Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Maria asks…

Why recycling a cell phone thinks to be good option now a days?

Most of the people now a days refer cell phone recycling,is it good option rather than to sell it.

The Expert answers:

Whether you sell your cell phone or you recycle your cell phone, you should still be keeping your cell phone out of the landfill, garbage stream. Obviously, selling your cell phone has some personal, financial advantages. Weighing the advantages of recycling your cell phone versus selling it depends upon the recycling program you turn your phone into. Many of the recycling programs end up giving or lending the phones they collect to homeless folks, domestic violence victims in hiding or starting a new life, folks who have medical problems and no money, folks in transitional housing, etc… Phones donated to other programs end up being handed out in poor countries to those who need them. Some recycling programs provide phone refurbishing which means that some phones are used as parts phones. And, other recycling programs disassemble the phones for the scrapping out of their components, metals, and other goodies. To make this type of comparative value system decision, you must weigh how much the resale value of your phone is to your finances versus the value you feel your phone will provide after being turned over to the particular recycling program in your area/you select..

Daniel asks…

How can I start recycling in the workplace?

We go through so much waste where I work. We have trash bins full of paper and numerous bottles from the soda machine. I hate watching it all go to the dumpster. I want to recycle, but I have no idea where to start. Where can I find recycling bins? Would the city pick it up? And most importantly, how can I get my mechanic co-workers to help?

The Expert answers:

I’m afraid that in most cases if you want to start recycling, you’ll have to either prove to your employer that it is more financially beneficial to start recycling, or you will just have to take it upon yourself to collect and drop off the waste.

If your employer is willing to work with you on this, some trash companies have bins for recycling that they will come and pick up. It may cost your employer more, though.

Bottom line is, if you want change, you usually have to take things into your own hands. Don’t expect others to help, because if they don’t care about it, they won’t help.

Good luck!

Thomas asks…

How to begin a recycling collection business?

I would like to start a recycling collection business focusing on apartment complexes. I don’t plan to sell the recyclables or store them, just to transport them to recycling drop off centers for a small fee to the tenants. Are there any particular licenses or certificates that are needed for this type of endeavor? I would be using more of a trailer rather than a dump truck so I don’t believe I need a commercial driver’s license. Any assistance, or where to go to find ideas would be appreciated. Michigan laws. And any tips on fees to charge?

The Expert answers:

OH my god! I basically started the same company about 2 years ago and still do it today. I charge $10 for Computers (this includes a thin monitor, keyboard, mice, etc.), $2.50 for laptops (because they hardly take up any space). $10 for TVs, or more depending on the size. You should also look into paint as well, because everyone has some old paint lying around, especially people with homes. I charge $3.50 a gal and $2.00 a quart (these are based off the prices of a local hardware store that takes paint). As for permits or whatever, there isn’t really anything you need. I just created a Inc. Or you can do a LLC (basically just creating a business) This is really all you need. I use a pickup truck btw.

Sandra asks…

How do you start recycling plastic and paper?

My daughter gets a lot of medical supplies and one day I looked in our trashcan and realized that most of what we throw away can be recycled. I was raised on recycling, and now I’d like to carry that tradition over to my own little family. Does it cost money and how do I go about starting this?

The Expert answers:

It really depends on where you live. You can call your town/county to find out more info on how and where to recycle, what it costs, etc.

As far as the process – many cities have curbside recycling, but others you have to haul your own to the facility(s).

Once you’ve got that information –

Then, create spaces where you can keep everything separate. It really makes it easier and cleaner for both you, and the recycling facility to keep it all organized. Trash cans are fine, or if you have a smaller space, try rubermaid type bins. You can even get creative and label them if you want!

Betty asks…

When Recycling Paper, is it necessary to remove the plastic attached to envelopes?

Many of the envelops from junk mail or bills have a plastic piece covering the open slot that shows the recipients address. I always remove these from the envelopes before I put them into paper recycling, is this necessary for me to do?

The Expert answers:

Have been wondering the same question ever since 🙂 thanks for asking this!
I believe (have never seen by own eyes before) the modern paper recycling plants also have some features for removing ‘contaminants’ of some kinds and to some extent.
I myself do it only sometimes, not always, removing any plastic parts from the paper waste before throwing them into different bins.
I also found these:

Helen asks…

How do I go about recycling or donating a house plant?

I have a house plant that I inherited when I moved in, but was already dying. I am not taking care of it very well and would like to donate or recycle it. Who will accept old plants? How do I go about recycling it?

The Expert answers:

If you don’t want it you can just throw it away. You may see if a neighbor might want to take and bring it back to life. All in all it’s just a plant.

Steven asks…

How can recycling plastic generate a carbon credit? How much is that credit worth?

I have heard about carbon credits but do not know how to measure, produce, verify nor sell them. I have begun recycling several forms of plastic into a ready to use product that I have multiple customers for. I wonder if my process will produce a carbon credit that I could also sell?

The Expert answers:


Sandy asks…

How do I start a Recycling Program locally?

I would like to start a recycling program for just about everything that can be recycled. How does one go about this?

Keep in mind I have no city connections and limited funds for start up.

The Expert answers:

This is a good link;

Laura asks…

Are paper recycling plants and companies dealing with selling and buying of paper the same?

Also,w/o the help of the internet,how can I find out about the recycling plants?

The Expert answers:

Recycling plants take leftover paper and sort it all out. It is then cleaned and bundled. After that, they send it off to a factory so it can be made into a new product. Most paper companies use only fresh material for products.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandy asks…

I am looking for large recycling bins that are already labeled plastic, paper, etc. Where can I find them?

The recycling bins would be for school cafeterias. I have seen them in several businesses. They are usually color-coded as well..usually yellow, green, and blue. If anyone knows a company that supplies these, I would appreciate you letting me know!
The recycling bins would be for school cafeterias. I have seen them in several businesses. They are usually color-coded as well..usually yellow, green, and blue. If anyone knows a company that supplies these, I would appreciate you letting me know!

Edit: I live in Washington State and by “large” I meant about the size of garbage cans you would keep in your garage.

The Expert answers:

Try taget or walmart

Nancy asks…

Is this a good Thesis for my Persuasive Essay on Recycling in my school?

one thousand kids everyday walking through school, not once touching the recycling bins, is a heart break to me, also a student.

The Expert answers:

First of all a Thesis is something you can prove.
Your title cannot be generic. It can’t be research paper, or little service learning paper, or english assignment, or paper.
**It should be creative, sound good, and have to do with your topic.
Topic Teen Pregnancy
bad thesis: Teen Pregnancy is on the rise statistics

GOOD thesis: Teen pregnancy is a BIG problem

Joseph asks…

Go Green?!?

A few friends and I have recently started a go green club at school. The response to this club was tremendous. Were trying to think of ideas on making our school and surrounding area eco-friendly. Our first few simple ideas were getting recycling bins for our school, decorating our courtyard with flowers, and replacing our regular sink faucets with motion censored ones. Were also planning on holding a volleyball tournament to raise money for a unicef/helping the enviroment type organization. Any ideas for organizations that we can become involved with or any ideas for our community or school would be greatly appreciated. thanks =)

The Expert answers:

First, I want to thank you for your great initiative! We need people like you, who actually do something and show others that “go green” is good, beautiful and healthy. That is so awsome!
There are so many cool things you can do! And you have already addressed a few of them.
**Promote waste-free lunches (once a month for example).
** I also suggest you contact Keep America Beautiful who are the ones that arranges the clean-ups in the spring and fall, but also has educational programs for schools and have, I am sure, lots of ideas for you.
** You could also contact the other schools go green or eco clubs. Together you can trade ideas and support.
** Work to minimize or stop the use of pesticides on your school grounds.
** Making a green map over your school or home town is another way to learn about the green resources in your area (and learn which ones are missing). Check out
** The Sierra Club is another great resource for go green things. They are local and have worked on the towns and county to sign a Cool Cities agreement. They have many ideas.
** Invite speakers from different environmental organizations to give a presentation at your school. There are plenty of them. I will put the list up on our website next week!

Here are some links that you could start with:

Thomas asks…

Fundraising for improving environment?

We have an environmental club and we thought of putting recycling bins around the school. The problem is…we have a low budget. Does anybody have an idea for a fund raiser? An idea that is not expensive to follow through?

The Expert answers:

Since you are at a school, you might want to consider collecting used printer cartridges from teachers, parents and staff. You should be specific to the ones you want by first inquiring at the office supply store as to what the printer companies are paying for these. Some are worthless, but many are worth 6 to 8 dollars. People don’t know what to do with these anyway and you can help educate them that they should not be thrown out with the trash.

Carol asks…

Fundraising Tips, Ideas?

We have an environmental club in our school, and we want to buy recycling bins so our school can have a cleaner environment. The problem is, we have a low budget. Does anybody know what we can do for a fund raiser?

The Expert answers:


Maria asks…

Can i put paper like old tests and projects and worksheets from school in the recycling bin?

school is over for the summer for me so i started cleaning out my binders and i really want to help the enviorment so can i put all the old worksheets and papers from school in the recycling bin?? can they even be recycled?thx

The Expert answers:


Steven asks…

Some ideas to help the environment?

I’m the leader of my high school’s environmental group and we just finished getting recycling bins for our entire school. Now we need another project to undertake. It’s winter time here in Michigan so we cannot do much outside for the time being. Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

There’s truly a lot you can do…

I like the idea of starting to compost, but I’m well aware of Michigan winters and don’t think much break-down of organic materials would happen, and I don’t know how happy your school would be with you keeping it all inside.

However, you could plan for things! You could make a composting plan, perhaps design a school garden to be put into effect come warmer weather. You could come up with a solar-powered something design to be put into use in the spring. Winter can be a great time to plan anything you want.

You could do an energy audit of the school. If it goes well, you could actually save the school or district some funds…

You could research winter inversion, if you get it in your area. It commonly occurs during winter.

You could create a website full of all sorts of environmentally positive ideas.

Linda asks…

With a Toefl iBT score of 96, is it acceptable when applying to schools that require a 100 ?

For example, Carnegie Mellon require a 100 on a Toefl iBt test. I only came to the US as an international student roughly 3 years ago (barely spoke English back then). Will they still consider my application or they just gonna throw it into the recycle bin?

The Expert answers:

Not acceptable

Richard asks…

Any ideas for Earth Club and going green?

We re-started an Earth Club at my high school and I was wondering if anyone had ideas to help our wonderful Earth, and environment, as well as ways to go green, and other ways to save our environmental issues??

Here are some ideas already taken:
Beach clean-up, Educating primary school children, Recycling contests/recycling bins all over campus, Organic garden, planting trees, eco-friendly fundraisers, donations to organizations in favor of helping the earth.

The Expert answers:

This is my suggestion. Find some land that is local and available where the land owner will let you grow food. Learn to garden, learn what it takes to actually cultivate the land in a manner that will yield a result. It takes WORK. But the end result is food, real food.

A major part of our global problem is that we have become so separated from the land. We talk about the Earth, but when was the last time you actually got your hands “dirty” with good nutritional soil. When was the last time you “smelled” a hand full of rich dirt? We must have an appreciation for the very dirt that makes our earth if we are going to effect any positive changes.

Someone will be glad to donate land, and there is nothing else that will make an “Earth Club” really understand the earth than to work in it.

You can donate food to the cafeteria (maybe), take it home (proudly), give to a care center, share with the needy.

Best of luck, and if I can be of any help, please ask.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

can you help me with bio, please?

1. this double layered organelle produces ATP from the nutrients it receives. __________

2. it is mainly a large pore filled membrane separating its contents from the cytoplasm __________.

3. before this organelle exports proteins, it modifies them and packs them in structures called vesicles. __________

4. these thin threads of DNA and protein remain in their present form until the cell begins to divide. __________

5. this cellular organelle contains phospholipids, cholesterol, and transport proteins. __________

6. this is the liquid part of the cell. __________

7. this group of flattened sacs detoxifies poisons that may be found in the body. __________

8. this is not a membrane bound organelle. it is very small and is found in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. ___________

9. cells can recycle used or damaged organelles using the powerful enzymes in the __________.

10. a small round organelle located near the center of the cell used used in making ribosomes. __________

11. this cellulose reinforced cell part encloses a plant cell but not an animal cell. __________

12. chlorophyll is the main pigment found in the cellular organelle known as the __________.

13. if a cell needs to remove extra water or liquid wastes, the cellular organelle responsible for this removal is the __________.

14. cellular organelles move around the cell through the aid of thin fibers and filaments known collectively as the __________.

please and thank you! even one answer will help 🙂
i googled some of them and none of the answers came up.

The Expert answers:

6. Vacuole i think…
13. Lysomes
11. Cell wall
10. Neucleous

now i know i didn’t spell some things right but you can fix that

Michael asks…

Is there anyone in Pinellas County Florida who knows where I can recycle glass???

This county is the worst for recycling, I have to drive all of my recycling to a recycling center and they of course don’t do glass. I am sure there must be someone near by who does it.
I live in the Seminole area but it is really unincorporated Pinellas.

The Expert answers:

I’m not sure where you are in the county, but they accept glass at the recycling centers in St. Petersburg. Scroll down for the map of locations.


if that is not convenient, you can find your city here:

Sandy asks…

how to make money at 14?

hey im a 14 year old girl and i need some money.i cant babeysit because there are no lil kids near my neiborhood their all teens.and i dont want to shovel snow.i cant do a kissing booth im to ugly for someone to want to kiss those online survey things work.its winter so i cant sell parents wont give me an allowence.i love in bismarck north dakota do we have a recycling center down here someone help me out pllzz.also i have a freind who makes out with guys for money i wouldnt mind doing that but does that sound like a good idea.

The Expert answers:

Robbing a bank is the only way.

Paul asks…

Recycle Center Information Needed!?

Hello, first I want to say thank you for reading this and any help that you can provide would be tremendous.

-I’m thinking of proposing a recycling fundraiser to the local board of education for my local Elementary School or even High School if I can find the following:

-A Recycling Center that offers refunds either by item or by weight that is nearest to NJ. I know that it might necessarily be in NJ, but that’s okay, its for a good cause. Even if its all the way in California, the hefty gas price after a year worth of build up might just be worth it! Of course, the rate which they use and how much.

-Any other information that might help in making this a good proposal to the BOE. I can do the research about saving the planet and living healthier and more responsible lives myself but I’d really need to know about where and rates first.

Thank you to all that can help in this information!

The Expert answers:

Http:// is a helpful website. You can list your location and what you want to recycle, or you can simply contact them (link at the bottom of the website).

Right now the market for recyclables is not very good (a reflection of the current economy). My recycling center has to actually pay our processor about $200 a ton to actually accept our #1 and #2 plastics. Over the last year, many recycling centers have been losing money and many of them are actually closing.

My recycling center does not operate at a profit, but it’s a city-based center run by volunteers, so the taxpayers of my city pay for the benefit of keeping plastic, glass, steel, tin, and aluminum out of the local landfills.

One easy way for schools to recycle is to find a company that will provide an on-site paper recycling bin (here in Oklahoma, we use Abitibi Many companies will provide parking-lot paper bins and actually pay the school per ton for the paper. One problem with this is keeping people from throwing garbage into the paper bins, which ruins the paper. (One of our paper bins was completely burned down last July 4th by people playing with fireworks.)

Good luck with your proposal!

Sandra asks…

Dou you find this traumatic?

October 07, 2009

October 07, 2009
The Trauma of Obama
By Robin of Berkeley
A new, conservative friend cracks up when she hears my phone message. As a therapist, I’m required to state, “If this is a psychiatric emergency, please call 911.”

Roaring with laughter, she says, “Robin, the whole country is having a psychiatric emergency!”

And she’s right, because people running this country are off: off balance, off-world, off-putting, off their meds.

Gallows humor, a knot in your stomach when Obama speaks, poor sleep. Your body is telling you that something is wrong.

Even out here, things are starting to feel spooky. While it’s always weird central in Berkeley, now there’s a malaise in the air.

Yes, there are plenty of people so far into the communist schtick, they would gladly sacrifice their children, their granny, and their life savings for the Left.

But most liberals still want their houses, jobs, Hondas and iPods. When they voted for Obama, they weren’t giving a thumbs up for the country to go the way of Ché.

So there’s a strange, foreboding vibe in these parts; that creepy feeling you get when you know there’s bad news ahead.

Many liberals look dazed and confused because they have no language, no information, no way of understanding what in the world is going on.

Interestingly, there’s this eerie silence about Obama. You don’t hear a peep about him. Or course, liberals are still foaming at the mouth about Sarah Palin, tea baggers, birthers, and all things conservative.

But adulation for Obama: Missing in Action. A telling sign: the life size black and white cardboard doll of Obama in a storefront near my office has been taken down. Where did it go — to the local recycling center with other discarded Obamabilia?

Because I’m a psychotherapist, I’m intrigued by what goes on inside and outside. People not only suffer because of neurotic minds, but because of what people do to us when they abuse their power.

The family dramas, problems at work, or dysfunction in D.C. unnerve us. As Presidential nominee, Michael Dukakis, indelicately put it, “Fish rots from the head down.”

We have people at the highest echelons of our government who may be rotting this nation. They espouse twisted notions of humanity, like de-evolution and forced sterilization. They eat, drink, and sleep revenge.

They are throwing much of this country, at least those of us who are paying attention, into a psychiatric emergency — into trauma.

They dominate. They control. They terrorize.

They are abusers.

Which is no surprise if you understand where Obama comes from. He was not schooled in the Martin Luther King, Jr. tradition of unity and nonviolence, as most naive liberals thought.

Obama was educated in the Malcolm X way, the American political mafiosi: the Weatherman, Black Panthers, Black nationalists.

What were these groups’ lesson plans? “Blue eyed devils,” “Jewish dogs,” “By any means necessary.”

While the media and schools have whitewashed history, these groups were filled to the rafters with gangsters. Today’s young radicals use sociopaths like Huey P. Newton as their role models, not the beneficent King.

So when Sarah Palin’s life is threatened for speaking the truth, this is the work of thugs.

When Michael Savage is banned in Britain for passionately defending our country, this is persecution.

When citizens receive death threats for deigning to ask a question about health care, this is terror.

Some people think that Obama is just a harmless sheep in wolf’s clothing because he doesn’t raise his voice. If his underlings cause mayhem, well, that’s not his fault.

But the best and the brightest of abusers never get their hands dirty.

Their work is done through a look, a blank stare, a grin, a devilish laugh. They can incite trouble without lifting a finger.

So if you feel uncomfortable, and tense, and scared, this is why. This is what abusers do.

They cause terror in us because of something old and something new. The old: memories get triggered of past trauma: our bad tempered parent, or abusive spouse, or bully boss.

The body remembers. Suddenly you are 6 or l3 or 30 again, and you may respond with the same helplessness and anger and panic.

But there’s also new trauma, what’s happening right underneath our noses; the never ending assaults on our freedom.

The daily force feeding of leftist ideology designed to control every aspect of our lives. The health care rationing that threatens our families. The strangling of business through Big Brother intrusions.

Joining with dictators; yawning when Iran and North Korea threaten; abandoning our allies. Indoctrinating our children and trying to turn them into the little Benedict Arnold’s.

The trauma of Obama — it’s all around us, it may be in us if we’re having symptoms of

The Expert answers:

Interesting to hear from a liberal that has been bamboozled.

Charles asks…

where can i find recycle center in India?

hi friends! i m student..from Ladakh.. i have been trevalling in India… i have distrubed of the situation of streets of indian cities and villages..especially Baranas.. i found the streets were filled with plastics waste and garbage of all types of materials.. i m willing to collect these papers and plactic wastes and send to recycle factory.. so that our streets could remail clean and additional to this i think new trees are prevent from cut down new paper…so where can i find recycle factory? it would be nice if the factory is near Varanasi..

The Expert answers:

Have alook in the phone book man maybe see th local council or police place?????

Susan asks…

Where can I find two specific Coca Cola Commercials?

There are two commercials, I believe both of them were winners of a video contest Coca Cola ran. The first has an old woman throwing out some junk, and a bicyclist crashes near it. A film reel gets caught in the spinning spokes, a flashlight shines through the film, and the nostalgic film is played outside the old woman’s window on the side of a van parked there.
The second shows a young man drop off a coke bottle at a recycling center, and redeem his nickel. He does this every day for several months, and eventually leaves a bottle with a note inside for the cute girl working the recycling stand. She meets him at a movie theater, where he pays for the tickets to the movie with the nickels he has saved up.

I’ve searched the web, including youtube, extensively and cannot find either of these. Any advice on where to find them?
I’m not new to the internet. I know how to search. See above, how I originally said “I’ve searched the web, including youtube, extensively.” Extensively meaning that I tried every combination of keywords I can think of on YouTube and Google. I’m not interested in being told “search for them.” Like I said, I have… I’m looking for people who actually have information on where I CAN find them.

The Expert answers:

All i can say is youtube and be specific

Richard asks…

Can anyone prove to me that it is safe to live near EfW Incinerators and/or to eat food produced there?

EfW is Energy from Waste, the modern day equivalent of the incinerators of the past which were scrapped and demolished for good reason, that is that they caused more pollution than they prevented. It is claimed, by the people who make lots of money from running the current incinerators, that these are now safe, clean and environmentally positive – despite the pollution caused by the many lorries travelling many miles to feed the enormous appetite of the machine.
The site of the proposed building is in the middle of the countryside, surrounded by little villages, farms and a forest centre complete with lakes formed from old clay quarries… The access road to the site will divide our village from the lake sharing it’s name and force out the water-sports club due to compulsory purchase. The incinerator is not wanted by the vast majority of the local population or the two councils on whose border the building site is. The local mantra is Reduce Reuse Recycle and this certainly does not appear to fit in with the idea of incineration.
We have many wonderful countryside walks with excellent access to those without cars – you can get a train from the middle of London with just one change – but they appear to prefer to send their rubbish instead 🙁 We have been advised by an expert in his field that EfW makes little power from the amount of waste burned and that despite improvements to the chimneys we not only have the pollution from the lorries (and congestion on the newly revamped roads) to worry about but also dioxins, especially those which are not measured by air-safety because they are too small – and therefore more easily ingested.. Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental problems, damage the immune system, interfere with hormones and also cause cancer.
The Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC) have sadly ignored the opposition of the locals to this scheme and given it the go ahead, they say they have no evidence of any health risks – yet the paper they base their decision on is full of references to EfW sites in Denmark which was, earlier this year, named as “Cancer Capital of the World”..
All our evidence is therefore against EfW – especially as this process only reduces landfill by 2/3 and the remaining waste to landfill is highly toxic ash… Hopefully many more lorries will appear to take this back to the councils whose rubbish has been processed at high cost rather than forming a toxic mountain in our clean and green valley.
So what I need PLEASE is one of the following:
1) Evidence that there is anything good about Energy from Waste, that the locals will not have a higher risk of cancer and that the food produced in the vicinity would be safe to eat (ie would you be happy to live here or eat locally produced food once the Incinerator is up and running and/or jog around our local lakes and forest from which the building and delivery lorries will be highly visible)..
2) Evidence to send to the IPC to put a stop to the development

I promise to be neutral when it comes to best answer and if I am unable to decide fairly will leave it up to the public vote as to who deserves the 10 points
Hi Paul, thank you very much for your message… I will pass your advice onto my group. Yes, there is an anti-incineration action group as well – UKWIN..
Amazingly we are also getting two large wind turbines, one in the Forest Centre at the side of the lake (probably on the only side of the lake which will not be bordered by roads full of lorries on their way to an from the incinerator) and the second on the site of a closed down landfill site.. We are fortunate in that they will not be near the houses so we will not be able to hear them.
You, in Wales, are fortunate in that Covanta, the company building the incinerator, were also in talks to build in Merthyr Tydfil but when the IPC passed the application in Bedfordshire Covanta pulled out of the Merthyr Tydfil plans.
Thanks again for your advise… I wish you luck with your wind-farm problem.

The Expert answers:

Here in mid-Wales we have the prospect of the beautiful countryside beingwrecked by the madcap proposals for windfarms together with huge pylons and hubs the size of 13 football pitches; all to produce an unreliable trickle of power. Behind the plans are , of course, vast sums of money for those who do not have to live with the consequences of such vandalism.

What the local people have done – and it is this which you may consider doing – is to form a group linked with people who have the necessary professional expertise to advise. This group needs to lobby and not lose impetus. You may also try to join forces with other similar groups so that the powers that be are not simply dealing with a small bunch of people from one village.

We found many similar windfarm protest groups online.

I don’t have the specialist knowledge to give you any of the proof you are looking for one way or the other. But if you get organised with those who do have the knowledge then you just might. But what I think you really want is not proof of safety but to defeat the plans altogether thus removing the threat and consequently the need for any proof at all.

Maria asks…

Can I put wine from a wine kit into beer bottles and cap them for storage?

I drink a good bit of wine. Unfortunately, I recently took many bottles to the recycle center at the wally mart. Last time I went to the recycle center, I asked if they had any wine bottles that they could give me. They told me they weren’t allowed to give them out! I’m not giving them out anymore to wally mart either. If people really cared about the environment they would enourage re-using over recycling. I hate to buy bottles and have them shipped 100 miles from Austin, the nearest brewing supply store when my neighborhood alone probably puts that many in the trash can. I do have a lot of beer bottles. I also have a capper and bottle caps. I’d like to know if bottling wine in beer bottles is advisable, or any other ideas for obtaining cheap or free wine bottles. I have already asked my relatives to save them. I do have plenty of beer bottles. Thanks.

The Expert answers:

It should work.

Store them upright so there is not wine in costant contact with the cap. Wine is a lot more acidic than beer so it is not worth risking having the coating on the cap wear off.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

John asks…

Why don’t they make garbage bags out of the same material as the compost bags?

In Ontario, Canada here we use the green bins as well as regular trash and recycling bins. What i’m wondering is why don’t they just make the same bags for the garbage cans that the compost one is using? I have had my compost bags decompose under my sink before but, couldn’t they just extend the period of decomposition of the bags +1 month or two? How do you feel about it?

The Expert answers:

I live in BC and I have been wishing the same thing forever…someone will make one that is more durable soon I hope…I would have but…just dont have the resources. Nice to see others with the same thought at least!

David asks…

How does food biodegrade inside of garbage bags?

How does food biodegrade inside of garbage bags? Do garbage bags even biodegrade? Sorry if I sound naive, I was just ignorant to it i guess.

I do recycle.

The Expert answers:

Bacteria! It’s everywhere! OMG! Head for the hills!

Sharon asks…

The people are informed not to use polythene bags. Why nobody has found solution for recycling of such bags.?

The polythene bags are already in use. Instead of advising not to use such bags, the government should try for recycling method. to solve the problem. Nothing should be wasted in this world. Anybody is accepting or rejecting my idea? Even garbage is used for electricity. Then why not polythene bags?

The Expert answers:

Well if u r from india u will amaze india recyle 60 % plastic waste highest recycle rate in world apx
but as u say to do research more in recycling is also good as putting ban on plastic bags doesnt makes it use null and void and even after ban tonnes of bags still used by us so it will be better that articles should be made from recycled plastic and sale on cheap price that appreciate the recycling for ex in india still there is no proper garbage disposal govt need to distribute recylced matter large dustbin one for biodegradable and another for non biodegradable one and dispose them in oraganised manner if we wanna clean our nature than we could make almost 99% plastic waste to be recycled in more efficient waste as its save energy and enevironment both but who
cares – govt itself not not only in developed one but also developing one countries as govt find more suitable to dump it in sea .although due to inflation metal recycling increased .
You will laugh that i send a email to municipal office helpline and suggestion email id this matter and its gona waste we need to throw garbage in open and pollute environment so what we do in this area govt need to do something as we people cant run trucks and recycliing factories .
Now days govt in my city propose 45 rs or 1 doller surcharge in electricity bill to dispose garbage and its just formality

Donald asks…

Do plastic bags get recycled out of the garbage at the waste plant?

The Expert answers:

Not in our city. We are told not to put them in the Recycling. They go in the regular trash and to the dump.

Maria asks…

Garbage bags?

If plastic ShopRite bags are not biodegradeable and you should recycle paper ShopRite bags, how should you throw out you garbage in order to stay environmentally aware?

The Expert answers:

Reduce…Re-use…Re-cycle…you know the routine. I would say re-use the bags for your garbage it is no different then blue bags or regular garbage bags. Your extra ones put in the recyclables and then if possible invest in the reuseable canvas bags that stores are now using. It’s worth the investment. It reduces approx 100 plastic bags per year that would be out in our enviroment and 20 ppl used the canvas bags that’s alot of plastic that won’t be introduced. In order to be enviromentally aware be aware of what you are throwing out…the 3 Rr’s

Ken asks…

Can I place bags of shredded paper in the recycle bin?

Our city just instituted a recycling system for waste pickup. I know they take paper, but I don’t want to just place these documents in the bin. Do they generally accept it if it is shredded and placed in a plastic garbage bag?

The Expert answers:

No, don’t put it in a plastic bag. The whole bag will be thrown in the trash at the reycling plant.

William asks…

If we are supposed to recycle plastic bags, what are we supposed to use to put our garbage in?

The Expert answers:

I’ve been wondering the same thing. I haven’t bought any bags for garbage yet, but I assume that there are some bags out there that will biodegrade when put in a landfill. At least I hope so.

Carol asks…

How successful are you in avoiding plastic bags?

I find it mighty difficult to avoid plastic bags, especially during shopping. I even throw my trash in plastic covers and keep it out for the garbage truck to collect. In my town, there are no recycling bags available. How have you been fighting the plastic menace?

Thanks a lot,

The Expert answers:

Making sure that I have my green shopping bags with me is a constant struggle!

Happy to say that I have improved greatly. I have bags in both cars and probably an extra 10 or so because I still somehow get caught without them and purchase another green bag!

I have finally got onto a great eco friendly company that has great products and i am so happy with them that I now promote them with my information site.

But the great thing is that the laundry products for example are so concentrated that one recyclable plastic bottle contains the same amount of washes that it would take 4-6 bottles of standard supermarket products. So I am wrapped. I had no idea how much plastic that this would save for my own personal use in a year.

My imagination sky rockets each time I introduce another household to the products and consider just how much LESS plastic will be used yearly.

So concentrated products definitely make a great deal of sense, keeping a heap of green shopping bags handy, having a stainless water bottle rather than purchasing a heap of throw away bottles of water when on the run helps too.

Well looking forward to hearing what others are finding successful and thanks for the question.

Mandy asks…

How should I put out my recycling?

I just moved into a new apartment building and outside by the trash they have a huge -throw everything together- recycling bin.

I have such a stupid question though. Should I bag everything up in garbage bags before I toss it in first?

The Expert answers:

Some places do put their recycling in bags, but I think most don’t. Call up the garbage company, or ask other people in the building.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

recycling cans?

hello i was just wondering how much you can get out of a soda can in california if you recycle it

The Expert answers:

For current aluminum scrap metal prices try

Sandy asks…

Where can I drop off recycling in Venice, California?

We just moved and discovered that we have no recycling boxes offered at our apartment building! So we’re wondering where and when we can drop off small, empty and cleaned recyclables like glass bottles, pop cans and cat food tins around the Venice-Lincoln area in Venice, California. Thanks in advance for your recommendations and help in this matter.

The Expert answers:

This is a list, complete with map to those closest to you.


John asks…

California Recycle Prices?

Where can I find out how much the recycling refund prices are in California?
I mean is there a site that tells you all this. Cans & Bottles usually tell you there prices, but for another state (odd).

The Expert answers:

If ur recycling bottles or cans it should be on them

Ken asks…

Recycling cans for money in California?

Do you have to crush them first?

The Expert answers:

Check with the collection point where you are going to turn them in. They’ll tell you if they want them crushed or not. Most collection points have a container they dump the cans into and the they weight them. They’ve filled this and know when it’s full of un-crushed exactly how much it should weigh.

Some sites will not take your cans if you try to cheat them. They’ll tell you to take them back, wash them out and bring them back empty.

Mandy asks…

Wood recycling in Southern California?

i have lots of old skateboard i would like to recycle. does anyone know a place in the los angeles area where i can drop off wood where it will be recycled?

The Expert answers:

I put a link to a designer who makes purses out of old skateboards she might want them.

Go to to find local recycle centers

Paul asks…

What can californians do to make recycling mandatory?

I am giving a persuasive speech on making recycling mandatory in california and i need a call of action. Please help.

The Expert answers:

J is, in this case, right.
While recycling is the right thing to do, making it mandatory is not a good thing.
What you want to do it to make it more attractive, so that it’s worth doing.
That probably means higher deposits on stuff.
And more public recycling centers.
Maybe recycle bins all over town.

I don’t want to fine someone, or put ’em in jail for being stupid.
I just want them to realize that it’s to their benefit to do the right thing.

Ruth asks…

Im going to recycle in california, what should i know?

Im going to recycle next week.

I used to recycle in nevada and they would only give me a dollar a poun on plastics and alluminum

We took 9 large garbage size cans to the recycle center and they would give us only 120 dollars or so

It wasnt much since it was alot of cans and they made us seperate them in different bags, aluminum and plastics. They also made us take off the caps on the plastic bottles

I want to know, how is the payment system here in california because I want to know if i should wait and save the cans to get paid more since we really dont have that much

The Expert answers:

Well i recycle alot, and i live in cali. When i go recycling i usually take 3-4 bags[regular drawstring kitchen use bags] and i end up making at most $20.00 so i think you’ew better off recycling at nevada. Also, they make us separate cans and bottles. For bottles we have to take caps of aswell. Places you could recycle at in cali would be near grocery stores, or a garbage place thats how i remember it. You could google some nearby recycling centers. Have fun recycling! 🙂

Thomas asks…

Were can I find a place in Fresno California that recycles concrete?

Do I just take the concrete to a land field or what?

The Expert answers:

Concrete is non recyclable.

As for disposing of it, i guess you send it to a landfill.

Chris asks…

California aluminum can recycling laws?

I’m confused– you go to walmart or any other store to buy soda you get tacked on with some fee CVR i think?? but the fee is basically saying you are going to pay this now because you can take your cans to a recycling station for money–this makes no sence considering in california it is law you have to recycle anyways unless you are a bum why would you go out of your way to go to a recycling station for 50cents when you can stick them in THE BLUE garbage can weekly who gets that money why is it there how can we get rid of it is this is a state thing or just a san diego thing?

The Expert answers:


The CRV is designed to be an “incentive” to encourage recycling. That’s the point of most bottle bills. The hope by the government/industry is that you will return the bottle/can for the CRV and it ensures that it gets recycled through their network of recycling markets.

I lived in San Francisco for a year and had to read the Statute that set up the bottle bill once. If I remember it correctly, those towns/counties that offer curbside recycling are the ones that receive the value of the CRV. They use this to offset the cost of running the program.

Recycling is all about convenience to the customer (you) and the laws sourrounding it for government agencies tend to be somewhat flexible (at times….though not always).

I hope this helps!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

John asks…

When did the waste management came up with the recycling?

i’m doing a project, which i have to describe
when does the “waste” issue have been arise as a problem,
and how people came up with the recycling ideas.
can someone PLEZZZ give me a exactly data about this issue problem

THANK U!!!!!!!

The Expert answers:

Years ago. Call BFI in Ca and ask them. Or, do some research on the net.

Mark asks…

WASTE management and RECYCLING: UK residents?

What do you think about the Government charging us money for putting recycable waste in the bin. They want us to recycle more

The Expert answers:

We are about to run out of landfill space. We have to do something. But the problem with fining people is that sometimes other people use your bin!
Plus loads of people are already in debt.

The best solution would be small local incinerators, with carbon fibre filters in the chimneys, that burn flammeable waste down to carbon ash. That can be mixed back with glass to make pumice.
Pumice can be used to make breeze blocks, it can be used to filter water and then incinerated again to make more pumice…
The waste heat could be used to generate electricity, heat double glazed greenhouses to grow salads, and used to clean waste water, and pateurise sewage for farm use.
It would generate jobs, food and clean water from waste.

William asks…

where we learn about recycling of waste ? Is there any institution for exclusively for waste management?

The Expert answers:

Yes. This site provides waste management services to governmental, residential, commercial, and industrial customers in the U.S. And select international markets.

Joseph asks…

when did the waste management came up with the recycling?

i’m doing a project, which i have to describe
when does the “waste” issue have been arise as a problem,
and how people came up with the recycling ideas.
can someone PLEZZZ give me a exactly data about this issue problem

THANK U!!!!!!!

The Expert answers:

The EPA really got things started, they have passed many laws to help manage the increasing amount of garbage our nation produces. I’ll put a couple links.

Carol asks…

info about solid waste management like recycling process,techniques,treatments, MOE,restrictions,and testing?

how solid waste management works

The Expert answers:

Not at all well. Waste is poorly managed everywhere on Earth and greenies are not making this problem better by causing trash to be exported. Its a big problem but it can be solved if good engineering was used. This is not being done at this time but it should be.

James asks…

Does the company Waste Management recycle glass bottles in their residential program?

The Expert answers:

“We pioneered residential single-stream recycling, which allows customers to mix recyclable paper, plastic and glass in one bin. Residential single-stream programs have greatly increased the recycling rates, recovering as much as three times the amount of recyclable materials.” From their web site.

We put glass bottles in. They take clear, green, brown glass… They just won’t take BROKEN glass or crystal or window glass.

(Someone correct me if I’m wrong; I’m too lazy to go get the paper that has this info on it, so I’m going by memory here.)

Mandy asks…

how does lack of recycling cause a major problem with waste management?

The Expert answers:

From a purely logistical perspective, recycling slows the growth of landfill space by diverting material from the landfill into the recycling process. It does not stop the growth of landfills as we will still fill them faster than material biodegrades (OK….the material that will biodegrade).

Why is that significant? I’ll answer that with a question: Would you want a landfill in your backyard? I don’t and my guess is that very few people get a warm fuzzy feeling thinking about a landfill being built near their home.

As a result, my wife and I recycle and also pre-cycle. Pre-cycling is the practice of considering the packaging of a product as part of the purchasing process in addition to the cost of the product. If the price/value are similar and one product’s packaging can be recycled, we tend to purchase that product.

The other logistical consideration is the collection of the recyclable material. In many municipalities, it requires two trucks to come through the neighborhood on trash day, one for trash and one for recycling.

Hope this helps.

Chris asks…

Do you know the secret to Waste Management?

Do you work in the waste industry, recycling industry or are a waste Manager. Please tell me your secrets to plans, development, and management, including cleaner areas and a better standard of class.

The Expert answers:

The secrets are all here:

Charles asks…

What type of things does Waste Management recycled please? ?

Like for example: Bricks, concrete, limestone, wood, tires, and other things too. Thanks for the help.

The Expert answers:

I work for Waste Management of St. Louis. We have a new program for recycling demolition materials. Including agregate, asphalt, brick, carpet, ceiling tiles, concrete, gypsum, metal, paper, rubber, shingles and wood. All of these things can be recycled. For example, the concrete that we collect, is crushed and laid in the Waste Management landfill to make roads thoughout for the trucks to get around easier. The haul on the roll off container will cost around $170 plus 22% fuel charge instead of $340 to $500 to haul to the landfill, including fuel charges.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

Is there a way to find local recycling centers?

I live pretty far out in the middle of no where, and I’m interested in recycling, but I can’t find a place with in 30 miles of home to take my recyclables. I’d really love to get rid of the aluminum cans cluttering up my garage. Anybody know if there is a website with a locator for recycling centers? Or something along those lines?

The Expert answers:

Do a search for ” recycling center” by state and / or county. Good luck…

Joseph asks…

What can I take to recycling centers?

I was wondering what I can take to recycling centers. Paper? Aluminum? Glass? And, how much money will I get back for the items?

The Expert answers:

Glass bottles…
Plastic bottles…
Aluminum cans…
Old newspapers…
Old magazines…
Plastic cups…
Anything plastic…
Scrap metals…

Practically those which we call recyclables…. AND…
Some of those which do not decompose…

P.S. Not everything that doesn’t decompos can be recycled like used diapers.

Ken asks…

California Recycling: Why are 100% juice plastic bottles not accepted at recycling centers?

California Recycling: The recycling centers accept nearly every type of container but when it comes to “100% Juice”, they will NOT accept it.

The Expert answers:

The 100% juice soaks into the plastic and makes it too juicy to recycle. The cost of removing the juice from the plastic molecules would be too expensive and require too much money.

Daniel asks…

Do all recycling centers pay for recyclable items?

My house is always full of Capri Sun packs and soda cans. I heard that a recycling center pays up to 20 cents per pound? If that’s true, does every recycling center offer some money for recyclables?

The Expert answers:

Some recyclables people are happy to get rid of even if they don’t get paid – like dead electronics. There’s a fairly large class of things that are worth recycling that nobody will pay you for. There is always a market for aluminum cans, although the price is low right now. Don’t know about the Capri Sun packs unless you have a state/local deposit scheme.

Chris asks…

Recycling centers in Las Vegas that pay for plastic bottles?

Does anybody know any recycling centers in las vegas that actually pay for the water bottles we bring ?

The Expert answers:

Go to to find local recycle centers, there will be websites or other contact info to check to see if they pay. If your state doesn’t charge a deposit or redemption value, the chances aren’t good.

Sandra asks…

Where can I find recycling centers in New York that can pay you for your recyclables?

I have bags of trading cards that I want to recycle but want to find centers that can pay for the recyclables you bring in.

The Expert answers:

Cardboard is typically recycled by the ton. So unless you have at least a ton of cardboard, your not going to find any recycling centers willing to purchase it. I’d suggest putting them up on Ebay as an unsorted lot. Someone will buy them hoping to find a rare or unique card, buried treasure if you will.

Nancy asks…

How do recycling centers make money?

Every time I go to a recycling center, they pay me a CRV price for my recyclables. From what I understand, CRV price is higher than any other state in the US. However, I don’t understand how they are supposed to make money if they PAY customers. They are clearly businesses, so where does their profit come from and how?
Congrats smart@ss, I’m looking for more of a PROCESS kind of thing of HOW they function as a business. It’s pretty clear that they sell these recyclables.

The Expert answers:

They sell recyclables. I’d have thought that would be obvious.

William asks…

Are there any recycling centers in Dubai?

I am very eco-friendly and want to start a healthy lifestyle. so I was wondering, are there any recycling centers in Dubai?

If you do know one, please post the name of both the recylcing center and the area. Millions will be grateful for your response.

Let’s help Earth!

The Expert answers:

Tadweer in Warsan

At present, Dubai generates 7,000 tons of waste daily, dumped in various landfills located at Al Ghusais, Jabel Ali, Lehbab and Hatta, with the Al Ghusais landfill the largest. On average, 6,000 tons of waste is taken to Al Ghusais for disposal every day.

The waste is likely to increase by 16 percent in the next few years, posing a major challenge to Dubai Municipality to minimize the effects of waste on the environment.

Is there a plan to deal with this growing waste?

Dubai Municipality has started the Middle East’s largest material recovery facility, Tadweer, which went into operation at Warsan in March and can recycle 4,000 tons of municipal solid waste per day.

Betty asks…

will the recycling centers take aluminum cooling fins from computers?

I have about 30 lbs of aluminum but it is from the cooling fins that you can find in computers over the cpu… I was wondering if i were to take this to a recycling center would they take it and pay me the going rate for aluminum?

The Expert answers:

Ours will take any aluminium so long as there are no attached plastic, glass, or other material parts, here in my area they pay us about $2.10/pound for aluminium whether it’s from cans, screen doors, whatever, painted or unpainted, “broken” or “whole,” it’s all the same price.

Some scrap places might vary the rate because your aluminium is unpainted, therefore “clean,” or because it’s in small pieces (“broken”) or whatever. But odds are they’ll take it.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Thomas asks…

Where can i go to recycle my electronics in Southern California?

Hi, I have some TV remotes, chargers, and other electronics that i don’t want and want to get rid of them.

By the way they all still work.

The Expert answers:

List receycling centers close to your zip code.

Carol asks…

How do I recycle electronics in Culver City, CA?

The Expert answers:


You type your zip code and they tell you the closest center

Ken asks…

what are some reasons we have to recycle electronics?

why do we have to recycle electronics?

please give the website next to your answer please
thanks ><

The Expert answers:


Its cheaper to get than digging it up..

Here’s the link..
From theE..

Maria asks…

How can I recycle electronics?

Is there a certain chain store (best buy, etc) I can bring my old printer to? It doesn’t work that well anymore, hate to just toss it in the trash.

The Expert answers:

No, but there is a yahoo group dedicated to keeping stuff out of the land fill.

Sandy asks…

Where do you throw away/recycle electronics?

My family have old computer monitors, VCR places, keyboards, computer mouses, stereo systems, wires, etc.
Where do you get rid of all this?

The Expert answers:

Go to this website: and it will ask you for your state and etcetera and it will show you the location of the nearest municipal facility to which you can take/ship your e-waste to.

Around my community a recycling truck comes around a few times a week. If the same is true for you, perhaphs you could leave it out with your recycled material. Hope that you’ll find a place!

Linda asks…

Where to recycle used batteries and other electronics?

I have everything from used batteries, a dead laptop battery to everyday electronics that don’t work. Where can I recycle these?

The Expert answers:

There is a place about 3 blocks from here called bills try that
OK seriously you have to tell us where you are you could be in russia or alabama how about some help!!!

Laura asks…

why do we recycle electronics?

I need some opinions on why do we recycle, computers, tv, cellphones, etc.
I know it saves the environment because if we throw it away, it would just end up in landfills… but is there anymore reasons?

The Expert answers:

Recycling electronic equipment helps reduce pollution that would normally be emitted while manufacturing a new product and the need to extract valuable and limited virgin resources. Recycling electronics is good for the environment and our local communities.

When people just throw away large volumes of electronics it is a waste of very valuable recyclable resources. Most components in electrical equipment, including the hazardous components, can be safely recycled through proper recycling companies. Disposal is not the answer.

It is always a much safer idea to ensure you pass computers and other electronics need to be properly handled by a responsible recycling company rather than being sent to a waste disposal company.
There are a number of companies these days that will pick up electrical equipment without charge. If more and more companies start to provide this free service, people will think about recycling there electrical equipment more.

How do we dispose of this technology? Computer monitors, televisions, circuit boards, and other electronics contain excess heavy metals so they cannot be disposed of in the trash. These also include mercury, bromide, flame retardants, and importantly lead, which threaten ground water if left in landfills. Lead is also a main component of monitors and television screens.

Manufacturers and recyclers are analyzing dozens of approaches to identify cost-effective, environmental methods of managing end of life electronics. An important aspect of these analyses is the identification of the environmental regulations-particularly those under the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and its state counterparts-that would apply. Manufacturers are leading the way on this issue.

James asks…

Is it true that when you recycle electronics (especially computers) the US govt takes all info and files it?

And this is why electronics recycling is becoming mandatory?

The Expert answers:

No it is not true , however if your gonna toss away a computer take out the hard drive and destroy it . By smashing it or breaking it into a few hundred pieces

William asks…

Where can I recycle my electronics and appliances in Southern California?

I want to get rid of this stuff like yesterday…

The Expert answers:

You should check out

They saved me when I had to move….I just called them and they came to pick up my stuff in the same day. I think they only take stuff that still works though so…whatever.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mark asks…

I want to get my office to start recycling, how do I go about htis?

We use a lot of paper that usually gets thrown away and we also use a ton of soda cans. I cringe everytime I throw one away in the regular garbage and I wanted to make a suggestion at the next meeting about starting to recycle. I don’t know how I can go about this. Do I have to call a recycling center and get the proper containers and who do I call to pick them up or do we have to drop them off? I am in NYC (Chelsea area) are there any centers in the city? Any suggestions or ideas would be helpful, thanx!

The Expert answers:

Contact your local council environmental services department, if like my local council they should have a person specifically employed to help businesses with recycling.

Good luck

Maria asks…

Why don’t Celebrities set the example on environmental issues?

I wash my garbage to recycle containers like gooey peanut butter jars and greasy chili cans. I drive a compact car that is way to small for my bones. I combine errands into one trip per day so I can conserve fuel. My thermostat is at 67 in winter and 79 in summer. I added insulation to my attic, caulked inside and outside of windows and doors, installed compact flourescent light bulbs, use energy saving windowshades instead of pretty window treatments, and a host of other things. I’m not whining–I WANT to do my part.
Then I see our leaders and other celebrities in the news saying somebody ought to do something about pollution. Somebody else! They say there ought to be more laws to force me to do more. When the interview is over, they hop on a private jet to their next stop. Then they ride in one of their gas-hog vehicles to one of their THREE huge houses (all must be heated and cooled). Shouldn’t THEY be setting the EXAMPLE in their personal choices? Why don’t you suggest it to them

The Expert answers:

That’s a really good point. Here are two exceptions:
1) Prince Charles and Camilla recently took a commercial airline to visit the US solely to save fuel.
2) I heard an interview with the celebrity (albeit not a HUG celeb) Ed Begley Junior who has had an electric car for years.

Here is a link to an article about celebrity hybrids.

Carol asks…

Is there such a thing as cleaning products with recyclable containers?

I know Seventh Generation’s containers are biodegradable, but it would be even better to have products with recyclable containers. I think the only plastics I can recycle are numbers 1&2. I cannot even recycle the boxes of laundry detergent because they are wax-covered.

I know that every piece of plastic that was ever created still exists today, and I hate throwing plastic in the garbage.

If not, what is the most environmentally friendly cleaning products I can get.


The Expert answers:

Try using Baking soda for everything that needs deodorizing or scrubbing. It comes in a paper box and isn’t very nontoxic. You can even use it in your laundry as a water softener to make your detergent go farther.

Re-use a spray bottle with a vinegar/water mix for cleaning glass and counter tops. Try to find ways to re-use those plastic containers instead of throwing them away. Refill soda bottles with water and freeze them to use in the ice chest. Or make bird feeders out of them. Invest in a water filter and refill your own water bottles. Use foam or paper egg cartons to start seeds in. Try not to buy prepackaged foods, it wastes a lot of packaging that has no other real purpose and isn’t recyclable.

Mary asks…

Recycling – Do you clean the items out first?

When you put your plastic milk jugs, plastic peanut butter jars, plastic ketchup containers, etc. into the recycle bin (to be picked up by the garbage people), do you rinse them out first? Are you supposed to just sort of rinse them out, or are you supposed to put them in the recycle bin completely clean?
btw, I do rinse out the milk jugs and other things, and sometimes I’ll even put the empty peanut butter jars in the dishwasher first. I just didn’t know if the recycling place just threw everything in something and that cleaned it out easily.

The Expert answers:

I clean them to keep the bin from stinking and attracting vermin.

My community does not require cleaning of recyclables – nor are we required to separate them – it depends on your local requirements.

Our contracted waste hauler uses a single-stream recycling system that is mostly hands off and very profitable. Everything is going through a wash, regardless of whether or not the homeowners clean them first. So I just rinse and remove the chunks.

EDIT: All recyclers chop the stuff up and wash it before processing. Doing an overly-thorough washing yourself is probably a waste of water.

Michael asks…

How does this intro sound for a research paper on recycling?

Did you ever hear anybody say this, “The world is going in the dumps!” or maybe this might be more familiar, “Clean up your room!” Now you’re probably wondering what do these two statements have in common. Right? Well when you clean your room, where do you put your garbage? Do you put it in a specific recycling container, or do you stuff it in the garbage can? The garbage that just gong to be thrown in a landfill to sit there and stink for many years?

I only have a few more sentences to write for the intro.

The Expert answers:

I like it but when my teacher grades work she takes marks of for personal things and too many questions like Right? Well when you clean your room, where do you put your garbage? Do you put it in a specific recycling container, or do you stuff it in the garbage can? The garbage that just gong to be thrown in a landfill to sit there and stink for many years?
They’re all survey like

Laura asks…

How do you get rid of “fruit flies”?

I returned from vacation 4 weeks ago, to a barrage of fruit flies. I have cleaned out every cupboard, the floors, counters, walls, etc. There was never any evidence of food anywhere, including garbage and recycling bins, which I emptied and washed out before I left to go away.
I have tried containers of cider vinegar, which capture them, but the following day a whole new batch has arrived. Any help would be appreciated.

The Expert answers:

Even if your kitchen is spotless the little pests can hatch in and feed on scraps of fruit and vegetable in sink drains or disposals. Try flushing the drains with hot water and bleach and continue with the vinegar traps.

Robert asks…

Am I fooling myself by using the recycling bin?

Does separating “trash” and “recyclables” really help in a world where we use tremendous amounts of non-biodegradable stuff, single-serving plastic containers of designer water, etc.? or is recycling just a scam to make people feel better about the waste they create? Does anyone really believe that the giant truck that comes by once a week to pick up our barrel full of bottles, plastics, metals and so on will really cart this stuff off to a place where gentle hands will carefully analyze, separate, and re-use these items? I have my suspicions, since I see both the garbage and the recycling trucks turning into the same landfill entrance as I drive by in my SUV on my way to Starbucks each morning.

The Expert answers:

Well first off recycling is third in the importance of things to do the FIRST is to REDUCE the flow of all these single use items going to the landfill, the second is to reuse items (get the trend away from single use, disposable items) and then lastly to recycle.

The new thing now is called single stream recycling meaning that items are not sorted at collection but instead go to an area called a MRF where it is then sorted by various mechanical means (no caring human hands there)

This information is easy enough to find by looking up single stream recycling, or MRF, or you can just continue trying to discourage people from doing and just keep griping as you drive your house to the coffee and throw it all in a landfill.

Ken asks…

Recycling question, what can and can’t go in?

We recycle through the city, so there’s no separating involved or anything, they give us a bin and pick it all up. From the other questions I read it doesn’t look like it’s done this way everywhere, so I thought I’d put that in…but anyways
Can you only recycle things that have the symbol on it? There’s lots that I would assume can be recycled, like coffee cream containers, and the tins from frozen juice, my Timmies cups. I do rinse everything out, so yeah, does that symbol have to be on there? I would have a great deal less garbage if there was more that I could be recycling.

The Expert answers:

I would ask your city, or go onto their website to find out what can and can’t go in.
Or- u could just put whatever u think should be recycled in the bin, and let them deal with it.

Jenny asks…

Does a glass container from the larger size Yankee Candle go in my recycle bin or garbage?

I know the things that go in the recycle bin are supposed to be clean of residue but the wax that’s left in the bottom is not gonna come out without a serious fight. So how am I “supposed to” dispose of it? The recycle bin or my regular garbage can?

NOTE: My town recycles by putting all recyclable items in one rectangular plastic bin that is provided by the town. I know all towns/states are different but in general what do you think the policy is? THANKS!
Ummm… I wasn’t really trying to find out how to get the wax out guys. Thanks anyway.

Does anyone know if I can put the jar in my RECYCLE BIN – with or without the wax???


The Expert answers:

My advice for getting the wax out is the exact opposite of the other answer!

Line a small pan with aluminum foil (the pan should have a rim so the melted wax doesn’t run all over the oven), turn the jar upside down and put it in a very low oven (200 degrees F or less) until the wax heats up. You don’t have to wait for all the wax to melt – just until it heats enough to loosen it from the side of the jar.

It’s easy and efficient – and the scent will permeate your kitchen.

Then, when it all cools down, you can recycle the jar.

Added: I understand what you were asking, but what is acceptable varies by municipality.
If you remove the wax, the problem is solved and you can recycle the jar.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

What does it mean when a recycling bin is “lid fit”?

So I want to buy recycling bins for my school to try and be more green and what not, so I went and found one on for a really good price but it says its “lid fit” does that mean something weird, like does it come with a lid or do I need to buy a lid? thats the link if it helps.

The Expert answers:

That product IS the lid. It means the lid fits a 32-gal container. See below the product description where it says “buy all 3”, which includes the lid and the container and a can crusher.

See the source for the container

Jenny asks…

How should I start this business letter?

It’s for english.I’m supposed to write a letter to the principal about a policy. I’m not sure how to start after the dear part.
I’m talking about how the school should recycle having bins for recycling and another regular trash.

The Expert answers:

Having written letters to customers for work, I can recommend a few guidelines for business communication. Not all are applicable all the time, and may some may be more important to follow than others based on many factors, such as one’s relationship to the reader, length of time known, social standing, etc.

Business letters are written in a formal voice. Polite, but not overly friendly. Factual, but not boring. To the point, but not abrupt. Be concise – respect the reader’s time. And if you’re asking something of someone, let them know how helping you can help them.

For example:

Principal Skinner:

My name is Bart Simpson and I wanted to talk with you about our school’s recycling program. We here at Springfield Elementary have a duty to ensure the well being of future generations of Springfieldians. You and your staff have done an excellent job molding the minds and bodies of the leaders of tomorrow’s world. Adding an element of social activism and envoronmental awareness will help make sure that the world they go out into is one where people can do all the things that previous generations have enjoyed, such as walking barefoot in the grass, taking a swim in the ocean, of hiking by a mountain stream.

Recycling helps us achieve that by conserving our limited resources so that they can be enjoyed for many, many years to come. I believe that the first small step Sprinfield Elementary can take in that direction could be the addition of extra bins in the cafeteria for the separation of recycleable material from non-recyclable material. This shouldn’t affect schedules adversely, etc etc…

Just continue like that, giving reasons why they should do what you’re asking, how it benefits them, and why it’s needed.

It’s late now so i got to wrap this up. Hope i gave you a good start.


Ken asks…

Eco friendly school???

OK last year, I managed to get my school recycling bins for the cafeteria. But this year, I want to do so much more!!! Like adding bike racks, paper recycling, encouraging turning off lights. Plus my school consists of a building 100+ years old, and some trailors about 3 years old. In two years we are getting a new school building. I’m going in 7th grade. I need ways to persuade the teachers, and to get an adult to “supervise” the meetings (which will be after school and on club day, which is once a month on friday). I’m a high honor roll student, the teachers love me, and I’m in every club possible, so getting help should not be too hard. I also need to figure out how to get other students to help, or be involved. Lastly, some project ideas for the green club, and ways to help make the new building “Green” would really be appreciated. Thanks so much for all your help! And I’m glad that there are more eco-activists too!

The Expert answers:

There are many ways of making a building more green, by using solar power for the hot water it will save the school lots of money. You can even keep a building warmer by having moss or grass on a flat roof. These are just some suggestions. Try asking your school to go to a green exhibiton to find alternatives. That often prooves to save money too.
Something that the school should be doing is to have some “greenspace”, which could be a school garden. You could grow food or flowers and have growing competitons. This will help students bond with nature and help them become active. It can be both educational and fun. This is something all ages of school student will be interested in.
I would also suggest for you to speak to a prefect who is in the sixth form, who maybe able to help you. They will possibly help and know the teachers and school better and involving students just a bit older than you will encourage the school community as a whole. I would also suggest you speak to your biology teacher too, as they will know a lot you can do and may also be able to help you with your club.
Try to remember to keep it fun! If you get your club off the ground, Try thinking up your own games for the club that are about green issues. You could as a group design posters reminding students about green issues. You could even organise an “own clothes day” and raise money for a green charity?
I hope that helps
Good luck and all the best on your first year of high school.

Maria asks…

how to encourage kids at my middle school to recycle?

we have bins for recycling, but no one seems to use them…
are there any programs or things at your school that make kids recycle more? im willing to talk to my guidance counselor, and possibly the vice principal…

The Expert answers:

Well this is an idea.


David asks…

How can i make my school go green?

I go to Gauger Cobbs Middle school.
We have like 4 recycling bins at school, and we wastee soo much paper, we use styrophome plates. and We havee no windows! stupid idea huh?
it was sopposibly to save energy… but they have to have alot more lighting. the school princibal and deans are sorta mean so i dont wanna go up to them and ask questions, i was thinking telling my talent development teacher, its like a class for kids that get a high map scores. what do you think i should do
im in 8th btw. and im vegetarian, our school has almost no vegetarian food options at school. i know 3 vegetarians at school, we eat pbj almost every day. =[….

The Expert answers:

Find a teacher to back you up and start an environmental club.
Find statistics to show your school board and make a power point with info.
“90 kids per day throw away plastic bottles in regular trash bins that could have been recycled. If our school plastic bottles we could ___tons of plastic from being processed.”

Their so many things that could be recyled like paper card board plastic….

This book is REALLY helpful!!


George asks…

I wrote a letter to my school on recycling… They considered it rude and “attacking”?

Dear Mr. So-and-so

As a member of the HOPE club at X High School, I find it a priority that you have a conference with Mrs. Principle immediately. I have been told that Mrs.Teacher has suggested recycling probably since October, and this is now February, and nothing has been done.
As time passes on, future issues will arise for my generation and the next. It is the schools‘ responsibility to teach their kids and teens to conserve and protect our only home. It is pitiful knowing all of our future issues and not responding to them as quickly as possible. Take for instance, California . California has recycling bins in every school, kindergarten through college, and every house has an enormous blue bin for recycling. Now they are doing something. X High School may just be one school in X State, but it is one where it can teach kids to take responsibility for their actions.
But how is it that we know this, and no one has time to fix it?
Mr. So-and-so, even though I do not know you, and you do not know me, be that person to change. Be that person to bring in those bins and reduce our daily trash. This may not be an issue you think about every morning when you wake up, but it is to me. Our teens need to be informed, and the more you can help, the better.
Thank you for your time,
(I censored names and places for privacy)
So I was wondering, how “attacking” was this letter? I wrote this about a year ago, and as far as I know, the school still doesn’t have any recycling bins. Back then, the club said that their only goal for the entire year was getting bins at our school. The guy they were contacting, Mr. So-and-so hardly ever replied to them, and I was running out of patience…
They kicked me out of the club, and eventually I gave up on them. (I never paid any of the fees and I never liked the people there anyways…)

The Expert answers:

Most people in charge of the school are old, which means they’re stubborn and resist change. How do weed is still illegal?

Donna asks…

Confused. Does he like me or hate me? Male answers preferred.?


It all started in the lunchroom. I was in hyper mode and being crazy and the guy was behind me in the line. I done something creepy with my eyes, you know when you make only the white parts show. He said i was a devil worshipper. I think he was joking but im not sure.

For the next few days he walked away from me whenever he caught my eye in the playground and looked at me in a ‘get away from me you weirdo’ kind of way. i think he was joking around but im not sure.

We exchanged e-mails. I asked him if he was really stupid enough to think i was a devil worshipper or if he was just joking. He didn’t answer the question and talked about something else. He seemed perfectly nice in these e-mail conversations but went back to ‘distant mode’ at school.

I have a facebook account and he commented on a friend’s picture that i was in and said ‘this would be a nice pic if she [as in me] wasn’t in it’.
everyone else said this was a nice pic of both of us.

A few days later we had a fight at school because of an argument throught msn. we exchanged cusses and he complimented me whenever i said a particularly good (or bad, considering how you look at it) cuss. i have no idea why he done that.

during the fight, he was smiling. Neither of us took the fight seriously. I bruised him by accident and the teacher that caught us fighting saw but he said it wasn’t me. We had to empty the recycling bins at school after school as punishment. At the end, we had one bag each (and so did the one other guy that was with us for another reason). The guy said, last one to the bins and back is the loser. We all started running. On the way back, we were neck and neck and we playfully barged each other as we ran. He came first, me second, and the other guy last. He said ‘ha! you got beaten by a girl!’

The next day, he gave me a big smile as he went past me.
I’ve learnt that he like me in year 8. (i am now in year 9). i don’t know when he stopped liking me.

I am very confused. Can someone please explain his behaviour to me?

The Expert answers:

”Children” of that age can be very confusing.

Aggression, including ‘physical’ aggression, can be signs of interest in someone, and the physical aggression gives a form of ‘legitimate’ reason for actually touching the other person.

Most kids cannot even account for their own reasons of / for their behaviour, so you’d be wasting your time trying to even ask him for his.

I’d strongly suggest that you are safe in that ‘he likes you’, and that he just finds it difficult to say or to show ways (Other than he has) of doing so.

Take care.
PS: Congratulations on making a long-ish tale relatively easy to read. A lot of so called Adults just can’t do it.

Sharon asks…

i am running for 7th grade representative and i wrote my speech but i don’t know if people will vote for me?

here is my speech.
Hello, my name is ___. I am running for 7th grade representative. I am hoping everyone will consider me as your representative for the school. i value helping the community, i work hard, and i try to have fun with everything while working hard. if i become a representative i promise to try to make this school a better place and a more comforting place to be. there are a couple of things i want to change about the school to make it better. first, i want to make the environment cleaner and friendly. such as, not using so much plastic, having more recycling bins around school, and encouraging students to help the environment. i also want to help the school raise money so we can have more fun programs and activities. if we have more fund raising our school can afford more things. if we had a successful fund raiser and raised enough money we can have more fun field trips. do you want more vacation and less homework. well, i can’t promise you that, but i can promise you that i will be very committed, fun, and i will include everyone. i have good grades, and i am very athletic. please consider me as your next 7th grade representative. thank you all, i hope i will get to help you and our school next year. thank you.
if you can, please help me to make it more funny

The Expert answers:

The key to a good election speech is to be funny, be creative. Everyone will be saying the same things you are, if you want to get elected you have to be different.
Kids don’t care about the environment or your grades or athletic ability, its a popularity contest.
Check out the links I posted below for some ideas but I am telling you BE FUNNY!

Chris asks…

recycle bin question, please help!!! URGENT?

okay, i copied microsoft word documents to my computer off a CD and put them in a folder called school, there are many documents in the folder, i accidently deleted the folder named school by the recycle bin, i clicked empty and forgot the school folder was in there. I have tried restoration and havent had any luck. Does ANYONE no what i should do and where the file could be? How do i find the school folder? i have really stressing out i need any information to help me find the folder. i need it for school and for everything please!!

The Expert answers:

Don’t fret, the files might still be there but you need to act quickly! When you erase, delete, or empty your recycle bin, it may appear the files are gone. But in reality they are still on the lower levels of your hard disk. In order to recover them you need specialized data recovery software.

Just don’t wait too long. There is a chance that the longer you wait, the better chance that those files can be LOST FOREVER. Scan your system for free and recover your files at:

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