Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

california recycling cash value?

does anyoneknow the current value for a pound offff
1)aluminum cans
2)plastic bottles
3)glass bottles
(green brown or clear)

approx numbers are fine. i just wanna get an idea
if its like 3 cents a pound or like 2 bucks

The Expert answers:

That depends on the recycler is, there is no set price, and many of the recyclers are no longer taking glass.
In most places, they pay a little over $1 for aluminum.

Ruth asks…

I have a ton of cans that I want to recycle for cash. Where is the best place? I live in Phoenix, AZ?

Me & my daughter collect cans. We give the cash that we receive to a local church camp group she belongs to. I need a recycling place open on weekends or untill 6pm during the week. We live on the east side…Phoenix, Arizona.

The Expert answers:

Try a supermarket… Price chopper, times union…

Robert asks…

Where in az can i get cash for recycling soda cans and plastic bottles?

The Expert answers:

Plastic bottles might be hard, unless you have tons of them, but I expect any scrap metal dealer would give you money for aluminum cans.

Sharon asks…

Where in Melbourne (Australia) can I recycle aluminium cans for cash?

Am looking for a place in suburban Melbourne (Australia) where aluminium cans are recycled for cash.
This scheme used to be run by Alcoa (many years ago) – back then, it was called “Cash-A-Can”. I was wanting to know if something similar still exists, and if so, where are they located.

The Expert answers:


Lisa asks…

Where can i take plastic bottles and cans to be recycled for cash in dekalb county or Lithonia?

The Expert answers:

There are lost of vendors who can buy used plastic bottles, cans, bags, and so on in many Asian countries such as India, Pakistan, Sri Lanks, and Bangladesh. However, I’m not very sure about it in Lithonia.

But I believe that you can definitely find someone in your country too! The following articles would help you make cash from used plastic products!



Mandy asks…

Looking to recycle for cash – aluminum cans near Lathrop, MO?

Also wondering if cans should be smashed or left in tact.
Does anyone know where the closest recycle for cash is near Lathrop, MO?

The Expert answers:

Aluminium cans in Sudbury were I live gets you around 75 cents per pound these days doesn’t matter if they are crushed or left alone you will get more in the bag if they are crushed and they will take up less room while you grow your stash.Look around for old gas BBQ’s take the tops and bottoms they are made of cast aluminium and go for about $15.00 for the pair.Look in the yellow pages under scrap metal dealers and ask the going prices it may vary from dealer to dealer

Mark asks…

where can I get cash for recycling aluminum cans in delaware county?

The Expert answers:

See website:
Recyling Pays.

Hope this helps!

Carol asks…

aluminum recycling for cash in solon ohio

you can turn in aluminum cans for cash some are called golden goats

The Expert answers:

Aluminum Recycling Cash near Solon – Local Results

* Wall Street Recycling – (330) 296-8657 – 6751 Wall St, Ravenna, OH – 17.37mi – map
* Honest Scales Recycling – (440) 632-3083 – 15535 Burton Windsor Rd, Middlefield, OH – 19.39mi – map
* D & L Recycling LLC – (330) 225-7507 – 708 Marks Rd, Valley City, OH – 24.63mi

Sandy asks…

Is there any way to get a little extra cash from recycling cans and bottles?

There always seems to be one week out of the month where I’m scrounging every crack and corner looking for spare change to pay for gas, and I’m thinking of alternative solutions to getting a little extra money (barring a job, I’ve got that handled already). I’ve been collecting water bottles for the past few months, as I intend on buying a Brita water filter and using that to refill all the bottles to make it so we no longer need to buy packs of water bottles, but it occured to me that refilling all those bottles may impact the water bill negatively. Then the thought of recycling came up. I have about 113 bottles stored up, and I’ve heard you can recycle bottles for 5 cents…coming to $5.65, which I don’t think is too bad. I went over what groceries we tend to get, and we usually get 2 24 packs of pop and 2 35 packs of bottled water every two weeks, and if I held onto every can or bottle from that, it would leave me with 118 bottles/cans every month. I’m thinking about buying another trash can to use exclusively for this idea, but would it be a good investment? And could I also include pop bottles and 2 liters when I finally recycle it all?

The Expert answers:

If your state does not have a deposit law- don’t waste time, space or energy with plastic- no one is buying it in small quantities- you need railcars of it, and even then you count yourself lucky to cover your fuel expense- but not the labor or resources. Plastics recycling is an example of social engineering- there is little demand for it currently, and many plastics cannot be recycled even.

Aluminum cans on the other hand- there is a market worth money there. Anything metal can be recycled for money. Some of it more easily than others.

Other than your picking up more cans along the road, not much more you can do than cut back on things. Sell off the game console, scale back the cell phone when the contract is up for renewall, drop satellite TV or Cable- cut the things that are easy to cut. Stop buying water in the little bottles- get the gallon jugs of purified water that you can refill.

And start making your own food from scratch will save you a ton of money in and of itself. I am not talking the frozen prepared stuff, I am talking about use the web to find some actual pizza recipes where you make the dough, and spread it in the pan add sauce and toppings, even make your own sauce. Buy meat in bulk- but get good quality organic- it will cost you more, but you will know what is not in it if you do some research to see what residues are allowed into your processed foods that are not Tilth certified Organic.


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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

Recycling Electronics?

My husband recently upgraded his computer and now has a left over power source(?). He wanted to throw it in the garbage, however I would like to recycle it. I have searched online, and I cannot find a place that I can easily drop it off for recycling. I am tired of it sitting on my desk. Does anyone know where I can take computer components for recycling? I am in the Los Angeles area… Thanks in advance!

The Expert answers:

I can not speak for your area, but here in my area I take them to a metal recycler.

They pay for monitors, power supplies and other items by the pound.

These items have a lot of metals in them including gold (gold is at nearly $1,000.00 per ounce) and the recyclers want the metal to reclaim and sell to third world countries and China.

Mark asks…

Do I get any money from recycling electronics?

I had thoughts of recycling some old electronics and I wonder if I get any money from recycling a couple old laptops of mine. If I do recycle them, then do I get money from that like recycling bottles and cans? Just wondering.

The Expert answers:

Where I live, you have to pay money to get electronics recycled.

James asks…

Is there a better competetor to For recycling Electronics and getting Paid?

I want to recycle some not really old electronics that are still in excellent condition but get some cash for it like I was wondering if there is a good competetor thanks.

The Expert answers:

Yes there is.

Lisa asks…

Can someone please direct me to a link that proves, recycling electronics can help the economy.?

Can someone please direct me to a link that proves, recycling electronics can help the economy.

The Expert answers:


William asks…

Is there going to be another electronics recycling days in Austin Texas?

Last year waste management and Sony did an electronics recycling collection day. I was wondering if they are going to have another one this year. I looked on the Sony website but couldn’t find it. Anyone know?

The Expert answers:

Check your city website or go to city hall and ask. They will know for sure.

Carol asks…

CA law requiring name for electronics recycling?

I received a very plain form today. The form said that it was from a group doing electronics recycling, and that I needed to fill the form out with my name and address, and leave it outside with the item.

Does CA law require that a name and address be submitted along with electronics recycling? I worry about this being a scam.

The Expert answers:

I actually work for an electronics recycling company in California so let me explain why they ask this.

Recylers in California are paid to recycle electronics with a screen larger than 4 inches–if you have purchased one of these electronics in California after 2005, you were charged a fee to cover these costs.

Now California requires recyclers to keep careful records to get paid. This includes a phone number and an address– so the state can verify details if necessary. Any legitimate recycler in the state will ask for this information.

I don’t know what company your form is from, so I can’t say for sure whether it’s a scam. However, it could easily be legitimate. My company, All Green Electronics Recycling (, does door-to-door events like this–so if it’s us, you’re safe! You can even check out our CalRecycle ID and EPA ID on our website if you’d like to verify matters. If it wasn’t us, we do recycle electronics for free all over the state so you should still check us out if you’d like to recycle something.

I hope this helped! I wasn’t trying to sound like an advertisement there at the end, but I just answered with what I know.

John asks…

Where can I learn more about starting a business recycling electronics?

Where can I learn how to find, extract and sell high value parts from old computers cell phones TV’s etc? I’m located in New York/ New England area.

The Expert answers:

Try the checking out the EPA website to see what materials requires material safety data sheet or MSDS and special handling. You can look up MSDS by product and part number. The original maufactuer is a good place as well they can assist in by telling you what they deem worth recycling and they are a source of MSDS information as well.

Donna asks…

What are some of the dangers of not properly recycling electronics?

The Expert answers:

Mercury poisoning

Sandra asks…

Can I Take Electronics from Recycling Center?

Can I Take Electronics from Recycling Center? Well not loads and loads of items, but maybe one bad condition cell phone, and one old computer desktop?

The Expert answers:

Only if you ask and they say yes and they just might ! Otherwise you are stealing and they could have you arrested . Thrift stores carry both and sell really cheap .

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

How can I recycle from home with no recycle bins?

I live in an apartment complex that has no recycling options. I would really like to make sure I am doing my part in recycling but this makes it really hard. I am in the process of requesting the complex put in recycling stations. What can I do in the mean time? What public places allow people to bring their recycling in or what places have recycling stations?

The Expert answers:

Good for you to nudge the complex.
As to recycling, call the garbage company and ask them.
Find a recycling co. Prices for aluminum are HIGH, and very profitable.
Good luck.

Jenny asks…

i heard that some people have recycle bins on there phone?

is this allready on there when its bought? or is there a way to get one on your phone…i have a sony ericsson s500. can i get a recycle bin on mine?

The Expert answers:

The recycle bin is usually a function of the Windows Mobile operating system. If there’s something that you don’t want on your phone and it DOESN’T have a Windows OS or a recycle bin, just delete the file. Just be sure you KNOW what you’re deleting, so that you don’t screw up the operating system.

Chris asks…

How bad is it to go through recycle bins when they are on the curb to get certain items?

I estimate the process would take me 30-45 seconds per bin to take out what I want. How risky is this and what could happen? I am not afraid of people really just police.

The Expert answers:

Well if you are just talking about police action and not safety or anything else. Then the act you describe is illegal since it is theft. The items belong to the company or entity who own the bins. The law is different then regular trash.

Michael asks…

Where can you get the green recycle bins?

are they free or how much do they cost?

The Expert answers:

You can go to your local cities website and get information on where to purchase them. In my city they are $6.00. Or maybe even call the city ask ask for information about the bins. Glad to know that you are reclying and taking interest, keep it up!

James asks…

where can i find recycle bins for paper, and small things like plastic wrappers?

oh, and can you recycle styrafoam?

The Expert answers:

This site has over a million products, feel free to bookmark it for future use..


Charles asks…

My (small)city doesn’t pick up materials from recycling bins, is there any way I can still recycle?

And does anyone have a specific list of what to put in recycling bins?

The Expert answers:

Look in your phone book for a local recycling center. I hope there’s one not too far away. My daughter lives in a small town with no recycling too, but having come from a state/county that has a great recycling program, she couldn’t stand sending all that recyclable stuff away to a landfill. She found a recycling center in her town and she just bags her things separately — glass, plastic, paper/cardboard — and drops it off when she has full bags. Sadly, her friends and neighbors think she’s crazy, they don’t get it. :o( Recycling should be mandatory — everywhere.

Sandra asks…

Where can I get free recycle bins for work?

I’ve seen them around they are made of plastic and have the recycle logo on them but I want to know where I can get them…We need one badly here at work.
if i was in UK i’d have asked this question there not in the US section…..durr

The Expert answers:

Well, you can just make your own.

Mark asks…

How do i find my recycle bins?

On a HP laptop with windows vista? my icon on my desktop got deleted.. how and where do i go to get the icon back on my desktop?

The Expert answers:

Open Personalization by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Personalization.

In the left pane, click Change desktop icons, and then do one of the following:

To remove the Recycle Bin from the desktop, clear the Recycle Bin check box.

To display the Recycle Bin on the desktop, select the Recycle Bin check box.

Click OK.

Steven asks…

Is it legal to go around and collecting bottles and cans from people recycle bins?

i saw a lady digging through some ones trash can looking for cans.
im not sure if this is legal?

The Expert answers:

Some cities have laws against it…….others do not

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Is there an easy way to remove labels from recyclable containers?

It seems that by preparing plastic, metal, and glass containers for recycling, you almost waste as much energy, time, soap, and water just trying to get the dang things clean and label free. Isn’t there a more effecient and waste-less way to remove labels?

The Expert answers:

Why do you do it? The recycling plant will crush all the glass and heat it in a furnace. Any labels will simply burn away. The same goes for steel cans. Aluminium cans generally have no labels. In countries with well established infrastructure many containers are designed for recycling so paper based containers will have paper labels and plastics based ones will have plastic labels.

If this is a requirement imposed on you by the local garbage collection system you should campaign to have it changed (or at least mention it to someone).

Sandy asks…

Can I Make A Filter for Bio Diesel From Recycled Waste?

My local council have just given me a food waste container for orgainic material which they are apparently going to make into fertiliser. So I was wondering if I could do the same but recycle or otherwise filter it to turn it into fuel for an internal combustion engine (my ordinary car engine in other words)

The Expert answers:

Bio Diesel will run in a diesel engine. If your “ordinary” car is has a petrol engine then your first step would be to remove the engine and install a diesel. Then you would modify the fuel delivery system to maintain warm fuel, preheat the fuel, or mix the fuel with regular diesel. This might involve a duel fuel tank arrangement.

Converting waste vegetable oil (WVO) into bio diesel can be done in many ways but the most common is a chemical process called transesterification. There are many demonstrations of the process on the web and You tube. Some people will simply filter WVO and use that in a diesel engine but the possibility of engine damage seems to increase. Http://

A closed container can be used to “digest” food scraps and will produce another bio fuel, methane. This is the primary component of natural gas. Petrol engines can be converted to run on natural gas. In the US this must be done by qualified mechanics and will cost from 12 to $18,000. Your prices may vary. Http://

Methane can be converted to methanol. Http:// This is an alcohol like ethanol. A petrol engine can be converted to run on alcohol. The process first involves safeguarding the fuel from attacking rubber parts in the fuel system:

All of this is a long way from “having a container,” so you should carefully consider what is available to you, your options, and your ultimate goals. While a great deal of work and expense may be involved you may find the results very satisfying as well.

Sandra asks…

How can I recycle plastic food containers other than bottles?

Our kerbside recycling collects plastic bottles but won’t take any other plastics. We recycle or compost almost all other waste and we collect our plastic packaging – films, food containers, yoghurt pots, blister packs, etc. Anybody know how and where I can recycle this stuff because my garage is filling up with it!
Our kerbside recycling collects plastic bottles but won’t take any other plastics.

We recycle or compost almost all other waste and we collect our plastic packaging – films, food containers, yoghurt pots, blister packs, etc. Anybody know how and where I can recycle this stuff because my garage is filling up with it! I have researched the available channels extensively and have asked my local authority what to do with these plastics but they say that they simply cannot recycle them at present.

I live in England and am looking for a solution that is available here in UK.

The Expert answers:

If you live near a New Seasons grocery store, then you will find that they have a place where you can recycle any plastic containers with certain number one them (2,4,5,etc.). There are other places too. If you go onto your local recycling company website, they should have names and numbers of places you can recycle certain items. Hope this helps!

Lizzie asks…

Are you happy with your councils recycling containers?

I’m not.
I love to recycle but in Bridgend it’s a mess.
They will only pick up black bin bags once a fortnight now, that sounds fair since
most things are recycled – but they’re not.
Most packaging I find is non-recyclable and it is still bulky.
So if you miss a week through illness or being away and you
have a large family that uses 4 bins a week you can end up
with 16 bins to put out, and you cannot put the bins out before the morning,
so if you have a trip and leave the previous night you can’t put the bins out.
And those bins then attract cats and recently I noticed a return of rats to the garden,
and our council do not allow us to use wheelie bins so you can imagine the mess.

Okay so all food waste goes into a tiny sandwich box sized bin which you change 3 times a week and then put these bins outside in a larger bin that is lockable.
But we had to stop using it because after a day the tiny box reeked the house out and if I put the tiny box outside the rats and cats could get it and if you didn’t have any food waste for a few days then went to empty the tiny bin it would often leak as you carry it through the house and the smell was foul.
And there is no room in our kitchen to store the larger food bin and anyway once it has a weeks supply in it the smell is unbearable.

So now we come to the blue plastic bag which I fill with cans and plastic, that was great until today, you see normally I keep the bag outside, it’s large and there’s no room in the kitchen, so I fill a carrier bag and empty it into it. Great – until today I just noticed a cat has attacked the bag and shredded it – I clean the containers so it must just have been the general smell of food and drinks that you obviously can’t clean away that attracted it.

Then we come to the paper black box container – fine – except that once again no room in the house so outside again – and by now my front porch looks like a right mess – the black bins are kept out the back and the recycling out the front as its collected weekly.
Anyway, once you fill the other black box for cardboard and bottles up with cardboard you tend to find that there’s not enough room even after spending hours on end ripping boxes into ‘small manageable pieces’ and breaking your nails and cutting your fingers.
So you use the paper box for cardboard and bottles and have to bin the paper.

Aaah! I feel better after that rant.
How about you?
Would you like to also rant or do you have a better system that works?
Do you think that recycling should start with the supermarkets and shops
with their bulky unrecyclable packaging? Especially since they are the first to scoff at
us if we forget out recycling bags and they have to hand out plastic bags to us…..
What is a plastic bag compared to the bulk of unrecycled packaging they sell us???

This is not working for us – I really feel upset by it as I’m really into recycling,
I always give clothes to charities.

The Expert answers:

We have a good recycling system in West Sussex.We have a large blue bin which is collected once a fortnight,anyone with larger families can ask for a bigger one.These take glass, paper, cardboard,tins and aluminium cans ,and some plastics.There are clothes banks in various places including the local amenity tip.We also get lots of charity bags through the letter box which are collected so we do seem to be better off re-cycling wise than you.Perhaps you should ask your local councillors to have a word with ours.!

Daniel asks…

How should I enforce recycling at my community mall?

I used to work at a Baskin Robbins in the mall and none of the wastes had the option to be recycled. There are also no recycling containers next to trash cans in the mall hallways for customers. This really upsets me and I would like to change that, but I don’t know who to contact to make it happen. There is a Green Team at my school and they wrote to the mall owners about this issue but they never did anything after that.

The Expert answers:

Put your own recycling bin at the place you work see who uses it and then you will see if people care or not to do so, then suggest it to your boss.

William asks…

what is 1 ton of used soda containers worth?

I am looking to recycle used containers of various sizes and colors. I want to know what our most common waste as far as containers are worth.

The Expert answers:

By “soda containers” are you talking about aluminum cans or plastic bottles? There’s a big difference in price between the two.

Steven asks…

Where do you get recycling bins like these?

I’ve noticed whenever i throw paper away i throw it directly to the trash instead of recycling basket. So, now i want to get a recycling basket identical to this one

has anyone seen them in a store near you?
i’ve tried wal-mart, the container store, target, many places! and still have not found one!

The Expert answers:

They sell them at most office supply stores…like Office Max or Staples…call up a store near you to see if they have them in stock or just go and see…if not, they can order them for you.

Home Depot also has them…

Or…you can also just buy them online & have them shipped to your house…check out this website:

Robert asks…

Question from Mr. Question : What do you do with recycled glass bottles / containers?

There are heaps of products in supermarket come with a glass container. It would be a waste to chuck them away, what do you do with them? (except recycling them)

The Expert answers:

My grandma would boil them and re-use them for canning. I’ll sometimes use them or plastic containers to pot houseplants in. They also work great for growing sweet potatoe starts and make good coin jars. Some of the jars will have handles on them and I’ll use them for drinking glasses. Some of the smaller ones work good for storing screws, nuts, bolts and other small hardware in.

Joseph asks…

Where can I find a list of materials that Waste Managment recycle please?

I know they recycle Bottles, Cans, and containers. I need more things like building materials, etc. I’m also just curious. Thanks for the help.

The Expert answers:

Here’s a list:
(It’s a PDF)

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sharon asks…

How do I get my Westie to stop barking during supper?

I have a Westie that after she has been given a treat, she’ll just start barking during a certain point during the meal and won’t stop. She’s driving my mother nuts with it. She not only barks during dinner but whenever she sees something outside or hears the garbage or recycling truck, most times when my dad’s having his afternoon nap. How can I stop her from barking during dinner and when my dad is having his nap?
She is 7 years old.

The Expert answers:

Have her on a leash and the second she makes a bark stand up and take her either downstairs or in a room where no one is untill she calms down then take her back up. Kepp repeating this and she will soon understand.

Steven asks…

What happens to household trash once it is hauled away by the garbage truck?

I know it eventually winds up in a landfill, but do they empty the trash bags or bury them with the trash in them? How do they know whether you have put things in the trash that should have gone in the recycling instead?

The Expert answers:

The bags are left unopened and are just dumped in to a pile and left. After a while when the dump gets too messy, they will plow ground over the piles to cover the garbage and level it out. They don’t know whats in the bags nor do they care or check its all taken straight to the dump and dropped off. However some dumps do burn some of the garbage in huge incinerators but its not too common anymore to burn it because of all the smoke polluting the air. Take a trip to the dump if you’d like to see for yourself. Its pretty gross.

Sandra asks…

How can the “blue-bag” recycling program possibly work?

The blue bags with recyclables is thrown in the same truck as the regular garbage, and then it all gets crushed together. I’ve watched the garbage truck do this, and I know that the bags split open and burst when they are crushed inside the garbage truck. I’ve heard the bags popping and the sound of glass being crushed, and I asked our garbageman about it and he said that when they dump their load, everything is just a big stinky, slimy mess, and it’s impossible to separate anything. Plus who in their right mind would want that job?

The Expert answers:

Unfortunately pick-ups like you describe are still common. The blue bags are a great idea but if the collection service (private or public) is not seperating the bags then the resident is merely adding blue color to the compactor contents. I have never heard of anywhere that would attempt to hand seperate trash after it is compacted. Where I previously lived the trash was compacted just as in your area. Everything there got compacted together with no attempt to utilize a recyle plan regardless of the choice of curb side bags.
However in my current town the pick-ups have a regular trash day and a second pick-up day for recyclables. On the second pick-up day the materials are required to be pre-seperated by residents into two catagories of compactable trash and recycle trash. Recycle trash is required to be further seperated into catagories of (1.) glass, (2.) newspapers, (3.) cardboard and (4.) plastic bottles and left at curbside in seperate crates away from the compactable trash. The contents of the crates are hand dumped by city workers into collection trucks that are not regular trash compactor trucks.
Regular trash collection is weekly and recycle day is once every two weeks and is always on a regular trash day so as to avoid the hassle of placing trash at curb twice in one week.

David asks…

Why is it that recycling of all different types of materials is not mandatory?

Seperate all of the different materials as you throw them away. For people that live in apartment complexes you could have different dumpsters for each material. And for people that live in a house you could just set out the different bags. And have a different garbage truck for each type of waste to go through all of the neighborhoods and collect the waste.Also send out a list to each different home listing what is considered recyclable and what category the waste belongs to. This would also create a few more jobs.

The Expert answers:

Personally, I would love it, but its just not workable. The truth is that alot of recycling plans don’t work very well. Even though you save landfill space by recycling, there are some big energy costs to actually cleaning the stuff and recycling it. Sometimes, its a zero sum game. If everyone would bring their items to a plant, we would probably come out ahead. If you have to have different garbage trucks and crews and plants, you start using up more energy than you are saving. Its really a more complex issue than it appears. Lots of places that started recycling programs in the 80’s have actually gone the other way and discontinued their programs.

Mary asks…

Do you think recycling should be the only option?

I mean, should we make it a requirement? We could have the garbage trucks drive our trash to recycling centers instead of land-fills, incineration facilities, etc.
Abalistar: Actually recycling businesses cost less to run than the other facilities and save money in many other ways.

The Expert answers:

Yes I agree 100%!! I am more into environmental issues such as cloth shopping bags, Plastic 6 pack rings,cans, glass, metal ect. It is coming soon!!

Lisa asks…

What happens to the things we put at the curb to be recycled?

I’ve seen them go in a recycle truck, but I’ve also seen them go in the garbage truck…

The Expert answers:

They get taken to a recycling center, where things are separated and sold to companies that re-use the products, i.e. Paper mills, steel industry, etc.

Ruth asks…

What’s the Fastest way to get rid of junky stuff when you have no truck for Garbage Dump Runs?

Not allowed fires,restriced amounts and types of garbage pick up as well as recycling being limited.
Poll Over the fence? Live like trailer trash? Leave it out front as Free Stuff nobody wants?
It’s getting frustrating to clean house these days.0 o

The Expert answers:

That’s what gift wrap paper is for.

Betty asks…

At risk for tetanus?I have a small cut in my right ring finger.?

The last time that I had a tetanus shot was in 12/98 which was over almost 11yrs ago.

My brother accidental thrown the newspaper collection that I have been collecting of local important fascinating events for the past 10yrs in the recycling plastic trash can outside.

So I went outside grabbed the newspapers inside the recycling trash can.Inside was cardboard boxes, wrappers, plastic bottles and some metal cans including coke cans.Inside that recycling can is a few days old and the max would be a week old since the recycling garbage truck comes every week.

Anyways after picking up the newspaper I went inside it wasn’t until when I was about or was washing my hand I found a small cut in my right ring finger and it started to hurt when I washed my hand.But the cut didn’t look infected.So than I used cotton swab and swiped it with alcohol in order to disinfect it.

Now the question is if I get Tetanus would the cut area be already showing that it’s infected?Like getting sore, redness?Or a person who’s contracted tetanus would the area that they have got cut show any changes?

Now I’m not sure if there was any rusty metal inside that recycling can.The recycling truck comes every week to pick it up so there wouldn’t be anything there that is more than 1 week old..

What should I do?
BTW I’m almost 23yrs old…

The Expert answers:

Tetanus and infection are 2 different things and the person to ask is your doctor.

And it does not need to be a rusty item that cuts you.

George asks…

What are some ways to reduce or eliminate the amount of trash that gets pick up by a garbage truck?

Glass, metal, and most plastics can be recycled or reused, paper products can be burned, & food can be composted or returned to the environment.

This would reduce the amount of waste ending up in a landfill and save money on waste removal. Of course, one could always leave their trash in someone else’s dumpster or leave it on a back country road to just save money.

The Expert answers:


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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Maria asks…

where is the nearest recycling center?

im 12 years old and i was trying to save up for something that cost a little over 200 bucks and i was going to try and recycle bottles and stuff to make it.
– how long do u think it would take to save up that much by reclycing?
IF U CAN GIVE ME THE PHONE NUMBER THAT WOULD REALLY HELP! oops. forgot to take caps off…my bad.. im not yelling.please answer asap.

The Expert answers:

Go to phone book, on line or the real book, look under “recycling” or “recycling center” it should be there.

Recycling Center near New Orleans

Nature’s Best Organics
(225) 752-1488 – New Orleans, LA

Airline Salvage Incorporated
(504) 737-1100 – 6900 Airline Dr, Metairie, LA

Chris asks…

How can I find out where the nearest recycle center is? I googled and came up empty.?

The phone book had no listings for regular recyclables, only for metal recycling.
I tried calling the sanitation dept. they didn’t know.

The Expert answers:

Use your phone, and call your local Government. They should be able to tell you. If they can not then call your State Government.

Sandy asks…

How much energy is saved by recycling one plastic bottle?

I live in an apartment that does not have its own recycling program. In college, I had the same problem, but used a public recycling center which was behind a grocery store (I would have driven to the grocery store anyway, so I wasn’t wasting gas by going to this recycling center). I’m in a new town now, and the closest public recycling center is near nothing that I would drive to, so I am basically using energy (gas) in order to save energy. I am estimating, given my car’s gas mileage and the distance to the recycling center, I use about 0.2 gallons of gasoline per trip. So, I want to know if I save more energy by recycling than I waste by driving. References appreciated.
I know it takes less energy to make a plastic bottle from recycled materials than from raw materials, but I don’t know how much less.
According to this website (
“A report on the production of plastic grocery carrier bags made from recycled rather than virgin polythene concluded that the use of recycled plastic resulted in the following: reduction of energy consumption by 67%”
So, as far as I know, making bottles from recycled plastic saves energy. I don’t know if that site is reliable, but so far, no one has cited any sources.

The Expert answers:

Lets say gas is 3.00 and bottle is .05 cents.
You say you use .2 a gallon of gas for the trip.
Thats .60 cents for the trip.
You get back .05 cents, spending .55 cents total.

So you would need to recycle 12 bottles at one time to make energy use even out, but recycle more then 12 bottles at one time and you will be saving energy. If you recycle less then 12 bottles at one time, your using more energy then saving. So save up the bottles and recycle more at a time to save energy. Hope I helped.

Robert asks…

Where can I find a recycling center that buys aluminum siding near Hilliard OH?

The Expert answers:

Look in the phone book under recycling or aluminum. Find the closest to you. Hope that helps.

Lizzie asks…

Converts/reverts to Christianity…..?

This question is for Christian converts and/or reverts. In my late teens and early 20’s I practiced witchcraft. As a result of that I had many books/tarot decks/some small cauldrons/etc etc etc…. I recently boxed it all up and threw it into a dumpster. My SO wanted to try and sell it on or ebay to get some money from them but as a Christian I just didn’t feel right putting what I see as evil into the hands of another. What would you have done? Was I wasteful? There isn’t a paper recycling center near us or I would have considered that.

The Expert answers:

I think you did the right thing. You are absolutely right – in the eyes of God it would be putting evil into the hands of others. When I first became a Christian, I gave away ungodly things, and since then it has been on my conscience. Discarding of past/evil things that isn’t pleasing to God is most definitely not wasteful, and if it’s money you need, pray about it, and one way or another God will provide the things you need whether it be monetarily or of some other means. God Bless You.

Carol asks…

I live in Avalon Park in Orlando 32828, anyone knows where I can find a place to sell plastic scrap?

I have some plastic scrap for sale. I want to find a near recycle center.

The Expert answers:

Go down 50 towards the racetrack. Before the track on he right hand side is at least two scrap yards ( not the junk yards those are for autos).

Sharon asks…

recycling programs near me?

well since google failed me i decided to look on yahoo answer I live in Winnetka, California and im writing a report on recycling programs around me but on google i only seem to find recycling centers which isn’t what i need so if anyone know a of a program around me in Reseda or Winnetka California please post a Link in your comment thank you in advance.
also off topic from question if you like to win free stuff for basicly doing nothing email me with Your email at this is no joke
so i can send you the link

The Expert answers:

Check out this site

Ken asks…

I need some help like what can you recycle?

As in cans, plastic bottles, metal and other things. I really wanna help the enviroment and take it to my nearest recycle center. Actually, I heard they pay you for how much you’re contributing.

The Expert answers:

Just liter, who cares

Steven asks…

where can I find a place to recycle glass in th centre of Brussels, near Grand Place?

I have just moved to Brssels and am living near Grand Place in the centre o Brussels, but I am unsure as to where t sind a bottle bank. Bottles are building up in my flat. Does anyone know what teh situation here is?

Also with paper recycling.

The Expert answers:

When entering the address in the website of “Net Brussel” ( if found that there really aren’t a lot of “bottle banks” near you. You can check it out yourself (see below). Interesting words to know are : Grand place = grote markt and bottle bank = glasbol.
Apparently the paper gets collected once a week in yellow bags. These yellow bags can be bought at the same place where you buy the official garbage bags.
Keep an eye on the street to know when they collect what or ask your neigbourgs.
And make sure that you don’t throw away the botlles which have a refund (“statiegeld” in Dutch)…

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

has recycled percussion been on America’s got talent tonight yet?

does anyone know?

The Expert answers:

A little late but yes! They were so good, here’s the link. Definitely my favourite for the night. They played Ballroom Blitz.


Donna asks…

what was the song recycled percussion did on AGT (9/8/2009)?

Not Ballroom Blitz from an earlier episode

The Expert answers:

Deep Purple’s song Highway Star

Mary asks…

Who do you think will win Americas Got Talent?

So the first 5 acts of the top ten have been chosen. We are getting pretty close to the finale. Out of the remaining 15 acts who do you think will win the whole thing. I think it will be Lawrence Beaman or Recycled Percussion.

The Expert answers:

Kevin Skinner or Barbara Padilla will win but I personally cringe every time Kevin Skinner and Texas Tenors try to sing. It’s just awful. I like Drew Stevyns, Recycled Percussion and Fab 5.

Mark asks…

What to wear to a concert?

Im going to see recycled percussion this winter and I dont know what to wear. Its going to be cold out (obviously..) but inside it’s probably going to be pretty high energy and sweaty. And its on new years eve. I want to look good. Mhm(:
Any suggestions? Please and thank you.

The Expert answers:

You should wear a cardigan with a cute v-neck, skinny jeans, boots, and add some necklaces and bracelets. It would be really cute if you curled your hair and let it down. (: If not, just wear a nice fitting hoodie, keep it cute and casual. 😀

David asks…

Do you think “America’s Got Talent” winner Kevin Skinner was a good choice?

I have to admit, I was disappointed. Kevin Skinner is okay, but not all-out talented. Personally I think he won from evoking people’s pity. Honestly, have you ever seen such a sad sack???
Barbara Padilla had way more talent, although I cannot image paying to see an opera singer in Vegas.
I was pulling for Recycled Percussion! Wow, can they ever put on a show!!!
Oh well…

The Expert answers:

All Kevin needs is a little training and that I figured from his first performance which blew me away. Barbara Padilla may have a beautiful voice but I could not tell from all the shrieking. Maybe I just don’t like Opera but I don’t like country either.

Lizzie asks…

Thoughts from Americas Got Talent results August 26?

5 semifinalists: Erik & Rickie, Barbara Padilla, Recycled Percussion, EriAm Sisters, and Drew Stevyns.

Anyone have comments on Mia Boostrom being sent home, the first wildcard to make it, Barbara’s kindness and inspiration, or anything else?

The Expert answers:

I think it was stupid that they let Erik & Rickie go through. Sure their cute and they can dance pretty well but WTF they gonna do in vegas? THeir act is not worth a million dollars and Mia went through enough already but her singing will get he somewhere eventually. My favorite act was breakSk8 but they unfortunatly got voted off….now i rly like Recycled percussion.

James asks…

Who do u want 2 win americas got talent?

I want recycled percussion. i think theyre so kewl

The Expert answers:

They were just voted off and I am SPEACHLESS! I thought they were going to win for sure – them or the texas tenors!! And I can’t believe Drew was gone so early

Maria asks…

Who do you want to win Americas Got Talent?

I want either one of these acts to win:
1. Barbara Padilla
2. Recycled Percussion
3. Fab Five
Why do I like Barbara? Because she’s beautiful and sensational. That’s why.

The Expert answers:

I really have my fingers crossed for recycled percussion. I go to goffstown high school in New Hampshire. They have been to my school numerous times because Justin Spencer is an alumni. It would be so amazing for someone to represent New Hampshire in a place like Las Vegas.
Thank You to everyone who voted for RP!!!

Betty asks…

What musical instrument should I make out of recycled materials?

This coming Thursday, in our music class, we’re gonna make out of ANY recycled materials our own invented instrument, but it needs to be Thailand-ish, like coming from any of the 3 Thailand ensembles: piphat, mahori, or khruang sai, then again it has to be original, and what kind of instrument should i make: a percussion, stringged, or wind? and what materials that can be found around the house should I use in making it? what would be the name of the instrument? what are the steps in making it? all suggestions, comments, and answers are accepted. ^_^

The Expert answers:

If you have a piece of straight tube, you have material for a flute of some sort. A round box and some sort of covering of enough thickness would be good for percussion.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donna asks…

do the people in the recycling center give you cash for recycling soda cans?

i also want to know a nearest recycling center

The Expert answers:

Yes they give you cash for your cans but it depends on what state you live in btw what state do you live in because you did not add that to your question to know what recycling center are near you,

Mary asks…

Recycle centers or bins near Litchfield park Arizona?

I have began the process of recycling but I can’t seem to find a recycle bin or recycle center around my area. I tried to look on line but have had no luck. If I can find one I would like to get more people to recycle too.

Thank you
I am recycling plastic, paper, glass, aluminum and anything that is recyclable.
Is there a place that will take them all in?
I live in an apartment so I can’t have one of those recycling containers. Is there anyone that buys them? It would be the ultimate because then I could donate the money to a charity. I already collect those breast cancer save the lids save lives thingis. It seems to be a waste if I don’t recycle and help if I can. I want to help as much as possible.

The Expert answers:

Try using to find a recycling center.

Ken asks…

Are the Recycling Centres in Your Area Closing?

All the ones around here are closing down or greatly limiting their hours of operation.
I live in a rural area & our garbage service doesn’t offer home pick-up of recycling. I have to save all my recycling in bags for when I go 17 miles to the nearest recycle centre.
I had a centre only 3.5 miles away that closed b/c it was losing $$. The owner told me that this was happening all over.

The Expert answers:

In my area, the recycling center is operated by the solid waste district. The funding to operate the recycling center comes from generation fees, which is the money that landfills and transfer stations are taxed when they receive waste. In the U.S., all counties either have a waste management district, or fall under the jurisdiction of one, though these districts do not all operate recycling centers. However, one commonality is that, because of the economy, people are buying less stuff, and therefore throwing away less stuff. This means that less waste is being taken to the landfills and transfer stations, so there is less funding from generation fees. If the recycling center to which you are referring is similarly funded, then they are more than likely also suffering from decreased revenue because of lower generation fees.

That being said, many recyclers dealing in metals (e.g. Scrap yards) are seeing a real boom in business because of the economy. As folks struggle to make ends meet, more and more are collecting aluminum cans, scrapping old cars and appliances, and (unfortunately) even turning to theft. Most scrap yards pay by the ounce or pound, by material, for metals brought in for sale/recycling.

Helen asks…

Where in Liverpool (quite near the city centre) can I find a paper recycling centre?

I know that when you walk down the road near Susi’s Cards and some big new poundshop, there’s a three-way bin where you can recycle cans, plastic bottles and (I think) glass. But I’ve never seen anywhere you can go to recycle paper.
I live in the Student Village (L7) and the only paper recycling facilities I can see are in the library. However, I have far too much paper to get rid of just to use them

The Expert answers:

Do you not have a blue box/bin for recycling ?

Otterspool tip in that case

Mandy asks…

How to start a recycling program?

The apartment complex where I live does not provide a place for its residents to recycle common materials (cardboard, paper, plastic, aluminum, etc) and the nearest community recycling center is about a 20 minute drive away.

I asked the management why they choose not to provide recycling bins for us and their response mentioned something about if they ask the city to provide recycle pick up and the city finds recyclable material in our trash, then the apartment complex will be fined. Does anyone know if this is really true? Seems odd to me

Also, does anyone have any experience with starting a recycling program? The management at this complex acknowledges that a lot of its residents want a recycling option, but haven’t done anything about it. I’m thinking that maybe, if I do a little of the footwork and research for the management, they will take the request more seriously. I’m just not sure where to start.

The Expert answers:

I just started a recycling program, and I had some difficulties too. Get people involved. Tell them your mission and if they are interested, they will hopefully join, and tell them what they should do.

Sandy asks…

How can I recycle orange juice cartons, etc.?

I live in an apartment complex. All the different types of garbage pretty much all go together. Recyclable bottles I can recycle at the grocery store, but paper goods and orange juice cartons, etc, I cannot. Is there any way I can recycle these? It seems like such a waste otherwise, you know?

I went to, but there is no recycling center near me for orange juice cartons. I remember, vaguely, when I lived in a house, that each day you brought out different types of garbage; therefore, allowing you to recycle paper and such.

Is there any way for me, as an apartment resident, to continue on these recycling practices?

Thanks so much!

The Expert answers:

Check with your local city or county to see if recycling is available for apartment complexes. Many do not offer such services, but sometimes there is a drop-off location you can use, or other outlets for certain recyclables. Another site to visit is

As for cartons, you found the best site for carton recycling information. The Carton Council, who sponsors that site, has established a mail-in program that has yet to be added to the site. If you email me at, I can provide you the information of where you can send your cartons for recycling, if you are interested in taking that approach.

Thanks and good luck!

Sharon asks…

recycle cell phone and search?

plz tell how to recycle my nokia cell phone… do they accept phone of other company… how can i find recycling centre near my home i.e., allahabad(U.P.)-India

The Expert answers:

At the AT&T store I got to they have a spot you can bring them to recycle your old phones so maybe yours does too

Chris asks…

What website can i go to enable for me to keep up to date on the value of certain recyclable metal?

Im a recycler of metals and im trying to find a site that can show me numbers and graphs of certain metals. im trying to stay up to date with the recycling center i currently go to. I live in central Texas.
Please dont tell me to go to the nearest recycling center for i already do that. i am trying to check on the value of metals like im trying to check stocks.

The Expert answers:

The link below should give you the information you need.

Steven asks…

Do you feel that environmentalists understand the concerns of rural America?

It seems to me that a lot of environmental solutions are just not feasible for rural America. For example, a gas tax to subsidize public transportation may seem like a good idea, but that would be highly impractical for dispersed farming communities. Small family farms, what few of them are left, would be killed off by such a tax. Some rural areas are not even serviced by school buses and parents must drive their children to the nearest stop.

Even seemingly simple solutions such as recycling may be impossible for rural Americans as the nearest recycling center may be 100 or more miles away. Walk or ride your bike to work? Try that when work is 30 or more miles away.

Do you think this could part of the reason that the most adamant and most misinformed skeptics are from predominatly rural states (example: Jim Inhofe of OK)? What can policymakers do to better account for the considerations of rural populations?
Dana, you have no clue. Most farmers have to have another job as well, or the husband will stay home and farm while the has a job. My dad once worked at a prison and most of guards there were also cattle ranchers. That really shows what you get for small farming anymore. Go live in that world for awhile and then get back to me.
Patrick, if so much of rural America is uneducated, why are there more astronauts from Oklahoma than any other state? It must be nice up there on your elitist high horse. You may think you are “smarter than most of rural America” but it takes a pretty big idiot to generalize people like that. Socio-economic bigotry doesn’t put one high up on the intelligence scale in my opinion.

The Expert answers:

This is by far the best question I have ever seen posted to Yahoo Q & A.

I do not think environmentalists, or the American public in general really understand rural America.

I’m a rare person who has lived on both sides of the pasture. I was born in Chicago, and grew up wealthy, lacking for not a single thing. My parents never worked, as the family was independently wealthy.

Since I was a six year old I knew I was going to live on a farm, and be as self sufficent as possible…quiet a difference from a girl who grew up in the middle of peers who were nothing but consumor’s. I’m married, my husband works on the commercial wind turbines (the true income for us).

We live on a small farm, where I (a stay home wife) raise meat goats and rabbits. My husbands father built this house we live in back in the 70’s. We live in the high mountain deserts (4700 plus feet) of Idaho, in the heart of potato country. I’m surrounded by farms, many belonging to families. There are six major farming families around here. The families are huge, and messure their land by the mile. I concider them agra businessmen. They bring in millions of dollars with farming and by recieving farm subsidies from the Government.

The ground and ground water around here has been made toxic, by the use of chemical fertilizers. At a neighbors house just 1/4 a mile from me, a crop dusting plane over sprayed their 5 acres, and killed their honeybee hives overnight.

There are signs posted on ranches all around here, warning people to keep off their property, BECAUSE OF THE MEDDLING OF ENVIRONMENTALISTS. These farmers/ranchers are NOT kidding, and will meet you with a shotgun.

I’m always taken aback by the reaction of both “environmentalist” and vegans (often they are one in the same) to me, and my lifestyle. Rabbits can produce more meat, with less food than cattle. They also cause much less damage.

I do not breed my rabbits during the summer when the heat stress would be hard on the does. I can see them all right now. They are in cages sitting in the shade, on my lawn, with full waterbottles, and nice clean alfalfa hay. They are able to nibble the grass also through the cages (which are about three times the reccomended size). Yet city people, vegans, and environmentalist have all told me how cruel I am to be raising rabbits for meat and slaughter.

By the way, all of my customers come to my farm…my animals are never shipped. All butchering is done right here, under my watchful eye.

Meat goats can also provide more meat, with less food and environmental damage than cattle. Best of all, my pasture quality has improved a hundredfold since bringing goats here. There’s hardly a weed to be seen, just highly desirable clovers and grasses.

When I first arrived with the goats (to my Mother-In-Law’s dismay) this was a land of invasive weeds, and RoundUp was heavely used here, along with chemical fertilizers (petrolium based).

Not a drop of any of that garbage has touched the land since I arrived. In three short years the transformation to the pasture has been miraculous.

Despite being a small farmer, and having the best interest of my family, my animals, and our land in mind, our way of life is threatend.

People in cities unthinkingly pass laws about the NAIS (National Animal Identification System) and COOL (Country Of Origon Labeling). They don’t stop to thing that agra businessmen have powerful lobbiest who get loopholes made in those kind of laws, so they can use just one I.D. Number for an entire batch of animals raised in confinment. Yet the small farmer who know the name, and personality of each of their individual animals, must tag each of their animals, AT THE SMALL FARMERS EXPENCE.

Environmentalist push city people all the time into voting for laws which actually make America a little weaker. The more dependant we become upon our food coming from other contries, the worse off we will be. I watch farmland being gobbled up at alarming rates, and rows of houses being built.

I moved to Idaho, from very liberal Washington State. I now live in a very concervative area. I’m “amused” at people who scoff at traditional family and church values. City people who do not understand folks who get excited about growing the perfect tomato, or making a beautiful quilt by hand.

My husband and I are looking at buying more farm land. We will raise a wheat or barley crop. It’s not the grain we want…it’s the straw. We will bale the straw, and build our own straw bale house.

We will live on a permaculture farm, with the manure from the livestock fertilizing our hay and other crops. We will raise something like canola (rape seed) and make our own biofuel right there on the farm to power our tractors and trucks. The left-overs from the canola will be fed to the goats.

We will live off grid, with solar and wind. We will raise most of our own food as we do now.

We will keep “environmentalist” OFF our property. I have rarely found one who truel understands, or has a good grasp of reality.

As far as I’m concerned, the environmentalist should all rush up, to spray paint the baby seals, so they are useless to the fur trade. (By the way that actually kills way more seal pups than the fur trade ever would, since the polar bears find and kill all the spray painted seal pups)

My husband and I would prefer to be left alone by environmentalist, vegans, and most city & suburb folks. They rarely have a clue. We will just continue to live our truely earth friendly lifestyle (which include habbitats and plantings for native wildlife) and the rest of the world can just KEEP OUT.

By the way, recycling is a big deal, and hard to do around here. It is about 100 miles for us to recycle. We smash cans, and save them, taking them in once a year in a single pickup load. Since we buy in bulk, and produce so much of our own food, it’s not that big a deal.

I’ve enjoyed reading the posting of almost everyone who posted an answer to this question.

Homesteading/Farming for over 20 years.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

Recycling Statistics???

I need it for school… and I don’t want wikipedia…
Just random Recycling Statistics would be good. Or if you know like a list of states with recycling laws and stuff.

thanks in advance.

The Expert answers:

Check this out. It is a Google search and it looks like it has a not of stuff that might interest you.

Lisa asks…

recycling statistics…?

i need some recycling statistics for a project for school. PLEASE HELP!

The Expert answers:

According to the National Recycling Coalition, “it takes 95% less energy to recycle aluminum than it does to make it from raw materials. Making recycled steel saves 60%, recycled newspaper 40%, recycled plastics 70%, and recycled glass 40%. These savings far outweigh the energy created as by-products of incineration and land filling.”

Charles asks…

Statistics about recycling and jobs related to recycling in Atlanta?

Hi, I need to write a paper about recycling in Atlanta and I need some statistics about the number of recycling programs in Atlanta, number of jobs related to recycling, landfills in Atlanta, and any other information related to recycling and Atlanta.
Does anyone know where I can find information and statistics like that?

The Expert answers:

Try talking to the local agency that is responsible for recycling. Start with the phonebook (the paper one) and look thru it until you find something like “Department of Public Works”.

Richard asks…

Who has interesting statistics on recycling?

A school friend and i have to do a 10 minute presentation on recycling and would appreciate any kind of help you could give us. Thankyou!
Thanks everyone!
Keep them coming!

By the way stormsis, this isnt homework, this is to be presented at a conference consisting of over a dozen schools. We have volunteered for this. We just need some great stats. But anyway, Thank you for your help!

The Expert answers:


Ruth asks…

What are some statistics about recycling in America?

level of recycling and composting wastes.
Help for my science paper please!

The Expert answers:


For every ton (2000 pounds) of recycled paper, you save:

• 17 small trees• 3 cubic yards of landfill space
• 7000 gallons of water (amount saved by producing paper from recycled material versus virgin pulp)

In partnership with our valued customers, we will be able to help conserve more than 8500 trees, 1500 yards of landfill space and 3,500,00 gallons of water in a years time.

Http:// is not just a document security company, We value the environment and work hard everyday to help protect it.

Jenny asks…

What would be a good site to find out the statistics on recycling in schools?

i noticed many schools in my area aren’t doing much to help the environment and i want to make a difference.

The Expert answers:

Google around, I’m sure there are lots of statistics on schools. Conservation of water is something that you can start spreading awareness about as and when you get an opportunity to – like write an article in your school magazine for a start. gives details on why it is important to use water wisely. Http:// gives some excellent tips on water conservation.

Linda asks…

Does anyone have any solid statistics for the recycling plant in Peterborough?

Data on how much is recycled, what is recycled, who it is ran by etc would be great!

The Expert answers:

The table below is a direct extract from a government backed web site;it took me approximately 1 minute to find it. En route there was a web site on which Peterborough invited anyone with questions to complete a form, on line and submit it; alternatively there was a number you could ring. It was also interesting to discover that Peterborough is in the forefront of waste control; there was a strategy document on this subject also given exposure. If I can get this far this quickly you should be get far more detailed information than I have ; explore the web.
List of Partner Councils and their household waste recycling performance figures for 2008/09, shown as approximate tonnes and percentage of total household waste
Recycled Composted Land filled total waste

Peterborough City Council 20,59823,056 47,211 90,865
22.67% 25.37% 51.96%

AS a personal observation; over 50 percent of waste still going to Land fill is an indictment on the waste inherent in our society.
Ps the table does not “carry across to the web site, so I will summarise it here:
Peterborough recycled 22.67 percent of its waste,composted 25.37 percent and 51.96 percent went to landfill

Thomas asks…

Can anyone give me some good statistics about recycling?

amount of waste generated, things that show why schools should recycle, ect.

The Expert answers:

You can find some good information on recycling here:

James asks…

can you give me recycling statistics and the resourses you found them from?

The Expert answers:

Our mother Earth which has a bio-capacity — natural absorption rate of organic carbon in the soil mantle, but our human animal had already discharged double that figure, with the developed nations being the biggest contributor and preacher of recycling, whilst shipping millions of tons of solid waste to another geological cleft.

In a vicious dose-dependent cycle, such amount of toxic waste affects global geochemical balance; further contribute to the shifting in climate and trophic levels (food chains) in the ecosystem, known as the bio-magnification. What a wise eclecticism.

The volume of solid waste discharged in the Earth’s biosphere has reached a geological figure of 400 million tons per annum and rising, in a generation’s time, mankind will suffocated in its own garbage.

The natural absorption rate of organic carbon in the soil mantle is estimated 42 million tons annually.

Human animal discharge of organic carbon had reached 85 million tons per annum — doubled the earth’s natural absorption ability.

Why rising, read below, no body even notice that 1 billion more people on Earth in just 10 years, a break record this time, not a good news. And only China is doing something about it – one world, one dream same nightmare.

We celebrated on the eve of the new millennia with 6 billion people on Earth, since another billion people had joined our party by 2010 — 6 billion in 1999 now 6.8 and by next year today 7 billion.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

John asks…

Faucet, garbage disposal, dead bolt recycling?

Any ideas on what I can do with these items? Jist replaced all 3. Don’t want to throw away but do want to recycle somehow!

The Expert answers:

You can bring them to a salvage yard, there might be a nominal fee on the disposal, but the others items are fully recyclable and should be accepted without any charge at all.

Check your local yellow pages to find one. Otherwise contact your local unit of government and ask them if there is anyone in the area who recycles metals.

Richard asks…

Do people in the USA have recycling pick ups as well as the regular garbage disposal pick ups?

The Expert answers:

Many areas in the USA have recycling pick ups. I live in San Mateo County, California, just south of San Francisco. A few cities here run their own garbage and recycling pick up programs, but most cities here (and the county for areas outside city limits) contract private companies to handle garbage and recycling pick ups. Recycling of electronics is done by the garbage company, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.

Lizzie asks…

Can someone help me with a garbage disposal assignment?

Ok, so in tech class I was told to come up with this contraption for a garbage disposal thing… Here are some of the details:

– it has to be a garbage disposal system thing
– it has to be able to separate different types of garbage (recycling, cans, compost etc)
– make sure that it doesn’t “leak” the other garbage when it’s being emptied; so if the garbage guys come and empty it, the rest can’t fall out.
– It has to be efficient in terms of cost, size, etc.

That’s all for now. It’s home time so later. 10 points for the best answer. 😀

The Expert answers:


Sharon asks…

If a garbage disposal isn’t running, does food that goes down the drain go into pipes or is…?

…there something to catch it?
Every morning after I feed my cats, I rinse out the empty cat food can before putting it in the recycling. If I turn on the garbage disposal while I am rinsing out the can, it scares one of my cats out of the kitchen and my other cat eats her share of the food. If I don’t run the garbage disposal, are the bits of cat food that go down the drain going on into my pipes, or do they sit in some kind of trap so that I can turn on the garbage disposal to eliminate them later?

The Expert answers:

You should not regularly use your garbage disposal to dispose of gravel, but for your purposes, it is fine. In a garbage disposal, there are multiple “blades” that spin on their own axis when the disposal is on. These work well on soft food that it is designed to chop up. The occasional pebble can ding these blades, but should not significantly decrease their ability to chop. A more rare circumstance is a pebble wedging between the blade and its axle preventing it from spinning. This might decrease the efficiency of the chopping action of the blades, but the disposal spins so fast that it should not be significant. Since rocks are more dense than water, there may be a greater chance of them remaining in the disposal until it is turned on. Only a knuckle size rock or larger has a chance to jam the disposal and cause real damage. You can use a drain strainer to catch any boulders too big for your disposal to handle. Sand and dirt should be no problem. The whole point of the disposal is convenience, so keep those doggy feet clean the easy way!

I remember that coffee grounds can most definitely clog a sink… At my previous job the cleaning personnel clogged it virtually every night by dumping the coffee grounds from the machine into the sink (we eventually wrote them a note in Spanish which solved the problem). Thus, given that dirt is a lot like coffee grounds in consistency, I am convinced you can clog it.

Also, given that there are either blades or a grinding mechanism in every disposal, with big enough pebbles (about marble size?) you can damage the mechanism enough that you’ll have to replace it.

Final word of advice: never wash a shedding Collie (spring time!) in your bathtub. Pounds of long dog hair will reliably clog it…

Mark asks…

Why should people go through the troubles of recycling?

I mean recycling is way expensive than other garbage disposal options.
lol… I need help on my project for recycling

The Expert answers:

Actually it is cheaper in a lot of instances to recycle. AL is 44% cheaper to recycle, and plastic is nearly 75% cheaper to recycle. Plus in the long run commodity costs will increase as we run out.

James asks…

Why has Indian and Korean garbage collection failed?

Why has Garbage disposal in India failed?
Garbage consists of vegetable wastes, spoiled foods, and plant matter that is collected in a recycled cardboard container, and disposed into the town manure generation system. Today, the system results in the formation of ragpickers who are instructed to pick up plastic covers, papers, and wastes from the roads, ditches, and give them to the social service groups. Now, due to failure of generation of organics from garbage, we have to send more orphaned children to sort out the plastic wastes from huge mounds of garbage outside the city limits, just to get the cycle going. This is clearly seen in the BBC and CNN programs where they showed that these workers come under abuse. Even the social workers who try to help them come under the rod. What would be the solution?

The Expert answers:

Educate the electorate so that they vote for the best possible person,rather than the one who dishes out millions to seduce them and regain 100 times that amount once they come to power.

Laura asks…

Suppose you are operating a boat 28 feet long on federal waters?

Suppose you are operating a boat 28 feet long on federal waters. What must you display in a prominent location?

1. Nuisance Species Identification Card
2. USCG Recycling Guidelines
3. Garbage Disposal Placard
4. The Three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The Expert answers:

Read the book and you’ll know. I know the answer but you need to know the answer too.

Robert asks…

How to dispose of disposal?

Our garbage disposal is cracked and sprays water all over when used. What are we supposed to do with it? Throw it away or recycle? Think it can be used/ traded for parts?

The Expert answers:

Look in the Yellow Pages under Recycling, and you should be able to drop it off or schedule for it to be picked up. This way there is nothing taking up room at the dump or polluting our beautiful earth.

Daniel asks…

Should this be made obligatory in the UK?

While living in Belgium and Switzerland during 2001/2002, I noticed the difference in the recycling and garbage disposal laws.

When binning our household rubbish, we had to use colour-coded bins for different types: a yellow bin for packaging, a blue bin for paper and cardboard, bins for glass, and another for leftover food. Of course, we also had the black bin for the rest (or for those too lazy to sort out their rubbish, who ended up getting fined for it most of the time).

At first I found the system difficult to get used to because, as an Englishwoman, it was alien to me. I think it was a good idea though, and it certainly made me more environmentally aware.

As UK recycling stats are still far behind the continental countries, should we bring in the same laws here?
ni2penang – yes, I know. I recycle too. I was asking whether this should become the law for the UK, not talking about my own personal habits.
wonderwoman – I agree. Unfortunately, though, much of Britain can’t be bothered, it seems.

The Expert answers:

I think so. We are so lazy about this as a nation.

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