Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

how does the carbon cycle recycle matter?

you know can you please explain it to me in at leat a paragraph enough for me to knoe cause 1 oe 2 sentences isnt enough for me i need at least 5 or 6 but 4 is also fine.

The Expert answers:

The carbon cycle is pretty complex and so it will be hard to describe it in only 5 or 6 sentences but I will give it a try.

The carbon cycle is the process by which carbon is cycled between living things and other parts of the Earth. Starting in the atmosphere, there is lots of carbon in the form of a gas called carbon dioxide. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and break it down to use the carbon for making plant tissues and as part of that process they release oxygen back into the atmosphere so we can breath. That carbon then passes into the soil when the plant dies. The plant may be eaten by an animal and the animal will breath out carbon dioxide into the air again. Or rains may move some of that carbon into the oceans. Also some of the carbon dioxide from the air into the oceans. Also some of the carbon dioxide in the air will dissolve into the ocean waters. In the oceans, plants use carbon to make tissues and animals use carbon to make their shells. Shells can become rock and later weather and dissolve back into the ocean. Ocean animals breath out carbon dioxide too.

I think that is more than six sentences. Sorry. I told you it is pretty complicated.

Susan asks…

Which if the following is NOT true about the matter in the biosphere?

a. matter is recycled in the biosphere?
b. Biogeochemical cycles tansform and reuse molecules
c. biological systems use up matter as they change it
d. water and nutrients passs between organisms and the enviorment

please help 🙂

The Expert answers:

I think its A?

Donald asks…

Baby Name Predictions – What will be popular 20 years from now?

Names seem to go in cycles. 20 years ago, Emma, Hannah and Ava were considered stuffy old lady names. They’d been popular when our great-grandmothers were having kids. Now they’ve been recycled and sound new and fresh again. But in 80 years, they’ll be back in the nursing home.

So what will OUR kids by naming their sons and daughters 20-30 years from now?

The Expert answers:

Since the “old lady names” are coming back for our time (Lillian, Cora, Emily, etc) I think the names that were popular in the 60s will be back in 20 years. I think Nancy, Carol, Karen, Pamela, Cynthia, etc. Will be names of our grandkids and our grandkids friends.

Lizzie asks…

i accidentally put my computer cycling bin in the recycling bin, now i cant get it back?

vista computer, instead of clicking on empty recycling bin on the icon of my desktop, i clicked send to recycling bin. now i dont have a recycling bin XD. i searched for it, but cant find it. i typed “recycling” into the search field, and got no results. what the hell do i do now lol.

The Expert answers:

Wow! That’s the first time I’ve heard of that one!
Try right-clicking desktop and “undo delete”?
Open File Explorer (should be able to just type “explorer” into your start menu search box) and go up to desktop (if you can’t find buttons for it, just hit backspace a few times).
Still can’t find it? Check your User FilesUserName and see if there is a recycle bin there. It might be hidden, so you may not see it…
Also, there should be an option under your desktop options to show/hide recycle bin…

I hope this helps!

Mark asks…

How long to take a filter to cycle?

Now I have a 5-15 gal in my 20 gal tall.

My buddy fixed the 20-40 gal filter. Both are in the tank. The 5-15 gal is cycled, while the other is starting to recycle.

The whole tank is cycled, thanks to the 5-15 gal filter. but how long before I can take it out and just use the 20-40 gallon filter?

There are 6 corydoras in the tank and that’s all the fish and I don’t know how many plants.

The Expert answers:

Leave them to run alongside each other for about 2-3 weeks and it should then be safe enough to remove the smaller filter. You can remove some of the filter media spong from the smaller filter and smoosh it in with the filter media in the bigger filter to help it along too!

Carol asks…

if everything in this universe will be recycled by nature? how can our soul are not be recycled ?

even the stars and the universe will be destroyed and recreated in a cycle…
even water and air and all thing on earth used over and over again by various creature…

how can we assume that our soul will not be recycled ?
sure show me…

The Expert answers:

That is human ego, just knock their head, and let them forget their self

George asks…

Biogeochemical cycles depend mostly on _____ and _____ for decomposition and the recycling of elements.?


The Expert answers:

When do you have to get your homework in by and why wont anybody else do it for you?

Richard asks…

Can anyone give me a good website to find any up-cycling/recycling stallholders?

I’ve already checked and I found some good ones but I need a good few more and can’t find anything! Thank you! 🙂

The Expert answers:

Ok, so I clicked on “answer question” in large part out of curiosity over the term “stallholder”. takes one to a UK site that promises to inform the user of fairs, bazaars, and other events at which folks can open a stall to sell their wares. This particular site also connects folks who want to sell things with product to sell. Of course, they provide a conduit for those with product that they want others to sell.

Paul asks…

can re-cycled rubber ie playground surfaces be re-recycled? or indeed disposed off?

all these rubber surfaces being put down,What happens after there useful life

The Expert answers:

Most park recreational management facilitys will try to save the older playground equipment and recycle it into newer updated equipment but if its not salvageable then they recycle it down at the plant{ at least this is what it is on the east coast not sure anywhere else}

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

George asks…

Is there a place in NYC or upstate NY where I can get cash for recycling newspapers, or anything else?

The Expert answers:

In Ny you can recycle aluminum cans for cash 5cents for soda/beer cans ect. As for newspaper plastic ect no they dont pay for them

Mark asks…

Is there a way that businesses can get cash for recycling?

Im writing a letter to some local coffee and tea shops, urging them to start putting out recycling bins so that customers can recycle the plastic and paper cups after they’re done with their drink. I want to know if theres a cash incentive for the businesses to put out those bins without making them physically have to put cans into recycling machines. Is there a company/business that pays for recyclables by pound?

Do you have any other ideas to help make local businesses *reasonably* “greener”?

**I say reasonably because I just want to start the snowball of recycling within our local businesses, so ideas where the businesses would benefit financially too would be great!

Thank you :]

The Expert answers:

Some things can be recycled for cash.some plastics but probably not food contaminated paper.and to make money things of that nature go by the % of a ton(1/4 – 1/2 – 3/4 t.)usually through a scrap yard.look in your yellow pages and maybe try to find or start a collection this day and age recycling is a good advertising gimmick so there is built in incentive. You just need to point it out to the public.maybe it just takes a sticker for the window and a bin for ppl to get “green” patronage.keep up the good work i wish you luck!

Daniel asks…


I live in Pa and i believe its one of the states that doesn’t pay ppl for cans that are recycled. What states are on that “list” or group? I have an abundance of cans near my house and the place where i live will actually charge me to recycle them so I figure why not help the environment, have a road trip and return cans for cash.

Thank you

The Expert answers:

I just moved from Maine to PA and sympathize as I recycle everything. Maine has a bottle redemption law (that’s what they are called), 5 cents for each bottle. The way the law operates is you buy the bottle or can in Maine stores and pay the 5 cent deposit, then you get the money back when you redeem the bottle or can at a redemption center. If you have bottles purchased in PA that don’t have the deposit fee on the can, they won’t redeem it as by law it’s illegal to redeem anything purchased out-of-state; there’s a nasty fine if they catch you.

David asks…

Recycling bottles, cans, etc. question?

Ok so I’m new to recycling. My family does it all the time but I never got in to it, now I’m looking for some cash with recycling.

Say I’ve got 60 of each:

60 cans is worth=
60 glass bottles is worth=
60 plasic bottles is worth=

How much can I get for each of these choices if I have 60? I’m sure it’s about under $2 or less xD but I just wanna be sure 🙂


The Expert answers:

In California a 30 gal trash bag full of crushed cans is worth $12-14. Glass is heavy and dangerous. Plastic doesn’t crush and takes more trash bags than the value of the bottles. Stick with the cans til they make it worth the trouble.

I tried glass bottles twice, they’re not worth half the cans are.

Sandra asks…

Do recycling centers pay for paper? and …?

Do recycling centers pay for paper and if so, how much? What else can we recycle for cash besides cans and bottles? How do we find out where to go if there is other places for recycling items for cash.

The Expert answers:

There are many recycling centers that pay cash for paper. In order to find one in your area, I would suggest that you ask your city librarian. Or, talk to somebody in your city’s chamber of commerce. One or the other should be able to help you.

Laura asks…

what can i recycle for cash and where??

like pop cans where can i go for this In Elmhurst 60126

and what other items can i recycle for cash??

The Expert answers:

Cardboard is another option and plastic bottles can be turned in for cash as well.

Charles asks…

Is there anywhere in Pittsburgh or Washington, D.C. where I can receive cash for recycling various products?

The Expert answers:

Go to to find a local recycle center for any item.

James asks…

Recycle for cash in Waldorf?

I’ve recently heard of recycling for cash. I always recycle & knowing i can get money from it makes it even better, but i don’t know where around here i can drop off recyclables for money. I live in Waldorf, MD and can’t seem to find anything online about it. Help? Thanks!

The Expert answers:

It’s a new program….

Linda asks…

does anyone know where you can go in RI to take recycling cans and bottles for cash?

I was in New Haven CT recently and outside of a walmar there they had two large machines, one for plastic bottles and one for canspeople where puting these items in and where getting five cents a plastic bottle and ten cents a can. It seems to be a great idea for that State I was wondering if there was one in Rhode Island

The Expert answers:

I agree that the immediate gratification of the ones that dispense nickles and dimes are fun. But recycling any way you can do it is great.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

How can I not be qualified to work in a recycling plant?

Also little jobs that require on the job training, like Waste Management, Security. You don’t even need a high school diploma.

The Expert answers:

You ever think that you werent ment to do that job? Maybe there is another purpose for your life….think about it. You might be here for another reason. Not to be a waste management security.


Mary asks…

Land Lord pays for garbage, but doesn’t leave enough room to dispose of waste.?

I live in Washington state. In our lease agreement the land lord pays for water, sewer and garbage. We live in a small tri-plex. Our land lord provides one small trash bin and one small recycling bin for all three apartments. This is not enough for 3 households.
To top it off, every time I see the land lord he is always complaining about the garbage bill and how we need to make sure there isn’t too much trash in the bin so he doesn’t get over charged by waste management. I recycle, compost and do my best to reduce the amount of trash my family of 5 puts out. However, every week there is not enough room in the trash can to dispose of our garbage.
It is in our lease that he is paying for garbage, shouldn’t he provide extra bins or even a dumpster for all of his units so that we have adequate trash removal, or at least stop harassing his tenants about the garbage bill?

The Expert answers:

Around here, every household is required to have a bin.
If you were to call the city, or the garbage company, and point out that there’s 1 bin for 3 households, i suspect (A) it would get fixed, and (B) you landlord would be looking to find out who complained. Just deny it was you. “Huh? What? I didn’t know that was a problem. It is true that there really wasn’t enough space, but i thought that’s just the way it was.”

Linda asks…

Ok, I am a recycling virgin, what do I need to know?

I’m trying to get my family together to start recycling, but i don’t know the “rules”, We have Waste Management (don’t know if they all have different regulations or what?)
Do we need to seperate plastics and glass, etc?
Do they need to be rinsed out?
Can anything with the recycle triangle be recycled?

I had other questions, but cannot remember them now (gofigure!) Any other advice or guidelines to follow will help. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Recycling services can vary greatly, so check out Waste Management’s and/or your city’s website for the recycling services that are provided to you. Sometimes utility bills will come with inserts that explain the “rules.”

You probably do not need to separate most materials, but that will be explained once you find your city-specific “rules.”

You should rinse the containers out to remove any food product.

Regarding your triangle question…. Pretty much anything can be recycled, but the question is how cost-effective is it? Some cities only provide recycling for certain numbers, so check the “rules.”

If you are really intent on recycling an item that WM and your city will not take, then remember that there are always places that you can bring materials; it will just require more effort on your part. Also, this will allow you to collect the money, rather than WM and your city.

In addition to recycling, be aware of hazardous materials that you may be throwing away, such as electronic equipment (phones, computer equipment, radios, TVs, etc.), batteries, fluorescent lights, etc. Be sure to find your local hazardous materials drop-off location. On occasion, community organizations will schedule free drop-offs that you can bring your items to.

Keep up the effort! It all becomes really easy once you establish the new behavior.

Steven asks…

cost of paper recycling machine’s cost?

I have worked on environment education to school children last 5 years back in association of Bharathi Welfare Society. Now I would like to setup a plant of waste paper recycling plant in rural Karnataka. I have worked with the elected women representatives at three districts of Karnataka intensively and extensively in 21 districts of Karnataka I strongly believe that today waste management is a big crises & at rural places apart from paper recycling others will not be feasible.

The Expert answers:

It may be a little costy but well worth it in the long run economically and to the environment. Check out this website.

John asks…

solid waste management survey questions?

as homeowners, what qs would u like to respond/to be asked if a survey/questionnaire was conducted in ur residence?
eg – What method do you use to dispose off garbage currently? Who do you think should clean the streets, garbage drums and drains in your area? Would u be willing to participate in a recycle/buy back program? something like those..

The Expert answers:

Whenever you are going to conduct survey or managment plan for solid waste, u need to know what kind of waste the particular community is generating and in how much amount.

Questions asked could be
1. What is the estimated amount of waste produced by your home daily.
I. 5-10 Kg
ii. 10-15 Kg
iii. 15-20 kg
iv Moe than 20 Kg

2. Waste generated by your home consists of
i. Papers 100% 75% 50% 25% less than 25%
ii. Disposables 100% 75% 50% 25% :ess than 25%
iii. Food Items 100% 75% 50% 255 less than 25%
iv, Garden waste 100% 75% 50% 25% less than 25%

3. Is there any waste collection mechanism provided by the Govt. Or Private business holders.

4. Do they have provided any waste segregating bins to homes or all the waste is collected in one bin.

4. Do you have nay facility to compost waste like kitchen items and garden waste in your home.

5. In your opinion what is the best method to dispose of waste.

6. Will you be ready to pay some extra money to purchase recycleable products.


Ruth asks…

What about lids for recycling?

My family recently started recycling and as we go along, I find myself with more and more questions. (I am still waiting for a response from Waste Management about their guidelins, specifications, etc.)

For soup cans, plastic milk bottles and juice jugs, do i need to remove the labels from these items? And also what about the lids? Do pop cans need to be crushed?

Any info is helpful, thank you!

The Expert answers:

In my township, there is no need to remove labels or crush cans. The lids and caps should be removed because the material is picked up in garbage trucks and a sealed bottle makes a big bang when compressed. Further, the lids and caps may not be made of a recyclable material. Small plastic items need not be marked with the recycling triangle.

Susan asks…

How can I recycle E-Waste in domestic level ?

I want the information on E-wast management .Please guys help me as fast as possible.I am making project on E-Waste.

The Expert answers:

Electronic waste, e-waste, e-scrap, or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) describes loosely discarded, surplus, obsolete, broken, electrical or electronic devices. The processing of electronic waste in developing countries causes serious health and pollution problems because electronic equipment contains some very serious contaminants such as lead, cadmium, beryllium and brominated flame retardants. Even in developed countries recycling and disposal of e-waste involves significant risk for examples to workers and communities and great care must be taken to avoid unsafe exposure in recycling operations and leaching of materials such as heavy metals from landfills and incinerator ashes

James asks…

Can the King of Trees, Aal Maras, the Aswatha Vrikshas absorb harmful radiations from nuclear waste to give O3?

Can the King of Trees, Aal Maras, the Arayals, the Bodhi Vrikshas or the Aswatha Vrikshas as depicted in Sanathan Dharma, absorb harmful radiations from nuclear waste and recycle that into Ozone, the shield to protect the colourfulness of Earth. Is this the reason the Temples maintain Arayaals and Aaltharas ? When an Arayal falls it is given high respect in funerals as per Hindu Traditions. Can the old malayalam proverb “Arayil oru Aal Kilirthhal…. ” has got some connections with radiation waste management thru Green Peace Way ?

Can Arayals planted around the nuclear waste septic tanks can reduce the risk of harmful radiation leakages or rather recycling of radiation leakages for a better cause of producing ozone more in Nature. What are your thoughts ?

The Expert answers:

We can plant one such tree in a nuclear plant site and observe
This tree may become grey

Chris asks…

Where to get old computers to refurbish?

I’m looking to get a hold of up to 20 computer towers per month to refurbish, any ideas where in the uk i can get them free?

The council’s waste management department recycles the computers chucked into their skips as far as i know, so me taking some off of their hands can only save them money, how would i go about suggesting this to them?
I have all the software needed to do the standard 7 times random overwrite for any hard disks i would aquire.

The Expert answers:

I hate to be obvious, but ring up the Council’s waste management department and suggest it to them.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

Free or inexpensive recycling bins for school?

Is there currently a program where I can ask for recycling bins for my school. It is located in the Los Angeles are.

The Expert answers:

Design you own bin to save money. Or ask your teacher to allow a recycling campaign open for all.

Michael asks…

Why collect the cans from curbside recycling bins if there’s no bottle deposit?

This morning when I took out the trash, there was a man picking cans and bottles out of the recycling bin. I’m just visiting Virginia, a state without a bottle deposit, so I don’t understand what sort of redemption options this guy has. Any thoughts?

The Expert answers:

The price of recycled metals has skyrocketed lately. A trailer full of alluminim cans can fetch a lot more than it used to. There is a woman in the neighborhood that has collected more than $20,000 just by collecting aluminum cans over the past several years and then turning them in to the scrap metal recycler.

Maria asks…

Where can you get Recycling bins?

My family and I moved into a new house and we were trying to get a recycling bin to put all of our recyclables. Where can you buy them?
Thanks! 🙂

The Expert answers:

Ask your city if they have them for residents, or recycling centers, or the waste management office where you have your trash taken to.

George asks…

Where do you get recycling bins?

I want to start recycling but have never seen the bins to separate recyclables. Are they only sold at the centers? Are they free? If not, are they relatively inexpensive? Thanks

The Expert answers:

You can always ask neighbors where they got theirs. If none of your neighbors have them, you can always to down to a hardware store like lows or home depot. If these bins need to be city approved, maybe you can go down to city hall, or a local recycling center. Usually the bins arent free, but they aren’t expensive either. You may be paying more than just the bin in order to pay the recycle center, but shouldnt be more that 40 dollars. Good luck!

Sandy asks…

How can I de my wheely and recycling bins down my drive?

I have 4 bins down the side of my house which I would like to hide. I have consiserd building a brick wall around them or a wooden shed like structure with no top on so I could lift the bin lid. How would I design it so I could get them all out on the day it has to be placed out of the drive for collecting/.
I dont like the stick on plastic motifs and as the drive is concrete I cant use plants.

The Expert answers:

Mine are behind 6 foot garden trellis.

Lisa asks…

is it legal to go through the large newspaper recycling bins for coupons?

I see those large green newspaper recycling bins and wonder if its legal to dig through them to collect coupons? thanks

The Expert answers:

Put it this way, I would call that a victimless crime if it is in fact a crime. Don’t hold back.

William asks…

Does shredded papers or documents go into your curb side recycling bins?

We shredded alot of paper work, junk mail, old bills, and so on. Do I keep those shreds in a plastic bag and ALSO put those in my curb side recycling? Are shreds recycleable too?
People are saying put it in a plastic bag..if plastic is recycleable too then why do say that they won’t accept the paper shreds in pastic bags..I don’t want it all over my street if the can falls over…

The Expert answers:

Put them in a plastic bag and throw them into your recycling bin. They are still paper, and therefore still recyclable.

Betty asks…

what happens to plastics 1 and 2 after you put them in recycling bins? what is the process of recycling?

what’s the process of recycling plastics 1 and 2? how are they recycled?

The Expert answers:

If its like tins, they melt it, they stir it, they cool it into a shape, and u have a new tine
dont know bout plastic cuz i dont think u can melt plastic without producing a posion aroma

Mary asks…

Can you use regular trash bins as recycling bins?

Or do you just have to label the trash bins?

The Expert answers:

It depends on the area you’re living in. You should go to your city or state government site and click on public works: recycling or click on the dept that handles waste. It should state what types of bins are acceptable or not as well as a list of items that can and cannot be recycled.

In Boston, you can use a trash can, but have to label it properly and you can request the right label by calling.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

Recycling Question? =]?

Hi!, i am very concerned about the enviorment and do everything (literally) to help our planet. I buy eco~friendly products, etc. Well i used to live in an apartment and we recycled only, this one lady took everything to the drop off centers. Well now we moved and we dont have like those blue bins for recyclng, well i dont wannna drop things off because it’s either to far away or i don’t have time. So is their any way we can maybe order the bins or something? (free) ? Plzz i really care for our planet. And i hate the fact that i cant recycle! =( Any Info Or Websites on how to possibly get the blue bins. Plzz And Thx!

BtW where do u recycle energy efficient light bulbs? 😀

The Expert answers:

The blue bins are provided by the City refuse service and are not something the public can just buy……if you are that concerned, then you should not mind going a little distance to recycle your items…….look online for a recycling center near you ( some of the supermarkets have them outside ) and the same for light bulbs; they require special recycling

Paul asks…

I’m Trying to Promote the Recycling of Styrofoam Cafeteria Trays at my School…?

but before i can try to put my plan into action i have to give a presentation about it for my GAPP (Global Awareness Peace Protection) Club. What elements should i include that will help encourage people to participate, any specific facts or statistics that are mind boggling?

I really appreciate it =]

The Expert answers:

Ah, yeah, styrofoam trays are the worse thing…my school has plastic reusable ones, and only uses styrofoam when there is something wrong with the water. I would make the point clear that nothing takes longer to degrade in the environment than styrofoam. You can search the statistics as to how long it actually does take. Explain the benefits of using plastic!

Chris asks…

Why are British people afraid of recycling…?

With oil reserves dwindling and the prices sky rocketing, people still would rather have the convience of constant rubbish collection and landfills than re-use materials.
They would rather waste electricity on extracting Bauxite for aluminium than the cheaper option of recycling cans.

Surely the excuses that they generate too much rubbish for a fortnight for the two bins is ridiculous, surely the ignorance to the fact that two different collectors are required for each and most rubbish is recycable in some sense.

When it’s cheaper to recycle, why are people still tied to the lazy habits that will only drive up inflation?

Forget about global warming conspiracies this is just good economic sense.
Since when was it “hippy ” to save money from inefficency and waste. Since when was lower prices and saving money at the cost of zero jobs such a bad idea.

If anything it’s sensible and informed.

Expecting “Someone will do it for us” is the height of ignorance IMO

I think the pedantic sides of both the right and left have sold out “making a difference” in order to “talk a difference” and they’ve gotten nothing more than the echo they don’t even deserve.

The Expert answers:

We’re not afraid of recycycling we just don’t want to travel 25mins to the nearest recycling bin. If the government made it easier for people to recycle they would. Besides, most people I know do recycle.

Charles asks…

Do you care about global warming?

I have enough problems in my life to worry about it. Sure, I’m all for the planet and recycling etc. but the fact is I’ll be long dead before I have to worry about it. There’s not much I can do anyway, it’s a by-product of a capitalist and greedy society.
And I’m not having kids, why would I want to contribute to overpopulation as well?

The Expert answers:

I understand what you are saying.

I would be willing to bet that you already lead a very frugal lifestyle and that you have very few places where you can cut back more without doing some real damage to yourself.

Let me give you an analogy:

The way I see it, cutting back environmentally is like losing weight. If you are already overweight to begin with losing weight is very healthy.

But if you are already anorexic and underweight and try to lose more weight you can do some real damage and make yourself very ill.

Like the underweight person, I suspect that you cannot cut back anymore without doing some real damage to yourself..

However there is something that you can do that will make a very big difference.

Because you already live a frugal lifestyle you have a great deal of moral authority to persuade wasteful people to cut back on their very wasteful activities.

I see the wasteful people as the 500 pound tubs of lard exhorting anorexic people to lose even more weight.

For example as hard to believe as it may sound there are some very wasteful people that live in enormous mansions that use over ten times the amount of energy as a family of 4.

Also these wastrels fly private jets allover the place. These private jets use ove 1,000 times the fossil fuel per mile as the most wasteful SUV.

As I see it these are the 500 pound tubs of lard that could stand to lose some weight.

If we can persuade these wasteful people to cut back dramatically on their wasteful behavior we can have an enormous positive impact.

I have identified three particularly wasteful people and I have been contacting their staff and I have been encouraging other people to contact their staff to let them know how disappointed we are in them when we see their wasteful behavior.

Please join with me in contacting the staff members of these wasteful people. Together we can make a difference and make a very positive contribution that way, since we cannot cut back any more ourselves.

The three very wasteful people that I have identified that live in enormous mansions and fly private jets are Nancy Pelosi, John Edwards and Al Gore.

If we can get these three people to live in smaller houses, no larger than 6,000 square feet, that alone would be an enormous positive contribution.

If we can persuade them to stop flying on private jets or at least fly on smaller private jets, that would also be a huge contribution.

For example if we can persuade nancy Pelosi to give up her 757 for a more fuel efficient Gulfstream V, that would be an enormous contribution.

If we can also persuade Al Gore and John Edwards to reduce their use of private jets or fly smaller private jets, that would also be an enormous positive contribution.

Together we can make a difference!

Sharon asks…

why aren’t all products/materials sold to consumers renewable and recyclable?

I’m doing a project and need to know why that can’t produce more efficient and renewable means to making things? Where can I go to find out why they don’t? Is it for cost reasons? Or is the fact of us not recycling a multi billion $ industry? What site can I go on to find out such info. Thanks.

The Expert answers:

Many commercial products are made of materials having
a. Economy in design and manufacture.
B.easy availability.
C. No alternative or replacement possibilities etc

And hence it is not always possible to use products which can be recycles or renewed. Or it is not economically possible.

Betty asks…

How do I permanently delete stuff that isn’t totally gone despite the fact that I emptied my recycling bin?

I was doing a bunch of virus scans lately, and I was bored enough to sit and watch through nearly the entire 1.75 hour of the scan……

And to my great annoyance, a great deal of the time was spent scanning garbage I deleted and emptied from my recycling bin AGES ago……..some of them…..embarassing and pretty private to say the least (we all have those dark secrets don’t we? when we were young…and lose bets…)….

Aannyways, is there any SAFE, and FREE program or method that I can use to PERMANENTLY destroy all the lingering stuff that I emptied from my Recycling Bin yet still remains for some reason??

PS- WHY!? How come a lot of those old….unwanted files still lingering there even after I deleted them? What’s the bloody point?! Is that the reason why my computer has been slowing down through the years?!
PS- the things I want to get rid of are aready deleted and emptied…..but they’re still there, it’s THOSE data I wanna delete….not stuff I haven’t deleted yet.

The Expert answers:

Reinstalling Windows over a freshly formatted partition is a very effective way to achieve what you want. But there are programs like TuneUp Shredder, which can also serve some of the purpose.

Steven asks…

How do they recycle furniture?

I heard that environmental companies now recycle (not reuse but RECYCLE) furniture. I know for a fact that wood can be transformed into energy, but what about leather and other material? How do they recycle furniture?
As my question specifically specify, we are NOT talking about reusing it BUT RECYCLING it. Recovering furniture is NOT recycling.

The Expert answers:

They probably recover it.
If you do it well, it’s pretty good.
There used to be, and probably still are, places where you can have furniture recovered.
If you have an old piece that’s in bad shape, it’s likely that the frame is better than the frame you’d get in a new piece.
In that case, it makes a lot of sense to get it recovered.

If you want to know how to do it, take an upholstery class at a local adult school.

Lisa asks…

Why there’s no RECYCLE bin in kindergarden / school/ collage / university across malaysai?

whats wrong with our education? not environment friendly enough? or what? they dont like environment? then? if not? what? then how come there’s not much education about the environment n recycling in kindergarden / school / collage / university???
Did u know ??
Malaysian dispose of enough rubbish every three days to fill the petronas twin towers? in fact we recycle less than five per cent of our waste.. mineral bottle, shampoo bottle, body shampoo bottle, kicap bottle, minyak masak bottle,, blablabal…. all can be recycle but most people have choose to dispose it as rubbish instead of recycle it, WHY? Coz there’s not much Recycle bin accross malaysia??? or we r not educated to do so, so no one care at all?? ………………… if not all this, then whats wrong??? ………..

The Expert answers:

Mim…my dear..
I think there is nothing wrong with our education system, whether it is kindergarden, school or collage@university. Just let say, human do throw rubbish….whether you’re in Malaysia, Singapore, India even in Antartica…we throw rubbish. My dear, to recycle a rubbish….it needs to be thrown away to be a rubbish…then we will start recycle…the thing is….not everyone can afford to have a recycling centre in the house…do you?!!…maybe, (if this can cool your anger) what we really need is a very effective waste management. I think the government also concern about this just like.. You…and maybe…we do really need more recycle bin in the school and university…:)

Linda asks…

Why is it that questions here about the quantitative effectiveness of recycling programs rarely get answers?

There seems to be a great deal of enthusiasm towards recycling in this particular Y.A. forum. But it seems that whenever someone raises the topic of whether recyclables collected ever get purchased or utilized by manufacturers, replies are either absent or they basically rewrite the question and answer that one instead. I (and apparently many others) would simply like to know the facts of how much of the recyclables collected end up in conventional landfills or incinerators. Obviously, valuable items like aluminum cans always have takers. But during the current recession, does ANYBODY utilize much of the mixed plastics and even non-newsprint paper that is collected for recycling?

[It seems like there is an assumption here that simply collecting a lot of recyclables so that they avoid the trash bin (in a second and very expensive municipal collection system that keeps many trucks and employees busy) is somehow a victory in itself. But I just don’t read within the mainstream media — or in Yahoo Answers — much mention of factual studies which analyze the efficiencies of recycling programs. I’m sure that there are many of us who simply would like to know if these expensive programs actually lead to the assumed goal of re-use of the raw materials represented. If recycling indeed makes good sense, surely there should be analytical evidence to support it.]

The Expert answers:

I like this answer but you might want to contact EPA or even your local government if they administer a recycling program and ask those hard questions. You sure hope the recycled goods aren’t just tossed in the landfill once the truck returns to its base! Some states have laws prohibiting disposal of plastic bottles and other recyclables in the landfill so I would be surprised if cities are blatantly violating these regulations.


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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Steven asks…

How do i restore items after I delete them from the recycle bin?

How do I restore items after I delete them from the recycle bin? I’m not looking to pay any $ for a recovery program though.

The Expert answers:

Here’s a good article talking about ways to recover files deleted from recycle bin

Hope this helps.

Nancy asks…

How can I retrieved the pictures stored in a folder I retreived from the recycle bin?

when i restored them, it has 0 objects plus 1 hidden. i dont think i have mistakenly deleted the pictures inside it because when i deleted some pictures in the recycle bin it was not included.
I tried “unhidden” the files through control panel, but i cant view that hidden file.Does this mean I might had erased all those maximum of 10 pictures? How can I retrieved them? How can I unhide that file?

The Expert answers:

Go to “my computer” then click local hard drive ( c: ) then find the hidden files folder….

David asks…

Is there a way to restore permanently deleted files from the Recycle Bin?

I accidentally deleted some really important documents by accident, and before I could restore it my younger sister emptied the entire recycle bin. I tried doing a system restore in order to get the files back but that didn’t work… I highly doubt it but is there a way that I could restore all the files? 🙁 Anything would help, thanks everyone!

The Expert answers:

If you deleted the files from the recycle bin then don’t panic. The files are actually still on your computer but your computer by itself will not be able to locate them. This is where you need file recovery software. With an excellent file recovery program you should be able to restore the deleted files.

But don’t wait too long! The files can be overwritten at any time and PERMANENTLY lost forever. You scan your computer for free with the software below and see what files it can find.


Sandy asks…

How do you recover deleted files after deleting them from the Recycle Bin?

Recently, I found out that when you delete something permanently from the Recycle Bin, it is not truly deleted, according to someone who told me. So, how do you recover those files?

Thanks for answering! : )

The Expert answers:

You may try asoftech photo recovery which helped me before. You can download trial for free

The pro version enables recovering not only photos, but also other files including videos, document, etc. Just that scan may take long time depends on hard disk capacity.

Helen asks…

How can I recover files that have been deleted from the recycle bin?

I have limewire, all my music was there, as well as on itunes. I deleted the music files from limewire thinking it would clear some space. But now my music won’t play on itunes. How do I (if possible) recover those files from the recycle bin?

The Expert answers:

You may try asoftech photo recovery which helped me before. You can download trial for free

James asks…

How do i get files back that i deleted frrom the recycle bin?

Hi all,

I had an extremely important file on my desktop which for reasons i am not going to go into (stupidity) i deleted by accident and then deleted from my recycle bin … is there anyway i can get this file back please please help it is very important!

The Expert answers:

Someone asked a similar question. Here is the link:

That should help, hopefully.

Ruth asks…

How do I restore deleted files in my recycle bin? Clicking “restore all items” isn’t working?

I have Windows Vista Home Premium. I accidentally deleted some pics & now can’t restore them. I followed the instructions on the help menu in Recycle bin, but nothing has been restored.

The Expert answers:

If ur pictures were in recycle bin they might hav been restored just searc them on ur PC if they were not restored it means u hav emptied recycle bin also or u hav deleted using Shift+Del, But don’t worry u still hav the chances to recover those pictures, to recover those pictures u hav to take help from some good third party software specially designed for this purpose one such software can b downloaded from
Just download d software and follow the steps in user manual

Mark asks…

How to recover a file deleted from the recycle bin?

I’m running windows XP and accidently deleted a file and emptied the recycle bin. Is there ANY way to get it back?

(System restore was turned off for some reason so I cannot restore the computer)

The Expert answers:

You can try to recover files deleted from Recycle Bin with asoftech recovery software:

Donald asks…

How can I delete the Recycle bin virus from my external Hard disk?

A virus named ‘ Recycle Bin.exe’ is effected in my external Hard Disk. I tried to delete it using McAfee but I could not delete it. Please help me to delete it from my external hard disk otherwise I’ll loose all the files of Hard Disk.

The Expert answers:


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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

James asks…

How will you personally change this?


I’m wondering if you personally have any ideas, or how you will change the fact that wearing unused/recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bags as outfits/dresses? If you do will you actually try your ideas, if so when?


The Expert answers:

Check these gorgeous gowns:

Nancy asks…

i have 9 bags of recycled for pop and bottle cans how much money do i get? like to ask?

i have 9 garbage bags of pop can and bottles and a few mile carton, i would like to bring it to a near by can collected, i wanted to know how much money i would get before i turn it in.

The Expert answers:

How big are the bags? Nevermind. Weigh each bag by weighing yourself on the scale, then with the bag. See how many pounds of cans you have. Right now aluminum is going for $1.54 a pound here at our local recycling center.

Paul asks…

What can cities do with garbage that can’t be recycled or composted?

This means things like garbage bags, other plastic items and unfortunately I can’t think of anything else. I’m ‘making’ a Green City for an assignment and I know that even though people will try to reduce the amount of products that cannot be recycled or composted, there will still be a little, right. Well what can a Green City do with that type of garbage that’s environmentally friendly?

And can you give me more examples besides garbage bags and other plastic items that I can use as examples in my assignment? lol

The Expert answers:

There’s a process called plasma-gassification. It’s still in the experimental stages, but it turns all waste into a glass material that could be used on roads. There’s also waste to energy incineration, but there are still air pollution issues with it.

Lizzie asks…

Apartment storage solutions? for garbage and bikes?

The apartment we live in is a decent size but theres nowhere for storage in it. We have no garbage bin outside to put our garbage in, so when our garbage bags are full we have to keep them in our apartment, so they just lie there in our kitchen and stink up. Same with recyclables, our blue bags just lay there in a corner in our kitchen being an eye sore until recycling day ( every 2 weeks.. it rotates). And we have like bikes and stuff and nowhere to put them. Along with any other junk that we’re not using at present time – no where to put it. We have one closet other than the ones in our bedroom, and our shoes and coats go in it. So if anyone else is in the same situation what did you do? or what would you do?

The Expert answers:

I would freeze the smelly garbage each day in plastic bags. Double bag it if necessary. Then put it in the bins on the day your rubbish gets collected.

You could purchase a large wicker basket to put the recyclables in so it doesn’t look so bad as the blue bags. Or make a closed off section in the corner with some material strung on a curtain wire to hide them behind.

Consider renting some off-site storage space for things you don’t need now or see if any of your friends have garage space they would lend/rent to you.

Ask the landlord for permission to place large hooks on a wall out of the way for you to hang your bikes so they don’t clutter up the walk ways.

If you have room to put in some wardrobes or cupboards then buy some new or second hand. Buy one with internal shelves so you can organise some of the stuff that is left out at the moment.

If you have a step ladder put it in a corner and use it as shelves. The more you can get off the floor and organised the better your place will feel.

Sandra asks…

To preserve natural resources, which of the following should be recycled?

coal, oil, and copper

paper, glass and rubber

food, clothing and furniture

aluminum, steel, and natural gas

If oil spills continue, all of the following should be expected except

death of aquatic life.

polluted groundwater.

decreased soil productivity.

increased global temperatures.

All of the following are examples of recycling except

buying used furniture from a thrift store.

using aluminum scrap to make aluminum cans.

reusing plastic bags from the store as garbage bags.

buying compact fluorescent light bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs.

The Expert answers:

Coal, oil, food, and natural gas cannot be recycled in the conventional sense. I suppose carbon dioxide produced from burning coal and oil can be recycled and converted to methanol. Food waste and human and animal waste (the product of food) can be composted. Natural gas produces carbon dioxide when burnt and that could be converted to methanol and reused. In the conventional sense of recycling none of those choices is actually possible. In the unconventional sense, almost everything is recycled eventually by geologic cycles whether we make any effort or not. Nature has been recycling for about 14 billion years now.

Oil spills do contribute to increased global temperatures in the strict sense because most of the oil evaporates and is broken down by photochemical reactions in the atmosphere to carbon dioxide and water vapor, both of which are greenhouse gases. There is technically no correct choice for that question. Oh, and oil spills will continue because they are naturally occurring events that have taken place for at least the last 400 million years or so, often catastrophically, but commonly on a daily continual basis.

The third question has three examples that are not recycling: reusing plastic bags or furniture, which is actually repurposing or reusing, not recycling. Buying compact fluorescents is not any sort of recycling or repurposing. It is simply different technology that has its own serious environmental issues and can easily be argued to be much more hazardous than using an incandescent powered by solar, wind, hydropower, or natural gas fired power plants due to the mercury vapor that eventually escapes from the compact fluorescent bulb. Only in the case of coal generated electricity does the mercury become a net gain, and the distribution of the mercury emissions will be much more widely distributed and much more difficult to contain, so it represents a long-term hazard from my point of view. The whole promotion of compact fluorescents is simply a statistical lie based on the false assumption that electricity is produced only from coal and the myth that there are actually ways to prevent the mercury in them from entering the environment. I myself am stocking up on incandescents before they are banned in the US at the end of this year. I don’t like mercury in my indoor environment no matter how diluted it becomes after the bulb breaks or leaks- and I’ve experienced both of these issues already. Hopefully the whole compact fluorescent industry will go the way of 5 1/4 inch floppy disks and whale-oil lanterns in a few years and be replaced by LED’s.

Richard asks…

punjabis in my flats wont take out the garbage. what is going on?

in my block there are 12 flats. in seven of those 12 single bedroom flats live punjabi families or in some cases groups of single people staying together somehow.

always i have found them to be polite and seemingly gentle to your face. and i have been friendly to them and visited one of the houses for some chai a while back. those have moved out though.

anyway, for a very long time, when ever it is rubbish bin night, many bins are not taken out, and then when they are taken out there are many that are left for days on the nice grass nature strip in front of our flat.

at one time there were about five bins that were full to overflowing that were not being taken out. it got to the point where me and one other white guy in the flats had to organise the overflow and take out the bins.

this guy thinks that the punjabis look down on the white people and think that it is our duty to clean up after them – because of their concept of a class system. i’m not sure about that, but i am sick of these guys not sorting their bins out.

one issue is that this guy is a strange fellow and has a system of keeping water in recycled bottles – about 300 – out the back of our block so he can water plants he rescues from hard rubbish. he also has an old car on the property that he has covered in tarps, and is filled with aluminium pots and pans that he finds for recycling.

so i thought maybe the punjabis don’t see that he has a system of organising this stuff and just think that it is normal to leave rubbish everywhere – ie 5 garbage bags of styrofoam from new electronics were left up the back of the flats near the bottles.

i am going to start speaking to each of them when i see them and tell them to sort it out. what do you think?

The Expert answers:

Eww that is gross.. I also am a punjabi and where as i know most Punjabi’s a very clean but then there are some that dont do anything. Who cares, its their garbage and they should be the ones takin it out not u. That is simply gross… Try talkin to them, but to tell u the truth if they r Punjabi’s then i dont think talkin to them is gonna work. Well still try and if it doesn’t work tell the landlord to talk to them, cuz its not fair that u have to pick up their shit. And yaa i dont think its a caste thingy problem its just simple laziness… They prbly work till night and sleep durin the day and then go off to work again, and not care about anythin else around them, but still this is no excuse. All i think is that u shouldn’t be the one pickin up after them.

Donald asks…

My garbage company says they go through all the bags and pull out the recyclables….?

Is this true? So I really don’t need to recycle anything, because they already do it? I am in California, and I do take in all my glass bottles and soda cans for the money, but when I took in bags of other recyclables, they said they didn’t take them because they go through all the garbage and pick out the recyclables??

The Expert answers:

Some companies do use what is called single stream recycling with this process you do not need to sort. Wish they had it here, I have attached a great link that explains it better than I ever could.

Ken asks…

Would you wear a wedding/bridesmaid dress made out of the following material?


I’m wondering if you personally will or have worn/wear a wedding/bridesmaid dress made out of unused/recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bags at or for a wedding?


The Expert answers:

As long as it will be comfortable when i wear it. Your friend has a wide imagination or low budget?

Mark asks…

Is it legal for an apartment complex to go through your garbage?

They went through the garbage that I threw in the dumpster, obviously read the mail inside the bag to identify the garbage as mine, and then left a note under my door complaining about its contents.

(if your wondering, they didn’t think I was doing a good enough job recycling).

Is this legal? I feel like my privacy has been invaded and I am not comfortable with this at all. Is this grounds to legally break my lease? I don’t feel comfortable living in a place that is invasive like this.


The Expert answers:

Once you put it in the trash it actually becomes public property, any one can go through it. Gross.

Going through trash is not an invasion of privacy.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Susan asks…

Please help me proofread the following paragraph ..thanks ..Part II?

For environment concern, this is designed to separate the waste oil and chips fluid. Once the waste oil and chips fluid are separated, the odd smelling will disappear shortly and then the fluid can be recycled and used for machining operation.

The Expert answers:


For environmental concern, this is designed to separate waste oil and chips fluid. Once the waste oil and chips fluid are separated, the odd smell will disappear shortly and then the fluid can be recycled and used for machine operation.

Robert asks…

Can you please translate this text into French(human translations only).?

Reduce, reuse, recycle is the motto of those who wish to reduce the rate at which we are using up our vital resources. Some resources are renewable meaning that we can replace them easily. For example trees produce wood that can be used for buildings, furniture, paper and fuel. Trees can be replaced when we plant new trees. On the other hand, most buildings are constructed using non-renewable resources such as concrete, steel and glass. These are examples of large scale use of resources but significant savings are made if lots of people take care of the little things in their everyday lives. We can reduce the use of fuel by walking to school, by putting on a jumper instead of using central heating and taking a shower which uses less hot water than a bath. We can reduce the use of packaging by buying items sold without wrapping and by re-using carrier bags or investing in shopping baskets. We can reduce the amount of waste that we put into the environment by never buying more than we need and by recycling not just metals, plastic and glass but clothes and shoes, fabrics, oil, batteries and electrical equipment.

The Expert answers:

Réduire, réutiliser, réutiliser est la devise de ceux qui souhaitent réduire le taux auquel nous épuisons nos ressources essentielles. Quelques ressources sont signification renouvelable que nous pouvons les remplacer facilement. Par exemple les arbres produisent le bois qui peut être employé pour des bâtiments, des meubles, le papier et le carburant. Des arbres peuvent être remplacés quand nous plantons de nouveaux arbres. D’une part, la plupart des bâtiments sont construits using les ressources non-renouvelables telles que concret, l’acier et le verre. Ce sont des exemples de l’utilisation de large échelle des ressources mais l’épargne significative est faite si un bon nombre de gens prennent soin des petites choses dans leurs vies quotidiennes. Nous pouvons ramener l’utilisation du carburant par la marche à l’école, par la mise sur un pullover au lieu d’employer le chauffage central et de prendre une douche qui emploie moins d’eau chaude qu’un bain. Nous pouvons réduire l’utilisation de l’empaquetage en achetant des articles vendus sans s’envelopper et en réutilisant des sacs de porteur ou l’investissement dans des paniers à provisions. Nous pouvons réduire la quantité de perte que nous mettons dans l’environnement en n’achetant jamais plus que nous avons besoin et en réutilisant pas simplement les métaux, le plastique et le verre mais les vêtements et des chaussures, les tissus, le pétrole, les batteries et l’appareillage électrique.

Betty asks…

If I, as A Native American ran for President and this would be my platform, would you vote for me?

To greatly pursue Oil, only until Alternative Sources of Energy were implimented in a full useful manner.
To put all the smartest minds at NASA on the road to finding those alternative energy sources. – They can’t play with their toys on Mars until they succeed.
To stop Outsourceing American Jobs.
To look into the Validity of Taxation.
To Feed Americans from our Farm Lands First. Only sell what’s left.
Free Health Care. Cap Medical Costs.
Clean up The Environment … so people stop getting sick.
Reduction in chemical use.
Protect Wildlife.
Reduce Material Waste.
Recycling would be manditory.
Stop the import of stupid stuff we don’t need.
Truth in Advertising.
Truth in Government.
Improve Education.
Secure our Boarders.
Global Diplomacy.
Freedom of Religion and Non-belief, to believe what you want but not to harass others with your beliefs.
To take all threats to America Seriously. To respond
Mato: “If it doesn’t serve Everyone’s best interest, it will serve no one.”

The Expert answers:

Those are lofty goals indeed.
One of the problem with your platform, as with most presidential platforms, is that the president has limited/no powers in many of these areas.
Just one example – the president has little or no power when it comes to outsourcing jobs. That is a decision, rightly or wrongly, that is in the hands of the industries that do the outsourcing.
Many of your ideas sound quite lofty, but cannot really be defined. And how about enforcement?
What is “stupid stuff we don’t need?” Isn’t that a personal decision?
“not to harrass others with your beliefs.” Define harassment. I can guarantee you it’s not someone else’s definition.
The president is not the King. The platform you propose is not a presidential platform, but rather the platform of a dictator.
It’s a good try, however, and I urge you to keep thinking and to get involved int his year’s races, in whatever way you can make yourself useful. You have a good mind.
Be well.

Mark asks…

Health class help!!!!?

When buying recycled products look for:
the package made of plastic only
the highest recycled content
the most attractive package
the largest package
5 points
Question 2

Nontoxic means a product is:
good for the earth
good for landfills
will not stain your clothes
not poisonous to humans
5 points
Question 3

Downcycling is defined as:
recycling Downy containers
lower grade of recycling
lower grade of plastic due to recycling
recycle education in the lower elementary grades
5 points
Question 4

Precycling means making environmentally sound decisions
in your home
after using an item
at the store before taking the product home
for your whole family
5 points
Question 5

Products that eat away at other materials are known as:
5 points
Question 6

Aluminum is:
not recyclable
seldom recycled
expensive to recycle
100% recyclable
5 points
Question 7

The three R’s of Recycling stand for:
reading, riting and rithmetic
recycle, remit and reuse
recycle, reduce and reclaim
reduce, reuse and recycle
5 points
Question 8

Glass is:
not recyclable
recyclable only if it is clear
not recyclable if broken
100% recyclable
5 points
Question 9

The best method of disposing of household hazardous waste is:
burning it in a wood stove
putting it down the drain or in your garbage can
taking it to your local Household Hazardous waste station
putting it in your recycle bin, but not till recycle day
5 points
Question 10

Reducing, which is the first step in recycling, is considered:
5 points
Question 11

Toxic chemicals are found:
only in manufacturing plants
in many household products
only in chemical plants
only in cities
5 points
Question 12

Products that create deadly vapors are known as:
5 points
Question 13

The Government Agency that was created to protect our natural resources is:
Bureau of Land Management
Central Intelligence Agency
Hazardous Waste Management
Environmental Protection Agency
5 points
Question 14

White vinegar is an alternative cleaning product that helps:
soften water
cut grease
remove stains from carpets
attack rust
5 points
Question 15

Recycling paper does all but the following:
saves 380 gallons of oil
saves 17 trees
reduces water pollution
saves fluid for printing on paper
5 points
Question 16

The most efficient way to eliminate waste in our world is to:
5 points
Question 17

Which of the following is not considered hazardous waste?
motor oil
mixed paper
5 points
Question 18

Which is not one of the three R’s?
5 points
Question 19

Paper that cannot be recycled includes:
waxed milk/juice cartons, plastic laminated packages
foil, fax paper
choice 1 and choice 2 only
newspaper, cardboard
5 points
Question 20

There are four statements below. Complete TWO of the four statements. For full credit, write a minimum of two sentences for each statement selected. Please use the wording below to start your answer.

1. The best thing about recycling is…

2. Sometimes recycling is hard because…

3. I promise not to litter because…

4. Besides recycling, I do the following to help my environment..

The Expert answers:

14 is EPA

Donna asks…

Crushing on a jerk who is perfect and feels the same way… what to do…?

There’s this girl I have a huge crush on and most likely has a huge crush on me (lots of evidence, including what some of her friends have told me and the hobbies that she’s recently picked up)…

Our personalities mix about as well as oil and water. Although she is breathtakingly beautiful, witty, articulate and intelligent she is also very dominating and manipulative… she is freakishly high-strung, emotional and passionate about certain things (she’s been known to go off on her roommates hardcore — to the point of yelling and humiliating — about recycling, wasting energy, homosexual rights [she’s had girlfriends before], liberal politics, etc). I’m quiet, and fairly passive, but I’m also very politically opinionated — I’m a libertarian — and she doesn’t like being disagreed with.

In short she’d be the perfect woman if she wasn’t such a total jackass.

Should I get in a relationship with this otherwise divine ****** if we are both at least a little bit already in love?.

The Expert answers:

If you want to change who you are and put a lot of effort into the relationship go for it, but know that you are the one who is going to be doing all of the work.

Maria asks…

Are there any first edition Toyota Prius’ still running?

My car was built in 1972 and is still running fine, therefore it’s only environmental impact for the last 40 years has been a few sets of brakes, tyres and fuel of course. The steel components have all been recycled, as has waste oil.
Compared to the modern Prius – how long do they last – and is the constant manufacturing of a vehicle every 10 years more wasteful than one car lasting 40 years?

The prius first came out in 1997 – so are any still running 15 years on without major overhaul of replacing half the weight and cost of the car?

The Expert answers:

You’re going to have to ask someone in Japan that because the original Prius was only sold in Japan. However, the Prius is not an expensive car to maintain. My 2001 Prius is over ten years old and still runs like new. I did have to replace the tires. Sorry to burst your bubble.


Michael asks…

Who has more power to change the world? The consumer or the worker? And why?

So often we hear “Dont shop at Walmart”, “Dont drive SUV’s” “Be vegan or vegetarian” “Dont waste plastic, recycle”. There are people that think that through individual lifestyle choices, the world will change. If you become a vegan, youre not adding on to environmental degredation or animal cruelty, right? Or so it seems. If you dont drive a gas guzzling SUV, then youre not supporting the oil companies right?
I happen to believe that a fundamental change in the way society works these days doesnt come from the consumer, but from the worker. For through the toil of the worker, profit is accumulated. The drive for profit is what causes environmental degredation, animal cruelty, and much worse things like imperialist wars, genocide, and so on. Telling the consumer to change their lifestyle just glosses over the top purveyor of world destabilization, which is the ruling class.
Add your own imput please.

The Expert answers:

You’re genuinely talking about the same person.

Joseph asks…

When what you do for living comprises your morality what do you do?

What do you when what you do for a living compromises your morality?
I’m an office manager at a recycling center. I joined the industry a year ago.
Like many others in the sagging economy, I was down and out and had just about given up on hope. In many ways recycling saved me.

It’s taken me a year to learn that the word recycling, is synonymous with legal dumping for profit. Granted allot of materials (e.g aluminum cans, steel) sold/delivered to recycling centers are disposed of properly, a great deal (electronic waste, sealed units) are not.

The majority of the profit made by electronic waste recyclers is the the profit made off dumping hazardous materials on China. Every time we ship a load of sealed units (e.g.enclosed refrigerator compressors w/ oil) to China I want to throw. What are the Chinese doing with that oil on the other end?

Electronic waste is by far the most hazardous threat to the environment. The precious metals used to create cell phones, circuit boards, microprocessors, are gold mines for recyclers. However, the the equipment, manpower, and specialized high priced labor is expensive.

Better to sell the materials to China so we don’t get our hands dirty. Chinese entrepeneurs throw ridicoulsy high numbers out to win the material because the cost to “process” the waste is low and the return is high.

The real problem is most of the materials are properly processed at all. American businesses may spend ($5,000-$10,000) an hour when operating high technological equipment to recycle circuit boards.

it only cost the Chinese businessman 2-5 bucks an hour to have some poverty stricken elderly women to recover preicoius metal. No need for the proper equipment. In she sits there is some God forsaken poverty stricken village, and “Burns” the plastic off of the circuit boards to haphazardly recover the gold.

Then rest of the lead and cadium filled hazardous material is thrown on top of the villages open trash heap. The real irony is e-waste delivered to recycling centers probably does more harm to the environment.Whats does more damage? Hazardous waste dumped in American landfills that are regulated by laws, or the open uncontrolled burning chlorinated of plastics?

Its disgusting to think that kids in these areas have high levels lead in their blood and pregnancies are 7 times more likely to end in miscarriages. What are we really doing? I’m torn I don’t know what to do, but I feel like I should try to do something.

The Expert answers:

First of, there are ‘easy’ answers to your predicament, but none of them are wholly satisfying, and none will fully address the scale of the problem presented. For instance, you can quit a job that you see as harmful— but as you well know, someone else will just take your place. Being in a position of some authority, it’s not impossible that you might be able to make a few changes; but this could even endanger your position in the company, if it doesn’t reveal itself to be profitable; and I’d guess that it would be less profitable than the current operation. So, even though the idea of ‘working for change from within the system’ is a romantic notion, it often just results in losing that position.

Your dilemma is two-fold. There’s the grief you suffer personally; that can probably be dealt with to some degree. But the other component (which you’d probably agree is a bigger deal) is the problem with China’s policies towards waste products. That’s a big issue, one which in all likelihood your actions alone will not be able to remedy. You can ‘spread the word’ and try to ‘educate the masses’ in some hope they’ll be effected enough to raise some sort of action which could change things; but given how profitable these admittedly horrible policies are for the poor and needy in China, it’s bound to be met with resistance and may do harm in it’s own way. If you could somehow successfully stop the Chinese from these practices, then you;d probably have reason to feel guilty for whatever misery the out of work Chinese felt, and whatever questionable practice would (in all likelihood) replace the current industry.

So the only solution which I see as least harmful to all involved is to find some sort of alternative practice that really is environmentally safe, and make it economically beneficial. As for what that is, I can only speculate. You’re certainly more qualified to say what would help. I’d recommend perhaps writing a letter to Congress, since your worries will probably be heard by more people, and addressed more effectively than anyone on a message board can hope for. This could ultimately even be good for a business which ‘takes responsibility’— something sorely lacking nowadays— and recognizes the global, and political implications of the situation.

While I don’t think ‘spreading the word’ is nearly the panacea that others might, I don’t see how it really hurts. Writing out your thoughts, backing it up with data, and sensing it to people who can actually effect change is the only way I see of resolving it, even a bit.

On a last note, thank you for being concerned. It gives me just a bit more hope about the clearly dire situation of our environment knowing that there are people who see the whole picture and do really want to make a difference in business practices, rather than simply profit. I wish you the best.

Lisa asks…

please please help with these questions?

1) Americans throw out 2 million bottled waters per day. Only 20% of those bottles get recycled. How many bottles of water would end up in a landfill in a year?
2) If 50% of all bottled water was to be reused by using tap water then how much landfill space will be saved per year if the volume of a bottled water is 400 cm3 but when compacted at the landfill it reduces the volume of the water by 50%?
3) It takes 1.5 million barrels of oil to make water bottles per year. If only 20% of all bottled water is recycled. A barrel of oil costs $100. How much money is wasted by not recycling per year?

The Expert answers:

1.8 million

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Nancy asks…

How to empty recycle bin if the icon doesn’t work on Vista?

I really need to empty my recycle bin on Vista but when I right click on the icon everything freezes and just keeps loading and loading but nothing happens and I got no disc space anymore so how can i fix this ASAP??

The Expert answers:

Download CCLEANER and use that.

Thomas asks…

where is the recycle bin located on Windows 7?

I have an HP Pavilion dv4 notebook with Windows 7. The recycle bin is not on the desktop. Where would it be located?

The Expert answers:

Type into the start menu; ‘show or hide common icons on the desktop’, click on it and it should be there

Lizzie asks…

Direct access icons are not where they should be but in the recycle bin. What can I do to move them back?

Direct access icons are in my recycle bin, I want them out?
Help me to get them out because even when in the recycle bin I highlight the icon & right click then go to relieve it stays, does not do anything. My PC has problems I want to solve but I can’t, what I need is in the recycle bin, Help me please.

The Expert answers:

Right click item and choose restore.
Reboot PC and try again.
Run System Restore and set PC back to a date in time before Icons were deleted.

Lisa asks…

when I restore deleted photos from recycle bin, where do they go?

I accidentally sent some photos from Picasa 2 to the recycle bin. I highlighted them in the recycle bin and selected restore, but I can’t find them in Picasa. Any ideas of where they would go?

The Expert answers:

Dear Lady/Gentleman,

Restart your pc and look again.

If not there, download a program that can locat files that are deleted, there are a lot of programs for free to try on the net.

They have to be ad the same place as where you wanted to delete them, but if not, you might hit the wrong button. Might be or not.

You have an Windows installation ?
If NT version, look for recovering NT(FS) deleted files/formatted partition

Hopefully I let you known enough and you will find the answer you need.

Best Regards & Best Wishes 2011!

Betty asks…

How do you get a file back which has been deleted from the recycle bin too?

Well here’s the thing, i deleted a file on my computer and it went to recycle bin but then i wanted to get it back because i didn’t realise how important it was. I then accidentally pressed ’empty recycle bin’ instead of open and pressed yes when i didn’t read it carefully. Now the complete file is gone and i cant get it back. Is there any other way i can get it back or is it deleted forever? The file was really important and I don’t know how to get it back. Anyone any ideas?

The Expert answers:

Compotec is right
because he/she is at level one the links don’t work.

Recuva :

set it to deep scan.


Donald asks…

I deleted a video by accident it’s no longer in the recycle bin. How do i retrieve it?

I deleted a video by accident, it’s no longer in the recycle bin. How do i retrieve it? What software should I get?

The Expert answers:

Yes, it is technically possible to recover any deleted file (Even those removed from the Recycle Bin) by using recovery software. But you must act quickly before that file will gone forever because everything that you do, installing, downloading anything you do can make this file lost forever.

Here is the steps might be helpful to you:
1. Download this program on your compute. Here is the link:
2. Install and start the program. Then click on settings on top right part of the program, check videos and click OK.
3. Select the drive where your lost files located, click Start. Now the scanning process will start to search the deleted files. After a while you will then get a list of recoverable files.
4. Press Recover to perform full recovery.

William asks…

What happens when you delete the recycle bin?

I want to delete the recycle bin on my computer but I’m scared I might delete the entire computer. What happens when you delete the recycle bin?

The Expert answers:

Your computer does not go, it just deletes stuff permanently instead of sending it to the recycle bin. You can restore the recycle bin by going to Control Panel, then press Programs then go under Desktop Gadgets and press Restore Desktop Gadgets Installed With Windows. You can then search for it on the top right.

Rate me best answer! 🙂

James asks…

How do I get the recycle bin up on my Samsung ES17 Camera?

I want to restore photos and it says that there is a recycle bin but i don’t know how to get it up?

The Expert answers:

Whenever I have a question/problem such as yours, I read the user’s guide (aka “the manual”).
It is amazing just how much I always learn from that.

If that doesn’t help (or if I’m interested in a product I don’t own), I check the manufacturer’s website.
They have descriptions and specs for their gadgets, often have user forums, and the decent manufacturers all let you download the manuals in electronic form (so losing the book is no longer a problem).

99% of the time that does the trick.

Paul asks…

How to delete a file permanently from recycle bin?

there a personal document that i made in ms word , i deleted it from computer but cannot find it in recycle bin how can i permanently deleted that file. Plz help.

The Expert answers:

Go to recycle bin select the file/folder u want to delete and right click and delete or press delete on keyboard.
Also if u want to delete smthng permanently press shift and delete together and it will not appear in recycle bin but be careful if nethng is shift deleted cant be recovered

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

I’ve downloaded an album on itunes but the orange circle symbol has froze beside each song, what should i do?

The orange circle symbol, which looks like a recycling symbol has frozen beside each song, and i cant play them either. I dont think they have downloaded at all. What should i do?

The Expert answers:

Try restarting the computer. Also, you could try Apple:

Mandy asks…

What do recycling symbols mean?

What does a recycling symbol with a 4 under it mean?

The Expert answers:

I’m not sure what you mean by this, but lets take plastics as an example. Most plastic items have their basic make-up indicated on the packaging eithe embossed, or printed.

For instance, Coke bottles are made from PETE (Poly-ethyl-tetra-ethylene) which is recycled and made into fleece material (yes, really) and this plastic compound comes in various forms and hardnesses, depending on the amount of plasticizing agents used, but essentially, most plastics are recyclable.

Supermarkets are making an effort to reduce the amount of plastic bags they use (up to 5 billion a year) to reduce landfill. Recent developments in plastics have led to some bags being made from degradeable plastic. I have purchased a couple of heavy-duty plastic bags so that I minimise the number of bags I ‘collect’ whenever I do my weekly shop. These bags have thus far saved me having to recycle up to 4 of the thinner bags a week, and even the ones I have are used over and over until they can’t be used again.
Check out the links for more.

George asks…

Does the recycle symbol mean anything can be recycled?

I have all sorts of plastic, butter tubs, cups, milk jugs… They all have the little recycle symbol on them somewhere, does that mean they can all be recycled no matter what shape, size or color it is or does it all have to be clear???

The Expert answers:

It does and it doesn’t.

Technically, these plastics can be recycled, but it doesn’t mean that they will be accepted by your local recycling company.

Back when this symbol first started being used, a lot of plastics manufacturers put this symbol on their products to give people the impression that they were recyclable and therefore good for the environment.

As it turns out, however, not all of these different plastics can be recycled as easily as others. For that reason, a lot of recycling plants will tell you specifically what they will take (for example, plastic drink bottles) and what they will not.

It is good to recycle, but you should pay attention to what the recyclers in your area are asking for and put ONLY THOSE ITEMS in the recycling bin. If they ask for plastic drink bottles only, do not throw plastic yogurt cups and other plastics in with the mix. They will only end up in the landfill anyway, and at the recyclers’ expense.

Donna asks…

Why do most recycling services not accept disposable, recyclable plastic cups?

Clear disposable cups, such as those used for iced drinks at starbucks, are labeled with a recycling symbol with the number one inside it. Unless I am mistaken, why are these cups not accepted for recycling the same way plastic bottles and aluminum cans are?

The Expert answers:

Same reason few people recycle electronics – profitability. If you can make it profitable you win.

Joseph asks…

how many sides does a recycling symbol have???

if u forgot how it looks like… thanks everyone soo much i love u alll
is it 27??? or 3??? or 6??? or 12???

The Expert answers:

27 if you count the insides, outsides and parts of the arrows. I may be stretching this just a bit though………

William asks…

What does the number inside of a recycle symbol mean?

I’ve noticed that different plastic bottles have different numbers? Some say it’s the level or quality or thickness of the material… So what does it really mean?

The Expert answers:

It is an indication of the type of plastic polymer that is used. High density poly ethylene, low density poly ethylene, poly urethane, poly propylene and the like.

Ken asks…

actually there is a symbol of recycle on the plastic, but i don seems to under the numbers in the middle it?

there is always this question in my mind, the recycle symbol on those plastic bottle and some other more item with a number in the middle what does it means?can plastic actually be be recycled?i heard that if plastic is burn, they will release a poisonous gas and it will effect the ozon layer or so?is this true?can u tell me more detail bout it?how can we prevent it?

The Expert answers:

The numeric codes that you see on many plastic items are used to help sort post-consumer plastics for recycling purposes. Different types of plastics are sometimes referred to as “resins” and the numeric symbols are known as “Resin ID Codes.” Each number (1 through 6) signifies a specific type of plastic and usually appears inside a small triangle (often formed by three adjoining arrows) imprinted on the bottom of a plastic item. The number “7” is used to represent a group of other plastics or combinations of plastics. Resin ID codes are not intended to provide guidance on the safe or appropriate use of any plastic item and should not be used for this purpose.

As far as burning plastic, it can and should be recycled. If you burn plastic expect a nasty fume and release of chemicals, but under no terms should you be burning plastic. If you have curb side recycling they local waste company should take it all.

Ruth asks…

what are the numbers in the recycle symbol for?

I have heard that some of the types of recycled plastic are toxic.

The Expert answers:

The number of times the container (or part of it) was used in recycling.

Helen asks…

If there is no recycle symbol on a package it’s not recyclable?

We got a toy for our daughter and the cardboard box it came in doesn’t have that symbol on the bottom. SHould we still put it with our recyclable stuff?

The Expert answers:

If it’s cardboard it won’t have a recycling symbol, dear. The symbols are just for plastics. Some cardboard boxes may have a ‘recycle diagram’ on it. All cardboard goes into the paper bin, unless it’s the wax-covered type like TV dinner boxes and ice cream cartons. Those can’t be recycled since they’re sealed paper.

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