Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

What is the best way to recycle/dispose of shredded paper from your shredder?

I’ve been dumping them into a trash bag and putting it all in the recycle bin – but there must be a better way!
What’s a bag hen?

The Expert answers:

Don’t put it in a plastic bag. The recycler will simply throw the whole bag in the trash. The best solution is to take it to a recycler who will put it in with other office paper. The second best solution is to just put it in with your newspaper recycling.

Robert asks…

Can a command recycle items to be thrown out and use the money for a command function?

We have a great deal of old copper wire scrap and aluminum deck plates that are slated to be thrown out of an old warehouse. We would prefer to recycle the items at a local recycling center and use that money for a command picnic. Is this possible? We are a US command.

The Expert answers:

No. If it has any value it has to be turned into DRMO.
You can however:
Hold a raffle.
Do a carwash or bakesale.
Have Bingo Games.

Susan asks…

How could you recycle plastic bags without throwing them out after using them?

For example, I just finished shopping at Target carrying my plastic bags. I use the plastic bags for small trash cans in my house. I throw them out in the next day. The plastic bags can be recycled by bringing it back to Target and I want to do that. But there are gonna be no plastic bags for my trash cans. Is there another way that I could recycle?

The Expert answers:

Actually, you are recycling, you are reusing the bag at least once prior to throwing it away. Also, unless you are creating a ton of trash, I highly doubt that you are throwing them out that quickly. Finally, one of the reasons that they are making plastic bags so thin is to make them more environmentally friendly.

Sandy asks…

How can I recycle plastic bottle caps in the United States?

The recycling centers in my area cannot accept plastic bottle caps. I’d like to recycle them, but don’t know where I can deliver/send them. Are there any charities or companies that collect them?

The Expert answers:

I’m only aware of bottle cap recycling in Canada- however there are some “crafty” ways to recycle bottle caps. If you have any head start, preshools or elementary schools in the area you could ask them if they would like a donation of bottle caps to use for craft supplies. Programs funded by govt. Grants are usually looking for In kind donations! Here is a site that uses common items for crafts.


Carol asks…

What is the proper way to recycle computer memory?

I just upgraded my RAM and have a stick that I have no use for. Where can I recycle it?

The Expert answers:

Selling or recycling. Don’t throw it away. Some resources for finding a means of recycling can be found in the link below.

Helen asks…

How do you recycle Skintimate shaving gel cans?

I have like 4 that I haven’t thrown out cause I want to recycle them. The can says to recycle, but I don’t really know how.

The Expert answers:

All cans can be recycled at a local can bank, or if you are lucky enough to have a comprehensive kerbside recycling service. It does not matter if they are aerosol cans but it helps to remove the plastic top!

Ruth asks…

What is the best company to recycle empty printer cartridges and raise money for my school?

I have collected a lot of empty inkjet cartridges and am looking to recycle them and make as much money as possible for my school. Do you know any companies that purchase these empties and pay for them as well?

The Expert answers:

Cartridge World

James asks…

What are the most important things to recycle?

I want to recycle but I don’t have much room in my apartment.

The Expert answers:

Paper and glass are bleached heavily when they are recycled and the chemicals used pollute the water and air.
Aluminum is a limited resource and the process to recycle is less harmful than the ones used for paper and glass.
Plastic is petroleum based and is also a limited resource.
If you don’t have room to recycle everything you should recycle plastic and aluminum.

Donald asks…

How do I safely recycle a steel aerosol can?

The can has a recycle symbol with the word “steel” in the middle. It had shaving cream in it, but there’s no more cream coming out now. I don’t want to take an aerosol can to a recycle bin because I worry that there’s more pressure left inside.

The Expert answers:

If you live in a city you probably have a household hazardous waste centre you can google your city name and household hazardous waste, if you have one you should be able to find it that way. I have one in my area and they recycle lots of things that the regular recycling centre could not because they are dangerous things.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Laura asks…

is it good to have a recycling plant in a small town?

im doing a project and need to figure out the best waste management plan for my little town of about 5000 residents… whats best for recycling, and garbage?

The Expert answers:

Its always good to have a recyling plant in terms of the environment, however it may not be appealing to most residents.

You need to weigh up the pro’s & cons

Many residents may suffer from noise/smell pollution, but overall the broader environment will benefit as less resources may be used if we recycle more as well as less harmfull gases !

Michael asks…

will there be garbage /recycling monday pickups?

The Expert answers:

Not on a federal holiday.

Joseph asks…

Should we flag as abuse the recycled garbage questions from the 2008 election?

Are there any real people out there who think this is a good idea?

The Expert answers:

If redundancy were abuse, we could sue our political leaders!

Daniel asks…

Videotapes with PBS documentaries recorded onto them – Garbage, Recycle or donate?

I have about 50-75 VHS tapes that I recorded TV shows onto several years ago. Mostly PBS documentaries like Ken Burns – Jazz, Bios of american presidents etc. I don’t have use for them anymore. Not sure what to do with them. Are they just garbage? Would anyone want these? Or is there anyway to recycle them?

The Expert answers:

Personally, I enjoy documentaries alot. There’s no other way to gain so much knowledge with so little effort. I ‘m sure a teacher could make good use of them. Why not offer them up on Freecycle? PLEASE don’t throw them away. Bios of AM presidents doesn’t hold any great appeal for me but I would pay for shipping of the Ken Burns Jazz.

William asks…

This recycling of rubbish, its garbage isn`t it?

No pun intended, but Councils are trying to force Recycling down our throats like it is the only show in town. Don`t worry about the health hazards involved, it is making the planet a better place. How? By reintroducing epidemics of diseases we thought we had seen the back of in Victorian times. Maybe it is to reduce the population. As for the good for the envoironment, how? The lorry that takes the recycled stuff takes twice as long to fill as the men have to sort the stuff prior to putting it on the lorry, doesn`t the extra fuel burnt increase tyhe carbon footprint of the bin collection. Surely it would be more efficient to collect weekly and pay people to seperate the rubbiah once it arrives at the Council Depot.
Finally, if Coucils want us to recycle more, shouldn`t they put pressure on the shops to reduce wrapping. Why do Bannanas, Potatoes, Oranges, etc need to come shrink wrapped. They have a skin of their own. Reduce waste by taxing the businesses not the householder.
Yes but Sandman, the Mantra that pro Recylers are using doesn`t stand up to scrutiny.
But Sandman a lot of Councils are sending so called sorted recylables stright to the landfill because it has been so poorly sorted that it is impossible to recycle. The worst of it is, that the Coucils still claim this poorly sorted waste that has been binned is actually recycled and added to their percentage of recycled waste. That is nothing short of a con and is inherently dishonest. Is that what our Councils have reduced themselves too, dishonesty!

The Expert answers:

I totally agree! Why worry about 300 years time if you are going to die of e-coli or diptheria anytime soon!!!!!

Paul asks…

How do I hide recycles in the garbage?

The garbage man is always leaving notes. How can I hide the recycles where he can’t see them?

The Expert answers:

Look in your yard for another garbage can, a brightly colored one, maybe it’s blue or yellow for instance. That garbage can will have a white triangle stamped on the side. Hide those recycle-ables in those cans. The garbage man can only see green or black garbage cans so when the garbage man comes he won’t see them!
Now- here’s the secret, when the garbage man’s gone sneek those brightly colored cans out to the curb, especially whenever you hear a big truck that makes sounds of glass bottles being collected, and that’s it! They magically empty themselves! Just remember to bring those empty colored cans back from the street so you can fool your garbage man again in the future! Good luck.

Jenny asks…

Why dont we make a garbage/recycling station on the moon and man it with prisoners ?

or scientists ? the work on earth to prepare the material would be good, help clean the environment, add purpose to the space program – no its not hauling trash, its saving the earth. We need to overcome our predjudice to garbage (a weed is a flower…). We could staff it with prisoners or scientists or both and give them meaningful work and a thrilling expierence that would change their opinions and desires about probably everything – providing excellent councelling and education/rehabilitation services also. Plus laws on the moon regarding prisoners who are bad or serial could be a little more ‘out of sight out of mind’. Plus imagine the movie spinoffs CONSTATION 😀

I think this idea rocks, or some variation. Then our environmental monies can goto moon research too, plus garbage makes methane and other ‘garbage juice’ fuels, this would allow for a refueling station to developo slowly also. Am I awsome or what ? Write your Senate !
10,000/kg, I know all this. But we already spend billions, why not get SOMETHING happening up there ?
what if we use the WhiteKnight 2 to launch parcels of garbage which can crash on the moon ?? Huh, then its like way cheaper and less pollouting ?
Open that mind up people, NASA is not the only operational (perhaps the most inefficent) space group, bigelow, that guy from google is it, virgin, there are options, 3.2 billion is an buttload of money for a plane and a can of trash to get thrown out, you dont have to man it and do alot just throw it off the earth and bam… come on, you guys : P
yes it would still be more expensive than just dumping it in the woods is now, but thats sorta the point, it would create jobs, and hlep people to think about the mooon, it would reduce planetary garbage and seepage, all of which costs much money and potentially undoable damage… And yes, it would be awfully cool, I know we dont spend much on coolness in north america (see movie gross for 2000-2009) but hey, what the heck I like to throw things at the moon.
garbage can go well ahead of poeple then there is stuff up there to build the colony out of. I know u guys dont understand the comming dramatic reduction in per pound delivery from these posts, but ya, we’re soooo worried about how well prisoners are kept safe now, I guess I can understand the concern there. And if its safe to have natural gas running up and down every street, I dont understand how less safe a spacelab would be, alas… I am going to build this industry from the ground up with or without the support of Yahoo Answers then ! hmph, lol 😉

The Expert answers:

The ultimate problem with recycling and disposal of trash comes down to energy and pollution. Disposing on Earth can cause pollution and recycling can save energy and reduce pollution if done correctly. To send it to the moon would cost orders of magnitude more energy than just disposing of it, and the pollution of sending all those rockets into space would also be unfathomable.

Even if energy was cheap and you could send the material without polluting, you’d be able to spend the energy much more efficiently on pollution abatement of the trash on earth (incinerators with smokestack scrubbers, and other things that right now are too expensive because energy is too expensive)

The only material worth sending into space would be extremely hazardous material such as nuclear waste, but then the danger of a crash or explosion would not be acceptable. Good thinking but that particular scenario will not physically or energetically ever make sense.

Edit: It doesn’t matter what you use to launch the stuff to the moon. It will always take at least the amount of energy that is the gravitational potential difference between the earth and the moon, plus all of the fixed material costs needed to effect the transport. It’s simply conservation of energy. If you solve any of those problems, then you will have solved all of the Earth’s energy problems, and if you have done that, then you will surely find a much simpler solution to deal with pollution which uses less energy. Unless you just like wasting energy for the coolness of it all. In that case, go ahead and do it. I mean, in that case, why not send all of our trash and prisoners into a new orbit and create a new planet with really delicious food where you don’t have to work hard.

Sandra asks…

Does it really do any good to separate out garbage to be recycled from other garbage?

What happens to the garbage you put out to be recycled?

The Expert answers:

I think that it is done when it is economically viable. If there is no market or an over abundance of a particular recyclable, then I suspect it is disposed in the trash stream.

David asks…

Where can i find a half garbage half recycling can small enough for a bedroom?

I need a garbage bin that is split in half so i can use it for both recycling and garbage in my bedroom, I need one i can find in Canada or have delivered to a Canadian address.
I have looked everywhere and can no longer find it. just trying to do some good for the environment.

The Expert answers:


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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

question about the Gulf Oil Spill?

what is happening to the oil that its been spill? is it been recycle and send to the consumer? or it is getting wasted?
cnn just announce that the “leak” is no longer a leak, its gushing 70000 barrels a day, bp has no solution for the disaster. how long until we ran out and economies collapse?

The Expert answers:

It is floating, polluting, contaminating garbage. It cannot be picked up, cleaned/isolated and refined into a useful product. It’s just a horrible man-made disaster, and there is absolutely nothing that can, will, or can be made to come out of it.

Michael asks…

How Many Needless Road Journeys Do You Make In A Week?

Multiply that by the 26 million cars on Britain’s roads and you have a lot of wasted resources, ie oil reserves.

Road pricing would mean people would think of every car journey as a cost. So before nipping out in the car to recycle those used wine bottles, have a think, could you not do it on the way to work instead.

More fuel saved and cleaner environment.

The Expert answers:

About 10 most weeks, if I organised my cycling a bit better, I could travel less and achieve the same things.
But cycling enables me to help others, whereas walking would mean I could spend much less time doing things for them.
The oil I use on the chain and bearings is only a tiny amount, and the extra cycling I do does not increase the amount of oil I apply to the cycle.
Yesterday I left my cycle at an hospital and walked around the place to get something to eat, and a better understanding of the area, while waiting for visiting time to come round. I also had time to cycle to a library to spend some time while waiting for visiting times.

Do you NEED to use a car to go to work?

Nancy asks…

How dangerous is it to use recycled bacon grease for frying fish, meat, etc. on a strict low cholesterol diet?

My aunt who came out here from the Philippines to live with us, does most of the cooking and is TOTALLY oblivious to how unhealthy using recycled grease is and what it does to your arteries, her coming from the countryside on a farm and all. I use olive oil whenever frying; mostly fish, but can’t always supervise the kitchen. I shouldn’t have to. My mom’s boyfriend has a stubborn habit of saving the grease instead of tossing it. If I see it, I’ll get rid of it. This stupidity is a combination of not wanting to waste anything and the desire for the flavor that the grease puts into whatever your’re frying. That’s gonna give someone a heart attack as he’s already found out. I’d sure hate to lose anyone to heart disease on the count of someone’s cluelessness/retentiveness. Suggestions please!?

The Expert answers:

You’re right! Iit is best to eliminate as much animal fat from our diet as possible, not just bacon grease. But, as you look around you, much of the population ignores this recommendation. Some people get lucky with a favorable set of genes; consequently their cholesterol and triglycerides remain low in spite of diet. The rest of us aren’t so fortunate.

As I see it, talk with your mom, try to educate her boyfriend and your aunt. If no luck, you may have to do all of your own cooking or move out. Good luck on a satisfactory resolution of a thorny problem.

Carol asks…

Sustainability? Where?

Recycle oil, paper, aluminum, produce less waste, saving water is good and helpful, but every year we want more and more economic growth,

The bank does not know how many of grew 10%, the economy in underdeveloped countries grew by 5%, China has grown to the equivalent a11%

Record in selling cars, phones, clothes, electronics, export and import records, records of livestock production, agricultural record in paper production, meat.

increasing investments in production and consumption….

something is not wrong in that calculation?

will be sustainable as a race this way?

Remove and return very little in my opinion is not synonymous with sustainability, and to you?

The Expert answers:

No, the system is not sustainable now. Yes, we should reuse, recycle and reduce waste. We should aim with all our might to make things… Say, less unsustainable than they are now. Without regard or connection to economic growth or lack thereof.

Jenny asks…

How is the earth spirit Gaia feeling, nowadays?

I’m at the supermarket the other day, an elderly lady is going out of her way to stuff a bundle of recycled plastic grocery bags into the receptacle.

I think about how corporations across the country illegally dump toxic waste into aquifers, bays, rivers, and the ocean. Similarly, overseas in China and elsewhere, governments and businesses (really, the same thing) illegally dump radioactive waste, sewage, plastics and other non-biodegradable substances into areas of human and animal habitation.

Of course there’s the occasional oil spill, where a supertanker might break apart and let loose millions of gallons of crude oil, which suffocates fish and birds and other wildlife.

Given these largely human-made circumstances, how is the earth spirit Gaia doing?

The Expert answers:

She. Is. PISSED!

Mark asks…

What to do with stale french fries?

My husband brought two L bags of french fries from McDonald’s, but obviously he had carried them with him for a long time, and the potatoes were anything but crispy. They tasted like wet straw. I don’t like french fries myself, but hate to waste food, especially that much. Any idea how can I cook them/recycle them , if possible without using vegetable oil or butter, or anything alike.

The Expert answers:

Cut them up into little squares and boil them for about 2 mins and use them in a broth… Its good…

Sandra asks…

TIres that last for a lifetime why are we not using them?

I was watchingon tv way back probably 10years ago where tires have been made to last a lifetime they dont rot or hardly wear out .Alot of oil can be saved we dispose of alot of tires in America and recycle but we create more waste .

The Expert answers:

The more wear resistant you make a tire the less traction it has. Making tires is a study in compromises.

Lizzie asks…

How do you justify using plastics and anything else that is made form oil?

Quite interesting reading about peoples thoughts in this section when they proclaim to be so called animal lovers and justify preaching and hating people for being omnivore despite what they do to help the planet if you are not vegetarian you are not even trying at all. Yet these same people and many others who have moral obligations choose to use oil products and as this is aimed at vegetarians in which most depend on it heavily than using any animal product. How do you justify our even avoid using as little plastic or other oil products at home. A product that we heavily depend on and one that devastates the ecosystem it is near enough impossible to recycle or decompose and a product that when drilled for companies are legally aloud to dump small amounts of nuclear waste which builds into a big problem when they use it too much?


The Expert answers:

I agree that plastic is used/wasted too much. Especially in the UK when it comes to the amount of unecesarry packaging on supermarket items, and the total wastage of carrier bags.
But, are we to rely on paper bags for everything? That means trees are chopped down, which interferes with the eco-system of lots of animals and insects. So, no matter what options we take we will always leave a destructive footprint. It would be nice to live in a perfect world – but I think we’re all adults here and realize that fairies don’t exist. Except in MY garden. ‘)

Personally I try to use as little plastic as possible – but, because of the amount of it used in the modern world it can be difficult. I also don’t drive a car or use public transport – I generally walk everywhere or on occasion ride my bike. So, only a little oil there…yay me.

One thing is though, why is it that people always presume just because your’e a veg*n that you’re also a so-called eco-warrior?

I also haven’t seen too much preaching and hating of omni’s in here either – in my personal experience I have found it’s usually the omni’s who do the preaching and hating.
Which is pretty sad really.

David asks…

Can any of you answer these questions?

1. Using inexpensive, home-built, non-approved equipment is a good alternative for recycling refrigerants.
True or False

2. The NFiPA 704 system uses a numerical value between _____ and _____ to indicate the level of hazard for that particular chemical.
A. 1; 10
B. 1; 20
C. 0; 9
D. 0; 4

3. Which of the following fluids can be mixed with used oil for recycling?
A. Cutting oils, gear and petroleum-based cooling oils
B. Wastewater
C. Paints, paint thinners and paint wastes
D. Antifreeze

4. The Top 10 list of environmental challenges in a mechanical repair shop includes all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Batteries, tires & air conditioning
B. Scrap glass and plastic
C. Floor drains, absorbents and spills
D. Antifreeze, oil & other similar fluids

5. Chemicals that contain CFCs do NOT generally include:
A. Disinfectants not in an aerosol propellant
B. Aerosol propellants
C. Paint solvents
D. Fire retardants

6. Used or non-functioning catalytic converters must be kept by the repairer for ______ after removal from the car and tagged with the car make, date of removal and repair order number.
A. 24 hours
B. 15 days
C. 6 months
D. 2 years

7. Damaged or used batteries should be:
A. Stored on sturdy, acid-resistant shelves, no more than one high
B. Immediately placed in an acid-resistant container
C. Covered in large quantities of baking soda
D. Soaked in a neutralizing agent

8. Only shop owners and supervisors are considered legally responsible and may be criminally liable if they knowingly allow or participate in environmental violations.
True or False

9. Which of the following is NOT one of the three ways to recycle antifreeze?
A. On-site recycling
B. Subterranean recycling
C. Mobile recycling
D. Off-site recycling

10. Contaminated rags are recommended for disposal in landfills.
True or False

11. A blue NFiPA label indicates:
A. Special information
B. Health hazard
C. Flammability
D. Reactivity

12. Which of the following is NOT a good way to handle used oil filters?
A. Pay to have an employee to dispose of filters
B. Locate a scrap recycler who will take used filters
C. Throw used oil filters in the trash
D. Locate a used oil filter recycler in your area and professionally recycle the filter

13. Pollution or waste that is generated from a business is called a:
A. Pollution path
B. Toxin trial
C. Hazard load
D. Waste stream

The Expert answers:

1 false
2 D. 0; 4
3 A. Cutting oils, gear and petroleum-based cooling oils
4 B. Scrap glass and plastic
7 B. Immediately placed in an acid-resistant container
11 B. Health hazard
12 C. Throw used oil filters in the trash

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donna asks…

Where can I get money for recycling pop cans in Indiana?

Is there anywhere around Muncie Indiana or in Muncie?

The Expert answers:

Hi there, you are to be commended for recycling.

Go to and just put in your zip code. It will give you a list of the centers nearest to you.

Lizzie asks…

Do you get money for recycling soda cans in TX?

when i lived in NY you could take your soda cans to walmart or a supermarket and put them in a machine and it would give you a voucher to turn into the customer service for cash. I am moving to TX an was wondering if they do that here as they do not do it here in fl were i currently live.

The Expert answers:

UGH! I lived in NY too and we always recycled! I now live in Texas and nope they don’t do it! I’m a little disappointed about it…I actually liked recycling…

Daniel asks…

Can I make money recycling Hangers?

I have tons of dry cleaners hangers. I’ve heard you can either send them back to the dry cleaner or to a scrap metal dealer. Do you know if the dealer will pay you for these hangers?

The Expert answers:

Hi u can make money on these the actuall price of scrap is £30 a ton but are they alumminum ones because if they are and u have lots if u wait till after christmas scrap & metal prices are meant to rise so ull be quids in as for giving them away thats maddnes just to make someone else a proffit

William asks…

where take alum. cans for recycling for money in dupage co.?????

The Expert answers:

To a scrap metal place like where they buy cars.

Mary asks…

Where can I get money for recycling in Chicago?

I live in Chicago and I want to know if there is any places here where they have recycle for money drop offs. ( I checked on google already)

The Expert answers:

Look it up in the phone book under recycling.

Mark asks…

where in Broward county, Florida can i get money for recycling soda cans i collect and how much is it per lb?

per lb for aluminum?

The Expert answers:

Go to to locate a local recycle center, there should be contact info so you can get the rate.

Linda asks…

where can i get money for recycling aluminum cans in chicago, illinois? ?

im just wondering because i’m short on cash and im sure i can get hella aluminum cans. i know you dont get paid MUCH but i can easily get like 5 garbage bags full in like 20 minutes.

The Expert answers:

Well it all depends where you live in Chicago…I know of a few places in the southeast side if you are interested. That is good that you are recycling these cans and even better if you could get so many bags full of them you might even be better off selling these…well many people do earn a living by just doing so taking all kinds of aluminum to these recycling areas. Well i wish you the best of luck selling these cans and hopefully you get what they are worth. – (773) 821-1351 – (312) 226-0473 – (312) 666-0011 – (773) 252-1989 – (773) 493-1470 – (773) 247-2070

Laura asks…

Where do I take my aluminum cans to be recycled for money in Northern VA and surrounding area’s?

a location , or number or something would or website for my area would be very helpful thanks in advance 🙂

The Expert answers:

Try going to the link below and selecting your city.

Thomas asks…

Can I earn money for recycling household batteries just like the cans.?

Where to recycle those household batteries

The Expert answers:

I don’t know about making money off recycling batteries but here are a couple of sources for information on locations. Call2Recycle for locations at 1-877-2-recycle and also you can contact the Battery Council International. Also I have seen drop off boxes at Home
Depot and Lowe’s.

In the recycling process, spent—or dead—batteries are broken apart, and the lead, plastic and acid are separated. The lead is melted, poured into ingots and delivered to battery plants to be used in new batteries. The plastic is chipped, washed and delivered to a plastics plant, where it is melted and made into new battery cases and other parts.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

When you delete something on your computer from the recycle bin is it gone for good on the computer?

And also when something is deleted from the recycle bin does that help free up space on the computer?

The Expert answers:

Put it this way, There is a tool. You can get it free over the internet. It’s called Glary Utility’s. I have used it several times to recover data thought to be deleted. If you want to make sure something is gone use Ccleaner. On the advanced tab check wipe free space. You can also check Options, Settings, Secure file delete. In the box check Gutmann. 35 passes. I’ve tried it. It works.

Charles asks…

Help my ring fell in the clothes recycle bins?

I was recycling some clothes when one of my rings fell in the clothes recycle bin? what should I do?

The Expert answers:

Hehehe…. Start diggin

Sandy asks…

Someone stole my city issued trash/recycle bins?

Does anyone know a number I can call to get new ones, and will I have to pay for them? The website isn’t loading on my pc for some reason. I live in San Antonio, TX.

The Expert answers:

Majed A. Al-Ghafry
Director of Public Works

Contact Us
Director’s Office
Municipal Plaza Building
114 W. Commerce
San Antonio, Texas 78205
Main Line: (210) 207-8022
Fax: (210) 207-4406

Sharon asks…

Where is the recycle bin located in Windows Vista?

I just bought (November 2008) a Sony Vaio laptop with windows vista installed and I can delete stuff but I can’t find the recycle bin to empty it.

The Expert answers:

Sometimes it gets deleted by accident, but it should be on the desktop. To get it back, simply right click on the desktop, select “Personalize” from the menu, now on the very left select “Change Desktop Icons” click on that and make sure the Recycle Bin is checked.

Chris asks…

How can a deleted file from Recycle Bin be recovered?

I have deleted an important file from My Documents and later emptied the Recycle Bin. How can I recover the deleted file now?

The Expert answers:

You can often successfully recover deleted files from a PC, it all depends on what has happened since the files were deleted.
When you delete files the data itself isn’t deleted, just the index entry that tells the system where the data for those files is located. The area containing the deleted data is also now marked as free space so it is available for any new files to be written there instead.

If and when that happens, then it is too late to recover your deleted files so it is very, very important to not save any new files or data to the device concerned.

One of the easiest ways to see if you can recover deleted files is to try some good file recovery software.

A good tip is to try the free demo version of a commercial product that will scan the device for deleted files and show you exactly what files can be recovered. At least that will show you if you can recover the deleted files or if it’s too late already. You can find more useful information on how to recover deleted files at

Betty asks…

When you delete something from the recycle bin is it permanently deleted?

Is it permanently deleted when you delete a file from the recycle bin? (win xp) If it isn’t how easy is it to find these files? where can i find them?

The Expert answers:

Essentially they are gone. You would have to run file recovery software or do a system restore to get something back.

Ken asks…

How do you delete one item from the recycle bin on an Apple Computer?

I have an Apple Laptop and unlike windows it doesn’t give me the option to delete individual files (Or maybe I just don’t know how) from the Recycle Bin instead it gives me two options :Empty Recycle Bin or Restore File
I am under the assumption that Emptying the Recycle Bin would delete all of the items which I don’t want to do and I don’t feel like restoring any files

The Expert answers:

Open the Trash window, then open Terminal and type

rm [space]

then drag the file into the Terminal window and press return.

Make sure the Terminal window is forefront before you press return or it will not delete the file

If the file is being particularly obstinate, there’s probably a problem with its permissions. In this case, just type:

sudo rm [space] and drag the file and [return].

Paul asks…

Why can I no longer see the items I sent to the recycle bin?

The Icon indicates the folder is full. When ‘Empty Recycle Bin’ is clicked; it ask if I want to delete the 26 items in the recycle bin. The ‘Property’ setting is not set to auto delete items. I ‘de-fragmented’ a couple of days ago, but have since deleted item and they are not showing up. Does anyone know why this is happening? What can I do to make the deleted items visible in the ‘Recycle Bin’?

The Expert answers:

This could be the device problem…

Just report that problem to the device/mechanical service about this situation…

Good luck!

Sandra asks…

Can I transfer files from my recycle bin in my laptop that won’t start by taking out its hard drive?

My Sony Vaio laptop won’t start and its not repairable. I was advised to take out the files via a external hard drive. I have files that were in my recycle bin can I still retrieve them?

The Expert answers:

If the laptop won’t start then you have to take out the hard drive. However, there is a cheap fix. There is this gizzmo called hard drive reader, Its a USB device that plugs into your computer, via USB and your old hard drive plugs into it. It runs about 30 or 40 bucks. 🙂

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

I have been tearing out the plastic window in envelopes before recycling, is this necessary?

The city requires me to separate paper and plastic into two different bins. I have been tearing the plastic windows out of envelopes (you know the kind you get from businesses) before sticking them into the paper bin. Do I even have to do this? And if I do, can I put the plastic window part I rip out into the plastic recycling bin?

The Expert answers:

In our community, they tell us that the plastic is so negligible, that’s its OK to toss those window envelopes in with the regular mixed paper.

It seems that every community has a different recycling program ~ perhaps it would be best if you called your local recycling carrier and asked them directly.

Richard asks…

To the best of my knowledge we do not have plastic recycling facilities who can i complain to?

Should I contact local or national government?
Is there a lobbie group I can contact?
Is the recycling of plastic environmentally sound or does the recycling process create more emissions and or waste than it saves? What about the energy used to recycle, is it less than creating new products. So many things are now not avalable with out plastic wappers, is it viable to go back to using paper/glass etc or are the processes used to make these /recycle these as destructive as the use of plastics?
What is best?
I live in a very rural part of Wales.
Should I contact local or national government?
Is there a lobbie group I can contact?
Is the recycling of plastic environmentally sound or does the recycling process create more emissions and or waste than it saves? What about the energy used to recycle, is it less than creating new products. So many things are now not avalable with out plastic wappers, is it viable to go back to using paper/glass etc or are the processes used to make these /recycle these as destructive as the use of plastics?
What is best?
I live in a very rural part of Wales.
The council only collects the bins no boxes provided for paper tins bottle etc nearest town 15mile where the bottle banks ets are.

The Expert answers:

There are plenty of plastic recycling facilities.

I don’t know where you live but I have a separate bin that is collected that is for plastic to be recycled.

Mark asks…

Ban all the non recycling plastic in Australian?

Are Australians environmental conscience? Why doesn’t the government ban all non-recyclable plastics? Still thousands of tons of plastic are still not recyclable. Did you know for example that Belgium(Europ) can recycle almost 85% of their household wast!! Why can’twe Australia do this?

The Expert answers:

YOU can, buy only plastic that’s recyclable. Others shall follow.

Paul asks…

Recycling plastic in Westchase area of Houston TX?

Where can I find recycling dumpsters for plastic in the Westchase or Memorial neighborhoods? I used to drop it off at the bins behind HEB on Kirkwood and Westheimer, but they’ve been removed. I live in an apartment complex that doesn’t offer curbside recycling.

The Expert answers:

I wish I knew. I used that bin also. I called HEB and they stated it was removed because people were putting trash in it.

Lisa asks…

Recycling-Could you usually put plastic bottles in the same bin as the cans and glass?

My villege is hard to get in touch with, but I live in Lindenhurst, but in general; for those of you who recycle, is that acceptable. My bin says glass and plastic recycling, but I think it is becasue it is an old bin, made before they had the plastics and my town does not give new ones.
I live on Long Island
Actually,, I could get in trouch with them, it is not impossible, but I wanted to know before I do the wrong thing and get fined

The Expert answers:

Well I’m a Packaging major… So I have a lil’ knowledge about this. Yes you can do that but, only if your recycling collection point separates the glass from plastic. I’m pretty sure your facility sorts them out, if they have bins labeled for both materials. That means they sorted plastic from glass before, and they probably still do. If they didn’t, they would let you know.

Sharon asks…

Is it true that if a plastic bottle has a bottle cap the recycling company won’t recycle it?

I heard a rumor that the recycling companies won’t recycle your plastic bottles if there are caps left on them! They’ll just throw them away! Is this true?

The Expert answers:

My understanding is that isn’t true. However, leaving the cap on your bottles can create a bit of a safety hazard to the workers at the material recovery facility that it ends up at. When they bale plastic, they compress it. Under heavy compression, that cap can become a high-velocity projectile (it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye!). Not to mention, the bottles are generally made of a grade of plastic (#2 HDPE) than the cap. #1 & #2 plastics are about eight times more valuble on the recycling market than #3-7 plastics, thus contamination results in a lower quality material to the eventual buyer.

Maria asks…

Can you get money from recycling plastic or does that only work with aluminum in Idaho?

Does the plastic have to be a bottle or just any plastic. How about glass and paper?

The Expert answers:

Every item made of plastic in recent times has a number inside triangle molded into it. The number identifies the kind of plastic. Not all kinds can be recycled. You will have to ask whether the places that take stuff for recycling will pay anything. Generally they don’t for anything but aluminum, but it varies by local and from year to year.

James asks…

Recycling plastic bottles of water for the first time?

I’m 15 and i just decided i wanted to start recycling to help out the environment, I have collected about 70 plastic bottles in the past month and i have absolutley no idea what so ever of what i should do.. my family doesnt have a recycling bin because we own a restraunt and just use their garbage can to put our trash in. haha i think thats illegal but yeahh anyways help! i’m clueless

The Expert answers:

Well maybe your resturant should recycle.
That would help ALOT

and most schools have recycling bins in their parking lots that are free for the public to but recyclable items in.
And you can also call your city and ask were to get recycle.

Or even better you can start your own recycling program in your community and save alot of trees

its worth it 😀

Linda asks…

Can i get money from recycling plastic the same way i recycle aluminum cans?

I was just wondering, because i have so many more plastic bottles than aluminum.

The Expert answers:

I think generally the answer is no. Different materials for recycling have different values and the value of plastic for recycling is so low that it only adds up to a worthwhile figure when the quantities are enormous.
But it is still important to recycle plastic because of the damage that discarded plastic can do. It takes hundreds of years to decompose and in the meantime disfigures the environment and is damaging to wild life.
Better even than recycling is to minimise the quantities that you buy. For example instead of buying bottled water use one of your spare bottles and fill it with water from your tap (faucet). Such water is generally perfectly fit to drink in the developed world.
Best wishes for a more sustainable world.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

James asks…

In Need of Recycled Craft Ideas?

Does anyone have a recycled craft they could share with me? Or possibly a youtube video or channel I could look at. I am feeling creative. So far I have made a bad from newspaper and a pencil holder from a can. Does anyone else have different ideas? I am up for anything. Note I am not an adult so i’m not too good at sewing and can’t use an iron.

Please put projects that have close to all recycled products in it. 🙂

Thank you

The Expert answers:

You picked a great craft idea.

Recycled Craft Ideas – Crafts from Recycled Materials …
Get creative with recycled materials with these ideas from
Http:// – Cached
Recycling Crafts; Recycling Craft Ideas for Kids and Adults
How to recycle common household items, recycling crafts, ideas and reuses; how to make old into new.
Http:// – Cached
Crafts from Recycled Materials: Reusing Materials to Make New …
Here are some great project and recycled craft ideas for reusing and recycling everyday items you might have around the house.
Http://… – Cached
Crafts from Recycled Stuff – Kids Crafts | Scout Crafts, Free …
Repurpose new bags or reuse old ones with economical ideas for bags of all types … FreeKidsCrafts Recycled Crafts Use egg cartons, old containers …
Http:// – Cached
How to Make Green Crafts – Trash to Treasure Crafts – Free …
Craft Green by Making these Trash to Treasure Crafts Creative and fun ideas for recycling trash into crafts – craft green! By Sherri Osborn, Guide – Cached
Free Recycling Craft Ideas and Tips – – Free …
Free Recycling Craft Ideas and Tips. … Recycling Crafts. Page 1 Page 2. Packaging out of plastic, metal and paper and other things we discard in the trash can be used for …
Http:// – Cached
Recycled Crafts – Free projects and DIY gift ideas from …
Recycled Crafts – Save the environment or your money with these frugal recycled craft projects. Recycle tins, cans,paper, card and much much more to create some …
Http:// – Cached
Recycle it! Craft projects & useful things you can do with …
Think it’s garbage? Think again. We’ve got lots of ideas for things you can do with all that old stuff to recycle, re-use it, and make stuff with it!
Ideas for Recycled Crafts | – eHow | How To Do Just …
Recycle, reduce and reuse. Using things destined for the recycle bin in craft projects is not limited to children’s egg carton and paper tube crafts. There are plenty …
Http:// – Cached
Creative upcycle and downcycle ideas | Recycled Crafts …
Recycle your furniture, clothing, decoration and art with free DIY ideas and inspirations.
Http:// –

Betty asks…

What is a good company name for recycled accessories?

I am starting to do craft fairs for my homemade and recycled accessories. Most of them are kind of retro or vintage looking, so i need a name that might imply that, but still be catchy. Right now it’s “Live, Laugh, Craft”, which i like a lot, except its probably the name of a billion other craft companies, too. And I want the name to pull people into my ideas and thoughts, and i am not trying to sound like every other crafter. So if you have any thoughts, please let me know, and soon 🙂 thanks :))

The Expert answers:

While not quite a trademark search, you might check of the .com domain name is available for the name you pick, if it is there’s a good chance none of the billion others are using it. It would cost $10/yr to lock up the domain name even if you don;t make a site right away.

There are sites with tools that help you come up with fictitious names, including:,,,, some of these tools look up the domain name availability as you go.

Marketer types would use a domain containing a phrase people actually search for, this would give a slight advantage in search results ranking. Perhaps VintageGreenHandcrafted.

Have you checked out the ebay of hand crafted etsy,com, you might find some inspiration there.

David asks…

I am looking for a craft idea for making clothing out of recycled thing, do you know anything?

My son has to do this for a project and they want him to make an article of clothing out of anything recycled.
Links or actual ideas would be nice!

The Expert answers:

Maybe together you could make a belt or some type of chainemaille out of pop tops that you pull off of drink cans or pet food cans. You could make the blue jean hat and make a pop top hat band. Here is a link to something similar, although a bit advanced, but you get the idea.


Lisa asks…

Which types of wire can be recycled?

I’m looking for a type of wire which can be used in crafts that can then be recycled afterwards. (paper clip wire, etc?)

Any help would be appreciated!

The Expert answers:

Wire is made of metal which is a highly sought after recyclable…..Of course, gold is more valuable than silver, silver more valuable than copper, and copper more valuable than tin. The more valuable a metal is, the more likely that it will be recycled in small quanities; crafting wire used by an individual is not likely to be scrapped in large quantities. Another thing that affects how likely a material is to actually be recycled is its coating and/or how easy it is to actually retrieve the metal. This would include paint, plastic coatings, and whether or not it is actually encased in some other material like paster of paris. If your area or community has a process that collects and gathers small quantities of metal into a larger cache/pile the chances are all the higher that your small quanities of craft generated wire will actually be recycled.

Off the top of my head, I would think that copper wire would be the most readily recycled/resued followed by steel; that is unless you plan on using actual gold or silver.

Paul asks…

my 7 year old has to make something from recycled materials for a craft fair?

she can use bottles, bags, boxes etc. any ideas on what we can make

The Expert answers:

Here are a few sites for your review.
Have fun with the project.


Charles asks…

I need ideas for crafts pleez!?

I want to make easy recycled crafts that don’t take forever and don’t use complicating materials or techniques, and that i can sell.

The Expert answers:

Mabey look at ( I don’t know if that’s how you spell it.) they have really cool things you can do as crafts most are recycleable

Carol asks…

uses for unwanted photos?? and film canisters ?? crafts / recycling?

I have recently taken up photography.
What uses can you think of for unwanted photos??
Photos that are blurry.

And film canisters ??
What can I use these for???

Oops I forgot, I have a rectangle tin, about the size of a cassette tape. Any uses for this???

Thanks for the answers so far!!!

The Expert answers:

You could donate the canisters to your nearest primary school, we use them as little glue pots!

Thomas asks…

Any sites that give instr. on how to make recycled jewelry?

I really like arts and crafts, and making jewelry but, I want to make them Eco-friendly from recycled items. Anyone know any sites or tips themselves?

The Expert answers:


There is a tutorial how to make jewelry from newspaper. Its sound funny isn’t it? You can find it at


Maria asks…

I’m really bored and I need ideas for arts and crafts?

I’m really bored, and I want to do some arts and crafts. I like to recycle things like little tin boxes or use one of those vending machine capsules to do something cool. Are there any sites that have fun arts and crafts ideas?

The Expert answers:

This article creates a seeded tray but you could use anything that the seeds will stick to. There are also seed beads instead of the editable and plant varieties.

Create a seeded serving tray

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

How our earth can be made neat, clean & beautiful. How we can join hands in this regards?.?

I invite the people throughout the world to make themselves more cooperative and helpful in making there environment neat & clean by doing more focus on solid waste management, waste recycling plant cnstruction, plantation of trees on large scale on emergency basis, building a habit of cultivation of flowers, vegetables and orchids in each & every house. involve our kids to help us too.

The Expert answers:

I have also enjoyed the benefits of freecycle! I do what I can to recycle and reuse many products. I have a garden in my backyard and I use seeds that I have saved from previous years, I also roll up my newspapers to use as logs in my fireplace in the winter months. My outdoor water is considered irrigation water, not fit to drink but without all the chemicals used for potable water. I learned all of this from my parents who grew up in a time where nothing was wasted! My now grown up son is asking me for advice on gardening and planting! He is also very earth friendly!

I will be glad to join hands with you to save our mother!

Carol asks…

Where can I recycle unused DVD and CD cases?

Over the years, I have collected a large amount of CD/DVD cases and want to get rid of them in a way that is friendly to the environment. Can I just recycle them through my county’s waste management recycling program or do I have to sent them to a specific location/company?

The Expert answers:

Please visity – it’s a wonderful organization to keep still usable items out of landfills and find new homes for them – as they say: one man’s trash is another man’s treasure 🙂
You can find a yahoo group in your area and join – it’s all local.

Thanx – hope this helps you a lot…

Richard asks…

Ways to improve ‘waste management’?


I have to write about ways in which we can improve waste management, (in Britain, but any ideas are welcome) for example, recycling, reducing and reusing.

I can’t really think of any sensible ideas and just wondered if anyone could help.
Thanks 🙂

The Expert answers:

Composting at home OR by town (you get a separate bin for composting and the bin man takes it away to a municipal compost tip)
where my sister lives they have a box for papers, one for tins and bottles and one for compostables. They pick that one up every week and every two weeks for the other two. The compostables go to a large scale compost tip and they are allowed to put a lot more into the compost bin than you would if you were composting at home.

Good luck on your paper

Betty asks…

Is there a group for teens who want to change the enviroment?

I live in North Idaho, and i’ve been trying to find ways to improve recycling, and waste management in my high school. I hope to be able to do some community clean up, We live in a 2000 person town so it wouldn’t be too hard. If I could find a group that could support me and my friends that would be great. If there is no group we should start one. If you have any info or opinions on this topic by all means answer.

The Expert answers:

CABY (Community Action By Youth) International; From Apathy to Empathy

Pay a visit!


Jenny asks…

in irvine ca, am i able to get a recycle bin for free from the waste management? i live in appt……………?

and if i need to pay for the bin, how much would it be?

The Expert answers:

Hi Daniel,

The City of Irvine has information on multi-unit recycling on this site:

It also provides maps of recycling bin locations for various complexes in Irvine here:

– Lisa
Library school student

Have a question you don’t want the whole world to see? Find your local Library at

James asks…

your opinion on waste management ?

what do you think about Canada’s
(or another place you live -please tell)
waste management? what laws have been enforced, do you think the government could be doing more ? what do you think about recycling, land fills and illegal dumping ?

anything at all would be much appreciated.
thanks 🙂

The Expert answers:

Well first of all garbage collecting in the United States is a necessary public service. Secondly The land fills are built so well to keep garbage in that they can preserve organic material for decades. They have become a way to produce power from methane collection, and Waste Management Inc. Also does the recycling program. So from what i see everyone is doing a great job.

Mary asks…

is americas waste management system working?

recycling fad is slowly passing. is enough being done to preserve our land and forests and oceans? im sooooo worried

The Expert answers:

No, it’s not.
Only the 25% of water bottles are getting recycled,
and there are indescribable amounts of trashes being
dumped every year.
These last century has been a development of manufacturing, skills, and industrial revolution.
There may be some enviroment lovers preffuring organic foods only, and people so amazing like Al Gore, but with so much people on this nation; it’s not enough at all.
If we continue producing carbon footprints so much like this, in less than 100years some countries on the pacific oceans may SUBMERGE.(example : Island Tubaloo)
We may suffer from skin cancers and things such like so by the development of the Glober Warming, and with so much people and so much land, America would take a big part as the causer and the sufferer.
But although America would contribute a bigger part in the development of the Glober Warming, it would not be the first to suffer;;
don’t you think this is unfair?
It’s time we’ve got to notice the critical stage of this and got to stop the Global Warming by recycling, reducing trashes, using bicycles, etc.
Watch “An Inconvinient Truth” for more!!! 🙂

Susan asks…

My neighborhood civic club just voted to have a private waste management company pick up trash twice a week?

This company is more expensive than the city’s waste management service which would have only picked up trash 1x per week. Now the private company is increasing the cost of the recycling pick-up, so the civic association is voting on whether to drop the recycling program. I want to weigh in on this issue at the next meeting. Any ideas on what I can say to keep the recycling program going even though it will be more expensive?
Golden Sindy: They wanted trash pick up twice a week instead of what the city offered – once a week. If everyone recycled in the first place, they wouldn’t even need 2 times/week. It’s crazy.
Hello my Virgo friend, Kelly.
Hey Isabelle: I see this is not a happy subject for you – eh? Wow, once every two weeks there. Well, people here just whine, if you ask me.

The Expert answers:

I would talk to some of your neighbors before the meeting. See what interest there is in recycling. Also use it as a chance to eduate them a little bit.

One option might even be to do a petition for most of the neighborhood. Not every homeowner will attend this meeting, but if you can get maybe 60%+ of the homeowners to sign and say they want recycling, how could the HOA Board of Directors say no?

If they turn down the recycle option, can you find some other company (perhaps a nonprofit?) who can send a truck to a central pick up point in the neighborhood to remove all the recyclables? Call around and see what other trash haulers are doing, too.

Linda asks…

What have humans done in terms of waste management? ?

Be specific, please 🙂

I was thinking like recycling, biodegradable products ect..

The Expert answers:

They are making biodegradable plastics from corn.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

how is a bathtub recycled??

You put out your cans in the garbage and they get sent to the dump and sorted out of other garbage, but what if you want to get rid of your bathtub? where do you take it and if the garbage trucks take it, where do they take it? what happens to it?
You put out your cans in the garbage and they get sent to the dump and sorted out of other garbage, but what if you want to get rid of your bathtub? where do you take it and if the garbage trucks take it, where do they take it? what happens to it? If you could answer it orr knoww a sourcee, it would help me alooott because I need it for an assignment for tomarow, thannxx alott.

The Expert answers:

The last bath tub I got rid of was an old cast iron tub. It got taken and sold to a scrap yard for the metal to be recycled.

Laura asks…

a question about prison.?

i started thinking about something the other night when i was watching spngebob. it was a new episode. spongebob got on the wrong ship, it was a ship that transports prisoners. and when the got there the dude in charge said: it is my duty to deal with the trash that society has thrown away.” and spngebob said “i always prefer to recycle.” and that got me thinking. are prisons meant to change people for the better whn they get out like when you recycle or is it supposed to be like a place that garbage trucks bring all the trash, land fills is what i think they are called. so is prison meant for recycling the criminals or throwing them away for good? if you know what i mean.

The Expert answers:

There are different theories of punishment:
Retribution: Punish people to satisfy the natural desire of victims for revenge.
Deterrence: So offenders (and potential offenders) will behave out of fear of punishment and the risk of punishment.
Security: Take dangerous people out of the environment to protect everyone.
Rehabilitation: To restrain offenders in order to compel them to submit to whatever form of education or therapy is likely to turn them from their ant-social ways.

The trouble is that in the US there is no one consistent theory — so the “purposes” of imprisonment are all jumbled together & conflict with each other & different people will answer your question differently.

Mandy asks…

I need help for my presentation 2morrow?

I’m a freshman in highschool :; heres what I have to do ::
Your city wishes to develop an effective recycling program similar to the one we have here in Seattle, and would like you to prepare a proposal for getting it done. I have been asked to explain to you what that proposal should include.

1) Landfill costs. Assume that the present cost for delivery of one truckload of garbage to your local landfill is $100.00.
About 80 trashcans can fill up one Waste Management garbage truck based on the approximate dimensions of garbage trucks you have seen and the dimensions of a typical household garbage can. This will give you an estimate of the cost to the city of delivery of one garbage can full of trash. In our experience, each person living in a city produces about ¼ of a garbage can’s worth of garbage each week. With this information and the current population of the city of Detroit, you should he able to estimate what your city’s current landfill costs are.

2)Amount of recyclable garbage generated by typical home. Log the number of non-recyclable garbage bags that are taken out each day. Then at the end of the week, place all recyclable products in the same size garbage bags. Count and record the total number of bags filled with recyclable products. If one third of the garbage is recyclable, then that means only two thirds will go to the landfill. From that, you can calculate the amount of money saved in landfill costs.

3) Value of recyclable materials.
Metal/aluminum cans have an average value of $.75 per pound. Glass or plastic has an average value of $.10 per pound. Paper has an average value of $20.00 per pound. Note: If the recyclable material is not separated in the home, it will cost the city approximately $.03 a pound to have it separated.

4) Based on this information, please calculate how much money would be saved by the city if glass, plastic, metal and paper were recycled instead of sent to a landfill, and whether or not the city should require that such materials be separated in the home prior to being picked up.

5) You will need the support of the people in your household for this program to work, for they must at least be willing to separate out recyclable material from non-recyclable material. You will need to survey all of the people living in household to determine their attitudes toward recycling, and determine what they would be willing to do and what incentives or fines the city could use to encourage compliance with its new recycling program.

The Expert answers:

Im sorry cant help, do the math, good luck~!

Sandy asks…

i have a question about prison.?

i started thinking about something the other night when i was watching spngebob. it was a new episode. spongebob got on the wrong ship, it was a ship that transports prisoners. and when the got there the dude in charge said: it is my duty to deal with the trash that society has thrown away.” and spngebob said “i always prefer to recycle.” and that got me thinking. are prisons meant to change people for the better whn they get out like when you recycle or is it supposed to be like a place that garbage trucks bring all the trash, land fills is what i think they are called. so is prison meant for recycling the criminals or throwing them away for good? if you know what i mean.

The Expert answers:

I’ve thought about this as well. Prisons are suppose to reform people but unfortunately it has become more about punishment and just having a place to keep people who are not fit to live amongst other people.

Helen asks…

A stranger is putting trash bags on my curb?

I live in a house by a street instead of a neighborhood. Surrounding my house are several apartment complexes. Around trash day someone is putting his recycling bags next to our trash cans on the curb. Sometimes he puts the bags there a day late and they aren’t picked up or sometimes the garbage trucks just don’t pick them up. This problem has now escalated to me receiving a city ordinance stating that if it continues I will no longer have my trash picked up. Since I do not know the person or know where he lives it is a difficult situation.
He also doesn’t put his trash there every week, sometimes every other week or every 4 weeks. I can’t go door to door because of the amount of apartments, and the bags are usually there before I come home.

The Expert answers:

Man, that really sucks, especially since you’ve gotten notices from the city. I run a webcam at my house during the day for security reasons (and just so I can watch the dogs play in the yard, etc.). Perhaps you could try that. I use to host my cam. It’s accessible online so I can watch it while at work or at a friend’s house, etc. You have to sign up to use the service, but it’s free. It also records and saves the recording to your account online, but it only records two hours (I think) and then it reverts to just broadcast mode. If you leave the house in the morning that probably won’t work, but you might give it a try.

Heck, set a webcam up in your window and put a sign on the curb saying that you’ve received notices from the city that their dumping is against ordinance, so you’re recording them right now to find out who they are.

Good luck with it, man… That’s REALLY annoying. Hey…. Have you gone through their garbage to see if their name/address is on anything in it?

Robert asks…

Picking up litter – neighbours think I’m barmy?

After the council recycling lorry has passed by every Thursday they always leave loads of litter and garbage in the street.

I can’t leave for work until the street is reasonable tidy, I’m a tidy person, so I wander around picking up the plastic bags and cartons the recycling truck leaves behind.

My neighbours think this is funny.

Personally I think the council should be doing this, as we are forced to recycle or we get fined, but they don’t. So I take responsibility for my street.

Am I odd?

The Expert answers:

No your not odd, you are a responsible citizen (we don’t see many people like you). You need to do what I done a few weeks ago and take pictures of the rubbish they leave behind and tape them to your trash can with a note and also take copies of the pics to your city council. Part of my incident was the trash people was crushing trash in front of my house leaving crushed glass on the streets and the trash cans in the streets. My neighbors laughed at me for sweeping up the street, well I don’t won’t punctured tires.

Jenny asks…

What is 340 cubic yards?

If you had 340 cubic yards of trash how much would that look like in layman’s terms…. like could it be equal to 3 garbage truck loads? I’m writing a story on recycling and they told me that they collected 340 cubic yard, but I have no reference to how much that really is so i’m having trouble describing it.. thanks

The Expert answers:

OK, let’s picture this.
To make things a bit easier, convert the cubic yard to cubic feet.
1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet (3 x 3 x 3), 1 yard = 3 feet.

Now one room in your house is about say 15 feet long, 20 feet wide and say 15 feet in height so that is 15 x 15 x 20 = 4500 cubic feet.

But 340 cubic yard = 340 x 27 = 9180 cubic feet.

This means the trash is enough to fill slightly over 2 rooms in your house.

Don’t mean to describe your home, but picturing the volume as room size may make it clearer.

Betty asks…

Help me with my garbage in Taipei!?

Hello, I have just moved to Taiwan from the USA, and I’m totally frustrated with the garbage issue. I live just north of Zhongxiao FuXing, and apparently a truck comes at 7pm certain days of the week to get my trash. I was able to buy bags at the 7-11, but they are wicked small. I bought a pizza with some friends last night and I couldn’t throw it anywhere so now I have a bucket of ants in my apartment. And recycling, what exactly do they let me recycle? I can’t find that anywhere on the site. Please help!

The Expert answers:

7-11 only sells the small bags. Go to a proper supermarket to get larger sizes. Pizza boxes are made of cardboard – that is recyclable and thus doesn´t need to be put in the bag.

Recycle – anything with the recycle symbol – looks like a square made of arrows – look on any plactic or can to see what it looks like. If the packaging has this mark then recycle and save on garbage bags.
PLUS: recycle any paper, cardboard, glass, metal, computer parts.

Richard asks…

How do you feel about garbage pickers?

Our last week in a marginal part of Long Island, NY, garbage pickers had descended upon our property to sort through 10 years of our stuff. Hey, I have nothing against recycling in that way — we got the wicker porch furniture I’m sitting on now like that a few years ago — but these people are a greedy bunch. One lady wouldn’t take the Atari 2600 I had out there unless I could find the joystick for it. Another one was peeking in our moving truck, asking if he could have some of the stuff we’d loaded. As I was walking out to the truck with our huge tub of loose change, a lady asked me if I were going to throw that out. “Yeah,” I told her. “I love throwing out money.”

The Expert answers:

Every year my town does a spring cleanup where you toss whatever you want gone on the roadside and it gets hauled away. The folks around here are fairly friendly with garbage pickers/scavengers. If they toss out stuff that can be re-used they put it neatly or label appliances or whatever whether it works or not. Seriously you can’t get anywhere around here during springtime because folks are always driving slow passed the piles of junk to see what’s there lol!

Anyways, I have nothing against these folks.. Its that much less that ends up in the landfill. The folks you dealt with though.. Very aggressive.. I would have been irritated… That’s not saying much though.. I’m always irritated lately. Anyways it sounds like you handled them gracefully. It does make you wonder what people are thinking sometimes though.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mary asks…

what are some facts about the japanese recycling system.?

i need to do an essay on it tomorrow in class and do really good so my teacher will say yes when i ask her to prom.

(stay on topic)

The Expert answers:

Firstly, there is no ‘Japanese’ recycling system. Every area has its own system and this can even vary within a township. So, on the basis of this there are a huge number of variations that can exist. Generally, the minimum separation of trash is burnable / non-burnable / glass / PET bottles / polystyrene / cans. This can be expanded to include different plastics, compostable items, steel, inorganic collection. Different trash has specific days of collection, maybe once a week or once a month.

Charles asks…

I need recycling facts?

I’m a little project on recycling in science class. Can you help?
I’m doing a little project on recycling. Got any facts? Or websights?

The Expert answers:

You can find a wealth of information at WWW.HRRA.ORG . The Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority is a regional, governmental, waste management and recycling authority serving eleven municipalities in western Connecticut . You will find recycling pamphlets there and information on the 2010 Earth Day poster contest. They also have information on school recycling programs and other recycling related events.

Ruth asks…

Recycling Facts Question?

i need a good website on facts such as “this many trees are cut down to make a stack of newspapers”. or “this much water is used everyday flushing toilets”. i need to know the numbers. also likehow much wasted gas is used per year. thankyou, if you have any questions i will be refreshing the page frequently. sorry if i sound quick and rushed, cuz i kinda its a project for school. thanks for any help you have.

The Expert answers:


Nancy asks…

i can’t find 10 facts about recycling metals?

plesase can you help me find 10 facts about recycling metals!

thank you

The Expert answers:


*Every year we save enough energy recycling steel to supply L.A. With nearly a decade’s worth of electricity.

*We save enough energy by recycling one aluminum can to run a TV set for three hours.

*Recycling aluminum saves 95% of the energy used to make the material from scratch. That means you can make 20 cans out of recycled material with the same amount of energy it takes to make one can out of new material. Energy savings in 1993 alone were enough to light a city the size of Pittsburgh for six years. .

*Americans throw away enough aluminum every month to rebuild our entire commercial air fleet.

*Recycling steel and tin cans saves 74% of the energy used to produce them.

* Americans use 100 million tin and steel cans every day.

*Americans throw out enough iron and steel to supply all the nation’s automakers on a continuous basis.

*A steel mill using recycled scrap reduces related water pollution, air pollution and mining wastes by about 70%.

** When you toss out one aluminum can you waste as much energy as if you’d filled the same can half-full of gasoline and poured it into the ground.

Donna asks…

Facts about recycling?? Please help!?

I need to get 4 positive and 4 negative facts about recycling. Please help! Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Advantages- Recycling help to limit the amount of glass, paper, and plastic that must be produced. This will end with less garbage in landfills becuase it’s being reused. Disadvantages- Seperate factories must be set up for the recycling of materials, this will just cause more pollution.

Votte me

Lizzie asks…

Facts About Recycling!!!?

im doing a project that involves pros and cons of recycling but i just only need facts about recycling!! plz help me!!

The Expert answers:

Aluminum Recycling Facts

– A used aluminum can is recycled and back on the grocery shelf as a new can, in as little as 60 days. That’s closed loop recycling at its finest!
– Used aluminum beverage cans are the most recycled item in the U.S., but other types of aluminum, such as siding, gutters, car components, storm window frames, and lawn furniture can also be recycled.
– Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours — or the equivalent of a half a gallon of gasoline.
-More aluminum goes into beverage cans than any other product.
– Because so many of them are recycled, aluminum cans account for less than 1% of the total U.S. Waste stream, according to EPA estimates.
– An aluminum can that is thrown away will still be a can 500 years from now!
– There is no limit to the amount of times an aluminum can be recycled.
– We use over 80,000,000,000 aluminum soda cans every year.
– At one time, aluminum was more valuable than gold!
– A 60-watt light bulb can be run for over a day on the amount of energy saved by recycling 1 pound of steel. In one year in the United States, the recycling of steel saves enough energy to heat and light 18,000,000 homes!

Bundled Newspaper

Paper Recycling Facts

– To produce each week’s Sunday newspapers, 500,000 trees must be cut down.
-Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000 trees.
– If all our newspaper was recycled, we could save about 250,000,000 trees each year!
– If every American recycled just one-tenth of their newspapers, we would save about 25,000,000 trees a year.
– If you had a 15-year-old tree and made it into paper grocery bags, you’d get about 700 of them. A busy supermarket could use all of them in under an hour! This means in one year, one supermarket can go through over 6 million paper bags! Imagine how many supermarkets there are just in the United States!!!
– The average American uses seven trees a year in paper, wood, and other products made from trees. This amounts to about 2,000,000,000 trees per year!
– The amount of wood and paper we throw away each year is enough to heat 50,000,000 homes for 20 years.
– Approximately 1 billion trees worth of paper are thrown away every year in the U.S.
– Americans use 85,000,000 tons of paper a year; about 680 pounds per person.
– The average household throws away 13,000 separate pieces of paper each year. Most is packaging and junk mail.
– In 1993, U.S. Paper recovery saved more than 90,000,000 cubic yards of landfill space.
– Each ton (2000 pounds) of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, three cubic yards of landfill space, 4000 kilowatts of energy, and 7000 gallons of water. This represents a 64% energy savings, a 58% water savings, and 60 pounds less of air pollution!
– The 17 trees saved (above) can absorb a total of 250 pounds of carbon dioxide from the air each year. Burning that same ton of paper would create 1500 pounds of carbon dioxide.
– The construction costs of a paper mill designed to use waste paper is 50 to 80% less than the cost of a mill using new pulp.

Recycle Plastic

Plastic Recycling Facts

– Americans use 2,500,000 plastic bottles every hour! Most of them are thrown away!
– Plastic bags and other plastic garbage thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1,000,000 sea creatures every year!
– Recycling plastic saves twice as much energy as burning it in an incinerator.
– Americans throw away 25,000,000,000 Styrofoam coffee cups every year.

Recycle Bottles

Glass Recycling Facts

– Every month, we throw out enough glass bottles and jars to fill up a giant skyscraper. All of these jars are recyclable!
– The energy saved from recycling one glass bottle can run a 100-watt light bulb for four hours or a compact fluorescent bulb for 20 hours. It also causes 20% less air pollution and 50% less water pollution than when a new bottle is made from raw materials.
– A modern glass bottle would take 4000 years or more to decompose — and even longer if it’s in the landfill.
– Mining and transporting raw materials for glass produces about 385 pounds of waste for every ton of glass that is made. If recycled glass is substituted for half of the raw materials, the waste is cut by more than 80%.


Solid Waste and Landfills

– About one-third of an average dump is made up of packaging material!
– Every year, each American throws out about 1,200 pounds of organic garbage that can be composted.
– The U.S. Is the #1 trash-producing country in the world at 1,609 pounds per person per year. This means that 5% of the world’s people generate 40% of the world’s waste.
– The highest point in Hamilton County, Ohio (near Cincinnati) is “Mount Rumpke.” It is actually a mountain of trash at the Rumpke sanitary landfill towering 1045 ft. Above sea level.
– The US population discards each year 16,000,000,000 diapers, 1,600,000,000 pens, 2,000,000,000

Jenny asks…

What should I put on my environmental Club thing? Like facts about recycling?? Best answer gets 10 points?

The Expert answers:

Did you know that recycling 10 cans saves 4 pounds of CO2?

Think of how many people drink from a can each day (sodas,snapple,etc.)

it all adds up=)

Lisa asks…

can you give me 3-4 facts about recycling aluminium?

The Expert answers:

1. Drink your can of crappy soda
2. Stick in the recycling bag
3. Put out for recycling team
4. Buy new can of crappy soda

Laura asks…

how many watts of energy can you save by recycling one aluminum can?

any other fun recycling facts??

The Expert answers:

This site[1] says a 100 watt bulb for 4 hours, which is 0.4 kiloWatt hours, or 1.44MJ (MegaJoules… Million Joules).

That amount of energy is equivalent to a 100W bulb for 4 hours, or 1 million Watts for 1.44 seconds, or 1 Watt for 400 hours.

Watts measure power (change in energy / change in time), energy is measured in Joules. As you can see above, using Watts to measure energy doesn’t work. The answer could be 1 Watt or 1 million Watts, but it is always 1.44 million Joules.

1 Joule is the gravitational energy associated with moving about 0.1kg up by 1 metre in the gravitational field of the Earth. So 1.44MJ is the increase in potential energy of 144 tonnes raised by 1 metre.

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