Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Laura asks…

recycling jobs?

Hi there i have 15 years experience in recycling in uk. how do i find a job in australia? I have indepth knowledge of pallets, paper, cardboard, polythene, pet bottles, metals to name a few. but, cant find any jobs here. can you help please.

The Expert answers:

You can start by checking job ads in Aussie!

Nancy asks…

what are some recycling jobs in Indianapolis a 19 year old could apply for?

Please provide company names and links if they have it.

The Expert answers:

You could disassemble cars at an auto salvage yard.

Helen asks…

How about creating more Jobs through recycling and water systems?

England, has a law that says all scrap vehicles have to be recycled. Don’t you think that if the U.S. had this law we could put a lot of people back to work and create a lot of jobs plus recycle old steel and clean up cities?
Also, every year we see mass flooding in this country. Why can we create a water system that will funnel ravaged ares hit by floods to areas that are in great need of water thus making it possible for dry states to receive more water for farm lands?

The Expert answers:

Our scrapping system does work well and it’s a crying shame that the same doesn’t exist in the US. Recycling metal is very efficient, particularly aluminium – it takes 7 times less energy to recycle a can than make a new one from bauxite.
Water is a difficult problem, we too have flooding in UK and frequently the storm water is allowed to flow out to the sea when we too have areas subject to extreme drought, usually from water abstraction of nearby smaller rivers in the drier areas of UK. To transport water around is a real challenge, it would need the setting up of a national grid of water courses and this we simply do not have the resources to achieve. Whilst we have larger rivers not all run in the same direction, nor do they connect, not even by canal systems.
At present the greatest impact would be to simply use less water: the car doesn’t need to be washed each week; don’t run the tap when brushing your teeth; don’t think that a power shower uses less water than a bath – it can use just as much and is not an economy; save rainwater for watering the garden and don’t ever use sprinklers; wash dishes by hand; never run the washing machine for only one garment. Simple really.

Charles asks…

How does recycling add jobs to the economy?

Or, briefly explain advantages to recycling or composting.

The Expert answers:

The biggest advantage is extending the life of a landfill. We are running out of places to bury our garbage. On the east coast many cities have to burn it or pay to ship it out of state. The more we recycle the longer a landfill will last. The cheaper your waste removal bill will be.

Chris asks…

What are some jobs in the recycling field?

And what degree(s) should one pursue in order to gain one?

The Expert answers:

No degree required. Great jobs at the scrap metal center. Crane operator, Scale operator.
How about trash collector. You will need to have a special drivers license.

Jenny asks…

List of Recycling Jobs?

I need a list of recycling jobs for a term paper. I don’t need companies just a list of jobs that involve recycling. If someone could give me a web site page that would be very helpful

The Expert answers:


Just google recycling jobs

Sandy asks…

How do i get a job abroad 360/shovel loader operator.I work in recycling,boss is about to cut jobs and rec me?

The Expert answers:

Try this site mate Dubai Employment Tips(dubaiemployment, lots of jobs available at excellent pay.!!!
Good luck.!!

Robert asks…

How can i find a job abroad operating shovel loader/360digger.Iwork in recycling,boss is cutting jobs?

The Expert answers:

Try going to the place where you want to work and checking it out first hand. I would like to point out that there is no place like home…

Ruth asks…

Where should I look/how should I get a job recycling materials?

I’m not actually sure what I want to do, but it has something to do with recycling. Any ideas? I’ve look in our local paper, on monster, and craiglist for jobs, but haven’t found any. Do you have any ideas?

The Expert answers:

Go to your local recycling centre and drop off your resume.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

What country (or metro area) has put this law into effect?

My professor talked of a country that wanted to promote recycling, so they made green (physically colored green) garbage bags expensive and made it so the garbage men would only pick up the residents trash if it was in that green bag. It may have been Toronto? My classmate says Tokyo? Any ideas? I can’t find anything online.

The Expert answers:

Switzerland did it but I don’t know if they were green or not. They are special bags that are the only ones the garbage men will collect. They are smaller and cost more than the average bag in the US.

Sandra asks…

recycling water bottles?

so i have like 50 garbage bags full of water bottles..

but i dont kno where to go to take them to get recycled

also do they pay you for this?


thanks in advance

The Expert answers:

This website may be able to help you to locate a center if you live in the USA.
Some places compensate for the recycling, but it is better to call ahead and check first.
I hope that this helps.

Donna asks…

Will you ever personally wear an outfit/dress made of this?


I’m wondering if you will ever personally wear an outfit/dress made out of unused/unused recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bags. If yes, when on a regular basis or not, how. If not how come not try it once to confirm your negative statements.


The Expert answers:

If you can make it look good like project runway yes for an occasion that matches the outfit it would have to be something made for stylish looks with creativity but id’s party in it if it had movement

Sandy asks…

Can any female celebrities personally answer this question?


I’m wondering if you’ve personally worn or will wear an unused plastic or unused recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bag as a dress?


The Expert answers:

I have

Ruth asks…

Recycling help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

My family is wondering how to recycle we just got our green bins so i am in charge of finding out ways to cut our 5bags of garbage bags a week into the black and green been

The Expert answers:

Did you also know that the Styrofoam that comes in boxes when you purchase new furniture stereo etc. Is also recyclable
. I didn’t know this either until I called the village and asked how to dispose of it.

Mary asks…

How can I dump a bunch of Adult DVD’s to the garbage without being suspicious?

I’m a bit scared to get caught by relatives or other people.

I have a bunch of adult dvd’s i don’ twant anymore. One time i took a load of them and what i did is break them all in little pieces, and put them in bags.. and then since i live with my parents, and my mom likes to always snoop in the RECYCLing big or trash bin., it’s a tough thing to just put them in my house’s trash cans. What i do is go to another part of town and put them there.. but i have a bunch and i dont’ want to look suspicious.. how else to do it?

The Expert answers:

Sell them to your mates

Lisa asks…

Paper or Plastic grocery bags and if you recycle what do u use them for?

me: paper- use for a garbage bag by my sofa. Garbage for car. Use to cover packages for sending. Also use to put cookies that are to be cooled.
Plastic: donate to a charity. Resale shop, childcare facility.

The Expert answers:

I use plastic and then when i get home i use them to wrap up poopy diapers to keep the smell gone, and i use them in my bathroom in the small trash can.

Paul asks…

i recieve summon fail property recycling it says mixed with unsoiled paper in clear bag what they mean by that?

i recieved summons 50.00dollars for fail property recycling they say orange juice mixed with unsoiled paper in clear bag.. i thought juice carton also carton like cereal. and maybe they like to give summons for no reason please help they hire me to take out garbage.

The Expert answers:

Orange Juice cartons are made with paper on the outside and a thin plastic layer inside of them to keep the paper from getting wet. They are working on ways to recycle these cartons by putting them through a process called “hydropulping” but at the moment some recycling facilities have not adopted the new technology. Thus, those Orange Juice cartons are not recyclable in some areas.

Orange Juice cartons look like all paper cereal boxes but they are not and until these new techniques are adopted in your area they are not recyclable. Call your local recycling facility and ask them why they do not recycle them and inform them about the new techniques available.

Maria asks…

Recycling question?

I recently switched to a garbage pickup company that does recycling, I am confused about 1 type of garbage, the silver bags that chips and cookies come in, what catagory would they go in?
Thank you.

The Expert answers:

When I recycle I usually put cardboard, cans, and plastic in the container. I would toss the silver bag in the regular garbage.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Linda asks…

Why have photos that I deleted come back into my recycle bin?

Some photos that I deleted a long time ago and also deleted from the recycle bin have come back into the recycle bin! I want to make sure the photos are permanently deleted – I don’t want them coming back.
I DID delete them from the recycle bin – but they came back later on!

The Expert answers:

Maybe you did delete them, but then you system restored the computer back to when they were still in the recycle bin. Always clear the recycle bin after a restore.

Robert asks…

Where the heck is the recycle bin on Windows XP?

I accidentally deleted a picture and the recycle bin isn’t on my desktop. I’ve searched and searched for the bin and I can’t find it.Where the heck is it?

The Expert answers:

You have these options:

• Right-click an empty area of the desktop
• Select the DESKTOP tab and click the CUSTOMIZE DESKTOP button
• Select the GENERAL tab and under DESKTOP ICONS, check mark the RECYCLE BIN.
• Click OK to save the change and close the windows.

• Open Windows Explorer (Right-click the START button and select EXPLORE)
• From the menu bar select TOOLS >> FOLDER OPTIONS
• Choose the VIEW TAB
• Scroll-down and find SHOW RECYCLE BIN ON THE DESKTOP. Check mark it.
• Click the OK button
• Scroll-down and find HIDE PROTECTED OPERATING SYSTEM FILES (RECOMMENDED). And clear the box. Click YES when you receive the warning message, and then click OK to close the Folder Options window.
• On the WINDOWS EXPLORER windows click FOLDERS icon from the tool bar. Select the left pane (the FOLDERS pane) and scroll-down and locate the RECYCLE BIN folder and drag it to your desktop.
HINT: If the FOLDERS icon is not visible on the tool bar, then from the MENU bar select VIEW >> TOOLBARS and select STANDARD BUTTONS
From the menu bar select TOOLS >> FOLDER OPTIONS. Scrol-down and find HIDE PROTECTED OPERATING SYSTEM FILES (RECOMMENDED). And check-mark the box. Click the OK button.

• Click START >> RUN
• On the open box type GPEDIT.MSC and click OK or press Enter
• On the Right pane, find REMOVE RECYCLE BIN ICON FROM THE DESKTOP. Double click on it, a Property Window will appear. Select the disabled or not configured option and click OK.
• Close the GROUP POLICY window

How do I make the Recycle Bin appear on my desktop;en-us;810869

Mandy asks…

I accidentally deleted my recycle bin icon on my desk top in Vista. How do I get it back?

I was trying to empty it and I left clicked and then deleted instead of right click then delete. Now I cannot find the recycle bin to reinstall the shortcut to my desk top. I am new to Vista. please help.

The Expert answers:

I did that same thing, but you can click start and open any folder on the menu. From there on the list on the left click desktop and it should actually be there. Create a shortcut for it

William asks…

Accidentally deleting your recycle bin icon on your desktop in vista?

A few weeks back, I accidentally deleted my recycle bin icon on my desktop and I now cant get back to my recycle bin. There’s some files my nephew deleted and I need to restore them, but I cant find the recycle bin. I tried searching and everything, but simply could not find it! Any help would do! Thanks!

The Expert answers:

The ‘Delete’ option when right-clicking the Recycle Bin is new with Vista, giving you the option of removing the shortcut from your desktop easily. To restore it you can go to:
Control Panel
Appearance and Personalization
Then click “change desktop icons” from the left-hand column. From there just check Recycle Bin and click OK.

You may need to reboot afterwards

Steven asks…

Program that will erase recycle bin files that have already been emptied?

I read that when you empty your recycle bin it doesn’t really erase the file but the path to get there. I want a program (I don’t mind if it’s freeware or not) that will completely erase whatever I have deleted in the past. I currently have a file shredder but I want to completely erase all that I had emptied from the recycle bin prior to getting my file shredder.

The Expert answers:

I suggest downloading a file recovery program. Use it to search for any files that can be recovered, then delete files you want to be gone.

If you can’t delete files within the software, I suggest recovering the file then using your file shredder.

George asks…

How to retrive deleted files that does not go to your Recycle Bin when deleted?

I deleted some short videos i created on my vacation from my USB , it did not go to recycle bin, did a search on computer and nothing did a recovery retrive from the USB the files have error and can’t open please i really need to get these videos back thank you all in advance!!!!

The Expert answers:

In your case, I recommend you to use Wondershare Photo Recovery. It’s specially designed for users to get their lost photos and videos back, no matter the photos and videos are lost from deletion, virus attack, disk corruption or some other reasons. As long as it’s not physical damage, you can use this photo recovery software to find your precious memories back.

Get a free demo here:

The free demo provides preview. You can preview the lost photos and videos and see if there are the ones you want. If it can find them for you, you can buy a full version and perform recovery.

Good luck and best wishes.

Ruth asks…

When I delete files they go to the recycle bin but aren’t visible?

I delete a file and I can see it in the Recycle Bin if the bin is open, but I refresh and the file has disappeared. I have tried the usual fixes. Deleting the recycle bin, showing hidden files and OS files. And my bin is set to go to the recycling for deleted files. My bin shows it to be full and although i see nothing in the folder i have the option to permanently delete x number of files.

The Expert answers:

Its juz coz of some viruses ..

If u have antivirus then scan it

Sandy asks…

How can i permanently delete files off my laptop if the recycle bin isn’t doing it?

I have a dell inspiron laptop and every time i go to delete things (files,pictures, etc) they aren’t permanently deleted.

I put them in the recycle bin and empty it and their gone, but once a search is done with the file name they come up but they can’t be accessed because they have been “moved or deleted”.

Is there a way I can manually delete these things? I tried deleting them from the search window aswell but it dosn’t allow me.

The Expert answers:

There is a very good software helps your to remove everything that you dont need. It is call Your Uninstaller! 2008. You can try it for free. Go to to get a tria version. Enjoy!

Laura asks…

How can I recover deleted files and files which have also been deleted from Recycle Bin?

I had accidently deleted my project file by pressing Shift+Delete. So those are not available in Recycle Bin also. How can I recover those files.

The Expert answers:

You may try asoftech photo recovery which helped me before.

The pro version enables recovering not only photos, but also musics, videos, document, etc.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mark asks…

Why have photos that I deleted come back into my recycle bin?

Some photos that I deleted a long time ago and also deleted from the recycle bin have come back into the recycle bin! I want to make sure the photos are permanently deleted – I don’t want them coming back.
I DID delete them from the recycle bin – but they came back later on!

The Expert answers:

Maybe you did delete them, but then you system restored the computer back to when they were still in the recycle bin. Always clear the recycle bin after a restore.

Sandra asks…

Where the heck is the recycle bin on Windows XP?

I accidentally deleted a picture and the recycle bin isn’t on my desktop. I’ve searched and searched for the bin and I can’t find it.Where the heck is it?

The Expert answers:

You have these options:

• Right-click an empty area of the desktop
• Select the DESKTOP tab and click the CUSTOMIZE DESKTOP button
• Select the GENERAL tab and under DESKTOP ICONS, check mark the RECYCLE BIN.
• Click OK to save the change and close the windows.

• Open Windows Explorer (Right-click the START button and select EXPLORE)
• From the menu bar select TOOLS >> FOLDER OPTIONS
• Choose the VIEW TAB
• Scroll-down and find SHOW RECYCLE BIN ON THE DESKTOP. Check mark it.
• Click the OK button
• Scroll-down and find HIDE PROTECTED OPERATING SYSTEM FILES (RECOMMENDED). And clear the box. Click YES when you receive the warning message, and then click OK to close the Folder Options window.
• On the WINDOWS EXPLORER windows click FOLDERS icon from the tool bar. Select the left pane (the FOLDERS pane) and scroll-down and locate the RECYCLE BIN folder and drag it to your desktop.
HINT: If the FOLDERS icon is not visible on the tool bar, then from the MENU bar select VIEW >> TOOLBARS and select STANDARD BUTTONS
From the menu bar select TOOLS >> FOLDER OPTIONS. Scrol-down and find HIDE PROTECTED OPERATING SYSTEM FILES (RECOMMENDED). And check-mark the box. Click the OK button.

• Click START >> RUN
• On the open box type GPEDIT.MSC and click OK or press Enter
• On the Right pane, find REMOVE RECYCLE BIN ICON FROM THE DESKTOP. Double click on it, a Property Window will appear. Select the disabled or not configured option and click OK.
• Close the GROUP POLICY window

How do I make the Recycle Bin appear on my desktop;en-us;810869

Helen asks…

I accidentally deleted my recycle bin icon on my desk top in Vista. How do I get it back?

I was trying to empty it and I left clicked and then deleted instead of right click then delete. Now I cannot find the recycle bin to reinstall the shortcut to my desk top. I am new to Vista. please help.

The Expert answers:

I did that same thing, but you can click start and open any folder on the menu. From there on the list on the left click desktop and it should actually be there. Create a shortcut for it

Mandy asks…

Accidentally deleting your recycle bin icon on your desktop in vista?

A few weeks back, I accidentally deleted my recycle bin icon on my desktop and I now cant get back to my recycle bin. There’s some files my nephew deleted and I need to restore them, but I cant find the recycle bin. I tried searching and everything, but simply could not find it! Any help would do! Thanks!

The Expert answers:

The ‘Delete’ option when right-clicking the Recycle Bin is new with Vista, giving you the option of removing the shortcut from your desktop easily. To restore it you can go to:
Control Panel
Appearance and Personalization
Then click “change desktop icons” from the left-hand column. From there just check Recycle Bin and click OK.

You may need to reboot afterwards

Steven asks…

Program that will erase recycle bin files that have already been emptied?

I read that when you empty your recycle bin it doesn’t really erase the file but the path to get there. I want a program (I don’t mind if it’s freeware or not) that will completely erase whatever I have deleted in the past. I currently have a file shredder but I want to completely erase all that I had emptied from the recycle bin prior to getting my file shredder.

The Expert answers:

I suggest downloading a file recovery program. Use it to search for any files that can be recovered, then delete files you want to be gone.

If you can’t delete files within the software, I suggest recovering the file then using your file shredder.

George asks…

How to retrive deleted files that does not go to your Recycle Bin when deleted?

I deleted some short videos i created on my vacation from my USB , it did not go to recycle bin, did a search on computer and nothing did a recovery retrive from the USB the files have error and can’t open please i really need to get these videos back thank you all in advance!!!!

The Expert answers:

In your case, I recommend you to use Wondershare Photo Recovery. It’s specially designed for users to get their lost photos and videos back, no matter the photos and videos are lost from deletion, virus attack, disk corruption or some other reasons. As long as it’s not physical damage, you can use this photo recovery software to find your precious memories back.

Get a free demo here:

The free demo provides preview. You can preview the lost photos and videos and see if there are the ones you want. If it can find them for you, you can buy a full version and perform recovery.

Good luck and best wishes.

Sandy asks…

When I delete files they go to the recycle bin but aren’t visible?

I delete a file and I can see it in the Recycle Bin if the bin is open, but I refresh and the file has disappeared. I have tried the usual fixes. Deleting the recycle bin, showing hidden files and OS files. And my bin is set to go to the recycling for deleted files. My bin shows it to be full and although i see nothing in the folder i have the option to permanently delete x number of files.

The Expert answers:

Its juz coz of some viruses ..

If u have antivirus then scan it

Daniel asks…

How can i permanently delete files off my laptop if the recycle bin isn’t doing it?

I have a dell inspiron laptop and every time i go to delete things (files,pictures, etc) they aren’t permanently deleted.

I put them in the recycle bin and empty it and their gone, but once a search is done with the file name they come up but they can’t be accessed because they have been “moved or deleted”.

Is there a way I can manually delete these things? I tried deleting them from the search window aswell but it dosn’t allow me.

The Expert answers:

There is a very good software helps your to remove everything that you dont need. It is call Your Uninstaller! 2008. You can try it for free. Go to to get a tria version. Enjoy!

Ken asks…

How can I recover deleted files and files which have also been deleted from Recycle Bin?

I had accidently deleted my project file by pressing Shift+Delete. So those are not available in Recycle Bin also. How can I recover those files.

The Expert answers:

You may try asoftech photo recovery which helped me before.

The pro version enables recovering not only photos, but also musics, videos, document, etc.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

How do I remove the recycle bin from my desktop?

I have a funny Pinkie Pie icon (yes, I’m a brony) that replaces the Recycle Bin icon. But when I go to change the icon, it won’t let me. So I create a shortcut and edit that. Now, I need to move the Recycle Bin into a folder or something, so it’s not on the desktop, leaving the shortcut there instead. But every time I move it, it only creates a shortcut in that location. What do I do?

Also, I am using a PC, and Windows 7.

The Expert answers:

Right click on your Desktop and select Personalize > on the left click Change Desktop Icons > uncheck the Recycle Bin box and click OK.

Nancy asks…

recycle bin?

i deleted my recycle bin by accident, how do i get it back to my desktop?

The Expert answers:

Easiest way

Right-click an empty area of your desktop
Desktop tab
Restore Default
Exit & restart

Jenny asks…

Recycle bin…?

Okay my parents live 300+ miles away and are very computer illiterate. One of them has deleted the recycle bin from their desktop. They are running Windows ME. Can anyone help me to guide them on where it can be found on their computer and how to restore it to the desktop. I just can’t remember much about that os.

The Expert answers:

Ok. I have Vista I am not sure if this works the same but it should be some what similar.Go to your desk top. Right click. Click on Personalize (at the bottom). Then when the page opens up there is a list to the very left and top of the page that has an option that says Change desk top icons.Click on that and a box will open up that has recycle bin and click on the recycle bin box. That should make another icon. If this does not work then look for some thing that is “Dest top icon settings” I hope this is some help.

Michael asks…

Recycle Bin?

How do I get the contents of my recycle bin into chronological order ?

The Expert answers:

In the recycle bin, Click View, Arrange Icons By ….

Linda asks…

Recycle bin?

I’m running Windows Vista and following an automatic update, my recycle bin has disappeared from my desktop….anyone know how to get it back?

The Expert answers:

You’v accidently just deleted it rather than emptyed it, easily done in vista, I do it all the time, but like PurpleBerry said, do that and you’l get it back 🙂

Carol asks…

recycle bin???

is deleting files to the recycle bin and emptying it ultimately the final step in removing unwanted files from your computer…or can you still retrieve the “deleted” files?

If you can still retrieve them…how? And how do you completely erase them from existance?

…I have an HP Pavillion(not sure of model #) with XP Home Edition

The Expert answers:

Of course, they will stay for sometime, i ve heard and used a long ago, i dont remember. Try searching the net. Norton protected recycle bin will backup all files deleted from recycle bin / shift+del / CMD_PROMPT – del command

Thomas asks…

Recycle bin…..?

How can i see the word documents i have deleted in my recycle bin? All that is in there when i check are deleted photos or music?

The Expert answers:

You shouldn’t have deleted it in the first place but if you did you might want to check out those programs those guys were talking about and why are you ducking jc and i haha. Well good luck with that hopefully it wasn’t anything important.

Mark asks…

recycle bin?

i was deleting some pictures and i accidently deleted the recycle bin how do i get that back
i am using vista

The Expert answers:

Restoring The Main Windows XP Icons Back To Your Desktop

Go into your Control Panel by first clicking on the Start Button.

Then click on the Control Panel icon located in the right column of the Start Menu.

If your Start Menu is set to the Classic View, then begin by clicking on the Start Button.

Then click on Settings, then click on the Control Panel icon to open up the Control Panel.

Now double click on the Display icon to open up the Display Properties window.

Then click on the Desktop tab located at the top of the Display Properties window.

Now click on the Customize Desktop button located at the bottom of the screen.

Under the Desktop icons section, place check marks next to the four main Windows XP Desktop Icons.

Then click on the OK button to have Windows XP apply and save your changes.

And then click on the OK button to close the Display Properties window.

The My Computer, My Documents, My Network Places and Internet Explorer Icons will be on the Desktop.

Note: If the Desktop Icons are still not present, then right click directly on the Desktop.

Then glide your mouse over the Arrange Icons By option and then click on Show Desktop Icons.

Susan asks…

Recycle bin?

I have a Dell xps mi530 laptop. With windows vista. The comoputer is nearly brand new. I accidently deleted my recycle bin the other day. Where does it go? Can I get it back?

The Expert answers:


Start.. Control panel.. Appearance and personalization.. Click on personalization at the top.. Over in the blue green area it says “change desktop icons”

..make sure the recycle bin box is checked.. It should look like this:

then hit apply to see if it comes up.. And ok to finish.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

George asks…

Why is Santilli’s method of recycling nuclear waste getting so much opposition?

The Expert answers:

Probably for the same reason that most of his other ideas get opposition.
I’m afraid I can’t elaborate since he seems to sue people who say he is a crackpot. (not that I’m saying he is a crackpot)

Richard asks…

How do i start a small waste recycling plant for paper and plastics?

I want to start a small paper and plastic waste recycling plant worth 600 US dollars.

The Expert answers:

Try to start advertising your services online.

Betty asks…

l want my class to present an item about the importance of recycling waste. Any ideas?

Poems on recycled materials
It is a grade four class. We have already made some items from waste materials and we need a poem at least which is in-line with the subject.

The Expert answers:

There once was a man from nantucket

Linda asks…

Are there any laws governing dumping, storage and recycling of e-waste?

I need to answer questions on e-waste and one is asking wether there are any laws governing the storage, dumping and recycling of e-waste? But I cant find any information on this so I would be very glad if you could help:) Thanks xx

The Expert answers:

No, but some people think there should be. You see, there is still a few building supporting this. Still the governors are probably thinking of supporting. You could just wait and see.

Summary: You could try going to the library…

Michael asks…

Is it really worth while recycling my waste?

I use the household recycling collection scheme provided by the local council. but I heard most waste is shipped over seas and sorted by people on minimum wage and risk of death. is it worth recycling? We try to recycle as much waste as possible and be good to the environment.


The Expert answers:

I think it’s worse if you don’t recycle.

Daniel asks…

Where in Los Angeles can I sell 20,000 batteries for e-waste recycling?

The batteries are in varying quality, some might still operable but most are dead, and some are already leaking.

The Expert answers:

Try a free classified ad site search on the internet and make an ad for them. You might want to add how many of a type you have or if they are all alkaline.

Susan asks…

How can E-waste be reduced with the help of mobile phone recycling?

Is mobile phone recycling be helpful in reducing E-waste.

The Expert answers:

As a strong supporter of reuse, reduce, recycle let me say that the mobile cell phone is like the old Gillette Razor blade made of stainless steel. The whining alarmist back then predicted all those used blade would ruin every thing, and said we should continue to use the straight razor, which would last forever. So as far as helping yes but not enough to be noticeable.

William asks…

Could recycling waste actually be doing more damage to environment as power is required to transform waste?

The Expert answers:

If you take the need to find new resources out of the equation on balance most recycling is neutral.

The energy in most products goes into finding and refining the ore,oil,timber etc than goes into the manufacture of the final product. With recycling you have problems with perceived in some cases real dangers eg pesticide being stored or mixed in a plastic milk bottle it then being thrown into the recycling. With aluminum and steel you have very high heats which will destroy almost any contaminant. The amount of heat needed in recycled metals is less than that required to extract and purify from raw ore.

If we are talking about household waste streams then recycling is definitely better for the environment if you are able to get the waste stream separated at the source. I.e. The householder having four or five bins. One for glass waste, one for plastics, one for paper and another for organic waste you may also need another bin for the non-recyclables. My city has a plant which can separate glass, metals and plastics.We have only one recycling bin. We put out paper rubbish separately. We will soon have a bin for organic waste.

In industrial situations many time the problem is not separating the waste but finding someone to use the waste or able to use it safely. Eg treated timber off cuts.

Many demolition people now have very good recycling systems set up as it is cheaper for them to do this than send the material to the land fill.

Mary asks…

what is the cost of setting up waste paper recycling macineries inIndia ?

How much space is required for the above plants ?

The Expert answers:

Depends, how much paper do you want to recycle

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

Are social security numbers recycled upon deaths of their owners?

The Expert answers:

Actually, no.

In fact, the Social Security Administration maintains a “Death Master File” of every person who has been reported as dead and what their SSN was. (There are presently over 83 Million entries).

Even in this day of “Identity Theft”, once a person is reported to the Social Security Administration as deceased, they release not only the person’s name and Social Security number, but you can even order a copy of the person’s original SSN application form (SS-5) which contains a multitude of genological information.

The reason this information is given out so easily, is that once a person dies they are no longer protected by Identity Theft laws, and since this information is “government record”, it must be made available in accordance with the “Freedom of Information Act”. The “Death Master File” is used to prevent fraud so that no one can steal a dead person’s identity or take-out credit cards in the name of a dead person.

Which is why they NEVER reuse Social Security numbers…

….contrary to some people who like to pull answers out of their back ends without taking time to research them first.

The “Death Master File” is protected by the Social Security Administration, but a database has been created called the “Social Security Death Index” which is accessable through many geneology web sites if you are interested in researching information on a dead person. The database is searchable by many different criteria.

Susan asks…

What do the different numbers on recycled products and what do they mean?

The Expert answers:

They represent the different types of plastics, and their recycling potential. It will also help you in what types of plastics can be recycled. Those with a #1 are the most widely recycled products, whereas those with a #3 or #4 (for example) are usually the least recycled. The website i linked has an easy printable form that you can print off and place it near your recycle bins.

Mandy asks…

what do the little symbols with numbers in them at the bottom of plastic stuff mean?

My friend says that the number means the number of times it can be refilled, but I think it means what type of plastic it is. So… what does it mean and can you give a link to the site? They are the numbers inside the recycling symbol.
also add a source please

The Expert answers:

Each # indicates a different type of plastic.

Donald asks…

Where can I recycle plastic numbers that I can’t recycle in my county?

My county will only recycle #s 1 and 2. Is there any place I can send or take plastic recyclables of other numbers to be recycled, instead of just throwing them out?

The Expert answers:


Ruth asks…

Do social security card numbers get recycled?

And at what point in history did people start getting issued social security card numbers?

The Expert answers:

No each number is issued to a person and stick with that person even after death. The numbers go up in order when someone files one. For Ex your number 3, then someone born a second after you gets #4. THey were issued in 1933 by the New Deal

John asks…

Do you think your cable or phone company should have a mandatory waiting time before recycling a phone number?

my phone company (time warner cable (all-in-one)) recycles numbers all the time with little or no waiting period. i had my phone number changed from some asshole with bad credit or billing problems. i pay extra to have my new number non-published and private. and the day after i had it changed i got about 6 calls from these forign sounding people asking for a person named rachelle wimmington. first i asked how they got this number. then i kept telling them that i just had my number changed and must of gotten a recycled number and that no one with that names lives at this number. it didnt help. they still harassed me at all hours and early on weekends. i got nasty wtith them after about the 20th call. so finally i called time warner and told them what was going on, they just told me they recycle numbers all the time. DO YOU think they should wait long enough so who-ever it is will know not to try to call that number for that person because its ovbiously been changed or is out of service
also when i called the phone company i had my number changed again….. but what if i had given my new number out allready. what a pain in my ass. i had to wait another 10 days or so before i could get rid of the mis-lead phone thugs. and get my new new number
wow i didnt know they were doing it with cell #’s too. I LOVE how you cant tell them the situation because they think your lying…..
I knew i wasnt the only one, a year mabye too long and 6 weeks mabye too short. thats somthin our local or federal govt. should step in and do somthing about (i think anyway), like make it a mandatory (whatever) say…. 9 weeks, and tell all these bill collectors or whomever would be harassing that if a number is dormant (say 6 or 7 weeks) for this whatever (but shorter than the total mandatory recycling time) ammount of time than they have to take it off there harassment list and they have to find the actualy recipients new number but they can no longer attempt to reach them at the old one that was dormant no matter what. even if they got there old one back they should have to make them proove its the same person before calling it…. im sure they never will. unless there is a way they can profit from it… i just picked a best answer at random. theyre is no best i think because of the nature of the question. thanks everyone for relating

The Expert answers:

Absolutely….i got a recycled phone number once from a previous rape victim and they called us every time the prisoner was transfered to a different facility…there should be at least a year wait time

Lizzie asks…

What does this recycling sign mean?

ok so this is for a sci project…
i have a styrofoam lunch tray and it has the recycling sign with the number six in it. what does it mean and are there recycling signs with other numbers?

The Expert answers:

If you look on the bottom of any container and see a recycling symbol, it can be recycled.
The only thing to concern one’s self with when recycling is that not all waste management companies or recycling centers will accept everything with a recycle symbol due to their capabilities – your local waste management company should provide recycling guidelines for curbside pickup or recycle center drop off.

The #6 refers to the resin within the plastic container itself – polystyrene (PS). Another common name of #6 products is “styrofoam.”

The use of these containers can leach styrene into your food.
Cancer research suggests that it’s use poses health risks.
Please, for health’s sake, DO NOT reheat any take-out food in #6 containers (and other plastic containers, for that matter).

FYI, the link provided does reference the Three plastics to avoid, if at all possible, and will give you a complete list of the recycle numbers and their meanings.

Hope this helps with your research project.
Best of luck to you!!
LeighAnn 🙂

Laura asks…

What do the numbers mean on plastic recycle-ables?

what is the difference between all the numbers and why do some take them and some don’t?

The Expert answers:

The number associated with plastics both explain the origin of the plastic and it’s safety in regards to food storage.

1 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE) – used for clear water bottles, juice and soda bottles, etc. Leaches trioxide and pthalate, known carcinogens and endocrine disrupters (see note at bottom).

2 High density polyethylene (HDPE) – used for opaque plastics like milk jugs, cereal bags, shampoo bottles. Considered SAFE for food and beverage storage.

3 Polyvinyl chloride (V or Vinyl or PVC) – used for plastic food wrap, toys, food containers, medical and plumbing tubing. Has been described as one of the most hazardous consumer products ever created. Leaches various kinds of pthalates, including those that are illegal in other parts of the world.

4 Low density polyethylene (LDPE) – used in bread bags, dry cleaning bags, etc. Considered SAFE.

5 Polypropylene (PP) – used for baby bottles, yogurt containers, straws, ketchup bottles, etc. Considered SAFE.

6 Polystyrene (PS) – Styrofoam… Take out containers, egg cartons, meat trays, plastic utensils, CD cases. Leaches styrene, a known endocrine disrupter.

7 Other – the catch-all category that includes both the newer, safer plastics that are still uncategorized and older, dangerous polycarbonate items. Polycarbonates leach Bisphenol-A (BPA), the cause of the recent baby bottle recall across the US and Canada. BPA is another known endocrine disrupter.

Joseph asks…

how fast to cellphone numbers recycle?

say I change my number. how long before someone else has my old number as their own?

The Expert answers:

It can take minutes to months depends when you number becomes available

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mary asks…

Can beer bottles and cans that have cigarette butts in them go into the recycling?

You know how it is at parties, no matter how many ashtrays you have out, butts will always find their way into bottles and cans…but can these then go into the recycling bin or are they considered general waste?


The Expert answers:

Yeah of course you can~no pun intended btw,,,,,,

Linda asks…

Where is good good place to find plastic bottles and aluminum cans for recycling?

I am 14 year old boy and i made a bet with one of my best friends that i could find more aluminum cans, glass bottles, and plastic bottles. I know where to find them at like gas station trash cans and concerts and big events but it looks like i am a dumpster diver when i look through the bins. Could you tell me a place where bottles and cans are plentiful?

The Expert answers:

Well, make sure to get bottles at school, you could get permission from your school and recycle after the lunch finishes. I’m telling you it works, I am in the AP Environmental Science class and we get around $250 each week for just recycling on school. It’s fun!

Chris asks…

where do i go to return in cans for recycling and earning some money back as well?

I live about 10 miles south of Indianapolis and was wondering where I may return my cans for money. Names of places would be wonderful! Thank you!

The Expert answers:

Check your yellow pages for salvage or scrap yards

Charles asks…

Can those aluminum and steel aerosol cans be put in with the recycling?

Like the air freshener ones.
The city lets us recycle steel, aluminum, glass, and #1 & #2 plastics. Can I throw those aerosol cans in with the stuff?

The Expert answers:

Yes you can, you just need to make sure they are completely empty. Then remove the cap, sprayer nozzle etc (and recycle the cap with the plastics)

Most of those cans will say “steel” with the 3 recyle arrows circling it, or will have a message thats says “Steel, please recycle”

So the answer is, yes, they can (and should) be recycled.

Steven asks…

How much can i get for recycling aluminium cans in PA?

We go through ALOT of beer cans in my appartment here at Penn State, so i was just wondering if it would be worth saving the cans to make a few extra $? also do they pay you by weight or number of cans, and about how manny (or how much) would you have to recycle to make say $100 here?

The Expert answers:

I believe they pay you per can and it’s 10 cents per can. If you any brass, etc. They pay you by weight. But it’s per can. You would need roughly 1000 cans.

Susan asks…

If you sell aluminum cans to recycling plants, do you have to pull the tabs off?

I was thinking of selling cans because we have a lot in our house but I’m not sure if I have to pull the tab off or not.

The Expert answers:

Leave them on, they are aluminum too.

Robert asks…

I am looking for a place that has machines for recycling empty pop cans near Silverdale Washington?

I am looking for some place that has a machine that I put empty pop cans into and get paid like I have seen in some supermarkets. I have lots of pop cans but do not want to deal with the rude and crude people at the recycle centers around here. Anyone know of such a thing? Otherwise I will just dumpster them because its not worth the trouble to me.

The Expert answers:

Check the machine you see in a supermarket. There should be a decal on the machine with a phone number. It there is none ask the store manager if they have a contact number. Check your Yellow pages for businesses that buy recycle able material. Check local scout troops many collect, and will come to your home regularly to pick them up. They don’t pay but they are worth so little that just yours are not worth the trouble. Working for a reclaiming center is a lousy job for people that can’t find a decent job. Have some compassion for the unfortunates they are humans, and you could find your self in their place.

Helen asks…

Where can I get a free bin for recycling cans.?

I need a can recycling bin, or cardboard box, for my sports club. We sell loads of cans of coke etc and want to start to recycle them. Where can I get hold of a free bin ?

The Expert answers:

Hi David

If based in England you should be able to contact your local council and register for recycling credits.

Regular collections are weighed and over the year your sports club could earn enough to pay heating bills etc.
You should be able to get paper, metal and glass bring banks.

George asks…

Is it important to RINSE CANS and other things when RECYCLING?

I rinse my soda cans and soup cans and milk gallons and everything but just wanted to know if that is needed or not. Thank you!

The Expert answers:

They do it themselves but i would see why it would be preferred so things dont make a stinky/sticky mess

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

Illegal to take someone’s recycling in most states?

it is a crime and punishable by either a ticket or jail time in most cities to take recycling garbage from anyone’s garbage no matter where the bin is sitting. it is considered stealing. so no, it is NOT ok to dumpster dive in anyone’s garbage no matter where it sits. if you think it is ok to dumpster dive it is like invasion of someone’s privacy and if you take anything out of the garbage it is stealing.

The Expert answers:

Yes, it should be illegal in all 50 states. People still throw credit card applications etc. In the trash. This method is one of the biggest forms of identity theft. My advice, invest in a shredder.

Mark asks…

Illegal to take someone’s recycling in most states?

it is a crime and punishable by either a ticket or jail time in most cities to take recycling garbage from anyone’s garbage no matter where the bin is sitting. it is considered stealing. so no, it is NOT ok to dumpster dive in anyone’s garbage no matter where it sits. if you think it is ok to dumpster dive it is like invasion of someone’s privacy and if you take anything out of the garbage it is stealing.

The Expert answers:

Actually, in most states, once the trash or recycling is set to the street, it is considered abandoned…therefore you can help yourself.

I do not see the reasoning for making it illegal.

James asks…

what happens to plastic milk bottles that we garbage/recycle?

do they like santize the same bottle and fill it w/ milk or what?

The Expert answers:

The system in the UK is similar to the US in that the plastic milk bottles are sorted according to their polymer type by Infra-Red Technology. Different polymers reflect light in different ways, but HDPE bottles always reflect light one way, whereas PET bottles always reflect light another. The only exception is black containers – but that’s because they absorb way too much light, so its too difficult to detect what is what.

Once the bottles are sorted they get washed, grinded and then flaked, before being extruded into rHDPE pellets.

There are a couple of problems yet to be sorted with rHDPE.
The first is that if you start adding more than say 30% of rHDPE you start to notice a green tinge to the bottle. That’s because rHDPE cleaned pellets are green (I have a small handfull on my desk and they remind me a bit like Kryptonite!). Obviously this doesn’t make the milk look too good either. (See pages 24-28 of the full report in the link below).

The other problem is that sometimes people use milk bottles to hold detergents or other strong scented products as a secondary use before putting into the recycling stream.

Despite going through super-clean processes and passing food-safety tests, the polymer can still have a faint odour smell. Organoleptic tests have been conducted on this and all have concluded that it didn’t affect the taste profile of milk, yet it remained. This is why batches of Post Consumer Waste milk bottles are checked religously to ensure this does not occur.


If it goes to landfill, then it sits there for a long long long time.
Alternatively it can be burnt to produce energy, but this produces by-products which need to be dealt with. All in all, recycling is the way to go.

Hope this helps!

Ken asks…

What are the ways to inform people of the importance of recycling?

I’m doing a project and I have to to a creation so I can inform people how not to throw garbage and the importance of recycling so I was really confused to find a way. I thought of a banner and brochure but my supervisor refused so I can you people help me find another thing?

The Expert answers:

Look up the steady decline in ozone and increase in pollution, overflows in landfills and the affects of all three, such as increase in breathing problems due to pollution from overflowing and huge landfills, and heath problems due to those things as well, animals suffer more and more every year that we are dumping in their homes, would you like to live in a place full of garbage?? People need to start thinking as if they were in other people soes and animals places, but a lot of people are selfish and do not care about the futures of out children and animals…it is quite sad and pathetic how destructive and messy we are… 🙁 anyways i hope that this may help you in some way to inspire other people…

Michael asks…

How much would the amount of garbage be reduced if everyone recycled?

By how much would the amount of garbage be reduced in the U.S. anually if everyone recycled?

The Expert answers:

Studies show that 60% to 75% of garbage in landfills can be recycled. That means that if everybody recycled, we’d have 60% to 75% less garbage in our landfills. Recycling is important, so don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. It is important because many resources are running out, so recycling keeps them going so that we don’t run out.


Charles asks…

Do they have a recycling program in the USA?

I asked a question about water bottles and people were answering as though there was no recycling program. In Canada we have a garbage program and a recycling program that both collect on the same day.

The Expert answers:

We have recycling centers in Oklahoma and Texas so I am sure these aren’t the only two states. Pasadena, Texas also picks up the recyclables at the curb. Even though we do not have this service, we take our recycled items to a center.

Linda asks…

when recycling becomes mandatory, do you expect to be paid for your garbage?

i mean, all that metal, glass, and paper has to be worth something

The Expert answers:

I never expect.

Helen asks…

If you came to a come and try day and found the stuff for the sculpture was recycled garbage ?

what would you think.

I am assisting organizing a come and try day for a disability arts group.
With 10 different one available. Some where they can come and go

I also have decided 15 art forms for people to vote on for future work shops

The Expert answers:

I wish you good luck with your come and try day for a disability arts group.

Maria asks…

Is it possible to sort out the garbage in a landfill?

Well, this may be a stupid question, but I genuinely wonder.
I know most people just throw everything away without recycling stuff. So, in landfills, there must be tons of objects that can be recycled. Is it possible for people to go into landfills and pick through the garbage and find items to be recycled? Or, would it not work because the recyclable items have been damaged somehow by the landfill? Or is it just not economical for some reason? I don’t understand why people don’t go to the landfills and find items to recycle. Wouldn’t it make the landfills smaller over time? Is this illogical?

The Expert answers:

Yes it is possible and some garbage handling companies do just that and sort out all the materials that can be recycled or disposed of more properly and then dump all the bona fide refuse into a landfill or incinerator.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

George asks…

How do I recover smething I just emptied from the recycle bin?

I just accidentally emptied the recycle bin. I’d like to recover something I *just* deleted. Is there a simple way to do this?

The Expert answers:

Use Restoration :,23108-order,1-page,1-c,filemanagement/description.html#

Jenny asks…

How can i get back deleted files that dont even appear in the recycle bin?

something weird happened to my computer and some of the icons disappeared and the menu bar changed to the ‘classic’ theme. well, i got most of it back (somehow) but the files that i sent to recycle bin are not there and its just empty! Also, the icons that should be there on the start menu arent, i cant create new folders etc on the desktop ~_~ i even tried the Boot Time security scan but nothing showed up. HELP!

The Expert answers:

Deleting or emptying your recycle bin does not mean those files are gone forever. But if you want any hope of getting them back, the sooner you act the better. What you need to do is get data recovery software

With data recovery software you can scan the lower levels of your hard drive where in many cases the memory remains. Try it out yourself for free at:

Donna asks…

How do i get back files and programs that were deleted from my recycle bin back?

How do i get back files and programs that were deleted from my recycle bin back?

The Expert answers:

System Restore will not help in this situation (unless it was a program or registry item you were referring to).

The only option unless you have a backup program or a backup as-you-go program like Norton Ghost on your system is to use a program like Uneraser with limited results. This normally depends on how long ago they were deleted etc. I have included a link to the free download in references.

Often I find I have versions of a file on email from last week and I forgot so try and think back and it may be on a disk somewhere. Otherwise try Uneraser or another file restore program. I have put more results in the second reference.

Sharon asks…

I just got windows vista and I accidentally deleted the recycle bin. How do I get it back?

I thought I was deleting the recycle bin and deleted the whole icon.

The Expert answers:

Right click on the desktop/personalize and on the left “change desktop icons” there check mark the recycle bin icon.

Ken asks…

How do I get my things back once deleted from recycle bin?

I took pictures with my friend, and saved them on my computer, but then we had an argument and I deleted them because I was angry at the time, we made up, and I want them back, how can I get my pictures back once deleted from the recycle bin (if there is a way)

Thanks guys
(They are only a week old)

The Expert answers:

IF you’re lucky (and they haven’t been overwritten yet), there’s a variety of software you can use to try get it back, some of which include:


Tune-up Utilities (one of many of the tools included in this great bit of software)

Davory (can be installed on a USB flashdrive)

BadCopy Pro

The other option is to send it off to a data recovery company such as OnTrack… Though that’s kinda pricey… About £20 to post the HDD via Royal Mail, £50 for OnTrack to look at it to see if the files can be recovered + £495 to recover the files on HDD’s under 500GB (or £1000 on HDD’s over 500GB). Http://
There are other companies out there capable of doing this, but OnTrack were the only company that bothered to get back to me (they’re also used by NASA… Recovered data off the trashed hard drives out the crashed Space Shuttle Columbia).

David asks…

How do I recover deleted photos from recycle bin once erased?

I put some pics in the recycle bin and then totally deleted them from it. Now i need the pictures back! is there anyway to get them back with a software download or something? I dont have any money to buy a software so is there a free restoration download? please help! thanks

The Expert answers:

You can try to recover files deleted from Recycle Bin with asoftech photo recovery software:

Chris asks…

I accidently deleted my recycle bin from my laptop and now i cant find it?

My laptop is an advent and im using windows vista.
Is there any way to get my recycle bin back on my main screen?
I need to empty it as its using up alot of memory!
I meant to click “empty recycle bin” and clicked “delete recycle bin” by mistake.

The Expert answers:

I did this once before, you have to go to your control panel, and look for personalization, then on the top left under where it says Tasks, look for “Change Desktop Icons”

Then, click the box next to “Recycle Bin” And hit apply, then it will appear back on your desktop 😀

Susan asks…

What is the function of the Windows tab of the Recycle Bin Properties box?

No matter what % I set for the maximum size of the Recycle Bin in the Global tab, when I check in the Windows tab the space reserved remains 3.99 GB of the 144GB drive and the rest of the tab greyed out. I don’t understand this.

Can I take it as done when I alter the % allocation? Ideally I would like to increase the size of the Recycle Bin in one particular user account.

The Expert answers:

Did you click the apply button after changing the values? When you change something there you need to click apply first and then ok so the new settings can take effect.

Linda asks…

How can i recover deleted files from recycle bin?

Hi, ive accidently deleted some really important files from recycle bin, ive searched the internet on ways to retrieve them but i either cant understand what there talking about or i have to pay.
Is there any free, and easy ways i can just get my files back.!
Thankss x

The Expert answers:

You can often successfully recover deleted files from a PC, it all depends on what has happened since the files were deleted.
When you delete files the data itself isn’t deleted, just the index entry that tells the system where the data for those files is located. The area containing the deleted data is also now marked as free space so it is available for any new files to be written there instead.

If and when that happens, then it is too late to recover your deleted files so it is very, very important to not save any new files or data to the device concerned.

One of the easiest ways to recover these files are using asoftech photo recovery pro ( It is able to recover photos, videos, documents.

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