Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Nancy asks…

How do I remove the recycle bin icon from desktop?

I want to remove the icon for the recycle bin from my desktop, so I looked up a few methods online, but because my laptop is given to me by my school, I don’t have the administrative privileges that are needed to perform these. Is there a way to get rid of it, without having the privileges?

The Expert answers:

No But why would you want to remove it.

Joseph asks…

Girls .. if every High School had a recycle bin for ex boy friends, how full would ur schools bin be?

10% ….. 20% …… 30% …… higher maybe?

The Expert answers:

Empty! Totally Empty! You through one in and some *itch comes and grabs him! So many girls so few guys…thats my school

Sharon asks…

Which city official should I contact to request recycling bins in my neighborhood?

I live in Houston (Northside village, 77009). Other surrounding neighborhoods in Houston have curbside recycling, but my neighborhood does not. I have to drive mine to a facility about 5 miles away. Even the schools in my area don’t have bins for paper. Does anyone know who to contact to try to ge this fixed?

The Expert answers:

Jenny asks…

Why did my friend……?

I was with my guy friend and we were in the elevator and we were taking down the giant recycling bins for school and he kissed my hand and he said don’t tell any one what does that mean

The Expert answers:

That means he fancys u and thats his way of expressing him self

John asks…

How to help your environment?

So, for school. the district put up a mandatory ‘contest’
Ironic. I know. and so its how to help your shcool and community by changing or adding something. Do you have any ideas? They’re welcomed!

[The school is giving up to 500 dollars so that this can be carried out, or for use for materials for the idea]

Example: My friend. She surveyed and asked many people if they were more likely to recycle if our school had recylcing bins. [we dont have any] 90% said yes. $15 can buy one recycling bins, and $500 dollars total would mean about 33 bins or so. Thats it.

I need something like this. thanks for your help!

The Expert answers:

Plant lots of trees. Good for the enviroment. Or dont use as much paper, like front and back or something

Mary asks…

Will you help me, help my community?

I am earning my Silver Award in Girl Scouts. For our final project we have to impact the community in a good way, we have to speak and meet with people from our city and plan something. I have no idea what I want to do. At first I thought I would get recycling bins for our schools, but with the school and city budgets I don’t think that will happen. Any new ideas? I live in a small town in California that gets extremely hot in the summer and has very little money to spare. Any ideas would be amazing. Thank you to anyone that has helpful input.
Oops! Um I didn’t mean to put it in this section, but whatever.
I don’t live by a beach, so I can’t do a clean up and another detail; I live in a complete college town. Hope that helps.

The Expert answers:

If it gets hot, could you organize a service that helps elderly and sick people get to “cooling centers,” places with air conditioning where they can stay through the hottest days?

You would basically be coordinating volunteer transportation, with maybe some extra help for the disabled.

Really hot weather can be very dangerous for the elderly and disabled, who frequently cannot afford to pay for air conditioning.

Donna asks…

Ideas on environmental club?

I’m in the environmental club in my high school … I need to bring up some ideas for this club dealing with the environment … an example could be like wearing green during a school day to represent the environment, or having recycling bins around the school. i need some new and creative ideas …

The Expert answers:

Collect trash, talk to other schools about recycling like younger kids(elementary and middle schools), have recycle bins in every classroom and in the lunch room, make go green t-shirts, make signs and postthem around the school with defferent ways to save water and other things that anyone can simply do at home.

Maria asks…

How do I start a recycling program at my high school?

we need to get recycle bins for the lunchroom. we waste so many cans and plastic bottles. how can i get teachers and other students interested?

The Expert answers:

If you’re able to start clubs at your school, start a “Mother Earth” club, that’s what I did. I found a teacher to be our sponsor and then we called around and got the garbage companies to donate some recycling cans. BUT before we got the official cans, there were just regular trashcans (with lids) that had little holes in them so that aluminum cans could go into them…later we learned that plastic could also be combined. But we just put up some posters that reminded people to recycle, and then on the trashcan itself (laminated) we had signs that said, “Only cans + plastic bottles”

PLUS, at our school we have an “environmental science” class, so they were a big help and the students in there got a BUNCH of boxes and so in every classroom there’s a box for plastic/aluminum/glass, and one for paper, and this was before we even got the “official” bins…and I’m pretty sure there was a recycling dumpster. ANYWAYS, the kids in that class would come around once a week and recycle everything in the boxes. So, you don’t need to have anything official, I think as long as you’ve got a recycling dumpster (if not, call school’s garbage company, see if they can donate one or give you one for cheaper) then you’ll be just fine.

I hope this helps!

And trust me, I know how frustrating it is to see just how much waste piles up after lunches, but it’s awesome to see you interested in helping fix the problem. 🙂

Michael asks…


To start this off, I just want to say im not by any means a tree hugger, but we do need to help the environment! OK, I live in a small Texas Town where NOBODY recycles, and I was think, it should be a law that all schools HAVE TO have recycling bins. Just think how much paper and plastic would be recycled if every school in the U.S. recycled, I am in Junior High and I know we get tons of paper-work every day. If all of that paper was recycled we could save BILLIONS of trees, also since plastic doesn’t deteriorate in landfills, it would give us more room for landfills. You may not realize it but we use lots of plastic, for milk, water, ect. Also all the supplies the school get comes in…you guessed it cardboard boxes, if we recycled those it would do wonders for the environment!! What do you think should it be a law for all schools to recycle?
I know that but still it takes what two seconds to sort your stuff

The Expert answers:

First let me say that I think it’s great that you’re thinking of these kinds of issues at your age. Bravo! I think you’re on to something. Washing D.C. (our beloved government) is working on being the first capital in the world to become carbon neutral. I think that all government, state and local governments should recycle. Schools, hospitals, police and fire stations should also be as green as possible. Recycling, the use of the new light bulbs and water conservation should be the law for all public buildings. What’s your next step? Well, I think you should contact your school board, your mayor, state legislature, and all the way to your U.S. Senator and Representatives. DON’T GIVE UP! DON’T GET DISCOURAGED! DON’T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER. I’m proud of you and your idea!!! (all this sounds like a great social studies or science project… what do your parents and teacher think?)

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Jenny asks…

1. why is it the shipment of hazardous waste shall be approved by the receiving country?

2. why is it the dispatching country has to get back the recycled waste?
3. why there must be the compliance with the international dangerous code which prescribes the types of container to be used for hazardous waste.?

The Expert answers:

Is this a test? The answers are pretty self-evident.

Mandy asks…

How do you carry out domestic recycling?

Do you have specal containers provided for domestic waste and is the collection once weekly or twice monthly? What sorts of things do you recycle?

The Expert answers:

What do we recycle? Paper, plastic, cartons, plastic containers, glass, bottles etc. But also household items, and clothing.

Our building (an apartment block) has a system of putting things we no longer want in our laundry room for others to browse through. Got some great finds that way!

We take our clothes to a charity. I like shopping there too.

For garbage, we separate the cartons, bottles, paper and put it (usually every couple of days) into the bins (they are in the lane) and they are collected twice a week.

There is also a compost down the street, but we don’t use that too often as it is not easy to access. It was easier to do this when we had our own yard. Residential recycling in our city is weekly. There is a blue box system for cartons, plastics & bottles. Then a bag for newsprint and a bag for other paper & cardboard.

Good luck!

Ken asks…

What are steps needed to start a recycling routine?

I have always tried to be conscious of reuse and recycling, but never really do. I mostly reuse, trying to find many uses for containers and such. (That part is easly mostly because I paint a lot and use tin cans and such as water containers, or plastic plates as palates.

I do TRY to buy things with out a lot of excess packaging, and buy previously recycled items, I also compost table scraps…etc.

I am just disgusted with the amount of trash I send out…I do drink a lot of soda and that is a lot of what makes up the waste…When you take things to the recycling bin, what do you have to do to prepare them…wash? crush? rip labels?

Links would be great, are there other typical household items most people overlook when recycling? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

In my town, almost all paper can be recycled. Thus, I keep a basket (fairly large) near where I open mail, and simply toss everything that doesn’t need to be shredded into the basket. Newspapers also go in there, as well as scraps and eligible parts of packaging. When it’s full, my son (supposedly – too often it’s me!) empties the basket into the larger recycling container in the garage that goes out to the curb once a week. Since we started doing this, our regular trash has dropped by about 1/2.

Carol asks…

My grand-daughter needs a name for her Science project on recycling plastic containers. Can you folks help ?

She is in Grade 6. Here are her exact words: “I,ve started a science project on recycling plastics. I don’t know what to call it. I’m trying to see how much plastic
is wasted between four classes. Can you help me find a name? I’m desperate!”
All suggestions received will be forwarded to her, and she can pick the best answer. She is 11 years of age.
Thanks for your help.
Wonderful stuff here !! Keep it coming.

The Expert answers:

Be fantastic. Save your plastic.
For a better world tomorrow.

Donna asks…

Honestly, do you think recycling helps?

Just curious because sometimes I wonder if the effort of recycling doesn’t waste more energy. All the hot water that we use to clean empty containers and the effort and fuel that goes into the truck and crew to pick it up has to cost us. Should we be looking into waste reduction ie: less packaging and throwing out fewer items? Could making more intelligent choices about what we buy to begin with be the true solution?
fsb2u I ,probably, read to much. lol
you are such a kidder

The Expert answers:

I think it does help. In Europe they have a policy that most of a building has to be recycled. It does take energy to recycle, but over all it takes more energy to make it from scratch. Not to mention the limited resources that are depleted and destroyed over time. Just my two cents and your millage may very. 🙂

Michael asks…

Should there be a Federal deposit law on all containers ?

Why are we throwing away all of these plastic container and jugs and/or bottles. The one time use of containers is just a great waste, as most go to the landfill. A $0.10 deposit could divert huge amounts of waste that could be easily recycled, from the land fill. I just went and counted 47 different types of one use bottles in my house, after they’re empty in the trash they go.
Don’t ask about recycling, here in Flint Michigan that would be a joke. Our politicians are just crazy and lazy.

The Expert answers:

Yes, NYPIRG has made that happen for NYS

Maria asks…

Can you recycle those styrofoamy egg dozen-egg containers, and where?

I always throw them out when the eggs are finished but it seems like such a waste of material, especially considering how many categories for recycling there are, and I figured there must be one they fit in.

The Expert answers:

Got any free range chicken farms out there, donate them to them. Styrofoam is one of the only plastics that noone is reprocessing these days.

David asks…

Are recycling milk jugs or juice containers ok?

I was just told we shouldnt recycle milk jugs or anything that has food in it then im told it is ok as long as you just drain it out so im confused. I even did research and they’re telling me different things. i hear actually a lot more things not to recycle so can someone tell me what i shouldnt recycle like i also hear shredded paper shouldnt and im big on recycling so help so i dont have to waste my time and theirs to pick it out
edit: tell me what i should recycle

The Expert answers:

Yes, it’s not advisable to recycle jugs or juice containers with liquid in them. It makes the recycling process one step harder. Yes, if you just drain out the liquid, you can give the containers for recycling. I’m not sure about shredded paper, but you can take a look at the following link on recyclables/non-recyclables:

Helen asks…

What would YOU do to help reduce the volume of waste?

– Reusable Shopping bags?
– Re-usable containers ?

Got anything else!
Most convincing paragraph 10 points (:

( I’m writing a speech, brainstorming ideas and your ideas too!)

The Expert answers:

(i) Composting. Using solid remnants of foods (mostly vegetables) to enrich the soil. Composting is a speeded up natural decomposition process by which solid food remnants can be turned into nutritious foods for plants. Many other waste materials can be composted, such as newspapers, non-edible plant parts, etc.

(ii) Study and research new ways to improve recycling technologies… This demonstrates personal interest in reducing the volume of waste beyond what just anybody could do. In that context…

Processing discarded plastic and rubber materials. But not just freshly discarded objects. Process old plastics, lying around dumped as waste or buried in landfills.

There are many ways to process plastic, the most popular being recycling and burning for energy. Recycling is preferential, but requires different plastic types to be sorted, since many different polymers (chemicals) can form a plastic material. Burning is the least favourable option, as it creates a lot of greenhouse gases, and makes all the chemicals go away forever. Also, many plastic materials create toxic by-products while burning, so specialized technologies need to be used.

A good alternative to these approaches is processing plastics in a similar manner as the raw oil is processed, i.e. Cracking or reforming it. Basically, it is a process of exposing molten hydrocarbon-rich plastic waste to elevated temperatures and pressure, which results in large molecules breaking down into simpler, smaller ones. The mixture of chemicals produced in this manner can be fractionated (separated and purified) into useful products — raw materials for the chemical industry, fuels such as gasoline or diesel, building materials etc.

Discarded rubber (and certain types of plastic) can be recycled by shredding; the shredded material can be used as a constituent for some building materials (e.g. Pavements).

Many types of organic waste can be ground to small pieces which, when rotated in special vortex furnaces with heated air jets, can create a slowly burning mixture in which a process takes place known as “pyrolysis”. Pyrolysis, basically, is a decomposition of complex molecules by heat; in this case heat liberated by partially burning the very material being recycled. This process can turn old furniture, plastic, rags, textiles, all kinds of organic waste products into useful chemicals and fuels.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sharon asks…

Scary Recycling Statistics needed.?

I’m writing a speech for a class on why we need to recycle. I would like to use scare tactics to get people to realize how urgent this is, but I’m having a hard time finding real documented statistics rather than opinions. Any help is appreciated.

The Expert answers:

My favorite book “The Green Book” has lots of facts with references to back them up. In case you don’t have time to get the book I’ll quote you a few things.

Referring to bottled water, 1.5 tons of plastic are used in bottling 89 billion liters of water each year, and less than 20% of that gets recycled.

The average US home receives 1.5 trees worth of junk mail each year. If every american recycled their junk mail $370 million in landfill dumping fees would be saved each year.

Phone books are recyclable yet they make up almost 10% of the waste in the landfill.

Each year 10 million tons of newspaper are tossed into landfills. If just half was recycled it would save 75 million trees.

Another site to check out is the EPA they have government stats for recycling.

Lizzie asks…

What is a catchy name for this recycling poster?

I’m doing a project on recycling statistics and I need a catchy name.
I need something that makes sense and is catchy.

The Expert answers:

” From Dust to Dust “

Mark asks…

Where can I find statistics about recycling?

Such as,
How many people actively recycle?
What percenteage of household products are recyclable?

The Expert answers:

For a quick word try Wikipedia.

Richard asks…

can any of you give me statistics on recycling and compost?

how much of what we throw away can be recycled
how much of what we throw away can be composted
i need sources

The Expert answers:

I don’t want to pay extra tax money on the world being green.

Chris asks…

Jaw-Dropping, Mind Boggling Facts and Statistics about Recycling/Human Waste?

its for a presentation.
links would be lovely.
the earth (and i) thank you =)
and by human waste i mean trash-wise..

The Expert answers:


Top Recycling Facts – Things You Must Know

Hope this Helps:)

James asks…

Which website have statistics about recycling?

The Expert answers:


Recycling: The Stats (LOTS OF GOOD LINKS)

Daniel asks…

How much energy does recycling a ton of paper cost?

and maybe some more info? 🙂 geo project recycle, reuse, redesign, so i need to find something BAD about recycling 🙂 or some statistics… please? 🙂 thank you

The Expert answers:

There is nothing bad about recycling, just a bunch a myths

Donna asks…

20 Statistics on products for recycling.?

I’m doing an activity in my school and one of the assignments is to find 20 statistics on products in the enviroment. I thought of one; is you recycle paper, it will cause less trees to be cut down. Please help.

The Expert answers:

Statistics involve numbers. Your example is more of a statement rather than a statistic. You should be able to find many statistics by even searching in Google. There are a lot of eco-friendly organizations out there that quote statistics, and government agencies as well. I suggest that you first learn what a statistic is so you understand what you’re looking for, and then search for environmental statistics.

Lisa asks…

need help making a mathmatical problem bout recycling?

Can anyone help me make a math word problem using recycling statistics? It needs to be a little challenging for high school students but nothing too hard.

The Expert answers:

Here’s a general idea. You could have a recycling company and say they recycle paper, plastic, and glass items. Say, for example, on certain days the company recycles x amount of plastic, y amount of paper, and z amount of glass (but make it different for each day). You could turn this into statistics by having the students find the percentage of each type of material the company recycles on a given day, over a monthly period, or in a year.

I hope this helps!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

John asks…

is recycling cost effective?

i read from this website, that its not profitable. 22k to 400 dollars. On i get some more facts on recycling.
Resources Saved Per Ton of Paper Recycled17 trees (not really alot)
275 pounds of sulphur ?
350 lbs of limestone ?
9,000 lbs of steam ?
60,000 gal of water ( tap water 41708928ounces=$120.00.128 ounce per gallon=325k gallons. or 22 dollars for 60k gal of water.
225 kilowatt hours (22.5 dollars at .10 kwh
3.3 cubic yards of landfill space (over 100 dollars for 1ton so 3.3 cubic yards is fairly much smaller) cost probably 50 dollars or less.
thus i believe its much cheaper to makes paper from pulp trees than to recycle. i know people dont like landfills but paper disintegrate naturally. they can be used as fertilzers. theres some sources saying that its better than coal. trees can be replanted. i think we are being scammed by recycler because we pay higher taxes.

The Expert answers:

There are many industries that have recycling options that are more likely to be profitable than others. I recently worked on a project involving metal manufacturing. One company that makes equipment to aid in the recycling of metals from various manufacturing processes is Chip Systems located at:
This company presents a lot of material to suggest that recycling can be a cost saving or profitable venture.

Mandy asks…

aluminum fact or fiction question regarding recycling?

I heard that one pound of aluminum pop tabs are worth more then a pound of aluminum pop cans. Is this true? Thank you.

The Expert answers:

Yes it’s true. Aluminum cans have the paint on the outside of them. They also have a plastic liner inside (bet you didn’t know that!). Almost nobody knows they have the plastic liner, but they do. So that contaminates the aluminum as well.

Scroll down on this link, and you’ll see the pictures:

The pop tabs do not have the plastic, or the paint, just pure aluminum.

Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

Sandy asks…

what can 2,000 recycled bottles make (facts)?

In eed to find soem good facts about what 2,00 recycled bottles can do

The Expert answers:

If you recycled them you can get 5 cents for each bottle…that’s good money

Robert asks…

Are there recycling places that still purchase aluminum? Or has community recycling eliminated the need?

We used to pick up cans to get some extra $’s when I was a kid. Do they still have places that buy aluminum? Or has the fact that every community in America seems to have recycling bins eliminated those places?

The Expert answers:

Try looking for scrap metal dealers in the yellow book

Sharon asks…

How does the recycling process work- after the plastics, bottles, and cans leave our house?

I’m just curious how the process works. Are we supposed to check the numbers on the bottom and recycle accordingly? Or when our recycling gets picked up once a month, do we just put ALL plastic, glass, and cans in our bin? Do they have to be cleaned first? Do we have to get bottle caps off?

My parents are foreign and I am trying to help get them on an earth friendly cycle, but I feel like it isn’t explained well for people who aren’t sure.

Thank you SO much for any input at all. Please use real information and not opinions (because I have opinions and ideas myself!) I’m looking for actual facts.

Thank you thank you thank you!

The Expert answers:

You are basically asking two different but completely related questions:

1) Exactly what you may, MUST, and should do with the recyclables you put in your bin for monthly pick up depends upon what your solid waste (garbage/recycling company) people say in your area. With only monthly pickup, I would say that both for your own and greater public health (insects and rodents) you are probably required to at least rinse your containers. You are probably required to remove lids and tops from plastic containers; they have a habit of exploding whether in your own bin or off at the facility. I would further suggest that you semi-crush your plastics when possible as they can take up a lot of room. Some areas do take tin food cans where as others do not due to their low re-sale value; I know of one area that will collect the cans but not the lids due to potential worker injury. Likewise, many areas do not collect glass at curb side due to the dangers imposed by broken glass. In terms of plastics, most areas will collect number 1 and number 2 plastic (check for the number inside the recycling triangle, typically on the bottom of plastic containers) but will not collect other types. Paper, mixed paper, light weight cardboard like cereal boxes, and corrugated cardboard also very tremendously from area to area. I know of one area that will only pick up, at curb side, light weight cardboard as other types of paper may blow out of their trucks causing litter, corrugated cardboard is too bulky, and newspaper weighs too much. Most will not accept “soiled” paper into their paper recycling stream like pizza boxes, used paper napkins and paper towels, etc…. Some will accept this into their composting stream and is typically picked up with the yard debris. Speaking of which, some communities are also accepting all sorts of kitchen waste in their composting/yard debris streams now too. Most curb side programs do not include any type of remodeling materials nor metal items. And, most curb side programs have some sort of weight limit on the containers as well. – It all depends upon the rules established by your solid waste pick-up system and community.

Since your folks are only getting once a month pick up service, I would suggest that they begin practicing what I call “garbage or recycling condensing”. In this process, you flatten all of those cereal type boxes, cans, and bottles when possible. In your parents’ case, as they discover what all they can recycle and get into the practice of doing so, it could mean quite a difference by the end of the month. – With only a once per month pick-up, could your parents’ can be primarily for yard waste?

2) What happens when the collected, cleaned, and flattened items leave your parents’ curb side container is a whole other question. In an ideal world the “recycling loop is closed” or, the items go on to be completely and fully used to make some other or additional manufacturing process. In our most real world, most communities and municipalities have a primary goal of reducing their landfill stream in order to prolong the life of their landfill; or reduce the assocated costs of shipping landfill items off to other areas. They are then left, themselves, trying to find places, people, and businesses willing to take certain types of materials in the easiest and cheapest manner possible. In some areas, businesses and/or governement entities step up and generate sorting facilties then find local or distant buyers of the items. Often, one type of item can be actually sold and the proceeds from those sales then pay for the sorting facilities and/or off-set transportation costs and/or off-set the costs for getting rid of other items. Some items can be gotten rid of for free but, the transportation costs must be paid for by the community’s solid waste system. Other items actually cost to get rid of but, for less money than paying for distant landfill space. When a community already has a functioning landfill, it can be difficult to actually pay more to get rid of recyclable items than it would be to simply landfill them; on the other hand, building a new landfill when the current one fills up is a very expensive prospect that often community members are not willing to realize until they are forced to.

You might want to help them understand their local curb side program. Also, check out their local solid waste systems and/or through Earth911 to see what else they have that they can transport themselves for recycling at a lower cost than tossing in their landfill stream. Then work with them on systems that make as much financial as environmental sense. – Also, you might help them get registered with their local chapter. In many communities, recycling saves money for the individual in the immediate.

William asks…

Recycling Paper? Help?

What in its category may be recycled and what may Not?

Where is it done (local recycling centers?

how is it accomplish (describe the process)?

What are the pros and cons for doing it?

Any website can i find good facts on paper recycling?

The Expert answers:

There are places to recycle newspapers in Orleans and Paoli has a recycling center on the south side by the iron bridge. He takes newspaper, cardboard, junk mail, magazines and more.

Sandra asks…

Im doing a report on environmental stuff, can anyone give me facts?

Im doing a report on 4 topics. Global warming, the importance of plants, recycling, and water and energy conservation. If anyone can give me some facts on these topics so i can be sure I know everything. Or some things related to them.

The Expert answers:

Experiments in California and Sweden have shown that plants (especially trees) grown in a high CO2 environment come out with stunted growth, malformed leaves, and have shortened lifespans (2-3 years in the case of trees). CO2 in the air that we make when we burn coal, gas, or oil is making the earth get hotter. Everything makes some when it burns, but we burn more of these “fossil fuels” than anything else. It could get too hot for people to live.

Plants convert the carbon that’s in the air as carbon dioxide to the organic (carbon based) material they are made of . They release oxygen when they do this. Without plants, animal life would have never been possible. It took half of the time life has existed on earth for the first plants to come into being. If the plants ever died, the animals would too, including humans.

Recycling is important in many ways. Aluminum is made by a process using electricity. It takes much less electricity to make things out of old aluminum cans, etc, than it would to mine new aluminum ore and make it from scratch. It also decreases the amount of waste in the environment. Plastics are now being recognized as a huge problem. If you reuse something made of plastic even just once it saves a lot. Plastics are made from petroleum, so it helps keep the price down and cuts down pollution. Plastic bags get in the ocean and break down into tiny particles which the fish eat with their food. These build up and poison the fish.

The world is running out of water. Over half of the people don’t have enough. Water sources are drying up. The glaciers on the mountaintops are melting. They supply most of the water for most countries. When they are all melted a lot of people will have no water. Most fresh water that you use never gets used again. It makes it’s way to the sea, then when it gets to the equator a little bit of it evaporates, then a little bit of it may fall as snow way up North. None of it gets back to you. Most of the fresh water that we know about is too far underground where we can’t get it. Most of what we have gets used only one time. Any time you can save or reuse water you are helping the whole planet.

Most of the energy we have comes from power plants that aren’t very “friendly” to the earth. In the USA, most of them are coal burning. That can cause a lot of pollution and more global warming. Some places use nuclear. It is better in some ways, but lots of fossil fuel is used to mine nuclear fuel, and lots of heat is given off when it’s being used. The wastes are very dangerous if they are not disposed of properly. In America none of the States want nuclear waste.

I hope this little bit of information helps you. These are wonderful questions!

Lisa asks…

Where do cookies go once deleted from temporary internet files on windows vista?

I can’t find them in the Recycle Bin, in fact not much at all goes there. I have read some other post and noticed some people saying to search index.dat files, but it only brings up stuff from like a year ago. I can’t find anything that has been deleted recently… any ideas?

The Expert answers:

Find them using Recuva

Betty asks…

i need some help with recycling?

what is recycling and some advantages to recycling and some fun facts about it that no one knows 🙂 please and thankssss (: what are some things that you can recycle and no one knows that you can

The Expert answers:

Recycling reuses things so that we can save earths natural resources. Also, if you recycle you can cut down on garbage in landfills. AND, you can help stop population because plastic is made of oil and oil cause pollution. If you only have to make plastic once, then there’s less pollution.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Chris asks…

What are the recycle prices for cans bottles etc.?

well i know its 5 cents a can but how much is it a bottle and how much for 1L and 2L
and approximatly how many cans fit into a garbage bag?
when returning cans and bottles is there certain rules like lids off, labels off, etc?
also does it matter if your cans are already crushed?
what if there is no label will they still accept it?

P.s I live in canada BC lol

The Expert answers:

I’m not sure which state you live in, but in Michigan it’s 10 cents for any can, glass, or bottle. You MUST leave the label on because the label has a barcode that let’s the machine know you bought it from that store or same franchise. It doesn’t matter if the caps are on or off just make sure the barcode is readable. I’m not exactly sure how many cans fit in a garbage bag, but quite a few lol. Just use another garbage bag for the ones you have left 🙂

Susan asks…

Where would be the highest price paid for aluminum cans for recycling?

The Expert answers:

Michigan, they are 10 cents apiece.

Mandy asks…

What is a good price to get for recycled cans, plastic, and glass bottles?

I live in lower Alabama collected a bunch of stuff to recycle. I would like to get the highest return for recycling them. If anyone knows a good place in lower Al, or upper Fl that would be great. Also what is the average price nationally for this? Thanks, any sites could help also!

The Expert answers:

I live in South Dakota and get around 65 cents per pound for aluminum.

Robert asks…

who pays the highest price for recycling?

I recycle alluminum cans and plastic bottles.
I’m always looking for the best value.
Do you happen to know of a location that will give me the most money for my recyclables?
P.S. I am neither a transient nor a homeless person

The Expert answers:

Contact the recyclers in your area. Each pays what they think is the current market price, so it varies daily.

Here are some I found.

Lisa asks…

Who pays the highest price for recycled aluminum cans in San Diego?

everyone could use a little extra cash

The Expert answers:

I’m not in Caifornia but it’s about 40 cents per pound here.

Joseph asks…

aluminum can recycling prices in new york?

my friends claims each can is worth 5 cent. i say no way.

The Expert answers:

If your state has a redemption value, basically you pay a deposit to encourage recycling. So, you are getting your money back. That is how the state pays for the recycling program. You can go to to find local recycle centers.

Nancy asks…

how can i find out the current Aluminum can recycling prices?

The Expert answers:

Bad news and bad news they dont but aluminium cans if you are in smaller towns know days they get them for free and then sell them outwards

Ken asks…

Current aluminum recycling prices in San Antonio, TX?

What are the current exchange rates for aluminum cans in/around San Antonio, TX.?

The Expert answers:

It depends – I assume you mean crushed and baled aluminium drinks cans, which are currently worth about GB£900 per tonne (I’ll let you do your own GBP – USD conversion).

Clean, top quality aluminium ingots, however, are worth twice that, and aluminium scraps and turnings just half.

Carol asks…

Do you think recycling helps the environment?

Some say that recycling is not worth the money spent for.

for example paper is cheaper to make it new that recycle it, it also releases toxic chemicals to the environment.

but there are some advantages from recycling, cans are reasonable in price to recycle and are also non toxic.

what do you think?

The Expert answers:

Although I’m not a professional, I have asked questions like that for years and have found that many so called eco friendly activities are in fact a double edged sword. Such as you said, recycling paper, not worth it. I’ve heard many-a times about printer ink being cheaper to buy with a new printer then the cartridge itself.

I believe its up to us to learn about how these acts affect our environment and to incorporate those that we are certain are positive into our lifestyles.

A bit off topic, but still important to the cause behind your question I find, read a book called “Cradle 2 Cradle” It insists that recycling is a bandaid on a gaping wound, too little too late. The author believes that rather having companies making products that are “less bad” for the environment, that they should create them “good” for the environment to begin with! With that in mind, a large part of my lifestyle has involved just using “less” Drinking tap water, using less bottles. Biking more, driving less.

A final note here. Should we find the recycling acts that are proven beneficial, you have to remember, strength in numbers. If you pick up a bottle off the ground, yay. Good act, but does it really do anything? But if EVERYONE thought that, well, bottle a day X how many people in an area = Bigger effect then you think. And if not a bottle, then garbage. If not picking up neither, then volunteering. Strength in numbers my friend.

Lengthy answer, but hopefully insightful and helpful nonetheless

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

Does recycling make the garbage 100% go away or reuse or is there still pollution caused?

People buy plastic bottles saying “I’ll just recycle it, and there will be no problem”. Is this true? Give some reasons why recycling isn’t always good.

The Expert answers:

Energy will be used to turn the recycled material into new usable material, so a small amount of pollution will be caused because of this energy. However this will always be less than the impact of throwing it into landfill and making a new one from raw materials; otherwise it wouldnt be done.

I believe there is a certain type of plastic for which the energy/ pollution used to recycle it is more than is saved, so it is not viable and is classified as non-recyclable

Chris asks…

If I leave the recycling bin out with the garbage, will the garbage man pick it up along with the regular tras?

Do they all go in the same truck or do the recycles go in a different pile and the garbage go in another?

The Expert answers:

No, as long as it’s in the proper bin, it will be picked up in a separate truck. Recycling trucks go to the recycling center to get sorted and recycles, and garbage trucks go to the dump to make a big nasty pile!

Steven asks…

Garbage and recycling toronto?

Can anyone find the stats of garbage amounts before costs of bins (and such) went up, and after? For a school project I need to compare the garbage amounts from before and after the garbage, recycling, and green bin costs went up. Does anyone know if the cost increase reduced garbage amounts? Stats would be great =)
Thanks sooo much!

The Expert answers:

I have been using my disignated recycle garbage can, and, I am truly amused by the out come. I fill it faster than than the garbage can. At thee end of the week, I dont even take garbage to the curb, because it is only about a couple, 2, pounds. Not even that. My disignated recycle can gets pretty full, preety fast. The reason ? I seperate everything that goes out the door.
I would say the ratio would be about 95 percent effecient. If that breaks down to a profit, and the cost of a bin, GREAT.

Charles asks…

Poll: Do you sort out your garbage for recycling in your home?

What items do you recycle?

The Expert answers:

Yes, we do… We don’t have garbage pick-up out here in the country, so we sort and recycle !!

– Tin cans are rinsed and crushed and go in their own barrel
– Aluminum cans and foil are crushed and go in their own barrel
– Plastic is sorted and will go in their respective barrels
– Cardboard is folded and will be recycled
– Paper is shredded and used in the wood-stove or composted
– Non-meat kitchen scraps are composted
– Meat scraps are mixed with the dog food

We are left with two small garbage bags of actual GARBAGE to drive to the dump each month… Not bad for a family of 8 !!

Richard asks…

Is Capital waste Boston’s Garbage and Recycling Contractor?

What are DPW Garbage trucks used for?

The Expert answers:

Hmm idk neva been in boston for 2 yrs

Sandy asks…

Where can I find a picture diagram for recycling, compost and garbage?

I used to live in San Francisco and they had awesome charts above each bin that showed you what can go in each one. I want my parents to know the basics but can’t seem to find any charts online. Anyone know of a site where I can print some out?

Living in Southern California….

The Expert answers:

The site below might help

Helen asks…

Recycling and the regular garbage truck?

In certain areas in Chicago there are no blue trash containers but we are told to buy the blue bags and just throw them out in the same containers as the other trash. When the garbage guys come, dont they throw it all in the same truck?? I am confused how things get separated?

The Expert answers:

I read about this blue bag system, and it seems quite flawed. Too many chances for the recyclables to get lost and damaged as they get mixed with the garbage.
The site below may give you a few alternatives to this disastrous blue bag program.
Thanks for raising the question!

Thomas asks…

Who takes out the recycling and garbage in your household?

The Expert answers:

Me. Always me. Only me! Sometimes I think I have to do everything around here. Scoop that cat poop, walk the dog, do the garbage, shovel the walk .. I am in a bad mood now.

Jenny asks…

Is there a position in the Cabinet (Canada) that has anything to do with Garbage and Recycling?

Just wondering.

The Expert answers:

Peter Kent is the Minister of the Environment. While garbage and recycling centers would be mainly a municipal responsibility, at the federal level you would probably see some involvement through grants, loans, studies, and environmental regulations and inspections.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

William asks…

Please help?

I have tried everything I know of

A recycling center can recycle 1500 pounds of aluminum in one hour. How many hours will it take them to recycle 10 tons of aluminum? Round your answer to the nearest tenth. (Hint: 1 ton = 2000 pounds.)

The Expert answers:

Convert the pounds to tons first

1500 (pounds per hour)/2000 (pounds in a ton) = .75 tons per hour

10 (tons to process) / .75 (tons per hour) = 13.33 hours or 13 hours and 20 minutes. The nearest 10th is 13.3 hours.

We could also convert our 10 tons to pounds and work this way.

10 (tons) * 2000 (pounds in a ton) = 20,000 pounds
20,000 (pounds to process) / 1500 (pounds per hour) = 13.34 hours or 13 hours and 20 minutes.

We can check the work:

13.3 hours of processing .75 tons per hour we’d do 13.3 * .75 which is 9.975 (remember, we rounded so this is 10)

so, your formula is

pounds to process / pounds per hour = hours needed
tons to process / tons per hour = hours needed

we just have to remember to use either pounds or tons but we can’t mix them in the same formula. ?

Mary asks…

Theoretically if you were to go below absolute zero?

Would it be a black hole? Steven hawking says as you approach a Black hole time slows down for you from the perspective of outward observers. They would never see you cross the “event horizon” because you would appear to stop. As you neared the black hole temperature would decrease because molecular movement would be constrained by the slowing of time itself. Or the slowing of molecular movement would cause time to move slower. I have a theory that temperature affects time progression. If the center of a black hole is absolute zero the complete absence of all movement perfect standstill divine order as we know it how would you ever be absorbed by the mass of the black hole itself? Also if you could go below absolute zero not only would no energy be created but energy would be absorbed and in doing so time would not be at a stand still in absolute zero but regressing or going backwards? Time travel? Also I know what your thinking but whatever passes through a blackhole cannot remain in the state it was before it entered everything ex-pulsed is pure energy making it so that the power of the present is recycled into the past to provide the energy potential to power the present.

The Expert answers:

First of all, it is not possible to go below absolute zero, since temperature is defined as a function of motion among atoms, and once that stops there is no lower to go.

Second of all, motion of atoms is not at all related to black holes. Black holes are related to density, not to motion or temperature.

Mandy asks…

Please would you helpme to write an Equation (algebra)?

I do know how to solve this homework, Antonio recycled a total of 527 lb of newspaper. He made 2 trips to the center. If he recycled 133 lb on the first trip, how many pounds did he recycle on the second trip?
Price per Pound (rounded to the nearest cent) $0.12

The Expert answers:

Haha aren’t you supposed to do that yourself on A+ anywhere? Lol!!

Daniel asks…

Do i sound silly here? I just can’t stop the paranoia?

I’m in my 2nd trimester of my first pregnancy and with this whole swine flu thing I am so worried! especially since there’s now a case very near where i live!
Do things like hand sanitizers, taking certain vitamins and avoiding indoor shopping centers help (thought of the shopping center one becuase of the recycled air and all that).

I feel a bit doppy asking this question but I’m really worried now 🙁

Thanks for all good advice 🙂


The Expert answers:

First of all, no, Vitamins will not help you and you need to be very careful what you take during pregnancy. Apart from folic acid, avoid all vitamins, especially vitamin A.

You should take the same preventative measures that you would take when protecting yourself from any other virus. Wash hands frequently and I think it’s reasonable to use hand sanitisers.

The Department of health haven’t issued any communication telling us to change the way we live, so for now carry on as normal (of course avoid travel to Mexico!), try not to worry.

If you have any questions, this is the phone number they have issued in the UK that directly offers advice: 0800 1 513 513

Susan asks…

Recycling Center in Kuala Lumpur?

Preferably near LRT stations, since I don’t have my own transport and travel using them. Got around 21 empty 1.5 mineral bottles right now, it’s a waste to just throw away.

The Expert answers:

Positive anything is better than negative thinking.

Jenny asks…

What do you think about my theory of global warming? I hope that you understood well?

Everybody thinks that the global heating is centered in the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s near surface air and oceans in recent decades, but how it increases this temperature?
If the heating comes from the outside as they say, that would increase in also the rains proportionally and we had spoken of drought these last years.
Reason why the only logical explanation is that this heat comes from within Earth. If the Earth’s mantle is directly underneath crust, (it’s smaller in the oceanic zones) In the mantle, temperatures range between 500°C-900°C (932°F-1,652°F the zone of contact with the crust. how the heat climbs to the surface, if it finds more “obstacles” in their way less heat will arrive at the surface:
– In the oceanic zones the mantle is smaller and the temperature is smaller and also it crosses cold water levels so when it arrives at level zero its temperature is not sufficient to evaporate the water to form clouds and rain.
– In the terrestrial zones it is where at the end of century XIX the heat has been increased what it has happened in the crust in that time?
En 1859 Edwin Drake perforated the first oil well in Pensilvania.
The storage of Carbon in the fossil deposits (coal, petroleum and natural gas) supposes a reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmospheric levels. If they free the fósil deposits the amount of carbon dioxide of the atmosphere is greater and we added to it that the possibilities of recycled are reduced when diminishing the wooded mass and vegetal.
the warm of the interior trying to arrive at the surface and it finds with the fossil deposits. They retain that heat so that it does not leave to the surface. These fossil deposits do not have oxygen like the carbon dioxide that are used in the extinguishers,and other thermal insulators like plastic, fabric, etc. They are derived from these fossil deposits and in addition to change to these thermal insulators by other elements more conductors of the heat, as in the case of petroleum that they introduce water, the water carrys hotter to the surface. This heat arrives at the atmosphere where they are the Greenhouse effect gases. The atmosphere retains more heat and it still gives back to the Earth more energy causing a imbalance in the radiactive balance. It casuses air masses of different temperatures take place forts rains and wind (hurricanes, etc.), and electric activity
We do not forget the tectonic plates, the increase of heat causes that there is a greater vulcanism and seismicity, and they move with more facility so they are producing more earthquakes, tidal waves (tsunami), volcanic eruptions, etc. They release more heat of interior. the governments are dedicated to prove their armament in the most unstable or fragile zones like France that bombs its atoll where it is the crater of the meteorite.

The Expert answers:

Volcanoes release vast quantities of CO2 and heat and much outgassing of CO2 and methane occurs. There is clearly heat moving from the interior of the earth toward the surface. The problem is that it isn’t that much heat radiated. The soil and rock acts as an insulator and heat consequently doesn’t transfer very fast. You do have some interesting ideas. Those are quicker mechanisms for heat transfer but I don’t think enough.

John asks…

Hi! Can you check this text please? 10 points!!?

I’m italian and this text is my homework..but I think that is not correct for the time of the verbs!
It is this:

The dumps problem is very important here. Until two years ago the situation was very bad, because only a little part of the population did the differentation of the rubbish. All of the garbage went in a dump that was situated near this town. But nowdays this dump is full, so it has to close.
Since than the authorities has tought to take emergency measures, because the rubbish problem is very serious: all of the citizens must do the differentation of the rubbish. In this way the garbage which can be recycling is send in centre of recycling, while the garbage which can’t be dispose is sent in other special centre. Like this the dumps are less full and is a very important advantage for the safeguard of the planet. But obvious, unfortunately, there are people who carry on to not respect the low, and throw away the big old objects in the countryside. So I think that the authorities should solve this important problem with new lowes which fined all the people who are surprised to throw away everythings to pay a very steep fine or to oblige this people to do useful social works, and I think also that they should has to lower the price of the dumps, because this is an other reason who induce the people to abandon the rubbish which pollute the planet.

Thank’s 😀

The Expert answers:

The dumps problem is very prominent here. Until two years ago the situation was very bad, because only a little part of the population did the differentation of the rubbish. All of the garbage went in a dump that was situated near this town. But nowadays this dump is full, so it had to close.
Since then the authorities have had to take emergency measures, because the rubbish problem is very serious: all of the citizens must do the differentation of the rubbish. In this way the garbage which can be recycled is sent to the centre of recycling, while the garbage which can’t be recycled is sent in another special centre. Like this the dumps are less full and this is a very important advantage for the safeguard of the planet. But obviously, unfortunately, there are people who carry on to not respect the law, and throw away the big old objects in the countryside. So I think that the authorities should solve this important problem with new laws which fine all the people who are surprised to throw away everything to pay a very steep fine or to oblige these people to do useful social work, and I think also that they should have to lower the price of the dumps, because this is another reason to induce the people to abandon the rubbish which pollutes the planet.

You were saying low and lowes – i assumed to meant law and laws

Maria asks…

How can I contribute to my neighborhood through community service?

Contributing To Neighborhood Through Community Service Essay.?
The question is:
“How can I contribute to my neighborhood through community service?”

This is what I have already:

I can contribute to my neighborhood through community service by being a role model to the youth. I can contribute to my neighborhood through community service also by creating a “Think Squad.” The Think Squad will be an eco-friendly program in partnership with my community. It will be from 6:00-7:30 PM at the community center. The Think Squad will deliver recycle bins to everyone in the neighborhood for awareness about Global Warming and recycling. I can contribute to my neighborhood through community service by doing community service in my neighborhood in general. I can tutor students, have fundraisers, help out in schools near my neighborhood, volunteer in
churches, volunteer in local homeless shelters, create a donating group to donate books to schools, and school supplies. I can teach students right from wrong, encourage them to do their best and to dream big.

Please help me add stuff, take off stuff.
Help me make it sound very good.
Thank You.

The Expert answers:

Maybe.. You should think about the animal shelters… Help people adopt them… And teach them about what happens if no one adopts them!..
Alot of people want to “CLEAN”… But… It DOESN’T STAY CLEAN… Think about OTHER ways to help out the communities!!

Nancy asks…

Do you think I could get into Stanford University?

I really know want to know what you think of my chances of getting into Stanford and some more things I can do in terms of extracurriculars and such to increase my chances! Thanks (:

-Well, first, I am a junior in the International Baccalaureate program at my school
– Over a 4.00 GPA, weighted. Unweighted it is about a 3.95.
– I am co-president of 2 clubs (one was passed down, another was started by me and my friend)
– I take dance classes 10.5+ hours a week
– Involved in things such as Model UN, NHS, French honor society, NHSHS, and Relay for Life.
– Was a super in the Opera, Rigoletto, dancing. I am on the Student Council Association at my school and some of my art was selected to be presented at a show at a local community center
– During Middle School, I was really involved with an organization that helped the homeless and I furnished an apartment for a family and designed a program to get schoolchildren more involved with the organization.
– Some things I plan on doing in the near future: interning at an environmental organization, hold a spring carnival at my school to raise money for Invisible Children, hold an annual cupcake wars competition, and help with my city’s recycling program.

I’m really passionate about helping the environment and dancing. I’ve also been a vegetarian for 6 years. I will take my SAT in December, hoping to get over a 2100. I’ll keep taking it until I get a score I am satisfied with :P. Also, I have only taken one SAT II so far, it was Chemistry, I only got a 630 though :/ However, I plan on taking Math 2, World History, Biology, and French SATs as well.

Another thing, I wasn’t going to plan on taking the ACT because tests like that stress me out, but do you think I should? Do you think taking both gives me more of a chance if they are both high scores, or do you think one is sufficient?
I don’t really have a lot of awards and I’m not really involved in a lot of organizations, I guess. Anyway, any help would be appreciated! (:
Thanks! (:

The Expert answers:

Wow O_O you will most definitely get in, and possibly even higher! One thing that I read in a forum, however, was that the higher-up colleges would rather accept an average-high student with an outstanding and unique personality/passion than an excelled, above average study zombie. It’s great to do alot of programs, but make sure that you’re doing them because you LOVE them and not because you are doing them to fill in a college application! Personally, i think this looks great, it shows leadership with the NHS and passion with the dancing and language. It also shows a giving nature on account of the volunteer work you’ve done.

I’ve heard that ACTs really help. But that some colleges don’t require it or don’t care. I would just try it out if i were you, but don’t freak out over it. Just take it with some studying and see how you do 🙂

and i know you’re trying to get into stanford, but check out this forum. It’s about harvard, but i think it could apply to any prestigious college/university.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

James asks…

i deleted my songs from itunes to recycle bins and i accidentally deleted it them in the recycle bin?

how can i get them back there in my purchase history please help

The Expert answers:

When you download songs from the iTunes Store, you are warned to make a backup of the songs. This is because you cannot download them a second time without paying for them a second time. Your best bet is to get the songs from the backup that you made after downloading them. If you did not make a backup, then I hope you didn’t pay too much money to learn this lesson.

Susan asks…

My Recycle Bins icons is missing. How do I get it back?

Ive gone into Properties and it doesn’t say I can change the icon.

The icon is a blank page with an image of a Window with programmes on. Hard to explain.

The Expert answers:

Until you explain how will i can trouble shoot your problem. 🙂

did you try to right click on desktop and selecting properies and then desktop page and the select/check the recycle bin icon.

GOod luck!!!

Laura asks…

where do you buy recycle bins ?

I want to recycle my trash but I have no idea where to get them.

The Expert answers:

If you contact youre council you will get a black recycling box for paper catalouges magazines etc glass bottles & jars + food cans
also you can ask for a green wheelie bin for garden waste such has tree & hedge clipping grass cuttings etc

Charles asks…

Why are there no recycle bins in bangladesh?

It would be much better if there were

The Expert answers:

They don’t need them. Almost everything is baing recycled already. Maybe they could get the government involved and screw it up. Then the dogooders can say that thier intensions were good and they need U.N. Money to fix the problem.

Linda asks…

where can i get free recycle bins?

i am starting a fundraiser for my school band, and i think going green is the way to go. please help!!!!!! we need new uniforms and instruments.

The Expert answers:

There are 4R’s to the current “green” movement: Reduce, Recycle, Re-use, and Re-purpose. Whenever you’re trying to come up with an idea, it is a good thing to start large, use the box as a model, and then think out of the box. How many bins do you need? What materials do you plan on collecting? Based upon the materials you plan on collecting, what functions (criteria) must your bins perform?

In terms of “bins”, you can use everything from metal to plastic to cardboard. But, must your bins also be able to be washed? Must they be able to contain fluids (i.e. The left-overs in soda cans)? How big must the be? How do you plan on getting your bin contents to an actual recycling center? (i.e. Do you need double the number of bins or plastic bag liners) In general, old garbage cans work pretty well for larger recycling collections. Towards getting old cans, try person to person networking, free cycle,org,, and

Once you get your potential ideas down, it’s time to do a reality check. Do you have recycling centers in your area that pay for recyclables? If so, what types and how much? Is the recycling effort worth what you will receive in terms of pay? Do you have folks on board to do the transporting of the collected materials?

….There is one recycling idea that may generate some actual cash. First check to find out what types of metal recyclers are in your area, how much they pay, what they will take, how the items must be sorted, how the items must be de-assembled, etc… Second figure out if you can arrange for a collection of pick-up trucks capable for a delivery of metal to the metalrecyclerss. Third, determine what type of folks you have in your area in terms of the amount and type of metal they have laying around. – I find that in this area there a quite a number of folks who have “some metal” laying around their houses. They have more than what they are willing or able to toss into their garbage cans or take to the dump at full landfill prices. Yet, they don’t have enough collected to justify a run to the metalrecyclerss. I would suggest a one day (i.e. Saturday) recycling event on theschooll grounds, or even a parking lot out in the community, at which folks can bring the metal they have hanging around the house. You collect the metal, transport it, and collect the money for it. Or, maybe you can even get a metal recycler to provide a truck, a little labor, and the transport for a piece of the metal’s value.

If you want to think in terms of “green” there are the Reduce, Re-use, and Re-purpose aspects of the movement also. Can you think of some type of product you can quickly and cheaply throw together out of someone else’s discards, a market/demographic to address, and then a market place for them? – One idea are jean’s purses. The rough and dirty version is to: turn a pair of jeans inside out, sew across the legs at the crotch, cut off the legs, turn right side out, add a shoulder strap, optionally add a draw string through the belt loops. These are not the most complete directions, check with the home-ec teacher or a sewer for additional considerations. But, if you have a place to sell them at and each person turns in a pair of old jeans you should be able to make a relatively plain purse with minimal skill in about a half hour. You might start with getting donations but, in this area you can buy jeans for $1-$4 at thrift stores. You may even be able to arrange to have jeans too battered to be sold given to you. Thrift store sheets, linens, curtains and other items can be used for making inexpensive draw strings and/or shoulder straps and/or simple embelishments. The cut-off leg material can also be used to make shoulder straps. What would remain if you use this idea or the sale of some other Re-used or Re-purposed idea is a selling location.

In these trying economic times, if the folks in your community have any money to spend – they are probably looking for something that has value to them and makes them feel good. Getting personal value for your charity dollar does both. One quick and dirty project in terms of time, effort, and money spent in the whole project used to be raking leaves. In this process, you need a willing crew of leaf rakers and rakes. You will need publicity, a couple of set dates (preferably with some lee-way for an extention if you get some serious action), and a way to take leaf raking apppointments. If your group has a way to haul leaves and a free place to get rid of them, you might also consider leaf hauling as well. ALWAYS go in a group of a couple of kids and/or kid and parent groups to rake leaves. ALWAYS ensure that all that come together, leave together. Set your suggested donation value reasonably low and work with your school administration on how/if a tax deduction is available.

Mandy asks…

Writing a letter to get recycle bins?

I’m a figure skater & I want to write a letter to get recycle bins in my ice rink. Who should I write the letter to, and how? I don’t really know where to start… thanks

The Expert answers:

What ever your city is you can contact the Chamber of Commerce..they should be able to give you answers. You can also find out who the owner is and have him request the bins, they are free.
Great to see others involved in saving the earth.. It’s not to late!!

Mark asks…

is it illegal to take cellphones from the battery recycle bins?

The Expert answers:

To put it in context, its the same as taking money from the charity jar on the counter…..

Donald asks…

In the future, will there be recycling bins big enough to recycle our recycling bins?

The Expert answers:

Of course not. We’ll have to re-use them then too. That is if the squirrels don’t devour them all!

William asks…

Does anyone know how bins/recycle bins are manufactured?

My current GCSE Design technology prodject entitles me to explain how recycle bins are manufactured and i am currently clueless and my deadline of monday is coming very close PLEASE HELP

The Expert answers:

They are injection molded, usually from polypropylene. Read about the process here.


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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Charles asks…

How do I find the recycle bin on a hard drive i put into a enclosure?

I had an old hard drive from an Emachine that I had put in an enclosure because the rest of the machine was crap. I hadn’t used it for 3 years. I had some files hidden on it and maybe tossed in the recycle bin and I was wondering where to find those files. Not sure where I lost all these things. Don’t remember tossing them but I did hide them and forgot where that was too. Any assistance would be appreciated.

The Expert answers:

These may help:

George asks…

What to do when you delete your recycle bin icon?

Ok, so I somehow deleted my Recycle Bin icon on accident. When I delete something, it still asks me “Are you sure you want to send this to the recycle bin?” but I can’t empty the recycle bin so things really aren’t being deleted. I have Windows Vista. I’ve tried searching for a recycle bin program or something in the start menu but can’t find anything. Please help.

The Expert answers:

Right click somewhere on the desktop (blank space, not an icon). Go to Settings. Hit the Desktop Tab, Customize Desktop, Select the Recycle Bin Icon

Ken asks…

How can I set itunes to send whatever I delete to the recycle bin?

Well, whenever I delete a song, it never appears in the recycle bin. All it is doing is removing it from my library. Whenever I delete an app, it will ask me if I want to remove it from my library or send it to the recycle bin.

How can I sent itunes to send my music to the recycle bin whenever I click delete?

The Expert answers:

You have to first have iTunes managing your files as well. This means it will store them all in your My Music folder (under iTunes > iTunes Music). It also means it can delete and rename the files. The Windows version of iTunes doesn’t default to this, as it can confuse multiple media players. If you want to set it up, here’s how:

1. In iTunes, from the “Edit” menu, choose “Preferences”.
2. Click on the “Advanced” tab.
3. Place a check mark in both of these boxes:
a. Keep iTunes Music folder organized.
B. Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library.
4. Click the “OK” button to save your changes.
NOTE: This last step will move all your music files into My Music.
5. From the “Advanced” menu, choose “Consolidate Library”.

Once it finishes, iTunes will be managing the files for your music directly… And whenever you delete you’ll have the “Move this file to the trash” question.

Chris asks…

How does the recycle bin on my computer work?

I mean,when you delete a file,it just goes to the recycle bin.But the thing is that it can be restored at any time.Which means the file is still taking up space in my computer.So does that mean deleting a file is the same as transferring it another folder?

I’m just bored….

The Expert answers:

In every drive on your pc there is a ‘recycle bin’ hidden folder. So once you delete a file on any drive it goes to the respective recycle bin. The recycle bin on your desktop just shows the collection of each drive’s recycle bin content. Once you delete a file the computer just erases the memory address of the file but the file is still there and can be retrived. Even if you empty recycle bin chances are there the file can be still retrived if you have the suitable software.

Nancy asks…

How can I tell the recycle bin in Vista to show me how big it is?

I am used to being able to see how large the recycle bin is in the bottom of the window in Windows XP. The Vista recycle bin does not show the file size of recycled files, and I can’t seem to be able to change this setting. Could someone please help me?

The Expert answers:

Follow the link, it gives you instructions on the recycle bin:)

Mark asks…

How to retrieve the recycle bin on the desktop?

I accidentally deleted the recycle bin icon on my PC desktop. How do I get it back?

The Expert answers:

I have done this before and all I did was look For it in the start menu and drag it back to the desktop. If that doesn’t work, restore your computer to like a day back and that will solve the issue! Good luck!!

Paul asks…

How do I get rid of the recycle bin icon on top of every icon on my desktop?

When I downloaded a program called StypeXP, the recycle bin icon is on top of all my other icons on my desktop. The icons still work fine but it is harder to tell the difference between all of my icons. I have windows vista.

The Expert answers:

Follow the steps which are given below:
1. Click on the Start Menu and go to Run (or just press Win+R, save one second!).

2. Type in regedit and hit Enter.

3. Navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerDesktopNameSpace (you can press first letter of branch name for faster navigation)

4. Do you see {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} branch? Create backup at first, right-click NameSpace and select Export.

5. Delete the {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} branch or just rename it to OLD-{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} (I think that rename is a good idea – in this case you can easy restore it)

6. Right-click your desktop and select Refresh. There is no the Recycle Bin icon more!:)

William asks…

My recycle bin has been deleted from the desktop .How can i find it ?

I deleted my recycle bin from the desktop .I just deleted a important folder , it says its gone to recycle bin but i cnt find it . Any ideas or help ?

The Expert answers:

Just type recycle bin into the search box, and hopefully it will find it for you, then right click and send back to desktop.

Sandra asks…

Using windows vista I right clicked on my recycle bin and accidently deleted it. How do I get it back?

Also I just deleted a big (7 gig) file, how do I get it off my hard drive? I have been told it doesn’tt really get deleted using just the recycle bin.

The Expert answers:

Lol this is an easy one simply go to personalize and at the left click change desktop icons and in the list tick the recycle bin one and click apply and ok its nothing to panik over

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Laura asks…

Why does everyone talk about recycling? It just seems like a waste of time to me.?

The Expert answers:

So you won´t waist more time pondering this question, take a ride to the closest dump field and see for yourself what your community is doing to this earth. Consider that all that trash is filtering all the way to the aquifers and that you are drinking that water.

Paul asks…

Would anybody like to help me with my online recycling club?

I’m new to this whole blogging concept, and would like some help with my online recycling tumblr blog!
Here’s the link:
And what do you think of an online recycling club? Waste of time? A great idea?
How can you help?

The Expert answers:

You could have an online competition on how many cans can you collect and report. The one with the most cans collection would be the King Can Collector . Perhaps a prize of some sort or certificate of recognition.

Maria asks…

Why are people wasting their time with this Green foolishness?

It is too late. People are going to dump their trash anyway they want. Recycling is a waste of time. I’m still going to drive my V8 American Corvette, Lincoln Town Car and SUV. We live and we die. Going Green is a waste of time and money.

The Expert answers:

When you stop breathing because there is no Oxygen left, you will reconsider your opinion.

Sandy asks…

Do you think it is a waste of time to recycle? I do.?

The Expert answers:

No, i usually do it when im cleaning my whole house, just to get some chump change and go buy food

Richard asks…

What do you think of recycling schemes?

What do you think of recycling schemes? I have this homework and it says ‘ Only 9% of waste is from households.Most is from industry. So household recycling schemes are a waste of time. Say your opinion.’

what do you think of this? Could I say well I think we should still recycle in households to help organise waste?

The Expert answers:

I feel,sometimes, that I am wasting my time separating my paper+cardboard, tins,bottles etc and general rubbish into separate bins when along comes yet another directive from the council telling us that this should go into that bin and not ib that bin, it seems that they change their minds every few weeks, I fir one am getting fed up with this !

Lizzie asks…

for those of us who recycle- are we wasting our time?

are we just recycling for the hell of it? are all our cans/bottles and newspapers just being thrown out anyway? do we sort and seperate all our recyclables for nothing?

i’ve heard that it costs the sanition companies more $$ to truck
the recylables to the recycling facitilies, so they just pay the landfills to take it like its regular trash.

i hope this is not true.

The Expert answers:

It’s our job to save the world…one aluminum can at a time.

Daniel asks…

What is the point of recycling paper?

recycling paper costs more money than making new paper. it puts more chemicals into the air than makeing new paper. trees are a renewable resource. Recycling paper is a waste of time. I do it because it saves room in my trashcan and it’s free where I live but I wish our taxes did not go towards recycling paper.

The Expert answers:

But not recycling causes cutting of trees.

John asks…

Recycling councils are they conning you?

In Essex I know someone who works at the dump, and says it’s a waste of time you recycling as it all ends up in the same place. Is this true in your part of the UK?
This is proof that it is in some areas:
Why do we bother?

The Expert answers:

We were told years ago that recycling would reduce our council tax. Did that happen? No!!! Recycling in real terms cost 2-3 times as much as buying something new. There is too much manual labour costs to make recycling financially viable. So as markets fluctuate and bottom out for recyclible materials expect your council tax to continue rising. Landfill sites may be a problem, but since we no longer have coal fires to burn things in then our governemnt created a problem that they expect us to pay for and to fund a solution.

David asks…

Why doesn’t the UK government pay us to recycle?

I live in the UK and I am very eco friendly. My family recycle all of our plastic, tins, paper, clothes and don’t get payed for it. Why should we waste time going to a recycling bank and putting away all our stuff when we cant get a reward? Shouldn’t there be something simple like £5 a kilo? I don’t mind going to the recycling bank, it is kinda fun, I just hate people not getting encouraged to recycle when only 17% of the UK’s waste is recycled

The Expert answers:

I agree more people would do it if they were paid for it

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