Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

Recycling for cash?

Does anybody know of a plastic recycling drop off location that pays cash for plastic bottles and containers such as milk jugs? I recycle cans for cash but looking for somewhere to recycle my plastic. Looking for something close to 85382 zip in Arizona.
Please, please dont answer this question unless you have a website or location.

The Expert answers:

I also cash in my cans. Plastic is much more difficult to find a buyer for. I usually put newspapers, cardboard, & plastics in the military base recycling center because the money goes to MWR fund. A way to donate without spending a dime.

Check out the website I found. There are nine businesses but you could call and check with them.

Good luck and thanks for thinking green.

Steven asks…

recycling hdtv = cash?

can i cash in my hdtv with a cracked screen? would i get payed money like people get paid for recycling bottles and cans? how much?

The Expert answers:

No, electronics are hazardous waste and some places will charge you to dump it. Go to to find an e-waste location.

Lizzie asks…

In Naperville, IL where do recycling centers give cash for cans?

Soda cans…and if not, anywhere near there??

The Expert answers:

Just enter in your zip code and what you have to recycle and this website will give you a list of the nearest locations.

Chris asks…

Recycling bottles and cans for Cash in MD/D.C./VA area?

I’m looking for a legit place in MD, D.C., or VA that you can take bottles and cans to recycling and receive cash in return. I’ve tried searching online but can’t seem to find anything. If anyone knows of a place it’d be great if you’d let me know. thanks!

The Expert answers:

Try this link.


Mary asks…

can i get cash for recycling plastic in Indiana?

I have heard that you can get paid cash for recycling your household plastic items and also you can get cash for a gallon full of the flip tops on the pop cans. Is this true?? if so how do i go about finding out the place that provides this service.


The Expert answers:

I know you can get money for also recylcing soda cans themselves (i live in Indiana and recycle cans).You can just recyle the flip tops of cans but that to me just takes to many cans. You don’t get money for recycling plastic (at least where i live we don’t) we just put plastic and paper in the blue recycle bin provided by the city and leave it close to the street every other week where they come and pick the stuff up.

When i take recycle my soda cans, i crush them flat with my shoes and when i have 3 completely filled black garbage bags, i get about $30

to find a website just google “recycling center in (your town)”

Robert asks…

Can old toilets be recycled for cash?

Here in Cleveland, OH – is it worth it to haul this old thing to a recycling center for a wee bit of cash, or should I just trash it?

The Expert answers:

You could reuse it this way

You’d be the talk of the neighborhood! 😉

Donna asks…

Recycling for cash? I’m so confused.?

I live in Fort Wayne, IN and I’m not sure if our city/state has a program where you can turn in things like glass bottles, magazines and aluminum cans for money? I used to get a pretty good chunk of cash for my recyclables in Ohio, and I miss the extra money and I hate to feel like i’m not doing my part…

The Expert answers:

Don’t forget that you’re still “doing your part” if you’re not making money off it. Aluminum pays off far better than other recycle-ables in terms of the costs of mining more vs. Recycling, so it’s surprising that you’re able to get paid for those other items anywhere!

Ken asks…

Recycling Pop cans For Cash?

We have a crap load of crushed pop cans in our storage unit. Where can we take them in Fayetteville, NC to recycle them for cash?

The Expert answers:

Look up Scrap Metal in your phone book. Any place that recycles cars would recycle aluminum cans

Carol asks…

Where can I exchange recycled goods for cash in Knoxville and east Tennessee?

I am trying to raise money for and I was thinking that maybe recycling for cash may be a good fundraiser. I always see homeless people getting recycled goods out of the trash. Where are they going? Do you know of where I can go to recycle goods for cashin knoxville area or east tennessee?

The Expert answers:

Stop voting republican and I will tell you. And hillbillys, you need to cut energy usage, recycling does little and does not matter.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Michael asks…

Do you think we should make recycling the only option?

We could just have the garbage trucks drive our trash to a recycling center instead of a land fill.

The Expert answers:

I am relieved someone had that in mind too. It will be so easy and effective in taking care of our environment…..i hope they get it!

Sandy asks…

What happens to all the garbage once the truck picks it up?

I’ve always wondered if there are people going through our garbage once it’s dumped out of the trash-truck. Do they have little homles guys looking for stuff or do they actually have paid people going through trying to separate whatever people couldnt recycle like plastics, aluminum and paper. I figure it’d be a very nasty job… And what about people throwing needles and sharp objects inthere, arent these workers at a greater risk of desease ? please help me understand… thanks

The Expert answers:

Uh, no. They go to a “recycle yard”, if it’s San Francisco, where the stuff goes through a very fast sorting process through LOTS of conveyer belts and sorters (people), and finally, gets packed into recyclables lots. The compostables goes to a compost site. The rest goes to a landfill.

Go to Blockbusters and see if they have “Dirty Jobs by Mike Rowe”. They have an episode on garbage recycling and composting in SF Bay Area.

Kasey C, PC guru since Apple II days
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!

Ruth asks…

Why didn’t Al Gore start a National recycling program when he was VP?

I have always wondered why he didn’t attempt to model something after (for example) what Germany has. They have different trucks come around for different ‘garbage‘. Yellow is for regular recyclables; plastics and cans, brown is compost, black is rubbish, blue is for paper, and then there are separate things for glass and for batteries.

Why, instead of trying to ‘raise awareness’ for global warning, do we not just get a national recycling program and be done with it?

The Expert answers:

Al Gore is an arse! He doesnt know what the hell is going on, he’s just another X politician talking shit that all the ever do, inviting celebrities to raise awareness what a fucking joke!

Mary asks…

My Town Passed a Recycling Law?

My town passed this thing, I don’t know what it is called.

It’s where you have to mark your bags with your house number and address or else they wont pick it up. And then they take it and they actually open up the garbage and if they find a lot of recycable stuff, you’ll get fined.

That is why they are sending out the recycling trucks every week and have the recycling center opened another day.

Isn’t that great?
Do you think more towns should do this?
Plus it could create more jobs if you think about it…

Btw…it convinced my family to start recycling. Over the weekend we bought 3 more garbage cans to put our recycable stuff in.
New Jersey

The Expert answers:

I think it’s an awesome way to encourage recycling! But I also know the stuff I throw in the trash, I would want anyone to ever see! Not to mention bills w/ credit card #’s on them, school info, tons of personal and sensitve materials. I guess I could always shred them, but what about those other things?
Where are you from?

Donald asks…

Someone stole my garbage can?

This morning the garbage truck came to collect the waste inside the garbage can, like usual. But when I went out about 2 hours later I found out that the garbage can was gone and there was only the recycling bin left… What should I do? Call the recycling company?

The Expert answers:

That happened to me when I moved into this new neighborhood. If it was a garbage/recycling can issued to you by the township you live in, yes I would call the recycling or waste management company to get it replaced.

However if it was one you bought, I’m afraid you’re out of luck. I suppose you could always file a police report about it if you so desired. I personally would not bother. But what I did, and I recommend you doing, is SPRAYPAINT your address on your garbage cans. I just put the number of my house. That way there is no confusion about who it belongs to.

Good Luck!!

Charles asks…

I have a random question that has to do with garbage pickup?

I live in Sylvania Township, Ohio which is located in Lucas county Ohio. Toledo is a nearby city and both are near Lake Erie. I put my garbage out every Monday night because it gets picked up on Tuesday. How come when garbage day rolls around I see two different garbage trucks by two different companies picking up garbage on our street? One is BFI…which is the garbage company that picks up my garbage… and the other is something like Allied Waste Services. I am not positive if the 2nd one I named is correctly named. I know that the City of Toledo, Ohio has garbage days that continously change when the holidays come. The mayor of Toledo has everybody in Toledo on a rotating garbage day cycle I know this becuase my grandma and my uncle live in Toledo. But I live in Sylvania Township and I would think the fact I live in Sylvania and not in Toledo would make it so that it shouldn’t affect anybody on our street. My whole street is considered Sylvania Township…I know this because I’ve done the March of Dimes mailing services which required me to drop off envelopes asking for a donation to the mailboxes on my street. There also aren’t any recycling boxes that my neighbors have put out with their trash so I know thats not the reason. Unlike Toledo, Ohio we do not get recycling services with our trash collection. We have to drive to a Krogers and go to the big recycling bins to empty our recycling. So I am just wondering why other people have a different garbage company that picks up their garbage? Its probably not that big of a deal…I am just curious.

The Expert answers:

Republic Services bought Allied Waste, which had bought BFI. They probably haven’t gotten around to repainting all of the trucks yet. Hope this helps.

Donna asks…

What is the difference in recycling process between two (or more) collection type(s)?

Okay, a bit clarification:
I am sorry if it is a silly or confusing question, however I can’t understand:

There are some people who deliver their aluminum cans/plastic bottles, for instance, to the collection centers with or without vending machines and get paid, say, 5 cents/piece. (In this case people get some money back and the materials such as aluminum and plastic are easily separated)

In opposite way, others pay money for the garbage trucks to pick up their household waste and recyclables by the curbside, where the press in the truck jams everything equally at the same time. (In this case people pay money, but different recyclable materials are mixed and pressed together in a garbage truck)

So the question is: If, eventually, in both cases, let’s say, aluminum is melt and used to make soda cans again, what are the differences (i.e. what are the steps) in those two recycling processes, when materials are initially separated by class, and when two or more of the recyclable materials are pressed/contained in garbage trucks?

I highly appreciate any effort to answer my question. Thanks.

The Expert answers:

The only difference is who and where the items get separated.

The money part is a local issue, and not directly related to the process.

The 5-cent per can thing is meant to encourage recycling when you are outside your home, where most of your trash will typically go into a general trash bin and end up not recycled typically. You end up being sort of paid to sorting the stuff out instead of the recycler. Actually, you are returned the 5-cent deposit you placed on the can when you bought it.

When you are home, you are paying the trash collection company to manage the sorting for you. This is partially why you find beverages cheaper in the supermarket than in a corner market/store. The supermarket purchase is assumed to be consumed at home, so you are already paying to get your cans sorted, so why hit you up for an extra 5-cents you will never get back?

Yes, you can abuse the system by buying at the supermarket and returning the cans to a recycling place, but you waste time and gas/money to make the special trips so the inconvenience may offset the effort.

Hope this helps.

Good luck!

William asks…

I want to start recycling bottles and plastic…etc etc how do i do it?

I want to purchase a recycling can and start recycling plastic, glass..etc etc

I believe in my neighborhood ( i live in Alexandria, VA btw) the garbage truck comes once a week for recycling.

do i need to buy just 1 recycling can? and what can I put in it?

plastic bottles (ex..water bottles, or a gallon of milk), glass (ex.. coca cola glass bottle or beer bottle),

or do I need separate cans for glass and plastic and maybe even paper??

please help me.

what about cardboard?

can you put cardboard, paper, plastic, glass all in the same recycling can?? and if there is anything I left out, please let me know.

ps: do I put the items I want to recycle (…plastic, glass etc etc) in a garbage bag and then throw it out just like I would with my thrash?

The Expert answers:

It looks like the usual suspects-Mixed paper, including newspaper, phone books, junk mail, paperboard (i.e.cereal, cracker and tissue boxes), color/white paper)
Cardboard (must be flattened with no plastic wrap or Styrofoam)
All plastic bottles and jugs
Glass bottles and jars
Metaweb pageand beverage containers

The city of Alexandria as a pretty good website about this stuff

James asks…

What are the pros and cons (especially cons) of mandatory cubside recycling?

We are doing a bill for debate. Most people say that recycling is good. It has many benefits but it is bad also. I have found some research sites such as I thought this was a good site. Pros are accepted as well. Just any sites that will help any side (especially con) for debate. Also, how much does it cost for garbage trucks to do a routine?

The Expert answers:

The biggest pro is convenience. For politicians it is a very visible sign of “something being done” (Even if it amounts to sorting by size the grains of sand on a beach for effectiveness.)

The biggest con is it costs people money.

Http:// has had a number of good articles over the years, especially during the New York City trash strike a number of years ago.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Where can I buy shredder to grind waste wood, plastic and metal bottles.?

My friend is working in a recycling company, and i want to help to ask where can she buy a shredder especially to grind waste wood, plastic and metal bottles into pellets, it’s good if it is electrical powered, thanks!

The Expert answers:

If your friend want to buy an industrial shredder, you can find many scrap shredder manufacturers or dealers in the USA or in Europe.
If he/she has a very limited budget, he/she can try a Chinese made machine. Here is good supplier of this kind of machinery that can grind all these materials including waste wood, plastic and metal bottles into pellets.

Mark asks…

scrap plastic,cardboard,glass,paper recycling centres glasgow area?

Does anyone know of any places that pay cash for plastics,glass and bricks im on about recycling centres like the kind that take metals ? I have heard skip companies get money for recycling the various waste and often see heaps of rubbish that could earn me cash hopefully lol i live in the glasgow area
yes glasgow,scotland

The Expert answers:

If that is the Glasgow area in Scotland or wherever, you have to specify as choosing US on yahoo gives all Enlgish questions.

Kevspr: I hope you get some info, I am in the US and we do not get anything for recycling, however there are places that will buy architectural salvage, bricks etc. Perhaps you could google architectural salvage. Good luck

Hail Caledonia

Thomas asks…

Where is the Recycling Factory in Singapore?

I have lots of old books and do not want to waste them. As an environmentally-conscious person, I want to sell my books to companies that recycle them to create new products. Does anyone know who should I contact or where should I go please?

The Expert answers:

Colex Holdings. Check em out!

Chris asks…

Do you think that most companies use recycled glass or new glass in their products?

I’ve read on the Internet that glass is one of the worst waste products, in terms of environmental damage, because it takes millions of years to degrade. Other sources say that it never degrades.

Do you think that most companies, such as candle companies, use recycled glass in their products, or do you think that they use newly-created glass? I’ve also read that using recycled glass is more economical for the companies themselves, because recycled glass melts at a lower temperature, saving energy, etc. Just a thought.

The Expert answers:

Most candle companies buy their jars from a glass supplier, so whether or not the glass is recycled or new would depend on which supplier they buy their jars from. One of the suppliers of glass jars is Libby Glass. Their website indicates that they use 30% recycled glass in their products.

Lisa asks…

London recycling Perspex acrylics?

hi everyone! can anyone suggest a London recycling company to collect and recycle perspex waste?
thank you

The Expert answers:

Although I live in the States, I don’t think recycling agencies generally accept this kind of material. But, what you can do is ask the manufacturer to accept it’s product back to be reused. This concept is called Extended Producer Responsibility, or EPR. Lots of companies are doing it, like Hewlett-Packard, for one. I was looking at the website for Lucite International, which seems to be a major producer of Perspex items, and they said: “Products made from acrylic can be efficiently recycled and chemically de-polymerized back to the original raw material.” Hoorah! So what I think you should do is call or write to the manufacturer of your perspex, encouraging them to take back their old product. You can bring up the fact that it would be beneficial to them, saves money to reuse material, and many other major companies are already on board with EPR. It’s worth a shot, eh? 🙂 Hope this helps. Good luck!

Betty asks…

this is my speech for recycling.?

Recycling is such an important environmental issue, and yet it seems as though there isn’t much done about it as a community. If you ask a random person on the street what they think about recycling, nine times out of ten they’ll smirk and tell you it’s good for the environment. But, really, they don’t understand the significance of recycling. Recycling is plainly returning an item back to its original condition so that it can be reused. Recycling is so important to the welfare of our community that California passed a law that required all of its counties and cities to cut the amount of waste going to their landfills in half. Although, few know that recycling waste products conserves water, energy, trees, and helps reduce pollution in our drinking water and air.
Possibly a more important reason to recycle is because it will reduce pollution risks in our society. Perhaps the most obvious way it will be able to do this is by keeping waste out of landfills, which can introduce contaminants and other toxins into groundwater systems. Recycling also keeps materials out of incinerators, which can pollute the air and create severe ash residue. Furthermore, recycling lowers environmental damage caused by logging, mining, as well as other methods that facilitate the procreation of raw materials. Most importantly, recycling prevents the emissions of many greenhouse gasses and water pollutants. Perhaps the most appealing reason to recycle is because of its ability to create a myriad of jobs. Recycling creates eight times the amount of jobs incinerator and landfill companies generate. Reuse, recycling, and waste reduction offer direct development opportunities for communities.
sorry cheryl g i didnt know how to send it to you.

The Expert answers:

Good speech. I would suggest have a list of resources you can cite to support your argument.
Think about adding composting into the mix. It is at the very core of recycle.
I added a link to the CWIMB site on recycling and assembly ands senate bills in CA. Use as reference or to support your discussion.

Sandy asks…

Still looking for wheel to go on my recycling bin?

With a bad back I looking to buy (on-line or otherwise) wheels to go for my recycling bin. I am in Houston, TX. I called my Waste Management company, the guy acted as if I am crazy to ask him this kind of question. Help…help….help.

The Expert answers:

What kind of recycle bin is it? Is it one of those plastic box things or does it look like a garbage can? In CA our recycle bins look like garbage cans and they already have wheels on them.
You can try Home depot I’m sure they have wheeles of various sizes you will have to assemble them on your self though.

Try this site…These might help you, I hope. Good luck!

Richard asks…

How cost efficient is recycling fully tempered glass?

I am working in a project where I want to use fully tempered glass because it is safe. But the project is ecofriendly. I have found out that the fully tempered glass cannot be readily recycled but I want to know much will it cost? I dont want the company to waste a lot of money behind it. Any answers are welcome. Thank You.

The Expert answers:

I have like 15+ years working with windows and glass. Whoever is telling you that tempered glass can not be recycled is out right lying to you. Laminated glass is another option. That is what the windshield of all vehicles have. In between is a plastic material to keep the glass from shattering all over the place. Tempered glass is what is used on your car’s door windows. Also local building departments use a 24inch heighth for tempered glass. Anything 24″ or less from the floor has to be tempered. It varies state to state.

Michael asks…

Should I start a company that deals with natural energy and the disposal of hazardous waste to the environment?

Natural energy such as selling and installing solar panels, selling eco friendly materials, and setting and picking up recycling bins. For waste collecting collect things such as batteries or anything else bad for the environment. ALSO, I live on a U.S. territory in the Pacific Ocean the is about 30 miles long.

The Expert answers:

That is a great idea for a company. Its up to u though if u want to do it

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

4.What are some interesting ways of recycling containers?

The Expert answers:

What kind of containers? 2-liter pop bottles can be made into bird feeders…

Chris asks…

Can I Legally Distribute My Own Recycling Collection Containers to Home Owners in California?

I want to Start a Recycling Program where 15% of all CRV Containers Collected from Home Owners Would be Donated to Such Organizations like: Breast Cancer Society, Elton John Aids Foundation, Ryan White Foundation, American Cancer Society & Local Organizations that are Helping People Make a Significant Change in their Lives.

The Expert answers:

Yes you can. But if you do so, telling people you will contribute a certain amount to causes you have mentioned you had better do so. And have good accounting records.

Mary asks…

Is it a crime or illegal to take stuff from other people’s garbage or recycling containers?

such as bottles and cans to recycle?
in California or anywhere else?

The Expert answers:

Actually the court case California vs. Greenwood in 1988 resulted in the court deciding that it is legal to take one’s trash after it is placed to the curb or street with the intent to dispose of it. Thus, rendering trash abandoned.

The case was based on police searching through the trash for evidence without a warrant.

Recyclables separated from the main trash are another story.

Robert asks…

How to store milk containers until trip to recycling center?

We have lots of milk and juice containers and have to store them until we drive to the recyling center. We use plastic bags or bins but they take up a lot of room. Any ideas on how to store them until we go to the recycling center?
Plastic does not crush well – tends to retain it shape! My husband drinks tow gallons each week and that is way too many to make into recycled projects such as bird feeders, scoops, ice jugs, etc. etc. etc

The Expert answers:

Crush them to save space

Steven asks…

What to do with empty Bare Escentuals containers in terms of recycling? If possible.?

I don’t want to add to land fills and such, so is it possible to recycle the containers with the normal recycle?
Or even turn them into the company? Any options, please help.

The Expert answers:

Check with your local public school system. I know it sounds nuts but we have a “restore” here used by teachers. Orange juice cans, toilet paper tubes, oatmeal boxes, teachers love these types of things art classes and science classes. If your local schools do not have such a store you might check with individual schools or teachers you might know. I think those little pots would be treasured by an art teacher.

Mark asks…

Why do certain community recycling programs only allow you to recycle plastic containers with 1s or 2s?

Wouldn’t it be better for the environment (not to mention save Michigan landfill space for the “all-important” Canadian garbage, but that’s a different topic) if they let me put all my plastic containers in the recyclables bin? What is so different about those plastics other than the number in the middle of the recycle symbol?

The Expert answers:

Containers with 1 or 2 in the symbol are both made from polyethylene. There are difficulties with automatically sorting the different plastics prior to recycling and so they probably decide to recycle the most common plastics.

Take a look here…..
There is some information about the different plastics and recycling them.

Helen asks…

Why is there a sign on the plastic bottle recycling containers not to throw in the lids?

The Expert answers:

Because the lids are made from a different material than the jug/bottle is and when the recyclable material is melted down it would contaminate the finished processed material.

Michael asks…

Can shipping containers be used for recycling?

I have heard about recycling,but I want to know that shipping containers can also be used for recycling?

The Expert answers:

If you’re speaking of metal cargo containers, then ditto on the earlier answers. Old metal cargo containers and truck boxes (the boxes with attached wheels that trucks drive around) are sold/found for reuse as stationary storage, for making root cellars in damp areas, and other purposes too.

But, if you’re speaking of other types of shipping containers and boxes….Sure, their use is as varied as the materials they are made of, the materials that can be scrapped off of them, and ones imagination. I once had some very nice, wood, planter boxes about 15′ long, 16″+ deep, and 18″-20″ wide that had been shipping containers. When I had completely used them up/they rotted apart, these same boxes went in for wood recycling.

Thomas asks…

Why did bottling companies get rid of their bottle recycling system in favor of disposable containers?

Bottlers such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi had what is probably the most efficient recycling system through the 60s and 70s, and was phased out in the 80s. Why on EARTH would these and milk companies get rid of this system in favor of disposable containers, especially in these times of ecological awareness?

The Expert answers:

Because plastic bottles are cheaper to make and weigh less so they are cheaper to ship. Businesses exist to make money, so the cheaper the better.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

What does it mean if a used car is listed as a recycler?

How can I find out if a car is a recycler? Is there a free website I can use the VIN number to find out?

The Expert answers:

Without going into long detail, the short answer is STAY AWAY.

Think about it this way
If you went shopping for a chair that cost $100. And right next to it the identical chair $40. But the sticker said all 4 legs were broken at one point but now glued together and declared safe… THAT’S SALVAGE…how safe would you feel sitting on it, never mind going down the hwy at 70 mph

Sandy asks…

How do you properly replace the rear windshield on a 92 Chrysler van? Got a good used one from a recycler?Thx?

There is still old urethane? on the replacement glass and the old urethane is still in the pinch weld on the van. Do I need to clean the old urethane off one or both? Any tricks for taking the wiper arm off?

The Expert answers:

It would be best to get an experienced person to do it. Yes ALL the old urethane needs to be removed.

Jenny asks…

My pin drive was infected with a recycler Trojan and now my files don’t show up. How do I retrieve them?

I have gone into the properties of my pin drive and checked the used space and it says it has 150 mb of used space. But they don’t show up my pindrive acts as if its empty. Please Help!

The Expert answers:

Try removing the virus from your pen drive using some updated antivirus. This may slove your problem.
If this does not work then, go to the follwing Blog and download a application and follow its guide.It will help you to remove virus!


Good luck!

P.S.- Its called a pen drive or flash drive and not a pin drive. $:-)

David asks…

How do you FIND the Recycler Virus/Worm on your computer?

Ok, so I’ve seen what seems like a million websites about how to “delete” the Recycler. Okay, that’s all very nice but how do I FIND the Recycler?! I’m going to get a new computer soon, so I wanted to mess with this computer so that I can maybe find a new way to actually delete the Recycler. Since I won’t have any risks to WHATEVER happens to this computer. Please help =)

The Expert answers:

The process involves risks of hampering system files. So before execution, make sure that you know what you are doing. First explore your “Folder options”. In “View” tab, make sure to enable “Show hidden files and folders” & disable “Hide extension for known file types” & “Hide protected operating system files”. Now in every drive, you will see a folder named “RECYCLER”. Right-click on it to open & then delete everything inside.

Linda asks…

how do i remove recycler virus from my windows 7 pc ?

i have been trying every cmd code to remove the virus but it won`t go away. No antivirus can`t remove it. i can`t work on my laptop cuz its busy every time even if there are no programs running. i was going to format my pc and reinstall but i heard that it wont stop the virus. plz plz plz somebody help me.

The Expert answers:

Apparently it’s a virus that is tranmitted from computer to computer using Flash Drives.

Here’s a couple of solutions.


Laura asks…

How do I remove the RECYCLER virus in my usb?

I don’t know anyone with a mac.
I don’t want to put the virus in my computer because I heard it auto runs..
How do I remove it from my USB?

The Expert answers:

Have a usb disk security for removing it from usb..
Even if you delete it it would rbe regenerated its because of rootkit….you can delete rootkit by installing bit defender or symantec antivirus….thats the only way

Charles asks…

how can i totally remove system volume information that infected with recycler?

my os is windows server2003 and i had already removed the folder of system volume information but when i reboot my pc, the folder is turning back again and again.

The Expert answers:

‘Volume’ is the hard disk. ‘System Volume Information’ is the information relating to NTFS filesystem. It is the information that makes the filesystem work! Like a reference table telling your hard disk reader where to go to find files.

Deleting this is like deleting the index of a book – how could your computer ever find any files if it didn’t keep a library?

Sandra asks…

Does the “RECYCLER” folder have a virus, or is it a virus?

I transferred some movies from my computer to my iPod (for storage) and when I opened it via My Computer to check on the files (using a Mac this time) I found a folder that said “RECYCLER“?

Is this a virus? How do I remove it?

The Expert answers:

Is this a virus? – Yes, its a worm.

How do I remove it? – run:

Sharon asks…

why is there a recycler folder and System Volume Information folder on my drive D?

recycler is a recycle bin, right? idk.. i believe that recycler folder should be found on drive c…i think it is a virus.. if i delete the recycler folder, will my pc crash?

for the System Volume Information folder, when i open it, it says, access denied…. hmmm,, but when i scan it on avg, there is nothing wrong with it… pls help.. tnx

The Expert answers:

You are getting confused—these are the hidden folders of the Windows operating system not a virus
please go to My Computer>Tools>Folder Options>View> and put a check mark in front of “Hide Protected Operating System Files(Recommended)” and click OK
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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sharon asks…


To start this off, I just want to say im not by any means a tree hugger, but we do need to help the environment! OK, I live in a small Texas Town where NOBODY recycles, and I was think, it should be a law that all schools HAVE TO have recycling bins. Just think how much paper and plastic would be recycled if every school in the U.S. recycled, I am in Junior High and I know we get tons of paper-work every day. If all of that paper was recycled we could save BILLIONS of trees, also since plastic doesn’t deteriorate in landfills, it would give us more room for landfills. You may not realize it but we use lots of plastic, for milk, water, ect. Also all the supplies the school get comes in…you guessed it cardboard boxes, if we recycled those it would do wonders for the environment!! What do you think should it be a law for all schools to recycle?

The Expert answers:

Yea my school recycles and a lot of people recycle so yea it should be a law and it would be a good law

Nancy asks…

Recycling? even if you don’t answer pleaser read!!!?

Okay well this is truly appalling! Even if your sick of “green” or you don’t have the answer please read this!
When I was in Elementary, our lunch trays were heavy plastic and we would wash them. Simple enough, right?
Well in about 3rd grade they all the schools switched to STYROFOAM TRAYS! We all know how long styrofoam takes to biodegrade. Even if you don’t know exactly how long you know it takes a LONG TIME, right?

Well here’s some numbers:
•Banana Peel: 3-4 weeks
•Paper Bag: 1 month
•Cardboard: 2 months
•Wool Sock : 1 year
•Tinned Steel Can: 50 years
•Aluminum Can: 200-500 years (But if recycled, it can be reused within 6 weeks!)
•Disposable Diapers: 550 years
•Plastic Bags : 20-1000 years
•Plastic Jug: 1 million years
•Glass : 1-2 million years
•Styrofoam: 1+ million years

See Styrofoam? Well every SINGLE school day, approximately **500** of these trays are thrown away at just 1 middle school. In one day! I asked my teacher why they did this and she said Swine Flu. But the swine flu is new so..Why?
And also..The same teacher told us to bring our own paper because if we didn’t, she’d have to pay $200 a month in paper. That’s a lot of paper and there’s not one recycling bin at our school. I asked her why this was and she said that recycling paper costs more and is worse for the enviroment then just throwing it away and making more..Is this true?

Anyways, think about this and consider recycling.
To the person that answered first: So what your saying is, that since we can’t stop pollution completely in every single way, we shouldn’t try to cut down at all?
YOUR a joke..

The Expert answers:

I think we need to think of other innovative ideas to contribute our part in saving our planet. I have thought of a few interesting ways of doing so. Please do read them:

We can wear T-Shirts which has an eco- friendly message on it e.g.”Save mother earth”, “Recycling is the best policy” or any other good message you can think of. Many people read whats written in our T-Shirt as we roam around. This way we can convey our message without saying anything.

i) (This is specially for girls) Try to experiment with your old clothes & accessories. Cut your jeans, stitch or stick some designs on it e.g. Smileys, initials, patterns or anything you like. We can use lots of creativity on our shirts & t-shirts as well. Make some designs on them, write some messages, tear two shirts & join them into one. Join two broken bracelets into one. Be innovative. This way we can save our money, get a new wardrobe & accessories & reduce the waste created by throwing away old clothes & accessories.

Ii) Use steel utensils instead of styrofoam. In India, people from middle class families & small restaurants use steel utensils which are stronger, cheaper than earthenware & glass crockery & can be used as many number of times & can be recycled also.

Iii) Use unused paper to bind a book. Many a times, not all the pages of our notebooks or registers are completely filled & we just throw them after use. Instead we can tear all the unused pages from the old notebooks & registers & bind them in a book. This way we can get a new book & reduce paper.

Many people around us are keen to help our environment. We can join hands with them & spread the message of ‘saving our planet’. This way we can convey our message to a larger number of people & soon other people would join our campaign & we can enlarge our community.

These are some few methods which i practise in my daily life & i really like them because these methods are very convenient for anyone to follow & these are quite effective ways of saving. Hope all those who read it like them as well & try these methods.

Sandra asks…

Can you get money for pounds of paper and bottles?

I held a recycling thing for the school to raise money for the school library. Yesterday we loaded up 9 recycling bins filled with news papers and magazines. Now we can’t get a hold of the recycling manager. I asked if we could get money from pounds of paper. He said it’ll add up after 4 bins full. We can’t let 2 weeks of recycling just be given away without some money back to contribute. Were we misinformed about pounds of paper and bottles being worth anything?

The Expert answers:

Well, sounds like you got caught with someone thats only interested in the $$$ side of the recycling market. There is actually not all that much money in the recycling. So unless you are a consistent contributor to the local recycler he is just not really that interested. This goes for plastic and cans as well. Recycling is not really a great idea for a fundraiser, maybe a community clean up effort but not FUNDraiser.
Sorry, but it also really depends on the company you are dealing with. See if there are any others you can contact.

Carol asks…

Ideas for my club?

I’m starting a new environmental club and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for projects. I was thinking of planting some trees, a school and park/beach clean up, and putting recycling bins around the school but other than that I’m short of ideas.

The Expert answers:

Organizing a park/beach cleanup is a good enough idea to justify your club. Run with that and you will accomplish more good for the environment than all the global warming activists put together.

Good luck with your effort!!

Jenny asks…

Solution for stolen bottles and cans on a school campus?

Ok, so I am developing a recycle program at school but people in our community apparently comes into our school and looks through our bins and trash cans for bottles and cans. They leave a big mess and our bottles/cans get stolen. What should we do?

The Expert answers:

This is very common, locks, gates and security cameras are the only real solution. The city I moved from had a curbside recycling program and when people would put out the bins others would come by and take the cans, so the city would go around a spray with a black light paint. When a person came into a recycle center they would shine a black light over the cans, if the paint showed up, the people would be fined or arrested and they wouldn’t get the money. You could only do that if you could get your local recycle center to cooperate.

Helen asks…

Can someone edit my essay please?

Hi there, i need someone who knows about writing to edit my essay. like a english teacher, or a english major, or someone who is really good writer. Oh and this is a essay for National junior honor society (NJHS). i am trying to get accepted into NJHS.

Here is my essay.

National Junior Honor Society Essay

Arriving to every class on time, completing all assignments, and putting one hundred and ten percent of my effort into everything I do. Those are just a few of my keys to academic success. My strength as a student would be in math, because I received straight A’s in Algebra Honors, and I am currently taking the studious course of Geometry Honors. A subject I would like to improve in would be in Civics. I want to be intrigued with all the information they give us about government and economics. Who knows, I might be the first woman president in the future.
When I am nominated to be the group leader for school projects, I usually will accept, and I will make sure the group project is A material. When I nominate another student with the skills or who wants or needs to lead the group, and I see this student struggling to govern the group correctly, I will help the student and the group. In seventh grade, I was chosen to be the group leader for history project, even though not all of the students in my assigned group participated, I made sure that they all participated and, we all earned an A. Every year I participate Solo and Ensemble Competition, and so far I have only received I, which is the highest score you can receive. That is an example of my participating in activities, and to enter the competition, you must have a piano accompanist. I lead the accompanist while I played my violin by leading her to when we started, when we stopped, and how slow or fast we played.
When I make a commitment, I usually follow through with it. I will never go halfway with a commit or promise, and I will not make a promise that I cannot keep. I make a commitment to go to school every day that I am not terribly ill. If I get accepted into National Junior Honor Society, I will commit to come to every meeting, if possible. Respecting, being fair, and showing kindness to everyone I meet is very important to my character and to what I stand for. I show kindness, fairness, and respect to my classmates and my superiors whether there are onlookers or not.
I loved my experience giving back to the community. I am very eager to volunteer my time again. Although I have not done much community service for different organizations, but I have volunteered four and a half hours of my time to clean an elderly who was not able to do so herself. I also volunteered at a thrift store that donates all profits to a local hospital. I am actually planning on joining the recycling club; a club that helps the school go green by emptying all the recycling bins in the school, when it starts. I hope I can get another experience volunteering at a different organization.
Being a National Junior Honor Society member, for me, has always been an “if.” Well, I do not want it to be an “if” anymore. I want it to be an “I am.” I am a National Junior Honor Society member, and I am a step closer to becoming a Harvard University student, is what I want to say. I believe I have the initiative to be among this prestigious group of students. Thank you for your time.

The Expert answers:

Arriving to each class promptly, topped off with the vital element of completing all assignments preeminently and posthaste adds up to a very valuable point as to why I should be considered. Another valuable point to consider is I contribute my utmost effort in every challenge I encounter. Those are just a few of my keys to academic success. My aptitude as a student would be in mathematics as I aquired straight A’s in Algebra Honors and am currently taking the studious course of Geometry Honours. A subject I would be eager to improve in is civics as I want to become intrigued with all the information we are given about government and economics. Who knows what the future holds, I may be the first woman president.
When I am nominated to be the group leader for a school project, I will habitually will accept and I have confidence in myself to extract the finest concepts from the group and amalgamate them to generate a project of A+ standard. When I nominate another student with the capability or who desires or requires to lead the group, and I see this student struggling to govern the group accurately or correctly, I will strive to aid both the student and the group. In seventh grade I was chosen to be the leader of the group for a history project,even though some students in my assigned group were reluctant to attempt to participate at first I pressed them to and we eventually all earned an A. Every year regardless I participate Solo and Ensemble Competition, so far I have received I which is the highest score attainable. This is an example of my participation in extra curricular activities, to enter the competition you need a pianist to accompany you. I lead the accompanist whilst I played my violin by signalling when we started and stopped and how downtempo or uptempo we played.
When I make a commitment, I will traditionally follow through with it. I will on no account partially complete a commitment, and I will certainly not make promises I cannot keep. I assure you I will make the commitment to go to school everyday, if I am not terribly ill. If I am accepted into The National Junior Honor Society, I will commit to come to every single conference, if possible. Reverence, being fair and showing kindness and generosity to everybody I meet is vital to what I stand for and a component of my character. I will show consideration and magnanimity to my superiors regardless of the situation.
I loved my experience of giving back to the community. I am very eager
to volunteer my time again. Although I have not done a copious amount of community service for different organizations, but I have volunteered four and a half hours of my time to clean an elderly person who was unable to do so herself. In addition I volunteered at a thrift store that donates all profits to the local hospitalI am also planning on joining the recycling club, a club that helps the school go green by emptying all the recycling bins in the school, however it has not started yet but it will in the near future. I hope I can get another experience volunteering at a different organization.
Being a National Junior Honor Society member for me has always been an “if”. I don’t want it to be an if any longer. I want it to be an “I am”. I am a National Junior Honor Student, that is what I crave to be, I desire to be a step closer to becoming a Harvard university student, is what I yearn to say. I believe I have the desire, potential and initiative to be amongst this prestigious group of students. Thank you for your time and consideration.

William asks…

Blue bin and Grey bin?

for recycling in school does it matter which bin you put your recyclables into? because dont they just get mixed together when they get picked up? and what can and cant go into the recycling bins?

The Expert answers:

I don’t how it works in your school, but from what i know in my area, Blue bin is for paper and Grey bin is for plastic and glasses.

Chris asks…

I am writing a letter to my principal about creating a recycling program, is this letter good?

any suggestions!? please this is counted as a test grade of 200 points.

Dear Mr. @#$%,
The environment is greatly affected when we do not recycle; much of the world natural resources are being used because of this. Our school should begin a recycling program to help influence the students to recycle. There are many reasons why we should do this, recycling saves energy and money, we can stop the depletion of our natural resources and recycling protects our environment and our health.
When you recycle, you’re saving a lot of energy and money. This is because if you recycle something like glass, you can reuse it, which saves money on buying material. Also, the process of processing recycled glass into new glass produces virtually no waste or unwanted byproducts. In addition, recycling also helps to stop the depletion of our natural resources. If you recycle one ton of paper, you can save seventeen trees from being cut down, which saves animals natural habitats and it leaves more trees to clean the air and protect us from CO2 ’s in the atmosphere. Finally, recycling also helps protect our environment and our health. Recycling protects our health and environment by removing many hurtful products from the garbage in our communities. Just one quart of oil can contaminate up to one million gallons of water. There are so many reasons to recycle, but the main one is that we have to protect our planet.
Creating a recycling program is an easy thing to do. You can create a school club and invite students and staff to create a recycling plan. They would decide on which items the school needs to recycle more of, if the item is paper, they can set up bins around the school where the students can drop off the used and unwanted paper from semester classes, notes to their friends, or just trash paper from inside their lockers. They would have to set a budget and also set plans to educate the community and the school about their ideas. Lastly, the group would have to find ideas to motivate the school to recycle and help the environment. To motivate the students, you can have a school competition to see which class can collect the most cans and bottles (to be recycled) and give out points for battle of the classes. A recycling program is on easy step to creating a cleaner earth and an environmentally friendly school.
Thank you for taking your time to read this letter, I greatly appreciate it.
Sydnee @#$%&*
9th grader

The Expert answers:

This is great,but in the 3rd last sentence of the 2nd paragraph it should be harmful not hurtful 🙂
but other than tht its good,especially how its for an awesome cause!

Lizzie asks…

How Can I Get My School To Recycle?

I was part of the green team at my school,my choir teacher was in charge of it..And she was kind of,well,crazy.Insane.and harsh.
We put bins out for recycling cans and bottles,and NOBODY would ever put their bottles or cans in because they hated the teacher in charge of it.That doesn’t seem right to me.When I try to say somehting they call me a tree huger.I am not OBSESSED with helping the envirorment,and this type of stuff doesn’t get to me.But I just can’t get it into their heads that it is GOOD and GREAT to recycle.They think it is stupid.What should I do?I really want to help the envirorment!Please and Thank you!

The Expert answers:

Tell them to empty ALL their bottles and stuff and like overflow the recycle bin, they might think it will be funny cause then the teacher will have to pick everything up, maybe it’ll work?

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

research paper on garbage and recycling; i need an idea on how to start the introduction?


The Expert answers:

Don’t know what your thesis is but you could use a line such as
“Many people believe we are throwing our future away”
as an introduction to the need to recycle or risk running out of resources in the future.

Michael asks…

Are garbage people now taking garbage to recycling places instead since dumps are overflowing?

if so in what places?

The Expert answers:

Hahaha. So you think the people at the recycling facility would be throwing bags of garbage into bins of plastic and paper? And just let the garbage trucks keep unloading there?

You can’t just recycle garbage. Thats why its called garbage. However in many places where they have little landfill space (Hawaii, Athens, Singapore) they are either making people recycle more, or using incinerators to burn the garbage, and make energy with the heat. In Hawaii, they are now exporting the garbage to mainland US.

Ruth asks…

Can i put my empty beer glass bottles in the blue garbage can for recycling ?

or the blue can is only for cartons and milk plastic gallons?

The Expert answers:

Yo should go to urlocal pathmark or walmart to the recycling center for that

Linda asks…

Garbage-disposable methods, modern scientific, recycling for using, for a city, about one million, population?

Garbage-disposable methods, modern scientific, recycling for using, for a city, about one million, population? Western countries, USA, Europe; Eastern countries Australia, Japan, Mosco, China; including India, Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Madras, Bangalore and Pune, also. Please, describe the practical and would be taken-up in future also, about different cities and towns. I would be obliged and thankful; giving write-ups, their difficulties / solutions and the slides. I am writing-down some the points for Technical Paper, for my students.

The Expert answers:

Today they try to put the separation of trash in the hands of millions of individuals. Many could care less about separating trash and often people aren’t sure what is recyclable and what isn’t.

If we really want to recycle and it is worth it, it must take place at the central location where all the trash is accumulated. Not at each persons house.

Machines can be used to separate allot of it (like metals from other materials) California uses these.

To really get the most out of recycling the state needs to get serious about it and redesign the dumps to accommodate and facilitate recycling.

Sandy asks…

new technology or recycling garbage really helps to keep the original ratios of the eco system?

The Expert answers:

Depends on what the new technology is.
So far, nuclear power has been a bust, and an ecological disaster.
Recycling cuts down on the trash that needs to be handled,
and reduces the amount of new resources that need to be produced.

Nancy asks…

Is it possible to eliminate garbage pick up through recycling and composting (and some burning)?

What will I do with used Kitty Litter and light bulbs, for example?

The Expert answers:

Not entirely. Probably, 5% of garbage will have to be picked by the truck. As we know, we can recycle papers, plastics, metals, glass, wood. And we can compost food leftovers, greens and other vegetation. But what can we do with obsolete computers, broken down appliances and outmoded materials not already mentioned above? These have to be given to the garbage guys who will then take them to the recycling centers and the rest to the dump. Take note that burning of garbage is not allowed. You can get fined for this.

Robert asks…

what are the proper ways and storing and recycling garbage?

The Expert answers:

Well, i have a big tub in my kitchen and I put all of my recylables in there. I will put a link below so you can see for yourself.

George asks…

what are some problems you see when it comes to recycling garbage?

i want to hear about real existent problems please

The Expert answers:

Widespread availability of curbside pick up of recyclables.
The fact that we ship most of it out to third world countries and don’t really know what happens to it after that.
People would rather throw stuff out then take the time to sort and clean out recyclables.
Most schools, corporations, companies, stores don’t do it and home recycling is only going to accomplish so much.
A huge amount of compostable food waste is thrown into a plastic bag in a landfill because people don’t view it as recyclable.
Recycling isn’t the answer to all our problems because recycling uses more toxic chemicals and produces more carbon to produce an inferior product.
Lack of knowledge about what is and isn’t recyclable and where to take things like electronics, paints, prescription drugs etc.



Betty asks…

Why does Texas produce more garbage and does less recycling than any other state in the country?

I was wondering why Texas has so many Christians, but cares so little for the planet.

The Expert answers:

It has the smartest people living there. Recycling is a GIANT WASTE of time and energy.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asks…

Where can I recycle plastic water bottles and cardboard in Macomb County?

I have a bunch of Dasani water bottles that I really want to recycle,but I can’t find any recycling centers.Does anyone know where I can recycle them at?And I have a boatload of old boxes,too.

The Expert answers:

Try the macomb county official website.

Robert asks…

Is it possible to recycle paper towels, kleenex and napkins?

along with the other papers you’d normally recycle?

The Expert answers:

It is possible to recycle these products. But there is one factor that needs to be considered. Paper is sold and bought by its weight. Because these products are so light the market for them as useful recycled components is not very good. Thats why you don’t see them recycled much. It takes a great deal of weight to make recycling paper goods profitable and these products are just not desirable….at this time.
Good thinking though.

William asks…

Is it possible to recycle the uranium in retired nuclear warheads?

I just read that thousands of nuclear warheads are going to be “retired.” Would it be possible to recycle the enriched uranium and use them for useful purposes? Like electricity, etc? Thanks.

The Expert answers:

Actually, that is already being done. I believe between 10-20% of the worlds nuclear energy comes from surplus, or recycled, nuclear stock piles, namely from enriched warheads.

This helps off set the mining costs, as we are currently not mining enough Uranium to fulfill the power needs.

These numbers may be wrong and I don’t feel like searching for them, but I believe we mine around 40,000 tons of Uranium a year and use around 10,000 tons of military Uranium a year for Civilian power.

Chris asks…

Where can I find recycle center for magazines?

I live in orange county,ca
I want to recycle so I can get some money for charity.

The Expert answers:

There’s this book that they give out for free…it’s called the “phone book,” and if you look in the “yellow pages,” you can find names and addresses! Wow!

Laura asks…

What happened to the recycle bin on my laptop?

I took a file, put it in the recycle bin, and it just got erased off my desktop. How do I get it back?

The Expert answers:

1.Do a system restore applicable to XPVistaWindows7.

Start>all programs>Accessories>system tools>system restore>click on a highlighted date 5 days or older & follow the steps.

2. VistaWindows7

Right-click on your desktop and choose Personalize

Click on the Change Desktop Icons link in the upper left hand corner

In the Desktop Icons Settings window, check the Recycle Bin box and click OK

click apply & then ok

Linda asks…

What are different things that I could recycle for money?

I’m realing determined to raise two hundred dollars in a few days.
I would consider recycling, but I’m not sure what kind of things I could recycle. Anyone have any ideas?

The Expert answers:


Steven asks…

Which materials are worthwhile to recycle and which are not?

I’ve discovered that certain things are indeed helpful to the environment when recycled, but there are also certain things that do more harm than good when recycled.

I read that aluminum cans are probably the best thing to recycle. But when it comes down to paper, for example, it’s probably a net loss for the environment (due to all the transporting, sorting, processing, bleaching, re-manufacturing, etc, that must be done to get it back to a usable state).

So basically I’m trying to figure out what items make sense to recycle and which don’t.


The Expert answers:

A very good question.

Yes paper recycling is a net loss for the environment, but it means more trees can be used for wood instead of paper.

Glass is an interesting thing to look at. It’s made from sand and people think sands not going to be in short supply so it must be a net loss. However, the sand is usually dredged from sand bars in the sea.Sand bars act to shelter coastal areas from powerful waves If too much of these sand bars are taken away they can collapse, destroying marine environments and opening up the coastline to erosion. Therefore it makes sense to recycle glass.

Plastic recycling makes sense because the oil it is made of is non-renewable. But it’s not that great for the environment because different types of plastic have to be sorted before they’re recycled, so they ship it off to china (where wages are low)to be sorted.

Richard asks…

How to recycle sack bag instead of dispose it?

I having problem with sack bag that filled with sludge oil from ship. After recover the oil into the tank, the sack bag are useless. But my thought said that this bag can be recycle and reproduce to be new item.Anyone with the method recycling those sack bag? I’m trying to support green planet.

The Expert answers:

The oil sludge has contaminated your sacks thus making your entire sack a hazardous material. The only systems I’m aware of that actually “use” contaminated oil are a specific type of heating system that can burn oil contaminated with an assortment of other materials. In this country, they are most often found in industrial, auto repair, and auto salvage buildings. Some individuals use these systems to heat their home garages and shops; I am more aware of older installations and no new installations. Still these oil burning systems require a fluid to burn; to the best of my knowledge, they do not burn solids.

I can only think of hazardous waste disposal for either eventual containment or incinerator burning.

Lisa asks…

How much does aluminum recycling pay in Southern California and where can i recycle it near Burbank, CA?

I have aluminum scraps that i would like to recycle, how much does it pay and where can i recycle that’ll give me the most $$?

The Expert answers:

Here is the CRV site… …….California Refund Value
Eff Jan 1, 2007, CRV paid to consumers when they recycle containers at recycling centers will increase to 5¢ for each beverage container less than 24 ounces and 10¢ for each container 24 ounces or greater. (use link for more info)…
Find A Nearby Recycling Center….
Just enter your zip code to find a bottle & can redemption center near you. (click on the link on the page)

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

Is it illegal to take recyclables from a recycle bin?

i researching about the laws where i live, can’t find any about recyclables thief. is there a website i can found. I’m from South Bend in the northern state of Indiana.

yesterday around 3:45am i see someone with a bag digging threw recycle bins and taking only Aluminum cans out of there. is it wrong to do that?

The Expert answers:

That is theft and can be charged as theft with a fine or even jail if it is someone with a criminal history.}{

Betty asks…

Can you recycle phone books in a newspaper recycle bin?

We have some old phone books to get rid of. Is it Ok to put them in one of the large bins that recycle newspaper?
Actually, I am in the US. But John’s answer made sense ~ I thought for sure there was a reason they couldn’t go in the regular recycle bin. And I know I have seen grocery stores occasionally collect them in bins out front, but of course I never think to get rid of them then, lol 🙂

The Expert answers:

In the UK you can’t recycle the yellow pages, the glue in the spine doesn’t go throught he machine. Everything else is fine.

Linda asks…

Does anyone know how bins/recycle bins are manufactured?

My current GCSE Design technology prodject entitles me to explain how recycle bins are manufactured and i am currently clueless and my deadline of monday is coming very close PLEASE HELP

The Expert answers:

There are two processes in plastic manufacturing that bins can be made ,,,thermoforming ie:vaccum forming,,and injection molding,,

both have there pros and cons

thermoforming is cheaper to build molds or forms but depending on how deep the tote is can be problematic with cosmetic issues..not to mention long cycle times ,sourcing sheet thats consistent in color and ……..

Injection molding is the best method with fast cycle times from10 sec. To 5 min ,but tooling is spendy 2000 up to 200,000 cost of a production mold 15-30 thou. But run1-2-million parts w/little service

Joseph asks…

If you were wanting to recycle more, how many different bins should you have for each kind of product?

For example, one for glass bottles, one for cans, etc. What different bins should you have?

The Expert answers:

In my area of the U.K. We all have

a green bin for cans and glass
a grey bin for food waste (with a smaller indoor one to be emptied into the large one)
a clear plastic bag for paper,
” ” ” for cardboard.
” ” ” for plastics
” ” ” for textiles
A large black wheelie bin for other household rubbish plus black bags if the bin isn’t sufficient.

In some areas people are expected to separate different coloured glass and use a different container for cans. Some families front gardens are completely full of containers so that they, effectively, no longer have a garden. I’m all for recycling but there has to be a better way than this. I’m not surprised that some people just put the whole lot in their wheelie bin and use some black plastic sacks for what will not fit in the bin.

I think that, in every area, there should be huge bins strategically placed with slots for different coloured glass, plastic, paper and card. We occasionally see these in car parks or we can take our stuff to the recycling centre but that takes time and petrol. There should be more of these places if they wish to keep the co-operation of the public. We pay our council tax, which rises every year yet we are expected to do a great deal of the work that the councils used to do. There is a great shortage of jobs, not surprisingly, because they’ve fired most of the people who used to be paid to sort out our rubbish.

Ruth asks…

What does each color for recycling bins stand for in North Hollywood?

Mainly I am wondering what color bin I use to recycle paper in. Also the color bin for newspaper. Thanks.

The Expert answers:

Check your neighbors with same service. Some different services even in same area have different colors

James asks…

where do our stuff in our recycle bins go when its deleted?

The Expert answers:

The files and data stay on your computer but it is “marked” as deleted. This allows the computer to overwrite the data with new stuff.

Because of this you can recover data that has been deleted (search using goole or yahoo for undelete programs) so long as you haven’t already overwritten it with anything new.

It is also worth noting that the computer wont always overwrite the oldest stuff first, it just overwrites which ever bit it comes accross.

Lizzie asks…

can cardboard Juice and milk containers be put into our cities recycle bins?

The Expert answers:

They can be put into the bins, but they won’t be recycled.

Cardboard containers that held ice cream, juice, and milk are not recyclable. They have a wax coating that makes them waterproof.

In order to be recycled, cardboard is first soaked in water to make it into a pulp. You cannot soak wax-coated paperboard (cardboard) to make it pulp.

My husband and I run our city’s Recycling Center, and we have talked over this issue many times with our cardboard recycler. They must take out the wax-coated containers and throw them away.

David asks…

Can you put pubic hair in the recycle bin?

Basically I cleaned my whole house yesterday and found quite a lot of pubic hair (most in the bathroom or bedroom). Recycling is very important to me, as it should be to everyone, so I just want to know if its OK to put it in the recycle bin?

It says on the side the normal stuff (cardboard, paper, glass etc) but no mention of hair.

Any one know the rules on pubic hair? I know the council are quite strict if you put the wrong stuff in the bins.

Thanks in advance, James

The Expert answers:

No put it in a compost pile or if you do not have one put it in the grass it will decompose.

Nancy asks…

Where do I get a recycle bin?

I want to start recycling, but I dont know where to get those blue recycle bins. The recycling truck comes by my neighborhood picking up everyone elses stuff, and im thinking ‘I want to do that too!!’ How?

The Expert answers:

If you can’t get one from the township, you can buy one from Staples for around $7.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Charles asks…

What are the Numbers and Symbols mean on the bottom of recycling goods?

Please be as specific as you can- Thank you for any answers…. ‘m just plain old curious about this one!

The Expert answers:

#1 PET which stands for Polyethylene terephthalate. PET can be melted and drawn out into long fibers and recycled into carpets, fiberfill for jackets, and fabric for T-shirts and shopping bags

#2 HDPE or high-density polyethylene. Clear HDPE could easily be made into new containers. The colored HDPE (liquid detergent, and shampoo bottles) is generally recycled in plastic lumber.

Vinyl or polyvinyl chloride (# 3 V) could be recycled. It is used for clear food packaging and plumbing pipe. However, collecting it for recycling is cost-prohibitive because there are not enough items made from the material to warrant local factories to recycle it into new products. They are generally used once and tossed.

Low-density polyethylene (# 4 LDPE) is very flexible and made into bags for bread, frozen food, and grocery. Some of these bags are recycled into new bags or plastic lumber such as Trex. This plastic is lightweight and trucking it back for recycling uses more energy than producing a virgin product. Unless there is a recycling factory close by, most LDPE ends up in the landfill.

Polypropylene (# 5 PP) is made into yogurt, margarine, and other food containers. Like number 3 V, there are not enough containers made from PP to justify collecting it and shipping it to a recycling factory. In places where big industries use PP, there is enough volume for it to be sold for recycling.

Then there’s #6 PS – Polystyrene. The cost of moving used Styrofoam is higher than making it from virgin oil.

#7 OTHER. It can’t be sold or recycled.

Nancy asks…

Why must plastics be separated by recycle numbers before they can be recycled?

Why must plastics be separated by recycle numbers before they can be recycled? What is the purpose?

The Expert answers:

Because not all plastics are created equal. Plastic is a great material, but there are so many types of different densities. Some are easier to recycle than others. The numbers show what the plastic is made out of. That way they can be recycled appropriately. Different procedures are need to recycle different types of plastic.

Joseph asks…

What do all the numbers in the centre of the recycling logo on products mean?

The Expert answers:

It shows the type of plastic.

Ruth asks…

What do the numbers and letters on soda bottles mean?

When you buy a can, two liter, etc….what do the numbers and letters, usually on the the neck of the bottle or the seal, what do they mean? I don’t mean the recycling numbers and I don’t mean the promotional codes under the cap. Any help would be great thanks.

The Expert answers:

The numbers tell the company when and where the product was made. This helps if there are any production problems or recalls, etc. It lets the company trace it back to the individual production facility and date and shift it was made.

Susan asks…

why do people say that you shouldn’t recycle lids or caps, even if they have the recycling numbers on them?

The Expert answers:

Even though plastic bottles and tubs might have the same number inside their recycling symbols, they are not really made of identical material. Bottles are produced through one kind of molding process and lids through another, and these two processes require different plastic mixtures that melt at different temperatures. If these plastic containers are recycled together, the result is a mixture of material that has little value in a second round of manufacturing.

The lids to plastic bottles are made of different grades of plastic than the bottle itself. These grades of plastic are not recyclable in many states/provinces, and mixing lids in with plastic bottles will diminish the value of bottle-grade plastic collected.

Helen asks…

Who takes large numbers of printed plastic bottles for recycling?

My Uncle has a company that is needing to get rid of large quantities of printed plastic bottle in Dunn, NC but he can’t find anyone who will take them to be recycled. Any ideas where to take them?

The Expert answers:

Try these guys. I know nothing about them. You are on your own.

Chris asks…

Who is responsible for recycled tracking numbers?

So, in a period of of two weeks i ordered 3 items from the “” and when the items shipped i got the e-mail with the tracking numbers, but all 3 times i got recycled numbers from UPS. What a pain to see that “My” package has been delivered a week ago, to a different country each time even!
Then i have to ask UPS for the new and “real” number.
I asked UPS why there has to be this confusion, and they told my to contact the nbastore, i did, but they told me it was UPS who did it!
How anyoing is this?
You can´t help to worry your package is going to the wrong person!
Does anyone know who is respomsible for this, and why they do it?

The Expert answers:

The company, were you getting package from should take care of this and deal with UPS. They should send you another package or refund you your money. Good Luck!

William asks…

What do the numbers inside the recycling symbol mean?

pretty self explanatory

The Expert answers:

Identifies the type of plastic you have.
PET and HDPE bottles are recycled by the majority of local authorities

Number 1 Plastics
PET or PETE (polyethylene terephthalate)
Found in: Soft drink, beer bottles; mouthwash bottles; vegetable oil containers; ovenable food trays.
Picked up through most curbside recycling programs.

Number 2 Plastics
HDPE (high density polyethylene)
Found in: Milk jugs, juice bottles; bleach, household cleaner bottles; shampoo bottles;
Picked up through most curbside recycling programs

Number 3 Plastics
V (Vinyl) or PVC
Found in: Detergent bottles, shampoo bottles, cooking oil bottles, clear food packaging,
Rarely recycled

Number 4 Plastics
LDPE (low density polyethylene)
Found in: Squeezable bottles; bread, frozen food, dry cleaning and shopping bags; tote bags;
LDPE is not often recycled through curbside programs,

Number 5 Plastics
PP (polypropylene)
Found in: Some yogurt containers, syrup bottles, ketchup bottles, caps, straws
Recycled through some curbside programs.

Number 6 Plastics
PS (polystyrene)
Found in: Disposable plates and cups, meat trays, egg cartons
Recycled through some curbside programs.

Number 7 Plastics
Found in: Three- and five-gallon water bottles, ‘bullet-proof’ materials, sunglasses
Traditionally not been recycled, though some curbside programs now take them

Richard asks…

Recycling and the numbers………..?

Hi, I just wanted to know if anyone could tell me what do the numbers mean in the recycling triangle on plastics, and other recyclable materials. I have seen 1,2 and 5. I always recycle them no matter what but I wanted to know if anyone knew what the different #’s mean and if certain numbers mean they are not recyclable?? Thank you

The Expert answers:

“Before plastics can be recycled, they must be sorted. Many different kinds of materials are used as plastics, and most cannot be mixed, in the same way that oil and water can’t be mixed. To help separate one kind of plastic from another, many items have a triangle printed on them, with a number inside. The numbers on your bottles tell you from what kind of plastic the bottle is made.”

The link shows the different codes and what they mean (for plastics). Some places will ONLY take certain code #’s for recycling, so be sure to look at your area to see if they have limitations on that.

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