Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

Am I being forced to do too much chores?

I live in a house with 3 boys, and 3 adults. The kids are ages 9, 14 (me), and 15. We recently divided all the household chores, and I feel I do much more work than my brothers, yet I get paid the same as them ($25/month). We must do our chores everyday, right when we get home from school, before we can do anything else. The division of chores is as follows:

Me (14 yr old)
Dishes (6 people = two or more loads a day)
Clean Laundry Room (Sweep+Mop)
Clean dog poop in backyard (5 dogs = lots of poo lol)
Clean Living Room
Clean Bathroom (Sink+Mirror)

9 yr old
Empty recycle bin
Clean toilet (he put an automatic cleaner in, and was done for a week. Dx )
Mop upstairs (hall, living room, bedrooms)
Give dogs food + water

15 yr old
Take out trash
Collect dishes around house (very few)
Sweep kitchen
Move trashcans to end of driveway on Wednesday for garbage truck

I think this is too unfair for me to have to get time-consuming chores while they get very quick and easy ones. Do you agree?

I tried telling my parents, but they don’t listen to me. Do you have any suggestions on how I should tell my parents that this isn’t fair?
I am a boy too. Not a girl.

The Expert answers:

Reiterate that you think that your chore list requires more time and effort as compared to your brothers. Then suggest that the chores lists remain the same, but are rotated on a weekly basis, so everyone has the same level of work over time. I’d also count yourself as lucky, if you were mine, you wouldn’t be getting anything since to me it’s part of your obligation as a member of your family to contribute to keeping your house running. None the less try the pragmatic approach to working the situation out with your parents, your brothers may despise you for awhile, but it seems more fair to rotate chores weekly.

Donald asks…

How do things get recycled now days?

Years ago I remember my parents getting a specific rubber trash can that was only to be used for recycling and a seperate truck would pick that up. That no longer happens. There is only trash day, no day for recycling and people use those old rubber recycling cans for their regular trash. How are bottles and cans being recycled now days? Does the trash company open the garbage bags and sort through them? There must be a new way that it is getting done because I see absolutely no one doing it and apt complexes no longer have specific recycling bins next to the trash bins, so what’s the deal?

The Expert answers:

What happens is all the garbage goes to a plant. Then at the plant they literally sort out all of the materials into piles – wood, glass, metal, paper etc. They send all the sorted materials to a place that will re-use the materials for new products.

Other items such as non-hazardous, non-recyclable waste like lead paint coated items and food products are sent to the landfill. With landfill restrictions, you can only send these materials to be buried.

Construction waste makes up 40% of the waste flow into garbage facilities. I am working on a green project which requires that 95% of waste is to be recycled. We separate everything onsite into different dumpsters to be sent to different facilities. Co-mingled waste is then sent to the facilities I mentioned above to be sorted.

We are then provided a worksheet broken down into individual items (metal, wood, concrete, glass, mixed) which gives us the tonnage and percentage of recycling. Fines, or regrind (small particles that cannot be physically recycled into anything) are sent to compost piles for fertilizer. They are also accounted for.

Nancy asks…

analogies homework?

dont tell me i should do it on my own :I
its eleven o’ freaking clock in this place!

concert:hear::drama: (a. eyes, b. view, c. play, d. spectator)

repress:revolution::foster: (a. patriotism, b. encourage, c. fossil, d.tarnish)

meet:deadline::forego: (abstain, b. meeting, c.forewarn, d. temptation)

pencil:sharpen::garbage: (a. stinky, b. recycle, c. trash, d. truck)

throw:ceramics::weave: (a. mosaics, b. twine, c. tapestry, d. loom)

salute:flag::pedal: (a. flutter, b. bicycle, c. wares, d. brake)

fold:origami::slice: (a. knife, b. pare, c. thinly, d. cheese)

study:exam::pack: (a. test, b. unpack, c. vacation, d. package)

thank you very much if you help :]
now good night!

The Expert answers:

Drama: view
foster: tarnish
garbage: recycle
weave: tapestry
pedal: bicycle
slice: pare
pack: vacation

Linda asks…

Is my two year old the only kid obsessed with the mail man?

It seems to be the highlight of his day. I do all these cool things with him and he’d rather watch the mail man or point out “man mail truck.” The mail man was sitting in his truck, organizing letters for the next stop and my son is throwing his hand up in the air, saying “Close it door, man mail! What he’s doin’ mommy? Close it door!”

Same thing with the garbage man or recycling guy. Who needs Spiderman when you have real life heroes, huh?
LOL lillilou… I didn’t even catch that. That was so sexist of me.

The Expert answers:

Yeah I know what you mean. The school janitor is far cooler than dad who just sits at a desk all day doing nothing.

Mark asks…

How can the “blue-bag” recycling program possibly work?

The blue bags with recyclables is thrown in the same truck as the regular garbage, and then it all gets crushed together. I’ve watched the garbage truck do this, and I know that the bags split open and burst when they are crushed inside the garbage truck. I’ve heard the bags popping and the sound of glass being crushed, and I asked our garbageman about it and he said that when they dump their load, everything is just a big stinky, slimy mess, and it’s impossible to separate anything. Plus who in their right mind would want that job?

The Expert answers:

If you ask the company doing it you’ll probably be told that the blue bags goes with the other trash right now while they are developing the system and that it will work much better in the future. We don’t have blue bags, but we have a similar system and they have been telling us for years now that it will work better in the future. All lies I think, I mean how many years do they need to develop it all?

Joseph asks…

a question about prison.?

i started thinking about something the other night when i was watching spngebob. it was a new episode. spongebob got on the wrong ship, it was a ship that transports prisoners. and when the got there the dude in charge said: it is my duty to deal with the trash that society has thrown away.” and spngebob said “i always prefer to recycle.” and that got me thinking. are prisons meant to change people for the better whn they get out like when you recycle or is it supposed to be like a place that garbage trucks bring all the trash, land fills is what i think they are called. so is prison meant for recycling the criminals or throwing them away for good? if you know what i mean.

The Expert answers:

Just as there are different types of inmates, prison has different missions to deal with them.

In Georgia, our Commissioner says there are two kinds of inmates: those we are mad at, and those we are afraid of.

When someone steals a car to pay for his drug habit, we’re mad at him. We need to temporarily remove him from society so he won’t cause any more harm. While we have him, we try to deal with his addiction, as solving the addiction will reduce (or remove) the need for him to steal. We also use proven techniques to help him learn to think responsibly. The goal is to allow him to return to society as a responsible citizen, rather than as a drug user who needs to steal for money to buy drugs.

When someone breaks into a home and kills everyone there so they won’t be able to testify against him for stealing the tv, we’re scared of him. We remove him from society for a LONG time, perhaps even forever. We try the same techniques on him to get him to think responsibly. However, our main objective with this type of inmate is to keep him away from society.

We also have programs for the mentally ill, and the mentally retarded. There are programs to teach inmates job skills, and anger management skills, and more.

It is impossible to rehabilitate people against their will, but we can offer the choice. If the inmate chooses to help himself, we do what we cal to help them succeed, and get them back into society as soon as we can, giving due consideration to public safety. If the inmate chooses to keep his criminal lifestyle, we keep him incarcerated as long as legally possible, and we also “leave the light on for him.”

Carol asks…

What level of government is this?(Federal, provincial, municipal) (Canada)?

Read the following newspaper headlines. Indicate with level of government is most closely associated.

1. New recreation centre planned West end.
2. New stamps Honor War Heroes
3. Immigration to be reduced by 10%
4. Local Restaurant gets liquor license
5. GST may be repealed
6. Stray Animals becoming a problem
7. More snow removal trucks on the road this winter.
8. New two dollar coin to be introduced.
9. Garbage collection reduced to once weekly
10. Maintenance lagging on hydro reactors.
11. seniors dread cuts to social programs
12. Three new public libraries to be built this spring.
13. Air Canada decreases flights.
14. Drinking age may be raised to 21.
15. Sales tax stays at 8%
16. Potholes on side streets dangerous.
17. O.P.P. Double patrol on Q.E.W.
18. 30 credits to graduate from high school.
19. Conservative Party Leader Mike Harris elected premier.
20. Mel Lastman Voted first mega mayor.
21. Say no to drug legalization.
22. Mounties break smuggling rings.
23. Most Canadians want a return to capital punishment.
24. Recycling program expanded.
25. Health inspectors close restaurant.

The Expert answers:

It is federal.

Daniel asks…

Why does my husband blame me for everything?

Seriously I am beginning to wonder what planet he lives on. Last night we ran out of oil at 10pm which was, obviously, MY fault. ( Itake care of EVERYTHING around the house including the 2 kids. I manage the garbage (go to the dump, handle recycling), the cars, I rake the yard, mow the lawn and shovel the snow. I put an 8 FOOT christmas tree up with a 1 year old on my back while he sat in the room and stared at the TV! He does NOTHING NOT A THING NOT A FINGER does he lift around the house…is it too much to expect he can manage the FUEL since its in the BASEMENT where I do not often go with my 2 BABIES>??? NOT TO mention it is winter here in good ole New England so the next obvious attack was we are out of fuel because I use too much of it. (Seriously we have made 2 purchases this year for a one story ranch heats at 67 NOT OUTRAGEOUS! …He purchased a used truck last year that had transmission problems and linkage problems. I drove it 2 times. One of those times the shifter (steel) snapped. This is, too, MY FAULT because I am strong enough to snap steel I guess. Everything. If he takes a job he doesn’t like its MY fault if he stays at a job he doesn’t want it was MY fault. We have two kids and had some money set aside for this month. I purchased christmas gifts for the kids, his fam and made some cards. He bought a new phone and went out and went out and went out…but now its MY fault because the funds are low, I am draining him. (Seriously here I bought myself a pack of socks and 3 cups of coffee no white lying.) I can’t take it anymore. He acts like a pouting child. He is totally unappreciative of what I do and keepos piling on more and more for me in a day. I’m tired and aggravted. Any thoughts?
Just for the record it is not that I SPOIL or have SPOILED him…its that when the snow is piled up outside the door and he is clearly not making it home to get it done (bar) someone has to. I would say PICKED up his SLACK in place of SPOIL

The Expert answers:

To say “leave him” would of course be easier said than done but I seriously don’t think this situation with him is going to get better.
He doesn’t sound like a very nice man let alone a loving and caring husband/father.
Somehow, someway you probably need to get out of this situation because it’s not going to get better. In the meantime maybe the best that you could do would be to try talking to this “man” and explain your concerns to him.
Good luck, you’re going to need it.

James asks…

To all environmentalist, what do you think of this suggestion?

It is very common nowadays the usage of 3 R’s, reduce, reuse, recycle. However, I honestly believe that not too many people really have put their hearts into doing them, except I guess for people who have really no options other than to really do them. For instance, where my mother-in-law lives, they have separate barrels for all recyclable things, such as plastics, cans, newspapers and so on….; but, where I live, it’s so sad to say that we don’t do those things. We just throw all our garbage in this big dumpster and there’ll be a truck that comes over once a week. I actually, called the place before and asked them if they have a program such as recycling, but then the lady said that they don’t; and when I asked where do these garbage goes, of course, as what I had expected, in the landfills.

I guess my point here really, is that no matter how much we advertise the 3 R’s, or even proclaim that going green is the new chic, a lot of people really won’t pay attention to them or say, won’t even care.

Now, what if, we make it like an incentive thing. We make it like a raffle, wherein, whoever has a 30 dollar bill or less of electricity (or water.. and so on..), can submit their bills to be entered in a raffle contest, in which, there’ll be 20 or even 50 winners who will be given free trips. So, what do you think of this suggestion?
alex – i know what you mean, but really think of it this way, what if, the trips will be around here in the US, the most beautiful places of course, and plus, if say for instance in a very small town, there’s 100 family who regularly would have a bill of 150 or 300 (out of just leaving the pc’s all night and so on…) and would like to participate in this drawing, really think of it, 100×150, that’s 15000 a month and they cut down on their bill to 30 by really making right conservation, that’s 3000. and this is only a 100 household in a very small town; how much more if it’s statewide, or better yet nationwide?
Ishtiaq – yah, we do that here too, but really, not too many people are interested on that. I am just suggesting an additional incentive program for the 3 R’s.

The Expert answers:

I think a (large) deposit on most everything would help people recycle. If you had to pay a $1 deposit for each bottle of milk you bought (like they used to), I bet many people would recycle that bottle. Since it’s nothing now, why would most people go to the effort?

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

how to sell cans fro money in singapore?

i have a whole full bag of empty drinking cans i wan to sell for recycling for money!! i nid to know where can sells tis whole bag of empty cans for money
Drinking cans like coke, F and N drinks!!

The Expert answers:

If you live in singapore then you can probably find a company. Though if you’re in the u.s. It’s honestly a better deal to find a local recycling company that pays by the pound. The transportation of those cans will cost less.

Thomas asks…

Question regarding recycling plastic & glass bottles and cans in Fairfield County Ct.?

Hi… My son would like to redeem our recycling for money (we have to pay a deposit here on water bottles, some glass bottles and cans). Where do I take these back? The gal at the store had a blank stare when I asked her… Thank you in advance!

The Expert answers:

Go to put in your zip code and what you want to recycle and you will get a list of local centers

Helen asks…

How long does it take for soda cans to be to old to recycle for money…?

The Expert answers:

Aluminum is aluminum… No experation date…

Linda asks…

Humanitarian/Recycling Club Spirit Week Ideas?

We have a new club at our school that’s a mix between a recycling club and a humanitarian club. We need ideas for a spirit week.
We already have:
What to Wear:
Wear Green
Wear something recycled
Wear a color for a disease awareness
What to Do:
Sit with someone new at lunch
Bring in cans to be recycled
Money for Children’s Hospital

Mind you, we’re a school of about 350 students.
Does anyone have any ideas of what else we could do? We only have 4 days the week we’re doing this and we wanted to have a “wear something” and “do something” for the same day.

The Expert answers:

This is what we’re doing at my school:

Monday (4/18/11): Monday Movie Night (Over the Hedge) & Animal Day (Dress like your favorite animal). We’re going to have people dress like their favorite animal or wear a shirt with their favorite animal on it. After school, we’re going to play Over the Hedge in the auditorium and sell pizza and soda.

Tuesday (4/19/11): Trash Tuesday, candy will be randomly given to students who pick up their trash throughout the day. You could also have people make clothing out of trash bags like after school.

Wednesday (4/20/11): Black Out, One Year Anniversary of BP Oil Spill & High School Earth Hour. We’re going to wear all black to raise awareness/make a statement about the oil spill. We’re going to have an earth our where we’re going to encourage teachers to turn off the lights and open the blinds. We’re also going to eat outside for lunch and use eco-friendly products. The teachers could also hold class outside.

Thursday (4/21/11): Throwback Thursday (Hippie Day) & Bring in Recyclable items from home to be recycled. Dress like a hippie.

Friday (4/22/11): EARTH DAY – Green Out (Wear Eco Club shirts) & Eco Club Film Night (Disney’s African Cats). We’re going to have everyone wear green. At night, we’re going to go see African Cats.

Another thing that you could do is have everyone bring in items from home that they would normally throw away or recycle. We bought glue and other craft supplies, and had people make things from the items. We had a contest on who created the best object. Idea: robot made from soda cans. Purse made from boxes. Bird feeder from plastic plate and 2 liter soda bottle. Get creative 😀

Nancy asks…

Besides aluminum cans, what else could one recycle for money?

Any items used everyday?

The Expert answers:

Just about anything that had value in it’s original for, can be recyled. Metals are probably the easiest, such as the aluminum cans you mentioned, but other metals such as copper, steel, other aluminum products.
Of course there’s always the precious metals too. For example, electronic printed circuit boards have a suprising amount of precious metals, including gold, copper, tin, lead, aluminum, etc. And if you can recover any of the components, they can sometimes be re-used, after all, re-use is also another form of recyling
Good luck in your recyling ventures.

Lisa asks…

Where can I get money for recycling cans/bottles in QUEBEC? (Gatineau)?

I have organized all of my cans and bottles and need to find out where I can give them in to get money. I am from NS and we give in our cans/bottles in to depots, but what do I do in Quebec? (Gatineau)

The Expert answers:

Idk if you can do that in quebec i know they only give back deposits in certain parts of the world

John asks…

How can I get money for my recycling?

Trying to raise money by recycling. I live in North Carolina where it’s not big to recycle. So they don’t pay. Is there some hidden place here I don’t know about? I’m recycling plastic bottles and aluminum cans. Even if there’s not a place here I’ll send them out of state. Does anyone know anyplace that does such a thing?

The Expert answers:

Rather than adding lots of air-miles to your products by sending them away, see if you can re-use them in your household.

E.g. Cut the bottoms of plastic bottles and use them for propagating plants.

Failing that, see if anyone can make use of them on a local freecycle group.

Ken asks…

Aluminum can recycling for money?

I live in a place where you can’t trade in cans and bottles for a tax refund because we don’t have tax on them. Would it be worth it to collect cans and sell them to a scrap yard? I’m willing to collect a lot of cans, but how many would I need to get anything worthwhile?

The Expert answers:

Depending on where you take your aluminum cans, the price is around $0.35 US per pound for 1 – 49 pounds.

For 50+ pounds, $0.40 US per pound.

It takes about 32, 12 ounce cans to equal one pound, about a penny apiece.

You need to consider fuel costs.

From my experience, if you do not have around 100 pounds, you will spend more on gas to drive to the recycler, than you will get as profit.
!00 pounds at $0.40 a pound is $4.00 profit before subtracting fuel costs.

Some recyclers will pay more per pound than $0.40, if you bring in a trailer load of cans.


Lizzie asks…

What states can you recycle pop/soda cans for money?

I am writing a paper and it has to do with being sustainable. But anyway, what are the states that you can get money for recycling pop cans for? If you could give me a source, that would be good, because i need to cite it. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

If your state doesn’t have a deposit program you can still get money for your aluminum cans. Find a local scrap yard or metal recyclers and they will pay per pound for cans.

Http:// is a good place to start.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sharon asks…

How to restore deleted files, folders from recycle bin?

How to restore files even deleted from recycle bin?
I had important pictures in the folder that was in the recycle bin and I call that folder “original folder”
and I accidently delete that folder that was in the recycle bin.
I tried the restore system but still nothing in the recycle bin.

The Expert answers:

This is telling how to restore deleted files, folders after you have emptied the recycle bin.

Download the software and follow the guide to recover your deleted files.

Sandy asks…

How can I recover recently deleted files from my Recycle Bin?

So I accidentally deleted some pictures that i want from the Recycle Bin this morning and i need them back, is there a way?
and whats a good recovery program?

The Expert answers:

Yes, it is technically possible to recover any deleted file (Even those removed from the Recycle Bin) by using recovery software.

Check out the software from link blow.

Good luck!

Robert asks…

small recycle bins????

where can I get a small recycle bin for my house for free or low price please

The Expert answers:

Try home depot

George asks…

can you delete the recycle bin on your computer?

I have found a way of deleting the whole application of the recycle bin, but if i do, i save 6 GB of space but will it damage my computer at all?

I know i won’t be able to recycle things i’ll have to delete them permanently.
I can delete it. I’ve found a way. I’d print screen it to show you, but that’s impossible on here. I’m on an IT course atm about to get my national diploma.. So i do kinda know what i’m talking about.

The Expert answers:

It won’t damage your computer, however, when you delete something, you won’t have the opportunity to restore it, that the recycle bin gives you, once you delete it, that’s it, it’s gonnnnnnnnne with the wind!

Richard asks…

My recycle bin wont store it only deletes is there a fix ?

I want to store stuff there like it used to but it only permanently deletes everything and the dialog box for the bin wont let me change the settings …. Can I get a new recycle bin ?

The Expert answers:

1. Right click on the recycle bin.
2. Go to properties
3. Under general you have ticked “Don’t move files to the recycle bin……………..
4. Untick that by pressing ” Custom size.
5. Then type in how much space you want and apply
6. Enjoy

Michael asks…

How do I restore items that were in my recycle bin, that I have emptied?

Like a total idiot I emptied my recycle bin, where I had several documents that I now need. Is there anyway to do a restore. I just did it recently, so they shouldn’t be written over just yet.


The Expert answers:

Use Recuva

Charles asks…

Why is my recycle bin filled with iPod apps?

I opened my recycle bin to find it was filled with like 40 apps from iTunes. None of them are the latest version, but I don’t want to delete them for fear it will remove them. Are these just the old versions and safe to delete? Or did some freak accident happen and delete all my apps? They are still in iTunes, but I’m just not sure.
Thank you “Me.” That’s all the help I’ll need!

The Expert answers:

Hey, mine do this too they are fine to delete, they are, like you said just the old version of an app that you’ve updated, so yes nothing will happen if you delete them (: hope I helped 😀

Daniel asks…

How do I get my “Recycle Bin” back on my desktop?

For some reason my recycle bin is not on my desktop anymore, it’s just gone, like it’s been deleted from there.

How can I get it back to my desktop again?

The Expert answers:

Try these.

For Vista.

To restore it you can go Start->Control Panel->Appearance and Personalization->Personalization and then click “change desktop icons” from the left-hand column. From there just check Recycle Bin and click OK.

Restore Recycle Bin icon in Windows XP :

1.Right-click an empty area of your desktop
2.Select Properties
3.Click the Desktop tab
4.Click the Customize button
5.Click Restore Default
6.Exit all windows and restart your computer

Susan asks…

If you wanted to get a recycling bin. Do you have to pay the city for the recycle bin?

I want to save the earth. So the best way to do that is recycle. I was wondering, if i want a little blue bin would i have to pay for it monthly with the city?

The Expert answers:

I guess it depends on the city.

My city gives them out for free.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

Can I recycle stuff like empty cereal boxes and cardboard?

Im sure that they are ABLE to recycle it, but can I put it in with the plastic bottles and cans? If not, where would they accept it?

i am also wondering, where can I get biodegradable garbage bags for decomposable waste?

The Expert answers:

Some placesecycle cardboard but it depends on where you live if you can recycle them with your bottles and cans.

In some councils they are done together and others done separately. You may want to ring your local council to see if they do recycle cardboard and where. I know some places you have to take it to a recycling depo.

On biodegradable bags i have seen ones the size of shopping bags that some shops use. It may be an idea to just use these bags instead of actual garbage bags.

Nancy asks…

Where to recycle a clothes washer for the CA Energy Star rebate?

I recently purchased a washer that qualifies for the Energy Star rebate. The deadline is coming soon and I have no idea where I’m supposed to recycle my old washer to claim the rebate in Southern California (inland empire area). Does anybody know?

The Expert answers:

Thomas asks…

Would you recycle to earn a credit toward your utility bill?

Marylanders have recently experienced a 72% rate hike in their electricity bill in addition to some taxes. Many families just can not afford to make it anymore. If you were given the option to recycle more and have this applied to any utility bill, would you?

The Expert answers:

Everyone would!!!

Mark asks…

What happens to something you recycle that didn’t get rinsed out properly?

Do they just throw it away with regular trash? Or recycle it anyway? Because wouldn’t all recycling go through a cleaning process anyway?

The Expert answers:

I don’t think they really care if what you recycle is clean or not. Everyone needs to be concerned with what drains from your trash cans/bins if you haven’t cleaned/rinsed cans and bottles that you are recycle in your area.

Paul asks…

How can I get my employer to recycle?

I work for a large corporation which throws away probably a ton of paper everyday on the administrative side and more on the sales floor. I have asked the store manager why we don’t recycle, and he gave me a very defensive, evasive answer. He says they recycle cardboard boxes and plastic, and that it’s currently to hard to recycle paper. We use more paper in a day than the other two combined! Who can I contact to get the ball rolling on this?

The Expert answers:

I can’t give you a specific answer because I don’t know where your company is located. I would start on three fronts, one being the local municipality or city offices. They may provide haul-away containers that they come get on a scheduled basis.
Another way to get this material recycled would be to look up private companies that are interested in this. An example would be the fiber-fill insulation business. They take old paper stock, shred it and mix it with a flame retardant for blow-in building insulation.
Then the third way, would be to get your company to reduce its paper usage by going to electronic documents. I can’t give you any names right off hand, but I know that some information technology companies specialize in this, and they have actual migration plans to get from paper to electronic documents, with archival storage This is the most attractive option, as it both saves a tree to start with and second it saves the company company money. That is money after a time period, because you have an initial start-up cost involved.

Helen asks…

How to recycle grey water when i have no lawn or garden?

I live in a small townhouse with only a few pot plants (all edibles except one) and a small lawn (that i don’t want to mow too much, so i never water it) but I want to recycle my washing machine’s grey water? Any ideas what i can do with it?
No stupid answers please!

The Expert answers:

Flush your toilet with the water, several gallons at a time.

Jenny asks…

How or where can I recycle playing cards?

I have 3 decks of cards that are missing a few cards each, so instead of throwing them away I want to recycle them, even if it means sending them out somewhere. I dont want to use them for any art projects or whatever – I’m about to throw them away if I can’t find a place to recycle them.

The Expert answers:

They are normally made out of heavy paper with a glossy coating similar to magazines. So if your recycler takes magazines they can take the cards. Just toss them in the bin.

Daniel asks…

How to recycle a digital camera?

I’d like to get rid of my old Canon digital camera that does not work. Does anyone know where and how to recycle it?

The Expert answers:

You can recycle it through the canon website or at a store such as best buy. Best buy will pay for your old electronics if they are inrelatively good condition, I’m not sure about canon, but probably not.

Sandy asks…

WHen you recycle a lab top can they look at your activities?

I am interested in recycling my lab top, but I am concerned about my privacy. I want to know if the people shall look at your past activities on your lab top when you recycles. And what proceeds take place when you recycle your lab top.

The Expert answers:

Yes they can, if they can be bothered. The only way you can be completely sure is if you remove the hard disk and physically destroy it! – This is probably only for the really paranoid.
You can download diskwiper software (I have used Paragon Diskwiper from a free Magazine cover disk before now). That will stop the vast majority of people from getting any information from the disk but still allow it to be recycled. Even reinstalling the operating system – pretty easy if you have the original disks, after performing a FULL format of the hard disk first will stop almost as many. They would have to be pretty keen on getting your information to do this.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

Am i cheap for recycling single-use items?

Back during my broke college days, I recycles EVERYTHING I could so as not to waste money on things I didn’t really need. For the first year, I did not own any ceramic dishes. I purchases a pack of plastic cultery, cups, plates and bowls, the disposable kind, just to get me through the first week, with the intention of buying “real” ones later. HOwever, after realizing how sturdy the plastic was of these disposable items, that I could microwave them, freeze them, and they not melt or break, i just never got around to buying ceramic ones until I moved off cmapus and got an apartment.

I am now a young married woman, with plenty of ceramic dishes, but old habits die hard. I recycle items that many consider one-single-use. Aluminum foil gets boiled and reused so long as it hasn’t become torn or become too crumpled. Expensive zip-lock bags, the kind with the “zipper-pull”, get washed an reused to store similar items, i.e. If I cook soup one Monday, freeze some, and eat it on Wednesday, I may wash the bag out and use it to freeze the leftover chili I cook Friday. Fast food tupperware, such as the hard-plastic McDonald’s cups and the rubbermaid-like side-item containers you get from chicken places get used in my classrooms after a thorough washing. My husband, and even some of my coworkers, laugh at me and say I am too frugal, and “it’s ok to throwaway a plastic fork,” but the way I see it, many clothes today are made of plastic (acrylic, rayon, nylon, etc.) and you don’t thorw THOSE away after one wearing, so why throw out an unbroken fork if it is still intact? It’s only going to a landfill to sit and NOT biodegrade for the next 50 years or so

Don’t get it twisted; I’m no hoarder. You wont open my cupboards and be lost under a landslide of old Smuckers jars and Country Crock butter tubs. I just don’t think i should be ostracized for not wasting petroleum!

Your thoughts?

The Expert answers:

In my book I would have two words beside your name – thrifty and resourceful.

Charles asks…

Recycling question?

Our community is going Green. which means starting tomorrow everything has to be sorted into different bins and blue bags. I think this inicitive is fantastic.

we’ve always recycled a little bit, and a lot of it is easy to figure out what goes where.

But things like the powedered formula containers have metal bottoms, paper wrapped all around it, and when the paper is taken off its cardboard looking so does that just go to the waste bin since its made from a bunch of different materials? same with the tetly tea containers?
so then those would be concidered waste and non recyclable? okay, if so than thats what I thought.

also, plastics like saran wrap on the meats from the butcher, it has the paper on. do i take that off, and rinse off the meat juices? because I would hate to do this wrong and contaminate everything!
wow your community seems to be less strict our is really strict. we have black bins which is waste and diapers, pet poos, and anything with mixed materials goes in there, we have blue bags, and we have the green bins. our green organics get picked up every other week!! isn’t that gross but paper products get picked up weekly!!?? same with waste every other week. baby diapers.. gag!

The Expert answers:

My community used to be more strict but now we basically have 3 forms of “garbage”

the rest

what goes into the blue box ?
Actually I ‘ll start with the green.

Anything food ( even what cannot go in a compost – ie meat, fish, vegies etc
used kleenex
cat liter
dirty diapers
yeah – I still cannot believe it.

Blue box – almost any form of container whether mixed material or not. The only thing that cannot is styrofoam and plastic utensils.
Any paper, cardboard etc

so ypu can see that we have very little actual garbage left.

Blue & green gets picked up weekly ( we have a special breen bin which seals tight and the rest of the stuff is once every 2 weeks.

Also they encourage us to take batteries, old light bulbs, used paint cans, used aerosol cans etc to a hazardous waste depot which is actually not to far from me

we also have special yard waste bags ( paper or we can use rigid plastic re-useable and just label them yard waste.
We cannot put grass clippings in the bags though although I guess if someone did and then filled the top portions with prunings it may happen.
After writing all this I suddenly remembered they have a site so I’ll give you the link for interest sake

James asks…

Could someone correct my translation in British-English? My native language is Croatian.Thanks a lot!?

Composting is the breaking down of plant residuals and other organic matter by microorganisms which creates dark, friable matter. Compost has excellent properties as a fertilizer for gardens and for agriculture in general. This is a way to recycle the residuals from kitchens and house yards, which is crucial step in the reducing the volume of the waste. Every day we face plant residuals left in green markets, on city lawns, food residuals, which eventually end in waste containers.

The Expert answers:

Composting is the breaking down of plant residuals and other organic matter by microorganisms which creates dark, friable matter. Compost has excellent properties as a fertilizer for gardens and for agriculture in general. It is a great way to recycle any leftovers from kitchens and house yards to make a crucial step to reducing the volume of our waste. Every day there are composting opportuntities in green markets(what is a green market – a fruit & vegetable market?), city lawns and from food leftovers which usually end up in the waste bin.

Sharon asks…

Do you know how to add this to my face book page?

The Expert answers:

You can’t add code to a facebook page, sorry

Richard asks…

How to become more “green” and environmentally friendly?

I have gutters redirected into big wheely bins to collect rainwater and frost water, and I have lowered electricity costs by changing all my lightbulbs to the friendly ones that use much less energy. I turn all electrical appliance off at the wall (except fridge and freezer) and I grow native plants to benefit the wildlife. I have recently remulched the garden using sustainable mulch (They grow the trees for the mulch instages making sure they don’t take more land for demand) and I am a recycling freak and do as much as I can to reduce waste and rubbish.

I also take my own cup when I buy coffee and take my own container for take out (so I don’t have to throw away the empty cup or container) and always use my own bags when shopping.

Can you give me any other ideas to help the environment that I might not already know about? Thanks.

The Expert answers:

My family and I do the following:

1 ~ We have trees in our house. My home looks like a jungle. My husband and I grow everything from tiny African violets to huge banana palms. We are fortunate to have a little piece of land attached to our house, so there are birches, lilacs, fruit trees.

2 ~ We try not to use paper towels, paper shopping bags, and other paper products that involve in cutting trees to make them. We are shopping with our cloth totes and use cotton kitchen towels that we simply wash after they get dirty.

3 ~ Every Christmas we use an artificial fur tree. It saves a lot of money and a tree.

4 ~ We keep an eye on new construction sights that involve cutting the trees. We ALWAYS try to dig the trees out before they have to be cut and find a new “home” for them. It actually works pretty well and construction workers always help us.

Everything begins within yourself and your family.

Robert asks…

Could someone check my text in English. My native language is croatian. Thanks a lot!!?

Composting is breaking down of the plants’ residuals and other organic matters which end up with creation of dark, friable matter which has excellent properties as a fertilizer for the gardens and in the agriculture in general. Actually, this is a way to recycle the residuals from the kitchens and house-yards which is crucial step in the reducing the volume of the waste. Every day we are facing with the plant’s residuals left on the green markets, city lawns and like which eventually end in the waste containers.

The Expert answers:

The word “the” is usually used for a definite object. When you say, “the plants’ residuals” that mean that you a talking about plants you can see or know about personally. Try this: Composting is the breaking down of plant residuals and other organic matter which creates dark, friable matter. Compost has excellent properties as a fertilizer for gardens and for agriculture in general. This is a way to recycle the residuals from kitchens and house yards, which is crucial step in the reducing the volume of waste. Every day we face plant residuals left in green markets, on city lawns which eventually end in waste containers. Friable is the correct word to use.

Lisa asks…

what do you think of my persuasive essay so far ?

Dear Manager of Applebee’s,
Did you know that 2/3 of the landfills have been closed down in the last decade? This is from people who are inconsiderate about the environment and the current condition it is. But everyone can do one small and simple task, recycle. Dumping recyclable materials in the trash not only fills the landfills quicker but causes both air and water pollution. You can even save your business money and attract people who are environmental enthusiasts.

Making recycling second nature for you and your employees will be one of the best choices for your restaurant economically and environmentally. Most people believe that recycling is not worth the extra time spent condensing aluminum cans and cardboard boxes. But in reality the money spent will be more beneficial for you in the long run. When you throw everything away in the dumpster it overfills very quickly and you have to pay a fee for the waste management companies the dispose of your trash. But when you recycle the glass, cardboard and paper products that usually contribute to filling up your dumpster will in the recycling container, therefore this required fee will be less frequent than when you don’t recycle. Also after you start to recycle customers that care about the environment will notice that your business is Eco-friendly and will want to eat at your restaurant over others that don’t recycle. You can also attract even more customers if you used other materials than Styrofoam boxes for leftover food, this is actually one of the top items that contribute to filling up landfills in the U.S. So recycle it will only add more publicity to your restaurant and even save you money that is now being wasted by paying a constant garbage collection fee.

Did you know that an estimated 12 million barrels of oil is used annually to make plastic bags just for American consumption. Sadly many of these plastic bags, Styrofoam containers and paper products end up other places than just the landfills. Places like forests and other natural areas are found littered with non-renewable resources that take up to decades to decompose and some even end up harming native animals and plants. This is becoming too much of an issue, actually it’s such a big issue that humans are having to take action in cleaning up the waste and pollutants that end up in these areas. The earth is suffering from people that are just simply throwing away everything, that is why you must take initiative. Humans are throwing so much plastic away industries have to make more and more, which is leading to increased air and water pollution. This must be stopped but the only way to save are planet from ourselves is if everyone recycles, so team up with mother nature and recycle.

The Expert answers:

No manager of a chain restaurant is going to read past the first paragraph, and if one did, there would be little he/she could do to change Applebees corporate policies.

Daniel asks…

In a drought should you waste water to wash soiled recyclables or put them in the trash to conserve water?

Recycled items have to be cleaned before you recycle them. But I live in a drought state and feel like I’m wasting water every time I wash something to be recycled. During a drought should water be conserved rather than wasting it on cleaning “trash” that’s going to be recycled?

Once water goes down the drain it’s gone for good so I feel like the water is more valuable since we only have a finite amount but we can produce all the items we need until the drought passes.

This is mostly related to retail food containers. Most other things I recycle go straight to the recycle bin with no need for washing.

The Expert answers:

When I consume a product in a recyclable container, I always rinse it out immediately (because residue hardens and makes it harder to rinse it out later) and use as little water as possible. It would also help if you cut down on your consumption of products in single-use containers that are recyclable.

I think, even in a drought, it’s important to recycle. Just consider what it is you’re cleaning out, and how much water you’re using. Items that require very little water to rinse (i.e. Milk jugs, gatorade bottles) are worth it. And aluminum cans do not need to be rinsed, as they are melted down at extreme temperatures. Rinsing mostly applies to plastic containers.

Paul asks…

which form of waste disposal poses the greatest danger to the quality of groundwater?

1- burning waste in incinerators
2- burial underground
3- recycling waste material
4- packing wastes in waterproof containers

The Expert answers:

2-burial underground.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

What empty containers does MAC accept for their recycling program?

I know they accept things like the eyeshadow pots, foundation compacts, mascara tubes, etc. I have a question regarding their skin care products. Do they accept containers for their moisturizer and lip balm products? So far, I have a Mineralize Skin Finish Compact, one eyeshadow pot, and two mascara tubes but I have one empty moisturizer container and one empty lip balm container. Does anyone know if they are accepted as well? Any advice or help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


The Expert answers:

I heard they take everything back except for the brush cleaner containers.

Robert asks…

Why are you supposed to rinse glass containers before putting them in a mixed recycling bin? ?

Is that actually GREEN? Doesn’t that waste water? Don’t they rinse and separate all the different materials at the recycling facility?

The Expert answers:

To avoid attracting pests and vermin, and also to avoid contamination. Recyclables, after all, can end up being sorted by human beings. My husband and I run our city’s Recycling Center and I can tell you it is very unpleasant sorting through malodorous, moldy, mildewed, maggot-infested recyclables that some of our customers bring us. Bacteria and other pathogens can end up growing on food residue, and it can be a health hazard.

I suggest to all my recyclers that they simply put their empty jars, cans, etc. In their dishwasher with their dirty dishes. If they don’t have a dishwasher, a quick cold-water rinse will usually remove most food residue.

Jenny asks…

Is it illegal to look through the recycling containers at the post office for coupons?

I know that going through private dumpsters is illegal, but I would love to supplement my coupon inserts in this way. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Actually you need the Post Master’s permission since it is Federal Property.

Mary asks…

recycling containers….papers!!!?

what is the color of the containers used for paper recycling?? it it blue or green?

thanks in advance!
i live in the middle east, and where i live there are 3 main colors: green, blue and red!

The Expert answers:

Where I live in Nebraska the recycling containers in offices are all blue.

Nancy asks…

Why is there little retail site recycling for plastic, glass and paper containers?

I see places like Starbucks throwing away bags and bags of recyclable materials. Why can they not use a small portion of their profits to work at recycling many of these items?
I see places like Starbucks throwing away bags and bags of recyclable materials. Why can they not use a small portion of their profits to work at recycling many of these items?
In speaking with these larger companies, they do not have a definitive answer for me either.

The Expert answers:

I have been in a few eating places that have seperate containers for their paper, plastic, etc. And I have used them. I have found that if given a choice, people will usually choose to recycle, it just has to be easy for them to do so. I do agree with the above person about eating places maybe not having room to store the bags until someone can come and get them.

Maria asks…

where can you buy home pick-up containers for recycling?

the kind you put out on the street and have the city or recycling company pick up each week? we need at least 100.

The Expert answers:

Go to your city hall or police dept–if not there, they will tell you where.

John asks…

We want to make a recycling station inside our pantry. Any good ideas?

We have a big pantry with dual fold sliding doors. There is tons of shelving but it’s not big enough to put recycling containers in. We thought we could take out the lower shelf on one side which would leave about 3.5 feet of upward space and 4 feet width to put in some containers for recycling. Any good ideas for containers and or better ideas all together about how to go about this project?

The Expert answers:

Hey, great idea that you have. Because I have it too. I had about almost four feet to work with. So I bought 4 medium (a little bigger than the height of a paper grocery bag) kitchen trash cans (plastic). One for bottles, one for plastic, one for Aluminum and one for everything that I take out to put on the curb. The rest gets taken in for cash. I bought blue kitchen trash cans. And just took the lids of. There kind of rectangler and fit snuggly next to each other. See through blue liners (matching of course..he-he!) are great because not only to the match the colors in my pantry, Contact paper, etc. The see through lining of it makes it nice to later see what’s inside of it once you collect them and take them to the recycling center.

Enjoy your new recycling station in your pantry…I really love mine!

SmileyCat : )

Lizzie asks…

I need to collect 60 x 5litre containers with lids for a recycling project, can anyone help?

It is for a project in the Glasgow area making eco-stools with children in 3 weeks time. I am looking for ideas on where to get a stack of these from trade, and I can collect. All suggestions appreciated.

The Expert answers:

Try chefs/catering managers of hotels, restaurants etc because a lot of the stuff they use comes in that size of cans. I’ve got 4 or 5 that held Ecover washing up liquid; if you’re ever going to Dumfries you could email me thru Y!A with your phone no. And I’d ring you and tell you where I am. (between Glasgow & Dumfries)

Good luck with the project!

Paul asks…

How come New York City does not recycle yogurt containers?

The only plastic we are instructed to put in the recycling bin is plastic bottles and jugs, yogurt containers and a list of other plastics are on the “throw it in the trash” list. In a city of over 8 million, that’s a lot of plastic that goes unrecycled.

The Expert answers:

I can’t think of any good reason. The waste management company has to see it as a profitable endeavor to clean and process that particular type of plastic and market that material to other companies.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

William asks…

Lysosomes can be compared to the recycling and garbage centers of a city. How can this comparison be justified?

A.They repair worn out organelles.
B.B. They break down and siget whole cells?

The Expert answers:

Lysosomes are like recycling and garbage centers of a city because they essentially take out the trash. They’re a cell’s waste disposal system. They don’t really do any repairing, but they do contain enzymes that breakdown debris and waste.

Maria asks…

Each month,an american household generates an average of 28 pounds of newspaper fo garbage or recycling.?

assume the s6andard deviation is 2 pounds. if a household is selected at random, find the probability of generating:
a) between 27 and 31 pounds per month
b) more than 30.2 pounds per month.
assume the variable is approximately normally distributes.

The Expert answers:

Wrong few read the newspaper anynore

Susan asks…

looking for stats on how much garbage and recycling is generated in one months time?

The Expert answers:

That is going to vary wildly with location. There is a huge difference in the composition of municipal solid wastes when you compare developed and developing countries. Your best bet is to contact your municipality’s Dept. Of Of Public Works to see if they have any figures on the amounts collected and the number of households or individuals served. Barring that, you might get those figures from the nearest large city.

James asks…

What actually happens to recycled garbage?

I once heard a report that in some cities (New York comes to mind) all the carefully sorted “recyclable” garbage except for aluminium got lumped together again and shoved into a landfill.

Can anyone provide information that verifies or disproves that rumour?

The Expert answers:

Recyclables are just like any other commodity. Sometimes the market is good, sometimes the market is bad. Unfortunately, you can’t just stop collecting recyclables when demand is low, like you could do with a mining or a logging operation. The recyclables keep flooding in, and when there’s nobody to sell your materials to (as happens from time to time), the recyclables just end up in the landfill with the other garbage. The only exception is aluminum, because recycled aluminum is so much cheaper than newly mined/smelted aluminum—it would take a huge shock to the aluminum markets to make recycling aluminum a bad idea.

Because sorting recyclables can also be troublesome, batches contaminated beyond a certain level have to be disposed of as garbage, too. It wouldn’t be profitable to sort out the non-recyclables from the recyclables.

And finally, in some places, they don’t have a recycling program yet. But to get people used to the idea of recycling and the collection process, they get the infrastructure in place so that when they can enact a program it can get to work right away. This means recyclables may be collected but they will go straight to the landfill.

So, in a few different cases, it’s very much possible for recyclables to end up in the same landfill all your other garbage goes to. Besides aluminum recycling, recycling really isn’t as good an idea as the environmental movement portrays it to be, neither for the economy nor for the environment. But not *all* your recyclables are treated like garbage, usually they do get recycled.

Ruth asks…

Does mcdonalds and hardees make their food from recycled garbage?

I am beginning to think so.

The Expert answers:

I doubt this would go well with the mandatory food inspectors and health administration…
But it is assumable they use a great deal of fillers to refrain from spending money on expensive natural products.

Carol asks…

What can i make out of garbage or recycled items?

For a project I need to make something somewhat practical out of garbage or recycled items that is somewhat useful. Any ideas?

The Expert answers:


Mandy asks…

Lysosomes can be compared to the recycling and garbage centers of a city. How can this comparison be justified?

A. They break down their own membrane and digest themselves
B. They repair their own organelles
C. They Break down and digest whole cells

The Expert answers:

Lysosomes are commonly referred to as the cell’s recycling center because it processes unwanted material into substances that the cell can utilize.

So it wouldn’t be B. Because repairing their own organelles wouldn’t be recycling. So that leave A. And C.
I don’t think it would be A. Either because they don’t breakdown themselves but other things. It wouldn’t make much sense to break itself down. Now one lysosome could break down a different ‘dead’ lysosome I think.
So that would leave you with C. They break down and digest whole cells. Out of the choices this one makes the most sense because they are recycling the things they break down.

So for any other multiple choices like this just cross out the ones it can’t be and go with the best choice that is left. Hope this helped

Donna asks…

When will modern science create a dolphin that can recycle our garbage?

how many more years must we dump garbage in the ocean before dolphins start doing something about it?..

The Expert answers:

They’ll have to cross breed dolphins with goats first.

Sandra asks…

Garbage to landfills to recycling……?

Can somebody explain to me the steps it take for garbage from your home to reach the landfills and finally recycled?

The Expert answers:

From the curb to either a solid waste transfer station or directly to a solid waste landfill. To date, nothing is recycled at our landfills.

Recycling begins at your curb, typically seperated by commodity, picked up, and hauled to a recycling center. If a city does not have these services, homeowners have to take their recycled materials to a recycling center/bins. Bins are picked up by centers and processed back at their facility. They package/compact the recyclable material and sell it to markets who then transform the goods to useable product.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

How can i completely delete unwanted files from my mails on my computer, even in Recycle Bin and Hard disc?

1-How can i permanently delete unwanted files stored in “Inbox OR Drafts OR Sent OR Trash” out of the Hard disc???
2-When u “Empty Trash”, where do they go???
3-How can u see deleted files in “Recycle Bin”???
4-Show me how to search the Recycle bin, and how u can retrieve deleted files.

The Expert answers:

When you delete the files from your inbox folder, they are deleted and not sent to the recycle bin. The computer marks them as deleted but they are still present on the computer. Same with the recycle bin. They are marked for deletion, meaning that new files will go where they are but they are still on your computer until new files overwrite them.

MatthewL, not entirely true. A regular format will put enough 0s and 1s to scramble the drive so that you will need special equipment to recover the data through guesswork. But for the layman, the data is lost when the disk is high-level formatted.

Steven asks…

How do you get the recycle bin back?

I accidentally deleted the recycle bin and I don’t know how to get it back. I have windows vista. I know you can get it back I just don’t know where it is.

The Expert answers:

Follow the instructions on this site:

Sandy asks…

where can download a vista recycle bin icon for free?

I have a windows XP I just want to change the recycle bin and thats it.
And I dont want to download it ilegaly.

The Expert answers:

Windows Vista has some awesome looking icons. Microsoft went way out of its way to try to give Windows Vista a truly polished look. They did this by giving most icons a 256×256 icon. Think about how large that really is. Each Windows Vista icon has an image of that resolution.

But as good as they are, what if you want to change them? How do you do it? Windows Vista maintains the ability to change the icons of individual short-cuts and folders though in very inconsistent ways.

The best, easiest, and to my knowledge only way to change Windows Vista icons all at once is with Stardock IconPackager. With it, users can change individual icons or change all their icons at once by applying a “package” of icons to their Windows Vista system. IconPackager even supports the new “live” folder previews.

For complete tutorial link below..

Carol asks…

How do I restore the Recycle Bin icon?

My retarded sister deleted the recycle bin icon off of our desktop. Where do I go to restore it? I have a Windows Vista.

The Expert answers:


Quick Instructions to Find the Lost Recycle Bin
1) Right click the Vista Desktop
2) Click on Personalize
3) Select: ‘Change desktop icons’
4) At the Desktop Icon Settings, place a tick next to: ‘Recycle Bin’.



Betty asks…

How to re enable the recycle bin which was disabled by undelete trialware?

the dialog box at start up says”Undelete Trialware has expired and is no longer catching deleted files. The Recycle Bin will not be re-enabled until this trialware is uninstalled. It is strongly recommended that you buy Undelete now and make automatic data protection permanent on this machine.”……so how to go about it please answer…

The Expert answers:

Well if it’s a trial program and it’s expired, you should uninstall it. If you have XP, go to control panel, add or remove programs then choose the “undelete” program from the list of programs and remove it.

If you have vista go to control panel, then go to programs and features, and choose the “undelte” program from the list and click uninstall.

Paul asks…

How do you empty the recycle bin on sims 3?

Trying to get my sim to empty the recycle bin in sims 3.
please help.

The Expert answers:

You mean the recycle bin inside? Just click on it (if it’s FULL!) and use the “empty recycle bin” option.
If you mean the recybin outside.. No, it can’t

William asks…

How can I remove the recycle bin from my desktop?

I know it sounds like an obvious question but I have literally tried everything that springs to mind. I’m on windows 7 64-bit Ultimate if you’re curious as to my Operating system, but I am unable to remove the Recycle Bin and it is seriously beginning to bug me when I want to have a clean background. Any help’s appreciated.
The only option I get when attempting to move it is ‘Create link/shortcut here’, so I can’t even place it in my HDD or alter the .ico file to a blank space.

The Expert answers:

Right click on ur desktop and click “Personalize” then at the top left click “change desktop icons” and then untick the REcyclebin… Done 🙂

Ruth asks…

How can you get your recycle bin back on your desktop?

Somehow the Recycle Bin (trash can) has disappeared of my desktop. I still have it and can get to it, but the icon on my desktop is gone. I run Vista…how can I put it back on my desktop where it belongs?

The Expert answers:

Go to the desktop and right click in a blank space and then click on “Personalization”. When the window opens go to the left hand side (under the “Tasks” section) and click on “Change Desktop Icons”. In the new window, select the Recycle Bin.
Good luck !

James asks…

Is the recycle bin supposed to save browsing history?I thought it was supposed to save everything?

I’ve set my Internet Options to “delete browsing history on exit”,but nI thought the recycle bin still saved everything?
I thought so,shortie,cos its saved me documents but not me history.

The Expert answers:

Nope, it just a temporary storage for files that have been deleted from your computer.

“delete browsing history on exit” will permanently deleting/clearing past searches & browsing data within your browser when on exit.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

James asks…

Green Crafts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

What recycled items have you used to make crafts or household items that are usually bought new?
It can be anything you’ve made or heard of or even planned to make!!

Holiday recycled crafts are always fun to see or hear about!!

We can all help the world one tiny little bit at a time.
Here’s a song that may inspire you! I love it!

The Expert answers:

I use egg cartons to hold little things (IE buttons, Earrings). I cover pine cones with peanut butter and bird seed with my little sister (fun holiday craft, and the birds love it). Also a great idea: Take a bunch of old bottle caps, turn them over and nail them to a board. Wipe your feet on it! Also, you can cover a plain wooden napkin holder in produce stickers, it’s adorable and easy.

Mandy asks…

How do I label my interest in crafts for college?

I like sewing, knitting, decoupaging, using recycled materials to create something new… reconstructing old clothing from Goodwill into something more desirable (i.e. in style) reconstructing (repainting, reupholstering) furniture that would normally go into a landfill into something usable. What do I CALL this interest? It ties into home economics, or “family and consumer economics” but would it fit better under a different, more specific title?

The Expert answers:

Designer of multi-medium items.

Robert asks…

What Are Some Fun Games/Crafts/Activities To Teach Children About Protecting The Environment And Recycling?

For Children between the ages of 6 and 12 preferably… anything from games, to making stuff from recyclable materials and other such activities…

Any ideas/links would be much appreciated!

The Expert answers:

Hey Migh, here are a few sites I know of.

William asks…

How can I craft and construct a “wheel of fortune” out of recycled material?

Please help! I want to construct it for a fundraiser to help little children in Africa!!

The Expert answers:

If you made a wheel of fortune form out of plywood, I’m not sure how to make it spin, you can then use things that are flat in different colors to make the sections. Like, metal soda cans that you cut and make flat and tack on. Or, a mesh bag that held grapefruit that you glue on (the orange or yellow ones from the grocery). The white sections could be newspaper… Even candy bar wrappers or foil. I would definitely use resin glue to keep the pieces on.

Linda asks…

Does anyone have recycled craft ideas?

I have a project due in a few days that I like completely forgot about. What we have to do is make something out of recycled stuff, like, stuff that we wouldn’t use again (ex. old bottles, boxes, maybe old clothes if the project’s not too hard…etc.) I’ve been thinking about it now that I remembered the project, but I have no idea what to make. Some of my friends already told me what they’re doing, like a magazine holder and some recycled jewelry, and I think those are good ideas. When I looked around for an idea for what to do, though, the only good things I could find were the things that were already taken by my friends. I’m not asking for instructions on how to make the craft, because that’s part of the project, so I’ll figure out how to make the thing myself. I just need some ideas on WHAT to make. And please don’t say anything that’s just for decoration. You could make a decoration out of like, anything, so I want something fun or useful. Also please no little kid things like ‘doll clothes’ or a barbie home or something. I’m in middle school.

The Expert answers:

You could make a tarp out of plastic grocery bags. All you need is an iron, parchment paper (similar to waxed paper but without the wax), and plastic grocery bags. I would recommend using the ones from Target, Gap, or Dillards (or any plastic bags that are of similar thickness) because they are thicker and don’t shrivel like the ones from walmart do. If you know how to crochet, you could cut the grocery bags into strips and make a purse or something. If you want to do a purse/bag, I would advise you to make it small because it takes a while. Hopefully this will be helpful. 😉

Sandra asks…

What are some crafts/DIY projects websites I can go to?

Anything from recycled material, furniture or decorations that you can make your self at a low price..

Oh and it has to be a good website. Not just the first thing that pops up. I just want to see if anyone knows any popular sites.

The Expert answers:

Check out all the different crafts at The site covers a *huge* range of crafts.

(“Joining” the site is free if you want to be able to ask questions or make comments as well as just reading).

You can see a few examples from each board (in alphabetical order) here to get a general idea:
…But *all* their main craft forums will be listed down on the right on this page: (be sure and click on each board there to see all the sub-boards under it as well)


David asks…

I’ve been collecting cardboard cup cozies from a coffee shop that doesn’t recycle them. What crafts could I?

do with them? Thank you.

The Expert answers:

You can actually be do a lot of thing like hot glue them together and make a tower maybe paint them and make a flower holder or just use your imagination

Chris asks…

What can I use recycled baby food jars for?

I saw a spice rack.. and my father had made a hanging board with them screwed on above his work bench so he can see and unscrew which ever pieces he needed.. any other inventive ideas.. or even crafts for the kids….
…maybe a small lil herb garden in the window (box) ….will that work with out replanting there anything I won’t have to replant but can line up in a window or on my porch ledge…

The Expert answers:

How about an upside down Garden ! Whoa ya

here is a Tin man from tin cans.(bird feeder)

how about a tin can lantern

Tin Can Lantern

Have fun!

Jenny asks…

Recycling as a hobby. Any ideas for arts and crafts from recyclable things?

Please share some interesting and fun ideas what we can do with all the left over containers, boxes, plastics, glass etc.

The Expert answers:

Another good site is

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

What are the advantages of using waste recycling refuse chutes?

If possible, include your opinions. Thanks

The Expert answers:

You are able to recycle things and organise the rubbish. Like this, you will be able to play a part in the society.

James asks…

What is the standard rate for e-waste recycling and how does it benefit our community?

The Expert answers:

A lot thing like paper will rot wood will . Iron tin alum can they will resell plastic i don’t know about

Joseph asks…

does waste incineration undermine the work of recycling plants ?

I am currently in the middle of doing a geography project on waste to energy facilities and was wondering if anybody knew the answer to the question “does waste incineration undermine the work of recycling plants ?”


The Expert answers:

That depends on whether incineration is used as well as recycling, or instead of it.

If only non-recyclables are incinerated, it’s better than that stuff going to landfills.

Paul asks…

Where can I find data on recycling of universal waste?

Specifically market trends and market growth for universal waste? Any raw data would also help.

The Expert answers:


You should be able to find info in the above link. If not send them an email, I’m sure they would know where to get this info.

Ruth asks…

Why do Liberals (wrongfully) accuse Conservatives of not Recycling their waste?

I mean, how often does Fox News re-run the same footage for different stories, for starters?

How often do we see Anti-Obama propaganda that isn’t recycled John Birch Society rantings against whomever?

So with all that in mind for starters, who can really say that Cons don’t readily recycle?

The Expert answers:

Because they don’t have the mental capacity necessary to talk about real issues.

Daniel asks…

Are there any examples for commercial recycling of waste wood?

How do they do it? processes?

The Expert answers:

The whole particle board industry is built upon materials that were originally waste and byproducts. Nowadays most of the “wooden” furniture you buy is composed mostly of particle board with veneers and laminates on it.

Nancy asks…

How can E-waste be reduced with the help of mobile phone recycling?

Is mobile phone recycling be helpful in reducing E-waste.

The Expert answers:

Yes sure.

But recycling normally means a developing country to do you dirty work.

I think making your phone last as lonfg a spossible is the best thing you can do.

My dad has a phone that is 10 years old and works fine.


Betty asks…

How chromatography paper is made and how do we get back paper pulp from its waste for recycling?

i want to know what are the additives added to paper pulp to obtain chromatography paper and how these additives are removed.

The Expert answers:

Chromatography paper doesn’t contain sizing or other addatives, it is pure wood fiber.

Mandy asks…

Is recycling your home waste worth the effort and energy it consumes?

I think it is and like to do what I can but sometimes I wonder if we’re just scratching the surface of the problem.

The Expert answers:

I used to think so, until I started a job connected to the Council–now I realize that everything I recycle in a year (A LOT) is wasted in a day by the triplicate hard copies I send to the finance people, who passes copies to their bosses, who analyze it and send hard copies to their bosses, who probably never read it at all but make more copies to keep in case they have to prove they are filling government targets.

But in general, don’t waste in the first place where possible, recycle what you must, and remember all the other ways we can help slow down our mass destruction.

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