Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asksā€¦

Recycling Club At School; Ideas?

Ok, so I’m a middle schooler, and I wanted to join a club at my school that does a little more than recycle (i.e. pick up materials that are in the recycling bin, pick up litter), and they give you this form to fill out in order to join. The top part is mostly just teacher/community recommendations, and the last part asks you to tell how you plan to improve the school’s environment. I have a few ideas, but I’m not sure if they’re too much (like if I don’t have authority to do what I have in mind, or it takes teacher supervision on the weekend and stuff), and I need a few more, well – ideas that are different and stand out. Since I’m put on the waiting list because there are already people for this semester, I’m not going to be in (that is if I get in..) until next year, but I really want to turn it in asap…

Thanks! šŸ˜€

The Expert answers:

Check out for a variety of ideas and see if there are any groups on the internet that might be engage in this area of interest. You might also have an aluminum car drive to help fund your projects.

Jenny asksā€¦

How do I make my own windows in Windows XP?

What I mean is, like you get a window that pops up in windows telling you information, for example: Windows is searching for Some old file.exe. To locate the file yourself, click Browse. Or: Are you sure you want to send ‘Some old file.exe’ to the Recycle Bin? Something like that, but so you can customise it. I know it’s posible because my school does it when you go on Internet Explorer, it tells you the number of house points each house has.

Thanks, Jamie.

The Expert answers:

For simple scripts, do a search on vbscript…

Sandra asksā€¦

What do I recycle and what do I throw out?

Today at school I saw my friends, that are in the environmental club, by the trash cans at lunch. I walked over and they were with a teacher looking through the bottle cap recycling bin and picking up half full bottles. First of all, I know for a fact they aren’t supposed to throw bottles in there. Then, my friends told me they weren’t even supposed to have any sort of liquid in them or anything for that matter. I helped them take out the bottles. Now at home, I want to do the same. I want to recycle my bottles, can and everything like that. I just don’t know what goes where. Can anyone make a list of household items that can be recycled and what I should throw out in the garbage?

The Expert answers:

Recycle paper, plastic, and anything metal. Never put clothing in the recycling bin, for some reason people think that clothing goes in the recycling bin, but it doesn’t. However you can give old clothes to the local thrift shops, women’s shelters, jails for prisoners who don’t have clothes when they come out, and homeless shelters. You can also take old electronics to different recycling sites, use the phone book or your local news station’s website to find one. Also most recycleable items will say “Please recycle” or have 3 arrows that make up a triangle. Thank you for taking time to ask this question so that my future children will have a nice place to live someday:)

David asksā€¦


So this year we made a global warners club we have idea’s of making speeches on telling people do use the 3 r’s and we go to each class and see if they have a recycle bin if they dont the school orders it for them

so my questions is what other things should we do in our club?

The Expert answers:

The club sounds like a good idea, good luck with it.

I think there are many things you could do, some may be more practical than others. Hereā€™s some suggestionsā€¦

ā€¢ First, all the points that Love The Earth has made ā€“ theyā€™re good.

ā€¢ You could develop the lakescaping idea and extend it to include local watercourses. Part of the project could be to improve streams and small rivers by clearing trash and debris, improving access, planting schemes, creating awareness etc.

ā€¢ Talk to a local wildlife expert and see what steps could be implemented to encourage birds and animals into your area. Perhaps something as simple as providing suitable bird-boxes, you could have some of these in the school grounds.

ā€¢ If the school has the land available, then create a garden area and a vegetable area. Itā€™s good, healthy fun for the kids.

ā€¢ Look at carrying out some improvements to the surrounding areas, maybe plant flowers along the roadside, put up a few hanging baskets or freshen things up with a lick of paint here and there.

ā€¢ In terms of wider environmental issues, you could incorporate problems such as the depletion of oil and other mineral resources, the environmental impacts of these industries, species extinction, deforestation, dead zones, habitat destruction, coral bleaching, ocean acidification, landfill sites, soil erosion, shortages of food and water, acid rain, over population, toxic waste, overfishing, pesticides etc.

ā€¢ Wikipedia has a long List of Environmental Issues here Iā€™m sure thereā€™ll be plenty of things you can include in your club.

John asksā€¦

can you put plastic ziploc bags in the same recycling bin as plastic water bottles?

I need to know this for a school project. It’ll also help if you can supply some websites that have some useful information about recycling bottles, plastics, and cans. (no wikipiedia)

The Expert answers:

Yes. You can. Whether they belong there or not….that’s another question.

Plastic zip-lock bags are made of polyethylene.

Plastic water bottles are made of PET or polyethylene teraphlate, know more widely as Dacron when in a fibrous form.

Most recyling bins accept both plastics.

Betty asksā€¦

How can I recover a folder I deleted from a jumpdrive (memory stick)?

The folder is not in my recycle bin, because I deleted from an external device, how can I recover my files?!?!?!??? I need them in two days for school! No exceptions. Thank you very much for your help. Wish me luck, and if you know, please help! Thanks.

The Expert answers:

File recovery-
Recuva (pronounced “recover”) is a freeware Windows utility to restore files that have been accidentally deleted from your computer. This includes files emptied from the Recycle bin as well as images and other files that have been deleted by user error from digital camera memory cards or MP3 players. It will even bring back files that have been deleted by bugs, crashes and viruses!

Linda asksā€¦

Dear Earth is in trouble! What can we do?

Do you like the world we live in?
Do you want your children or grandchildren to suffer?
Do you want Earth to die away?

Of coarse not!

But what can we do?

1. Pay attention to how much water you use. If you don’t allready…take a shower! It uses less water than a bath. And be quick, if you spend to long heres a tip- use cold water, not only will you feel rushed your hair will be shiny and grow longer!
Save water. As gross as it sounds its really not that bad. Only wash clothes and dishes when neccesary and be sure to wash a big load.
Turn water off! Its so simple! When your washing dishes you DO NOT NEED ALL THE WATER! And turn the water off when your brushing your teeth.

2. Leave the car at HOME! Its healthier to walk anyways! I don’t use a car. I either walk, ride a bike, or skate board. Its funner and safer (less accidents) and its good for the environment.

3. Recycle! Its easy! Get a few bins for recycling- one for paper and one for plastics. Encourage your friends and school to recycle too!

4. Make a compost pile! Heres how!

5. Buy some seeds and grow a garden! Plant a tree!

6. Its not as bad as you think to pick up the trash! Whenever I’m walking aroudn town I see trash EVERYWHERE! So what do I do…I pick it up!

Please help dear Mother Earth. She has cared for us and now that she’s in trouble its our turn to care for her. If we don’t do anything the world will be in huge trouble. I’m trying my hardest to reach out to teens and kids to help! Spread the word. Help make the world a better place.

The Expert answers:

Good self answers. Check out these two short articles.

Maria asksā€¦

Where can I find an app. for a federal grant?

I’m part of my school’s Key Club. in Northeast Oklahoma. I’m looking for an application to receive a federal grant to help pay, mostly, for a wind turbine we want to purchase for the school. If you know of where to get an app. for solar panels, hot water heaters, wind turbines, or recycling bins, please let me know! Just in case, the grant needs to be for a school.

The Expert answers:

Good luck with that. Be sure you ask for enough to cover the EPA studies you will require. A lot of alternative energy projects have been sunk because they can’t afford to do the studies on the impact on fish, fowl or other wildlife, even when they are trying to work on existing sites. Here in SC we have hundreds of old Mill Dams. They already exist, nothing new is being built. But nothing can be done with them because the costs of the studies are so ridiculously high.

Chris asksā€¦

How do i delete a program on Windows 7?

I had to download a file for school and with it it downloaded a weather channel program that is now a desktop icon. I want to completely delete it from my computer. How do I do that? Also, I don’t just want to use the recycling bin. I need it completely gone along with some other files.

The Expert answers:

Go to this: Control PanelProgramsPrograms and Features
Once in, wait for the list to load. Then right click on the program you want to remove and click uninstall.

Hope this helped!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asksā€¦

where can i get more recycling bins for my school?

i need to get more recycling bins in my school, where can i get them? i live in Oregon and all of the sites I’ve gone to are for other states. Does anyone know where i could get them?

The Expert answers:

You need to look for a local recycling center. Check out the link below.

Betty asksā€¦

Where to get cheap recycling bins for school?

I want to put recycling bins in the classes, but with the stuff I’m looking at, I will have to spend $500.
I’m looking for about a 23 gallon.

The Expert answers:

If you keep looking, you’d realize the only thing you need is a recycling symbol to stick on any container – trash can, box or whatever.

The container should be liquid tight, that is, will keep any liquid in your recyclable from leaking out onto the floor. This reduces cleanup and also prevents vermin (bugs and rodents) from discovering this new food source easily.

Good luck!

Sandra asksā€¦

What items are we allowed to put in plastic recycling bins?

Bins say, “bottles only” but does this include plastic milk bottles and household cleaner bottles, or just water bottles? Also should I take off the lids and throw them away or can they be recycled?

The Expert answers:


I am sure the recycling center can separate out the usable from unusable and deal with the refuse left.

I’d put it all in!

Helen asksā€¦

They are no recycling bins in the county that i live in?

Who should I write to or talk to about putting bins around here. I hate not recycling.

The Expert answers:

Speak to your local council, recycling cost the government quiet abit so that maybe the reason…

Sharon asksā€¦

How can I get two free recycling bins?

I’m getting tired of putting my plastic bottles, cardboard boxes, soda cans, etc. in the trash b/c i don’t have enough recycling bins to put them in. So please help me.

Racquel N.

The Expert answers:

There are no free recycling bin but you could make one.

You could clean the one of trash can in house. Then paint one box with blue paint which will be recycling cans for bottles without plastic cap/lids.

Also, you could put hole in lid to indicate bottles, cans only.

For paper, you could use unused cardbox which could be paper bin.

Lizzie asksā€¦

what are the different bins of recycling used for?

I have 3 bins and am new to the area here in Dorset in England and I have been told I have to recycle otherwise I get a fine. I have one bin for garden waste and two for household waste and recyclable stuff.. What goes in the recycled stuff? what cant I put in the recycle bin? what goes in the normal bin??

So confused and have 2 kids so lots of rubbish to sort thru now!

The Expert answers:

Probably the best thing for you to do is to contact your local council.

Many councils have online information about refuse collections and what the different bins and boxes are for, including what not to put in the bins. Different councils have their own ways of dealing with things.

Dorset County Council or Dorset for You has links to local council websites, if in any doubt send them an email. I contacted my local council once about shredded paper as everyone seemed to have different ideas so I thought it best to get the information from the people responsible and very helpful they were to.

Mark asksā€¦

Where do I go to get recycling bins?

I’ve recently become a huge environmental activist, and I will do anything to avoid wasting things like food or paper. Where do I need to go to get the green curbside recycling bin for paper, plastic, and glass?

The Expert answers:

Your local township or borough office will have these for free-just contact them. In many cases, you will have to go to the office to get one, and if one was already issued to your place of residence, you may (or may not) have to pay a nominal fee for it. (Like $5-8.) Also, you may have to purchase any amount of bins that you want over 1-you will usually get one for free.

Chris asksā€¦

Who else has problems with recycling bins filling up?

I want to now why recycling is picked up every other week.Why not every week? Recycling bins in my neighborhood are usually filled before the end of the first week and I want to now if others are having the same problem

The Expert answers:

Ours don’t

does this look like your bin,r:12,s:0&tx=87&ty=26

mine look like these three,r:7,s:33&biw=922&bih=520

how about getting a bigger bin – we did – just sorta makes sense to me

George asksā€¦

Does anyone know where i can find a technology, resistant materials past paper on recycling bins?

In school, we are having practice exams. I know that the exam will be based around recycling bins and recycling but i can’t find this exam paper. It is a gcse aqa paper.
Hope you can help

The Expert answers:

I’m afraid I dont think this paper has been distributed yet Jonathon as it is to be used for the mock exams in many schools. You’ll have to do this exam alone Jonathon.;)

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mark asksā€¦

AVG is unable to delete RECYCLER virus. Why? Can i use any other anti-virus to remove RECYCLER virus?

AVG is unable to delete RECYCLER virus. Why? Can i use any other anti-virus to remove RECYCLER virus?

The Expert answers:

Antivirus tips and antivirus download:

Betty asksā€¦

Primer Bulb on toro recycler not getting gas?

Hi, I just bought a used toro recycler that had no primer bulb. I replaced it and the fuel tank ( had a hole). The fuel hose is fine, but if I push the new bulb all I feel is air and the mower won’t start. Please help.

How do I check the primer is in right?

The Expert answers:

Possible causes:

Crack in the carb housing (vacuum leak)
Bad gasket somewhere in carb (vacuum leak)
Primer bulb not installed properly (not seated? Easy to check, easy to miss, too)
Fuel pickup not submerged
Fuel pickup inside tank not connected

Sometimes if you shoot a little carb cleaner or starter fluid into the intake, and get the machine running on that, you can keep it going long enough until the vacuum does pick up the fuel. That at least gets you going until you can open the thing up to do the fix – after you’ve gotten the mowing done.

Laura asksā€¦

How to get rid of “RECYCLER” and “System volume information” files in windows XP?

My hard disk recently crashed. Fortunately i had backed up everything into an external drive. I have now got back all the files from the external into my new hard disk. However, there are two folders called RECYCLER and System volume information. They appear in half shade and i cannot delete them. I get the message “acces denied” and advises me to see if the disk is wrtie protected. How can i get rid of these files? I use windows XP .
regarding the “system volume information” , properties show: size of the folder is 0 bytes and contains 0 files
i suspect that these files are from my previous installation of windows.

The Expert answers:

You cannot delete them, they are critical Windows system folders.
You can, however, hide them.
Head to: Control Panel>Folder Options>View (tab)>…and select ‘Hide protected operating system files (recommended)’>Click ‘Apply’ & they’re gone!
OK, not gone, but hidden from view as you can’t do much else with them.

Jenny asksā€¦

How to delete recycler virus from hard drive?

My laptop recently got infected by a recycler virus from a USB flash drive. The virus slows down my computer and blocks my internet connection. My USB flash drive is now clean, but my hard drive isnt. The folder System Volume Information cannot be deleted. Every time i try, a dialog box appears saying: Access denied. Help please. I have tried using UnlockerAssistant, but every time i delete it, the folder just recreates itself immediately. Help please.

The Expert answers:

Here is a video removal guide:

Michael asksā€¦

Where can I pick up The Recycler Free Classifieds?

I know there is a website for The Recycler Los Angeles Free Classifieds but where can I pick it up in print?

The Expert answers:


Donald asksā€¦

How to remove the recycler virus from my laptop?

I can’t run my AVG. every time that i try to run it there are command prompt that pops up and closes the application. I cannot even search in search engines regarding on how to remove the virus. I can’t open websites about anti virus please help me

The Expert answers:

Boot into Safe Mode and try to run your AVG. If you are successful, next disable system restore and reboot again. Re-enable system restore when you log back in and run AVG again in normal mode.

To get into safe mode, restart your computer and hold down the F8 key as it is booting up. After a few seconds a screen will appear to allow you to choose Safe Mode.

To clear old (infected) system restore points, go to Control Panel, System, System Restore tab, tickmark to turn off system restore on all drives, click Apply then click OK. A reboot will clear all older restore points and repeat the process after rebooting to re-enable system restore by removing the tickmark.

If you still cannot get rid of it, below are some free tech groups that can walk you through a manual removal of the malware.

Free technical help forums

AumHa Forums
Bleeping Computers
Spybot S&D Forums
Lavasoft Forums
Spyware Info Forums

Maria asksā€¦

Any suggestions for another name besides “paper recycler” on a preschool job chart?

I teach pre-k and we have a job chart. Some of the jobs are line leader, door opener, marker police, etc… We recycle paper in our school and we decided to get the kids involved by bringing the scrap paper we collect in class to the bin that I will take to the recycling dumpster. Any better suggestions for the job name besides “paper recycler?” Thanks!

The Expert answers:

I think you want the word recycle in the job title because it will help vocabulary development. What about Recycle Ranger?

James asksā€¦

Can anyone help with an autorun recycler trojan problem?

I’ve been searching online to find more about it, and it seems to come from the shuckbot-a trojan. I got infected from using a usb flash drive on public computers. I can’t figure out how to get it off the usb device yet. I use AVG anti virus, and was about to install the AVG anti-spyware as well. Please help! I don’t want to delete the wrong thing!

The Expert answers:

First turn off system restore if you use Windows XP.

1 Click Start.

2 Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.

3 On the System Restore tab, check Turn off System Restore or Turn off System Restore on all drives. If you do not see the System Restore tab, you are not logged on to Windows as an Administrator.

4 Click Apply.

5 When you see the confirmation message, click Yes.

6 Click OK.

Download ,install, update and run Spybot S&D FROM HERE:

Also you can download and run AVG antispyware.
Usually this program run so SPYBOT, OR EWIDO they ask you to reboot and run again before windows load any proccess. DO SO.

Download hijackThis from here:

save it to a folder, and run it. DO NOT FIX ANYTHING WITH IT. Just cliuck on scan and save log, button to create a logfile.

Post logfile here:

An expert will tell you if you have any leftovers or any other problems that AVG and Spybot, couldn’t get.

Also you can send the logfile to me.

After you done and your system is CLEAN, TURN ON System Restore using above steps, but this time check TURN ON SYSTEM RESTORE.

Lizzie asksā€¦

I’m a amateur. Can anyone tell me how to delete the recycler things from my hard disk?

I’m totally a blur block at computers because I know not much about PCs these days.

So please make explaination as easy for me to understand. Thanks
The recycler I’m talking about is the virus; not the recycle bin.

The Expert answers:

Right-Click the Recycle Bin icon and select Empty Recycle Bin.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Michael asksā€¦

What is a good recycling percentage?

It’s for an eco-dorm, and there will be 450 people participating. What is a good ratio of waste to recycling to strive for? We have the capacity to recycle paper, cans, plastic, glass, cardboard, etc, and the trash company will give me the stats each week or so. We need a goal! Thanks!

The Expert answers:

25% should be easy.
50% would be good

Chris asksā€¦

Times Private Treaties providing small brands the ā€˜Xā€™ Factor?

Times Private Treaties investments seem to have provided the small brands X Factor in terms of brand building, mainstream advertising and reputation management. One of the recent successes has been a small lesser known e-waste recycling company Eco Reco which claims that they have seen a substainatial growth in the number of new clients since April 2008, when their first ad on Planet Earth Day appeared. Currently, the company has more than 200 corporate clients across India, such as Siemens, Reliance, Infosys, HCL and HDFC and many more including several companies of Tata Group, Mahindra & Mahindra and Castrol. The company feels that this is due to the buzz and brand equity generated by their informational and brand campaign in partnership with Times Private Treaties.
Similarly a B2B compnay Unitek Power, which fundamentally provides industrial power solutions, belives that the brand reputation earned through advertising via a Times Private Treaties client has enabled them to win large orders. Last year this Kerala-based electronics company had signed an exclusive tie-up with the Italian pioneer, Borri Industrial Power Solutions The Unitek-Borri Power Solutions got Rs 32 crore order from L & T for Cairns Energy.
Another example is Royal Hygiene, a new entrant in the feminine hygiene products range which has attained a number three position in the market by registering a growth of 225% in sales last year. The company attributes this success largely to their brand building efforts undertaken since May 2008 post their alliance with Times Private Treaties. Says, Rakesh Kaul, CEO of Royal Hygiene, ā€œEver since the alliance with the Times Group, there has been a substantial increase in the top of the mind recall over the past one year.ā€

Times Private Treaties model is based on providing brand building and advertising opportunities to smaller less known companies to help them create their brand and unlock value. This model enables companies to advertise in BCCL vehicles in return for equity in those companies. This also helps the company to bring in many first time otherwise media shy advertisers and increase BCCLā€™s advertiser base.

The Expert answers:

Times Private Treaties seem to be playing a significant role with its core strategies for companies.

Mary asksā€¦

How can major companies be allowed to use more water then they need to?

every kilo of leather made wastes 72litres of water and believe it or not they don’t recycle it…
every tonne of steel wastes 300,000litres of water but thankfully they recycle 93% of this water so at least they are trying to make an effort
every litre of beer wastes 7-10litres of water and it can’t be used again.
These are just some of the companies that use large amounts of water for small things
IMAGINE all the other companies that are wasting water!!!

The Expert answers:

Yes industry can use a lot of water and it generally doesn’t pay very much for it.

If you were to change this around the companies would become uncompetitive and fold. This means the loss of jobs that pay our bills. If the companies were charged more for the water then the prices you and I would pay would be substantially more.

It is a balancing act that we have been dealt due to what was done in the past. Industry is moving towards becoming more efficient but it is not something that will happen over night but a gradual change over a couple of decades.

Also the general population uses 70% of the water supply; of which only 10% is for potable (used for human comsumption) purposes; the rest goes into swimming pools, doing laundry, washing dishes, having showers etc.

So we have
30% used by industry
63 % used for non potable purposes in households
7% used for human consumption.
It is obvious that the biggest savings can come from household reducing their non potable water usage.

Jenny asksā€¦

waste recyling program partners in the philippines?

looking for companies that will help us manage our solid waste recycling program, and or convert it into cash funds

The Expert answers:

Very interesting!!! But the initiative should come first from the government to strictly imposed the program to be followed by its constituent. People should be first educated on the importance of recycling and its impact to the community.

Susan asksā€¦

How to start as an Environmental Engineer in the London area?

I am really disappointed – everybody talks about recycling yet here I am with a degree and I can’t get a job. I know as an Eastern EuropeanI can start on a senior level (and man, I am keen on an administrator position just let me start it!), but even for junior positions they expect 2years experience!
I have 1 year experience in waste management (project work, not UK based).

I phoned recycling companies and they wouldn’t recruit without an agency (but wouldn’t tell the name of the agency).
Councils go through the job centre, but I can’t apply for jobs in Ealing if I live in Wandsworth.

Do you know an agency I should contact?

Are you an Environmental Engineer in waste management and have some ideas or tips?
In London.
For someone who gained a degree in another European country.

Do you know an agency?

Are you an agent?

I am all ears to suggestions, pleaseeeee!

Many thanks

The Expert answers:

I am not in waste management, nor overseas. But to garner an entry level position in the US is as easy as looking up companies in the yellow pages “Environmental Consultants” or “Engineers Environmental”.

Using career (I do not think they list the UK), search Enviromental and go from there.

You will need to find the most popular job listing site for the UK and go there.

Linda asksā€¦

Is plastic bottled water really such a waste?

My friend is very big on recycling. she think that it’s such an easy way to help out the environment. Plastic water bottles are probably her biggest irk. She think they are so pointless. No matter where she goes, she always carry water with her but use a REUSABLE bottle. Is plastic bottled water really such a waste? Have you ever heard that some states (or countries) when the law banning bottled water was passed? I don’t think so I am with my think. I keep bottled water handy, and i think that many way can solve the plastic bottles recycle problems, for example, a recycling company or factory, turning waste into treasure at the same time, also improve the employment rate. do you think so?

The Expert answers:

Similarly with u. The benefit of plastic bottles outweighs the harm. It is easy to carry and a ideal bottle to contain water, let alone the low weight compared with the metal containner.

Thomas asksā€¦

Environmentally responsible companies?

I think more companies need to be environmentally responsible. Reducing waste, offering recycling opportunities, using less energy, creating less polution. I would like to support the companies that go the extra mile. What environmentally friendly companies do you like, and what do they do to help?

The Expert answers:

Boeing: Their new 787 is 40% more fuel efficient then simlilar sized aircraft

Dupont Chemical: is remaking itself as a sustainable chemical company. Has recognized the incredible savings that can be achieved when you cut down on waste and inefficiency.

Goldman Sachs: made a fortune off of Horizon Windpower, new World Headquarters in NYC will be built to LEED standards.

Wal Mart: recycles a staggering amount of plastic and cardboard in their daily operations. I have seen this with my own eyes. Changes as simple as making deoderant suppliers stop putting deoderant containers in little paperboard boxes have saved countless trees and untold quantities of diesel fuel.

HEB: recycles plastic grocery bags at their stores. They MAKE money on this program.

Interface Incorporated: A billion dollar company and the pioneer in 100% recyclable carpet tiles for home and office applications. Carpet is plastic, which is made from oil. Almost all of the carpet sold in America is eventually landfilled.

Florida Power and Light is putting up huge windfarms across the US

General Electric is pushing the green envelope with its Ecomagination program.

The US Air Force is building the nation’s largest utility scale solar plant in Nevada.

The list goes on and on. Exxon isn’t on it.

Joseph asksā€¦

Why aren’t companies who send out piles of junk mail being held accountable for wasting natural resources?

Aren’t we a more enlightened society now? Aren’t we all supposed to be doing our part to conserve natural resources?
I carry canvas bags to the market for groceries, I reuse rags instead of using paper towels, I recycle, I don’t waste paper.
Sheryl Crow is going around telling people to use just one square of toilet paper in order to save trees.
It seems we’re all doing our part – then I come home to find a huge pile of JUNK mail on my doorstep.
Why isn’t anyone doing anything about these effing companies who pollute our environment and waste our natural resources?
Why are they allowed to get away with this?

The Expert answers:

They are doing all of the things you say they are and more. They are also causing the cost of postage stamps to go up constantly. They have bulk rates for the most part, which means they pass their savings on to you by way of the post office making up the difference on the general public.


It should be illegal for them to mail all of that crap out to begin with, but when they do it at public expense, it’s got to stop.

[A comment to the other answerer asking if we want the government determining what is purposeful mail…

Do you think the U.S. Mail system was put in place for huge corporations to send out advertising at public expense, in effect costing each individual who pays taxes large sums of money so they can receieve glossy batches of trash that they immediately toss in the trashcan? The U.S. Mail came into existence primarily for citizens to conduct personal and business correspondence. Your argument regarding individual freedoms does not apply to large corporations! A corporation is NOT “a someone.”]

William asksā€¦

I want to get the answers of the following comprehension.?

One recent example of industrial hyper growth has taken place in the recycling industry, led by the rapid expansion of the recycled paper market. Though many laws were enacted in the late 1980s to encourage (and in some cases require) the collection of waste paper for recycling, there were not, at that time, companies with sufficient capacity to recycle it all. Consequently the collected paper accumulated in storage, usually at the expense of the recycling companies, thereby adding to their overhead and squeezing their already thin profit margins. Today a different situation exists. Fifty-seven new paper mills have been built since 1991, and of these, at least twenty-nine use recycled fiber. This surge in capacity has resulted in a concurrent rise in profits. The price per Ton of waste paper has quadrupled in the past year, as have the prices of corrugated cardboard and used newsprint. Trash haulers have benefited from these conditions by combining their trash hauling and recycling operations. Recycling centers are connected both to the clients to whom they sell end products and to those from whom they collect refuse; thus, the company gets paid twice for the same trash, once for hauling the waste and once for selling the usable material. Industry profits have increased more than tenfold during this period. As the industry has become more competitive, some haulers have chosen to rebate a portion of this money to their clients in the hopes of ensuring their loyalty.
27. According to the passage, which of the following is a reason for the increase in profits in the trash hauling business?
A Haulers’ ability to sell both services and products.
B Money offered by haulers to preferred customers.
C Foresight exhibited by the leaders of the industry.
D Haulers’ willingness to adapt technology to a changing industry.
E Passage of stricter environmental legislation.
28. It can be inferred from the passage that the price of waste paper
A will increase steadily over the next few years
B will increase as more companies get involved in the industry
C is closely related to the availability of trash haulers
D is not as important to trash haulers as the price they charge for hauling waste
E is sometimes set by the weight of the product
29. The author of the passage would most likely agree with which of the following?
A. Competition between trash haulers and recyclers will prevent the recycled paper industry from reaching its full
economic potential.
B. Pressure from anti-environmental groups has increased pressure on the government to oppose recycled paper
C. The recycled paper industry may continue to grow at its present rate as long as the industry remains profitable.
D. The profit-seeking of recyclers have overshadowed environmental concerns in the recycled paper industry.
E. Government negligence prevented the recycled paper industry from becoming successful until the early 1990ā€™s.
30. According to the passage, all of the following are results of the increase in the number of new mills using recycled finer except
A. The price of waste paper has risen dramatically.
B. Trash haulers are earning increased revenues.
C. Profits at recycling centers have increased more than tenfold.
D. The price of corrugated cardboard has risen.
E. Trash haulers have been forced to compete with recyclers.

The Expert answers:

27. NONE
28. A
29. E
30. D

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Nancy asksā€¦

Why do they separate beer cans and soda cans in BC?

This has been puzzling me for a while now.
Apart from the fact that beer cans seem to be worth more than soda cans I can’t seem to think of a good reason why they should be separated? They’re both made of the same material and I assume they will all be melted and so used to make new cans… does it really matter what beverage was in there before the recycling process begins??

Does anybody have any idea why they ask us to separate the beer cans from soda cans when bringing them to the recycling centre?

The Expert answers:

The contents have no bearing so the only thing i can imagine is that some beer cans are specially lined….

George asksā€¦

Question About Recycling?

I need to pursuade an audience to start recycling

So i need some sources and facts why should we recycle.
I need the most urget need on why we should recycle
(e.g. Landfills are filling up with certain amouts of recycable material, thus increasing the trash produced) what is the demension of the problem

And how can one contribute to resolving the Problem.
What can the avrage person do to resolve the problem

How can we visualize the world in the future if we dont recylcle?

How can we visualize the world if We do Recycle?

Thank You Anyone that answers

The Expert answers:

We should recycle because if people think ” Oh It’s just one person what will that do!” But if everyone thought that what would happen the our country? What we do when we run out of resources and try to buy them from other countries for a high amount? We shall solve this by letting as many people as we can know what some people are doing to our environment. We shall explain what will happen if we DO NOT recycle. We may visualize the world as an empty waste land piled with many workers digging through garbage to find thrown away recyclables.

David asksā€¦

Why do you have to take the tops off of plastic bottles when you put them in the recycling?

Are the lids made from unrecyclable plastic or is it something to do with the fact that they can be squashed down to a smaller size when transported with out them on? I never know whetether I can stick them in the recycling bin seperately or if they have to go in the trash.

The Expert answers:

Funny, I have no clue, but my first thought was that because they will be melted down, as the air heats up on the inside they could explode.

But the Christchurch City’s websight had this to say:

‘Why Although they may look the same, some lids are made from a different grade of plastic to that of their containers. If different grades of plastic are mixed in the recycling process that batch can be ruined and will need to be dumped.’

Lizzie asksā€¦

Recycling Cans, and Bottles?

Why in tarnation do people think they are getting back FREE MONEY for this when in fact you did pay for it at the counter with tax, and blah blah blah, plus the fact you had to put it in a Hefty bag, sort it out at the center, and use your gas to bring it there, plus your precious time to bring it in and then drive back home, so speaking is it all really worth it?????

The Expert answers:

It pays huge dividends by taking up less space in the land fills and keeping pollution to a minimum. Most anti-polluters drop off their bottles and cans on the way to work or to the store so no gas is wasted. They use paper sacks or reusable bags to transport them in.

Linda asksā€¦

should companies be responsible for recycling product packaging?

i know it’s long but can anybody answer this

can you please separate facts and opinions

The Expert answers:

Unfortunately, I have no facts other than what I know about household recycling.

In my opinion, a company who is concerned about future consumers will make sure that their products have recyclable packaging and take responsibility for their ‘footprint’. There is enough evidence in this world to sustain the logic that, unless we change how we do things now, we will hit a crisis later. I would completely be willing to buy products from a company that committed to recycling its own packaging. The shoe company “Crocs” does this, for example. They have a program in place that gathers up used shoes and re-makes new pairs from them. I’m fairly sure that those companies who value our resources today will be the ones at the forefront of the market later when raw materials are no longer the cheapest option.

So, I guess it’s not a ‘should’, but if they’re smart, they will.

Sandy asksā€¦

Is recycling fee on a Brand new TV purchase correct?

I bought a brand new Vizio 42″ HDTV at Wallmart, I did not bring in my old TV, in fact I don’t have any old TV, yet they charged me, without asking me a $25,00 recycling fee.How can that be? I live in Gilroy, California.

The Expert answers:

$25 is correct

Here is the official web site

Thomas asksā€¦

Why Should Canadians be Fined For Not Recycling?

Come up with many ideas as you can please, due to the fact i have run out of ideas for my essay.

The Expert answers:

You’ve picked a bad topic for your essay (since they shouldn’t be fined for not recycling, instead if the government wants people to recycle they should make it worth their while to do so).

Now, why don’t you got and do YOUR OWN DAMN HOMEWORK?

Jenny asksā€¦

Can You help? will only take a second of your time =)?

I am doing a project on the importance of recycling, I have to do presentations to five different groups of students in my college.
As you can imagine young people of today are not really to interested in helping the invironment and I am afraid I wont get through to them.
Can anyone give me some fun facts about recycling and the invironment that you think could help me catch their attention… PLEASE!

The Expert answers:

Fun fact #1: invironment is spelled “environment”.

Americans throw out 200,000 tons of edible food daily.

The average American generates 52 tons of garbage by age 75.

The average individual daily consumption of water is 159 gallons, while more than half the world’s population lives on 25 gallons.

Fifty percent of the wetlands, 90% of the northwestern old-growth forests, and 99% of the tall-grass prairie have been destroyed in the last 200 years.

The following website is from a National Geographic documentary on “Our Human Footprint”. It’s pretty interesting, shows how much the average person consumes in a lifetime. For example: a year’s supply of bananas for the US would take up 894 square miles. A US lifetime of soda cans stretches 3.42 miles. That’s 50 football fields with end zones.

Lisa asksā€¦

Why recycle when it costs you money to do so?

The apartment complex I am currently living at has garbage dumpsters which is covered by the rent. It does not have recycling bins. Each apartment can have their own recycling bin, but it costs an additional monthly fee.

Can you explain to me how this makes any sense whatsoever? This gives me no incentive to recycle–in fact, it gives me more incentive not to. I would be glad to recycle but because of this I will not do so while I’m living here.

Can you tell me the logic behind paying to recycle? Please don’t say “for the environment” and “being selfless” as reasons–I am glad to recycle and have done so in the past, but I am not going to pay to do so because I am not rich. This is like having to pay money to volunteer at a homeless shelter.

The Expert answers:

It really doesn’t make any sense. The fact that people separate items for recycling is already saving the transfer sites money because they can hire less people to sort it all out when it comes in. It saves them time and they in turn can sell the aluminum and glass and make a profit. Normally they would have to pay a crew to go through all that garbage and then sell the recyclables to regain some of their money. But now they get you to sort it out, pay them for it, and still turn around and make a better profit…It’s a pretty good gig…A lot of people won’t bother recycling in the first place and making them pay to do it sure isn’t going to change their minds.

We can call them selfish but it won’t change anything. It’s just human nature, most people aren’t going to do something unless it directly benefits them immediately. I remember years ago, our garbage collection agency gave us green bins to put paper products in. I had mine loaded with newspapers, the collection agency came, the guy must have dropped the bin and the papers were all over my driveway…Did he pick it up? NO!, he left it for me to clean up… I wrote them a letter telling them I was done sorting out my garbage and thanked them for my new green flower pot.

They never even came around to get that!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Linda asksā€¦

When I was young, why did I fear the right wingers taking away my rights?

I am now 42. Back in the day I was taught to hate Reagan, corporations, Bush Sr and Jr and ALL Republicans were out to squelch my freedoms.
Now I look around me.
If I don’t recycle I am fined, if I use the garbage disposal I am fined, if I dislike a minority it’s a hate crime, my income isn’t really mine but the goct’s to spread around, I cannot question anything else I am labeled, my healthcare is decided without my input, votes are bought and private corporations are turned over to the very unions that destroyed them?!
And I worried about the religious right?
Why was I not warned that everyday I lose another freedom to “help society”.
I cannot smoke in my car or apt anymore, I am forced to recycle, I Have to wear seatbelts, drive a certain speed to save gas, pay to add crap to my gas for the atmosphere that may or may not work.
Why did I spend a decade worrying about the Bushes, Reagans and Limbaughs of the world when the Pelosi’s, FDR’s, Obama’s and al Gore’s were the ones taxing me more and limiting my actions more???
Is this a right of passage, growing up? Or what?
Is this why so many college kids gladly give up their freedoms for a failed cause?
Pathetic actually….

The Expert answers:

A wise man once said, “If you are young and not a liberal, you have no heart; If you are old and not a conservative , you have no brain”

Generally liberalism is “emotion” driven…..even if the action does not solve the problem…..even if the action creates a BIGGER problem ….. At least they did “something”…. Their need to ACT is satisfied

Do you ever see a conservative wear a ribbon for smaller government? Most conservatives are for REAL solutions….. Actions that result in solving a problem without creating a bigger problem

Liberals created “Welfare”…. The idea was good, “Help people when they have temporary problems until they get back on their feet again”….. It turned into a dependent subculture…..five and six generations of people living on the money EARNED by others”……. Wealth re-distribution…. We became a nation of “enablers”…… We enabled people to NOT succeed….. Reduced their motivation to support themselves….. Made poverty acceptable

Liberals also do not seem to learn from history….. They repeat “emotion pleasing” solutions even when they failed before ….. Everything President Obama has done to “solve” the financial crisis…. “solve” the unemployment problem…. Was tried for ten years by FDR….. AND IT FAILED

Freud said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”

President Obama spent an entire year to save 32 million Americans who were “at risk”…. That means most were not sick just would be in trouble if they got sick….. At the same time he ignored over 40 million Americans who were suffering NOW…. Unemployment is at record levels…. All President Obama did was to change the way unemployment is computed so that it looked like it went down when it actually went up !!
Do you realize the official estimate of the cost of the new health care plan….. Will cost the tax payers 314 million dollars for EACH of the 32 million “at risk” Americans….. It would have been cheaper for the government to just buy them a million dollar health insurance policy and SAVED 282 million tax dollars EACH…. Not to mention not risking 90% of America’s satisfied health care customers by tampering with their coverage

BTW What sense does it make….. You can not afford health care….. So if you do not buy health care…. We will take away MORE of your money????? What sort of a bizarre world does that solution make any sense in…. ?? The results is thousands of small businesses will be forced to close their operation….. Conceivably if this law were in effect when Bill Gates started Microsoft out of his garage…. He would not have survived

Please ,someone… us from liberals with good intentions

Thomas asksā€¦

Can I have a Grammar check for this short article please?

-Iā€™m trying to write an article for my college newspaper and itā€™s my first time doing so. I was wondering if I could depend on yahoo answers to check my grammar than just using Microsoft word alone.

-This has already gone through two drafts and I’m just seeking any little errors for my final draft before submitting.

-Please do not comment on what I wrote about, Just correct the grammar.

Here is the article:

Petty theft is a crime, and worst of all, it eventually adds up! De Anza is already facing the budget crisis. The least that could be done is to salvage what we can. We can begin by reducing the amount of recycle thefts and recycle disposals.

Truck driver Joe of Pepsi company says that Pepsi delivers about 80 cases of bottled sodas and cans a day to De Anza College campus. This averages approximately 9, 600 bottles and cans each week. Patrick Gannon, De Anza’s Dining Director, states that the recorded capture rate of bottles and cans is 35%. The remaining 65% are either thrown away or taken by bottle collectors. This means that De Anza is losing a potential school revenue of $312 a week, $3744 a quarter or $14, 976 for the school year!

It is understandable that the economy is going through hard times, but theft is not the answer. It is a bit heart wrenching to think that someone would undermine our effort to keep our school funding in tact. Whether or not they need the money more than we do, it is still theft, not to mention that it is unknown if these people are using these funds for their own good or not. On the other hand, it is 100% certain that the funds would have been used for our education.

Something must be done to stop this systematic cycle. It may be recycle slots built into walls, rewarding student volunteers for garbage sort outs, or adding recycle bin locks. It is time we take back what rightfully belongs to us!

The Expert answers:

The main problem is I am struggling to understand what the article is about. It’s hard to understand the point you are trying to get accross. You need to know how to make a statement, and then support it with facts that are relative to that statement.

It sounds like you are writing an article about how the recycle system of your campus is a target for petty theft. So you might start out with a statement like:

De Anza College recycle program is being victimized by theft! Even though these are petty crimes, they add up to significant losses that are draining the school budget.

Think more about what ideas you are trying to get accross, and come up with a clear and concise way to word them so that people will understand what you’re saying.

Robert asksā€¦

Where can I recycle my CDs / DVDs ?

Have bunch of CDs / DVDs that I don’t want and was thinking of recycling them. Anyone know where I can take them to for disposal where they’ll be recycled? If not, I probably just toss them into my garbage can. And no, I do not want to reuse them or make a decoration out of them or elc. I want them gone.

The Expert answers:

Check out It’s a website that organizes trades with members for cds, dvds, books & video games. You make a list of items you have but don’t want, and a list of things you want. Then they figure out the trade, send you someone’s address, and all you have to pay for is the shipping (usually less than $3). It’s a pretty cool site.

George asksā€¦

couple economics questions im having trouble with!?

Society’s marginal cost of pollution abatement curve slopes upward because of the law of diminishing marginal utility.

Additional recycling will reduce economic efficiency if:
A)all costs considered, including the externalities associated with alternative disposal, the marginal benefit of recycling exceeds the marginal cost.
B)all costs considered, including externalities associated with alternative disposal, the marginal cost of recycling exceeds the marginal benefit.
C)the spillover costs associated with garbage dumps and incinerators are sufficiently large.
D)the spillover costs associated with garbage dumps are sufficiently small.

Cost-benefit analysis is frequently difficult to apply because it is difficult to quantify the full benefits of a public good or service.

The Expert answers:

1: False. The curve will slope upward, but it should be due to diminishing marginal productivity not the law of diminishing marginal utility (even if the utility gained from additional cleaning is the same, we can have increasing marginal costs from cleaning)
2: B – efficiency is reduced from additional output (recycling) if MC<MB
3: True.

Susan asksā€¦

dental is pennsylvania?

i am a student in michigan looking for someone that would be able to help me with research of laws governing disposal of radiograph or environmental waste in pennsylvania? like the lead is a film packet, garbage or recycle? develop solutions how you dispose them? any other info would be great.

The Expert answers:

Basically all states follow the standard guidelines.

However, the best thing is to get in touch with the State Dental Association for a definite answer.

Paul asksā€¦

Does anyone not know the dangers of CFL’s ?

The twisty energy-saving lightbulbs also have a dark side. For those not aware, the following are excerpts from two articles about compact fluorescent light bulbs; the full articles may be found at:

The US EPA and some large businesses are aggressively promoting the sale of compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs as a way to save energy and fight global warming. But the bulbs contain small amounts of mercury, a neurotoxin, and the companies and federal government haven’t come up with effective ways to get Americans to recycle them. This poses problems for consumers when breakage occurs, as well as disposal issues.

When a CFL breaks, the EPA cautions consumers to open a window and leave the room immediately for at least 15 minutes because of the mercury threat. The agency suggests removing all materials by scooping fragments and powder using cardboard or stiff paper. Sticky tape is suggested as a way to get smaller particles. The EPA says vacuum cleaners and bare hands should never be used in such cleanups.

After final cleanup with a damp paper towel, the agency warns consumers to place all materials in a plastic bag. “Seal and dispose of properly,” says the EPA. “Wash hands.”

Disposing of CFLs properly might be a tough thing to do; CFLs should never be thrown in the trash. They need to be turned into recycling centers, which are few and far between at this point.

With Wal-Mart alone projecting sales of 100 million in 2007, some scientists and environmentalists are worried far too many will wind up in garbage dumps.

Also, most people are in the dark about what will become mandatory, fine-imposed handling requirements for CFLs by homeowners and businesses.

EPA is actively engaged with trying to find a solution that works for these retailers around recycling the product. “The only retailer that I know of that is recycling is IKEA, [says an EPA spokesperson].”

The Expert answers:

It doesn’t say this, but mercury produces an invisible, unscented vapor; bad sh*t happens when you inhale this.

Donna asksā€¦

science help please! last week of school and i need to pass! thanks a lot!?

Some landfills generate electricity by ________ produced from decomposing garbage.
A) collecting the hydrogen
B) using the chlorine
C) tapping the carbon dioxide
D) burning the methane gas
Which of the following is the most important function of a landfill?
A) To provide leachate for other industrial processes
B) To contain buried waste and prevent it from contaminating the environment
C) To be as inexpensive as possible to build
D) To convert waste to ash to free up more space
The ash produced when solid waste is incinerated is _______ than the original solid waste.
A) less toxic
B) more toxic
C) as toxic
D) more recyclable
An advantage of a solid waste ______________ is that it reduces the amount of trash destined for landfills.
A) incinerator
B) storage facility
C) compressor
D) defibrillator
Which items make up the largest percentage of waste produced by households and businesses?
A) Aluminum cans
B) Plastic bottles and packaging
C) Paper products
D) Yard waste, such as grass clippings and tree limbs
The total amount of solid waste generated in the United States in the last 40 years
A) has decreased.
B) has doubled.
C) has tripled.
D) has not changed.
Which of the following correctly describes the disposal of waste by composting?
A) Composting is a good way for individuals to reduce the amount of garbage they send to landfills, but large-scale composting is impractical.
B) Composting could reduce the amount of waste that restaurants, food-processing plants, and animal feedlots send to landfills.
C) Compost made from glass and plastics can be recycled and used as building materials.
D) Yard wastes, such as grass clippings, are not suitable for composting because they contain low levels of nutrients.
Which of the following is a problem associated with landfills?
A) Source reduction
B) Leachate
C) Surface impoundment
D) Composting
All of the following statements describe problems associated with modern landfills EXCEPT
A) Chemicals leaking out of the waste stored there may pollute wells or groundwater supplies.
B) Materials buried in landfills decompose in three years.
C) Explosive gases can be produced by landfills and may build up in the basements of nearby buildings.
D) We are running out of space to develop new landfills.
Reducing solid waste by using less material is called
A) source reduction.
B) deep-well injection.
C) surface impoundment.
D) composting.
An example of something that is biodegradable is
A) a leaf in a compost pile.
B) a plastic milk jug in a landfill.
C) a polystyrene burger container in a trash can.
D) a piece of polyester fabric.
The main problem with so-called biodegradable plastic is that
A) only its organic portion actually decomposes.
B) animals often choke on the plastic litter that forms.
C) it releases toxic compounds as it breaks apart.
D) it includes a chemical produced by a rare bacterium.
Creating steel from scrap instead of from ore uses about _________ less energy.
A) 25%
B) 50%
C) 75%
D) 95%
Making products from recycled materials
A) is limited to metals.
B) often saves energy and other resources during the manufacturing process.
C) uses so much energy that it is not economically workable.
D) is not cost effective in most cases.
You can use your consumer buying power to reduce solid waste by doing all of the following EXCEPT
A) Buying items that come in refillable bottles
B) Using rechargeable batteries
C) Buying products that have less packaging
D) Buying paper products like paper towels and napkins
Which of the following is a TRUE statement about recycling?
A) It takes more energy to make steel from scrap than from newly mined ore.
B) Cities have never had trouble finding buyers for their recycled materials.
C) After they are collected, recyclable materials are cleaned and processed.
D) The process of recycling most products uses more energy than producing new products.
Manufacturers could reduce waste and conserve resources by making products that
A) are cheaper.
B) are more durable.
C) require more packaging.
D) are more expensive.
An example of source reduction is
A) composting.
B) recycling.
C) using canvas shopping bags.
D) surface impoundment.
Wastes containing toxic, corrosive, or explosive materials are considered
A) biodegradable.
B) municipal.
C) hazardous.
D) solid.

Surface impoundment is a method for
A) packing a landfill down.
B) disposing of hazardous waste by bringing it to the surface.
C) disposing of hazardous waste by allowing it to settle out and evaporate in a pond.
D) recovering raw material from manufactured goods.

The Expert answers:

For the biodegradable plastic portion of your questions, see the different kinds compared and contrasted at .

Nancy asksā€¦

Edit my Work?

The Life of a Product

It is used by millions of people every day. It is something that is used to power your remote control card, your televisions remote, and even your watch. This product is called Batteries. Batteries are used sometimes for just a few hours, and then disposed. But what REALLY happens to them when you throw them in the trash can?
If batteries were being disposed improperly, they could hurt Mother Earth. But did you know that after you throw your old battery away it still contains harmful, toxic material. After you throw your battery away it is collected by the Environmental Management Facility for disposal at a hazardous waste dump yard. The major thing that stops batteries from being recyclable is that, most batteries contain a harmful chemical called ā€œMercuryā€. It is nearly impossible to destroy the ā€œMercuryā€ inside a battery, and it takes a lot of money, time, and effort if it were to be accomplished. Mercury is a contributing factor in why many products cannot be recycled.
Did you know that Canada has alone an estimated 3 billion batteries being sold and thrown away every year, and the only one to blame for this is us. If this continues this world may be facing a MAJOR crisis, since landfill sites are quickly starting to fill and eventually there would be no space left for garbage waste. The only solution for this would be to make products like batteries eco-friendly.

Batteries are something that cant be replaced, but there is good news. There is a new type of battery called the ā€œE-CELLā€, it is a rechargeable battery, and it contains no Mercury. E-cells are generally a bit more expensive, but yet again E-cellā€™s save over 5000 trees annually. Every little bit that helps the environment counts, and everybody can make a difference.

The Expert answers:

Your television’s remote (add ‘)
This product is called Batteries ~ this product is called the battery.
Used sometimes ~ sometimes used (?)
But did you know ~ dont start a sentence with but!
Harmful, toxic material. ~ this is a question so ? At end
is that, most batteries ~ no comma after that!
The ā€œMercuryā€ inside ~ you dont need to put it in quotes
there would be no space ~ there will be no space
cant be replaced ~ can’t
but yet again E-cells ~ but E-cells
why are you suddenly talking about trees? I didnt hear anything about them in the rest of the essay. How do e-cells help trees?

Sandy asksā€¦

What do you think about my cool idea on my garbage?

I was preparing to move, so I knew it was going to be tough to have to face the reality of all the trash I had generated. As much as I tried to donate larger items- I knew there would be a lot I would not be able to bring with me to my tiny studio apartment. My number one category of garbage in the first two weeks was cloth. Anyone who has moved recently probably knows that you end up finding random things in your closet that aren’t in good enough condition to donate. Clothing is pretty heavy, so the garbage bag filled with it was a total pain to drag to the trash chute. I felt so guilty and will be very careful in the future to only purchase clothing I will wear and not buy more than I really need.

After moving and following the guidelines from the LA county recycling flier, I found that organic materials comprised most of my waste’s volume. I don’t have a garbage disposal now, so anything that goes bad other than fruits &veggies (which I now know go in the green bin) gets thrown away. I drastically reduced my black bin garbage because of this assignment and am committed to taking the time and effort to continue to recycle! I have decided to purchase biodegradable recycling/composting bags for my garbage in the future. They are a bit more expensive, but I think it’s worth it!

The Expert answers:

Hmm ok, neat. But some may speculate that your garbage still exists on the 7th platonic plane upon which abounds each article of trash in perfect duplicate to your reality of throwing it away. So the question now remains, whether or not your garbage still exists in full form

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sharon asksā€¦

How do recycling codes work on bottles and paper?

I see there is the recycling triangle with a number inside. What do those mean?
I am talking about plastics.

The Expert answers:

Typically, you should be recycling all 1’s and 2’s (plastics). Those are worth it. The higher numbers are just informing you that recycling (or better environmental choices in material) happened to some extent before the product reached you. Even if ALL Plastics are picked up… It is the 1’s and 2’s that are actually reused.

Most recycling drop offs (or pick up service) will also take newspaper, magazines, junk mail, white/colored paper, telephone books, flattened (non-soiled) boxes, glass bottles or jars and food/soda cans (labels may stay).

Avoid these: NO plastic bags – do not put your recyclables in plastic bags. Also, remember that pizza boxes are soiled obviously and are therefore non-recyclable.

Steven asksā€¦

Do you have suggestions on recycling activities that a community can undertake?

I am planning to start a recycling campaign, a sustainable one, in our community. Please do give me suggestions on simple yet realistic recycling activities. Your suggestions will surely help. Merci beaucoup!

The Expert answers:

First of all – GOOD FOR YOU!!! Count me in if you are anywhere near Fishers! I don’t know what scale you are thinking of, but here are some ideas from home level to city wide!

Composting is my favorite recycling project, I’m an avid gardener! – educating people on the benefits of compost, and the simplicity of making it is the ultimate recycling project! You can see the results, and it keeps so much out of landfills.
– saving grass clippings, letting them rot down and spreading them on flower beds etc. Even better – mow with a mulching mower! Garden waste can be saved in anything from a simple pile to a fancy compost bin.
-collecting leaves in fall; on a home level, mow over them and bag them. Spreading the chipped leaves over flower beds creates great mulch, protects your plants, and puts essential nutrients back into the soil. On a community scale, you’d need a large place to compost them, but compost is excellent plant food, and you can sell it cheap to cover costs! (or free if you don’t have costs)
– you can collect tree limbs, trimmings etc and chip them for mulch. Sell bags of mulch back to the community!
– set up a central recycling point. Lots of skips for different recyclables, you can actually cover your own costs in a lot of ways here, aluminum and other metals, and paper/magazines can be sold to recyclers. Include building materials if you really want to get large scale!
– have recycling bins next to regular trash bins around town for cans, plastic and glass bottles. In Germany, their regular trash cans are divided into 4 sections for glass, plastic, metal and trash! It is so cool. This would obviously need town approval, but getting them involved would be awesome!

There are so many ways to approach this, but the most important thing, I think, is to educate the public! In general, most Americans don’t think in terms of recycling, or the environment. Just getting the public to change their thinking is the biggest step to success – and making things easy for them will help too!

I hope this helps! Good Luck.

Lizzie asksā€¦

How do I separate plastic bags for recycling?

recycling is not enforced in my municipality. How do I sort plastic bags for recycling? Not all bags come with the recycle logo with number.

The Expert answers:

You are making it difficult for us to help you, because you’re not mentioning what is the name of your municipality. Every towns, cities, countries have different criteria for recycling.

You might not be aware of it, but your message is being read right now on Yahoo ! Answers in ; Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

I suggest you contact the place you intend to bring those bags to be recycled and ask them for Their list of do and don’t in recycling.

Good luck and thank you for caring about our planet.
Greetings from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Mandy asksā€¦

How do you get a recycling program started in an apartment complex?

Here in Houston, TX, they’re talking about becoming greener, but so far I’ve heard nothing about more recycling programs for people in apartments and also several subdivisions. The nearest facility to my apartment to take almost all recyclables is pretty far away, and I know my friends would recycle better if they had a more convenient way to do so. Any thoughts?

The Expert answers:

Get a petition signed by all your neighbors and write a letter stating that you feel you should have recylce boxes or bins for your apartment. State some reasons. OR !!!!
You and a few others can invest in some bins, and label them “cans”, “glass” “plastic” ETC. And if you collect enough I’m sure the landlord or someone could sort something out!

George asksā€¦

How do recycling plants seperate different types of recyclables?

Like cans from plastics and such.

And how do recycling plants affect the environment?

The Expert answers:

Most of it is done by hand.

If you look at the diversion of materials away from landfills, that is an impact.
If you look at the run off and potentials for soil contamination at such a location, you are also impacting the environment.

Ken asksā€¦

What are the top 10 recycling tips that you would recommend for either my home or office?

I’m looking for put together a massive list of recycling tips to share with others. I’d like 101 tips overall since that sounds kind of catchy. So I figure that if people give me 10 recommendations each, I can generate a list of recycling tips that large. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Make a compost in your yard to help the soil.
Buy the Samsung 55 inch flat screen TV ( most energy efficient tv out there)
Open the blinds instead of turning on the lights.
Keep your lights off the whole day until it gets dark and let the sun in ( unless it’s dark and rainy)
Bring your own totes to grocery stores.
Turn off the computer at night or whenever your not using it (whichever one)
Unplug hairdryers, hair straighteners, etc. (these still use energy while plugged in)
Buy energy efficient lights.
Pick up trash in your neighborhood
Cut down on junk mail.

Spread the word about doing these things to help the earth!

Charles asksā€¦

How do I research a method for recycling or repurposing a waste product from my company?

My company prints a type of plastic that is currently unable to be repurposed or recycled. We throw out tons of scrap plastic and would love to have a viable recycling option. Where would I go to research methods for recycling this scrap? Would a University or other organization be able to help with this? Who would I contact and how could I learn more?

The Expert answers:

A University would be great. Get in touch with a local one (preferably a bigger one) and just talk to someone involved in biology. They’ll help you find who you need to talk to.

Maria asksā€¦

How do recycling plants separate different types of plastics?

Better yet, how do recycling plants separate the different materials. I know that if you were to mix two different types of plastics, that they would not be able to be re-used(even though I heard of a new technology where someone was able to mix two different types of plastics to form a super strong one). How do they separate plastics 1-5 and number 7? Also, how do they separate the adhesives and other materials on recyclable products like glass and plastic bottles?

The Expert answers:

If you’re talking about a municipal Materials Recovery Facility, for example, they usually just do it by hand. Plastics are the most problematic recyclables as far as contamination – a lot of plastic loads are sent to landfills or burned because of that.

The adhesives and labels are soaked off in hot water. Glass is usually not recycled anymore as it is too expensive to transport – here they use it in building roads. Plastics, depending on the type, can tolerate some adhesive contamination as they are melted and pressed into structural materials like those plastic benches you see. Few plastics are able to be remanufactured into the same item it came from, unlike glass or aluminum.


William asksā€¦

How do you go about getting recycling pick up established in your community?

I’ve recently moved and appearantly there are only recycling drop off locations which no one uses. How do I go about getting recycling pick up on trash days?
Could you start a petition to get city council to provide recycling pick up?

The Expert answers:

Start by checking with your community’s refuse disposal service (the local garbage man department.) They already take care of the trash pickup, and they also know if other residents are asking for recycling. It worked for us in our town, and it was much easier than going through city hall – the department made the request on behalf of us all.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

David asksā€¦

Recycle Bin Help—Reward?

I will reward anyone who is helpful with this. Okay I got a Microsoft Word document from my email and a wrote a lot of stuff there for school. The day latter i clicked on internet explorer and clicked on delete all temporary files, this probably included my microsoft word essay. How can i access the recycling bin and get my essay back from. I need to see the internet temporary files in the recycle bin. Please Help! I don’t want to fail

The Expert answers:

I would try a file undelete program but it will bring up aloooooooooot of results but you just want the ones that are still in good shape and are still possible to retrieve. It might work but no guarantees, when you delete something its not intended to come back but its possible. To find an undelete program just search it on google.

Thomas asksā€¦

Do you recycle metal, paper, plastic or all of them?

I am doing a little research and I was wondering how many people here recycle…? If you do recycle, do you use only the blue bin, only the green bin, both bins or no bins? Thanks so much!!! (Please answer truthfully – I’m doing an extra credit study for school. =] )

The Expert answers:

At home I recycle newspapers, junk mail and other non newspaper paper, glass, plastic, cardboard, tin cans, and aluminum cans.

Paul asksā€¦

recycle bin recovery??

i jus emptied my recycle bin and i realized i need a bunch of things that i put in it back for a school project. is there a way to restore it?

or am i screwed?

The Expert answers:

Do a system restore

Maria asksā€¦

Where are my files off my laptop gone?

I have an Acer Travel Mate 5520 laptop with a webcam. I turned on my laptop one day to find some of my files were missing. I didnt delete them and they are not in the recycle bin. These files are important to me as i need them for school.

The Expert answers:

Update your anti-virus and spyware program and run a full scan

George asksā€¦

How can I bring recycling bins back to my school’s cafeteria?

Two years ago, my school used to have recycling at lunch, but now it doesn’t. I’ve found myself throwing away items I would normally recycle and it’s bothering me. I’m thinking about talking to my adminstrations about bringing it back. How should I approach the situation? What do I say to them and which adminstrators would I talk to? Do I need to talk to student council? That’s what my dad thinks I should do, but I don’t think anyone in student council would listen to me since I’m not a prep. Plus, I think student council only deals with student events. What should I do? I know people that would support this.

I feel strongly about environmentalism and even if they can’t afford to take it out to wherever it needs to go, I would do it for free. My school also has recycling on and off campus.

The Expert answers:

Sounds like they probably took it away because not enough people were using it and its expensive to pick up. Tell them that you have an idea of posting signs above each bin the talks about what you can/can’t recycle. Half the time I never used to recycle at school because I had no idea what even could be recycled. I don’t think simply bringing them back will make people recycle. Good luck!

Charles asksā€¦

Where can I get funding for a school recycling program that i want to place into action?

I am currently a senior at my high school, and for the longest time I have been trying to start a recycling program at my school. There is currently no environmental club, or any other awareness programs taking place, therefore I would be somewhat alone. I need to know the best places where I can apply maybe for some scholarships that will fund my project or where the heck I will find money to pay for it. Im not asking for millions and millions of dollars just enough to be able to buy a couple bins for recycling cans and paper. Any suggestions? :]

The Expert answers:

The bins you can find at your local recycling plant– most likely, they will gove them to you for free as long as you promise to put a real recycling program into place. As for the funding, I would look at it more as an opportunity for sponsorship. Find sponsors instead of funders, and you might actually be heading in the right direction.

Good luck! I think your idea is fantastic!

Chris asksā€¦

I had a very important document in my recycle bin and I have deleted it by accident! Where can I find it?

I’ve heard there is a place on the hard where you can find the stuff you’ve deleted from the recycle bin(you know, with ’empty the recycle bin)
So can you help me please! It was a very important document for school and I urgently need it! I don’t have any time left to redo it so..can you tell me where can I find it!! Please I am desperate I don’t know what to do..I beg you people If you know

Thank you in advance! Please answer fast…

The Expert answers:

Unless the file has been written over by new files, it is still in your hard drive.
Download this software “undeleted plus 2.94” –

Donald asksā€¦

Why has the World Made it so Hard for me to Help it?

I don’t want to go down as the generation that fucked it all up, but in this current society, I cant even get a reasonable answer for replacing a gas engine with an electric one. Even trying to recycle has been made much to difficult, having to drive 30 Minutes to Drop off some bottles and paper is ridiculous. Seeing my schools garbage bins makes me weep for mother nature, and the plastics that are being thrown away are at a ridiculous level. When will somebody step up and do something without expecting a profit from it, because if i’m going to be one of those people im going to make a bloody mess of it. I just wish that the big and small corporations as well as the small communities would realize that there isn’t always going to be a profit in all things, and that now is the time to step up and fix things, why has no one done this, because greed cannot be the only thing to blame here, no one on earth can be so narrow minded that they cant see what they are doing, the people that are destroying the earth have to know they are doing it, but how can they just idly sit by? I just cannot grasp the concept that someone can be so greedy that they wont save the earth.

The Expert answers:

First, I know you mean it, but you should change the title to “Why has Humans Made it so Hard for me to Help it?”

Your absolutely right. All humans are greedy, the term “inhumane” technically means your good. Also, 85% of people know they’re destroying the earth, they just don’t care. No one is going to step up and help except for 0.00000001% of the human population (I would be saying 0%, but David Suzuki, Al Gore, me… Yeah).

It’s human nature. If your not going to get the most out of what your doing, the nobody would do it. They think it’s better to just keep on doing their part, get payed, and died to leave their children to worry about things like that.

Your right, it is hard, probably way too hard for us to do anything. But even when you know their no hope at all, there’s still something to believe in. Who knows? Maybe a disease will kill all humans just in time, returning the earth to it’s original form. Just try to do whatever you can to stall.

Or become Hitler II and kill all humans yourself to save the earth.

Helen asksā€¦

Deleted File of of USB Flash Drive but they aren’t in the recycle bin?

I got a new flash drive a few days ago and saved a few files onto it for school. I also downloaded firefox portable onto it but copied it too many times and deleted one of the copies. Files that I wanted to keep I think accidentally got deleted while I was cleaning away the extra firefox program. I checked my recycle bin but none of the files I deleted are in it. And no I didn’t empty the recycle bin after deleting the files. Is there some way to recover them/find them or am I just screwed?

The Expert answers:


Getdataback (if you have a FAT system its getdatabackFAT)

google it

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandy asksā€¦

Is it OK to recycle white paper in the newspaper recycling bin?

If not, where should I recycle it?. I do not have access to an office recycling program any longer. I just do not want to throw it away.

The Expert answers:

It depends on the regulations of were the recyclables are going to from your community. Contact were you recyables go (check with town or city clerk if you do not know where else to check) and as what th requlations are in your community) In my Town junk mail and office papper can be put with the newspaer because it all goes to the same place for processing into Toilet tissue.

Donna asksā€¦

How to recycle my old pair of binoculars?

I have an old pair of broken binoculars. There out of line and they werent expensive and I have had them for years. I would probably be cheaper to buy a new pair. I plan on getting a new pair anyay. I cant fix it my self. How can I recycle it? I would hate to just throw it out.

The Expert answers:

There is a website called freecycle where people put up there things for free and if anyone is intrested can take it of your hands. šŸ™‚

Lizzie asksā€¦

Do you recycle and if so what do you recycle?

I live in a fairly small town and I recycle my newspapers, plastic and aluminum.
I also have a compost pile – do you compost things?

The Expert answers:

We recycle just about everything including paper, glass, metal, aluminum, newspaper, plastic, etc. We also have a large compost pile where we put all of our scraps from meals, and any organic material from the yard, etc. We then add that to our vegetable garden at various intervals.
We try to live as “green” as possible to minimize our personal impact. We can’t change the world but we can change ourselves!

John asksā€¦

What can you do to recycle old bedsheets?

This set of very good sheets is about 15 years old and is worn out. The fitted sheet has holes worn in it but the top sheet is still usable. There must be some way to recycle old cotton sheets, but I don’t know what it would be.

The Expert answers:

I have made pillow slips, duvet covers and dresser scarfs with old bedsheets.

Michael asksā€¦

How can I get my classmates to recycle more?

We already know that if we take our cans to the recycling center you can get money… I cannot get them to recycle. They just throw everything away… Is there a better incentive rather than money? Should the university have there own recycling center on campus… Therefor the students will get instant rewards? I need help… Even the janitors don’t care about recycling. Any ideas?

The Expert answers:

You can start a recycling drive.
Be the president of the Recycling Club.
Which is basically Tell your classmates to recycle at a place in your school
May be you can open a room in your school after school for one hour to receive recycles and then give them stickers or points for the good deeds they do.
Then, You can start like a sweepstake stuff in school?
Or may be some other prize winning surprises in school that will benefit the recyclers.

It works really well for my school
Try it your self

Lisa asksā€¦

Where can I go to recycle all sorts of bottles and cans of all different brands?

This is bullshit. I save up all my bottles and cans because we have to recycle now which is good but when I get to any grocery story they only take half the bottles and cans I have because they say they don’t sell the brands I have. Not to mention how the machines are always full and are the biggest pieces of shit to use. Is there a place that just takes everything and gives you the five cents?

The Expert answers:

Our trash collectors just pick ours up on trash day. They gave us a special bin for recycling and we put it on the curb with the trash.
Or you can locate, very easily, a local recycling center by looking in your yellow pages or online.

Linda asksā€¦

How would I start a recycle program for work?

I work at Babies R Us and everyday the trash cans are filled with some many pieces of paper. The reason we use so much paper is because since we’re a baby store, we have a baby registry. It iritates me seeing so much paper being thrown away. How would I go about starting a recycle program for my job that people will follow?

The Expert answers:

If you company does not want the added cost of recycle pick up at your store have them ask your garbage collection company if they have a drop off site. I work at one in wisconsin and we have many route customer that bring their recycle matterial to our shop and drop it off here for free instead of paying us to have secondary containers at the business. Good luck

Helen asksā€¦

How do I keep bees from swarming the trash can that I recycle aluminum cans in ?

Bees keep getting in the trash can in which I recycle aluminum cans. This makes it impossible for me to recycle the cans without getting stung. I usually just give up and throw the aluminum cans away. Is there any way to keep the bees out of the container that I recycle my cans in? I am open to all suggestions.

The Expert answers:

Rinse out the cans or put them in plastic bags or get a cover for the
can they come for the sweetness of the soda!!

Mandy asksā€¦

What is the best way to recycle used batteries?

My office uses AA and AAA batteries in almost everything. It’s a great opportunity to recycle, but i don’t know who to contact. I live in Texas, sort of near Houston.

The Expert answers:

Why not suggest a battery re-charger, it’ll save having to throw away all the batteries at all & save money

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asksā€¦

Can you get any money for recycling cans?

We live in VA and my fiance has been saving piles of beer cans from parties becase he thinks he can get money for them…is this true?

The Expert answers:


Betty asksā€¦

How can I earn money for recycling aluminum cans, thinking about it as a service project for scouts.?

I am looking for a location close to Columbus Ohio. Anyone know of anything else that can be recycled for a fund raiser?

The Expert answers:

Get a group together to walk a long the highways and pick up cans and trash. Two birds with one stone.

Lisa asksā€¦

how can i make money recycling old computer parts in miami-dade county?

hi all, i have been searching non stop for answers on this, i have lots of old computer parts, which i do want to recycle. but have paid my fair share of money for them, is there anywhere in miami dade county where i can recycle these parts for some dough, it doesnt have to be alot, but something at least. i have 3 motherboards, a couple of optical drives 3-4 cpus, a hdd, ram and some power supplies. please if anyone can help me out, thanks

The Expert answers:

Call or visit a local computer repair shop, if the parts are workable, they’ll likely offer you something. Don’t expect much, though, computers depreciate much faster than cars do. Look at your ram and HDD – they need to be at least scalable to current offerings. A 20GB hard drive is pretty small, when you can get 16GB chips for your camera.

Mark asksā€¦

can you get money for recycling empty tobacco dip cans?

Can you get money In Connecticut for recycling empty tobacco dip cans?

The Expert answers:

No, but I really wish you could. I would be absolutely LOADED. The plastic is non-recyclable.

Steven asksā€¦

Does anyone know where I can get money from recycling soda cans in Washington that is near Sedro Woolley?

Im looking for some spare change.

The Expert answers:

Check for recyclers here…


Richard asksā€¦

Can you get money for recycling monster cans at your local supermarket?

Just a question…

The Expert answers:

Not at mine. They would have to be taken to the recycling center.

Mandy asksā€¦

where can i find a machine or place to recycle cans for money in NJ …my zip code is 08096?

i have alot of cans to recycle for money and i dont know where to turn them in

The Expert answers:

Not all states participate in that, I don’t know if NJ does or not. I just finished a can drive in Michigan and had to deal with that myself, some brands weren’t returnable here. Usually those machines are only in grocery stores or drug stores.

David asksā€¦

Where can I take my old soda and beer cans in the city of Lake Worth Florida to be recycled for money?

I was wondering if there was a recycle center that takes soda/beer cans in exchange for money in Lake Worth Florida? Can someone help?

The Expert answers:

You take them to the grocery store. They have machines that you put the bottles and cans in and it crushes them. Then it prints out a receipt saying how many cans you have, you bring it inside to the clerk, and they give you the money.

Helen asksā€¦

Does this place give you money for recycling aluminum cans?

Habitat for Humanity of Brevard County, Inc. Drop-off Site – St. Mark’s United Methodist Church. I know you recycle there but i don’t know if it gives you money like some places

The Expert answers:

Yes you can sell your cans to any scrap metal dealers.
Not sure on the price as it goes up and down day by day.hope you have loads.good luck

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