no one else does. For example, this morning at the bus stop, this little kid was saying he was recycling trophies from a garage sale. He didn’t care about them, and just threw em’ in. Then, I watch the recycling truck go by. A few minutes later, I ask him why he decided to recycle the trophies. Everyone else is like, what are you talking about? I say, the recycling truck JUST came by! They’re like, noooo that was the trash man. I’m like, didn’t you JUST watch them pick up the recycling bins and dump them? They’re like, you’re stupid. They just drove straight on by. I drop it. But, the kid looks at me like he understands what I’m talking about. I think he saw it too. WTF?! NO ONE else saw. I know it’s not like my brain stimulating it, because he saw it too. Soooo… this may help too. My neighbor’s house is on a slope. If you leave a ball, it will just roll down, til it hits a wall. Then one day, she said, she had onions left out. Her sister LOVED onions, but died in the house. She heard the onion rolling, but thought it was just the slope or the cat. Then, she glanced. IT WAS ROLLING UP THE SLOPE! Don’t know if that’s helpful or not, but YEAH.

The Expert answers:

Well i cant help on why your not dreaming but if i explain what dreams are then maybe you’ll have a better understanding about it.

Through out the whole day whenever you see something your eyes work like cameras and take pictures using the power of your brain. After it takes a picture it stores it into ” short term memory” and when you go to sleep your brain gets to work by organizing all these short term memories into long term memory. Your dreams are just your eyes seeing what and how your brain is putting all these memories in order. But since when your sleeping your front lobe in your brain is off. This lobe controls the difference between right and wrong. So since it shuts off it can seem like your dreams go into a different reality.

P.S. All humans dream its just some of us it happens so quickly that we assume nothing happened.

Susan asks…

I found this info about The True Cost of Recycling?

what do you guys think? I want to know how other people feel about what I just read thanks?
The True Cost of Recycling
By Larry H. – 2007-04-13
Recycling waste uses double the energy consumption and causes twice the pollution from factories, trucks, byproducts etc.

Preparing the recyclable material uses more energy and creates as much waste and byproducts as using raw materials.

Lets take a look at a plastic pop bottle for example and start at the beginning of the recycle chain.

The bottle is prepared for the recycle bin:

First the plastic bottle is washed, usually in the kitchen sink with running tap water – Water is wasted – Electricity is consumed to drive the pumps that supply the water to your home. Electricity is often produced by
burning either oil, gas or coal. These resources require mining, drilling machines, haulage etc. These machines are built from… (A bit like the old woman who swallowed a fly isn’t it?)

a) The pop bottle is then placed in a plastic recycle bin:

Factories with special tools and machines to manufacture the bins are needed – Factories and tools require steel and other minerals to be mined to construct them. A huge amount of electricity is needed to run the manufacturing machines in the factories. Dangerous chemicals are used in the process of manufacturing the plastic recycle bins, not to mention pollution and hazardous waste the factories produce.
b) The plastic bottle is taken to a recycle machine that crushes the bottle. Once again factories are built to manufacture the machines….(here we go again). Raw materials used in the process of creating the can and plastic bottle crushing machines include steel, plastics, lead, copper, paper, ink, computer boards and chips (The number of toxic materials needed to make silicon chips include – highly corrosive hydrochloric acid, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and volatile solvents like methyl chloroform, benzene, acetone, trichloroethane, and a number of super toxic gases. Electricity is consumed to power these recycle machines.

A special recycle truck picks up your recycle bin or collects the bottles from the depositing points:

Special trucks are need to collect the recyclable waste. More raw materials including steel, copper, rubber, paints, and plastics are used to build the trucks. The trucks need oils, grease, coolants and fuel to run
(these all have to be mined), not to mention the extra pollutants put out by exhaust fumes from the extra trucks on the road, (It has been said that diesel exhaust fumes are one of the top two most carcinogenic
substances known to man.)

The trucks deliver the recyclable material to a sorting factory:

Factories and machines are built to sort the various recyclable materials from each other, paper, plastics, glass, metals etc. Specially made separating, crushing and chipping machines (these all have to be purposely built for the job) process the recyclable waste to more manageable and usable sizes ready for transport and sale to factories.

The raw recyclable materials are transported to goods manufacturing factories:

The material is transported via trucks (more trucks on the road), trains, ships etc. (all requiring more resources to be built and to operate) to various factories that produce new goods from the materials. The goods are shipped to shops and ware houses to be sold and once their service life is over the chain starts again.

Recycling will not save trees because we are now replanting at least as many trees as we cut down.

But don’t we also recycle because of a shortage of landfill areas?

It has been calculated that a thousand years of garbage would only fill an area 35 miles square by 100 yards deep.

Recycling costs.

Practically all recycling programs run at a loss.

The Expert answers:

That article is absolute crap. It’s made up of purely subjective measurements. How can you claim “The True Price of Recycling” when you don’t calculate any prices.

Every one of the “costs” associated with recycling occurs with raw materials as well (but to a greater degree).

A) Oooo we might have to produce plastic recycling bins. What the hell are garbage bins made out of?

B) Hmmm we had to crush the cans to make something new. What about processing the bauxite required to make new aluminum?

C) Special trucks to pick up the materials? Hmmm I was under the impression that garbage needed trucks to take it away too. I guess I must be on drugs.

Yes, there is costs associated with recycling (that’s why reduce and reuse come first). HOWEVER, when the WHOLE life cycle of a product is looked at, recycling ALWAYS comes out on top. Granted, some materials are better than others. Recycled aluminum only uses 5% of the energy as new aluminum. Recycled glass isn’t much better than new (95% of the energy). If you want a good article on it, National Geographic did one a few months back (sorry, I can’t remember the exact month).

Carol asks…

Battles on garbage collection day: am I wrong? Any suggestions on how I should handle this?

My neighborhood goes through this once a week. The city sends trucks to pick up garbage. All of us in the neighborhood have recycle bins, and a special truck comes by to collect the aluminum cans and plastics that we all set out.
The battle happens between 2 and 4 AM on collection day. People come through the neighborhood and sort through our bins. They take the aluminum cans. Until recently, only one person would come through to scavenge. Today, however, there were three different people, each one about an hour apart, starting at 2 AM and then at 3 AM and then at about 4:15 AM.
The problem is that our yard is small. It’s summer, and our windows are opened. We do not have air conditioning, or I might have had the windows closed. Because of the proximity of my bedroom to the street, these noisy scavengers wake me up every time they start throwing around the garbage. A tossed aluminum can sounds noisy, but imagine an entire bin of them! Then, imagine the sound of someone throwing a bin of aluminum cans in the back of his pick up truck, where there are already scads of empty aluminum cans!

My family has tried to ignore the noise, but it doesn’t always work. Two weeks ago, the noise was bad enough that I ended up calling the police department to ask them to patrol the neighborhood around 3-4AM. The police told me that, yes, technically there is a law on the books that states it is illegal to scavenge recycle bins for recyclables. But he didn’t sound real enthused. I could tell in his voice there might not be much help for me with the issue. Our city has a noice ordinance, and at a recent meeting, our alderman told us that any noise that is disruptive should be checked out by police. A noise that rouses me from sleep is disruptive.

I tried to solve the problem last week by keeping the recycle bin in my garage, planning to put it out on the street on collection day by 7 AM. The truck came by unannounced much earlier, however; they must have been anticipating a hot afternoon and wanted to get things finished early. So I struck out, and ended up having one extra bin of recyclables for this week.

This morning, the first disruption caused me to look out the window to try to identify the culprit. There were no patrol cars around. By the second disruption, I was surprised, annoyed, and really tired. Still no patrol cars. By the third disruption, I was angry. I got dressed and turned on my front porch light, but that did not distract the scavenger. So I opened the door and hollered out to him, “Do you know it’s illegal to take cans from the recycle bin? It’s in the city code. You are stealing from the city. You are breaking the law.” The man kept taking cans and eventually moved on.

I realize some people need the money. However, they could raid the bins the night before and it wouldn’t wake the neighborhood up.

I thought about contacting my alderman, but, when I had to call him about another issue (pornographic magazines for sale at the local 7 11 — the magazines were right next to the candy — little children were going in to the store to get treats and ended up seeing the magazine covers) it took several months for that issue to be dealt with.

Please give me some good ideas about how to handle this problem. Is there a way to resolve the issue that I’m not seeing?
Glenda it’s a great answer — but that won’t keep the scavengers from clanging around the cans from my neighbors’ bins. I hope I am not sounding petty… the noise literally resounds up and down the street. I have two neighbors directly across the street, and neighbors on either side of my house. Driveways are all pretty close. I AM going to use your idea, however, next week. And if I get gutsy enough I might go out to take those pictures, but it is still a bit dark at 3 and 4 AM, so that means I would have to go outside to snap the picture.
P.S. I’ll include a note, but I don’t know Spanish, and I’m not sure the scavengers all know English.

The Expert answers:

Take pictures or video of the person and the plate number and turn it into the cops

Donald asks…

Neighbor’s trash on our property on trash day?

We have a nasty nosy neighbor that’s lived next to us for 20yrs. She has lately been putting her trash cans and piles over 10 large yard bags, including her recycle bins on our property every trash day. We’re taking pics every trash day, we’ve moved all of her trash back over in front of her house and she comes back out and moves it more further back on our property. She is a very vindictive person, not one to deal with. She just put her house up for sale, the house is haunted, if anyone is looking to buy a haunted house. Is there anything else we can do, besides ignoring her, moving her trash back to her property and taking pics?? I’m thinking of firing off a letter to our waste company with the pics.

The Expert answers:

Not only send your waste company a letter with pics, but encourage them to send her a bill.

Does your waste company provide you with a toter with their name on it? If so, instruct them to not take any trash outside of the toter (most companies bill for extra trash).

Also, I recommend a very direct approach. Call her up and plainly tell her, “Keep your trash off of our property or we’ll have you arrested for trespassing”.

Mark asks…

recycling at my school?

ok, so i am kind of in charge of recycling at my school (its not what it sounds like; it’s just in this club, and i help out with it) and there are literally no recycling bins for the classrooms. there are big bins, (like the ones the garbage truck empties) but there are not many, and they are not accessible to the students. i am going to try and get small bins for the classrooms, but neither i nor the school, apparently, can afford them right now. any ideas where you can buy recycling bins for a good price? any ideas for fundraisers? (having a bake sale wont work- the food has to be prepared at the school)


The Expert answers:

Well you could just get small trash bins from say the dollar store and put signs on them that say like recycle here! And as for getting the money check with a local flower or garden store adn see if they would be willing to donate some plants u could sell or even seeds to help raise money to buy recycling bins at ur school.. When u think about it thats kinda sad my school has recycling bins everywhere from the classrooms to even in the gyms and halls btu anyways.. Another recycling club idea is trash free tuesday were u tell everybody not to bring lunch in a brown paper bag and to try not to bring things u throway.. Instead of a brown bag- lunch box instead of a sandwhihc in a baggie- plastic container… Also another idea is plant a tree day well your welcome xoox peaaceeeee

Chris asks…

assignment question really confused here!?

ok, i’m on the last part of my certificate and i get this question as follows :

Task 1 – Case Study on document purpose
Assume you work for a large pharmaceutical company in Sydney. The company has a number of sales representatives who travel throughout New South Wales visiting clients including doctors, medical centres, veterinarians, supermarkets and chemists.
The company uses a wide range of documents to carry out its business. Type the following table and complete it by naming the most appropriate document or documents to suit the situation. Landscape orientation is recommended to leave you more room for your reasons. Give at least one reason for each choice.

now here is what they ask me :

Notify all staff of the location of newly installed paper recycling bins what document to use and why?

A sales representative needs to advise all the buyers in her region of the date and time of the next information session and product update what document to use and why?

Reply to a customer’s request for the latest catalogue what doc to use and why?

Notify the local deli of the sandwich orders for lunchtime what doc to use and why?

Reply to a written request for information related to job vacancies what doc to use and why?

Prepare a document for Management giving the findings of research into the reasons for high employee absences in the past year what doc to sue and why?

The Section Manager needs to announce the details of professional development workshops to be held next month and ask the word processing operators to discuss their attendance with him waht doc to use and why?

now i’ve done everything else it has asked me made the landscape ,drawn the table yet it now asks for documents and why? ii believe it assumes i should already know or i have a list some where or have learnt this prior and i certainly have none of these i would kindly appreciate any input here for my questions/assignment so i can move on and learn something further thanking you.

The Expert answers:

The trick to writing completing an assignment, or paper, or for that matter any type of school work is to start early. Hopefully, you still have a few days to finish this project. I once heard an educational specialist speak about succeeding in school; his method was as follows:
1) as SOON as you receive the assignment (same day) you should take ONE absolutely uninterupted hour to write down everything you know about the subject. You’ll surprise yourself with how much you already know!
2) Then take a day off.
3) Then go back to your writing and write down everything you probably don’t know about the subject. Write down specific questions you want to research or ask an expert.
4) Spend the next day researching and asking these questions.
5) Take a day off.
6) NOW, on your 6th day, take an hour or two to finish up and edit your final paper. NO INTERUPTIONS ALLOWED. No cell phone, no facebook, no visitors, nothing!
7) Repeat 1 through 6 as necessary.

What’s the trick with the days off? Well, his theory was that your subconscious mind will be working on the answers and also, you may see things during your time “off” that remind you of the subject you are researching. The biggest benefit to this method is that you never get stuck in the intense fear of starting or procrastination loop. I find this to be a wonderful, stress free method. Most students wait until the last day and then panic and stay up all night working. It sucks!!

Good luck!

Sandra asks…

Bought a house that is not the same as when viewed…?

My boyfriend and I viewed a really lovely house and consequently decided to buy it. We are now living in this house but since moving in we have noticed that some things aren’t there that were shown to us when we viewed it. It may sound really petty and picky but it’s the principal of it.

During the viewing the couple who lived in the house proudly showed us the lighting in the garden and how to turn it on…this lighting is now not there as they took it with them when they moved out.

In the bedroom the bedside cabinets and end of bed tv box (one that pops the tv up) are gone…even though the couple showed us how we would fit our television into this box and how it works. The bedside cabinets match the bedroom suite that still remains in the bedroom however they took the cabinets with them. This feature is listed in the sale document as bedroom suite with matching bedside cabinets.

They also removed the soft close toilet seats off the two toilets and fitted cheap new ones which were poorly fitted and still had the price tags on the bottom. Again they showed us this feature proudly when we viewed the property.

They also showed us a fitted recycle bin inside one of the kitchen cupboards and talked us through what they used it for etc….this is now gone as well…

We are very confused as to why they would have shown us these things if they intended to take them.

We have since contacted the seller to ask where these things that they proudly showed us are….and they have replied with the fact that because these items were not listed in the final contract they were free to take them. Ie. because we didnt specifically specify that we wanted them to leave those things they took them….

We are very confused because there must be a level of assumption somewhere along the line in property sales…for instance you don’t specify you want the door handles left behind but you assume that when you move in they won’t have taken them…. The same with us and these toilet seats….why on earth would we have specified that they leave the toilet seat behind? We assumed that we looked at a bathroom and when we moved in it would be the same bathroom. Would anyone else honestly list toilet seats in their agreement?

In our agreement it states that they will leave the fitted bedroom suite. Now the bedside cabinets were not fitted but we weren’t to know this so we assumed that the fitted bedroom suite included the whole suite we saw…why would we think otherwise seeing as it was listed in the sale document that we read at the estate agents.

As for the bin and the garden lights…the assumption is that if they show you it and show you the operation of it that they intend to leave it behind and therefore why would we specifically list these things? As aren’t we under the mutual agreement between seller and buyer that these things will be left. I know that’s not legally binding but surely it cant be right to show off these features at a viewing and then have them not be there when the buyer moves in…otherwise you could renovate a house to an extremely high spec….sell it and then take everything out before the person moves in.

This is not right. Does anyone know about property law and if there is a loop hole in this. A contract is a contract and we understand that these things are not listed but not everything in the house is listed. On the bathroom list, the toilet is not listed at all…does that mean they could have taken the toilet away? It’s ridiculous.

Advice please if you have it! It will be gratefully received!

The Expert answers:

A; it is important to state where you are; in the US, Canada or the UK. IF the US, we
can help you.

B; I am assuming you did not have a “buyer’s agent” who is responsible for making
sure that things stay as you expected them to.

C; IN law, there is a thing called “meeting of the minds.” IF anyone was listening to
your dialogue when you had the walk-though and they did not tell you “oh, yeah, isn’t this
great; we’re taking it with us…………” Then you possibly would have not bought the house.
I am guessing that INVOLUNTARY fraud was committed against you.

If the seller was already paid, as i assume he/she was, it is time to prepare to
sue for …………many things. I will guide you free.

Sorry about being stiffed.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donna asks…

where is a website where i can find recycling centers near my area?

I need one that recycles paper!

The Expert answers: you just put in your zip code and it brings up a map and below the map the names address and phone numbers of the centers.

Paul asks…

where can i find recycling centers near Nashville that pay?

The Expert answers:

Look in the yellow pages under scrap metal dealers. Anything other than metal doesn’t have enough scrap value to be worth selling.

Ruth asks…

Recycling Centers near charlotte?

i want to recycle stuff to make money are there any places near charlotte that do this? and how much do they pay

The Expert answers:

Just click on the red balloon for the one you want

James asks…

I am looking for a recycling center near Blackwell, Ok that recycles aluminum, plastic and paper, where is one?

I cannot find a recycling center anywhere near my town, does anyone know of any? Also, I am wanting to become more enviromentally conscience, any ideas on where I can start?

The Expert answers:


Nancy asks…

I would like to recycle but can not find recycling center near my home.?

I would love to start recycling paper, newspaper, bottles, cans, plastic, etc… but cannot find a recycling center near my home that takes things besides scrap metal and copper, two things which I have none of at any given time. I live in the Dallas Fort Worth area. You would think that with Texas being such a big state and one of the biggest polluters nationwide, there would be a better more accesible program in place.

The Expert answers:

Take it to a 24 drop off that is what i do or have waste management

Sandy asks…

Does anyone know where I can find a recycling center near Tarzana, CA?

I need to find a recycling center that I turn cans and bottles in for money.

The Expert answers:

Sacramento, California. There are very few recycling centers in the country.

Helen asks…

How can I find a recycling center near my home?

The Expert answers:

Yellow pages

Steven asks…

Where is there a recycling center near Macon, MO or Kirksville, MO ?

I’m trying to find a recycling center near Macon, MO or Kirksville, MO. The only places finds either don’t exist anymore or are scrap metal recycling places. I need someplace to take cardboard, plastic bottles, aluminum etc (household recycling items). Anyone from this area know where to go? Thanks.

The Expert answers:

Did you try these places?


Mandy asks…

Plastic bottles recycling centers?

Hi there, we live in N 23 ave, phoenix, Arizona. We are trying to find plastic bottles recycling centers near to our place, which would take bottles and give some cash back for recycling the plastic. It would be more greatful if you can help me website links/ addresses to such centers. Thanks for your answers.

The Expert answers:

Look in your local yellow pages under recycling.

Chances are that there is nothing in the Phoenix that will pay you for plastic. Arizona does not have a deposit law so there is no market pressure for it.

If you are in the town proper, you can contact city hall and see if there is any activity.

Just because something can be recycled does not mean it is being recycled. Nor does it mean it is a cost effective venture either.

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