Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Chris asks…

Can someone give me 3 good facts on how recycling saves landfill space?

Tittle says all. Answer quick and fast. Easy10 point. Thanks

The Expert answers:

1) A recycled product saves space by it being used and not going to a landfill.

2) New products usually are sold with packaging (i.e. Boxes, styrofoam, bubble wrap, tape, plastic wrap, etc.) that will need to be recycled or discarded. Recycled products do not usually get repackaged so there is no additional packaging material being sent to the landfill.

3) The manufacturing of a new product has a waste stream which creates excess materials that wind up in the landfills. By purchasing a previously owned product there is no manufacturing and therefore less trash entering the landfills.

Mark asks…

Does anybody have any interesting facts on recycling?

I need some to make a brochure and I need a couple. Like, for every glass bottle you recycle it can run a 40 watt lightbulb for 3 hours” or something along those lines. thankkkkkk youuu! 🙂

The Expert answers:


*Between 1950 and 2000, the U.S. Population nearly doubled. However, in that same period, public demand for water more than tripled! Americans now use an average of 100 gallons of water each day — enough to fill 1,600 drinking glasses! (EPA, 2008)

*A recent government survey showed that at least 36 states are anticipating local, regional, or statewide water shortages by 2013. (EPA, 2008)

* Most people realize that hot water uses up energy, but supplying and treating cold water requires a significant amount of energy too. American public water supply and treatment facilities consume about 56 billion kilowatt-hours per year — enough electricity to power more than 5 million homes for an entire year. (EPA, 2008)

Appliances and Fixtures in General

*If all U.S. Households installed water-efficient appliances, the country would save more than 3 trillion gallons of water and more than $18 billion dollars per year! (EPA, 2008)

*If one out of every 100 American homes was retrofitted with water-efficient fixtures, we could save about 100 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per year — avoiding 80,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions. The greenhouse gas savings would be equivalent to removing nearly 15,000 automobiles from the road for one year! (EPA, 2008)

Bathroom: Sink, Toilet, Bath, Shower

*About 75 percent of the water we use in our homes is used in the bathroom. (California Energy Commission, 2006)

*If your toilet is from 1992 or earlier, you probably have an inefficient model that uses between 3.5 to 7 gallons per flush. Newer, high-efficiency toilets use less than 1.3 gallons per flush — that’s at least 60 percent less water per flush! (EPA, 2008)

*If just 1 percent of American homes replaced an older toilet with a new WaterSense labeled toilet, the country would save more than 38 million kilowatt-hours of electricity — enough electricity to supply more than 43,000 households for one month. (EPA, 2008)

*The average bathroom faucet flows at a rate of two gallons per minute. Turning off the tap while brushing your teeth in the morning and at bedtime can save up to 8 gallons of water per day, which equals 240 gallons a month. (EPA, 2008)

*Letting your faucet run for five minutes uses about as much energy as letting a 60-watt light bulb run for 14 hours. (EPA, 2008)

*Leaky faucets that drip at the rate of one drip per second can waste more than 3,000 gallons of water each year; A leaky toilet can waste about 200 gallons of water every day. If your fixtures have leaks, you should get them repaired! (EPA, 2008)

*A full bath tub requires about 70 gallons of water, while taking a five-minute shower uses only 10 to 25 gallons. (EPA, 2008)

Other Household Water Needs

*The average washing machine uses about 41 gallons of water per load, whereas newer, high-efficiency washing machine models use less than 28 gallons of water per load. (EPA, 2008)

*The typical single-family suburban household uses at least 30 percent of their water outdoors for irrigation. Some experts estimate that more than 50 percent of landscape water use goes to waste due to evaporation or runoff caused by overwatering!
Consider installing a drip irrigation system to water your lawn and garden. These systems use between 20 to 50 percent less water than conventional in-ground sprinkler systems. They are also much more efficient than conventional sprinklers because no water is lost to wind, runoff, and evaporation. (EPA, 2008)

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*World electricity demand is expected to double between 2000 and 2030. The greatest increase will occur in the developing world, and the most rapid growth will occur in people’s homes. (Worldwatch Institute, 2007)

*Electricity production is the leading cause of industrial air pollution in the United States, and is responsible for 40 percent of the nation’s carbon emissions that contribute to global climate change. (Worldwatch Institute, 2007)

*At most, 35 percent of coal’s energy in a power plant converts to electricity. The remaining two thirds is lost as waste heat, benefiting no one and often harming surrounding ecosystems. (Worldwatch Institute, 2007)


*Almost half of the average home’s energy consumption is used for heating. (EIA, 2007)

*Improperly sealed/caulked windows can account for up to 25% of total heat loss from a house. (Environment Canada, 2007)


*Lighting consumes up to 34 percent of electricity in the United States. (Worldwatch Institute, 2007)

*Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) are an energy-saving alternative to incandescent bulbs — they produce the same amount of light, use one third of the electricity, and last up to ten times as long. (Worldwatch Institute, 2007)

*If every household replaced its most often-used incandescent light bulbs with CFLs, electricity use for lighting could be cut in half. (Worldwatch Institute, 2007)

*Where electricity is produced from coal, each fluorescent lightbulb used prevents 1,300 pounds (nearly 600 kilograms) of CO2 emissions and 20 pounds of sulfur dioxide from being pumped into the atmosphere. (Worldwatch Institute, 2007)

Appliances and Electronics

*If you need to warm up or defrost small amounts of food, use a microwave instead of the stove to save energy. Microwave ovens use around 50 percent less energy than conventional ovens do. (California Energy Commission, 2006)

*A refrigerator built 20 years ago uses 70% more energy than today’s energy-efficient models. (Environment Canada, 2007)

*Today’s dishwashers are about 95% more energy-efficient than those bought in 1972 — your old dishwasher may be costing you more money in energy bills than it would take to buy a new one. (Environment Canada, 2007)

*Many idle electronics — TVs, VCRs, DVD and CD players, cordless phones, microwaves — use energy even when switched off to keep display clocks lit and memory chips and remote controls working. Nationally, these energy “vampires” use 5 percent of our domestic energy and cost consumers more than $8 billion annually. (Alliance to Save Energy, 2005)

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*Each of us uses approximately one 100-foot-tall Douglas fir tree in paper and wood products per year. (EPA, 2008)

*More than 56 percent of the paper consumed in the U.S. During 2007 was recovered for recycling — an all-time high. This impressive figure equals nearly 360 pounds of paper for each man, woman, and child in America. (Paper Industry Association Council, 2007)

*More than 400 paper mills in the United States use at least some recovered materials in their manufacturing processes, and more than 200 of those mills use recovered fiber exclusively. (EPA, 2008)

Savings: Energy, Water, etc.

*De-inked paper fiber is the most efficient source of fiber for the manufacturing of new paper products; one ton of de-inked pulp saves over 7000 gallons of water, 390 gallons of oil, and reduces air emissions by 60 lbs compared to traditional virgin fiber processes. (Abitibi Consolidated, 2005)

*Recycling 1 ton of paper saves 17 mature trees, 7,000 gallons of water, 3 cubic yards of landfill space, 2 barrels of oil, and 4,100 kilowatt-hours of electricity — enough energy to power the average American home for five months. (EPA, 2008)

*Recycling paper instead of making it from new material generates 74 percent less air pollution and uses 50 percent less water. (EPA, 2008)

*Producing recycled paper requires about 60 percent of the energy used to make paper from virgin wood pulp. (EPA, 2008)

Uses of Recycled Paper

*Just over 48% of office paper is recovered for recycling. This becomes raw material for paperboard, tissue, and printing and writing papers. (Keep America Beautiful, 2006)

*Over 73% of all newspapers are recovered for recycling. Almost a third goes back into making more newsprint. The remainder is used to make paperboard, tissue, and insulation, or exported. (Keep America Beautiful, 2006)

*Approximately 1.5 million tons of construction products are made each year from paper, including insulation, gypsum wallboard, roofing paper, flooring, padding and sound-absorbing materials. (American Forest and Paper Association, 2002)

*Recycled paper can also be made into paper towels, notebook paper, envelopes, copy paper and other paper products, as well as boxes, hydro-mulch, molded packaging, compost, and even kitty litter. (EPA, 2008)

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*Every year we save enough energy recycling steel to supply L.A. With nearly a decade’s worth of electricity.

*We save enough energy by recycling one aluminum can to run a TV set for three hours.

*Recycling aluminum saves 95% of the energy used to make the material from scratch. That means you can make 20 cans out of recycled material with the same amount of energy it takes to make one can out of new material. Energy savings in 1993 alone were enough to light a city the size of Pittsburgh for six years. .

*Americans throw away enough aluminum every month to rebuild our entire commercial air fleet.

*Recycling steel and tin cans saves 74% of the energy used to produce them.

* Americans use 100 million tin and steel cans every day.

*Americans throw out enough iron and steel to supply all the nation’s automakers on a continuous basis.

*A steel mill using recycled scrap reduces related water pollution, air pollution and mining wastes by about 70%.

** When you toss out one aluminum can you waste as much energy as if you’d filled the same can half-full of gasoline and poured it into the ground.

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*More than 50% of a new aluminum can is made from recycled aluminum.

*The 36 billion aluminum cans landfilled last year had a scrap value of more than $600 million. (Some day we’ll be mining our landfills for the resources we&#3

George asks…

I need recycling information/facts?

I am the recycling coordinator for our office. Just got the position. I’m not real savvoy when it comes to recycling just Earth consious. Can anyone tell me where to get some recycling facts to use for a small presentation on Tuesday morning for the office? Where can I get statistics that tell how long it takes for things to desentegrate? Any and all information will be appreciated!

The Expert answers:

This is are average indicators of the period of time that it takes to breakdown a biodegradable product completely

* Paper: 2-5 weeks
* Banana peel: 3-5 weeks
* Orange peels: 6 months
* Cotton rags 1-5 months
* Cigarette butts: 1-12 years
* Plastic or cardboard milk carton: 5 years

hope this helps

Ruth asks…

What are 2 facts about reducing,reusing,and recycling?

They have to be facts that 6th graders would know.

Plz Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Expert answers:

They all start with the letter R.
They all involve producing less greenhouse gases and pollution.

Sharon asks…

give comment about RECYCLING FACTS AND BENEFITs?

Everyone today has heard of how important it is to recycle and most cities offer a recycling program, but what exactly is recycling and how beneficial is it really to us and the environment?

What are the recycling facts and benefits?
Recycling is the process of turning one products useful parts into a new product; this is done to conserve on the consumption of resources, energy and space used in landfills.
By recycling 1 plastic bottle not only saves anywhere from 100 to 1000 years in the landfill but also saves the environment from the emissions in producing new bottles as well as the oil used to produce that bottle.
For every 1 ton of plastic that is recycled we save the equivalent of 2 people’s energy use for 1 year, the amount of water used by 1 person in 2 month’s time and almost 2000 pounds of oil.
Approximately 60% of our rubbish thrown away today could be recycled. A survey was done and 9 out of 10 people surveyed said they would recycle more if it was easier.

Odd as it seems there are many people who do not realize that plastic bottles our water comes in is made out of oil. This is the same oil that is used to make gasoline. It’s the same oil that is in such high demand and is not an unlimited resource.
Today the most common products in cities recycling programs are paper products, cardboard, plastic, glass and aluminum.

Taking just a moment to put your newspaper, soda can and glass spaghetti jar in the recycling bin will save everyone years in environmental harm from production of new materials, over crowded landfills and the depletion of our natural resources.
4000 Years

When we do not recycle at least our glass or aluminum we cost the earth in power usage, water and oil usage and landfill usage; glass takes up to 4000 years to decompose in a landfill yet can be recycled indefinitely.

Earn Money
Recycling can be done at home as well as in conjunction with city programs. Many scrap yards pay for scrap metal including the soda cans and soup cans we use every day.

Be Creative
Many useful items can be made from our everyday trash; the cardboard tubes left over from paper towel and toilet paper can make useful storage containers for our extra extension cords and prevents a tangled mess in the Christmas lights. If your going to throw these out don’t just throw it in the rubbish bin, put it the recycling bin.

Baby jars can become snow globes the kids can make and give as gifts, old Christmas cards can become new hand made cards and a glass or plastic bottle along with some clear oil and food coloring and a few other common household items can become a groovy lava lamp!
The possibilities are endless and instructions can be found in books and on the internet.

Start Today
Recycling is a very environmentally green activity; however, there are ways that you can make it greener as well as building a strong beginning if you do not currently recycle.
Many people beginning a recycling program look around and wonder what they can put in the recycling bin; there is so much information available on this site, so don’t panic.
By reusing your recycled storage containers you save on the environmental impact as well. Paper and plastic bags are good for recycling storage; however, a plastic reusable bin is even better.

Spread The Word
Share what you know. If you notice abundant trash in your neighborhood start spreading the word and your experience with recycling and if there isn’t already one in place strive to get a city recycling pick up program started.

The fact is many of our resources as well as our Earth is not renewable and we have to start taking control of our selves beginning with the world we live in.

Global warming is no longer viewed as a theory by scientists and has sadly become a fact. The change needed must be in your actions today in order to ensure a bright (not too hot) tomorrow.

The Expert answers:

Well, I cut my littering by 50% !!

I started drinking beer from 24 oz. Cans, so now I only throw THREE cans out of the car window instead of six!

Don’t thank me…I’m just doin’ my part.

Lizzie asks…

I need facts about recycling?

Can people give me facts about recycling? Im doing a project. Please refer to my other question about recycling as well. Thanks for answering!

The Expert answers:

A simple google search for the following will help

Recycling facts
Recycling glass
recycling plastic
recycling aluminum
add statistics to each of those and you’ll have more than you could ever need to do a project – or at least get you well on your way – add your state, province or country and you’ll get even more refined datum

Maria asks…

What are some facts about how recycling helps earth?

The Expert answers:

It doesnt wake up

Michael asks…

What US state is ranked #1 in overall recycling?

My school is trying to get more of my classmates to recycle and the Environmental Club is putting posters around the school with recycling facts. I was thinking that if our state, Pennsylvania, was somewhere near the top, a little friendly competition would help them to recycle more.

We are recycling paper, aluminum cans, and plastic bottles. If you have any other ideas on how to get more students to recycle, please let me know. Thank you!

The Expert answers:

Washington DC – They recycle more old farts than any other state could manage.

Daniel asks…

where can i get facts about environmental facts on NYC like carbon emissions and recycling?

I’m looking for facts like “New York City generates enough trash to fill Central Park every year” or “If everyone stopped driving into the NYC, it will boost productivity of the city by 12%”… or that nature. Thanks in advance!

The Expert answers:

Why dont you look up the site for C.A.T. ? (centre for alternative technologies ) I have been there, it’s fantastic, and their site is not bad, either…
Take care, lorette

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

How do I get my file back?

I accidentally deleted a file that I desperately need for school.
I tried looking in my recycle bin, but somehow it had been emptied.
I also tried doing a system restore, but it seemed like it affected everything but my word documents.I did a system restore twice!

Is there any other way to get my word document back??

The Expert answers:

You can use a free program called recuva to restore deleted files.

Sandy asks…

Looking for ideas on using recycling material to create costumes for a Recycling Fashion Show at a school?

Material could be anything that we normally throw away or put in the recycling bin.

The Expert answers:

I’ve seen clothes made from strips of woven paper (glossy magazine stuff is quite resilient). The same can be done with plastic carrier bags.

Carol asks…

How do I get deleted videos back?

I need it for a school project.
Please help.
I emptied my recycle bin and didn’t know it was in it.

The Expert answers:

You may try asoftech photo recovery which helped me before. You can download trial for free

The pro version enables recovering not only photos, but also other files including videos, document, etc. Just that scan may take long time depends on hard disk capacity.

Helen asks…

How can I make my school greener?

I am 15 yrs old and running for Head Girl at my north-London comprehensive girl’s school. As a student body, we do alot of work for the community, and the environment has been one of our main focuses in the past year. We currently recycle our plastic cups and have recycling bins in every classroom for paper. Any ideas for further ways to reduce our waste that I could use in my campaign?

The Expert answers:

It’s fantastic that you are doing what you do! Keep up your brilliant work!

Ask if your school has a responsible teacher who will look into joining your local Freecycle group on your behalf, you can put stuff on there that you no longer use and let someone else use it instead.
When your school is getting rid of books, paper, chairs, desks, etc you can pass them on to someone in your own community who can use them further, this stops them going into the landfill sites so helps the environment!
You can also ask for stuff you need too, ask for some compost bins then maybe you could get the kitchen staff to compost the left over food waste instead of lobbing it in the main rubbish.. You never know! ( Although that could be a long shot! 😀 )

Laura asks…

I need some help writing a letter.?

Ok guys so basically I go to a catholic high school in Canada. Last week there was an article in the newspaper about how the public school board highschool recycled and decomposed various items and are the one of the cleanest schools in canada. My school would love to achieve that, however we dont have recycle bins. We had ordered them and than the school board keeps calling the school and telling them that they cannot send them over because its not priority. meaning there are other schools that need to be taken care of before ours. I was asked to write a letter to the editor or to the person in charge of the recycling for the catholic school board. Can someone please help me or tell me what to include in the letter? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Make recycle bins in shop class. Wooden boxes or 55 gal empty barrels and then have a ‘haul off day’ when those of you on the green committee can then cash the cans in. Perhaps you could write about that kind of an idea.

Lisa asks…

Can someone help me edit/give suggestions on this paragraph? Grade 9 english?

we had to chose a symbol that represents us and why. I have asked this question before, but this is a different paragraph now.

My next symbol I chose is a green bin. The green bin represents how environmentally friendly I am. Once of the biggest causes I believe in is the environment. I believe that nature always comes first and that we have to do whatever we can to protect our planet. I always encourage my family to recycle, turn off the lights and when in the grocery store to use the cloth bags instead of plastic ones. In middle school, I was also involved in the environmental club and did the recycling every Friday for the school. Green bins are used nationally to collect garbage that is able to decompose in order to save land and reduce the amount of waste that is deposited on the earth. Overall, I believe in helping the environment in every possible way just as a green bin does.

The Expert answers:

Ok…here’s the paragraph i revised….

The next symbol I chose was a green bin. The green bin represents how environmentally friendly I am. Once of the biggest and important causes I believe in is the environment. I believe that nature should always comes first and that we have to do whatever we can to protect our planet. I always encourage my family to recycle, turn off the lights when not in use and when in the grocery store, to use reusable bags instead of plastic ones. In middle school, I was also involved in the environmental club and did the school’s recycling every Friday. Green bins are used nationally to collect waste that is able to be decomposed in order to save land and reduce the amount of waste that is deposited on the earth. Overall, I believe in helping the environment in every possible way just as a green bin does.

The paragraph was okay in general, but you sort of swayed off topic of the green bin when you were talking about yourself. I would strongly recommend that you take out some off-topic sentences and replace them with facts/history of the green bin and more of what it does. Otherwise, it was very interesting. If you want to include the part about yourself, maybe you should have an extra paragraph dedicated to just the topic….spelling and grammar was mostly good….Good luck!

Michael asks…

My friend lies all the time, what should I do?

OK, so i have this friend who always lies. i was hoping she’d grow out of it, but I’m 14 now, and she’s 15. i usually just try to ignore her, but its hard when the lies affect me. for example, when we are doing a piece of work for class, she’ll tell me she’s done her part when she hasn’t, and i will then get a low mark. we also have to empty out school’s recycling bins on Friday afternoons. i am so sure she stole me and my friends bins from last year. she got out of class half an hour earlier than she’s supposed to, and then said she’d finished her bins (the ones she stole), and started on ours.
When we are around any guy at all, she lies about me to make herself look better, embarrassing for me. i am starting to get really pissed at her. she lies ALL the time. it is too hard not being her friend, plus i kinda like her a bit, though she’s not like my best friend or anything. if i ever mention her lies to her, we get in a big fight, and in the end i have to apologize to her. when we are in a fight, she makes up things about me. i know everyone thinks i should stop being friends with her, but i would like another solution if you have one. After all, i haven’t done anything wrong, so i shouldn’t have to lose a friend.

The Expert answers:

Don’t buy in to her drama. You’ve confronted her and it made it worse, so move on. And don’t make a big deal of that, either, or she’ll be sure to flip out. Just slowly back away… Call less often, and don’t go out of your way to hang out with her. If she notices and asks why, you can say you already told her and it caused a fight, and you don’t want friends who don’t have enough integrity to tell the truth.

Thomas asks…

Recycled water bottles made into a bin?

Alright, so I’m in my schools environmental club and we talked about recycling bins for waterbottles then someone said they’ve seen an actual trash can made out of recycled bottles. I decided this was an awesome idea, so I went home and looked it up online, but haven’t been able to find anything about it. does this sound as cool as I think it does, or am I just crazy? If it does sound cool, maybe someone could give me some links or something? Or advice? I’m really interested.

The Expert answers:

This doesn’t answer your exact question, but may provide you with guidelines and other ideas. Here is another resource with countless ideas and ways to become green by doing it yourself. There is a lot of information out there and new ideas are developing daily. The cost associated with going green has come down considerably.

Paul asks…

What are some ways to make my school eco friendly?

My friend and I are running for co-prez and we want to make our school eco friendly. We already have low-flush toilets and recycling bins. What else? 10 POINT TO BEST ANSWER! Thanks.

The Expert answers:

Recycle bins for sure.

How about some of the following:
Compost pile for ground clippings
Start an organic garden for the cafeteria
Use recycled paper in computer lab
Make sure light bulbs are energy star certified or CFL compatible.
Solar panels to supplement energy usage

One of the biggest issues you’ll face is fundraising to make these happen. School budgets are super tight and don’t have a ton of wiggle room for additional spending. But you could lobby the school board to at least allocate a portion of the next years budget to eco-friendly efforts. Good luck.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

What do you think about my cool idea on my garbage?

I was preparing to move, so I knew it was going to be tough to have to face the reality of all the trash I had generated. As much as I tried to donate larger items- I knew there would be a lot I would not be able to bring with me to my tiny studio apartment. My number one category of garbage in the first two weeks was cloth. Anyone who has moved recently probably knows that you end up finding random things in your closet that aren’t in good enough condition to donate. Clothing is pretty heavy, so the garbage bag filled with it was a total pain to drag to the trash chute. I felt so guilty and will be very careful in the future to only purchase clothing I will wear and not buy more than I really need.

After moving and following the guidelines from the LA county recycling flier, I found that organic materials comprised most of my waste’s volume. I don’t have a garbage disposal now, so anything that goes bad other than fruits &veggies (which I now know go in the green bin) gets thrown away. I drastically reduced my black bin garbage because of this assignment and am committed to taking the time and effort to continue to recycle! I have decided to purchase biodegradable recycling/composting bags for my garbage in the future. They are a bit more expensive, but I think it’s worth it!

The Expert answers:

How about getting everything in a big pile and burning it, cos thats what they are going to do with it anyway, better than land fill? I applaud your recycling, i do it myself, but our governments don’t respect it so much, especially yours. So why give a shit? Cos your government is destroying your country 4 fold worse than the citizens ever could.

Jenny asks…

Disposal of departed cat in a city?

My sister’s cat died in my care & after paying out well over $300 in vet costs, I’m dealing with what to do with the body. She’s offered to pay most of the costs, which is fine.

As I live in a city apartment, it’s been suggested that I put him in a plastic bag & down the garbage chute. I’m told the vets do practically the same thing using special recycling bags, then transfer the animals out as landfill.

The Expert answers:

It depends what she wants done. If she wants the ashes she can pay to have him individually cremated. Or if she doesn’t care, the cat can just be cremated in a group. You could call the vet that you’ve been going to and ask for info. And/or try calling animal control and ask them… They might tell you a cheaper possibility
There are also pet cemeteries. I would guess it is probably kind of expensive

It seems like it is probably not the best idea to just toss the body down the garbage chute at your apartment building. It might not be allowed, so you might get in trouble if the building superintendent finds it and finds out who had that cat.

I live in the city but we have land in the country so in this situation I have just triple bagged the body & put it in the freezer until there was a chance to drive out there and bury the pet. But obviously not everyone has that option.

Betty asks…

used condoms, recycle bin? regular garbage can? or down the toilet????

what’s the proper disposal procedure?

The Expert answers:

Garbage can, never down the toilet, bad thigns happen lol 🙂

hope this helps 🙂
also, if you get the chance, please leave Comments or sign my Guestmap, Thanx 🙂

David asks…

biggest landfill in the middle of an ocean?

we are trying to save whales from poachers yet we have the biggest garbage disposal site in the middle of pacific ocean.
plastics and other hard to recycle materials float around and get tangled around sea creatures. what can we do?

The Expert answers:

I disagree with the previous poster: over population is not the problem. The fact that people (especially in well developed countries) are PIGS is the real problem.

The Western and Eastern Pacific Garbage Patches have been around for years and the story you found is very out-of-date. The patches have grown over the last few years and are now about the size of the continental US.

We all use too much plastic and we are careless about it’s disposal. To dispose of plastic more safely try to create larger solid pieces that cannot be broken up easily. For example stuff all non recyclable plastics into a single tough bag to make a ball of at least 1 foot in diameter and tie it up securely. This large lump of trash is less likely to end up in the ocean or to become a threat to sea life because it is too big to eat.

Read my blog on Plastic:

James asks…

I Need Help on my English homework!!!!!!!!!!?

When using the MLA style to format your list of citations, you should arrange the list in alphabetical order according to ___________.

A. the date of publication
B. the title of the book, paper, or article
C. the author’s last name
D. the number of times it appears in your paper

You are writing a speech to deliver to a group of architects and your purpose is to convince them to design environmentally sustainable structures. Which of the following items would you use to persuade your audience of your argument?

A. more consumers are recycling every week
B. sustainable building materials are sometimes more expensive, but worth their expense
C. sustainable buildings last longer than other buildings
D. more consumers are seeking architects with a background in sustainable design

Directions– For this question, consider the effective speaking techniques that you have learned in this section.

In a discussion, you should acknowledge the ideas of other participants, even if you disagree with them.

A. true
B. false

Directions– For this question, consider the effective speaking techniques that you have learned in this section.

When sharing your opinion in a discussion, it is most effective to do so cautiously.

A. true
B. false

What is the implicit message of the following passage?

Jacob took an after school job walking the dogs in his neighborhood for $7 per hour. He has another job on the weekends, working at a car wash down the street. Sometimes, he works for his father, cleaning the house or organizing paperwork. Jacob’s father allows him to keep his jobs only if he maintains a high grade point average. Fortunately, Jacob makes good grades. Jacob is saving up to buy a bicycle. Currently, he gets up early to walk to school. It’s a long walk, but he consistently arrives before the first bell.

A. Jacob wants a bicycle.
B. Jacob is greedy.
C. Jacob is responsible.
D. Jacob is striving to be rich.

Which fact would be an effective contribution to a discussion among consumers about conserving water?

A. The Earth has limited resources; don’t abuse them.
B. It’s foolish to run water while you’re brushing your teeth.
C. If your faucet is dripping at the rate of one drop per second, you can expect to waste 2,700 gallons per year, greatly increasing the cost of utilities.
D. Start a compost pile to dispose of food waste instead of using your kitchen sink garbage disposal, which can add 50% to the volume of solids in a septic tank.

What is being inferred in the following passage?

Jeremiah awoke early every morning to make his bed, put away clean laundry, and organize his desk. After making a meal, he cleaned the kitchen counter and washed the dishes. He liked cats, but preferred not to own any pets, as they shed on the floor and climbed on the furniture. Jeremiah also liked to organize his books in alphabetical order by author. He organized his music according the album’s release date, which most music lovers found unconventional.

A. remiah is very orderly
B. Jeremiah is obsessive-compulsive
C. Jeremiah prefers not to own pets
D. Jeremiah is afraid of germs

The following sentence is an example of understatement: “Yeah, I had a pretty good day, considering I won the lottery.”

A. true
B. false

Complete the following sentence with the best word:
At the beginning of Barack Obama’s presidency, America was experiencing a serious _____.

A. collaboration
B. recession
C. introspective
D. case study

An egocentric view relates a narrow, or self-centered perspective.

A. true
B. false

The Expert answers:

1. B
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. B
11. A

Joseph asks…

UK question?…?

who thinks the stupid recycling scheme will get called off?…Today Ive seen bags of rubbish all over the place,mainly foxes and cats sorting thru it…and the three coloured type of wheelie bins blown over in the wind…and several heaps of fly tipped stuff…would It have been better to install every household with a mechanical garbage disposal unit?…and let the council sort it out into metal, plastic,paper etc…by machine?…

The Expert answers:

It will get called off if and when the councillors think, and the local members think, that it will cost them an election.

Agitate through local groups and raise awareness of it in your area. Street marches don’t work, but the pollies thinking that everyone is sick of it and will vote them out if they don’t fix it.

It is a mix of saving money and trying to get people to recycle. The latter is great and the scehme has worked in that respect, but going from weekly collections to every two weeks AND shrinking bin size is too much.


Maria asks…

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)?

So the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has a chart about countries and their trash/recycling system. Most of the countries are from Europe and North America. The chart is divided into three sections. Garbage disposal per person, garbage disposal at homes, and garbage disposal in work areas and school. They are measured in Kilograms per person. I was wondering, why isn’t there any Eastern Asia countries or Africa Countries on the chart. Please describe!!!

URL to the CHART:

The Expert answers:

Countries have to be invited to join and meet their criteria. Here are their current members.
However 2007 the OECD countries agreed to invite Chile, Estonia, Israel, Russia and Slovenia to open discussions for membership of the Organisation and offered enhanced engagement, with a view to possible membership, to Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa.

Nancy asks…

Aerosol cans: disposal issue?

My local recycling center advertises that they do accept aerosol/spray cans, but only if a hole is punched into them.

I worry that there are safety risks involved in puncturing these cans…as a result, I avoid aerosol cans most of the time, but a friend gave me some household fragrance via aerosol can, so now I’ve got one in my house unexpectedly.

I’ve tossed the occasional spray can in the garbage once or twice before, but I recycle RELIGIOUSLY, and it hurt me to see these materials end up in a landfill.

My question is, would it be a bad idea to stab up my aerosol cans? Does an empty one explode or pop open or otherwise injure the person who punctures it? Is there some sort of risk involving left over particles of whatever the can held before?

What is the safest way to go about this? Is there hope? I want hope.

The Expert answers:

We used to use lots of spray cans at work and had to do this on down time. Here is what we did since we threw them over the side of the ship.

1. Make sure every bit of pressure is out of the can by holding down on the spray nozzle until nothing comes out.
2. Hold it securely in a vice (or clamp or something heavy on it so it won’t move.
3. Stab it with something sharp to let out any possible remaining pressure
4. Cut it into two pieces with a hack saw near the top.
5. IMPORTANT! Keep the glass marble from inside the can in the marble box for the bosses kids.
6. Pull the plastic pieces out with pliers and dispose of in trash.
7. Wipe residue paint out of can with old rag.
8. Toss clean metal can parts over side.

Or, my favorite method when at home- start a fire in a barrel and toss spray can in. Run before it blows up.

Sharon asks…

Is Plastic Durable or does it have to be replaced?

What are the disposal methods for plastic? is it directly thrown out in the garbage after use or can it be reused or recycled? Plz help thx.

The Expert answers:

I wouldn’t recommend reusing water bottles because they store germs and if the water was left for a long time it leaves a bad taste due to the plastic. You should buy the ones that can be reused and washed. As for plastic bowls and such it’s ok if they’re meant to store and contain food. Put all your plastics in the recycle not the trash. The trash is only meant for food, tissue, and other things. Also, you should separate youre bottles and cans you can get some money. :]

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Chris asks…

What are some of the most impacting environmental issues in FL due to recycling and waste habits?

Im writing a research paper on recycling in FL. One of the sections in my paper regards environmental issues our state is experiencing because of good/bad recycling practices. However I am struggling to find specific info on the web relative to these issues. Any info that may help?

The Expert answers:

First, I’d ask myself what makes Florida unique in their approach to waste management. One thing pops to mind – the depth to groundwater. I think Florida generally has groundwater very close to the surface in much of the state. Therefore, any kind of land disposal practices, or recycling activities that could potentially release to the ground can have a dramatic impact on water quality.

Another thing about Florida that comes to mind, is that it has a lot of shoreline, hence many boaters. One little known aspect of this – at least to many people, is that boats of a certain size are required to carry safety flares. Safety flares, by law, have a shelf life, after which the flares must be replaced. Often the flares being replaced are ok to use as flares, but many boaters dispose of them inappropriately. That’s why many many thousands of flares wind up dumped in the water. Florida is one state that has developed on a county-by-county basis a way to manage these out of date flares. They get collected and burned in burn units, which just vent the emissions to the air. This can be an air problem.

Maria asks…

How much money could be saved by a small business by recycling a portion their waste?

How much money could be saved by a car dealership, or any small business, by recycling a portion of their waste? I am doing a project for school on how small businesses, particularly car dealerships though because I work at one, could save money by recycling some of their waste.

The Expert answers:

They pay a rate for their garbage to be removed. If you reduce this then you can discuss a lower rate. Get a metal dumpster and put all scrap in it and another for cardboard and aluminium. Even oil that is kept seperate from other fluids can be sold for a few dollars a drum instead of paying for it to be took off. Can even use the oil in waste oil heaters. It is just a matter of collecting these things in a way that is effecent to take to the salvage yards that take them. Most of the hard part is to get people to start doing these things.


Mary asks…

How would you react if they wanted to put a waste recycling plant in your neighborhood?

Would you be for it or against, and why? Would you be concerned about the effects that it is going to have on the environment? Would you be concerned about the effect it is going to have on your living situation (the smell, for one thing)? What are your thoughts on this, and can you back up your statements with some research?

The Expert answers:

While i recognize the need for it, when i bought my house, it’s not near a recycling plant, or an oil refinery, or a dump, or high tension electric wires, or busy streets, or any of lots of other things i don’t like.

Yes, i would be concerned.
Is my concern justified?
I’m not sure.
I think it likely that most of those things wouldn’t be exceedingly harmful.
But not knowing which will eventually turn out to be bad, it seems prudent to me to avoid them all.

Sandra asks…

How do you do Waste recycling ?

How do you dispose of paper/cloth which you use for checking engine oil, since it is a hazardous waste.

Also do you use paper towel or newspaper or cloth ?

The Expert answers:

A single paper towel with a touch of oil on it isn’t quite hazardous waste. However if you had a lot oily towels then there is reason for concern.

Oily paper does not recycle well, so I usually place my oily paper towels in the solid waste. I typically use a used paper towel to check the oil level. When I say “used” that means I’ve already used the towel to clean windows or something not too dirty.

Mandy asks…

What are the ethical and practical considerations for building a waste recycling plant in your neighborhood?

How would your concerns for the environment affect your view on this action? Would you oppose this action?

The Expert answers:

Are you talking about collection or acutal re-maunfacturing? With either, I envision all of the issues that go with increased traffic, noise, smell, and air pollution. Typically, we place these types of activities outside of neighborhoods and residential areas.

Due to the costs involved with most honest recycling and/or re-manufacturing facilities, they are larger and specialized by type of material. This means that any one facility will undoubtedly become a regional or world-wide handling facility for which recylcing refuge will be shipped, trained, and trucked in. In addition, if you are thinking in terms of a “one stop shopping” type of recycling and remanufacturing center, you are in actuallity speaking of multiple manufacturing facilities. And, you’re speaking of closer to a square mile or more of manufacturing and composting facilities/processes/plants. Every process has waste and in particular, manufacturing even if it is a re-manufacturing plant for recycled items. Lastly, full recycling and re-manufacturing is still in its infancy in terms of making re-useable product and, the types of items that compose our waste are still in flux (i.e. Types of plastics for example). Once this plant/or set of plants are built, they could just as likely become unusable or so costly to operate that they are then abandoned. Manufcturing ghost towns are negatively impressive if you’ve ever seen them.

Placing a waste recycling facility within a residential neighborhood, community, or even an abandonned plot of land has a lot of drawbacks and considerations that go beyond the simple NIMBY considerations.

Laura asks…

How to keep flys/maggots out of green food waste recycling bin?

Aside from regular cleaning, the bin is swimming with maggots a few days after garbage day. I keep it outside of my garage. I won’t keep it inside because of the smell and I’m not really a big fan of maggots falling out into the garage.
I had a composting bin for about 10 years, but then I removed my garden (too much work, no time) so no need for compost. Then the city introduced the food waste recycling program so we need to use the green bin in lieu of home composter.

The Expert answers:

Pressure wash the green wheelie after it’s next emptied so that you start with a clean bin, then make certain that any food leftovers that might attract flies are firmly wrapped in newspaper – several layers if necessary – before putting them in the bin. If the bin’s clean to start with, you might consider bringing it back into the garage, as at least then you’re likely to get less flies in it. Lakeland stores sell a biodegradeable powder to put in your wheelie to cut down on odour, but the key is in that wrapping. In South Cambridgeshire we’ve a fortnightly green bin collection, which is fine in winter, but when people complained about both maggots & rats in the summer, the council advised that meat products could be put in the general household ‘black’ wheelie collection in the summer months.

Steven asks…

Recycling waste products from Electrostatic Precipitator?

How are waste products (e.g dusts, ashes, etc) from ESP recycled?

The Expert answers:

Here’s an older article on point but you’d need to sign up tyo read it

I’m not sure if you have a budget for your research but here is a link for ESP experts

A great idea would be search a patent database to see what has been developed over the years.

In addition, this site may help if dig deep enough

Good luck!

Carol asks…

I need to find a hazardous waste recycling location in ottawa county mi?

So I can dispose of oil, oil base paints ect.

The Expert answers:

A local gas station should have an answer for you. Try your local town hall officials, or call the EPA “Environmental Protection Agency”, they can assist you also. Good luck, thanks for caring about your environment.

Daniel asks…

Is it ever environmentally friendly to burn household waste rather than recycling?

What sorts of waste cannot be recycled?

The Expert answers:

Always recycle things that can be recycled. Food and stuff if you can be bothered have a compost heap. Landfill could be a problem, but burning certain things does as much harm sometimes.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

Recycling bottles and cans.?

I need to recycle cans and bottles! Problem is: I don’t know where to go. I live in San Diego near Poway.

But anyways,
How much do I get per bottle/can?
I have almost 4 trashbags full of bottles and a bag full of cans (pre-crushed)

I know I probably won’t get much, but how much do you think i”ll get? And where do I go?

The Expert answers:

In our city we take ours to the supermarket, behind Stater Brothers, if you have alot of them and they are crushed then you will get paid by weight…faster recycling, but if you have the time and want to get more oney don’t crush them and bring them to one of their recycling places where you can put one can at the time in the machine…takes longer ….usually behind some of the supermarkets you can find the recycling places. Check in you area and see if you have a Stater Brother I’m sure they will have it..also make sure that the bottles are recyclable…not all of them are. Hope this helps.

Donna asks…

Anyone know of any programs that give grants, state or gov. help for recycling of lights that contain Mercury?

My company is in North County San Diego, CA, we convert old lights in commercial buildings to new energy efficient lights. The recycling is so expensive and you can’t just throw them away. Does any one know of any program, grant, innexpensive place or anything about the recycling of light bulbs that contain mercury? Thanks so much!

The Expert answers:

No, usually you build this into your pricing. We have to pay for all sorts of items, but we get paid for others. You just have to work smart enough so that the net is in your favor.

Betty asks…

Where can you get a recycling bin?

I live in San Diego and when we moved (still in sd) we didn’t bring our big blue recycling bin that the garbage man picks up. Where can we get a new one? Through the city????? Help the earth is in my hands 🙂 🙂 🙂

The Expert answers:

Contact these people
And the earth isn’t in your hands.
Nothing you do will change the earth.

Michael asks…

Redemption vs. Recycling?

I live in San Diego Ca. I’m getting ready to return glass and aluminum for recycling. Should i be looking for a place to redeem (collect the deposit) or do recyclers take the redemption value into consideration? … The cans are crushed, the bottles are not, if that makes a difference

The Expert answers:


When you bring your cans and bottles to the redemption center, they ARE recycled. The system in California is such that recyclers service all of the centers. In return they are paid out of the unredeemed funds that the “bottle bill” generates. On the flip side, if you deposit your cans and bottles in a curbside program, your municipality is getting the redemption value back. I’m not 100% sure I answered your exact question, but all of the material, either curbside or redemption center, is being recycled.

Robert asks…

How can we recycle paper at the office where I work?

I work in an accounting office and as you can imagine, 98% of our trash is all paper. There are several other offices in the area where ours is located so I would have assumed there would be some of kind of recycling bin… but there isn’t. Is this something I would have to bring up with the management of the building so we could begin getting these services? I live in San Diego (Southern California). Any kind of direction would help.
I should have mention we shred everything. While I love the idea of using both sides or saving paper for note-pads, the information we have is high-sensitive material and almost 100% of the time needs to be shredded.

The Expert answers:

I would call your recycling company first, to see if they would provide their services to your office buildings. Then go to management with the facts & how it can be done. It wouldn’t hurt to get online & find out some percentages…Let them know how much paper goes to waste, and the benefits of recycling it…Just a thought…my $.02

Good luck & God bless…Keep up the good work

John asks…

ciao a tutti …help me !!!!?

anybody know where i can trow away some wood and aluminium materials in san diego 92109

recycling or anything else
sorry about my english i m italian
thx everybody that will answer

The Expert answers:

THANK YOU for being open to recycling them! There is a website called that everybody interested in recycling should bookmark.

For the wood click here –

For metal I could only locate places in another zip code. I found a place in 92110 that should take any scrap metal. Http://

I live in Virginia but am willing to donate my time to help anyone willing to recycle. Hope this helps you.

James asks…

Can somone tell me where can I recycle X Rays?

I have around 25 to 30 X Rays that I don’t need anymore since my dad passed away, is there a chance that there is a place in San Diego CA where I can recycle them?

The Expert answers:

My dad used to get piles from the Doc where he used to work. I would have to take out the paper and he would drive them to a scrap yard.
Call around many scrap yards take them. I used to get good money for them.

Nancy asks…

Where do I go to recycle?

I live in San Diego and I don’t know where I can go to recycle all my plastic, glass and paper products I consume. Is there a place I can go. Can I trust the recycle bins at my health food store? Please, I just want to know what to do to make sure my trash gets recycled. I’m trying to do my part in protecting our Earth.

The Expert answers:

Steven asks…

Which UCs am I most likely to get into?

I’m really freaking out right now because the deadline is getting nearer and I’m starting to have serious doubts about whether or not I’ll get into my desired college (UC Davis). I would also like to get into UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, San Francisco, UCLA, and UC Irvine. I applied to San Diego State and San Francisco State as my back ups. Please provide some feedback and maybe a chance based on percentage on whether or not I’ll get in to any of the colleges. I realize that the way colleges admit students can be weird, but I just want your personal opinion.

GPA: 3.96
Class Rank: 34/645
Top 5% of Class (Missed ELC by literally 1 student!)
SAT 1: 1870
Math 2: 620
Literature: 580
Biology: 590
Varsity Track Captain (4 Year Varsity)
Varsity Soccer (4 Years as Well)
400+ Volunteer Hours (Community Hospital & Animal Shelter)
2nd Degree Black Belt
9 Years of Piano
Raised $5000 in Recycling Club (Founder)

I realize that my SAT IIs are really low and my SAT I could be better, but I retook them last week and am retaking them again in December.


The Expert answers:

You’ll probably get into Davis, but know that they ignore your freshman year when they calculate your GPA, so you might wanna double-check that. I’m applying there too, i might meet you there.

If you mean UCSF by “San Francisco”, you should know that that’s a grad school.

UCLA and UCSD will probably depend on your essays. I’d say you’re likely to get into Irvine, and almost definite for UCSB.

This is just my judgement.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sharon asks…

Where do i send electronics for recycling in India?

Hey guys is there a place , or a website for sending Electronics for recycling in India. Plz reply…

The Expert answers:

I think it is illegal to recycle or dumping electronics waste in either China or India. You probably can recall the recent show prepared by the 60 Minutes that has shocked many viewers all over this world because it is more harmful than the nuclear generating station accident recorded in history. It is likely through the Hong Kong agent (most Hong Kong people willing to do anything for the fucking money) to ship to the town of CuiYu in China. It is immoral to dump or recycle the electronic waste in the developing countries and indirectly killed many local citizens because of poisoning wastes. However, there is a website shows you the recycling of electronics waste in India. You should talk to your local Environmental Control Department or agency of environment protection in the US, or even try Obama.

Steven asks…

Is there a computer and electronics recycling center in Chicago?

I am looking for a company that collects precious metals from computer motherboards.

The Expert answers:


intercon recycling in chicago

Betty asks…

Are there any computers/electronics recycling facilities in Mississauga?

Are there any places in Mississauga to take old computer parts and electronics to be recycled and/or properly disposed of? I have stuff like old power supplies, mother boards and other little electronics I just want to get rid of.


The Expert answers:

Check out where you can search for facilities in your area.

Chris asks…

Has anyone used Gazelle for recycling electronics?

I recently looked into Gazelle as I have started a recycling program at my school through the technology club. Have you dealt with them and would you recommend them? If no who would you recommend I am in north west Georgia if that helps.
This is for a school wide project so there will be multiple items.

The Expert answers:

I havent, but I heard that they are not good, I would recommend georgia.

Carol asks…

where can i take old electronics for recycling?

I have a bunch of old electronics that i want to get rid of but i dont want throw them in the trash. I have old computer speakers, an old computer, old television, etc. where can i take them?

The Expert answers:

Check for recycling centers close to you. In the US

David asks…

Can you put electronics out in single-sort recycling pick up?

My husband insists that we should dump our no-longer-working paper shredder out with the recycling tonight. It’s single sort, but they take plastic. I think with the electronics and sharp blades it’s ridiculous, and poses a hazard to the crew that picks it up.
Can someone help settle this one for us?

The Expert answers:

Absolutely NOT!! There are toxic elements in electronics so you cannot put them in your regular recycling.

Donna asks…

Is there a place I can donate electronics for recycling?

My printer is toasted, I don’t have the warranty information, and I don’t really care about a refund. I already have a spare. I bought it at the beginning of this year, and most of the parts are good (it just spits out multiple sheets of paper and only prints 1 out of 9 times I try.) I would rather not send a relatively new machine to the dump. Is there somewhere I can donate the parts?

The Expert answers:

Offer it on your local Freecycle site. Be honest about it’s beahvior, someone is likely to be interested in it. Suggest to whomever picks it up to download the newest drivers for their operating system from the factory website.

If it is an HP, and the person can troubleshoot it, they can get most of the parts through HP.

Susan asks…

What the heck is the recycling fee for on electronics in CA?

I went to buy a laptop from stupid Best Buy today and at check out there was a $16 recycling fee..what is this, why is it there? I want to buy a lap top not recycle the lap top! Is this in all states or just because Soo Cal is so cool?

The Expert answers:

Because of the heavy metals that need to be recycled when the product’s lifespan ends.
Lead, cadmium, copper, and lots more.

Lisa asks…

Recycling Electronics and Reusing Them Appreciationment?

Would returning a Mac computer whose parts can be reused in manufacturing get you a discount on a Mac laptop?

The Expert answers:

Just sell your Mac at and take the money and buy a new one.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asks…

What colours are used for recycle bins?

A) Paper / Cardboard / Cartons
B) Glass /Tins / Foil
C)Hedge clippings / Grass / Weeds
B) Plasic Bottles

The Expert answers:

If you mean wheelie bins and boxes for road side collection there are no regular colours, it depends on the area and council where you live.

In one area I know, it’s all green except for the garden/kitchen waste bin which is brown. In another they use different colours, green, brown and blue

Ruth asks…

What does your religion has to say about throwing newspapers in the recycle bins?

And I thought nothing could shock me anymore …
*have to say* pretend it was a typo 😛

The Expert answers:

Why do I have this image in my head now of a Muslim garbage collector, in total panic at every garbage can he empties in his truck?

Anyway, we should get to the bottom of this! Is it allowed to put an old paper on the bottom of your hamster cage? Can we throw them in mail boxes, or is it also forbidden for a Muslim to be a newspaper delivery person? Etc, etc.

I hate complications!

Sandra asks…

How can I change folder icons, like the recycle bins?

I want to take the formula for the changing icons on a recycle bin and apply the same method to any regular folder icons or a similar way on a Win7 pc.

Just like folder options has a way where you can preview images which u have dropped into an empty folder, but can only change the icon for the folder once, where as the recycle bin can be changed twice with w/e formula it has.

I wanted to modify the folder so I can add full or empty icons too it and watch it change when i drop something into a empty folder. Is this not the same formula for the recycle bin? Do both not share some similar mechanism to change icons?

Below is the trick to changing a recycle bins icon, but what about a regular folders icon?

“Go to Search Programs and type in regedit and then start it up by clicking on it. Then find this key in your registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerCLSID{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}DefaultIcon”


“Second, the above key shows a comma and 0 after the example .ico files. Yours won’t have the comma and 0 so you must add to make it look like the above values. So click on the reg entry right click it and the select modify. Now add the comma and zero then click Okay and when done exit regedit,”

Could I use this same procedure to make folder show 2 different icons or no? Would I need to know where the default for folder icons is to modify it to work?

The Expert answers:

Sorry, but to change Icons on your computer, all that is needed is to right-click, choose Properties and then select Shortcut tab. There will be a Change Icon button. Click it and find the Icon you wish to use.

If you want totally different Icons for complete system, then you may want to use a Utility which will install an Icon theme of your choice.

If you have a full set of Icons you wish to use in an Icon folder, the Change Icon button will allow you to browse to the folder and show all Icons in the folder for you to select.

Icons for my Vista OS is shown to be in:



Charles asks…

Can you recycle glass perfume bottles in the bins at supermarkets in the UK when they have un removable metal?

spray parts. (however hard I try I cannot get this off) and if so – I have a pink bottle – what colour would I put it in with ?

The Expert answers:

I think this bottle would be best put in the normal refuse, as I think these type of metal attachments are extremely difficult to remove and could well cause damage during the recycling process. This is from the website regarding the recycling of glass: ‘Wherever possible, remove metal or plastic tops, corks and rings from bottles or jars. Any tops which remain will be removed by magnets, vibratory screens or other methods, but they can cause damage to furnaces if any get through.’

Ken asks…

Can i put my own recycle bins in front of stores?

The Expert answers:

You would need to talk to the owner or manager about that. . .

Carol asks…

Somebody’s painted “whyte trash” on me front door. Is this about the recycle bins cos I thought they was blue?

The Expert answers:


Paul asks…

If I delete pics from one user account and clean out the recycle bin, do they end up in other accounts bins?

The Expert answers:

No there is normally only one re-cycle bin on a PC.
Used by all.

Thomas asks…

The bldg that I live in does not recycle. How can I make them put bins so we can all help the environment?

I’m just not sure if I have to speak w/ the city or if there is a website to go to that can help me out. I’m all about helping the environment and I feel that the bldg I live in needs to put recepticles so we can all help.

The Expert answers:

I would try writing a letter to city hall or the people who own the place… I would write to the city hall or building owner/manager to put recycling bins by trash cans and signs to put recycling bins in people’s own apartments… Good job, your doing your share to help the environment!

Joseph asks…

Can I put computer paper into the blue recycle bins?

I have a lot of computer paper (and some magazines too) that I would like to recycle instead of throw away. But the blue bin box does not have it on the list of things (on the side of the box it has a list) you can or can’t recycle. There is no mention of computer paper or magazines. Can i still put these paper into the boxes?

The Expert answers:

That all depends on the way your local recycling system is set up. My area uses bags for newspaper and for mixed paper, so magazines and printouts go into the mixed paper bag. Newspaper in the newspaper bag, and metal and plastic goes in a bin.

Contact your recycling program, they can tell you.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Nancy asks…

Any cool recycled jewelery crafts?

i just made one of those soda tab bracelets and i love it! does anyone know of any other cool jewelery made from recycled stuff?

The Expert answers:

If you have any old jewelry, you can use the beads to make something new. You can also find inexpensive jewelry at Goodwill or the Salvation Army stores, and redesign it. Sometimes all you need to buy new are the clasps and the string or stretchy cord.

Good luck!

Richard asks…

For those who like the recycled and upcycled crafts, would this be a good gift for my friend?

Or would something else be better?

The Expert answers:

That is super cute! I vote YES. 🙂

Sandra asks…

Recycled magazine crafts?

Do you know any websites that tell you how to do the recycled magazine crafts? If you have no idea what I’m talking about here’s a link of one example:

The Expert answers:

Get a bunch of them and fasten them together. But before you do this take the top right corner of the page and fold it down and into the crevasse and continue doing this until it’s all done. Do this to all of the books and then when you have fastened them together you can have it in a half circle and use it as a door stop, sell them or give them away..

George asks…

If there is anyone who creates quality arts and crafts products using recycled items could you let me know?

The Expert answers:

Well, you probably have heard about this. You take KoolAid pouches or Capri Sun and suck all of the juice out. Wash them up, and sew them together to make something. People make belts, purses, etc.

Ken asks…

Can anyone give me ideas on how to make recycling crafts?

is there any crafts using show boxes,jars,cans,and cereal boxes?? PLEASE answer!

The Expert answers:

Try searching the net for recycled crafts. There are a lot of ideas out there it is just a matter of finding something that suits you
Otherwise try using your imagination:

Decorate jars with paint, bits of lace and braid to make vases
large cans covered in old wallpaper offcuts make lovely wastepaper baskets
small cans covered in same for pencil holders
cardboard boxes for doll houses
all sorts of small containers for furniture in doll houses
cereal boxes and plastic wrap tubes for castles.

It is just a matter of looking at your jars cans and boxes differently – what can they become not just what they are.

Charles asks…

Have any ideas on begginer recycling crafts?

I’m looking for easy crafts wit old items.
Like Christmas lights, newspapers, clothes?

The Expert answers:

Christmas lights mmmm sounds fun. I say you could take a whole roll of them and tie/roll them up in a ball. The ball its self very cool even more cool when you turn them on. Just dont leave it pluged to the wall when you are not in the room never know what will happen

Michael asks…

what are some crafts that you can make from recycled materials?


The Expert answers:

Considering that anything you rescue from the landfill is recycled the only limiting factor here is your own imagination. In cub scouts we use wax paper and empty toilet paper rolls to make a little hum instrument. Spools are always handy for wheel toys or doll heads, arms & legs. Most stuff we made in den meetings were from recycled stuff when I was the leader.

The genius kits were really fun as you put a bunch of odd things in a sack, gave it to a boy to see what he could make of it. I know a .lady that makes jewelry out of nuts, bolts and nails. I had a grandma who made all kinds of cute little critters out of pinecones and twigs and misc. Cloth strips. Usually I’ll look at something and ask myself what I could make out of it that would be useful. That’s how I recycle most stuff.

Susan asks…

Ideas for Recycled Craft Business Name?

My friend and I are starting a craft selling business, where everything is made out of recycled materials. Yet we are having trouble coming up with a catchy, cool name that is memorable but that has to do with the products we are selling. (Crafts for the house, garden, easter, desk stuff, organization, games, cards, toys, etc.) Thank you very much.

The Expert answers:

Second Round Crafts

Daniel asks…

Needing to come up with a name for my small arts and crafts business.?

I want to start a small business. I can’t come up with a name for it. I will be making recycled crafts. how can I come up with a good name.

The Expert answers:

This is a great article about – How to Select a Company or Product Name –

The article has some good advice on how to research names, and what to becareful of.

Here are some tips on selecting a domain name

Should get you started!
Best of luck

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Steven asks…

Why human waste products are not used for producing methane which can be used to run our cars?

In india biogas plant is already used to treat waste products and to produce methane which is quite successfull then why the human waste are not recycled and used seriously to produce fuel for our cars as crude oil prices are increasing day by day so as gasoline

The Expert answers:

Methane has a lower boiling point than petrol and exists as a gas at room temperature, thus it is not easily stored as a fuel for cars. I’m sure you do not want to be pumping gas into your cars…

Sharon asks…

Where or how do you recycle plastic motor oil containers?

I can recycle everything else but seems like such a waste to throw these in the landfill.

The Expert answers:


Thomas asks…

new nuclear power plants what about the nuclear waste?

The British government want to build several new nuclear power plants to make Britain less reliant on imported oil and gas which seems like a very reasonable and common sense proposal but what I wonder about is what they plan to do with all the nuclear waste that those plants will make, do they have any recycling plants for the waste or do they just plan to dump it underground bunkers in Scotland and forget about it like they have done in the past

The Expert answers:

They store the old waste in deep underground salt mines, the salt suprisingly enough will act as a good barrier and will eventually grow around the waste giving it time (over thousands and thousands of years of course) to detoxify.

Also, “all the nuclear waste”, sounds like a lot right? It isn’t.

Mary asks…

Oil usages and how to conserve it..?

Can you add to me lists???

Individually Reduce the needs of Oil
Public transportation
Hybrid vehicals
The less cars being bought means, less brake fluid, car battery cases, gasoline, tires, as well as boats, car bodies, paint, anti freeze ect, all made with oil in some way
Weed killer (dig your weeds up)
Fertilizer ( composte your soil will be amazing)
Garden hoses (buckets of water work tooo)
Soaplesss degerents often contain oil (use soap filled soaps)
Most ink pens are made of petrochemicals
Wax is a petroleum product, such as milk jugs, candles, polishes(recycle milk jugs)
All plastic chemicals are made of petrochemicals, and plastic is made from the same petrochemical as fiber of polyeester; so all those clothes sitting in your closet you don’t need, you are wasting oil products(recycle plastic, pass on clothing you don’t need, or donate it)

Utilize wind, and other natural never ending ways to create energy, water mills, wind mills, solar pannels, ect.

Utilize wind, and other natural never ending ways to create energy, water mills, wind mills, solar pannels, ect.

The Expert answers:

Turn off your computer to save electricity that is made from oil.
Go for a walk instead.

Sandy asks…

How can you get diesel for 70 Cents a gallon? you ask!?

Diesel For 70 Cents?????
Home BioDiesel Make biodiesel for less than 70 cents per gallon Recycle waste cooking oil Create environmentally friendly biodiesel fuel We offer a quality product for the conversion of vegetable oils (We’re talking about waste cooking or fryer oil.) into diesel fuel that’s cleaner, cheaper, and better for your diesel vehicle (or other diesel engines) than the regular diesel fuel you’d buy at the local gas station. However, what really separates Home BioDiesel from anyone else offering such a processor is our outstanding customer service. We not only walk you through the initial setup process, but we’ll help you find local sources for the raw materials you’ll need, and keep in touch with you over time. Contact us today to find out if biodiesel fuel is right for you. Call 1-888-4-BIODIESEL (1-888-424-6343) and start your path to complete independence from retail diesel prices and foreign oil. Don’t just complain about the problem, be part of the solution.
ok, yes this is an add, but it’s ok, cause I dont believe that my dad can sell it!!! haha

The Expert answers:

How about a website?

Ruth asks…

What small Gulf Coast company dominates the fluid waste recycle business?

Company has 2 patents on oil services technology. Standard and Poor’s did a report on the company on June 24th, 2006. Developed a water-based fluid process for oil rigs that is environmentally friendly.

The Expert answers:


Paul asks…

I need ideas on the topic of recycling for my GCSE Art final exam?

This is the question I have chosen:
Produce a piece of work based on ONE of the following on the theme of RECYCLING.
a) Make a picture or 3D piece using scrap and waste materials.
b)A poster which makes a comment on the benefits of recycling.
I’ve decided to use oil pastels for the exam, but I don’t know what piece to do or how to do it. I just don’t know what to do.
I would be grateful if any of you have any ideas ASAP. Thanks.

The Expert answers:

You can use bottles, cans, cardboard boxes,pieces of scrap metal, bottle caps, rags, and just about any common thrown away item. I’ve seen some great yard art made from car parts and old garden tools and carpenter tools. You could put some of the flat waste items on your poster to high light certain points you make, while using the oil pastels for your basic poster. The 3D piece could be done with any or a combination of the aforementioned items, and other similar waste. How about light bulbs! They are in the news of late.

Richard asks…

Science project ideas that are environmental-friendly, low-cost, benefits other, easy to carry out?

I need some ideas for my science project. My senior have done

1Organic dishwashing powder using rice husk ashTo make an organic dishwashing powder which causes no harm to marine life and is gentle to the hands
2Bagging the environmentTo develop a good quality biodegradable shopping bag material made of fruit and vegetable waste to replace the non-biodegradable plastic bag
3Recycling cooking oil as soapTo recycle waste cooking oil in the canteen to make soap by removing odors from it
4Air pollutionTo develop a product which can filter the air and make it cleaner and at the same time, also neutralise acidic water that could be caused by acid
5Natural paintTo make natural paint using flour and colourings from fruits and vegetables and comparing it with conventional paint
6Investigating on herbal preservative on meatTo discover an organic preservative that is both effective in preserving food and has minimal effect on human health compared to a preservative currently available in the market
7Natural UV soapTo produce a soap that uses natural products and minimal chemicals by using green apple skin that can provide UV protection and produce a pleasant green apple fragrance
8The most effective recycled material that can be used to absorb pet’s urine and odourTo find an alternative material obtainable from household waste, which can absorb the urine effectively and eliminate its odour at the same time
9Environmentally friendly packagingTo investigate how packaging affects the environment. To find better ways to redesign packaging to be more environmentally friendly
Innovative Projects

1Removal of onion smell with fruit juicesTo investigate which fruit juice (watermelon, pineapple, lemon, green apple) is best in removing onion smells
2Homemade fire extinguishersTo design a home-made environmental friendly fire extinguisher that can be introduced to homes
3Portable calorie calculatorTo create a product which helps people to be aware of their calories intake; To raise awareness of a healthy diet
4No more smelly feet!To investigate which herb is able to kill the bacteria causing athlete’s foot and produce a spray to cure athlete’s foot
5CO2 growth boosterTo investigate the effect of CO2 gas that is forcibly introduced into the environment on the boost of plant growth
6Investigating potato electrochemical cellsTo investigate the effectiveness of potatoes as electrochemical cells and the optimum condition to have the longest running potato electrochemical cells
7Alternative fabric softenersTo study if vinegar and baking soda make our clothes and towels feel softer
8Effect of coffee powder and spices on antsTo determine the effect of coffee powder and spices as an ant repellent
9Investigations on physical chemotherapeutic changesTo investigate the effects of 7 colours on humans’ pulse rate so as to advice hospitals or house owners which are the best colours to use for their infrastructure
10Natural dyeThis project aims to make fabric dye from colour extracts from fruits and vegetables
11The strongest bridge designTo investigate which type of commonly used bridge designs is able to carry the most load. To compare the ratio of maximum load to the mass of the bridge
12Step and ThrowTo develop a floor mat that can be easily removed when no longer usable (disposable)
13Window wipersTo investigate whether home products such as vinegar, baking soda or lemons can help keep the windows squeaky clean
14What is the best condition of light to study?To investigate which is the best light condition to study and to prevent myopia
15Disposable hair trapperTo make a netting to trap debris such as hair from clogging the drainage pipe

I really need some creative ideas that are environmental-friendly, improve lives or lifestyles, benefit others, simple and easy to carry out, low cost. Please help!

The Expert answers:

You’ve got some really good ideas here. I remember when I was in grade school,
my science project was about HOMEMADE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY
PRODUCTS, so we created cleansers and even hairsprays that were non-toxic
and safe for the environment.

James asks…

Fear of ingesting recycled cooking oil in china?

I’m going to china in a little bit and I read that a lot of oil in china was recycled. What frightened me even more was that news sources claim the oil to contain carcinogens which, links to my phobia of cancer which, along with other health risks is made even worse by my being more worried about my health(I actually have very good health and health habits) than most other people. Please give me some tips on how to not be overly paranoid when I go there and not waste time and effort to avoid it.

The Expert answers:

Now,Hogwash oil is reported by TV.This is very serious thing.So I don’t often have a meal outside now.I afraid too

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

William asks…

Is there a recycling facility in Oklahoma City that would pay for plastic bottles?

My 7 year old son heard that he could make some money by recycling plastic… now we have 6 large trash bags full of bottles. And I don’t know where to go!

The Expert answers:

Here in Tulsa we can recycle plastic (and please do!!!) but we only receive money for soda cans. It is probably the same there. Call your city council ans ask.

George asks…

Does recycling plastic cause too much damage?

I’ve heard that an enormous amount of energy is used to recycle plastic. How much more energy does it take to recycle plastic than it takes to recycle paper products? How much more efficient can recycling methods become in the future? Is is it even valid to compare energy consumption and recycling, or are these apples and oranges?

The Expert answers:

Short answer NO when you compare it with the alternative: making new plastic.

But yes any recycling effort does take energy and resources. So our first goal should be to REDUCE CONSUMPTION so we have less to recycle

And yes you are comparing apples to oranges when you compare recycling efforts for plastic and paper. A lot of plastics are much sturdier and can be recycled several times. Paper fibers break down so it is not endlessly recyclable.

Thomas asks…

What has drought got to do with recycling plastic?

im doing a debate on recycleing plastic.
my topic is “shoul we be recycling plastic evan though we are in a drought.” i am on the against side an you give me some answers for that and some answers for what has recycling plastic got to do with a drought??
Thank you

The Expert answers:

You should always recycle plastic. Plastics can take up to a thousand years or more to decompose. Recycled plastics can be made into thousands of different new products. The amount of water needed to recycle plastic is a minimal compared to the environmental impact recycling the plastic will have. If a drought were bad enough to shut down a recycling center, they could stockpile the products until the drought is over, or ship to a nearby facility that is unaffected by the drought. There’s never a good reason not to recycle. And by the way, before you debate someone, you may want to check your spelling.

Jenny asks…

I am doing a project on recycling plastic bags and i need a catchy, unique title. Any ideas?

For my project I am turning plastic bags into reusable shopping bags. This way I am recycling plastic, and also preventing plastic bags from being used in the future. I need a title that is catchy, unique, and stands out. It needs to be somewhat short. Any ideas?!?!

The Expert answers:

Bag-It Plastic

Laura asks…

I have a question about recycling plastic bottles?

Would it be wrong for me to recycle plastic bottles without their lids.
I’m talking about stuff like water bottles and coke bottles. Is it okay for me to put them in one of those recycle boxes without their lids on?

Are their lids really important in the process of recycling?

The Expert answers:

They want the bottles uncapped. Whether or not the lids are recycled or of a different plastic is irrelevant. If the bottles are capped, then the steel rollers that flatten the bottles will suddenly slam together when the pressure reaches the burst point of the plastic and the force of them coming together can damage the equipment as well as present a safety hazard to the workers.

You always want to put the plastic bottles in the recycle boxes without the lids on. You can also toss the lids into the box for recycling separately but be sure that the bottles are uncapped.

Ken asks…

Should we be recycling plastic even though we are in a drought?

Should we be recycling plastic even though we are in a drought?
I am debating on this topic.
i am on the fore side can u plz give me some reasons for why we should.
Thank you.

The Expert answers:

Recycling plastic often saves it being dumped in landfill sites.

It saves in the consumption of a non renewable resource, crude oil.

It prevents the emission of the greenhouse gas CO2 which would be involved in the production of new plastic.

Climate change can cause both droughts in some areas and extra rain in others, and in any event single weather events may well not be linked to climate change.

Mary asks…

is it possible to get paid recycling plastic bottles?

i have a ton of plastic water bottles, i mean tons.
i heard someone tell me that recycling companies will pay for these in bulk. is this true? if so, what price should i be expecting to get?
i know it would be bad to just throw all of them into the trash can just like any other garbage which is why i want to recycle them.

The Expert answers:

You can take it to a nearby recycling center and get paid, but it’s not that much per bottle…only like 10 cents i think

Maria asks…

When recycling plastics do you end up with less plastic than you started?

I’ve read somewhere that when recycling plastics they get smaller and smaller. Is this true and why? And any websites or sources would be helpful as I can’t find any specific ones! Thanks 🙂

The Expert answers:

Yes. There is enough “extras” in plastic that it all does not make it to the next stage of its life via recycling. The treatment of plastic takes away some of its value each time.

Michael asks…

Is recycling my plastic harming the environment?

To recycle plastic food packaging, I wash it in heated drinking water. Given the environmental impact of creating drinking water, piping it to my house and then heating it in a gas boiler, would I be better putting it in landfill or burning it?
Of course the water and heating would be needed for other things even if I didn’t recycle.
I’m looking for research and figures rather than intuition.
Thanks for all the opinion and telling me what *you* think but can anyone actually point to some figures or research?

The Expert answers:

Wow!!!!!!!!! Gud think. If all the personts think as you think, then there will be not an enviorenment problem in whole world..

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