Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

are household recycling schemes a waste of time ?

only 9% of waste is from households, mose is from the industries, so is household recycling a waste of time? i know about the every little helps but hay 9% isn’t that much. so what are your thoughts ?

The Expert answers:

Household recycling? Definitely no benefit. Recycling in general? No benefit. Now, calm down, I know all you greenies out there are gonna start waving biodegradeable bags in my face but there is some logic to my reasoning.
An American Uni professor (with a lot of spare time) calculated that at the current rate of waste disposal American would fill 35 square miles of landfill 100 yards deep with rubbish in 1000 years. Thats one tenth of one percent of the grazing real estate available for American agirculture.
Now, the most popular argument with greenies is that recycling saves the environment, right? I mean, apparently plastic bags take like 1000 years to be degraded (or something like that, Im no statistician). What they have forgotten to take into account is the extremely small amount of landfill required to dispose of said waste, landfill that almost definitely doesnt affect any natural wildlife. However, if we were to recycle said waste, it requires twice the manpower, resources and emissions that simple disposal uses.
Did you know you have to use a ceramic coffee mug 1000 times before it equalled the benefits of a 1000 foam mugs in terms of cost effectiveness and emissions? That is, your ceramic mug costs the earth more compared to foam cups. Think about it, you gotta heat your water to wash your mug, buy detergent to clean it, or power a dish washer to clean it for you = more emissions than what is required to make foam cups.
We will have bigger things to worry about than 35 miles of garbage in 1000 years, like overthrowing our robot overlords. If you actually want to make a difference, ride a motorcycle, dispose of your garbage rather than recycle, use nuclear power.

James asks…

What happends to the garden recycling waste?

Our community has special bin for weeds/branches, etc. What happends to this stuff?

The Expert answers:

Varies with community. Often it is collected, chipped/shredded and turn into compost to be put on public parks. Sometimes it is available to the public. Call and ask.

Sometimes it is mixed with sewage sludge and composted for use in special areas where people won’t be rolling around on the ground. .

Jenny asks…

What are the Disadvantages or recycling waste water ?

Also, could you please tell me some advantages too if you have the time ? (:
Thank you.

The Expert answers:


1. Smell
2. Cuts into natural process where every other person’s crap is some organism’s food.
3. Chemicals used could be harmful in long run.
4. Requires large area of land that could be permanently damaged.
5. Air born pollution and germs.


1. Could stop lots of pollutants to enter the natural process
2. Could help nature to be cleaner and not plagued by weeds
3. Could remove Chemicals that could have been harmful for environment
4. Stops waste water seepage into natural water sources.

Sharon asks…

What are the best practices in reducing and recycling waste in your country?

The Expert answers:

I would like to say education and availability is what it takes to make recycling work. IT DOESN’T. Curb side recycling is a joke. Community collection/recycling centers are out. Do like SA Recycling’s Western Metals yard does and pay top dollar for your recyclables and people will recycle. Recycling is not only about a better environment, its about money. Offer some of this money back to the consumer and you have a best practices chart topper. Go to 1701 Western Ave. In Las Vegas to see recycling cleaning up the community, providing jobs and paying those who recycle.

Mandy asks…

Apart from organic (food) waste what are the other 3 broad categories for household recycling?

I want to set up a system of shared recycling bins and waste disposal for a block of 5 flats. There is space for 4 bins one of these will be organic waste, what should the other three be?

The Expert answers:

Paper, plastic, metal.

Daniel asks…

Dr Rajendra soni wish to start a recycling unit of waste corrugated boxes.I wish to know abt the byproducts of?

Pl suggest me the byproduct units on small scale basis which can run on waste corrugated boxes.I wish to have all technical details of such recycling units.I also wish to know all microfinancial details of this.

The Expert answers:


I hope my Information will Help you Please Check into you will get useful information…

Good day…

Betty asks…

Why are some countries more successful than others in recycling waste?

Thank you 😀

The Expert answers:

Effort individuals are prepared to put into it and the facilities available.

In Germany at a train station I saw they had 4 colour coded bins not one – to make it easier for the public.

Also remember in the west we recycle lots – what that really means often is that we send it elsewhere to be sorted etc.

Susan asks…

Is there any machine for recycling watse polythene bags? How can I recycle waste polythene bags?

The Expert answers:

It’s called a garbage truck. It returns the bags to the Earth from which they originated.

George asks…

how many e-waste recycling companies are there in india?

also how much does it cost to establish an e-waste recycling plant?

The Expert answers:

You need to ask how many European owned companies are there polluting India.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Laura asks…

recycling centers?

are there any recycling centers in Monterey Park, CA? or is there like a site where i can go and find one? thanks

The Expert answers:

Here you go. A whole PDF of all the recycling centers and what they take in your area!


Daniel asks…

Recycling Centers?

Are there any recycling centers in Brandon FL area or drop off bins???

The Expert answers:

Try the link for various recycling option in Brandon.


Donna asks…

Why do most recycling centers take only certain types of plastic containers?

If you look at most plastic containers, they have the recycling symbol and a number on it. To me that means it can be recycled. However, most centers will only take certain kinds of plastic containers. For example, I can put a plastic juice bottle in the recycling bin, but I can’t put a yogurt container in there even though it says it can be recycled. So what’s the deal?

The Expert answers:

This answer is from my husband who used to manage a recycling center. He says not all plastics are profitable. If they cant make a profit from it they won’t take it.

Chris asks…

Where would I find maps of landfills and recycling centers in Ohio?

We’re doing an ongoing project in our science class, and it lasts until about the end of the year. For part of the project we must find maps of state and local landfills and recycling centers. I’ve been searching for about a week, but no matter what I search for I can’t find anything. I’ve tried all the variations that would show up results in Google, but nothing useful does. So does anyone know where I might be able to find the maps, or what I should put in the search so that I would get results?

The Expert answers:

Probably this is handled by local governments, so a statewide search is not working. Here is a link to the counties in Ohio, you may have to search each one separately.


Mary asks…

How can I find recycling centers/services?

I’ve been looking for recycling centers or services for my apartment complex for like a year now, but I can’t find anything within a 50 mile radius! I’ve looked on many different sites and asked many different people. This is a major metropolitan area, I have a hard time believing it’s THAT anti-recycling. Please help me find something. If it helps, my town is Brandon, FL.

The Expert answers:

Hi There,

If Local Government in the US works anything like in England then hopefully they should be able to advise,

Meanwhile I did find the following listed on the Brandon Chamber of Commerce Website
All County Hauling & Recycling
605 Overhill Dr
Brandon, FL 33511
Phone: (813) 228-6707

William asks…

Are you allowed to take computers from recycling centers?

I am working on computers, hoping to make a career out of it soon. My question is, Am I allowed to take computers nobody wants from recycling centers? I don’t care if they’re broken because I am studying how to fix them. I will take any computer, broken or not. I just need to know if i’m allowed to take them from the recycling centers.

The Expert answers:

It depends on the recycling center. Some deal specifically with electronics. Others won’t take electronics at all.

See if you can find something like this in your area:

Linda asks…

How much do recycling centers pay for air conditioners in Arizona?

I live in Yuma, AZ and i have 3 old air conditioners that i’d like to recycle. They are all about 4 years old. Do you know the usual amount that recycling centers will pay per air conditioner in AZ?… (excluding Prescott, Flagstaff areas….prices in those areas are far greater as to living..ect.) Looking for answers for maybe Yuma, Phoenix area. Thanks!!

The Expert answers:

Approximately 50$

Robert asks…

Are there recycling centers that do pickups?

I Have a cellular business and we go through old phones and batteries quite often. we donate as much as we can but if the phones are destroyed or the batteries test bad we would like to recycle. realistically speaking I should drop them off to a recycling center but my time is limited and its not that feasible. are there any recycling centers that do pickups in Michigan?

The Expert answers:

I’d contact an environmental organization in your area. For example, Sierra Club.

Sandra asks…

Are recycling centers usually willing to sell pop can tabs?

As of right now, the current price for aluminum is just under a dollar a pound. Do you think it would be reasonable to buy a few pounds of aluminum pop can tabs at say, $1.50 per pound? Or would most recycling centers be unwilling to sell them, even at a profit to what they would normally get? The reason for buying them is to make chainmail out of them, and I figured that I would need about 4 pounds of aluminum tabs to finish what I was making.
I would be pulling the tabs off myself.

The Expert answers:

If you think that they are going to pull the tabs off of each individual can for $1.50 per pound, you are delusional. The cost of the labor alone is more expensive than that.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Where i live you don’t see garbage cans anymore they are grabage bins….?

what do you have? A garbage can or a garbage bin? We also have to have a recycle bin for cans, bottles and paper and also plant life? Do you?

The Expert answers:

On the street we have garbage cans the city takes care of .
At home we have a small dumpster the Park shares .
We have blue bins to recycle & the city does tax blue bins weather people recycle or not .
SOOO .. Kinda might as well use them , people say .
You are paying for them anyways .
D 🙂

Mary asks…

How to inform my customers to stop putting garbage in their recycle curbside bin.?

I drive a truck with the auto-pickup device. Inconvenient to get down even when I see garbage in the recycle bin. Don’t want to discourage recycling but also need to keep it clean as possible.

The Expert answers:

You need to ask your company what they want you to do. It is their company and their policy. I had a friend and his company wanted the trash in trash bags, and he didn’t have to take the trash unless it was bagged. A dilemma you might have is that you may not know if it is your customer dumping the trash in the recycle bin, or just some wise guy dumping trash at someone else’s house. Some companies have different colored bins for different recycled items, so they pick up trash on one day in a blue trash can, and the recycled items are a different day in white or green bins. I guess your company can send out a letter with the billing notices stating their policies. I think you are fighting a loosing battle, but good luck to you.

Helen asks…

where can i get recyclin bins that the garbage truck will actually take?thanks!

i would like to know where to get a recycling box that the garbage people would actually take.does it need to be the county one or can i just get an plastic bin and put it with the garbage out.?
i dont receive blue bags.

The Expert answers:

You are suppose to put your recyclables in the blue bags!

Sharon asks…

What do you think of Tim Horton’s policy to encourage recycling of its waste? Will recycling bins curb litter?

Personally,I think recycling will help to some degree but how do you make the consumer put any effort into using them.I’ve seen people throw garbage out of their car window, dump ashtrays in parking lots,leave bulk garbage ( tires, sofas etc.) at mall dumpsters because they were too cheap to take it to the dump.We, the consumers also have to do our part.What are your feelings?

The Expert answers:

Education, Education, Education. Making community leaders responsible for the citizens of their communities as well.

I sat on a committee where we spoke at town hall meetings and all though participation is still not at 100%, it’s getting better.

I’m trying to start and initiative to have the elementary and high schools recycle and go in and speak with the students since most schools do not really ingrain this into children.

Bins will help but education and making people understand their responsibility as consumers and citizens.

Joseph asks…

How do I tell my neighbours to not park their car in front of my garbage bins?

My city gave us two large bins to store our recycling and garbage. There is a fairly large space of grass between the neighbour and I. On the other side of my house is only a small triangle of grass. We cannot park out bins there because it is blocking both of our driveways.

If we park out bins on the other side, the neighbour simply parks his car in front of it. The bins have to be 2 feet apart and a good ways away from a car. The city would not collect the waste other wise. This has been going on for half a year. We have had our waste ignored for over three times and there is no where else to put the bins besides in front of our driveway, which is really tedious because it is a high-traffic area.

We have talked to our neighbours politely already. We don’t mind if they park on any other day, we just need the particular spot on Thursdays morning.

How should we get the point across? It is causing great stress and frustration.

We’ve tried to work with the space that we have but they didn’t collect it.

Also, we’re not trying to be greedy or selfish, it’s only one day of the week, the rest of the time, we don’t mind.

The last time we tried to put the bins where his car would be, he knocked it right over. It was a big clean-up job.
It’s really tedious to have to get down the car and move the bins, back out to the middle of the road, get out of the car, move the bins back and go in -20 degree weather.

The Expert answers:

Talk to your neighbor one more time.
The next time they do this, take YOUR garbage and put it in THEIR bin
When they start to complain,
in a calm voice, explain that YOUR bin is full and was not picked up because THEIR car was in front of it.

Steven asks…

Who or what kind of companies buy from recycling companies ?

When households throw our garbage to the recycled bins, the local council pick up and send to the recycling center where the stuff get sorted. The recycling company will buy the sorted and baled products, where they will do further processing. Then what happens after that? Who buys from the recycling company ?

The Expert answers:

Let’s see, you pay the local council who pays a contractor to pick up the recyclables, who then pays the recycling centre to accept the recyclables. The recycling centre may or may not recoup some of their costs from reselling the sorted and baled products and would pay a landfill to take whatever they can’t resell. Their business model doesn’t rely on actually recycling anything. Sometimes, smelters will buy the aluminum if aluminum prices are high. Sometimes, plastic soda bottles will be purchased to make insulation and sometimes paper and cardboard will be bought to add to the wood pulp for low quality paper products like newsprint (can’t recycle too much cause the fibers get smaller each time).

Recycling does make for neat and tidy landfills with all the aluminum cans bunched, plastic bottles and paper in separate piles.

Paul asks…

How to start recycling my garbage?

Okay so here’s my question for the day.
I live in a very tiny town of maybe 800 population IF that.
Every Thursday we take our plastic black garbage barrels to the end of the drive for the garbage truck to empty the next morning. What good would it do me if I bought a green recycling bin? Like what I’m trying to say is just because I put all my plastics and stuff in the green bin how do I know if the garbage man or truck or whatever won’t just dump it in with the rest of the none recycled garbage and haul it to the dump? Like does there need to be a special kind of recycling garbage truck to come here to be able to do it or is every garbage truck recycle friendly? I don’t know if this is making sense or not! lol
I don’t want to get a nice pretty expensive green recycling barrel and then come to find the garbage man won’t take it because he isn’t set up for it or whatever.
Please help this is rather confusing on how recycling works.

The Expert answers:

Normally different garbage trucks collect different types of recycling. Where I live for example we have a truck with two sections for bottles and paper, a truck for green waste and a truck for other stuff that the local council don’t see fit to recycle. If it didn’t work this way, garbage collection would be more expensive because you would have to pay people to sort the recycling rather than householders doing it themselves (for free). You could contact your waste disposal authority though and check what they do in the way of recycling. Another possibility is to buy a composter to put in the back yard or garden. These take various types of food and garden waste, although not meat, bones, etc, which might attract rats. They also take things like tissues, cardboard, and other so-called ‘brown waste’. The proportion of brown waste should not be greater than the proportion of food/garden waste. You can also buy a special food digester to put in the garden which does take meat etc, and to which you have to add a bacterial starter. If you don’t want to have to throw away so much packaging, you can try to buy things which are not so packaged up. Hope that helps a bit!

Daniel asks…

Is there an alternative to recycling?

Hey people,
I really want to recycle,but, the problem is in my area we don’t have the recycle garbage‘s or bins so I wondering…does anyone know another way to recycle paper, plastic, and the such?

The Expert answers:

Some ideas:

Look in your yellow pages (book or on-line) for recycling centers in your area.

Check your city/township/county’s website for recycling information.

Ask large stores (supermarkets, big-box, etc.) in your area if they do any recycling. For instance, my local Tom Thumb has a big bin for unloading used plastic shopping bags–but there’s no sign on the bin, so most people don’t know it’s there! You have to ask.

Many dry cleaners will take hangers for recycling.

Oh, and you know that computer you’re using? When it gets old and you’re ready to replace it, most major manufacturers will take it and recycle the parts. Check your brand’s website for details.

Good luck, and hooray for you!

William asks…

What do think about our green project: Garbage Bin Made Of Used Car Tires?

Visit our blog ( ) to see pictures of this innovative way to recycle car tires. Garbage bin made of car tires and artistically design to captivate the attention of people passing by in order to promote recycling. Tell us what you think and feel free to give us design ideas..Thanks and don’t forget to recycle.

The Expert answers:

Reuse is better than recycle

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

where can i buy or get blue recycling bins for my school?

Bins that we can have in school for Plastic and cans (damn community service) so we can use the money for other things (damn hobo school)
we are in the area code 91343 schools name is North Valley Charter Academy in California if anyone knows if theres anywhere we can go within 1-8 miles that would be nice

The Expert answers:

Call your city’s Division of Public Works (may be located in City Hall) and tell them that your school in interested in starting up a recycling program.

Most municipalities won’t let schools use curbside bins, but generally have a paper/cardboard dumpster than can be used. Some cities offer the recycling program free of charge to schools, other cities and towns may charge for the rental fee of the dumpster.

Sandy asks…

where can i get a recylcle bin?

im trying to get a recycle bin for my schools student lobby, where can i get one?

The Expert answers:

Buy one from the store or call the waste department and ask for one.

Robert asks…

Where can I find rather large, heavy duty recycling bins?

I’m trying to start recycling at my school and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could get some fairly large recycling bins that won’t cost an arm and a leg. The materials I intend to recycle are paper and plastic bottles. I’m not sure if my school will get on board and want to get recycling started by buying the bins. If they choose not to, I will see if our band boosters would buy the bins if we could make a profit off the materials to help raise money for badly needed marching uniforms. thanks!

The Expert answers:

If you live in a large community with an established recycling program, this service may be provided free-of-charge. To find out, call the Public Works department at City Hall. If you live in a smaller district, or if the school is a private or charter school ~ the process is a little more difficult and will cost some money.

I set up a recycling program in our school several years ago. Our city would collect cardboard & paper on site, as long as we dumped it in one of their paper recycling dumpsters….which they “leased” to us for $45 a week.

As far as the glass, plastics, and aluminum….they wouldn’t collect these on site and it was our job to bring them to the recycling center. We opted not to bother with the glass because of the weight, but chose to collect plastics & the cans.

To collect these items, I just bought several Rubbermaid trash cans with the wheels on them. We are in our 5th year of using them, and they’ve held up just fine 🙂

Thomas asks…

how can i get a huge free recycling bins california for my school?

Hey my school is wasting to many thing that can be recycled. The only thing that we need is a big bin to put ever thing in… i know i seen one at a school but most likely they bout that … we need a free one …please if any one reads this try and get me a bin for my school . your not just helping my school your helping the world. we recycle bottels and cans … and that is taking up room in are classes… thats why we need a bin may be two… so that can hold paper and stuff… please we need to start to recycle asap because the longer we wate the longer and more we waste in paper and time on this earth

The Expert answers:

Hi there. Join your local freecycle community – and ask through there for recycling bins or other bins that may be suitable to use as a bin. It costs you nothing and you may be surprised with the help you get offered. My local groups here in the UK are great anyhow so hopefully youll live in an area full of lovely people!

Michael asks…

Can you recycle old school papers?

Okaay so our new semester starts monday, and i have a TON of old school papers left. Is there any way I can recycle them, because i’d feel bad throwing all this paper away? I mean, I’m just wondering if i can just put them in my recycle bin and leave it for the garbage man or should i take it somewhere? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Shred them and use as pet bedding.
Put out with normal paper recycling.
Use as unique wrapping paper for gifts.

Donna asks…

Can I have a list of things that Abitibi recycle please?

Not the paper retriever but the green bin I see in Texas . I live in flower mound, and I see a Abitibi regular green recycle bin at Flower Mound High School. Thanks for the help. Sorry for messing this up.

The Expert answers:

To my knowledge, I believe Abitibi and Paper Retriever are the same company. They accept:
School & Office Papers

The linked pdf has more info on what and what not to recycle.

Mark asks…

What steps do i need to take towards funding and organizing a student/ community organization?

I’m trying to direct the formation of an organization within my school that will perform community services( such as picking up litter and promoting good habits within the community), but i need help with who i should talk to about it and what kind of things i could do for funding.
Funding would go towards helping out people in the community/ possibly some recycling bins since our school has none/ supplies that might be needed for promotional posters or garbage bags ..etc.
Could someone please give me some guidance?

The Expert answers:

Recycling things etc (I don’t know if they provide funding) look for “ecoschools”
Their site might give you an idea of the things you need to do to get the ball rolling.
As for funding, perhaps take a look at what other local organisations are doing; look at local towns etc, ask questions and see if they can impart any wisdom, if not, you’re still getting the word out there!

Steven asks…

How can I encourage people to recycle at my school?

For my senior project I am doing a project on becoming environmentally friendly and for my product presentation I am starting a recycling program at my high school. My question is how can I encourage my classmates and the staff to throw that water bottle in the recycling bin instead of the trash can.

The Expert answers:

You could show them examples of cool things that can be made out of recycled bottles.

For instance, the shoelaces on the Keds Green Label shoes are made from 100% recycled bottles! There are more details on them here:

After seeing a final product like these shoes, that may just motivate them to recycle those bottles!

George asks…

algebra 1 homework helppp?

In order to buy recycling bins for her school, Elsie plans to collect empty aluminum cans in big plastic bags and drive them to a local recycling center. Elsie wants to figure out how many days she will need to use plastic bags before she can buy the recycling bins.

a. The recycling center pays 25 cents per kg for aluminum cans. If her school recycles 2070 cans each day, how much money will Elsie earn each day by recycling?

b. Elsie has a friend at a local store who can get her 6 recycling bins for $14.99. Elsie thinks her school needs 30 recycling bins. Set up and solve a proportion to find out how much money Elsie needs in order to buy all of the bins for her school. Remember to check your answer.

c. Now put it all together: Assuming Elsie recycles about 2070 cans each day, for how many days will Elsie have to recycle before she can buy her school new recycling bins?

The Expert answers:

A. 2070 x .25 = $517.5

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mark asks…

How can I improve this?

One of the biggest problems that our planet has to face is, surprisingly, waste. Plastic bottles, cutlery, bags and much more are very useful. But once they are used, they turn out to be a burden for the environment. How can we deal with this problem? Well, prevention is always better than cure. First of all, we should buy products made form recycled material. If we have any plastic, paper and glass rubbish, we should not simply throw them into the bin. The best thing to do is to take them to the nearest recycling centre. It is very important as far as used batteries are concerned. Batteries contain mercury, which can leak into the groundwater beneath the landfills. The groundwater then runs into the streams and poisons the fish. Other possibility is buying rechargeable batteries. In addition, we should reduce the consumption of bottled water. Plastic water bottles aren’t biodegradable, so they will eventually overflow from the landfills.

The Expert answers:

And don”t shrug your shoulders and say what can I do? The ocean is made up of drops. Wear natural fibers instead of synthetics, you will save fossil foils, don’t worry about being a nerd carry your own bags when you go to by groceries, and make a compost pit in your backyard from food waste like eggshells vegetable peels etc. Your flowers will love it. There is alot each of us can do without much effort, all you really have to do is CARE.

Chris asks…

Recycling Water Plastic Bottles.?

Hello and how are you, I have a number of empty cases of plastic water bottles and I would like to drop them of at a near-by recycling center that will pay for the bottles. Are there any locations in Houston that will actually pay for plastic bottles. Many locations advertise they will buy or pay for the plastic bottles. When I called the claim of paying for the plastic bottles is immediately avoided.

The Expert answers:

It is likely your state (Texas) will not pay for your empty plastic water bottles. Because of this you will not likely get $ for your plastic. You can still recycle them at your local recycling center though. Is this an option?

Another possibility is to drive to a state that does reimburse you, maybe OK or MS.

Hope this helps!

Steven asks…

Recycling Plastic Water Bottles.?

Hello and how are you, I have a number of empty cases of plastic water bottles and I would like to drop them of at a near-by recycling center that will pay for the bottles. Are there any locations in Houston that will actually pay for plastic bottles. Many locations advertise they will buy or pay for the plastic bottles. When I called the claim of paying for the plastic bottles is immediately avoided.

The Expert answers:

The only way to get money for plastic bottles is to live in a state that has a deposit law then they are worth .05-.10 cents per container. The only recyclable that is worth money is metal.

Jenny asks…

Are there computer recycling centers in Illinois that are free or pay you to recycle?

I really don’t want to pay to recycle but don’t want to just dump the computer in the garbage? I would like places near the sw burbs (naperville, dg, woodridge, lisle, darien, hinsdale, lombard..)

The Expert answers:

This is a company that recycles by mail (is a partner with Circuit City) and then gives you a certain amount of Circuit City credit in exchange for your Used Computer.

In searching, I also found that Staple is recycling.. You pay a fee of $10 per large item & they ship it to the recycle place

They also send you a box & pay for shipping

Hope that helps. I think it is great to recycle anything & everything… And with most items, there is a way to recycle, it is a matter of finding out how.

I am glad you asked (a star for you)

Michael asks…

what can i do to convince my apartment complex to provide a recycling center by our dumpster?

there is nowhere in my complex for my to recycle. and the nearest facility to me is gate access only (i don’t live there, so i can’t get in to dump my recyclable materials), and the one after that is 20miles away. way too far. i want to see if i can get my apartment complex to provide a center for myself and fellow residents to dump our recycling materials. how could i go about doing this?

The Expert answers:

I wish you the very best with this project. I used to help manage apartments, so I can tell you that you have a tough cookie to crack. The previous answerer was right, you must find out if there is enough support (and REAL support, not just verbal) to form a group.

The manager does not own the building. The owners are interested in profit. Putting more work onto the manager without more pay makes an angry manger. (And there would be more work for somebody — for sure!) So you have a lot of issues to work on. How do you make the owners Happy, the manager Happy, your neighbors Happy. If you do not have strong support, it will be a no-starter.

What else could you do? Put you eye onto the street and see if there is anyone around scavaging on a regular basis, then let them know that on such and such a day you will put out stuff for them to pick up. That works in a few places around here — and it puts a few dollars into someone’s pocket who may need it more than you. The goal is to recycle, right, not make money — so it does not matter to you how the material gets back into the resource stream, just so that it does.

Check out any bars/restaurants nearby. Often they will have a certified recyler picking up their stuff. Ask if you can add yours.

Still no sucess? See if there are any non-profits near by that can act as drop off centers on the proviso that they get all the monetary rewards. The material gets back into the stream — and a non-prof gets a little, maybe enough to encourage them to do a larger formal effort.

Best of luck, it is a noble endeavor. But usually, if the apartment manager is going to be involved there needs to be a monetary motive so you may need to refocus your goal and see what else can be done in the neighborhood.

Let us know how it goes, ok?

Sandy asks…

Where can I find a recycling center for celphones?

Hi, I live in Gardena, CA and I wanted to know where I can find a place near Gardena for recycling celphones. Do you guys know where? Thank you.

The Expert answers:

Usually, the compay u got the phone from can recycle it 4 u. My dad ran ovr his phone, and he took it in and they were able to recycle quite a few parts from it. NEVER throe ur phone into a recyle bin for the trash ppl, itll just get thrown away. So for example, if u got ur phone from t mobile, take it to any t mobile store near u and ask them if they will recyle ur phone. All they have to do is clear the sim card and put in a new one and resell it. Or they use parts out of it for other phones. Either way, the place u originally got the phone from will be able to recycle it.

Robert asks…

want to start recycling in my household, but…?

…i don’t know if my town (and i doubt they do) has a recycling center, or where the nearest one is. how do i find out? I live in Pushmataha county in southeaster Oklahoma. I checked out but it didn’t really help me, so what can i do?

The Expert answers:

Go to and type in the cities in your area expand the search to 100 miles, I did see some about 30 miles away from Antler, OK.

Thomas asks…

Are there any paper recycling banks on/near the LJMU or UoL campuses, preferably within Liverpool city centre?

LJMU=Liverpool John Moores University
UoL = University of Liverpool

I’ve never seen any(?!?), yet I’d have thought that students would be the number one consumers of recyclable material. I know that there’s a bank which does glass, food and drink cans and plastics on Church Street.

However, I live in a halls of residence, so I don’t think we get given blue boxes/bags/whatever.

The Expert answers:

Amsure there are plenty. Saw one just the other day just by Lime Streetstation.

Laura asks…

Does anyone know were i can i find a recycling center for cans and get money for them near Monroe,GA

10 points

The Expert answers:

How about you look in the phone book under salvage metal.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

Where can I take a fiberglass boat for recycling in Michigan.?

I was told there was few places that would take them but I am unable to find any information about them.

The Expert answers:

It is called the dump !!

George asks…

Resident of Michigan to Recycle cans in Michigan?

I live in Ohio close to Michigan. The exchange rate for recycling soda cans is higher in Michigan than it is in Ohio. Does anyone know if I am able to take my cans to Michigan and get money for them or if I have to be a resident of that state?


The Expert answers:

Cans sold in Michigan are subject to a deposit that ANYONE can claim. These cans are MARKED with the deposit amount. Most cans sold in OH are not marked and will not be accepted for the deposit in Michigan.

Nancy asks…

Is there a tax deduction for businesses who recycle in Michigan?

I want to start an office recycling business, and am trying to come up with ways for this to work. I thought if I could find something that says it can be “written off” as a tax deduction for their efforts in helping the environment, this would really help the cause. If there is not, this should really be brought to become a possibility, I think!
I should clarify – I meant is there a tax break for a business who pays someone to recycle for them, not for the actual recycling business…does that make sense? I was hoping to use that as an incentive to get them to use my services.

The Expert answers:

You are right about the need and value of having such a Tax Break..

But I don’t believe that there is one specifically for recycling businesses…

The best thing to do, is to talk to a CPA.. He will tell you exactly what’s available to you, in the area that you live in.

Remember though that businesses in general have a lot of tax breaks, so it may be worthwhile none the less.

Study your options carefully.. You may have something there that is worthwhile going after.

Good luck.

Lisa asks…

Michigan Can Recycling wont read barcode?

I am new to michigan and I’m trying to do the can return thing in the machine. Most of them go through without a problem, but I still have a lot where it’s not reading the barcode (the can is NOT smashed). There is a slim but small chance maybe one or two were not bought in michigan (maybe from traveling and pulling them out of my car). But I have too many that can’t be from out of michigan. Where else can you take them where the bar code doesn’t need to be read?

The Expert answers:

Tell the store cherk

Betty asks…

Where do I go in Michigan to recycle cans and bottles? How does it work?

The Expert answers:

If you are speaking of pop and beer cans and bottles, you take them to any grocery store. When you bought the items, did you notice the can and bottle return machines, most likely at the front of the store? Any Meijer, Family Fare, Glen’s, D&W, Felpaush, VG’s, Busch’s, Harding’s, Plumb’s, Wal-Mart Supercenter, Carter’s, etc. Has machines to take you cans and bottles and give you money for them.

Ruth asks…

Where do I recycle in Michigan?

I have cans and plastic bottles I want to recycle for the money. Anyone have any idea where to go or a resource that tells you where to go? Also, do you have to be a Michigan resident to do this?

The Expert answers:

Don’t recycle for the money. Do it to save the earth for God’s sake!

William asks…

Where can I find address locations of recycled metal buyers in the NW part of the upper peninsula Michigan.?

We run a small recycling business in central Wisconsin and are exploring alternate buyer sources and per pound quoates on metals such as the different types of aluminum and brass, coated and noncoated wire, stainless steel as well as precious metal, and computer component recycling in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinoes

The Expert answers:

I always start with yahoo yellow pages. Then I go to the chamber of commerce.

Mark asks…

SW Michigan can recycling?

Where is one close to the IN/SW MI border? I want to take my cans up there to recycle
I don’t live in Michigan, so I don’t know zip codes.

The Expert answers:

The cans I empty are all beer cans. Meijer has a machine that takes them and prints out a credit slip. I hope this helps. Meijer has several stores in the Kalamazoo area.

Steven asks…

Can I drive to Michigan to recycle aluminum cans to get ten cents a can? We live in Wisconsin.?

The Expert answers:

Get a job dude, I mean it.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

Well, my Russian mail order bride arrived, but they forgot to poke air holes. How can I sue a foreign company?

Thank you for answering my recycled question.
LOL, nice one Rusty.

The Expert answers:

If they poked air holes… She would arrive deflated !

John asks…

I would like to recycle my wedding gown that I bought in 2005. Any ideas?

I can’t give it away to another bride as it has some stains on it that the dry cleaners could not remove. It wasn’t very expensive (less than $120), is floor length white satin with spaghetti straps and no lace or embellishments other than some decorative embrodiery on the front. It wouldn’t look good if I tried to make it into a shorter dress. Where could I take it so that someone could use the material to make other clothing? By the way it’s a women’s size 16/18 (US).

The Expert answers:

Take it to a professional seamstress. They are everywhere and you can find one in the phone book. You could have it altered to wear on other occasions. You could save it for your children. You could have it completely made over into keepsakes like pillow covers or table cloths. Even a negligee to wear on your second anniversary.

Ruth asks…

Nuns say they’re “Brides of Christ”, so if one filed for divorce would she be entitled to half the Universe?

My contacts told me to recycle my old questions, so please direct your hate mail to them. Thank you.

The Expert answers:

This was a legal ruse invented to keep them from going after the Vatican’s treasury. Over the centuries, nineteen former nuns have attempted to sue their ex-husband. He is currently wanted on charges of contempt in seven countries.

Richard asks…

Ideas for a wedding toast?

I’ve been asked to give a wedding toast on saturday. Yikes. Not only do I get nervous, but I don’t know what to say. I went to school w/the bride and barely know the groom. Has anyone heard any great toasts that could be recycled for other weddings or have any ideas. Thanks.

The Expert answers:

Well it depends on if you want to make it funny or not. Or how long they have been together. My husband and I dated for a long time (about 6 years) before getting married. His brother joked…. “I can’t believe my brother made such a drop of the hat decision to marry this person he hasn’t known very long. All I know, is that she seems to make him smile, and that is all that matters. Best wishes to the both of you.” Also, if you know a funny story about when they were dating, you can talk about that. ” I remember when Jenny first started dating Mike, and she said she thought it was all over because he made her laugh and milk came out her nose. I’m glad it wasn’t all over, because now, we all get to meet here today. Here’s to all the future ‘we will look back on this one day and laugh’ moments.” Or you can just be honest. “Mike, I really don’t know you all that well, but I know Jenny well enough to see that sparkle in her eye when she says your name, or thinks about you. Thank you for making her smile and I wish you all the best”

Steven asks…

Do you think it would be a good idea if men arranged the wedding?

There would be a “Rehearsal Dinner Kegger” until the cops showed up.

Bridesmaids would wear matching blue jean cut-offs and halter tops.

They would have NO tan lines and more skin showing than not..

Tuxes would have team logos on the back and the Nike shoes would have matching team colors.

June weddings would be scheduled around basketball play-offs.

Vows would mention cooking and sex specifically, but omit that “forsaking all others” part.

The couple would leave the ceremony in a souped-up ’73 Charger or some other Mopar with racing tires and flame designs on the side of the car. Better yet, a Harley!

Idiots who tried to dance with the bride (unless they were really old) would get punched in the head.

Big, slobbery dogs would be eligible for the role of “Best Man.”

There would be “Tailgate Receptions.”

Outdoor weddings would be held during sporting events at half-time or between innings.

Ceremonies would be short and honeymoons would be long.

Ceremonies and honeymoons would be inexpensive compared to the cost of the bachelor party. The cost of strippers and liquor really does add up.

Men wouldn’t ask, “Well, what do you think, dear? The burgundy or the wine colored napkins?” They’d just grab extras from their local pub or tavern.

Favors would be matchbooks and cigars. Better yet, free drink passes at the local lounge.

The bride‘s dress would show cleavage, her navel, and be form-fitted to her ass.

Instead of a sit-down dinner or a buffet, there would be a hog roast or buckets of chicken, pizza, and plenty of bar-b-que.

No one would bother with that veil routine. But they would insist that the garter be as high up on her leg as it could go.

The bridal bouquet would be recycled from a previous funeral/wedding (what’s the difference) or something.

Invitations would read as follow: Tom (Dick or Harry) is getting the old ball and chain. He’s getting married. He either: A) Knocked her up, B) Couldn’t get a different roommate, or C) Caved in to her ultimatum. Please meet the woman who will cook and clean for him For the rest of his life at Soldier Field Stadium On the 50-Yard Line at Half-time during Sunday’s Game Please join us at the Moonlight Lounge after the game For Beer, Nachos and Pizza. Oh yeah… B.Y.O.B.

The Expert answers:

I had no idea that you had met my ex husbands family! Chuckles and stars for you once again!

George asks…

Do you agree with the Razzies?

This is a list of every movie being considered for the Razzies from the site with the comments from the Razzie’s forum administrator (for those of you that don’t know, the Razzies are an awards ceremony that honors the worst movies of the year, and I give all the credit to

Crappy-Looking CGI, Irksome Child Actors and UNfunny Jokes — Who Could Ask for Anything More??

It’s 2 Years Later…Do You Know WHY This Film is (FINALLY) Being Released??

Another Un-Asked-For Sequel to a Movie (Almost) No One Actually Liked…

First Film Out-of-the-Gate in the New Year…and We’ve Already Gotta Contenduh!

Get Thee Behind Me Satan…and While You’re There, Let’s Dance!!

The Wayans Brothers Ripping Off Seltzerberg…OMG That Sounds Awful!!

Is This a Case of Too Pitiful, Too Late??

FAME (2009)
What Rhymes with The Title of This Unnecessary Remake…Hmm: Lame, Shame, Defame…

FIRED UP (aka F.U.)
Oh, Yeah — F.U. Right Back Atya, Hollywood!!

Gentlemen, Start Your Engines…and Park Your Brains Outside the Theatre

Death by Escalator, Death by Car Wash…Death by LAUGHING?!?

FRIDAY THE 13TH (2009)
Jason’s Back…If Anyone Still Care-z-z-z-z-z-z-z…

So Cute ‘n’ Furry You’ll Wanna Cough Up Hairballs!

Who Exactly Is the Audience Supposed to Be for This Dreck??

A $100 Million Boy Toy Movie?!?!?

A Remake of a Sequel to a Remake…?!?!?

A Smiley-Faced Miley Goes Country…UGH!!

O-o-o-o-h, Scary — Evil Spirits That Can Make You Crap from Yer Mouth!

The Cinematic Equivalent of Stepping in a Steaming Pile of Doggie You-Know-What??

…But They May Hate RAZZIE® Day Even More!

Forgettable…and Forgotten BEFORE It Even Opens…

Eddie Edges Away from Multiple Characters with a Cookie-Cutter Family Friendly “Comedy”

This Wants 2-B Sexy and Smart…at Least They Got the Sexy Part Right!

They’ve Got More Talent in Their Little Fingers…Than Most People Have in Their Big Toes!

Nic Cage Already MADE This Movie (and Was Already a Worst Actor Nominee for It). Last Time It was Called NEXT

A Mega-Budget Remake of a Wonderfully Tacky Old TV Show…Sound Like a BAD Idea 2 You??

Yet Another Un-Needed Horror Remake…HO HUM!

Given the Less-Than Positive Word-of-Mouth, Reviews and Box Office, Maybe This Shoulda Been Called S**T HAPPENS!

a.k.a. Hef’s First Shot at “Winning” a RAZZIE…

Think of the Title as a Self-Review from the Film-Makers…
By Forum Administrator

Nothing “New” Here…In Fact, There’s Arguably “Nothing” Here at All!

A Contender as Dumbest Counter-Programming Release of 2009…

aka “Crazy White Chick Goes After Beyonce’s Hubby”

Adopting an Over-the-Top Attitude with a Horrifying Result…

Just One Question…W-H-Y?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

From the Creator of SPY KIDS 3-D and SHARK BOY & LAVA
GIRL…Wait, That’s Actually NOT an Endorsement…

Speaking of Recycled/Re-Hashed Concepts…

Why do a remake of MOMENT BY MOMENT??

Take One Cliche’ from Column A, One from Column B…

It May Kick Bot at the Box Office, But We Still Think It’ll Stink!

Whadda Ya Know, They’ve Finally Made a “Rom-Com” with Neither the “Rom” NOR the “Com”…

Who’s Yer Daddy? Could It Be…SATAN

Is It Just Us, or Does “Underworld” Sound Like a Place to Buy a Push-Up Bra??

…and the UNwelcome!

…Must Come Down. But Where is “Down” from a 00% R.T. Rating??

Why Does This Remind Us of the Old Admonition About “Yellow Snow”?!?

Is This Set in the Stone Age…or the STONED Age?!?

The Expert answers:

I agree with most of the picks that the Razzies make. I also agree that some of the work done by actors liked Sylvester Stallone, Madonna, Kevin Costner, John Travolta, Adam Sandler leave those actors open to criticism. But if you look at the history of the Razzies nominees and winners, they seem to be obsessed or fixated on certain actors. It gets to a point where you just say “Come on!” They will nominate certain actors for even mediocre performances and they just keep slamming the same actors year after year. I thought the Razzies were supposed to nominate and award the very worst performances. It’s like they are proud of bashing the same actors all the time. All those certain actors have to do is not be brilliant and they will automatically make the list. I think that is a little unfair. It sort of brings home the point that the Razzies are more like a group of heckling fans and haters than they are actual film critics

Linda asks…

survey: what are your top five….?

chuck norris jokes? you pick from the list or use your own 🙂

Chuck Norris can unscramble an egg
Chuck Norris beat halo on legendary with a broken guitar hero guitar
Chuck Norris doesn’t have to cut his grass he just stares at it and dares it to grow
Chuck Norris counted to Infinity Twice
Chuck Norris can delete the recycle bin

When Chuck Norris is doing push-ups, he doesn’t push himself up, he pushes the world down.
God can walk on water, Chuck Norris can swim on land
Chuck Norris doesn’t watch tv, tv watches Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris can eat just one lays potato chip
The term clevland steamer came from Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris is curently suing myspace for the name of what he calls everything around you
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

There are only two things that can cut diamonds: other diamonds, and Chuck Norris.

If you want a list of Chuck Norris’ enemies, just check the extinct species list

The Bible was originally titled “Chuck Norris and Friends”.

There is no such thing as tornados. Chuck Norris just hates trailer parks.

Chuck Norris turns on a night light when he goes to bed. It’s not because he’s scared of the dark – it’s Because the dark is scared of him.

When Chuck Norris looks in the mirror, it breaks because it is smart enough to know not to get in the middle of Chuck Norris and Chuck Norris

If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norris has more than you

When girls have sex with god, they scream CHUCK NORRIS!!

when men have sex with god, they scream OOH CHUCK YES CHUUUCK!!

Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting implies the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.

Some kids piss their names in the snow. Chuck Norris can piss his name in concrete

Darth Vader dresses up as Chuck Norris for Halloween.

Crop circles are Chuck Norris’ way of telling the world that sometimes corn needs to lie the f*ck down.

There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Oklahoma.

Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.

the Boogeyman checks his closet for Chuck Norris every night.

Chuck Norris’ tears can cure cancer; too bad he has never cried

oxygen, heat, and chuck is what is needed to create fire

chuck norris kills life for fun

chuck norris bakes better cookies than his grandmother

chuck norrises son was nailed to a cross and resurrected 3 days later

chuck receives tip but delivers no pizza

chuck may kiss the bride whenever he feels like it

preist: you may kiss the bride

chuck: kiss her!?!? im going to destroy her, and she will enjoy it!. she was never heard of again

chuck can’t f*ck with norris nor can norris f*ck with chuck

only chuck norris voted for obama

and obama voted for chuck

chuck is the magic number

chuck norris created all chuck norris jokes

on chuck norrises street chuck norris does not stop at stop signs or at red lights, their have 1031 deaths on his street all caused by chuck norris

chuck norris does not own a vehicle

he rides a unicycle,without a wheel


chuck norris walked into a bar. BOOOOM!!

2012 chuck norris will come back to earth

on chuck norrises keyboard their is no cntl key chuck is always in control

chuck eats at mcdonalds and not at burger king as he always has it his way anyway

goku received all of the power to create the spirit bomb from chuck norris

it is always dark when chuck norris is around as light is smart enough not to go directly to chuck norris

thats why you never see him

and thats he does not have a sun tan

chuck norris can destroy planets easily, their is enough energy in one his punches to give the planet a lifetime of electricity, and he can crush diamonds with a feather pillow

he also has a 9 inch penis

their is nothing sharp enough to cut his pubic hair

so he rips the hair out

chuck is real tight with spongebob

if you did chuck norries mushrooms you would smell chuck norrises roundhouse kick

don’t ask chuck to play jengar as buildings may fall

santa delivers all parcels and post to chuck and he does not receives bills or etc

chuck loves to park on double yellow lines

and he always get a concert ticket on his window

chuck norris does not breathe air he holds it hostage

chuck has presteiged a 1000 times on call of duty

chuck norris is always the banker in monopoly and with every loan you must pay 50% interest

and you must GO TO JAIL if chuck says GO TO JAIL, im not talking monopoly anymore
1) Chuck Norris puts the ‘laughter’ in ‘manslaughter’

2) Chuck Norris doesn’t dial the wrong number, people just answer the wrong phone

3) Whilst having sex in a trailer, one of Chuck Norris’ sperm got in to the engine. We now know that truck as Optimus Prime.

4) Chuck Norris doesn’t read. H
what are your top five fave
i think kimbo’s gonna get the best answer

The Expert answers:

Chuck Norris once walked down the street with an erection, there were no suvivors.

When Bruce banner gets mad he becomes the hulk, when the hulk gets mad he becomes chuck Norris.

There is no theroy of evolution, just a list of creatures chuck Norris has allowed to live.

Chuck Norris doesn’t waer a watch HE decides what time it is,

Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer.

Chuck Norris keeps a pillow under his gun.

If you spell chuck Norris in scrabble you win… forever.

In an average room there 1,536 thing that chuck Norris could kill you with including the room itself.

Chuck Norris can believe it’s not butter.

If at first you don’t suceed you are not chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris once killed two birds with half a stone… what? No such thing as half a stone u say? Two birds didn’t think so either.

If u see chuck Norris u should be afraid, if u can’t see chuck Norris u should be really afriad,

chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding.

Ok so that was more than 5 but these were all the ones I came up with off the top of my head… I think I earned a best answer for this plzzzzzz.

David asks…

Good underground horror movies?

Recommend some good horror movies? Below is a list of all movies I’ve seen already so do Ctrl+F to see if I already watched it or not before suggesting me 🙂

I’m looking really UNDERGROUND yet good scary movies

Chronicles of Narnia 1,2
Lion King 1,2
Little Mermaid
Sleeping Beauty
Shrek 1,2,3
Groundhog Day
Corpse Bride
Dark Waters
White Noise
Time Machine
Sky High
Madea Goes to Jail
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Going the Distance
Kungfu Panda
Wizard of Oz
Magician’s Aprentice
Lilo and Stitch
The Notebook
The Truman Show
Fantastic Four 1,2
Alvin and the Chipmunks
Snow White
Little Mermaid 1,2
28 Days Later
28 Weeks Later
Dawn of the Dead
The Grudge 1,2,3
Boogeyman 1,2
Poltergeist 1,2,3
The Ring 1,2
The Exorcist
The Village
The Shining
Pet Sematary
Human Centipede
30 Days of Night
Hostel 1,2
Saw 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Silence of the Lambs
Paranormal Activity 1,2
Paranormal Entity
Blaire Witch Project
Mean Girls
Kill Bill 1,2
The Great Gatsby
Simon Birch
The Mist
Scary Movie 1,2,3,4
Scream 4
Nightmare on Elm Street
The Thing
Silent Hill
National Treasure 1,2
The Hills Have Eyes
Terminator 1,2,3
Pirates of the Carribean 1,2,3
Willy Wonka
Wicker Man
The Blob
Alien Vs. Predator
Star Wars 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Amyville Horror
War of the World
Race to Witch Mountain
Spiderwick Chronicles
Batman: Dark Knight
Eating Out 1,2,3
The Orphan
Pan’s Labyrinth
Jacob’s Ladder
Rec 1,2
Lord of the Rings 1,2,3
Shawn of the Dead
Green Lantern
Despicable Me
Spiderman 1,2,3
Clash of Titans
Jaws 1,2
Lake Placid
House of Wax
Wicker Man
The Substitute
Max Magician and Legend of the Ring
Texas Chainsaw Massaccre
The Uninvited
Rear Window
The Fifth Element
Indiana Jones Kingdom of Crystal Skull
Scream 4
Wrong Turn
Dead Silence
Chucky 1,2,3
Terror Train
Hide and Seek
When a Stranger Calls
One Missed Call
Session 9
Donny Darko
The Sixth Sense
Ghost Ship
The Mummy 1,2,3
Skeleton Key
Jeepers Creepers
Honey I Shrunk the Kids
Home Alone 1,2,3
The Oprhanage
Haunting in Massachusets
Harry Potter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Monster Island
Ferris Beuler’s Day Off
The Day After Tomorrow
Stairway to Heaven
Batman and Robin
Spongebob Squarepants Movie
Benjamin Buttons
The Pianist
The Breakfast Club
Shark Tale
Finding Nemo
Toy Story 3
Prom Night
Moulin Rouge
The Matrix
Drag Me To Hell
Night of the Living Bread
Cube 1,2,3
Funny Games
The Host
Final Destination 3
The Hitcher
Resident Evil 1,2,3
Rush Hour 1,2
The Lovely Bones
The Strangers
March of the Penguins
Madagascar 1,2
The Eye
My Bloody Valentine
The Descent
Sharkboy and Lavagirl
Vampires Suck
Red Riding Hood
Evan Almighty
Forrest Gump
Final Fantasy 7
Vantage Point
American Gothic
V For Vendetta
Nightmare Before Christmas
Inspector Gadget
Free Willy
Polar Express
The Breed
Dead Snow
Quarantine 2
Iron Man 1,2
The Collector
Alice in Wonderland
Edward Scissorhands
The Unborn
Bridge to Terabithia
Mary Poppins
Session 9
Sometimes They Come Back
Bad Teacher

The Expert answers:

Why did you put movies like Snow White on the same list as movies like Human Centipede?
Well, if you can stand gross, graphic movies watch the Antichrist. I’m a girl and I saw it when I was fourteen and wasn’t scared at all, but apparently it’s creepy.
A good underground horror movie is Forget Me Not. 🙂

Jenny asks…

Is it worth it to use do-it-yourself wedding invitations to save money?

I am a bride who cherishes beautiful paper (the Papyrus store is my mecca!), but I am realistic enough to know that not only will the majority of my guests not relish the invitation, but will most likely end up tossing it into the trash or recycle bin once the wedding is over. Trying to be more economical, I’ve seen do-it-yourself kits at Michaels and Target and am curious about them. If you’ve had experience with them, would you recommend the DIY kit? I’ve heard it can be a stressor as well if your printer does a shoddy job (smearing ink, paper jamming, etc.). I’m just not sure if it is worth the cost to order them through a company.
Also, I’d like to include “RSVP” cards but I’m wondering, from your personal experience, if they were even used by the guests or ignored/overlooked. (Ie, Is it worth the investment?). Any and all insight is appreciated! Thank you very much!

The Expert answers:

I thought about doing my own invitations (pocket folds to be exact) and found several tutorials and couple of blogs explaining how to do them. On one of these blogs, the girl listed her total (paper, supplies, ink, ribbons, embellishments, etc) and it came out to MORE than if she had gone to a print press. Keep in mind, that was just one girl and one experience, but she said she spent about 2 weeks, working everynight, making invites for 130 people.

I’m doing RSVP cards, b/c I want to get them in the mail, but I’m also including our wedding website which has the option to RSVP on there. At the end of the day, I don’t want people showing up that didn’t RSVP, so I’m trying to make it easier on the guests and hope it’s easier on us in the end.

I can’t really recommend a DIY because I’ve never used one. It might be easier to just go get bulk cardstock from Michaels or Hobby Lobby and work with those.

I’d say that if you have time before the invites go out, purchase and make a little bit of the invite at a time. That way you’re not trying to do it all at once OR breaking the bank.

Good luck!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

How can I promote my products and services within the environment market?

I want to promote my products and services to waste management and waste recycling companies. I didn’t findany offer to promote my company to this specific target.

The Expert answers:

I suggest you the 2007 Environment Marketing “Annual Sponsorship” Offer

With its 10.000 visitors month from all the world is today one of the best places where you can promote your Business.
Read more here:

The “Annual Sponsor” will provide you with the best solution for promoting your services and products directly to a selected target of environment and waste management companies.

Who do it?:
Garwer srl is the main Italian firm within the waste trading field.

What we’ll promote?:
Your Company services and products

Where we’ll promote them?:
Garwer will promote your company on and two important waste exchange web sites in Europe. Moreover your advertise will distribute within waste management exhibitions and courses during all 2007 Year.

Take advantage of an opportunity to promote – from now to the end of 2007 – your company’s products and services by sponsoring at and at the most important Italian waste management exhibitions and educational events. Enter in the Italian market using the best gate.

As a sponsor you will receive:

>Internet marketing:< • Advertise in the “Sponsor page” of • Advertise page at the address: • Your name and one link to your website in the Newsletter (1363 subscribers) • Rotational Top banner (max 20 banners) within all pages • 10 press releases in one year will publish in the News area of • 3 ads in one year in the “Featured Company” area in the newsletter. See example: Newsletter archive • 4 commercial e-mails in one year will delivery to all subscribers. See example: >Advertise page in the Garwer brochure< Published in English and Italian our brochure will distribute during the most important waste management exhibitions and formational courses. • A4 Advertise page in the Garwer brochure. • Brochure will distribute during waste management exhibitions (see list below) • Brochure will distribute during waste management courses (see list below) >Brochure distribution< Your brochure will distribute during the following exhibitions: • Ecomondo – Rimini • SEP – Padova read more here:

Laura asks…

Recycling Facilities for Big Companies, e.g: Restaurants.?

So our country wants to help the environment? Now i’m not 100% clear which is worse. Recycling or dumping waste below ground. Since we do recycle, why cant the big companies also have recycling bins, e.g: Mc Donalds, Gloria Jeans, and more. So much paper and plastic is used but there are no recycling bins, only over flowing ones that take all rubbish. And most of this waste also has the Triangle on it (meaning, to recycle). Is there anything, i as a consumer can do, besides recycling my own waste? Can i do more? How to go about it?
Answers for Australia please.

The Expert answers:

You can raise their awareness of the issue and get together with some local business owners and maybe a member of local government and discuss ideas and thoughts on how to maximize recycling. Where I live it is mandatory, but there are some that still disregard that. A site I run aims to raise awareness and help the cause to create a greener planet. You can contact me there and maybe I can help, or there are some articles on the topic of recycling as well. The site is the source I listed.

Thomas asks…

How do we make energy companies develop ways to recycle?

When nuclear power plants were being built in the 1970’s, people were very concerned about the possibility of meltdown. Now, we feel pretty confident that we can survive a meltdown, and we are more attracted to the clean aspect of nuclear power.

Isn’t it ironic that as we are embracing the Green movement and concern for our Mother Earth, that we just shrug when we are told the only thing to do with the waste is bury it — and wait for whatever unknown calamities that may bring – not the least of which is the danger inherit in transport.

The nuclear energy companies have avoided the expense of developing a way to recycle their waste for more than 30 years while they have profited greatly from doing business. Do you think someone should “hold their hand to the candle” until they solve the problem of how to recycle?

The Expert answers:

Those companies have invested significantly in recycling their waste, but they have done a very poor public relations job. The waste solution is simple. Begin by reprocessing, just like France does. The remaining small amount can either be burned in another reactor, or can go through the process of transmutation. See below.


Linda asks…

Do I need to separate my recyclables or do waste management companies do it anyways?

I’ve become a stickler for recycling, but my boss said something the other day that made me question as to whether or not it’s worth the effort. He said we didn’t need to separate the recyclable items at our restaurant because the waste management company does it automatically. He told me that within the past 10 years, companies have begun separating out recyclable items upon receiving trash. He explained that he had seen a whole documentary about it and that they’ve become really efficient with separating out plastics, metals, and other recyclable items and sending them to the appropriate locations to be recycled. This is making me second guess as to whether or not it’s even worth my time and effort to peel off labels, rinse and recycle. Is this just true for the company that manages the trash at the restaurant or are all companies doing this?

The Expert answers:

They give you a separate bin for trash and garbage for a reason. Them sorting it costs them more money which will be passed on to you as higher trash payments.

William asks…

Recycling textiles for waste?

I have some old clothes, sheets and pillowcases that are not suitable for donating to charities. Is there a company that recycles textiles ? I live in Melbourne Australia and am having difficulty finding a company that can recycle old materials.

The Expert answers:

It is very hard to recycle old textiles and most localities have no programs. To separate the yarns, remove the colors, melt the polymers back down, and remake something is 10-100x more expensive than starting from scratch. Forget it, if there are buttons or zippers to remove. It is just hard to justify a $100 t-shirt. Textiles, because of their construction, are just hard to recycle compared to aluminum or plastic where the items are only made of one component. The most that can be done with such textile is chopping them up for toy stuffing and the market is flooded for that application.

Call you local recycling companies that do aluminum and plastic and the city government to see what is available if there is any program at all. There probably is no alternative.

Paul asks…

which are the companies who do waste glycolysis in China?


The Expert answers:


Jenny asks…

Why doesn’t the recycling company in my area accept paper or egg cartons?

How can I get them to? I feel like it’s such a waste to throw this stuff in the trash, especially since I attend school and I always have TONS and TONS of papers to throw out.

Whoever take the recycling at my school takes paper, but the people in my neighborhood only accept plastic.

The Expert answers:

Go to and see if anyone else will recycle your items in the area.
Great site to keep in mind.

Mark asks…

How can we encourage companies to recycle?

There are retail companies that “throw” away products because they may become discontinued.

They throw them away so the company can get a tax break. Many of these products are in good working condition, possibly brand new.

This is not the companies fault, as it is a government requirement to destroy the products rather than donating them to charity.

One example, pet stores get rid of “fish tank equipment” for “current models”. This equipment is still valuable. If given to the proper organizations, could teach the next generation how to “raise fish” or develop a new hobby, learn a new skill.

How can we encourage a change, and possibly to encourage the companies to inspire government – it would be a win-win philosophy. The company would reduce their waste that would normally go to a landfill. The children or organizations or communities that receive donations, would benefit. And the government could still supply the companies with the tax relief.

Suggestions and comments appreciated.

The Expert answers:

Education, Laws and above all Tax Breaks. All these have to go hand in hand. Just saying you’ll save energy by using a CFL is no use, when the CFL costs 100 bucks as compared to 10 for ordinary bulb.

Donald asks…

is there a company that would recycle waste paper for mcdonalds restuarants in spartanburg? ?


The Expert answers:


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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Recycling Bins?

Anyone know of any creative methods to make or buy alternative items for a recycling bin. I want to recycle newspaper, cans, and plastic. However, I don’t want to spend $130 for a recycling bin. I was thinking of the large tubs you get from target, but I live in an apartment and I don’t have space for that. Something tall and skinny but roomy should do. Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

A 3 bin laundry hamper on rollers. Preferably with a flap to hide the contents. Don’t use paperboxes, they get wet and bottom falls out.

Donald asks…

Recycling bins?

My little town or burg has set up elaborately nice recycling bins in the public library back lot…do you use your towns’ recycling bins?

The Expert answers:

Dear lady, my recyclables far outweigh my trash. My city has been recycling for years and has set the standard for the metroplex. While other cities have struggled, my city has actually found a way to make it profitable and keep taxes down. It’s a great program and I encourage those around me to recycle.

Charles asks…

recycling bins?

i went to this carnival kind of thing today and i was wondering

1. does anyone agree that there’s usually not enough/ no recycling bins provided at this kind of outdoor events?
2. can you recycle used paper food boxes and plastic disposable utensils, when they are oily and soggy?

The Expert answers:

1. Absolutely

2. In the case of plastic utensiels, if the food particles are throughly removed.

In the case of food boxes. No. Even pizza boxes are deemed unrecyclable. At the plant, they will toss out pizza boxes due to the contamination of grease and cheese. Something about how it negativly effects the next batch of paper products made is their reasoning.

Susan asks…

Where can I buy recycling bins similar to the green and blue ones placed around NYC for my own town. ?

I am a member of the Environmental Club at my High School and our latest project is place industrial weather proof recycling bins in our parks and along our main street. Every bin I have seen so far online is too small, expensive or plastic. We all want the bins similar to those in NYC but I can’t find where or who makes them and if they are reasonably priced ($200 or less). Please Help.

The Expert answers:

Look in your phone book. There should be a recycling center in town. You can always ask them for help. If not, go to the city hall and ask for help.

Home Depot or Lowes may have what you are looking for. I saw one on the Home Depot website that is for ~$70.

Linda asks…

How can I get a Community College to put in recycling bins?

I’m very interested in getting my community college to put in recycling bins throughout the building, but I’m not sure how to go about doing it. Would a recycling center be willing to give the college free recycling pick up, if not how much would it cost?

The Expert answers:

Check to see if your college has an environmental committee or something like it. If not think about starting your own. You as a group can host fundraisers for your cause. Start by buying recycle bins, and making recycling posters though out the campus. Call your local recycling collection company and see if they have the resources to help you. Good luck!

Ken asks…

Granting opportunities to purchase recycling bins for my local YMCA?

My local YMCA has vending machines which sell bottled water, and people bring bottled water from home, but there are no recycling bins available at the facility. So these bottles all end up in the garbage. I would like to write a grant to some agency which would pay for the cost of the bins (around $250) and some liners. I am willing to work with local girl scout troops to take the bottles to the recycle center weekly. Any ideas?

The Expert answers:

Wouldn’t a large trash bin with a round hole cut in the lid and a sign “plastic bottles only” work? I think you can get these for under $30 at a hardware store.

Mandy asks…

Is there any place in Iowa where I can get free recycling bins?

I am a sophomore in High School and would like to start a plastic bottle recycling program at my school. I would like to either get free recycling bins or cheap recycling bins. If anyone has any information on where I could get recycling bins for free or cheap or if anyone has any information on getting grants for recycling bins the information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help.

The Expert answers:

I would call city hall and ask or the local recycling center. My borough gives free bins and all one has to do is call and order them.

Jenny asks…

What are people looking for in recycling bins in Frankfurt, Germany?

I recently returned from a trip to Frankfurt, Germany and couldn’t help but notice that a lot of people (not just bums and street people) looked into every hole in the recycling bins. Why?

The Expert answers:

They are looking for bottles…
In germany you buy …say…a bottle of coke
we have the price…and the price of the bottle itself:

price of the content = 75 cent
price of the bottle = 25 cent (which is called PFAND)

you have to pay 1€
after youve drunken everything away
you return to the supermarket you hand your empty bottle in and you get the 25 cent back!
Thats part of the environment protection but some are too lazy to go back to the supermarket and take the 25 cents – so they throw the emtpy bottle away! Although you dont have to return to the same place youve bought the coke…you can hand it in nearly every supermarket…or even some little shops accept them!
Most of the people who seek for PFANDFLASCHEN (thats how they are called) are poor. And when you are in the supermarket…you need to wait like 15minutes till you can give you bottles away since some have like 50 bottles >.<

here's the sticker most bottles have (PFAND = 25 cents)
every supermarket would accept it

John asks…

Does anyone know of an organization to help me put recycling bins in my local park?

I am trying to put recycling bins in my local park as part of an eighth grade science project. I was wondering if anyone knew of a few organizations I could contact to interview or help me make this a reality. By the way, I live in Wake County, North Carolina if that information is needed.

The Expert answers:

Hey! Try to emil your local government and ask for recycling bins! Im realyy glad u wana make a difference! 🙂 i hope this helped 🙂

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Why is it good for the environment to recycle old electronics?

Why is it good for the environment to recycle old electronics?


Technology is generally developed to meet your needs and to make you better at completing tasks. Discuss how technology affects your ecological footprint positively and negatively.

The Expert answers:

Discarded computers, servers and other electronic hardware make up one of the fastest-growing waste streams. Electronic waste or “e-waste” contains toxic substances such as lead, cadmium, mercury, and chromium. In addition, these devices often hold confidential or personal information saved on internal storage media. While a handful of retailers, resellers, and distributors handle e-waste responsibly, many dispose of electronics in a manner that threatens human health, the environment, and data security. As a result, companies that do not handle take-back electronics and e-waste responsibly face increasing public relations risk and potentially significant legal liabilities.

Mark asks…

Where can I recycle old electronics, and have it all be recycle?

Many companies that recycle old electronics are not truthful. They export it to China, and other foreign countries. There, it is not recycled, and mostly burned. Where can I recycle old electronics, and know that 100% of it is being recycled.

The Expert answers:

There are many things you can do with your old electronics. If you have a computer, donate it to a school, library or boys and girls club. They are always looking for computers and who knows, you may get tax cut for your generosity. If you are looking to toss it, call the city’s waste department and usually they will provide a site where you can properly dispose of them. Also, you can check out this site for other options on recycling your computers,
Here is an article from Natural Home magazine on keeping electronics out of landfills.

George asks…

why do places charge to recycle electronics?

I am a person that is concerned about environment (“tree hugger.”) so that is reason for me to recycle plus, It’s just smart (Not only for environmental reasons.) Therefore I try to recycle whatever possible. I want to recycle my old and broken electronic devices too, but I don’t understand why places charge to do so. Don’t they make money already?

The Expert answers:

For one thing it usually costs more to recycle certain products than to just make them from scratch. Electronics require manual labour to take apart all the small components and they also often contain hazardous material and need to be handled carefully. This could be a valid reason why it costs money to recycle them, and why more and more regions are pushing for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) so the companies distributing these products take responsibility to pay for this end cost of their products.

Another thing is the costs of running the recycling facility… I worked at a Community Recycling Centre that collected electronics and other types of waste. Residents dropping off recyclables were charged around 8 cents for every kilogram of waste, a small fee to simply to fund the facility itself.

Chris asks…

Uk websites that recycle old electronics?

I have a broken Ipod and broken camera that are just sitting in a draw collecting dust, I’ve read that you should throw electronics in the bin because of the metal parts so is there anywhere online I can recycle them for some extra cash?

The Expert answers:

Here are some websites in the UK:

Steven asks…

Where can I donate and recycle electronics?

I’d prefer to do both in the same location with no fees.
I’ve got a computer some household appliances and old cables and wires and cell phones

The Expert answers:

Many towns that run recycling programs will periodically have a couple of days in which you can drop off those kinds of items to be sent to recycling companies.

If they are in working condition you might want to try Look online for the branch in your area. You post an ad saying what is offered for free and people who can use them respond with emails to arrange a time to pick them up. That is all free.

Maria asks…

Does anyone know of a place to recycle electronics in Spring, TX?

I’ve found several in Houston, but they’re all at least 25 miles away and it’s a little far for the amount of stuff I have to recycle.

The Expert answers:

Almost every single county has a place to recycle electronics.

Look under “E-Waste” in your local directory

Laura asks…

Where can you recycle electronics and used batteries in Missouri? (Prefer a list of all locations)?

I have an old computer. I also have some dead batteries, I wonder if they can be recycled.

But I do know there are electronic waste centers, I just gotta know where they are.

The Expert answers:


Sandra asks…

Is there a good place to recycle old electronics?

I have an old digital camera. I don’t want to throw it away. Is there anywhere I can send it where they’ll recycle or use it?

The Expert answers:

Check your area for an electronics recycling center. There’s one in a neighboring city where I live, and I usually drop take mine there. You can even get a tax deduction–they give you the forms when you drop off your stuff.

Daniel asks…

is there anywhere that will buy and or recycle electronics?

I have electronic boards from fitness equipment like treadmills and steppers etc. as well as old satelite receivers that I would like to get rid of but do not want to throw away. Someone that pays for this would be great.

The Expert answers:

Things being the way that they are I doubt that you could find any takers for such stuff. Is it new or recycled equipment?

I have a treadmill with problems and a new board migh t be the answer, but i would only consider a new one. Do you have parts for Nordic Trak? I’ll provide a model number if you do. Email me.

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