Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

John asks…

How can I recycle bottles in California?

I am new to california but I am aware there is a recycle center nearby where I can bring bottles and get a bit of refund like 10 cents. Exactly what type of bottles do they accept? Do they accept only the bottles which I paid 50 cent deposit for? Or do they also accept other types of bottles such as salad dressing bottles (glass) or olive oil bottle (glass)? Do I need to take off the outer label?

The Expert answers:

There should be designated recycling centers stationed outside of some of tour neighborhood. Those you payed a “deposit” on should have a CS CRV marking, values seem to be based on size, that 50 cent bottle sounds like a 3 gallon water bottle?

Hey should pay a token mount for other containers like an opaque water bottle, oddly a pure juice apple bottle may have no CRV while Apple-Cranberry will.

George asks…

Is recycling cans a good way to make money?

me and my friend are 14 and we are desperate for $
we both ride fixies which pretty much gets us around a lot
we were wondering about recycling cans,bottles and plastic.
how much would we get? and is it a good idea to do this?
also were gonna be digging through trash cans for them.

also where are the main recycling centers in santa ana, california (orange county)

The Expert answers:

Recycling is a very good idea. It makes money for you and friends, and helps the economy. A Pepsi or coke can of average size requires about 7 cans per pound if not mistaken. The tall cans a little less. Look for those plastic soda bottles. Many have a refund printed on them for 5 cents. Glass, other aluminum items, cardboard and newspapers also pay. Have a bike with a trailer, or 2 in tandem? Ask for the scrap wires at construction sights for the copper in them. Can’t help you with the location of a recycling center in Santa Ana however. I’m in Idaho. Good luck.

Mandy asks…

how come in some states we have recycling on trash day and in some states we don’t why is that?

In California we have recycling on trash day. One ben for trash and the other for plastics, cans and aluminum. I think that’s real cool. but in other states I’ve been to They don’t practice that method. Why is that?

The Expert answers:

Recycling programs have evolved to the need based on demographics. Normally more populated areas use recycling because of the increased amount of trash. Some states do not require it because of a sparse population and the fact that they still have lots of space in their designated landfills. California heads the movement to save the Earth. They enforce reuse, recycle processes. We pay an environmental charge which is added to our trash bill to recycle. It costs to take our reusable wastes and recycle them into resources and it is extending the life of our environment and the ecosystems around us. Hope this helps.

Linda asks…

Can I take in glass jars to a recycle center in California or only glass bottles?

The Expert answers:

If you need to find other centers in another city/state, you can try this portal:

Nancy asks…

Should I recycle by weight or containers?

I live in California.

My recycling center separates glass, aluminum, and plastic into different containers. They then weigh it out and pay me my CRV by weight. I read online at California‘s recycling website that you can also request to be paid CRV by container, instead of weight.

I normally take small trips down to the recycling center and was wondering if I would receive more money if I opted to get CRV by container instead of weight.

California Recycling website: http://www.calrecycle.ca.gov/BevContainer/Consumers/FAQ.htm

The Expert answers:

By weight sounds more properiate

Charles asks…

looking for recycling centers in North Carolina that pay you?

my friend (whose from California) use to recycle
his plastics/aluimum cans here in California and get
paid for doing so
now he moved to North Carolina (Charlotte area)
is looking do the same
does anyone know of of any recycling centers that
pay you for the plastics in North Carolina

The Expert answers:

The only recyclables that you can get money for at the present is aluminum and other metals. Plastic is not a profitable recycle stream and most communities either have to pay for plastic recycling or get pennies on the ton. The reference is a page for companies in Charlotte, NC. The reason your friend in CA was getting paid, was in CA you pay a deposit on all plastic and cans when you buy them. You aren’t getting paid. You are getting your money back. There is no deposit in NC.

Mark asks…

Where in California can I recycle heavy duty steel?

I have a 3 huge steel trailer dollys that were used to deliver a very big modular home. It was left here on our property & I was wondering if there was any recycle centers (for steel) that would accept them or pick them up. Any help would be appreciated!!! If you have phone numbers or web link, that would be great!

The Expert answers:

Since you didn’t specify your city, I can’t provide an exact place. Check out http://earth911.org and specify that you want to recycle steel and put in your zipcode and it will give you the closest place to call.

Lizzie asks…

In California, when you recycle, how much money do you get per aluminum can?

In California, when you recycle, how much money do you get per aluminum can?

The Expert answers:

Check out local flyers. Presently, recycling centers are battling for your cans, Offers as high as $1.95 per pound for clean, dry, uncrushed cans would equal 9.75 cents per can if 100 cans per 5 pounds.

William asks…

Any good ideas for a high school recycling club?

At my high School in Southern California, we have a recycling club. We already have boxes in class rooms for teachers to recycle paper. We also have special trash cans for plastic and metal cans on campus.

The Expert answers:

Advertise that your club will be piking up recycling materials on a certain Sat. In a certain area of the city or two areas if you have enough students to help each sat. The next pick up should be scheduled a month later in another area(s) and then rotate your areas to cover the city well. One sat each mo. Should be enough to keep busy students from missing other activities or family .Find a good place to sort and store your materials until you have enough to take for recycling. Best wishes and thanks for the efforts!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Jenny asks…


yea so, in my neighbourhood, the garbage trucks come twice. once in the early morning for trash, and later in the afternoon for recycling.

soo.. i was distracted and forgot to put the trash out in the morning

so will the truck that comes by for the recycling pick up my garbage as well (its the same truck, it just comes back)

The Expert answers:

Maybe? This is the R&S and so you might want to ask on another section

Donald asks…

How can I get a recycle box??

I live in Miami, Fl
And I’ve noticed that no one in my neighborhood has a recycling box, but some areas that are very close to my neighborhood do have them. I asked my parents about this and my dad says that the garbage trucks stopped picking up recycle boxes so we cant use them anymore. I always feel a little guilty when I have to just throw away newspapers and soda bottles and stuff because those things can really add up.

Is there anything I can do about this? A number I could call maybe?
The Quiet Man you’re a douche.

The Expert answers:

Garbage trucks pick up garbage. There should be a different truck picking up the stuff to be recycled. Maybe your dad was misinformed about it or is too lazy to get a box.

Find out where all the stuff goes to in order to be recycled and if the plant is close enough to you, go there and ask people working there if you can get one there. They’ll be glad to help you as much as they can. You can also look for a number once you find out where it is.

If that doesn’t work, go to any ouse where you see the boxes and ask where they got their and when you can get one.

While you’re doing all that, take all the recyclables you have so you have it ready once you get the box.

James asks…

Should I burn my trash or haul it away?

I live in a rural area, and there’s no recycling service in the area. Should I pay extra each month to have a garbage truck drive 15 miles out of town and take my trash to a landfill? Or should I just burn it in my backyard.

The Expert answers:

Think about what you are buying first and how the packaging will be disposed of:

Don’t buy as much stuff. As much consumer goods, food, furniture, presents, wrapping paper, limit your consumption of everything.

Use your local butcher who will wrap in paper.

Buy fruit and vegetables from local growers it supports your local economy. There are usually lots of recycled cardboard boxes at Farmer’s markets.

Buy from the local baker wraps in paper.

Buy milk in glass bottles or recyclable plastic.

Avoid pre packed foods and processed foods. The packaging is excessive.

Don’t use paper or plastic carrier bags, use any bags you already have at home, keep them in the boot of your car.

If you forget your bags recycle the cardboard boxes at the store to carry your groceries home or just pack into the boot of your car without bags and then carry in from the boot.

Most towns and cities have recycling facilities somewhere. Ensure you recycle metals, plastics, glass, cardboard, mobile phones, spectacles, old clothing and batteries. Whenever you travel into town, drop your recyclables off, don’t make a special journey. Even if you don’t shop at supermarkets they do usually have recycling facilities you can use.

Compost green waste.

If you live in a hot country, then dig a deep hole, put all food waste into it, including leftover meat and bones and cover it with a layer of earth and a wooden ‘lid’. This lid can be anything, even an old door will do. The food will rapidly decompose in hot countries and if you add a thick enough layer of soil, it should never smell.

Donate still usable items to charity shops such as clothing, shoes, brick-a-brack, books, cds, dvds, games and toys, at least other people get the use of them.

There will be hardly anything left to go to landfill.

Lisa asks…

what would you do if you woke up inside a Garbage Dumpter as it was being lifted into a Waste Compactor Truck?

About to be emptited into the back where you will be crushed, packed and shredded before being Recycled?

The Expert answers:

I’ve seen 1000 Ways to Die and it was terrible. I have no idea, though. I’d just pray and embrace what death would feel like.

Chris asks…

In Britain who or what sorts out our rubbish for recycle?

Metal tins,paper,cardboard, plastics all go into the back of a garbage truck and are squashed to a pulp.who are what sorts through all this broken glass squashed metal ,soggy paper and cardboard for recycle?

The Expert answers:

If that true why do we sort them out in them green Boxes. I dunno probably owned by a privet company, you know how most of england is privatised. I think some one is making a lot of money from it. I used to get 10p for every glass bottle i returned.

Steven asks…

Is my recycling company on the up-and-up?

Several years ago, our trash company came around with what looked like a regular old truck, collecting our recyclables. I assumed, when they got back to their location they’d sort everything out by number, and process it accordingly.

This morning, when I was walking my dog, I noticed the recyclables being picked up in what looked like a typical garbage truck – everything dumped and churned in the back. I started wondering, doesn’t someone need to sort things out? How could they do this if paper/plastics/tins etc.are combined and broken up in the truck?

So I ask… is this a legitmate way to collect recyclables, or could this company be combining recyclables with regular trash and just going through the pick-up motions to appease their clients?!

The Expert answers:

In a number of areas they practice “Single stream” collection- it would appear that is what you are describing.

Yes- it is a very legitimate and the most efficient manner to collect recyclables, It is much more efficient because you do not need to duplicate equipment purchased, personell to operate the equipment, or duplicate routes which waste fuel. It also is more effcient for water resources, for minimizing sorting errors, implementation of composting is easier, it makes life a lot simpler. The money saved from not spending it on duplicating equipment can be applied to expanding the transfer station/tipping station, and since you still need personell to sort it- no net loss of jobs.

You can read numerous articles about it by looking through the archives of http://www.wastenews.com

Donna asks…

How to Recycle in The Country?

When its garbage day, the garbage truck comes and picks up our garbage, but it’s not assorted like in blue begs ect. This is the same with everyone else in my area.
Is it even possible?

The Expert answers:

Many areas do not have household recycling systems in place. Most places do however have recycling for specific materials, such as aluminium cans. You will have to sort them out yourselves and take them to the nearest place that will accept the cans but if you do so they will usually pay you for it. Other types of material that are often paid for are glass, other types of metal, and in some places certain plastics. Check around for scrap yards or call a local city/county offical to find out where the nearest recyclers are located.

Charles asks…

Recycling a Myth…..?

All right, I understand the whole principle around recycling, but does it really save anything. For example, we have to wash out everything with gallons upon gallons of water from the tap that I keep hearing is at a short supply, and then we truck our recycling center here and there and then melt it down and make God knows what with it. Does anybody have some hard statistics about a NET GAIN we receive from recycling, or is this just one of those feel good issues? I’m not looking for “it saves space in the landfill”, because we could do that just by limiting the garbage we produce, but pure economic/realistic benefits on how recycling is better for the environment. I appreciate the help and feel free to provide some links.
I guess what I’m getting to is if we feel we are doing the “right thing” by recycling does that make it now alright to purchase a 6-20 oz. of Soda because we can recycle the container, where before we had purchased a 2 liter bottle.
Recycling is not a big money maker, metal has value, but we have been doing that for DECADES, everything else is subsidized by the city/state/federal government, and that is why it becomes attractive, not because it is a better product, or lucrative in and of itself.

The Expert answers:

A different perspective might help, we mine millions of tons of raw ores
out of the ground yearly to make stuff out of it, all that takes a fantastic amount of energy and depletes the usable land for the rest of us
This cam be accomplished by recycling with only a fraction of that energy (and expense).Consider the fuel alone it take to power mining operation, then add all the equipment,tires,trucks, housing, and you’ll get the picture
Recycling is simply cheaper overall

Linda asks…

Keep a garbage can from rolling down the street?

I live in Selma, Texas where it literally hardly rains. But when it does rain, it’s usually a big storm with winds that send my garbage and recycle bins tumbling down the street, even when they’re full, only for me to search for them the next morning. How do I keep them still but within reach of the garbage truck that comes twice a week?

The Expert answers:

Tie them down somehow.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sharon asks…

Need Help with this Recycling Quiz and I will judge who gets Best Answer if i get all Right?

Question 1 (Multiple Choice Worth 5.0 points)

Products that create deadly vapors are known as:






Question 2 (Multiple Choice Worth 5.0 points)

Which of the following is NOT considered a hazardous waste?

bug spray


nail polish remover



Question 3 (Multiple Choice Worth 5.0 points)

Downcycling is defined as:

recycling Downy containers

lower grade of recycling

lower grade of plastic due to recycling

recycle education in the lower elementary grades


Question 4 (Multiple Choice Worth 5.0 points)

Recycling paper does all but the following:

saves 380 gallons of oil

saves 17 trees

reduces water pollution

saves fluid for printing on paper


Question 5 (Multiple Choice Worth 5.0 points)

Precycling means making environmentally sound decisions

in your home

after using an item

at the store before taking the product home

for your whole family


Question 6 (Multiple Choice Worth 5.0 points)

Which is not one of the three R’s?






Question 7 (Essay Worth 5 points)

There are four statements below. Complete TWO of the four statements. For full credit, write a minimum of two sentences for each statement selected. Please use the wording below to start your answer.

1. The best thing about recycling is…

2. Sometimes recycling is hard because…

3. I promise not to litter because…

4. Besides recycling, I do the following to help my environment…

The Expert answers:

1. Corrosives

2. Fertilizer

3. Lower Grade Of Plastic Due To Recycling

4. Saves 320 Gallons Of Oil

5. In Your Home

6. Renew

7. The best thing about recycling is…
The best part about recycling is the fact that you are helping your country prepare for a better tomorrow. Recycling also gives me the feeling that you are making a difference in your community and how people look up to you.

Sometimes recycling is hard because…
Recycling is sometimes hard because you have to get down and dirty to help your planet. It is sometimes hard to recycle because other people don’t care as much as you, and litter.

I promise not to litter because…
Littering causes the planet to become polluted, then it is useless to everyone. Litter just adds trash to the America’s beautiful scenery.

Besides recycling, I do the following to help my environment…
I always make sure to not take showers that are longer then 30 minutes, in order to help save water. I carpool or take the bus to lessen our effect on the Ozone.

…. And God Bless America!

Charles asks…

RECYCLING?? ( HDPE and PETE) (the triangle with the 1 or 2 in it)?

Two plastics that are targeted for recycling from household waste are PETE (1) ( plastic soft drink bottles/ peanut butter and salad dressing containers) and HDPE (2) ( milk, water, juice containers/ plastic grocery bags). One of the problems of recycling such materials is separating them. Suppose you have been hired to set up a process for separating large quantities (many tons) of waste plastic that is a mixture of PETE and HDPE. Describe how you might perform this separation.




The Expert answers:

I don’t think recyclers sort them out individually. They throw them in a huge melting pot and the different plastics in liquid form rest at different levels. Drain off the level that is that particular plastic.

To have millions and millions of plastic containers all inspected individually is just too time consuming and makes recycling too expensive!


Good luck.

George asks…

Has there been a new ultra-sophisticated recycling process invented recently?

I recently got a notice in my mail regarding what is allowed in residential recycle bins. There is no more sorting, all plastic types #1 through #7 are accepted, including plastic bags and plastic bottle caps. Any type of clear glass is accepted now, including cookware and serving glasses. If broken, they ask you to put it inside another empty container that can be capped that is also being recycled. They used to prohibit pesticide containers but now they are permitted to be recycled. All types of paper, even junk-mail can now be included. Basically, the only thing that isn’t allowed in the recycle bin is food waste, pet waste, colored glass, disposable batteries, and a few other minor residuals. Oddly, about Porcelain and ceramics, every other month they come around for large item pickup for things such as old appliances, large furniture, electronics, and they say put Porcelain, ceramics, and Rechargeable batteries, in a cardboard box on that same day for pickup along with any large items.

Strange how they leave out colored glass. I’m wondering why there is no more sorting required anymore and how the recycling must work now that they city just tells residents and businesses to just rinse the stuff out and toss it in.

The Expert answers:

You may need to spend some time to cruise the following web articles to find the recycling process.
The new ultra-sophisticated recycling process probably in the following web site, but not necessarily effective and applicable.

James asks…

recycling container/ paper bag issues.?

-how come “home hardware” have not figured out that the paper bags that they sell to the public to put the compost or moist tree leaves or garden waste is more of a problem, rather than a efficient product.?
-when the paper bag is full of leaves or garden waste and put on the curb during the entire night the moisture/ rain wets these paper bags causing then to rip on the bottom.?

The Expert answers:

Well, i agree with u.

Businesses are just following the rules set by government on environment impact of their products, thus they do for the sake of doing…..
Once u pay them for whatever, they dont really give a hoot what is the outcome!

Joseph asks…

Do u think recycling all wastes is expensive?

cleaning contaminated containers..

The Expert answers:

It can be expensive and sometimes time consuming but you have to look at it from the right angle…recycling helps the planet and if everyone did it our earth would be in much better shape. So don’t think about the cost and the time, think about saving our planet for the next seven generations to come.

Paul asks…

How do teachers waste energy at school? Why is the meal packaging at school horrible?

The meals at school are in a bag. That has chips in a bag. With salsa in a container. With everything else in a container. Cant they just put it in a tray!!! Do you have any suggestions on how we could stop this. We could recycle the bags.

The Expert answers:

Honestly, why bags? Is it because they cant afford trays?

Teachers waste energy by leaving lights on, overheads, and computers on. Things they could do to conserve energy is to turn overheads off, and give instructions by voice. They should put their computers on sleep and that saves a bunch of energy, all the while saving the session of your teacher. When theres no one in the classroom teachers can turn lights off unless they need some light. Then use a window or just one set of lights.

William asks…

If I leave clipings on the lawn, it kills the lawn.Can i dump the lwn in a spl bin and convert into fertilizer

Is there a container/recycle basket that is available somewhere so i can convert the lawn waste into fertilzer ?

The Expert answers:

In addition to the lawn debris, be sure to put into your compost: egg shells, vegetables too old or uncrisp to eat, coffee grounds (not real often), and (believe it or not): Poo from your dog – NOT cat.

Daniel asks…

Recycling to create healthy environment?

There are many (small, little) things people can do to keep the environment healthy, for example: You can crush the egg shells and put it in either for your plants/ garden, and/or keep it in a container with fruits, vegetables peels, and keep it there until it decomposes and put it in your garden, plants, etc. But you can’t do that or anything for chickens, fish leftovers, and leftover lunches, dinner. What can you do about these things? What are some websites that shows how to keep all waste in your house (if not most) so you can recycle them?

The Expert answers:

Compost all biologicals. Might be stinky but once you have your compost colony going and supply with a variety of detritus, you will have plenty of stuff to nurture your yard and neighbouring trees and plants.

As for the rest: don’t buy plastic, period. I’m sure that anything you can get in plastic you can also get in paper, glass or metal, which are more readily reciclable than plastic, which aside from being hard to recycle due to its different kinds, local recycling facilities might not have the specific capability to recycle some kinds of plastics.

Now go, save the planet and let nobody hold you back.

Donald asks…

Are some Recycled products really “Green”? I have a few I have issues with.?

I noticed many “Green” products being sold in many online stores are probably not so green after all, and maybe perhaps even dangerous to have around. Why are these being sold? And is there particular outrage against these products?

Here are some as follows:

Recycled tires used for everyday products- Recycled tires are probably fine for making more tires and perhaps shoe soles. But now I see them making recycled tire tubes into backpacks, wallets, cosmetics cases, and even side walks and playground impact absorbers. Tires are not non-toxic, they are loaded with additives to improve their performance and be UV and weather resistant. Have you even gone to a tire store? Notice the awful stench? Yeah those are VOCs, and I really wouldn’t like to have my skin get into contact with that stuff.

Recycled Vinyl Records- Hello, it’s VINYL. And maybe it’s fine to have them as a clock or drink coaster, but there are even BOWLS made of them now, and with FOOD on them, even worse, is that the vinyl has been weakened with age and the process of shaping and cutting them.

Recycled Motherboard- Don’t we all know that computer parts are loaded with fire retardants and other nasties? Why would you even want to touch that stuff and even have jewelry made from it?

Recycled cement bags- As long as they have been washed…but I do not want a bag with traces of cement in it.

Reclaimed Wood- I’d like to know where the wood comes from, I hope it’s not from wood soaked in arsenic or fire retardants, especially since the reclaiming process might involve cutting, sanding, and thus removal of the protective varnish and stuff that once held those nasties in.

Reclaimed billboard- This is pretty much plastic exposed to UV radiation for a long time…I do not want this touching my stuff.

Recycled metal from cars, bikes, tools, and oil drums- as long as they wash them very thoroughly…those things are very greasy and full of nasties such as industrial grade petrolatum and pesticides in the case of gardening tools.

What’s next? Ornaments made from recycled poison or nuclear waste containers? Really lets remember where things have been before we buy them. Or maybe I’m just paranoid? I’d also like to know more about these things because right now I’m just speculating from what I learned previously.

The Expert answers:

Green is the new red.

“Green” marketing is typically nothing more than that, marketing. It’s a ploy to separate you from your money.
In many cases recycling items is worse for the environment than just discarding them and getting new stuff.
Processing toxins in recycling can make the finished product completely safe. But what happens to the removed toxins? They get dumped. Or they get further processed.
All the sorting, transporting, and processing uses energy. In most cases more energy than making the item new.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

James asks…

What types of electronics and miscellaneous items can be recycle?

I need list of Electronic items such as computers and phones that can be recycled and other items too that most people wouldn’t know about such as batteries and Printer Ink cartridges

The Expert answers:

You can find out all about eCycling (electronic recycling) at the EPA web site http://www.epa.gov/wastes/conserve/materials/ecycling/index.htm

TV Recycling

Where Can I Donate or Recycle My Old Computer and Other Electronics?

Recycle Your Cell Phone. It’s an Easy Call.

Responsible Recycling Practices

Resource Conservation Challenge partnerships and initiatives on electronics

The use of electronic products has grown substantially over the past two decades, changing the way and the speed in which we communicate and how we get information and entertainment. Our growing reliance on electronics is illustrated by some remarkable figures. According to the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), Americans own approximately 24 electronic products per household.1

EPA is working to educate consumers and others on why it is important to reuse and recycle electronics and what the options are for safe reuse and recycling of these products. State and local governments, manufacturers, and retailers, who are already aware of the pressing need to better manage these materials, are providing more opportunities to recycle and reuse this equipment. Many computer manufacturers, TV manufacturers, and electronics retailers offer some kind of take back program or sponsor recycling events. Many states have passed some sort of legislation to manage end-of-life electronics, and more are expected to follow suit.



Reusing and Donating Electronics

Preventing waste in the first place is preferable to any waste management option…including recycling. Donating used (but still operating) electronics for reuse extends the lives of valuable products and keeps them out of the waste stream for a longer period of time. Reuse, in addition to being an environmentally preferable alternative, also benefits society. By donating your used electronics, you allow schools, nonprofit organizations, and lower-income families to obtain equipment that they otherwise could not afford. Where Can I Donate or Recycle My Old Computer and Other Electronic Products? Lists organizations with information about donating electronic equipment.
Before donating your computer or other electronics, make sure the equipment is reusable. Donation organizations have limited or in many cases no resources and employees to diagnose and repair hardware. A functional, working system—especially with monitor, wiring, and software licenses—is a lot more useful and requires less upgrading than a nonworking, incomplete computer. Check to see what the donation organization’s minimum computer requirements are (e.g., Pentium processor, Windows 95). Donation organizations might not accept (or might charge a fee for) older, less useful equipment (e.g., 386 processors, dot matrix printers, less than 14 inch color monitors).

As a business, you might be able to take advantage of tax incentives for computer equipment donations. The 21st Century Classrooms Act encourages large companies to donate computer equipment to public and private schools. When donating equipment to a nonprofit organization, inquire about documentation that can be applied toward your income tax return.
Rewards for recycling – Go Green to Get Green from Digital Tips


You can also recycle bottles, paper, plastic and tires.

George asks…

where to recycle electronics such as calculator, computer, printer, etc.?

The Expert answers:

Call whichever government authority operates your residential Recycling operation and they’ll tell you. Where I live there is a private firm contracting through the city to round up electronics recyclables. There is a minimal fee. In your area there may be drop off points although here the consensus is that having public drop off points for this type of material is like putting up a sign saying “Steal Me.” Theft begets violence and more crime, etc.

Sandra asks…

Recycle electronics for cash?

I have alot of old electronics around my house and I want to get rid off them for $$$ where/ how do I get it done for extra money???

The Expert answers:


Or go to your local pawn shop if you do not want to list them on the internet

Lizzie asks…

What can I do with telephones and electronics that don’t work anymore?

Could I just throw them in the trash or are there places that recycle electronics?

The Expert answers:

Depends on the electronics involved. For instance Sprint has a cellphone recycling program. There are other businesses like Computer Renaissance that will buy some older computer systems. Finally some communities have specific recycling programs for computer equipment as it is considered to be quite toxic.

Richard asks…

electronics recycle?

Where I can I recycle old electronics? I have a few Directv receivers and some miscellaneous small electronics.

The Expert answers:

This link will allow you to pick a state and get all the recyclers names in your area.


Donald asks…

Recycling electronics… Where they recycle them?

I have a blender that doesn’t work any more, but I don’t just want to dump it on the trash can. Therefore do you know a web site or a place (I live in Denver CO) where I can dispose my old blender so they can recycle it?
Thank for the help XD

The Expert answers:

The copper coils in the motor should make it worth recycling.

David asks…

How to recycle a VCR for free?

Does anybody have any experience recycling an old VCR? I have one that’s over 20 years old, it does not work, and it’s huge and heavy. I know it’s loaded with metal and I don’t want to just chuck it.

I’ve heard of places that charge $10 to recycle electronics, but is there a way to do it for free? (I belong to the mass of “working poor.”) I’d be willing to dismantle it myself if that would help.

Thanks very much.

The Expert answers:

Go to www.earth911.org they can find a drop off location by zip code.

Donna asks…

Where can I recycle my electronics waste?

Items like modem, power cord, adaptors, batteries, keyboard, ink cartridges. Location: Singapore

The Expert answers:

Pls send second hand shop they will bye back your product and you must bye new product from them i.e. Exchange offer.

Ken asks…

Where can I recycle used/old electronics?

I’m in the Richmond, VA area. I have tape recorders, remotes… other random electronics.

The Expert answers:

Central Virginia Waste Management Authority’s website has information for your area.
Kudos to you for recycling and not just throwing them out!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Maria asks…

How do I access the recycle bin on another user account?

Stupid sister has photos, she deleted them, but they’re still in her recycle bin. In which she can obviously restore..

How do I delete them/access it?

The Expert answers:

You have to be logged in as administrator if she has a password on her account you can disable it using the user control options in control panel then log into her account. As long as you are the administrator and she only has limited user control. However if she is the administrator and you are not give this a read http://trinityhome.org/Home/index.php?content=TRINITY_RESCUE_KIT____CPR_FOR_YOUR_COMPUTER&front_id=12&lang=en&locale=en this will allow you to remove her password

Susan asks…

How do you delete the recycle bin icon from the desktop?

I have another recycle bin icon so i want to get rid of the one on the desktop does anyone know how?

The Expert answers:

If you have Vista:

1. Right click the Vista Desktop
2. Click on Personalize
3. Select: ‘Change desktop icons’
4. At the Desktop Icon Settings, untick the box next to: ‘Recycle Bin’.

Laura asks…

How do I restore the Recycle Bin to my desktop?

I am running Windows Vista, and my recycle bin has disappeared from my desktop. Can anyone tell me how I can restore it?

The Expert answers:

Right click your desktop, then go to personalize. And at the top left under the word “TASKS” click on “CHANGE DESKTOP ITEMS” check the recycle bin box, then hit apply. And your done 😀

Jenny asks…

How can send all my Recycle Bin items to my Google mail address?

I like to keep all my old items (I’m a copywriter), but as my Recycle Bin is now taking up a lot of space, I’d like to send all the items to my Google mail address. Is this possible?

The Expert answers:

There are utility programs that will allow you to use your GMail account as a disk drive:

Here is one such:

There are many websites you can upload your files to, allowing many GBs of storage space, some are even free.


Donald asks…

How to permanently delete my recycle bin?

I want to sell my computer, and permanently delete my recycle bin. There is a tab that says restore all deleted material, and I am afraid that will bring out my personal private deleted things. What to do please

The Expert answers:

First, delete it out of the recycle bin. This will not delete the actual info, which could still be brought back. If you Defrag the machine after you delete the information, anything left will be essentially destroyed. What would be left would be small pieces and parts, completely out of context…and it would not be retrievable without expensive, sophisticated software.

Of course, if you have the installation disks, I’d do a low level format. Get Dban (free, www.dban.org) and boot to it. It will write over everything, making it impossible to get anything back…ever. After that, you’ll have to reinstall any programs and drivers.

William asks…

How do I find my Recycle Bin on my computer?

I had a virus on my computer and my mom took the laptop to a person at her work that got rid of it. The problem is, none of the items that were on the desktop are on the computer anymore, including my Recycle Bin, which means I can’t delete anything anymore…which is kind of a problem.
I’ve tried deleting things, and the computer says that it can’t find the recycle bin. Also, I have Windows 7.

The Expert answers:

Wow, you don’t press the Delete button in your keyboard?

Anyway, http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Show-or-hide-the-Recycle-Bin

Sandra asks…

How do i recover my recycle bin as i accidently deleted it from my desk top?

i am useing windows vista and i would like my recycle bin back on my desk top, can any one please help?Many Thanks!

The Expert answers:

DiskGetor Data Recovery Free is free hard drive recovery tool, use the free disk recovery software can free recover deleted ( word, excel, ppt, video, zip,photo ) files which were erased in Recycle Bin or deleted by shift+del on hard drive , free rescue data (fast speed).

Paul asks…

How do I get my recycle bin back on my laptop?

I’ve accidentally deleted my recycle bin from my laptop desktop, how can I get it back? It was a while ago so can’t do system restore. I’m using Windows Vista. Thanks

The Expert answers:

Hi pinky lou, you go to control panal > change desktop icon > select recycle bin icon >click OK.

Richard asks…

How do I get my recycle bin back?

I wanted to delete a couple pictures and I pressed delete but the whole recycle bin icon dissapered what do i do? Help!! It isn’t my computer.

The Expert answers:

Go to ur desktop..
Right click there..
Select properties
then go to desktop tab
click on customize desktop (above OK button)
click restore default
then click ok
and again ok..

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Maria asks…

Which plasltic bottles are safe to drink from i.e: Which recycle numbers are safe and which are not?

Thank you for all your replies. After some more searching I found in Wikipedia that recycle numbers 1; 2; 4; 5; & 6 are considered to be safe as they do not contain bisphenol A. While #s 3 & 7 are considered to be unsafe as they do contain bisphenol A. Thanks again for your replies.

Bill P

The Expert answers:

I think the number represents the number of times it can be reused

Sandy asks…

Are college student ID numbers recycled?

I am curious to know if college student ID numbers are recycled after a certain amount of time. Does anyone know?
I graduated a couple months ago and am still able to log into my account, as if were still a student.

The Expert answers:

Not every college is the same.

At Univ. Of Michigan, I am pretty sure they do not recycle numbers for a very long time. I graduated from there in 2007, but my account is still active there (it is with every student and alumnus), I can log onto computers there, I can swipe my ID in academic buildings to get in, etc.

Robert asks…

Do cell phone numbers really get recycled?

i read some where that telephone companys recycle phone numbers to keep the area codes from changing. but is it really true that you could get the old cell phone number of a famous person?

The Expert answers:

Yes they do, say you get your phone discconected for whatever reason and you let your account close then it will get “written off” and the number will be up for grab again….But it is no longer your number…And it is not illegal, the company owns the number unless you port to another company and even then one ever you lose the number it goes back to the original comapny…

Example: you have a sprint number and want to transfer to AT&T then you would port the number to wotk off of AT&T network. And lets say you stop making your payments then once the account is writtin off, the number will go back to Sprint..

Carol asks…

Recycling Plastics Numbers 1 – 7?

At our landfill they used to only accept #’s 1 & 2 in the recycling bin. Now they are accepting 1-7 in the same bin. I thought #’s 3-7 were recycled differently? And why do they want us to take the caps off – they’re plastic?

The Expert answers:

It all has to do with the type of equipment needed to recycle the different types of plastic. Apparently your facility acquired more equipment, which enabled them to recycle more types of plastic, which is good for all of us. And they don’t have the equipment to recycle the lids.

Paul asks…

the meaning of numbers under plastic containers,the triangle arrow is for recycling?


The Expert answers:

The number is used to identify the type of resin. You’re right, this number is generally for recycling.
In my sources, I link a nice table from American Chemistry that lists the types and what they are used for.

John asks…

Do credit card numbers get recycled later on after being reported lost, stolen, or canceled?

Do credit card companies have an unlimited combination of numbers to use for new credit cards or will old numbers that are canceled get recycled at one point?

Always curious about this.

The Expert answers:

It is not unlimited, but there is a large number of available combinations.

The first six digits identify card the issuer. The very last digit is the check digit. So that leaves 9 digits out of 16 for the individual’s account number. Not all of those number are available (00-0000-0000 for example to prevent easy forgery) Subtract the unusable numbers and you get a little under 1 billion numbers.

Most card numbers are 16 digits in length. Others are 13, 14 & 15 digits long which may result in fewer available account numbers.

James asks…

How fast are landline phone numbers recycled/reused/reassigned?

Anybody have a credible link to verify your answer?

The Expert answers:

60 tp 90 days……it really should be 1 or 2 years….!

Mary asks…

what are the numbers mean on the bottom of each bottles and containers?

I am a big time animal lover and true environmentalist, I try to do my best when comes to recycling. Now I have a question. when I see no.6 no.7 on the bottom of the “to go boxes” , what is that mean? should I categorize them into plastic recycling? what are the different numbers mean and how can I categorize them?

The Expert answers:

Some recycling systems are only equipped to handle certain types of recyclable waste. The numbers indicate specifics about the constitution of each item and those with the same number are recycled in the same batch. It might be best to consult your local waste management company or their website to learn which numbers they can recycle and which, if any, that they cannot.

Mandy asks…

Do phone companies recycle phone numbers?

I got a new cell phone and I’ve gotten a bunch of calls from people who think I’m someone else, probably someone who got a new number but didn’t tell his friends, and then I got his old number. So I’m guessing phone companies just give out numbers as soon as they’re available? They should at least delay using recently freed numbers for a few years.
Does anyone know if they delay the recycling and for how long?

The Expert answers:

Yeah that’s what they do

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

advantages of recycling garbage?

The Expert answers:

1.preservation of natural resources
2.decreasing the amount of garbage that has to be landfilled.
3.cost minimization

Lisa asks…

want to buy wheeled recycling garbage toters-what companies sell these?

The Expert answers:

Home depot has some.

Carol asks…

Why would someone go through the garbage looking for i.v. drug needles at a recycling depot?

He was a construction site supervisor looking for disposed needles from homeless people because he found them at his work site. He kept rummaging through the garbage cans for several minutes.
I did ask him but he told me he wanted me to find a kit for him from the supervisor.

The Expert answers:

Curious. Too bad you didn’t ask him instead of us. Just look at the answers you got here.

George asks…

House rental in N.Y.C.- who is responsible for taking garbage and recycling to the curb?

Are there any established rules regarding this or is it something that should be discussed and added to the lease agreement?

The Expert answers:

Usually the tenants are responsible for their own garbage, but legally I would think the landlord is actually the one responsible, they ultimately own the property. I would be like larger buildings where they specifically spell out these kinds of things in “house rules”, then there is no gray area, they are responsible.

Helen asks…

Problems with garbage? Recycling helps what?

Okay, so i’m doing a 7min. speech over mandatory recycling, and i can’t find reasons why we need to recycle, like what are the main problems besides landfill space is scarce, and pollution…?? help! its due tommorrow……….

The Expert answers:

My opinion, I say sustainable living is one of the major reasons that we should recycle. Trash has a great value to a society as it is a pile of slightly used resources that are just waiting to be transformed back into something useful. The problem, however, is that some “junk” might not be cost efficient to transform into another useful good. But when we say cost efficient, it is important to consider more than just the monetary value behind the item itself. We must consider the environmental impact of not recycling a product. Old Paint, for example, would be an excellent product to recycle (I’m not sure if they can yet) regardless of cost because to place it in a landfill or just tossing it in your back yard junk pile because the garbage man wont take it impacts the local environment in subtle ways. Yes, it might not damage our water supply immediately but over a long time these harmful chemicals will leech into the ground, contaminating water, animal habitat, vegetation, etc… So the difficulty found in recycling paint might be the impetus to find an innovative way to make pollution free or an environmentally friendly paint. These are just the ramblings of one man though. My advice is to take a look at wikipedia.org and look at the sources cited or use Google Scholar and see what professional literature is available for the topic. Best of luck!

Mandy asks…

What percent of garbage is being recycled?

I need to know the percent of garbage that is be recycled now days. I tried google but nothing really came up. If you know can you please provide your source a link would be helpful. Thanks! If there is a chart to show how we have increased recycling over the years..even better!

The Expert answers:

Interesting question, a star for you!! I agree with the first guy!

Jenny asks…

WHere does garbage goes after recycling? In GERMANY??

OK…I know the recycling thing in Germany is pretty serious..they have like 4 different types of garbage..
But i wonder…why do they separate garbage so much? I mean..what do they do with all the garbage they recycle? They sell it? they bury it? What?? DOes anyone knows??
Thank you very m uch!!!
I know you recycle to use it again. My question was more about how do they manage the recycled garbage, who buys it again and who is in charge.

The Expert answers:

I am originally from Germany, and my dad who is in Germany works for a recycling firm.
One fact that you may not know is that there are no longer landfills in Germany, all trash either has to be recycled or is incinerated (heat produced by the incineration is used to produce power). Since incineration is expensive due to the added cost of cleaning the fumes, as much as possible is recycled. Essentially all packaging in Germany (palstic, paper etc is made of recycled plastic or paper (only a small amount of new plastic/paper may be added to increase quality.
Firms like the one my dad work for collect a broad range of trash and recyclables and further separate out usable components before selling the isolated usable stuff, like Alluminum to companies that reuse them and burning the rest that can no longer be used. They charge depending on the quality of the waste, e.g. How much recyclable material, how well is ot already separate, so it is in the interest of the waste producer to separate the waste as much as possible.
The exact regulations and types of trash that is separates is are different in different counties/Landkreise. Wher my parent live, they have 4 types of household trash: clean glass, metal cans etc, clean palstic, paper etc (yes that means you have to wash out your yoghurt containers before disposing of them), compost and all other waste. Collection of the first 3 is free, but they pay a lot for the last category, thus, it is in the best interst of the people there to separate their trash otherwise they will pay a lot for trash collection.
There are also tax incentives for companies to use recyclable material wherever possible, the higher the content of new material in your product, the higher the taxes.
There are also laws agains shipping waste into other countries to get rid of it the easy way, only separated recyclable material may be sold to other countries. As far as I know the only waste that is shipped out and can’t be recycled is spent radioactive material from nuclear powerplant that are stored in old salt mines in France.

The German system may be a little excessive but it shows how much trash really can be recycled if one makes the effort.

Steven asks…

Do you tip your garbage man at Christmas time?

My husband works for a garbage/recycling company and you wouldn’t believe the tips he gets! He’s brought home at least $200 this week alone in cash, a $25 Sears gift card, a $10 state store (liquor) gift card, a $10 personal check, a warm long sleeved shirt from the nice old lady on oxygen and a 6 pack of beer.

Tossing garbage and recycling into the back of a truck isn’t the most glorious job in the world but it pays!
@Hippie– I’m very sorry that happened. He doesn’t deserve anything.

The Expert answers:

I tip everyone during the holidays. I tip the mail man,the garbage man,the man who puts gas in my car, etc.

Robert asks…

how much does it cost to handle garbage and recycling in Brampton?

ty 4 ur help need 4 project 🙂

The Expert answers:

It costs $400/ton for recycling and $600/ton for garbage. But that’s only if the recycling doesn’t need to be processed and sorted through which it usually does; it costs a lot more if they need to process it and so that’s why a lot of recycling is processed like garbage, as in, it’s thrown out…

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Chris asks…

Is death the natural cycle of life and recycle of energy and food?

Watching animal world, discovery, national geographic make me realized that death is the natural cycle of life?
I find death is cruel and very frightful. I wonder why it is like that in nature? Is our creator has that kind of character? Or is it the result of sin and the evil angel?
Could what is happening in the world now is not the natural order of things?

I was contemplating the order of things without death? How is the food chain recycling work then? Will the wild animals still have fangs, claw and killer instinct then? I wonder? Would that world without death will be designed differently?
@ all. None of you answer the question.

The Expert answers:

When God Created you, and all mankind, in His Image,
He created a Purely Spiritual Being. He did not give man the
power to override his Perfect Creation. So the truth is that
we are still as God Created us – Perfect Spiritual Beings.

Some of us thought it would be fun to separate from God
and have a life of our own. We could not separate. But we could make up
a dream world wherein we would feel separated from God.

The physical world you speak of is the dream world man made.
We are stuck in the dream until we realize our true estate
and awaken again to the awareness of God.

To do that awakening, Jesus came as our way shower
and taught that we need to see God in our fellow man
because we are One.

Everything God Created is Perfect, everlasting and truly wonderful.
Our dream denies that but nothing God created ever dies.
Only that which is part of man’s dream is perishable.

There is no sin, there is no evil – except in the dream man made up.

William asks…

What molecule is recycled in Kreb’s cycle?

The Expert answers:

Oxaloacetate (or oxaloacetic acid)

Nancy asks…

If water is “recycled” by the water cycle, why do we care about wasting it?

Water never actually goes away; it just transports from one location to another location. It’s possible that the water you drank was once used by another person. Other than saving money, why do we care about conserving water?

I’m not advising you to use water carelessly. I’m just questioning why we care so much about conserving water if water is recycled through the water cycle.
Earth’s water cycle is a closed system. We always have the same amount of water.
The amount of water we have now is exactly the same amount of water we had hundreds and even thousands of years ago.

The Expert answers:

Recycling water takes an effort it is costly.
Depending on what you use to pollution the water it can be veryvery hard to get the stuff out of the water again.

Donald asks…

What molecule is recycled during the Calvin cycle?

The Expert answers:

Ribulose Bisphosphate (RuBP) is your answer.
The input molecules are carbon dioxide,ATP, and NADPH. The output molecules are sugar, ADP,NADP+,and inorganic phosphate (Pi). The recycled molecule is ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP).

Mary asks…

What are you favourite song lyrics in the world?

That mean the most to you?
“I don’t to battle from beginning to end,
I don’t want a cycle of recycled revenge,
I don’t want to follow death and all of his friends…

and in the end we lie awake…
and we dream of making our escape…”

The Expert answers:

I like: “And I hope the sun shines,
and it’s a beautiful day
and something reminds you,
you wish you had stayed,
you can plan for a change in weather and time,
but I never planned on you changing your mind”

I also like: “I watch you fly around the world,
and I hope you don’t save some other girl
Don’t forget, don’t forget about me.

I’m far away but I never let you go.
I’m love struck and staring out my window.
Don’t forget, don’t forget about me.”

Mandy asks…

Rhythms and Cycles HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

i have been given the title rhythms and cycles for my As art topic and needs ideas! there are nice ones such as lunar cycle n recycling n stuff but how do i apply these to art and make a good portfolio from theese, any ideas such as fashion or biorhtyms or anything!!!!
ideas and how i culd do them would be beautiful! the wackier the better!!!

The Expert answers:

You have to think laterally to the question and mind map all your available ideas. Why not look at sequential images of life in your school day, morning to night, cycles of time periods more accessible to you. Multiple exposure photography is a good starting point or layering images in Photoshop to create a montage starting point for your art.

John asks…

What are the total systemic effects of recycling?

I recycle because I want to do anything I can to reduce waste that winds up in a landfill. I have been under the impression all these years that recycling is beneficial for the environment. But I recently learned that, at least in California, we ship our compacted recyclables to China to be made into new products which are then shipped back to the USA. I’m curious about the “life cycle” of a recycled product and the recycling industry’s impact on the environment. Also, are China’s recycling methods and chemicals ok under USA or EU regulations? Economists encouraged to weigh in. Thanks.

The Expert answers:

Recycling to reduce trash is an important concern since, as the world’s population grows, land for living and food production become more important. That same might be said for land use practices involving golf courses and cemeteries but that’s a path i’ll avoid here.

The real problem with your scenario is that the benefit of manufacturing new products from recycling is a large user of water and electricity and water resources are perhaps the largest environmental concern we face – outside the developed nations – and redundant electrical generation produces a lot of CO2 that contributes to climate change.

The problem isn’t the recycling, it’s all the shipping you describe since the burning of fuels to ship across the pacific and back would easily outweigh the benefits of reduced resource need for manufacturing the recycled products.

Concerning china, as another answer points out, environmental laws are still virtually non-existent but that may be turning as they face population growth and their emergence from an undeveloped to a developed country where increased quality of life is supposed to be a large part of growth and development.

Ken asks…

Is death a natural cycle of life in food chain and recycle of resources?

If so, then how will God deal with food chain and recycle of resource when there is no death and eternal life? I wonder. Is there a logical solution to these with a change of the death and life cycle?

The Expert answers:

Death will always happen because life is constantly renewing itself.

[…personally I say that God could just deal with it by using his power to create a new cycle whenever the hell he wants. I mean, he’s God. He does what he wants, when he wants to. Lol]

Lizzie asks…

What is an ideal piano instrumental for a digital invitation?

I have been asked to create an invitation for this event i have to plan, and I am stuck on what background instrumental to put. The event is about recycling and up-cycling. Please, it’s very urgent! Also, i am not allowed to put any kind of music – [singing in background]
No vocals, around a minute
Upcycling is the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value.

The Expert answers:

Try one of these – all just under a minute long and well-known easy listening piano pieces by the famous composer Robert Schumann:


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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

David asks…

How to recycle R.O waste water?

How can we recycle the R.O waste water filter….can it be used to give water to plants

The Expert answers:

I’d imagine it would be OK for house plants. Note that this water will have a very high concentration of contaminants, some of them potentially harmful (such as heavy metals). I wouldn’t eat any plant that was watered with it.

And obviously if you were using the reverse osmosis to treat saltwater, you can’t use the saltwater on the plants.

Daniel asks…

how is it possible to waste water?

i havent read much into it but my understanding is that water recycles, gets used my plants and animals, evaporates and turns into a cloud then comes down as rain again. is this true? if so how can there be such a thing as wasting water when its just going to recycle back into the atmosphere?

The Expert answers:

Its NOT.
Well not where i come from anyway, i was born in scotland, the land of unlimited fresh water.
But in some poverty stricken places in asia, africa and south america there is a severe fresh drinking water shortage, so i can understand the statement if referring to or talking about a country in those continents. Sadly millions die because of a lack of fresh water in there parts of the world.
But you are right, all water on earth has been here for billions of years. And keeps getting re-cycled through the oceans evaporating into clouds then falling as fresh rain.
It just depends on were you live and were your from.
No1 in europe can waste water, no1 in america can waste water. We have abundant reservoirs, dams and fresh water lakes. But to process water for us to drink does take a considerable amount of electricirty in the factories, to kill all harmful bacteria and pathogens which may be present in the water, which in turn uses a lot of fossil fuel to produce this electricity. So when we see some1 leaving a tap running you should say – “stop wasting electricity / fossil fuels” instead of saying “stop wasting water”

Lizzie asks…

would you drink recycled waste water (toilet, shower, bath, sink waste).?

why or why not

The Expert answers:

What do you think your drinking right now? Your drinking water that has been used by humans, treated and dumped back into the ecosystem. If its dumped into the sea evaporation will pick it up and turn it into clouds, then once the dewpoint is reached it will fall down in convectional or orgraphic rainfall and reach back to the sea form runoff, or enter an aquifer, etc. So you see all water is recycled. So yes i would drink recycled waste water.

Lisa asks…

How can you waste water? Isn’t there a water cycle?

I don’t understand how water can be wasted when it recycles itself….right? Am I understanding this correctly? Can someone please explain this to me? I am trying to understand the water cuts imposed on farmers. Thanks for all answers!

The Expert answers:

We need to conserve the remaining fresh water. Even though water can be treated and distilled, most people have an aversion to drinking recycled water from sewers. Our population is growing at such a rate that we are outstripping the water cycle. Farmers aren’t using recycled water for irrigation. They are using water from the Ogallala aquifer, which is our biggest source of clean freshwater. The level in the aquifer is dropping rapidly.
The world population is 6,674,067,889 as of 05:48 GMT (EST+5) Jun 14, 2008. U.S. Population has grown by 1.2% per year over the last 50 years. This “low” growth rate means it has taken only 58 years for our population to double. The world population is projected to grow from 6 billion in 1999 to 9 billion by 2042, an increase of 50 percent that will require 43 years.

Nancy asks…

Would you drink recycled drinking water?

Our local government has decided to recycle our waste water (sewage, effluent) and mix it with our main water supply. Would you drink it??

The Expert answers:

When we drink water, we pee, and then our urine goes out
to the ocean and then water evaporated and it rains and
go down the river… And we drink it.

Water is naturally recycled.

Donald asks…

Is tap water from human waste and recycled?

Is tap water urine and feces that has been cleaned? If so that is disgusting.

The Expert answers:

Yes but rest assured, the feces and urine that once was in your drinking water came from another neighborhood, so at least you are not drinking your own ,…stuff, what ? You never saw those little floaters in there?

Sharon asks…

do you rinse your empty pop cans with tap water before recycling them?

My neighbor does this and i think it’s a terrible waste of fresh water. Here in the southeast we have a water shortage and i think it’s wrong to waste fresh water.
pop cans are the item in question, not dirty food cans & bottles

The Expert answers:

Here in Iowa, we have a 5 cent can and bottle redemption which, in respect for the redemption center workers, we are encouraged to bring them in rinsed and clean. So the question is, what’s more environmentally friendly? Do we use our city water (that we pay good money for every month) to help the redemption centers or recycling centers stay clean and free of insects and vermin so they can continue to recycle aluminum and plastic or do we try to save our endangered water supply? Both could be a blessedly moot point if we all stop drinking pop! I haven’t for years and I don’t miss it at all. It’s not good for you in any flavor, sweetness or color according to may studies. It’s even being looked at as the basic source of our country’s obesity problem, diet pop included! How’s that for an option everyone? Drink a glass of water from your tap and treat your body to this thirst quenching, easily digestible resource. No cans or bottles needed!

Steven asks…

Ideas for producing less waste, consuming less water or energy?

We recycle and installed water-saving shower heads and are mindful of our laundry and dishwashing routine. Public transportation isn’t widely available in our area and biking to work isn’t an option. Any more ideas for cutting down on waste, energy, and water?
I should also add that we’ve turned down our water heater and insulated all our duct work and turn off lights when we leave the room.

The Expert answers:

– Tankless water heaters – you don’t waste energy keeping the tank warm, and they even get you a tax credit.

– Combine errands into one big run and don’t idle when you are driving

-If your power company has the option, buy a portion of your electricity in renewable energy. My power company already sold out of its allocation of wind power, but I’m on a waiting list for it.

Mary asks…

What happens to the pollutants when waste water is “cleaned up”?

A. The pollutants are still here on earth; they have just been removed from the water.
B. Some pollutants are recycled or decomposed by natural processes.
C. Both of these may be correct.

The Expert answers:


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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Helen asks…

who pays the highest price for recycled aluminum cans in glendale/phoenix az?

The Expert answers:

Top Price Recycling pays the best

(602) 712-9100
2600 S 7th Ave., Phoenix

Good luck.

Maria asks…

Has anyone else felt cheated at the recycle center… for the price of aluminum cans?

I thought I had 12 pounds at 65 cents…and got $4.55.
12 X .65 + $7.80. Even if they kept 10% that would only minus out .78… for $7.02 for me…

Please tell me of your personal experiences. I feel cheated everytime.

The Expert answers:

I was going to a place where I used to live, and the guy was pocketing HALF of what he was weighing. We were getting gypped, and I knew it. He finally got fired. I would go to a different recycling center this time, or gradually put the cans in the machine at the grocery store entrances.

Ruth asks…

what is the price of recycled aluminium cans per-kg?

The Expert answers:

About US$0.16 to 0.18 per kg.


Donna asks…

Where can I find the price indexes for recycling goods?

Daily changing cost of Aluminum, PET, paper, etc…

The Expert answers:

You have to search for each one by commodity and by geographic region. Here’s some links. I have some other links but they’re hard to get. The best thing to do is to actually make the phone calls.

Sandra asks…

Why has the price for recycling newspaper gone down so dramatically?

The price here in California for newspaper has gone from $105.00 a ton to $15.00 a ton in a very short time. I know the economy is bad but wow!
We collect newspaper at our mobilehome park to make money to put on events for the residents. But all of a sudden they have dropped the price over 80%. We spend more money on gas than we get for the newspaper.
I can live without the money for the park, but I am more concerned with people not recycling anymore. Anybody know why it has gone down so much and if it will go up again in the future?

The Expert answers:

When an economy falters the demand for almost all products goes down. Newspaper is recycled into new paper, insulation, packaging materials. When demand for these things drops, so does the demand for the raw materials. When demand drops, so does the price.

Steven asks…

would anyone ship to a metal recycling center for a better price?

well i buy scrap metals .im in olean new york 14760. and i can beat any price. details:first call me for prices. if you ship your metals to me . i will weigh them and send your money same day.for more info :email me at whitehawk92@yahoo.com.

The Expert answers:

Who pays for shipping?

Mandy asks…

Where can I get the highest price for Recycled Aluminum in the Midwest?

I’m looking to recycle aluminum cans somewhere in the Midwest, including Chicago (Northwest suburbs), South eastern Wisconsin and North Western Indiana. If you have any insight on where would be the best place to bring our cans, please let me know!! I plan on donating all the money I make to a local Children’s Hospital…. THANKS!!

The Expert answers:

Without ever having sold metals in the markets in those areas, its hard for me to give you names. The only advice i can really give is to call places and ask for amounts. Pay attention to the places in the industrial parts of town, particularly near rail lines. The accessibility of these businesses to these methods of moving their materials en mass at lower costs allows them to offer you, the seller higher prices and yet meet their bottom line.

Mark asks…

What is generally the best time of year to recycle aluminum cans for the best return?

I was just wondering if price fluctuations for recycling aluminum cans follow time of year.

The Expert answers:

Around here, we get the same price all year round. No seasonal fluctuations.

Thomas asks…

Recycling Prices…?

How Much Would You Get For Recycling A Can…???

The Expert answers:

It varies from state to state county to county. My cousin takes my cans down to SC and I get .30 to .40 per pound. I pick up the cans from beside the road and I also buy sodas in the can that way I can get some of my money back.

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