Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Sandra asks…
How do you convince a company you just began working for to be more environmentally responsible?
Just over a week ago I began working as a sales associate at a store (a national chain which shall remain nameless) which claims in its handbook that it has a strong commitment and respect for the environment….but I have witnessed none of this in the store itself. Lamp displays are left on all day, none of the garbage is recycled and ceiling lights are left on all over the premises despite the presence of anyone in a room. Would it be too much, as a new employee, to at least place a recycling bin in the staff lounge (I’d even buy it!)? I have several ideas on how they could save money, support the local economy, and recycle, but I don’t want to get fired or suspected of leaving because I disagree with the store’s disposal methods. What can I do? It just seems to me that if a company claims to be committed to the environment, they should at least have a couple recycling bins instead of shoving everything into a compactor.
Should I contact HQ about this?
The Expert answers:
I would say that first, you have to show them why they need to change with statistics and then proceed by example and tell them and if possible show them that “you” are environmentally responsible in your personal life. Leading by example is always a good way to show anyone what you are trying to say or do. Plus the fact, that if they are concerned whatsoever, then what you have to say and offer would require them to take a listen to you whether they comply or not is up to them.
William asks…
How do I get my neighbor to stop posting stuff on my property?
For the last 4 months, my neighbor keeps holding yard sales across the street from my house. They’ve been selling the same junk and I haven’t seen one person buying anything. It not only looks really trashy, but they keep posting ads to their junk sale on my yard, and leaving it there. I asked them to stop once, but one of them is a cop and he left my dad a ticket for the dumbest reason the next day.
I don’t know what to do. It’s really annoying cause they also leave bottles around my yard. The other day I also caught one of them going through our recycle bin gathering cans and bottles.
Isn’t this trespassing???
The Expert answers:
Many cities have regulations about the number of garage sales a family can have in a year. It’s usually like once every three or four months. So call the city code enforcement, and leave an anonymous tip about the sales.
As for the ticket, call the police department and talk to the chief. Explain the situation, and mention that it’s stuff like this that gives all police a bad name. Be sure to mention the fact that the place looks trashy because of all the garage sales, and the litter, and the ads.
I don’t think that you can do anything about someone going through the recycling, other than complain to the waste disposal company. In most areas, once you put out trash and recycling, it’s legal for someone else to go through it, as long as they don’t cause a mess. The waste disposal company, however, wants to make money off the recyclables, so they might be interested in what’s happening.
Nancy asks…
Ad stuck on desktop?
Not sure how my boss’s laptop got this stuck onto it, but anyway –
On his desktop is some text, behind all the icons. The text says “your machine is infected with spyware” or something like that, and under it is a link to a website with anti-virus software for sale.
I moved all the icons out of the way but I can’t remove this text and link from the desktop, it won’t drag into the recycle bin, and right clicking doesn’t give an option to delete. It’s not on the “add/remove programs” list, so I don’t know what to do next.
Any help would be gratefully accepted! I’ve run the Norton Antivirus scan, but that didn’t do anything . . . . .
The Expert answers:
That is spyware (sounds like SmitFraud or Vundo). Here is some directions with links for programs to help:
Virus/Spyware Removal Instructions:
Download, install, and update antivirus and antispyware programs (found below). Turn off System Restore off (Right click My Computer, to Properties, go the Restore tab, check the box to Disable system restore). Reboot into Safe Mode (pressing F8 on power up). Run the installed antivirus/spyware. After you have verified they are removed turn System Restore on (uncheck the box) and make sure all of your Windows Updates are completed.
Spyware Terminator
Free Online AV Scan
If you are experiencing problems with SmitFraud or Vundo please use the programs found below
Susan asks…
any lawyers out there for a landlord problem?
It all started like this; the landlord comes over whenever she pleases and pretends to do yard work about 3 times a week, but she’s really just being nosy.
The house is up for sale and she would come to our house and rearrange the way our furniture was set up in the living room for her showings without any notice.
She would drop by and say we need to remove the recycle bin for aluminum out of the garage.
We have a 6 month lease and on the 20th day of our 5th month we decided to go house hunting because one of our roommates lost his job)
And we pay 1,700 a month plus ut. And we used to split it 3 ways but now since he’s gone it would be too expensive to reside there, but we were going to eat it and finish our whole lease
And pay his share of the rent etc. till the contract was up. Well the landlord got a reference call from a perspective new landlord and she had lost it on us she said you have to finish your lease you can’t just leave, we had assured her we weren’t going anywhere until the lease is up, and that was a reference call it wasn’t set in stone. Ever since that day our landlord started harassing us saying we should move out the sooner the better, we were so shocked because we paid our rent on time every time and she had no just cause to verbally harass us and kick us out. So she would call us every 3 days and
Even come over to ask us when are we moving out, we had no house lined up so we said we will let you know, as of now we don’t know. So she listed the house in the paper and said she will have new renters and we need to give notice asap we said we aren’t finish with our lease yet then she said that’s fine jus pay half of the month and be out because I have new perspective renters so we took that as ok she wants us out and that “she broke our contract.It was an unhealthy living situation with her harassing us every day, so I hustled and found a place, we put down a deposit to hold it and we started packing and moving things out in to the new home that we didn’t even want but we had no choice. Then a week later she says you need to pay the full month’s rent for the last month I said what??? You kicked us out, we are only paying half of the month that we had agreed upon. She said “no the deal is off I lost the new tenants” and I don’t have renters and the economy is hard. I said you can’t just rescind the agreement you had made, she said yes I can and tried to twist it and say that “we were breaking the lease” because we’re leaving early wth? She kicked us out, so I said I was going to take her to court for what she was putting us through it just wasn’t right, so we paid half of the month’s rent for the last month because we weren’t staying there already everything was moved out and my two roommates gave the gate and house keys back to her. I insisted on holding on to mine until the lease was up because technically we were paid up. She kept demanding the key from me and I said no I need it for proof if she rents it out to someone and if she does she needs to prorate it. Well she refunded our check that we had paid for the last month and kept our security deposit 1,700.00 and said the house is nice and clean she will just keep the security deposit in lieu of rent. I went up to the house and noticed she had rented it to someone else and she had
Locked me out of my house, she had told me to leave the keys at the property which I did, and she said she rented out the place and we won’t be getting any prorated rent back because now she’s saying the keys are 175.00 which she said I never returned and I did I have witnesses, and then saying a room smelled like perfume thats another 175.00 and carpet was not cleaned that’s 275.00 so
Our prorated rent went to that, and she owes us zero. I can’t believe her! She’s ridiculous! My question is can she legally do this?
The Expert answers:
You would not need a lawyer for this situation as an attorney fees would far exceed the amount you would be awarded if you prevailed in a court of law.
If you so desire you might consider taking your former landlord to small claims court. My concern if you decide to take your landlord to small claims court would be that you failed to obtain a written contract when she lowered the rent and verbally told you to pay half the rent.
If you have a witness or two then you might be able to present a case on your behalf that might cause you to prevail.
Even if you are successful, you would still have to find a way of collecting.
For tax and legal matters you should contact your tax consultant and attorney.
I hope this has been of some benefit to you,good luck.
Lizzie asks…
Why is my Laptop slow?
It is very slow at start up and takes like five minutes before I can use it. It freezes at least once everyday and my laptop “beeps” loudly afterward (so people say the beeping occurs due to the system overheating, but my laptop is very well ventilated). Sometimes when I delete minuscule files like 10 KB, a small window with a loading bar appears that tells how long it will take for that file to be deleted (similar to the one appearing when downloading a file from the internet). This is peculiar because I just erased a 5 MB file a few minutes ago in the Recycle Bin and it deleted it instantly; there was no bar.
Here are the details:
Windows Vista Home Premium
Toshiba Satellite (model A215)
Processor: AMD Turion ™ 64 x2 Mobile Technology TL-56 1.80 GHz
RAM is 1.00 GB
System type: 32-bit
Was on sale for about $700, bought on Fall 2007.
I deleted plenty of unused files and uninstalled several programs (made 7 icons on my desktop disappear). My laptop defragments weekly. Now my hard drive has 130 GB free space out of 184 GB with 54 GB occupied (approximately 29.35%). I even checked the System configuration (typed msconfig in the Run bar on the Start menu) to get rid of unnecessary programs running during start up and deactivate several services from unused programs. After restarting, I checked the Task Manager and there are around 86 processes running (it is usually around 85 to 98). I don’t have any viruses nor is there any spyware.
Why is my laptop so slow if the hard drive is not even half full (just barely a quarter full). Is it the RAM or processor? Or the brand? Is there an appropriate “Hard-drive space:RAM” ratio that I am not aware of?
Hypothetically, if I were to buy another laptop, how can I tell if it will be fast?
Are Mac Books better? I never used a Mac, but I might have to learn to use one eventually (I’m a sophomore in college majoring in mechanical engineering and possibly double major with aerospace engineering).
Serious answers only, please!!!!
The Expert answers:
1 GB of RAM is very slow normal computer has like 3-4GB of it so its no surprise its having a lot of bugs so yes get a mac book they are pretty good at graphics and RAM so get it (especially that you are in engineering because mac is ideal for that)
Mark asks…
Hard-drive is running out of space?
I have a fairly old computer, bought it in late 2005… it has a 75 GB hard drive and has been trucking along pretty decently for many years. I have a 200 GB external hard-drive that I keep most of my stuff on, but any programs I have and music is kept on my C drive. I have checked, and my music is about 25 gigs and “windows files” is about another 17 gigs. There are a few gigs worth of other things here and there, but not enough to total to the 75 limit. A few months ago, I started getting messages that my hard drive was at capacity and that I needed to delete stuff to keep windows running efficiently. So, I deleted some stuff, kept a few gigs free and moved on. Eventually it would tell me it was full again, and I would delete a few more things. It’s gotten to the point now that all I have is word , excel, media monkey and VLC on my computer, and my music. Just last night I removed a bunch of files and left about 3 gigs of free space. This morning it was back to about 175 MB of free space, with the wonderful message flashing at me again. I run windows XP, not vista. I have cleared my temporary files, compressed old files, deleted my browser cache, and yes, even emptied my recycle bin to try and conserve space, but it seems to fill back up again with something that I can’t find. I’ve run virus checks and come up empty.
Is there something that I am forgetting to delete, somewhere that I have missed checking? I’m pretty sure I’ve gone over everything with a fine toothed comb. Or do hard-drives just start to lose capacity over time?
I’d like to keep this computer running until boxing day, get a new one on sale, but it seems that it might not last that long at the rate it’s going.
Hope someone can provide some advice, thanks in advance.
The Expert answers:
Any odd behavior is typically a sign of viruses. No names come to mind, but there are some viruses that happen to ‘waste’ hard drive space in various ways, either as a side effect or as their primary function.
If your scanner doesn’t reveal any virus, then it might be a *rootkit*, a virus designed to hide itself by hijacking the OS. You’ll have to use a bootable rescue disc to get rid of these, like one offered by Kaspersky. Download it on a clean computer, burn it to CD, and use it to boot your machine.
Once you’ve eliminated viral sources, you can use a folder size visualizer like TreeSize to *see* which folders may be taking more space than others:
Daniel asks…
Accounting Homework Help?
Assume that a pet food manufacturer is considering adding two types of pet food to their existing product line. Research had determined that there is good demand for dog food in forty pound bags and cat food in one-half pound cans.
The company identified the following partial list of activities, costs, and activity drivers expected for the next year.
…………………………………Expected Cost………………….Cost Driver
Handling Materials……….$105,000…………………………# batches made
Storage Cost………………$820,000……………………….. Weight of Finished Product
…………………………………… Dog Food……………………Cat Food
Production Volume………….100,000 units……………..200,000 Units
Batches Made…………………200 batches………………150 batches
1. Refer to the data above. What are the overhead rates used to apply material handling (MH) and storage costs (SC) using activity-based costing?
A. MH $300/batch; SC $2.73/unit.
B. MH $300/batch; SC $.20/lb.
C. MH $525/batch; SC $.205/unit.
D. MH $700/batch; SC $.205/lb.
E. MH $700/batch; SC $8.20/lb.
2. Refer to the data above. How much overhead cost will be assigned to each product line using activity-based costing (ABC)?
A. Dog Food: $462,500; Cat Food: $462,500.
B. Dog Food: $860,000; Cat Food: $65,000.
C. Dog Food: $60,000; Cat Food: $45,000.
D. Dog Food: $800,000; Cat Food: $20,000.
E. Dog Food: $320; Cat Food: $320.
3. Refer to the data above. How much overhead cost will be assigned to each unit of product using activity-based costing (ABC)?
A. Dog Food: $4.62; Cat Food: $4.62.
B. Dog Food: $2.64; Cat Food: $2.64.
C. Dog Food: $8.60; Cat Food: $0.33.
D. Dog Food: $0.26; Cat Food: $8.60.
E. Dog Food: $0.12; Cat Food: $3.85.
Scavenger Company, a manufacturer of recycling bins, began operations on January 1 of the current year. During this time, the company produced 60,000 units and sold 55,000 units at a sales price of $15 per unit. Cost information for this year is shown below.
4. Given the Scavenger Company data, what is net income using absorption costing?
A. $201,250
B. $181,250
C. $150,000
D. $177,600
E. $276,250
5. Given the Scavenger Company data, what is net income using variable costing?
A. $201,250
B. $181,250
C. $150,000
D. $177,600
E. $276,250
Scavenger Company
Production Costs
Direct materials 2.50 per unit
Direct Labor 3.00 per unit
Variable Overhead $45,000 total
Fixed Overhead $240,000 total
Non-Production Cost
Variable Selling and Admin Exp $10,000 total
Fixed Selling and Admin Exp $50,000 total
The Expert answers:
1. Refer to the data above. What are the overhead rates used to apply material handling (MH) and storage costs (SC) using activity-based costing?
MH is based on total batches. 105,000 / (200 + 150) = $300
SC is based on total weight. Each unit of dog food is 40 lbs. And each unit of cat food is 1/2 pound. 820,000 / [(100,000 x 40) + (200,000 x 1/2)] = $0.20
B. MH $300/batch; SC $.20/lb.
2. Refer to the data above. How much overhead cost will be assigned to each product line using activity-based costing (ABC)?
Dog Food: (200 x $300) + (4,000,000 x $0.20) = 860,000
Cat Food: (150 x $300) + (100,000 x $0.20) = 65,000
B. Dog Food: $860,000; Cat Food: $65,000.
3. Refer to the data above. How much overhead cost will be assigned to each unit of product using activity-based costing (ABC)?
Dog Food: 860,000 / 100,000 Units = $8.60
Cat Food: 65,000 / 200,000 Units = $0.33
C. Dog Food: $8.60; Cat Food: $0.33.
You omitted the cost information for 4 and 5.
James asks…
Question about Compag Presario CQ56.?
I have had this laptop for about 2 months now. I originally bought it and was told by a sales clerk that it did have a webcam. I’ve tried to use it however and it tells me it is not turned on. I’ve found many people that tell me this laptop does not have a webcam but there is a distinctive camera looking piece in the top center. Could this be a sensor? I went through my recycle bin and also found a picture of my sister taken by the Youcam software the laptop comes with. And if the laptop comes with webcam software then why wouldn’t it have a webcam?
The Expert answers:
If it came with CyberLink YouCam then it has a webcam. Go to your windows icon in the start search box, type in webcam, this will lead you to it. I doubt what you are seeing is a sensor, more likely a webcam, but on my HP, it actually says HP webcam on the lid, right by the camera.
Sandy asks…
Neighborhood Newsletters: Useful or Trash?
Growing up, my dad started a neighborhood newsletter and it was a success. It got the people in the neighborhood from strangers living next door to a community who cared about cleaning up on Earth Day and starting a neighborhood watch program. The newsletter had space for local business advertisement (very limited) as well as personal ads (garage sales, babysitters wanted/available, etc.).
I’m thinking about starting a newsletter in my neighborhood, and was looking for feedback from “today’s market”. Would YOU percieve a neighborhood newsletter showing up on your door once/twice a month as something you would be interested in reading, or something that would immediately go into your recycle bin?
Also, any suggestions for content would be great. Thanks!
The Expert answers:
MY NEIGHBORHOOD HAD a Newsletter – until the Author had *health issues* and she stopped authoring that publication.
I recall earlier, when she began that publ. How INTERESTING each edition became.
Later on, the publication became more of a War of words between factions as each successive publ. Became more ADVERTISMENT-driven.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Mandy asks…
can anyone tell me the recycling price of used milk cartons in India?
The Expert answers:
2 cows
Lisa asks…
How much is the stock price of 1 pound Aluminum?
Why is there difference between the stock price of Aluminum and recycling price of aluminum beverage cans?
The Expert answers:
There is no Stock price of aluminum.
It is a commodity.
You invest in shares
William asks…
how much can I get for cast iron? how much can I get for recycling it? price per pound?
I found someone that is giving away a free cast iron bath tub, I wanted to know how much it can be recycled for. Does anyone know the price per pound? or where i can find that out/. thank you.
The Expert answers:
The website ” Demolition , Scrap Metal and Salvage News ” provides scrap metal pricing for cast iron.
Site also provides scrap metal pricing on a world wide basis (United States, china, india, canada, europe, japan, korea, etc.) for steel, cast iron, copper, brass, alloys, aluminum, auto scrap, electronic scrap, etc.
Maria asks…
Where can I find PA aluminium recycling prices?
Is there a website where I can see what a truck full of cans is worth?
The Expert answers:
The daily Phila Inquirer newspaper has a table in the Business Section that lists all precious metals. You can also just Google ‘aluminum prices” which are separated by aluminum can and scrap aluminum. Good luck
Thomas asks…
Who pays the highest price for recycled aluminum cans in fort walton beach Florida?
I have heard that it follows the price of gas. Do not know how much truth there is to that. So when is the best time to unload the goods?
The Expert answers:
NO-ONE they all a bunch a cheppos they pay less as can
Mary asks…
best price for recycling aluminum cans in san jose, ca?
The Expert answers:
I think all prices are basically the same. All go by the weight. If you look in the phone book there will be advertised rates.
Joseph asks…
what is the price per pound from recycling aluminum cans in houston?
The Expert answers:
With the increases in the price of aluminum in the past two years, I’m sure it is over 30 cents a pound. Probably closer to 40.
Carol asks…
What company will come remove my fridge for free or low price for recycling?
i got a broken fridge, needs to go so i can get another.
The Expert answers:
I have to agree with the 1st reply. The store you will be getting the new one even if it’s 2nd hand might take it if you ask before buying. You don’t say where you are, Where I live, many stores selling appliances do take the old one when they deliver the new…If you are getting another one from a relation and have to get rid of yourself, phone a scrapyard or recycle place to see if they have pickups even cityhall might be able to help you.
Robert asks…
what is the recycling refund price of a coke can in california?
The Expert answers:
You pay like 5 cents upon purchase and get like $2/lb by returning
to a recycler (not orignal purchase location)
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
William asks…
Recycling waste….?
We are told that we have to do all the recycling we can to help our situation, so our councils give us bins for this and bins for that but my council does not give us anything to recycle boxes and to me most of the things we buy from food to the largest items comes in boxes…most of the waste from my house is boxes from packaging…Do we need all the boxes, why not package things in items which are easier to recycle. Or should our councils be made to give us another box for cardboard? I know some councils do.
The Expert answers:
This is a bone of contention for me cos’ when I lived in Devon you had the black bin for household waste and a green bag for everything recyclable, It works and it’s fantastic.
Now I live in Yorkshire and we have the black bin and a green bin for garden waste and a small tub for bottles…and that is it.
Why can’t the councils stick to the same rules, provide decent recycling facilities and regular pick-ups?
Susan asks…
recycling waste?
Honestly, when are the local councils going to get around to providing households with one multi-refuse compartment bin, instead an array of heaps of this and that and rats chewing at unrecycleable waste that’s been left for weeks!
The Expert answers:
I have a bin for non-recyclable waste (which we hardly use), one for garden waste that we ALWAYS fill, a crate for cans and glass, a sack for recycling paper and a sack for recycling cardboard. It would have to be a HUGE bin to accommodate compartments for all of them and would require refuse collection trucks with a huge number of compartments.
At present the council collects non-recyclable waste every week (using one truck) and a selection of recycling every week (half one week and half the next), using a separate truck for garden waste and one for other recyclables. Having a single bin would be extremely unhelpful for me and the council.
The council do not have to sort out my rubbish because it goes in separate containers and I don’t have to sort it because I never mix it up in the first place. It works well here in mid-Essex and is easy for everyone, provided you have room for all the containers.
Paul asks…
With the new laws and heavy fines for not recycling waste?
Now that councils can fine p-eople for not recycling houshold waste any one know hoe are the occupants of highrise flats dispose of thier rubbish …is each houshold issued with the rgulation number of litter bins and if so where are they kept .
living in a terraced house I have been issued with three large bins .
with warning instructions of what must be put and seperated in a council booklet.
The Expert answers:
I’m not sure about where you live but my cuz lives in a multifloor place that has a garbage shoot. They still put garbage in the shoot. But they now have large recycle bins next to each shoot. They have also converted a space next to the elevator for freebies. Folks put their unwanted useful items (clothes, furniture, appliances) there for anyone that wants them. The cleaning staff periodically clears them all out and sends what doesn’t get taken to a local charity.
Sandy asks…
Are there any defects in waste water recycling?
I would like to know whether there are any defects in the method used today , to recycle waste water. If so, please inform me.
The Expert answers:
It depends on which method you are talking about and the end use of the water. For drinking water they are strictly monitored. For industrial reuse, you try to balance cost and quality so you can have problems.
Donna asks…
Imagine that your city is planning to build a waste recycling plant in your neighborhood. What are the ethical?
Imagine that your city is planning to build a waste recycling plant in your neighborhood. What are the ethical and practical considerations for making this decision? How would your concern for the environment affect your view on this action? Would you oppose this action? Why or why not?
The Expert answers:
No one builds waste recycling plants in a “neighborhood”. The smell would be atrocious, and no matter if you were an environmentalist or not I imagine most people would be against it.
But taking your question in its context you bring up a good point about liberalism. What is good for everyone else is many times not good for the liberal. I imagine that the same people who preach recycling would be against the plant.
Steven asks…
Does any one use a kitchen caddy supplied by the council for the recycling of waste?
Does anyone use a kitchen caddy supplied by the council to dispose of and recycle waste food?
It is been introduced in my area and i was wondering if its a hassel or causes problems to do.
We have been offered a small indoor caddy and larger outside caddy when the indoor one is full of left over food scraps it is to be emptied into the larger outdoor kerbside caddy- has any one got experience of doing this?
The Expert answers:
I bought a caddy and a compost bin with a council discount. That caddy is used for my compost bin.
We have a wheelie bin for garden and kitchen waste. I bought another caddy to put the animal and fish bones and skin into, wrapped in newspaper. So far it hasn’t been a problem for me, but then I don’t have much kitchen waste to go into the wheelie bin. I imagine some people could have a problem if they don’t have there own garden compost bin.
If you deal with kitchen waste before any flies have had a chance to get at it, and make sure the lid is kept firmly closed, the worst thing you’ll have is a smelly caddy to clean after emptying. That is made easier if you are allowed to wrap in newspaper or use a paper bag or caddy liner
If you look on your council’s web site, under environment or recycling you will probably find more advice on there.
Maria asks…
How can i make a research to know more about the Solid Waste Recycling?
How can i make a research to know more about the Solid Waste Recycling, for example, i want to know about the consumption of plastic bottles for each city in American, how they are recycled, what are the recovery methods and which is more commonly used, etc.
The Expert answers:
Trade mags.
Helen asks…
Do you think we should start recycling waste products and trash such as the Japanese?
Not too many people know that you can turn solid waste into oil, gas and petrolium products. Dinosaur poop or Human poop what is the difference? Youtube it!
Oh get your mind out of the gutter
The Expert answers:
Yeah, we should, but the government would probably not let us use human waste even though it’s okay to burn out the ozone layer, have acid rain and lead based lake and river water
Mark asks…
Is California the only state with e-waste recycling fee?
Do other states have similar laws for e-waste recycling fee like California? If so, does it also based on the size of the screen too?
The Expert answers:
I think we are the first state to initiate pre paying for our e-waste. I see that NY has a free e-waste program in some cities but it is only for specific household items like tv’s and PC equipment that is under 5 lbs. Everything else has a fee.
Unfortunately many people are unaware that these items contain toxins and are hazardous waste. I like the program, my husband is a programmer and replaces equipment more often than the average user, we used to keep things piled up in a back office, to save up for the occasional free drop off, now we prepay and have many drop off locations.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Betty asks…
why we cant use black garbage bags for recycling?
as seen at my apartment’s recycling garbage room, the management seriously stated the words.
The Expert answers:
The reason is that it makes it clear (no pun intended) as to what is in the bags. Thereby ensuring that trash is not being collected as recyclable materials. It becomes costly if garbage has to be separated from the recyclables and disposed of in the proper way. This would diminish the whole program.
Steven asks…
How do you contribute to recycling garbage and household waste?
This is a science homework. Thank you.
The Expert answers:
How can I help in all sectors
Carol asks…
Is it true they throw away any recycling batch with garbage in it?
now that you don’t have to separate your own recycling what happens if someone accidentally puts garbage like Styrofoam in with their recycling?
The Expert answers:
It all depends where you live and what type of recycling policy and facility there is.
Ruth asks…
How or Where do you buy a garbage can and recycling bin on
My kid is driving me crazy because she needs a recycling bin and garbage can on Millsberry and cannot figure out where to get them. Neither can I.
Please, HELP!!!! 🙂
The Expert answers:
the recycling bin is at the furniture store.
Its on the first page and is only 50 mb!
Hope i helped!
Donald asks…
How much gasoline is used by the fleets of garbage trucks used in recycling programs in the US?
How efficient are the Recycling Transportation Vehicles(mpg)?
How far do they travel? Are all areas serviced(rural areas far from centralization)?
What percentage of people don’t utilize recycling programs, but have trucks visit them anyway?
How many extra garbage trucks are on the road to provide extra capacity for the possibility that people will recycle on an inconsistent basis?
The Expert answers:
I drive a recycling truck in Australia for the city of Casey we have 4 trucks on that run.. I go through roughly $500 a week on diesel servicing about 1500 house give or take 100 on my own a day.. In Australia every municipality has a recycling program built into the rates they pay..
Donna asks…
If it weren’t for homeless people, would there be people digging through our garbage for recycling?
When I’m at college, the townhouses I live in don’t have recycling so I started to collect all our beer cans into garbage bags and leave it on the street for a bum to pick up. Maybe I’m just being brash but I think its a hell of a lot better than tossing it in the dumpster.
What would you do if you don’t have the time to walk bags of cans to a recycling center?
The Expert answers:
Its a great idea. It gets the job done and the homeless need the few extra cents more than you (we) do. Plus, they’d probably go through your garbage anyways looking for cans so you might as well leave it out for them and let them do it for you. It’s cost-effective 😉
Joseph asks…
What are developing countries really doing about recycling and garbage?
One thing i dislike is when some countries are only consumers and not cleaners…
They belong to this planet too…so how aret hey helping it??
The Expert answers:
They are all right. USA is one of the biggest consumers of materials but does not recycle those materials. They just dump it on developing countries in order for those countries to use it. But of course, developing countries are still civilized! They still know how to recycle and dispose garbage properly. Don’t you ever think developing countries are just dumping, they are doing something about it. You are somehow discriminating developing countries.
Ken asks…
How do you think we can become less garbage producing and more recycling conscious?
I have always read and heard that we as Americans are so wasteful. Look at how much garbage we generate! When I visited Brazil, I was amazed at how everything was that was thrown away, such as furniture, used luggage, etc., was rebuilt like new and resold. Some of us recycle newspapers, cans, etc., but I would venture to say that it’s a minority.
The Expert answers:
Americans go through 70 million plastic bottles a day, from water alone. While the bottles are recyclable, 60 million end up in the garbage every day, meaning they help fill in our landfills, and on top of all of that, plastic is made from petroleum products, and energy is used in the manufacture process.
Just drink from the tap; unless you’ve had recent lead or sewage contamination warnings on your municipal water supply, it’s orders of magnitude cheaper, and much less environmentally harmful. If the taste really bothers you, a filter will take care of that. If you need portability, get a big water bottle that you can fill from the tap.
Maria asks…
Recycling and garbage bags in Korea?
Korea uses different colored bags for garbage and recycling.
What is each color of bag used for?
What should go in each bag?
What is the Korean name of each bag?
The Expert answers:
Green bag can be bought at any corner store, they are for non recyclable and non-food waste. Pochang (something like that)
Get a red bucket and monthly stickers for food waste. (umshik sshregi sticka)
You can put plastics and other recyclables in a clear plastic bag
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Ruth asks…
Any sites to find out where to sell cans?
I know of a recycling center near my house (Lakewood, CO), but I don’t think they pay for the cans. Can anyone help?
The Expert answers:
1390 Decatur St, Denver, CO
(720) 865-6805
Action Recycling Center
7610 W 42nd Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO
(303) 424-1600
Hope that helps a bit!
David asks…
How can I start a recycling center in my area?
i moved to the middle of no where a while back and now i live about 40 miles from the nearest recycling center and would like to do my part to help the environment, but any good i would do by recycling would be out done by the gas i would use to get my recyclables to the center!
The Expert answers:
Call the nearest recycling company. Colleges usually have a recycling program (or at least a place to dispose of recyclable things).
Betty asks…
How do I get started recycling?
How do I keep a compost bin in my house without stinking up my place and attracting bugs? How can I find a recycling center near my home (Montgomery County, Tx), and can I recycle things like shaving cream cans that have metal and plastic and can not be cleaned on the inside?
I already did an internet search, before I posted this question. All I found were metal recycling centers, and they weren’t near me.
lol, if there was recycling pickup in my neighborhood, I wouldn’t be asking this question, but don’t I wish! 🙂
The Expert answers:
I looked up the site for the county that you live in and I found that each precinct has their own recycling centers with different times. Not sure if this is the site that you checked out. It is the first link I posted. It looks like within your county, these may be the only centers available.
If these are the centers you said were far from your home, you may want to collect the recyclable items in plastic bags and take them once every week, two weeks, etc. By you doing this, you are helping out the environment, as well making others aware that maybe a recycling center should be placed closer to your home. I’m not sure if you have neighborhood associations, but you may want to create awareness by talking with neighbors about it. It will help by bringing it to the attention of higher authorities.
You may also want to check local grocery stores, since sometimes they have mini recycling centers usually by the parking lot areas (not sure how large the city you live in is).
The second link may answer a few more of your questions regarding compost, and the third link provides information about creating your own compost bin (you need to create a password to enter).
Lastly, you can definitely recycle shaving cream cans, even though you may not be able to open them (just maks sure you have taken out/used up all you can). I hope this info helps.
Mark asks…
where is the nearest recycling center from northcentral PA that pays for glass by the lb or ton?
i want to start a small business gathering empty beer bottles from bars in my surounding area and take the glass in for money. but im having trouble finding out how much id make and where to take it.
The Expert answers:
Just check in your phonebook under scrap metal dealers. They almost always do glass or know another one tyhat does. Look for someone really local, otherwise your transportation costs will eat up all your profits.
Daniel asks…
Recycling center in Long Beach and Seal Beach ca.?
I have some cans and plastic bottles to recycle but not sure where to take them too. I know that there are automatic dispensers that I can use but they only take a certain size. Where else might I go to recycle. Is there a center near and or around me?
The Expert answers:
Why don’t you ask your friends living on the streets?
I guess you are now suffering from your low income? I feel sorry for you.
Joseph asks…
I have a bunch of scrap paper- in many colors?
and am trying to find a kid-friendly art project to use them for. I do not have a recycling center near me and hate using paper to begin with so tossing it out is not an option. Serious answers only please- bitter/rude people please skip
The Expert answers:
You can make a colour collage – ripping pcs of paper to make an image (abstract or not)
you can make origami items
i don’t know if you want to get artistic, but you can do this:
make personalized cards for birthdays and holidays
cut and/or bind the book to make a note pad
make snowflakes and other similar decorations
Donald asks…
I have 2 big bags of old used up batteries……………..?
There isn’t any recycling centers near me that take these batteries. How can I dispose of them? Seriously they’re taking up space and it’s getting ridiculous. My hubs wants to know why I’m keeping batteries. (Hoarding haha)
Single use alkaline batteries.
The Expert answers:
Take them to a shop which sells batteries. The law says if they sell them they must dispose of them too.
Linda asks…
Where and how to recycle?
Where and how to recycle?
There are no recycling centers near where I live. I would like to get some money for a local charity recycling aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and paper. Does anyone know any companies that buy aluminum, plastic or paper by mail-in? Where I could get money by just sending in my bottles. Thank you, and any feedback is appreciated.
The Expert answers:
Yes, there is out there in every town and county should have recycling facilities – like recycling facilities by zip code at
For example plastic bottles and soda cans you can recycle at certain Path Mark shopping centers. At
Tire recycling you can take your tires to and recycle them
To recycle batteries or
and much more
Hope it is a help
William asks…
what items can i recycle in Houston Texas?
I live in Houston texas and want to know if anyone knows what items my city takes and what recycling centers are near by? Thank you for your help! Also what can i recycle?
The Expert answers:
I live in Houston and we recycle newspapers, aluminum cans, plastic milk jugs, you can call: 311 and they can transfer you to the right department. This is Houston Area information line. This will tell you what day garbage is collected, leaves in bags and grass clippings are usually put out the same day as garbage , but the bags have to be at least 3 feet from the garbage cans. They can also tell you when your area has heavy tree waste pick up & heavy trash day pick up( this is old furniture, appliances, etc)
I hope this has helped.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Robert asks…
recycling plastic?
Ive been looking online for which plastics are ok to put in the recycling and which arent, while ive found many pictures of logos and long words i cant find any explanation as to which ones are alright to put in the recycling box. Do i assume that because it has the triangle with the letters in it can be recycled? Can all plastic be recycled?
The Expert answers:
Its pretty much just plastic bottles that can be recycled, even if it is recyclable most counclis will still only accept bottles.
The sybol you have to look out for is a triangle with a number in it. The numbers correspont to specific polymers and the recycling process currently predominantly recycles types 1, 2 and 3. Sometimes you will find letters too which are abreviations for the plastic name.
The 1, 2 and 3 plastics melt in the recycling process whereas numbers 4-7 burn and so ruin the process which is why trays, pots and boxes are often not accepted. Hopefully new techniques will be developed soon to be able to recycle more plastics.
Definately put out plastic bottles and if you can see the numbers 1, 2 or 3 give it a go as well. It might be best to check on your councils website as they will give you more detailed info
Nancy asks…
Recycling plastic?
Do you have to remove the labels from plastic things before you recycle them?
The Expert answers:
Some places you do.
But i dont.
I figure it will get recycled too.
Betty asks…
Recycling Plastic?
I am finding it hard to find a place where i can take all my plastic to. I have only found that my local tip in oldbury, west midlands take plastic bottles only, Can anyone please help
The Expert answers:
Local Tesco and Sainburys usually take a wider range of plastics in their recycling bins
Michael asks…
Is recycling plastic good for the environment?
We are having a debate about recycling plastic, and whether it is good for the environment to recycle or not.
A reason why is would not be good for the environment is that is uses more energy to recycle something than it does to let it decompose naturally. Is this true? Please provide internet sources.
The Expert answers:
Plastic doesn’t decompose.
Ken asks…
What can i do or how can y promote plastic bag recycling in my city? I live outside the United States.?
I´ve been recently concerned about recycling and specially recycling plastic bags (since each bag takes 500 years to dissappear), but don´t know how to create this awareness or exactly what process can be used to recycle plastic. The thing about it is that I live in Colombia, and we´re still way behind these recycling thoughts – any suggestions?
The Expert answers:
I would look in if you have a recycling plant anywhere around you, it take special machinies to seperate and melt and turn plastic into use able matteral
campain fundraisers to raise money and awarness
flyers and speak to important people got them on your side
Maria asks…
How much money do you get by recycling plastic bottles or can or milk carton in PA?
How much money do you get by recycling plastic bottles or can or milk carton in PA?
The Expert answers:
Look on the back and it should say what states you can get money in and the amount should be next to that… Your cute i like you hee hee!!!
Mary asks…
Can you answer a quick question I have about recycling plastic bottles?
Alright, so can anything plastic be recycled? Because my mom has some shampoo bottles and those bottles you buy car oil in outside, and I need to know if I should put them in the recycling bin.
The Expert answers:
There are about a dozen different types of plastic, and each one can be recycled – but only if the area you live in has the facilities.
The large (and a lot of the small) drinks bottles are PETE and have a ‘1’ in the recycling sign somewhere on the bottle – usually near the bottom. In North Devon these are acceptable for recycling. Some other bottles are also PETE, as is some ordinary packaging. They should also have the identification on the plastic somewhere.
Plastic milk bottles and some washing and dishwasher powder bottles are HDPE, and have a ‘2’ in the recycling sign somewhere. HDPE is usually a milky ‘white’, but is sometimes solidly white and occasionally coloured. Again NDCC will take these.
If in doubt go by the sign on the packaging ONLY.
Sharon asks…
What are some things i can make with recycling paper or plastic bags?
I need to make a model recycling something. i decided to recycle plastic bags or paper but i don’t know what to make. Can anybody help?
The Expert answers:
You can use plastic bags to make plarn(plastic yarn) and use it to crochet great items,such as handbags.
Thomas asks…
How much do you get for recycling plastic?
By the pound, I’m from Middle, TN. Near Nashville. I’m going to be recycling plastic and I’m curious how much it pays.
The Expert answers:
Depends on what type of plastic , for example:
PET Recycling Prices
HDPE Recycling Prices
Vinyl Recycling Prices
LDPE Recycling Prices
PP Polypropylene Recycling Prices
you can get pricingon these materials at
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Laura asks…
What is the importance of recycling waste water?
The Expert answers:
Recycling waste water is important because:
*It reduces water demand for purposes other than drinking
*It prevents pollution of water bodies
*It reduces the cost of production of drinking water
*It reduces consumption of electrical energy for treatment, transportation and distribution of water to the community
*It paves way for safe ground water recharging
*It helps to sustain healthy living conditions
*It reduces degradation of environmental conditions
Carol asks…
Best means of marketing a waste water recycling product.?
The product has been tested over years with great success.Manufacturing the product is no problem.Our interest is taking this product to next level using minunim amount of investment.The product can be marketed to commercial & industrial customers that have enviorimental concerns.
The Expert answers:
Well….since marketing your product is the only way your going to get customers…and getting customers is the most important thing that you need to accomplish, my thought is that putting a “minimal” investment into your marketing is not so smart.
The best methods of marketing cost some money…”Free” marketing …well you get what you pay for.
WHat you need then is “Efficient” use of your marketing budget….so, spending that money on methods that get your message out just just anyone and everyone, is not efficient. You need to get in front of the specific people who are going to buy your product.
The only way to do that is through Direct Mail.
When your target market is highly specific, and your offer is jaw dropping…then Direct Mail becomes superior to every other advertising mechanism out there.
Good Luck in your ventures!
Donald asks…
When talking about small scale waste water recycling, I have heard that you cannot use black water…?
…to irrigate crops. Sometimes, they even say you can’t use greywater to water your crops either. I was wondering why this is the case. Is it that whatever is in the water gets on the plants when you are watering them using traditional methods, or is it that the plants somehow apsorb the crud that’s in the waste water and then it’s inside of the plants.
The Expert answers:
If it was straight onto the food production it can transmit diseases or parasites etc.and contaminates the produce
But not if it was filtered ,
in the Permaculture designer Manual you will find detailed drawings on how to build sewage (black water filters ,
From another tank
the water goes in a pipe coming in from the bottom of a small dam or large container pushing its way up through ,stones ,then gravel followed by sand ,
aquatic plants on the top complete the filter (to remove metals).
Black water irrigation
How ever black water straight contains to many organisms to be ever safe
like they do around Mexico city
I once stayed in a village which got their vegetables from this agriculture .
The people washed their potatoes in detergent ,ridiculous (potatoes are absorbent )
and more than half of the village was sick with stomach complaints ,(according to the doctors)
So that is not a recommendation ,
In China they use what is called night soil ,
human excrement straight on top of the lands
the place stinks and many people get sick.
Excrement has to be filtered and go through a composting process before it is safe to grow food .
In our garden the sewage goes into a double tank ,separated by a wall with a connecting opening at the bottom,the poop floats and remains in the first tank where it decomposes that over flows into a french drain (covered ditch filled with stones)which acts like an absorbent filter ,one can safely plant fruit trees on top .
What is even enough for the sewage is a long french drain with some parts that have no rocks ,
but with islands of bricks (for the worms to escape the water )and the worms will take care of the poop
again fruit trees can be planted on top
Grey water from a normal house hold should be separated from the sewage waters (to make that less)
And can go straight out of the wall into the garden
I have grown beautiful healthy tomatoes on my laundry water
and that had detergent
the shower water and the hand basins is much less harm full.
This will make the plumbing simpler and cheaper
For the kitchen use a grease trap
a little cement box with a filter and an over flow ,
because it is ugly and can start to smell if a lot goes out
check Permaculture;_ylt=AijSFyvYcEMzbvWiMNiFTdXsy6IX?qid=20070621234541AAcarVJ
Joseph asks…
Can we recycle our waste water?
Here in US West coast, every year water is getting more expensive. How realistic is it to recyle our own waste water (from shower for example)? Is there any home made water recycling kit?
The Expert answers:
It is very realistic. Many people are already doing it. Search the internet for graywater systems. If you want to recycle your water, make sure not to use toxic chemicals such as bleach, petroleum based solvents, and phosphate detergents for cleaning. Actually, no one should be using these things, since they come back to us in the form of pollution.
Ultimately, the earth is a closed system where water is concerned, so all water gets recycled. We get to decide whether it comes back clean and usable or polluted and unusable.
Thomas asks…
Would you use recycled waste water to water your lawn flower beds and gardens if…?
…your state or country’s health agency and water resource agency were to certify the water safe and if there was no odor to the water?
Most people in the United states don’t realize just how little “new water” is actually available. Also they do not realize the cost of the water. If we had to pay what the water really cost to produce many people would not be able to afford it.
The Expert answers:
YES absolutely!
We had non-potable water on our farm and it was great to know we weren’t wasting the well water.
Helen asks…
Can You Please Tell Me How To Make A Working Model On Waste Water Treatment & Recycling?
I Want To Submit The Model On 13July Please Help
The Expert answers:
Mark asks…
Does anyone think about how much water they waste recycling?
Rinsing out your trash… Nothing wasteful about that…?
The Expert answers:
You bet there is a lot of waste doing that. Some people actually use soap to clean off bottles that get crushed. That is just plain stupid.
John asks…
how can you recycle waste water from household shower and lavatory?
The Expert answers:
If you live within the confines of a city in the US…
Any city.
They will have a thing called a wastewater treatment plant….. They are payed (And trained) to do this……….
Linda asks…
How do petrochemical industries recycle their waste water?
Do they use industrial boiler systems? If so, what happens to the waste water after it is heated?
The Expert answers:
Oil field trash is correct – it depends on a lot of things.
Here’s my take – one big consideration for whether the wastewater can be recycled back into the plant is whether or not the wastewater is considered “hazardous waste” – at least in the US. You might aware that that hazardous waste is a subset of solid waste – and that “solid waste” can include aqueous wastes – the term “solid” has nothing at all to do with the phase of a substance – “solid wastes” can be solids, liquids, or even gases.
Now, non-hazardous wastewater, or efluent from hazardous wastewater treamtent that is not hazardous anymore, may be used for potentially any number of things – e.g., cooling water for various industrial processes, feed water, and I even heard of one company proposing to re-use their wastewater for fire control systems – in that last case, we were quite concerned as to whether or not the wastewater was hazardous or not. If they used hazardous wastewater for fire control – they could get in trouble for disposal of hazardous waste without a permit – big time fines.
Anyway, anywhere water would be needed is a potential application, depending on the quality of water needed.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
George asks…
recycle bin?
on my windows vista, whenever i put something in the recycle bin, there should be a picture of trash in the bin, but the image stays empty. so whenever it shows the icon where there is trash in the bin and empty the bin, the icon doesn’t change. it still shows the pic of trash in the bin. how do i change this?
The Expert answers:
Maybe your recycle bin in your desktop is only a shortcut.. Try this.. Right click on desktop, then personalized, in the left corner click “change desktop icon” then put check the recycle bin…
Betty asks…
Recycle bin?
If I delete a file, would it still take space on the hard disk if its still in the recycle bin?
The Expert answers:
Yes. The RB is just a folder.
Richard asks…
Recycle Bin!!!?
I have Windows Vista and i don´t know how I erase the recycle bin from my desktop and I can find it in my computer. This is kind of weird…Can anyone help me??
The Expert answers:
Right click on desktop, “personalize”, choose “change desktop icons”, check
“recycle bin
Lisa asks…
RECYCLE BIN???????????????????????????????????????????????
i deleted my recycle bin from my desktop on accedient… and i cant find it now,, can any of ya’ll help me(:thank you
The Expert answers:
Donna asks…
How can i get my recycle bin back after i accidently deleted it?
OK listen now. I was emptying out my recycle bin when instead of clicking “EMPTY RECYCLE BIN” i clicked “DELETE RECYCLE BIN“. And now i don’t know how to get it back i tried searching for it but i just cant find it. IS there a website i can go to download one or what?
The Expert answers:
I assume you’re in Vista. Just right-click on your desktop, go to Personalize, and then at the left pane, click on Change Desktop Icons. A window will open and just make sure that Recycle Bin is checked off.
Steven asks…
What happened to my recycle bin from the desktop?
The icon for the recycling bin has recently disappeared from my desktop. I was trying to find it in the Windows folder (and sub folders) but couldn’t manage to find it. When I delete files, the regular message pops up: are you sure you want to send the following item(s) to the recycle bin? I say yes, and the files get deleted. Still I want to find it. Does anyone have any idea where I could find it/restore it? Thanks in advance.
The Expert answers:
You have Vista i’m guessing?
It’s quite easy to accidentally delete it from the desktop with Vista.
Right-click your desktop and click personalize
On the left hand side of the window that opens click ‘Change desktop icons’
Tick Recycle Bin,
Click Apply, Then OK
Sharon asks…
How to get the recycle bin icon back on the desktop screen?
I wanted to empty my recycle bin but ended up deledting it. Can anyone tell me how can I get the recycle bin icon back to the desktop screen?
The Expert answers:
Right Click desktop>Properties
Click on the Recyle bin & select Restore
Donald asks…
How do you find the recycle bin in computer files?
I accidentally deleted my recycle bin off my desktop. How do you go about finding the recycle bin on the computer to put it back on to the desktop?
The Expert answers:
Lol. Right click on your desktop, go to properties. Click the desktop tab, then click customize desktop. You should be able to do it from there.
Robert asks…
When a recycle bin is emptied on a computer, do the files go somewhere else?
I recently emptied my recycle bin, but would like to recover my files. I am aware of the software I can purchase or download, but they have not worked for me.
I was wondering…
When a recycle bin is emptied on a computer, do the files go somewhere else? I have searched my C: drive with no luck, but maybe they are hidden somewhere deep in my computer…
The Expert answers:
How to recover deleted recycle bin files
Step 1 to Recover Deleted Recycle Bin Files:
Download and install Recover My Files
Step 2 to Recover Deleted Recycle Bin Files:
Select the Type of Search
Click on the desktop icon to run the program. A wizard will present you with three search options:
Fast Search: Try this first, should complete within 20 minutes;
Complete Search: Includes a Fast Search and should be complete within 1 to 5 hours.
Format Recover: Run this search if you have formatted your hard drive. The search should be complete within 1 to 5 hours. Follow these instructions.
Click next to proceed to the next wizard screen.
Step 3 to Recover Deleted Recycle Bin Files:
Select the Drive To Search
The next wizard screen performs a scan to identify the devices (hard drives, digital camera, USB drive etc) that are connected to your computer. Select the device you wish to search by using your mouse to place a green tick in the box next to the device name.
The “Folders to Search” option allows you to add existing folders into your search. Add a folder by double clicking with your mouse in the specified location, remove a folder by double clicking on the folder.
Step 4 to Recover Deleted Recycle Bin Files:
Selecting File Types to Search
The next wizard screen asks you to select the file types that you are trying to recover. After you have run the search, files that are located will be grouped by file types according to the selections you have made in this screen. All other files will be catagorised as “other deleted files”.
PLEASE NOTE: The number of file types selected will directly impact the speed of the search. We suggest you select between 1 and 10 files. MP3 and Text files are the slowest. Conduct a separate search for these files.
Step 5 to Recover Deleted Recycle Bin Files:
Running the Search
When the ‘start’ button is pressed the search is commenced. Note that a “Complete Search” and a “Format Recover” may take a number of hours as they are a scan of your entire storage media.
It is possible to preview the search results while the search is in progress. Use your mouse to move the progress box out of the way and access the search results screen behind it.
Step 6 to Recover Deleted Recycle Bin Files:
The Results Screen
Files found are grouped by file type in the left hand column (any files that are found that do not belong to a file type that you selected are placed in the “Other Deleted Files” folder).
Click on the file type in the left and column to display the files found for that type in the right hand column. Click on an individual file in the right hand column to see its properties and a preview of its contents (if available) in the bottom windows.
Step 7 to Recover Deleted Recycle Bin Files:
Saving Recovered Files
Recover My Files must be purchased and registered in order to save files.
Click here to buy Recover My Files.
To enter the registration key click ‘Help’ and then ‘Register’. Select the files to be saved in the results screen by placing a tick next to the file. Then click the save button. You must save files to a seperate storage media to the one on which they were recovered.
If you are using Version 2.90, released 5 November 2004, you can save directly to writeable CD or DVD (to access this feature select the drop down arrow next to the “Save Files” button on the results screen).
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Susan asks…
Free recycling bins for my school?
Is it possible to obtain free recycling bins for my school? I’ve been looking but haven’t had any success.
The Expert answers:
I would call your local garbage collector. In las vegas they will bring recycle bins to your home for free if you ask them, I would imagine that though it’s a lot more output. They would still be willing to support recycling for your school.
Sandy asks…
Where could schools get funds to place recycling bins in cafeterias?
Anything exept for fundraising…
The Expert answers:
I would have the school contact the local recyclers. The recyclers are making money of the recycled goods so they would probably do it for free.
Sharon asks…
What can we do to encourage high school students to recycle pop cans?
We have many pop can bins around the school for students to put them in but they won’t simply because they’re lazy. All the money goes to charity so we’d like to recycle as much as possible. Anyone got any ideas for exciting students to recycle? (Game pitting classes against each other, etc.)
The Expert answers:
You could seperate the recycle bins into four different bins, one for the senior class, the juniors, the sophomores, and the freshman. Each month or so you can see who has collected the most cans, and award them with some kind of prize. Whether it be a pizza party, candy, extra time at lunch, something that will make them want to get involved. Or you could do an individual thing and have students recycle their cans or bottles for raffle tickets. Have a raffle twice a month or whatever the school chooses. Draw 10-15 tickets (more or less depending on how many students there are) and if your tickets drawn you get a prize. Maybe candy, or a movie gift certificate, or fast food gift certificates. Or even better, if teacher’s want to get involved, maybe they would be willing to give out homework passes for the raffle…that would make a high schooler want to get involved. 😉 Best of Luck!
Paul asks…
Spiritually speaking: do you recycle?
So, I’m from West Virginia as many of you know. There, we don’t recycle anything. The only people who recycle are the homeless people who are looking to make a few bucks from the cans and bottles they find in dumpsters. Some schools had recycling bins to throw bottles in, but it was rare.
In Columbus, Ohio, it was pretty much the same. Hardly anyone recycled.
Here in California, everyone recycles. The city provides us with a separate bin similar to our garbage can that we can put recyclables in. It might even be a requirement for all I know. My employer also has designated bins for recyclables and garbage. My poor roommate still digs things out of the garbage once in awhile that I mistakenly put in there because I’m still getting used to this whole recycling thing.
I just think about how much it troubles me that the other places I’ve lived didn’t recycle at all. What’s it like where you live?
The Expert answers:
We care about the environment
Linda asks…
How much would a recylcing bin cost if I live in Tuscola County, Michigan?
I’m looking for a price on recycling bins for my schools science club. I need to purchase 32 of them. My school is in Tuscola county in Michigan. Any ideas how much each recycling bin costs?
The Expert answers:
Depends on the size you are after and how good you want it to look. Lol. Most good shops now sell recycling bins/ containers (over here in the UK) you can usually get one starting around £10 or so. Surely your school would have suppliers that they could by from. That way they will be slightly discouted especially buying in bulk
William asks…
what are some ways to get my school more involved in environment?
im running for environment at my high school environment position and i need some ideas of how to get my school more involved. we already have recycling bins at my school that are great but people also put trash in there which makes it hard to recycle.and i thought of ideas like rewarding students, but that’s as far as i got.
The Expert answers:
Do you have Family & Consumer Science at you school? (once called Home Ec.) They have an organization called FCCLA (Family, Career, Community Leaders of America… Once FHA). They hold competitions in regards to the environment. If you have this organization at your school, you should talk to the teacher. She may have ideas.
Maybe you should make your organization known. Get members, take advantage of the media (school newspaper, school news, announcements, local paper, etc) to get people aware of your program. Make sure everyone from the school faculty, students, to even the community know about your organization…
involve the animal shelter
do can competitions
plant trees and flowers around your school
Steven asks…
Fundraising/ involvement ideas for recycling bins at High school? anyone?
Over the summer i started a recycling movement through our high school’s chapter of FCCLA and now I am officer of that project, so I need some fundraising/ donation ideas to get the bins put in place in the high school, and hopefully then on the the lower schools here having FCCLA teach the little kids about recycling. I just can’t think of any ideas yet. So any help or advice on this endeavor would be appreciated, a lot.–P.S. any other advice just on the recycling program itself would help here, the idea’s just only taking off so tips help! thanks–especially student involvement ideas
wow new age man, that’s an awesome idea! i love the music thing, i remember having a concert benefit last year for something similar and i do know some musical friends of mine…the bands did perform very willingly last year to get PR this could be a very good thing! ooh, i’m so excited! oh, hey what do y’all think about the slogan “it’s not easy being green.” with something as an ending tagline like ‘but we do it anyway’or, “we do it for —-” ? oh i’m so excited!
thank you
on another note, a lot of you are saying donations are to be made! and i know to ask small businesses yes, but what about larger ones that may have a little extra weight to throw around, know any that are known for this type of thing?
The Expert answers:
You’re amazing. Really. To see a high school student taking these steps is heartwarming.
Check here for ideas/resources:
For you fundraising ideas, you might try to get some of the musicians in your school to throw a Sustainability Benefit. Look to LiveEarth as an example of what can be done:
These concerts connected over 1/3 of the world’s population over a period of 24 hours, and the recycling team that supported these shows had an average of 92% waste stream diversion from landfills.
Check with this company for inspiration/advice. The President and VP are friends of mine, and they would love to know that younger generations are taking up the torch.
Good luck!
Helen asks…
How do I get free recycling beverage bins for my school in Escondido, California? ?
to go around campus, the city will not provide them and I need them now so I donthave time to apply for a long grant
The Expert answers:
Contact your mayor or city council about this. They are servants for the people in your city! This is their job. Without people or citizens they would not have a job!
John asks…
Anyone a recycling expert?
I’m doing a report on recycling and need someone that is a recycling expert or representative to answer the following questions since all the companies i’ve emailed won’t respond…
1)Why is recycling important?
2)How does recycling positively effect our environment?`
3)How do you encourage people to recycle? How do you attract attention to your cause?
4)Do you design your recycling bins to attract attention?
5)Do you think the placement of recycling bins in schools and workplaces effects how much is collected?
6)Do you think the popularity of recycling will increase or decrease over the next few years?
Thank you for your time.
The Expert answers:
Well, I’m not an expert, but I’m involved in environment since I’m a kid, so yeah.
1) Because it generally reduce the amount of energy involved in the production process since you don’t have extract the resource. It also bring us the resources without we having to extract new ones.
2) It don’t positively effect our environment, it is wrong to say that. But it reduces our impact on the environment because, as I said earlier, we don’t need to extract new resources and we save a little energy in the transformation process.
Well, you got also to take in mind that this is only theory. It’s not recycling that will really reduce the amount of resources extracted, the companies have also to change their production and not just add new production with the recycled products.
3) There is no right way. You just got to talk with people that don’t recycle. Your friends, your family. That’s more a social thing.
4) My company do, but I don’t think that matters really much.
5) Of course. The key is to put recycle bins at the most place people are trowing recycled stuffs. Cuz if the bin is not close to them, they will trow it somewhere else.
6) It depend in what country. Here in Canada, I think we reached almost the maximum of popularization about recycling. The next step is political acting. We got to give time and material to people so they could recycle more easily. Ultimately, I think we couldn’t recycle enough if our system don’t change.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Sharon asks…
What are some living green facts?
whats is the light bulb fact, by changing light energy efficent florecent bulbs……?
or the aluminum can and recycling fact/statistic.
what are some more facts and statistics??
The Expert answers:
The compact flourescent bulb will last 60,000 hours.
Aluminum cans are almost 90% recyclable.
Throwing your uneaten food into a compost pile outside can save the landfill from tons of trash. And the compost is good for plants.
Turn your thermostat lower in winter and wear a sweater indoors to save $10 per month and kilowatts of energy use..
Chris asks…
Recycling Question (Multiple Choice)?
” What percent of aluminum cans are made out of recycled material? ”
The question came from this site:
and the answer is in this paragraph:
A recycled aluminum can contains about 40 percent consumer-recycled aluminum. Add recycled scrap from processing and the recycled content climbs to as much as 90 percent.
I would like to know the answer to the question:
What percent of aluminum cans are made out of recycled material
The Expert answers:
Hmmmm. This is a good question and I can see that the website you referenced is not giving you the exact answer you’re looking for (good site by the way).
The closest I could get to answering your question is this:
“The aluminium recycling industry recycles all the aluminium scrap it can obtain from end-of-life products and aluminium by-products. The rate at which end-of-life aluminium is recycled varies depending on the product sector, scrap processing technology and on society’s commitment to collect aluminium containing products at end-of-life. Each application sector requires its own recycling solutions and the industry supports initiatives that seek to optimise the recycling rate.”
It’s hard to know the % of all cans because you would literally have to know which companies are utilizing the recycled aluminum.
I look forward to reading more answers!
Susan asks…
what exactly can you NOT recycle?
i was told to take the bottle cap off of water bottles so does that mean you can’t recycle the cap? what about the label? can you recycle yogurt cups? what about the foil lid? do you have to remove labels off of everything, like soup cans or glass juice containers? thanks for answering and please add any other recycling facts or no-nos. THANKS!
The Expert answers:
They tell you to remove the cap because if you leave it on, the bottle is full of air and will resist the steel drums that are supposed to crush the recyclables until the plastic bursts, at which point the steel drums would slam together suddenly potentially damaging the drums. They said the same thing about kitchen garbage compressors and even with regular garbage pickup as the garbage truck includes a hydraulic compression plate that can be damaged by the pop bottles bursting. This is also why they tell you to collapse cardboard boxes in both trash and recyclable collection, the boxes are amazingly strong till they collapse and it’s the sudden collapse that can cause damage to the equipment.
There are two forms of modern single stream recycling.
The preferred one is where all items are crushed or rather pressed between two steel drums then chopped at various angles, magnets are used to remove the steel pieces, the rest get dropped through a cross flow airstream so that they get deflected into various bins by their density, this is repeated several times, then then pieces are dropped one by one while lasers measure it’s spectral response to identify the material and puffs of air direct the piece to an appropriate bin, again this is repeated several times, then the sorted pieces are sold off as raw material.
The other method by low cost operators use cheap labour perhaps shipping the recyclables to countries where labour is cheap and people lined up along a conveyor belt specifically look for and grab specific items off the belt and into bins. That is several people will be tasked with pulling soda bottles out and only soda bottles, others are tasked with pulling newsprint out, etc. Only the items that they’ve arranged a buyer for gets pulled out and what’s left goes into the landfill even if it is recyclable.
If your community just goes with a low cost recyclable collection service then chances are the entire stream will be shipped to some far off country, only the most valuable items pulled out and the rest winds up in a landfill in some distant country. It’s well worthwhile to inquire and insist on a better capitalized recycling operation.
Either way, with both single stream methods, you don’t have to sort, or peel off labels or anything. In the mechanized stream, all items are chopped into small pieces and then sorted so the foil lids will wind up in appropriate bins. In the manual stream, the big valuable items like bottles and cans get recycled but the rest winds up in a landfill so the foil lid would just be in a landfill. The labels on cans and glass bottles burn off when the glass, aluminum or steel gets melted.
I would throw anything remotely recyclable into the bin. That way the high tech recycling companies get a significantly better yield than the low tech companies and hence are rewarded for doing a better job.
I do rinse my containers out but mostly to prevent mold from growing before the recyclables get collected. I don’t want a stinky bin in the garage.
Mary asks…
Need some facts? Please Help.?
Can someone help me on this – I need some recycling facts. 5 at minumum and 10 at maximum please.
The Expert answers:
1. By recycling 1 plastic bottle not only saves anywhere from 100 to 1000 years in the landfill but also saves the environment from the emissions in producing new bottles as well as the oil used to produce that bottle.
2. Approximately 60% of our rubbish thrown away today could be recycled. A survey was done and 9 out of 10 people surveyed said they would recycle more if it was easier
3. Each of us uses approximately one 100-foot-tall Douglas fir tree in paper and wood products per year.
4. More than 56 percent of the paper consumed in the U.S. During 2007 was recovered for recycling — an all-time high. This impressive figure equals nearly 360 pounds of paper for each man, woman, and child in America.
5. Approximately 1.5 million tons of construction products are made each year from paper, including insulation, gypsum wallboard, roofing paper, flooring, padding and sound-absorbing materials.
6. Recycling steel and tin cans saves 74% of the energy used to produce them.
7. Up to 80% of a vehicle can be recycled.
8. On average, 16% of the money you spend on a product pays for the packaging, which ultimately ends up as rubbish.
9. A used aluminum can is recycled and back on the grocery shelf as a new can, in as little as 60 days. That’s closed loop recycling at its finest!
10. If all our newspaper was recycled, we could save about 250,000,000 trees each year!
11. Recycling plastic saves twice as much energy as burning it in an incinerator.
12. A modern glass bottle would take 4000 years or more to decompose — and even longer if it’s in the landfill.
13. About one-third of an average dump is made up of packaging material!
14. Rainforests are being cut down at the rate of 100 acres per minute!
15. On average, each one of us produces 4.4 pounds of solid waste each day. This adds up to almost a ton of trash per person, per year.
Mandy asks…
I need help writing facts about recycling?
I am currently doing a project in science class, and i need help! Well Im having a hard time finding online websites that list all the requirements for an APA bibliography form. If anyone knows anysites i can go and check to get any info on about recycling please list them!
For an APA bibliography I need to know the:
Authers Last name First initail
When page was published
Website title
and Url name
Thank you 🙂
I already have three other websites down becaues i did an acronym with recycling also i included
resources energy compost yard waste conserve land gills energy ? is that good enough?
The Expert answers:
If you have found a reputable, authoritative website but it does not list an author, don’t worry. You can still use it (unless your teacher forbids it).
Use an online citation service such as KnightCite at Choose APA under Citation Style. Then under Source Type, click Electronic. Then choose Website Document.
Then simply fill in all available info (author’s name only if it is listed on the website) and click Submit. Then cut and paste the correctly formated citation into your bibliography or works cited page.
Note that you do not have to include an author’s name. Just fill in all the info you have, and it’ll give you the correct APA format, with or without an author.
This comes to you from a school librarian who regularly teaches how to create proper citations for all sorts print and electronic documents.
I just did a quick Google search, simply using the term “recycling.” Almost immediately I found a reputable site the has an article with the author listed. Go to to read it. With a bit of effort, you should be able to find plenty of others.
But whatever you do, do not use blogs (as suggested by another person who answered). Unless you research who the blogger is and find that he/she is an well-known expert on the topic of recycling, you cannot trust the blogger’s writings enough to use them as sources for your assignment.
Good luck.
P.S. Learn how to spell “author.” And if you want to write, “the author’s name,” you must include an apostrophe before the ‘s’.
Sandy asks…
does anyone have any environmental facts?
im looking for short environmental facts (both positive and negative) such as:
One ton of recycled Paper saves 60 pounds of Air Pollutants from being released
Every Sunday, more than 500,000 trees are used to produce the 88% of newspapers that are never recycled
facts should be about that long -SHORT AND SIMPLE-
im trying to guilt people into joining the environmental club at my school 🙂
thanks in advance for you help!
The Expert answers:
Pacific lumber is sure not on my company hitparade
link number two is about how timber industry’s eco
marketing scheme deceives consumers, destroys forests.
(conservation groups expose industry’s misleading “green”
certification & marketing scheme for wood&paper products)
Richard asks…
recycling aluminum vs mining aluminum?
Hello i have this project, and my topic sentence is how is recycling aluminum more beneficial then mining aluminum, im gonna make a poster and fold the poster into 2 parts, one side is gonna be about recycling aluminum (facts and etc.) and the other is about mining aluminum (facts and etc.) but the problem is about finding the facts, so can you guys please give me a list of facts about recycling lauminum and a list of facts about mining aluminum
The Expert answers:
I had to do a project like this too, it was a while ago though so I don’t remember much !
– Recycling aluminium uses less energy then mining it. It only uses 5% of the energy which it would take to mine the aluminium.
– Recycling it is cheaper.
– Recycled aluminium is used to make drink cans.
– The source of mined aluminium is bauxite ore.
– Aluminium is 100% recyclable without any loss of its natural qualities.
Its not much, but I hope it helps !
Robert asks…
How many people in America don’t recycle?
I have to do a project but I have to get some facts about recycling and one thing I can add his how many people don’t recycle. Please help!
The Expert answers:
23 Percent Of Americans Don’t Recycle
Quick fact: Recycling materials can take as little as 5 percent of the energy you’d wind up expending if you produced them from virgin sources, as is the case with aluminum, which means you not only conserve already-limited resources, but you also curtail potential atmosphere-warming carbon emissions—95 percent, in some cases.
But almost one-quarter of American adults don’t recycle, according to a new Harris Poll. And while you might think the young’uns might be more environmentally progressive, think again. About three in 10 respondents aged 18 to 30 don’t separate their glass, aluminum, and paper from their garbage, compared with 19 percent of seniors aged 62 and older.
The poll also revealed a stark regional division across the U.S. Or A.: East and West coasters were more likely to recycle (88 percent and 86 percent, respectively), while only 67 percent of people living in the South and 70 percent in the Midwest bothered to do so.
Among the anti-recyclers, one in six said they don’t recycle because it wasn’t available in their area; 12 percent, on the other hand, said it takes too much effort, plus it costs more to recycle in their neighborhoods. Another 11 percent said recycling was, well, rubbish and doesn’t make a difference; 6 percent said they were too busy and 5 percent found recycling too difficult. ::Environmental Leader
James asks…
reduce pollution facts?
can anyone give me websites with facts on
recycling reducing pollution?
The Expert answers:
I hope that all of these websites can help you!
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