Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Nancy asks…
How do I retrieve pictures and files that I deleted from the Recycle Bin?
Not too long ago, I decided to delete files. Not from their original folders, but from the recycle bin. I know there are ways to relocate and restore them. Does anyone know a program I can use that is relatively simple and user friendly that will allow me to do so?
Thanks in advanced.
The Expert answers:
You can often successfully recover deleted files from a PC, it all depends on what has happened since the files were deleted.
When you delete files the data itself isn’t deleted, just the index entry that tells the system where the data for those files is located. The area containing the deleted data is also now marked as free space so it is available for any new files to be written there instead.
If and when that happens, then it is too late to recover your deleted files so it is very, very important to not save any new files or data to the device concerned.
One of the easiest ways to see if you can recover deleted files is to try some good file recovery software. One I used to use is asoftech recovery which you can download from site below
Mandy asks…
how can i get the recycle bin onto my dedsktop ?
I want to bring the recycle bin back onto my desktop but can’t find it, it seems to have dissappeared !. I’ve got some annoying ubisoft registration icons i want to put in there. Can anyone tell me how to get my recycle bin back or how to get rid of these annoying and unsightly ubisoft registration icons ?
The Expert answers:
1.In Windows Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Folder Options.
2.On the View tab, under Advanced Settings, do one of the following:
– Select the Show Recycle Bin icon on the desktop check box to show the icon on your desktop.
– Clear the Show Recycle Bin icon on the desktop check box to remove the icon from your desktop.
Laura asks…
Is it possible to recover files emptied from your recycle bin without the use of a third-party software?
I desperately need to retrieve some files that I mistakenly emptied from my recycle bin, but every single page I Google is only for a third-party software. Is it at all possible for me to recover those files without such a program?
The Expert answers:
Yes, it is technically possible to recover any deleted file (Even those removed from the Recycle Bin), but you have to use a data recovery software. You may try this one that I used to use.
Good luck!
Daniel asks…
How to recover files off a FAT32 Memory card or from the recycle bin?
I accidentally deleted a file on my comp and then deleted it from the recycle bin… can i retrieve it off my memory card or from the recycle bin… program for free?
The Expert answers:
To get it back from the recycle bin is easy. JUst click on the recycle bin and on the top you will see restore all items and click on it. THis should return everything back. This is if you were using Vista but im not too sure if it would be the same for XP.If your using XP, Right click the items you want back from the recycle bin and click restore. Hope you find this helpful.Sorry I didn’t pay full attention to your question, If you deleted it from your recycle bin too then it gets more complicated because the only way that you can get it back that I know off is using special software used for this. A good place to look for this type of software would be at Search that website for data recovery software or something like that. Good Luck.
This one is free to try:
Linda asks…
How to restore items I already deleted from the recycle bin?
Is there any way i could get my important documents back. I deleted them from the recycle bin by accident and now i need them urgently. Are there any programs which can restore them? I already tried ”system restore” and it didnt help.
The Expert answers:
It is possible to recover files with file recovery software. I reccommend Recuva (pronounced “recover”), it is a freeware Windows utility to restore files that have been accidentally deleted from your computer. This includes files emptied from the Recycle bin as well as images and other files that have been deleted by user error from digital camera memory cards or MP3 players. It will even bring back files that have been deleted by bugs, crashes and viruses!
There are two kinds of people: those who have experienced data loss, and those who will. Remember the 3 rules of computing. 1) Back up 2) Back up 3) Back up.
Donna asks…
Is there a lock for the wheeeled streetside blue recycle bins?
The Expert answers:
No, but there is one for the green wheeled recycle bins. You can purchase one at walmart or 7-11
Mark asks…
Shouldn’t those blue plastic recycle bins be made out of something more eco-friendly?
The Expert answers:
Try to verify that here. There are list of things that can be recycled.
Ken asks…
How much better off would the environment be if there were only recycling bins?
Instead of garbage bins, what would happen if they were all replaced by recycling bins? I used to think about that a lot when I was a kid and became aware of how serious polution is. But is it realistic? And could be accomplished for the whole world?
The Expert answers:
It wouldn’t be any better, just because something is collected for recycling doesn’t mean it’ll get recycled. The recycling service are fee services, the homeowners pay per month for the pick up. If the sorted recyclables can be sold then great otherwise it’s sent to the landfill. With so many people recycling, the recyclable market is glutted so most recyclables wind up in the landfill.
Think of it this way, did you buy as products made from as much recycled material as you’re putting into the recycling bin? If not then how can it be recycling? It’s only recycling if you buy products made from recycled materials. Having recycling bins doesn’t mean you’re recycling.
Joseph asks…
Do files in recycle bins take up hard drive space?
The Expert answers:
Yes until you empty the recycle bin.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Ruth asks…
what is more important, recycling or reducing waste?
i think the too much emphasis is put on recycling then on reducing the waste you use. what do you think?
The Expert answers:
I think they are both equally important I think it depends on the area 2 area country to country I can do you wear I think people would consider recycling more important but in a third world country like africa for example I think limiting waste would more important to them
hope this helps if you like my answer please choose it as best… Thank you…
Susan asks…
What do you think of recycling human waste product for drinking on the shuttle and space station?
It sounds so gross, I don’t think I would want to consume it, but if it works, Gross!
The Expert answers:
Recycling waste water into drinking water seems to be the craze with municipalities. It was implemented in CA, and now other states are bent on doing the same thing…eeew.
I’d rather land on the moon and Mars and build a Fischer Tropsch reactor to make fuel. Then it’s just a matter of cooking, baking, roasting, etc. To produce water vapor and CO2 by burning butane, propane, etc. Initially, all you have to do is use a dehumidifier to condense the water vapor. All combustion processes produce water vapor and CO2 as byproducts:
Propane C3H8 + 5 O2 –> 3 CO2 + 4 H2O
Once a global magnetic field is in place, Aerobic Respiration will produce water vapor and CO2 in the lunar and martian atmospheres. All mammals (humans included) produce water vapor and CO2 as byproducts of respiration. So we can use our furry friends (squirrels, gerbils, weasels, lorises, lemurs, etc) to bioform the atmosphere, 24/7. They also produce methane gas, so you now have 3 potent greenhouse gases with which to build a rich and thick atmosphere over time. Pretty soon it’ll be flooding on the moon also!
Aerobic Respiration:
C6H12O6 + 6 oxygen –> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy (ATP)
Superconducting Rings, between 3 to 14 Tesla, can be imbedded deep into the lunar crust to create a “global” magnetic field to block out cosmic rays; while an atmosphere blocks out uv, gamma and x-rays. Whereas permanent rare earth magnets like neodymium-boron-iron can create “local” magnetic fields for a small settlement. For example, it can be imbedded 20′ into the ground, under a dome, to protect 50 inhabitants.
Jenny asks…
what are the benefits of recycling waste?
can anyone think of any benefits of recycling?
The Expert answers:
There are only two items that I see great advantage in recycling. These items are steel and aluminum. The reason that I see an advantage in these two items alone is that it is a net savings in energy usage to recycle these. Aluminum is has a VERY large benefit in terms of energy usage to recycle.
The thing is though that people will naturally recycle aluminum and steel. The reason being is that companies will pay people to collect the aluminum and steel. I have seen several people that make a very good living from dumpster diving for these items.
Most other items that are “recycled” don’t really have much appeal in my eyes. If something has to be subsidized in order to make a profit, then it really isn’t all that worthwhile. The argument that it saves the planet I consider spurious at best. Yes, a lot of the trash we generate will be around for a long time, but it isn’t really all that much in terms of usage of land. I do, however, support any use people can find for trash that isn’t recycled that is sustainable and useful though. I just don’t have much time for people that believe that creating make work is going to save the planet.
Mandy asks…
How can we get partners in solid waste recycling in Nigeria?
In the whole of Nigeria, and west Africa
The Expert answers:
We can use solid wastes in making in use of them as fertilizers we can just add some organic things to it, which comes from the plants around you
Linda asks…
I want to start an e waste recycling unit.Can anyone help me with the same?
The Expert answers:
In the United States, Consumer Electronics are Universal Waste. To be a Universal Waste a material must first be a Hazardous Waste.
Although there are some precious metals contained within E-Waste there are also very hazardous materials as well. I would speak with a local metal recyclers and do some more research before you move forward with this plan.
Charles asks…
can you help me write a letter to neighbour explaining my waste paper recycling scheme?
My scheme involves collecting waste paper once a week, storing it in my lock-up garage and taking it to the waste paper plant once a month.
The Expert answers:
Jst go tl hm dirctly…dnt wast papr..
Richard asks…
Hi i would like to know about how to start waste paper recycling plant? Any guidance?
Recycling plant If anyone is in that line or having an experience. pls send me the details to
The Expert answers:
Unless you are doing it for pleasure or to ‘go green’, it seems like a hard business and costs significant resources even if the paper is ‘free’.
That being said, it depends is the standard answer.
Depends on what you want to do with the paper once it is made. Some in the USA are making papercrete, a paper and cement building block. Use it like adobe including putting stucco on the walls once done. It insulates well.
Making paper in sheets is doable but takes a lot of people time.
Making paper on rolls or in bulk will need basically the same set up as any paper mill, but instead of starting with virgin paper, you start with segregated waste paper. You can’t make high quality archival paper out of corrugated boxes as you input cellulose source. So you are going to have to learn both about your final market and resource availability.
Making paper is also a resource hog, in that it takes a lot of water. If done well, much can be recycled, but most don’t for some reason. It also uses a lot of power (typically electricity these days) for running machinery and sometimes for ‘dryer’ to dry the paper during processing.
Best of luck!
Steven asks…
what is the relationship between recycling and waste?
what is the relationship of the two?? are they somewhat related to each other?
The Expert answers:
What`s considered waste , once it`s recycled it turn into something useful
Joseph asks…
Crushers for construction waste processing and concrete recycling?
I want to invest a crushing plant for construction waste processing and concrete recycling.And I want to buy a good stone crushing plant production line from China,who can give me some info. about the crusher manufacturer?
The Expert answers:
Shanghai Jianye Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd. Is able to solve the problems by the stone crushing plants production line. With this crushing plants production line, we can reuse construction garbage and change it into other construction material.
Our website:
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Steven asks…
Will recycling centers take our wine bottles?
You know the recycling centers that you can take bottles and cans to and get money for them? Well we have a bunch of wine bottles and I can’t for the life of me remember if they’ll take them. I would find it pointless to waste my time taking them down there only to be turned down, any help would be very appreciated.
The Expert answers:
I’d give them a call to find out. I think our center only takes clear glass. I have no idea why, but I mentioned returning some green champagne bottles once, and my husband said they don’t accept them. So they went in our recycling bin. I remember thinking what a waste.
Maria asks…
Can I return beer cans at recycling centers?
Am I allowed to return beer cans or bottles to recycling centers and get the bottle deposit back if I am under 21?
The Expert answers:
Yes you can. You can turn in beer cans, bottles or metal flasks (any kind of alcohol container really). You could even turn in hypodermic needles, as long as you have them contained properly, and no one can punish you in the slightest. They can only give you money for your cans, glass and plastic bottles!!!
Lizzie asks…
Where are some recycling centers in Texas?
Does anyone where are some recycling centers across texas? or any in Houston, Texas? even community recycling centers are fine. ANYWHERE IN TEXAS.Thank you and can you please put links. THANKS!
The Expert answers:
Im looking for the same thing! These are the couple of sites i have looked at, but have yet to drive my stuff to the place.
remember! You can take your paper products to your local school – most have the recycling receptacles available.
Chris asks…
what are some paper recycling centers that pay you for paper recycables near brooklyn ny?
Where are some paper recyling centers nea brooklyn, NY 11230 that will pay me for paper to recycle? and how much do they pay?
i have about 10,000 pounds of paper available for them to buy at this very moment, so quantity is not a problem
The Expert answers:
If any place would pay you for bringing paper to them to recycle would require such large amounts of paper from you that you would be operating a garbage collection company. If you want to get paid for recycling you have to find copper or other metals.
Daniel asks…
Republican senate bill on Recycling centers?
For my AP government class, I have to write a mock senate bill for “forestry” of california.
I decided to write my bill on recycling centers (adding recycling booths to every grocery store).
Do you have any statistics/facts that I can include in the bill? Any ideas? What about economic cost benefits?
Remember, I have to sound like a conservative republican!
The Expert answers:
No conservative republican would argue in favor or recycling booths in grocery stores.
Joseph asks…
Do you get paid to return cardboard to recycling centers in California, if so how much?
Have a ton of cardboard from work, trying to figure out if its worth taking to recycling center or dumping just dumping in the bin
The Expert answers:
It says on the side of the box it will say either 5 cents or 10 maybe 15 and then include the states its valid in, just check the box =D
But id imagine about 5 cents.
Lisa asks…
Where are the recycling centers in Metro Manila (Philippines)?
Does anybody know where to find any recycling centers in Metro Manila? I have all these plastic bottles and newspapers at home that I’ve been saving and I’m looking for a place to deposit them for recycling. Save the Environment!! =)
The Expert answers:
There are lots of recycling bins round the city centre, dont know where exactly but i have seen them.
Nancy asks…
Does anyone know any good recycling centers in the North Denver/ Thornton area?
I just started a paper recycling program and my preschool that i work at. I already have a ton of paper, does anyone know of a place around either north Denver or Thornton that i can take it?
The Expert answers:
Best bet is to look in your local yellow pages or do a google or yahoo search of “thornton recycling”. If all else fails, contact your town/city sanitation department for a referral.
Mandy asks…
where can I find tire recycling centers in california?
where can I find tire recycling centers in california?
The Expert answers:
These are the best answer links I know.
Check them out and if you still need help feel free
to Email me for help.
Http://|pg:1 – everything – 14 search engines – any question – diagrams,repair info,LOOK HERE – everything automotive – how stuff works – dictionary – mechanics Q & A – terms – automotive audio/video etc.
Http:// – hard to find parts – directions & distance – basic car care – DIY resource – for car enthusiasts – fix anything – up to date auto news – old cars & definitions – automotive dictionary – automotive values
Web search for Forums for your car, they are very helpful.
Fereral, State, & Local governments have websites.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Thomas asks…
Where can you recycle electronics without paying for it?
Where can you recycle TVs, computer monitors or VCRs where they won’t charge you to drop it off? Is there anywhere that picks stuff up? I have a TV that doesn’t work I need to get rid of.
A thrift store won’t take the TV. Also it’s too large for me to move. All of the links provided indicated that they charged.
Kansas, not Missouri.
I still find it hard to believe with all the push for recycling that it’s so hard to find places to take stuff. It doesn’t encourage recycling.
I think people seem to be missing the fact that I said the TV is too large for me to move even if I could get it into the car.
The Expert answers:
Charge you for a television. This is because the recyclers themselves have to pay to have the TVs taken downstream. Furthermore, if you do find a place that will take it for free, the chances that it is a reputable recycler is very slim. Those types of companies tend to ship the electronics overseas which can have devastating effects on the people and environment there, because there are so many hazardous materials contained in TVs such as lead and mercury. If you have a few minutes, you can watch this “60 Minutes” video on e-waste:
Ruth asks…
Do I need to recycle my TV and computer equipment in Washington State?
The Washington State Department of Ecology is very interested in us recycling old televisions, stereos, computers, and other electronics equipment. In 2009 they will offer free recycling for consumers. But is electronics recycling in the State of Washington mandatory, or is it just recommended? In other words, if I’m a horrible person and throw my stuff in the trash, what are the consequences, if any?
The Expert answers:
I asked my hubby who works for a tv company and he says that by law in Washington, you have to recycle your TV (and I’m sure your computer equipment) and it is illegal to put them in the dump. His company asks that you pay $25 when they pick up your old TV because they have the pay to recycle it (and pay for the hours of workers to pull the pieces apart.) If they are offering free recycling in 2009, it should save some customers some money.
Lisa asks…
Why does it now cost money to recycle?
I used to be recycling companies paid the consumer in an effort to get more aluminum, copper and glass. Now, I not only have to pay for my recycling to be taken, I have to pay extra to recycle my electronics. I know were supposed to be green, but with my family income going down 25% (and we’re lucky to even still be employed) I can’t afford 20 for each computer, printer and cell phone to be given away. I may just have to put it in the landfill.
The Expert answers:
B/c recycling companies are having hard time too.
If nobody buys stuff, demand for plastic and glass drops, so recyclers get lower price for materials that they recover.
If your electronics is still working, donate it to a church or via
Sharon asks…
How can I recycle an old camera?
I have an old broken Minolta camera and don’t want to just throw it away because of the metals & batteries, and I just read an alarming article about the enormous amount of electronic waste we produce each year. I went to the EPA website but all I could really find was recycling for old computers, tv’s, etc. Does anyone have information for recycling other electronics, such as cameras?
The Expert answers:
You could give it to someone to use for parts. Maybe even a camera shop. That way you are not throwing it away, and someone might be able to use it to fix another camera.
Nancy asks…
Recycle you old computer, cell phone and other electronics FREE!!!!!!!?
Hi everyone,
Just thought I’d share this with you. I’ve been looking for a proper way to dispose of my old computer for weeks. I finally found a source:
These places will take your old computer, cell phone and other electronics, for FREE!!! So please recycle your computer and electronics properly and don’t dump them in the trash.
The Expert answers:
That was a really cool info.
Well i am also trying to make my own recycle station in India where anyone can send their outdated stuffs for recycling instead of dumping it somewhere else and causing pollution
Lets hope i get some outdated stuffs to make my own recycle station.
James asks…
What do I do with an old VCR? Are there electronic recycle centers?
Do they have such things as recycle centers for electronics? And if they do how do I find one close to me? I live in Milwaukee, WI.
I just found out GoodWill will take a VCR but not a TV. Where can I bring an old TV?
The Expert answers:
Type in
electronics recycling Milwaukee, WI.
In your favorite search engine. I found quite a few, but did not know which is the most convenient for you.
Donald asks…
Where can I recycle non-working stereo equipment?
The local electronics recycling programs seem to accept only computer equipment and wireless phones. I’d like to recycle a Teac bookshelf mini component system. I’m in East Brunswick, NJ 08816. Thanks.
The Expert answers:
Middlesex has a permanent drop-off site for broken or outdated consumer electronic items, located at the office of Hesstech, LLC – 45 Executive Ave., Edison.
Hours: First Saturday of each month from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.; and the third Monday of each month from 12 noon – 4:00 p.m. Closed holidays and some weekend.
This service is free to Middlesex County residents (proof of residency will be requested.)
Items accepted include: computer equipment (including CPUs, monitors, keyboards, scanners, modems, printers, and cables), TVs, telephones, irons, flourescent lamps and thermostats and thermometers containing mercury.
For directions and information: Contact the Middlesex County Division of Solid Waste Management at (732) 745-4170, or e-mail
I suggest contacting them before hauling it there, just to make sure that they’ll take it.
Please let me know if you need more information.
Laura L. Barnes, MSLIS
Illinois Waste Management and Research Center Library
Daniel asks…
I’ve got an old DVD player that doesn’t work that I would like to recycle. What are my options?
I can’t seem to find a local option to recycle my old electronics. I live in Culver City, CA. The player doesn’t work so I don’t want to give it to Good Will, but I also don’t want to throw it away in the trash. I believe there’s hazardous components, and recycling is so much more efficient.
The Expert answers:
Yes, DVD and other electronics are hazardous to the environment when they’re thrown in the land fields. Sony Corporation started a recycle program; contact Sony at their 800 number and ask about their electronic recycle program site that is closed to your home address. If your DVD is not a Sony, they will charge you a small fee to discard it for you. I hope this helps!
Mark asks…
Why does California charge an electronics recycling fee when you have to pay to recycle them anyway?
If I take something electronic to the dump to throw away, I have to pay a fee. How can California charge another fee when a product is purchased? I looked at their website and I couldn’t understand who ultimately gets this money. It doesn’t go to California’s state budget, it gets paid out to “approved participating collectors and recyclers”. That means they get paid twice!?!
I’m actually in Vermont, but I work for a company that sells electronics to consumers in CA. I’m referring to the CEWS act of 2004 that levies a few for anything with a CRT, LCD or plasma display over 4″ that is sold in CA.
I meant “fee” not “few” in the previous post.
The Expert answers:
Most of us in CA are aware of the scam, so we wait until we get the household roundup coupon from our recycler which enables us to take electronics for recycling for free. It comes twice a year and does limit the amount you can bring, however. Also, some of the stores and schools have programs where they reuse parts and rennovate electronics for schools in other countries, so we wait for the announcements to get the tax donation. In CA, they find any way possible to get their hands into your pocketbook as much as they can. And, in this case they get it coming and going.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Ken asks…
Which way would be more ecologically sound?
1.Using plastic grocery bags for trash bags and not buying trash bags?
2. Using plastic grocery bags for recycling bags and not buying those?
3. Not using plastic grocery bags at all, going with those reusable bags that some say cost more energy to make than the plastic disposables?
4.making your own reusable bags out of material salvaged at Salvation Army but buying garbage bags?
I am trying to go more green than I am and wonder if I am over thinking this. LOL
The Expert answers:
Simplest way is to get the plastic grocery bags and put them all in one place when your done. Once you have enough for a trip, recycle them. Quite often you can recycle them at the same place you got them from. We actually donate ours to a local business that uses them to sell plants with.
The Sal Army bag solution sounds good too. The hard part with the reusable bags is actually remembering to bring them along. I talked to one guy who kept buying them every time he went to the store because he wanted to be “green” (it’s not easy I hear) but he had to buy new ones cause he kept forgetting to bring the ones he bought the time before.
I think you are right and you are over thinking this but I think that is because the world has trained you to feel bad when do not do all these little things. Plant some trees, walk/ride bike to the corner store instead of drive, donate to the local wilderness area, etc… That will do more then paper or plastic.
Lizzie asks…
Recycling Bin – Compostable Bag or No?
RECYCLING BIN (Note: not compost) – Is it more eco-friendly to use a compostable garbage bag in the bin or is it more eco-friendly to rinse out the bagless bin with a water hose? If you have any data to back up your answer please cite it along with your answer.
The Expert answers:
So as environmentally friendly as compostable bags are, there is still a footprint associated with making them however, how much water is needed to rinse the bin & what is environment cost of purifying it?
William asks…
Slobby renting neighbors?/Garbage piling up?
I live in part of a city where the homes are 90 plus years old. Most of the homeowners take care of their properties in my area with exemption of a few. The few who dont are mostly renters. Every Tuesday we have to put our garbage carts on the alley line, and every other Tuesday we have to put our recycling carts on the alley line next to the garbage cart for pick up. These so called renters usually dont put the garbage cart or the recycling cart out by the alley line every Tuesday. They usually just let the garbage pile up, and overflow. At times the alley looks like an absolute junkyard with garbage bags, and empty boxes laying in the alley. A few years ago, the city did property condition evaluations throughout the city. Some of the homeowners were disgruntled, but after awile i liked the idea. Since i keep our property maintained i would like to see others do the same. It makes abcentee landlords wake up. Should i call my alderman about the garbage problems?
The Expert answers:
There’s nothing I hate more than people just throwing their garbage around. It’s inconsiderate, rude and lazy! Yes, yes, yes – call your Alderman (being an American – I’m not sure what an alderman does but when we’re mad about something we say “I’m going to call my Congressman” so I’m guessing that they are sort of the same thing). The landlords need to be held responsible, that way maybe they’ll be more careful about renting to a bunch of pigs!
Charles asks…
My Newspapaper/paper recycling bag disappeared!! HELP!?!?
In the morning, I took out my (blue) newspaper recycling and (yellow)paper recycyling bag for the garbage man to pick it up. But then in the afternoon, everybody’s including mine and the neighbors lost their bag and me too! What do you think happend? I know there wasn’t any wind because it was sunny. But possibly. HELP!!
And I live in Bristish Columbia in Canada
The Expert answers:
I guess there is someone out there with a great collection of blue and yellow bags. The next time you put out the recycling place your video camera in the window, that way you will know for sure what happens to your bags.
Recycling is so much fun.
Susan asks…
I have a question about recycling shredded paper?
Can you put all the shredded paper you have in a paper bag, tape it up, and then put that in the recycle bin? Can you think of any other ways to recycle shrededded paper? I have about 5 big bags full of it. Someone said just throw it in the garbage because the bits and pieces of paper will make a mess in the recycle bin, but I want to recycle them.
Thanks in advance.
The Expert answers:
I contacted my local council and they said it could go in with paper if as you say it is in a paper bag – but I would just wrap it round so it can’t fall out – I wouldn’t tape it as that in itself cannot be recycled with paper
David asks…
Is it legal for an apartment complex to go through your garbage?
They went through the garbage that I threw in the dumpster, obviously read the mail inside the bag to identify the garbage as mine, and then left a note under my door complaining about its contents.
(if your wondering, they didn’t think I was doing a good enough job recycling).
Is this legal? I feel like my privacy has been invaded and I am not comfortable with this at all. Is this grounds to legally break my lease? I don’t feel comfortable living in a place that is invasive like this.
The Expert answers:
The moment you put anything in a dumpster you are relinquishing ownership of that property and anybody can do what they want to with it.
BTW – if the want to keep doing that find somebody with newborns and collect some dirty diapers to put in your trash.
George asks…
Recycle or garbage stupid question?
I have a (bag) of rip up papers, dirt, carboard, plastic Bags, some water bottles, that I want to get rid of.Now Do I put this bag in the garbage bin? or do I put it in the recycle bin? I”m not too sure What to recycle.
The Expert answers:
Recycle the cardboard, the paper, plastic bags and the water bottles. As for the dirt, that can be trashed. Haha(:
Steven asks…
Why don’t stores have biodegradable bags?
I heard some stores are going back to paper which is aweful for the trees. Grocery stores sell the reusable bags. But we’ve been using the store shopping bags for our garbage for years. Saves us money from buying garbage bags that aren’t biodegradable. We live in the boonies and have to bring our rubbish to the town dump. Town only recycles cardboard and metal. Any suggestions what we can do regarding garbage bags? Is there a way an individual can bring items somewhere to recycle when their town doesn’t?
I appreciate all responses but I still am left with the quandary about bring our rubbish to the dump. The suggestion about filling up garbage cans/containers and just emptying the trash at the dump without putting items in bags is something I’ll have to see if permissible. I truly have my doubts.
I’m not against using re-usable shopping bags. I could easily make my own. But then we’d be back to buying rubbish bags. An expense we don’t have using the store shopping bags. Does anyone know of a source of truly biodegradable garbage bags that are not real real expensive?
Using volunteers at a re-cycling plant is great. But the highest cost in recycling is the actual moving of items to be recycled and cost involved in leaving them at collection sites. Big cities can afford to have actual recycling plants and afford to have items collected shipped off to where they are collected for recycle. But out in the boonies, rural country areas, towns just don’t have those kind of resources; at least not where I’m from. Our taxes are already way beyond reasonable and that’s what would be increased to set up more recycling. The little that is collected for recycling is expensive enough. Please don’t think I’m against recycling. Not at all. We live to re-use to the fullest what we can. I stopped using for example any kind of plastic food storage bags, even for work lunches. Glass containers with covers that can be washed is our better choice. But the rubbish we do have is the problem. If we only could bring things to recycling areas ourselves. Any ideas?
The Expert answers:
Stores dont have biodegradable bags because they are really expensive compared to paper and petroleum based plastic bags at the moment. Even if there was biodegradable bags available i think it’s best to bring your own bags anyways and try to consume less stuff. That way there will be less trash generated, no recycling to worry about and less garbage bags to be used.
Sandy asks…
Whats the best thing to do with the plastic grocery store bags?
I got a ton of plastic grocery store bags and have no idea what to do with them. Somebody give me ideas. Do I recycle? use ’em for garbage bin liners? Just what do ya do with’em?
The Expert answers:
Some things to do with plastic grocery bags
1)trash can liners (perfect size for bathroom cans)
2)stuffing for outdoor pillows or cushions
3)disposable “gloves” for picking up doggy doo.
4)placing old newspapers and magazines in for recycling.
5)trash bags for you car.
6)throwing out messy, smelly items like shrimp hulls or baby’s diapers(tie securely and double or triple the bags)
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Joseph asks…
Some recycling issues here. Help!?
My apartment building won’t set a recycling bin and I want to begin to recycle my newspapers and water bottles.
Where can I throw my gather-recycled goods?
What can I do?
How about school? What can I do for my school to have recycle programs as well?
The Expert answers:
Go to to find a local recycle center.
Remember Recycle comes 3rd in the three R’s. I would focus more on reduce. You will save money over all if you get a water filter and a reusable water bottle. Bottled water has a lot of negative effects on the environement and is very wasterful. Research has shown that some brands don’t even meet CA state standards. Many brands are just filter city water anyway.
Try switching to an online newspaper or sharing a subscription with others.
Mark asks…
Paper Recycling Help?
I know that recycling centers accept aluminum glass plastic paper etc… But as far as paper goes does it matter what kind? Do they accept like…construction paper, colored paper, magazines, and does the paper have to be 8.5X11 or can it be smaller or larger like post its or long strips of paper from cutting projects. I want to give out some bins at a school my mom works at and I didn’t know if I had to specify what kind of paper i can accept like even scraps and stuff? Also where I work I would like to pas out some recycle receptacles and collect as much paper I can. I have been recycling for about 3 years on my own and I collect as much as i can and go at the end of each quarter and recycle my paper but I would like to expand the paper recycling and start to recycle aluminum and plastic on my own but id like to set up because at work we go through alot of paper and it makes me sad when i see the person i share my office with shredding papers. Would I be able to take the trash bag from her when shes done shredding the paper and include it with the paper I take to the recycle center?
I never really asked them at the recycle place I just assumed they only accepted white paper because i had a friend who I noticed only had white paper she was recycling maybe there was colored ones underneath but I never saw it. Thanks for helping me save trees one memo at a time!
The Expert answers:
Firstly PAPER:
It all depends on what your recycling centre does. Unshredded white paper probably has a retail value, at least to the recycler, if not you, as it needs less processing, has longer fibres than newspaper and probably doesn’t need the same bleaching as coloured papers (but don’t quote me on that). Shredding cuts the fibres up and therefore would lower the value of the paper. However, even coloured and newspaper can be recycled and mixed with cloth waste to increase average fibre lengths to produce lower quality paper, including newsprint. In turn, newsprint could go into cardboard.
In all cases, size doesn’t matter, as it all gets turned to fibre before the new paper is made. Check the kind of post-its you are using, as some of the glues used are not recyclable and can ruin the paper waste. I think there are some brands which can be recycled and you should encourage your company to use them.
The economics of recycling differs, depending on where in the world you are. The landfill tax in the UK means that all sorts of recycling are more cost effective than putting waste into a hole. The use of paper and other materials for energy production via incineration (not ideal) or bio-digestion to produse methane could be an option in your area. How about trying to get the senior management in your company into recycling, maybe as part of their corporate social responsibility? Surely they would not be against you coming up with a recycling plan if you do it in your own time?
Friends of the Earth have a good article on paper recycling in the UK (see below).
Aluminium recycling will always be worthwhile, as extracting aluminium from ore is a very energy intensive business, using huge amounts of electricity. It is estimated that it takes twenty times the energy to produce aluminium than recycle it. You shoud be able to make money from aluminium waste if you separate it from tin/steel cans.
PLASTIC is an absolute minefield and it is difficult to judge as I am not an expert in plastic recycling. How about checking with your local green groups for more information.
Sandra asks…
Paper Recycling Help?
I know that recycling centers accept aluminum glass plastic paper etc… But as far as paper goes does it matter what kind? Do they accept like…construction paper, colored paper, magazines, and does the paper have to be 8.5X11 or can it be smaller or larger like post its or long strips of paper from cutting projects. I want to give out some bins at a school my mom works at and I didn’t know if I had to specify what kind of paper i can accept like even scraps and stuff? Also where I work I would like to pas out some recycle receptacles and collect as much paper I can. I have been recycling for about 3 years on my own and I collect as much as i can and go at the end of each quarter and recycle my paper but I would like to expand the paper recycling and start to recycle aluminum and plastic on my own but id like to set up because at work we go through alot of paper and it makes me sad when i see the person i share my office with shredding papers. Would I be able to take the trash bag from her when shes done shredding the paper and include it with the paper I t
The Expert answers:
Some company’s do not want their documents out of the office. Some company’s even go as far as to hire a secure firm to dispose of waste paper and recycle it. This one is better left to management. I think I would encourage management to recycle their paper.
Lisa asks…
I Need Some Ideas ca you help me?
I made it for 6th grade rep. i have good ideas but need some more i want to make a difference. Do you have any ideas of what i can do? I want to have a fundraiser soon and one on earth day to raise money to help the school go green by buying recycling bins. Help me. PPPPLLLLEEEAAAASSSSEEE!!! <3
The Expert answers:
My daughter did presentations to the 4th grade class about being green when she was in 6th (she’s in 8th now).
– You can get the recycling bins donated (call your local trash company, it’ll work better if you do it instead of your parents)
– have the teachers recycle paper, you’ll need to get the custodians to agree with you.
– Have the school use electronic communication wherever possible instead of sending all of those flyers home.
– teach people about where water goes when you flush or use the sink so they don’t put anything in the toilets or sinks that damages our rivers and oceans
– talk about kids combining rides home from school if there’s an after-school activity, or about riding the bus if it’s available instead of everyone’s parents dropping them off
These are just a few. Go to for more ideas
Carol asks…
84 percent of all household waste can be recycled or composted. TRUE / FALSE?
is it true that 84 percent of all household waste can be recycled or composted?? i’m doing a project to help get compost bins in my school and i need to know if this is a real fact that i can use for my presentation.
thanks!! will do best answer!!
The Expert answers:
Yes. The problem is implementing this idea. Someone has to want/need whatever you want to recycle/compost. Otherwise there,s no market for it. I compost. I have a large yard. I get free coffee grounds from target/starbucks kiosk which go in my garden. Our town has a comprehensive recycling program. Not everyone is so fortunate. The bottom line is; there,s no excuse for ever throwing away a soda can/beer bottle. You go up from there. Recycled cans/bottles have to be clean, or you get bugs and stink. Think about that. Wasps love soda and beer containers. Gummed up plastic containers are difficult to clean down stream from the bins. Motor oil is eminently recycle able, but must be handled carefully. The list goes on. Good luck to you.j
Charles asks…
I Think My Best Friend Hates Me?
Well i really like this girl and my best friend likes her a bit too, but not as much as me. She likes me but not him and he is always annoyed about that. He always says he will hate me if I ask her out. But lately I’ve started to develop very deep feelings for her. About two days ago I was dared to kiss the girl on the cheek. I looked at my friend to see what he’d say and he just nodded and went “I don’t care!”. So I did it and that was that.
Lately it seemed that he got over her a bit so yesterday I kinda asked her out at school when he was home sick. Today he came back to school and I was gonna tell him. I was about to tell him but I couldn’t find him so I proceeded to do my jobs around the school (I’m a school prefect so I have jobs to do, so is my best friend). I took all the bins around the school and put them in the place where we recycle things and dump things and I met my friend there. I was about to tell him but then he said.
“(Insert my other friend’s name here) told me about you and (insert girls name here).
“Oh….” I said “I was gonna tell you about that myself”
He just walked away and when he was leaving the room I said:
“So, are you angry with me? You are arn’t you?”
He just looked at me and walked away. That was the last time I saw him and I avoided him for the rest of the day. I also avoided the girl aswell.
So, do you think he hates me? I might sound like a total jerk but he is always doing this. I like someone, he likes someone, he gets so angry at me if I even talk to the girl!
I wouldn’t blame him though if he did hate me…
Do you think I’m a terrible friend?
Also, lately I’ve been wondering about my sexuality. As I’m early into puberty I’m not sure if it’s just hormones or the real thing. No one knows about this so I asked my best friend and my other close friend about a week ago what they would do if I was gay, just in case I was gay, and my close friend said “I wouldn’t care, you’re my friend!” but my best friend said, and I qoute,”
I would never be your friend if you were gay!” I said why and he said (and once again I qoute) “because all gay people do is go around and rape people! They are rapists!”
I couldn’t believe that he said that but I kind of let it go, maybe he wasn’t being serious? But I think he is. So what do you think about what he’s saying about gay people?
Please answer both questions if you can, thanks 🙂
The Expert answers:
I couldn’t necessarily say that your friend hates you, but I certainly do think he is jealous of you. That is not your fault though. I would give him a bit of space to cool down and try and approach the subject again. Also, I don’t think it’s wise to ignore this girl, it’s not her fault either!
Yeah, I could bring up the whole argument about “bros before hos” and what have you, but that’s pointless. You both liked the same girl, and it was you, not him, that she liked back. That’s the luck of the draw.
Regarding sexuality, during puberty in particular it is normal to question your sexuality. Your body goes through so many changes and hormones are flying around all over the place right now! Having thoughts about other men does not necessarily mean that you are gay, it could just be down to current stage of your life you are in right now. And anyway, if you are gay, then there is nothing wrong with that!
Your friend clearly has a warped view of homosexuality which I hope, in time and when he matures a little, he will eventually have a bit a cop on and realise that’s a ridiculous assumption. I could also go all psychoanalytic on him and suggest that, seeing as he has such a strong negative reaction towards homosexuality, maybe he himself has had thoughts about other men and it scared him. So he went into “attack is the best form of defence” mode. Naturally I can’t really say whether or not this applies to him given that I don’t even know him, but it’s food for thought anyway.
I hope things work out well for you.
Thomas asks…
FRENCH TRANSLATION! i will give points! i need someone to translate this for me!?
please dont copy and paste this on a translating site and submit it to me, i need a real translation from someone who knows french. Here it is:
I am writing a letter to you to help create a more environmentally friendly school. I have many ideas and goals to help. I think we should replace our lights with energy efficient light bulbs because this will save energy and money as the light bulbs will last for a longer time! I also think we should have more green bins and recycling boxes around the school to promote recycling! I also think we should start charging for parking because many students drive to school which adds to pollution. By charging money for parking, we can reduce car use and increase other methods such as public transit. In addition, i think we should have a compost program because many food items that can be composed are being thrown away by students and staff everyday! By composting, we reduce our garbage and help the environment!
I hope you consider my ideas,
This is what i have so far by myself:
e suis ecrit un lettre parce que je veux aider à créer une école plus écologique. J’ai idées et buts aider nos école. Je pense replacement le lampe dans nos école avec lampe de énergétique efficient préserver énergie est un bon idée.
^^ I doubt it makes that much sense, plus its not really what i want to say but i thought i should post it to maybe help. I really appreciate this, by the way it does not have to be exactly what i wrote in translation like if you need to change things up a bit to make it make sense then go ahead!
Once again, thank you so much!
ill rate and give points and all that stuff 🙂
Oh and i forgot..
i also want to say:
I think we should further encourage students and staff to be environmentally friendly and have more concenquences for people who litter, etc. We can encourage them by having more posters around the school and assemblies about being ecological.
The Expert answers:
Je vous écris une lettre pour vous aider à créer une plus respectueux de l’environnement scolaire. J’ai beaucoup d’idées et les objectifs à l’aide. Je pense que nous devrions remplacer nos lumières à faible consommation d’énergie des ampoules électriques car cela des économies d’énergie et d’argent comme les ampoules durera plus longtemps! Je pense aussi que nous devrions avoir plus de poubelles vertes et de recyclage des boîtes autour de l’école pour promouvoir le recyclage! Je pense aussi que nous devons facturer pour le stationnement parce que de nombreux étudiants à l’école en voiture qui ajoute à la pollution. L’argent en faisant payer pour le stationnement, nous pouvons réduire l’usage de la voiture et augmenter d’autres méthodes telles que les transports en commun. En outre, je pense que nous devrions avoir un programme de compost, car de nombreux produits alimentaires qui peuvent être composés sont jetés par les étudiants et le personnel de tous les jours! Par le compostage, nous réduisons nos déchets et d’aider l’environnement! Je pense que nous devrions continuer d’encourager les étudiants et le personnel à être respectueux de l’environnement et avoir plus de concenquences pour les personnes qui la litière, etc Nous pouvons les encourager en plus d’avoir des affiches dans l’école et des assemblages d’être écologique.
J’espère que vous envisager de mes idées
Donna asks…
How do I recover a file if I deleted it in Microsoft Word?
OK so I deleted a really important file by accident and then someone emptied my recycling bin.
How do I get it back?
Plz help fast because this was a really important paper for school.
The Expert answers:
Try recuva
Robert asks…
How do I erase all files off my laptop FOR GOOD?
I’m assuming when you delete files off your computer, you’ll still have a trace of it somewhere. I want to delete that. I’m using a school laptop, and I have to return it soon. I want to delete all the files i have on it FOR GOOD. (I’m not sure if deleting it through the recycling bin really actually gets rid of it) Is there anyway I can do it safely without harming my laptop?
And also, please list it step by step. I’m not a super genius when it comes to computers >_<
The Expert answers:
You are right it does leave a trace even after emptying the recycle bin. You can google and download proffessional deletion software to permanently “shred” files. This makes them harder to recover unlike files deleted the normal way which are extremely easy to get back. But the only way they’ll be gone for good is when new information is written over them where they were saved on the physical hard drive.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Susan asks…
Files stored in Recycle Bin are there for how long? Can they be still found after a month?
I deleted a file from Windows Explorer and am wondering if I look into the Recycle Bin, would I find the deleted files there? If so, how long are they stored in the Recycle Bin for? Like a few days or forever?
By the way, I’m using Windows 7. Thanks.
The Expert answers:
They remain in there until you empty the recycle bin.
William asks…
What happens when you delete a file/files in your recycle bin?
I emptied my recycle bin and make sure all of its files are deleted. Is it PERMANENTLY deleted? If No, please do tell me how to delete those files permanently.
File shredder? where can i download it?
any other tools??
The Expert answers:
If you are using NTFS as a disk format, all your deleted files will still be there. Only the “title” part of the files are deleted so the rest of it are still there and chances are, they could EASILY be recovered. There are a lot of undelete softwares out there.
Try using Eraser.
Cleans up all your deleted files (randomizes “empty” spaces on your hard disk). When you right-click on a file, there will also be an option “erase”, and “secure move” which overwrites and randomizes the the spot where your file is taken form. It uses standard NSA delete procedures and it’s customizable. If you are a little paranoid over recovery, you could make 100 randomization passes over a file (which would take about forever to delete a video). But it definitely works!
P.s. I have recovered long deleted files before. I recovered one video that is a month old and overwritten in some areas a couple of times and it still works!
Maria asks…
how do i get rid of stuff i deleted in recycle bin?
I have deleted pictures and they have gone to recycle bin, how do i delete stuff in there?
The Expert answers:
Right click on the recycle bin
empty recycle bin
Lizzie asks…
How do I recover a picture I deleted from my recycle bin?
I deleted a photo from my computer and then from my recycle bin. The picture is used as my user account picture but I don’t know how to get access to it now. How can I recover it?
The Expert answers:
Try recuva it works really well. Http:// I used it when my cousins played around my laptop and deleted all my videos and school files.
Lisa asks…
How can i retrieve a photo i deleted from the recycle bin ?
Hi, a couple of days ago i deleted a photo of a person and me in it, which i accidentaly deleted from the recycle bin, i`ve tried half a dozen programs and nothing`s worked, either they`re phony or require payment, and i sure a as hell won`t pay for one photo. Can someone please help me ?
The Expert answers:
Unlikely, as mostly like the space used by deleted pictures are used by other files.
You can use asoftech photo recovery (one of best photo recovery software) to check whether these pictures are recoverable.
John asks…
How do i recover a file i put in the recycle bin?
I downloaded a few videos and in an attempt to organize them i put them in their own folder. I then moved the folder to my desktop. The next day i accidentally put the folder in the recycle bin and deleted it. How do i recover the videos? I know they are still on my computer because the memory they took up is still taken. If it helps I have windows vista.
The Expert answers:
First just open the recycle bin and drag the folders on to the deskop and it will say “do you want to restore these files” or something like that and you click yes. Or the other way, you right click on them and select “restore”
James asks…
Can I recover a file that was deleted from the recycle bin 7 months ago?
It was a video, recorded with the webcam. I deleted from the recycle bin immediately after creating it. I use my computer all the time, so I have a lot of new files and downloads.
I know there are programs like RECUVA for example, that recover deleted documents, but my question is:
Is it possible to recover this file, even if it has been 7 months and I´m constantly using my computer?
The Expert answers:
Hi, there
It’s possible to recover your file deleted from the recycle bin, as you may know. But the chances are very low, to be honest. Because 7 Months has gone by and you keep saving more files after your previous ones were deleted. This could make your deleted file data overwrited by new stored data. Once overwritten it’s extremly hard to get them back.
Good news is that the overwritten process is not visible, you still have chance, recommend you to try some professional data recovery programs like Wondershare Data Recovery. Free download this program or learn more from this site:
Best Regards
Sandy asks…
Where is the serial number on the recycle bin?
I think my neighbors may have taken my recycle bin where is the serial number on the blue recycle bin?
The Expert answers:
Bottom left hand corner.
Mandy asks…
How do I retrieve files deleted from recycle bin?
I’m using Windows 7 and I deleted a very important family photo by accident along with some other junk. I actually deleted all these files from the Recycle Bin, clicked on Empty Recycle Bin. That was around an hour ago. How can I retrieve the file? I’m medium at computers so I know my way around it if someone can guide me?
The Expert answers:
You can often successfully recover deleted files from a PC, phone or camera memory card or USB Memory stick, it just depends on what’s happened since the files were deleted.
When you delete files the data itself isn’t deleted, just the index entry that says where the data for those files is located. The space containing the deleted files is also now marked as free space so it is available to the system for any new files to be written there instead.
If and when that happens, then it becomes too late to recover your deleted files so it is very, very important to not save any new files or data to the device concerned.
If the deleted files are on a memory card or USB memory stick, just don’t save any new files to it.
One of the easiest ways to see if you can recover deleted files is to try some file recovery software. Recommended asoftech photo recovery as it saved my life many times.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Laura asks…
What does “prevention” refer to in the waste management hierarchy?
Hi! I’m taking an environmental studies class, and we discussed the concept of the [solid] waste management hierarchy.. It said that the number one option for most desirable wast management strategy was “Prevention” Followed by “Minimization/Reduction” then, “Re-use”, then “Recycle”… and so on until land fill at the bottom of the list. My question: What exactly does “prevention” mean in this context, and how is it different from “Minimization/reduction”? I appreciate your help!
The Expert answers:
I envision prevention in terms of preventing waste from being generated in the first place. This can be done by engineering your production process such that you don’t generate waste, or generate far less waste than done previously. In practice, this might be done by using feedstocks that are not inherently hazardous or are less hazardous than what has been conventionally used, or it could also involve more efficient production processes.
Prevention approaches are built in at the front end of your process, rather than the middle to back back ends, where minimization/reduction enter the fray.
Here is an excellent excerpt from a federal web site:
“Waste prevention, also known as source reduction, means using less material to get a job done. Waste prevention methods help create less waste in the first place—before recycling. If organizations take a good look at their recycling collection data, they are likely to see ways to reduce waste first through waste prevention, thereby decreasing purchasing costs and the amount of material that must be managed for recycling.”
John asks…
What happens to all the money the trash company makes from my recycling material they collect from my house?
I have been recycling for years. The waste management collects it, takes it and recycles it. What happens to all the money they make from all that?
The Expert answers:
Most cities hire companies to deal with the waste, they all make profits. In my area, the recycling companies sort the curbside recycling and pay the cities by the ton for the materials then they sell it at a much higher rate to cover operating costs and keep the profits. Now that recycling has lost up to 90% of it’s value some companies are asking cities to allow them to keep the material for free and to give them space to store it. Many companies are loosing lots of money.
With the economy down people aren’t buying things so manufacturers aren’t making things and they don’t need paper, metals, glass and plastics to make them.
Susan asks…
The three R’s of solid waste management are recycling, __________, and reusing.?
The Expert answers:
Reducing (that is, reducing wastage and over-exploitation of available resources.)
Ken asks…
Hi friends please help me to do paper prsentation in the topic waste management in thermal and steel plants?
The Expert answers:
Just google it… #1: number of thermal and steel power plants…
Thomas asks…
Waste management question from a new jersey home owner?
Hi everyone! OK, so I am a little concerned here. I live in south jersey (Atlantic County to be exact) with my parents who are home owners. We have lived in this house for 12 years or so and our garbage has always been collected by Waste Management.
We have always had the same old trash bin and recycling bin for years, and last year they gave out new bins to all our neighbors. It seemed weird to me that they never gave us one too. My mom and dad are not from this country and speak little english. We always thought that the waste and recycling collection was included in our mortgage or electric bill or something. My brother says it is included in his mortgage bill down in FL so we didn’t really pay much attention to it here in NJ. And then my parents don’t really care because they have never gotten a bill from WM, and it would mean another bill to add to the pile. I asked a family member who also owns a house and they said that they pay WM separately because its a whole other company.
Anyway, what I’m trying to ask is if you guys think that we will get in trouble for never paying WM in 12 years? The garbage truck missed our house today for the first time and I am really worried. I was thinking of contacting WM but I am scared of what they will say, or if my family will get in legal problems with the company for owing money?
We are currently struggling to meet ends and pay for mortgage itself. I just don’t want to have more financial problems. I am a part-time college student who works two jobs to get by and its hard for us. My mom works only to pay mortgage and my dad works two jobs to pay bills and his credit card dept. I don’t know, I guess I’m just scared for them is all. After all, I have younger siblings and I don’t want my parents to get in trouble. I know we are ignorant for not finding out sooner but the WM guys have always been nice enough to collect our trash as well. I’m so concerned this will turn out bad if I contact WM.
Any suggestions of what I should do? Thank you guys so much.
The Expert answers:
Contact your local government and wm.could be just an oversight. If not, sooner or later you got to pay the piper.
Mary asks…
Does waste management actually recycle. ?
Same questions as topic
The Expert answers:
Sure. They recycle anything that shows a profit. Or loses just a little. Even if they lose a little money it is worth it so they can advertise they are “green.” And it works. You would be amazed at the number of idiots who will pay a higher price for an inferior product just because it says green, eco friendly, recycled, or no polar bears harmed on the package.
Go to your local Office Depot, Staples, etc and look at the reams of copy paper. The 100% new paper is the cheapest. Then there is various grades of recycled paper. 10-15-20- as much as 30% recycled paper. The higher the amount of recycled paper it contains the poorer the quality and the MORE it cost. That’s right. They save money by using old paper and then charge you more money for that which cost them less. What is even worse is the eco freaks in Washington DC give them tax breaks and subsidies to sell us this crap at an inflated price.
The same is true for recycled glass. Look at some glass blocks. The ones made from new glass have fewer impurities and are lighter, stronger, and clearer than those made from recycled glass. Yet the poorer quality recycled glass blocks cost more.
And it is worth mentioning that our government spends 10’s of millions of dollars of our tax money every year to cut down and burn trees to reduce the surplus. 100’s of millions of board feet of lumber burned every year to reduce the surplus and keep the cost of lumber and paper products higher.
There is one guy who invented a device he calls a “tornado recycler.” It uses cyclonic winds in a tunnel to separate different types of plastics. It is low cost, very efficient and portable (it fits in the back of a pick up truck) and would allow him to go to salvage yards and recycle all the plastics used in cars. Every year thousands of tons of car plastics gets thrown into landfills because there is no easy and efficient way to separate it. Now that he has invented one the government refuses to license him to use it.
Yep, recycling is wonderful. Especially when the government is involved.
Donald asks…
Which of the following is the most effective approach to municipal solid waste management?
Source resuction, Recycling, Composting, Incineration
The Expert answers:
A combination of all of the above; but light on the incineration, imho…
George asks…
Does recycling help reduce global warming?
I have always been under the impression that recycling was a solid-waste management issue, and not an energy conservation / CO2 reduction issue. That recycling actually uses more energy (and thereby contributes to global warming) than simply making something from the raw materials.
However, I see so many people that believe recycling will help reduce the threat of global warming. Is this simply a case of mis-information propagated by the media and interest groups, or is there actual scientific fact that supports this belief?
I realize that everyone has an opinion, but I am looking for facts that either support or debunk the notion that recycling will reduce global warming.
P.S. I realize that aluminum recycling actually does conserve energy, but I am talking about the much more widespread recycling of paper and plastic materials.
The Expert answers:
At present, recycling isn’t going to have much effect on global warming one way or the other. We haven’t yet developed methods to make recycling any more energy efficient than throwing your crap away. (Despite what you’ve been told, recycling is never =less= efficient than throwing stuff away.)
But that’s not the point. The idea of recycling is one of conservation. Anything you throw away will likely remain sitting in the ground for many thousands of years, where it’s of no use to anyone. By recycling it you allow it to be reused many times over. So the point is not being wasteful.
And the more you recycle the faster waste management companies can develop ways to make it more efficient. So it’s a good thing all round.
Nancy asks…
The economy of Waste management/disposal?
could someone direct me to a website with information on the economy of waste management, like money spent each year disposing waste, buring it, money lost from not recycling etc.
The Expert answers:
You need to learn to do web searches. Just consider search terms such as “waste management economics”, “recycling economics”, “land fill economics”, “waste processing economics”, etc.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Lizzie asks…
I have been berated on a previous question for not recycling plastic?
Can someone please tell me where one can recycle the plastic that my council refuses to collect, we have nowhere else to take it.
I buy as little as possible without plastic wrap but inevitably there is some, usually with gadgets and stuff. We have no market where I can get beautifully fresh fruit n veg in brown paper bags, only a manky old barrow boy who sells stuff that doesnt last the night out, consequently I have to do my shopping in Tesco and, with a budget I have to pick the cheapest which is generally wrapped.
I really want to recycle as much as I can.
Rainyh…They do take plastic but only clear bottles
Insight…read my lips…The Council only take clear bottles..whether collected kerbside or at the local dump.
Its going to mean putting it with the general rubbish otherwise.
The Expert answers:
At home we put the plastic wrapping/bags from fruit and veg in the dustbin as the council will NOT accept it.
There are a few supermarkets (certain branches of Sainsburys, Asda and Tesco – I’m afraid I don’t know which ones, ask at the Customer Services Desk) that will take the extra packaging shoppers do NOT want, and include it in their own rubbish
Sandy asks…
I am doing a project on recycling plastic bags and I need a catchy, unique, title. Any ideas?
I am Turning plastic bags into reusable shopping bags so not only plastic bags are being recycled, but it prevents future bags from being used. I need a somewhat short, catchy, unique title that stands out and has something to do wi the project. Please help!
The Expert answers:
Bag Your Bags!!!
Michael asks…
Can you report a grocery store for falsely advertising that they are recycling plastic bag?
I used to work at a grocery store that had a disposal area for recycling plastic bags.
Accept, they dont actually recycle the bags, they just throw them out.
It’s really sad when you see an much older person making a real effort to get there to recyle her plastic bags, not knowing that they are really just going into the garbage, something they could do at home.
The Expert answers:
You should. Also, put up some posters where you say what’s happening. Describe it as you are doing here now. People shouldn’t be taken advantage of.
Joseph asks…
Can you still earn money from recycling cans and plastic bottles?
Before anything is said, I know it’s not a lot. I am going to collect over the next 9 months and then bring them in somewhere.
But my question is, can you still earn money from plastic bottles and cans? One of my teachers said that you really can’t recycle plastic bottles for money anymore, soo..?
(This is a person People to People fundrasier for a a trip, so if it is actually worth getting SOME money, I want to do it.)
The Expert answers:
Yes, go to to find local recycle centers, many locations pay for all plastics, soda cans, bi metal (soup and veggie cans), glass, paper and most other metals. It varies depending on where you live.
James asks…
Recycling plastic bottles that are still half full?
At my work I collect the recycling from our break room. What really frustrates me is that many times the plastic bottles of soda, juice or water are not empty. Is it “e-friendly” to dump the remains down the sink or just leave the cap on the bottle? Should I pour the remaining liquids out into the grass instead?
I don’t mind taking these huge bags home in my car trunk and disposing them at our curbside pickup, but what happens if they are still full?
The Expert answers:
Really? Serious? Ahh, they get recycled just like the empty ones… don’t actually think that each bottle gets inspected do you?
Sandra asks…
Does the recycling plastic process produce more pollution?
Someone told me that the machinery that is used causes more pollution then making new plastic, is that true. Does the recycling plastic process cause more damage. I have yet to find out any solid information about that. Does anyone have and tips?
The Expert answers:
It does not create any more pollution than virgin plastic. The process is simple…the plastics are predominately sorted by hand as to the type of plastic and then it is fed into a very large grinder which shreds/chews it up into pieces about the size of a pinky fingernail then it is it is ran through a pelletizer which turns it into uniform size pellets and if a colorant is needed to gain a certain color it is done during this process and then it goes to whomever the customer who ordered it.
Steven asks…
What is the benefit of recycling plastic bottled cost wise?
I relize it’s better for the environment but I was wondering how much cheaper recycled materials cost verses raw material that they use for plastic
The Expert answers:
I thought we were recycling for the purpose, of keeping all we could out of the dump . And ruining our soil from the run off of toxins from the land fill.
Keeping our rivers and springs clean ,from getting all the toxins which our our water supplies.
Maria asks…
what are some tips on recycling plastic for money?
I understand that clear plastic with the number 1 on the bottom of the container is the most valuable. Understanding that plastic is not worth a lot and is bulky in size, what I really want to ask is how do I crush my plastic one container at a time so I can save it and recycle it down the road?
The Expert answers:
Gain tons of it so as you turn it in you get a big wad of cash at the time.
Crushing plastic is easy but if you want accurate and most proper technique then type “Crushing Plastic” in a search engine.
John asks…
I want to start an aluminum and plastic recycling business in my community.?
I would ask local business to save their aluminum and plastic bottles and cans. Then I would pick up their discarded items and take it to the local recycling center. Does anyone think this would be profitable and how should I get started?
The Expert answers:
Its not a profitable enterprise the way you describe it. Asking local buisnesses to keep materials for you probably won’t work unless you can sell yourself as a charity. Most buisnesses have recyclables as part of thier waste disposal. Now that being said, if you wanted to invest in a compressor and a good large scale. You could open a place for people to bring thier recyclables and you could act as a middleman. But you would have to have some large volume.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Susan asks…
The Expert answers:
Darling, they don’t give you money for bottles in Phoenix. Horde them and bring them over the Cali border.
Charles asks…
I live in Phoenix, AZ and I have been looking every where for a place to recycle! I have a box full of plastic, glass and paper to recycle! But I don’t know where to take it! Does anyone know of a public recycling place? I know there are those can places, where you can turn in aluminum cans but I am looking for a place that takes all kinds of recyclables!
I live in an apt complex that doesn’t offer that service. So that’s out of the question…
The Expert answers:
It’s called the garbage can
William asks…
does anyone know where to recycle plastic for money?
i live in phoenix, so anywhere around that area would be nice. i recycle cans at arizona enviromental recycling, but they don’t accept plastic. i need some help.
and don’t just give me dum answers
The Expert answers:
Believe it or not in NJ some of our grocery stores have Machines outside that give you i think 2 cents per bottle, check in your local grocery store they will most likely know a place that either A. Is a grocery store that has those machines in your area or B. A Place that would except plastic bottles for money……I only say this because you dont have to go out of your way to find out all the information and the upper level of customer service has all information on local things in the town and stuff becuase they usually get a WHOLE LOAD of flyers and everything from everyone. Hopefully its the same there as it is in Jersey. AND IF THAT IS NO GOOD: You could always place one of those adds in the news paper thats like 35cents a line as like a help add in the classified section! Hope this was of some help to you and GL!
George asks…
where can I turn my pop can tabs for cash i live in phoenix az?
looking for a recycling center who will pay cash for a 1 gallon jug of saved pop tabs
The Expert answers:
There’s too many to list. Click here for the locations and a map to each one.
Daniel asks…
I need some help recycling carboard boxes?
I am trying to find a local recycling center that pays you for carboard boxes.I live in phoenix arizona an couldnt find any in the yellow pages.Can you please tell me the name of one? And I dont want links please.And dont get offended by that last sentence please.
I want the name of a place in phoenix metro area not someone syaing”nobody pays for carboard” because I know they do and I know that I can make alot because I have a huge load, and no that isnt a sexual pun.
I might try the gardening trick with some of the carboard but I seriously have alot.I have a whole storage unit full of it(i own the storage lot and dont have to pay for my own unit).I got all the carboard from people abondoning it in the units its mostly torn or damaged somewhat and cant be sold as moving or storgae boxes.I probably have 600 pounds of the stuff.I want to sell it off so I can help pay for a engagement ring.What a story to tell my children someday lol.
The Expert answers:
Cardboard has a pretty low recycling value — you’ll probably get around a penny or two a pound if you can find a place that will take it. Some places have a minimum load that they’ll accept (100 lbs – 1000 lbs), and some require it to be bailed.
If you have good quality moving boxes, you may be able to sell them at a higher price for re-use as boxes.
Even if you have 600 lbs, you’re going to get somewhere between $3 and $12 — I hope you’re not planning on an expensive ring!
Joseph asks…
Is it bad that I am very different to the rest of my family?
First of all, I’m deaf so pardon my grammar please 🙂 I know this is long but answers would be very helpful.
It seems like the rest of my family believes in the SAME things and I am the only one in the family that has very different beliefs and look at life completely the opposite. Here are some examples:
1) I am the only one that is an atheist. The rest are strong Christians and goes to church weekly.
2) I am the only one that doesn’t meat. I am a vegan because I believe it is healthy and animals should be left alone. The rest of the family are heavy meat eaters, pumping hormones into their body and clogging their arteries. They all say I’m stupid for choosing this diet and I am tired of hearing it.
3) I am the only liberal one. The rest are strong conservatives and I am far left. They blame our president on everything.
4) I am the only one that cares about the environment. I don’t ever throw anything on the ground and I recycle everything. My family throws plastic bottles, cans, etc. in the trashcan and I don’t say anything but it makes me very mad inside. Why make the animals suffer with all the plastics in the ocean?
5) I probably am the only healthy one. I eat my fruits and vegetables raw everyday and don’t get sick anymore. They get colds and flus every year. I run on the treadmill everyday and am the only one that is not overweight. They all think I’m nuts just because I try hard to be healthy. They all use over the counter drugs and prescription drugs. I never take a word from a physician without doing some outside research. Like, I only use natural things and always try to find herbs when I get an illness before I agree to take a prescription drug.
6) I’m gay and I didn’t choose to be this way because I’ve been attracted to men my whole life. As far as I know, all the family members doesn’t support it (expect my sister) and refuse to try understand. My aunt (my dad’s sister) is actually very liberal but guess what? She moved to California about 20 years ago. She just didn’t feel home here because she is a psychic and liberal so she moved to San Francisco. My cousin happens to be gay but he moved to DC to find happiness. Also I noticed that I’m not close to any of my family members because I happen to have better and intelligent conversations with my friends than any of my family. I always get left out so I try to avoid every family gathering. Is that bad?
So my questions are:
1) Is it bad that I am the different one? Am I weird or a bad person for having these beliefs?
2) Do you think I will be a happier person if I move out of state, to a bigger city? Bigger cities seems to have better acceptance of people like me. I am actually considering Phoenix because it’s cheaper than CA and it is the nation’s 5th populous city so I’m assuming there will be people like me. I live in a conservative city in Virginia and I haven’t really found anyone that has the same beliefs. Also maybe it will make my family realize they shouldn’t have judged me? I love my family very much but I think it’s better to not see each other too often.
The Expert answers:
It is hard to be different, especially in smaller city or town. Some people just live their life how they always have and what they were born into. You, my friend, have the strength to really look at what others take for granted. And you decided it does not fit who you are. The Truth is a hard coat to wear but it keeps you warmer. Try to get to a bigger city where you can meet Deaf people, and their gay Deaf members. You didn’t say if you use ASL or not. My nephew was a vegan, rastapharian living, gay-ally in northern BC Canada in a farming community. Luckily he left. Even though his mum was supportive of her kids choices it was still hard on him.
Good luck! You can still love your family from far away…smile!
Betty asks…
Is it bad that I’m very different to my family?
First of all, I’m deaf so pardon my grammar please 🙂 I know this is long but answers would be very helpful.
It seems like the rest of my family believes in the SAME things and I am the only one in the family that has very different beliefs and look at life completely the opposite. Here are some examples:
1) I am the only one that is an atheist. The rest are strong Christians and goes to church weekly.
2) I am the only one that doesn’t meat. I am a vegan because I believe it is healthy and animals should be left alone. The rest of the family are heavy meat eaters, pumping hormones into their body and clogging their arteries. They all say I’m stupid for choosing this diet and I am tired of hearing it.
3) I am the only liberal one. The rest are strong conservatives and I am far left. They blame our president on everything.
4) I am the only one that cares about the environment. I don’t ever throw anything on the ground and I recycle everything. My family throws plastic bottles, cans, etc. in the trashcan and I don’t say anything but it makes me very mad inside. Why make the animals suffer with all the plastics in the ocean?
5) I probably am the only healthy one. I eat my fruits and vegetables raw everyday and don’t get sick anymore. They get colds and flus every year. I run on the treadmill everyday and am the only one that is not overweight. They all think I’m nuts just because I try hard to be healthy. They all use over the counter drugs and prescription drugs. I never take a word from a physician without doing some outside research. Like, I only use natural things and always try to find herbs when I get an illness before I agree to take a prescription drug.
6) I’m gay and I didn’t choose to be this way because I’ve been attracted to men my whole life. As far as I know, all the family members doesn’t support it (expect my sister) and refuse to try understand. My aunt (my dad’s sister) is actually very liberal but guess what? She moved to California about 20 years ago. She just didn’t feel home here because she is a psychic and liberal so she moved to San Francisco. My cousin happens to be gay but he moved to DC to find happiness. Also I noticed that I’m not close to any of my family members because I happen to have better and intelligent conversations with my friends than any of my family. I always get left out so I try to avoid every family gathering. Is that bad?
So my questions are:
1) Is it bad that I am the different one? Am I weird or a bad person for having these beliefs?
2) Do you think I will be a happier person if I move out of state, to a bigger city? Bigger cities seems to have better acceptance of people like me. I am actually considering Phoenix because it’s cheaper than CA and it is the nation’s 5th populous city so I’m assuming there will be people like me. I live in a conservative city in Virginia and I haven’t really found anyone that has the same beliefs. Also maybe it will make my family realize they shouldn’t have judged me? I love my family very much but I think it’s better to not see each other too often.
The Expert answers:
Well I have a very long and complex explanation from my studies as a lightworker but ill simplify it.
There is the new and there is the old. The new culture people like variety and think differently, and come out of the old energy because it just does not “work” anymore. The new culture allows free thinking and self expression. We are all artists and philosophers and need to express ourselves.
The old energy is more static and rigid, control based and fear based.
This does not mean you should look down upon them, but hey they serve a model of what does not work for you, but it works for them and if it doesn’t then it will come to light like it has for you.
Being gay is completely normal and even natural, as well a not eating meat. It is how you chose to live so be it. That is the blessedness of life we get to make our choices to conform with ourselves or conform with society.
It is reasonable to want to move far away, but make sure you clean up past negative influences and resentment, do not carry the burdens with you otherwise it will just rob you of time and sanity and ability to enjoy your newfound freedom.
Make sure though you do keep up with family because bottom line is they do care for you, but you may talk to them or set limits, or see if you can come to an agreement to disagree peacefully.
Lisa asks…
How to vent a flat-roof storage space to expel excessive heat in Arizona?
Here’s the situation: I live in outside Phoenix, Arizona and own a small one-floor town home with a connecting rectangular storage space approximately 4″x 14″ or 56 sq. feet. The roofs on both the town home and storage space are flat. The storage space contains the water heater for the home and I basically use the remaining space for a workshop. There is no ventilation whatsoever in the “workshop” and, as you can imagine, it gets unbearably hot (reaching probably in the area of 130 degrees) and makes working in that space practically impossible. As a matter of fact, the heat gets so bad that the plastic on a VCR I had in there literally softened, buckled and warped. I want to ventilate it the best way possible, but am unsure of the best way to do it. What type of vent(s)/configuration would be the most effective and efficient at recycling the dead air out of the storage space? Would two vents placed at both ends work the best? What about intake vents on the walls at the top? Any suggestions would be appreciated…btw, I do have electric power in the space so I suppose a powered system is feasible although I would like to use a passive approach if it will do the job.
The Expert answers:
There are a number of ways to vent the area.
1. Gable roof/attic vents at each end of the space, installed up high but still below the roof framing. The come in different sizes and shapes as well as aluminum, wood, or plastic. Those require some knowledge of carpentry and the proper tools to do a proper job and be sure it’s weather tight. If you have enough ceiling height you can install some acoustical ceiling & insulation above that also to create a small attic space below the roof and allow you to heat/cool the work shop area below.
2. Install many small round soffit (louvered) vents in the walls on two or more sides (up high but below the roof framing also). They are usually aluminum and come in sizes of 2″- 6″ diameters and can be easily installed with just a drill with a hole saw and some good weatherproof adhesive all around so there’s no water leaks from rains. With this type of vents you’ll need to install many of them on two opposite walls to get good ventilation for what you want. I would suggest the 3″ or 4″ diameter and 2 feet apart at each end of the work shop. Below is a link with a pic, these are copper but they come in aluminum too. Be sure to get the louvered type and install with the louver facing down so rain water will drain out & away and not in.
Round Soffit Vent With Screen (1" – 6")
3. Roof vents (fans), they are both the passive type or the motorized type that works with a thermostat. Both need to be mounted on/in the roof and flashed properly also to prevent leaks. The passive types will spin from the outside winds and breezes only and draw out the hot air from the attic area. They also need to have another wall vent(s) installed somewhere to get the best ventilation. Those will be the most costly to install also.
Lizzie asks…
yugioh any advise for a deck?
i just got a ton of cards and im thinking if i can make a good deck so here is my cards
deck 1:
kunoichi x1
cannon soilder x1
armed ninja x1
toon summoned skull x2
sonic bird x2
dharc the dark charmer x1
turbo booster x1
lord of d x1
twin headed thunder dragon x2 or 3
mystic tomato x1buster blader x1
ogre of the black shadow x1
gravity orb x1
bateryman charger x2
a man with wdjat x1
wall of ivy x1
ufo turtle x2
renge,gatekeeper of dark world x1
small peice golem x1
jutte fighter x1
mind protector x2
miracle jurassic egg x1
psychic jumper x1
theban nightmare x1
cyber phoenix x1
zombie mammoth x1
cannonball spear shellfish x1
senju of the thousand jutsu x1
thousand dragon x1
assault beast x1
jester lord x1
gadjet driver x2
beast of pharraoh x1
energy bravery x1
dungeon worm x1
umiruka x1
lightwave tunning x1
posion chain x1
recycling batteries x1
black illusion ritual x1
black pendant x1
arcane barrier x1
javelin beetle pact x1
reversal of fate x1
summon limit x1
mind haxorz x1
synchro deflector x1
synchro strike x1
giant trap hole x1
shining silver force x1
answer soon 🙂
The Expert answers:
Some of those cards seem kind of random but you can sell some to make a Six Sam OTK style deck.
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