Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Nancy asks…

Pet store tale, true or not?

I came across this on an internet forum where people were revealing the ‘nasty unknowns’ of jobs they have had in the past.

“Pet shops only sell 2/3 of their puppies before they get too old, become less desireable and therefore less profitable. So, every quarter when The Puppy Truck arrives with new replacement pups, the older ones are loaded on the truck and returned to the breeders to be “recycled” into feed for something else. If it was widely known that all pet shops who sell puppies participated in this you can imagine the results. Therefore The Puppy Truck is designed to hide what it is. It’s a clean white unmarked semi on the outside but stainless steel wall to wall and floor to ceiling inside with small cages along the walls. No lights inside. The sound of three dozen barking, yowling, crying 8 week old pups in that metal box is beyond description. The drivers arrive at the stores after hours to do the swap. They have keys. No employees are -ever- told when they will come due to the fact they love animals and would likely quit en masse if they knew what was taking place. In fact as a rule they are not told about any of this. They order new pups from a breeders FAX sheet and the pups come and go without warning. Only the owner/manager knows and they don’t talk. ”

Do you buy it?

(P.S. Yahoo suggested I put this in Pets>Fish)
” You would also have to be a WEIRD FREAK to wanna kill animals on purpose” we do kill animals for meat. When we have livestock that is unfit to use for human food (like they are too old to be good meat) we grind them up and use them as protein additives in animal feed.

If someone is so heartless to run a puppymill keeping an adult mother in a small pen constantly churning out fresh puppies to sell, do you really think they’d balk at ‘disposing’ of puppies too old to be sold?

Do you think every puppy in a pet-store is eventually sold? Do you think the puppy store brings their too old puppies to the humane society animal shelters?

There are many products like magazines and newspapers and many fresh vegetables, where they only sell 2/3rds and the rest pass their ‘freshness date’. The companies price the items so the 2/3rds that are sold pay for the 1/3 that expires. Do you think that doesn’t happen for puppies?

The Expert answers:

If it’s true it’s just plain sick. All puppies are beautiful, even when fully grown. It just sends out a horrible message that pet-shops care only about making money, not the animals they sell. How old is too old? Is what I’m left wondering… I hope that isn’t true. Gosh the $hit people do for money, why can’t we all be decent human beings, just for a little while?

I’d like to think every puppy in a pet store is eventually sold ( 82 misspellings? )

Interesting point you make about livestock there…

Sick people these days…

Susan asks…

Parents who can’t control their anger?

I feel like my parents can’t control their anger.

All my life, when my older siblings were children, and since he knew my mother, my dad has been angry and known to have fits of rage. I remember him throwing a chair when I was about three. And he screams, punches walls, breaks things, and generally scares me. Because of that I don’t really like him and have little of a relationship with him. Now that I’m 16 I appericate him for taking care of my family and all that and he’s not as scary anymore.

He gets mad at small things and blows up on them, and when him and my mom are drinking they fight which is what usually leads to him get mad, goes somewhere in the house alone, my mom bothers him, he starts screaming, busting a wall or something, and my mom crying. They’ve been close to getting a divorce.

My mom on the other hand always has to talk loud. Like she gets annoyed with my dad or is proven wrong and she starts almost yelling. In general she talks loud to us when she’s trying to control us and tell us what to do. She gets annoyed with small things. She just emptied the garbage and was outside, than she comes in slamming things, and starts yelling at me how it’s pretty much my fault there are rats in the garage because of the recycling bins we have, and I enforce recyciling, and she starts going on about how I’m sooo lazy despite the fact I take care of the dogs, clean the kitchen, and help her with things more than my brother or father do. My brother doesn’t do anything to help the house out, has no job, my mom use to use the excuse of him having a job so he wouldn’t have to mow the lawn or even put his dishes in the dishwasher.

Like she was fine before she took the garbage out than she comes inside three minutes later yelling at me and having a fit.

I don’t get mad about it anymore. I use to but I don’t want to end up like them so I’ve been working on being less mad and annoyed. I just say things like “Really, you’re going to scream about the garbage” and ask her why she’s yelling at me over something stupid.

I feel like my parents lack communication skills and how to handle things. Like they’re over 40 years old and they always get super annoyed over the stupidest things.

Is there anything I can do? Or any advice or any input on dealing with my parents?

The Expert answers:

My dad is a bit like that…gets overly mad over little things…he like almost explodes, starts swearing at my mom my sister and me and starts doing what hes doing roughly. My whole life i have thought of a way to help him or do somethibg about it and seriously i doubt theres anything you can do..well actually if u think you can convince them of going to some kind of Psycologist that would probably help but reading how ur parents are it might be hard…this is all i have come up with…hope you can find a way to deal with them…the other option is to keep ignoring them like you have until ur older..luck!!!

Chris asks…

What the hell am I supposed to have on a resume?

I have NEVER had a job in my life. I’m 17.
How am I supposed to create a resume? I have nothing to put on it.

I’ve volunteered with a friend at a music venue a couple of times working at the concession stands and cleaning the bathrooms. But that was only like 5 times and it was probably almost 4 years ago. I’ve also volunteered at a library working on the computer doing posting for the libraries blog, but that was so boring, that was only about 2 weeks and I decided to stop going cause I hated it, I was only doing it because I had to get community service hours.

I was in an advanced after school drama class, I have no interest in acting, but I was only there to do the stage design cause It seemed fun, that lasted about 2 weeks but then they cancelled it.

I was also into the green group (focuses on recycling, environment, etc.), I went to one of the meetings, but then I just started not caring.

I also went out one time with some ppl during school to go out and pick up trash around the area.

If I put those things on my resume, (leaving the fact that I just stopped volunteering at the library) would they contact those places?

I go to the gym everyday, I do my online high school classes, I love animals, I’m fluent in spanish, I like being around people of different ethnicities, I enjoy pretty looking things, I like helping around the house. Are those things that would matter?

The Expert answers:

Most places where you apply for work at 17 don’t require a resume. They usually ask you to fill out a job application form that they provide.

You do want to have references to put on the job application form, though. You want to notify your references before you put their names and contact information on anything. That is your real need, references. Let’s see where you might drum some up.

Do you have teachers for your online high school classes? Have your work habits impressed any of your teachers enough that they would recommend you as a good employee?

Is there anyone at the gym who could recommend you based on your daily attendance, as someone who is committed, maybe?

Michael asks…

Am I a conservative ……….. ?

I don’t relate with many conservatives of today and I call myself an Independant Constitutionalist. But after reading a little from conservatism long ago,I seem to relate more with those older cons ESPecialy compared to those of today. Here’s how I feel. I would like to reduce some of the jobs of the government. I beleive that federal authority should override state authority much less than they do. I also want to make it a point to add that history show us that bad things happen when certain groups are given either to much or to unique power. I think Gov should crack down on corporations over certain things to keep down greedy manipulation of the masses. I wont detail all that but other than that and the few examples i will give,i tjink that the people,their state and fre enterpriZe should do the rest.I think we need them for certain things like police,security,border control,military. Given the fact that I also think that those example ls of government power should be less in some and more in other areas. For instance,I think our military presence in the world should be reevaluated. To save money and to recycle some of those forces toward our US Mexican border.

The Expert answers:

Those are all conservative values. The problem with today’s conservative is they have bent for liberal insanity.

Donald asks…

How would you ask, implore, people to please?

please stop being so harsh in their judgments, their treatment of you. To please consider that I am 63 years old, I have been through hades. I deserve kindness, good treatment. I deserve to be treated well, not be treated so
harshly. I beg them to let me get out of my apartment and go shopping without getting into my auto. They are killing me by making me stay in.
I beg them to tell me how I am offending them. I am not driving a gas guzzler. As little as I drive my car, I hurt nothing. besides that, I recycle and am thrifty.
I am poor. I do not have the money to give to charity without doing without.
I have no really close friends here, just some acquaintances. I am not putting those few down. I am grateful for small favors. I cannot buy protection money from a church. I cannot afford to tithe. Right now, I am too ill and in too much pain to go to church. i am not able to work. I am scared to death regarding my health, with good reason. I do not want to die. Please please stop harassing me. Stay out of my apartment. Don’t make personal references vaguely.
Be yourself. I came here to never see those people back there again, and hopefully no one who reminded me of them. Please treat me

I have very few belongings. Most of them were not obtained in the town where I lived before coming here. I am keeping my auto. I bought it when I was
a licensed Professional Capable Competent REgistered Nurse who was
qualified, able and competent to do her job, and did it well. I am sick of the
perfectionists who fall way short. I am sick to death of the self righteous
holier than thou double standards and the straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel.
Where I came from, I was a prisoner., not for real, not deserved. I had committed no crime. Told all I was gay so no man would have any interest in me. I was told where to shop, where to work, where to sit in church, what I could wear, how to wear my hair, what shift to work, etc., etc. I moved. I went where I wanted when I wanted. Of course, I cannot dress the way I want to. I must wear clothes that fit, and I cannot afford new clothes. I cannot. I cannot afford to get my hair done. I will go or not go to church as I please. I am not a church member and have total rejection, for the denomination of which I was previously a member. I will not harm them.
My auto is mine, they did not give me anything, never. I am not, and was not a prostitute. I retain my belief in God and Jesus, but I am not a church member, local or invisible or universal.
took pride in being an RN. I was a good nurse, regardless. You cannot
tell me I was not. I know better I earned my license by hard work and study,
I did not cheat. Stop running me down. Stop attacking my achievements and accomplishments. You know absolutely nothing at all, regardless. State your facts, your source. You don’t know the difference between a medical diagnosis and a nursing diagnosis or what a nursing intervention is. You have no right to stalk, harass, judge or criticize me for that to me unless I can
have a chance to do the same to you.
My children: They were not perfect. No one said they were. Were you treated the way we were. Did you have the abuse, the harassment, the discrimination. Did your Mom get attacked twice due to working?
Did they try to murder your children’s mother for no reason. Could there be a good reason? Did they attack your children’s mother twice? Do they want to be like their mother? Did I do anything to cause these things. No. No more than a rape victim asks to be raped. I did not deserve the diseases you probably gave me here on purpose. I have been treated like a second
class citizen. I have. Don’t say I have not. Yes. I have an apartment.
I have not destroyed it. I have not lied about anything. I lived where I lived outside here, where the cost of living was far less, but wages far far lower
for about twelve years. For about 7 or eight years of that, I lived in a horrible shack which was not fit to live in without running water a lot of the time, wood heat for a good while, no ac or ac that hardly worked at all, no flushing toilett in the winter. I carried water from the spring for a good while. I scrimped and scrimped and scrimped to save money on very little pay and put down payments on my auto and car. I vow that all the money I put down on my auto and home were from cash earnings and not credit card money. I saved at the expense of my teeth, legs, lungs, heart, guts , nervous system. No one had compassion for me. I paid two student loan payments a month, they were not federal. I payed probably thousands of interest on that. I went to a real college, earned a real nursing degree, had a real license and was harassed out of it.
I had to let it go.
Please don’t harass me to death. Please let me live in peace. I am taking no money from your pocket, no job from you. Quite the opposite. I owe no
attorneys here. I

The Expert answers:

Your question just went out of my head after the last word i read.

Thomas asks…

my parents don’t buy me anything?

now, i don’t ask for much – in fact i only need the necessities but even i can’t have those. i need a coat due to cold weather (plus my old coat is 3 years old and worn out – with most of the buttons lost) and when i asked (because there are sales at this time) they said no – yet my mum is going out to buy herself a jumper even though she has way too many clothes/makeup/hair stuff. see, my mom puts her self first because she views it as ‘her money’ even though she has to support me and my siblings and my dad is plain cheap – he will say no to everything just to save money, which i can kinda understand.

my younger brother saves up any money he can get (including lunch) just so he can buy stuff he needs otherwise he won’t get anything – and sometimes my mom even borrows from him. i know my parents are broke at this time, but i help by recycling my stuff and making the most but i feel like i’m treated as if it’s my fault for existing, how my mom always makes me feel guilty for everything – even birthday gifts, when she knows i appreciate them. and last birthday i didn’t even get anything because i didn’t want to be rude.

now before you ask me to get a job, i’ve handed in CVs with no luck so far so i’m going to call them in a couple days and try again so that i can provide for myself.

do you think this is a normal parent and child dynamic? our household is extremely dysfunctional because of my parents and me and my brother have to deal with this all the time.

The Expert answers:

I think your dad is trying to be responsible, maybe not your mom. Some parents put themselves first because it’s their money. I don’t think that that’s right, but it is how it is.

Keep trying to get a job. Once you’re independant, you will feel a lot better. You’ll actually have money for what you want, and it will be your money, and you don’t have to give it to your parents to borrow, etc. Maybe give some to your little brother so he can eat his lunch.

Good luck! And remember – school first. A job is great but school has to be your priority.

Maria asks…

What would you do when blamed for things that are not your fault at work?

I work at a Chamber of Commerce. There are only two people who work here (my boss and I) and there is a Board of Directors. I take care of all the marketing, including post cards, emails, website and brochures. I made a mistake on a postcard I created for a member of our Board of Directors. I wrote the time for a seminar as PM instead of AM. This was a major mistake because the postcards went out in the mail. I could have sworn that my boss told me to write this, but could didn’t have proof so took the blame. Then I found a note in my recycling bin explaining what to write on the postcard and it said PM (with my bosses handwriting). I have to deal with this person on our BOD a great deal. She talks to me like I am a complete moron. This is compounded by the fact that I made an spelling error once before on a postcard (last year). Now I am making a different postcard for her and she claims she sent me all the information for it. I know she did not because I save all my emails and don’t have it. She thinks I did get it and this is again my error (as if I am prone to mistakes). Should I just let it go? At this point is seems a little silly to throw my boss under the bus, but dealing with a person who talks to me like I am dumb is annoying. I am planning on getting a new job soon anyways.
PS. My rant was a little confusing. It is not my boss that talks to me like I am stupid. It is another woman on our Board of Directors I often have to to marketing brochures for her. I take responsiblity for the spelling error last year. Unfortunately now that she thinks I made another error, she thinks I constantly make mistakes (which I don’t).
PS. My rant was a little confusing. It is not my boss that talks to me like I am stupid. It is another woman on our Board of Directors I often have to to marketing brochures for her. I take responsiblity for the spelling error last year. Unfortunately now that she thinks I made another error, she thinks I constantly make mistakes (which I don’t).

The Expert answers:

Honestly, I’d show my boss the “proof” that the information given to me was from them. “Hey, I found the post-it you sent me. You did write PM. Guess next time I should check with you, right?” I wouldn’t continue to allow someone to blame me for something that wasn’t my fault. Of course I’d be as nice as possible when bringing it up but I’d certainly bring it up. The email thing I’d let go since it’s been longer, but I’d definitely bring things up right away like the post-it. Then Of course I’d find another job since it’s just not working out anyway. The whole reason I’d bring up the post-it though is not to prove that I’m right but to be assertive. Don’t let people treat you like a door-mat. Insist they treat you better–and showing them it was their info- is a way to do that.

William asks…

Night Watchman?

A man got a job as a night watchman at a factory. There had been a lot of thefts by the workers on the night shift, and so every morning when the night shift workers passed through his gate it was his job to check their bags and pockets to make sure that nothing was being stolen.

Things were going along very well the first night on the job until a man pushing a wheelbarrow of newspapers came through the gate. Aha, he thought, that man thinks he can cover up what he is stealing with that newspaper. So he removed the paper only to find nothing. Still he felt that the man was acting strangley, so he questioned him about the paper.

“I get a little extra money from newspapers I recycle, so I go into the lunchroom and pick up all the ones people have thrown away.” The guard let him pass, but decided to keep a close eye on him. The next night it was the same, and the night after that. Week after week it went on. The same guy would push the wheelbarrow of newspapers past the guard’s checkpoint. The guard would always check and find nothing.

Then one night, about a year later, the guard reported for work only to find a message had been left for him telling him to report to the supervisor. He walked into the supervisor’s office and before he could say a word, the boss said, “You’re fired!”

“Fired?” he asked in total surprise. “Why? What did I do?”

“It was your job to make sure that no one stole anything from this plant and you have failed. So you’re fired.”

“Wait a minute, what do you mean failed. Nobody ever stole anything from this place while I was on guard.”

“Oh, really,” the boss answered. “Then how do you count for the fact that there are 365 wheelbarrows missing?”

The Expert answers:

HA HA HA HA number one the whol day 1000 out of 10 =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)

Richard asks…

Do You Think Julia Gillard is John Howard in Drag?

Do You Think Julia Gillard is John Howard in Drag?

Further to Julia Gillard is John Howard in Drag may I ask Who wants to see Gillard as pro-Israel and anti-Islam?

A regular reader of this site sent this on, exact source unknown, but certainly speaks for itself.

The ALP and Israel is like a disease that no medicine can cure

Australian unionist Paul Howes loves Israel. He supports its criminality, murder of opponents, defends it from everybody and would ideally like to make love to the Jewish state. He’s also one of the key figures behind the recent coup of Julia Gillard when overthrowing Kevin Rudd.

Welcome to the modern Australian Labor Party, where Israel is a state religion.
His column in yesterday’s Sunday Telegraph is a typical rant that conveniently forgets to mention that one of Australia’s leading Zionist lobbyists, Albert Dadon, is actually an Israeli lobbyist. He wields influence but of course we can’t mention this. Furthermore, Howes doesn’t want to see that there is a profound conflict of influence with the Prime Minister’s partner working for a Zionist lobbyist who is trying to affect government policy towards the Middle East. But of course for some, anything related to the Jewish state is beyond criticism. Fat chance:

It hasn’t taken long for the double standards to emerge, in the week since our first female Prime Minister took office.

While it’s significant that Julia Gillard is our first female PM, what’s really significant is how long it took us to get there.

I’m writing this column in the Sydney CBD, where we have a female Lord Mayor and State member, and female federal MP, a female Premier and a female Governor.

In Canberra, there’s a female Governor General and – at last – a female PM. With the exception of the dual-Lord Mayor/Member for Bligh, all these women are, or were appointed by, Labor.

The Liberal Party, on the other hand, is so bereft of female talent that they’ve recycled Julie Bishop as deputy leader three times for different leaders, despite the fact that she’s not considered competent enough to hold the shadow Treasury portfolio.

But the progressive side of politics has always championed women. In my own role as a union official, we have had female leaders of the Australian Council of Trade Unions since 1996, with the newest president, Ged Kearney, taking office in the past week.

She replaces Sharan Burrow, who has been elected as the head of the global trade union movement.

Yet we’ve already seen double standards being applied to our new PM with significant media coverage of Prime Minister Gillard’s hair, clothes, voice and domestic arrangements.

The Melbourne Age carried a front-page story last week about the employment status of the Prime Minister’s partner, Tim Mathieson.

He works as a salesman for a Melbourne property company, chaired by Albert Dadon, prominent in the local Jewish community.

The article implied that, somehow, because Mr Mathieson works for a company associated with a Jewish community member, this would somehow impact on the PM’s stance on foreign policy, particularly in relation to her views on Israel.

It was one of the crassest examples of shoddy journalism I’ve seen. The implication was, firstly, that because Mr Mathieson is a man and the PM a woman, whatever he thinks about the world or who he works for will impact on what Ms Gillard thinks.

The second implication was that, simply because Mr Mathieson works for a company owned by a prominent Jew, his personal views on policy matters will be skewed by his job.

One Canberra press gallery journalist summed it up best on Twitter when he said: “I can’t ever recall a male politician being the subject of claims his wife’s job would influence his views on the Middle East.”

He was spot on, summing up in one sentence the appalling double standards applied to Prime Minister Gillard in the article. In fact, outrage over the article was so intense that even former Age editor Michael Gawenda labelled it “bizarre”.

Mr Mathieson’s employer, apart from being Jewish, is a well-known jazz musician and was chairman of the Melbourne Jazz Festival.

Following the logic of The Age’s article, one could presume that our nation’s leader will redirect the Government’s arts funding solely towards the Australian jazz industry.

Ludicrous, isn’t it? Just as ludicrous as saying that the PM is going to toe some pro-Israel line simply because of who her partner works for. It’s the type of double standards and sexist reporting that belongs in the past.

Julia Gillard has shown she is her own person. It doesn’t matter what her hair looks like. I don’t think anyone is really interested in how she dresses. It doesn’t matter who her partner works for or what their living arrangements are.

What matters is that she’s the best pe
What matters is that she’s the best person for the job and light years ahead of Tony Abbott when it comes to understanding the needs of ordinary Australians. Yes, she’s different from her predecessors, but just like Kevin Rudd, John Howard, Paul Keating and Bob Hawke, she is her own person.
Any suggestion that her partner’s views, or her hairstyle, has any bearing on how she runs the country is laughable at best, sexist at worst.

Paul Howes is national secretary of the Australian Workers’ Union
For more:

The Expert answers:


Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Maria asks…

Pet store tale, true or not?

I came across this on an internet forum where people were revealing the ‘nasty unknowns’ of jobs they have had in the past.

“Pet shops only sell 2/3 of their puppies before they get too old, become less desireable and therefore less profitable. So, every quarter when The Puppy Truck arrives with new replacement pups, the older ones are loaded on the truck and returned to the breeders to be “recycled” into feed for something else. If it was widely known that all pet shops who sell puppies participated in this you can imagine the results. Therefore The Puppy Truck is designed to hide what it is. It’s a clean white unmarked semi on the outside but stainless steel wall to wall and floor to ceiling inside with small cages along the walls. No lights inside. The sound of three dozen barking, yowling, crying 8 week old pups in that metal box is beyond description. The drivers arrive at the stores after hours to do the swap. They have keys. No employees are -ever- told when they will come due to the fact they love animals and would likely quit en masse if they knew what was taking place. In fact as a rule they are not told about any of this. They order new pups from a breeders FAX sheet and the pups come and go without warning. Only the owner/manager knows and they don’t talk. ”

Do you buy it?

(P.S. Yahoo suggested I put this in Pets>Fish)
” You would also have to be a WEIRD FREAK to wanna kill animals on purpose” we do kill animals for meat. When we have livestock that is unfit to use for human food (like they are too old to be good meat) we grind them up and use them as protein additives in animal feed.

If someone is so heartless to run a puppymill keeping an adult mother in a small pen constantly churning out fresh puppies to sell, do you really think they’d balk at ‘disposing’ of puppies too old to be sold?

Do you think every puppy in a pet-store is eventually sold? Do you think the puppy store brings their too old puppies to the humane society animal shelters?

There are many products like magazines and newspapers and many fresh vegetables, where they only sell 2/3rds and the rest pass their ‘freshness date’. The companies price the items so the 2/3rds that are sold pay for the 1/3 that expires. Do you think that doesn’t happen for puppies?

The Expert answers:

If it’s true it’s just plain sick. All puppies are beautiful, even when fully grown. It just sends out a horrible message that pet-shops care only about making money, not the animals they sell. How old is too old? Is what I’m left wondering… I hope that isn’t true. Gosh the $hit people do for money, why can’t we all be decent human beings, just for a little while?

I’d like to think every puppy in a pet store is eventually sold ( 82 misspellings? )

Interesting point you make about livestock there…

Sick people these days…

Carol asks…

Parents who can’t control their anger?

I feel like my parents can’t control their anger.

All my life, when my older siblings were children, and since he knew my mother, my dad has been angry and known to have fits of rage. I remember him throwing a chair when I was about three. And he screams, punches walls, breaks things, and generally scares me. Because of that I don’t really like him and have little of a relationship with him. Now that I’m 16 I appericate him for taking care of my family and all that and he’s not as scary anymore.

He gets mad at small things and blows up on them, and when him and my mom are drinking they fight which is what usually leads to him get mad, goes somewhere in the house alone, my mom bothers him, he starts screaming, busting a wall or something, and my mom crying. They’ve been close to getting a divorce.

My mom on the other hand always has to talk loud. Like she gets annoyed with my dad or is proven wrong and she starts almost yelling. In general she talks loud to us when she’s trying to control us and tell us what to do. She gets annoyed with small things. She just emptied the garbage and was outside, than she comes in slamming things, and starts yelling at me how it’s pretty much my fault there are rats in the garage because of the recycling bins we have, and I enforce recyciling, and she starts going on about how I’m sooo lazy despite the fact I take care of the dogs, clean the kitchen, and help her with things more than my brother or father do. My brother doesn’t do anything to help the house out, has no job, my mom use to use the excuse of him having a job so he wouldn’t have to mow the lawn or even put his dishes in the dishwasher.

Like she was fine before she took the garbage out than she comes inside three minutes later yelling at me and having a fit.

I don’t get mad about it anymore. I use to but I don’t want to end up like them so I’ve been working on being less mad and annoyed. I just say things like “Really, you’re going to scream about the garbage” and ask her why she’s yelling at me over something stupid.

I feel like my parents lack communication skills and how to handle things. Like they’re over 40 years old and they always get super annoyed over the stupidest things.

Is there anything I can do? Or any advice or any input on dealing with my parents?

The Expert answers:

My dad is a bit like that…gets overly mad over little things…he like almost explodes, starts swearing at my mom my sister and me and starts doing what hes doing roughly. My whole life i have thought of a way to help him or do somethibg about it and seriously i doubt theres anything you can do..well actually if u think you can convince them of going to some kind of Psycologist that would probably help but reading how ur parents are it might be hard…this is all i have come up with…hope you can find a way to deal with them…the other option is to keep ignoring them like you have until ur older..luck!!!

Lisa asks…

What the hell am I supposed to have on a resume?

I have NEVER had a job in my life. I’m 17.
How am I supposed to create a resume? I have nothing to put on it.

I’ve volunteered with a friend at a music venue a couple of times working at the concession stands and cleaning the bathrooms. But that was only like 5 times and it was probably almost 4 years ago. I’ve also volunteered at a library working on the computer doing posting for the libraries blog, but that was so boring, that was only about 2 weeks and I decided to stop going cause I hated it, I was only doing it because I had to get community service hours.

I was in an advanced after school drama class, I have no interest in acting, but I was only there to do the stage design cause It seemed fun, that lasted about 2 weeks but then they cancelled it.

I was also into the green group (focuses on recycling, environment, etc.), I went to one of the meetings, but then I just started not caring.

I also went out one time with some ppl during school to go out and pick up trash around the area.

If I put those things on my resume, (leaving the fact that I just stopped volunteering at the library) would they contact those places?

I go to the gym everyday, I do my online high school classes, I love animals, I’m fluent in spanish, I like being around people of different ethnicities, I enjoy pretty looking things, I like helping around the house. Are those things that would matter?

The Expert answers:

Most places where you apply for work at 17 don’t require a resume. They usually ask you to fill out a job application form that they provide.

You do want to have references to put on the job application form, though. You want to notify your references before you put their names and contact information on anything. That is your real need, references. Let’s see where you might drum some up.

Do you have teachers for your online high school classes? Have your work habits impressed any of your teachers enough that they would recommend you as a good employee?

Is there anyone at the gym who could recommend you based on your daily attendance, as someone who is committed, maybe?

George asks…

Am I a conservative ……….. ?

I don’t relate with many conservatives of today and I call myself an Independant Constitutionalist. But after reading a little from conservatism long ago,I seem to relate more with those older cons ESPecialy compared to those of today. Here’s how I feel. I would like to reduce some of the jobs of the government. I beleive that federal authority should override state authority much less than they do. I also want to make it a point to add that history show us that bad things happen when certain groups are given either to much or to unique power. I think Gov should crack down on corporations over certain things to keep down greedy manipulation of the masses. I wont detail all that but other than that and the few examples i will give,i tjink that the people,their state and fre enterpriZe should do the rest.I think we need them for certain things like police,security,border control,military. Given the fact that I also think that those example ls of government power should be less in some and more in other areas. For instance,I think our military presence in the world should be reevaluated. To save money and to recycle some of those forces toward our US Mexican border.

The Expert answers:

Those are all conservative values. The problem with today’s conservative is they have bent for liberal insanity.

Mandy asks…

How would you ask, implore, people to please?

please stop being so harsh in their judgments, their treatment of you. To please consider that I am 63 years old, I have been through hades. I deserve kindness, good treatment. I deserve to be treated well, not be treated so
harshly. I beg them to let me get out of my apartment and go shopping without getting into my auto. They are killing me by making me stay in.
I beg them to tell me how I am offending them. I am not driving a gas guzzler. As little as I drive my car, I hurt nothing. besides that, I recycle and am thrifty.
I am poor. I do not have the money to give to charity without doing without.
I have no really close friends here, just some acquaintances. I am not putting those few down. I am grateful for small favors. I cannot buy protection money from a church. I cannot afford to tithe. Right now, I am too ill and in too much pain to go to church. i am not able to work. I am scared to death regarding my health, with good reason. I do not want to die. Please please stop harassing me. Stay out of my apartment. Don’t make personal references vaguely.
Be yourself. I came here to never see those people back there again, and hopefully no one who reminded me of them. Please treat me

I have very few belongings. Most of them were not obtained in the town where I lived before coming here. I am keeping my auto. I bought it when I was
a licensed Professional Capable Competent REgistered Nurse who was
qualified, able and competent to do her job, and did it well. I am sick of the
perfectionists who fall way short. I am sick to death of the self righteous
holier than thou double standards and the straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel.
Where I came from, I was a prisoner., not for real, not deserved. I had committed no crime. Told all I was gay so no man would have any interest in me. I was told where to shop, where to work, where to sit in church, what I could wear, how to wear my hair, what shift to work, etc., etc. I moved. I went where I wanted when I wanted. Of course, I cannot dress the way I want to. I must wear clothes that fit, and I cannot afford new clothes. I cannot. I cannot afford to get my hair done. I will go or not go to church as I please. I am not a church member and have total rejection, for the denomination of which I was previously a member. I will not harm them.
My auto is mine, they did not give me anything, never. I am not, and was not a prostitute. I retain my belief in God and Jesus, but I am not a church member, local or invisible or universal.
took pride in being an RN. I was a good nurse, regardless. You cannot
tell me I was not. I know better I earned my license by hard work and study,
I did not cheat. Stop running me down. Stop attacking my achievements and accomplishments. You know absolutely nothing at all, regardless. State your facts, your source. You don’t know the difference between a medical diagnosis and a nursing diagnosis or what a nursing intervention is. You have no right to stalk, harass, judge or criticize me for that to me unless I can
have a chance to do the same to you.
My children: They were not perfect. No one said they were. Were you treated the way we were. Did you have the abuse, the harassment, the discrimination. Did your Mom get attacked twice due to working?
Did they try to murder your children’s mother for no reason. Could there be a good reason? Did they attack your children’s mother twice? Do they want to be like their mother? Did I do anything to cause these things. No. No more than a rape victim asks to be raped. I did not deserve the diseases you probably gave me here on purpose. I have been treated like a second
class citizen. I have. Don’t say I have not. Yes. I have an apartment.
I have not destroyed it. I have not lied about anything. I lived where I lived outside here, where the cost of living was far less, but wages far far lower
for about twelve years. For about 7 or eight years of that, I lived in a horrible shack which was not fit to live in without running water a lot of the time, wood heat for a good while, no ac or ac that hardly worked at all, no flushing toilett in the winter. I carried water from the spring for a good while. I scrimped and scrimped and scrimped to save money on very little pay and put down payments on my auto and car. I vow that all the money I put down on my auto and home were from cash earnings and not credit card money. I saved at the expense of my teeth, legs, lungs, heart, guts , nervous system. No one had compassion for me. I paid two student loan payments a month, they were not federal. I payed probably thousands of interest on that. I went to a real college, earned a real nursing degree, had a real license and was harassed out of it.
I had to let it go.
Please don’t harass me to death. Please let me live in peace. I am taking no money from your pocket, no job from you. Quite the opposite. I owe no
attorneys here. I

The Expert answers:

Your question just went out of my head after the last word i read.

Donald asks…

my parents don’t buy me anything?

now, i don’t ask for much – in fact i only need the necessities but even i can’t have those. i need a coat due to cold weather (plus my old coat is 3 years old and worn out – with most of the buttons lost) and when i asked (because there are sales at this time) they said no – yet my mum is going out to buy herself a jumper even though she has way too many clothes/makeup/hair stuff. see, my mom puts her self first because she views it as ‘her money’ even though she has to support me and my siblings and my dad is plain cheap – he will say no to everything just to save money, which i can kinda understand.

my younger brother saves up any money he can get (including lunch) just so he can buy stuff he needs otherwise he won’t get anything – and sometimes my mom even borrows from him. i know my parents are broke at this time, but i help by recycling my stuff and making the most but i feel like i’m treated as if it’s my fault for existing, how my mom always makes me feel guilty for everything – even birthday gifts, when she knows i appreciate them. and last birthday i didn’t even get anything because i didn’t want to be rude.

now before you ask me to get a job, i’ve handed in CVs with no luck so far so i’m going to call them in a couple days and try again so that i can provide for myself.

do you think this is a normal parent and child dynamic? our household is extremely dysfunctional because of my parents and me and my brother have to deal with this all the time.

The Expert answers:

I think your dad is trying to be responsible, maybe not your mom. Some parents put themselves first because it’s their money. I don’t think that that’s right, but it is how it is.

Keep trying to get a job. Once you’re independant, you will feel a lot better. You’ll actually have money for what you want, and it will be your money, and you don’t have to give it to your parents to borrow, etc. Maybe give some to your little brother so he can eat his lunch.

Good luck! And remember – school first. A job is great but school has to be your priority.

Joseph asks…

What would you do when blamed for things that are not your fault at work?

I work at a Chamber of Commerce. There are only two people who work here (my boss and I) and there is a Board of Directors. I take care of all the marketing, including post cards, emails, website and brochures. I made a mistake on a postcard I created for a member of our Board of Directors. I wrote the time for a seminar as PM instead of AM. This was a major mistake because the postcards went out in the mail. I could have sworn that my boss told me to write this, but could didn’t have proof so took the blame. Then I found a note in my recycling bin explaining what to write on the postcard and it said PM (with my bosses handwriting). I have to deal with this person on our BOD a great deal. She talks to me like I am a complete moron. This is compounded by the fact that I made an spelling error once before on a postcard (last year). Now I am making a different postcard for her and she claims she sent me all the information for it. I know she did not because I save all my emails and don’t have it. She thinks I did get it and this is again my error (as if I am prone to mistakes). Should I just let it go? At this point is seems a little silly to throw my boss under the bus, but dealing with a person who talks to me like I am dumb is annoying. I am planning on getting a new job soon anyways.
PS. My rant was a little confusing. It is not my boss that talks to me like I am stupid. It is another woman on our Board of Directors I often have to to marketing brochures for her. I take responsiblity for the spelling error last year. Unfortunately now that she thinks I made another error, she thinks I constantly make mistakes (which I don’t).
PS. My rant was a little confusing. It is not my boss that talks to me like I am stupid. It is another woman on our Board of Directors I often have to to marketing brochures for her. I take responsiblity for the spelling error last year. Unfortunately now that she thinks I made another error, she thinks I constantly make mistakes (which I don’t).

The Expert answers:

Honestly, I’d show my boss the “proof” that the information given to me was from them. “Hey, I found the post-it you sent me. You did write PM. Guess next time I should check with you, right?” I wouldn’t continue to allow someone to blame me for something that wasn’t my fault. Of course I’d be as nice as possible when bringing it up but I’d certainly bring it up. The email thing I’d let go since it’s been longer, but I’d definitely bring things up right away like the post-it. Then Of course I’d find another job since it’s just not working out anyway. The whole reason I’d bring up the post-it though is not to prove that I’m right but to be assertive. Don’t let people treat you like a door-mat. Insist they treat you better–and showing them it was their info- is a way to do that.

Linda asks…

Night Watchman?

A man got a job as a night watchman at a factory. There had been a lot of thefts by the workers on the night shift, and so every morning when the night shift workers passed through his gate it was his job to check their bags and pockets to make sure that nothing was being stolen.

Things were going along very well the first night on the job until a man pushing a wheelbarrow of newspapers came through the gate. Aha, he thought, that man thinks he can cover up what he is stealing with that newspaper. So he removed the paper only to find nothing. Still he felt that the man was acting strangley, so he questioned him about the paper.

“I get a little extra money from newspapers I recycle, so I go into the lunchroom and pick up all the ones people have thrown away.” The guard let him pass, but decided to keep a close eye on him. The next night it was the same, and the night after that. Week after week it went on. The same guy would push the wheelbarrow of newspapers past the guard’s checkpoint. The guard would always check and find nothing.

Then one night, about a year later, the guard reported for work only to find a message had been left for him telling him to report to the supervisor. He walked into the supervisor’s office and before he could say a word, the boss said, “You’re fired!”

“Fired?” he asked in total surprise. “Why? What did I do?”

“It was your job to make sure that no one stole anything from this plant and you have failed. So you’re fired.”

“Wait a minute, what do you mean failed. Nobody ever stole anything from this place while I was on guard.”

“Oh, really,” the boss answered. “Then how do you count for the fact that there are 365 wheelbarrows missing?”

The Expert answers:

HA HA HA HA number one the whol day 1000 out of 10 =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)

Richard asks…

Do You Think Julia Gillard is John Howard in Drag?

Do You Think Julia Gillard is John Howard in Drag?

Further to Julia Gillard is John Howard in Drag may I ask Who wants to see Gillard as pro-Israel and anti-Islam?

A regular reader of this site sent this on, exact source unknown, but certainly speaks for itself.

The ALP and Israel is like a disease that no medicine can cure

Australian unionist Paul Howes loves Israel. He supports its criminality, murder of opponents, defends it from everybody and would ideally like to make love to the Jewish state. He’s also one of the key figures behind the recent coup of Julia Gillard when overthrowing Kevin Rudd.

Welcome to the modern Australian Labor Party, where Israel is a state religion.
His column in yesterday’s Sunday Telegraph is a typical rant that conveniently forgets to mention that one of Australia’s leading Zionist lobbyists, Albert Dadon, is actually an Israeli lobbyist. He wields influence but of course we can’t mention this. Furthermore, Howes doesn’t want to see that there is a profound conflict of influence with the Prime Minister’s partner working for a Zionist lobbyist who is trying to affect government policy towards the Middle East. But of course for some, anything related to the Jewish state is beyond criticism. Fat chance:

It hasn’t taken long for the double standards to emerge, in the week since our first female Prime Minister took office.

While it’s significant that Julia Gillard is our first female PM, what’s really significant is how long it took us to get there.

I’m writing this column in the Sydney CBD, where we have a female Lord Mayor and State member, and female federal MP, a female Premier and a female Governor.

In Canberra, there’s a female Governor General and – at last – a female PM. With the exception of the dual-Lord Mayor/Member for Bligh, all these women are, or were appointed by, Labor.

The Liberal Party, on the other hand, is so bereft of female talent that they’ve recycled Julie Bishop as deputy leader three times for different leaders, despite the fact that she’s not considered competent enough to hold the shadow Treasury portfolio.

But the progressive side of politics has always championed women. In my own role as a union official, we have had female leaders of the Australian Council of Trade Unions since 1996, with the newest president, Ged Kearney, taking office in the past week.

She replaces Sharan Burrow, who has been elected as the head of the global trade union movement.

Yet we’ve already seen double standards being applied to our new PM with significant media coverage of Prime Minister Gillard’s hair, clothes, voice and domestic arrangements.

The Melbourne Age carried a front-page story last week about the employment status of the Prime Minister’s partner, Tim Mathieson.

He works as a salesman for a Melbourne property company, chaired by Albert Dadon, prominent in the local Jewish community.

The article implied that, somehow, because Mr Mathieson works for a company associated with a Jewish community member, this would somehow impact on the PM’s stance on foreign policy, particularly in relation to her views on Israel.

It was one of the crassest examples of shoddy journalism I’ve seen. The implication was, firstly, that because Mr Mathieson is a man and the PM a woman, whatever he thinks about the world or who he works for will impact on what Ms Gillard thinks.

The second implication was that, simply because Mr Mathieson works for a company owned by a prominent Jew, his personal views on policy matters will be skewed by his job.

One Canberra press gallery journalist summed it up best on Twitter when he said: “I can’t ever recall a male politician being the subject of claims his wife’s job would influence his views on the Middle East.”

He was spot on, summing up in one sentence the appalling double standards applied to Prime Minister Gillard in the article. In fact, outrage over the article was so intense that even former Age editor Michael Gawenda labelled it “bizarre”.

Mr Mathieson’s employer, apart from being Jewish, is a well-known jazz musician and was chairman of the Melbourne Jazz Festival.

Following the logic of The Age’s article, one could presume that our nation’s leader will redirect the Government’s arts funding solely towards the Australian jazz industry.

Ludicrous, isn’t it? Just as ludicrous as saying that the PM is going to toe some pro-Israel line simply because of who her partner works for. It’s the type of double standards and sexist reporting that belongs in the past.

Julia Gillard has shown she is her own person. It doesn’t matter what her hair looks like. I don’t think anyone is really interested in how she dresses. It doesn’t matter who her partner works for or what their living arrangements are.

What matters is that she’s the best pe
What matters is that she’s the best person for the job and light years ahead of Tony Abbott when it comes to understanding the needs of ordinary Australians. Yes, she’s different from her predecessors, but just like Kevin Rudd, John Howard, Paul Keating and Bob Hawke, she is her own person.
Any suggestion that her partner’s views, or her hairstyle, has any bearing on how she runs the country is laughable at best, sexist at worst.

Paul Howes is national secretary of the Australian Workers’ Union
For more:

The Expert answers:


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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

Pet store tale, true or not?

I came across this on an internet forum where people were revealing the ‘nasty unknowns’ of jobs they have had in the past.

“Pet shops only sell 2/3 of their puppies before they get too old, become less desireable and therefore less profitable. So, every quarter when The Puppy Truck arrives with new replacement pups, the older ones are loaded on the truck and returned to the breeders to be “recycled” into feed for something else. If it was widely known that all pet shops who sell puppies participated in this you can imagine the results. Therefore The Puppy Truck is designed to hide what it is. It’s a clean white unmarked semi on the outside but stainless steel wall to wall and floor to ceiling inside with small cages along the walls. No lights inside. The sound of three dozen barking, yowling, crying 8 week old pups in that metal box is beyond description. The drivers arrive at the stores after hours to do the swap. They have keys. No employees are -ever- told when they will come due to the fact they love animals and would likely quit en masse if they knew what was taking place. In fact as a rule they are not told about any of this. They order new pups from a breeders FAX sheet and the pups come and go without warning. Only the owner/manager knows and they don’t talk. ”

Do you buy it?

(P.S. Yahoo suggested I put this in Pets>Fish)
” You would also have to be a WEIRD FREAK to wanna kill animals on purpose” we do kill animals for meat. When we have livestock that is unfit to use for human food (like they are too old to be good meat) we grind them up and use them as protein additives in animal feed.

If someone is so heartless to run a puppymill keeping an adult mother in a small pen constantly churning out fresh puppies to sell, do you really think they’d balk at ‘disposing’ of puppies too old to be sold?

Do you think every puppy in a pet-store is eventually sold? Do you think the puppy store brings their too old puppies to the humane society animal shelters?

There are many products like magazines and newspapers and many fresh vegetables, where they only sell 2/3rds and the rest pass their ‘freshness date’. The companies price the items so the 2/3rds that are sold pay for the 1/3 that expires. Do you think that doesn’t happen for puppies?

The Expert answers:

If it’s true it’s just plain sick. All puppies are beautiful, even when fully grown. It just sends out a horrible message that pet-shops care only about making money, not the animals they sell. How old is too old? Is what I’m left wondering… I hope that isn’t true. Gosh the $hit people do for money, why can’t we all be decent human beings, just for a little while?

I’d like to think every puppy in a pet store is eventually sold ( 82 misspellings? )

Interesting point you make about livestock there…

Sick people these days…

David asks…

Parents who can’t control their anger?

I feel like my parents can’t control their anger.

All my life, when my older siblings were children, and since he knew my mother, my dad has been angry and known to have fits of rage. I remember him throwing a chair when I was about three. And he screams, punches walls, breaks things, and generally scares me. Because of that I don’t really like him and have little of a relationship with him. Now that I’m 16 I appericate him for taking care of my family and all that and he’s not as scary anymore.

He gets mad at small things and blows up on them, and when him and my mom are drinking they fight which is what usually leads to him get mad, goes somewhere in the house alone, my mom bothers him, he starts screaming, busting a wall or something, and my mom crying. They’ve been close to getting a divorce.

My mom on the other hand always has to talk loud. Like she gets annoyed with my dad or is proven wrong and she starts almost yelling. In general she talks loud to us when she’s trying to control us and tell us what to do. She gets annoyed with small things. She just emptied the garbage and was outside, than she comes in slamming things, and starts yelling at me how it’s pretty much my fault there are rats in the garage because of the recycling bins we have, and I enforce recyciling, and she starts going on about how I’m sooo lazy despite the fact I take care of the dogs, clean the kitchen, and help her with things more than my brother or father do. My brother doesn’t do anything to help the house out, has no job, my mom use to use the excuse of him having a job so he wouldn’t have to mow the lawn or even put his dishes in the dishwasher.

Like she was fine before she took the garbage out than she comes inside three minutes later yelling at me and having a fit.

I don’t get mad about it anymore. I use to but I don’t want to end up like them so I’ve been working on being less mad and annoyed. I just say things like “Really, you’re going to scream about the garbage” and ask her why she’s yelling at me over something stupid.

I feel like my parents lack communication skills and how to handle things. Like they’re over 40 years old and they always get super annoyed over the stupidest things.

Is there anything I can do? Or any advice or any input on dealing with my parents?

The Expert answers:

My dad is a bit like that…gets overly mad over little things…he like almost explodes, starts swearing at my mom my sister and me and starts doing what hes doing roughly. My whole life i have thought of a way to help him or do somethibg about it and seriously i doubt theres anything you can do..well actually if u think you can convince them of going to some kind of Psycologist that would probably help but reading how ur parents are it might be hard…this is all i have come up with…hope you can find a way to deal with them…the other option is to keep ignoring them like you have until ur older..luck!!!

Robert asks…

What the hell am I supposed to have on a resume?

I have NEVER had a job in my life. I’m 17.
How am I supposed to create a resume? I have nothing to put on it.

I’ve volunteered with a friend at a music venue a couple of times working at the concession stands and cleaning the bathrooms. But that was only like 5 times and it was probably almost 4 years ago. I’ve also volunteered at a library working on the computer doing posting for the libraries blog, but that was so boring, that was only about 2 weeks and I decided to stop going cause I hated it, I was only doing it because I had to get community service hours.

I was in an advanced after school drama class, I have no interest in acting, but I was only there to do the stage design cause It seemed fun, that lasted about 2 weeks but then they cancelled it.

I was also into the green group (focuses on recycling, environment, etc.), I went to one of the meetings, but then I just started not caring.

I also went out one time with some ppl during school to go out and pick up trash around the area.

If I put those things on my resume, (leaving the fact that I just stopped volunteering at the library) would they contact those places?

I go to the gym everyday, I do my online high school classes, I love animals, I’m fluent in spanish, I like being around people of different ethnicities, I enjoy pretty looking things, I like helping around the house. Are those things that would matter?

The Expert answers:

Most places where you apply for work at 17 don’t require a resume. They usually ask you to fill out a job application form that they provide.

You do want to have references to put on the job application form, though. You want to notify your references before you put their names and contact information on anything. That is your real need, references. Let’s see where you might drum some up.

Do you have teachers for your online high school classes? Have your work habits impressed any of your teachers enough that they would recommend you as a good employee?

Is there anyone at the gym who could recommend you based on your daily attendance, as someone who is committed, maybe?

Laura asks…

Am I a conservative ……….. ?

I don’t relate with many conservatives of today and I call myself an Independant Constitutionalist. But after reading a little from conservatism long ago,I seem to relate more with those older cons ESPecialy compared to those of today. Here’s how I feel. I would like to reduce some of the jobs of the government. I beleive that federal authority should override state authority much less than they do. I also want to make it a point to add that history show us that bad things happen when certain groups are given either to much or to unique power. I think Gov should crack down on corporations over certain things to keep down greedy manipulation of the masses. I wont detail all that but other than that and the few examples i will give,i tjink that the people,their state and fre enterpriZe should do the rest.I think we need them for certain things like police,security,border control,military. Given the fact that I also think that those example ls of government power should be less in some and more in other areas. For instance,I think our military presence in the world should be reevaluated. To save money and to recycle some of those forces toward our US Mexican border.

The Expert answers:

Those are all conservative values. The problem with today’s conservative is they have bent for liberal insanity.

Ruth asks…

How would you ask, implore, people to please?

please stop being so harsh in their judgments, their treatment of you. To please consider that I am 63 years old, I have been through hades. I deserve kindness, good treatment. I deserve to be treated well, not be treated so
harshly. I beg them to let me get out of my apartment and go shopping without getting into my auto. They are killing me by making me stay in.
I beg them to tell me how I am offending them. I am not driving a gas guzzler. As little as I drive my car, I hurt nothing. besides that, I recycle and am thrifty.
I am poor. I do not have the money to give to charity without doing without.
I have no really close friends here, just some acquaintances. I am not putting those few down. I am grateful for small favors. I cannot buy protection money from a church. I cannot afford to tithe. Right now, I am too ill and in too much pain to go to church. i am not able to work. I am scared to death regarding my health, with good reason. I do not want to die. Please please stop harassing me. Stay out of my apartment. Don’t make personal references vaguely.
Be yourself. I came here to never see those people back there again, and hopefully no one who reminded me of them. Please treat me

I have very few belongings. Most of them were not obtained in the town where I lived before coming here. I am keeping my auto. I bought it when I was
a licensed Professional Capable Competent REgistered Nurse who was
qualified, able and competent to do her job, and did it well. I am sick of the
perfectionists who fall way short. I am sick to death of the self righteous
holier than thou double standards and the straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel.
Where I came from, I was a prisoner., not for real, not deserved. I had committed no crime. Told all I was gay so no man would have any interest in me. I was told where to shop, where to work, where to sit in church, what I could wear, how to wear my hair, what shift to work, etc., etc. I moved. I went where I wanted when I wanted. Of course, I cannot dress the way I want to. I must wear clothes that fit, and I cannot afford new clothes. I cannot. I cannot afford to get my hair done. I will go or not go to church as I please. I am not a church member and have total rejection, for the denomination of which I was previously a member. I will not harm them.
My auto is mine, they did not give me anything, never. I am not, and was not a prostitute. I retain my belief in God and Jesus, but I am not a church member, local or invisible or universal.
took pride in being an RN. I was a good nurse, regardless. You cannot
tell me I was not. I know better I earned my license by hard work and study,
I did not cheat. Stop running me down. Stop attacking my achievements and accomplishments. You know absolutely nothing at all, regardless. State your facts, your source. You don’t know the difference between a medical diagnosis and a nursing diagnosis or what a nursing intervention is. You have no right to stalk, harass, judge or criticize me for that to me unless I can
have a chance to do the same to you.
My children: They were not perfect. No one said they were. Were you treated the way we were. Did you have the abuse, the harassment, the discrimination. Did your Mom get attacked twice due to working?
Did they try to murder your children’s mother for no reason. Could there be a good reason? Did they attack your children’s mother twice? Do they want to be like their mother? Did I do anything to cause these things. No. No more than a rape victim asks to be raped. I did not deserve the diseases you probably gave me here on purpose. I have been treated like a second
class citizen. I have. Don’t say I have not. Yes. I have an apartment.
I have not destroyed it. I have not lied about anything. I lived where I lived outside here, where the cost of living was far less, but wages far far lower
for about twelve years. For about 7 or eight years of that, I lived in a horrible shack which was not fit to live in without running water a lot of the time, wood heat for a good while, no ac or ac that hardly worked at all, no flushing toilett in the winter. I carried water from the spring for a good while. I scrimped and scrimped and scrimped to save money on very little pay and put down payments on my auto and car. I vow that all the money I put down on my auto and home were from cash earnings and not credit card money. I saved at the expense of my teeth, legs, lungs, heart, guts , nervous system. No one had compassion for me. I paid two student loan payments a month, they were not federal. I payed probably thousands of interest on that. I went to a real college, earned a real nursing degree, had a real license and was harassed out of it.
I had to let it go.
Please don’t harass me to death. Please let me live in peace. I am taking no money from your pocket, no job from you. Quite the opposite. I owe no
attorneys here. I

The Expert answers:

Your question just went out of my head after the last word i read.

Daniel asks…

my parents don’t buy me anything?

now, i don’t ask for much – in fact i only need the necessities but even i can’t have those. i need a coat due to cold weather (plus my old coat is 3 years old and worn out – with most of the buttons lost) and when i asked (because there are sales at this time) they said no – yet my mum is going out to buy herself a jumper even though she has way too many clothes/makeup/hair stuff. see, my mom puts her self first because she views it as ‘her money’ even though she has to support me and my siblings and my dad is plain cheap – he will say no to everything just to save money, which i can kinda understand.

my younger brother saves up any money he can get (including lunch) just so he can buy stuff he needs otherwise he won’t get anything – and sometimes my mom even borrows from him. i know my parents are broke at this time, but i help by recycling my stuff and making the most but i feel like i’m treated as if it’s my fault for existing, how my mom always makes me feel guilty for everything – even birthday gifts, when she knows i appreciate them. and last birthday i didn’t even get anything because i didn’t want to be rude.

now before you ask me to get a job, i’ve handed in CVs with no luck so far so i’m going to call them in a couple days and try again so that i can provide for myself.

do you think this is a normal parent and child dynamic? our household is extremely dysfunctional because of my parents and me and my brother have to deal with this all the time.

The Expert answers:

I think your dad is trying to be responsible, maybe not your mom. Some parents put themselves first because it’s their money. I don’t think that that’s right, but it is how it is.

Keep trying to get a job. Once you’re independant, you will feel a lot better. You’ll actually have money for what you want, and it will be your money, and you don’t have to give it to your parents to borrow, etc. Maybe give some to your little brother so he can eat his lunch.

Good luck! And remember – school first. A job is great but school has to be your priority.

Richard asks…

What would you do when blamed for things that are not your fault at work?

I work at a Chamber of Commerce. There are only two people who work here (my boss and I) and there is a Board of Directors. I take care of all the marketing, including post cards, emails, website and brochures. I made a mistake on a postcard I created for a member of our Board of Directors. I wrote the time for a seminar as PM instead of AM. This was a major mistake because the postcards went out in the mail. I could have sworn that my boss told me to write this, but could didn’t have proof so took the blame. Then I found a note in my recycling bin explaining what to write on the postcard and it said PM (with my bosses handwriting). I have to deal with this person on our BOD a great deal. She talks to me like I am a complete moron. This is compounded by the fact that I made an spelling error once before on a postcard (last year). Now I am making a different postcard for her and she claims she sent me all the information for it. I know she did not because I save all my emails and don’t have it. She thinks I did get it and this is again my error (as if I am prone to mistakes). Should I just let it go? At this point is seems a little silly to throw my boss under the bus, but dealing with a person who talks to me like I am dumb is annoying. I am planning on getting a new job soon anyways.
PS. My rant was a little confusing. It is not my boss that talks to me like I am stupid. It is another woman on our Board of Directors I often have to to marketing brochures for her. I take responsiblity for the spelling error last year. Unfortunately now that she thinks I made another error, she thinks I constantly make mistakes (which I don’t).
PS. My rant was a little confusing. It is not my boss that talks to me like I am stupid. It is another woman on our Board of Directors I often have to to marketing brochures for her. I take responsiblity for the spelling error last year. Unfortunately now that she thinks I made another error, she thinks I constantly make mistakes (which I don’t).

The Expert answers:

Honestly, I’d show my boss the “proof” that the information given to me was from them. “Hey, I found the post-it you sent me. You did write PM. Guess next time I should check with you, right?” I wouldn’t continue to allow someone to blame me for something that wasn’t my fault. Of course I’d be as nice as possible when bringing it up but I’d certainly bring it up. The email thing I’d let go since it’s been longer, but I’d definitely bring things up right away like the post-it. Then Of course I’d find another job since it’s just not working out anyway. The whole reason I’d bring up the post-it though is not to prove that I’m right but to be assertive. Don’t let people treat you like a door-mat. Insist they treat you better–and showing them it was their info- is a way to do that.

Mary asks…

Night Watchman?

A man got a job as a night watchman at a factory. There had been a lot of thefts by the workers on the night shift, and so every morning when the night shift workers passed through his gate it was his job to check their bags and pockets to make sure that nothing was being stolen.

Things were going along very well the first night on the job until a man pushing a wheelbarrow of newspapers came through the gate. Aha, he thought, that man thinks he can cover up what he is stealing with that newspaper. So he removed the paper only to find nothing. Still he felt that the man was acting strangley, so he questioned him about the paper.

“I get a little extra money from newspapers I recycle, so I go into the lunchroom and pick up all the ones people have thrown away.” The guard let him pass, but decided to keep a close eye on him. The next night it was the same, and the night after that. Week after week it went on. The same guy would push the wheelbarrow of newspapers past the guard’s checkpoint. The guard would always check and find nothing.

Then one night, about a year later, the guard reported for work only to find a message had been left for him telling him to report to the supervisor. He walked into the supervisor’s office and before he could say a word, the boss said, “You’re fired!”

“Fired?” he asked in total surprise. “Why? What did I do?”

“It was your job to make sure that no one stole anything from this plant and you have failed. So you’re fired.”

“Wait a minute, what do you mean failed. Nobody ever stole anything from this place while I was on guard.”

“Oh, really,” the boss answered. “Then how do you count for the fact that there are 365 wheelbarrows missing?”

The Expert answers:

HA HA HA HA number one the whol day 1000 out of 10 =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)

James asks…

Do You Think Julia Gillard is John Howard in Drag?

Do You Think Julia Gillard is John Howard in Drag?

Further to Julia Gillard is John Howard in Drag may I ask Who wants to see Gillard as pro-Israel and anti-Islam?

A regular reader of this site sent this on, exact source unknown, but certainly speaks for itself.

The ALP and Israel is like a disease that no medicine can cure

Australian unionist Paul Howes loves Israel. He supports its criminality, murder of opponents, defends it from everybody and would ideally like to make love to the Jewish state. He’s also one of the key figures behind the recent coup of Julia Gillard when overthrowing Kevin Rudd.

Welcome to the modern Australian Labor Party, where Israel is a state religion.
His column in yesterday’s Sunday Telegraph is a typical rant that conveniently forgets to mention that one of Australia’s leading Zionist lobbyists, Albert Dadon, is actually an Israeli lobbyist. He wields influence but of course we can’t mention this. Furthermore, Howes doesn’t want to see that there is a profound conflict of influence with the Prime Minister’s partner working for a Zionist lobbyist who is trying to affect government policy towards the Middle East. But of course for some, anything related to the Jewish state is beyond criticism. Fat chance:

It hasn’t taken long for the double standards to emerge, in the week since our first female Prime Minister took office.

While it’s significant that Julia Gillard is our first female PM, what’s really significant is how long it took us to get there.

I’m writing this column in the Sydney CBD, where we have a female Lord Mayor and State member, and female federal MP, a female Premier and a female Governor.

In Canberra, there’s a female Governor General and – at last – a female PM. With the exception of the dual-Lord Mayor/Member for Bligh, all these women are, or were appointed by, Labor.

The Liberal Party, on the other hand, is so bereft of female talent that they’ve recycled Julie Bishop as deputy leader three times for different leaders, despite the fact that she’s not considered competent enough to hold the shadow Treasury portfolio.

But the progressive side of politics has always championed women. In my own role as a union official, we have had female leaders of the Australian Council of Trade Unions since 1996, with the newest president, Ged Kearney, taking office in the past week.

She replaces Sharan Burrow, who has been elected as the head of the global trade union movement.

Yet we’ve already seen double standards being applied to our new PM with significant media coverage of Prime Minister Gillard’s hair, clothes, voice and domestic arrangements.

The Melbourne Age carried a front-page story last week about the employment status of the Prime Minister’s partner, Tim Mathieson.

He works as a salesman for a Melbourne property company, chaired by Albert Dadon, prominent in the local Jewish community.

The article implied that, somehow, because Mr Mathieson works for a company associated with a Jewish community member, this would somehow impact on the PM’s stance on foreign policy, particularly in relation to her views on Israel.

It was one of the crassest examples of shoddy journalism I’ve seen. The implication was, firstly, that because Mr Mathieson is a man and the PM a woman, whatever he thinks about the world or who he works for will impact on what Ms Gillard thinks.

The second implication was that, simply because Mr Mathieson works for a company owned by a prominent Jew, his personal views on policy matters will be skewed by his job.

One Canberra press gallery journalist summed it up best on Twitter when he said: “I can’t ever recall a male politician being the subject of claims his wife’s job would influence his views on the Middle East.”

He was spot on, summing up in one sentence the appalling double standards applied to Prime Minister Gillard in the article. In fact, outrage over the article was so intense that even former Age editor Michael Gawenda labelled it “bizarre”.

Mr Mathieson’s employer, apart from being Jewish, is a well-known jazz musician and was chairman of the Melbourne Jazz Festival.

Following the logic of The Age’s article, one could presume that our nation’s leader will redirect the Government’s arts funding solely towards the Australian jazz industry.

Ludicrous, isn’t it? Just as ludicrous as saying that the PM is going to toe some pro-Israel line simply because of who her partner works for. It’s the type of double standards and sexist reporting that belongs in the past.

Julia Gillard has shown she is her own person. It doesn’t matter what her hair looks like. I don’t think anyone is really interested in how she dresses. It doesn’t matter who her partner works for or what their living arrangements are.

What matters is that she’s the best pe
What matters is that she’s the best person for the job and light years ahead of Tony Abbott when it comes to understanding the needs of ordinary Australians. Yes, she’s different from her predecessors, but just like Kevin Rudd, John Howard, Paul Keating and Bob Hawke, she is her own person.
Any suggestion that her partner’s views, or her hairstyle, has any bearing on how she runs the country is laughable at best, sexist at worst.

Paul Howes is national secretary of the Australian Workers’ Union
For more:

The Expert answers:


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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sharon asks…

what are some good ideas to propose in my work place for some “Green” ideas besides recycling, light bulbs ect

I am part of a “green team” at my job. We are looking for different ways to make the work place better for the enviroment. the obvious solutions are recycling bins, energy efficient light bulbs ect. has anyone heard of/proposed or know of some great ideas I can bring up?

The Expert answers:

The Green Life’s list of 10 Ways to Go Green at Work:

I think it was very useful.. Good Luck!

Donald asks…

If there were a massive “green jobs” program, wouldn’t most of the jobs go to red states?

Alcohol production, wind power, solar power and vegetable oil—don’t they all come from red states? The only blue state activity might be aluminum can recycling. So why all the talk about urban “green job communities”?

The Expert answers:

No. Obama spends our money on his supporters…like the United Auto Workers. The ‘green jobs’ will go wherever there are Democrats.

Richard asks…

what kind of small jobs should i do?

im trying to earn money to donate to this project at my church for the poor orphans in india
and i don’t know what kind of small jobs i can do
all i can think of is recycling, babysitting for my aunts, and giving piano lessons to the local kids in my neighborhood…
help plz?

The Expert answers:

Start an errand and odd job service in your neighborhood. Print up flyers and hand them out to your neighbors. If business picks up, hire some of your friends to help you.

Ken asks…

Does anyone have any info on recycled spray insulation that was featured on Mike Rowe’s Dirtiest Jobs?

I saw an episode about insulation spray technician and they were spraying some sort of recycled material that really reduces sound and insulates walls within a house. Any info would be great.

The Expert answers:

Did not see that one but there is one out that is no voc that is made of soy bean . It’s a very tight holding foam

James asks…

Why do people assume that money is wasted on public sector jobs?

Where do you think that money goes? I mean, teachers are paid but they have to live right? They use that money to buy food, homes, cars, energy, etc. It’s not like once you dump money into a public sector job its automatically wasted. Even spending money on things like buildings, the government needs to pay for labour, materials, etc. and it is all recycled through the private sector! I really don’t understand where people are coming from when they say the government “wastes” this money.

The Expert answers:

The government does waste money because of mismanagement. That doesn’t mean all public-sector jobs are “wastes,” just that for every taxpayer dollar that goes in, less than one dollar of value actually comes out.

You can’t convince a reasonable person that government mismanagement and waste produce a net economic gain because the people who hold public-sector jobs spend money in the economy. The people who paid that tax money would have also spent that money in the economy, except there wouldn’t have been waste in a huge bureaucratic system.

Maria asks…

plastics recycling sales job?

I have a friend who started a plastics recycling co a few years ago and seems to be doing well. He’s asking me to join as a salesman.

Is this still a good industry to be involved with?

The Expert answers:

Since he has been in business a few years it sounds like a good opportunity.
The company is established and should have a credible reputation.
The industry as a whole is gaining more of the public’s attention.
People concerned with the environment are opting for rapidly renewable or recycled resources.
Recycled plastic is being sought as a green building material for LEED rated buildings,

Daniel asks…

Overseas contractor jobs for unexperienced 18 year olds?

Im 18 with no real experience. i got hurt in basic training and opted out instead of recycling. Uncle Sam is giving me a run around getting back in and being an assistant manager at a food service place is getting me nowhere in life. so i was looking into contractor jobs overseas.
Is there any companies that hire without experience, including jobs in conflict zones. Security and driving jobs are what interest me but im open to alot. Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

Garbage Collector…………apply………………

Thomas asks…

Questions about recycling?

1.How does recycling save money?
2.How does recycling save our natural resources?
3.How does recycling create jobs?

Thanks guys,

The Expert answers:

1. Because recycling is less energy intensive than mining and refining. For example it takes 90% less energy to recycle aluminium cans instead of mining for them again.
2. Because said natural resources will run out at some point, and recycling just turns junk into useful stuff again.
3. It creates jobs and takes away jobs at the same time. You create jobs at recycling plants, collection centers, etc. But you take away jobs from the mining and refining industry (which is kind of a good thing considering how unsafe mining is).

Joseph asks…

need to raise money for recycling business in return I will pay for colleg for 5 each year?

trying to raise money for recycling business I have buyer & access to recycleable material and can profit about $10.000.000 to $15.000.000 a year & about ten new job will oper up. try the bank but no help.

The Expert answers:

So what was the question?

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

How to separate different compounds?

I just have a question if anybody could figure out for me that would be great! It’s a project for school, I’ve got it about halfway done, but I need some others help for the rest, so here it is!

There is a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be separated. Unfortunatley, the job has been made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground down all of the materials to a fine powder, making it impossible to seperate by hand. Fortunatley, it is known what materials were in the truck:

Aluminum soda cans, Density: 2.7 g/cm^3
Steel Cans, Density: 5.7 g/cm^3
Milk Jugs, Density: 0.95 g/cm^3
Soda Bottles, Density: 1.4 g/cm^3

In the factory, which is where you’ll sepearate the meterials, you have these materials at your disposal:

1. A long conveyor belt
2. A large tank that can be filled with water
3. Another large tank ladeled “Concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5 g/cm^3”
4. Several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyor belt.
5. Several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping materials from the bottom.


How can I sepearte the above compounds only using them 5 equiptment. You can use one more than once, so for example, conveyor belt, water, then conveyor belt agian.

To get the Aluminum and steel sepearted I thought of using the magents to sepearte the metals from non-metals. Then dump the Milk Jugs and Soda Bottles in the tank of water, because water has a density of 1, so the milk jugs will float, so then you can separate that.

Any other ideas would be great, thank you!!

The Expert answers:

First put them in the water, this gets all the milk jugs out
Then Used the sugar water you can get all the soda bottle out.
USE the conveyor belt and manets this should get all the steel cans out
then the al cans would be left on the belt

Sandra asks…

Am I being ripped off here ????

My council does not collect plastic or cardboard in the recycling. Instead we are told we have to take it to the local recycling centre (NOTE – we are not getting any reduction in our council tax for the fact we are having to do this ourselves.)

I then jump in my car and go to the recycle centre (NOTE – this is an EXTRA car trip that I would not have normally made AND I am of course am having to pay for the petrol)

I then drop these items off at the recycle centre and go home (Note – they then take the plastic / card to a depot, where it is my understanding that THEY get money for every ton they bring – they do not of course pay anything back to me)

So, am I being totally ripped off here ? Why am I having to do the job of others and paying for the privilage ?
I can & do put it in the bin for normal collection BUT with two weekly collections the bin fills up really fast and they only take what’s in the bin.
I did e-mail the council about this but – no response. As for ‘get a group together & complain’ well people have (I understand) but they do not do anything about it – apart from saying ‘Well the pick ups are going well – people do use the recycle centre which is also proof its working !!!!’

The Expert answers:

The money they get for the plastic and cardboard isn’t much at all. If it were £10 per tonne, and you contributed 2 kg, that’d be 2p you’ve contributed. A tonne of plastic bottles is one helluva lot of bottles.

Do it for the sake of the planet, not your wallet.

Better still, petition the council into starting a recycling collection service.

Joseph asks…

can someone help me with my chemistry homework?

ok look, ill admit it, im not good in science and i really need help. i need to frigure out this problem, can you all help? ok so here it is

An offical from the city of westminster, mr.smith tells you that they hve a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be seperated, and htye will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. unforunately the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all the material into fine powder, making it impossible to seperate them by hand. fortunately mr.smith knows what the materials in the truck are, as well as thier densities

Material Density (g/cm^3)
aluminum soda cans 2.7
steel cans 5.7
milk jugs 0.95
soda bottles 1.4

in your factory you have the following materials at your disposal:
-a long conveyor belt
-a large tank that can be filled with water (1g/ml)
-another large tank labeled “concentrated sugar water, density=1.5g/cm^3”
-several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyor belt
-several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material from the bottom

Find a way to separate the four recycled materials. you may need to do this in several steps

please help me, i don’t even know where to start, let alone figure out several steps. my parents couldn’t help me and now you all are my last resort, please help.

The Expert answers:

First, put the powder in the water tank. The water will let the milk jugs float to the top. Skim this off. Next, put the powder in the sugar tank to allow the soda bottles to float to the top. Now all you have to do is use the large magnets to bring the steel out of the powder leaving the aluminum remaining.

Steven asks…

will i get rehired or even paid?

I got hired at a rubber recycling plant today, i’m to start Nov 17/08. My concern is after I was offered the job I am now told I will be starting training but expect to be laid off after two weeks. The company told me I will be working until December, then off for up to a whole month!. I was told to budget well and if I have a p/t job or anything to hold onto it. They also said they will rehire us for Jan/09. I’m just nervous about this, because I really need a job my money is running out. Whats also strange is upon hire they did not even ask for my SIN card or info. They did give me an employment offer in writing though, but I am to sign it and return it if i accept the position. I just walked out after he congratulated me and handed me the letter of offer of employment, he did not ask me to sign it there and give it to him. And since they did not take my sin?. I am starting Nov/17/08 night shift, is it best to phone during the day before i start to mention the fact that they dont even have my SIN card or any info?, and the letter signed and returned. They just said I have the job and that’s it. I also worry because they hired at least 8 of us and the company seemed to have hardly any employees i noticed. Also I noticed online some pictures of the company i am going to work for that were taken Nov 2nd, the place was abandoned. Is it possible this company is not doing well and they just fired and now hired us and will lay uf off and either not rehire us or even worse not pay us after they use us for two weeks then let us go till jan/09. I asked if it was gauranteed that i will be rehired for Jan/09, the boss said yes, as long as I work out of course. Is it worth risking taking this job?, please help. I only have enough cash for Dec rent and a little left over. Is it best maybe to work temp agencies instead of accept this job offer?, it makes me nervous because how do i know they will rehire me, also they didnt take my sin card or info. This company is very big though. But if it is closing down they can just use us and not pay or rehire, correct?.
I have talked to many people who think the company is in the process of closing. they legally do not have to pay us if they go bankrupt. they have already hired me there is no possibility of filling out more paper work before i start my shift on nights, they havent even taken any sin card info etc. the company changed there name recently as well. they are recruiting many people only to hire and say in 2 weeks we will lay you off then rehire. but they dont even have our sin card etc how do they know we are even legally able to work in canada. the company was empty not alot of workers, also they were abandoned and not in operation on nov 2/08. i think they probably laid off many workers and they hired us at lower wages to finish off the remaining two weeks of work they have left. then they dont have to pay us, they dont even have our banking info or sin card info as they claimed they were going to process when they hired us, they didn’t. i feel i will be paid at the end
i feel i wont be paid at the end is what i meant. they are just probably using us. 30% of the rubber is from the automotive industry and they are also not doing well. they also claimed they did almost close recently but they found a buyer. the fact that they didnt care to take any oid or info just a resume, and not have us sign and return the employment offer letter is sketchy to me. the company looks like it will close also. and i dont believe the risk is worth it to not get paid or possibly not get hired. the place is also a bad work environment and with health hazards. i worry with the economy this company is going down and just using us to finish helping them close. when i start on a weekday i wont get to fill any paper work on my night shift. i will just have to start work. i will not work if they dont have my sin card or my banking info, etc. this is not proper. its before xmas i don’t have alot of money, only decembers rent and a couple hundred!. I might consider temp agencies.

The Expert answers:

If you need the money tell your employer to pay you on a daily basis. I mean after work get the pay / money. If they don’t want just leave it and find another job or you can ask a legal advice from the ministry of labour to know whether the company is registered.

Paul asks…

Science homework help…?

Ok here’s what it says:
An official from the city of Westminster, Mr. smith, tells you that they ahve a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be separated, and they will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. Unfortunately, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all of the materials into a fine powder, making it impossible to separate by hand.

The items you have are:
*A long conveyor belt
*a large tank that can be filled with water
*Another large tank labeled “concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5g/cm3”
*Several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyer belt
*several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material form the bottoms.

So i kinda have an idea on how to do it, but i could use some more ideas on how you would do this. I’m sopose to writer a letter, but well i’ll do that so you guys wont have to. I just need some ideas pretty much and i’m done.

The first best answer gets 10 pts.
Also the recyclables are:
Aluminum soda cans, 2.7 density
steel cans, 5.7 density
milk jugs, 0.95 density
Soda bottles, 1.4 density

The Expert answers:

So the obvious but :-

a) do the magnetic separation whilst everything is dry. The magnets can be used over the conveyor or at the end as the material is falling.
B) use the plane water before the sugar water rather than the sugar first so you don’t contaminate the plane water (the scooped material from the plane water tank goes into the sugar water tank).

Draw a diagram to accompany letter showing the process in a flow chart form, teachers love it! The flow chart should show what material you should get out at each step ie steel cans with magnets, milk jugs as float on plane water, soda water as float on sugar water and aluminium as sink in sugar water.


Chris asks…

i need help?

suppose that u r the new owner of the Owl Recyling Factory and you are looking for Business.

An Offical from the city of Westminster,Mr.S, tells you that the have a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be seperated and they will pay you $5000 if you can do it. Un fortunately, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all the materials into a fine powder making is impossible to seperate by hand.
Fortunatley Mrs. S knows the materials in truck and their densities

Marerials – Density (g/cm^3)
Aluminum soda cans- 2.7
Stell cans – 5.7
milk jugs – .95
soda bottles- 1.4

in ur factory u have :
-a long conveyor belt
-a large truck filled with water
-a truck labeled “concentrated sugar water density- 1.5 g/cm^3”
-several power magnets hanging above the conveyor belt
-several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material from the bottoms

The Expert answers:

I would run this powdered mess down the conveyor belt with the magnets over head. This will separate out the steel cans leaving the aluminun cans, soda bottles and milk jugs on the conveyor.

I would then have the conveyor dump all of this into the sugar water. The aluminum cans would sink and the milk jugs and soda bottles would float.

I would next skim off the floating milk jugs and soda bottles and place them in the truck full of water. The soda bottles would sink because their density is greater than the density of water (density water =1.0 grams/cm^3) the milk jugs would floa and i would skim them off with a net.

Michael asks…

lazy co worker, should i worry he overheard me complaining?

i work @ starbucks, different shifts. i closed today. the job of the afternoon precloser is to sweep/mop/sanitze and date everything…or basically, prepare for close. This semi new person preclosed today, and yet once again, didnt do half of anything it seemed. I would understand if he were brand new, or if he was very busy, or if this was a first. but this is the way it always is. He didnt mop or sweep..nothing had dates, stuff was totally out. and dirty.

And the great part about it is…when i get there and i start 2 clean up so i dont have 2 do everything right before close, he goes out and talks with his girlfriends in the lobby. i’m mad cuz when i preclose i mop, sweep, sometimes more than once, date sanitize everything 2 help the closer because they already got a lot of stuf to do.

i hope he dint hear me…but i was complaining to the supervisor while he was talking in the lobby. i dont wana hurt his feelings but this is not the first time and i feel its unfair that he gets great hours and does a half a*s*s job, and also whenever he works i still must guide him through every drink he makes (hes worked here over a month and doesnt know how to make a lotta stuff)…so why does he get so many hours..? I just dont understand this. he got 30 hours last week, thats more than most supervisors get. come on! he doesnt even know how to make most the drinks!

also he was filling up some of the lobby milk pitchers and kept throwing the empty milk cartons in the trash, so i nicely said, just throw them in the recycling can (not only good for the environment, but i dont want to have to take out the regular trash again because its full of cartons). i dont know if he heard me, but one minute later he literally threw another milk carton into the regular trash, when the recycling is within equal distance. huh? ignorant.

again i hope he didnt hear me. i dont want any issues at work, i usually dont talk bad about people. but would you feel that this is a bit unjust..? what should i do if he did in fact hear me complaining, and problems arise from that?

The Expert answers:

While I can understand you don’t want issues at work, he doesn’t care about what he’s putting you through with the extra work that you have to do when he won’t do his part. You need to complain, and your supervisor needs to have a talk with him. So what he heard you! He knows he’s doing wrong but just doesn’t care. As long as you keep quiet, he’s going to keep walking all over you. Next time you complain, make sure he can hear you.

David asks…

do u feel like you have 2 work double for a lazy co worker. and yet they often get better hours?

i work @ starbucks, different shifts. i closed today. the job of the afternoon precloser is to sweep/mop/sanitze and date everything…or basically, prepare for close. This semi new person preclosed today, and yet once again, didnt do half of anything it seemed. I would understand if he were brand new, or if he was very busy, or if this was a first. but this is the way it always is. He didnt mop or sweep..nothing had dates, stuff was totally out. and dirty. but when i come in, he gves a lazy hand gesture and tells me “yeah i did everything except the blenders”.. uhm does he know hes supposed to mop the floors?

And the great part about it is…when i get there and i start 2 clean up so i dont have 2 do everything right before close, he goes out and talks with his girlfriends in the lobby. i’m mad cuz when i preclose i mop, sweep, sometimes more than once, date sanitize everything 2 help the closer because they already got a lot of stuf to do.

i hope he dint hear me…but i was complaining to the supervisor while he was talking in the lobby. i dont wana hurt his feelings but this is not the first time and i feel its unfair that he gets great hours and does a half a*s*s job, and also whenever he works i still must guide him through every drink he makes (hes worked here over a month and doesnt know how to make a lotta stuff)…so why does he get so many hours..? I just dont understand this. he got 30 hours last week, thats more than most supervisors get. come on! he doesnt even know how to make most the drinks!

also he was filling up some of the lobby milk pitchers and kept throwing the empty milk cartons in the trash, so i nicely said, just throw them in the recycling can (not only good for the environment, but i dont want to have to take out the regular trash again because its full of cartons). i dont know if he heard me, but one minute later he literally threw another milk carton into the regular trash, when the recycling is within equal distance. huh? ignorant.

again i hope he didnt hear me. i dont want any issues at work, i usually dont talk bad about people. but would you feel that this is a bit unjust..? what should i do if he did in fact hear me complaining, and problems arise from that?

The Expert answers:

Good for you for speaking up about this clown to your supervisor! And if he heard you, so what? It sounds like he doesn’t take this job seriously enough to care. Yes it is unjust that you have to do so much more work because he just doesn’t give a damn. It’s difficult to say what you should do if problems arise because, so far, nothings happened. When you start having problems tell us about it.

Betty asks…

how to trust in harold camping and scientology after it let me down?

yes i was at work and fell off a moving car, not my falt, rolled off a moving ford toros while it were doing 50mph down a bumpy dirt road and i had to clamb out the sunroof unto the back bumper to try to tighten some bolts on the muffler to keep it from rattlin like a snake in a clothes hamper, hit a log and fell off onto my head. my wifes boyfriends scientology church and now they need a lot of money, i dont got a lot and only got a little left over from a lawsuit i had from gettin a bad injury at the hospital cause they thought i was an animal and tried to spay me. I AM TORN BETEWEEN HAROLDS CAMPINGS AND BUYING RICERONI AND PORNO i dont have the funds for booth, hopefully my brian leak will heal on its own accord i have been pooring honey into my head like a faucet.

i also joined my wifes boyfriends scientology church and they need a lot of cash A LOT

there has been a bad flow of egg yolk coming out of my head and leaking across my facial and it is seriously hampering my chances at getting a new job, its a brain leak. unfortunately. the egg yolk is also pooling up around the house and making a bad smell for me. i no longre have a health insurance because i was fired for this wreck and all, boss said it was because i was a bad employee and showed up drunked on nyquil and listerine all day everyday, but i know for a fact that BUCKET HEAD BADGER BABY only fired me cause I WRECKED THE FACKIN FORD TOROS! he is a liar and a jewish man.

anyways i am no longer workign at jiffy loob, and i was thrown out of my job and even tho i have a brain leak he is leaving me on the streets, my wife is also sleeping with a scientologost and the two of them are in my bed while i have been emancipated into the fackin garage onto a dog bed. dont even got tv out here, dont got juge judy and dont got a tolot for the doodoo batter only gots a jar to peepee into. dont even got maury only i do have the internet for the pornos.

anyways i have been puttin honey onto my brain leak all day to fight the infections and demons, out here the shadows are lengthening and i am getting frightened at night, i see the ghosts around me and i am willing to fight my neybor, he has already challenged me AND I DID NOT BACK DOWN AND I WAS DRUNNK ON FACKIN NYQUIL AND TEQUILA AND I THREW HIM INTO A FIREPLACE AND TRIED TTO LITE IT UP ON THAT MATHERFACKER, KICKED HIM SO HARD HE HAS TO WAER A NECK BRACE AND I DID IT BECAUSE HE IS A MATHERFACKER AND A LIAR AND HE CALLED THE POLICE ON ME FOR LEAVIN NYQUIL BOTTALS ALL OVER HIS YARD, I CALLED THE POLICE ON HIM FOR KILLIN HIS DELF AND THREW HIM HEAD FIRST into his swimmin pool, obama is not givin me a job and i already sent numerous emails to harold camping, kanye, and obama to tell them my plight, no response, notuin in the box except notices from the library tellin me they are going to kill me for not returning a movie called dances with wolves and also a tigger movie, never watched them cause i accidentaly sent them in the recycling,

anyways i ranup into my neybors house wile he were eating wwith his family and grabbed him by the head and drugged him out onto his porch and rolled that DUCK HEAD down his staircase like a bowlin ball, and why did i do this? he called the police on me for fighting my wifes boyfriend with a knife in the front yard and drawing blood because he had pepperspray and i was using my neybors trashcan as a shield and jabbin at his belly with my knife as i got sprayred in the face until i was pukin and he stuck me with a blade.

also got called by the police because i fought my dog in the front yard, dont get up in arms over it tho animal cops already came and filmed it and beat me up and filmed that and then gave me 500 bucks to sign a waiver to be on animal coips

anyways my naeyber is a baby, harold camping already tooke 50,000 from me, all my saving, and now he weants more, i dont know how to accomidate everyone, i am sick of being the good guy, the scape goat, and a drunk.

only answer if you have been in this exact situatuiion

The Expert answers:

LOL. Thanks for the amusing story!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Jenny asks…

How to separate different compounds?

I just have a question if anybody could figure out for me that would be great! It’s a project for school, I’ve got it about halfway done, but I need some others help for the rest, so here it is!

There is a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be separated. Unfortunatley, the job has been made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground down all of the materials to a fine powder, making it impossible to seperate by hand. Fortunatley, it is known what materials were in the truck:

Aluminum soda cans, Density: 2.7 g/cm^3
Steel Cans, Density: 5.7 g/cm^3
Milk Jugs, Density: 0.95 g/cm^3
Soda Bottles, Density: 1.4 g/cm^3

In the factory, which is where you’ll sepearate the meterials, you have these materials at your disposal:

1. A long conveyor belt
2. A large tank that can be filled with water
3. Another large tank ladeled “Concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5 g/cm^3”
4. Several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyor belt.
5. Several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping materials from the bottom.


How can I sepearte the above compounds only using them 5 equiptment. You can use one more than once, so for example, conveyor belt, water, then conveyor belt agian.

To get the Aluminum and steel sepearted I thought of using the magents to sepearte the metals from non-metals. Then dump the Milk Jugs and Soda Bottles in the tank of water, because water has a density of 1, so the milk jugs will float, so then you can separate that.

Any other ideas would be great, thank you!!

The Expert answers:

First put them in the water, this gets all the milk jugs out
Then Used the sugar water you can get all the soda bottle out.
USE the conveyor belt and manets this should get all the steel cans out
then the al cans would be left on the belt

Ken asks…

Am I being ripped off here ????

My council does not collect plastic or cardboard in the recycling. Instead we are told we have to take it to the local recycling centre (NOTE – we are not getting any reduction in our council tax for the fact we are having to do this ourselves.)

I then jump in my car and go to the recycle centre (NOTE – this is an EXTRA car trip that I would not have normally made AND I am of course am having to pay for the petrol)

I then drop these items off at the recycle centre and go home (Note – they then take the plastic / card to a depot, where it is my understanding that THEY get money for every ton they bring – they do not of course pay anything back to me)

So, am I being totally ripped off here ? Why am I having to do the job of others and paying for the privilage ?
I can & do put it in the bin for normal collection BUT with two weekly collections the bin fills up really fast and they only take what’s in the bin.
I did e-mail the council about this but – no response. As for ‘get a group together & complain’ well people have (I understand) but they do not do anything about it – apart from saying ‘Well the pick ups are going well – people do use the recycle centre which is also proof its working !!!!’

The Expert answers:

The money they get for the plastic and cardboard isn’t much at all. If it were £10 per tonne, and you contributed 2 kg, that’d be 2p you’ve contributed. A tonne of plastic bottles is one helluva lot of bottles.

Do it for the sake of the planet, not your wallet.

Better still, petition the council into starting a recycling collection service.

Mandy asks…

can someone help me with my chemistry homework?

ok look, ill admit it, im not good in science and i really need help. i need to frigure out this problem, can you all help? ok so here it is

An offical from the city of westminster, mr.smith tells you that they hve a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be seperated, and htye will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. unforunately the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all the material into fine powder, making it impossible to seperate them by hand. fortunately mr.smith knows what the materials in the truck are, as well as thier densities

Material Density (g/cm^3)
aluminum soda cans 2.7
steel cans 5.7
milk jugs 0.95
soda bottles 1.4

in your factory you have the following materials at your disposal:
-a long conveyor belt
-a large tank that can be filled with water (1g/ml)
-another large tank labeled “concentrated sugar water, density=1.5g/cm^3”
-several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyor belt
-several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material from the bottom

Find a way to separate the four recycled materials. you may need to do this in several steps

please help me, i don’t even know where to start, let alone figure out several steps. my parents couldn’t help me and now you all are my last resort, please help.

The Expert answers:

First, put the powder in the water tank. The water will let the milk jugs float to the top. Skim this off. Next, put the powder in the sugar tank to allow the soda bottles to float to the top. Now all you have to do is use the large magnets to bring the steel out of the powder leaving the aluminum remaining.

Helen asks…

will i get rehired or even paid?

I got hired at a rubber recycling plant today, i’m to start Nov 17/08. My concern is after I was offered the job I am now told I will be starting training but expect to be laid off after two weeks. The company told me I will be working until December, then off for up to a whole month!. I was told to budget well and if I have a p/t job or anything to hold onto it. They also said they will rehire us for Jan/09. I’m just nervous about this, because I really need a job my money is running out. Whats also strange is upon hire they did not even ask for my SIN card or info. They did give me an employment offer in writing though, but I am to sign it and return it if i accept the position. I just walked out after he congratulated me and handed me the letter of offer of employment, he did not ask me to sign it there and give it to him. And since they did not take my sin?. I am starting Nov/17/08 night shift, is it best to phone during the day before i start to mention the fact that they dont even have my SIN card or any info?, and the letter signed and returned. They just said I have the job and that’s it. I also worry because they hired at least 8 of us and the company seemed to have hardly any employees i noticed. Also I noticed online some pictures of the company i am going to work for that were taken Nov 2nd, the place was abandoned. Is it possible this company is not doing well and they just fired and now hired us and will lay uf off and either not rehire us or even worse not pay us after they use us for two weeks then let us go till jan/09. I asked if it was gauranteed that i will be rehired for Jan/09, the boss said yes, as long as I work out of course. Is it worth risking taking this job?, please help. I only have enough cash for Dec rent and a little left over. Is it best maybe to work temp agencies instead of accept this job offer?, it makes me nervous because how do i know they will rehire me, also they didnt take my sin card or info. This company is very big though. But if it is closing down they can just use us and not pay or rehire, correct?.
I have talked to many people who think the company is in the process of closing. they legally do not have to pay us if they go bankrupt. they have already hired me there is no possibility of filling out more paper work before i start my shift on nights, they havent even taken any sin card info etc. the company changed there name recently as well. they are recruiting many people only to hire and say in 2 weeks we will lay you off then rehire. but they dont even have our sin card etc how do they know we are even legally able to work in canada. the company was empty not alot of workers, also they were abandoned and not in operation on nov 2/08. i think they probably laid off many workers and they hired us at lower wages to finish off the remaining two weeks of work they have left. then they dont have to pay us, they dont even have our banking info or sin card info as they claimed they were going to process when they hired us, they didn’t. i feel i will be paid at the end
i feel i wont be paid at the end is what i meant. they are just probably using us. 30% of the rubber is from the automotive industry and they are also not doing well. they also claimed they did almost close recently but they found a buyer. the fact that they didnt care to take any oid or info just a resume, and not have us sign and return the employment offer letter is sketchy to me. the company looks like it will close also. and i dont believe the risk is worth it to not get paid or possibly not get hired. the place is also a bad work environment and with health hazards. i worry with the economy this company is going down and just using us to finish helping them close. when i start on a weekday i wont get to fill any paper work on my night shift. i will just have to start work. i will not work if they dont have my sin card or my banking info, etc. this is not proper. its before xmas i don’t have alot of money, only decembers rent and a couple hundred!. I might consider temp agencies.

The Expert answers:

If you need the money tell your employer to pay you on a daily basis. I mean after work get the pay / money. If they don’t want just leave it and find another job or you can ask a legal advice from the ministry of labour to know whether the company is registered.

Sharon asks…

Science homework help…?

Ok here’s what it says:
An official from the city of Westminster, Mr. smith, tells you that they ahve a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be separated, and they will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. Unfortunately, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all of the materials into a fine powder, making it impossible to separate by hand.

The items you have are:
*A long conveyor belt
*a large tank that can be filled with water
*Another large tank labeled “concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5g/cm3”
*Several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyer belt
*several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material form the bottoms.

So i kinda have an idea on how to do it, but i could use some more ideas on how you would do this. I’m sopose to writer a letter, but well i’ll do that so you guys wont have to. I just need some ideas pretty much and i’m done.

The first best answer gets 10 pts.
Also the recyclables are:
Aluminum soda cans, 2.7 density
steel cans, 5.7 density
milk jugs, 0.95 density
Soda bottles, 1.4 density

The Expert answers:

So the obvious but :-

a) do the magnetic separation whilst everything is dry. The magnets can be used over the conveyor or at the end as the material is falling.
B) use the plane water before the sugar water rather than the sugar first so you don’t contaminate the plane water (the scooped material from the plane water tank goes into the sugar water tank).

Draw a diagram to accompany letter showing the process in a flow chart form, teachers love it! The flow chart should show what material you should get out at each step ie steel cans with magnets, milk jugs as float on plane water, soda water as float on sugar water and aluminium as sink in sugar water.


Laura asks…

i need help?

suppose that u r the new owner of the Owl Recyling Factory and you are looking for Business.

An Offical from the city of Westminster,Mr.S, tells you that the have a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be seperated and they will pay you $5000 if you can do it. Un fortunately, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all the materials into a fine powder making is impossible to seperate by hand.
Fortunatley Mrs. S knows the materials in truck and their densities

Marerials – Density (g/cm^3)
Aluminum soda cans- 2.7
Stell cans – 5.7
milk jugs – .95
soda bottles- 1.4

in ur factory u have :
-a long conveyor belt
-a large truck filled with water
-a truck labeled “concentrated sugar water density- 1.5 g/cm^3”
-several power magnets hanging above the conveyor belt
-several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material from the bottoms

The Expert answers:

I would run this powdered mess down the conveyor belt with the magnets over head. This will separate out the steel cans leaving the aluminun cans, soda bottles and milk jugs on the conveyor.

I would then have the conveyor dump all of this into the sugar water. The aluminum cans would sink and the milk jugs and soda bottles would float.

I would next skim off the floating milk jugs and soda bottles and place them in the truck full of water. The soda bottles would sink because their density is greater than the density of water (density water =1.0 grams/cm^3) the milk jugs would floa and i would skim them off with a net.

Linda asks…

lazy co worker, should i worry he overheard me complaining?

i work @ starbucks, different shifts. i closed today. the job of the afternoon precloser is to sweep/mop/sanitze and date everything…or basically, prepare for close. This semi new person preclosed today, and yet once again, didnt do half of anything it seemed. I would understand if he were brand new, or if he was very busy, or if this was a first. but this is the way it always is. He didnt mop or sweep..nothing had dates, stuff was totally out. and dirty.

And the great part about it is…when i get there and i start 2 clean up so i dont have 2 do everything right before close, he goes out and talks with his girlfriends in the lobby. i’m mad cuz when i preclose i mop, sweep, sometimes more than once, date sanitize everything 2 help the closer because they already got a lot of stuf to do.

i hope he dint hear me…but i was complaining to the supervisor while he was talking in the lobby. i dont wana hurt his feelings but this is not the first time and i feel its unfair that he gets great hours and does a half a*s*s job, and also whenever he works i still must guide him through every drink he makes (hes worked here over a month and doesnt know how to make a lotta stuff)…so why does he get so many hours..? I just dont understand this. he got 30 hours last week, thats more than most supervisors get. come on! he doesnt even know how to make most the drinks!

also he was filling up some of the lobby milk pitchers and kept throwing the empty milk cartons in the trash, so i nicely said, just throw them in the recycling can (not only good for the environment, but i dont want to have to take out the regular trash again because its full of cartons). i dont know if he heard me, but one minute later he literally threw another milk carton into the regular trash, when the recycling is within equal distance. huh? ignorant.

again i hope he didnt hear me. i dont want any issues at work, i usually dont talk bad about people. but would you feel that this is a bit unjust..? what should i do if he did in fact hear me complaining, and problems arise from that?

The Expert answers:

While I can understand you don’t want issues at work, he doesn’t care about what he’s putting you through with the extra work that you have to do when he won’t do his part. You need to complain, and your supervisor needs to have a talk with him. So what he heard you! He knows he’s doing wrong but just doesn’t care. As long as you keep quiet, he’s going to keep walking all over you. Next time you complain, make sure he can hear you.

Donald asks…

do u feel like you have 2 work double for a lazy co worker. and yet they often get better hours?

i work @ starbucks, different shifts. i closed today. the job of the afternoon precloser is to sweep/mop/sanitze and date everything…or basically, prepare for close. This semi new person preclosed today, and yet once again, didnt do half of anything it seemed. I would understand if he were brand new, or if he was very busy, or if this was a first. but this is the way it always is. He didnt mop or sweep..nothing had dates, stuff was totally out. and dirty. but when i come in, he gves a lazy hand gesture and tells me “yeah i did everything except the blenders”.. uhm does he know hes supposed to mop the floors?

And the great part about it is…when i get there and i start 2 clean up so i dont have 2 do everything right before close, he goes out and talks with his girlfriends in the lobby. i’m mad cuz when i preclose i mop, sweep, sometimes more than once, date sanitize everything 2 help the closer because they already got a lot of stuf to do.

i hope he dint hear me…but i was complaining to the supervisor while he was talking in the lobby. i dont wana hurt his feelings but this is not the first time and i feel its unfair that he gets great hours and does a half a*s*s job, and also whenever he works i still must guide him through every drink he makes (hes worked here over a month and doesnt know how to make a lotta stuff)…so why does he get so many hours..? I just dont understand this. he got 30 hours last week, thats more than most supervisors get. come on! he doesnt even know how to make most the drinks!

also he was filling up some of the lobby milk pitchers and kept throwing the empty milk cartons in the trash, so i nicely said, just throw them in the recycling can (not only good for the environment, but i dont want to have to take out the regular trash again because its full of cartons). i dont know if he heard me, but one minute later he literally threw another milk carton into the regular trash, when the recycling is within equal distance. huh? ignorant.

again i hope he didnt hear me. i dont want any issues at work, i usually dont talk bad about people. but would you feel that this is a bit unjust..? what should i do if he did in fact hear me complaining, and problems arise from that?

The Expert answers:

Good for you for speaking up about this clown to your supervisor! And if he heard you, so what? It sounds like he doesn’t take this job seriously enough to care. Yes it is unjust that you have to do so much more work because he just doesn’t give a damn. It’s difficult to say what you should do if problems arise because, so far, nothings happened. When you start having problems tell us about it.

James asks…

how to trust in harold camping and scientology after it let me down?

yes i was at work and fell off a moving car, not my falt, rolled off a moving ford toros while it were doing 50mph down a bumpy dirt road and i had to clamb out the sunroof unto the back bumper to try to tighten some bolts on the muffler to keep it from rattlin like a snake in a clothes hamper, hit a log and fell off onto my head. my wifes boyfriends scientology church and now they need a lot of money, i dont got a lot and only got a little left over from a lawsuit i had from gettin a bad injury at the hospital cause they thought i was an animal and tried to spay me. I AM TORN BETEWEEN HAROLDS CAMPINGS AND BUYING RICERONI AND PORNO i dont have the funds for booth, hopefully my brian leak will heal on its own accord i have been pooring honey into my head like a faucet.

i also joined my wifes boyfriends scientology church and they need a lot of cash A LOT

there has been a bad flow of egg yolk coming out of my head and leaking across my facial and it is seriously hampering my chances at getting a new job, its a brain leak. unfortunately. the egg yolk is also pooling up around the house and making a bad smell for me. i no longre have a health insurance because i was fired for this wreck and all, boss said it was because i was a bad employee and showed up drunked on nyquil and listerine all day everyday, but i know for a fact that BUCKET HEAD BADGER BABY only fired me cause I WRECKED THE FACKIN FORD TOROS! he is a liar and a jewish man.

anyways i am no longer workign at jiffy loob, and i was thrown out of my job and even tho i have a brain leak he is leaving me on the streets, my wife is also sleeping with a scientologost and the two of them are in my bed while i have been emancipated into the fackin garage onto a dog bed. dont even got tv out here, dont got juge judy and dont got a tolot for the doodoo batter only gots a jar to peepee into. dont even got maury only i do have the internet for the pornos.

anyways i have been puttin honey onto my brain leak all day to fight the infections and demons, out here the shadows are lengthening and i am getting frightened at night, i see the ghosts around me and i am willing to fight my neybor, he has already challenged me AND I DID NOT BACK DOWN AND I WAS DRUNNK ON FACKIN NYQUIL AND TEQUILA AND I THREW HIM INTO A FIREPLACE AND TRIED TTO LITE IT UP ON THAT MATHERFACKER, KICKED HIM SO HARD HE HAS TO WAER A NECK BRACE AND I DID IT BECAUSE HE IS A MATHERFACKER AND A LIAR AND HE CALLED THE POLICE ON ME FOR LEAVIN NYQUIL BOTTALS ALL OVER HIS YARD, I CALLED THE POLICE ON HIM FOR KILLIN HIS DELF AND THREW HIM HEAD FIRST into his swimmin pool, obama is not givin me a job and i already sent numerous emails to harold camping, kanye, and obama to tell them my plight, no response, notuin in the box except notices from the library tellin me they are going to kill me for not returning a movie called dances with wolves and also a tigger movie, never watched them cause i accidentaly sent them in the recycling,

anyways i ranup into my neybors house wile he were eating wwith his family and grabbed him by the head and drugged him out onto his porch and rolled that DUCK HEAD down his staircase like a bowlin ball, and why did i do this? he called the police on me for fighting my wifes boyfriend with a knife in the front yard and drawing blood because he had pepperspray and i was using my neybors trashcan as a shield and jabbin at his belly with my knife as i got sprayred in the face until i was pukin and he stuck me with a blade.

also got called by the police because i fought my dog in the front yard, dont get up in arms over it tho animal cops already came and filmed it and beat me up and filmed that and then gave me 500 bucks to sign a waiver to be on animal coips

anyways my naeyber is a baby, harold camping already tooke 50,000 from me, all my saving, and now he weants more, i dont know how to accomidate everyone, i am sick of being the good guy, the scape goat, and a drunk.

only answer if you have been in this exact situatuiion

The Expert answers:

LOL. Thanks for the amusing story!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

How to separate different compounds?

I just have a question if anybody could figure out for me that would be great! It’s a project for school, I’ve got it about halfway done, but I need some others help for the rest, so here it is!

There is a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be separated. Unfortunatley, the job has been made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground down all of the materials to a fine powder, making it impossible to seperate by hand. Fortunatley, it is known what materials were in the truck:

Aluminum soda cans, Density: 2.7 g/cm^3
Steel Cans, Density: 5.7 g/cm^3
Milk Jugs, Density: 0.95 g/cm^3
Soda Bottles, Density: 1.4 g/cm^3

In the factory, which is where you’ll sepearate the meterials, you have these materials at your disposal:

1. A long conveyor belt
2. A large tank that can be filled with water
3. Another large tank ladeled “Concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5 g/cm^3”
4. Several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyor belt.
5. Several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping materials from the bottom.


How can I sepearte the above compounds only using them 5 equiptment. You can use one more than once, so for example, conveyor belt, water, then conveyor belt agian.

To get the Aluminum and steel sepearted I thought of using the magents to sepearte the metals from non-metals. Then dump the Milk Jugs and Soda Bottles in the tank of water, because water has a density of 1, so the milk jugs will float, so then you can separate that.

Any other ideas would be great, thank you!!

The Expert answers:

First put them in the water, this gets all the milk jugs out
Then Used the sugar water you can get all the soda bottle out.
USE the conveyor belt and manets this should get all the steel cans out
then the al cans would be left on the belt

John asks…

Am I being ripped off here ????

My council does not collect plastic or cardboard in the recycling. Instead we are told we have to take it to the local recycling centre (NOTE – we are not getting any reduction in our council tax for the fact we are having to do this ourselves.)

I then jump in my car and go to the recycle centre (NOTE – this is an EXTRA car trip that I would not have normally made AND I am of course am having to pay for the petrol)

I then drop these items off at the recycle centre and go home (Note – they then take the plastic / card to a depot, where it is my understanding that THEY get money for every ton they bring – they do not of course pay anything back to me)

So, am I being totally ripped off here ? Why am I having to do the job of others and paying for the privilage ?
I can & do put it in the bin for normal collection BUT with two weekly collections the bin fills up really fast and they only take what’s in the bin.
I did e-mail the council about this but – no response. As for ‘get a group together & complain’ well people have (I understand) but they do not do anything about it – apart from saying ‘Well the pick ups are going well – people do use the recycle centre which is also proof its working !!!!’

The Expert answers:

The money they get for the plastic and cardboard isn’t much at all. If it were £10 per tonne, and you contributed 2 kg, that’d be 2p you’ve contributed. A tonne of plastic bottles is one helluva lot of bottles.

Do it for the sake of the planet, not your wallet.

Better still, petition the council into starting a recycling collection service.

Lizzie asks…

can someone help me with my chemistry homework?

ok look, ill admit it, im not good in science and i really need help. i need to frigure out this problem, can you all help? ok so here it is

An offical from the city of westminster, mr.smith tells you that they hve a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be seperated, and htye will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. unforunately the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all the material into fine powder, making it impossible to seperate them by hand. fortunately mr.smith knows what the materials in the truck are, as well as thier densities

Material Density (g/cm^3)
aluminum soda cans 2.7
steel cans 5.7
milk jugs 0.95
soda bottles 1.4

in your factory you have the following materials at your disposal:
-a long conveyor belt
-a large tank that can be filled with water (1g/ml)
-another large tank labeled “concentrated sugar water, density=1.5g/cm^3”
-several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyor belt
-several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material from the bottom

Find a way to separate the four recycled materials. you may need to do this in several steps

please help me, i don’t even know where to start, let alone figure out several steps. my parents couldn’t help me and now you all are my last resort, please help.

The Expert answers:

First, put the powder in the water tank. The water will let the milk jugs float to the top. Skim this off. Next, put the powder in the sugar tank to allow the soda bottles to float to the top. Now all you have to do is use the large magnets to bring the steel out of the powder leaving the aluminum remaining.

Joseph asks…

will i get rehired or even paid?

I got hired at a rubber recycling plant today, i’m to start Nov 17/08. My concern is after I was offered the job I am now told I will be starting training but expect to be laid off after two weeks. The company told me I will be working until December, then off for up to a whole month!. I was told to budget well and if I have a p/t job or anything to hold onto it. They also said they will rehire us for Jan/09. I’m just nervous about this, because I really need a job my money is running out. Whats also strange is upon hire they did not even ask for my SIN card or info. They did give me an employment offer in writing though, but I am to sign it and return it if i accept the position. I just walked out after he congratulated me and handed me the letter of offer of employment, he did not ask me to sign it there and give it to him. And since they did not take my sin?. I am starting Nov/17/08 night shift, is it best to phone during the day before i start to mention the fact that they dont even have my SIN card or any info?, and the letter signed and returned. They just said I have the job and that’s it. I also worry because they hired at least 8 of us and the company seemed to have hardly any employees i noticed. Also I noticed online some pictures of the company i am going to work for that were taken Nov 2nd, the place was abandoned. Is it possible this company is not doing well and they just fired and now hired us and will lay uf off and either not rehire us or even worse not pay us after they use us for two weeks then let us go till jan/09. I asked if it was gauranteed that i will be rehired for Jan/09, the boss said yes, as long as I work out of course. Is it worth risking taking this job?, please help. I only have enough cash for Dec rent and a little left over. Is it best maybe to work temp agencies instead of accept this job offer?, it makes me nervous because how do i know they will rehire me, also they didnt take my sin card or info. This company is very big though. But if it is closing down they can just use us and not pay or rehire, correct?.
I have talked to many people who think the company is in the process of closing. they legally do not have to pay us if they go bankrupt. they have already hired me there is no possibility of filling out more paper work before i start my shift on nights, they havent even taken any sin card info etc. the company changed there name recently as well. they are recruiting many people only to hire and say in 2 weeks we will lay you off then rehire. but they dont even have our sin card etc how do they know we are even legally able to work in canada. the company was empty not alot of workers, also they were abandoned and not in operation on nov 2/08. i think they probably laid off many workers and they hired us at lower wages to finish off the remaining two weeks of work they have left. then they dont have to pay us, they dont even have our banking info or sin card info as they claimed they were going to process when they hired us, they didn’t. i feel i will be paid at the end
i feel i wont be paid at the end is what i meant. they are just probably using us. 30% of the rubber is from the automotive industry and they are also not doing well. they also claimed they did almost close recently but they found a buyer. the fact that they didnt care to take any oid or info just a resume, and not have us sign and return the employment offer letter is sketchy to me. the company looks like it will close also. and i dont believe the risk is worth it to not get paid or possibly not get hired. the place is also a bad work environment and with health hazards. i worry with the economy this company is going down and just using us to finish helping them close. when i start on a weekday i wont get to fill any paper work on my night shift. i will just have to start work. i will not work if they dont have my sin card or my banking info, etc. this is not proper. its before xmas i don’t have alot of money, only decembers rent and a couple hundred!. I might consider temp agencies.

The Expert answers:

If you need the money tell your employer to pay you on a daily basis. I mean after work get the pay / money. If they don’t want just leave it and find another job or you can ask a legal advice from the ministry of labour to know whether the company is registered.

Maria asks…

Science homework help…?

Ok here’s what it says:
An official from the city of Westminster, Mr. smith, tells you that they ahve a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be separated, and they will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. Unfortunately, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all of the materials into a fine powder, making it impossible to separate by hand.

The items you have are:
*A long conveyor belt
*a large tank that can be filled with water
*Another large tank labeled “concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5g/cm3”
*Several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyer belt
*several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material form the bottoms.

So i kinda have an idea on how to do it, but i could use some more ideas on how you would do this. I’m sopose to writer a letter, but well i’ll do that so you guys wont have to. I just need some ideas pretty much and i’m done.

The first best answer gets 10 pts.
Also the recyclables are:
Aluminum soda cans, 2.7 density
steel cans, 5.7 density
milk jugs, 0.95 density
Soda bottles, 1.4 density

The Expert answers:

So the obvious but :-

a) do the magnetic separation whilst everything is dry. The magnets can be used over the conveyor or at the end as the material is falling.
B) use the plane water before the sugar water rather than the sugar first so you don’t contaminate the plane water (the scooped material from the plane water tank goes into the sugar water tank).

Draw a diagram to accompany letter showing the process in a flow chart form, teachers love it! The flow chart should show what material you should get out at each step ie steel cans with magnets, milk jugs as float on plane water, soda water as float on sugar water and aluminium as sink in sugar water.


Carol asks…

i need help?

suppose that u r the new owner of the Owl Recyling Factory and you are looking for Business.

An Offical from the city of Westminster,Mr.S, tells you that the have a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be seperated and they will pay you $5000 if you can do it. Un fortunately, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all the materials into a fine powder making is impossible to seperate by hand.
Fortunatley Mrs. S knows the materials in truck and their densities

Marerials – Density (g/cm^3)
Aluminum soda cans- 2.7
Stell cans – 5.7
milk jugs – .95
soda bottles- 1.4

in ur factory u have :
-a long conveyor belt
-a large truck filled with water
-a truck labeled “concentrated sugar water density- 1.5 g/cm^3”
-several power magnets hanging above the conveyor belt
-several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material from the bottoms

The Expert answers:

I would run this powdered mess down the conveyor belt with the magnets over head. This will separate out the steel cans leaving the aluminun cans, soda bottles and milk jugs on the conveyor.

I would then have the conveyor dump all of this into the sugar water. The aluminum cans would sink and the milk jugs and soda bottles would float.

I would next skim off the floating milk jugs and soda bottles and place them in the truck full of water. The soda bottles would sink because their density is greater than the density of water (density water =1.0 grams/cm^3) the milk jugs would floa and i would skim them off with a net.

William asks…

lazy co worker, should i worry he overheard me complaining?

i work @ starbucks, different shifts. i closed today. the job of the afternoon precloser is to sweep/mop/sanitze and date everything…or basically, prepare for close. This semi new person preclosed today, and yet once again, didnt do half of anything it seemed. I would understand if he were brand new, or if he was very busy, or if this was a first. but this is the way it always is. He didnt mop or sweep..nothing had dates, stuff was totally out. and dirty.

And the great part about it is…when i get there and i start 2 clean up so i dont have 2 do everything right before close, he goes out and talks with his girlfriends in the lobby. i’m mad cuz when i preclose i mop, sweep, sometimes more than once, date sanitize everything 2 help the closer because they already got a lot of stuf to do.

i hope he dint hear me…but i was complaining to the supervisor while he was talking in the lobby. i dont wana hurt his feelings but this is not the first time and i feel its unfair that he gets great hours and does a half a*s*s job, and also whenever he works i still must guide him through every drink he makes (hes worked here over a month and doesnt know how to make a lotta stuff)…so why does he get so many hours..? I just dont understand this. he got 30 hours last week, thats more than most supervisors get. come on! he doesnt even know how to make most the drinks!

also he was filling up some of the lobby milk pitchers and kept throwing the empty milk cartons in the trash, so i nicely said, just throw them in the recycling can (not only good for the environment, but i dont want to have to take out the regular trash again because its full of cartons). i dont know if he heard me, but one minute later he literally threw another milk carton into the regular trash, when the recycling is within equal distance. huh? ignorant.

again i hope he didnt hear me. i dont want any issues at work, i usually dont talk bad about people. but would you feel that this is a bit unjust..? what should i do if he did in fact hear me complaining, and problems arise from that?

The Expert answers:

While I can understand you don’t want issues at work, he doesn’t care about what he’s putting you through with the extra work that you have to do when he won’t do his part. You need to complain, and your supervisor needs to have a talk with him. So what he heard you! He knows he’s doing wrong but just doesn’t care. As long as you keep quiet, he’s going to keep walking all over you. Next time you complain, make sure he can hear you.

David asks…

do u feel like you have 2 work double for a lazy co worker. and yet they often get better hours?

i work @ starbucks, different shifts. i closed today. the job of the afternoon precloser is to sweep/mop/sanitze and date everything…or basically, prepare for close. This semi new person preclosed today, and yet once again, didnt do half of anything it seemed. I would understand if he were brand new, or if he was very busy, or if this was a first. but this is the way it always is. He didnt mop or sweep..nothing had dates, stuff was totally out. and dirty. but when i come in, he gves a lazy hand gesture and tells me “yeah i did everything except the blenders”.. uhm does he know hes supposed to mop the floors?

And the great part about it is…when i get there and i start 2 clean up so i dont have 2 do everything right before close, he goes out and talks with his girlfriends in the lobby. i’m mad cuz when i preclose i mop, sweep, sometimes more than once, date sanitize everything 2 help the closer because they already got a lot of stuf to do.

i hope he dint hear me…but i was complaining to the supervisor while he was talking in the lobby. i dont wana hurt his feelings but this is not the first time and i feel its unfair that he gets great hours and does a half a*s*s job, and also whenever he works i still must guide him through every drink he makes (hes worked here over a month and doesnt know how to make a lotta stuff)…so why does he get so many hours..? I just dont understand this. he got 30 hours last week, thats more than most supervisors get. come on! he doesnt even know how to make most the drinks!

also he was filling up some of the lobby milk pitchers and kept throwing the empty milk cartons in the trash, so i nicely said, just throw them in the recycling can (not only good for the environment, but i dont want to have to take out the regular trash again because its full of cartons). i dont know if he heard me, but one minute later he literally threw another milk carton into the regular trash, when the recycling is within equal distance. huh? ignorant.

again i hope he didnt hear me. i dont want any issues at work, i usually dont talk bad about people. but would you feel that this is a bit unjust..? what should i do if he did in fact hear me complaining, and problems arise from that?

The Expert answers:

Good for you for speaking up about this clown to your supervisor! And if he heard you, so what? It sounds like he doesn’t take this job seriously enough to care. Yes it is unjust that you have to do so much more work because he just doesn’t give a damn. It’s difficult to say what you should do if problems arise because, so far, nothings happened. When you start having problems tell us about it.

Nancy asks…

how to trust in harold camping and scientology after it let me down?

yes i was at work and fell off a moving car, not my falt, rolled off a moving ford toros while it were doing 50mph down a bumpy dirt road and i had to clamb out the sunroof unto the back bumper to try to tighten some bolts on the muffler to keep it from rattlin like a snake in a clothes hamper, hit a log and fell off onto my head. my wifes boyfriends scientology church and now they need a lot of money, i dont got a lot and only got a little left over from a lawsuit i had from gettin a bad injury at the hospital cause they thought i was an animal and tried to spay me. I AM TORN BETEWEEN HAROLDS CAMPINGS AND BUYING RICERONI AND PORNO i dont have the funds for booth, hopefully my brian leak will heal on its own accord i have been pooring honey into my head like a faucet.

i also joined my wifes boyfriends scientology church and they need a lot of cash A LOT

there has been a bad flow of egg yolk coming out of my head and leaking across my facial and it is seriously hampering my chances at getting a new job, its a brain leak. unfortunately. the egg yolk is also pooling up around the house and making a bad smell for me. i no longre have a health insurance because i was fired for this wreck and all, boss said it was because i was a bad employee and showed up drunked on nyquil and listerine all day everyday, but i know for a fact that BUCKET HEAD BADGER BABY only fired me cause I WRECKED THE FACKIN FORD TOROS! he is a liar and a jewish man.

anyways i am no longer workign at jiffy loob, and i was thrown out of my job and even tho i have a brain leak he is leaving me on the streets, my wife is also sleeping with a scientologost and the two of them are in my bed while i have been emancipated into the fackin garage onto a dog bed. dont even got tv out here, dont got juge judy and dont got a tolot for the doodoo batter only gots a jar to peepee into. dont even got maury only i do have the internet for the pornos.

anyways i have been puttin honey onto my brain leak all day to fight the infections and demons, out here the shadows are lengthening and i am getting frightened at night, i see the ghosts around me and i am willing to fight my neybor, he has already challenged me AND I DID NOT BACK DOWN AND I WAS DRUNNK ON FACKIN NYQUIL AND TEQUILA AND I THREW HIM INTO A FIREPLACE AND TRIED TTO LITE IT UP ON THAT MATHERFACKER, KICKED HIM SO HARD HE HAS TO WAER A NECK BRACE AND I DID IT BECAUSE HE IS A MATHERFACKER AND A LIAR AND HE CALLED THE POLICE ON ME FOR LEAVIN NYQUIL BOTTALS ALL OVER HIS YARD, I CALLED THE POLICE ON HIM FOR KILLIN HIS DELF AND THREW HIM HEAD FIRST into his swimmin pool, obama is not givin me a job and i already sent numerous emails to harold camping, kanye, and obama to tell them my plight, no response, notuin in the box except notices from the library tellin me they are going to kill me for not returning a movie called dances with wolves and also a tigger movie, never watched them cause i accidentaly sent them in the recycling,

anyways i ranup into my neybors house wile he were eating wwith his family and grabbed him by the head and drugged him out onto his porch and rolled that DUCK HEAD down his staircase like a bowlin ball, and why did i do this? he called the police on me for fighting my wifes boyfriend with a knife in the front yard and drawing blood because he had pepperspray and i was using my neybors trashcan as a shield and jabbin at his belly with my knife as i got sprayred in the face until i was pukin and he stuck me with a blade.

also got called by the police because i fought my dog in the front yard, dont get up in arms over it tho animal cops already came and filmed it and beat me up and filmed that and then gave me 500 bucks to sign a waiver to be on animal coips

anyways my naeyber is a baby, harold camping already tooke 50,000 from me, all my saving, and now he weants more, i dont know how to accomidate everyone, i am sick of being the good guy, the scape goat, and a drunk.

only answer if you have been in this exact situatuiion

The Expert answers:

LOL. Thanks for the amusing story!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

How to separate different compounds?

I just have a question if anybody could figure out for me that would be great! It’s a project for school, I’ve got it about halfway done, but I need some others help for the rest, so here it is!

There is a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be separated. Unfortunatley, the job has been made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground down all of the materials to a fine powder, making it impossible to seperate by hand. Fortunatley, it is known what materials were in the truck:

Aluminum soda cans, Density: 2.7 g/cm^3
Steel Cans, Density: 5.7 g/cm^3
Milk Jugs, Density: 0.95 g/cm^3
Soda Bottles, Density: 1.4 g/cm^3

In the factory, which is where you’ll sepearate the meterials, you have these materials at your disposal:

1. A long conveyor belt
2. A large tank that can be filled with water
3. Another large tank ladeled “Concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5 g/cm^3”
4. Several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyor belt.
5. Several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping materials from the bottom.


How can I sepearte the above compounds only using them 5 equiptment. You can use one more than once, so for example, conveyor belt, water, then conveyor belt agian.

To get the Aluminum and steel sepearted I thought of using the magents to sepearte the metals from non-metals. Then dump the Milk Jugs and Soda Bottles in the tank of water, because water has a density of 1, so the milk jugs will float, so then you can separate that.

Any other ideas would be great, thank you!!

The Expert answers:

First put them in the water, this gets all the milk jugs out
Then Used the sugar water you can get all the soda bottle out.
USE the conveyor belt and manets this should get all the steel cans out
then the al cans would be left on the belt

Lisa asks…

Am I being ripped off here ????

My council does not collect plastic or cardboard in the recycling. Instead we are told we have to take it to the local recycling centre (NOTE – we are not getting any reduction in our council tax for the fact we are having to do this ourselves.)

I then jump in my car and go to the recycle centre (NOTE – this is an EXTRA car trip that I would not have normally made AND I am of course am having to pay for the petrol)

I then drop these items off at the recycle centre and go home (Note – they then take the plastic / card to a depot, where it is my understanding that THEY get money for every ton they bring – they do not of course pay anything back to me)

So, am I being totally ripped off here ? Why am I having to do the job of others and paying for the privilage ?
I can & do put it in the bin for normal collection BUT with two weekly collections the bin fills up really fast and they only take what’s in the bin.
I did e-mail the council about this but – no response. As for ‘get a group together & complain’ well people have (I understand) but they do not do anything about it – apart from saying ‘Well the pick ups are going well – people do use the recycle centre which is also proof its working !!!!’

The Expert answers:

The money they get for the plastic and cardboard isn’t much at all. If it were £10 per tonne, and you contributed 2 kg, that’d be 2p you’ve contributed. A tonne of plastic bottles is one helluva lot of bottles.

Do it for the sake of the planet, not your wallet.

Better still, petition the council into starting a recycling collection service.

Daniel asks…

can someone help me with my chemistry homework?

ok look, ill admit it, im not good in science and i really need help. i need to frigure out this problem, can you all help? ok so here it is

An offical from the city of westminster, mr.smith tells you that they hve a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be seperated, and htye will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. unforunately the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all the material into fine powder, making it impossible to seperate them by hand. fortunately mr.smith knows what the materials in the truck are, as well as thier densities

Material Density (g/cm^3)
aluminum soda cans 2.7
steel cans 5.7
milk jugs 0.95
soda bottles 1.4

in your factory you have the following materials at your disposal:
-a long conveyor belt
-a large tank that can be filled with water (1g/ml)
-another large tank labeled “concentrated sugar water, density=1.5g/cm^3”
-several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyor belt
-several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material from the bottom

Find a way to separate the four recycled materials. you may need to do this in several steps

please help me, i don’t even know where to start, let alone figure out several steps. my parents couldn’t help me and now you all are my last resort, please help.

The Expert answers:

First, put the powder in the water tank. The water will let the milk jugs float to the top. Skim this off. Next, put the powder in the sugar tank to allow the soda bottles to float to the top. Now all you have to do is use the large magnets to bring the steel out of the powder leaving the aluminum remaining.

Steven asks…

will i get rehired or even paid?

I got hired at a rubber recycling plant today, i’m to start Nov 17/08. My concern is after I was offered the job I am now told I will be starting training but expect to be laid off after two weeks. The company told me I will be working until December, then off for up to a whole month!. I was told to budget well and if I have a p/t job or anything to hold onto it. They also said they will rehire us for Jan/09. I’m just nervous about this, because I really need a job my money is running out. Whats also strange is upon hire they did not even ask for my SIN card or info. They did give me an employment offer in writing though, but I am to sign it and return it if i accept the position. I just walked out after he congratulated me and handed me the letter of offer of employment, he did not ask me to sign it there and give it to him. And since they did not take my sin?. I am starting Nov/17/08 night shift, is it best to phone during the day before i start to mention the fact that they dont even have my SIN card or any info?, and the letter signed and returned. They just said I have the job and that’s it. I also worry because they hired at least 8 of us and the company seemed to have hardly any employees i noticed. Also I noticed online some pictures of the company i am going to work for that were taken Nov 2nd, the place was abandoned. Is it possible this company is not doing well and they just fired and now hired us and will lay uf off and either not rehire us or even worse not pay us after they use us for two weeks then let us go till jan/09. I asked if it was gauranteed that i will be rehired for Jan/09, the boss said yes, as long as I work out of course. Is it worth risking taking this job?, please help. I only have enough cash for Dec rent and a little left over. Is it best maybe to work temp agencies instead of accept this job offer?, it makes me nervous because how do i know they will rehire me, also they didnt take my sin card or info. This company is very big though. But if it is closing down they can just use us and not pay or rehire, correct?.
I have talked to many people who think the company is in the process of closing. they legally do not have to pay us if they go bankrupt. they have already hired me there is no possibility of filling out more paper work before i start my shift on nights, they havent even taken any sin card info etc. the company changed there name recently as well. they are recruiting many people only to hire and say in 2 weeks we will lay you off then rehire. but they dont even have our sin card etc how do they know we are even legally able to work in canada. the company was empty not alot of workers, also they were abandoned and not in operation on nov 2/08. i think they probably laid off many workers and they hired us at lower wages to finish off the remaining two weeks of work they have left. then they dont have to pay us, they dont even have our banking info or sin card info as they claimed they were going to process when they hired us, they didn’t. i feel i will be paid at the end
i feel i wont be paid at the end is what i meant. they are just probably using us. 30% of the rubber is from the automotive industry and they are also not doing well. they also claimed they did almost close recently but they found a buyer. the fact that they didnt care to take any oid or info just a resume, and not have us sign and return the employment offer letter is sketchy to me. the company looks like it will close also. and i dont believe the risk is worth it to not get paid or possibly not get hired. the place is also a bad work environment and with health hazards. i worry with the economy this company is going down and just using us to finish helping them close. when i start on a weekday i wont get to fill any paper work on my night shift. i will just have to start work. i will not work if they dont have my sin card or my banking info, etc. this is not proper. its before xmas i don’t have alot of money, only decembers rent and a couple hundred!. I might consider temp agencies.

The Expert answers:

If you need the money tell your employer to pay you on a daily basis. I mean after work get the pay / money. If they don’t want just leave it and find another job or you can ask a legal advice from the ministry of labour to know whether the company is registered.

Carol asks…

Science homework help…?

Ok here’s what it says:
An official from the city of Westminster, Mr. smith, tells you that they ahve a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be separated, and they will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. Unfortunately, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all of the materials into a fine powder, making it impossible to separate by hand.

The items you have are:
*A long conveyor belt
*a large tank that can be filled with water
*Another large tank labeled “concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5g/cm3”
*Several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyer belt
*several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material form the bottoms.

So i kinda have an idea on how to do it, but i could use some more ideas on how you would do this. I’m sopose to writer a letter, but well i’ll do that so you guys wont have to. I just need some ideas pretty much and i’m done.

The first best answer gets 10 pts.
Also the recyclables are:
Aluminum soda cans, 2.7 density
steel cans, 5.7 density
milk jugs, 0.95 density
Soda bottles, 1.4 density

The Expert answers:

So the obvious but :-

a) do the magnetic separation whilst everything is dry. The magnets can be used over the conveyor or at the end as the material is falling.
B) use the plane water before the sugar water rather than the sugar first so you don’t contaminate the plane water (the scooped material from the plane water tank goes into the sugar water tank).

Draw a diagram to accompany letter showing the process in a flow chart form, teachers love it! The flow chart should show what material you should get out at each step ie steel cans with magnets, milk jugs as float on plane water, soda water as float on sugar water and aluminium as sink in sugar water.


Linda asks…

i need help?

suppose that u r the new owner of the Owl Recyling Factory and you are looking for Business.

An Offical from the city of Westminster,Mr.S, tells you that the have a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be seperated and they will pay you $5000 if you can do it. Un fortunately, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all the materials into a fine powder making is impossible to seperate by hand.
Fortunatley Mrs. S knows the materials in truck and their densities

Marerials – Density (g/cm^3)
Aluminum soda cans- 2.7
Stell cans – 5.7
milk jugs – .95
soda bottles- 1.4

in ur factory u have :
-a long conveyor belt
-a large truck filled with water
-a truck labeled “concentrated sugar water density- 1.5 g/cm^3”
-several power magnets hanging above the conveyor belt
-several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material from the bottoms

The Expert answers:

I would run this powdered mess down the conveyor belt with the magnets over head. This will separate out the steel cans leaving the aluminun cans, soda bottles and milk jugs on the conveyor.

I would then have the conveyor dump all of this into the sugar water. The aluminum cans would sink and the milk jugs and soda bottles would float.

I would next skim off the floating milk jugs and soda bottles and place them in the truck full of water. The soda bottles would sink because their density is greater than the density of water (density water =1.0 grams/cm^3) the milk jugs would floa and i would skim them off with a net.

Maria asks…

lazy co worker, should i worry he overheard me complaining?

i work @ starbucks, different shifts. i closed today. the job of the afternoon precloser is to sweep/mop/sanitze and date everything…or basically, prepare for close. This semi new person preclosed today, and yet once again, didnt do half of anything it seemed. I would understand if he were brand new, or if he was very busy, or if this was a first. but this is the way it always is. He didnt mop or sweep..nothing had dates, stuff was totally out. and dirty.

And the great part about it is…when i get there and i start 2 clean up so i dont have 2 do everything right before close, he goes out and talks with his girlfriends in the lobby. i’m mad cuz when i preclose i mop, sweep, sometimes more than once, date sanitize everything 2 help the closer because they already got a lot of stuf to do.

i hope he dint hear me…but i was complaining to the supervisor while he was talking in the lobby. i dont wana hurt his feelings but this is not the first time and i feel its unfair that he gets great hours and does a half a*s*s job, and also whenever he works i still must guide him through every drink he makes (hes worked here over a month and doesnt know how to make a lotta stuff)…so why does he get so many hours..? I just dont understand this. he got 30 hours last week, thats more than most supervisors get. come on! he doesnt even know how to make most the drinks!

also he was filling up some of the lobby milk pitchers and kept throwing the empty milk cartons in the trash, so i nicely said, just throw them in the recycling can (not only good for the environment, but i dont want to have to take out the regular trash again because its full of cartons). i dont know if he heard me, but one minute later he literally threw another milk carton into the regular trash, when the recycling is within equal distance. huh? ignorant.

again i hope he didnt hear me. i dont want any issues at work, i usually dont talk bad about people. but would you feel that this is a bit unjust..? what should i do if he did in fact hear me complaining, and problems arise from that?

The Expert answers:

While I can understand you don’t want issues at work, he doesn’t care about what he’s putting you through with the extra work that you have to do when he won’t do his part. You need to complain, and your supervisor needs to have a talk with him. So what he heard you! He knows he’s doing wrong but just doesn’t care. As long as you keep quiet, he’s going to keep walking all over you. Next time you complain, make sure he can hear you.

Mandy asks…

do u feel like you have 2 work double for a lazy co worker. and yet they often get better hours?

i work @ starbucks, different shifts. i closed today. the job of the afternoon precloser is to sweep/mop/sanitze and date everything…or basically, prepare for close. This semi new person preclosed today, and yet once again, didnt do half of anything it seemed. I would understand if he were brand new, or if he was very busy, or if this was a first. but this is the way it always is. He didnt mop or sweep..nothing had dates, stuff was totally out. and dirty. but when i come in, he gves a lazy hand gesture and tells me “yeah i did everything except the blenders”.. uhm does he know hes supposed to mop the floors?

And the great part about it is…when i get there and i start 2 clean up so i dont have 2 do everything right before close, he goes out and talks with his girlfriends in the lobby. i’m mad cuz when i preclose i mop, sweep, sometimes more than once, date sanitize everything 2 help the closer because they already got a lot of stuf to do.

i hope he dint hear me…but i was complaining to the supervisor while he was talking in the lobby. i dont wana hurt his feelings but this is not the first time and i feel its unfair that he gets great hours and does a half a*s*s job, and also whenever he works i still must guide him through every drink he makes (hes worked here over a month and doesnt know how to make a lotta stuff)…so why does he get so many hours..? I just dont understand this. he got 30 hours last week, thats more than most supervisors get. come on! he doesnt even know how to make most the drinks!

also he was filling up some of the lobby milk pitchers and kept throwing the empty milk cartons in the trash, so i nicely said, just throw them in the recycling can (not only good for the environment, but i dont want to have to take out the regular trash again because its full of cartons). i dont know if he heard me, but one minute later he literally threw another milk carton into the regular trash, when the recycling is within equal distance. huh? ignorant.

again i hope he didnt hear me. i dont want any issues at work, i usually dont talk bad about people. but would you feel that this is a bit unjust..? what should i do if he did in fact hear me complaining, and problems arise from that?

The Expert answers:

Good for you for speaking up about this clown to your supervisor! And if he heard you, so what? It sounds like he doesn’t take this job seriously enough to care. Yes it is unjust that you have to do so much more work because he just doesn’t give a damn. It’s difficult to say what you should do if problems arise because, so far, nothings happened. When you start having problems tell us about it.

James asks…

how to trust in harold camping and scientology after it let me down?

yes i was at work and fell off a moving car, not my falt, rolled off a moving ford toros while it were doing 50mph down a bumpy dirt road and i had to clamb out the sunroof unto the back bumper to try to tighten some bolts on the muffler to keep it from rattlin like a snake in a clothes hamper, hit a log and fell off onto my head. my wifes boyfriends scientology church and now they need a lot of money, i dont got a lot and only got a little left over from a lawsuit i had from gettin a bad injury at the hospital cause they thought i was an animal and tried to spay me. I AM TORN BETEWEEN HAROLDS CAMPINGS AND BUYING RICERONI AND PORNO i dont have the funds for booth, hopefully my brian leak will heal on its own accord i have been pooring honey into my head like a faucet.

i also joined my wifes boyfriends scientology church and they need a lot of cash A LOT

there has been a bad flow of egg yolk coming out of my head and leaking across my facial and it is seriously hampering my chances at getting a new job, its a brain leak. unfortunately. the egg yolk is also pooling up around the house and making a bad smell for me. i no longre have a health insurance because i was fired for this wreck and all, boss said it was because i was a bad employee and showed up drunked on nyquil and listerine all day everyday, but i know for a fact that BUCKET HEAD BADGER BABY only fired me cause I WRECKED THE FACKIN FORD TOROS! he is a liar and a jewish man.

anyways i am no longer workign at jiffy loob, and i was thrown out of my job and even tho i have a brain leak he is leaving me on the streets, my wife is also sleeping with a scientologost and the two of them are in my bed while i have been emancipated into the fackin garage onto a dog bed. dont even got tv out here, dont got juge judy and dont got a tolot for the doodoo batter only gots a jar to peepee into. dont even got maury only i do have the internet for the pornos.

anyways i have been puttin honey onto my brain leak all day to fight the infections and demons, out here the shadows are lengthening and i am getting frightened at night, i see the ghosts around me and i am willing to fight my neybor, he has already challenged me AND I DID NOT BACK DOWN AND I WAS DRUNNK ON FACKIN NYQUIL AND TEQUILA AND I THREW HIM INTO A FIREPLACE AND TRIED TTO LITE IT UP ON THAT MATHERFACKER, KICKED HIM SO HARD HE HAS TO WAER A NECK BRACE AND I DID IT BECAUSE HE IS A MATHERFACKER AND A LIAR AND HE CALLED THE POLICE ON ME FOR LEAVIN NYQUIL BOTTALS ALL OVER HIS YARD, I CALLED THE POLICE ON HIM FOR KILLIN HIS DELF AND THREW HIM HEAD FIRST into his swimmin pool, obama is not givin me a job and i already sent numerous emails to harold camping, kanye, and obama to tell them my plight, no response, notuin in the box except notices from the library tellin me they are going to kill me for not returning a movie called dances with wolves and also a tigger movie, never watched them cause i accidentaly sent them in the recycling,

anyways i ranup into my neybors house wile he were eating wwith his family and grabbed him by the head and drugged him out onto his porch and rolled that DUCK HEAD down his staircase like a bowlin ball, and why did i do this? he called the police on me for fighting my wifes boyfriend with a knife in the front yard and drawing blood because he had pepperspray and i was using my neybors trashcan as a shield and jabbin at his belly with my knife as i got sprayred in the face until i was pukin and he stuck me with a blade.

also got called by the police because i fought my dog in the front yard, dont get up in arms over it tho animal cops already came and filmed it and beat me up and filmed that and then gave me 500 bucks to sign a waiver to be on animal coips

anyways my naeyber is a baby, harold camping already tooke 50,000 from me, all my saving, and now he weants more, i dont know how to accomidate everyone, i am sick of being the good guy, the scape goat, and a drunk.

only answer if you have been in this exact situatuiion

The Expert answers:

LOL. Thanks for the amusing story!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Helen asks…

How to separate different compounds?

I just have a question if anybody could figure out for me that would be great! It’s a project for school, I’ve got it about halfway done, but I need some others help for the rest, so here it is!

There is a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be separated. Unfortunatley, the job has been made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground down all of the materials to a fine powder, making it impossible to seperate by hand. Fortunatley, it is known what materials were in the truck:

Aluminum soda cans, Density: 2.7 g/cm^3
Steel Cans, Density: 5.7 g/cm^3
Milk Jugs, Density: 0.95 g/cm^3
Soda Bottles, Density: 1.4 g/cm^3

In the factory, which is where you’ll sepearate the meterials, you have these materials at your disposal:

1. A long conveyor belt
2. A large tank that can be filled with water
3. Another large tank ladeled “Concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5 g/cm^3”
4. Several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyor belt.
5. Several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping materials from the bottom.


How can I sepearte the above compounds only using them 5 equiptment. You can use one more than once, so for example, conveyor belt, water, then conveyor belt agian.

To get the Aluminum and steel sepearted I thought of using the magents to sepearte the metals from non-metals. Then dump the Milk Jugs and Soda Bottles in the tank of water, because water has a density of 1, so the milk jugs will float, so then you can separate that.

Any other ideas would be great, thank you!!

The Expert answers:

First put them in the water, this gets all the milk jugs out
Then Used the sugar water you can get all the soda bottle out.
USE the conveyor belt and manets this should get all the steel cans out
then the al cans would be left on the belt

George asks…

Am I being ripped off here ????

My council does not collect plastic or cardboard in the recycling. Instead we are told we have to take it to the local recycling centre (NOTE – we are not getting any reduction in our council tax for the fact we are having to do this ourselves.)

I then jump in my car and go to the recycle centre (NOTE – this is an EXTRA car trip that I would not have normally made AND I am of course am having to pay for the petrol)

I then drop these items off at the recycle centre and go home (Note – they then take the plastic / card to a depot, where it is my understanding that THEY get money for every ton they bring – they do not of course pay anything back to me)

So, am I being totally ripped off here ? Why am I having to do the job of others and paying for the privilage ?
I can & do put it in the bin for normal collection BUT with two weekly collections the bin fills up really fast and they only take what’s in the bin.
I did e-mail the council about this but – no response. As for ‘get a group together & complain’ well people have (I understand) but they do not do anything about it – apart from saying ‘Well the pick ups are going well – people do use the recycle centre which is also proof its working !!!!’

The Expert answers:

The money they get for the plastic and cardboard isn’t much at all. If it were £10 per tonne, and you contributed 2 kg, that’d be 2p you’ve contributed. A tonne of plastic bottles is one helluva lot of bottles.

Do it for the sake of the planet, not your wallet.

Better still, petition the council into starting a recycling collection service.

Steven asks…

can someone help me with my chemistry homework?

ok look, ill admit it, im not good in science and i really need help. i need to frigure out this problem, can you all help? ok so here it is

An offical from the city of westminster, mr.smith tells you that they hve a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be seperated, and htye will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. unforunately the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all the material into fine powder, making it impossible to seperate them by hand. fortunately mr.smith knows what the materials in the truck are, as well as thier densities

Material Density (g/cm^3)
aluminum soda cans 2.7
steel cans 5.7
milk jugs 0.95
soda bottles 1.4

in your factory you have the following materials at your disposal:
-a long conveyor belt
-a large tank that can be filled with water (1g/ml)
-another large tank labeled “concentrated sugar water, density=1.5g/cm^3”
-several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyor belt
-several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material from the bottom

Find a way to separate the four recycled materials. you may need to do this in several steps

please help me, i don’t even know where to start, let alone figure out several steps. my parents couldn’t help me and now you all are my last resort, please help.

The Expert answers:

First, put the powder in the water tank. The water will let the milk jugs float to the top. Skim this off. Next, put the powder in the sugar tank to allow the soda bottles to float to the top. Now all you have to do is use the large magnets to bring the steel out of the powder leaving the aluminum remaining.

Susan asks…

will i get rehired or even paid?

I got hired at a rubber recycling plant today, i’m to start Nov 17/08. My concern is after I was offered the job I am now told I will be starting training but expect to be laid off after two weeks. The company told me I will be working until December, then off for up to a whole month!. I was told to budget well and if I have a p/t job or anything to hold onto it. They also said they will rehire us for Jan/09. I’m just nervous about this, because I really need a job my money is running out. Whats also strange is upon hire they did not even ask for my SIN card or info. They did give me an employment offer in writing though, but I am to sign it and return it if i accept the position. I just walked out after he congratulated me and handed me the letter of offer of employment, he did not ask me to sign it there and give it to him. And since they did not take my sin?. I am starting Nov/17/08 night shift, is it best to phone during the day before i start to mention the fact that they dont even have my SIN card or any info?, and the letter signed and returned. They just said I have the job and that’s it. I also worry because they hired at least 8 of us and the company seemed to have hardly any employees i noticed. Also I noticed online some pictures of the company i am going to work for that were taken Nov 2nd, the place was abandoned. Is it possible this company is not doing well and they just fired and now hired us and will lay uf off and either not rehire us or even worse not pay us after they use us for two weeks then let us go till jan/09. I asked if it was gauranteed that i will be rehired for Jan/09, the boss said yes, as long as I work out of course. Is it worth risking taking this job?, please help. I only have enough cash for Dec rent and a little left over. Is it best maybe to work temp agencies instead of accept this job offer?, it makes me nervous because how do i know they will rehire me, also they didnt take my sin card or info. This company is very big though. But if it is closing down they can just use us and not pay or rehire, correct?.
I have talked to many people who think the company is in the process of closing. they legally do not have to pay us if they go bankrupt. they have already hired me there is no possibility of filling out more paper work before i start my shift on nights, they havent even taken any sin card info etc. the company changed there name recently as well. they are recruiting many people only to hire and say in 2 weeks we will lay you off then rehire. but they dont even have our sin card etc how do they know we are even legally able to work in canada. the company was empty not alot of workers, also they were abandoned and not in operation on nov 2/08. i think they probably laid off many workers and they hired us at lower wages to finish off the remaining two weeks of work they have left. then they dont have to pay us, they dont even have our banking info or sin card info as they claimed they were going to process when they hired us, they didn’t. i feel i will be paid at the end
i feel i wont be paid at the end is what i meant. they are just probably using us. 30% of the rubber is from the automotive industry and they are also not doing well. they also claimed they did almost close recently but they found a buyer. the fact that they didnt care to take any oid or info just a resume, and not have us sign and return the employment offer letter is sketchy to me. the company looks like it will close also. and i dont believe the risk is worth it to not get paid or possibly not get hired. the place is also a bad work environment and with health hazards. i worry with the economy this company is going down and just using us to finish helping them close. when i start on a weekday i wont get to fill any paper work on my night shift. i will just have to start work. i will not work if they dont have my sin card or my banking info, etc. this is not proper. its before xmas i don’t have alot of money, only decembers rent and a couple hundred!. I might consider temp agencies.

The Expert answers:

If you need the money tell your employer to pay you on a daily basis. I mean after work get the pay / money. If they don’t want just leave it and find another job or you can ask a legal advice from the ministry of labour to know whether the company is registered.

Robert asks…

Science homework help…?

Ok here’s what it says:
An official from the city of Westminster, Mr. smith, tells you that they ahve a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be separated, and they will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. Unfortunately, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all of the materials into a fine powder, making it impossible to separate by hand.

The items you have are:
*A long conveyor belt
*a large tank that can be filled with water
*Another large tank labeled “concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5g/cm3”
*Several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyer belt
*several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material form the bottoms.

So i kinda have an idea on how to do it, but i could use some more ideas on how you would do this. I’m sopose to writer a letter, but well i’ll do that so you guys wont have to. I just need some ideas pretty much and i’m done.

The first best answer gets 10 pts.
Also the recyclables are:
Aluminum soda cans, 2.7 density
steel cans, 5.7 density
milk jugs, 0.95 density
Soda bottles, 1.4 density

The Expert answers:

So the obvious but :-

a) do the magnetic separation whilst everything is dry. The magnets can be used over the conveyor or at the end as the material is falling.
B) use the plane water before the sugar water rather than the sugar first so you don’t contaminate the plane water (the scooped material from the plane water tank goes into the sugar water tank).

Draw a diagram to accompany letter showing the process in a flow chart form, teachers love it! The flow chart should show what material you should get out at each step ie steel cans with magnets, milk jugs as float on plane water, soda water as float on sugar water and aluminium as sink in sugar water.


Joseph asks…

i need help?

suppose that u r the new owner of the Owl Recyling Factory and you are looking for Business.

An Offical from the city of Westminster,Mr.S, tells you that the have a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be seperated and they will pay you $5000 if you can do it. Un fortunately, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all the materials into a fine powder making is impossible to seperate by hand.
Fortunatley Mrs. S knows the materials in truck and their densities

Marerials – Density (g/cm^3)
Aluminum soda cans- 2.7
Stell cans – 5.7
milk jugs – .95
soda bottles- 1.4

in ur factory u have :
-a long conveyor belt
-a large truck filled with water
-a truck labeled “concentrated sugar water density- 1.5 g/cm^3”
-several power magnets hanging above the conveyor belt
-several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material from the bottoms

The Expert answers:

I would run this powdered mess down the conveyor belt with the magnets over head. This will separate out the steel cans leaving the aluminun cans, soda bottles and milk jugs on the conveyor.

I would then have the conveyor dump all of this into the sugar water. The aluminum cans would sink and the milk jugs and soda bottles would float.

I would next skim off the floating milk jugs and soda bottles and place them in the truck full of water. The soda bottles would sink because their density is greater than the density of water (density water =1.0 grams/cm^3) the milk jugs would floa and i would skim them off with a net.

Chris asks…

lazy co worker, should i worry he overheard me complaining?

i work @ starbucks, different shifts. i closed today. the job of the afternoon precloser is to sweep/mop/sanitze and date everything…or basically, prepare for close. This semi new person preclosed today, and yet once again, didnt do half of anything it seemed. I would understand if he were brand new, or if he was very busy, or if this was a first. but this is the way it always is. He didnt mop or sweep..nothing had dates, stuff was totally out. and dirty.

And the great part about it is…when i get there and i start 2 clean up so i dont have 2 do everything right before close, he goes out and talks with his girlfriends in the lobby. i’m mad cuz when i preclose i mop, sweep, sometimes more than once, date sanitize everything 2 help the closer because they already got a lot of stuf to do.

i hope he dint hear me…but i was complaining to the supervisor while he was talking in the lobby. i dont wana hurt his feelings but this is not the first time and i feel its unfair that he gets great hours and does a half a*s*s job, and also whenever he works i still must guide him through every drink he makes (hes worked here over a month and doesnt know how to make a lotta stuff)…so why does he get so many hours..? I just dont understand this. he got 30 hours last week, thats more than most supervisors get. come on! he doesnt even know how to make most the drinks!

also he was filling up some of the lobby milk pitchers and kept throwing the empty milk cartons in the trash, so i nicely said, just throw them in the recycling can (not only good for the environment, but i dont want to have to take out the regular trash again because its full of cartons). i dont know if he heard me, but one minute later he literally threw another milk carton into the regular trash, when the recycling is within equal distance. huh? ignorant.

again i hope he didnt hear me. i dont want any issues at work, i usually dont talk bad about people. but would you feel that this is a bit unjust..? what should i do if he did in fact hear me complaining, and problems arise from that?

The Expert answers:

While I can understand you don’t want issues at work, he doesn’t care about what he’s putting you through with the extra work that you have to do when he won’t do his part. You need to complain, and your supervisor needs to have a talk with him. So what he heard you! He knows he’s doing wrong but just doesn’t care. As long as you keep quiet, he’s going to keep walking all over you. Next time you complain, make sure he can hear you.

Lisa asks…

do u feel like you have 2 work double for a lazy co worker. and yet they often get better hours?

i work @ starbucks, different shifts. i closed today. the job of the afternoon precloser is to sweep/mop/sanitze and date everything…or basically, prepare for close. This semi new person preclosed today, and yet once again, didnt do half of anything it seemed. I would understand if he were brand new, or if he was very busy, or if this was a first. but this is the way it always is. He didnt mop or sweep..nothing had dates, stuff was totally out. and dirty. but when i come in, he gves a lazy hand gesture and tells me “yeah i did everything except the blenders”.. uhm does he know hes supposed to mop the floors?

And the great part about it is…when i get there and i start 2 clean up so i dont have 2 do everything right before close, he goes out and talks with his girlfriends in the lobby. i’m mad cuz when i preclose i mop, sweep, sometimes more than once, date sanitize everything 2 help the closer because they already got a lot of stuf to do.

i hope he dint hear me…but i was complaining to the supervisor while he was talking in the lobby. i dont wana hurt his feelings but this is not the first time and i feel its unfair that he gets great hours and does a half a*s*s job, and also whenever he works i still must guide him through every drink he makes (hes worked here over a month and doesnt know how to make a lotta stuff)…so why does he get so many hours..? I just dont understand this. he got 30 hours last week, thats more than most supervisors get. come on! he doesnt even know how to make most the drinks!

also he was filling up some of the lobby milk pitchers and kept throwing the empty milk cartons in the trash, so i nicely said, just throw them in the recycling can (not only good for the environment, but i dont want to have to take out the regular trash again because its full of cartons). i dont know if he heard me, but one minute later he literally threw another milk carton into the regular trash, when the recycling is within equal distance. huh? ignorant.

again i hope he didnt hear me. i dont want any issues at work, i usually dont talk bad about people. but would you feel that this is a bit unjust..? what should i do if he did in fact hear me complaining, and problems arise from that?

The Expert answers:

Good for you for speaking up about this clown to your supervisor! And if he heard you, so what? It sounds like he doesn’t take this job seriously enough to care. Yes it is unjust that you have to do so much more work because he just doesn’t give a damn. It’s difficult to say what you should do if problems arise because, so far, nothings happened. When you start having problems tell us about it.

Betty asks…

how to trust in harold camping and scientology after it let me down?

yes i was at work and fell off a moving car, not my falt, rolled off a moving ford toros while it were doing 50mph down a bumpy dirt road and i had to clamb out the sunroof unto the back bumper to try to tighten some bolts on the muffler to keep it from rattlin like a snake in a clothes hamper, hit a log and fell off onto my head. my wifes boyfriends scientology church and now they need a lot of money, i dont got a lot and only got a little left over from a lawsuit i had from gettin a bad injury at the hospital cause they thought i was an animal and tried to spay me. I AM TORN BETEWEEN HAROLDS CAMPINGS AND BUYING RICERONI AND PORNO i dont have the funds for booth, hopefully my brian leak will heal on its own accord i have been pooring honey into my head like a faucet.

i also joined my wifes boyfriends scientology church and they need a lot of cash A LOT

there has been a bad flow of egg yolk coming out of my head and leaking across my facial and it is seriously hampering my chances at getting a new job, its a brain leak. unfortunately. the egg yolk is also pooling up around the house and making a bad smell for me. i no longre have a health insurance because i was fired for this wreck and all, boss said it was because i was a bad employee and showed up drunked on nyquil and listerine all day everyday, but i know for a fact that BUCKET HEAD BADGER BABY only fired me cause I WRECKED THE FACKIN FORD TOROS! he is a liar and a jewish man.

anyways i am no longer workign at jiffy loob, and i was thrown out of my job and even tho i have a brain leak he is leaving me on the streets, my wife is also sleeping with a scientologost and the two of them are in my bed while i have been emancipated into the fackin garage onto a dog bed. dont even got tv out here, dont got juge judy and dont got a tolot for the doodoo batter only gots a jar to peepee into. dont even got maury only i do have the internet for the pornos.

anyways i have been puttin honey onto my brain leak all day to fight the infections and demons, out here the shadows are lengthening and i am getting frightened at night, i see the ghosts around me and i am willing to fight my neybor, he has already challenged me AND I DID NOT BACK DOWN AND I WAS DRUNNK ON FACKIN NYQUIL AND TEQUILA AND I THREW HIM INTO A FIREPLACE AND TRIED TTO LITE IT UP ON THAT MATHERFACKER, KICKED HIM SO HARD HE HAS TO WAER A NECK BRACE AND I DID IT BECAUSE HE IS A MATHERFACKER AND A LIAR AND HE CALLED THE POLICE ON ME FOR LEAVIN NYQUIL BOTTALS ALL OVER HIS YARD, I CALLED THE POLICE ON HIM FOR KILLIN HIS DELF AND THREW HIM HEAD FIRST into his swimmin pool, obama is not givin me a job and i already sent numerous emails to harold camping, kanye, and obama to tell them my plight, no response, notuin in the box except notices from the library tellin me they are going to kill me for not returning a movie called dances with wolves and also a tigger movie, never watched them cause i accidentaly sent them in the recycling,

anyways i ranup into my neybors house wile he were eating wwith his family and grabbed him by the head and drugged him out onto his porch and rolled that DUCK HEAD down his staircase like a bowlin ball, and why did i do this? he called the police on me for fighting my wifes boyfriend with a knife in the front yard and drawing blood because he had pepperspray and i was using my neybors trashcan as a shield and jabbin at his belly with my knife as i got sprayred in the face until i was pukin and he stuck me with a blade.

also got called by the police because i fought my dog in the front yard, dont get up in arms over it tho animal cops already came and filmed it and beat me up and filmed that and then gave me 500 bucks to sign a waiver to be on animal coips

anyways my naeyber is a baby, harold camping already tooke 50,000 from me, all my saving, and now he weants more, i dont know how to accomidate everyone, i am sick of being the good guy, the scape goat, and a drunk.

only answer if you have been in this exact situatuiion

The Expert answers:

LOL. Thanks for the amusing story!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

How to separate different compounds?

I just have a question if anybody could figure out for me that would be great! It’s a project for school, I’ve got it about halfway done, but I need some others help for the rest, so here it is!

There is a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be separated. Unfortunatley, the job has been made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground down all of the materials to a fine powder, making it impossible to seperate by hand. Fortunatley, it is known what materials were in the truck:

Aluminum soda cans, Density: 2.7 g/cm^3
Steel Cans, Density: 5.7 g/cm^3
Milk Jugs, Density: 0.95 g/cm^3
Soda Bottles, Density: 1.4 g/cm^3

In the factory, which is where you’ll sepearate the meterials, you have these materials at your disposal:

1. A long conveyor belt
2. A large tank that can be filled with water
3. Another large tank ladeled “Concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5 g/cm^3”
4. Several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyor belt.
5. Several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping materials from the bottom.


How can I sepearte the above compounds only using them 5 equiptment. You can use one more than once, so for example, conveyor belt, water, then conveyor belt agian.

To get the Aluminum and steel sepearted I thought of using the magents to sepearte the metals from non-metals. Then dump the Milk Jugs and Soda Bottles in the tank of water, because water has a density of 1, so the milk jugs will float, so then you can separate that.

Any other ideas would be great, thank you!!

The Expert answers:

First put them in the water, this gets all the milk jugs out
Then Used the sugar water you can get all the soda bottle out.
USE the conveyor belt and manets this should get all the steel cans out
then the al cans would be left on the belt

Sandra asks…

Am I being ripped off here ????

My council does not collect plastic or cardboard in the recycling. Instead we are told we have to take it to the local recycling centre (NOTE – we are not getting any reduction in our council tax for the fact we are having to do this ourselves.)

I then jump in my car and go to the recycle centre (NOTE – this is an EXTRA car trip that I would not have normally made AND I am of course am having to pay for the petrol)

I then drop these items off at the recycle centre and go home (Note – they then take the plastic / card to a depot, where it is my understanding that THEY get money for every ton they bring – they do not of course pay anything back to me)

So, am I being totally ripped off here ? Why am I having to do the job of others and paying for the privilage ?
I can & do put it in the bin for normal collection BUT with two weekly collections the bin fills up really fast and they only take what’s in the bin.
I did e-mail the council about this but – no response. As for ‘get a group together & complain’ well people have (I understand) but they do not do anything about it – apart from saying ‘Well the pick ups are going well – people do use the recycle centre which is also proof its working !!!!’

The Expert answers:

The money they get for the plastic and cardboard isn’t much at all. If it were £10 per tonne, and you contributed 2 kg, that’d be 2p you’ve contributed. A tonne of plastic bottles is one helluva lot of bottles.

Do it for the sake of the planet, not your wallet.

Better still, petition the council into starting a recycling collection service.

Nancy asks…

can someone help me with my chemistry homework?

ok look, ill admit it, im not good in science and i really need help. i need to frigure out this problem, can you all help? ok so here it is

An offical from the city of westminster, mr.smith tells you that they hve a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be seperated, and htye will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. unforunately the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all the material into fine powder, making it impossible to seperate them by hand. fortunately mr.smith knows what the materials in the truck are, as well as thier densities

Material Density (g/cm^3)
aluminum soda cans 2.7
steel cans 5.7
milk jugs 0.95
soda bottles 1.4

in your factory you have the following materials at your disposal:
-a long conveyor belt
-a large tank that can be filled with water (1g/ml)
-another large tank labeled “concentrated sugar water, density=1.5g/cm^3”
-several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyor belt
-several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material from the bottom

Find a way to separate the four recycled materials. you may need to do this in several steps

please help me, i don’t even know where to start, let alone figure out several steps. my parents couldn’t help me and now you all are my last resort, please help.

The Expert answers:

First, put the powder in the water tank. The water will let the milk jugs float to the top. Skim this off. Next, put the powder in the sugar tank to allow the soda bottles to float to the top. Now all you have to do is use the large magnets to bring the steel out of the powder leaving the aluminum remaining.

Ruth asks…

will i get rehired or even paid?

I got hired at a rubber recycling plant today, i’m to start Nov 17/08. My concern is after I was offered the job I am now told I will be starting training but expect to be laid off after two weeks. The company told me I will be working until December, then off for up to a whole month!. I was told to budget well and if I have a p/t job or anything to hold onto it. They also said they will rehire us for Jan/09. I’m just nervous about this, because I really need a job my money is running out. Whats also strange is upon hire they did not even ask for my SIN card or info. They did give me an employment offer in writing though, but I am to sign it and return it if i accept the position. I just walked out after he congratulated me and handed me the letter of offer of employment, he did not ask me to sign it there and give it to him. And since they did not take my sin?. I am starting Nov/17/08 night shift, is it best to phone during the day before i start to mention the fact that they dont even have my SIN card or any info?, and the letter signed and returned. They just said I have the job and that’s it. I also worry because they hired at least 8 of us and the company seemed to have hardly any employees i noticed. Also I noticed online some pictures of the company i am going to work for that were taken Nov 2nd, the place was abandoned. Is it possible this company is not doing well and they just fired and now hired us and will lay uf off and either not rehire us or even worse not pay us after they use us for two weeks then let us go till jan/09. I asked if it was gauranteed that i will be rehired for Jan/09, the boss said yes, as long as I work out of course. Is it worth risking taking this job?, please help. I only have enough cash for Dec rent and a little left over. Is it best maybe to work temp agencies instead of accept this job offer?, it makes me nervous because how do i know they will rehire me, also they didnt take my sin card or info. This company is very big though. But if it is closing down they can just use us and not pay or rehire, correct?.
I have talked to many people who think the company is in the process of closing. they legally do not have to pay us if they go bankrupt. they have already hired me there is no possibility of filling out more paper work before i start my shift on nights, they havent even taken any sin card info etc. the company changed there name recently as well. they are recruiting many people only to hire and say in 2 weeks we will lay you off then rehire. but they dont even have our sin card etc how do they know we are even legally able to work in canada. the company was empty not alot of workers, also they were abandoned and not in operation on nov 2/08. i think they probably laid off many workers and they hired us at lower wages to finish off the remaining two weeks of work they have left. then they dont have to pay us, they dont even have our banking info or sin card info as they claimed they were going to process when they hired us, they didn’t. i feel i will be paid at the end
i feel i wont be paid at the end is what i meant. they are just probably using us. 30% of the rubber is from the automotive industry and they are also not doing well. they also claimed they did almost close recently but they found a buyer. the fact that they didnt care to take any oid or info just a resume, and not have us sign and return the employment offer letter is sketchy to me. the company looks like it will close also. and i dont believe the risk is worth it to not get paid or possibly not get hired. the place is also a bad work environment and with health hazards. i worry with the economy this company is going down and just using us to finish helping them close. when i start on a weekday i wont get to fill any paper work on my night shift. i will just have to start work. i will not work if they dont have my sin card or my banking info, etc. this is not proper. its before xmas i don’t have alot of money, only decembers rent and a couple hundred!. I might consider temp agencies.

The Expert answers:

If you need the money tell your employer to pay you on a daily basis. I mean after work get the pay / money. If they don’t want just leave it and find another job or you can ask a legal advice from the ministry of labour to know whether the company is registered.

Sandy asks…

Science homework help…?

Ok here’s what it says:
An official from the city of Westminster, Mr. smith, tells you that they ahve a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be separated, and they will pay you $5,000 if you can do it. Unfortunately, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all of the materials into a fine powder, making it impossible to separate by hand.

The items you have are:
*A long conveyor belt
*a large tank that can be filled with water
*Another large tank labeled “concentrated sugar water, density = 1.5g/cm3”
*Several powerful magnets hanging above the conveyer belt
*several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material form the bottoms.

So i kinda have an idea on how to do it, but i could use some more ideas on how you would do this. I’m sopose to writer a letter, but well i’ll do that so you guys wont have to. I just need some ideas pretty much and i’m done.

The first best answer gets 10 pts.
Also the recyclables are:
Aluminum soda cans, 2.7 density
steel cans, 5.7 density
milk jugs, 0.95 density
Soda bottles, 1.4 density

The Expert answers:

So the obvious but :-

a) do the magnetic separation whilst everything is dry. The magnets can be used over the conveyor or at the end as the material is falling.
B) use the plane water before the sugar water rather than the sugar first so you don’t contaminate the plane water (the scooped material from the plane water tank goes into the sugar water tank).

Draw a diagram to accompany letter showing the process in a flow chart form, teachers love it! The flow chart should show what material you should get out at each step ie steel cans with magnets, milk jugs as float on plane water, soda water as float on sugar water and aluminium as sink in sugar water.


Daniel asks…

i need help?

suppose that u r the new owner of the Owl Recyling Factory and you are looking for Business.

An Offical from the city of Westminster,Mr.S, tells you that the have a dump truck full of recycled materials that must be seperated and they will pay you $5000 if you can do it. Un fortunately, the job is made more difficult by the fact that someone has ground all the materials into a fine powder making is impossible to seperate by hand.
Fortunatley Mrs. S knows the materials in truck and their densities

Marerials – Density (g/cm^3)
Aluminum soda cans- 2.7
Stell cans – 5.7
milk jugs – .95
soda bottles- 1.4

in ur factory u have :
-a long conveyor belt
-a large truck filled with water
-a truck labeled “concentrated sugar water density- 1.5 g/cm^3”
-several power magnets hanging above the conveyor belt
-several nets for skimming the tanks and scooping material from the bottoms

The Expert answers:

I would run this powdered mess down the conveyor belt with the magnets over head. This will separate out the steel cans leaving the aluminun cans, soda bottles and milk jugs on the conveyor.

I would then have the conveyor dump all of this into the sugar water. The aluminum cans would sink and the milk jugs and soda bottles would float.

I would next skim off the floating milk jugs and soda bottles and place them in the truck full of water. The soda bottles would sink because their density is greater than the density of water (density water =1.0 grams/cm^3) the milk jugs would floa and i would skim them off with a net.

Richard asks…

lazy co worker, should i worry he overheard me complaining?

i work @ starbucks, different shifts. i closed today. the job of the afternoon precloser is to sweep/mop/sanitze and date everything…or basically, prepare for close. This semi new person preclosed today, and yet once again, didnt do half of anything it seemed. I would understand if he were brand new, or if he was very busy, or if this was a first. but this is the way it always is. He didnt mop or sweep..nothing had dates, stuff was totally out. and dirty.

And the great part about it is…when i get there and i start 2 clean up so i dont have 2 do everything right before close, he goes out and talks with his girlfriends in the lobby. i’m mad cuz when i preclose i mop, sweep, sometimes more than once, date sanitize everything 2 help the closer because they already got a lot of stuf to do.

i hope he dint hear me…but i was complaining to the supervisor while he was talking in the lobby. i dont wana hurt his feelings but this is not the first time and i feel its unfair that he gets great hours and does a half a*s*s job, and also whenever he works i still must guide him through every drink he makes (hes worked here over a month and doesnt know how to make a lotta stuff)…so why does he get so many hours..? I just dont understand this. he got 30 hours last week, thats more than most supervisors get. come on! he doesnt even know how to make most the drinks!

also he was filling up some of the lobby milk pitchers and kept throwing the empty milk cartons in the trash, so i nicely said, just throw them in the recycling can (not only good for the environment, but i dont want to have to take out the regular trash again because its full of cartons). i dont know if he heard me, but one minute later he literally threw another milk carton into the regular trash, when the recycling is within equal distance. huh? ignorant.

again i hope he didnt hear me. i dont want any issues at work, i usually dont talk bad about people. but would you feel that this is a bit unjust..? what should i do if he did in fact hear me complaining, and problems arise from that?

The Expert answers:

While I can understand you don’t want issues at work, he doesn’t care about what he’s putting you through with the extra work that you have to do when he won’t do his part. You need to complain, and your supervisor needs to have a talk with him. So what he heard you! He knows he’s doing wrong but just doesn’t care. As long as you keep quiet, he’s going to keep walking all over you. Next time you complain, make sure he can hear you.

Helen asks…

do u feel like you have 2 work double for a lazy co worker. and yet they often get better hours?

i work @ starbucks, different shifts. i closed today. the job of the afternoon precloser is to sweep/mop/sanitze and date everything…or basically, prepare for close. This semi new person preclosed today, and yet once again, didnt do half of anything it seemed. I would understand if he were brand new, or if he was very busy, or if this was a first. but this is the way it always is. He didnt mop or sweep..nothing had dates, stuff was totally out. and dirty. but when i come in, he gves a lazy hand gesture and tells me “yeah i did everything except the blenders”.. uhm does he know hes supposed to mop the floors?

And the great part about it is…when i get there and i start 2 clean up so i dont have 2 do everything right before close, he goes out and talks with his girlfriends in the lobby. i’m mad cuz when i preclose i mop, sweep, sometimes more than once, date sanitize everything 2 help the closer because they already got a lot of stuf to do.

i hope he dint hear me…but i was complaining to the supervisor while he was talking in the lobby. i dont wana hurt his feelings but this is not the first time and i feel its unfair that he gets great hours and does a half a*s*s job, and also whenever he works i still must guide him through every drink he makes (hes worked here over a month and doesnt know how to make a lotta stuff)…so why does he get so many hours..? I just dont understand this. he got 30 hours last week, thats more than most supervisors get. come on! he doesnt even know how to make most the drinks!

also he was filling up some of the lobby milk pitchers and kept throwing the empty milk cartons in the trash, so i nicely said, just throw them in the recycling can (not only good for the environment, but i dont want to have to take out the regular trash again because its full of cartons). i dont know if he heard me, but one minute later he literally threw another milk carton into the regular trash, when the recycling is within equal distance. huh? ignorant.

again i hope he didnt hear me. i dont want any issues at work, i usually dont talk bad about people. but would you feel that this is a bit unjust..? what should i do if he did in fact hear me complaining, and problems arise from that?

The Expert answers:

Good for you for speaking up about this clown to your supervisor! And if he heard you, so what? It sounds like he doesn’t take this job seriously enough to care. Yes it is unjust that you have to do so much more work because he just doesn’t give a damn. It’s difficult to say what you should do if problems arise because, so far, nothings happened. When you start having problems tell us about it.

John asks…

how to trust in harold camping and scientology after it let me down?

yes i was at work and fell off a moving car, not my falt, rolled off a moving ford toros while it were doing 50mph down a bumpy dirt road and i had to clamb out the sunroof unto the back bumper to try to tighten some bolts on the muffler to keep it from rattlin like a snake in a clothes hamper, hit a log and fell off onto my head. my wifes boyfriends scientology church and now they need a lot of money, i dont got a lot and only got a little left over from a lawsuit i had from gettin a bad injury at the hospital cause they thought i was an animal and tried to spay me. I AM TORN BETEWEEN HAROLDS CAMPINGS AND BUYING RICERONI AND PORNO i dont have the funds for booth, hopefully my brian leak will heal on its own accord i have been pooring honey into my head like a faucet.

i also joined my wifes boyfriends scientology church and they need a lot of cash A LOT

there has been a bad flow of egg yolk coming out of my head and leaking across my facial and it is seriously hampering my chances at getting a new job, its a brain leak. unfortunately. the egg yolk is also pooling up around the house and making a bad smell for me. i no longre have a health insurance because i was fired for this wreck and all, boss said it was because i was a bad employee and showed up drunked on nyquil and listerine all day everyday, but i know for a fact that BUCKET HEAD BADGER BABY only fired me cause I WRECKED THE FACKIN FORD TOROS! he is a liar and a jewish man.

anyways i am no longer workign at jiffy loob, and i was thrown out of my job and even tho i have a brain leak he is leaving me on the streets, my wife is also sleeping with a scientologost and the two of them are in my bed while i have been emancipated into the fackin garage onto a dog bed. dont even got tv out here, dont got juge judy and dont got a tolot for the doodoo batter only gots a jar to peepee into. dont even got maury only i do have the internet for the pornos.

anyways i have been puttin honey onto my brain leak all day to fight the infections and demons, out here the shadows are lengthening and i am getting frightened at night, i see the ghosts around me and i am willing to fight my neybor, he has already challenged me AND I DID NOT BACK DOWN AND I WAS DRUNNK ON FACKIN NYQUIL AND TEQUILA AND I THREW HIM INTO A FIREPLACE AND TRIED TTO LITE IT UP ON THAT MATHERFACKER, KICKED HIM SO HARD HE HAS TO WAER A NECK BRACE AND I DID IT BECAUSE HE IS A MATHERFACKER AND A LIAR AND HE CALLED THE POLICE ON ME FOR LEAVIN NYQUIL BOTTALS ALL OVER HIS YARD, I CALLED THE POLICE ON HIM FOR KILLIN HIS DELF AND THREW HIM HEAD FIRST into his swimmin pool, obama is not givin me a job and i already sent numerous emails to harold camping, kanye, and obama to tell them my plight, no response, notuin in the box except notices from the library tellin me they are going to kill me for not returning a movie called dances with wolves and also a tigger movie, never watched them cause i accidentaly sent them in the recycling,

anyways i ranup into my neybors house wile he were eating wwith his family and grabbed him by the head and drugged him out onto his porch and rolled that DUCK HEAD down his staircase like a bowlin ball, and why did i do this? he called the police on me for fighting my wifes boyfriend with a knife in the front yard and drawing blood because he had pepperspray and i was using my neybors trashcan as a shield and jabbin at his belly with my knife as i got sprayred in the face until i was pukin and he stuck me with a blade.

also got called by the police because i fought my dog in the front yard, dont get up in arms over it tho animal cops already came and filmed it and beat me up and filmed that and then gave me 500 bucks to sign a waiver to be on animal coips

anyways my naeyber is a baby, harold camping already tooke 50,000 from me, all my saving, and now he weants more, i dont know how to accomidate everyone, i am sick of being the good guy, the scape goat, and a drunk.

only answer if you have been in this exact situatuiion

The Expert answers:

LOL. Thanks for the amusing story!

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