Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

How can I review which items were ‘restored’ from my recycle bin?

I had about 300 items in my recycle bin and I accidentally clicked on ‘restore all items’.
Now I’ve got loads of old and duplicate files all over my PC.
Is there any way to review which files were restored so i can delete them again?
Any help would be much appreciated.
I use Windows Vista Premium.

The Expert answers:

No. Once they have been restored they will return to their original folders. There is no way to see a restored files list. So you will have to track them down one by one and delete them. This would be a good feature for future versions of Windows though. I have also done this before and it is really annoying.

Ruth asks…

How do I get my recycle bin back?

I just got this laptop saturday, and today I’ve been trying to do my whole itunes thing. Randomly I was at the desktop, and I noticed that my recycle bin shortcut picture wasn’t there. SO how do I get that back?

The Expert answers:

Right click on the desktop, click on desktop, customize and tick off the box for the recycle bin.

Charles asks…

my kids accidentally deleted the recycle bin on the start up page how can i restore it?

i cannot find it when i restore the computer to an earlier time. i have tried several of ways when i asked this same question severals weeks ago and i tried all methods and nothing worked.. so i am asking this question again. do i really need the recycle bin i mean i use frequently because kids delete stuff when not suppose to.

The Expert answers:

If you have Windows vista i suggest this page.

Sharon asks…

how can i view a recycle bin in my digital cameras memory stick?

i deleted my pics by accident and some on told me i can try to view the “recycle bin” of my memory stick. help?

The Expert answers:

Go to yahoo search
type photo rescue

Carol asks…

How do you permanently delete things from the recycle bin?

And even if you permanently delete it, is it completely gone? I asking this because had some pictures to delete but they were on my parents computer,because I don’t have my own. I put them in the recycle bin, then right clicked on them, and chose “delete”, after I did that a message came up saying “are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?” and I clicked “yes”. Even though I can’t see the pictures anymore in the recycle bin, are they completely gone or can they somehow still be found on the computer?

The Expert answers:

Files deleted in the recycle bin is easily recoverable, try using and they’ll come flooding back, even files from 2yrs ago!

Your best bet is to download an application called Ultra Shredder or CCleaner. When you delete the files, make sure you change their file extension, maybe even edit the picture to a blank picture, then run it through a secure deleting method like the two programs I listed above offers. To use CCleaner’s secure methods, you’ll need to go to the options section and enable it then go to “include files to delete” and drag those pictures in there, then press clean.

George asks…

How do I get my recycle bin icon back on the desk top?

I have Windows Vista and my recycle bin have dissappeared. Is there an easy way of getting it back onto my desk top. First one that replies will get the 10 points.
Thank you to all who replied
Hey Simon, I did what you told me to do and now I have nothing on my desk top at all. What can I do to get everything back?

The Expert answers:

Right-click on Deskop, select View then “Show Desktop Icons”

Helen asks…

How do I empty my recycle bin?

On my computer. I know you can just right click and go to empty, but my recycle bin is mysteriously no longer on my desktop. I know its still on my computer because I can still right click items and delete them and they will successfully be sent to my recycle bin; however, I can’t find my recycle bin to empty it. Where can I find it on my computer besides the desktop?

The Expert answers:

Ok you right clicl on desktop then to properties then go to desktop and customise desktop and click ur bin and that will put it back on ur desktop

David asks…

How can I retrieve files I have deleted in recycle bin?

I wanted to ask how I can retrieve the files I accidently erase in the recycle bin. I’m currently running window xp.
Ok thank you guys. I was worried because this isn’t my computer. Its my brother gf. I can’t restore it because I went into the bin and erase them accidently. I will try the system restore and the other programs you guys recommended.

The Expert answers:

The same happens with me all the time.
Always delete something by accident.
Then the search for the net found that optimal blog that helped me solve my problem.
look for more information on the blog.
I hope I have helped !!!!!

Linda asks…

Why did my computer dump undeleted files into the recycle bin?

I noticed that my computer dumped a bunch of files that I didn’t delete from numerous directories into my recycle bin. This is alarming as I’m a graphical artist and found some of my recent work in there along with many other important files. I wonder if it could be a virus. I have Norton’s but it hasn’t found any viruses.
I have Windows XP.

The Expert answers:

It can be something besides a virus also. Malware (malicious software) can also do things like that. What about a firewall. Is it enabled. Hackers can get into your system. You should have a firewall program and use a user account on your system that doesn’t have administration rights. If you’re logged in as administrator and someone gets past the firewall they can do anything they want to your system.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Textile recycling for cash?

Right, so i have about 20 binbags of clothes, curtains, shoes etc. and I want to get rid of them for money. I’m fundraising for a Girlguiding trip that I’m going on.
Does anyone know a place where I can get that (for as much money as possible) in the UK? Preferably they would collect it from my house, some places DO do this, i have seen a few. However i could drop it off in somewhere in the Midlands, Derbyshire area.

The Expert answers:

Really do not know of any textile recycling places. Maybe you can try to Google them in your locality, or try the Yellow Pages.

Chris asks…

where to recycle old camcorder for cash?

I have a old panasonic camcorder , I want to recycle for cash .Do anyone know where i can recycle my camcorder in UK

The Expert answers:


They have lots of stores in the UK. See if there’s one near you. You might be able to see online the cash they will give you for your camcorder.

John asks…

List of Items I can recycle for cash?

What I really want is a link to a site that tells me all objects in california that can be recycled for money and how much money each is worth. I’ve already recycled scrap metal, and know of pallet recycling, and bottle recycling.

The Expert answers:

if this dosnt work highlight the link right click click copy then click on the address bar then right click while youve clicked on it and click paste

Lizzie asks…

Where can i take aluminum soda cans to be recycled but get cash for it?

i have many soda cans that can be recycled so im looking for a place where i can take then to get cash for them to make some more money..

The Expert answers:

Look in your yellow pages of your local phone book. Hopefully they have a place near you

Donald asks…

Whare in Stuart, Florida can I get cash back for recycling soda cans?

The Expert answers:

A lightbulb doesn’t consume any electricity when it’s off.
Electric power comes (mostly) from coal-burning power stations.
One less lightbulb for a power station to keep lit means less coal that it needs to burn.
Less coal burnt = Less Greenhouse Gases released into the atmosphere.

Nancy asks…

Torontonians,where are the recycling centres that pay cash for pop and soda cans and/ plastic bottles located?

The Expert answers:

Tomorrow morning just call your local government . After they have had their cup of coffee , someone should be able to tell you where. In my area , it is at the local landfill (fancy name for dump). Good Luck !

Ken asks…

Does anyone Save pop/ beer cans anymore to recycle to get cash for?

its been way over 9 years since i took cans back for cash
are they around yet?
do you take yours there?
how much a pound do you get now days?
any info will be helpfull
thanks for answering..

The Expert answers:

Where I live, we have curb side recycling. I put all my recycles into a big blue can. It never fails however, just before they truck comes by, there is a homeless man with a couple of kids that comes by on his bike and loads all the cans and bottles into his little cart.

I have no idea how much he gets per can or bottle, but I’m betting he needs what ever it is more than I do. I even wave to him when I see him come by.

I don’t have a lot, but there is always someone that needs more than I do. Maybe my little way of helping someone.

Just my thoughts

Betty asks…

We all try to recycle, right? We cash in our cans, right?

But when we recycle plastic ( you see the little triangle on the bottles , and paper. Take them to them to the recycling center. Who gets the cash?? Yeah, we don’t have to pay for the trash to be picked up, yet why do we have to pay for the high fuel dollar to take them down there. Don’t you think, we should get paid for the plastic and paper as well as we do cans?
I guess, if somebody is getting benefits from what I give them, with the high cost of gas, the government should step in and help anyway they can.

The Expert answers:

I just send them to recycle center.

Sandy asks…

How lucrative is recycling aluminum cans for cash? What’s the return for $1000 cans? Ballpark?

The Expert answers:

Typically there are 24, 12 oz. Cans in a pound. If aluminum is going for 35 cents a pound then $1000.00 divided by .35 = 2857.14 pounds of aluminum is needed to earn $1000.00 so 68,572 cans are needed.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

what happens useful materials in garbage?

lets say i throw my recycling into my garbage then i put it in a bag and throw it in the garbage container. now when the truck comes and picks it up will the city waste collect it in their industry? if so.. do we really need to recycle? it is said that more than 85% of the recycling is not collected… if so then all these recycling goes to the waste plants and will some one pick them out? if so again the question about recycling does not count. so my Q are: what happens to the useful materials we “did not” recycle and were put in the garbage? and do we really need to recycle? and why?

thanks you =)

The Expert answers:

Anything thrown out in your garbage is disposed of en masse; no one goes through it to pick out useful materials. Depending on where you live, your garbage may go to a trash-to-energy plant, or it may simply be dumped into a landfill.
Depending on the type of trash-to-energy plant, some simply “mass burn”; there is no separation of materials, it all goes into the hopper. The remainder at the end of the process is dumped into the landfill, but takes up a lot less space than unburned garbage.
Others create “refuse derived fuel” from the trash, using a mechanical process to separate out certain materials, which are then sent to recyclers; the remainder is shredded and burned, and has a higher combustion rate than non-screened trash. The residue at the end of this process is also dumped into a landfill, but there’s a lot less of it than there is with the mass burn method.

Betty asks…

How do I recycle??

I heard the WM (waste managment) the garbage company with the green trucks recycles all the stuff that you throw away so you dont have to seperate??? So do I just keep throwin stuff away or do I start seperating myself and taking them to a drop off point??
Also I need tips on getting my family to remember to recycle….should I write recycle on all the stuff so they remember when they are done?? Should I make bins for them to put everything in???

The Expert answers:

Recycle really important nowadays. We have to save our world! About the recycle, I do have some info about that. Usually, we have to separate the aluminium tin, plastic bag, paper and others. So that , it’s easier for them to do the recycle work. In my flat, they have prepare the recycle space for us to throw the things. However, not many people go to do that. So, recycle campaign in Malaysia still not widely carry out by us. The other way, you can search the relevant website online such as to find the answer you want.

John asks…

How is the water Bill Calculated?

how is the water bill calculated, moved out on our own(from inlaws) first time and just got the first water water bill, wanna how how its calculated, there’s the Water
Drainage on the bill
Live in Texas, the garbage truck comes 3 times a week,twice for Trash and once for recycling,

The Expert answers:

It should explain on the bill how it was calculated.
Where we live, the water meter measures water in HCF which is hundred cubit feet. Each HCF equals 748.05 gallons.

Water allotments are tiered, the more you use the more it costs. The first tier is 41 HCF at $3.0139. If you use more than 41 HCF you pay $5.76407 per HCF. This 2nd tier tops out somewhere, I don’t know where as we’ve never hit it, but that would cost about $9 or more per HCF.

The sewer charge is calculated as a percentage of billing days and charge $3.27 per HCF of water used.

David asks…

When we thow stuff away the garbage man comes and….?

takes it to the garbage plant and someone sorts through all the garbage and takes out the recycleables???

So why do we use separate bins to sort cans and bottles and stuff if someone goes through the garbage and picks it all out anyways?

Wouldn’t it save the city money not to send another truck out to pick up recycling?

Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to not send out a super pollutin stink truck to pick up the recycling since someone already sorts it at the garbage plant?

(didn’t read the story just looking at the pics and reading the captions:

The Expert answers:


They ask you to sort it, then throw it all in the same pile….

Sounds like the Gov.

They do it to provide jobs to autistic and other mentally handicapped people.

Sharon asks…

if you “sell” back your plastic bottles to the CA CRV, do you still have to remove the caps?

because i was reading that in states without CRV, if you recycle your bottles, meaning they get picked up by a different garbage truck and go to a landfill, you should uncap the bottles. but what if you sell your bottles back for a nickel each? do they still end up in some sort of landfill, and so you have to take the cap off anyway?

The Expert answers:

The recycling facility has the capability to remove the caps. Not everyone remembers or has time to remove the caps.

If a bottle with a cap on it is recycled, more effort will be required to crush it and break it down. In addition, the cap is often made from a plastic resin that is different from the resin of the bottle. Thus, the cap becomes a source of contamination for the plastic resin that is being recycled. The best thing to do with the cap is to remove it and throw it out with the garbage.

Bottle caps often become trash and are mistaken for food by birds and marine creatures, sometimes with tragic results.”

Find other locations where you can recycle plastic bottle caps with Earth 911’s recycling locator.

Steven asks…

Does anybody know about the garbage pickup service?

I just want to ask that there are free municipality trucks that pick-up garbage for free, then why do some people pay for it? And if you put a recyclable thing in the regular garbage, what happens then?

The garbage is inside a black bag so how would they know what’s inside? But my friends scared me that they give you a ticket. I still think that they really can’t point out what is inside the bag, obviously, and that’s why they say on recyclable products to PLEASE RECYCLE, so out of consideration we put them separately.

Am I Right?

The Expert answers:

The chances of getting caught are slim. Just take your junk to a large dumpster and get rid of it.
I think you should be looking at your trash can every day and finding better uses for your trash. I quit paying for garbage service years ago. I take a little bag to the gas station once a week with all of our trash. Look at your trash as a resource not something you have to get rid of.

Charles asks…

Do you think…?

Do you think recycling should be a requirement/mandatory?
We could just have the garbage trucks drop off our trash at a recycling center rather than a land fill.
Look at all the benefits!

It’s kind of ridiculous more people don’t do it…
yeah, I KNOW the benefits of recycling– I don’t need to view your link.
Sorry… =(

The Expert answers:

Yeah, I KNOW the benefits of recycling- I don’t need to view your link.

We have three garbage bins provided by the city- one for garbage, one for recyclables, and one for small trees and shrubs. I don’t believe that the garbage trucks jsut take them all to a land fill.

William asks…

do recycled objects really get recycled?

when i seperate my garbage from clean recycled items like cans, paper, plastics does the garbage man throw it all in one truck with the garbage garbage or does it stay seperate and sorted out at a company?

The Expert answers:

Some companies are better than others. There have been a few investigations into it and it is clear that a lot of stuff gets dumped in Asia. Most trucks will have a separate place to put that stuff, and it will get sorted at a recycling place if the company are doing things the right way. If they are not then I am afraid it just ends up in the ground – in some country or other! You cannot really know either way, but don’t stop cos it doesn’t take that much effort really, and there is a high chance that it will get recycled.

Ruth asks…

Question about Recycling?

I just recently noticed that the garbage men, when they come to pick up our recyclables, are putting them in the same truck and mixing them up. Now we’ve been separating them before, paper and cardboard into the green can and glass and bottles into the yellow can. But now they’re mixing the paper and bottles together.
Do they re-seperate the paper and glass again at the recycling center after having mixed it up in the truck? Or do they keep them together? What prompted this change?

The Expert answers:

They pour them all into the same truck, because the bring the recyclable material to the same plant where they then re-separate it to be used again.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

Does anyone know someone who picks up used cardboard?


The Expert answers:

. Yup, ask the grocery stores who collects their cardboard. Or most stores have lots of used cardboard. Maybe one of them will accept your small load. Or ask if you can throw your stuff in their compactor. I imagine they get paid for each bundle.
And you might want to back up a bit ON THE CAPITALS. They’re somewhat irritating. .

Mandy asks…

Recycling refund in Santa Rosa, California?

Where can I drop off some glass and plastic bottles and get a recycling refund in Santa Rosa, California? I just moved here from a state that doesn’t do the refund thing, so I don’t know how this works.

The Expert answers:

In California, if you have 50 bottle or cans of the same variety pre-counted, you can get the pre-container refund. If you have more than that or don’t want to fuss with counting, it’s done by weight.

If you don’t find the information from a Yahoo search, either ask at the Customer Service desk at a supermarket or phone the Reference Desk of the local library. You may wish to have a map in-hand when you do this, for reference then and later.

If you don’t want to bother with it, it should be easy-enough to find a neighborhood kid (or adult) who’ll do scheduled pick-ups (the refund goes to them or project of their choice then).

George asks…

recycling , alot of money ????????

i have a huge pile of aluminum can and i want to make the most money off of it any one know a place where they give a lot for it ?? i want a recycling center in california

The Expert answers:

Just start phoning recycling centers near you (look in the yellow pages under recycling) and ask them how much they pay. It goes according to weight so you will have to guess how much you have.

Charles asks…

How much money do you get per pound of recycled aluminum cans or plastic bottles in California?

The Expert answers:

Because of the California Redemption Value… We get $1.85 for cans $.95 for plastic & $.10 for bottles… Per pound that is. In OC. There are hubdreds of recyclers here each offering different amounts but this is the best I have found in the last couple weeks. The state requires that a minimum be paid back to consumers of the equivilent of $.05 per beverage container. Some automated machines pay that, but at recycle yard on alluminum & glass you get a bit mor added in to the price per pound for the scrap value as well.

Robert asks…

Where’s the best place to RECYCLE CANS in San Jose, California?

The Expert answers:

You can go to the dumps or you can drop it off at a facility. Check out Recycle California at Bottles &


Enter your zipcode. Since SJ has a ton of zip codes, I thought it would be best for you to do it.

James asks…

recycle paper in california?

can we recycle paper, and how much is it worth…please let me know a co worker and i are having a dispute 🙂

The Expert answers:

Yes you can recycle paper, both white and mixed. Mixed is newsprint, magazines, envelopes, colored, etc. The value fluctuates. It is a commodity and you can look at the sources provided to get an idea. Depends where you live in the state.

Lisa asks…

in california can grocery stores put a limit on how many cans and bottles they take for on site recycling?

The Expert answers:

Yes. The store I worked had machines and we the employees were always getting glass slivers in our clothing every time we emptied it. So we got rid of the machine completely.

Joseph asks…

How do I recycle a broken laptop?

I have a broken laptop, and i was wondering how to go about recycling this in southern California?

I mean it’s literally broken beyond repair. It’s broken into two. The screen and keyboard are no longer attached, and i don’t think they’ll ever be.

So, how do i recycle something like this? I don’t want to just throw it away. I want to recycle it.

Can anyone give me a list of recycling centers in southern California that would recycle this properly?

The Expert answers:


Sharon asks…

I live in california and when I take bottles and cans to the?

recycling center, is it better to have them pay me by weight or by count. And if by weight, would i be able to fool them by putting non-california refund value bottles in there?

The Expert answers:

Its better by count because they already know the weight trick and the figure it in

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Jenny asks…

Why do people just focus on global warming? Do they think this is the only environmental problem?

What about other issues like: the polluted drinking water, water shortages, manufactuing polluting the lakes and rivers, how every thing is disposable now, one use items filling up landfills, lack of good recycling companies, toxic chemicals in plastic, what to do with household hazardous waste, clothing treated with pesticides, and many many other issues. Are you worried about these, or just global warming?

The Expert answers:

Most of those are also problems, of course. However, global warming is quite possibly the greatest threat humans have ever faced. It’s not like we’re ignoring water quality and recycling in the process – it’s not an either-or proposition. It’s just that global warming gets more focus because it’s the bigger concern.

Laura asks…

I want to know the uses of waste tires,how they can be shredded and recycled?

Any companies willing to share technologies for using waste tires – names and addresses and contact details will help.

The Expert answers:

I’m not affiliated with any tire recyclers but I’m all for recycling. I’ve heard of old tires being used for garden mulch, playground surfaces and unconventional housing.


Lizzie asks…

Is the UK government being ethical with its recycling?

In the UK Once your household waste is taken away for recycling what happens to say for example the aluminum scrap obviously they must sell it on to company’s to melt down for reuse but what do the government use that profit for ? surely it should only go to funding green projects.

The Expert answers:

They do not make a profit from the recycling because it costs more to collect and process the materials than the scrap value pays (aluminum MIGHT be a possible exception). But, it is definitely worth recycling because the energy saved from using recycled materials vs virgin is substantial (even counting the energy to collect and process and ship the recyclable materials)! So, just do your part and put whatever materials you are allowed into your recycling bin!

Helen asks…

Is recycling really achieving the purpose we’re striving for?

I’ve read good articles assuring that recycling is making a difference. Other articles beg to differ since they claim that most of they recyclables cannot be used again due to damage or a company’s unwillingess to risk using recyclables again. Could someone please tell us if our reclying is ‘going to waste‘?

The Expert answers:

Yes and no.

Yes most of what we separate is recycled. We are very successful at recycling metals. For a long time we had to ship paper to China to get recycled, now we have a few plants that have converted and we can recycle some of it here, which makes it more cost effective. Plastics are improving, but they can only be down cycled. Basically you can’t take a #1 plastic and turn it back into a #1 plastic, it can be used to create less recyclable plastics and then eventually they have to go to the landfill.

Part of the purpose of recycling is to extend the life of the landfill and reduce the toxins going into the landfill. That is effective in many areas. My landfill diverts about 65% of the waste to recycling. San Francisco is working toward a zero waste environment.

Where we are going wrong is we aren’t completing the cycle. Not enough of the materials are being used, so they have little value. We, as consumers need to look for recycled content, so we can increase demand and make it profitable for more cities to increase their recycling. The other area where we fail is Reduce. We are creating more disposable items which increase the amount of waste going to the landfill. We are also creating a lot of packaging that can’t be recycled, hybrids which combine, paper, plastic and metals.

Susan asks…

How can we the consumers put pressure on companies to stop producing so much packaging?

Practically everything you buy now from fresh meat to small household electrical goods is vacuum packed, boxed, shrink wrapped and enveloped in polystyrene. This packaging depletes the earths natural resouces and causes us major problems with it’s disposal. Plastics in particular take years to degrade and not all are suitable for recycling. I understand goods in transit need to be protected but the problem of waste disposal seems to be spiraling out of control. What can we as consumers to curb this growth?
Yes pressure on supermarkets is maybe the way forward as they can force their suppliers to reduce packaging by not renewing contacts. You are misinformed Grizzbr1, No one wants all this packaging, we simply do not have a choice!

The Expert answers:

Besides boycotting the products and getting others to boycott overly-packaged products and letting the companies know that you are doing that, there is not much else you can do.

We live in a consumer society and people want instant gratification. Many goods are now available in “single packs,” thus adding to the problem. Start your own lobbying group, non-profit or website. If you are able to create enough noise and gather enough support, then you might notice a difference.

Donald asks…

Why should I give any care to lowering my carbon footprint or recycling or any of that when oil companies…?

completely offset this all the time? What good is it to lower my measly carbon footprint when some company that doesn’t care will cause more pollution in five seconds than I could in my entire lifetime.

What’s the point? I’m just wasting any effort I put towards recycling.

(Don’t get me wrong, I do recycle and such, but I don’t really know why I bother anymore)
Shell dumps an entire exxon valdez into the water every single year:

The Expert answers:

Here’s the difference for those who don’t know…


Charles asks…

Is the waste from extracting further copper /molybdenum from mine tailings environmentally safer than inputs?

I am an investor in Amerigo Resources, a company that has a plant in Chile to extract more copper and also molybdenum from old and fresh mine tailings (from Coldeco’s El Teniente mine). They have a consultant studying laundering the waste product by a pipeline from the extraction (which involves crushing) process back into a swampy area (the Colihues) where the old tailings are stored. Apparently, the redeposited material would have the quartz removed and be more granular (crushed).

Is there a net environmental problem or benefit from this kind of recycling from and back into the Colihues tailings dam? What are the consequences of replacing the old (and some new) tailings in the Colihues with the original tailings pulled out of there with the processed tailings in more granular form after pulling out more copper and also moly?

The Chilean government is very vigilant these days about anything from mining that might pollute the environment.
I’m not sure if the main mining company, Coldeco, is using the leach-solvent extraction-electrowinning process or, SX/EW Process for their primary extraction. Amerigo Resources does a second pass on old mine tailings, which were perhaps created in the Colihues tailings dam over 20 years ago. I know that they grind those old tailings in a low-tech kind of operation.

They want to pull the old tailings out of the Colihues tailings dam, process them to extract further copper (and molybdenum), and then put what is left from their operation back into the same Colihues tailings dam. But, Coldeco (owned by the Chilean government) won’t allow this kind of recycling yet, until they are sure that a pollution problem is not created.

Do you know why laundering the waste product from Amerigo’s operations would result in pollution, meaning, I think, pollution of the Colihues tailings dam, to which most of the materials would be returned after processing?

The Expert answers:

Conventional Copper Extraction

Conventionally, copper is recovered by a pyrometallurgical process known as smelting. In this process copper ore is mined, crushed, ground, concentrated, smelted and refined. The mining, crushing and grinding portions of the processing are extremely energy intensive since the rock must be reduced essentially to talcum powder fineness in order to separate the copper-bearing minerals from it. To be applicable to this process, the ores must contain copper minerals in sulfide form; as mineral such as Chalcocite (Cu2S), Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and Covellite (CuS) . In the concentrating operations these minerals are separated from the gangue material of the ore, that might contain as little as 0.5% copper to form a concentrate containing 27 to 36% copper. In the smelting operation, the concentrate is fed to a smelter together with oxygen and the copper and iron sulfides are oxidized at high temperature resulting in impure molten metallic copper (97 to 99%), molten iron oxide and gaseous sulfur dioxide. The impure copper is then purified by electrolytic purification to 99.99% pure copper while the iron oxide is disposed of as slag.

Typically, in this process there is more sulfur dioxide produced by weight than there is copper. Rather than discharge the sulfur dioxide into the air, as was once the practice, the sulfur dioxide is captured and converted into sulfuric acid. In the United States, smelter-produced sulfuric acid amounts to approximately 10% of total acid production from all sources. Prior to the mid-1980s, this by-product sulfuric acid had to be sold to other industries, often at a loss due to the long shipping distances.

Beginning in the mid 1980s a new technology, commonly known as the leach-solvent extraction-electrowinning process or, SX/EW Process, was widely adopted. This new copper technology utilizes smelter acid to produce copper from oxidized ores and mine wastes. Today, worldwide, approximately 20% of all copper produced is produced by this is process. In Latin America, the total is closer to 40% whereas in the United States the total is approaching 30%.

Mandy asks…

How can I recycle CD cases instead of just throwing them away?

I have a large box full of CD cases just sitting in my garage. Obviously I don’t use them and I keep the CDs that I have in a CD book. I don’t want to just throw them away in the trash, since I think that’s more of a waste than anything. Is there a specific place that you can take CD cases to be recycled? I was wondering if anyone knows of a special place somewhere that will take them. Would it be just the state recycling company to take them to?

The Expert answers:


Ruth asks…

Scrap recycling centres ?

Does anyone know of any places that pay cash for plastics,glass and bricks im on about recycling centres like the kind that take metals ? I have heard skip companies get money for recycling the various waste and often see heaps of rubbish that could earn me cash hopefully lol i live in the glasgow area

The Expert answers:

I own a plastic recycling business, so here’s what you need to do.

Collect all the waste plastics you can.
Separate into different polymers, there are 7 main types. Pp,pet,ldpe,hdpe,pvc,ps, and everything else, so it may pay you to concentrate on the most available group, probably bottles which will be PET and have a number 1inside the recycling triangle, or PET written underneath.
Wash everything to remove residue, labels etc.
When you have at least 1000kgs of each polymer, take them to a recycling centre and maybe they’ll pay you between £40-75 per metric tonne.

Believe me, you need a hell of a lot of bottles to make a tonne, so be prepared for hard work for little return, oh, and you’ll need to bale them because of the amount you’ll need.

Glass isn’t worth much at all, even the councils only get a few quid a tonne for it. Bricks are worth even less, sorry.

Got to admire your thinking though.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Michael asks…

Does anyone have a very clear explanation on how to remove recycler/recycled virus?

I can’t remove it with those instructions on the internet? Please help me

The Expert answers:

Try running your anti virus in safe mode.
First you should search for th virus( run “search” and type the name of the virus)

then after deleting the viruses, run regedit and find “recyler.exe”

then modify the searched string and delete the value data, afterwards remove the string by deleting it. Find some strings again and do the process until nothing is found.

James asks…

Can microsoft security essentials or kaspersky remove recycler virus from a pen drive forever?

The Expert answers:


Richard asks…

Why is my computer asking me to download RECYCLER.BIN when I’m downloading HP printer drivers?

Should I?

I downloaded it from
I googled it and it’s a virus that deletes stuff from your computer.

The Expert answers:

Im thinking that recycle bin may come with the software you are downloading.

Chris asks…

My lawnmower (1 year old Toro Recycler gas mower) won’t start….has never had this problem before?

We had left gas and oil in it over the winter…..have now drained and replaced gas and oil. Added fuel system cleaner also. We someone sprays starter fluid on it it runs while it is being sprayed, but stops pretty soon afterwards (so I don’t think its the spark plug). Somebody suggested to me that it is a fuel line problem and the engine is just not getting the gas. If that is so how can I fix it? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

If it runs on starting fluid the plug and everything is OK except it not getting fuel. Check to see if the fuel has a shutoff valve on it and it is on.(sometimes we forget) ……..The next thing that has probably happened is that a piece of dirt or bad fuel has clogged the main jet in the carb…The only way to check is to remove the carb bowl and pull the float and needle valve out and the check the main jet. Sum of the jets will unscrew not all you will have to look. Or you can just take a small piece of wire and clean. Put it back together and try it. This a common problem. I have had this problem before its not hard to fix. Hope this helps…

Lizzie asks…

there is a recycler virus in my mp3 player but invisible if i look from is in folder type.please help ?

the virus is in folder.but cannot see if we make the mp3 to pc.there is no recycler folder but in my mp3 player there is recycler folder.

The Expert answers:

I think your computer is also infected. But if you want to delete it manually, try this: go to Control Panel then open the Folder Options, In view tab, check the Show Hidden Folder. Then go to your Mp3, right click the autorun.inf and click the properties, uncheck the read-only, then delete it. Repeat the process for the RECYCLER.

Not Work? Email me or Add Details

Maria asks…

How to delete recycler virus with autorun.inf?

This virus create new folder.exe inside each file folder and take over the administrator, cannot open anymore task manager and regedit. Please share your ideas how to kill this virus, my PC running slow.

The Expert answers:

Recycler virus is known as a malware infeection. You will want to scan your comp. With both of these using the free version on both.

if it is still there then you will have to scan in safe mode.

This is how to use safe mode.

Jenny asks…

How to set a gift recycler straight?

My husband has a cousin that recycles her unwanted, and sometimes used gifts to us. How do I put her straight? I’d rather not be receiving gifts from this person at all. I have a few things that I’d like to return to her.
My husband has a cousin that recycles her unwanted, and sometimes used gifts to us. How do I put her straight? I’d rather not be receiving gifts from this person at all.

I do understand that regifting is not necessarily a bad thing by itself. But if I get something that doesn’t fit/I can’t user or is simply plain old, then its insulting. This person is NOT poor, she’s worth tens of millions…no really!

The Expert answers:

Who do you think you are? If she is acting in bad form then that’s her problem. You don’t want any regifts from her? Then don’t give her any. This is none of your business.

Daniel asks…

what safe software or programme i can use to get rid of autorun.inf and restore and recycler folders?


The Expert answers:

I don’t think you want to remove it, you want to tweak it, Read here,

Helen asks…

What are some good websites to buy cars like craiglist and recycler?

10 points

The Expert answers:,, local newpaper,, just to name a few

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

David asks…

Itunes…deletions…recycle bins… 10 points!!?

I accidentally deleted an album so opened my Vista recycle bin and restored the songs. However they do not appear in my Itunes library. How do I get my songs back?


The Expert answers:

Go to File>Add to Library and select the folder with the songs. (You may need to adapt it a little cuz I have a mac and you have a vista pc)

Joseph asks…

How to get rid of/recycle dinnerware and flatware?

How can I get rid of or recycle my old dinnerware (stoneware and porcelain) and flatware (made of plastic and stainless steel)? Can I put any of it into my recycle bins? Will the recycle collector take it?

The Expert answers:

Me personally, i would sell it on ebay you will be surprised for what you can sell. Often you get more than you think and it makes the buyer happy. Hopes this helps

Lizzie asks…

Grease recycle bins (what qualifies as suitable material?)?

what is supposed to go in the bin

what might you think goes in but shouldn’t?


is there anything that shouldn’t?

The Expert answers:

Depends what you’ll recycle it into.

Used frying oil, engine oil & grease will do. Don’t put volatile liquids like turpentine so it won’t catch flame or explode from the heat. Good luck

Helen asks…

How do I change the recycle bin back to normal?

The recycle bin on my desktop was somehow changed to a picture of the moon. How do I change it back to normal? Thanks!
There is no appearence & themes option in my control panel.

The Expert answers:

Go to the control panel -> appearance & themes -> and there should be an option to change it back to normal/default.

Steven asks…

Do you need to have a recycle bin to recycle and do you really have to separate everything?

I decided to recycle and get my family involved and hopefully as well as my community. But I’m only 15 years old and I want know more about recycling to help our enviroment. I brought blue bags but do I need to have a recycle bin as well? Also can someone tell me if do I have to seperate all the materials or can they seperate them for me? I need a little help with this.

The Expert answers:

Recycling is really local. Your best bet is to contact your waste disposal company. If they do the recycling they can provide direction on what, where, when and how. If they don’t do it they should be able to tell you who does. If you can’t find anyone locally, talk to your teachers, tell them you want to start recycling at school. Let the teachers guide you. The science and biology teachers are usually your best bet.

Ken asks…

How do you get a music file to go straight to your recycle bin when deleted from itunes?

OKay on my itunes when i deleted a song it used to ask me do i also want to move the file to the recycle bin and i always clicked yes . It has stoped asking me this question now and now when i delete songs from itunes they stay on my computer ! How do i fix this ?

The Expert answers:

If you’re running windows, then you need to find the file your music is stored in and then drag it into the recycle bin. If you can’t find the music, perform a search on the song by clicking My Computer and then search, which is near the top of the window. I hope this helps.

Richard asks…

What happens to the bytes that take up space after they are deleted in a recycle bin to create new space?

I am wondering what computers do to memory, or bytes, that creates new space after something is deleted in a recycle bin. Any clue?

The Expert answers:

All files have an entry in the file table of the hard drive, or partition, that it resides on. When you delete a file from the recycle bin, the operating system removes that entry from the file table and marks they space as unused. The data for the file is still on the drive and recoverable with the proper software. When the time comes that your operating system needs to save another file to the hard drive, or partition, the data is on, it will know that it can save it there. There are also programs that will “securely delete” the file and all they really do is remove the entry for the file in the file table, mark it as unused space, and write over the data where the file used to reside with either a bunch of zero’s or a bunch of random data.

Laura asks…

How do i delete these files in the recycle bin?

There are some files i want to delete from the recycle bin but when i right click and press delete it doesnt do anything. and of course ive also tried the “empty recycle bin ” button.
i would really apprieciate if someone could help me!!!
thank you!

The Expert answers:

Left click once on the filename to highlight it, then hold down the shift key, and press the delete key. This should delete it.

You could also download the free ATF Cleaner Program that will clean up a lot of other stuff.


Daniel asks…

I accidentally deleted files but they aren’t showing in the recycle bin. How can I find them?

I was deleting some useless files in my documents folder when, somehow, I managed to delete all files (useful and useless) without warning. It was so fast I barely got to press Cancel. For whatever reason I can’t find them in the recycle bin, and the shortcuts I had to these files are broken (a prompt tells me that the file the shortcut is linking me to has changed or moved). HAlp!

The Expert answers:

It depends on just how many files you accidentally deleted. If everything added up was larger then your Recycle Bin then Windows would have prompted you to either permanently delete everything selected (i.e. Bypass the Recycle Bin) or cancel the whole thing. This happens any time you try to remove something too large to fit in the Recycle Bin.

If that’s the case then you can’t recover the files using anything Windows gives you. There are 3rd party undelete programs, but they don’t always work, and they require that NOTHING be saved or installed to your hard drive after said accidental deletion (i.e. You can’t install the undelete program without overwriting some of what you’re trying to undelete).

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

What is the website where people recycle electronics and give them away?

I saw a piece on CNN or Fox News or something about an electronic recycling website where people give old electronics away for free but I cant remember what site it is.

The Expert answers:


Michael asks…

Electronics recycling fees in Alberta?

I have recently moved to Alberta, and am just wondering if there is an electronics recycling fee, how much it is, and what all it applies to (are gaming consoles included?)

The Expert answers:

Alberta implemented an Electronics Recycling fee about 3 years ago. Most computer equipment (consoles included) are assessed a $12 recycling fee, the amount I believe categorizes on a number of things. Ie. Televisions are $45 i believe, but can change based on price range.

Joseph asks…

How do recycling businesses make money on old electronics?

How is this done?

The Expert answers:

I’m sure there are many profit plans for recycled electronics, but here is my favorite:

The company takes the old elecs off of a big business’s hands, lets say they’re upgrading to new models for all their employees, well they just let the recycles come in and take all the old machines for no cost. The recyclers then bring the old elecs back to their plant where they put them on a grinding machine that breaks the machines back into their most basic components. A sorter then sorts all the little pieces into different buckets based on density. The buckets are thus filled with gold, silicon, and other valuable materials used in circuitry. The recycler then simply melts the materials back into ingot form and they resell them as gold bars. (or silicon, or silver, etc.)

Mandy asks…

Who will pay me money to recycle my used electronics ?

I’m looking for a company that pays cash for recycling electronics, cell phones, computers, etc.

The Expert answers:

This company does:

They pay you money for recycling your old cell phones, laptops, pda’s, digital cameras, etc. They’ll give you an online quote and pay for shipping. It doesn’t cost you anything – totally free.

Linda asks…

Recycling old computers and electronics?

Anyone know of some companies that buy old computers and electronics? Our bank is going green and we have some old equipment to get rid of. We would like to recycle instead of throw it all out.

The Expert answers:

There are several companies that purchase your old electronic equipment, I happen to work for one, EPC, that provides computer recycling services in the United States and Canada. We have a zero landfill / zero export approach to recycling, and our processes have been certified by the Basel Action Network.

EPC will audit all gear, reporting full asset details, and will offer a settlement price based on the electronics current fair market value.

To learn more about our services, you can follow the links below.

Lizzie asks…

does best buy pay you for recycling electronics?

im trying to recycle my PSP, sansa mp3 player, movies,cd’s and books

The Expert answers:

They’ll give you a gift card to the store…check out their website for this:

oh and if you want I have an environmental blog where I post things to save you money and the environment in case you’re curious:

Mark asks…

Where can i send old electronics for recycling?

I’m in canada

The Expert answers:

There a a few choices you may have open to you. If you equipment is still working, why not donate it to a charity? If it is not working, have a look in your telephone books for electrical recyclers, there might be some in there or check the internet! You might get lucky.

Thomas asks…

how can i strip dead appliances and electronics of metal for recycling?

The Expert answers:

I wish I had the time for all that.

Just chuck it out.

James asks…

what parts of electronics are worth recycling from my home?

The Expert answers:

Basically nothing worth. Normally, those electronic parts will degrade with time and normal use.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

will the recycle price of my phone go down when the new iphone comes out?

I have an iPhone 3g (8gb) and i’m wanting to upgrade to the new iphone 4.
On the O2 website it says i can upgrade my phone if i pay an upgrade charge which is 220 pounds . They also said i can recycle my phone for 150 pounds which is great cos that means i only need £70 to actually upgrade.
However my concern is that the price of my iphone might go down when the new iPhone 4 comes out and they stop selling my iphone. therefore will the recycle price of my iPhone go down? O2 aren’t very helpful when it comes to informing their customers of the truth you see.

The Expert answers:

Yes it will drop,
recycle as soon as possible (:

Linda asks…

What is the rate of recycling things?

Hey! Does anyone know what the going price is for recycling things, such as cans, glass, phone books? Is there a website i could look at?

The Expert answers:

The problem is that with our bad economy, too many people are selling “old stuff”, recycling for money, and that makes a higher supply.
But, demand is down for such items in a bad economy.

Basic Econ 101, means prices are really low for most items, except silver and gold prices, they are up. (heck, even oil prices are 1/2 what they were a year ago).

Because demand is so low, prices so low, hardly anyone advertises their prices, you have to call them. (these prices change each day, by pennies)

Look up recycling centers in your own community, they often want you to drop stuff off FREE, that’s as low as it gets, right?

Different cities have different prices, so you cannot apply one price in one part of country to what they’d pay in another.
Last time I checked, aluminum cans were going for 30 cents a pound.

Paper was about $3.00 a ton.
Not worth the cost of collecting and transporting it to sell.

Richard asks…

what is the average price per pound of recycled aluminum cans?

The Expert answers:

World Spot Market Price fro Scrap Aluminum Recycling taken at Monday June 04, 2007 – 11:07 PM

Can Grade with Min and Max $/pound
Used Beverage Cans (UBC loose) = $0.30 to 0.61
Shredded UBC = $0.77 to 0.92
Baled UBC = $0.80 to 0.95
Briquetted UBC = $0.83 to 0.98
New Beverage Can Stock = $0.89 to 1.04

Chris asks…

instead of recycling cans and paper, could i sell them?

im all for recycling, i was just inquiring on what sort of price i could get from selling cans and paper?

The Expert answers:


Donald asks…

how can you find out the prices each recycling center pays for scrap metal in jax fl?

I am trying to supplement my small income by scrapping junk metal,after my first sale I was told that I got ripped off.I am wondering how do I learn how to make the most possible

The Expert answers:

Call them up and ask them.

Laura asks…

Recycling can prices?

I live in colorado and how much would i get for a trash can full of cans how do they figure the price of them??

The Expert answers:

Since aluminum cans are considered a commodity their price changes frequently. I live in Northwest Indiana and frequent a couple of local recyclers depending on the amount (weight) of cans I have.

Some recyclers pay more based on the quantity of cans you have for recycle and if you have already crushed/compacted the cans.

Some things to look for at a good recycler:
1) They let you look at the scale

a.Always check to make sure the scale reads “0” before they begin to process your cans.

2)Check to see how sensitive their scale is and how they pay.
A.Some round up/down to the nearest pound

3)All recyclers should ask for a form of ID based on local laws. I only patronize those that REQUIRE ID to support the lowering of metal theft.

4)They have their current scrap prices posted in public sight. Some less desirable scrap metal processors make up prices. Make sure the price you receive for your cans is visible.

Most scrap metal processors are reputable and will provide you with a good return on your cans or other scrap metal. The rules I use above are just some guidelines that I used to identify the better local processors.

Good luck

Sharon asks…

Can some one please tell me the going price of Aluminum and where I can take mine to Recycle? Cans Only?

I wish to Recycle my Aluminum Cans but I am looking for the Best price that I can get for them. I am Disabled and don’t get much to live on after paying all my bills every month and I have been saving cans for a while and now I am looking for the best price near Winnfield, Louisiana where I can take them. Can someone Please Help me and tell me the going price and where I can get it?

The Expert answers:

45 cent a pound

Thomas asks…

Price per pound in recycling in GA?

does anyone know how much you get per pound with soda cans in GA? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Unless the state has a deposit for cans, the price will vary by recycler and from day to day. If there is a deposit, it is per can, not per pound.

James asks…

QUICK! first person to find the lowest price wins! cheapest recycling center in az? plz help.?

For christmas, I wanta recycling can, the kind that get picked up and taken away, but my parents aren’t really into being “eco-friendly” so I would love to make it as cheap as possible for them to up my chances. So, what is the cheapest recycling pickup service in glendale arizona?

The Expert answers:

I’ve never heard of recycling for hire. Try to find local recycle centers.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Chris asks…

How can I recycle organic garbage by turning it into compost (soil), since I don’t have a backyard nor garden?

I mean, all those fruits and vegetables garbage, that I throw in regular trashcans
How can I recycle it, so that I pollute less and I turn it into compost (soil) and I “give it back” to Nature?

Any gardener or botanist or agronomics engineer can give me some advice please?

Thank you
ps: I live in an appartement, not a house

The Expert answers:

Hmmm, I don’t know where you live, so I don’t how it functions in your area… I’ll just put the example about where I live:

I bought a trash bin for the organics, with an official color for the organic garbage (here it’s green). In it I put a plastic bag to throw the fruits, etc. (it’s yucky to throw it directly in the bin). Once a week I put the green bin in front of my house (on garbage day). The garbagemen empty the plastic bag in their compost container in their truck, bring it to the municipal compost and voilà!

Probably you should check the official website of your town, in the garbage section, to see if they offer that service. It seems simpler to me than your idea of having your own compost.

Thomas asks…

garbage or recycling?

Would an old air mattress go in the garbage or recycling? thanks!

The Expert answers:

Recycling if it’s plastic.

Jenny asks…

How can I better recycle my garbage?

Right now, newspapers get burned and cans get recycled but everything else goes in the garbage.
Is there a better way to split up things and where can I recycle glass, plastic ect?
Do all recyclable items have the recyclable sign on them, or just most of them?

The Expert answers:

Newspaper is recyclable as is all clean paper. Check your local officials for more detailed information for your specific area. Burning your old newspapers is not such a good idea. Think of ways to to reuse that paper before sending it off to be recycled. A few ideas are: gift wrap; packing material for fragile items; add it to your compost pile; if you don’t have a compost pile, offer it to someone who does; add it to the produce drawers of your fridge to absorb messes and odors.

Other examples of clean paper would include wrapping paper, old mail (for privacy protection be sure to shred it first), cereal boxes, tissue boxes, soda and cereal boxes and magazines.

Speaking of magazines, consider subscription sharing with others, so they get more than one use, or donate them to a local library, shelter or non-profit organization for their lobby areas.

Ocassionally, I will find myself at the store without my reusable grocery bags. Instead of throwing the plastic bags away when I get home, I use them as liners for several small wastebaskets we have around the house. I also know a lady who uses them to stuff pillows she makes.

A good mindset to take on is to reduce your consumption and your trash automatically reduces. For example, buy a 2 liter of soda, rather than six bottles. Purchase items that have less packaging.

Sandra asks…

If we continue to raise awareness about garbage pollution,how much better will the earth become in the future?

If we continue to raise awareness about garbage pollution,how much better will the earth become in the futu?
instead of the negative things that can happen to our earth in the future, if we continue to recycling, raise garbage pollution awareness, find ways to reduce garbage, etc. what are possible benefits for the earth in the future? how much of an impact will our efforts make?

The Expert answers:

Well, over a million animlas will stay alive. Many die from all of the pollution and stuff. If we recycle, it saves animal. Let’s say every single person in the USA recycles all of their old paper, in just one day. Do you know how many trees that will save? Countless trees; over 100 billion trees. Trees are animals habitats; you see how everything is connected?

Recycling is a powerful thing. 😀

Sandy asks…

Is it better to throw your garbage away or recycle?

Is it better to throw your garbage away or recycle? I was told that there were a lot of different chemicals that are used during recycling that actually harm the environment. Does anyone have any insight on this? Any opinions or facts?

The Expert answers:

It actually takes more energy to recycle most things (plastic, paper, steel) than it does to get it from its natural source. The only exception is aluminium, which takes a phenomenal amount of energy to be extracted from bauxite.

The best reasons to recycle, then, would be that it generates jobs in the community, and reduces environmental damage by tree felling and mining. If we had more environmentally friendly ways of generating electricity, recycling would be even better.

William asks…

Are you against recycling because it would make you look like a huge alcoholic to the garbage man?

The Expert answers:

That’s why you should put them in the next door neighbor’s recycling bin!

Laura asks…

How do you dispose of coffee tins? Put them in the garbage or recycling??????? l?

Like those metal canisters

The Expert answers:

Most any man with a garage or work shop would love to have them for storing screws, nuts, bolts, nails, parts washing, and many other uses especially if they have the lids with them. I have a friend who makes camp stoves out of the metal ones and gives them to people as gifts. They are very handy to have for many uses so just find a guy who wants them and give them away.

David asks…

if we continue to raise awareness about garbage pollution,how much better will the earth become in the futu?

instead of the negative things that can happen to our earth in the future, if we continue to recycling, raise garbage pollution awareness, find ways to reduce garbage, etc. what are possible benefits for the earth in the future? how much of an impact will our efforts make?

The Expert answers:

The earth will be 0.15% better in the long run, with no visible benefits in the near future.

Awareness campaings pointless b/c people are aware of the issue but chose to ignore it b/c they they are “having it real hard” already

recycling uses up a lot of energy to collect and sort the recyclables, so net effect is rather small.

Mary asks…

what department handles garbage/recycling?

What city/state department handles garbage collecting?

The Expert answers:

For the whole United States the EPA provides the laws for garbage and recycling. In my state it is usually called solid waste management, but the job is usually done by a private company.

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