Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Nancy asks…

Know of a source for cardboard deskside recycling containers?

I have to get 80-100 corrugated cardboard boxes for recycling paper at our office desks. Width & height around 12″ -give or take. They must be narrow (4-6″ wide) as space is limited. These will sit on the floor next to the regular trash containers to encourage paper recycling. Preferrably they will be printed with recycling logos/info to avoid having our cleaning people confuse them with trash. We don’t want Rubbermaid – or other plastic containers – for a lot of reasons, cost is one. If you know of an online source it will be much appreciated. Thanks.
I need them to be smaller boxes than copy paper or moving companies have. They have to fit under 90 desks that are already cramped.

The Expert answers:

Any office supply store. Minimum $2-5 for cardboard or metal screen tray.

Joseph asks…

What can you recycle in those “cans and bottles” recycling containers?

Our waste disposal company gives us recycling bins for “aluminum cans and plastic bottles.”

Can you recycle any plastic and aluminum in there?

Used aluminum foil? Plastic shopping bags? Saran wrap? Hard plastic, like an old Brita filter? Plastic jars of peanut butter? Those plastic sandwich containers? Plastic action figures? Etc.?

The Expert answers:

Aluminum foil is recyclable, but it is a different grade than the aluminum in cans. Plastic shopping bags and saran wrap should NEVER be included in a recycling container that collects other items–the mixed cans and bottles go to a MRF (material recovery facility) where they are processed on a series of belts, and plastic films and bags can cause damage to the machines or injuries to workers. Return plastic bags to the grocery store (most stores accept them for reycling now) and ask if they can accept wrap there as well.

You should contact the waste disposal company and ask if they accept all plastics, or which numbers they recycle. When you look at a plastic item, it may have a little recycling symbol with a number inside of it. That is the resin code, and it refers to the type of plastic an item is (how much petroleum is in it), NOT to whether or not the item is recyclable. Many companies only accept plastic #1 (PET) or #2 (HDPE), so you wouldn’t want to include the old Brita filter, sandwich container (those are often #5) or the action figure (combination of plastics). The plastic peanut butter jar is most definitely recyclable in nearly any program. Including plastics for which the waste company has no market is not really recycling, it’s just making it more expensiv and less efficient for the other recyclables to be collected. Not all plastics are recyable in every area, and in fact, contaminated recycling streams increase the cost and can even ruin large loads of recyclables. If you’re ever in doubt about something, don’t include it without further research.

When containers are labeled for bottles and cans, the waste company knows that they will get a high yield of materials with great value, such as aluminum cans and plastics #1 and #2 (this is the type of plastic used in pop bottles, water bottles, etc.). So before I could give the green light on putting anything else in the bin, I would definitely recommend that you contact the company to see what exactly it accepts for recycling. Any recycler worth its stripes will even provide you with a poster/handout/web address with details upon request.

Hope this helps!

John asks…

Where can I find cheap prices on Rubbermaid recycling containers?

I’m looking for decent pricing on Rubbermaid Untouchable recycling containers with lids fit for disposing of bottles and cans. I cannot find decent prices anywhere.

The Expert answers:

Shop around. What you consider decent is totally subjective. Look at discount outlets and commercial/industrial supply houses near where you live. The cost of shipping them will probably outweigh any savings you may find online.

Susan asks…

Is it illegal for people to take cans and bottles from recycling containers?

Someone took cans from out recycling bin last night and I’ve seen people doing it during the day at a park too. It surprised me but is it illegal or not?

The Expert answers:

Yes, it is illegal to remove recycling materials from recycling bins, but it is not generally enforced.

Police will only come if you report someone is going through your own recycling bin.

The danger of this is that if you aren’t shredding your documents they could get your personal information which might lead to identity theft.

Sandy asks…

Recycling plastic containers for fresh blackberries/blueberries/raspberries?

When you recycle those plastic containers that are used for fresh blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries, do you remove the paper label on the container before taking it for recycling? Thanks.

The Expert answers:

If the containers you describe are clear and have a folded/hinged lid, these are referred to as clam shell containers and they typically are not recyclable. To find out what plastics are collected for recycling in your area, contact your local solid waste department. They can also answer your question about labels should you find out that clam shells containers are accepted in your area for recycling.

Betty asks…

When recycling plastic containers, can tops also be recycled?

I get several plastic containers such as one for Parmesan cheese and on the bottom it indicates recyclability. Does this mean that the cap (which is also plastic) can also be recycled or does this need to be discarded?

The Expert answers:

Yes contrary to popular belief you can. BUT you still have to talk the cap off because if you don’t the plastic bottle will explode and i can often cause wear on the equipment not to mention harming the people working the equipment

Mary asks…

Washing out then recycling margarine containers – better than putting in rubbish?

We’re allowed to recycle margarine containers, as long as they are washed out. Considering the amount of water it takes to clean them out properly, is it better for the environment to put the container straight into the rubbish bin?

The Expert answers:

The problem with anything plastic is the way in which we dispose of it. The biggest villain of plastic is ultraviolet light. Try leaving a garbage bag full of leaves outside in the sun for a month and then try to pick it up. It turns into flakes. The same happens with Walmart & grocery bags. Simple sunlight destroys almost every plastic. Manufacturers of plastics even put chemicals and colorants into it to STOP UV degrading for outdoor use. So, what do we do with it? In our infinite wisdom, we burying it in the ground and then wonder why it lasts for 50 years! Like every other well-meaning cause, it all comes down to who’s gonna make money. If KBR could make a billion dollars disposing of our plastic waste, they would surely do it. Until our landfill are full, it doesn’t pay. Just wait a few years until after we have run out of landfill space. Then KBR will be waiting in line to take more government money like they have from our military.

Maria asks…

If being green is so important, why are there more Starbucks than recycling containers?

I find it inconvenient when you have to search hard for a place to put your bottle or can.

The Expert answers:

Your statement actually made me think and your completely right! I’ve heard in recent months there will be ‘a new starbucks’ but i have to travel 3 1/2 miles to my nearest recycling centre, if i didn’t have my own transport, recycling would be made more difficult to do.

Charles asks…

recycling #1 plastic containers (not bottles) – where do I go?

I have a lot of #1 plastic food containers (not bottles – like rectangular containers with lids) that I want to recycle, however my county specifies that they only accept “screwtop jars or bottles”. I’m even willing to mail the containers to a recycling place if needed, but I can’t find anywhere that I can recycle these! I live in Baltimore County. If I put these in with the other #1 containers I recycle, will they get recycled? Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

Try put in your zip code and #1 plastic, if there is a recycle center that takes them it will list it.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Thomas asks…

Can I make ANY money recycling aluminum?

I heard they buy it in the ton but then why do the fire department and animal shelter collect aluminum cans if it is pointless? What about other scrap metals (like buying a trashed cars for $100) then selling the scrap is that worth anything?

The Expert answers:

Lots. Like the others said, whats your time worth? I work in the scrap business and see people every day that scrap for a living. Some make good money, 50 to 60 G’s a year. True, most yards buy by the ton, but you can sell less than a ton. If they are a legitimate business, their scales are certified by the department of agriculture and way to the pound. Go to your local yard and talk to the customers and workers, then call some local business that produce scrap and see if you can find enough to make it worth your time.

Chris asks…

Making money-Recycling bottles and cans?

I have been collecting plastic water bottles and cans for a community service project. Is there a place in Maine that will buy them from me in bunches instead of depositing them one by one?

The Expert answers:

Hmmm try your local council they might be able to help you
Call them +1 207 454 0461 this a number of a local council in Maine I don’t know if I got the dialing code correct.

Jenny asks…

Where can I get money for recycling pop cans in Northern Indiana?

I live in Knox Indiana, and lately cash is very tight. Where can I recycle cans for money around here? Cannot find it on the internet.

The Expert answers:

Isn’t Indiana one of the states that has a bottle law? This is where you get a $.05 refund per can/bottle. If so, all you have to do is take them into your local grocery store.

Susan asks…

How can you make a little pocket money recycling?

I want to make a little extra cash so is there any place I can go to recycle bottles and paper for money and how could I get more bottles without spending any money?

The Expert answers:

Alu cans, paying over 50 cents per pound. More if you have over 100 lbs. Millions of them along roadsides. Not only will you make money. But you are proving a free litter service and that alone is rewarding.
You will encounter other recyclables too. Take a box or bag with you

Nancy asks…

How can I make money recycling?

I am 15 years old and I need to save up money for a summer baseball camp I can go to so I can expand my knowledge in baseball. I have an idea about leaving a letter around my neighborhood explaining this so I can come around on a certain day to pick up plastics to recycle. But I need more suggestions.

The Expert answers:

Collect bottles

Laura asks…

Can you get money for recycling bottles and cans?

My parents and friends throw ALOT of cans and water bottles. so i’ve decided to collect them and pocket the money and donate it to charity. Where do i turn these bottles?

i have 3 huge plastic bags filled with plastics lol. might as well start a club for my school and give the money to Student Body lol.

The Expert answers:

Thats a really smart idea! And your saving the environment! It truly depends where you live if they will give you money off the cans. If they do… I think you should donate the money to a charity instead of your school….
You should really try to start a club at your school.

Helen asks…

Can soiled aluminum cans I find be recycled for money?

If so, are they purchased at the same price as clean cans? I thought about hosing them off, but that would waste a lot of water and it might throw off the weight when the recycling center weighs my delivery. Also, should I crush them? How much money does recycling centers in utah typically purchase them for?

The Expert answers:

Yes, dirty cans can be recycled. Just haul ’em it. Oh, and what recycling centers pay for cans typically is in direct relation to the price of aluminum.

Ken asks…

Can you get money for recycling cans? I don’t mean the soda bottle ones, i mean the food cans like peas and

such. If so, how much do you get per can? I know recycling companies get money for recycling things, but can an individual do it by only recycling regular food cans?

The Expert answers:

Where i live there isn’t a recycling place for food cans but a friend of mine who is kind of a penny pincher takes his old food cans to the scrap yard in town and they pay him for the total weight of the cans, but this is kind of hard because they make him clean out any food residue before they accept them.

Richard asks…

where can i get money for recycling cans in northwest suburbs of illinois?

Hi i am from the Schaumburg area, wondering where i would be able to bring my cans in.

The Expert answers:

Use google map. Type in your location then type in bottle depot and get directions.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

Recycling Center in South OC?

I have a lot of soda cans that i want to recycle. Anyone know where i can bring them to where i can recycle and get some money back in South OC, near Lake Forest? Thanks.

The Expert answers:

My local Albertson’s has one. Many grocery stores do. I think they still have some “Pavillions” stores around and I know those do too. Also I’ve heard some Wal-Marts are starting to get centers as well. But I’d say your best bet would be a grocery store. Everytime you’re driving around and see an Albertson’s just pull into the parking lot and look on the sides and the back of the building (if you can access it). You’ll see what looks like either a big dumpster or a trailer- there might be an attendant or it might be electronic. What’s cool is you can make money off of it too! Also, if you go on your local TV news website they often advertise events to recycle e-waste such as cellphones, batteries, computer monitors, and printer cartridges. Good luck!

Susan asks…

Recycling in Glendale, Az?

I live near 67th and Bell in Phoenix and was curious if anyone knew if there were any recycling centers or companies that do it close by? Not sure if consuming the gas to drive across town to recycle makes sense.

The Expert answers:

Here ya go

Paul asks…

A broken Tv, recycling?

Hi, I have a broken TV. Can I just drop it at the dumpster near my apartment? or do I have to take it to the local recycling center? Thanks.

The Expert answers:

Apartments are classified as commercial property so it’s illegal for something like a CRT TV to be in the dumpster of an apartment. The city probably operates a recycling depot that also accepts e-waste like TV’s from residents. In Houston, it’s the Westpark Recycling Center.

Linda asks…

whats the best way to recycle a transmission and car engine?

I have a junk car transmission and engine, I’m probably going to take it to my nearest consolidated scrap resources center, a place that recycles old metal. they will pay me for It, however does anyone know if junkyards will pay for it as a core or if they can be refurbished or fixed? Just curious, thanks.

The Expert answers:

Sure, but it would need to be a rare engine and tranny or the transaction and hauling costs would outweigh the value to whomever is doing the rebuilds. So it would probably be a deal where they wouldn’t even want the stuff unless you happen to have someone that does it at a large scale locally, or a local person happens to need them for a car in your area. Both pretty unlikely. Doesn’t hurt to make a few calls though. Start with the transmission shops, they’ll know if someone in the area is looking for a used tranny to rebuild

Steven asks…

Recycle center in kl? ?

Ok so here the problem…i got like tons..n i mean TOOOONNNSSSS!! of things to recycle..
i just dont know where…
so kat mana recycle center ?? please let it be near kl la.. =.=…

The Expert answers:

Recycling centre list in KL:

Recycling centre list in PJ, Selangor:

Ruth asks…

i need to recycle my magazines!?!?

i have a bunch of magazines that i want to recycle but i dont live in a house so i cant just put them on the curb. does anyone know where i can recycle them? like what kind of recycling centers take the magazines? if you could specifically tell me any that are near van nuys, california 91405 then i would be so greatful.

The Expert answers:

I am not in California but here in Fla we take ours to nursing homes they love them..

Daniel asks…

Help Me with this new math problem please?

A recycling center can recycle 1500 pounds of aluminum in one hour. How many hours will it take them to recycle 10 tons of aluminum? Round your answer to the nearest tenth. (Hint: 1 ton = 2000 pounds.)

The Expert answers:


13.3 hours. This is the same as 13 hours and 18 minutes (there are 6 min. Per 1/10 of an hour)

Sandra asks…

National Honor Society application?

I’ve been recommended for NHS, and it requires a letter that addresses the qualifications of academics, extracurricular activities, community involvement, and future goals. I just completed throwing together my application and would love to hear thoughts about it.

Dear Faculty Council,

I consider the National Honor Society as one of the most prestigious school organizations, and I would love to become a part of it. Academically, I try my best to maintain the grades that I have received over my years of education. I know that my present education will affect my future, so my standards have always been high. My parents also do their best to motivate me in keeping my grades up. Studying is a major part of my academics, and I’ve created study habits that are very useful for major tests or just daily quizzes. I consistently try and challenge myself through academics by enrolling in AP, Gifted, and Advanced classes, but I also enroll in classes that I believe would be beneficial to my future.
Although academics are a major part of my life, I am also involved in a few extracurricular activities, my main being tennis. I’ve played tennis for about three years now, and I always strive to improve. I play for the Northgate team, and also play for the YMCA in the off-season and on weekends. One of my beliefs is “practice makes perfect”, so I like to try and practice at least a few days a week for a couple hours at a time. Along with tennis, I am fond of many other sports. I love to play football or baseball with friends. Another activity that I enjoy is reading. Reading has always been a part of who I am, ever since childhood when I was one of the top contenders in my school’s Accelerated Reading program. The satisfaction I acquire from finishing a great book is one of the top sensations I have. I am also active in the Beta Club and Spanish Club, which leads me to my community involvement. One way that I help to stay involved in the community is the donations that I provide to Goodwill. My family and I are also avid recyclers. Our trash company only picks up cardboard materials, but we also save any glass or aluminum, which we take down to the local recycling center.
Finally, my future has always been near in my eyes, and I’ve had my plan mapped out since I was young. I plan to become an architect by first attending (hopefully) Georgia Tech. I’ve always enjoyed drawing and building my own creations, so architecture just seems like the perfect field. My uncle is also an architect, so I’d like to be able to jump right into work under his supervision for the first few years, but eventually, I hope to create my own company and design renowned structures all throughout the world. I appreciate your time and consideration of my application, and am optimistic in hearing back with good news.

Austin (last name)

The Expert answers:

I think it’s decent so far, but it can be better. Try to elaborate more on certain things, such as your community service. Don’t just write about what you did but also how it has affected you as a person and helped you develop/mature, what qualities or values it has instilled in you, etc. Also, try rereading this letter in a couple of days. Trust me; you’ll see a lot of things you’d want to change. That’s what I did for my NHS essay, and it helped me tremendously.

PS: You should also include one or two leadership positions if you have any. Leadership is one of the qualities that is attributed to NHS members. Good Luck!

John asks…

curbside recycling for free? please help?

i want to recycle! but i cant get to a recycleing center or a drop off site. so i looked up curbside recycleing. but it seems that i have to pay for it! not many people recycle anyways so why would i want to pay to recycle my own items? that is nonsense!

what i am trying to ask is, does anybody know any recycleing centers in virginia that i can call or e-mail for curbside recycleing for free? more near the triangle-dumfries area?

The Expert answers:

It’s not worthwhile for recycling companies to pick up at individual homes. The cost of collection is usually more then the materials are worth.

Many towns now have curbside recycling collection. You just put your recycling bin out next to your trash. But it still has to be paid for. Some places charge more for the trash so that they can charge less for recycling, but anyway you look at it, you have to pay people to do the work, buy the vehicles and maintain them, put gas in the tank, etc. The value of recyclables has gone up, but not enough for it to be free.

Talk to your local authorities about setting up curbside recycling. I bet they’re already considering it. Maybe you can get others in your town to support the idea, and really make a difference.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

Which of the following is NOT an example of a pair of compounds that are cycled and recycled in the cell’s ene?

Which of the following is NOT an example of a pair of compounds that are cycled and recycled in the cell’s energy pathways?

c. CO2 / H2O
d. FAD / FADH2
e. ADP / ATP

The Expert answers:


Mark asks…

what is the copyright law for a recycled design?

I thought I had an original idea for a piece of up cycled furniture, after creating a collection of the furniture I started to sell it. I found later that someone had either copied my idea completely or had it before me. Either way, the idea is not original now….

What are the laws relation to the copyright of an upcycled or recycled product? If you see an upcycled or recycled design can you reproduce it and sell it without breaking the law?

The Expert answers:

The IDEA of recycling in order to make furniture cannot be copyrighted. Only a very specific design.

So, if you’re doing your own design, no problem. If you’re duplicating someone else’s design, then you might run into problems.

That said, furniture is not what gets copyrighted.

Michael asks…

The water used in many fountains is recycled. For instance, a single water particle in a fountain travels thru?

The water used in many fountains is recycled. For instance, a single water particle in a fountain travels through an 85 m system and the returns to the same point. What is the displacement of a water particle during one cycle?

The Expert answers:

Zero because,

The water doesn’t displace anything but air when it is sprayed in the air, but when the particle falls back to the water pond, that particle displaces one particle of water and increases the volume of the water by one particle, but when that water particle is pumped back into the air the water level goes back down by one particle

1 particle displacement increase – 1 particle displacement decrease= 0

Ruth asks…

Which of the following cycles exist between photosynthesis and respiration in a single plant cell?

multiple answers
A) recycling of carbon dioxide and glucose between light dependent reaction and the first 2 steps of respiration
B) recycling of NADPH and ATP between light and dark reactions
C) recycling of NADPH and FADH2 between Kreb’s cycle and ETC
D) recycling of water and oxygen between light dependent reaction and ETC
E) cycling of water, oxygen, glucose, and CO2 between respiration and photosynthesis

The Expert answers:

If it exists between BOTH photosynthesis and respiration, I think it is E.

Chris asks…

when we do work energy is utilised ,then how does it get recycled?

i mean many cycles v r having eg carbon cycle,phosphorus cycle,when v r doing work energy is utilised ,then the remaining should be used for cycles does it remain the same?

The Expert answers:

As long as resources are enriched with potential viability, then, there is no question of recycle.
Our body metabolism is different from others. The following bio geochemical cycle theory which may help you to clarify your undersanding of recyling.

The ‘carbon cycle is the bio geochemical cycle by which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, mesosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the Earth. It is one of the most important cycles of the earth and allows for the most abundant element to be recycled and reused throughout the biosphere and all of its organisms.

The phosphorus cycle is the bio geochemical cycle that describes the movement of phosphorus through the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Unlike many other bio geochemical cycles, the atmosphere does not play a significant role in the movements of phosphorus, because phosphorus and phosphorus-based compounds are usually solids at the typical ranges of temperature and pressure found on Earth.

Helen asks…

Does energy get recycled in our environment?

My teacher says no, but seriously decomposers recycle the result of energy (body’s, plants etc) which once again provide plants with the resources to produce energy once again that run in the food cycle that provides all eventually with some energy. So when it’s said energy does NOT get recycled in our environment… it makes no sense.

Ah it was stuck on my mind after class today… What’s your opinions on this?

The Expert answers:

The fact is, energy is energy. It never dissipates but does alter depending on the use. Energy can never dissolve or become a null point in existence. This planet is not a vacuum!

Intangible things like thoughts are energy, emotions are energy (e-motion is actually energy in motion), the sun and moon exert energy that are invisible but have an important impact on this planet; microwaves emit energy, radios and cell phones transmit energy naked to the human eye, etc. Humans, animals, and even events exert energy, for instance “bad vibes” as warning signals or Christmas cause certain energies of anticipation or nostalgic memories.

And energy can be contagious, as in Team Spirit, patriotism for a country, etc. Energy is also universal: all humans feel the exact same emotions regarding situations though in varying social contexts (cultural indoctrinations). Even animals share the same energy plainly exhibited in the “flight or fight” syndrome.

Energy alters with use, for example, death. The energy of a living being, or anything else, cannot be erased, it just refines itself to a different plane of reality that we can’t see (normally), think of radios and cell phone transmissions again.

Scientists tried an experiment years ago in Oracle, Arizona called the Biosphere, a closed environment attempting to simulate Space where energy follows different rules. The Biosphere failed dramatically because scientists have not found a way to duplicate Space on this planet’s surface.

The Earth follows certain patterns of energy. This energy, depicted in the Golden Ratio or Golden Mean, permeates all physicalities from chemical compounds, minerals and plants, to human and animal life.

In regards to recycling: This planet actually is a giant recycler, constantly altering its form and existence upon it. Archaeologists have had a huge problem trying to find mankind’s early beginnings due to the earth’s nature of constant decomposition in tandem with Nature itself. (Most if not all sources claim the “true history” of man based on conjecture, religion, philosophy, or fantasy but for scientific proof, only dates itself back to 100,000 BC and this planet is much older than that.)

As of yet, mankind has not found a way to fully explain the causes of life (and its energies), instead turning to religion or spirituality as a means of reassurance. (And perhaps we never will find out. Maybe we’re not meant to!)

For more in-depth explanations of classifications of energy read Wikipedia’s page for starters.

BTW~ Some teachers aren’t aware or haven’t done their homework They’re only human and we’re all ignorant to a point.

Fascinating topic, thanks for bringing it up and I hope this helped a little!

Richard asks…

describe the phosphorus cycle and explain how phosphorus is recycled locally in most ecosystems?

The Expert answers:

The phosphorus cycle is the biogeochemical cycle that describes the movement of phosphorus through the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Unlike many other biogeochemical cycles, the atmosphere does not play a significant role in the movements of phosphorus, because phosphorus and phosphorus-based compounds are usually solids at the typical ranges of temperature and pressure found on Earth.

The production of phosphine gas is allowed only in specialized, local conditions. The low P availability retards microbial growth, which is shown from the studies of soil microbial biomass. Soil microorganism acts as sink and source of available P in biogeochemical cycle . However, the major transfers in the global cycle of P are not driven by microbial reactions. Further studies needs to be performed for integrating different processes and factors related to gross phosphorus mineralization and microbial phosphorus turnover in general.


Sandy asks…

Do plastic drinking straws get recycled?

When you throw away a plastic cup with a straw inside.. into a plastic recycle bin does it get recycled? i am doing a life cycle analysis for straws..

The Expert answers:

Yes, because their PLASTIC, they might be a little bit of it but it shure does help safe the earth one step at a time 🙂
Forever and always,
Taylor <3

Sandra asks…

Why can energy not be recycled?

Explain why the energy that is not transferred at each level cannot be picked up by plants and cycles back through the system in the same way that atoms and molecules are cycled.


The Expert answers:

Atoms and molecules are matter. Energy is not.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

What is the best method to recycle waste water?

Cost and enviroment

The Expert answers:

The cars powered by hydrogen fuel cells that the Bush Administration has partnered with the Detroit Big Three automakers to develop could eventually be pulling up to wastewater treatment plants for fill-ups, say Penn State environmental engineers.

Industrial wastewater, for example — and simultaneously clean the wastewater.

Chris asks…

How to recycle the waste water of oil refinery, so the oil can be use?

get the water from the oil refinery that water which used to clean crude oil, and that water become waste and that water purchase from refinery and spart the oil from the water and that oil can be for sale.

The Expert answers:

It´s possible, first step is settle the water. Then water pass to biological treatment to low DQO. You could sell the oil to refinery and they cracking the mix again to break the chains into other materials.

James asks…

Is the environmental benefit of recycling my rubbish outweighed by the water I waste to wash it first?

I am told I must wash my plastic and glass bottles and jars so that they are usable in the recycling plants but does the amount of water I must use to get them clean outweigh the benefits to the environment?

The Expert answers:

I agree with GEECEE use waste water if possible to rinse. Or just wipe if it’s like a tuna can.

Recycling should outweigh the water – because it takes a lot more water to produce those materials NEW than it does to recycle.

Also – rinsing does not need to be thorough, you dont need it to be sparkling.

Richard asks…

importance of waste water recycling?

The Expert answers:

As world populations require both more clean water and better ways to dispose of wastewater, the demand for water reclamation will increase. Future success in water reuse will depend on whether this can be done without adverse effects on human health and the environment.

Donald asks…

explain reuse and recycling of waste water.?

reted to waster water treatment and related to water pollution

The Expert answers:

I think distillation is the only way…

Laura asks…

Is it possible to recycle waste water from the toilet.?

Is is safe to drink?

The Expert answers:

It is possible and it is safe to drink more than likely. Water companies do it all the time. They treat the waste water and then pump it back into the environment, and therefore back into the food chain.

But to do it yourself? Do you want a early death?

Maria asks…

When recycling tins bottles etc – the council say wash them first. How much energy and water does this waste?

How much extra does this cost the average recycling household who wash all their waste cartons before putting into their recycling bins?

The Expert answers:

It wastes a lot of energy and water. Recycled cans get put into a furnace hot enough to melt them. Say good by to any uncleaned material on the cans. Tell your idiot beaurocrats to shut the hell up!!

Ruth asks…

Will people burn all body waste and turn it into electricity, create water lines for recycling washing water,?

and drinking water? Will people never put any type of used water back into the rivers, lake or the underground water system? With two sewage line and maybe pump it or it can be recycled right at your house.

The Expert answers:

I’ve seen carts in Cairo, Egypt collecting the dung from cows and then piling it on a roof to dry for later use in ovens.

How about fish ponds in our large back yards to raise our own food? It’s done in Africa. The fish could eat the food scraps.

Steven asks…

does Germany use recycled waste drinking water?

Please tell me if you really know for sure, not just guessing.
Also if you can tell me which cities are effected if it is true they use this water. Thanks very much
Also, maybe if you’re not sure can you please tell me who I could contact to find this information out?

The Expert answers:

Never heard of it but I can’t imagine it. They might use it for industrial purposes.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

Should this become mandatory, and do you think it will?

Should this be made obligatory in the UK?
While living in Belgium and Switzerland during 2001/2002, I noticed the difference in the recycling and garbage disposal laws.

When binning our household rubbish, we had to use colour-coded bins for different types: a yellow bin for packaging, a blue bin for paper and cardboard, bins for glass, and another for leftover food. Of course, we also had the black bin for the rest (or for those too lazy to sort out their rubbish, who ended up getting fined for it most of the time).

At first I found the system difficult to get used to because, as an Englishwoman, it was alien to me. I think it was a good idea though, and it certainly made me more environmentally aware.

As UK recycling stats are still far behind the continental countries, should we bring in the same laws here? (I know lots of us DO recycle, I am one of them, but I’m on about making it mandatory.)
srracvuee – firstly, I’m nobody’s Mrs, and never will be if I’m lucky (better not mention that to my fiance though).

Secondly, I am simply asking a question. Oddly enough, the goverment don’t consult me personally on their policy formation.

Finally: if we are so ”capable” of recycling through choice, then how do you explain the FACT that the UK’s 2006 recycling record is one of the worst in Europe???
Heather – very well put!
Betty, jizzi – I lived in a flat in both Belgium and the Netherlands, my mother lived in a flat in Switzerland. In Switzerland, the apartment block shared a rubbish chute for normal rubbish, and kept the bins in a room downstairs.

How do you think they manage in the Netherlands where there is even less space? Like this. We kept small bins in the flats – not big binbags, apart from for the normal rubbish. The paper and cardboard laid flat in a tray type container. On top of that, we’d have a crate for glass etc (which we had to take to the bottle bank.) The food went into a small bucket style bin. Each block of flats had its own big bins to share, where we’d take the contents of our household bins. They would be picked up weekly by two different collectors. Same in Belgium. Same in Switzerland. It isn’t difficult.

I live in Herts, and in my town we have a weekly collection for recycling and for rubbish. It wouldn’t be different.

The Expert answers:

Only if the council set up the infrastructure to deal with all these different bins.

At the moment they cant even cope with plastic bottles. (well not where I live in North London)

Chris asks…

need help with my english.?

In Belize there is no good garbage disposal or recycling of garbage. In san Ignacio town the garbage is picked up twice a week Monday and Thursday. During that time the garbage piles up and are usually turned over the next day by the neighbor hood dogs. As the garbage is collected it goes to a main disposal landscape, which causes a lot of pollution and is not disposed correctly.
It has always been this way for the town of san Ignacio and the road to benque where the garbage collected is dumped and disposed of.

The Expert answers:

Your paragraph should read.

In Belize there is not a good place to dispose of or recycle garbage. In the town of San Ignacio garbage is picked up on the Monday and Thursday of every week. When the garbage is collected it is sent to the landfill; the landfill causes a lot of pollution and is not disposed of correctly.

I am not too sure about the last sentence I would get rid of that one if I were you. I think in the paragraph it is understood what you are writing about. I got rid of the sentence with the dogs since it did not relate heavily to the subject, and thus is unnecessary.

If you need help with your english just give me an e-mail. I am sure you are smart it just takes a little reading and writing to get the hang of it.

Donald asks…


I was watching this show on this young couple that claimed they only ever have 2 bags of garbage a year! They have a garbage disposal for left over food, and if it’s not recycable (i.e. bottles, newspaper/cardboard) they don’t buy it. Does anyone else practice recycling this much? Made me think that I’m not doing enough!

The Expert answers:

Not to that degree i even was studying enviormental science for a year before i changed majors

i have two bags of garbage at most i recyle cans for my little brother who saves them for the school and they money goes to charity

seems impossible

Jenny asks…

Can someone please help me with recycling questions?

Okay, so I admit to not being the best contributor to the environment but I had a few opinions that my boyfriend’s family threw at me from left field and have left me completely stumped. So here are a few very dumb questions that I would like to know.

First off. The yard waste, can you put food products in it and should you? (general things that wouldn’t fit down the garbage disposal)

Second. Does question one vary from state to state or is it pretty much count in every state. I just temporally moved back to Portland for example and my bf & his family live Seattle, and there they say you have to recycle food products in the yard waste in Washington.

Third: Things that “could” be recycled like plastics, tin foil, glass jars, cat food cans, have to be washed out completely before it’s recycled right? What if it’s unsaveable like a piece of tin foil that’s way far gone. Do you trash it or try cleaning it off still and then recycling it?

Four. Are the lids on cat food cans recyclable? (they’re metal)

and Five: Unrelated question but do eggs HAVE to be refrigerated or is that just a recommendation? (It’s an on going argument with my mom that I say they have to but I’d like more solid facts on why)

Thanks again for everyone’s help. I know a lot of the questions are like… are you serious? But I’m honestly stumped.

The Expert answers:

The folks at Portland Metro should be able to answer all your recycling questions. I am not sure about the eggs…
Metro Recycling Information

Thomas asks…

Why do Americans consume so many natural resources?

I know that America has a greater economy than many other nations, but why is it that we all could easily be helping the environment by being conservative, but many choose not to. Why are Americans so much more ignorant that the rest of the world that the ice caps are melting right before their eyes? Many Americans choose to waste things by not recycling and putting their food wastes in garbage disposals. As an American myself, it makes me very angry that the country I live in is so ignorant.

The Expert answers:

Look at how we market ourselves to the rest of the world, we are the land of milk and honey, come to America and live the American Dream, where everyone should be able to buy a house etc, Look at our TV shows, our commercials etc. We are being brainwashed by the media. Our own President told us to go spend money we didn’t have to save the economy. We don’t have a strong economy, it is based on people buying things, that is an unsustainable practice, especially when we are shipping all our jobs to other countries to bring down the cost of things so we can buy more. We have fallen victim to our own propaganda and we have some lifestyle adjustments to make if we are going to come out stronger on the other end.

The best thing we can do is to buy less, and when you need to look for Made in the USA. We need to bring manufacturing back to the US and the only way we will is to become aware of what we are buying. Support your local economy and buy your food from local farmers, it will taste better and have more nutrition.

We are only as ignorant as we allow ourselves to be, many of us who complain about what is going on aren’t active in the causes we believe in. It’s time to quit waiting for the change and become part of the change we want to see happen. Vote, write to your elected officials, become active in any groups that you feel are working toward your goals, become active in your community and let people know what changes you want to see, but plan on doing some of the work yourself.

Susan asks…

How do I dispose of my cds?

Do i throw them out in the garbage, or recycling bin, i was also wondering if the white and paperish cd cases are throwin in the recycling bin or garbage can.

P.S; given my current situation i only want to know if i can dispose of them personally, i dont want any companies or third parties invovled with the disposal; just good old fashioned garbage can or recycling bin.

Thank you

The Expert answers:

Just break the CD’s in two pieces and throw them away, after you break then there is no possible way to read them again.

Laura asks…

can u check my essay please. need help with grammer?

In Belize there is not a good place to dispose of or recycle garbage. In the town of San Ignacio garbage is picked up on the Monday and Thursday of every week. When the garbage is collected it is sent to the landfill; the landfill causes a lot of pollution and is not disposed of correctly.
Belize is young and it can fix these problems with the way garbage is dealt with. For Belize to correct its problem, it needs to start small. The san Ignacio Town and the Benque Road is a good example on how to deal with garbage disposal. In San Ignacio Cox is a company that picks up the garbage twice a week, but the amount of garbage a family produce is way more than expected, the businesses produces twice as much as the family produce, and the garbage just piles up and are scattered across the streets by the dogs. Cox should collect the garbage three times a week, but even that wouldn’t help on a large scale, they need more trucks to pick the trash faster.
If cox collects the garbage on time and frequently the pollution in Town can be limited, and maybe be pollution free with some help with recycling if the government should implement it in Belize.
cox can’t be blamed for the pollution in the San Ignacio area. The daily pedestrian who dumps their trash on the streets, since there is no garbage drums along the street side. The Town Board should at least place a few drums along the street side to avoid the liter from foreign pedestrian and local pedestrian. On the benque road where the garbage is dumped it is burned in the open and the smoke pollution fills streets, and atmosphere. Belize should look into a means for proper disposal of the garbage.
Cox should invest in more trucks and invest some of the profits from collecting garbage into building a big oven to burn the trash. It may sound the same as burning it outside of the oven, but the science behind it is beneficial. In the big oven the smoke created from burning the garbage will be redirected from the burning area to one vent, which will spin a small wind turbine and produce energy to be used. After the fumes passes the turbine it goes through some filters, which cleans the smoke. It is then release out very low in pollution than it would if it was just burnt.

The Expert answers:

Belize is not a good place to dispose of or recycle garbage. In the town of San Ignacio, the garbage is picked up on Monday and Thursday of every week. When the garbage is collected it is sent to the landfill, however the landfill creates a lot of pollution and the garbage is not disposed of correctly. Since Belize is young, it could fix these rubbish problems, but the country needs to start small.

The city of San Ignacio and the Benque Road is an example of how not to deal with garbage disposal. Garbage is retreived twice per week in San Ignacio by the Cox company, but the massive amounts of garbage produced by each family exceeds the capacity of the landfill. The city’s businesses produce twice as much waste as the residential district, therefore the garbage piles up and is scattered across the streets by neighborhood dogs. A solution could be submitted for the Cox company to collect the garbage three times a week instead of twice, but it may be too little too late. The trucks simply need to pick up the trash faster.

If Cox collects the trash both timely and frequently, perhaps the pollution in San Ignacio would be limited. The government should implement a recycling program to both residents and businesses, which would create less pollution for Belize.

Obvioulsy, Cox isn’t to blame for all of the waste in the San Ignacio area. The finger points to daily pedestrians who dump trash on the streets, since there are no garbage drums available along the sidewalks. The city’s committee should place a few wastecans along the streets in order to avoid the abundance of litter from tourists and locals who just don’t seem to care. On the Benque Road, for example – the garbage is dumped and burned openly, creating smoke and pollution within the streets. Belize should consider a better means for proper disposal of the garbage.

Alternatively, Cox could invest in more garbage trucks and perhaps use some of its profits from collecting garbage to build an incinerator for the trash. The benefits of doing so are scientific. For one, the compost from the burning waste could then be redirected from the burning area to one vent, which will spin a small wind turbine and produce energy that could be used by the city’s inhabitants. After the fumes pass through the turbine and seep through the built-in filters, the smoke would be cleaner and would remit far less pollution than if the rubbish was simply burnt.

Steven asks…

Trash Disposal Laws in Alabama – Please Help?

I bought a 4 acre home in Alabama (zip code 36352) which is only about 5 miles from a small landfill and outside any city limits. Im single and so I dont produce much trash. I burn all my burnable trash in a legal Burn Barrel and recycle my plastic and aluminum. Anything else I just load up and take to the landfill. After about 2 months or so of living here I got a bill for garbage disposal even though Id never used it, didnt need it, and hadnt asked for it. I called the disposal company that sent the bill and was informed by the woman on the phone that I HAD to pay them (the only disposal company here, and who charge twice as much as anywhere else Ive ever been) theyre high trash fees because it was the law in Alabama that EVERYONE must have trash service. The woman was extremely rude as well as smug and informed me that if I didnt pay the bill and all future bills that they would hand it over to a collection service and etc etc. Ive never heard of this law before and I cant seem to find it or any information on it anywhere.
Can Anyone help me with this and show me this law as it is written. Id like to know if I need to just turn this over to a lawyer or just swallow my pride and pay these crooks.

Thanks to anyone who can help or has any legitimate advice.

The Expert answers:

If there’s a “trash disposal law” it’s a city or county ordinance. There’s probably a local government information line you can call.

Usually bills you *have* to pay come as one city or county utility bill, so it’s worth asking about. But if so, at least you can stop making trips to the dump.

If not, send them a professional letter disputing the charge, and then dispute it with the collection agency, the credit bureaus, and, finally, in court, as it becomes necessary.

John asks…

List as many services as you can think of.?

I’ve to keep a service journal for class and I’m running out of ideas of services that we encounter (on a regular basis). So far: I have about 50 e.g.

General sanitation services
Housing, Room Rental
Network services: Internet
Social networking e.g. facebook
Street lighting
Road maintenance
Telephone/ Messaging Services
Classes e.g. access to professors’ professional skills
Library books rental
Grocery Delivery
After-sales Telephone Support for software
Online Auction – matching seller with buyer
Checkout in supermarket
Grocery bag packing
Public Transportation
Cleaning – housekeeper
Hotel Reservations
Skype – telephone service
Recycling Services
Refuse/ Garbage Disposal
Mail Sorting
Online banking
Dinning Hall – Catering Services
ATM- Money withdrawal, deposits
UPS – Postal Services
Custom made computer order & sales services
Getting a quote – quotation services
Paypal – funds transfer
Subscription Services e.g. newspaper
Pizza order & delivery
Elevator Repair Service
a/v Rental
Information Hotline
Self service salad bar
Fast food restaurants
Website Hosting
Concierge Service
Valet Service
Room Service – Hotel
Hotel check in and check out

The Expert answers:

You have a big list, have any of these?:

Hair salon
Dry Cleaning
Beauty salon (in general)
Cosmetic surgery
Laundry service

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Michael asks…

The importance of recycle bins, justify and persuade the management to provide recycle bins for the estate.?

The estate used to provide recycle bins until they started to get fined for the food waste which the residents had disposed off in the bins. I need to show them having recycling bins is a worthwhile cause to pursue, the importance of recycling and although it may take a while to educate the irresponsible residents, it is for the better of our environment.
The answer which is the most persuasive and reasonable gets best answer 😉

The Expert answers:

The best way is to hire someone who can sort out the waste which can be gathered in one place and sorted later.

Mark asks…

Why are we told to recycle what we can and then told its not to be put in the recycling bins?

We’re told to put cardboard and garden matter in our green bins, and another leaflet says you can put eggshells, teabags and peelings in then we’re told that you can’t put these things in. i’m getting very confused.

The Expert answers:

Ring your local council and ask them to post you their leaflets/stickers that list what can and can not be placed in the recycling bin. Stick these inside your bin lid, then if there are any disputes when they come to collect the bins you can point to the appropriate item on the leaflet or sticker.

Ruth asks…

What can you recycle with the blue small recycling bins?

I have old carpet and a metal base to my bed oh and can radios be recycled

The Expert answers:

Radios CAN be recycled!! However, you can’t put them in the small blue recycling bins. Chances are, your city has a recycling center, which will take all of your electronics/small appliances and other toxic waste. You will need to find out (via phone book or google) where that facility is in your area, and see if they have a pick-up, or if they have you take those items out to their facility. Chances are, this will be the same facility that will take your old carpet and metal bed base!

Joseph asks…

Where can I find recycle bins for textiles and Building materials please?

I want to recycle wood, steel, bricks, concrete, asphalt and other things too please. I need good web sites please.

The Expert answers:

I need some remodeling supplies and or ashalt/concrete. What all do you have? I’m in need of many items. Thanks.

James asks…

How do you get rid of (preferably recycle) trash bins?

The giant garbage bins, not the small indoor ones. These ones go in the garage. We were given new ones by the city and now we’re not sure what to do with the old ones.

The Expert answers:

These are the absolutely greatest things for recycling your aluminum cans in,if you don’t want them put it on freecycle because someone probably will.

Mandy asks…

Can you recycle water bottles into the grey recycle bins the trashmen pick up?

my mom says we cant O.o

The Expert answers:

Probably you can. But I know sometimes recycling companies only accept certain plastics, so I’d call them at least, maybe if that’s the case you can buy water bottles out of that plastic. But why not just get reusable bottles, I recommend not BBP bottles, and if you have bad water just get a filter

Chris asks…

I live in Australia. How come I can’t throw paper into some recycle bins?

I thought paper was the most recycled thing in the world.

The Expert answers:

In order for products to be recycled, there has to be someone to take it off the trash collector’s hands. If there is none in your area, there is no point in separating the paper. Since most paper comes from softwood pulp trees that are grown specifically for that purpose, paper recycling doesn’t always make sense dollar-wise. It is not a hard product to make whereas something like glass is more time consuming and uses more energy to get to a product. Glass can be a sensible product to recycle since the hard part has already (digging the silicon, refining the melted solution, etc.) happened and it can be easily melted and reshaped.

Donald asks…

Where do you dispose glass bins without a recycle sign?

I have a glass bin (of tomato sauce) that I want to discard, but it has no recycle sign/number on it. Do I just throw it away in the regular trash?

The Expert answers:

I think you mean a glass jar or bottle.
Empty the tomato sauce into the garbage. Then rinse out the jar and put it in the recyling bin with the other recyclables.
Glass does not have numbers – all glass can be recycled.
You may be thinking of plastics, which do have numbers on the bottom.
I’m so glad you care enough about recycling to ask. It’s so important.

Maria asks…

I am going to get recycle bins brought to my house Monday. Any tips or rules on how to recycle?

How many bins will there be, what materials go in them? Thanks

The Expert answers:

At least three where I live, one for plastics and cans, one for glass products. Wash out the food stuff from all container first.
Good for you for doing this for all of us. Some out there don’t have the mind to see the obvious. When I was young I could swim in rivers etc. Now we can’t. Some are chosing to believe it’s not truth, but look at how sick kids are getting from just breathing the air!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

question about CA refund on bottles?

if i were to collect a bunch of bottles and cans & take it to my nearest recycling center, can i get money on the spot because each bottle cost 5 cents?

The Expert answers:

Yes, you may get a receipt to redeem at the customer service area in a grocery store or other centers may have direct payment.


Thomas asks…

Question about CA refund on bottles?

if i were to collect a bunch of bottles and cans & take it to my nearest recycling center, can i get money on the spot because each bottle cost 5 cents?

btw i live in OHio

The Expert answers:

I’m in CA and our recycling center goes by weight, not the CRV. Bottles are pretty heavy so you should be able to get a good chunk of change. And they pay me cash on the spot.

Jenny asks…

Where is the nearest tip to Ludlow?

I am moving to Ludlow, Shropshire soon, and i am planning lots of home improvements. Can anyone tell me how far is the nearest Tip, or recycling centre. Thanks

The Expert answers:

There you go!

Sharon asks…

Where can I drop off paper recycling in Annapolis, Maryland?

Is there a public center or public bins that I can take my paper recycling to near or between Annapolis, Maryland and Pasadena, Maryland? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

First site lists multiple locations for Annapolis the second for Pasadena

Lisa asks…

How can I find places that recycle copper in North Carolina?

As in, places that will buy copper from me? I cannot find a list of recycling centers or scrap yards etc. I live near Charlotte, NC.

The Expert answers:

Find out if there is a omni source in north carolina they will give money for it if you have alot they will give you alot

Mandy asks…

Is there a recycling center where businesses donate there leftover items for schools to use as craft projects?

There used to be a recycling center in Jamaica Plain, Ma. that teachers in the Boston area could go to and get items that they could use for craft projects. I went there about 14 years ago. I’m hoping there is another site like this near where I live in Canton, Ma.

The Expert answers:

There is in the Hull UK it is called the scrap store. Anybody involved in a social enterprise pays a very low annual fee and a low trolley charge for materials donated by local businesses. Individuals can join if they work with socially disadvantaged kids. Often magizine gifts and other unwanted stock is donated too. Great place.

Chris asks…

Computer recycling centers for cash?

I have 17 computer monitors, 20 old computers (p3/p2 class) whole bunch of keyboards, mice and peripherals and about 10 extra motherboards I’m looking to get rid of. I figure the keyboards/mice won’t be recyclable but can I get any money out of the computers and monitors and motherboards for the copper and other metals in them? I need to get this crap out of here, but I don’t want to just throw it all in the garbage, and I’d like to make some of my money back from when I bought this stuff originally.

For the record I live near Pittsburgh PA.

The Expert answers:

Most eveywhere i’ve looked in denver anyway, charges for this. I do have a friend who knows of a place which takes circuit borads etc and pays cash, but i was too lazy to go and just gave my stuff to him. Mostly to be sure it wasn’t just going to end up in a landfill.

William asks…

Recycling Question, please help :)?

Where can i recycle the 2-liter bottle RACKS? not all of the recycling centers take them. is there one near Van Nuys?

Thank You. 🙂

The Expert answers:

Racks? As in card-boards or plastic? Im not sure if they’ll take the plastic racks but im pretty sure if it’s biodegradable cardboard is fine

Mark asks…

Could anyone please tell me where to get rid of the old alloy wheel?

I want to change to a new set of alloy wheels for my car, but I don’t know where to get rid of the old one. I’m living near Seattle, WA. I’m not sure the recycling center wants them. Do tires stores like Les Schwab and Goodyear want them (if I’m going to buy a new set of tires from them too)?
Thank you!

The Expert answers:

My local scrap yard pays 5 to 10 dollars each..but if you got a good set put them in paper for 50 dollars.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Most usb flash drive viruses are found in the recycler folder, why?

I just noticed that when I scan a usb flash drive for viruses with avast, most of the time there will a virus in the hidden folder “recycler and recycled”. Is there a reason for it?

The Expert answers:

They try to con you into thinking that it is a legitamate windows file
recycler.exe recycled
think its conficker you have, every removable drive and mapped drive will have one.

Autorun.inf, Which you can open in notepad will point to this recycle*.exe file, which will spread like fleas on a scabby dog.
Plenty of autorun eaters out there for you thou

Thomas asks…

How to remove the virus RECYCLER using only the AVG, or what version of AVG should I use to remove it?

Even though I have deleted the recycler folder it keeps on coming back and replicate itself to other folders. And every time i open the computer a black window (seems like a promt command) is popping up on my screen for a second.

Everytime i scan my computer or USB device virus was found on files INGKULOT.EXE, F14590, etc. something like that. I have no I dea how does it infected my computer.

Can somebody tell me where this virus came from?

The Expert answers:

Perform a full system scan. Deleting the folder won’t help, since it has a much deeper root.

Sharon asks…

How can I sell directly to a textile recycler?

I heard about the majority of donated clothes are sold to textile recyclers. How can I sell my old clothes to these textile recyclers rather than donating them to be sold by someone else?

The Expert answers:

They will usually not buy small amounts. I hope you have a lot of clothes.

Jenny asks…

How much could I make off of scrapping a BMW M52TU at the aluminum recycler?

Has 54k miles 1999 323i but can’t find a camshaft to make the engine run without paying more than I payed for the car the engine was going to go in.( I can’t find a place with any answers in my state). If I recyle the block ,head and all the aluminum, what could I possibly make in the state of Oklahoma? Have not found any listings of local prices for recyclers.

The Expert answers:

The block is worth more to a BMW enthusiast than you could ever get at a scrap yard. Post it up for sale on describing exact condition. Ask like $700+ shipping or something. Price similar motors.

Mark asks…

How does a television recycler turn a profit in California?

I understand they are subsidized. How much? Where do the TV’s go? What is the nature and extent of the subsidies?

All I can find is a video of an American worker slicing open cathode ray tubes. Also, an article on a Chinese town dedicated to the primitive business of mining electronic parts. Finally, a story of a drug addict who became a recycling magnate through the help of friends and subsidies. That’s it so far!

The Expert answers:

There are no subsidies for private recycling businesses. It’s damn near impossible to profit from that in Ca due to strict enviromental laws.

Sandy asks…

Why is there a recycler folder and System Volume Information folder on my drive D?

recycler is a recycle bin, right? idk.. i believe that recycler folder should be found on drive c…i think it is a virus.. if i delete the recycler folder, will my pc crash?

for the System Volume Information folder, when i open it, it says, access denied…. hmmm,, but when i scan it on avg, there is nothing wrong with it… pls help.. tnx

The Expert answers:

You might have installed Undelete Professional or some of the software of that nature. However if you have not done that, you may actually have a worm on your system. That worm might not be removable presently by AVG, or you may not have the full version (do you have downloaded version) of the avg on your system. Install the full version and scan your system. Everything should be alright afterwards.

But if you still have the same problem, start your computer in save mode and then right-click you computer to disable system restore on the hard disk then go to the hard disk (D) and delete the files manually.

Finally the other thing that can cause this problem could be that you had operating system files on this drive previously or presently. Or you have set your view hidden file option on.

Lizzie asks…

What is the best way to stack empty 55 gallon drums in a standard 48ft trailer for shipment to a recycler?

Without a separator or pallets… trying to maximize the space of the trailer in relation to the drum size.

The Expert answers:

Upright, 2 high, with 1/4″ plywood between the layers

Ken asks…

when i recycle large amounts what ways can i get paid when i get to the recycler?

What would be a benefit for each method and any other info that would pertain to that method.
how secure would giving them your bank account number be? is it like direct deposit? Checks are taxable aren’t they?

The Expert answers:

Smaller amounts in cash, usually about 200 dollars or less and in larger amounts by check. It depends who you choose to sell to.

William asks…

Can I import CRT cullets recyled by an authorised recycler in the United States?

I am a trader and middleman, going to import CRT glass cullets from a United States supplier who is licensed to recycle used Televisions and Used computer monitors to supply a CRT monitor manufacturer in my country. Will I face any objections with the local port authorities or customs to clear these shipments and sell to the CRT manufacturer in my country. Any advice how to import and supply to the CRT manufacturer?

The Expert answers:

Might not.
But, I am leaning towards the “not” part.
If you find some more info on the search engine.
It might clear up bit.
You might face some objections, but try smooth talking out of it.
Shipments, if able, will cost a little for there travel.
Good question, I’ll give you a star for it.
But I am sure it is a no.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

What recycling company in Phoenix, Arizona pays the most for one pound of aluminum cans?

The Expert answers:

Snow man

Steven asks…

Where is a recycling center in Phoenix, AZ 85008?

My apartment complex doesn’t have any recylcing services. I can’t find online in Phoenix Arizona (zip code 85008). I would like to recycle paper instead of just throwing in the apartment’s regular dumpster.

The Expert answers:

A-1 Planet Recycling
(602) 258-5600 201 W Hilton Ave
Phoenix, AZ

Abco Recycling Center Inc
(602) 943-9676 9637 N Cave Creek Rd
Phoenix, AZ

Arizona Environmental Recycling
(602) 944-4129 9601 N 19th Ave
Phoenix, AZ

Arizona Pacific Pulp & Paper
(602) 220-9200 302 S 28th St
Phoenix, AZ

Arizona Recycling Corp
(602) 258-5323 400 S 15th Ave
Phoenix, AZ

Arizona Shredding Co
(602) 267-7444 1590 E Riverview Dr # 103
Phoenix, AZ

Arizona Waste Service
(602) 268-5060 898 W Illini St
Phoenix, AZ

AZ Environmental Recycling
(602) 495-0052 1742 E University Dr
Phoenix, AZ

AZ Scrap Iron & Metal Inc
(602) 252-8423 433 S 7th Ave
Phoenix, AZ

Barry Metals Co Inc
(602) 484-7186 3014 N 30th Ave
Phoenix, AZ

Battery Lead Salvage
(602) 233-3927 822 N 35th Ave
Phoenix, AZ

Curbside Recycling
(602) 220-0085 3548 E Van Buren St
Phoenix, AZ

Deer Valley Recycling
(623) 879-8420 2333 W Deer Valley Rd
Phoenix, AZ

Durango Mc Kinley Recycling
(602) 252-7484 425 S 15th Ave
Phoenix, AZ

Global Electronic Recycling
(623) 869-0733 1815 E Deer Valley Rd
Phoenix, AZ

Nunn Petroleum Waste Management
(915) 886-5340 400 Valley Chile Rd
Anthony, TX

Phoenix Metal Recycling
(602) 253-3275 3210 S 19th Ave
Phoenix, AZ

Waste Not Recycling Center
(602) 678-3824 2231 W Shangri La Rd # D
Phoenix, AZ

Weyerhaeuser Recycling
(602) 225-0560 301 S 30th St
Phoenix, AZ

Richard asks…

where can I drop off recycling in phoenix?

The Expert answers:

Contact your town office or look in the yellow pages under recycling centres

John asks…

Does anyone know of a copper recycling place in Phoenix, AZ?

We have a truckload of copper we would like to sell and can’t find a copper recycling place closer than Tuscon. Any ideas?

The Expert answers:

I believe this place does:

CMS / Morrell
2419 W. Van Buren St.
Phoenix, AZ 85009

If not they can tell you who does.

Mandy asks…

Where can I find public recycling locations near the downtown/midtown area of Phoenix, Arizona?

I live in the downtown/midtown area of Phoenix, Arizona and so far I have been unable to find public recycling locations. By this I mean bins/containers open to the public for the disposal of recyclable items. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

The Expert answers:

Look it up online. There should be sites that will at least point you in the right direction. Or call your trash company and ask them.

Lisa asks…

Where in Phoenix can I recycle cans for money?

The Expert answers:

Phoenix Metal Trading (602-257-4660), 610 S 19th Ave
Arizona Recycling Corp (602-258-5323) 400 S 15th Ave
Smithey Recycling (602-222-3560) 2235 S 19th Ave
Arizona Scrap Iron & Metal (602-252-8423) 433 S 7th Ave

Donald asks…

high paying recycle factories in phoenix area?

well, obviously i want to recycle some soda and beer cans me and my dad have, but so far we found a factory that pays about 90 cents a pound… so my question is, is there a slightly higher paying factory in phoenix, AZ? maybe in the downtown area?

The Expert answers:

Not to my knowledge, no… Even the three i found in mesa only paid .45 per lb

Charles asks…

Where can I recycle Plastic Bottles for cash in the Phoenix area?

I have a ton of plastic bottles that need to be recycled. I can not seem to find a place that is open and willing to pay for my collected plastic bottles. Any ideas, besides driving them to California from Phoenix, AZ?

The Expert answers:

If there are no recycling centers in your area to take them,, check the phone book, and then the local waste disposal companies, and finally the city hall- ask them “Why not?”
Get the city to start recycling and urge them to get something into place.
Companies recycle for a number of reasons, and some do not always pay, or not very well. You might have to go the route of getting your state to consider legislation that if throw away bottles are used, then there must be a refundable deposit placed on them to encourage recycling.
Be aware though, a number of communities are outlawing the disposable small bottles, as well as the plastic shopping bags!

Chris asks…

Where can I recycle can’s in Phoenix, Arizona?

I have a bunch of can’s and need the money, any help would be greatly appreciated.

The Expert answers:


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