Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Carol asks…
Are there any female celebrities out there wearing the folllowing fashions recently?
I am wondering if there are any female celebrities out there who are wearing unused/unused recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bags spotted recently wear it.
The Expert answers:
If they wear something that the sponser has given them for FREE , The public sees them wearing it then they/ customer want to wear it and the designer/sponser gets paid and the celeb gets a FREE outfit . Dont buy into it ladies
Thomas asks…
What do you place your shredded paper in?
A brown paper bag like you do newspaper when recycling or just in a plastic garbage bag in with the regular trash? Also, have you ever used shredded paper in your compost?
The Expert answers:
In my city if we want to recycle shredded paper we have to place it in a clear plastic bag, secure the bag, and then deposit the whole thing in the blue box. ( Our blue box is huge and has a cover)
John asks…
What recycled material to make dress out of?
hey guys
every year my high school has a fashion show and it features garments made out of recycled items. We have all seen the garbage bags, tissue paper, newspaper, and pop cans, so what material do you think i can make a garment out of for next year? just trying to get a head start for next year.
The Expert answers:
I’ve done several of these while I was in fashion school. I’ve also seen poker chips (lots of holes need to be drilled for that), plastic spoons, microwave popcorn bags (some popped, some not, some half popped, etc), LED lights, paper cranes, bubble wrap, CDs, cassette tape (taken out of the plastic casing), bubblegum or other candy wrappers, masking tape, chip bags, ties, balloons, paper fans, junk mail, and (unused) toilet paper. I’ve made dresses out of paper flowers and party favors, and one out of plastic leis. I’ve also seen packing peanuts, rubber gloves, balloons, licorice, and safety pins.
I can’t think of anything else. Point is, pretty much anything can be used. Think about mixing textures by using several items. Consider what other skills you have you can incorporate or use to create material – if you know anything about metal work, you could refashion soda cans. Start collecting now, you can always throw it back in the recycling bin later!
James asks…
Environmental friendly trash bags?
I was reading this article, and what people posted after the article, and I was just wondering what is the best thing to use to collect garbage? I am somwhat ruthless about recycling (our city makes it very easy – you just throw all of the acceptable things into a cart). I usually take my own bags to the store when shopping, because I hate plastic bags, that is not somthing new, I have always hated them. Anyhow, to get to the point. I do all of this stuff, and make my family do it, but we still put our garbage in plastic garbage bags. I am thinking that they take a long time to break up. So I would appreciate hearing what everyone else does.
Does anyone have an alternative? Paper is one alternative, but it seems like it would get really messy.
Please let me know!
This is the article
The Expert answers:
There are several brands of biodegradable “plastic” bags available for trash etc
The bags have a limited life but otherwise function absolutely fine (ie they don’t fall to pieces when you use them)
If your local store doesn’t store them check on the intranet – many sites sell these. Check for EPA validation just to make sure.
Good on you for taking the initiative
Jenny asks…
Planning a party…. Anything we’re missing or could add?
Alright, so 4 of us share a house, and we’ve been planning a halloween get together this weekend (too much competition for halloween night), and we want to make sure we’re not missing anything. Most of who we’ve invited are people we know, though many of them are bringing friends, and we’ve also invited some people we don’t know overly well, so we want to make sure our things are protected. We’re looking at about 40 people, (anywhere for 25-60)…
Here are some thing we’ve done to prepare
(oh, and for background info, we’re going to try and keep everyone contained on the main floor…. we do have a basement and upstairs… our main floor has a living room, dining room, kitchen, and bathroom, all connected.. half is carpet, half is that fake hardwood stuff)
-Only given our address away to individuals and not to the public
-Put away any furnature like stands or small side tables that can be easily tipped over
-Put covers over the couches.
-Put away DVDs, dvd player, tv remote, video games, all that kind of stuff.
– Got large plastic table cloths to put over the tv and entertainment stand (it’s wood) to ensure its protected from spills and watermarks. These will be taped down with masking tape.
-Also used plastic tablecloths on the dining room table and buffet to protect the wood.
-Put away house plants
-Put away knives in the kitchen
-Put baby gates at the top of the stairs to the basement and the bottom of the stairs to the second floor (we were wondering about also hanging a sheet or something here? But scared about people falling down the stairs.
-we’ll be watching who is driving and taking their keys if they drink
-Provide non-alcoholic drinks
-provide cups and ice and straws
-provide places for people to stay
-Ensure everyone is of proper drinking age.
-We DO live in a complex but the houses on either side of us happen to be vacant at the moment, so we’ll keep the windows closed and try to keep the volume to a reasonable level.
-Set up garbage bags, recycling bins, and empty beer cases for people to put thier garbage and empties (i’m sure this won’t happen but it’s worth a try.. and might make cleaning easier)..
-Put away anything valuable or really breakable
-Have a mop and broom ready
-Keep bedroom doors locked
-Put out paper towel for easy cleaning up
-Make sure main floor bathroom stays clean.
Is there anything else we need to do or NOT do? We do realise there is going to be mess and noise to deal with, but as we know most of the people and have asked them to be responsible for their friends, we don’t feel there will be much of a problem. Plus there are 4 of us, as well as many people who will help keep the situation in order (even if people ARE drunk)….
Any tips or comments?
haha, i thought of that too 😛 and I have two keys to my door so i’ll hide one and wear the other one of a necklace
The Expert answers:
Make sure you have a place to keep people’s stuff… Like a locked room for the girl’s bags and people’s coats. You don’t want any drunken drama over who stole what from whom!
Paul asks…
What happens to styrofoam packing material in the landfill?
So often as I’m preparing to recycle, I fill a garbage bag with packing from purchases like lamps, electronics, etc. and I wonder if it couldn’t be recycled. It seems to me I’ve read that it degrades in landfills very slowly. Is this true, and does it release toxic chemicals as it degrades?
The Expert answers:
EPS is most commonly (and inaccurately) known as ‘Styrofoam,’ which is actually a brand of home insulation trademarked by Dow Chemical. Throwing EPS into the garbage means adding it to a landfill. Cole Hardware recommends the following solutions for you to properly dispose of EPS: (see
Reusing EPS saves considerably more energy and resources than recycling does.
It can be grinded-up and made into structural insulated panels. See:
George asks…
Ideas for getting recycling program started?
So I’m a student at the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign and my problem is that the entire city of Champaign does not have a recycling program. We throw away garbage and recyclables into the same bag. I don’t know how local government and municipalities work, but anyone have any idea how I could get some law makers to atleast think about getting a recycling program instituted? I hear they tell bums to look through trash for recyclable stuff and then take it to a recycling center a few miles away in another town.
The Expert answers:
That is terrible!! Do your research and write letters to your people in local government! Get others to write and sign petitions. They need to know that a lot of people care. Organize your fellow students. Maybe begin by trying to get a recycling program started on campus.
Chris asks…
Putting recyles in a plastic-garbage like bag: Environmentally sustainable?
The recycling program in the town that I live in requires residents to put their plastic recyclables into a blue garbage bag and set them next to their trash.
I always thought that garbage bags and plastic bags weren’t environmentally sustainable, and using a bucket with recyclable plastic was always the positive alternative. I’ve never seen anything like this plastic bag.
Does anybody know if this program is more harmful to the environment than it is helpful?
This information will be insanely helpful, because if it is a harmful policy, I’d like to take the actions to have it removed and replaced with a safer, more earth-friendly one.
The Expert answers:
I think it’s all about speed, how fast the guys can dump the stuff in the truck. It’s faster and easier, usually, maybe to do it this way. Same with the garbage in bags now instead of trash cans…..
Richard asks…
What does the garbage guy think when he sees tons of beer, wine and liquor empty bottles in the trash room?
I collect my alcohol bottles and put them in a large recycling bag and never throw them away till its full and there’s tons of different alcohol bottles in it and then put it outside for the garbage guy to recycle and what does he think when he sees that there are so many empty bottles from alcoholic drinks in the bag and that there is nothing else (no empty juice bottles, soda bottles or milk bottles) and when he sees this every two weeks?
Weather man, some of them are mine the rest are my grandfathers my grandfather drinks beer and liqour, P.S. I don’t just collect my empty alcohol bottles to do this but I also collect my grandfathers bottles and every body else’s and I also go to floors of my building and take out somebody else’s empty alcohol bottles and collect those in my trash collection too.
The Expert answers:
He probably doesn’t care, he sees a bag like that every other stop. However if everyone’s being nice enough to give you their recyclables, I’d be taking that bag to the redemption center and getting some cash for it all! One large bag of cans gets me about $20 a week. It’s nice to have pocket change!
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Steven asks…
How to treat the waste water mixed with carbohydrate beverages residue before it is drained to the drainage?
This is part of the unnoticed environmental issue which I observed done by the beverage bottle recycling factory next door and I feel that I am obliged to suggest a solution.
The Expert answers:
Go and have a look, they willeither go to the sewer or be recycled on site!
Richard asks…
how can you possible waste water?
Because doesn’t it go into the water bed and then go back into where we get water? I don’t get it because I though that all water was recycled.
The Expert answers:
In a sense you are right; the water goes back into the cycle and is not ULTIMATELY and ETERNALLY lost. It may get back into the polar ice caps or into the ocean, and in a VERY LONG RUN, come back to you as a raindrop.
You waste AVAILABLE water when you use it unwisely. If, as a fair lady has remarked, you take a 20 minute bath, then the water that could have been used for another one’s bath is “lost” down the drain – and that is the “waste” of a precious opportunity. So, if a whole nation of about 200 million people take 20 minute baths each, then that country is wasting resources on the luxury – those resources are required for other people in the world.
George asks…
Recycling 20% fish aquarium water changes for use with seedlings or houseplants?
I swear that I have read this information somewhere before, but for the life of me, I haven’t been able to conduct a productive web search so as to locate that information again. Does anyone either remember a link or have some personal information about recycling aquarium water for plants? If I am remembering correctly, the low levels of NH4 in the aquarium water provide plants with a easy routine liquid fertilizer, and besides…if I can use the water for something beneficial, why would I want to waste it, by flushing it down the toilet?
The Expert answers:
I have almost as many aquariums as house plants and have used it for years. Outdoors I go one better. I sell live bait every summer and throw any dead minnows in a five gallon bucket of water. After a few days in the sun, I use this “stew” on my vegetable garden. This is down wind, anything upwind around the house gets less “nosey” fare. If you have kids, try this next time a goldfish needs a funeral instead of a flush. Dig two holes 5″ deep, put the dead fish in the bottom of one hole and cover with 4″ of soil, a corn seed (or large flower seed) and cover with 1″ more soil. Do the same without the fish in the other hole and presto, a science project and life lesson in one! RScott
Charles asks…
Can food waste be recycled into drinkable water?
The Expert answers:
It gets even better than that! Didn’t you see the movie “Soylent Green?”
Jenny asks…
recycled water?
Recycled water?
if people eat pork and it goes into sewage after there bodies have finished with it,
the sewage gets recycled into drinking water
is it then ok for persons of a religion that does not consume pork to drink recycled waste water
as the water is not pure
and is it not halal
The Expert answers:
What!? What’s next, Halal water? This better not be true
Lizzie asks…
How disgusted are you to know that your city recycles water and your drinking “purified” waste from toilets?
The Expert answers:
The whole world reuses water…We drink the same water that the dinosaurs drank through a process called The Water Cycle. If you would’ve have paid attention to Ms. Jones in 2nd grade you would’ve know that.(:
Chris asks…
can waste water sludge be recycled and how can it be used to make a profit?
best answer will get 10 pts
The Expert answers:
Really depends on the source of the waste water. Sewage treatment plants for example use microorganisms to essentially eat much of the solid waste. The remaining solids are separated from the water, dried, and often sold as fertilizer – often this is what is used in municipal flower gardens. The remaining water is chemically treated to remove nutrients, and disinfected, before being returned to the environment (usually discharged into a lake or stream).
Paul asks…
when you recycle are you wasting water by rinsing out the bottles and cans?
or do you put them in the bin dirty? Does that defeat the purpose of recycling?
The Expert answers:
You actually don’t need to rinse out plastic or glass containers. Just dump out any excess food. Recycling centers wash the containers anyway.
Ruth asks…
Waste water treatment facility procedures?
Please answer these questions cohesively and elaborate on them(don’t give simple, single sentence answers) :
Are human wastes recycled? Are any other organisms(specific bacteria?) involved in the treatment? Would you be willing to drink the water that comes from the treatment plant? Why or why not?
In conclusion, what is the general importance of wastewater treatment?
The Expert answers:
Yes, weast water is recycled in most parts of the world and they are used again and again
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Mark asks…
what are five fun facts about recycling composting?
plleeaaseeee help
The Expert answers:
It’s easy
it’s free
dont put it in your green bin the council will compost it and then you have to buy it back
you dont have to go to garden centres for compost
you dont sit in lousy traffic going out for compost
Laura asks…
what is a good fact for recycling best answer 20 points?
my sister is doing a project on recycling and she needs a few facts about recycling.
give me some please
The Expert answers:
Can’t she and/or you find them on your own?
P.s. It’s 10 points for best answer,not 20
Donald asks…
3 Facts/statistics/examples of support to prove that recycling saves energy & helps reduce global warming?
The Expert answers:
Sorry to hurt your feelings but recycling reduces landfill space but does not save energy. It takes more energy to recycle something than to make it from scratch, that’s why recycling is subsidized by tax payers. Without the tax breaks and direct subsidies it wouldn’t be feasible. I tell people who recycle plastic bottles to just use glass (which is one of the few truly recyclable items) instead. Steel recycles well but if you look at the totality (including tires, batts etc) it’s a failed idea and recycling plants are even given some breaks from the EPA because of the pollution required to carry it off!
Susan asks…
What are some facts about recycling bottle caps?
I need true facts this is for my earth day project. Something like, ” By recycling bottle caps you can save 5 ducks or animals.” Something along that line.
The Expert answers:
If it weren’t for recycling bottle caps, Paula Deen would not have been able to invent her groundbreaking “English Peas” recipe. Here it is…..
“Melt the butter in small pot and add the peas. Cook over medium heat until peas are warm.”
This recipe is so complicated, Chef Gordon Ramsay, Chef Jacques Pépin, Chef Rick Bayless, Chef Jose Andres, Chef Hubert Keller, Chef Daisy “Coochie Coochie” Martinez, Chef Paul Prudhomme, Chef Martin Yan Can Cook Ah So Can You, and Chef Leslie “Boom Boom T-Rex” Sbrocco, could not recreate it.
Sharon asks…
I need lots of facts on Recycling!? help! ?
I am doing an essay which is due tomorrow!
The Expert answers:
Thought I’d trow in a couple extras for goot measure.
Did you know Mount Rumpke is the highest point in Ohio at over 1000 feet, it’s no Mount Everest; however, Mount Everest is not made up entirely of garbage. Mount Rumpke is literally a mountain of trash and is located in the Rumpke landfill. All that stuff that could have been recycled. [1]
Did you know, the Hershey Company in the US produces about 20,000,000 kisses each day using 133 square miles of aluminum to wrap them in; this material is recyclable and most of it ends up in the trash rather than the recycle bin. ..imagine that 133 square miles a day,[2]
Energy used to recycle paper is close to 70% less than when paper is prepared using virgin wood and other raw material. Recycling 14 trees worth of paper reduces air pollutants by 165,142 tons.[3]
Netherlands households recycle65% of their materials followed by Austria with 59% in second [4]
Did you know there is a Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) it’s the only global recycling industry association representing more than 850 companies and 40 affiliated federations from 70 different countries.[5]
The amount of recycling in 2007 saved the energy equivalent of 10.7 billion gallons of gasoline and prevented the release of carbon dioxide of approximately 35 million cars
Recycling 1 ton of aluminum cans conserves the equivalent of 1,665 gallons of gasoline[6]
Thomas asks…
Simple facts about recycling?
The Expert answers:
In most, read almost all, cases recycling is worst for the environment than just tossing it out.
Aluminum (most metals) are worth it recycling, but why beat a dead horse when other have said it better.
Go here and watch, you might be surprised.
Betty asks…
Facts about recycling?
what is a good site of where to find the percent of people who recycle in the United states..?
The Expert answers:
You can try these:
Chris asks…
Old recycled facts are not the same as news?
We knew that meth turned people into zombies thirty years ago.
But I guess it’s a popular jock/cop/military drug, and we’re supposed to pretend we didn’t know it leads to burn out.
The Expert answers:
The word it self should talk about it “news” not “olds” . This is olds!
George asks…
10 facts about recycling.?
The Expert answers:
* On average every person in the UK throws away their own body weight in rubbish every seven weeks.
* Every UK household produces over one tonne of rubbish every year.
* Every eight months the UK produces enough waste to fill Lake Windermere.
* It is estimated that there are 90 million redundant mobile phones in the UK. You could get up to £180 for your old mobile – Click Here for more information.
* Over Christmas as much as 83km² of wrapping paper will end up in UK rubbish bins, enough to cover an area larger than Guernsey.
* Recycling one glass bottle saves enough energy to power a colour TV for 15 minutes.
* It is not known how long glass takes to break down, but it’s so long that glass made in the Middle East over 3000 years ago can still be found today.
* Each tonne of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, 3 cubic yards of landfill space, 4000 KW of energy and 7000 gallons of water.
* Incinerating 10,000 tonnes of waste creates one job, land-filling the same amount of waste creates six jobs but recycling this much waste creates 36 jobs.
* The energy saved by recycling one plastic bottle will power a 60W light bulb for six hours.
* Once an aluminium can is recycled it can be part of new can within six weeks.
* If all the aluminium cans sold in the UK were recycled, there would be 14 million fewer full dustbins each year.
* Rainforests are being cut down at the rate of 100 acres per minute.
* It takes just 25 two litre drink bottles to make one adult size fleece.
* 70% less energy is required to recycle paper compared with making it from raw materials.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Linda asks…
How do I restore items from the Recycle Bin?
Accidentally deleted the folder with our vacation photos, and worse, I emptied my Recycle Bin!
There has to be some way to restore everything, it can’t just completely disappear.. Is there anything I can do? Software? Etc. Please help me. Please!
The Restore System latest Point of Restore was 2 days ago, and I think it might have been deleted like almost 2 weeks ago, it’s not there at the Restore Dates.
The Expert answers:
Contrary to popular belief, deleting files from your recycle bin does not mean they are permanently lost. The files are still there but Windows cannot recognize them anymore. What you need is data recovery software.
Just remember that you only have short window of time to get the files back. It is highly recommended to scan your system as soon as possible. Try out this free scan:
Laura asks…
How do I get rid of the recycle bin icon on top of the other icons?
When I logged into my account on my computer, the recycle bin icon was on top of all the other icons. How do I get rid of this? (I have windows vista)
The Expert answers:
If u mean that it is topmost on the desktop & u don’t want it there, try right-clicking on the desktop, click on ‘sort by’ & try different alternatives to get it where u want it.
Nancy asks…
Where do u get the green bins to putting plastic and glass in to recycle?
I live in Houston,TX. I’m out of city limits but I still live in county limits…..Harris.
The Expert answers:
I’m in Harris county just outside of Houston too and my recycling bin is blue.
WCA dropped the bin off at the house when they started collecting recyclables with the garbage on Mondays and they will sell additional or replacement bins for $8 each.
Basically, it depends on which MUD you’re in. Check their website and see if they have a recycling program, if they don’t, express an interest in a recycling program.
Sharon asks…
How to recover deleted data on the recycle bin after emtying it?
Can I ask for some assistance on how to recover my data’s after empying the recycle bin
The Expert answers:
Just check this guide,i hope it can help:
James asks…
Deleted recycle bin icon on desktop. How do i get it back?
I have a new Toshiba laptop PC. I accidently “deletedthe recycle bin icon on my desktop. Does anyone know how i get it back?
The Expert answers:
1.Right click on desktop
2.Click Personalize
3.On left click change desktop icons
4.Click Recycle Bin
5.Then Thats It
Richard asks…
How can I get back picture in picture program back on2 my computer that i accidently deleted from recycle bin?
Well I deleted picture in picture off my notebook computer not thinking to get it from the recycle bin, then i deleted from the recycle bin. So it won’t let me restore it please help me get it back someone!
The Expert answers:
Try the freeware program Recuva
Maria asks…
How can I reprogram deleted items to go to a different file rather then to the desk top recycle bin?
Someone on my pc deletes history, which is just then gone. But they also delete cookies (which go to the recycle bin on the desk top) Which inturn they delete as well. Is there anyway to get the recycle bin off the desk top and hide so only I can check it?
The Expert answers:
The same happens with me all the time.
Always delete something by accident.
Then the search for the net found that optimal blog that helped me solve my problem.
look for more information on the blog.
I hope I have helped !!!!!
Sandy asks…
How can I PERMANENTLY erase files I have already deleted and removed from the recycle bin?
If I have deleted files, and removed them from the recycle bin, how can I permanently delete them without reformating?
Basically I don’t want a program to be able to pick up the data traces and be able to view the files.
How can I permananently delete them?
The Expert answers:
1) If you just delete then the file can be recovered from Recycle Bin
2) If you delete from Recycle Bin then then it is recoverable by using software until you format the disk.
3) If you want to delete a file that is not recoverable by any way then you have to “SHREDDER” the file. This can be done by special softwares.
There are so many softwares, please search in google.
Lizzie asks…
How do you uninstall windows live messenger when you have emptied it from the recycle bin ?
I have accidentally deleted Windows Live Messenger from my desktop then from the recycle bin, and now when i go to uninstall it, it isn’t there. How do I get it back so that i can uninstall it and where can I find the programme ?
The Expert answers:
Moving something other than a file from your desktop usually means you have only deleted the shortcut and the corresponding program can still be found in the All programs section of the Start menu.
Windows Live Messenger is in the Windows Live folder in that list.
Follow the instructions from the previous post if you wish to uninstall it completely.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
John asks…
Many schools and communities collect aluminum beverage cans in their recycling programs.?
a) Is recycling a good alternative to using raw materials? Explain.
b) How does the cost of recycling compare with the cost of extracting aluminum from the ground? Will this be of influence to the consumer, retailer, or both?
c) Which results in fewer environmental problems: recycling or using raw materials? Explain.
d) Do you think recycling is a reasonable alternative for producing new aluminum beverage cans? Explain.
please help?
The Expert answers:
A) Recycling is better alternative than using raw materials.
It uses less energy, causes less pollution, and reduces the need for raw materials and the environmental degradation associated with their extraction.
It also reduces need for transport of bauxite and aluminium oxide.
Aluminium recycling requires only 5% of the energy and produces only 5% of the carbon dioxide emissions compared to primary production.
One kilogram of recycled aluminium saves up to 6kg of bauxite, 4kg of chemical products as well as 14 Kw of electricity.
One recycled aluminium can saves enough energy to run a television for three hours
b) It is significantly cheaper to recycle, due to the very high energy costs of transforming bauxite into aluminium.
The environmental costs of mining bauxite and extracting the aluminium are significant: degradation of land, massive power consumption, waste products, dams for hydro-power, displacement of people, destruction of areas of rainforest.
While land is now often reclaimed after strip-mining, it does not have the same value as virgin land.
Any reduction in production cost is unlikely to make a significant difference to the consumer, as the greater profits are generally made by retailers not producers. I.e retailers may absorb much of any saving they receive rather than passing it on to the consumer.
To the drinks manufacturer (or bottler) it may offer an opportunity to reduce their costs and/or operate more efficiently. If they do life-cycle analysis on their operations or products it may reduce their carbon footprint, or achieve a lower carbon rating for the product.
C) Recycling.
Everything I said in a. And:
Massive energy saving (95%), reduction in power use and ghg emissions.
Production of aluminium requires a lot of power.
Various hydro projects have been built to serve the industry, and while hydro-power does not directly emit CO2, the dams have displaced people, and destroyed land.
The greenhouse gases resulting from primary aluminium production include perfluorocarbons (PFC), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), fluoride, sulfur dioxide (S02), and carbon dioxide (CO2). Of these gases, PFC’s resulting from the smelting process are the most potent, and remain in the atmosphere indefinitely. Primary aluminum production is the leading source of perfluorocarbon emissions in the United States. PAH emissions result from the manufacture of anodes for smelters and during the electrolytic process. Sulfur dioxide and sodium fluoride are emitted from smelters and electrical plants. SO2 is one of the primary precursors of acid rain. CO2 emissions occur during smelting and result from the consumption of carbon anodes and from PFC emissions.
If all the aluminium cans sold in the UK were recycled, there would be 14 million fewer full dustbins each year. That’s less landfill.
Putting aluminium in landfill or incinerators is a complete waste.
UK consumption of aluminium in 2008 = 900,000 tonnes
The official aluminium packaging recycling rate is 36% in 2008
with the cans-only recycling rate estimated to be 52%.
That’s a huge amount of wasted energy and resources, the cost of which is ultimately passed on to the consumer.
While in some developed countries the manufacturers of aluminium highlight their environmental credentials, in less developed countries there are often less stringent regulations; the environmental action groups appear to feel that not enough is being done.
Earth first blockaded Alcan’s site in Scotland, due to their opposition to Alcan’s plans for developments in Iceland and India.
d) Absolutely!
Everything I said in answer to a and c, And:
Ample reprocessing capacity and secure end-markets are available.
Drinks cans can be recycled, made into new cans, filled and put back on the shelf in just six weeks.
If all the aluminium cans sold in the UK were recycled, there would be 14 million fewer full dustbins each year.
Putting aluminium in landfill or incinerators is a complete waste.
Metals can be recycled indefinitely without losing any of their properties making them an ideal material for this process.
Recycling could help us achieve government targets for reductions in CO2 emissions.
While significant improvements have been made in reducing emissions from smelting aluminium oxide, the process still creates pollutants.
Betty asks…
How do you return empty soda cans to the supermarket for recycling deposit?
You put the cans in the machine and get a slip. Do you bring the slip to the customer service booth or to the cashier at checkout?
The Expert answers:
I usually scan it at the U-Scan, but I assume a cashier would also do the trick.
Lizzie asks…
How important is it to rinse out cans and cartons and jugs before recycling them?
I always rinse out my milk gallons and soda cans and soup cans and such but is it necessary?
The Expert answers:
VERY important: for those that volunteer at recycle centers. Have you ever smelled an unrinsed milk carton or plastic jug? Beer cans & bottles? Many of these come with contents still in them, dripping.
Unrinsed recycling draws bugs, including roaches & mice (sharpening their teeth on cans), smells much worse as it ages.
I volunteered at a private Irving recycling center some years ago. That reminds me – those that are working there also get the drippings all over their hands & clothes … Not much incentive to get people to work the centers. I’m speaking of private centers, such as the dentist’s wife that sponsored the one I worked at.
It really doesn’t take long to rinse items as you empty them. This even goes for what goes in your trash that isn’t recyclable. You don’t even have a smelly, nasty trash can to live with.
Well, this was a lot, but I hope it helps.
Chris asks…
How much does recycling cans pay?
Just curious… If i take empty cans (coke cans) to a recycling center, how much do they pay? (in GA) Is it by pound or can or what? Thx!
The Expert answers:
If i had a NICKEL for everytime you ask that
Daniel asks…
When recycling, should you crush the cans or leave them whole?
When you turn in cans for recycling in New York to get the $.05 should you leave them as is or crush them? Also, do the labels need to be on them as not all bottles and cans can be cashed in for the .05 in New York? Yes, I know you can recycle anywhere but I’m talking about getting the CRV back.
The Expert answers:
Hello, i feel yes. You should crush them. It would give you more room so you can put more cans in the container! Therefore, you would make more money! Also, no, you should not leave the labels on them. I say no because they are plastic and it might mix in with the recycling process. They might decide how much money you get for the type of plastic it is maybe? Or even the size? They can decipher that though. It’s good that your recycling!! :]
Helen asks…
Is it okay to put crushed aluminum cans in the recycling bin?
Will those be processed just the same as normal cans?
if you crush them then they can’t be redeemed for the 5 cents that some homeless people use them for right? Or can they?
The Expert answers:
Yes they are processed the same way. I used to have a can-crusher, a little hand operated press that flattened cans out for easy keeping and storage. You could get a lot more of them into a box and they still were worth the nickel if you lived in CA or other states that refunded on cans.
Thanks for asking!
Maria asks…
Has anyone ever got thousands of dollars in just one recycling center drop off with aluminum and plastic cans?
I’m trying to find out the most anyone has got in recycling money in just one trip with plastic and aluminum cans at a recycling center.
The Expert answers:
About 17 years ago my dad was Scoutmaster and we kept ALL the troops cans in our backyard. I want to say we had a little over a ton and the recyler gave us 50 cents a pound because we had so mush and were scouts. We had a dad bring in a 18 wheeler to haul them off.
Mary asks…
How much can you get for recycling cans in Missouri?
I was told that you can take cans to a certain place in Missouri and be paid for it. I have a few pounds of soda cans that I’ve collected but can not find out how much they will pay you. My sister said it was $10 a pound last time she checked. I don’t know if that’s right or not because she lives in Texas now?
The Expert answers:
I don’t know about MO, but I tried it myself where I live. Let me tell you, if you are merely trying to sell the cans for the scrap value of the aluminum, you are in for a bigtime dissapointment. I totally filled the back of my fullsize pickup truck and took it to the recycling center. I think the total load weighed about 40 pounds…and I got 35 cent per pound. The result was a whopping $14. This was after saving and collecting aluminum cans for a full 2 months.
William asks…
Do you get 5 cents per can for recycling cans in Georgia?
Do you get any money for recycling cans in Georgia?
The Expert answers:
You don’t get 5 cents per can, but there are recycling companies who will pay by the ton.
You will only need about 5000 cans per ton, or something like that.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Daniel asks…
Do you recycle post consumer waste ?
i try to cut back on packaged goods and but in bulk-i have glass containers at home
The Expert answers:
Yes, for the past few years…..!!
Susan asks…
Composting: Containing smell and keeping animals out?
I live in a sorority house and would like to start a sorority wide composting program. Recently our school cafeteria added a food waste container in addition to the recycling and trash. I thought this was an excellent idea as I know each of the houses probably throws away quite a bit of food waste. I wanted to work with the cafeteria so that we would collect the food waste and they would take it off our hands and combine it with theirs.
The problem is, I’m not sure how to go about the logistics of collecting and storing the waste. If we kept it outside it might attract animals which would be an issue. If we kept it inside it might get gross. They have some small odor reducing containers for home use on the market, but they all seem pretty small and we have about 20 girls in each house so we would need something a bit bigger.
I’d really appreciate any ideas or resources to solve this problem so that we can get the program going as soon as possible. Thanks!
The Expert answers:
The only food waste you’d want to put in a compost bin are things like egg shells, coffee grounds, fruit peelings, tea bags etc no meat no grease and you’ll have to mix it with some grass clippings and leaves from outside, you can get larger compost bins for outdoor use and if you add the right ingredients animals and things won’t be attracted to them.
John asks…
paper ice cream containers and fast food cups – compost or recycle or ??
I’d like to send as little off to landfill / the incinerator as possible and I was wondering what to do with rinsed paper products.
Also, any links with tips about waste reduction would be appreciated!
The Expert answers:
Paper recyclers are very picky about what they will accept, so any treated paper is usually rejected.
So it is either compost or send to the landfill, where it will either be composted or incinerated.
Donald asks…
Recycling paper/cardboard and making it easier?
So really, i have nowhere to amass paper goods and keep them somewhat organized prior to pickup on a weekly basis. we go through newspapers, cardboard can soda containers, etc.
all these things either stack up or get in the way, most often get in the way. it’s such a nuisance! the recycling company has purposefully not picked up my paper stock because it cannot be contained in a box. it must be wrapped, etc. i know it’s just a few minutes more of my time but running a house is difficult…
my question is:
does anyone have any little tips or tricks for keeping your paper recycling together/bound for the week before waste management comes to scoop it up on the street?
thanks 🙂
The Expert answers:
I just moved here from Oregon & recycling is different here, but I’m learning. I just fold my news papers in half & store them in a plastic store bag. Then when I make a trip into the Soo , I drop them off at the Recycling Center on (I Think ) on Easterday St.
Carol asks…
Is Yahoo sending the free bulbs in the mail or sending coupons?
It doesn’t make sense for Yahoo to send people light bulbs. The cost of the shipping containers is wasteful. Now I have all that packaging to deal with, too. I hope they are sending coupons we can use at the big box store instead. Let’s not forget a part of recycling can be never accumulating the waste in the first place.
The Expert answers:
Better yet, I think they should email us a coupon and we could print it out on 100% recycled paper instead of wasting an envelope and postage, too.
Linda asks…
what outdoor container/shed can i use to store recycables?
my school is trying to start recycling our waste. there’s only 1 problem: we don’t have any place to put the recyclables. we need some sort of out door storage unit to put the trash in till the center comes to pick it up. any suggestions???
The Expert answers:
Do you mean the school has no place to store the waste, or you have no place?
Why not garbage cans for each type of recyclable?
Maybe the center has some dumpsters it can lend the school, if it’s the school that has no storage units. Or if you get some businesses involved, any of them may be able to lend or donate containers. You might put an article in the newspaper about your school’s plan and ask for help in the article.
Hope this helps. Good luck with this worthy
Sharon asks…
Someone help, what’s a better way to write this?
lol I didn’t write this but i need to re-write it for them… Someone help?
”I commit to placing a recycling container in all rooms that i generate waste including in the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms and homework areas”.
Haha, It just doesn’t sound right… what’s a better way to put it so it doesn’t sound disgusting?
It’s for a sustainability committee so SERIOUS answers please.
The Expert answers:
I promise to place a recycling bin in all utility rooms,homework areas & bedrooms.
Mark asks…
can anyone help me to conclude my recycling essay and if you can give me some tips on how to make it better.?
My purposes are
Saves Energy
Saves Environmental Conditions and Reduces Pollution
Saves Natural Resources
Economic Benefits
Saves Space for Waste Disposal.
The word recycling or going green has been said many times thorough out the years. If you ask a random person what they think about recycling, they might say, “Well, it’s good for the environment.” The matter of fact is, it is good for the environment, but it is also very beneficial to the creatures and humanity. Even though many things has been said about recycling, not much has or being done. Recycling is one of the best ways for you to have a positive impact on the globe which we live. “Why should you recycle you ask?” Well, according to and UK, recycling is crucial because recycling saves our environment, energy, natural resources, and it is critical to the people.
Recycling is effective by reason of reducing greenhouse gasses and help end the source of global climate change. For example, on August 28th, 2005 hurricane Katrina hammered the southern coast of the United States with devastating effects, which killed more then 1,800 people and more than 81 billion dollars of damage occurred, according to
Possibly a more important reason to recycle is because it will reduce pollution risks in our society. The most obvious way is by keeping waste out of landfills, which introduces contaminants and other toxins into groundwater systems. Recycling also keeps materials out of incinerators, which pollutes the air and create severe ash residue, which is very dangerous for the health. Furthermore, it reduces financial output in the economy, making products from raw materials costs much more than if they were made from recycled products.
What can you do to recycle? Here are three easy steps you can do. Firstly, you can separate plastic, aluminum, glass, and paper, into different container or bags. Secondly, you can turn the water off when you’re not using it. Thirdly, you can switch to energy- efficient light bulb, which saves you money.
In conclusion, Recycling is one of the best ways for individual to have a positive impact on the world in which we live. Recycling Saves Energy, Environmental Conditions and Reduces Pollution, Natural Resources, Economic Benefits, and Saves Space for Waste Disposal. Therefore, I think we should make more of effort to recycle.
The Expert answers:
You can talk about how recycling keeps trash out of the ocean (there is a great Pacific Garbage patch in the middle of the Pacific ocean the size of Texas) animals eat pieces of trash and die by choking or they can’t fit anything else in their stomach, or the garbage tears up their intestines.
You talk about more than just recycling. Switching to CFL bulbs is an example of reducing, not recycling. Turning off water when not using it is also reducing, not recycling. Recycling water would be like installing a gray water system that waters the lawn with the water that you take a shower in. What is the goal of your paper? Strictly recycling? Recycling is good, but reducing is even better. It saves 70 times as much energy and resources if you don’t consume an item as opposed to recycling it. Energy and resources have to go into mining the resources, transporting the resources to the factory, making the product, transporting the product to the store, you getting to the store and taking the product home, and then when you are through with it, the recycling truck has to come and pick up your recycling, take it to the recycling facility, separate the recycling, take your recycling to a factory where it can be turned into something else, and taken to the store, where someone else goes to buy it, and the cycle continues. Reducing eliminates all of that! That’s why it’s first in the Reduce, Reuse Recycle slogan, but people often forget about the first two because they feel they are doing a good thing for the environment by recycling, which they are, but we Americans are overconsumers and we need to start reducing our consumption. Americans have 5% of the world’s population, yet we consume 25% of the world’s resources. We are using 5 times our share! That’s not fair!
Lizzie asks…
recycling razors?
Is it possible to recycle razors and/or blades? It seems like such a waste–especially for disposable razors. Could we utilize “Sharps” containers like hospitals for curbside?
The Expert answers:
It does seem like a waste but you can’t safely recycle it. It really isn’t a lot of metal. And handling is a hazard. Hospitals have “sharps” containers so that people taking out the trash won’t cut themselves.
Have you ever been to a home in Japan or even Tokyo Airport? You don’t have trash bins, only recycling bins for paper, plastic, cans, etc.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Richard asks…
How should we punish people for putting their recycling in the garbage?
Putting recycling in the garbage is wrong in every conceivable way and has absolutely no redeeming qualities. It’s one of the few things that are detrimental to the environment and the economy at the same time.
How do we get people to take this seriously? People should be publicly whipped for putting their recycling in the garbage. Maybe that will get people to do it. The “please recycle” campaign is not working.
The Expert answers:
Donald asks…
Why is the recycling industry fighting a company that makes biodgradable plastic bottles?
I read in the Arizona Republic paper that they are against “Enso Bottles” a company that makes biodegradable plastic. I know recycling is a 400 billion dollar industry, but are they not still interested in saving the planet?
The Expert answers:
Very few industrial entities exist for purely altruistic reasons. I doubt it’s the entire recycling industry. And obviously a company that is manufacturing biodegradable plastic bottles is fabricating them from unrecycled plastic, which means those companies that recycle plastic can’t make money off their recycled materials. But many companies “sell” the public on their products by making claims that aren’t entirely true. It would be beneficial if the EPA ran tests on the so-called biodegradable plastics.
Thomas asks…
How does a recycling facility sort the different types of materials?
I am talking about facilities where they pick up all the paper, cans, glass, cardboard, etc. together in one container at the curbside and then have to sort them all out at the facility. The citizens do not do any sorting of the recycling materials on their own.
The Expert answers:
This is a really good question … I was excited when I found the answer in this document. The technology is so cool!
Ken asks…
How many kilowatt hours would i save by recycling one aluminum can?
Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to power a 100-watt light bulb for 3.5 hours. Using this statistic, determine how many cans you would have to recycle to save enough energy to equal last month’s electric bill.
1. Determine the number of kilowatt hours save by recycling one can. Remember kilowatt is 1000 watts per hour
This is a question i have for school, and if anyone knows the answer can you please explain how you got it? Very confused!
The Expert answers:
It’s not a research problem – it’s just a math problem. They give you all the information you need. Units are your friend, here.
Energy saved = 100 watts * 3.5 hours = 350 watt-hours
But you don’t want watt-hours – you want kilowatt-hours. So make the watts go away:
350 watt-hours / 1000 watts/kilowatt = 0.350 kilowatt-hours
In problems like this, all you have to do is make the units come out right. The numbers will follow them!
James asks…
I want to start up a recycling factory as a career. What degree do I need to study for this?
My dream is to start up a recycling factory that caters to paper, plastic and possibly aluminium recycling. I’m not really sure which degree I need get for this career. I’m Thinking environmental science is best but, is there something more specific that i can choose to study. If so, which University is the best place to go for this in the East coast US?
The Expert answers:
Industrial engineering is more suitable the environmental science.
Lizzie asks…
How is copper wire recycled in a recycling plant?
I am doing a recycling project and for each item we use, we have to find out how it is recycled in the actual recycling plant.
The Expert answers:
In an effort to protect the environment, the county of Santa Cruz, California, offers its residents recycling and disposal facilities. Here, you can recycle a wide variety of items, including glass, cans, paper, cardboard, batteries, used motor oil, car filters and scrap metals. Copper falls under the “scrap metals” category — and its value has increased greatly as of 2011. In Santa Cruz, there are both buy-back recycling centers — where you can make money for your copper wire — as well as other recycling centers, where you can recycle simply to protect the environment.
William asks…
How could i start an aerosol can recycling program in my town?
I just noticed at my work how much of these things we use but in a small southern town not to many people care at all about recycling. How could i get a program started so people will recycle their aerosol cans rather than just dump them in the trash. I’m just an average citizen with limited funds and no city government connections so what could i do?
The Expert answers:
You should look up your county’s solid waste authority/department. They usually have someone dedicated to recycling (the recycling coordinator) who could discuss with you the options for recycling aerosol in your town. Recycling is usually a two way street though—people have to walk to recycle something and there needs to be someone on the industry side who wants the recycled goods. Hopefully the recycled end product is useful to someone in your area!!
Good luck!
Sharon asks…
Is recycling PAPER really good for the environment?
I have to do a project on a comparison, but I have heard that it is better to grow new trees then recycling old paper? Is recycling really good or is it bad for the environment?
The Expert answers:
Recycling paper is the best option BUT……(also in response to the answer which stated that it uses less chemicals and “Im in the printing industry”) It is only better if consumers use recycled paper responsibly and with an education on “recycled”. Most paper that gets the wonderful stamp of “recycled” usually only has a fraction of post consumer content. A large portion of the “recycled” paper is paper that is recycled directly inside the paper company. If we are talking about post consumer recycling, there are some problems.
1. If we want that nice sparkling white paper, we are using a LOT of chemicals to turn pretty gross looking post consumer pulp into paper. (Basically the post consumer recycled paper that gets used for…yup you guessed it , printing. Because very few self respecting printers want their wedding invitations, funeral announcements, business cards, etc. Looking like they were printed on a combo of newspaper and dryer lint, which is what most post-consumer recycled paper looks like. Also the dispersal of ink on this type of paper is horrendous.) It is a little known fact that we use massive amounts of chemicals first to break down the post consumer paper and then turn it minty white. I would argue that we use MORE chemicals to recycle paper into printing paper than to use a virgin source. Now it becomes an argument over how badly and at what quantity we need pure white paper.
2. If we can live with paper being a little colored and/or ugly, then we have to DEMAND as consumers that anything that doesn’t need to be white (bags, packing materials, wrapping paper, etc.) ALL gets made from post consumer recycled paper. This cuts the quantity of chemicals used down considerably. Then if we need pure white paper for a special project (graduation announcements) we can use “virgin” paper for that.
3. We need to DEMAND that the government use recycled paper for everything. Imagine the cutback in tree use simply from this avenue.
Also It is nothing like recycling metal. (Which also has problems in that it uses massive amounts of energy, further increasing our reliance on our military/industrial complex and uses massive amounts of fresh water which is fast becoming scarce.) Metal can be re-smelted ad infinitum. Not so with paper. Eventually the pulp becomes unusable to the paper industry.
John asks…
How do I start recycling in a apartment complex?
I am the resident manager and would like to start a recycling program in our apartment complex. I placed small garbage cans by the mailboxes for paper products, but what else would help the tenants do their part when it comes to the laundry detergent bottles, plastic bottles and other items?
The Expert answers:
We just moved to an apartment complex and I thought the same recently. People are terrible about just leaving junk mail on the floor and I wish we had a small garbage can there too. We have a trailer thing a couple blocks from us for recycling but I doubt anyone here uses it by the look inside our dumpster. I wish they would put one next to our dumpster/ maybe you could do that. Maybe make some type of one for those plastic and cans. I think people are just too lazy to take it a few blocks. You might want to send them a flier about it.
If it directly effects your garbage pick up (money) , you might use that as incentive to help keep down costs and possibly keep their rents lower. Unfortunately our rent isn’t tied into it or the town doesn’t require recycling to hold down costs. The only thing they have for the can usage in this town is a drop off for to upkeep the parks.
Also you might want to put on that flier a web site for recycling. It would cut down on the furniture and other things being thrown in the dumpster. A great one is and you can get it by your zip code. Check it out. I also belong to another web site. (City’s name) Sell it You could even start one yourself. Both are under Yahoo groups and free to join,. Everything on there is suppose to be free or under $50. They have everything from furniture, stoves, exercise equipment, pets, etc, The idea of all of them is to keep it out of land fills.
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Chris asks…
how do you make a new recycle bin on desktop for windows vista?
I somehow deleted my recycle bin on my desktop and cant figure out how to create a new icon on the desktop…Does anyone know how to do this?
The Expert answers:
Carol asks…
When a computer virus scan is being carried out, are files in the Recycle bin also checked?
My weekly scan took twice as long as usual today but I’ve got a lot of deleted files and folders in my recycle bin. Are these also checked as part of the scan?
The Expert answers:
That would depend on what you have enabled in scan settings in your anti-virus program..
Sandra asks…
On a mac, How do I recover files after i have emptied the recycle bin?
I accidentally deleted some files that I need and I have already emptied my recycle bin of my mac. Is there a way for me to recover these files without having to buy some crazy software?
The Expert answers:
No, you will need specialized software. Data Rescue II is an excellent tool for this. I’d advise you to stop using the computer immediately and pursue recovery ASAP. The longer you wait and the more changes you make to your hard drive, the less likely you will be able to recover that data.
Steven asks…
How to find recycle bin in new computer?
i have bought a new computer but in desktop there is no recycle bin option. How i can able to set recycle bin in desktop?
The Expert answers:
I forgot. But I know it’s possible for Windows. What kind of Operating system do you have? Mac? Windows? Linux?
Charles asks…
What can I do if my files i delete never get to the recycle bin?
i have been sending some of the junk ad stuff i dnt want anymore to the recycle bin and wen i look on my recycle bin to delete it permentley from my computer, none of the files r there. I don’t know what to do. Please help me?
The Expert answers:
I think you mean you are deleting the junk advert emails? Deleted emails never go to the recycle bin.
If you delete items from web mail (like then you should have a folder marked something like “Trash” on the web page, where you can delete them from. If you are using Outlook Express, then you should have a “Deleted Items” folder, where you can delete them from.
Hope it helps a bit!
Helen asks…
How can I recover photos I have deleted from my recycle bin?
I have downloaded a couple of free software things for recovering deleted items. It comes back with all sorts like banners and logos for websites I have been on. Can I specify it searches items deleted from my recycle bin when I do a search? If so, how!
The Expert answers:
I actually own a program that has a special search it can perform for deleted or lost recycle bins. You can try it out for yourself at:
Make sure you act quickly though. The files you are attempting to recover can be overwritten at any time.
James asks…
How much disk space should the recycle bin use, in Windows XP?
I just checked my Recycle Bin by right-clicking on the icon and selecting properties. 4GB of hard disk space is “devoted” to recycle bin? What? Does this seem like too much? 4GB? Are you kidding me?
How about if I reduce the size of my recycle bin since i usually delete everything once it goes in there? Will this effect performance? Maybe have to reboot to see if it affects the overall size of my drive?
The Expert answers:
U can safely reduce it to 5% do the same w/ ur system restore there is no need to have 3 mths of retore points also turn off hibernation to save an additional approx 500 mb it is just a waste of disk spaceand resources bill g. Isn’t always thinking correctly
Linda asks…
Where can I search to find my recycle bin on my computer?
I believe that my recycle bin has been deleted. Where can I go to retrieve it?
The Expert answers:
Richard asks…
After a file is deleted and the recycle bin emptied, is there any way to recover a file?
A rather large file I needed to use on my computer must have been deleted accidently. The recycle bin had been recently emptied and the file wasn’t there. I need to know how to find and recover the file off my computer. The file was a Quatro Pro data file.
The Expert answers:
“Recover My Files is compatible with Windows 98/ME/2000/2003/XP and Vista and works with FAT 12, FAT 16, FAT 32, NTFS and NTFS5 file-systems.
With a deleted file the data content of the file is rarely destroyed. Even if Windows file reference information has been destroyed, Recover My Files scans the data at a low level to locate “Lost Files” by their internal file structure. This allows Recover My Files to recover deleted files that other data recovery software can never know exist.”
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Joseph asks…
is the recycled water of the water cycle clean?
The Expert answers:
The water in the ‘water cycle’ begins over the ocean, where the heat of the sun causes water vapor to rise into the sky, where it later falls as rain…… Water vapor is pure…. When it becomes rain, it may have a dab of dust in it….. If the rain falls thru polluted air, it may pick up some of the pollutants… So not all rain water is good to drink….. But once it hits Earth and gets filtered by the soil , down into aquifers, it’s pretty clean at that point….. Water that becomes runoff from rain picks up some icky stuff from the streets, down the sewers, to the rivers, etc….. So, yes, it starts out clean…..
Linda asks…
what molecule is recycled in the citric acid cycle?
The Expert answers:
Carol asks…
I want to find a battery charger that recycles through a discharge/charge cycle to prolong its life?
As an oldie I am finding my vehicle batteries fail prematurely because of lack of use – I need a device that cycles a battery through charge/discharge and thus prevent sulphation and overcharging
The Expert answers:
If you use a “trickle charger” on your battery, It will maintain a charge (you can get ones that run from sunlight.) Discharging and recharging a modern car battery will destroy it. Today’s car battery’s do not need water added, “sulphation” too be checked or anything else to be done except maintain there charge. The only battery’s that benefit from a discharge cycle are deep cycle battery’s that are usually used for marine applications.
Paul asks…
Because the water cycle recycles fresh water at a relatively slow pace, water is considered a nonrenewable ?
The Expert answers:
Water can be considered a renewable material (also non-renewable) when carefully controlled usage, treatment, and release are followed. If not, it would become a non-renewable resource at that location. For example, groundwater could be removed from an aquifer at a rate greater than the sustainable recharge. Removal of water from the pore spaces may cause permanent compaction (subsidence) that cannot be renewed.
Charles asks…
Which of the following is NOT true about matter in the biosphere?
Which of the following is NOT true about matter in the biosphere?
[a] matter is recycled in the biosphere
[b] biogeochemical cycles transform and reuse molecules
[c] the total amount of matter decreases over time
[d] water and nutrients pass between organisms and the environment
[e] the lack of a specific nutrient can reduce primary productivity
Thanks in advance 🙂
The Expert answers:
When you say biosphere, are you referring to earth? Because earth is not shrinking, the resources are being transformed into useless molecules. I would go with B.
Steven asks…
Is death the natural cycle of food chain and recycle of resource?
Or it was not the original design of the Creator. Death change the original Creator design and only exist after sin and transgression of the Creator laws as justice demand?
Was the original Creator design of life is eternal youth and eternal life for man existence?
Will this be restored to man once again after sin is eradicated?
Will death, the final enemy will be no more for eternity?
The Expert answers:
Death is only an enemy to those who would fear it, and who would choose an undying eternal tortuous existence out of ignorance.
Death is only natural, and much preferable to immortality.
Mark asks…
Describe how the carbon cycle relates to the carbonate reactions in this investigation.?
This is an extra credit question for my chemistry class.
Earth’s long-term carbon cycle involves the recycling of carbon through the ecosystems over thousands of years. Many scientists believe that the cycling of carbon from carbonate rock to the atmosphere was an important factor in the development of Earth’s climate. Investigate the long-term carbon cycle and its role in maintaining Earth’s climate. Describe how the carbon cycle relates to the carbonate reactions in this investigation.
The Expert answers:
You should look up in library not here
Sharon asks…
summarize the production of ATP for each of the three stages in aerobic respiration. how is ATP recycled?
i know that there is 4 stages but we dont need the stage between gylcolysis and the kreb’s cycle, just those two and the electron transport chain
The Expert answers:
Oh k
here we go!
1. Glycolysis (in the cytoplasm)- you cut cluces into 2 pyruvates which are 2 3-carbon molecules, while that happens you reduce 2 NAD+ to 2 NADH and 2 ADP to reduce to 2 ATP
———since you dont need to know the prep rxn…lets skip it and saythat you made the acetyl CoA 2-carbon molecule
2.Krebs cycle (in mitochondria)- CO2 is produces but you yield 2 ATP, 6 NADH, and 2 FADH2
3.ETC or oxidative phosphorlyation (in the inner mitocondrial membrane)- NADH and FADH2 pass electrons down the chained until O2 is the final electron acceptor to make H2O; with that you produce alot of ATP, sorry dont know how much for sure
hope this helps with the numbers
i am pretty sure they are correct or close
David asks…
Which of the following is NOT a function of PGAL in plants?
A. it is used to produce ATP
B. it can be converted to glucose
C. it is recycled in the Calvin cycle
D. it can be changed into lipids
The Expert answers:
A. It is used to produce ATP – not correct.
B. It can be converted to glucose – correct
C. It is recycled in the Calvin cycle – correct – is used to regenerate the 5C acceptor (RuBP)
D. It can be changed into lipids – correct – can be converted to glycerol (a component of lipids).
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Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Daniel asks…
How will you make the following fashion more acceptiable to wear on a regular basis?
Wearing unused plastic or unused recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bags as outfits/dresses is kind of frouned upon. How do you personally go on changing this?
The Expert answers:
You’d have to build up a porfolio of this type of fashion, become a well-known designer and launch them in fashion shows. Only then will the world ever wear unused plastic from the trash 😉
Charles asks…
is the garbage bag recyclable?
are garbage bags eco-friendly??canwe recycle them
The Expert answers:
Garbage bags (typically made from LDPE) are technically recyclable but difficult to do so given what they are typcially used for.
The energy spend trying to seperate the bags from the trash and then clean them probably isn’t worth it.
Brand new bags are probably easily recycled but that would defeat the purpose.
Sandy asks…
I live in a basement suite, how to make sure my garbage doesn’t attract insects?
I’m talking about kitchen garbage, the kind with food in it, I recycle most of what I can. Planning on moving soon so isn’t practical to compost. I always bag my garbage tightly when it’s full, but before then, it probably smells and I’m worried will attract insects at this time of year. Should i put baking soda in to it, or lemon? I’ve heard lemon discourages insects.
The Expert answers:
If you shop anywhere and get a plastic bag, plastic container (like an ice cream bucket), or even a tightly sealing cardboard container…save it. Something like a Blue Bell ice cream tub or a plastic bucket with a lid…anything that seals will work. Just put your food scraps into this each time and throw it away at the end of the week. My grandma used to do that, because since she lived alone, there wasn’t much food waste or trash…so it took awhile for her trash can to get full and need to be taken out. As long as you throw this away once a week and your house isn’t extremely warm, it shouldn’t mold or stink. At least hers never did. Or you could just go the more expensive route and get a trash can for your kitchen that seals really really well, like the stainless steel ones that open with a foot pedal. I haven’t ever really seen any plastic ones that seal well enough to keep bugs out. Last time I was checking, a kitchen size stainless can was going to cost me over a hundred bucks. Explains why I don’t have one…that seems like an awful lot to spend on trash. Lol That’s like spending your last dollar on a new wallet.
Carol asks…
I have a 13 gallon trash can that doesn’t fit 13 gallon bags?
It wasn’t like i went to the dollar store to by the can but no garbage bags fit on this thing. I’ve the expensive ones and the cheap ones. it doesn’t matter the label is still on the can it says 13 gallons but no 13 gallon bags fit it. and this is 2 completely different cans actually i have one for garbage and one for recycling. they’re different brands bought a year apart and both have the same problem. is this something that normally happens. it’s annoying.
I’ve bought the expensive ones and the cheap ones.
oh there too big for the bags. they break.
Contractor bags are way to big. plus they are really expensive and you’ll be lucky if you can get 10 of them.
The Expert answers:
I have an oddly shaped old trashcan with a fliptop lid that I like, but I have to use the 30 gallon size bag with, just to have it fit. It wont hold 30 gall of stuff, of course, in that can, but at least it fits in the can with room to spare.
Sharon asks…
What country (or metro area) has put this law into effect?
My professor talked of a country that wanted to promote recycling, so they made green (physically colored green) garbage bags expensive and made it so the garbage men would only pick up the residents trash if it was in that green bag. It may have been Toronto? My classmate says Tokyo? Any ideas? I can’t find anything online.
The Expert answers:
It’s not Toronto but we do have blue recycling bins that garbage men pick up, if it’s not in that they wont pick it up. The garbage goes into a grey garbage bin and then of course we have all our compost that goes into a green bin. We are very neat and tidy people…lol
Chris asks…
How Can I get rid of ants in my bedroom?
How can I get rid of them without ruining any of my items?
Im going to admit, my room is a bit clutter-y- but, the only items I have that are related to garbage, is a recycle bag, which I take out regularly.I have a lot of Electronics in my room, and all my stuffed animals are under the bed. I have wood flooring, and electronics everywhere, so I don’t want to spray the wires, or anything. Any tips? D:
The Expert answers:
First clean your bedroom then watch for where these ants are coming in and put some ant traps down remember to change the ant traps and keep your trash off the floor and in your garbage bag.. Hope i helped 😉
Sandra asks…
Where can an individual recycle soda cans by the bag for cash nearest Thornville, OH?
Don’t know where to take garbage bag full of cans for money but will also take in for recycling if no one pays for them, as long as I don’t have to drive to far. Not much in the phone book…
The Expert answers:
I have found a great way to be green and make some extra money on the side. I collect and sell cell phones to this company:
Maria asks…
What is the proper way to dispose of my dogs’ waste from the yard???
I know this is a weird question but it’s my first time owning dogs and I just am not sure if I should be putting my dogs’ waste into garbage bags in the garbage cans or should I put it into the green recycling cans with the yard wastes.
The Expert answers:
Don’t put it in with yard waste, it can spread disease. If you are just scooping it up with a trowel, you can take it in and flush it – that’s most sanitary. Otherwise, you can put it in plastic bags in the garbage can, but the stink will be noticeable.
I toss it in a certain spot under the hedge, not close to my house or the neighbor’s house. Sometimes I dig a 6″ hole and bury it, not in the vegetable garden.
Donna asks…
Will you ever wear a dress made out of the following material?
I’m wondering personaly will you ever wear a dress made out of unused or unused recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bags. If yes how and when, if not why not and will you at least try it once?
The Expert answers:
Nah, I’ll probably feel awkward as hell in one and it won’t be too comfortable. I’ll give it a try though..
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