Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ruth asks…

What should the top priority in solid waste management be?

The top priority in solid waste management should be

The Expert answers:

Again, in case you deleted the old question. The US Environmental Protection Agency ranks them in the following order:

1. Reduce / Reuse
2. Recycling / Composting
3. Combusion with energy production
4. Incineration and landfill without energy production

Charles asks…

How to make an waste recycling incinerator Model?

Hiii evry1!!! I hav 2 do a model on waste management for my science project!!! I chose 2 do an incinerator!!! Can U giv me sum ideas on how 2 do it??? Any other waste management models’ ideas will also b appreciated!!!
Thnk U!!!

The Expert answers:

If you want to do recycling model go to and follow links

Mary asks…

why did waste management (wm) take our recycling bin?

i don’t see why they took it. how do we get a new one?
they didnt take it:)

The Expert answers:

May not be wm, may be just a stupid neighbor, my neighbor stole one of my garbage cans and the wheels off another one.

Sandra asks…

solid waste management PhD?

Dear all,
I am looking for a good graduate school for my PhD. I am more interested in solid waste management (recycling program) in the U.S.A or any where else . Please if you know a good school in this field and this degree just let me know

Thanks so much

The Expert answers:

I’m not sure there is such a thing a PhD in Waste Management (be it solid or not…). I very well could be wrong, it is just something I have never heard of. Perhaps a PhD in Environmental Science would do the trick, then you could specialize in waste management? Better yet, perhaps civil engineering then specialize in waste management! I hope you find a program that fits. Good luck!

Steven asks…

Who ever works for waste management?

I am interested in working for waste management (mainly a recycling facility) is there a position that I can do instead of driving the truck

The Expert answers:

There is a wide variety of jobs in waste management beside driving a truck. Like any industry there are office jobs, gate attendants, sorters, drivers of forklifts and other heavy machinery. Go to your local recycling center and see what they have, if they don’t have any job you are interested in, they may be able to direct to someplace that does.

Carol asks…

Allied Waste curbside recycling in East TX – what’s the deal?

I signed up literally months ago for the curbside recycling program. Have never received a bin. Was told could put it out in a laundry basket. Sits there and the regular trash gets it the next day – and it goes in the landfill. Anyone else have this going on? Any suggestions what to do about it (city has contract with Allied Waste Management, so I don’t have the option of changing companies) would be most welcome.

The Expert answers:


I don’t live in Texas, but experienced the same problem in my home town, Lee’s Summit, MO.

After many attempts to resolve the issue with the vendor directly I reached out to my city environmental coordinator. The result was a bin delivered to my doorstep the next morning by a manager. Turns out they were issued a citation for failure to comply with city ordinance.

By the way… Thanks for doing your part and recycling!

Nancy asks…

What would you ask Birmingham City Councils Head of Fleet and Waste Management if you had the chance?

I have a meeting with Kevin Mitchell, who is Birmingham City councils head of Fleet and Waste Management, I was wondering what the general public would like to ask this figure head if they were given the chance, here is an example; What is the councils official recycling policy? However big or small let me know what issues you would want to raise and I can feed back the results on my blog, if your interested!

The Expert answers:

I’d ask them “Instead of Managing waste, why don’t you eliminate it?”

Donald asks…

I am interested in promoting/increasing recycling at my campus I was just wondering what steps I should take?

I go to a community college (if that helps)
I want to have a variety of recycling waste bins on campus not just paper
Do I need to contact Waste Management?
I would like a response from someone who has experience with environmentally friendly programs and organizations.

The Expert answers:

Since you are at a community college it is most likely that students live nearby. I would recommend you start promoting recycling on campus by founding a club or group to attract other people that have the same interest as you. With a group of people that have a like purpose, you can then use all of you resources to gain support from school administration for placing recycling bins, etc… Around campus. Remember that these bins need to be emptied and physically taken to a recycling center…your group, or some department at the school, will have to be responsible for this. I would suggest that your group control the recycling program so that you will all stay in touch and build good relationships for the future. Start now and you might actually make a few bucks in the process while building your resume and having a positive impact on the environment in the process. Don’t know how to start a club? Maybe start a myspace page or a meetup group and make a lot of flyers to post on boards around campus. It will be some work but the world is worth it right?!

Thomas asks…

BFI, Waste Management Recyclers making money?

I think it is quite odd that trash haulers like BFI and Waste Management ask their customers to recycle and charge them for this recycling, especially when they in turn make money on those items. They should actually be giving money to customers for their recycling which in turn would be used as incentive. Does anyone agree?
There are limited independent recyclers based on these large trash haulers, hard to compete with them.
I worked for a city organization whose job was to pick up used tires and take them to BFI, they would charge $50 a truck load and in turn chop up those tires and sell it for fuel for a paper plant. The greed here is what I am questioning. It is like an oil company charging you to give it your fuel.

The Expert answers:

It probably depends on how much they really make after running second trucks with second cres to pick up the recycles. Of more intrest to me is why the Conshohocken trash to steam recycling center was supposed to make us money and instead we now have to pay them to burn the burnable collections.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

Recycle metal hangers? Where can I recycle metal hangers in San Diego?

The Expert answers:

Most dry cleaners will take them.

Sharon asks…

how can you start a recycling business?

My partner and I want to start a local recycling business here in San Diego. We need some sort of help in finding the right location.

The Expert answers:

Goodluck with that

Ruth asks…

Where can I recycle cans, plastic, and glass and recieve cash in san diego,ca?

The Expert answers:

Check your phone book yellow pages under recyclers

John asks…

Where can I recycle or donate an old 60 inch television in San Diego/Chula Vista?

We have a large (60 inch) television that just stopped working one day. I really want to donate it (I know no one has use for a broken tv) in hopes that it could be repaired. However, If no one knows of a donation program that will attempt to repair it, can someone recommend a recycle program that will PICK UP the television from our house? (it’s huge,heavy and I have no means to transport it)

The Expert answers:

Goodwill picks up TVs, you can call (619) 420-1522 to schedule a pickup, may take weeks though.

Mary asks…

how much can u get for a recycled water heater in san diego, ca?

The Expert answers:

Can’t speak for San Diego. But in the greater Salt Lake City area we get around $12 out of a 40 gallon and about $15 from a 50. This is down about $5 from the beginning of the year.

Never been to a scrap place that had a minimum weight.

Linda asks…

where do i go and how much can u get for a recycled water heater in san diego, ca?

The Expert answers:

Locate a recycling company an ask them. Go on line or check the yellow pages.

Nancy asks…

once you sell aluminum cans to your local much does the recycle sale the cans for.?

I want to start a recycling bussines.i want to set up a site to buy cans,bottles & plastic.then resale it for recycling. i want to set up shop in san diego,california.

The Expert answers:

For current and historic scrap metal prices go to Scrap Metal Prices and Auctions website

Richard asks…

Can you put plastic bags in the Blue Recycling Bin?

Plastic Bags from grocery, clothing stores, etc., if not, where/how do I recycle them? I live in San Diego, California.

Thank You!

The Expert answers:

Searching a bit I found this link: which is a PDF document of what can and cannot be recycled in the blue bin.
Further in the document it says “Most grocery stores in California have bins for recycling plastic bags, and paper bags can be recycled in your blue bin.”

Hope this helped!

Daniel asks…

Recycling Bottles and Cans for Money?

I know there’s places in San Diego that give you money for cans but where are they? I feel stupid going up to the cashier at Von’s and asking, “Do you take cans for money?”
Do you know about any machines where you can just drop them? I’ve collected a lot of cans
back 2 saystuff, I think you get 5 cents for bottles less than 24 oz and 15 for more.

The Expert answers:

In California and Michigan, they take cans for cash. Hey Man, do me a favor, if you are in need of money, use your pc instead of just answering answers on and go to the Safeway website. Then look up your local store and call them on your cell phone. The service desk will answer and ask the question. I mean, do you think that they will remember you. YOU are doing the right thing for the environment and your self.

If they don’t, Look up recycling center in the yellow pages, and there are facilities that you can take the items into that will pay you per pound but it is really small and hell…. It may be less than the price of gas.

Good Luck

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

How does it waste oil if I don’t recycle?

The Expert answers:

Oil has other uses after you’re done with it.

You just waste the potential of this use if you just throw it away.

Charles asks…

Can BP use the oil that they separate from the water in the gulf or is that oil just wasted?

Can BP recycle the oil that they clean off the water in the Gulf? We only have a limited amount of oil in the ground, I just think it would be a waste if we couldn’t somehow salvage the oil we clean from the water.

The Expert answers:

Yes, there is a vast amount of oil being skimmed and sucked up from the surface of the water, this is then refined in the normal way.
In the case of the oil in the Gulf of Mexico all of the revenue from the reclamation is being donated to those affected by the spill.

Betty asks…

If CO2 buildup is bad for the environment, why advocate recycling?

The concentration of CO2 in the air is 0.04% which some people regard as too high. Why are these same people advocating recycling, when burying organic and oil derivative waste in a deep land fill would sequest carbon underground indefinatley.

The Expert answers:

Unfortunately it’s not so simple as that. Much of the waste that goes into landfill sites decomposes and through the process of methanogenesis (biomethanation) it produces large amounts of methane. Many landfill sites have a stack for flaring the methane that’s been produced, similar to the flaring you see on an oil rig – it gives you an idea how much methane is produced.

There are many other problems associated with landfill including the contamination of the surrounding land, leeching of toxins into the water supply, cost, aesthetic impact, fire risk etc.

Methane is a far more damaging gas than carbon dioxide so by burying waste and it’s subsequent degredation we’re sometimes causing more problems than if it were simply burned.

Another advantage to recycling is that it eliminates the need for mineral extraction and raw processing. Almost all metals have to be mined and this is a very heavy, industrial process. The bulk of the excavated material is spoil, only a small component is useable.

Once mined the material has to be processed and the metallic component extracted and converted into a useable metal.

Both the mining and extraction produce huge amounts of pollution including greenhouse gases, toxic, hazardous and harmful substances. Recycling eliminates the need for this.

Further, resources are finite and once used that;s it so it makes good economic sense to preserve the resources we have for as long as possible.

These same arguments hold true for the hydrocarbons (organic products). They don’t require extracting from excavated material in the way that metals do but they still require fractionation and other processes to convert into useable products.

Donald asks…

What facilites and incentives arein your local area for recycling?

Here we have 2 boxes, one for paper and one for glass and plastics which are collected fortnightly, a brown wheelie bin for garden waste and recycling banks dotted around for clothes, oil, wood etc (amenities dump).

No incentives (cash/lower taxes etc.)

This is in Scotland.

Where are you and what do you have?

The Expert answers:

I live in the midwest in the United States. Our town is pretty progressive with recycling efforts and we have a recyclables-sorting facility in our town. As incentive to recycle, our town provides as many bins as needed to each household/apartment for free. The town hires out an agency to come empty the recycling bins in their trucks once each week. This is a free service to the people of the town as the money the town uses to hire the recycling agency to collect and sort recyclables is included in our property taxes.

On the other hand, trash hauling is NOT hired out by the town so each household or apartment complex has to hire their own trash hauler. With the trash haulers, you pay more depending on the amount of trash you put on the curb each week. The greater the number of bins you put out, the more you pay.

Therefore the end product is that recycling is free to all and trash hauling is not. It has been very successful here.

Helen asks…

what happen to the waste essential oil?

where do they recycle the essential oil and who recycle them

The Expert answers:

Essential oils refer to oils used in the cosmetic industry. Any type of petroleum based lubricating oil is completely recyclable.

Sandy asks…

who are the major oil drilling fluids companies?

It supplies a unique & enviromentally friendly water based drilling fluid to major oil companies including 5 of the big 6. This company also dominates the fluid waste recycling business.

The Expert answers:

The list of all drilling fluids companies :

TIMCAL Graphite & Carbon Inc. – drilling fluids and graphite powder solutions
Gumpro Chem Drilling Fluids – offers a complete range of drilling fluid additives like Specialized Lubricants, Stuck Breakers, loss Circulation material Dispersants,
Houghton Offshore – water based hydraulic chemicals and drilling fluids
RATTLER TOOLS, INC – remove metal contaminants from fluids down hole
Smith International – engineering, drill bits, downhole tools and drilling fluids
Specific Equipment company – fluid handling systems for water, fuel and crude oil
TETRA Technologies Inc. – manufactures integrated calcium chloride and brominated products,
Castrol offshore
Newpark Drilling Fluids
Ultraseal – M & D Industries of Lafayette, Inc

Laura asks…

Where can I recycle Oil filters?

I”ve been throwing them away and I feel it’s a waste.

The Expert answers:

Please call your city offices, they surely have recycle centers you can turn them into or set days for you to leave them out to be picked up.

Throwing them away is horrid, they end up in land fills and contaminate the ground.

You may also just want to call your local Jiffy Lube and gas station which does mechanical work, lots of them accept them or will tell you what to do with them.

Thanks for thinking about it and doing the right thing!

Sandra asks…

Do you have to pay tax on recycled vegetable oil for fuel? (UK)?

I realise that you have to pay tax (VAT) on vegetable oil you intend to use as fuel – which is fair enough. However I don’t think its fair that you have to pay tax on vegetable oil which you bought as food (paid VAT) as food, and then recycled it through using it as a fuel which saves on waste oil? Does the law state that you have to pay tax on vegetable oil whether it is recycled or not? In the effort to help the environment I would have thought the government would do more.
I don’t get taxed when I walked to work instead of drive and electric cars don’t get taxed either

The Expert answers:

As well as VAT on the oil you have to pay Fuel Duty on the finished product!
(Most people don’t bother!)

Daniel asks…

Can we recycle oils used for cooking, at home, in restaurants, garages etc, to be collected weekly?

Household waste is collected as well as garden waste and recycling material such as tins, papers and glass etc. Can’t we do the same with oils to recycle for re-use to power our cars?

The Expert answers:

It is possible, but the main issue is there has to be enough of it so it’s economically feasible. It isn’t worth enough money to pick it up from homes unless there is a strong supply and strong demand – which means there has to be a biodiesel or grease recycling plant in the area. Keep an eye on Berkeley and San Francisco to see if this takes off.
There are some companies collecting oil from restaurants (like Darling Int’l) and motor oil is commonly recycled from auto shops.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

David asks…

Where can i get free recycling Bins for my school?

I’m in ASB and we’re starting a recycling project for our middle school in Sacramento California. I was wondering if theres a way for us to get free recycling bins?

The Expert answers:

If there is currently a recycling company serving your school or town- ask them if they have any to provide.

If they do not, you will just have to go out and buy them, like any recycling company would have to do on the open market. If you purchase them, you can take the extra measure and have the school logo stenciled on as well.

Nothing in this world is for free. It is just the social engineering that makes everyone assume recycling bins are for free.

Lizzie asks…

How can i get recycling bins for my school?

In my school, we have a club called Key Club. well we help do things for the enviorment and organize activities of that matter. I was asked to research how to get recycling bins for my school. Yes, we can buy them but we are trying to fing a way to get them donated to my school.

please help if you can. where exacly can we go to get this info?

if it helps, look in Miami-Dade wesites, specifically the City of Homestead. thank you soooo much!!!

please help.

The Expert answers:


As some have previously stated, engaging your business community to provide the bins is a nice way for them to give back to the schools.

Additionally, one member also suggested engaging the woodshop to create bins out of old shipping pallets. That’s a great idea…especially if this is a problem for your school to get rid of.

Along those same lines, have an art teach pick this up as an assignment for one or more of their classes. Take the cardboard boxes that your school’s paper comes in and have the class decorate them with materials. You can then put these in each classroom as they get created. You can even expand this to be a project for the club (and other in the school). Again, contacting local businesses for boxes is a way to get enough for the whole school.

The nice part is that when these bins need to be replaced you can put them right into your cardboard recycling container.

Hope this helps.

George asks…

I have mold in my recycling bins. How do I get rid of them?

I sprayed them with Lysol. But it didn’t seem to do anything. I’m wary of touching it. I should probably buy gloves? Anyone have experience with cleaning mold? Should I just get rid of the recycling bins and start anew?
I’ll do that. I’ll just get rid of them. I should have just done that.
I never would have thought of vinegar. I might try that because I don’t want anyone to get sick.

The Expert answers:

Buy a new one…

Chris asks…

I want to bring recycling bins to my high school. How do I do this?

At my high school, people throw plastic bottles in the trash. Every time I see this, I keep thinking of how it could have been recycled. What steps do I need to take to bring recycling bins to my school?

The Expert answers:

If a private school, talk with the principal. A public school, you will probably need to talk with the school board and get permission for your plan, but the school principal should be able to get you started.

Sandra asks…

Where can I order those blue recycling bins in Boston?

I have collected tons of glass bottles, aluminum cans and plastic bottles in my basement that need to be recycled. I couldn’t find where to order the recycling bins from the city of boston website.

The Expert answers:

The city of Boston no longer provides the small bins. As of June ’09, they began delivering large wheeled trash-barrel style recycling bins for curbside pickup.:

There are sites you can purchase the bins from, but that will run $25 – $45 apiece.

You can use a standard 32 gallon trash barrel that has an “official” sticker attached. (page 4 of the above PDF)

Good luck and kudos on being “green”.

Linda asks…

Is it illegal to take things out of recycling bins?

The other day, I saw some going through recycling bins out on the curb for pickup, and taking things out of it for deposit. Is this illegal?

The Expert answers:

Yes, it is called theft and is punishable by jail and/or a fine.

If you are doing it, please stop. If you are not doing it, please don’t start.

John asks…

How can I get free recycling bins?

Im part of an environmental club at my high school and we are trying to find a way to get free recycling bins for our school. My school is in Illinois

The Expert answers:

Contavt your local recycler and see if they will give you bins. Even if there isn’t one lcal, contact your state or county recycling programs and see if they can help. I bet you can get them for free.

Daniel asks…

Who would I need to write to if I want to see recycling bins around Los Angeles?

For example, which important person like the mayor or someone like that….I need name and Address

In Cal State LA they have recycling bins where you can put paper,cans,glass….I would like some of these bins around town, next to bus stops or some place like that

The Expert answers:

I suggest you contact at least your city council person and the mayor. However, if you have the time and energy you can contact all the council people.

LA City Council contact info:

LA Mayor – Antonio Villaraigosa

Normally elected officials track how much interest the public has in issues before taking action. For the biggest impact, I suggest you encourge like minded friends to also contact elected officials.

Another tactic is to encourage them to add these bins to a limited area and continue to expand that area.

Cal State LA is not the only place in Los Angeles that has such bins. I was down at Venice Beach Sunday night and they have them too.

Mary asks…

Is it illegal to take cans from recycling bins?

I have a local trash collection area near where I live and they buy empty soda cans. On recycling days I go out around the neighborhood and take the cans from peoples recycling bins. I ask them for permission of course but is it still illegal.5

The Expert answers:

Asking permission would keep you safe, legally, if the bins are still on the owner’s property. Once the bins are set out at the curb for collection, they may be considered the property of the municipality or whoever runs the recycling program and you might be considered guilty of petty theft.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asks…

In Australia can we put McDonalds Espresso Pronto cups in the recycling bin?

I have one draining on the wash up rack and it looks to be cardboard. It’s rinsed out well and it would be a shame to put it in the garbage but there’s a garbage bin logo on it but no recycling logo.
Giant, are you like 10? It shows.
Pedro did I ask an American answer? And thanks for encouraging vulgar trolls who are 1. rude and 2. don’t answer.
Why are Americans like that I wonder?

The Expert answers:

G’day Old Starblazers,

Thank you for your question.

I don’t know. I would call the Recycling Hotline on 1300 769 746.


Lizzie asks…

I recycle only to find out I’m not recycling?

A lot of people I know say the same thing, that they recycle but then the regular garbage truck takes the recycling bins and the garbage bins and puts it in the one truck.
What can I do about this?
What is the point of recycling if my stuff doesn’t get recycled!?!?!

I think On thursday I’m going to sit outside and wait for the trash men to come.

The Expert answers:

Why not ask the person in charge of trash and recyclables at your local unit of government. You may be in one of the areas switching over to “single streaming” of trash and recyclable together. Which cuts overhead in half due to no more need for duplication of equipment and people. Municipal recycling by it’s nature is not cost effective due to market conditions.

It may also be too that no one has a cost effective market for the items collected so to save money and fuel costs, government may have decided to keep the social engineering in place until such time as recycling can be a break even venture for the unit of government overseeing the operation.

Richard asks…

If you throw away an old garden hose, do you put it in a recycle bin or regular garbage bin?

my parents wanted to know.

The Expert answers:

Not meaning to be obnoxious, but the better option is to repair it and keep using it, or give it to someone who needs one! I just fixed mine:

Maybe they could put a notice on Craigslist or Freecycle… Or even just put it on the curb with a sign that says “free”. Many people will be happy to take an old leaking garden hose, since they can be used for a whole variety of DIY projects such as making a drip irrigation system.

Yours in Frugal Green-ness,
Rebecca The Greeniac

Charles asks…

Forgot to put out garbage, which is full? I know it is wrong to put it in recycling bin, but it hasmore space?

Is this illegal and/or unethical? Any other ideas? Thank you.

The Expert answers:

In Concord, you can take it to the recycling center on Old Turnpike Rd. For regular garbage, you will not be charged. You can take some other things there also without charge. If you are a Concord resident, go to the Concord city website. If you are in another town, check with your town; you may be able to take your garbage to the town dump without being charged.

Betty asks…

How does recycling work in BC? Vancouver Island specifically.?

I just moved here from Ontario. In Ontario, apartment buildings provide recycling bins and have it taken away. The building I am in apparently does not have any recycling except for a cardboard bin out back.

I say apparently because there is a locked room on each floor that says it is for garbage and recycling but when I asked the landlord he said all garbage and cardboard had to be taken out back.

Is he crazy or what? What is the recycling situation out here?

The Expert answers:

Vancouver Island recycles.

Michael asks…

How can you tell if the stuff you put in the recycling bin is really recycled?

I live in a condominium and we have 3 or 4 different labeled recycling bins. I started to separate my garbage and put them in the respecting bins. my mom thought i was wasting my time because she thinks they just put the recyclable stuff with the trash.
How can you tell whether or not they recycle the recyclables or they just throw it in with the trash?

The Expert answers:

The truth is you can’t. Some recycling operations are a joke. Many times the valuables are taken out and the balance at thrown in the trash. I guess you can know you did your part.

Donald asks…

Shouldn’t fast food joints have recycling bins in the restaurants?

They put recyclable labels on everything, but no one is going to carry there garbage home so they can recycle it.

The Expert answers:

I think you should extend that to EVERY office building in the UK/world.

They are easily the worst out of the lot – all of that paper, plastic cups, hundreds/thousands of workers food packaging which is just binned without a second thought each day…

Think of all the recycling that could be done there – but do any of these business care or do anything? Hell f*cking no!

George asks…

Why did my garbage man dump not take my wine bottles in the recycling bin? (just the cans)?

He took the trash (brown bin) & everything else in the green recycling bin, but not the glass wine bottles? Instead he dumped them in our brown trash bin?
Should I make a complaint?
You mean, when you roll out your recycling/trash bins outside in front of your house- for them to take the next morning….they don’t take glass bottles. I’m not sure that makes sense. They took them before.
I checked…wine bottles are ok. Definitely not meant for the trash bin.

The Expert answers:

Many cities don’t pick-up bottles because they have no recycle places for them. There for it is up to you to find a recyclers. Make it a project to get one started in your town, or make it known to the rest of the folks in your town of the need..

Joseph asks…

when i say recycling and garbage, what comes to mind?

*please read*
Hi! i am making an outfit completely out of garbage and recycled material, but im running out of things to make it with.

Aside from newspaper, food wrappers (chip bags, wrappers on bottles of water, etc), plastic bags, and bottles/scrap paper in a recycling bin. what else comes to mind?
(example- if it were possible, banana peels and brown leaves would instantly remind me of composting, but i cant make a dress out of that.) please keep it related to garbage and recycling, thanks 🙂
when people ask me (btw its a halloween costume but i need a lot of time to work on it) im going to say, i am “something you forgot”. So basically anything people throw away and forget about. 🙂

The Expert answers:

You can do many things with long lengths of colored bubble wrap, old nylons, lawn and leaf bags (Debora Harry of Blondie did a music video with a hefty bag for a dress in about 1979 for example.)

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

David asks…

How much money do you get, per pound, for recycling pop cans?? In Indiana? In Michigan?

My soccer team is doing a fundraiser by recylcing cans. I’m just trying to gauge how long it will take to reach out goal, but i don’t know what he payout is for cans in Indiana compared to Michigan. I live close to the border, so I know MI will only accept cans with refund posted on the top.

The Expert answers:

Michigan doesn’t do it per/pound it is per can that is a Michigan can. 10cents per bottle(glass or plastic) or can.

You are comparing apples to oranges between the two states.

Maria asks…

What are some recycling companies found in Michigan?

I am the president of the student council at my school, and i want to get a recycling thing going there so we can help the enviroment, but it is hard to find contact info. for recycling companies, let alone finding recycling companies at all! If someone can please help that would be great! thank you!

The Expert answers:

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality has links to companies and groups based on your county. You could also contact them, explain your situation, and they’ll point you in the right direction.

Donna asks…

when you recycle cans in michigan do you get 10 cents and if they are smashed do you still get 10 cent per can?

The Expert answers:

Yes, you get 10 if the can is bought and returned in Michigan. The amount you get back, if any, is noted on each can, glass bottle, or plastic bottle that has a deposit.

If you take them to the store and use the machines, the machines cannot read the barcode if the pop can is too smashed. I just try to straighten out the can. However, I have been to some non-chain grocery stores that take my pop cans and they have not said anything about the couple cans that are smashed in my bag.

Ruth asks…

Can someone who lives out of state redeem bottle deposits in Michigan?

I live in KS and have barrels of pop cans and bottles ready to recycle. Thinking if Michigan really pays 10 cents each, it might be worth a road trip. Can I do this and where would I go for a large quantity redemption? Is it okay that the cans are crushed?

The Expert answers:

Michigan only pays for cans and bottles that are stamped with mi and 10 cents. We have machines also that crush them, and the machines reject the ones that aren’t stamped correctly.

Nancy asks…

Recycling everything in Michigan??

I live in Inkster, Michigan(Wayne County). I would like to try and start recycling or scrapping like everything that I can. I am having trouble finding places on the internet that will help me determine where to go.
My dads scrapping metal right now and theirs alot of bike tires,..
i do not want to just throw them away for the garbage man.
Where do i recycle those rubber tires and other rubber??
Any other websites that will help me out on this recycling thing would be greatly appreciated and more so with information for the area i live in.

xox Brittany xox

The Expert answers:

Most of the trash companies will also do recycling. They give you a seperate bin to put your recyclables in.

Also, Michigan doesn’t “give” you 10 cents for your bottles. They repay you the 10 cents they charged you for the deposit.

Paul asks…

Can you take your cans to a meijer in michigan to be recycled?

The Expert answers:

Yes as long as they sell that brand there and it has a deposit on it . Just put them in the machine one at a time as fast as you can .When you finished you get a ticket take it to the cashier and get you money. They use to take non deposit cans from ohio but they got wise . Now the machines will not take them and its a good hefty fine trying to pass them on . We get 10 cents each for them

Steven asks…

michigan aluminum cans?

when you recycle cans in michigan will they accept them crushed or do they only take cans that aren’t crushed?

The Expert answers:

You can recycle cans in any condition; they’re just scrap metal.

However, if you want to redeem them for deposit, they have to be in good enough shape that the bar code can be scanned.  The Tomra machines which take the cans crush them, so crushed cans are not accepted for redemption of the deposit for obvious reasons.

Jenny asks…

do i have to be a michigan resident to recycle aluminum cans in michigan?

The Expert answers:

No you do not, however if your state is listed on the can, you can get a higher return, say 10 cents instead of 5 cents, per can.

There was an interesting news article in California about a guy who went to jail for recycling fraud.
I could not find the exact article, but this one is similar.


Carol asks…

which Kroger’s can i recycle cans at?

I live on the border of Ohio and Michigan. I want to recycle my bag of cans that can be recycled at in Michigan. my roommates have done it before at a Krogers there. which one should i go to?

The Expert answers:

It doesnt have to be a Kroger store, it could be at ANY store that recycles cans, such as Meijer and even some of tha Indian stores even take canz. You get 10 cents a piece for em, and they dont JUST take cans, they also take bottles (glass and plastic)

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Charles asks…

Ideas for recycled crafts?

Do you guys have any ideas of crafts to make out of recycled materials?

The Expert answers:

Check out the Reusing, Recycling, Recrafting board at for loads of different ideas:
(…especially the first two)

Laura asks…

does anyone know any good recycled crafts to make?

Looking for thigns to make out of what coudl be concidered recycled materials…..any ideas, links woudl be very helpful


The Expert answers:

There are some crafts here.


Linda asks…

CREATIVE PPL:Recycled Crafts—Urgent Help needed please? :)?

Okay so I have this competition at school and we have to make something out of recycled stuff that is :-
Fabric ; etc.
Could you suggest for a craft, something unique yet easy. Something noone else would even have thought of. All I have for now is a number of photoframes.
Thankyou so much.
ps: if I win the contest, im so sharing the reward with you! (:

The Expert answers:

Okay – Paper
one of the coolest things we ever did was make envelopes out of recycled paper. The kids used old maps, calendars, sheet music, magazine covers, you name it. Look online for something called “Funvelopes” to kinda get the gist. Depending on the picture, you may have to put a small white mailing label where the address goes. You can really mail these.

Newspaper can also be used to make little pots to hold seedlings. When they are ready to plant in the ground, you just plant the whole thing.

I saw a guy on TV who made all his living room furniture out of FedEx boxes. That was cool.

Milk jugs can be made into planters. Plastic bags from stores can be crocheted and made into beach bags. (that one is actually pretty cool, you could google, plastic bag crochet)

This is my favorite!
I make all kinds of recycled things out of fabric. Old jeans make great purses, quilts, totes, wash cloths. Men shirts make great quilts. I cut the designs in a square out of old t-shirts my sons had and iron interfacing on the back and made a quilt. T-shirts can also be made into shopping bags. Cut off the sleeves and cut the neckline a little deeper. Sew the bottom closed and you’ve got a recycled shopping bag to bring to the grocery.
I took the bib off an old pair of my nieces overalls and added fabric to the bottom and now it’s an over-all dress. I took the top part of a pair of her jeans and cut just about the crotch and sewed a bunch of net and now it’s like a tutu, but she wears it to the store with leggings.
Jeans can be made into book covers. Sew one of the pockets to the front and you’ve got a place to put assignments or pens. What if you made a wedding gown or some elaborate dress, completely out of recycled stuff. Did you see the thing on the internet where the girl made her prom dress out of gum wrappers?
Whatever you do, take pictures showing the steps from beginning to end.
Good Luck

Lizzie asks…

Looking for recycled crafts .?

love to make recycled crafts. I make bags, pillows, and blankets out of old Levi. I also make bags and rugs out of plastic grocery bags. I sell these at the local farmers market. Does anyone know of other crafts that use recycled items? Because I’m selling these I need something more then how to make 100 diffrent things out of TP rolls.
Has any one seen any tin can crafts?

The Expert answers:

Check the websiite below

Maria asks…

Recycled crafts ideas?

For class i have to make a recycled item craft. Using tissue boxes toilet paper rolls etc. I thought about making flowers out of an egg carton, but i feel like that its too un – original. Do u have any original ideas that are very interesting but not too complicated ( like involving an oven or fire etc) Thanks For Your Time 🙂

The Expert answers:

Ha, my colleagues call me “junkie” – because I can’t pass any junk sitting at the curve of the street without imagining what I could turn that stuff into…:-) So here are some links which might give you some ideas…

Make scupltures from orange peel – the site is in French, but you do not need to speek French to understand how to do the carving.

Tape sculptures – tutorials

Recycle art with poptabs:

Recycle tin cans:

How to make a poptar:

Crochet with Plarn: – cut up some plastic bags and crochet a tote bag

Make coffee stirrer stars:

Hope this will give you some ideas…:-)

Susan asks…

sewing project ideas? or recycled crafts?

I like sewing and am looking to start making things I can sell in a boutique. I have made some cute drawstring bags and checkbook covers and sleep masks but I need more ideas. Also, I don’t have use of a machine (everything is hand stitched) so they would need to be small things. Anyone?

The Expert answers:

U could make some hair bands and hair tyes. Also yoga pants too. Heres how u make them

Sandra asks…

What are some fun and easy crafts to do with recycled things?

The Expert answers:

Milk Carton Birdhouse
Toothbrush Bracelets
Bottle Cap Locket Milk
Carton Pirate Ship
Craft Trash Matcher List
Cardboard Rain Stick
Oatmeal Soap on a Rope
Bottle Cap Ornament
Cereal Box Puzzle
Egg Carton Tulips
Broken Umbrella Magazine Rack
Cassette Tape Business Card Holder
Egg Carton Heart
Food Fridge Magnets
Egg Carton Wastebasket
Milk Carton Antique Blocks
Vintage Image Bottle Cap Magnets
Magnetic Keyboard Calendar
Computer Keyboard Wallet
Cash Register Receipt Wallet

Cardboard Box Easel
Craft Carry-All
Bird Binoculars
Juice Box Buddies
CD Case Wipeboard
Altered Pop-Tab Can
Crayon Nibbles
Recycled Cowboy Boot Purse
Recycled Devil Horn Headband
Homemade Humingbird Feeder and Food Recipe
Recycled CD Clock
Wraps Book Purse
Paint Chip Garland
Mittens from Shrunken Sweaters
Lost Mitten Puppets

George asks…

Crafts or ideas made from Recycled materials?

i’m looking for a fairly simple or a fairly simple craft of idea for a craft or accessory made from recycled materials. I found this cool braclet made from materials from a old computer. Any help please? This sounds kinda silly but i’m also trying to impressive my senior mentor, because he’s a genius! hah

The Expert answers:

A good recycled craft is knitting and crocheting with plarn. It’s plastic yarn made from the plastic bags you get from the grocery store.

Here’s a bag made of it:

Donna asks…

looking for a store that sells recycled items only for crafts?

anywhere in canada or us with a website.

The Expert answers:

Try any crafts stores!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

What is the color of the recycle bin to recycle paper and aluminium?

For the recycle bins.

The Expert answers:

Do you mean the type for use at home to put out to the curb?

Municipalities differ at times, and the colors where you live may differ from where I live.

In Orlando FL. For example they may be Red for cans, bottles, plastic…and blue for newspaper. In another county that may change to Green and Orange etc., and are available through the agency designed to handle recycling.

At a public recycling facility they may all be green or just large 20 yard dumpsters. In Washington state the glass dump and metals dump were in separate, open top, semi trailers, backed up to platforms at level, and anyone just dumped their waste in.

Lisa asks…

How can I get my apartment community to get a recycle bin?

I am a recycle junkie but I want to make it more accessible to other people in my community. Does anyone know a good way to promote recycle bins in the apartment complex? I understand that it would more than likely come down to the almighty buck. However, we would ( I think be the first community to do so. Please if anyone has any ideas, feel free to email them to me. Thanks Bunches!

The Expert answers:

Could you contact your local town or village (wherever the apartment community is based) to find out how your community to get involved with recycling? Find out all info you can, then present to the property management. If you have your info at the ready instead of asking them to do it (and they see that it can be done for a reasonable price), maybe it will fly.
Good luck! Hope it works.

Daniel asks…

How to view all users recycle bin contents?

Im the computer administrator, but cant work out how to view other users recycle bins? Need to delete items as im having a comp cleanup.


The Expert answers:

Close all programs.

Goto the Start Menu => All Programs => Accessories then double click on “Command Prompt”

In the Command prompt box that comes up type “RD /s C:RECYCLER” and press enter. Then type “RD /s C:RECYCLED” and press enter.

Goto the Start Menu => All Programs => Accessories. Right click on “Command Prompt” and run as Administrator

In the Command prompt box that comes up type “RD /s C:$recycle.bin” and press enter.

If you have partitions other than “C:”, then you will have to do the same on those drives too.

Helen asks…

Why do people who work in offices not have a recycle bin at there workplace.?

I am a cleaner and proud ov it.I just hate having to put all recyclable waste in trash bins with every other garbage.I ask week after week,why donte you have a recycle bin.I go to work with a big bag and i put aluminum cans and newspapers in it to take home.Yea i get free newspapers and a huge pile ov aluminum cans at home.

The Expert answers:

That isn’t a fair question I work for a company that employs over 7000 associates and we have recycling bins. If this is a small company maybe you should try talking to the owner if it is a larger company check with the HR department for the best way to voice your concerns. Being green is good for PR chances are if you approach this positively and professionally you can achieve your goal.

Sandra asks…

Why dont recycle bins not allow pizza boxes ?

The Expert answers:

Most empty pizza boxes also include grease and cheese, both of which are considered contaminants when mixed with recyclable paper.

Maria asks…

shouldnt off licences have recycle bins in yard to encourage recycling of their particular packagings?

if independant stores had recycling bins suitable for their particular product perhaps the government could subsidide the price for recycling and maybe some of the stores council tax that way maybe independant stores could grow rather than deminish

or if we bought for example kelloggs cornflakes perhaps their should be a free post address to send it back to then they could recycle it without needing to supply more recycling centres,

the main trouble we find in our area is recycling plastic

The Expert answers:

Off licences are just a tiny part of the problem.

Supermarkets and all smaller stores, with a little thought could reduce their packaging by a massive margin. Poly trays and cling film, needn’t be used. 3 apples packed in a tray and covered in heat shrunk film could be sold loose, banana’s oranges nuts etc all come in their own packaging, why add to this? Plastic bags need not be given away 5 at a time, the supplement that comes with your Sunday paper need not be put in a plastic bag. Some plastic cartons and bottles could be replaced with card containers. If you walk round the local shop, add up the items which are packed un-necessarily and write to the stores headquarters. A third of what we buy is thrown away before we get to our goodies. Its at the start we need to make the changes, then there wouldn’t be such a furore when dealing with ‘our’ crap. Mick

Joseph asks…

What can I do with burned out fluorescent bulbs? They will not take in the recycle bins.?

The Expert answers:

I have seen bulb recycle bins at Lowes and Home Depot. Also battery bins are at Best Buy and some office supply stores.

Nancy asks…

Why aren’t there recycle bins at Starbucks for paper products like coffee cups and napkins?

Their website says that it is up to the individual starbucks landlords to make decisions on recycling. I live in a community where recycling is abundant so I am shocked that it is not available in any of the shops. When asking the barista she said that the materials they use for coffee cups, sleeves, napkins, etc. are already recycled so they can’t be recycled again. I’ve never heard of this. Is it true you cannot recycle products made from recycled products?

The Expert answers:

Maybe this is only in Starbucks USA. I love Starbucks, and I live in Japan, and they have everything- recycle bins for paper, for plastic, for other nonburnable, trash can for leftovers.
Maybe because in Japan the recycling policy is stronger, Starbucks is also required to follow it.

John asks…

Does throwing regular trash into the recycle bin create jobs?

I think that my continuous use of recycle bins for regular, smelly, disgusting trash is good for the economy, because some government environmentalist trash worker, must then sort through my disgusting trash, to pick out the bottles, cans and other stuff that were also deposited.

Is this a good thing I’m doing in providing jobs and job security to trash sorters?

The Expert answers:

No. This is an example of malinvestment.

Real economic growth is done through production of goods and services. By throwing trash into the recycle bin, you would be effectively destroying wealth because the trash sorter is having to do unnecessary work. It would be better if they could do more productive work.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

Are Kirkland Kitchen garbage bags recyclable? ?

The box says 100% recyclable but I assume since there’s no number that would refer to the cardboard box?!
My roommate and I recycle as much we can and I’ve seen a similar looking bag in the recycling dumpster, it would be great if they were but I’m doubting it.

The Expert answers:

I believe all the different plastic bags are. You can call your city utility department and they can tell you. When I put items into the recycling bin, I separate them out according to, cardboard, junk mail, glass, plastic. They told me to do that. I try to recycle everything since this world hasn’t done it for up-teen years and things have gotten so out of hand. 🙂

Steven asks…

Plastic Bags: What can I use for my kitchen garbage can?

With this Sunday being Earth Day, my wife and I are really trying to cut down on our plastic bag consumption. For the most part we shop at Trader Joe’s, so we normally will use paper bags. We also are purchasing the canvas bags at some local grocers. Our problem is our small kitchen garbage can. We use plastic grocery bags as a can liner since we don’t have much trash and we don’t want to use a huge hefty bags for such a small amount. We pretty much recycle most of our items and use our food disposal. There are some items that can’t be recycled or placed in the disposal, so what should I use to dispose of these items without the use of plastic bags? stuff like q-tips, bottle caps, hygiene products, used Kleenex and paper napkins, meat bones, Styrofoam, dirt from a vacuum cleaner, etc.

Please help!

The Expert answers:

My mom uses an old milk crate. The paperbag fits nicely in it. It also fits under the kitchen sink so others dont have to see it.

Paul asks…

Are there garbage bags that are “green”?

a little new to the whole green thing. i am currently using regular plastic garbage bags that are made of petroleum. i would like to cut down on my oil dependency and wonder if there is a garbage bag that is durable but breaks down in the landfill. i only really use about 1 garbage bag a week because i recycle so much and compost a ton too, so cost really isn’t the issue. anything out there for us earth friendly folk?
onyx: read the above post, i recycle and compost so much that i only use 1 garbage bag a week…. you don’t deserve the points for answering ….

The Expert answers:

Biobag is available at Whole Foods and is intended for lawn trash or kitchen trash. It’s a bag made from corn that’s intended to break down much quicker than regular plastic.

Also check out ecosafe plastics.
They have a whole line of various biodegradable bags.

The only thing is that you shouldn’t put non-biodegradable waste into biodegradeable bags. That would actually be harming the environment more, because a plastic bag is inert but what’s in it might not be. Paper/plant products are biodegradeable; metals, glass, and plastics aren’t.

Hope that helps!

Donna asks…

How much does monthly recycling contribute to the environment?

I planned on starting to recycle every day items (cans, paper, bottles, etc) around my house instead of being wasteful and throwing them away. This was just so I could feel like I was helping the environment out a little bit. However, I wanted to know just how useful one person’s monthly recyclables are to helping the environment. Like 2 full garbage bags worth per month.

The Expert answers:

The obvious answer is…it depends. It depends how much of what item you’re recycling.

Recycling plastic is arguably the most important recycling you can do in terms of environmental impact because plastics are not biodegradable. They never decompose. Furthermore, plastics are petroleum-based–they come from the same raw materials we use for fuel.

Recycling plastic has at least three benefits: It keeps non-biodegradable materials out of landfills and waterways, it provides already-existing materials for packaging, and it reduces the amount of raw materials extracted from the ground.

Having said that, EVERYTHING you recycle has a large positive impact on the environment. Even just a month’s worth!

Maria asks…

What is the most trusted bio-degradable bags ?

Hi everyone,
I’ve been doing this project at the university, it’s about recycling garbage and to do that we have to find 100% bio-degradable bags .
Help me to find the most suitable one , ’cause by that you’ll be helping reduce pollution and global warming too .
thank you very much

The Expert answers:

Any natural fiber bag is biodegradable. Cotton, jute, wool, leather, and many others are truly biodegradable if not over treated when made.
But the so called biodegradable plastics bags are not in fact biodegradable. They are formed at high temperatures with a mix of carbon and plastic. In a few years the bags fall apart as the carbon degrades out of the plastic. But the plastic is still there, un-degraded but in tiny strands. The problem with the plastic becomes too small to see easily but is just as bad, possibly worse.

Only strong sunlight can break up plastic over time. SOme work is being done to develop microbes capable of breaking down plastic but so far nothing near useful has come out.

Jenny asks…

How do I stop my neighbor from dumping their garbage into my garbage can?

My fellow co-worker is having this problem. His neighbor dumped 5 bags of garbage into his garbage and recycle bins and it smells terrible. How should he prevent them from doing this again?
I live in San Jose, so they don’t charge extra for the amount of garbage you have.

The Expert answers:

I suppose you should go over and talk to them nicely – try to be friendly, cause that’s how your most likely to get what you want. Ask them the same way you would ask a friend, hey man, why’d you do that? But, if the neighbor continues to be an *ss… My evil twin suggests that you take the garbage out of the can and place it on said neighbor’s doorstep. Then put your can away in the garage. If this does not get the message across, my evil twin suggests that you dump the bag out on his doorstep next time. :->

Mark asks…

What lifestyle changes did you encounter when graduating college?

I just graduated recently and I’m noticing some things:

– I have a car, and no longer take public transportation
– I use garbage bags instead recycling grocery bags
– I drink spring water and always have tropicana in the fridge
– I’ve upgraded the brands of cosmetics/shampoos that I buy
– I tip at Starbucks
– I order fancy Starbucks drinks instead of just plain coffee
– I own a brand new laptop instead of a 1999 bulky PC
– I go shopping and actually buy stuff without feeling too guilty
– I actually change my wardrobe throughout the week
– I no longer have rommates
– I stopped eating fast food and I have no problem paying $30 for a meal

Can you think of any other ones?

The Expert answers:

Yes, my ex wife ran off with a felony batterer right after I started grad school
– I took responsibility for my four animals
– I tried to prevent my cheating ex from being murdered
– I pulled my stuff together to finish my first year of classes
– I rescued my ex-wife despite how she had destroyed my life
– I have been happy for her completing her own education
– I have maintained myself without compromise in spite of everything.


Mandy asks…

Do we still need the bottle deposit system now that everyone has a recycle bin?

In many states, recycling is now very common and very convenient, sometimes even cheaper. Where I live, you pay for city garbage bags, but recycling is free; we have a 45% recycling rate. I would just as soon not pay the deposit and recycle beer and soda bottles in my recycle bin. But I might be overlooking important details…

The Expert answers:

Different thing altogether. Deposit bottles go back to be reused for the same product they originally held. Recycled glass becomes another glass item completely.

Lisa asks…

Recycling of plastic wrap-can it be done & if so, why is it not?

In my municipality, we have blue boxes the contents of which are collected every week. We also have green boxes, collected every week, the contents processed into organic fertilizer. I notice when I take a garbage bag to the garage (the black bags are collected once every two weeks) that most of it consists of the plastic wrap or packaging which comes off food items especially. Our municipality does not recycle it. Can it be recycled? (our plastic grocery bags are gradually being replaced by reusable cloth ones, so fewer end up in the garbage) And I am really happy that our municipality takes such an interest in recycling.

The Expert answers:

Plastic wrap is often contaminated with food so is not suitable for recycling. Municipalities are making allowances for plastic that is clean though. Contact your local program and request they accept the stuff. If enough people request it, they’ll start doing it.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donna asks…

How do I get the recycle bin icon back on my desktop?

I meant to delete the items in my recycle bin,but I accidentally deleted the recycle bin icon on my desktop instead. Does anybody know how to get it back? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Heres a good explanation if youre using vista. I hear xp is more convoluted, but it might work the same way:
1) Right click the Vista Desktop
2) Click on Personalize
3) Select: ‘Change desktop icons’
4) At the Desktop Icon Settings, place a tick next to: ‘Recycle Bin’.

Lizzie asks…

What are the ways that we can recycle any kind of products in Alexandria- Egypt?Who do we send them to?

Ok so over here we already know that we should recycle materials and all, but the problem is that not everybody knows how to recycle them. so what are the places here that we can send the materials to that we want to recycle? (in Egypt-Alexandria). Also are there any organisations that accept clothes and school books as a way of charity?

The Expert answers:

The easiest way to recycle is to keep things local — there should be organizations in Alexandria that you can distribute recycled materials.

For clothes and school books, call various international NGOs and UN agencies that might serve the Alexandria area; a search on Google of such orgs, such as Save the Children, Oxfam, UNESCO, etc. Should give you the contact info you need. Also call universities — they might have community outreach programs as well. You can also call schools directly.

In additions to clothes and school books, think about computer materials and other tech tools (like cell phones). All of the above may be able to help you find to donate these products as well. If you can’t find charities that can reuse these items, contact recycling businesses that may recycle tech tools and electronics for-profit (which will keep tech waste out of your landfills).

Richard asks…

What are some ways I can recycle when I live in an apartment building?

I live in an apartment building where there are many apartments and tenants. It is a one bedroom apartment that I have. All of my storage is completely in use ( I have one closet, kitchen cupboards, and space under my sinks, all completely in use). I am not allowed to leave items in the hallway or put stuff outside. So how can I collects items to recycle without it being an eyesore inside my apartment and without attracting bugs? What kind of stuff could I recycle that would be apartment friendly?

The Expert answers:

If you have a computer with a printer, consider keeping your old printouts in the lid of a computer paper box and writing on the other side of the paper before taking them down to a recycling center.

I think your best option is to reduce waste rather than increase recycling. Take a look at what you are throwing out or considering for the recycling bin. For instance, if you are collecting plastic grocery bags to take to recycling, consider buying a “permament” (nylon / cotton) grocery bag online and taking it to the store with you. Use glass glasses instead of paper cups. And so on.

Make a point of locating your closest recycling center and consider making more frequent trips — by bicycle.

Just a few thoughts.

Good luck, and thanks for recycling.

David asks…

How do I recycle my old laptop with important information on my hard drive?

I would like to find a cheap or free way to delete all important information on my hard drive before I recycle it.

The Expert answers:

Simply reformatting won’t be enough: In fact it’s not that hard to recover data from a formatted drive. What you need is something like Eraser; a free program developed under the open-source GNU public licence.

I’ve included 2 links below: One to the home page of Eraser, and the other to a Google listing of similar programs.

Google is your friend.

George asks…

How can I recycle paper to make new paper at home?

I have loads of scrap, extra, and used paper stored in my room and I want to make useable new paper at home to recycle it.

Any instructions/ideas for making this paper?
I mean an easy method that can be done at home without any acids and chemicals and difficult processes like that.

It doesn’t have to turn out like “real” perfect paper, just something simple.

The Expert answers:

If you just want cute paper that you can write and wrap with…. Just put all the same color in a blender and blend it. Add some water of course. After blended dump onto a screen and just flatten it with something heavy. We always made it outside! Use a brick or something. And make sure that there isn’t anything like a table or something under it so the air will get to the back to dry. After it has dried then pull it off! There you go!

Charles asks…

How can I recycle cotton at home other than reducing and reusing?

Other than reducing and reusing, how can I recycle cotton at home? What chemicals should I use? I mean I know I’ve got to make it pulp with a belnder and then what happens next? What chemical should I add or what should I do? PLEASE HELP!

The Expert answers:

Wash it out would be the only way I could think of.

Donald asks…

Where can I recycle and what can be recycled?

I know this sounds like a silly questions because most of the time you put your recycables in a recycle bin and leave it at your curb for the recycle truck. I used to do this. But now I live at an apartment complex that doesnt do recycling. So where can I bring my recycables to be recycled? Is there someplace to drop them off or do I need my complex to do it?

Also what can be recycles besides plastic bottles and glass bottles? If anything else can you recycle it the same way as everything else?

The Expert answers:

What could you recycle aside from Plastic and Glass Bottles?

You can try recycling flat cardboard such as shoebox cardboard and cereal box cardboard, you can also try paper recycling and recycle things like Newspapers.

The first answerer took my idea of were you can recycle, I was also going to suggest a Bottle Bank….

Hmm… can try going to a Recycling Center(If you have one around were you live), or you can just go to any store, there should be at least one recycling bin or recycling can there.

Thomas asks…

What are some things you can recycle in a cafeteria?

My daughter is putting up some posters about recycling in her school cafeteria. She already has a milk carton and a soda can on her poster. What are more things you can recycle in a cafeteria???

The Expert answers:

Really anything plastic like water bottles, cans, any type of plastic bottles I had a science project on this a few weeks ago and this is what I put. Hope this helps!!

Chris asks…

How do I recycle plastic bottles and glass bottles?

My family and I go through about 100 plastic water bottles a month! We also go through maybe 12 glass bottles of root beer a month (does add up) a month.

We do not recycle these, and I want to (better later then never right?) How do I do this? I live in SE Wisconsin if that makes a difference.

The Expert answers:

Not sure what town you live in but try this link:

You just have to find what town you live in, or by, or enter your zip code.

It has all of the recycling centers in Wisconsin, you might even be able to make a little bit of money back turning in all your bottles and glass.

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