Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

Whose responsibility is it to clean up pollution associated with recycling?

I’m not really sure. I have some of an idea. I was thinking that it would be the recycling places’ job to, but it would mostly be air pollution, so i was curious as to how that would work? Like how can you clean air pollution?

The Expert answers:

The city

Mandy asks…

Would anyone want to give me some information for a pro-recycling report via email?

I am doing a persuasive research report and I chose the topic of pro-recycling. I have some books and of course more updated information from the internet, but it would be nice if I could also get some information from either people who know much about the subject or preferably have a job concerning recycling, waste control, etc. etc. Contact me if you would like to.

The Expert answers:

You could contact the environmental agency in DuPage county. They have a website you can reach. Just put in
They have a green bulletin with lots of ideas in it.
It’s a great resource for all kinds of recycling ideas and reasons to do it.

Mark asks…

Recycling creates how many more jobs than land filling? ?

The Expert answers:

Recycling creates more jobs period. Landfills will always be around and we are building more, but it is usually to replace a full one. Recycling creates a whole array of jobs both skilled and unskilled. It also helps slow down the need for more landfills, as urban sprawl continues we are reducing the locations where you can build a landfill. That means we will need to ship garbage further from your home which can only mean cost increases.

Lizzie asks…

Canada: changes we can make in these issues:foreign aid, global warming, health care, jobs, laws on recycling?

Im doing an assignment and we have to make up our own political party for an M.P…. my group chose the “environmental party”, and I have to “Choose five present issues that are of concern in Canada at this time and explain where your party stands on these issues and how you plan on changing or improving these areas.” I was thinking the issues could be…

-foreign aid
-global warming
-health care
-laws on recycling, pollution and reducing garbage in dump

If anyone has any ideas on how to expand on these, and RELATE THEM TO THE ENVIRONMENT that would be very helpful.
Thank you!

The Expert answers:

1 Place more farming type aid so countries can feed themselves.
2 Reduce the carbon foot print to all Businesses.
3 Make people look out for their fellow humans and use more herbal. Remedies.
4 Encourage small business to employ more people and to build skills.
5 Make it easier to recycle and look at ways to educate people into making it a habit.

Sharon asks…

Is it okay for woman to make an job out of recycling metals?

i love it that i make money and keep the earth clean. but people and asshole in my family disapprove. what do you think? i enjoy keeping the earth clean and it hard work and it dirty but i take an bath when i am done.

The Expert answers:

I’ve found that listening to someone older and more experienced with life is usually the best option. Problem is, by the time I figured out that a twenty year old me didn’t know everything, I was 30. I learned that the 30 year old me was stupid when I was 40. I now know my 40 year old self was pretty stupid too. Trust your family especially your parents. Its a good idea to do something that you like but its a bad idea to just barely have enough money. If you get injured, your done. If you are permanently injured, saying in a job interview that you were unemployed for several years and survived by collecting litter looks terrible. I think there are too many factors here. What will you do in the Winter? What happens if you get injured? What if you have a sudden expense that you can’t pay? You will be earning LESS than minimum wage.

Steven asks…

Is Obama the greatest recycling President seeing that he recycled all the old rhetoric & broken promises?

I knew Obama was into green and recycling, but don’t you think he took it to an extreme in his State of the Union speech?

His recycling check list:

? Blame Bush
? Say inherited mess
? Blame Republicans
? Demonize wealthy
? Promise openness – CSPAN coverage
? Claim jobs created

I know I am missing so many more – but you are free to put in what recycling I missed.

So again I ask – is he the greatest recycling President of all time?

The Expert answers:

Keeping it green….

Ken asks…

What do you think of my essay on recycling??????

Recycling should be mandatory and not a choice. I believe this because when we recycle, we are doing something good for our environment. By keeping our environment healthy, we’re keeping ourselves healthy. I also believe that people should teach their children to recycle as well. Recycling helps lower the use of paper, glass, and plastic that have to be made. If we recycle, we lower the amount of garbage that is put in landfills. It provides more jobs for our economy. When we recycle, we help to slow down the consumption of natural resources. Also, recycling programs cost less than garbage collection and landfilling. And the more people there are that recycle, the lesser it costs. Recycling helps families save money. It creates 1.1 million U.S. jobs, $236 billion in gross annual sales and $37 billion in annual payrolls. For every one ton of paper recycled, it saves 17 trees. Recycling helps save energy and water. Every bit of recycling makes a difference. It reduces the need for mining. A used pop can is recycled and put back in the store in as little as 60 days. Recycling a pop can saves enough energy to make a tv work for about three hours. For each weeks paper to be made, 500,000 trees have to be cut. Belive it or not, but all of the examples I gave above are only the beginning of what recycling can do. The bottom line is, it benefits our economy and our environment. And whatever benefits our economy and our environment, benefits both you and me.

The Expert answers:

I don’t like your essay at all. I’m sure that your teacher will love it as you have successfully regurgitated the recycling propaganda. However, what you fail to point out is that recycled products are usu. More costly to produce. You have only pointed out the two most commonly recycled items. Also, most recycled items cannot be returned to similar products due to contamination in the recycling process. Therefore, what is usu. The case is an overabundance of raw recycled material w/ little market. Finally, the concept that recycling should be mandatory really grates against my libertarian American sensibilities. If something is a good idea, no one need be forced they will do it on their own. Who decides what should and should not be recycled but the same sort of idiots that do not understand something as basic as pH. Oftentimes those making such decisions are often ill-informed and merely exacerbate problems rather than solving them through their meddling.

William asks…

Where can I get a degree that will get me a job in trash control and improving recycling?

I want to help the enviroment and I figure trash control and recycling need a lot of improvements. But I am at a loose as to what sort of degree to go to school for. Would it be part of Enviroment Sciences? Also, does anyone know of a college that provides the proper degrees?

The Expert answers:

Get in touch with your local council who normally hire the people for the jobs or find about companies local to you that do recycling, get in touch with human resources department they will be able to tell you what qualifications they would be looking for to hire someone for those kind of positions.

George asks…

whats a worse job? recycling plant or fast food/retail?

i have been offered a job today to work at a recycling plant sorting recycled material. apparently its really hot stinky and dusty. the shifts run very long(7 am to 4 30 pm) and the pay is only 9.75 to start. goes to 11.75 after 6 months. i am debating on what would be worse; this job or a job working at some fast food place where the most i can make it 9 an hour, but there is less work plus its closer to home. which job is worse? i know both options suck…

The Expert answers:

Fast food has a future.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Laura asks…

I don’t believe in Global Warming?

As far as I see it the climate has always been changing, fact. It’s just happening faster now than ever before, but then again things do get faster with time, it use to take four days to get to London, now it takes two hours (I know, crappy reasoning but still).
I find it really annoying how world leaders travel in private jets and limos to the other side of the world and surmise the problem is us not recycling enough. And plus they beat it into you a school, seriously, which just makes us hate it more, like the Beatles, remember they over taught that and people learnt to hate it. Who thinks that to punish people we should make them go from far northern Scotland to Dead End, on PUBLIC TRANSPORT!! Bump, bump, bum. Yeah, make the world leaders use public transport, that’ll teach them. What was the point of this anyway? Sorry just having a bit of a rant, I’m pissed off with the economy and how they won’t start fixing everything till bloody 2012, what’s wrong with starting to fix it now when we need it? Who thought it was stupid a few months back when they thought of giving free counselling to people who have lost their jobs in the recession instead of stopping people losing their jobs. Seriously, the government is going down the shitter. Sorry, their wasn’t much point to that, it’s just that I’m frustrated with the world, and I know people will probably disagree with most of what I say, but I don’t give a rat’s ass. Thank you.

ps who likes sushi? I love sushi, sushi is awesome, there isn’t enough sushi bars…

Bye, I’m off to watch Mock The Week.

The Expert answers:

Congratulations!!! You’re another of the growing trend that is seeing this charade for what it is, and for what it has been from the beginning. It’s all about political power, people. It’s all about bringing America down to a 3rd world country. At our current rate, we will be approaching a “banana republic” by the middle of 2010.

Mark asks…

Do you have any of these qualities if you are a man, please state which ones?

Facts About Men
1. Men like to barbecue. Men will cook if danger is involved.

2. Men who have pierced ears are better prepared for marriage. They’ve experienced pain and bought jewelry.

3. Marrying a divorced man is ecologically responsible. In a world where there are more women than men, it pays to recycle.

4. Men are very confident people. My husband is so confident that when he watches sports on television, he thinks that if he concentrates he can help his team. If the team is in trouble, he coaches the players from our living room, and if they’re really in trouble, I have to get off the phone in case they call him.

5. Men like phones with lots of buttons. It makes them feel important.

6. Men love to be the first to read the newspaper in the morning. Not being the first is upsetting to their psyches.

7. All men are afraid of eyelash curlers. I sleep with one under my pillow, instead of a gun.

8. A good place to meet a man is at the dry cleaner. These men usually have jobs and bathe.

9. All men hate to hear “We need to talk about our relationship.” These seven words strike fear in the heart of even General Schwarzkopf.

10. Men are sensitive in strange ways. If a man has built a fire and the last log does not burn, he will take it personally.

11. Men have an easier time buying bathing suits. Women have two types: depressing and more depressing. Men have two types: nerdy and not nerdy.

12. Men have higher body temperatures than women. If your heating goes out in winter, I recommend sleeping next to a man. Men are like portable heaters that snore.

13. Women take clothing much more seriously than men. I’ve never seen a man walk into a party and say “Oh, my God, I’m so embarrassed; get me out of here. There’s another man wearing a black tuxedo.”

14. Most men hate to shop. That’s why the men’s department is usually on the first floor of a department store, two inches from the door.

15. If a man prepares dinner for you and the salad contains three or more types of lettuce, he is serious.

16. If you’re dating a man who you think might be “Mr. Right,” if he a) got older, b) got a new job, or c) visited a psychiatrist, you are in for a nasty surprise. The cocoon-to-butterfly theory only works on cocoons and butterflies.

17. No man is charming all of the time. Even Cary Grant is on record saying he wished he could be Cary Grant.

18. When four or more men get together, they talk about sports.

19. When four or more women get together, they talk about men.

20. Men are less sentimental than women. No man has ever seen the movie THE WAY WE WERE twice, voluntarily.

21. Most women are introspective: “Am I in love? Am I emotionally and creatively fulfilled?” Most men are outrospective: “Did my team win? How’s my car?”

22. If a man says, “I’ll call you,” and he doesn’t, he didn’t forget… he didn’t lose your number… he didn’t die. He just didn’t want to call you.

23. Getting rid of a man without hurting his masculinity is a problem. “Get out” and “I never want to see you again” might sound like a challenge. If you want to get rid of a man, I suggest saying, “I love you… I want to marry you… I want to have your children.” Sometimes they leave skid marks.

24. Men are self-confident because they grow up identifying with super-heroes. Women have bad self-images because they grow up identifying with Barbie.

25. Male menopause is a lot more fun than female menopause. With female menopause you gain weight and get hot flashes. Male menopause – you get to date young girls and drive motorcycles.

26. Men forget everything; women remember everything.

27. That’s why men need instant replays in sports. They’ve already forgotten what happened.

The Expert answers:

Good collection and how true! # 4 and # 27 are great.

Michael asks…

Advice for Dad 36 w/ Daughter 15 moving to Seattle. What to avoid. Where to live. ANY info helps, thanx.?

We are originally from the midwest, which is where we currently live. We recently moved back home from the west coast after living there for a year. We were in a small valley and the job situation went bad. We love the west, the healthy life style, the abundance of outdoor activities, the people and the fact that you recycle. We dont know much about life there in WA. but know how your neighbor to the south lives. I feel fortunate to have a daughther who believes that life is an adventure and that you shouldnt “settle” for less than happiness! Any info that you could share would be great…living expense, taxes, schools, college, cost of food/living, apartments, mountain biking, daily life, people…ANYTHING! Thanks!!

The Expert answers:

Dude, if you and your daughter are into “the healthy life style, the abundance of outdoor activities”, recycling and mountain biking, why aren’t you here already?!!?

Living expenses: a 2 bedroom apt in the city will run you around $1000, but if you get outside the city maybe $850 or so. A 1200 sq ft house in the city will run you around $500K; outside the city, maybe $300K. We have no state income tax so everything is paid for by property tax and sales tax (which is 8.8% but higher in restaurants & bars). UW is a great college…she’ll pay in-state tuition as long as she’s here for at least a year before entering. I would recommend Seattle Central Community College or North Seattle Community College for the first 2 years just to save costs. You can look at all their websites to get an idea of tuition, etc. Cost of food/living is probably similar to anywhere else…you don’t say where you’re coming from now so it’s hard to compare. To give you an idea: gas is about $3/gal right now, a gallon of milk costs $3.99 and a pound of hamburger is around $4. People here are very mellow, down to earth, likeable, in my opinion (I moved here from SoCal 14 years ago). Very casual. Camping, mountain biking, hiking, hot springs, kayaking, etc abound, so what’re you waiting for?!?!?!

I would tend to stay away from living IN the city limits of Seattle, just so your daughter doesn’t go to Seattle Public Schools. The school district is seriously lacking money (again, with the lack of a state income tax) and the schools show it. Bellevue, Renton and Edmonds all have a lot more money for schools. If you’re going to live in Seattle, do your research about high schools for her because some are very good and some are not so good. She doesn’t have to go to the “neighborhood” school either; Seattle lets you apply to any different school in the district.

Thomas asks…

I need help with science?

The Recycling Factory (40 points)Name_______________________
NAHS ChemistryPer ____ Date __________
Suppose that you are the new owner of the Owl Recycling Factory and you are looking for business.
An official from the city of Weston, Mr. Jones, tells you that they have a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be physically separated, and they will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. Unfortunately, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all of the materials into a fine powder, making it impossible to separate them by hand.
Fortunately, Mr. Smith knows what the materials in the truck are, as well as their densities:
MaterialDensity (g/cm3)
Aluminum cans2.7
Steel cans5.7
Milk jugs0.95
Soda bottles1.4

In your factory, you have the following materials at your disposal:
•A long conveyor belt
•A large tank that can be filled with water
•Another large tank labeled “Concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5 g/cm3”
•Several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyor belt
•Nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material from the bottoms.

Your job: Find a way to separate the four recycled materials. You will need to do this in several steps.
You will have to write a letter to the city official detailing each step of your plan. You must draw pictures/particle diagrams to support each step of your separation.
Scoring: (see attached rubric)
•In letter format, written for a professional audience
•All parts of a letter are included
•Plan of separation will work and is easily understandable
•Plan thoroughly describes what will be separated by each step
•Letter explains why the procedure works
•Letter explains what properties were used to separate the mixture
•Diagrams support each step of the separation
oCan be drawn in letter or added on a separate piece of paper. If added on a separate piece of paper, include reference to the appropriate diagram with labels.
•Work is neatly done
•Correct grammar and spelling is used
•Letter is less than two pages, double spaced
oDiagrams are not included in this two page maximum restriction
•Letter is written in 11-12 point font, Times New Roman (or equivalent font)

This must be your OWN work. See NAHS Science Integrity Policy for further details.
See reverse for Integrity statement. Please sign and return rubric with assignment.

Good luck!

The Expert answers:

First in the regular water you put all the materials. The milk jugs will float to the top because they have a lighter density then water. Then use the metal nets to remove all the remaining materials from the water except the milk jugs. Next you put all the remaining materials in the concentrated sugar water. The soda bottles will rise to the top because they have less density then the concentrated sugar water. After you remove the soda bottles. Then you activate the magnates over the tank. The steel will go to the magnets because it is magnetic leaving the aluminum in the tank.

James asks…

How/what can I do to make people aware/care about the environment?

At my part time job, I work with complete, pardon my french, assholes who won’t recycle their boxes. When I ask them to give me their boxes so I can break them down, they won’t even give them to me. I work in a grocery store, so of course you know we use a fair amount of boxes a day. The produce department is the worst. It alone uses anywhere from 150-400 boxes a day, and they’re all being thrown out. They say stuff like “fuck the earth!” and “I think everyone who cares about the environment should go to hell!” It makes me angry. I want to do something that will get them to see how much we really should care, or at least make them aware of what they are doing is wrong, and hopefully, after some time, some of them will change what they’re doing. I’ve talked to the manager and they tell them they should recycle the boxes, but he doesnt really inforce it, so I don’t think telling the managers/ store managers (I’ve talked to them too, they’ve done nothing) will do anything. So does anyone have any creative ways to show them that we need to do something to help climate change?
🙁 I hate to see that even the places that I work at won’t do anything about recycling. We only recycle cardboard. We use SO much plastic containers that could be recycled, and we don’t. The fact that they don’t strictly inforce the recycling of cardboard drives me insane. I understand that breaking down that many boxes a day is kind time-consuming, but when you dont have much work to do, and you dont have to deal with customers, shouldnt it be mandatory? I have to deal with customers, do my job, I only work 4 hours a day, and i still manage to find time to finish my job, help customers, break down my cardboard AND produce cardboard (depending whos in that night, and if they’ll give it to me or not).

Help anyone?

The Expert answers:

I feel your pain. Just keep on flattening those boxes. After they see you persisting some may change their silly cool ways. You are doing your part and every piece of cardboard you save counts. At my workplace, I always check trashcans and retrieve recyclables, wash them and put them in the recycling bin I got that is placed next to the trash can, and I know the janitors do too. After a couple years people have noticed and a couple now do recycle. The way I see it, some people may be careless and they actually want you to give them an excuse to be lazy, and the rebel toddler. Nothing you can do because you are not their mother. Keep going: the ones meant to will grow up.

Sharon asks…

My idea for the future?

Iv been tinkering away at an idea I had a few years back.

The main problem with society IS society. It worked for a while, but now, with so much technology, we obviously need to rethink the way we all fit together.

My idea is to build a new, entirely twenty-first century city, consisting of huge buildings that fit the entire populous instead of spanning ourselves out in houses and workplaces, and to modernize every aspect of life.

To live in large but few buildings would objectify the need for roads, cars, massive expanses of wood and concrete, and use much less waste, assuming we modernized and reinvented how we recycle and throw away.

It would also offer untold advantages to science, in that all manner of scientific work could be done in close proximity to other scientists. (The main population would be scientists as there would be no more/very little need for trade related jobs.)

The main controversy would be the fact that to make this work, you would have to cap the population

The Expert answers:

Make enviorment great again,physical fitness programs for all escappisally kids and teens.The US will have the greatest train system in the world to ease pressure off the highway system and air travel.Racial pure population(no bad diesease,isolate all with HIV/AIDS quarintine for some certain diesases,no retards, less birth defects),different races are tearing us down. Great military in which all men serve.Less divorce strong family and moral beliefs. THe only relgion will be christianity preferable protasant but catholics could be tolerated.Keep the population high so the country can be ready for war at any time with a huge manpower stocks.Ecomomey that is safe and steady.Free Global Trade

Mandy asks…

Does anyone else find it hard to waiter?

I don’t mean the actual work itself. I just mean the people: cooks shouting at you, people treating you like you’re stupid or you don’t exist, or otherwise hitting on you and staring at you. Not to mention managers who are threatening to fire you one minute and then having a drink with you the next.

I also find myself wanting to write anonymous letters or start petitions about the amount of waste I see in the kitchen: food going in the bin with plastic and everything else, whereas all these things could be recycled if kept separate. I hate the fact that I work in a place where a constant and unimaginable flow of recyclable rubbish is pumped into a landfill. I thought the UK was moving forward?

I would like to know if anyone else in this position finds certain things are unbearable or depressing at work. I have had many jobs and I didn’t realise this would be the most difficult.
Lari Lee, that is a silly answer. I am very mindful about my impact on the environment and consider it with everything I do. I do not have lights on unnecessarily. And I unplug this computer when not in use. And why would you assume I think my waste is ok and theirs is not?

Imagine how many people don’t ever question their waste, or how many businesses ignorantly propel the destruction of the environment. That’s not even focusing on restaurants alone.

Are you saying it would be better for me to turn a blind eye like everyone else?

The Expert answers:

Yes, I have been a waitress in two different restaurants and I got sacked by both.

The abuse you take from customers and the way they talk to you is appalling.

Managers with their holy than thou attitude and not standing by you when the customer is clearly in the wrong.
Chefs who all think they rule the world thinking their food is fab when the customer complains it’s never their fault!
In the end it made me nervous and ended up getting sacked due to food spills on customers and not being fast enough

Daniel asks…

What should be the fate of illegal aliens found in the United States?

Most of the illegals from Mexico are poorly educated by American standards. Because of this, they compete for jobs with those Americans who are least able to fend for themselves.

* Because they frequently work under the table and are paid in cash, few pay income taxes, and the businesses that hire them pay no employment taxes. This gives businesses that hire illegals an unfair competitive advantage over those businesses that obey the law.

* Those who do get a regular job, do so with fraudulent identification. This can have dire consequences for those who have their identities stolen. It also provides a path for illegals to get government services they are not entitled to.

* Much of the money earned by illegals is shipped back to their home countries, thus it is not recycled into the U.S. economy where its use would provide jobs for other Americans.

* Even though these illegals send much of their money home, they consume food, shelter, and other amenities in America. Basic economic theory states that when aggregate demand rises in relation to aggregate supply, prices rise.

* Because they dilute the labor pool – again, based on economic theory
– they lower wages for those lower-class Americans who can find work.

* Illegal aliens create a great burden on our healthcare system. With no insurance and little money, they frequently use emergency rooms in place of a primary care physician. Because they are illegal, they are untraceable, and can’t be forced to pay their bills.

* And, worst of all, is the fact that low-level employees do not create jobs, they fill them. That means that for every illegal alien who is working in the United States, one American who desperately needs a job is not.
Mexico keeps a large contingent of its military on its southern border to stop illegal immigration from other countries. Believe it or not, there are populations who see Mexico as an economic powerhouse and would love to live there.

Guatemalans, for instance, can make twice as much money picking coffee in Mexico as they can in their home country. Mexican authorities routinely round them up at gunpoint, hold them overnight and – if they can’t prove they have a right to be in the country – ship them back home.

This might seem a little harsh by American standards,

The Expert answers:

We are a country governed by law. Deport lawbreakers. This country cannot sustain its standard of living if we keep letting everyone who wants to come here in. We are going to have an overpopulation crisis sooner than later.

Richard asks…

What do i use for each materials?

An official from the city of Westminister, Mr. Smith, tells you that they have a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be seperated, and they will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. Unfortunetly, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all of the materials into a fine, making it impossible to separate them by hand. Fortunetly, Mr. Smith knows what the materials in the truck are, as well as their densities: Aluminum (2.7 g/cm cubed), Steel cans (5.7 g/cm cubed), Milk jugs (0.95 g/cm cubed), and soda bottles (1.4 g/cm cubed).
In your factory, you have the following materials at your disposal: a large conveyor belt, a large tank that can be filled with water, another large tank labled “Concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5 g/cm cubed, several powerful magnets hanging from above the conveyor belt, and several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping materials from the bottom.
Your job: find a way to seperate the four recycled materials.
you will have to write a letter to Mr. Smith what your going to do.

The Expert answers:

All the clues are in the question and what is at your disposal.

What element would a magnet work on?
What is the point of a water tank and the use of sugar water? Look at the density and compare it with your recycled elements. Only two of the items will float. If you’ve removed one with the magnet then there is only one at the bottom of the water vessel. You now have only two to separate.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

James asks…

I don’t believe in Global Warming?

As far as I see it the climate has always been changing, fact. It’s just happening faster now than ever before, but then again things do get faster with time, it use to take four days to get to London, now it takes two hours (I know, crappy reasoning but still).
I find it really annoying how world leaders travel in private jets and limos to the other side of the world and surmise the problem is us not recycling enough. And plus they beat it into you a school, seriously, which just makes us hate it more, like the Beatles, remember they over taught that and people learnt to hate it. Who thinks that to punish people we should make them go from far northern Scotland to Dead End, on PUBLIC TRANSPORT!! Bump, bump, bum. Yeah, make the world leaders use public transport, that’ll teach them. What was the point of this anyway? Sorry just having a bit of a rant, I’m pissed off with the economy and how they won’t start fixing everything till bloody 2012, what’s wrong with starting to fix it now when we need it? Who thought it was stupid a few months back when they thought of giving free counselling to people who have lost their jobs in the recession instead of stopping people losing their jobs. Seriously, the government is going down the shitter. Sorry, their wasn’t much point to that, it’s just that I’m frustrated with the world, and I know people will probably disagree with most of what I say, but I don’t give a rat’s ass. Thank you.

ps who likes sushi? I love sushi, sushi is awesome, there isn’t enough sushi bars…

Bye, I’m off to watch Mock The Week.

The Expert answers:

Congratulations!!! You’re another of the growing trend that is seeing this charade for what it is, and for what it has been from the beginning. It’s all about political power, people. It’s all about bringing America down to a 3rd world country. At our current rate, we will be approaching a “banana republic” by the middle of 2010.

Donald asks…

Do you have any of these qualities if you are a man, please state which ones?

Facts About Men
1. Men like to barbecue. Men will cook if danger is involved.

2. Men who have pierced ears are better prepared for marriage. They’ve experienced pain and bought jewelry.

3. Marrying a divorced man is ecologically responsible. In a world where there are more women than men, it pays to recycle.

4. Men are very confident people. My husband is so confident that when he watches sports on television, he thinks that if he concentrates he can help his team. If the team is in trouble, he coaches the players from our living room, and if they’re really in trouble, I have to get off the phone in case they call him.

5. Men like phones with lots of buttons. It makes them feel important.

6. Men love to be the first to read the newspaper in the morning. Not being the first is upsetting to their psyches.

7. All men are afraid of eyelash curlers. I sleep with one under my pillow, instead of a gun.

8. A good place to meet a man is at the dry cleaner. These men usually have jobs and bathe.

9. All men hate to hear “We need to talk about our relationship.” These seven words strike fear in the heart of even General Schwarzkopf.

10. Men are sensitive in strange ways. If a man has built a fire and the last log does not burn, he will take it personally.

11. Men have an easier time buying bathing suits. Women have two types: depressing and more depressing. Men have two types: nerdy and not nerdy.

12. Men have higher body temperatures than women. If your heating goes out in winter, I recommend sleeping next to a man. Men are like portable heaters that snore.

13. Women take clothing much more seriously than men. I’ve never seen a man walk into a party and say “Oh, my God, I’m so embarrassed; get me out of here. There’s another man wearing a black tuxedo.”

14. Most men hate to shop. That’s why the men’s department is usually on the first floor of a department store, two inches from the door.

15. If a man prepares dinner for you and the salad contains three or more types of lettuce, he is serious.

16. If you’re dating a man who you think might be “Mr. Right,” if he a) got older, b) got a new job, or c) visited a psychiatrist, you are in for a nasty surprise. The cocoon-to-butterfly theory only works on cocoons and butterflies.

17. No man is charming all of the time. Even Cary Grant is on record saying he wished he could be Cary Grant.

18. When four or more men get together, they talk about sports.

19. When four or more women get together, they talk about men.

20. Men are less sentimental than women. No man has ever seen the movie THE WAY WE WERE twice, voluntarily.

21. Most women are introspective: “Am I in love? Am I emotionally and creatively fulfilled?” Most men are outrospective: “Did my team win? How’s my car?”

22. If a man says, “I’ll call you,” and he doesn’t, he didn’t forget… he didn’t lose your number… he didn’t die. He just didn’t want to call you.

23. Getting rid of a man without hurting his masculinity is a problem. “Get out” and “I never want to see you again” might sound like a challenge. If you want to get rid of a man, I suggest saying, “I love you… I want to marry you… I want to have your children.” Sometimes they leave skid marks.

24. Men are self-confident because they grow up identifying with super-heroes. Women have bad self-images because they grow up identifying with Barbie.

25. Male menopause is a lot more fun than female menopause. With female menopause you gain weight and get hot flashes. Male menopause – you get to date young girls and drive motorcycles.

26. Men forget everything; women remember everything.

27. That’s why men need instant replays in sports. They’ve already forgotten what happened.

The Expert answers:

Good collection and how true! # 4 and # 27 are great.

Linda asks…

Advice for Dad 36 w/ Daughter 15 moving to Seattle. What to avoid. Where to live. ANY info helps, thanx.?

We are originally from the midwest, which is where we currently live. We recently moved back home from the west coast after living there for a year. We were in a small valley and the job situation went bad. We love the west, the healthy life style, the abundance of outdoor activities, the people and the fact that you recycle. We dont know much about life there in WA. but know how your neighbor to the south lives. I feel fortunate to have a daughther who believes that life is an adventure and that you shouldnt “settle” for less than happiness! Any info that you could share would be great…living expense, taxes, schools, college, cost of food/living, apartments, mountain biking, daily life, people…ANYTHING! Thanks!!

The Expert answers:

Dude, if you and your daughter are into “the healthy life style, the abundance of outdoor activities”, recycling and mountain biking, why aren’t you here already?!!?

Living expenses: a 2 bedroom apt in the city will run you around $1000, but if you get outside the city maybe $850 or so. A 1200 sq ft house in the city will run you around $500K; outside the city, maybe $300K. We have no state income tax so everything is paid for by property tax and sales tax (which is 8.8% but higher in restaurants & bars). UW is a great college…she’ll pay in-state tuition as long as she’s here for at least a year before entering. I would recommend Seattle Central Community College or North Seattle Community College for the first 2 years just to save costs. You can look at all their websites to get an idea of tuition, etc. Cost of food/living is probably similar to anywhere else…you don’t say where you’re coming from now so it’s hard to compare. To give you an idea: gas is about $3/gal right now, a gallon of milk costs $3.99 and a pound of hamburger is around $4. People here are very mellow, down to earth, likeable, in my opinion (I moved here from SoCal 14 years ago). Very casual. Camping, mountain biking, hiking, hot springs, kayaking, etc abound, so what’re you waiting for?!?!?!

I would tend to stay away from living IN the city limits of Seattle, just so your daughter doesn’t go to Seattle Public Schools. The school district is seriously lacking money (again, with the lack of a state income tax) and the schools show it. Bellevue, Renton and Edmonds all have a lot more money for schools. If you’re going to live in Seattle, do your research about high schools for her because some are very good and some are not so good. She doesn’t have to go to the “neighborhood” school either; Seattle lets you apply to any different school in the district.

Robert asks…

I need help with science?

The Recycling Factory (40 points)Name_______________________
NAHS ChemistryPer ____ Date __________
Suppose that you are the new owner of the Owl Recycling Factory and you are looking for business.
An official from the city of Weston, Mr. Jones, tells you that they have a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be physically separated, and they will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. Unfortunately, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all of the materials into a fine powder, making it impossible to separate them by hand.
Fortunately, Mr. Smith knows what the materials in the truck are, as well as their densities:
MaterialDensity (g/cm3)
Aluminum cans2.7
Steel cans5.7
Milk jugs0.95
Soda bottles1.4

In your factory, you have the following materials at your disposal:
•A long conveyor belt
•A large tank that can be filled with water
•Another large tank labeled “Concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5 g/cm3”
•Several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyor belt
•Nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material from the bottoms.

Your job: Find a way to separate the four recycled materials. You will need to do this in several steps.
You will have to write a letter to the city official detailing each step of your plan. You must draw pictures/particle diagrams to support each step of your separation.
Scoring: (see attached rubric)
•In letter format, written for a professional audience
•All parts of a letter are included
•Plan of separation will work and is easily understandable
•Plan thoroughly describes what will be separated by each step
•Letter explains why the procedure works
•Letter explains what properties were used to separate the mixture
•Diagrams support each step of the separation
oCan be drawn in letter or added on a separate piece of paper. If added on a separate piece of paper, include reference to the appropriate diagram with labels.
•Work is neatly done
•Correct grammar and spelling is used
•Letter is less than two pages, double spaced
oDiagrams are not included in this two page maximum restriction
•Letter is written in 11-12 point font, Times New Roman (or equivalent font)

This must be your OWN work. See NAHS Science Integrity Policy for further details.
See reverse for Integrity statement. Please sign and return rubric with assignment.

Good luck!

The Expert answers:

First in the regular water you put all the materials. The milk jugs will float to the top because they have a lighter density then water. Then use the metal nets to remove all the remaining materials from the water except the milk jugs. Next you put all the remaining materials in the concentrated sugar water. The soda bottles will rise to the top because they have less density then the concentrated sugar water. After you remove the soda bottles. Then you activate the magnates over the tank. The steel will go to the magnets because it is magnetic leaving the aluminum in the tank.

William asks…

How/what can I do to make people aware/care about the environment?

At my part time job, I work with complete, pardon my french, assholes who won’t recycle their boxes. When I ask them to give me their boxes so I can break them down, they won’t even give them to me. I work in a grocery store, so of course you know we use a fair amount of boxes a day. The produce department is the worst. It alone uses anywhere from 150-400 boxes a day, and they’re all being thrown out. They say stuff like “fuck the earth!” and “I think everyone who cares about the environment should go to hell!” It makes me angry. I want to do something that will get them to see how much we really should care, or at least make them aware of what they are doing is wrong, and hopefully, after some time, some of them will change what they’re doing. I’ve talked to the manager and they tell them they should recycle the boxes, but he doesnt really inforce it, so I don’t think telling the managers/ store managers (I’ve talked to them too, they’ve done nothing) will do anything. So does anyone have any creative ways to show them that we need to do something to help climate change?
🙁 I hate to see that even the places that I work at won’t do anything about recycling. We only recycle cardboard. We use SO much plastic containers that could be recycled, and we don’t. The fact that they don’t strictly inforce the recycling of cardboard drives me insane. I understand that breaking down that many boxes a day is kind time-consuming, but when you dont have much work to do, and you dont have to deal with customers, shouldnt it be mandatory? I have to deal with customers, do my job, I only work 4 hours a day, and i still manage to find time to finish my job, help customers, break down my cardboard AND produce cardboard (depending whos in that night, and if they’ll give it to me or not).

Help anyone?

The Expert answers:

I feel your pain. Just keep on flattening those boxes. After they see you persisting some may change their silly cool ways. You are doing your part and every piece of cardboard you save counts. At my workplace, I always check trashcans and retrieve recyclables, wash them and put them in the recycling bin I got that is placed next to the trash can, and I know the janitors do too. After a couple years people have noticed and a couple now do recycle. The way I see it, some people may be careless and they actually want you to give them an excuse to be lazy, and the rebel toddler. Nothing you can do because you are not their mother. Keep going: the ones meant to will grow up.

Laura asks…

My idea for the future?

Iv been tinkering away at an idea I had a few years back.

The main problem with society IS society. It worked for a while, but now, with so much technology, we obviously need to rethink the way we all fit together.

My idea is to build a new, entirely twenty-first century city, consisting of huge buildings that fit the entire populous instead of spanning ourselves out in houses and workplaces, and to modernize every aspect of life.

To live in large but few buildings would objectify the need for roads, cars, massive expanses of wood and concrete, and use much less waste, assuming we modernized and reinvented how we recycle and throw away.

It would also offer untold advantages to science, in that all manner of scientific work could be done in close proximity to other scientists. (The main population would be scientists as there would be no more/very little need for trade related jobs.)

The main controversy would be the fact that to make this work, you would have to cap the population

The Expert answers:

Make enviorment great again,physical fitness programs for all escappisally kids and teens.The US will have the greatest train system in the world to ease pressure off the highway system and air travel.Racial pure population(no bad diesease,isolate all with HIV/AIDS quarintine for some certain diesases,no retards, less birth defects),different races are tearing us down. Great military in which all men serve.Less divorce strong family and moral beliefs. THe only relgion will be christianity preferable protasant but catholics could be tolerated.Keep the population high so the country can be ready for war at any time with a huge manpower stocks.Ecomomey that is safe and steady.Free Global Trade

Michael asks…

Does anyone else find it hard to waiter?

I don’t mean the actual work itself. I just mean the people: cooks shouting at you, people treating you like you’re stupid or you don’t exist, or otherwise hitting on you and staring at you. Not to mention managers who are threatening to fire you one minute and then having a drink with you the next.

I also find myself wanting to write anonymous letters or start petitions about the amount of waste I see in the kitchen: food going in the bin with plastic and everything else, whereas all these things could be recycled if kept separate. I hate the fact that I work in a place where a constant and unimaginable flow of recyclable rubbish is pumped into a landfill. I thought the UK was moving forward?

I would like to know if anyone else in this position finds certain things are unbearable or depressing at work. I have had many jobs and I didn’t realise this would be the most difficult.
Lari Lee, that is a silly answer. I am very mindful about my impact on the environment and consider it with everything I do. I do not have lights on unnecessarily. And I unplug this computer when not in use. And why would you assume I think my waste is ok and theirs is not?

Imagine how many people don’t ever question their waste, or how many businesses ignorantly propel the destruction of the environment. That’s not even focusing on restaurants alone.

Are you saying it would be better for me to turn a blind eye like everyone else?

The Expert answers:

Yes, I have been a waitress in two different restaurants and I got sacked by both.

The abuse you take from customers and the way they talk to you is appalling.

Managers with their holy than thou attitude and not standing by you when the customer is clearly in the wrong.
Chefs who all think they rule the world thinking their food is fab when the customer complains it’s never their fault!
In the end it made me nervous and ended up getting sacked due to food spills on customers and not being fast enough

Susan asks…

What should be the fate of illegal aliens found in the United States?

Most of the illegals from Mexico are poorly educated by American standards. Because of this, they compete for jobs with those Americans who are least able to fend for themselves.

* Because they frequently work under the table and are paid in cash, few pay income taxes, and the businesses that hire them pay no employment taxes. This gives businesses that hire illegals an unfair competitive advantage over those businesses that obey the law.

* Those who do get a regular job, do so with fraudulent identification. This can have dire consequences for those who have their identities stolen. It also provides a path for illegals to get government services they are not entitled to.

* Much of the money earned by illegals is shipped back to their home countries, thus it is not recycled into the U.S. economy where its use would provide jobs for other Americans.

* Even though these illegals send much of their money home, they consume food, shelter, and other amenities in America. Basic economic theory states that when aggregate demand rises in relation to aggregate supply, prices rise.

* Because they dilute the labor pool – again, based on economic theory
– they lower wages for those lower-class Americans who can find work.

* Illegal aliens create a great burden on our healthcare system. With no insurance and little money, they frequently use emergency rooms in place of a primary care physician. Because they are illegal, they are untraceable, and can’t be forced to pay their bills.

* And, worst of all, is the fact that low-level employees do not create jobs, they fill them. That means that for every illegal alien who is working in the United States, one American who desperately needs a job is not.
Mexico keeps a large contingent of its military on its southern border to stop illegal immigration from other countries. Believe it or not, there are populations who see Mexico as an economic powerhouse and would love to live there.

Guatemalans, for instance, can make twice as much money picking coffee in Mexico as they can in their home country. Mexican authorities routinely round them up at gunpoint, hold them overnight and – if they can’t prove they have a right to be in the country – ship them back home.

This might seem a little harsh by American standards,

The Expert answers:

We are a country governed by law. Deport lawbreakers. This country cannot sustain its standard of living if we keep letting everyone who wants to come here in. We are going to have an overpopulation crisis sooner than later.

Carol asks…

What do i use for each materials?

An official from the city of Westminister, Mr. Smith, tells you that they have a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be seperated, and they will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. Unfortunetly, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all of the materials into a fine, making it impossible to separate them by hand. Fortunetly, Mr. Smith knows what the materials in the truck are, as well as their densities: Aluminum (2.7 g/cm cubed), Steel cans (5.7 g/cm cubed), Milk jugs (0.95 g/cm cubed), and soda bottles (1.4 g/cm cubed).
In your factory, you have the following materials at your disposal: a large conveyor belt, a large tank that can be filled with water, another large tank labled “Concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5 g/cm cubed, several powerful magnets hanging from above the conveyor belt, and several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping materials from the bottom.
Your job: find a way to seperate the four recycled materials.
you will have to write a letter to Mr. Smith what your going to do.

The Expert answers:

All the clues are in the question and what is at your disposal.

What element would a magnet work on?
What is the point of a water tank and the use of sugar water? Look at the density and compare it with your recycled elements. Only two of the items will float. If you’ve removed one with the magnet then there is only one at the bottom of the water vessel. You now have only two to separate.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sharon asks…

I don’t believe in Global Warming?

As far as I see it the climate has always been changing, fact. It’s just happening faster now than ever before, but then again things do get faster with time, it use to take four days to get to London, now it takes two hours (I know, crappy reasoning but still).
I find it really annoying how world leaders travel in private jets and limos to the other side of the world and surmise the problem is us not recycling enough. And plus they beat it into you a school, seriously, which just makes us hate it more, like the Beatles, remember they over taught that and people learnt to hate it. Who thinks that to punish people we should make them go from far northern Scotland to Dead End, on PUBLIC TRANSPORT!! Bump, bump, bum. Yeah, make the world leaders use public transport, that’ll teach them. What was the point of this anyway? Sorry just having a bit of a rant, I’m pissed off with the economy and how they won’t start fixing everything till bloody 2012, what’s wrong with starting to fix it now when we need it? Who thought it was stupid a few months back when they thought of giving free counselling to people who have lost their jobs in the recession instead of stopping people losing their jobs. Seriously, the government is going down the shitter. Sorry, their wasn’t much point to that, it’s just that I’m frustrated with the world, and I know people will probably disagree with most of what I say, but I don’t give a rat’s ass. Thank you.

ps who likes sushi? I love sushi, sushi is awesome, there isn’t enough sushi bars…

Bye, I’m off to watch Mock The Week.

The Expert answers:

Congratulations!!! You’re another of the growing trend that is seeing this charade for what it is, and for what it has been from the beginning. It’s all about political power, people. It’s all about bringing America down to a 3rd world country. At our current rate, we will be approaching a “banana republic” by the middle of 2010.

David asks…

Do you have any of these qualities if you are a man, please state which ones?

Facts About Men
1. Men like to barbecue. Men will cook if danger is involved.

2. Men who have pierced ears are better prepared for marriage. They’ve experienced pain and bought jewelry.

3. Marrying a divorced man is ecologically responsible. In a world where there are more women than men, it pays to recycle.

4. Men are very confident people. My husband is so confident that when he watches sports on television, he thinks that if he concentrates he can help his team. If the team is in trouble, he coaches the players from our living room, and if they’re really in trouble, I have to get off the phone in case they call him.

5. Men like phones with lots of buttons. It makes them feel important.

6. Men love to be the first to read the newspaper in the morning. Not being the first is upsetting to their psyches.

7. All men are afraid of eyelash curlers. I sleep with one under my pillow, instead of a gun.

8. A good place to meet a man is at the dry cleaner. These men usually have jobs and bathe.

9. All men hate to hear “We need to talk about our relationship.” These seven words strike fear in the heart of even General Schwarzkopf.

10. Men are sensitive in strange ways. If a man has built a fire and the last log does not burn, he will take it personally.

11. Men have an easier time buying bathing suits. Women have two types: depressing and more depressing. Men have two types: nerdy and not nerdy.

12. Men have higher body temperatures than women. If your heating goes out in winter, I recommend sleeping next to a man. Men are like portable heaters that snore.

13. Women take clothing much more seriously than men. I’ve never seen a man walk into a party and say “Oh, my God, I’m so embarrassed; get me out of here. There’s another man wearing a black tuxedo.”

14. Most men hate to shop. That’s why the men’s department is usually on the first floor of a department store, two inches from the door.

15. If a man prepares dinner for you and the salad contains three or more types of lettuce, he is serious.

16. If you’re dating a man who you think might be “Mr. Right,” if he a) got older, b) got a new job, or c) visited a psychiatrist, you are in for a nasty surprise. The cocoon-to-butterfly theory only works on cocoons and butterflies.

17. No man is charming all of the time. Even Cary Grant is on record saying he wished he could be Cary Grant.

18. When four or more men get together, they talk about sports.

19. When four or more women get together, they talk about men.

20. Men are less sentimental than women. No man has ever seen the movie THE WAY WE WERE twice, voluntarily.

21. Most women are introspective: “Am I in love? Am I emotionally and creatively fulfilled?” Most men are outrospective: “Did my team win? How’s my car?”

22. If a man says, “I’ll call you,” and he doesn’t, he didn’t forget… he didn’t lose your number… he didn’t die. He just didn’t want to call you.

23. Getting rid of a man without hurting his masculinity is a problem. “Get out” and “I never want to see you again” might sound like a challenge. If you want to get rid of a man, I suggest saying, “I love you… I want to marry you… I want to have your children.” Sometimes they leave skid marks.

24. Men are self-confident because they grow up identifying with super-heroes. Women have bad self-images because they grow up identifying with Barbie.

25. Male menopause is a lot more fun than female menopause. With female menopause you gain weight and get hot flashes. Male menopause – you get to date young girls and drive motorcycles.

26. Men forget everything; women remember everything.

27. That’s why men need instant replays in sports. They’ve already forgotten what happened.

The Expert answers:

Good collection and how true! # 4 and # 27 are great.

Jenny asks…

Advice for Dad 36 w/ Daughter 15 moving to Seattle. What to avoid. Where to live. ANY info helps, thanx.?

We are originally from the midwest, which is where we currently live. We recently moved back home from the west coast after living there for a year. We were in a small valley and the job situation went bad. We love the west, the healthy life style, the abundance of outdoor activities, the people and the fact that you recycle. We dont know much about life there in WA. but know how your neighbor to the south lives. I feel fortunate to have a daughther who believes that life is an adventure and that you shouldnt “settle” for less than happiness! Any info that you could share would be great…living expense, taxes, schools, college, cost of food/living, apartments, mountain biking, daily life, people…ANYTHING! Thanks!!

The Expert answers:

Dude, if you and your daughter are into “the healthy life style, the abundance of outdoor activities”, recycling and mountain biking, why aren’t you here already?!!?

Living expenses: a 2 bedroom apt in the city will run you around $1000, but if you get outside the city maybe $850 or so. A 1200 sq ft house in the city will run you around $500K; outside the city, maybe $300K. We have no state income tax so everything is paid for by property tax and sales tax (which is 8.8% but higher in restaurants & bars). UW is a great college…she’ll pay in-state tuition as long as she’s here for at least a year before entering. I would recommend Seattle Central Community College or North Seattle Community College for the first 2 years just to save costs. You can look at all their websites to get an idea of tuition, etc. Cost of food/living is probably similar to anywhere else…you don’t say where you’re coming from now so it’s hard to compare. To give you an idea: gas is about $3/gal right now, a gallon of milk costs $3.99 and a pound of hamburger is around $4. People here are very mellow, down to earth, likeable, in my opinion (I moved here from SoCal 14 years ago). Very casual. Camping, mountain biking, hiking, hot springs, kayaking, etc abound, so what’re you waiting for?!?!?!

I would tend to stay away from living IN the city limits of Seattle, just so your daughter doesn’t go to Seattle Public Schools. The school district is seriously lacking money (again, with the lack of a state income tax) and the schools show it. Bellevue, Renton and Edmonds all have a lot more money for schools. If you’re going to live in Seattle, do your research about high schools for her because some are very good and some are not so good. She doesn’t have to go to the “neighborhood” school either; Seattle lets you apply to any different school in the district.

Donna asks…

I need help with science?

The Recycling Factory (40 points)Name_______________________
NAHS ChemistryPer ____ Date __________
Suppose that you are the new owner of the Owl Recycling Factory and you are looking for business.
An official from the city of Weston, Mr. Jones, tells you that they have a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be physically separated, and they will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. Unfortunately, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all of the materials into a fine powder, making it impossible to separate them by hand.
Fortunately, Mr. Smith knows what the materials in the truck are, as well as their densities:
MaterialDensity (g/cm3)
Aluminum cans2.7
Steel cans5.7
Milk jugs0.95
Soda bottles1.4

In your factory, you have the following materials at your disposal:
•A long conveyor belt
•A large tank that can be filled with water
•Another large tank labeled “Concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5 g/cm3”
•Several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyor belt
•Nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material from the bottoms.

Your job: Find a way to separate the four recycled materials. You will need to do this in several steps.
You will have to write a letter to the city official detailing each step of your plan. You must draw pictures/particle diagrams to support each step of your separation.
Scoring: (see attached rubric)
•In letter format, written for a professional audience
•All parts of a letter are included
•Plan of separation will work and is easily understandable
•Plan thoroughly describes what will be separated by each step
•Letter explains why the procedure works
•Letter explains what properties were used to separate the mixture
•Diagrams support each step of the separation
oCan be drawn in letter or added on a separate piece of paper. If added on a separate piece of paper, include reference to the appropriate diagram with labels.
•Work is neatly done
•Correct grammar and spelling is used
•Letter is less than two pages, double spaced
oDiagrams are not included in this two page maximum restriction
•Letter is written in 11-12 point font, Times New Roman (or equivalent font)

This must be your OWN work. See NAHS Science Integrity Policy for further details.
See reverse for Integrity statement. Please sign and return rubric with assignment.

Good luck!

The Expert answers:

First in the regular water you put all the materials. The milk jugs will float to the top because they have a lighter density then water. Then use the metal nets to remove all the remaining materials from the water except the milk jugs. Next you put all the remaining materials in the concentrated sugar water. The soda bottles will rise to the top because they have less density then the concentrated sugar water. After you remove the soda bottles. Then you activate the magnates over the tank. The steel will go to the magnets because it is magnetic leaving the aluminum in the tank.

Nancy asks…

How/what can I do to make people aware/care about the environment?

At my part time job, I work with complete, pardon my french, assholes who won’t recycle their boxes. When I ask them to give me their boxes so I can break them down, they won’t even give them to me. I work in a grocery store, so of course you know we use a fair amount of boxes a day. The produce department is the worst. It alone uses anywhere from 150-400 boxes a day, and they’re all being thrown out. They say stuff like “fuck the earth!” and “I think everyone who cares about the environment should go to hell!” It makes me angry. I want to do something that will get them to see how much we really should care, or at least make them aware of what they are doing is wrong, and hopefully, after some time, some of them will change what they’re doing. I’ve talked to the manager and they tell them they should recycle the boxes, but he doesnt really inforce it, so I don’t think telling the managers/ store managers (I’ve talked to them too, they’ve done nothing) will do anything. So does anyone have any creative ways to show them that we need to do something to help climate change?
🙁 I hate to see that even the places that I work at won’t do anything about recycling. We only recycle cardboard. We use SO much plastic containers that could be recycled, and we don’t. The fact that they don’t strictly inforce the recycling of cardboard drives me insane. I understand that breaking down that many boxes a day is kind time-consuming, but when you dont have much work to do, and you dont have to deal with customers, shouldnt it be mandatory? I have to deal with customers, do my job, I only work 4 hours a day, and i still manage to find time to finish my job, help customers, break down my cardboard AND produce cardboard (depending whos in that night, and if they’ll give it to me or not).

Help anyone?

The Expert answers:

I feel your pain. Just keep on flattening those boxes. After they see you persisting some may change their silly cool ways. You are doing your part and every piece of cardboard you save counts. At my workplace, I always check trashcans and retrieve recyclables, wash them and put them in the recycling bin I got that is placed next to the trash can, and I know the janitors do too. After a couple years people have noticed and a couple now do recycle. The way I see it, some people may be careless and they actually want you to give them an excuse to be lazy, and the rebel toddler. Nothing you can do because you are not their mother. Keep going: the ones meant to will grow up.

Lisa asks…

My idea for the future?

Iv been tinkering away at an idea I had a few years back.

The main problem with society IS society. It worked for a while, but now, with so much technology, we obviously need to rethink the way we all fit together.

My idea is to build a new, entirely twenty-first century city, consisting of huge buildings that fit the entire populous instead of spanning ourselves out in houses and workplaces, and to modernize every aspect of life.

To live in large but few buildings would objectify the need for roads, cars, massive expanses of wood and concrete, and use much less waste, assuming we modernized and reinvented how we recycle and throw away.

It would also offer untold advantages to science, in that all manner of scientific work could be done in close proximity to other scientists. (The main population would be scientists as there would be no more/very little need for trade related jobs.)

The main controversy would be the fact that to make this work, you would have to cap the population

The Expert answers:

Make enviorment great again,physical fitness programs for all escappisally kids and teens.The US will have the greatest train system in the world to ease pressure off the highway system and air travel.Racial pure population(no bad diesease,isolate all with HIV/AIDS quarintine for some certain diesases,no retards, less birth defects),different races are tearing us down. Great military in which all men serve.Less divorce strong family and moral beliefs. THe only relgion will be christianity preferable protasant but catholics could be tolerated.Keep the population high so the country can be ready for war at any time with a huge manpower stocks.Ecomomey that is safe and steady.Free Global Trade

Sandy asks…

Does anyone else find it hard to waiter?

I don’t mean the actual work itself. I just mean the people: cooks shouting at you, people treating you like you’re stupid or you don’t exist, or otherwise hitting on you and staring at you. Not to mention managers who are threatening to fire you one minute and then having a drink with you the next.

I also find myself wanting to write anonymous letters or start petitions about the amount of waste I see in the kitchen: food going in the bin with plastic and everything else, whereas all these things could be recycled if kept separate. I hate the fact that I work in a place where a constant and unimaginable flow of recyclable rubbish is pumped into a landfill. I thought the UK was moving forward?

I would like to know if anyone else in this position finds certain things are unbearable or depressing at work. I have had many jobs and I didn’t realise this would be the most difficult.
Lari Lee, that is a silly answer. I am very mindful about my impact on the environment and consider it with everything I do. I do not have lights on unnecessarily. And I unplug this computer when not in use. And why would you assume I think my waste is ok and theirs is not?

Imagine how many people don’t ever question their waste, or how many businesses ignorantly propel the destruction of the environment. That’s not even focusing on restaurants alone.

Are you saying it would be better for me to turn a blind eye like everyone else?

The Expert answers:

Yes, I have been a waitress in two different restaurants and I got sacked by both.

The abuse you take from customers and the way they talk to you is appalling.

Managers with their holy than thou attitude and not standing by you when the customer is clearly in the wrong.
Chefs who all think they rule the world thinking their food is fab when the customer complains it’s never their fault!
In the end it made me nervous and ended up getting sacked due to food spills on customers and not being fast enough

Mark asks…

What should be the fate of illegal aliens found in the United States?

Most of the illegals from Mexico are poorly educated by American standards. Because of this, they compete for jobs with those Americans who are least able to fend for themselves.

* Because they frequently work under the table and are paid in cash, few pay income taxes, and the businesses that hire them pay no employment taxes. This gives businesses that hire illegals an unfair competitive advantage over those businesses that obey the law.

* Those who do get a regular job, do so with fraudulent identification. This can have dire consequences for those who have their identities stolen. It also provides a path for illegals to get government services they are not entitled to.

* Much of the money earned by illegals is shipped back to their home countries, thus it is not recycled into the U.S. economy where its use would provide jobs for other Americans.

* Even though these illegals send much of their money home, they consume food, shelter, and other amenities in America. Basic economic theory states that when aggregate demand rises in relation to aggregate supply, prices rise.

* Because they dilute the labor pool – again, based on economic theory
– they lower wages for those lower-class Americans who can find work.

* Illegal aliens create a great burden on our healthcare system. With no insurance and little money, they frequently use emergency rooms in place of a primary care physician. Because they are illegal, they are untraceable, and can’t be forced to pay their bills.

* And, worst of all, is the fact that low-level employees do not create jobs, they fill them. That means that for every illegal alien who is working in the United States, one American who desperately needs a job is not.
Mexico keeps a large contingent of its military on its southern border to stop illegal immigration from other countries. Believe it or not, there are populations who see Mexico as an economic powerhouse and would love to live there.

Guatemalans, for instance, can make twice as much money picking coffee in Mexico as they can in their home country. Mexican authorities routinely round them up at gunpoint, hold them overnight and – if they can’t prove they have a right to be in the country – ship them back home.

This might seem a little harsh by American standards,

The Expert answers:

We are a country governed by law. Deport lawbreakers. This country cannot sustain its standard of living if we keep letting everyone who wants to come here in. We are going to have an overpopulation crisis sooner than later.

Robert asks…

What do i use for each materials?

An official from the city of Westminister, Mr. Smith, tells you that they have a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be seperated, and they will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. Unfortunetly, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all of the materials into a fine, making it impossible to separate them by hand. Fortunetly, Mr. Smith knows what the materials in the truck are, as well as their densities: Aluminum (2.7 g/cm cubed), Steel cans (5.7 g/cm cubed), Milk jugs (0.95 g/cm cubed), and soda bottles (1.4 g/cm cubed).
In your factory, you have the following materials at your disposal: a large conveyor belt, a large tank that can be filled with water, another large tank labled “Concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5 g/cm cubed, several powerful magnets hanging from above the conveyor belt, and several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping materials from the bottom.
Your job: find a way to seperate the four recycled materials.
you will have to write a letter to Mr. Smith what your going to do.

The Expert answers:

All the clues are in the question and what is at your disposal.

What element would a magnet work on?
What is the point of a water tank and the use of sugar water? Look at the density and compare it with your recycled elements. Only two of the items will float. If you’ve removed one with the magnet then there is only one at the bottom of the water vessel. You now have only two to separate.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Nancy asks…

Does “not recycling” create more jobs?

Isn’t it all sorted at the dump anyway? By not being so fastidious about sorting plastics and cans into bins and bags, are we ensuring jobs for other Canadians?

By the way, I strongly side with recycling/refurbishing of electronics, appliances, and other labour-intensive products I may have forgot to mention. You may, though. Throwing them out is a waste of energy and resources.

The Expert answers:

Depending on ones local city policies – below minimum wage jobs are the usual result of green recycle waste sorting sites. Undocumented Workers are the usual “non-personnel” doing the work.

William asks…

How does recycling relate to job security and or work ethics?

For class I needed to choose a topic to persuade people with. I chose recycling, after that we had to reach into a container and pick out the type of audience we’d be talking to. My topic was a group of people who are members of the United Auto Workers, composed of people who work for the Steering Axle plant in Livonia, MI. I need to relate job security and work ethics to recycling.

The Expert answers:

Unless a company is directly associated with recycling or relies on recycling for it’s raw material source, it has nothing to do with job security.

In addition, the choice to recycle has to do with personal ethics, not work ethics.

David asks…

Why don’t we open more Recycling Plants to Create Jobs?

I’m just wondering?

In the United States, we consume so much, and create so much recyclable waste every day. Why don’t we open more local recycling plants? It seems we could accomplish this in three steps.

1. Promote this new recycling boom through social media, tv ads, bumper stickers, etc., with the basic message that recycling can help save America in these hard times by creating jobs through harvesting, re-manufacturing and redistributing a resource that we are currently rich in.

2. Create more recycling drop off and pick up points. When I’m walking down the street, down the beach or in the park, and I see a beer can laying around, I have the desire to pick it up and take it to the nearest recyclables receptacle. Problem is, there usually isn’t one anywhere near. So what am I going to do? Pick up this beer can that I found and carry it around with me until I happen upon a recycling bin? No. I believe most people have had this happen to them at least once if not many more times and it greatly discourages recycling outside the home. On top of this, many people in suburban areas have to fight with their local government to get recycling pick up at their house, while trash pick up is readily available everywhere.

3. Invest Federally and Privately in Opening and Maintaining New Recycling Plants. Whether we access the starving building industry or simply convert old, unused factories, opening new local recycling plants with provide jobs to plant workers, receptacle gatherers and alot more. If necessary, bring on the subsidies

Seems to me, through serious promotion of the economic benefits of recycling more to provide the resource to open to plants and factories and create jobs, we can kick into motion a solid economic cycle.

So, someone please tell me why this isn’t being done?



The Expert answers:

There would be all sorts of places open IF there was a real market for the product. Without someone to buy this stuff, at the price it would have to be sold, it won’t work.
Jobs are created when a product is needed and someone will pay for it.

John asks…

How can i get a job at a recycling plant?

And also what kinds of jobs do they have there?

The Expert answers:

Link below is for Waste Management, a large company. If you want something smaller, maybe start your own business buying aluminum cans or copper.

George asks…

Have does recycling save and create jobs?

The Expert answers:

Recycling doesn’t only help the environment, it also helps out the economy. The government has to hire people to work at the recycling plants, creating jobs for people in that community.

Michael asks…

What would happen if they stopped giving refunds for container recycling?

would homeless people get jobs?

would people recycle if they were told it was manditory punishable by fine.

would we be saving $?

The Expert answers:

I have no clue what you are talking about. Everything I want to get rid of goes into the dumpster I rent by the month. I live in the country with no taxpayer funded garbage pick up. I recycle nothing but aluminum cans. I compost organic garbage for the garden.

Robert asks…

why is obama recycling all the old dogs for top posts?

he is just recycling Washington insiders for different jobs in his admin. where is the change gonna come from?

The Expert answers:

Would it be better if he hired only inexperienced people who have no idea how things work in Washington? Obama is going to need to be able to govern and administer the government properly, and it’s a good idea to have some people around him to help him do that.

Daniel asks…

What are some things my recycling club can do?

For the past years my school had recycling clubs that just fail.
I’m thinking its because they’re not doing their job of recycling and/or they’re ONLY recycling.
I’m looking for some projects that the students can do like clean up the beach…
do you guys have any other ideas?

The Expert answers:

You may use: My Best Recycling Idea

Besides recycling the plastic containers, you can improve your work or home environments by bringing live potted plants indoors.

Major items needed:

One empty plastic gallon container. Tree Top Apple Juice is preferred, or equal in shape.

One empty plastic ½ gallon container. Langers All Pomergranate Juice is preferred or equal.

Directions: Lay the plastic gallon container on its side so the front label is facing up. Place the empty plastic half gallon container on the label and with a sharpie pen outline the bottom on the Tree Top label and with a sharp knife carefully cut the outline. Insert the half gallon into the hole until it rest on the back label of the gallon container. Then mark and cut approximately one inch above the cut on the ½ gallon to complete your planter container. Remove and drill several ¼ inch holes on the bottom of the ½ gallon cut container for drainage.

Fill the cut ½ gallon planter with one inch of gravel before putting in good potting mix soil and live growing plant. If you make two or more you can pour the water back and forth and not waste the water with the nutrients.

Go to NASA’s Clean Air Plant Study for the top ten plants that cleans the indoor air better than the rest. Http://

Mandy asks…

Is working at a plant recycling car batteries bad for your health?

My friend might be getting me a job working at some kind of recycling plant. The job is a “smelter” i believe? From what he explained they are just preserving the lead in the car batteries to recycle them? Is this a safe job? I mean obviously anything can be dangerous, but as long as you take precaution is it safe? He mentioned that they are tested for lead every month, so it kind of got me a little freaked out lol.

The Expert answers:

Only if you drink the battery fluid

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Laura asks…

Does “not recycling” create more jobs?

Isn’t it all sorted at the dump anyway? By not being so fastidious about sorting plastics and cans into bins and bags, are we ensuring jobs for other Canadians?

By the way, I strongly side with recycling/refurbishing of electronics, appliances, and other labour-intensive products I may have forgot to mention. You may, though. Throwing them out is a waste of energy and resources.

The Expert answers:

Depending on ones local city policies – below minimum wage jobs are the usual result of green recycle waste sorting sites. Undocumented Workers are the usual “non-personnel” doing the work.

Betty asks…

How does recycling relate to job security and or work ethics?

For class I needed to choose a topic to persuade people with. I chose recycling, after that we had to reach into a container and pick out the type of audience we’d be talking to. My topic was a group of people who are members of the United Auto Workers, composed of people who work for the Steering Axle plant in Livonia, MI. I need to relate job security and work ethics to recycling.

The Expert answers:

Unless a company is directly associated with recycling or relies on recycling for it’s raw material source, it has nothing to do with job security.

In addition, the choice to recycle has to do with personal ethics, not work ethics.

Daniel asks…

Why don’t we open more Recycling Plants to Create Jobs?

I’m just wondering?

In the United States, we consume so much, and create so much recyclable waste every day. Why don’t we open more local recycling plants? It seems we could accomplish this in three steps.

1. Promote this new recycling boom through social media, tv ads, bumper stickers, etc., with the basic message that recycling can help save America in these hard times by creating jobs through harvesting, re-manufacturing and redistributing a resource that we are currently rich in.

2. Create more recycling drop off and pick up points. When I’m walking down the street, down the beach or in the park, and I see a beer can laying around, I have the desire to pick it up and take it to the nearest recyclables receptacle. Problem is, there usually isn’t one anywhere near. So what am I going to do? Pick up this beer can that I found and carry it around with me until I happen upon a recycling bin? No. I believe most people have had this happen to them at least once if not many more times and it greatly discourages recycling outside the home. On top of this, many people in suburban areas have to fight with their local government to get recycling pick up at their house, while trash pick up is readily available everywhere.

3. Invest Federally and Privately in Opening and Maintaining New Recycling Plants. Whether we access the starving building industry or simply convert old, unused factories, opening new local recycling plants with provide jobs to plant workers, receptacle gatherers and alot more. If necessary, bring on the subsidies

Seems to me, through serious promotion of the economic benefits of recycling more to provide the resource to open to plants and factories and create jobs, we can kick into motion a solid economic cycle.

So, someone please tell me why this isn’t being done?



The Expert answers:

There would be all sorts of places open IF there was a real market for the product. Without someone to buy this stuff, at the price it would have to be sold, it won’t work.
Jobs are created when a product is needed and someone will pay for it.

Mark asks…

How can i get a job at a recycling plant?

And also what kinds of jobs do they have there?

The Expert answers:

Link below is for Waste Management, a large company. If you want something smaller, maybe start your own business buying aluminum cans or copper.

Sandy asks…

Have does recycling save and create jobs?

The Expert answers:

Recycling doesn’t only help the environment, it also helps out the economy. The government has to hire people to work at the recycling plants, creating jobs for people in that community.

Helen asks…

What would happen if they stopped giving refunds for container recycling?

would homeless people get jobs?

would people recycle if they were told it was manditory punishable by fine.

would we be saving $?

The Expert answers:

I have no clue what you are talking about. Everything I want to get rid of goes into the dumpster I rent by the month. I live in the country with no taxpayer funded garbage pick up. I recycle nothing but aluminum cans. I compost organic garbage for the garden.

George asks…

why is obama recycling all the old dogs for top posts?

he is just recycling Washington insiders for different jobs in his admin. where is the change gonna come from?

The Expert answers:

Would it be better if he hired only inexperienced people who have no idea how things work in Washington? Obama is going to need to be able to govern and administer the government properly, and it’s a good idea to have some people around him to help him do that.

Ruth asks…

What are some things my recycling club can do?

For the past years my school had recycling clubs that just fail.
I’m thinking its because they’re not doing their job of recycling and/or they’re ONLY recycling.
I’m looking for some projects that the students can do like clean up the beach…
do you guys have any other ideas?

The Expert answers:

You may use: My Best Recycling Idea

Besides recycling the plastic containers, you can improve your work or home environments by bringing live potted plants indoors.

Major items needed:

One empty plastic gallon container. Tree Top Apple Juice is preferred, or equal in shape.

One empty plastic ½ gallon container. Langers All Pomergranate Juice is preferred or equal.

Directions: Lay the plastic gallon container on its side so the front label is facing up. Place the empty plastic half gallon container on the label and with a sharpie pen outline the bottom on the Tree Top label and with a sharp knife carefully cut the outline. Insert the half gallon into the hole until it rest on the back label of the gallon container. Then mark and cut approximately one inch above the cut on the ½ gallon to complete your planter container. Remove and drill several ¼ inch holes on the bottom of the ½ gallon cut container for drainage.

Fill the cut ½ gallon planter with one inch of gravel before putting in good potting mix soil and live growing plant. If you make two or more you can pour the water back and forth and not waste the water with the nutrients.

Go to NASA’s Clean Air Plant Study for the top ten plants that cleans the indoor air better than the rest. Http://

John asks…

Is working at a plant recycling car batteries bad for your health?

My friend might be getting me a job working at some kind of recycling plant. The job is a “smelter” i believe? From what he explained they are just preserving the lead in the car batteries to recycle them? Is this a safe job? I mean obviously anything can be dangerous, but as long as you take precaution is it safe? He mentioned that they are tested for lead every month, so it kind of got me a little freaked out lol.

The Expert answers:

Only if you drink the battery fluid

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Chris asks…

Does “not recycling” create more jobs?

Isn’t it all sorted at the dump anyway? By not being so fastidious about sorting plastics and cans into bins and bags, are we ensuring jobs for other Canadians?

By the way, I strongly side with recycling/refurbishing of electronics, appliances, and other labour-intensive products I may have forgot to mention. You may, though. Throwing them out is a waste of energy and resources.

The Expert answers:

Depending on ones local city policies – below minimum wage jobs are the usual result of green recycle waste sorting sites. Undocumented Workers are the usual “non-personnel” doing the work.

Sandy asks…

How does recycling relate to job security and or work ethics?

For class I needed to choose a topic to persuade people with. I chose recycling, after that we had to reach into a container and pick out the type of audience we’d be talking to. My topic was a group of people who are members of the United Auto Workers, composed of people who work for the Steering Axle plant in Livonia, MI. I need to relate job security and work ethics to recycling.

The Expert answers:

Unless a company is directly associated with recycling or relies on recycling for it’s raw material source, it has nothing to do with job security.

In addition, the choice to recycle has to do with personal ethics, not work ethics.

Daniel asks…

Why don’t we open more Recycling Plants to Create Jobs?

I’m just wondering?

In the United States, we consume so much, and create so much recyclable waste every day. Why don’t we open more local recycling plants? It seems we could accomplish this in three steps.

1. Promote this new recycling boom through social media, tv ads, bumper stickers, etc., with the basic message that recycling can help save America in these hard times by creating jobs through harvesting, re-manufacturing and redistributing a resource that we are currently rich in.

2. Create more recycling drop off and pick up points. When I’m walking down the street, down the beach or in the park, and I see a beer can laying around, I have the desire to pick it up and take it to the nearest recyclables receptacle. Problem is, there usually isn’t one anywhere near. So what am I going to do? Pick up this beer can that I found and carry it around with me until I happen upon a recycling bin? No. I believe most people have had this happen to them at least once if not many more times and it greatly discourages recycling outside the home. On top of this, many people in suburban areas have to fight with their local government to get recycling pick up at their house, while trash pick up is readily available everywhere.

3. Invest Federally and Privately in Opening and Maintaining New Recycling Plants. Whether we access the starving building industry or simply convert old, unused factories, opening new local recycling plants with provide jobs to plant workers, receptacle gatherers and alot more. If necessary, bring on the subsidies

Seems to me, through serious promotion of the economic benefits of recycling more to provide the resource to open to plants and factories and create jobs, we can kick into motion a solid economic cycle.

So, someone please tell me why this isn’t being done?



The Expert answers:

There would be all sorts of places open IF there was a real market for the product. Without someone to buy this stuff, at the price it would have to be sold, it won’t work.
Jobs are created when a product is needed and someone will pay for it.

Linda asks…

How can i get a job at a recycling plant?

And also what kinds of jobs do they have there?

The Expert answers:

Link below is for Waste Management, a large company. If you want something smaller, maybe start your own business buying aluminum cans or copper.

Michael asks…

Have does recycling save and create jobs?

The Expert answers:

Recycling doesn’t only help the environment, it also helps out the economy. The government has to hire people to work at the recycling plants, creating jobs for people in that community.

James asks…

What would happen if they stopped giving refunds for container recycling?

would homeless people get jobs?

would people recycle if they were told it was manditory punishable by fine.

would we be saving $?

The Expert answers:

I have no clue what you are talking about. Everything I want to get rid of goes into the dumpster I rent by the month. I live in the country with no taxpayer funded garbage pick up. I recycle nothing but aluminum cans. I compost organic garbage for the garden.

Sandra asks…

why is obama recycling all the old dogs for top posts?

he is just recycling Washington insiders for different jobs in his admin. where is the change gonna come from?

The Expert answers:

Would it be better if he hired only inexperienced people who have no idea how things work in Washington? Obama is going to need to be able to govern and administer the government properly, and it’s a good idea to have some people around him to help him do that.

Donald asks…

What are some things my recycling club can do?

For the past years my school had recycling clubs that just fail.
I’m thinking its because they’re not doing their job of recycling and/or they’re ONLY recycling.
I’m looking for some projects that the students can do like clean up the beach…
do you guys have any other ideas?

The Expert answers:

You may use: My Best Recycling Idea

Besides recycling the plastic containers, you can improve your work or home environments by bringing live potted plants indoors.

Major items needed:

One empty plastic gallon container. Tree Top Apple Juice is preferred, or equal in shape.

One empty plastic ½ gallon container. Langers All Pomergranate Juice is preferred or equal.

Directions: Lay the plastic gallon container on its side so the front label is facing up. Place the empty plastic half gallon container on the label and with a sharpie pen outline the bottom on the Tree Top label and with a sharp knife carefully cut the outline. Insert the half gallon into the hole until it rest on the back label of the gallon container. Then mark and cut approximately one inch above the cut on the ½ gallon to complete your planter container. Remove and drill several ¼ inch holes on the bottom of the ½ gallon cut container for drainage.

Fill the cut ½ gallon planter with one inch of gravel before putting in good potting mix soil and live growing plant. If you make two or more you can pour the water back and forth and not waste the water with the nutrients.

Go to NASA’s Clean Air Plant Study for the top ten plants that cleans the indoor air better than the rest. Http://

Joseph asks…

Is working at a plant recycling car batteries bad for your health?

My friend might be getting me a job working at some kind of recycling plant. The job is a “smelter” i believe? From what he explained they are just preserving the lead in the car batteries to recycle them? Is this a safe job? I mean obviously anything can be dangerous, but as long as you take precaution is it safe? He mentioned that they are tested for lead every month, so it kind of got me a little freaked out lol.

The Expert answers:

Only if you drink the battery fluid

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Does “not recycling” create more jobs?

Isn’t it all sorted at the dump anyway? By not being so fastidious about sorting plastics and cans into bins and bags, are we ensuring jobs for other Canadians?

By the way, I strongly side with recycling/refurbishing of electronics, appliances, and other labour-intensive products I may have forgot to mention. You may, though. Throwing them out is a waste of energy and resources.

The Expert answers:

Depending on ones local city policies – below minimum wage jobs are the usual result of green recycle waste sorting sites. Undocumented Workers are the usual “non-personnel” doing the work.

Laura asks…

How does recycling relate to job security and or work ethics?

For class I needed to choose a topic to persuade people with. I chose recycling, after that we had to reach into a container and pick out the type of audience we’d be talking to. My topic was a group of people who are members of the United Auto Workers, composed of people who work for the Steering Axle plant in Livonia, MI. I need to relate job security and work ethics to recycling.

The Expert answers:

Unless a company is directly associated with recycling or relies on recycling for it’s raw material source, it has nothing to do with job security.

In addition, the choice to recycle has to do with personal ethics, not work ethics.

Jenny asks…

Why don’t we open more Recycling Plants to Create Jobs?

I’m just wondering?

In the United States, we consume so much, and create so much recyclable waste every day. Why don’t we open more local recycling plants? It seems we could accomplish this in three steps.

1. Promote this new recycling boom through social media, tv ads, bumper stickers, etc., with the basic message that recycling can help save America in these hard times by creating jobs through harvesting, re-manufacturing and redistributing a resource that we are currently rich in.

2. Create more recycling drop off and pick up points. When I’m walking down the street, down the beach or in the park, and I see a beer can laying around, I have the desire to pick it up and take it to the nearest recyclables receptacle. Problem is, there usually isn’t one anywhere near. So what am I going to do? Pick up this beer can that I found and carry it around with me until I happen upon a recycling bin? No. I believe most people have had this happen to them at least once if not many more times and it greatly discourages recycling outside the home. On top of this, many people in suburban areas have to fight with their local government to get recycling pick up at their house, while trash pick up is readily available everywhere.

3. Invest Federally and Privately in Opening and Maintaining New Recycling Plants. Whether we access the starving building industry or simply convert old, unused factories, opening new local recycling plants with provide jobs to plant workers, receptacle gatherers and alot more. If necessary, bring on the subsidies

Seems to me, through serious promotion of the economic benefits of recycling more to provide the resource to open to plants and factories and create jobs, we can kick into motion a solid economic cycle.

So, someone please tell me why this isn’t being done?



The Expert answers:

There would be all sorts of places open IF there was a real market for the product. Without someone to buy this stuff, at the price it would have to be sold, it won’t work.
Jobs are created when a product is needed and someone will pay for it.

Linda asks…

How can i get a job at a recycling plant?

And also what kinds of jobs do they have there?

The Expert answers:

Link below is for Waste Management, a large company. If you want something smaller, maybe start your own business buying aluminum cans or copper.

Maria asks…

Have does recycling save and create jobs?

The Expert answers:

Recycling doesn’t only help the environment, it also helps out the economy. The government has to hire people to work at the recycling plants, creating jobs for people in that community.

Chris asks…

What would happen if they stopped giving refunds for container recycling?

would homeless people get jobs?

would people recycle if they were told it was manditory punishable by fine.

would we be saving $?

The Expert answers:

I have no clue what you are talking about. Everything I want to get rid of goes into the dumpster I rent by the month. I live in the country with no taxpayer funded garbage pick up. I recycle nothing but aluminum cans. I compost organic garbage for the garden.

Ken asks…

why is obama recycling all the old dogs for top posts?

he is just recycling Washington insiders for different jobs in his admin. where is the change gonna come from?

The Expert answers:

Would it be better if he hired only inexperienced people who have no idea how things work in Washington? Obama is going to need to be able to govern and administer the government properly, and it’s a good idea to have some people around him to help him do that.

Joseph asks…

What are some things my recycling club can do?

For the past years my school had recycling clubs that just fail.
I’m thinking its because they’re not doing their job of recycling and/or they’re ONLY recycling.
I’m looking for some projects that the students can do like clean up the beach…
do you guys have any other ideas?

The Expert answers:

You may use: My Best Recycling Idea

Besides recycling the plastic containers, you can improve your work or home environments by bringing live potted plants indoors.

Major items needed:

One empty plastic gallon container. Tree Top Apple Juice is preferred, or equal in shape.

One empty plastic ½ gallon container. Langers All Pomergranate Juice is preferred or equal.

Directions: Lay the plastic gallon container on its side so the front label is facing up. Place the empty plastic half gallon container on the label and with a sharpie pen outline the bottom on the Tree Top label and with a sharp knife carefully cut the outline. Insert the half gallon into the hole until it rest on the back label of the gallon container. Then mark and cut approximately one inch above the cut on the ½ gallon to complete your planter container. Remove and drill several ¼ inch holes on the bottom of the ½ gallon cut container for drainage.

Fill the cut ½ gallon planter with one inch of gravel before putting in good potting mix soil and live growing plant. If you make two or more you can pour the water back and forth and not waste the water with the nutrients.

Go to NASA’s Clean Air Plant Study for the top ten plants that cleans the indoor air better than the rest. Http://

David asks…

Is working at a plant recycling car batteries bad for your health?

My friend might be getting me a job working at some kind of recycling plant. The job is a “smelter” i believe? From what he explained they are just preserving the lead in the car batteries to recycle them? Is this a safe job? I mean obviously anything can be dangerous, but as long as you take precaution is it safe? He mentioned that they are tested for lead every month, so it kind of got me a little freaked out lol.

The Expert answers:

Only if you drink the battery fluid

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Does “not recycling” create more jobs?

Isn’t it all sorted at the dump anyway? By not being so fastidious about sorting plastics and cans into bins and bags, are we ensuring jobs for other Canadians?

By the way, I strongly side with recycling/refurbishing of electronics, appliances, and other labour-intensive products I may have forgot to mention. You may, though. Throwing them out is a waste of energy and resources.

The Expert answers:

Depending on ones local city policies – below minimum wage jobs are the usual result of green recycle waste sorting sites. Undocumented Workers are the usual “non-personnel” doing the work.

George asks…

How does recycling relate to job security and or work ethics?

For class I needed to choose a topic to persuade people with. I chose recycling, after that we had to reach into a container and pick out the type of audience we’d be talking to. My topic was a group of people who are members of the United Auto Workers, composed of people who work for the Steering Axle plant in Livonia, MI. I need to relate job security and work ethics to recycling.

The Expert answers:

Unless a company is directly associated with recycling or relies on recycling for it’s raw material source, it has nothing to do with job security.

In addition, the choice to recycle has to do with personal ethics, not work ethics.

William asks…

Why don’t we open more Recycling Plants to Create Jobs?

I’m just wondering?

In the United States, we consume so much, and create so much recyclable waste every day. Why don’t we open more local recycling plants? It seems we could accomplish this in three steps.

1. Promote this new recycling boom through social media, tv ads, bumper stickers, etc., with the basic message that recycling can help save America in these hard times by creating jobs through harvesting, re-manufacturing and redistributing a resource that we are currently rich in.

2. Create more recycling drop off and pick up points. When I’m walking down the street, down the beach or in the park, and I see a beer can laying around, I have the desire to pick it up and take it to the nearest recyclables receptacle. Problem is, there usually isn’t one anywhere near. So what am I going to do? Pick up this beer can that I found and carry it around with me until I happen upon a recycling bin? No. I believe most people have had this happen to them at least once if not many more times and it greatly discourages recycling outside the home. On top of this, many people in suburban areas have to fight with their local government to get recycling pick up at their house, while trash pick up is readily available everywhere.

3. Invest Federally and Privately in Opening and Maintaining New Recycling Plants. Whether we access the starving building industry or simply convert old, unused factories, opening new local recycling plants with provide jobs to plant workers, receptacle gatherers and alot more. If necessary, bring on the subsidies

Seems to me, through serious promotion of the economic benefits of recycling more to provide the resource to open to plants and factories and create jobs, we can kick into motion a solid economic cycle.

So, someone please tell me why this isn’t being done?



The Expert answers:

There would be all sorts of places open IF there was a real market for the product. Without someone to buy this stuff, at the price it would have to be sold, it won’t work.
Jobs are created when a product is needed and someone will pay for it.

Michael asks…

How can i get a job at a recycling plant?

And also what kinds of jobs do they have there?

The Expert answers:

Link below is for Waste Management, a large company. If you want something smaller, maybe start your own business buying aluminum cans or copper.

Susan asks…

Have does recycling save and create jobs?

The Expert answers:

Recycling doesn’t only help the environment, it also helps out the economy. The government has to hire people to work at the recycling plants, creating jobs for people in that community.

Lizzie asks…

What would happen if they stopped giving refunds for container recycling?

would homeless people get jobs?

would people recycle if they were told it was manditory punishable by fine.

would we be saving $?

The Expert answers:

I have no clue what you are talking about. Everything I want to get rid of goes into the dumpster I rent by the month. I live in the country with no taxpayer funded garbage pick up. I recycle nothing but aluminum cans. I compost organic garbage for the garden.

Helen asks…

why is obama recycling all the old dogs for top posts?

he is just recycling Washington insiders for different jobs in his admin. where is the change gonna come from?

The Expert answers:

Would it be better if he hired only inexperienced people who have no idea how things work in Washington? Obama is going to need to be able to govern and administer the government properly, and it’s a good idea to have some people around him to help him do that.

Richard asks…

What are some things my recycling club can do?

For the past years my school had recycling clubs that just fail.
I’m thinking its because they’re not doing their job of recycling and/or they’re ONLY recycling.
I’m looking for some projects that the students can do like clean up the beach…
do you guys have any other ideas?

The Expert answers:

You may use: My Best Recycling Idea

Besides recycling the plastic containers, you can improve your work or home environments by bringing live potted plants indoors.

Major items needed:

One empty plastic gallon container. Tree Top Apple Juice is preferred, or equal in shape.

One empty plastic ½ gallon container. Langers All Pomergranate Juice is preferred or equal.

Directions: Lay the plastic gallon container on its side so the front label is facing up. Place the empty plastic half gallon container on the label and with a sharpie pen outline the bottom on the Tree Top label and with a sharp knife carefully cut the outline. Insert the half gallon into the hole until it rest on the back label of the gallon container. Then mark and cut approximately one inch above the cut on the ½ gallon to complete your planter container. Remove and drill several ¼ inch holes on the bottom of the ½ gallon cut container for drainage.

Fill the cut ½ gallon planter with one inch of gravel before putting in good potting mix soil and live growing plant. If you make two or more you can pour the water back and forth and not waste the water with the nutrients.

Go to NASA’s Clean Air Plant Study for the top ten plants that cleans the indoor air better than the rest. Http://

Daniel asks…

Is working at a plant recycling car batteries bad for your health?

My friend might be getting me a job working at some kind of recycling plant. The job is a “smelter” i believe? From what he explained they are just preserving the lead in the car batteries to recycle them? Is this a safe job? I mean obviously anything can be dangerous, but as long as you take precaution is it safe? He mentioned that they are tested for lead every month, so it kind of got me a little freaked out lol.

The Expert answers:

Only if you drink the battery fluid

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

Does “not recycling” create more jobs?

Isn’t it all sorted at the dump anyway? By not being so fastidious about sorting plastics and cans into bins and bags, are we ensuring jobs for other Canadians?

By the way, I strongly side with recycling/refurbishing of electronics, appliances, and other labour-intensive products I may have forgot to mention. You may, though. Throwing them out is a waste of energy and resources.

The Expert answers:

Depending on ones local city policies – below minimum wage jobs are the usual result of green recycle waste sorting sites. Undocumented Workers are the usual “non-personnel” doing the work.

Donna asks…

How does recycling relate to job security and or work ethics?

For class I needed to choose a topic to persuade people with. I chose recycling, after that we had to reach into a container and pick out the type of audience we’d be talking to. My topic was a group of people who are members of the United Auto Workers, composed of people who work for the Steering Axle plant in Livonia, MI. I need to relate job security and work ethics to recycling.

The Expert answers:

Unless a company is directly associated with recycling or relies on recycling for it’s raw material source, it has nothing to do with job security.

In addition, the choice to recycle has to do with personal ethics, not work ethics.

Maria asks…

Why don’t we open more Recycling Plants to Create Jobs?

I’m just wondering?

In the United States, we consume so much, and create so much recyclable waste every day. Why don’t we open more local recycling plants? It seems we could accomplish this in three steps.

1. Promote this new recycling boom through social media, tv ads, bumper stickers, etc., with the basic message that recycling can help save America in these hard times by creating jobs through harvesting, re-manufacturing and redistributing a resource that we are currently rich in.

2. Create more recycling drop off and pick up points. When I’m walking down the street, down the beach or in the park, and I see a beer can laying around, I have the desire to pick it up and take it to the nearest recyclables receptacle. Problem is, there usually isn’t one anywhere near. So what am I going to do? Pick up this beer can that I found and carry it around with me until I happen upon a recycling bin? No. I believe most people have had this happen to them at least once if not many more times and it greatly discourages recycling outside the home. On top of this, many people in suburban areas have to fight with their local government to get recycling pick up at their house, while trash pick up is readily available everywhere.

3. Invest Federally and Privately in Opening and Maintaining New Recycling Plants. Whether we access the starving building industry or simply convert old, unused factories, opening new local recycling plants with provide jobs to plant workers, receptacle gatherers and alot more. If necessary, bring on the subsidies

Seems to me, through serious promotion of the economic benefits of recycling more to provide the resource to open to plants and factories and create jobs, we can kick into motion a solid economic cycle.

So, someone please tell me why this isn’t being done?



The Expert answers:

There would be all sorts of places open IF there was a real market for the product. Without someone to buy this stuff, at the price it would have to be sold, it won’t work.
Jobs are created when a product is needed and someone will pay for it.

David asks…

How can i get a job at a recycling plant?

And also what kinds of jobs do they have there?

The Expert answers:

Link below is for Waste Management, a large company. If you want something smaller, maybe start your own business buying aluminum cans or copper.

Linda asks…

Have does recycling save and create jobs?

The Expert answers:

Recycling doesn’t only help the environment, it also helps out the economy. The government has to hire people to work at the recycling plants, creating jobs for people in that community.

Sharon asks…

What would happen if they stopped giving refunds for container recycling?

would homeless people get jobs?

would people recycle if they were told it was manditory punishable by fine.

would we be saving $?

The Expert answers:

I have no clue what you are talking about. Everything I want to get rid of goes into the dumpster I rent by the month. I live in the country with no taxpayer funded garbage pick up. I recycle nothing but aluminum cans. I compost organic garbage for the garden.

Mary asks…

why is obama recycling all the old dogs for top posts?

he is just recycling Washington insiders for different jobs in his admin. where is the change gonna come from?

The Expert answers:

Would it be better if he hired only inexperienced people who have no idea how things work in Washington? Obama is going to need to be able to govern and administer the government properly, and it’s a good idea to have some people around him to help him do that.

Steven asks…

What are some things my recycling club can do?

For the past years my school had recycling clubs that just fail.
I’m thinking its because they’re not doing their job of recycling and/or they’re ONLY recycling.
I’m looking for some projects that the students can do like clean up the beach…
do you guys have any other ideas?

The Expert answers:

You may use: My Best Recycling Idea

Besides recycling the plastic containers, you can improve your work or home environments by bringing live potted plants indoors.

Major items needed:

One empty plastic gallon container. Tree Top Apple Juice is preferred, or equal in shape.

One empty plastic ½ gallon container. Langers All Pomergranate Juice is preferred or equal.

Directions: Lay the plastic gallon container on its side so the front label is facing up. Place the empty plastic half gallon container on the label and with a sharpie pen outline the bottom on the Tree Top label and with a sharp knife carefully cut the outline. Insert the half gallon into the hole until it rest on the back label of the gallon container. Then mark and cut approximately one inch above the cut on the ½ gallon to complete your planter container. Remove and drill several ¼ inch holes on the bottom of the ½ gallon cut container for drainage.

Fill the cut ½ gallon planter with one inch of gravel before putting in good potting mix soil and live growing plant. If you make two or more you can pour the water back and forth and not waste the water with the nutrients.

Go to NASA’s Clean Air Plant Study for the top ten plants that cleans the indoor air better than the rest. Http://

Laura asks…

Is working at a plant recycling car batteries bad for your health?

My friend might be getting me a job working at some kind of recycling plant. The job is a “smelter” i believe? From what he explained they are just preserving the lead in the car batteries to recycle them? Is this a safe job? I mean obviously anything can be dangerous, but as long as you take precaution is it safe? He mentioned that they are tested for lead every month, so it kind of got me a little freaked out lol.

The Expert answers:

Only if you drink the battery fluid

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