Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ruth asks…

I would like to know the price to get for recycled papers, cans, plastics and metals? Thank you.?

From Singapore only. Thank you.

The Expert answers:

I dont know, but you wont get a lot of money from recycling, so just do it for the good.

Robert asks…

Would you please help me with this homework? Algebra Equation?

Maria received $5.58 for aluminum cans that she brought to the recycling center. Ho many pounds of cans dis she recycle?
Price per pound (rounded to the nearest cent) $0.31

The Expert answers:

= $5.58/$0.31
= 18

Answer: 18 pounds of aluminum cans

Carol asks…

What is the current price being paid per pound of recycled aluminium cans.?

The Expert answers:

At the place I go to is .35 cents a pound.

Richard asks…

Where online can I monitor the price per pound of recycled aluminum?

I recycle soda cans for extra money. I have a hard time finding the rate per pound. I live in Miami, FL.

The Expert answers:

Call your local scrapyard and ask them for their aluminum prices. It’s impossible to find online.

Mark asks…

how much can I get for recycling my used car vs. trying to sell it? ?

I’ve got a great running but not so pretty ’93 buick custom. I’ve put it on craigslist for $480 bucks and people are swarming to get it. It’s got alot of extras like new batt, headlights, tires, hitch kit, all new. should I part it out myself or recycle it – I can’t seem to find the prices for recycling scrap online – can you help me?

The Expert answers:

Myself, I would sell the car, because the used auto industry is huge. Plus if it’s custom, you may get a little extra. If people are swarming to get it, then I would jack the price up to like $550. Get a few extra bucks, and know that you could have helped a poor old lady be able to drive again, or something.

Ken asks…

what is the average buying price for soda cans or aluminum by pound?

i have a like 250 by 2 feet of aluminum and its like 2 cm thick and well i was planning on recycling it but i dont know about how much they would buy it from me. I bought it for 100 bucks at a garage sale but i was doing a project and i decided not to use it after all so yeah i just need info on where i can sell it and how much is the average price for selling it by pound cause this crap weighs like 600 pounds

The Expert answers:

You might be able to locate some good potential buyers on 600 pounds of aluminum? Aye….

John asks…

Where can I find a comparison of recycling values to see whose giving the best prices in SoCal?

Where can I find a comparison of recycling values to see whose giving the best prices in SoCal within a reasonable driving distance? I have tried to look this up online — I can find companies websites but no price list per pound… I am talking about aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and glass jars — nothing major like a car battery or anything lol

The Expert answers:

In your stock market as comodities
they determine if the price goes up or down consider your buyer is going to make some profit too

Sandy asks…

Is this a fair price for aluminum cans?

I have a TON of aluminum cans I need to recycle (so I can clear out my garage for a garage sale). I heard that can prices are low right now, but was wondering what the difference would actually be if I waited.

Right now it is .33/lb. I have heard there’s about 33 cans in a pound, so that’d be .01/can. If this is “low”, then what is the “normal” rate?

The Expert answers:

That is about right. $.34/lb is what the current index is.

James asks…

Can recycling reduce cell phone prices?

I have to give a persuasive speech in my communications class.
My topic is going to be on “Why you should recycle.” The reason why I need an answer is because i’m giving the speech to a bunch of high school students and one of the things that high school students want are cell phones. So i think this would be a good eye opener for my audience.

The Expert answers:

Recycling will not reduce cell phone prices. We are in a world where bigger and better always = higher prices. Millions of people recycle aluminum cans… Do we see cheaper prices on cans/aluminum? Unfortunately no. It is definitely a “noble” cause, but until people start seeing a difference on the consumer’s end; it’s just not going to be a popular idea. Basically you would turn your phone in to cut cost on the manufacturer who in turn says thank you; if you’re lucky.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mark asks…

What are some good websites with information on recycling and composting?

I need a some information on composting and recycling for a project. and some sites statistics about landfills and such. thanks!

The Expert answers:

Http:// has some unique composting tips

Thomas asks…

I need help with my statistics homework. I have 2 jobs and barely get time to study, dire need of help?

1)each month an american household generateds and average of 28 pounds of newspaper for garbage or recycling. the standard deviation is 2 pounds . assume it is normally distributed. if a household is elected at random find the probability of its generating
a.between 27 and 31 pounds per month
b.more then 30.2 pounds per month

The Expert answers:

Convert the amount of garbage to a standard score and look it up in the normal distribution table:

X=27 and 31 ; z= ( x – µ ) / ? = -0.50; and = 1.50;
P( 27 <X< 31 )= P( -0.50<z 30.2 )= P(z> 1.10)=0.135666

Sandy asks…

Why is it important to recycle?

I just need some links of where to find some information and statistics on recycling!

The Expert answers:…/why-is-it-important-to-recycle-paper

Jenny asks…


I need facts and statistics about recycling glass and the positive impacts it has on the earth. I’m having trouble finding Canadian Statistics. THANX!!!!

The Expert answers:

It is one less glass bottle in the dump!


Mary asks…

Is recycling actually effective?

Assuming that we recycle for the purpose of saving resources (money, energy, trees etc etc),
is recycling really effective, given that it costs resources to recycle?

If you have some statistics/numbers, then thats a plus 🙂

The Expert answers:

Well I’m not really sure statistic numbers but my neighbor is obsessed with this stuff and he has told me that some things are worth it to recycle and some things are not for example one tin can recycled can power a tv for 3hours but other than that I haves no clue I’m sorry I hope I helped!!

Sandra asks…

How does recycling preserve wildlife habitats?

3 facts/statistics/examples of support please. :]

The Expert answers:

More recycling = less harvesting of natural resources (simple equation)

Chris asks…

Does anyone know the statistic for the amount of waste generated by Public Schools in the state of Florida?

Include weather it is per day/month/ year. Day would be prefered, but any information would be much appreciated.
ALSO any other statistics about recycling would be awesome!!!
per school, number of each item if possible

The Expert answers:

16.57tons per day

Richard asks…

How much money could the U.S save if everyone were to recycle?

I am doing a project, and I need to know some statistics about how much we save on recycling in California or the U.S. Can someone please help me?

The Expert answers:

NONE. It is a communist plot to make people think recycling matters. To recycle an alluminum can it takes about 5 times as much water and energy to make it into another can, and produces much more pollutants as the paints must be chemically removed from the metal before procesing. Many years ago there was a drive to not allow paint on soda cans in order to lessen the chemicals needed. Recycling only makes a slightly smaller garbage pile, and makes a slightly less deep mining hole.

George asks…

Statistics standard deviation and probability question?

Each month, an American household generates an average of 28 pounds of newspaper for garbage or recycling. Assume the standard deviation is 2 pounds. If a household is selected at random, the probability of generating between 27 and 31 pounds per month is ________?

The Expert answers:

Z1= (27-28)/(2)=-0.50
Z2= (31-28)/(2)=1.5

From the normal Distribution table Probability values are:
Z1= .1915 (.6915-.5)
Z2= .3413 (.8413-.5)

Add probabilities because one is to the left of the mean and the other is to the right

Answer= .5328 or 53.28%

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asks…

should i write a letter to my Governor?

I live in North Dakota =(. But anyways my governor lives in my town. I searched up the rank for polluted states from least to most. And North Dakota is number 17. Not that bad but im green friendly. So do you think it would be a good idea to write a letter to the governor about making some changes to make north dakota less polluted? What are some suggestions i could write about? I had a idea like couldn’t we just use the garbage trucks to pick up garbage and they sort it and recycle it instead of burning it. Why doesn’t the government do that anyway? There’s a big power plant in my city but it would probally cost too much to replace with something like a windmill for energy or w.e they use. Soo can i have some answers?

The Expert answers:

Suggest to the Governor to do the following to prevent pollution:

1. Sort gardbage at source;
2. Do not allow burning;
3. Garbage disposal must be regulated;
4. Institute laws against violators of laws implementing proper garbage disposal; and,
5. Leaders especially the Governor must lead by example.

Betty asks…

Hows this idea(abt controlling the pollution)?

today in class,the teacher was telling us abt the plastic waste matter and the dumping grounds.she said that every place had a dumping ground and after dumping all the garbage at that place,that ground becomes completely saturated with the garbage and there is no place for more.

so i have this idea,how abt scientists create a cheap rocket (i dont really mean cheap,i mean way less expensive than rockets that are usually constructed) that will be designed in such a way that it will shoot up into the air and once its out of the earths atmosphere it will explode.
so,why dont they fill the rocket with all the harmful garbage and then send it to space for it to explode.and no body has to drive it of course,it should be designed in such a way that it will shoot upwards and after flying for sometime,it will explode.
that way,slowly,slowly all the garbage will be thrown into space.dont tell me not to litter our universe because its a huge space and its infinite and they will eventually burn or get destroyed.

or,if they really want to be very Eco friendly,they can make a rocket that is controlled by humans(obviously!), which will work like those garbage trucks,they will carry all the garbage every month,in huge amounts (there will be lots of rockets) and they will throw it into space.
it wont go on forever, only for a few years, as by then they will try and control the plastic and non-renewable productions and will recycle all of them if they need to use them.

how is the idea?

The Expert answers:

The cheapest methods to escape earth’s gravity are hundreds of millions of dollars. And it costs MORE with a more massive payload. The idea can never become economical, unless we develop some sort of new way to launch a vehicle into space. Solid rocket boosters will never get the job done, any waste company that did this would be bankrupt before completing the first mission.

Carol asks…

how good is this idea(abt controling the pollution)?

today in class,the teacher was telling us abt the plastic waste matter and the dumping grounds.she said that every place had a dumping ground and after dumping all the garbage at that place,that ground becomes completely saturated with the garbage and there is no place for more.

so i have this idea,how abt scientists create a cheap rocket (i dont really mean cheap,i mean way less expensive than rockets that are usually constructed) that will be designed in such a way that it will shoot up into the air and once its out of the earths atmosphere it will explode.
so,why dont they fill the rocket with all the harmful garbage and then send it to space for it to explode.and no body has to drive it of course,it should be designed in such a way that it will shoot upwards and after flying for sometime,it will explode.
that way,slowly,slowly all the garbage will be thrown into space.dont tell me not to litter our universe because its a huge space and its infinite and they will eventually burn or get destroyed.

or,if they really want to be very Eco friendly,they can make a rocket that is controlled by humans(obviously!), which will work like those garbage trucks,they will carry all the garbage every month,in huge amounts (there will be lots of rockets) and they will throw it into space.
it wont go on forever, only for a few years, as by then they will try and control the plastic and non-renewable productions and will recycle all of them

how is the idea?

The Expert answers:

Manufacturing the rockets and blasting them through the atmosphere will use up even more energy and resources, and that’s before you take into account the pollution due to rocket propellant fumes (which is still much less than the pollution from the industrial processes used to manufacture the rocket propellants in the first place).

Much better to manufacture just a few types of plastic, which can then easily be melted down and made into something else.

If manufacturers’ responsibility didn’t cease the moment the product left the factory, but they were responsible for collecting up and recycling the products they made at end-of-life, then all this would be less of an issue ….. But that requires a government that is prepared to stick to principles and not bow down before the corporations.

Robert asks…

Am i really going green?

were learning about global warming in science class and i think its horrible!

i really do want to help, so i asked our science teacher if we could do a project. right now were in the process of making recycling bins out of recycled cardboard boxes for every 6th grade teacher.

But am i really going green?

1. i turn off the water when i shave
2. i turn off the lights when i leave a room
3. i think this is “going green” ; instead of the garbage truck coming and taking our trash can, we go to the local trash compactor which isnt too far away. probably 2-3 miles or 5 minutes. They crush all of the trash and stuff. is that recycling? were the only people that do that in our neighborhood. and instead of going every day when we have a new bagfull, we go for about a week sometimes 2 and we keep the trash bags in the corner of our garage.
4. i never get a new paper in school if i mess up on something; i erase it

What else can an 11 year old do? I obviously can ride my bike to places, but we do carpool a lot.

So am i really going green?

Questions? Comments? Concerns?


The Expert answers:

You’re off to a very good start. I wish more kids your age took the initiative. Let me suggest a “green” act: Don’t buy things on a whim. You may be craving certain brands because they are being mercilessly marketed to you by corporations. Slowing down on your shopping will make a big difference. The items you (and others) purchase are made of precious natural resources, like plants and trees, or else their manufacture is sending pollutants into the environment. There is a savage civil war being fought in the Congo, because people are fighting over a shrinking supply of resources (diamonds, gold, copper, cobalt, coltan, tin, timber). Make a note of this: coltan is found in laptops, digital cameras, cellphones, video games, and other electronics. People in the Congo are being killed over coltan. When you buy a new cellphone, you could be profiting from the death of innocent Congolese people. I’m not trying to scare you, but that’s really how it is.
This Christmas, don’t ask for presents. Millions of tons of extra garbage are produced every year around this time. How’s that for an act of green? Do you think you could do it?

Nancy asks…

How is the BNP’s energy policy better than UKIPs?

“What cannot be recycled should be converted to electricity in new, totally clean and state of the art power stations” which I’m sure will work great in combination with the flying garbage trucks.
I’m just wondering where our energy will come from if we were to separate ourselves from the EU but in conjunction strive toward renewable energy. How do we expect to maintain the UK energy supply, switch to renewable energys like wind and solar, and sever ties to the EU and it’s energy imports, all at the same time?

The difference if you’re wondering, is that UKIP aren’t as eager to convert to such types of renewable energy, and are set on nuclear energy.

I’m all for renewable energy but it seems to me like there’s a very big gap in the BNP’s overall plans.
What is your obsession with trying to annoy british people?
yeee haa that’s true, and we’d get the notrh sea oil fields back with either party, but it would be quite a considerable transformation to divert british industry back to our dormant mines.
A comprehensive description, some of which I knew but some of which I didn’t- most importantly the trade agreement. (which was a peculiar hole in my knowledge- like a car with a spoiler but no engine).
However I should thank the patriot as I only realised Norways part ownership once he said so, and sure enough if you search for the maps more profusely it becomes obvious our claim on the oil fields are too precarious to rely on.
Also page 53 points 8 and 9 are flabbergasting….look at it.

The Expert answers:

UKIP will not sever ties with the EU for a start. UKIP wish to leave the EU but still wish to broker a trade agreement. That means you will still benefit from all the existing energy purchasing from the continent, as well as selling it back to them at peak times as we have done for years.

In relation to energy, UKIP would:
? Ensure secure and affordable energy supplies to safeguard our growing
? Increase nuclear power generation to provide up to 50% of our growing
electricity needs within 10-15 years, and accelerate the planning process to
allow new reactors to replace old reactors on the same sites
? Support efficient extraction of indigenous coal for use in cleaner coal-fired
electricity generation plants
? Reduce the use of imported gas for electricity generation while maintaining it
for direct heating
? Require any further schemes of large-scale wind generation to be funded by
the market, and limit any large-scale wind generation to offshore only
? Support technologies and practice which improve energy conservation and
? Encourage the development and use of renewable energy sources other than large-scale wind generators.

That sounds like quite a balanced policy to me. UKIP still want renewable energy on the agenda, but not at the expense of the taxpayer, the consumer and the great British landscape.

David asks…

Survey-What’s with all this recycling and green stuff?

I mean really. We’re supposed to use a bunch of water to rinse stuff out before we tear the label off and put it in a separate container, so a big truck with these automatic arm-thingies can idle there while it dumps it in the back, just so another truck can show up later and get my garbage. Well gee, seems like a lot of work and wasted energy to save, what, five cents? I don’t get people. I think I’ll keep littering, and you know, you can use used motor oil to fertilize your lawn. I’m just sayin’.

The Expert answers:

I liter on purpose so I can counter act one environmentalist. I also like eating a lot of meat so I can counteract one vegetarian. 😉

Charles asks…

How do I recycle???????

Are there garbage truck that collects recycled items or do I have I have to
drive to a recycling center? I live in a very small town so I doubt that there’s garbage trucks like that.

Do most people buy 3 recycling bin? For paper, plastic, aluminum. Is this correct? What about glass? Are the bins supposed to be in different colors?

Do I put cardboard in the paper bin? What about mcdonald bags that have ketchup smeared on it? Do I put it on that paper bin?

If I have a ketchup bottles do I put those in the plastic bins? Even if they have a bit or ketchup left?

Why is it necessary to recycle when it’s so much easier to just
throw it away in the garbage can?

The Expert answers:

Look for the Recycle Symbol somewhere on the product. If it is recyclable try the recycle machine or recycling plant. Call the stores around you to locate a machine and try the phone book or waste management for the recycling plant nearest you.

Waste management may be able to pick up at your home for a fee. This is like a utility and you will receive a monthly bill.

Much of our packaging is recyclable and the recycling center will pay by the pound! Look for recycle symbols on absolutely everything!

Susan asks…

Windows Vista Animated Icons?

I want to change my dektop icons (Vista). I want to find and download animated icons. It is very hard to locate what I want. Many sites come up when i google “animated icons vista desktop”. Problem is, not one of them seem to have animated icons for my desktop – ugggg. They usually have regualar icons (with no animation). The animated icons that they have are not downloadable – they are HML script (obviously to be used on a website, not my desktop). Any suggestions?

I hope you understand what I am looking for. Expl – recycle bin icon replaced with a moving icon – i dunno – like a garbage truck with moving tires.

The Expert answers:

Get to know them better. This is not a task only to be accomplished through dating. The more you get to know him or her, the more you can tell if you like them as a friend or something else. Just talk and do fun activities with the person.
Stop and consider why you like the person. There are many physically attractive and smart people out there. But if you see something beyond that really catches your attention, you’ve marked this person as unique and probably like them. Why else would they stand out from so many?
Consider how many times you think about the person. If you find yourself thinking about this person several times a day, and they are happy thoughts that possibly make your heart beat faster, then you probably like them.
Think how often you laugh at their jokes etc. When you like someone, you will find yourself laughing at things even if they aren’t that funny. This is a natural attempt to make them feel appreciated.
If the one conversation between you and the person is stuck in you head and you cant stop telling people about it. This means it was important to you, and you probably like the person.
Consider how much you try to be near them. If you’ve planned your walking speed to catch a glimpse of them as many times of the day as possible, there is a good reason for that.
Think about how you feel if you touch him or her, by accident or on purpose. If you’re still thinking about brushing shoulders several hours ago in school, then that is a special thought and you probably like them.
If you feel you’re ready for a relationship, and are confident enough for a positive response, then just go ahead and ask them out. If you’re unsure of their feelings for you, there are several wikihows on how to tell if someone likes you.

Ken asks…

Where did my stuff go?

Maybe I just don’t understand the way a hard drive works but what happens to objects when they are deleted in the recycle bin? Lets say you download a song from itunes or whatever and it takes up 5 megs. The song data is new to your computer and wasn’t there previously so it takes up 5 megs of hard drive space. Then for whatever reason, you decide to delete the file in the recycle bin. Now where does it go? Unlike taking out the trash in real life (where you can physically see the garbage going in the dumpster, picked up by a garbage truck, and on the way to the land fill, a computer puts the data on a hard drive and then deletes it but nothing is physically moving the data to another computer, or out in space or anything beyond the computer. And can’t you bring back stuff from the recycle bin too? I just want to know where it goes. Please let me know 🙂 Thanks.

The Expert answers:

When you delete files the data itself isn’t deleted, just the index entry that tells the system where the data for those files is located. The area containing the deleted data is also now marked as free space so it is available for any new files to be written there instead.

One of the easiest ways to see if you can recover deleted files is to try some good file recovery software.

A good tip is to try the free demo version of a commercial product that will scan the device for deleted files and show you exactly what files can be recovered. At least that will show you if you can recover the deleted files or if it’s too late already. You can find more useful information on how to recover deleted files at

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ken asks…

Can you just put an old tv into the recycle bin?

I have an old tube tv that’s broken. I saw on dirty jobs once that you’re supposed to recycle them. Can I just put it into the recycle bin or do I have to do something special with it?
Ok well I dont really want to do that, so can I just put it in the trash?
And yes it would easily fit in my recycle bin. We have really big ones here. I could fit like 5 or 6 actually.

The Expert answers:

No, but if you take it to a electrical place like Radio Shack then they can take it somewhere and recycle it!

Donna asks…

How to unerase erased (Deleted files) files in recycle bin?

I deleted one file from desktop and by oversight I deleted it from recycle bin also. How to recover it?

The Expert answers:

Your honour;

It is possible to recover files using softwares written by other answerers.But you should stop saving anything now on,till you recover your file .(There fore simply sit down listening Jain devotional songs ,sir) Other wise ,that software may not become useful.(You can write e mails to me by clicking my profile)

Joseph asks…

teacher says the recycling bins at our school don’t even recycle?

The trash cans are grey (the regular ones)
the “recycling” cans are blue, with a white recycling sign.

everyone shoves all there trash no matter what it is (food) into the trash can from snack! (we eat lunch at 1:05 >_<)

my teacher told us, (6th gr) that the recycling bins don’t even get to the recycling places, they just go to the landfills and crap,

but you never see the janitor or anyone dump the bins, how can i make sure the stuff in the recycling bins, get recycled if they are recyclable?

i am now in 7th grade, how do i help? thanks! 😀 no websites please

The Expert answers: ur teacher said that recycling bins dont recycle..well..its not that,they may go to d landfills&crap..but still that crap ll sure go to the recycling places…..all the things ,crap,plastic.etc., are recyclied in its own way…they find d material which could be recyclied to use it again….things which r nood good enough to recycle, they ll burn them to avoid toxic gases doesnt matter whethr they ll go in landfills or recycling places,,,all d waste is recyclied & manufacturer sells those recyclied materials in d market..
I hope this ans ll help u out..

Mary asks…

Where do the files when you empty your recycle bin go to?

I recently learned that when you empty the recycle bin that it really doesn’t get deleted. I downloaded simple file shredder to really delete them. I was wondering where all my old files went when I deleted them, and if I can find them to put into simple file sherdder.

The Expert answers:

They don’t actually go anywhere until they are overwritten by another file. All that happens is that the directory entry to them is deleted and the space they take up is marked as free.

Michael asks…

Can i recover files that were in the recycle bin and then emptied?

I deleted a file and i emptied the recycle bin by accident is there anyway to get that file back?

The Expert answers:

I agree with Lindsay it is a hit and miss but here go a program i used to recover documents before it call Recuva and its free. Here goes the link: . Some files that has been overwritten might not be able to recovered.

Helen asks…

How to get back pictures i’ve deleted,and wiped out recycle bin?

Recently me and my boyfriend broke up and I deleted every picture we had together. Now that we got back together,I want to get them back. But I deleted the pictures and emptied the recycle bin.
How do I get them back? I don’t remember the file names…

The Expert answers:

try one of these free programs. If you don’t remember the file name just search for jpeg, png, or whatever format the pics were in

Nancy asks…

How do you restore your recycle bin if you accidently deleted it ?

haha i deleted my recycle bin off my computer by accident and idk how to get it back please help 🙂

The Expert answers:

I actually own a program that has a special search it can perform for deleted or lost recycle bins. You can try it out for yourself at:


Make sure you act quickly though. The files you are attempting to recover can be overwritten at any time.

Sharon asks…

How do i get my recycle bin back on my desktop on vista?

i accidently deleted my recycle bin from my desktop, i don’t know how to get it back, can any one please help? ohh and i am on windows vista,Many thanks

The Expert answers:

Try this

Right click personalize

Change Desktop icons

Make sure that recycle bin is checked and hit ok this should bring this back up

Let me know if this worked

or try restore defaults however you may loose icons in some areas…

Betty asks…

Can a folder that was deleted and is no longer in the Recycle Bin be recovered?

Please say “Yes” and how. It was deleted together with some files and those files are still in the Recycle Bin while the folder is not.

The Expert answers:

It is possible to recover files if they have not been overwritten by other files (you can’t really tell without a software tool). It is always more likely that a freshly deleted file will be recoverable than if the file was deleted weeks or months ago.

The easiest program to recover files is called Recuva. It allows you to choose a directory to scan, then it shows a list of all deleted files which it can recover. Scan the directory above where this deleted directory was located and if any of the files are recoverable, Recuva will let you restore them.

Files marked green are undamaged, orange may have some errors in the restored version, and red is unrecoverable. Simply check the checkbox beside the files that you want and click Recover.

Recuva is a free program from the makers of CCleaner, and the download links on are safe.

You should save the files that you recover to a different drive if possible to ensure that other files are not overwritten if you intend to restore more files.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Nancy asks…

Can I recycle old wires and gadgets into other gadgets?

Sorry for the confusing title, I wasn’t sure how to word it.

My question is, can I recycle old and unused electronics and make new things out of them? For example, I have an old pair of headphones and some extra wiring and a really old IPOD. Can I reuse any of these to make new things? I’m very interested in the workings behind building things from scratch.

I’m guessing that’s a very broad questions so if anything, point me in the direction of a very simple beginners guide maybe?


The Expert answers:

Sounds like you’re interested in learning circuits. I’d suggest starting by just learning how to light diodes and maybe use a voltage regulator. Also, learn what current, voltage, and all of the Electrical terms are associated with this stuff. Learn what transformers on.

Then from there, move on to learning Integrate Circuit (IC) chips. These chips can be used in many applications. A lot of microprocessors these days come with boards where you can switch the chip (the processor), and use another one as long as you read the data sheet.

A lot of the time though, the integrated circuitry in an IPOD is proprietary and the information about it is limited. Doesn’t mean you can rip off the head phone jack to power your own player in the future though!

Good luck!

Lizzie asks…

Where to recycle electronics in Illinois?

So I hear that there’s a new law that makes it illegal to throw out old electronics in the state of Illinois. I live in Chicago and I would like to know where can I take my old electronics to recycle?

The Expert answers:

Take it to an EPA approved …16 in Chgo:

USMe LLC 2500 W. Fulton Street Chicago Cook 312-582-1882
Sims Metal Management 1509 W. Cortland Street Chicago Cook 773-254-1200
Sims Metal Management 9331 S. Ewing Avenue Chicago Cook 773-254-1200
Sims Metal Management 2500 S. Paulina Street Chicago Cook 773-254-1200
Recycle Tech Solutions 11235 S. Cottage Grove Avenue Chicago Cook 773-821-9700
Recycle Tech Solutions 2000 W. Division Chicago Cook 773-821-9700
Recycle Tech Solutions 3639 N. Broadway Chicago Cook 773-821-9700
Everlights (Chicago) 9901 S. Torrence Avenue Chicago Cook 708-878-9030
Goodwill Retail Services (Southeastern Wisconsin) 1201 W. Washington Blvd Chicago Cook 262-551-2843
City of Chicago Department of Public Health 1150 N. North Branch Chicago Cook 312-742-4806
Com2 Computer and Technologies 3441 W. Peterson Avenue Chicago Cook 630-653-2662
Com2 Computer and Technologies 3651 N. Halsted Avenue Chicago Cook 630-653-2662
All Green Electronics Recycling 233 S. Wacker Drive Chicago Cook 714-633-4104
Jay Schreiber 321 North Artesian Avenue Chicago Cook 872-600-9644
WM Recycle America, LLC South Chicago MRF Chicago Cook 303-656-5344
United Ecycle Corp. 3250 S. Kedzie Avenue Chicago Cook 630-795-9949

Sandy asks…

where do i recycle old electronics?

I have an old computer that I would like to get rid of but don’t know who to call to recycle it. Can anyone tell me?

The Expert answers:

Bluegrass E-Cycle provides computer and electronics recycling in Louisville KY, Cincinnati OH, Charleston WV, and surrounding states. They also provide secure hard drive destruction on or off site for our clients.

They work with only a handful of domestic processors to ensure they have a combination of good track records as well as industry or state certifications.

Mary asks…

How do you recycle gold from electronics?

What’s the most practical and affordable solution to removing gold and palladium from electronic parts?

The Expert answers:

Yes you can but it involves harmful chemicals. The yield is very low that it is not even economical.

Maria asks…

Does sa recycling recycle electronics?

The Expert answers:


Ruth asks…

what will happen is we dont recycle our electronics?

The Expert answers:

A bunch of environmentalists will be upset is the most likely scenario. Practically, none of the things on the circuit board are reactive and all are very stable. The lead based solder is not going to get in the ground water, contrary to the popular but unscientific beliefs. Things like Arsenic, which is a doping compound used to make semiconductors and LEDs has so little arsenic that if it could be dissolved out of the base material it would be so little, but it can’t be dissolved.

The biggest problem is that there is gold and other precious metals and some want to reclaim them. Those methods involve smelting and that releases all of the nasty bits.

CFLs on the other hand have so much mercury that they are hazardous to humans and should not be used.

Paul asks…

How will the75000 tonnes of recycled electronics looks like?

The Expert answers:

Like 75000 tonnes of junk.

Richard asks…

Where in the Reno/Sparks, NV area can I take electronics to be recycled?

Old computers and telephones and other cords and other similar things.
Preferably some place that doesn’t charge to recycle.
These are things that for the most part don’t function any more, and I don’t want to throw them in the trash.

The Expert answers:

Go to google and put “e recycle and your zip code in the search box and you will get a quick list to check out.

Donna asks…

Where can I recycle/donate used electronics that no longer work?

So my MP3 player will not charge anymore, at all. I already asked today what I should buy to replace it and I chose a Zen. (when it said I could download books onto it I was SOLD! I am lugging around my giant heavy laptop to work to read!) So now I have an old Dell pocket DJ that does not work, and I do not want to throw it into the trash. (that cannot be good for the earth!) Any ideas? Sorry about all the exclamation points, I am just really excited about the Zen, I am going to target now to get it! LOL!

The Expert answers:

Check with Best Buy about donating any old electronic item. They all contain “heavy metals” that can pollute the groundwater if they are not taken apart and the metals removed.

Now, go play with your ZEN!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

am i recycling the wrong things?

i am kind of a phoebe about recycling. i try to recycle everything i can and wish more people would do the same.
my question is about plastics. if it doesn’t have the signature “recycling triangle” on the product, can it still be recycled? or am i just wasting someones time by throwing these items in recycling bins? for example, on the bottom of this pudding cup it says “HS1” and underneath it says “26”. does that mean it’s recyclable? i also wonder about things like bread bags and food wrappers like ramen noodle packages…..? anybody have any knowledge on this stuff?

The Expert answers:

Contact your local town office or recycling collector for a list of all items THEY recycle.If they take it place it in the bin if not yes you are wasting there time and possibly yes ruin(contaminate) a batch of melted plastics.Not all plastics are recyclable they need to have the number inside a (the) triangle no triangle throw in the trash you will make someones job a whole lot easier

Lisa asks…

Has anyone else noticed a recent surge in advertising leaflets put through the letter box?

It is virtually an epidemic. On average 2 or 3 lots per day, each with up to 10 leaflets. None of them are read, they go straight into the recycle bin. What a complete waste of time and resources?
It is not the P.O. doing the delivery but private firms. I was not moaning but asking if others had the same issue.

The Expert answers:

We get so much its hard to believe not from the post but in news papers and thou the door. So how much is it costing these super markets why can they not take it off the goods instead of paying out for leaflets which we just bin

Donald asks…

Recycling Recycling I dont understand?

When will councils get their act together. My local council accepts Greeting Cards (covered in tinsel and ribbon) but not the card sleeve that covers Microwaved meals, the card that Tea Bags boxes are made of etc. This leaves precious little for me to put in the box each week. Seems a total waste of time to me

The Expert answers:

Different places have different rules. In order to recycle some products, they have to be broken down into stuff you can recycle. This costs more, and if the city won’t shell out the extra bucks to take these particular waste products to a place that can recycle it. Then the city will clamp down on what they will take for recycling.

David asks…

How can Walmart take all types of plastic for recycling?

Our local landfill does not take plastic for recycling because it takes up too much space and is too costly since they have to send it out of state. (so I’m told by the person who works there)
Walmart has now been taking plastic for recycling lately, but they don’t specify which plastic they will take. I’ve asked the people working there and they tell me they take any plastic, but honestly, I think they have no clue about it. I know plastic has different numbers on it. From what I understand, some numbers can be recycled, others not.
My question then is, how can Walmart take ALL plastics and where do they take it to? Do they really recycle it all or am I wasting my time? I’m collecting all numbers of plastic and bringing it to them. I’m wondering what they do with it…
Are you serious John? …that’s what I’m afraid of happening with the plastic…

The Expert answers:

If you are worried about walmart stop going there or at least stop taking plastic there go to and enter your zip code and what you have it will tell you the nearest place that accepts it also it will explain the 7 plastics to you.

John asks…

Is there anyone out there who apart from me who does not believe in recycling their rubbish?

I think it is a complete waste of time to be quite honest.I have 4 wheelie bins in my garden but I only use one of them. Why should I separate all of my rubbish when that is what I pay council tax for. Why should I do their job for them? Bin men of today in my opinion are just lazy bastards. Years ago they had to go round your back and lift big heavy metal bins empty the rubbish and then put the bin back. Now they have got it easy. Who really cares about what happens to the environment it 100 years time we wont be around to care so why bother recycling it is going to mean F all to us. I would like to know how many other people out there don’t recycle and your own opinions on it.
I admit I am lazy but I enjoy being that way. And I do have kids but what has that got to do with anything?

The Expert answers:

I agree 100%.
One day my bin was unemptied because (i think) they saw a bottle in it. It wasn’t the first time and on sunday after a few beers i thought about it and snapped. I loaded my rubbish into 3 bin liners , drove to the local council offices and dumped it outside their front door. I did not consider this fly tipping as i was only taking it to the people to whom i already pay £900p.a to deal with it.
A lot of stuff nowadays is stored in warehouses and not recycled since the chinese market for this stuff dropped.

Robert asks…

what are your opinions on Hi-5 recycling law? do they cheat you? weigh or not to weigh?

One time, I had a count of my recycle stuff and got the 5 cents of each. Recently, they cheated me by weighing the plastics and they have no weight, so I was cheated 48 bottles. How accurate are those scales? I wasted my time counting everything, so they should have honored my count of the plastic bottles. Instead of weighing the plastic bottles, they should have a count done.

The Expert answers:

In california we pay a set amount for the redemption value, I believe it is 5 cents. Now if we pay five cents per container, then we should get back 5 cents. Weight is just an easy way to count items that are considered bulk. If each can weighs a specific amount, you would then have to take your total weight and divide it by the weight of the single can and that would give you the number of cans total. Plastic is the same, however the cost of a scale sensitive enough to accurately weigh a small amount of bottles would probably have to be deducted from the price of the bottles. Which would mean that you would not get back all of your deposit, I am just very happy that we are able to recycle and I am OK with the small price of helping to clean up the earth!

Chris asks…

Are we really helping the planet when we recycle?

I am really into recycling, but many people tell me that I am wasting my time. They either tell me that it all goes to the dump with the rest of the trash, or that it just doesn’t make a difference, or that the recycling process puts out at least as much pollution as what is being recycled so it’s a wash. What do you think?

Should I try to be virtuous and get the eco-friendly Toyota Prius, or should I just go for the hot Porche Cayenne I’m lusting after?

The Expert answers:

Recycling does NOT go to the landfill. Some places like Philadelphia, PA have even made it LAW to recycle. Trash you toss out that includes recycling will get you a fine.

If you have a local recycling center, go for a visit and get educated on their processes. We have curbside pick up for a few recyclables but most of ours goes to a recycling center that takes just about everything. He even takes used veggie oil to power his car.

Sounds like your friends are making excuses for their own behavior and like to think that when they toss something out, it simply ‘disappears’. Well, I live near a few major landfills and it doesn’t disappear at all. Some items too can lead to heavy metal contamination of table water and soil in the area. Like CFL lightbulbs? They contain mercury. Batteries can leak all sorts of chemicals once in a landfill.

Keep on keepin’ on, you’re doing fine. Reduce your need to recycle by buying things that last or have minimum of packaging, recycle everything you can and go to for things that are too good to toss out but you simply don’t want. Reuse things too when you can.

Actually our ancestors used to do these things out of frugality more so than the environment. That’s how things like quilts and scrapple (a Pennsylvania ‘meat’ product that used to use up all scraps of meat) got invented… The need to make something usable out of little things that alone, aren’t good enough but together are perfect.

As for the cars, really do your homework on MPG and drive the car gently. No foot stomping on either the accelerator or the brake… The Prius is designed for you to be aware of how much gas you’re using and can challenge you to get better but really there are some great gas-easy cars. I just picked up a Toyota Corolla that gets 40hwy mpg and it’s manual, so I can coast a lot and I can ease up on how much gas I use that way too.

The only thing that’s questionable to recycle these days are computers. Very well meaning people are paying special computer recycling companies to recycle these things and very often, they’re ending up in China and creating a big mess over their for the health of the people working with the chemicals used to strip the computers and their part of the planet over there too. However, there’s enough heavy metal components in PCs and all their ‘friends’ that tossing it out in the trash is a no-no too. Hopefully China will clean up their act soon and protect the health of their people and the planet.

James asks…

Is recycling in Braintree, Essex a farce?

I live in the Braintree District and have for some time now been separating out all the ‘green’ and kitchen/food waste, paper and card, stapled magazines, ‘grey’ general waste and brown. green and clear glass.

I have been told by several people that it is a waste of time since all the refuse is still going to landfill and all the glass is too expensive to transport for recycling to a glass works that would be interested in receiving it, and so is also sent to landfill.

Can anybody shed any light on this specific authority, or comment on any others that may be acting similarly?
Just seen one of the recycling vehicles go past, stopped to pick up the paper/card sack and the bag of separate ‘stapled’ magazines and they both went in the back together.

The Expert answers:

A few years ago there was uproar in Hampshire as the County Council was doing exactly what you’ve described above, allegedly. I’m not sure if it was the whole of Hampshire or just Winchester (allegedly) but it came to light that due to staff shortages a lot of the carefully separated, household recycling was being sent to landfill; not enough operatives employed to sort it so what was not sorted went to landfill.
Scandalous but it’s perfectly possible that it can happen as sorting the stuff is quite labour-intensive and if jobs need to be cut then that’s an area in which money could be saved without a direct (or even noticeable) impact.
If you think it’s possible that this is happening in Braintree, write and ask them or ask your local paper to look into it.

Ken asks…

Do a bit of help with my answers for my oral topics…?

I’ve got my Russian oral coming up after easter and I’m stuck with talking about the environment and tourism. I’ve been giving some questions but I honestly am a bit stuck what to answer back… even in English.. would you guys help me out and give me some tips on how I can answer these in ENGLISH so I can then translate it to Russian?? Oh, altogether, my answers must add up to about 5 mins!!

1. Are young people interested in the environment?
2. People think recycling is a waste of time, do you agree?
3. People travel a lot, do you think this is bad for the environment?
4. Do you travel often?

Obviously, I must elaborate on each question quite a lot to get 5 mins from the 4 questions together, so like over a minute for each question!

The Expert answers:




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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Richard asks…

how can recycling pet bottles help the ozone layer?

When people recycle it do they burn the plastic to reuse it? Because it thought the chemicals that burned plastic set free where the ones that break the ozone molecules. or is it the fact that there is too much garbage?

The Expert answers:

It doesn’t.

The Ozone Layer is just fine, Dupont was just looking for something to make it’s R134a replacement an “in demand item- it’s patents for R-12, R-11 and R-22 were expiring. It was all a hoax. To even complete that coup in the marketplace, Khofi Anon’s “Millenium Address” went so far as to say the Ozone Layer was safe.

If you look at the Ozone Depletion theory- that too had major holes in it and some very large assumptions and totally disregarded the amount of Chlorine gas and compounds released by a single active volcano.

Perhaps one of the safest ways to dispose of PolyEthylene Teraphalate is by using it as a fuel.

The real issue with Thalates is their action in the human body and the interactions with the human endocrine system. Namely it’s action in the human body as essentially an Estrogen mimic.

Sandra asks…

san francisco recycling & Disposal inc?

I need infomation/ facts about the san francisco recycling & Disposal inc…. can any one help me? there arent any websites that truely tell me anything.

The Expert answers:


Donald asks…

how can recycling help save the earth?

i need to know how recycling can help save the earth. if yu have facts, that would be great.thnx! 🙂
umm i need to know how recycling can help save the earth.its for a report if u have a source plz give it to me. thnx! 😉

The Expert answers:

Recycling can help the Earth in many ways. In today’s world the importance of recycling is becoming greater of a concern both for the general public and also to the economy. Recycling has become a major issue as scientific research has been suggesting for years that the earth is being depleted too fast to sustain a healthy balance. The earth’s natural resources are being consumed at a rate that reinforces the idea that we are living for today and the future generations will be paying for the consequences. However many people and just as importantly businesses are realizing the problem at hand and the importance of recycling. Recycling along with reducing consumption is our best means to counter the damage we have been doing to the earth for centuries. The importance of recycling is now held in such a high regard even famous people are taking up the plight. Al Gore is now on a mission to educate the world on the effects of global warming. He is also concerned about how we can reduce the causes of global warming. A major part reducing the warmingis how we can recycle much of what we use instead of turning it into unusable waste. Recycling is incredibly important as a means to reduce poisonous emissions into the atmosphere and also to spare our natural resources. Today many companies and individuals are improving their recycling habits by coming up with ways to reduce what they use. They are also reusing much of the original materials sent out for consumer use.

Joseph asks…

English Questions – Please Help?

Determine whether the following sentences are opinions or facts.
Recycling reduces the use of natural resources.
A) Opinion
B) Fact
Recycling cuts down on the amount of waste in landfills.
A) Opinion
B) Fact
Recycling should be mandatory in all schools and businesses.
A) Opinion
B) Fact
Our town needs a recycling program.
A) Opinion
B) Fact
Recycling materials can save on energy costs.
A) Opinion
B) Fact

The Expert answers:

Recycling reduces the use of natural resources
1. Fact (B)
Recycling cuts down on the amount of waste in landfills
2.Fact (B)
Recycling should be mandatory in all schools and businesses
3.opinion (A)
Our town needs a recycling program
4opinion (A)
Recycling materials can save on energy costs.
5.Fact (B)

The key words in questions 3-4 was an opinion because
Q3. Key word: “Should”
Q4. Key word:” Needs”
thies are things that we would want to happen but it’s not true or can be proven. They can be depated on but Q 1, 2, and 5 are all facts because they are proven

hoped this helped

Mandy asks…

Can you guys help me with my persuasive speech about global warming?

i’m doing a persuasive speech about how we can help stop global warming. i want to mention all the problems and also some of the solutions like the new world trade center in new york and recycling. can you guys list some facts, ideas to help stop global warming (like starting annual events), type up a really quick draft so i can work off it?

The Expert answers:

You are going to have to do a lot of lying. There is nothing man can do about global warming.

Donna asks…

Persuasive Essay on Recycling?

I have to write a persuasive speech and i wanted to do it on Recycling, Because many people out there don’t care about our environment and i do!
So i need so interesting facts and things i can use in my speech. I really want to persuade these people to recycle. How do i begin it? and what should i include?

The Expert answers:

Any more people are best persuaded by relating to the Economics of an action. For that reason I would suggest that as you discuss your topic you relate your argument to the value of an Item in relation to the cost of the same Item if it is made from recycled products. Be sure to ad the financial out put associated with the collection of raw materials, energy needed to produce the product and the shipping costs for getting the raw material and finished products from point to end point. Do the same for a recycled material. Also point out that a growing trend in Recycling is called up-cycling where a product like a soda bottle is made into a product like carpet or cloth so that it serves a greater process and it is made so that at the end of it’s use full life it can be reclaimed once again for use as raw material in another product. Being environmentally friendly doesn’t just make natural sense it makes financial sense as well. Show that.

Paul asks…

Question about open container law?

I live in MT. We used to not have an open container law, but now we do. There is a natural hot spring which I frequent either by myself or my two boys. I always bring a bucket to add river water to the hot spring to cool it down. There are always several beer bottles or cans around the hot spring, so when I’m done bathing, I fill my bucket with these and other misc. garbage and take it home to throw away or recycle. In fact, I always pick up garbage and take it home whenever I find some on my travels through the woods, etc. Today my husband was with me and told me about this open container law and said that if I were to get pulled over, I would get a really hefty fine for having these empty cans and bottles in my car. Is this true? Would I really get in trouble for picking up garbage? If so, what are some possible ways to transport garbage such as this?
And what about when I take my recyclables to the dump? Is there a special way I need to transport these? There are sometimes beer or liquor bottles from home in them…???

The Expert answers:

I would throw them in garbage bags, tie up and transport in the trunk of my car. Call the local law enforcement in your area and ask.*

Mark asks…

Can Someone Give Me A Respectable Site About Recycling, Saving Water, Helping The Environment,Etc…?

Making a very important video for school, need facts about saving the environment and such! The video topic is basically for the Green Cup Challenge, which is about saving energy, don’t waste water, don’t litter, etc… Anyways, I need a good site that can give me statistics and such to put in my video.


The Expert answers:

Wikipedia has all the answers just search each of the topics and you will be overloaded with information.
You can read this article about benefits of recycling Hope it helps

Daniel asks…

how can i persuade others (peers) to care about our environment?

the people at my school are very against recycling/ being “green.” don’t ask me why, because I honestly don’t know. and it’s not like they have to go far to recycle a piece of paper, because they don’t. the recycling bin is right next to the trash can. back in september, i asked the student council (who do NOTHING, by the way) to get some recycling bins for cans and stuff at lunch, but what happened? nothing. i don’t even know why the student council exists. anyways, how do i persuade people to be green, or at the very least, recycle?

and no, i know for a fact that they do not recycle in their own homes. in fact, the recycling truck doesn’t even come to their houses anymore! thanks in advance.

The Expert answers:

Well I think I should start off by saying the I don’t believe in Global Warming (I have done TONS of research, trust me, its a load of BS), but trying to get people to recycle and save power in very admirable, there is nothing wrong with that at all! What you should probably do, is first talk to the faculty of the school and tell them you have an idea that you want to persue. Try setting out boxes or recycle bins yourself around all the trash cans (if you can’t get StuCo to do it, do it yourself, you’ll get the credit and the service too!), and 9 times out of 10 if it is RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF THEM, they will throw their recyclables into the bin instead of the trash. Hope that helps!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Where are some plastic bottling recycling centers in Georgia?

my zip code is 30218 and I want to recycle some plastic bottles and aluminum cans…I’m just not sure on where the closet center is

The Expert answers:

Save yourself some time. I throw all mine in my local river. They came from earth and that’s where I put them back at. You should to. You can also just throw them in your local sewer drain.

Richard asks…

Any Recycling Centers in the NYC area?

I’m trying to organize a recycling project for my school and I can’t seem to find any recycling centers nearby. Do you know of any Recycling centers in the NYC Area (for paper preferably) that will give you money for your paper? Thanks so much for your help.

The Expert answers:

I think there is no any centres.

Linda asks…

Recycling Centers In Florida That Will Buy Plastic?

Are there any recycling centers in Florida that buy plastic bottles?

The Expert answers:

You can search it here

Mary asks…

Is it customary for recycling centers to charge people that bring in scrap material?

I brought an old thermostat that contained mercury and copper to the recycling center. They wanted $20 to accept it. I thought these centers paid for scrap metals. Am I wrong, or are they thinking to take advantage of an uninformed person?

The Expert answers:

The mercury is considered “hazardous” waste and the recycling company has to pay to dispose of it properly, so they pass the cost on to the person wanting to dispose of it. There probably isn’t enough copper in the thermostat to matter to them as scrap value.

Betty asks…

How do recycling centers separate materials?

I know all the recyclables are placed on a rotating belt, but how are they able to separate everything? I recycle pretty much recycle everything I throw away, except food, so for an example, how would they separate packaging with plastic and paper attached? It seems so complicated.

The Expert answers:

There are a variety of ways to accomplish the task. I’ll put a link to the way my city does it. We have a Material Recovery Facility which uses both mechanical and manual sorting processes to divert over 60% of the waste to recycling. The video is a little long, and slow but about 4 min. Into it you get more info on the process.

Ruth asks…

Are there any recycling centers in brooklyn ?

I just went through my binders and folders from 9th grade and also 7th and i have a hugeee bag full of papers i dont just wanna throw away i want to give them to a recycling center are there any in brooklyn ? or if possible can i get someone to pick up my papers ?

The Expert answers:

Binders and folders can be reused for next year, of course.
If you don’t want them, but they aren’t too badly damaged or decorated, you can donate them. If someone uses them this coming school year, that is even better for the earth than recycling them! Many schools will take them and give them to poorer students, or thrift stores, or other groups that help school children without as much money can pass them on.
Good for you for recycling, and reusing is even better than recycling.

William asks…

In California I see recycling centers in parking lots that pay for recycling. How do they make a profit?

Often these spots pay a good rate for these recyclables. Do they wait until they have a large amount and then bring it directly to the disposal areas? Any idea what kind of rates they get for the recyclables?

The Expert answers:

The person bringing the recyclable gets about a cent per soda can. The collector re-sells them to companies that manufacture aluminum. Those companies in turn make their profit by not having to pay for the energy to refine the bauxite ore.

Other recyclables are less profitable. Paper fluctuates but runs about a cent a pound. That can be re-manufactured into cardboard, corrugated board, insulation, and book-board.

Plastics can be turned into garbage cans, motor-oil bottles, and plastic lumber.

Ken asks…

How much stuff do recycling centers actually recycle of the materials given to them?

The Expert answers:

That will always depend on what people actually throw in their recycling bins. I’ve never seen a plant that didn’t have to pick over everything they get in order to recycle what they can or should…my guess would be 80–85% actually gets recycled. The rest is trash.

Robert asks…

Does the recycling centers make you remove the caps before you get a refund?

They will take the larger gallon size plastic containers but they will not credit you for it. I just wanted to know if the rest of the country is the same way.

The Expert answers:

My husband works at a recycling center and the reason you take the caps off is because they are put into a machine to crush and bundle them and if they have caps on then they would pop off while being crushed than like 1000 caps would be shooting out all over and could hurt someone..

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

Why don’t ALL state recycle? and if You don’t why. I?

I ask this because I live in Michigan where recycling is fairly big. But my daughter just came back from Vegas, who’s in early 20’s and said they don’t even recycle pop bottles. Can’t they send the to nearby recycle state. Why doesn’t Vegas has recycling for 1 example. Also, she was funny as she saw her friends the 1st time throwing out bottles? Dude! That’s a lot of dimes!

The Expert answers:

Just because the state doenst pay you to recylce doenst mean you shouldnt do it or that there arent recyclung programs. Louisiana doesn’t but we have recylcing containers all over..

Sharon asks…

Where in Michigan cab you recycle glass bottles for money? I can’t find any?

The Expert answers:

Look in the yellow pages, it’s there..

Chris asks…

can you recycle fiberglass boats in Michigan?

The Expert answers:

NO – repair the hole and put it back in the water…..


Fiberglass is garbage once it is hardened you cant re-use it.

Jenny asks…

Aluminum Cans – MI Recycling?

All the cans I have looked at say 10 cent refund in Michigan? Where in MI do you recycle cans for this refund? Tried looking on the internet but it’s information overload and nothing specifically says “go here”, nor does it list specific business that honor the refund?

I am the mother of twin boys so “extra” cash is non-existent as our only income is my husband’s job. I try to contribute to the household by doing odd jobs and babysitting for neighbors but it’s just barely enough to get what we need for the boys. Christmas and their birthday (Nov. 1) is coming up and I need an additional source of “extra” cash for that.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time and consideration.
I don’t know how to reply to an answer on here so I had to use this. I am looking specifically for a recycle center that honors the refund as I am out of state (Arkansas) and would have to ship the cans. Don’t have the $$ to drive to MI.

The Expert answers:

You can return them to just about any grocery store, Walmart, Meijer, etc. The only time the store won’t honor the refund is if its a brand that they do not carry. This generally only happens when say you bought Meijer brand soda and then tried to return the cans to a local grocery store.

Edit: You have to be in Michigan in order to be able to get the refund. When we buy pop and such here, we pay an extra 10 cents for the bottle. Its an incentive to get people to recycle. So we go back and get our 10 cent refund when we return them.

Thomas asks…

Are there places in Massachusetts where an individual can get a refund for aluminum cans?

I know there are places in Michigan where you can go and recycle cans into a machine and receive a cash refund (like at some Walmarts). Are there places like that in Massachusetts where an individual can go and receive a refund for aluminum cans and/or glass bottles?
I know there are places in Michigan where you can go and recycle cans into a machine and receive a cash refund (like at some Walmarts). Are there places like that in Massachusetts where an individual can go and receive a refund for aluminum cans and/or glass bottles?


The Expert answers:

Uhhh yeah……………….
They is everywheres

Sandy asks…

Where in michigan can you take cans to be recycled?

The Expert answers:

The recycling center.

Linda asks…

where in Michigan can I get a nickle for a plastic bottle ?

I live in Indiana and would consider driving plastic bottles to Michigan for the extra money and recycle.I live just south of Indiana/Michigan border.

The Expert answers:

Well it depends on what kind of bottle you mean. If you mean a plastic Coke or Pepsi bottle, then you can return them at pretty much any grocery store ( I know that Wal Mart, Kroger,Miejer have these bottle return spots). You can’t return bottles like Gatorade or Powerade there though. Stores will accept most soft drink bottles but I don’t know where you can return sports drinks/ juice bottles. Also, I’m pretty sure that you can return water bottles at grocery stores too. And it’s 10 cents per bottle, not 5.

Lizzie asks…

how do you collect bottle/can deposit on bottles in Michigan?

I have about $130(10c each) worth of crushed cans I have been collecting for recycling. Are there places that will pay me for so may cans? Does it matter that the cans are crushed and are there any requirements like receipts or anything? thanks!

The Expert answers:

Most grocery stores in mich have return areas they prefer the cans be uncrushed because they have to scan the barcode meyers and walmart both have return areas marked as you walk in some stores only take the cans they sell meyers wont redeem samschoice cans

Nancy asks…

why don’t other states adopt a deposit fee on cans and bottles like michigan does?

in michigan, when you buy beer or soda pop, you pay ten cents deposit on that container. you get the ten cents back when you return it to any store. it promotes recycling. Some states have similar programs where you get 5 cents a can/bottle.

I think if people got more money (like ten cents) for each can or bottle, the less likely they are to toss them out the window of their cars, and they’ll get them recycled. plus its more of an incentive for any bums out there to pick up the cans and bottles to return them to the store and make some money while they are out wandering the roads and back fields.

i think it’s a good idea.

The Expert answers:

It works. We here in Michigan know it does. It’s a pain in the butt but it works. You would, however, be surprised what some sick-o’s (probably related to Fizzdude) put in their empties.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sharon asks…

I have a riddle for all those that recycle. When is a recycler not a recycler?

This was posted in riddles and jokes and didn’t work well!!
As always the best answer will be posted later. Have a
green day all you recyclers.
So far nobody has come up with the
correct answer. But I like Cubelas
answer so far but it’s not the right

The Expert answers:

When he recycles the none recyclable !!!!!!!!(HAHAHA!!!)

Susan asks…

Does anyone know where I can get a recycler?

Does anyone have a toilet paper recycling kit or know when they can be purchased? I wanna go green.

The Expert answers:

My sister got one of those years ago. She sometimes uses it to make nice paper for cards and stuff. She got it from a national geographic store.

Charles asks…

how do you access the recycler files?

I can’t access the recycler files to relieve the PC’s overloaded processing. This is really slowing my PC down and I dont know how to delete these files. Can you help?

The Expert answers:

I don’t get it, but I assume, you want to get rid all your files in recycle bin.
Here hows to do it :
– Right click your recycle bin in your desktop
– press ‘Empty Recycle Bin’

hope this help

Richard asks…

Is there a recycler that accepts used cotton or other clothing including denim?

The Expert answers:

I do not know where you are, but various charities accept these items and send them to other countries where they are needed. I.e. They bale them up and send them to Africa. Including old shoes.

Mandy asks…

how do i now if my laptop & flash drive has a recycler virus?

when i scan my laptop & flash drive w/ norton does not show anything wrong.but my classmate told me that she her flash drive got virus bec. of my laptop.

The Expert answers:

Hmm, you could try going here to get an answer:

you could format your flash drive?

Or you may have the “downadup” virus. It spreads by flash drives.
Http:// you may need the microsoft windows patch for that.

Download avg antivirus, and superantispyware. Sometimes different programs overlook viruses, so it’s always good to have two to complement each other.

Sandy asks…

Can I make money selling copper pennies to a recycler?

They aren’t good for much else.

The Expert answers:

I’m pretty there’s a federal law about destroying coins of the realm. And I don’t really think there’s much copper in a penny anymore. Copper is too valuable to use in pennies. As you say they are pretty much worthless.

John asks…

when i plug in my pen drive i get automatically recycler.exe file in my pen drive?

the drive looks like a folder icon and i after i format my pen drive it will be the same and i get a recycler.exe file in my pen drive thats 1.33mb is that a virus and how can i get rid of this..
is this because i have a virus in my system
Please help on this

The Expert answers:

That’s a virus alright !Scan your pendrive with an anti-virus like Avast ,threatfire. Your can get them free from the web You can also use it on your hard drive to see if it is also infected. Hope this helps !

Donna asks…

which mobile phone recycler is the best?

the most popular one doesnt seem to give me the best price for my non-working n958gb seems to give me the best price. anyone used them before?

The Expert answers:

Your n958gb is worth a £115.00 Tesco gift card, it has to switch on though, not necessarily work.
Or £116.00 in Tesco Mobile airtime.

James asks…

who buys recycled material from recycler plants?

I am trying to open a recycling plant can somebody please direct me toward a company that buys the recycled material off of small business recyclers, or any information you know! please and thank you

The Expert answers:

Unfortunately, with the popularity of curbside recycling where the business model is that the homeowner pays for the pickup of the recyclables, the market for most recyclables are glutted. Hence much of the sorted recyclables have to be stored to see if the market improves and if it doesn’t, it’s sent to the landfill to make room for more recyclables to store. Remember with the business model of curbside recycling, they make money from the service subscription, whatever they get from the sale of recyclables are incidental and only help offset their costs.

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