Friday, March 7, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mark asks…

Whose responsibility is it to clean up pollution associated with recycling?

I’m not really sure. I have some of an idea. I was thinking that it would be the recycling places’ job to, but it would mostly be air pollution, so i was curious as to how that would work? Like how can you clean air pollution?

The Expert answers:

The city

Donald asks…

Would anyone want to give me some information for a pro-recycling report via email?

I am doing a persuasive research report and I chose the topic of pro-recycling. I have some books and of course more updated information from the internet, but it would be nice if I could also get some information from either people who know much about the subject or preferably have a job concerning recycling, waste control, etc. etc. Contact me if you would like to.

The Expert answers:

You could contact the environmental agency in DuPage county. They have a website you can reach. Just put in
They have a green bulletin with lots of ideas in it.
It’s a great resource for all kinds of recycling ideas and reasons to do it.

Ruth asks…

Recycling creates how many more jobs than land filling? ?

The Expert answers:

Recycling creates more jobs period. Landfills will always be around and we are building more, but it is usually to replace a full one. Recycling creates a whole array of jobs both skilled and unskilled. It also helps slow down the need for more landfills, as urban sprawl continues we are reducing the locations where you can build a landfill. That means we will need to ship garbage further from your home which can only mean cost increases.

Joseph asks…

Canada: changes we can make in these issues:foreign aid, global warming, health care, jobs, laws on recycling?

Im doing an assignment and we have to make up our own political party for an M.P…. my group chose the “environmental party”, and I have to “Choose five present issues that are of concern in Canada at this time and explain where your party stands on these issues and how you plan on changing or improving these areas.” I was thinking the issues could be…

-foreign aid
-global warming
-health care
-laws on recycling, pollution and reducing garbage in dump

If anyone has any ideas on how to expand on these, and RELATE THEM TO THE ENVIRONMENT that would be very helpful.
Thank you!

The Expert answers:

1 Place more farming type aid so countries can feed themselves.
2 Reduce the carbon foot print to all Businesses.
3 Make people look out for their fellow humans and use more herbal. Remedies.
4 Encourage small business to employ more people and to build skills.
5 Make it easier to recycle and look at ways to educate people into making it a habit.

Betty asks…

Is it okay for woman to make an job out of recycling metals?

i love it that i make money and keep the earth clean. but people and asshole in my family disapprove. what do you think? i enjoy keeping the earth clean and it hard work and it dirty but i take an bath when i am done.

The Expert answers:

I’ve found that listening to someone older and more experienced with life is usually the best option. Problem is, by the time I figured out that a twenty year old me didn’t know everything, I was 30. I learned that the 30 year old me was stupid when I was 40. I now know my 40 year old self was pretty stupid too. Trust your family especially your parents. Its a good idea to do something that you like but its a bad idea to just barely have enough money. If you get injured, your done. If you are permanently injured, saying in a job interview that you were unemployed for several years and survived by collecting litter looks terrible. I think there are too many factors here. What will you do in the Winter? What happens if you get injured? What if you have a sudden expense that you can’t pay? You will be earning LESS than minimum wage.

Daniel asks…

Is Obama the greatest recycling President seeing that he recycled all the old rhetoric & broken promises?

I knew Obama was into green and recycling, but don’t you think he took it to an extreme in his State of the Union speech?

His recycling check list:

? Blame Bush
? Say inherited mess
? Blame Republicans
? Demonize wealthy
? Promise openness – CSPAN coverage
? Claim jobs created

I know I am missing so many more – but you are free to put in what recycling I missed.

So again I ask – is he the greatest recycling President of all time?

The Expert answers:

Keeping it green….

Chris asks…

What do you think of my essay on recycling??????

Recycling should be mandatory and not a choice. I believe this because when we recycle, we are doing something good for our environment. By keeping our environment healthy, we’re keeping ourselves healthy. I also believe that people should teach their children to recycle as well. Recycling helps lower the use of paper, glass, and plastic that have to be made. If we recycle, we lower the amount of garbage that is put in landfills. It provides more jobs for our economy. When we recycle, we help to slow down the consumption of natural resources. Also, recycling programs cost less than garbage collection and landfilling. And the more people there are that recycle, the lesser it costs. Recycling helps families save money. It creates 1.1 million U.S. jobs, $236 billion in gross annual sales and $37 billion in annual payrolls. For every one ton of paper recycled, it saves 17 trees. Recycling helps save energy and water. Every bit of recycling makes a difference. It reduces the need for mining. A used pop can is recycled and put back in the store in as little as 60 days. Recycling a pop can saves enough energy to make a tv work for about three hours. For each weeks paper to be made, 500,000 trees have to be cut. Belive it or not, but all of the examples I gave above are only the beginning of what recycling can do. The bottom line is, it benefits our economy and our environment. And whatever benefits our economy and our environment, benefits both you and me.

The Expert answers:

I don’t like your essay at all. I’m sure that your teacher will love it as you have successfully regurgitated the recycling propaganda. However, what you fail to point out is that recycled products are usu. More costly to produce. You have only pointed out the two most commonly recycled items. Also, most recycled items cannot be returned to similar products due to contamination in the recycling process. Therefore, what is usu. The case is an overabundance of raw recycled material w/ little market. Finally, the concept that recycling should be mandatory really grates against my libertarian American sensibilities. If something is a good idea, no one need be forced they will do it on their own. Who decides what should and should not be recycled but the same sort of idiots that do not understand something as basic as pH. Oftentimes those making such decisions are often ill-informed and merely exacerbate problems rather than solving them through their meddling.

Ken asks…

Where can I get a degree that will get me a job in trash control and improving recycling?

I want to help the enviroment and I figure trash control and recycling need a lot of improvements. But I am at a loose as to what sort of degree to go to school for. Would it be part of Enviroment Sciences? Also, does anyone know of a college that provides the proper degrees?

The Expert answers:

Get in touch with your local council who normally hire the people for the jobs or find about companies local to you that do recycling, get in touch with human resources department they will be able to tell you what qualifications they would be looking for to hire someone for those kind of positions.

Laura asks…

whats a worse job? recycling plant or fast food/retail?

i have been offered a job today to work at a recycling plant sorting recycled material. apparently its really hot stinky and dusty. the shifts run very long(7 am to 4 30 pm) and the pay is only 9.75 to start. goes to 11.75 after 6 months. i am debating on what would be worse; this job or a job working at some fast food place where the most i can make it 9 an hour, but there is less work plus its closer to home. which job is worse? i know both options suck…

The Expert answers:

Fast food has a future.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

Whose responsibility is it to clean up pollution associated with recycling?

I’m not really sure. I have some of an idea. I was thinking that it would be the recycling places’ job to, but it would mostly be air pollution, so i was curious as to how that would work? Like how can you clean air pollution?

The Expert answers:

The city

Jenny asks…

Would anyone want to give me some information for a pro-recycling report via email?

I am doing a persuasive research report and I chose the topic of pro-recycling. I have some books and of course more updated information from the internet, but it would be nice if I could also get some information from either people who know much about the subject or preferably have a job concerning recycling, waste control, etc. etc. Contact me if you would like to.

The Expert answers:

You could contact the environmental agency in DuPage county. They have a website you can reach. Just put in
They have a green bulletin with lots of ideas in it.
It’s a great resource for all kinds of recycling ideas and reasons to do it.

Helen asks…

Recycling creates how many more jobs than land filling? ?

The Expert answers:

Recycling creates more jobs period. Landfills will always be around and we are building more, but it is usually to replace a full one. Recycling creates a whole array of jobs both skilled and unskilled. It also helps slow down the need for more landfills, as urban sprawl continues we are reducing the locations where you can build a landfill. That means we will need to ship garbage further from your home which can only mean cost increases.

Betty asks…

Canada: changes we can make in these issues:foreign aid, global warming, health care, jobs, laws on recycling?

Im doing an assignment and we have to make up our own political party for an M.P…. my group chose the “environmental party”, and I have to “Choose five present issues that are of concern in Canada at this time and explain where your party stands on these issues and how you plan on changing or improving these areas.” I was thinking the issues could be…

-foreign aid
-global warming
-health care
-laws on recycling, pollution and reducing garbage in dump

If anyone has any ideas on how to expand on these, and RELATE THEM TO THE ENVIRONMENT that would be very helpful.
Thank you!

The Expert answers:

1 Place more farming type aid so countries can feed themselves.
2 Reduce the carbon foot print to all Businesses.
3 Make people look out for their fellow humans and use more herbal. Remedies.
4 Encourage small business to employ more people and to build skills.
5 Make it easier to recycle and look at ways to educate people into making it a habit.

Lizzie asks…

Is it okay for woman to make an job out of recycling metals?

i love it that i make money and keep the earth clean. but people and asshole in my family disapprove. what do you think? i enjoy keeping the earth clean and it hard work and it dirty but i take an bath when i am done.

The Expert answers:

I’ve found that listening to someone older and more experienced with life is usually the best option. Problem is, by the time I figured out that a twenty year old me didn’t know everything, I was 30. I learned that the 30 year old me was stupid when I was 40. I now know my 40 year old self was pretty stupid too. Trust your family especially your parents. Its a good idea to do something that you like but its a bad idea to just barely have enough money. If you get injured, your done. If you are permanently injured, saying in a job interview that you were unemployed for several years and survived by collecting litter looks terrible. I think there are too many factors here. What will you do in the Winter? What happens if you get injured? What if you have a sudden expense that you can’t pay? You will be earning LESS than minimum wage.

Laura asks…

Is Obama the greatest recycling President seeing that he recycled all the old rhetoric & broken promises?

I knew Obama was into green and recycling, but don’t you think he took it to an extreme in his State of the Union speech?

His recycling check list:

? Blame Bush
? Say inherited mess
? Blame Republicans
? Demonize wealthy
? Promise openness – CSPAN coverage
? Claim jobs created

I know I am missing so many more – but you are free to put in what recycling I missed.

So again I ask – is he the greatest recycling President of all time?

The Expert answers:

Keeping it green….

Mark asks…

What do you think of my essay on recycling??????

Recycling should be mandatory and not a choice. I believe this because when we recycle, we are doing something good for our environment. By keeping our environment healthy, we’re keeping ourselves healthy. I also believe that people should teach their children to recycle as well. Recycling helps lower the use of paper, glass, and plastic that have to be made. If we recycle, we lower the amount of garbage that is put in landfills. It provides more jobs for our economy. When we recycle, we help to slow down the consumption of natural resources. Also, recycling programs cost less than garbage collection and landfilling. And the more people there are that recycle, the lesser it costs. Recycling helps families save money. It creates 1.1 million U.S. jobs, $236 billion in gross annual sales and $37 billion in annual payrolls. For every one ton of paper recycled, it saves 17 trees. Recycling helps save energy and water. Every bit of recycling makes a difference. It reduces the need for mining. A used pop can is recycled and put back in the store in as little as 60 days. Recycling a pop can saves enough energy to make a tv work for about three hours. For each weeks paper to be made, 500,000 trees have to be cut. Belive it or not, but all of the examples I gave above are only the beginning of what recycling can do. The bottom line is, it benefits our economy and our environment. And whatever benefits our economy and our environment, benefits both you and me.

The Expert answers:

I don’t like your essay at all. I’m sure that your teacher will love it as you have successfully regurgitated the recycling propaganda. However, what you fail to point out is that recycled products are usu. More costly to produce. You have only pointed out the two most commonly recycled items. Also, most recycled items cannot be returned to similar products due to contamination in the recycling process. Therefore, what is usu. The case is an overabundance of raw recycled material w/ little market. Finally, the concept that recycling should be mandatory really grates against my libertarian American sensibilities. If something is a good idea, no one need be forced they will do it on their own. Who decides what should and should not be recycled but the same sort of idiots that do not understand something as basic as pH. Oftentimes those making such decisions are often ill-informed and merely exacerbate problems rather than solving them through their meddling.

Susan asks…

Where can I get a degree that will get me a job in trash control and improving recycling?

I want to help the enviroment and I figure trash control and recycling need a lot of improvements. But I am at a loose as to what sort of degree to go to school for. Would it be part of Enviroment Sciences? Also, does anyone know of a college that provides the proper degrees?

The Expert answers:

Get in touch with your local council who normally hire the people for the jobs or find about companies local to you that do recycling, get in touch with human resources department they will be able to tell you what qualifications they would be looking for to hire someone for those kind of positions.

William asks…

whats a worse job? recycling plant or fast food/retail?

i have been offered a job today to work at a recycling plant sorting recycled material. apparently its really hot stinky and dusty. the shifts run very long(7 am to 4 30 pm) and the pay is only 9.75 to start. goes to 11.75 after 6 months. i am debating on what would be worse; this job or a job working at some fast food place where the most i can make it 9 an hour, but there is less work plus its closer to home. which job is worse? i know both options suck…

The Expert answers:

Fast food has a future.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asks…

Whose responsibility is it to clean up pollution associated with recycling?

I’m not really sure. I have some of an idea. I was thinking that it would be the recycling places’ job to, but it would mostly be air pollution, so i was curious as to how that would work? Like how can you clean air pollution?

The Expert answers:

The city

Sandra asks…

Would anyone want to give me some information for a pro-recycling report via email?

I am doing a persuasive research report and I chose the topic of pro-recycling. I have some books and of course more updated information from the internet, but it would be nice if I could also get some information from either people who know much about the subject or preferably have a job concerning recycling, waste control, etc. etc. Contact me if you would like to.

The Expert answers:

You could contact the environmental agency in DuPage county. They have a website you can reach. Just put in
They have a green bulletin with lots of ideas in it.
It’s a great resource for all kinds of recycling ideas and reasons to do it.

George asks…

Recycling creates how many more jobs than land filling? ?

The Expert answers:

Recycling creates more jobs period. Landfills will always be around and we are building more, but it is usually to replace a full one. Recycling creates a whole array of jobs both skilled and unskilled. It also helps slow down the need for more landfills, as urban sprawl continues we are reducing the locations where you can build a landfill. That means we will need to ship garbage further from your home which can only mean cost increases.

Thomas asks…

Canada: changes we can make in these issues:foreign aid, global warming, health care, jobs, laws on recycling?

Im doing an assignment and we have to make up our own political party for an M.P…. my group chose the “environmental party”, and I have to “Choose five present issues that are of concern in Canada at this time and explain where your party stands on these issues and how you plan on changing or improving these areas.” I was thinking the issues could be…

-foreign aid
-global warming
-health care
-laws on recycling, pollution and reducing garbage in dump

If anyone has any ideas on how to expand on these, and RELATE THEM TO THE ENVIRONMENT that would be very helpful.
Thank you!

The Expert answers:

1 Place more farming type aid so countries can feed themselves.
2 Reduce the carbon foot print to all Businesses.
3 Make people look out for their fellow humans and use more herbal. Remedies.
4 Encourage small business to employ more people and to build skills.
5 Make it easier to recycle and look at ways to educate people into making it a habit.

Ken asks…

Is it okay for woman to make an job out of recycling metals?

i love it that i make money and keep the earth clean. but people and asshole in my family disapprove. what do you think? i enjoy keeping the earth clean and it hard work and it dirty but i take an bath when i am done.

The Expert answers:

I’ve found that listening to someone older and more experienced with life is usually the best option. Problem is, by the time I figured out that a twenty year old me didn’t know everything, I was 30. I learned that the 30 year old me was stupid when I was 40. I now know my 40 year old self was pretty stupid too. Trust your family especially your parents. Its a good idea to do something that you like but its a bad idea to just barely have enough money. If you get injured, your done. If you are permanently injured, saying in a job interview that you were unemployed for several years and survived by collecting litter looks terrible. I think there are too many factors here. What will you do in the Winter? What happens if you get injured? What if you have a sudden expense that you can’t pay? You will be earning LESS than minimum wage.

Helen asks…

Is Obama the greatest recycling President seeing that he recycled all the old rhetoric & broken promises?

I knew Obama was into green and recycling, but don’t you think he took it to an extreme in his State of the Union speech?

His recycling check list:

? Blame Bush
? Say inherited mess
? Blame Republicans
? Demonize wealthy
? Promise openness – CSPAN coverage
? Claim jobs created

I know I am missing so many more – but you are free to put in what recycling I missed.

So again I ask – is he the greatest recycling President of all time?

The Expert answers:

Keeping it green….

William asks…

What do you think of my essay on recycling??????

Recycling should be mandatory and not a choice. I believe this because when we recycle, we are doing something good for our environment. By keeping our environment healthy, we’re keeping ourselves healthy. I also believe that people should teach their children to recycle as well. Recycling helps lower the use of paper, glass, and plastic that have to be made. If we recycle, we lower the amount of garbage that is put in landfills. It provides more jobs for our economy. When we recycle, we help to slow down the consumption of natural resources. Also, recycling programs cost less than garbage collection and landfilling. And the more people there are that recycle, the lesser it costs. Recycling helps families save money. It creates 1.1 million U.S. jobs, $236 billion in gross annual sales and $37 billion in annual payrolls. For every one ton of paper recycled, it saves 17 trees. Recycling helps save energy and water. Every bit of recycling makes a difference. It reduces the need for mining. A used pop can is recycled and put back in the store in as little as 60 days. Recycling a pop can saves enough energy to make a tv work for about three hours. For each weeks paper to be made, 500,000 trees have to be cut. Belive it or not, but all of the examples I gave above are only the beginning of what recycling can do. The bottom line is, it benefits our economy and our environment. And whatever benefits our economy and our environment, benefits both you and me.

The Expert answers:

I don’t like your essay at all. I’m sure that your teacher will love it as you have successfully regurgitated the recycling propaganda. However, what you fail to point out is that recycled products are usu. More costly to produce. You have only pointed out the two most commonly recycled items. Also, most recycled items cannot be returned to similar products due to contamination in the recycling process. Therefore, what is usu. The case is an overabundance of raw recycled material w/ little market. Finally, the concept that recycling should be mandatory really grates against my libertarian American sensibilities. If something is a good idea, no one need be forced they will do it on their own. Who decides what should and should not be recycled but the same sort of idiots that do not understand something as basic as pH. Oftentimes those making such decisions are often ill-informed and merely exacerbate problems rather than solving them through their meddling.

Richard asks…

Where can I get a degree that will get me a job in trash control and improving recycling?

I want to help the enviroment and I figure trash control and recycling need a lot of improvements. But I am at a loose as to what sort of degree to go to school for. Would it be part of Enviroment Sciences? Also, does anyone know of a college that provides the proper degrees?

The Expert answers:

Get in touch with your local council who normally hire the people for the jobs or find about companies local to you that do recycling, get in touch with human resources department they will be able to tell you what qualifications they would be looking for to hire someone for those kind of positions.

Sandy asks…

whats a worse job? recycling plant or fast food/retail?

i have been offered a job today to work at a recycling plant sorting recycled material. apparently its really hot stinky and dusty. the shifts run very long(7 am to 4 30 pm) and the pay is only 9.75 to start. goes to 11.75 after 6 months. i am debating on what would be worse; this job or a job working at some fast food place where the most i can make it 9 an hour, but there is less work plus its closer to home. which job is worse? i know both options suck…

The Expert answers:

Fast food has a future.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

David asks…

Whose responsibility is it to clean up pollution associated with recycling?

I’m not really sure. I have some of an idea. I was thinking that it would be the recycling places’ job to, but it would mostly be air pollution, so i was curious as to how that would work? Like how can you clean air pollution?

The Expert answers:

The city

Daniel asks…

Would anyone want to give me some information for a pro-recycling report via email?

I am doing a persuasive research report and I chose the topic of pro-recycling. I have some books and of course more updated information from the internet, but it would be nice if I could also get some information from either people who know much about the subject or preferably have a job concerning recycling, waste control, etc. etc. Contact me if you would like to.

The Expert answers:

You could contact the environmental agency in DuPage county. They have a website you can reach. Just put in
They have a green bulletin with lots of ideas in it.
It’s a great resource for all kinds of recycling ideas and reasons to do it.

Betty asks…

Recycling creates how many more jobs than land filling? ?

The Expert answers:

Recycling creates more jobs period. Landfills will always be around and we are building more, but it is usually to replace a full one. Recycling creates a whole array of jobs both skilled and unskilled. It also helps slow down the need for more landfills, as urban sprawl continues we are reducing the locations where you can build a landfill. That means we will need to ship garbage further from your home which can only mean cost increases.

Nancy asks…

Canada: changes we can make in these issues:foreign aid, global warming, health care, jobs, laws on recycling?

Im doing an assignment and we have to make up our own political party for an M.P…. my group chose the “environmental party”, and I have to “Choose five present issues that are of concern in Canada at this time and explain where your party stands on these issues and how you plan on changing or improving these areas.” I was thinking the issues could be…

-foreign aid
-global warming
-health care
-laws on recycling, pollution and reducing garbage in dump

If anyone has any ideas on how to expand on these, and RELATE THEM TO THE ENVIRONMENT that would be very helpful.
Thank you!

The Expert answers:

1 Place more farming type aid so countries can feed themselves.
2 Reduce the carbon foot print to all Businesses.
3 Make people look out for their fellow humans and use more herbal. Remedies.
4 Encourage small business to employ more people and to build skills.
5 Make it easier to recycle and look at ways to educate people into making it a habit.

Robert asks…

Is it okay for woman to make an job out of recycling metals?

i love it that i make money and keep the earth clean. but people and asshole in my family disapprove. what do you think? i enjoy keeping the earth clean and it hard work and it dirty but i take an bath when i am done.

The Expert answers:

I’ve found that listening to someone older and more experienced with life is usually the best option. Problem is, by the time I figured out that a twenty year old me didn’t know everything, I was 30. I learned that the 30 year old me was stupid when I was 40. I now know my 40 year old self was pretty stupid too. Trust your family especially your parents. Its a good idea to do something that you like but its a bad idea to just barely have enough money. If you get injured, your done. If you are permanently injured, saying in a job interview that you were unemployed for several years and survived by collecting litter looks terrible. I think there are too many factors here. What will you do in the Winter? What happens if you get injured? What if you have a sudden expense that you can’t pay? You will be earning LESS than minimum wage.

Ken asks…

Is Obama the greatest recycling President seeing that he recycled all the old rhetoric & broken promises?

I knew Obama was into green and recycling, but don’t you think he took it to an extreme in his State of the Union speech?

His recycling check list:

? Blame Bush
? Say inherited mess
? Blame Republicans
? Demonize wealthy
? Promise openness – CSPAN coverage
? Claim jobs created

I know I am missing so many more – but you are free to put in what recycling I missed.

So again I ask – is he the greatest recycling President of all time?

The Expert answers:

Keeping it green….

Sandra asks…

What do you think of my essay on recycling??????

Recycling should be mandatory and not a choice. I believe this because when we recycle, we are doing something good for our environment. By keeping our environment healthy, we’re keeping ourselves healthy. I also believe that people should teach their children to recycle as well. Recycling helps lower the use of paper, glass, and plastic that have to be made. If we recycle, we lower the amount of garbage that is put in landfills. It provides more jobs for our economy. When we recycle, we help to slow down the consumption of natural resources. Also, recycling programs cost less than garbage collection and landfilling. And the more people there are that recycle, the lesser it costs. Recycling helps families save money. It creates 1.1 million U.S. jobs, $236 billion in gross annual sales and $37 billion in annual payrolls. For every one ton of paper recycled, it saves 17 trees. Recycling helps save energy and water. Every bit of recycling makes a difference. It reduces the need for mining. A used pop can is recycled and put back in the store in as little as 60 days. Recycling a pop can saves enough energy to make a tv work for about three hours. For each weeks paper to be made, 500,000 trees have to be cut. Belive it or not, but all of the examples I gave above are only the beginning of what recycling can do. The bottom line is, it benefits our economy and our environment. And whatever benefits our economy and our environment, benefits both you and me.

The Expert answers:

I don’t like your essay at all. I’m sure that your teacher will love it as you have successfully regurgitated the recycling propaganda. However, what you fail to point out is that recycled products are usu. More costly to produce. You have only pointed out the two most commonly recycled items. Also, most recycled items cannot be returned to similar products due to contamination in the recycling process. Therefore, what is usu. The case is an overabundance of raw recycled material w/ little market. Finally, the concept that recycling should be mandatory really grates against my libertarian American sensibilities. If something is a good idea, no one need be forced they will do it on their own. Who decides what should and should not be recycled but the same sort of idiots that do not understand something as basic as pH. Oftentimes those making such decisions are often ill-informed and merely exacerbate problems rather than solving them through their meddling.

Mark asks…

Where can I get a degree that will get me a job in trash control and improving recycling?

I want to help the enviroment and I figure trash control and recycling need a lot of improvements. But I am at a loose as to what sort of degree to go to school for. Would it be part of Enviroment Sciences? Also, does anyone know of a college that provides the proper degrees?

The Expert answers:

Get in touch with your local council who normally hire the people for the jobs or find about companies local to you that do recycling, get in touch with human resources department they will be able to tell you what qualifications they would be looking for to hire someone for those kind of positions.

Sharon asks…

whats a worse job? recycling plant or fast food/retail?

i have been offered a job today to work at a recycling plant sorting recycled material. apparently its really hot stinky and dusty. the shifts run very long(7 am to 4 30 pm) and the pay is only 9.75 to start. goes to 11.75 after 6 months. i am debating on what would be worse; this job or a job working at some fast food place where the most i can make it 9 an hour, but there is less work plus its closer to home. which job is worse? i know both options suck…

The Expert answers:

Fast food has a future.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandy asks…

Whose responsibility is it to clean up pollution associated with recycling?

I’m not really sure. I have some of an idea. I was thinking that it would be the recycling places’ job to, but it would mostly be air pollution, so i was curious as to how that would work? Like how can you clean air pollution?

The Expert answers:

The city

Robert asks…

Would anyone want to give me some information for a pro-recycling report via email?

I am doing a persuasive research report and I chose the topic of pro-recycling. I have some books and of course more updated information from the internet, but it would be nice if I could also get some information from either people who know much about the subject or preferably have a job concerning recycling, waste control, etc. etc. Contact me if you would like to.

The Expert answers:

You could contact the environmental agency in DuPage county. They have a website you can reach. Just put in
They have a green bulletin with lots of ideas in it.
It’s a great resource for all kinds of recycling ideas and reasons to do it.

Lizzie asks…

Recycling creates how many more jobs than land filling? ?

The Expert answers:

Recycling creates more jobs period. Landfills will always be around and we are building more, but it is usually to replace a full one. Recycling creates a whole array of jobs both skilled and unskilled. It also helps slow down the need for more landfills, as urban sprawl continues we are reducing the locations where you can build a landfill. That means we will need to ship garbage further from your home which can only mean cost increases.

Jenny asks…

Canada: changes we can make in these issues:foreign aid, global warming, health care, jobs, laws on recycling?

Im doing an assignment and we have to make up our own political party for an M.P…. my group chose the “environmental party”, and I have to “Choose five present issues that are of concern in Canada at this time and explain where your party stands on these issues and how you plan on changing or improving these areas.” I was thinking the issues could be…

-foreign aid
-global warming
-health care
-laws on recycling, pollution and reducing garbage in dump

If anyone has any ideas on how to expand on these, and RELATE THEM TO THE ENVIRONMENT that would be very helpful.
Thank you!

The Expert answers:

1 Place more farming type aid so countries can feed themselves.
2 Reduce the carbon foot print to all Businesses.
3 Make people look out for their fellow humans and use more herbal. Remedies.
4 Encourage small business to employ more people and to build skills.
5 Make it easier to recycle and look at ways to educate people into making it a habit.

Mark asks…

Is it okay for woman to make an job out of recycling metals?

i love it that i make money and keep the earth clean. but people and asshole in my family disapprove. what do you think? i enjoy keeping the earth clean and it hard work and it dirty but i take an bath when i am done.

The Expert answers:

I’ve found that listening to someone older and more experienced with life is usually the best option. Problem is, by the time I figured out that a twenty year old me didn’t know everything, I was 30. I learned that the 30 year old me was stupid when I was 40. I now know my 40 year old self was pretty stupid too. Trust your family especially your parents. Its a good idea to do something that you like but its a bad idea to just barely have enough money. If you get injured, your done. If you are permanently injured, saying in a job interview that you were unemployed for several years and survived by collecting litter looks terrible. I think there are too many factors here. What will you do in the Winter? What happens if you get injured? What if you have a sudden expense that you can’t pay? You will be earning LESS than minimum wage.

Richard asks…

Is Obama the greatest recycling President seeing that he recycled all the old rhetoric & broken promises?

I knew Obama was into green and recycling, but don’t you think he took it to an extreme in his State of the Union speech?

His recycling check list:

? Blame Bush
? Say inherited mess
? Blame Republicans
? Demonize wealthy
? Promise openness – CSPAN coverage
? Claim jobs created

I know I am missing so many more – but you are free to put in what recycling I missed.

So again I ask – is he the greatest recycling President of all time?

The Expert answers:

Keeping it green….

Donna asks…

What do you think of my essay on recycling??????

Recycling should be mandatory and not a choice. I believe this because when we recycle, we are doing something good for our environment. By keeping our environment healthy, we’re keeping ourselves healthy. I also believe that people should teach their children to recycle as well. Recycling helps lower the use of paper, glass, and plastic that have to be made. If we recycle, we lower the amount of garbage that is put in landfills. It provides more jobs for our economy. When we recycle, we help to slow down the consumption of natural resources. Also, recycling programs cost less than garbage collection and landfilling. And the more people there are that recycle, the lesser it costs. Recycling helps families save money. It creates 1.1 million U.S. jobs, $236 billion in gross annual sales and $37 billion in annual payrolls. For every one ton of paper recycled, it saves 17 trees. Recycling helps save energy and water. Every bit of recycling makes a difference. It reduces the need for mining. A used pop can is recycled and put back in the store in as little as 60 days. Recycling a pop can saves enough energy to make a tv work for about three hours. For each weeks paper to be made, 500,000 trees have to be cut. Belive it or not, but all of the examples I gave above are only the beginning of what recycling can do. The bottom line is, it benefits our economy and our environment. And whatever benefits our economy and our environment, benefits both you and me.

The Expert answers:

I don’t like your essay at all. I’m sure that your teacher will love it as you have successfully regurgitated the recycling propaganda. However, what you fail to point out is that recycled products are usu. More costly to produce. You have only pointed out the two most commonly recycled items. Also, most recycled items cannot be returned to similar products due to contamination in the recycling process. Therefore, what is usu. The case is an overabundance of raw recycled material w/ little market. Finally, the concept that recycling should be mandatory really grates against my libertarian American sensibilities. If something is a good idea, no one need be forced they will do it on their own. Who decides what should and should not be recycled but the same sort of idiots that do not understand something as basic as pH. Oftentimes those making such decisions are often ill-informed and merely exacerbate problems rather than solving them through their meddling.

Ken asks…

Where can I get a degree that will get me a job in trash control and improving recycling?

I want to help the enviroment and I figure trash control and recycling need a lot of improvements. But I am at a loose as to what sort of degree to go to school for. Would it be part of Enviroment Sciences? Also, does anyone know of a college that provides the proper degrees?

The Expert answers:

Get in touch with your local council who normally hire the people for the jobs or find about companies local to you that do recycling, get in touch with human resources department they will be able to tell you what qualifications they would be looking for to hire someone for those kind of positions.

Nancy asks…

whats a worse job? recycling plant or fast food/retail?

i have been offered a job today to work at a recycling plant sorting recycled material. apparently its really hot stinky and dusty. the shifts run very long(7 am to 4 30 pm) and the pay is only 9.75 to start. goes to 11.75 after 6 months. i am debating on what would be worse; this job or a job working at some fast food place where the most i can make it 9 an hour, but there is less work plus its closer to home. which job is worse? i know both options suck…

The Expert answers:

Fast food has a future.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Susan asks…

Whose responsibility is it to clean up pollution associated with recycling?

I’m not really sure. I have some of an idea. I was thinking that it would be the recycling places’ job to, but it would mostly be air pollution, so i was curious as to how that would work? Like how can you clean air pollution?

The Expert answers:

The city

Robert asks…

Would anyone want to give me some information for a pro-recycling report via email?

I am doing a persuasive research report and I chose the topic of pro-recycling. I have some books and of course more updated information from the internet, but it would be nice if I could also get some information from either people who know much about the subject or preferably have a job concerning recycling, waste control, etc. etc. Contact me if you would like to.

The Expert answers:

You could contact the environmental agency in DuPage county. They have a website you can reach. Just put in
They have a green bulletin with lots of ideas in it.
It’s a great resource for all kinds of recycling ideas and reasons to do it.

William asks…

Recycling creates how many more jobs than land filling? ?

The Expert answers:

Recycling creates more jobs period. Landfills will always be around and we are building more, but it is usually to replace a full one. Recycling creates a whole array of jobs both skilled and unskilled. It also helps slow down the need for more landfills, as urban sprawl continues we are reducing the locations where you can build a landfill. That means we will need to ship garbage further from your home which can only mean cost increases.

Nancy asks…

Canada: changes we can make in these issues:foreign aid, global warming, health care, jobs, laws on recycling?

Im doing an assignment and we have to make up our own political party for an M.P…. my group chose the “environmental party”, and I have to “Choose five present issues that are of concern in Canada at this time and explain where your party stands on these issues and how you plan on changing or improving these areas.” I was thinking the issues could be…

-foreign aid
-global warming
-health care
-laws on recycling, pollution and reducing garbage in dump

If anyone has any ideas on how to expand on these, and RELATE THEM TO THE ENVIRONMENT that would be very helpful.
Thank you!

The Expert answers:

1 Place more farming type aid so countries can feed themselves.
2 Reduce the carbon foot print to all Businesses.
3 Make people look out for their fellow humans and use more herbal. Remedies.
4 Encourage small business to employ more people and to build skills.
5 Make it easier to recycle and look at ways to educate people into making it a habit.

John asks…

Is it okay for woman to make an job out of recycling metals?

i love it that i make money and keep the earth clean. but people and asshole in my family disapprove. what do you think? i enjoy keeping the earth clean and it hard work and it dirty but i take an bath when i am done.

The Expert answers:

I’ve found that listening to someone older and more experienced with life is usually the best option. Problem is, by the time I figured out that a twenty year old me didn’t know everything, I was 30. I learned that the 30 year old me was stupid when I was 40. I now know my 40 year old self was pretty stupid too. Trust your family especially your parents. Its a good idea to do something that you like but its a bad idea to just barely have enough money. If you get injured, your done. If you are permanently injured, saying in a job interview that you were unemployed for several years and survived by collecting litter looks terrible. I think there are too many factors here. What will you do in the Winter? What happens if you get injured? What if you have a sudden expense that you can’t pay? You will be earning LESS than minimum wage.

Donald asks…

Is Obama the greatest recycling President seeing that he recycled all the old rhetoric & broken promises?

I knew Obama was into green and recycling, but don’t you think he took it to an extreme in his State of the Union speech?

His recycling check list:

? Blame Bush
? Say inherited mess
? Blame Republicans
? Demonize wealthy
? Promise openness – CSPAN coverage
? Claim jobs created

I know I am missing so many more – but you are free to put in what recycling I missed.

So again I ask – is he the greatest recycling President of all time?

The Expert answers:

Keeping it green….

Charles asks…

What do you think of my essay on recycling??????

Recycling should be mandatory and not a choice. I believe this because when we recycle, we are doing something good for our environment. By keeping our environment healthy, we’re keeping ourselves healthy. I also believe that people should teach their children to recycle as well. Recycling helps lower the use of paper, glass, and plastic that have to be made. If we recycle, we lower the amount of garbage that is put in landfills. It provides more jobs for our economy. When we recycle, we help to slow down the consumption of natural resources. Also, recycling programs cost less than garbage collection and landfilling. And the more people there are that recycle, the lesser it costs. Recycling helps families save money. It creates 1.1 million U.S. jobs, $236 billion in gross annual sales and $37 billion in annual payrolls. For every one ton of paper recycled, it saves 17 trees. Recycling helps save energy and water. Every bit of recycling makes a difference. It reduces the need for mining. A used pop can is recycled and put back in the store in as little as 60 days. Recycling a pop can saves enough energy to make a tv work for about three hours. For each weeks paper to be made, 500,000 trees have to be cut. Belive it or not, but all of the examples I gave above are only the beginning of what recycling can do. The bottom line is, it benefits our economy and our environment. And whatever benefits our economy and our environment, benefits both you and me.

The Expert answers:

I don’t like your essay at all. I’m sure that your teacher will love it as you have successfully regurgitated the recycling propaganda. However, what you fail to point out is that recycled products are usu. More costly to produce. You have only pointed out the two most commonly recycled items. Also, most recycled items cannot be returned to similar products due to contamination in the recycling process. Therefore, what is usu. The case is an overabundance of raw recycled material w/ little market. Finally, the concept that recycling should be mandatory really grates against my libertarian American sensibilities. If something is a good idea, no one need be forced they will do it on their own. Who decides what should and should not be recycled but the same sort of idiots that do not understand something as basic as pH. Oftentimes those making such decisions are often ill-informed and merely exacerbate problems rather than solving them through their meddling.

Laura asks…

Where can I get a degree that will get me a job in trash control and improving recycling?

I want to help the enviroment and I figure trash control and recycling need a lot of improvements. But I am at a loose as to what sort of degree to go to school for. Would it be part of Enviroment Sciences? Also, does anyone know of a college that provides the proper degrees?

The Expert answers:

Get in touch with your local council who normally hire the people for the jobs or find about companies local to you that do recycling, get in touch with human resources department they will be able to tell you what qualifications they would be looking for to hire someone for those kind of positions.

Joseph asks…

whats a worse job? recycling plant or fast food/retail?

i have been offered a job today to work at a recycling plant sorting recycled material. apparently its really hot stinky and dusty. the shifts run very long(7 am to 4 30 pm) and the pay is only 9.75 to start. goes to 11.75 after 6 months. i am debating on what would be worse; this job or a job working at some fast food place where the most i can make it 9 an hour, but there is less work plus its closer to home. which job is worse? i know both options suck…

The Expert answers:

Fast food has a future.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Richard asks…

Whose responsibility is it to clean up pollution associated with recycling?

I’m not really sure. I have some of an idea. I was thinking that it would be the recycling places’ job to, but it would mostly be air pollution, so i was curious as to how that would work? Like how can you clean air pollution?

The Expert answers:

The city

David asks…

Would anyone want to give me some information for a pro-recycling report via email?

I am doing a persuasive research report and I chose the topic of pro-recycling. I have some books and of course more updated information from the internet, but it would be nice if I could also get some information from either people who know much about the subject or preferably have a job concerning recycling, waste control, etc. etc. Contact me if you would like to.

The Expert answers:

You could contact the environmental agency in DuPage county. They have a website you can reach. Just put in
They have a green bulletin with lots of ideas in it.
It’s a great resource for all kinds of recycling ideas and reasons to do it.

Ken asks…

Recycling creates how many more jobs than land filling? ?

The Expert answers:

Recycling creates more jobs period. Landfills will always be around and we are building more, but it is usually to replace a full one. Recycling creates a whole array of jobs both skilled and unskilled. It also helps slow down the need for more landfills, as urban sprawl continues we are reducing the locations where you can build a landfill. That means we will need to ship garbage further from your home which can only mean cost increases.

Sandy asks…

Canada: changes we can make in these issues:foreign aid, global warming, health care, jobs, laws on recycling?

Im doing an assignment and we have to make up our own political party for an M.P…. my group chose the “environmental party”, and I have to “Choose five present issues that are of concern in Canada at this time and explain where your party stands on these issues and how you plan on changing or improving these areas.” I was thinking the issues could be…

-foreign aid
-global warming
-health care
-laws on recycling, pollution and reducing garbage in dump

If anyone has any ideas on how to expand on these, and RELATE THEM TO THE ENVIRONMENT that would be very helpful.
Thank you!

The Expert answers:

1 Place more farming type aid so countries can feed themselves.
2 Reduce the carbon foot print to all Businesses.
3 Make people look out for their fellow humans and use more herbal. Remedies.
4 Encourage small business to employ more people and to build skills.
5 Make it easier to recycle and look at ways to educate people into making it a habit.

Chris asks…

Is it okay for woman to make an job out of recycling metals?

i love it that i make money and keep the earth clean. but people and asshole in my family disapprove. what do you think? i enjoy keeping the earth clean and it hard work and it dirty but i take an bath when i am done.

The Expert answers:

I’ve found that listening to someone older and more experienced with life is usually the best option. Problem is, by the time I figured out that a twenty year old me didn’t know everything, I was 30. I learned that the 30 year old me was stupid when I was 40. I now know my 40 year old self was pretty stupid too. Trust your family especially your parents. Its a good idea to do something that you like but its a bad idea to just barely have enough money. If you get injured, your done. If you are permanently injured, saying in a job interview that you were unemployed for several years and survived by collecting litter looks terrible. I think there are too many factors here. What will you do in the Winter? What happens if you get injured? What if you have a sudden expense that you can’t pay? You will be earning LESS than minimum wage.

John asks…

Is Obama the greatest recycling President seeing that he recycled all the old rhetoric & broken promises?

I knew Obama was into green and recycling, but don’t you think he took it to an extreme in his State of the Union speech?

His recycling check list:

? Blame Bush
? Say inherited mess
? Blame Republicans
? Demonize wealthy
? Promise openness – CSPAN coverage
? Claim jobs created

I know I am missing so many more – but you are free to put in what recycling I missed.

So again I ask – is he the greatest recycling President of all time?

The Expert answers:

Keeping it green….

James asks…

What do you think of my essay on recycling??????

Recycling should be mandatory and not a choice. I believe this because when we recycle, we are doing something good for our environment. By keeping our environment healthy, we’re keeping ourselves healthy. I also believe that people should teach their children to recycle as well. Recycling helps lower the use of paper, glass, and plastic that have to be made. If we recycle, we lower the amount of garbage that is put in landfills. It provides more jobs for our economy. When we recycle, we help to slow down the consumption of natural resources. Also, recycling programs cost less than garbage collection and landfilling. And the more people there are that recycle, the lesser it costs. Recycling helps families save money. It creates 1.1 million U.S. jobs, $236 billion in gross annual sales and $37 billion in annual payrolls. For every one ton of paper recycled, it saves 17 trees. Recycling helps save energy and water. Every bit of recycling makes a difference. It reduces the need for mining. A used pop can is recycled and put back in the store in as little as 60 days. Recycling a pop can saves enough energy to make a tv work for about three hours. For each weeks paper to be made, 500,000 trees have to be cut. Belive it or not, but all of the examples I gave above are only the beginning of what recycling can do. The bottom line is, it benefits our economy and our environment. And whatever benefits our economy and our environment, benefits both you and me.

The Expert answers:

I don’t like your essay at all. I’m sure that your teacher will love it as you have successfully regurgitated the recycling propaganda. However, what you fail to point out is that recycled products are usu. More costly to produce. You have only pointed out the two most commonly recycled items. Also, most recycled items cannot be returned to similar products due to contamination in the recycling process. Therefore, what is usu. The case is an overabundance of raw recycled material w/ little market. Finally, the concept that recycling should be mandatory really grates against my libertarian American sensibilities. If something is a good idea, no one need be forced they will do it on their own. Who decides what should and should not be recycled but the same sort of idiots that do not understand something as basic as pH. Oftentimes those making such decisions are often ill-informed and merely exacerbate problems rather than solving them through their meddling.

Thomas asks…

Where can I get a degree that will get me a job in trash control and improving recycling?

I want to help the enviroment and I figure trash control and recycling need a lot of improvements. But I am at a loose as to what sort of degree to go to school for. Would it be part of Enviroment Sciences? Also, does anyone know of a college that provides the proper degrees?

The Expert answers:

Get in touch with your local council who normally hire the people for the jobs or find about companies local to you that do recycling, get in touch with human resources department they will be able to tell you what qualifications they would be looking for to hire someone for those kind of positions.

Sandra asks…

whats a worse job? recycling plant or fast food/retail?

i have been offered a job today to work at a recycling plant sorting recycled material. apparently its really hot stinky and dusty. the shifts run very long(7 am to 4 30 pm) and the pay is only 9.75 to start. goes to 11.75 after 6 months. i am debating on what would be worse; this job or a job working at some fast food place where the most i can make it 9 an hour, but there is less work plus its closer to home. which job is worse? i know both options suck…

The Expert answers:

Fast food has a future.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ken asks…

Whose responsibility is it to clean up pollution associated with recycling?

I’m not really sure. I have some of an idea. I was thinking that it would be the recycling places’ job to, but it would mostly be air pollution, so i was curious as to how that would work? Like how can you clean air pollution?

The Expert answers:

The city

Michael asks…

Would anyone want to give me some information for a pro-recycling report via email?

I am doing a persuasive research report and I chose the topic of pro-recycling. I have some books and of course more updated information from the internet, but it would be nice if I could also get some information from either people who know much about the subject or preferably have a job concerning recycling, waste control, etc. etc. Contact me if you would like to.

The Expert answers:

You could contact the environmental agency in DuPage county. They have a website you can reach. Just put in
They have a green bulletin with lots of ideas in it.
It’s a great resource for all kinds of recycling ideas and reasons to do it.

Mandy asks…

Recycling creates how many more jobs than land filling? ?

The Expert answers:

Recycling creates more jobs period. Landfills will always be around and we are building more, but it is usually to replace a full one. Recycling creates a whole array of jobs both skilled and unskilled. It also helps slow down the need for more landfills, as urban sprawl continues we are reducing the locations where you can build a landfill. That means we will need to ship garbage further from your home which can only mean cost increases.

Ruth asks…

Canada: changes we can make in these issues:foreign aid, global warming, health care, jobs, laws on recycling?

Im doing an assignment and we have to make up our own political party for an M.P…. my group chose the “environmental party”, and I have to “Choose five present issues that are of concern in Canada at this time and explain where your party stands on these issues and how you plan on changing or improving these areas.” I was thinking the issues could be…

-foreign aid
-global warming
-health care
-laws on recycling, pollution and reducing garbage in dump

If anyone has any ideas on how to expand on these, and RELATE THEM TO THE ENVIRONMENT that would be very helpful.
Thank you!

The Expert answers:

1 Place more farming type aid so countries can feed themselves.
2 Reduce the carbon foot print to all Businesses.
3 Make people look out for their fellow humans and use more herbal. Remedies.
4 Encourage small business to employ more people and to build skills.
5 Make it easier to recycle and look at ways to educate people into making it a habit.

John asks…

Is it okay for woman to make an job out of recycling metals?

i love it that i make money and keep the earth clean. but people and asshole in my family disapprove. what do you think? i enjoy keeping the earth clean and it hard work and it dirty but i take an bath when i am done.

The Expert answers:

I’ve found that listening to someone older and more experienced with life is usually the best option. Problem is, by the time I figured out that a twenty year old me didn’t know everything, I was 30. I learned that the 30 year old me was stupid when I was 40. I now know my 40 year old self was pretty stupid too. Trust your family especially your parents. Its a good idea to do something that you like but its a bad idea to just barely have enough money. If you get injured, your done. If you are permanently injured, saying in a job interview that you were unemployed for several years and survived by collecting litter looks terrible. I think there are too many factors here. What will you do in the Winter? What happens if you get injured? What if you have a sudden expense that you can’t pay? You will be earning LESS than minimum wage.

Richard asks…

Is Obama the greatest recycling President seeing that he recycled all the old rhetoric & broken promises?

I knew Obama was into green and recycling, but don’t you think he took it to an extreme in his State of the Union speech?

His recycling check list:

? Blame Bush
? Say inherited mess
? Blame Republicans
? Demonize wealthy
? Promise openness – CSPAN coverage
? Claim jobs created

I know I am missing so many more – but you are free to put in what recycling I missed.

So again I ask – is he the greatest recycling President of all time?

The Expert answers:

Keeping it green….

Sandy asks…

What do you think of my essay on recycling??????

Recycling should be mandatory and not a choice. I believe this because when we recycle, we are doing something good for our environment. By keeping our environment healthy, we’re keeping ourselves healthy. I also believe that people should teach their children to recycle as well. Recycling helps lower the use of paper, glass, and plastic that have to be made. If we recycle, we lower the amount of garbage that is put in landfills. It provides more jobs for our economy. When we recycle, we help to slow down the consumption of natural resources. Also, recycling programs cost less than garbage collection and landfilling. And the more people there are that recycle, the lesser it costs. Recycling helps families save money. It creates 1.1 million U.S. jobs, $236 billion in gross annual sales and $37 billion in annual payrolls. For every one ton of paper recycled, it saves 17 trees. Recycling helps save energy and water. Every bit of recycling makes a difference. It reduces the need for mining. A used pop can is recycled and put back in the store in as little as 60 days. Recycling a pop can saves enough energy to make a tv work for about three hours. For each weeks paper to be made, 500,000 trees have to be cut. Belive it or not, but all of the examples I gave above are only the beginning of what recycling can do. The bottom line is, it benefits our economy and our environment. And whatever benefits our economy and our environment, benefits both you and me.

The Expert answers:

I don’t like your essay at all. I’m sure that your teacher will love it as you have successfully regurgitated the recycling propaganda. However, what you fail to point out is that recycled products are usu. More costly to produce. You have only pointed out the two most commonly recycled items. Also, most recycled items cannot be returned to similar products due to contamination in the recycling process. Therefore, what is usu. The case is an overabundance of raw recycled material w/ little market. Finally, the concept that recycling should be mandatory really grates against my libertarian American sensibilities. If something is a good idea, no one need be forced they will do it on their own. Who decides what should and should not be recycled but the same sort of idiots that do not understand something as basic as pH. Oftentimes those making such decisions are often ill-informed and merely exacerbate problems rather than solving them through their meddling.

Carol asks…

Where can I get a degree that will get me a job in trash control and improving recycling?

I want to help the enviroment and I figure trash control and recycling need a lot of improvements. But I am at a loose as to what sort of degree to go to school for. Would it be part of Enviroment Sciences? Also, does anyone know of a college that provides the proper degrees?

The Expert answers:

Get in touch with your local council who normally hire the people for the jobs or find about companies local to you that do recycling, get in touch with human resources department they will be able to tell you what qualifications they would be looking for to hire someone for those kind of positions.

Linda asks…

whats a worse job? recycling plant or fast food/retail?

i have been offered a job today to work at a recycling plant sorting recycled material. apparently its really hot stinky and dusty. the shifts run very long(7 am to 4 30 pm) and the pay is only 9.75 to start. goes to 11.75 after 6 months. i am debating on what would be worse; this job or a job working at some fast food place where the most i can make it 9 an hour, but there is less work plus its closer to home. which job is worse? i know both options suck…

The Expert answers:

Fast food has a future.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

Whose responsibility is it to clean up pollution associated with recycling?

I’m not really sure. I have some of an idea. I was thinking that it would be the recycling places’ job to, but it would mostly be air pollution, so i was curious as to how that would work? Like how can you clean air pollution?

The Expert answers:

The city

Robert asks…

Would anyone want to give me some information for a pro-recycling report via email?

I am doing a persuasive research report and I chose the topic of pro-recycling. I have some books and of course more updated information from the internet, but it would be nice if I could also get some information from either people who know much about the subject or preferably have a job concerning recycling, waste control, etc. etc. Contact me if you would like to.

The Expert answers:

You could contact the environmental agency in DuPage county. They have a website you can reach. Just put in
They have a green bulletin with lots of ideas in it.
It’s a great resource for all kinds of recycling ideas and reasons to do it.

Donna asks…

Recycling creates how many more jobs than land filling? ?

The Expert answers:

Recycling creates more jobs period. Landfills will always be around and we are building more, but it is usually to replace a full one. Recycling creates a whole array of jobs both skilled and unskilled. It also helps slow down the need for more landfills, as urban sprawl continues we are reducing the locations where you can build a landfill. That means we will need to ship garbage further from your home which can only mean cost increases.

Carol asks…

Canada: changes we can make in these issues:foreign aid, global warming, health care, jobs, laws on recycling?

Im doing an assignment and we have to make up our own political party for an M.P…. my group chose the “environmental party”, and I have to “Choose five present issues that are of concern in Canada at this time and explain where your party stands on these issues and how you plan on changing or improving these areas.” I was thinking the issues could be…

-foreign aid
-global warming
-health care
-laws on recycling, pollution and reducing garbage in dump

If anyone has any ideas on how to expand on these, and RELATE THEM TO THE ENVIRONMENT that would be very helpful.
Thank you!

The Expert answers:

1 Place more farming type aid so countries can feed themselves.
2 Reduce the carbon foot print to all Businesses.
3 Make people look out for their fellow humans and use more herbal. Remedies.
4 Encourage small business to employ more people and to build skills.
5 Make it easier to recycle and look at ways to educate people into making it a habit.

Mandy asks…

Is it okay for woman to make an job out of recycling metals?

i love it that i make money and keep the earth clean. but people and asshole in my family disapprove. what do you think? i enjoy keeping the earth clean and it hard work and it dirty but i take an bath when i am done.

The Expert answers:

I’ve found that listening to someone older and more experienced with life is usually the best option. Problem is, by the time I figured out that a twenty year old me didn’t know everything, I was 30. I learned that the 30 year old me was stupid when I was 40. I now know my 40 year old self was pretty stupid too. Trust your family especially your parents. Its a good idea to do something that you like but its a bad idea to just barely have enough money. If you get injured, your done. If you are permanently injured, saying in a job interview that you were unemployed for several years and survived by collecting litter looks terrible. I think there are too many factors here. What will you do in the Winter? What happens if you get injured? What if you have a sudden expense that you can’t pay? You will be earning LESS than minimum wage.

Richard asks…

Is Obama the greatest recycling President seeing that he recycled all the old rhetoric & broken promises?

I knew Obama was into green and recycling, but don’t you think he took it to an extreme in his State of the Union speech?

His recycling check list:

? Blame Bush
? Say inherited mess
? Blame Republicans
? Demonize wealthy
? Promise openness – CSPAN coverage
? Claim jobs created

I know I am missing so many more – but you are free to put in what recycling I missed.

So again I ask – is he the greatest recycling President of all time?

The Expert answers:

Keeping it green….

Nancy asks…

What do you think of my essay on recycling??????

Recycling should be mandatory and not a choice. I believe this because when we recycle, we are doing something good for our environment. By keeping our environment healthy, we’re keeping ourselves healthy. I also believe that people should teach their children to recycle as well. Recycling helps lower the use of paper, glass, and plastic that have to be made. If we recycle, we lower the amount of garbage that is put in landfills. It provides more jobs for our economy. When we recycle, we help to slow down the consumption of natural resources. Also, recycling programs cost less than garbage collection and landfilling. And the more people there are that recycle, the lesser it costs. Recycling helps families save money. It creates 1.1 million U.S. jobs, $236 billion in gross annual sales and $37 billion in annual payrolls. For every one ton of paper recycled, it saves 17 trees. Recycling helps save energy and water. Every bit of recycling makes a difference. It reduces the need for mining. A used pop can is recycled and put back in the store in as little as 60 days. Recycling a pop can saves enough energy to make a tv work for about three hours. For each weeks paper to be made, 500,000 trees have to be cut. Belive it or not, but all of the examples I gave above are only the beginning of what recycling can do. The bottom line is, it benefits our economy and our environment. And whatever benefits our economy and our environment, benefits both you and me.

The Expert answers:

I don’t like your essay at all. I’m sure that your teacher will love it as you have successfully regurgitated the recycling propaganda. However, what you fail to point out is that recycled products are usu. More costly to produce. You have only pointed out the two most commonly recycled items. Also, most recycled items cannot be returned to similar products due to contamination in the recycling process. Therefore, what is usu. The case is an overabundance of raw recycled material w/ little market. Finally, the concept that recycling should be mandatory really grates against my libertarian American sensibilities. If something is a good idea, no one need be forced they will do it on their own. Who decides what should and should not be recycled but the same sort of idiots that do not understand something as basic as pH. Oftentimes those making such decisions are often ill-informed and merely exacerbate problems rather than solving them through their meddling.

George asks…

Where can I get a degree that will get me a job in trash control and improving recycling?

I want to help the enviroment and I figure trash control and recycling need a lot of improvements. But I am at a loose as to what sort of degree to go to school for. Would it be part of Enviroment Sciences? Also, does anyone know of a college that provides the proper degrees?

The Expert answers:

Get in touch with your local council who normally hire the people for the jobs or find about companies local to you that do recycling, get in touch with human resources department they will be able to tell you what qualifications they would be looking for to hire someone for those kind of positions.

Daniel asks…

whats a worse job? recycling plant or fast food/retail?

i have been offered a job today to work at a recycling plant sorting recycled material. apparently its really hot stinky and dusty. the shifts run very long(7 am to 4 30 pm) and the pay is only 9.75 to start. goes to 11.75 after 6 months. i am debating on what would be worse; this job or a job working at some fast food place where the most i can make it 9 an hour, but there is less work plus its closer to home. which job is worse? i know both options suck…

The Expert answers:

Fast food has a future.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

Whose responsibility is it to clean up pollution associated with recycling?

I’m not really sure. I have some of an idea. I was thinking that it would be the recycling places’ job to, but it would mostly be air pollution, so i was curious as to how that would work? Like how can you clean air pollution?

The Expert answers:

The city

Helen asks…

Would anyone want to give me some information for a pro-recycling report via email?

I am doing a persuasive research report and I chose the topic of pro-recycling. I have some books and of course more updated information from the internet, but it would be nice if I could also get some information from either people who know much about the subject or preferably have a job concerning recycling, waste control, etc. etc. Contact me if you would like to.

The Expert answers:

You could contact the environmental agency in DuPage county. They have a website you can reach. Just put in
They have a green bulletin with lots of ideas in it.
It’s a great resource for all kinds of recycling ideas and reasons to do it.

Paul asks…

Recycling creates how many more jobs than land filling? ?

The Expert answers:

Recycling creates more jobs period. Landfills will always be around and we are building more, but it is usually to replace a full one. Recycling creates a whole array of jobs both skilled and unskilled. It also helps slow down the need for more landfills, as urban sprawl continues we are reducing the locations where you can build a landfill. That means we will need to ship garbage further from your home which can only mean cost increases.

Nancy asks…

Canada: changes we can make in these issues:foreign aid, global warming, health care, jobs, laws on recycling?

Im doing an assignment and we have to make up our own political party for an M.P…. my group chose the “environmental party”, and I have to “Choose five present issues that are of concern in Canada at this time and explain where your party stands on these issues and how you plan on changing or improving these areas.” I was thinking the issues could be…

-foreign aid
-global warming
-health care
-laws on recycling, pollution and reducing garbage in dump

If anyone has any ideas on how to expand on these, and RELATE THEM TO THE ENVIRONMENT that would be very helpful.
Thank you!

The Expert answers:

1 Place more farming type aid so countries can feed themselves.
2 Reduce the carbon foot print to all Businesses.
3 Make people look out for their fellow humans and use more herbal. Remedies.
4 Encourage small business to employ more people and to build skills.
5 Make it easier to recycle and look at ways to educate people into making it a habit.

Thomas asks…

Is it okay for woman to make an job out of recycling metals?

i love it that i make money and keep the earth clean. but people and asshole in my family disapprove. what do you think? i enjoy keeping the earth clean and it hard work and it dirty but i take an bath when i am done.

The Expert answers:

I’ve found that listening to someone older and more experienced with life is usually the best option. Problem is, by the time I figured out that a twenty year old me didn’t know everything, I was 30. I learned that the 30 year old me was stupid when I was 40. I now know my 40 year old self was pretty stupid too. Trust your family especially your parents. Its a good idea to do something that you like but its a bad idea to just barely have enough money. If you get injured, your done. If you are permanently injured, saying in a job interview that you were unemployed for several years and survived by collecting litter looks terrible. I think there are too many factors here. What will you do in the Winter? What happens if you get injured? What if you have a sudden expense that you can’t pay? You will be earning LESS than minimum wage.

Steven asks…

Is Obama the greatest recycling President seeing that he recycled all the old rhetoric & broken promises?

I knew Obama was into green and recycling, but don’t you think he took it to an extreme in his State of the Union speech?

His recycling check list:

? Blame Bush
? Say inherited mess
? Blame Republicans
? Demonize wealthy
? Promise openness – CSPAN coverage
? Claim jobs created

I know I am missing so many more – but you are free to put in what recycling I missed.

So again I ask – is he the greatest recycling President of all time?

The Expert answers:

Keeping it green….

Sandy asks…

What do you think of my essay on recycling??????

Recycling should be mandatory and not a choice. I believe this because when we recycle, we are doing something good for our environment. By keeping our environment healthy, we’re keeping ourselves healthy. I also believe that people should teach their children to recycle as well. Recycling helps lower the use of paper, glass, and plastic that have to be made. If we recycle, we lower the amount of garbage that is put in landfills. It provides more jobs for our economy. When we recycle, we help to slow down the consumption of natural resources. Also, recycling programs cost less than garbage collection and landfilling. And the more people there are that recycle, the lesser it costs. Recycling helps families save money. It creates 1.1 million U.S. jobs, $236 billion in gross annual sales and $37 billion in annual payrolls. For every one ton of paper recycled, it saves 17 trees. Recycling helps save energy and water. Every bit of recycling makes a difference. It reduces the need for mining. A used pop can is recycled and put back in the store in as little as 60 days. Recycling a pop can saves enough energy to make a tv work for about three hours. For each weeks paper to be made, 500,000 trees have to be cut. Belive it or not, but all of the examples I gave above are only the beginning of what recycling can do. The bottom line is, it benefits our economy and our environment. And whatever benefits our economy and our environment, benefits both you and me.

The Expert answers:

I don’t like your essay at all. I’m sure that your teacher will love it as you have successfully regurgitated the recycling propaganda. However, what you fail to point out is that recycled products are usu. More costly to produce. You have only pointed out the two most commonly recycled items. Also, most recycled items cannot be returned to similar products due to contamination in the recycling process. Therefore, what is usu. The case is an overabundance of raw recycled material w/ little market. Finally, the concept that recycling should be mandatory really grates against my libertarian American sensibilities. If something is a good idea, no one need be forced they will do it on their own. Who decides what should and should not be recycled but the same sort of idiots that do not understand something as basic as pH. Oftentimes those making such decisions are often ill-informed and merely exacerbate problems rather than solving them through their meddling.

George asks…

Where can I get a degree that will get me a job in trash control and improving recycling?

I want to help the enviroment and I figure trash control and recycling need a lot of improvements. But I am at a loose as to what sort of degree to go to school for. Would it be part of Enviroment Sciences? Also, does anyone know of a college that provides the proper degrees?

The Expert answers:

Get in touch with your local council who normally hire the people for the jobs or find about companies local to you that do recycling, get in touch with human resources department they will be able to tell you what qualifications they would be looking for to hire someone for those kind of positions.

Sharon asks…

whats a worse job? recycling plant or fast food/retail?

i have been offered a job today to work at a recycling plant sorting recycled material. apparently its really hot stinky and dusty. the shifts run very long(7 am to 4 30 pm) and the pay is only 9.75 to start. goes to 11.75 after 6 months. i am debating on what would be worse; this job or a job working at some fast food place where the most i can make it 9 an hour, but there is less work plus its closer to home. which job is worse? i know both options suck…

The Expert answers:

Fast food has a future.

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