Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

Know where I can get recycled pre-scored blank greeting cards?

The “recycled” part seems to be the kicker when looking at prices. I can find non-recycled blank cards to put my own design on for dirt-cheap but i can’t seem to locate recycled on google.

The Expert answers:

Depending on how many you need most print shops have overstock on different materials. (left over from other jobs) and they can make them into any size card you want and emboss them to fold and furnish you with envelops to match.
My sister owns a printing company and I raid her back room when I need card blanks.

David asks…

What exactly is a green job? What are they and how do you get one?

With green energy and products being the future, what kind of jobs are “green jobs“, and what kind of degrees and experience do they require? I would love to have a job that makes our planet a better place!

The Expert answers:

Same here! I would like something in harmony with my own values, a job that gives back to the greater good is the only kind I can feel proud to have. In my mind I think of a green job as working at an electronic recycling center breaking down electronics into it’s component parts or working at a facility that cultivates algae that is to be used for jet fuel, or sewing candy wrappers together to make a purse & selling them on ebay or trying to find/match buyers & sellers of recycled material in the most efficient manner possible. I think anything that promotes sustainable, renewable resources in a way that doesn’t itself cause unreasonable pollution could be a green job.

I imagine your education would vary depending on what you felt happy doing. Could you be happy being a quality control person in a recycling facility? Or do you want to invent a diesel engine powered by natural gas? A lot of jobs have yet to be invented since this is a new way of thinking for us. I think degrees in Organic Chem., Conservation, Anything related to biology, environmental law, etc. I’m sure there are so many fields out there that you can relate green jobs to that the possibilities are endless.

Betty asks…

What are some job ideas where I don’t need a boss?

I have a degree in business marketing and am sick of working for big companies and other people! Do you guys know of any jobs where I could work for myself? I’ve thought about being a real estate agent, but can you think of any other jobs?

The Expert answers:

Start your own business, sell something. Be a writer or blogger. Sell advertising/google ads on your web site. Buy and Sell on ebay. Start a dog/walking sitting business or in home day care. Be a sitter or companion/helper to the elderly. Collect scrap metal/aluminum cans and recycle it for cash. Some jobs that make money are not glamorous, but you do have your freedom.

Ken asks…

What kind of jobs can I get with a misdemeanor in retail theft?

I understand that having a misdemeanor is not half as bad as a felony but it still effects me every day even with it almost being two years old.I am still feel bad for what I did. But I will not let this stop me. I need some friendly advice. What jobs should I look for that will not have employers quickly toss my application away?

The Expert answers:

Some areas of businesses are much more forgiving than other; consider anything in the entertainment industry, construction or recycling industry.

Laura asks…

how can i get another job or make more money in animal crossing city folk ?

My problem is that I finished all the jobs i was suppose to do for Tom Nook (if that’s his correct name) and now i have no other way to make money. I’m aware that i can sell cherries and what not but is there a possible way i can get another job?

The Expert answers:

In addition to what temtem told you — If you have WiFi, find a nice *friend*, try here or online forums, get their friend code, and exchange fruit with them. Your Fruit sells for $100 bells to your Nook, other kinds of Fruit sell for $500 to your Nook.

When you get Fruit, don’t sell it, plant it, and then shake down the fruit when it grows in a few days, and plant that. Don’t plant too close to other trees, and after a few days if it grows (it usually does) you’ll have more fruit, and so on. Once you have a few trees, sell the fruit, more will grow on the trees. Also, don’t forget to plant your own town fruit too, in case a *friend* would like it.

Buy a Shovel, Fishing Rod, Slingshot and Watering Can when Nook has them! You’ll want them to make $$$.

If you get Coconuts (gift or show up on shore), plant them on the beach shore, near where the grey and sand meet and when they grow, plant the new coconuts and soon you’ll have a bunch of $500 coconuts to sell to Nook.

Fish fish FISH! Fishing can make you A LOT of bells. Some fish are worth big bells to Nook. I got 2 string fish yesterday, each worth 15,000 bells. Most are worth less, but I paid off my first mortgage in like 2 days of fishing and I don’t play that often. It’s my son’s game. = )

Dig for Fossils (looked for cracked ground) and then take them to the Owl dude in the Museum to check. He’ll want to keep them if they don’t have them in the museum, but take it back and sell to Nook.

Be friends with the Animals and they’ll give you stuff you can sell. Sometimes they’ll ask you to Deliver something for them, when you do, they will usually give you a gift later.

Go to the Recycling Bin in the Town Hall, it’s to the right. Look inside and take anything, and sell it. Cans, Old shoes and Tires aren’t worth anything.

Go to your Gate and talk to the Guard on the left. Ask him about Lost & Found and then you’ll see what they have. Take it and sell it, it’s yours. I don’t think Pit Fall Seeds are worth anything, but they are funny. Bury them and see if someone falls in them.

Buy a Slingshot and shoot down Balloons with Gifts floating in the sky. You’ll hear a whoosh whoosh sound, look up. You can sell the gift. Practice with the slingshot beforehand.

Bang Rocks with your Shovel. There is one Money Rock a day. If a Coin pops out, keep hitting the rock and you will get LOTS of bells, thousands. Coins and then Bags of $$ will come out. Yippy! You have to keep close to the rock and whack it quickly.

Shake non-fruit and pine trees and sometimes a Coin will fall out. Sometimes a Beehive will, so then try to run into a building, or you’ll get stung and you’ll gross out the animals. The stung eye goes away when you save, and you can find quite a few coins by shaking trees.

Go to town and put something up for Auction when you have friend codes and friends visiting.

When Joan the Turnip Lady shows up in town on Sunday between 6am and 12n, you can buy Turnips from her. Sometimes you make money, sometimes you might not, the price changes at Nooks every day. If you can check every day at Nooks, you’ll likely make money. They go bad in a week and Nook doesn’t buy turnips on Sunday, so sell beforehand!

Joan also has one Red Turnip Seed, mine have cost 1000 bells. Plant it in front of your home and water it (watering can) every day, lots. Then in 5 or 6 days, dig it up with your shovel and take it to Nook. It probably goes bad in a week. I got 16,000 bells for my one red turnip.

To learn more, go to or get a strategy guide.

Have fun!

Carol asks…

how can i get my film to be shown on TV?

I wish to make probably a 30 minutes film and I would like it if it is shown on TV e.g BBC1,2 or Channel 4. It is a film about recycling and job creations . It doesn’t promote any brand at all. I would also like to make a documentary about life in the community in which the film is set. I am not so keen to be paid for the film and hope not to be asked to pay. Like I said earlier the film promotes recycling and community cohesion.

The Expert answers:

No body buys films and then puts them on TV(or gets given them for free), common misconception by the layman, think about it once you have made it you have nothing to bargain with.

TV shows are commissioned by TV channels which in turn is subcontracted to a production company.

Most channels barely make anything themselves its all made by independent production companies, you’re best bet is to try to get your show commissioned through a production company, good luck its a cut-throat world. I do know of a company that buys the rights to your film so its no longer yours, you sign over all rights and they then make money buy selling it as achieve footage, they are called journeyman.

And you should get paid, there are paid professionals working in the TV industry and offering working for free is part of what destroys the quality (sorry I have to say that as I am a professional lighting cameraman). Not to mention you will not be taken seriously at all if you want no money.

I remember Ch 4 used to do a 2 or 3 min wonder or something, if they ever do something like that again you could try that.

Chris asks…


I need some questions and answers about recycling for my english homework. im making a leaflet and have to put them in but i cant think of any.

Need answers by 2night hopefully,, 2morrow at the latest..

Please Help!!!

The Expert answers:

Recycling by the Numbers

The symbol code we’re familiar with—a single digit ranging from 1 to 7 and surrounded by a triangle of arrows—was designed by The Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI) in 1988 to allow consumers and recyclers to differentiate types of plastics while providing a uniform coding system for manufacturers.
The numbers, which 39 U.S. States now require to be molded or imprinted on all eight-ounce to five-gallon containers that can accept the half-inch minimum-size symbol, identify the type of plastic. According to the American Plastics Council, an industry trade group, the symbols also help recyclers do their jobs more effectively.

Easy Plastics to Recycle

The easiest and most common plastics to recycle are made of polyethylene terephthalate (PETE) and are assigned the number 1. Examples include soda and water bottles, medicine containers, and many other common consumer product containers. Once it has been processed by a recycling facility, PETE can become fiberfill for winter coats, sleeping bags and life jackets. It can also be used to make bean bags, rope, car bumpers, tennis ball felt, combs, cassette tapes, sails for boats, furniture and, of course, other plastic bottles.
Number 2 is reserved for high-density polyethylene plastics. These include heavier containers that hold laundry detergents and bleaches as well as milk, shampoo and motor oil. Plastic labeled with the number 2 is often recycled into toys, piping, plastic lumber and rope. Like plastic designated number 1, it is widely accepted at recycling centers.

Plastics Less Commonly Recycled

Polyvinyl chloride, commonly used in plastic pipes, shower curtains, medical tubing, vinyl dashboards, and even some baby bottle nipples, gets number 3. Like numbers 4 (wrapping films, grocery and sandwich bags, and other containers made of low-density polyethylene) and 5 (polypropylene containers used in Tupperware, among other products), few municipal recycling centers will accept it due to its very low rate of recyclability.

Another Useful Plastic to Recycle

Number 6 goes on polystyrene (Styrofoam) items such as coffee cups, disposable cutlery, meat trays, packing “peanuts” and insulation. It is widely accepted because it can be reprocessed into many items, including cassette tapes and rigid foam insulation.

Hardest Plastics to Recycle

Last, but far from least, are items crafted from various combinations of the aforementioned plastics or from unique plastic formulations not commonly used. Usually imprinted with a number 7 or nothing at all, these plastics are the most difficult to recycle and, as such, are seldom collected or recycled. More ambitious consumers can feel free to return such items to the product manufacturers to avoid contributing to the local waste stream, and instead put the burden on the makers to recycle or dispose of the items properly.

Hope this helps!

Ruth asks…

is there a recycle salvaging job?

Like, going around to trash cans and removing the recyclables, I am a very eco-conscious person and would like to know if there are any formal jobs where you do this, or if you would just have to do it freelance. I am a crafter and can make several items out of plastic bags, drinking straws, etc, and I make money by selling soda can tabs, bottle caps, and scrap metals.

would this be a reliable job choice? and would I even be able to do something like this later on in the future?

The Expert answers:

Most communities have a number of salvage companies. Some have large scale, recycling companies. In general, the pay is low, the conditions poor, and the risk of industrial injury/death high. Also check out garbage hauling and solid waste handling companies. There is a growing industry and market for used building materials which is a bit better.

You say that you are very eco-conscious…..There are a lot of jobs out there that are environmentally related and as we increase our “green” culturalization they exist in virtually every field. Many require some level of training and education. You might start in more of a salvage type of job and use that to fund some training and education in another field.

You might also find a paying position in or out of the environmental field and use that to help you fund your passion for diverting recyclables from trash cans, along roadways, etc… Funding your passion of course means putting a roof over your head, food on your table, and clothing on your back. Then use your free time to personally divert recyclable items. But, you could even further your passion by educating folks about which items they are tossing that are recyclable and, provide an easier means for them to do so.

Or, you could spend that free time turning landfill stream destined items into usable items that you re-sell. If/when/as you do so don’t forget to include items of function and use. Some folks are able to “re-hab” all sorts of things like lamps, construction debris, furniture, and more. With a paying job, you could choose to do your own litter patrol, work with others on habitat restoration, or anything you could imagine too.

You might also find some different aspect of eco-friendliness that floats your boat better or, kindles your passion all the more. For example, in some areas with just a few months study one can earn a water quality certificate then go on to do entry level, water quality testing. Of course, testing water quality comes in different levels of responsibility, education, and tasks ranging from a couple of month certificate to a Master’s Degree.

At this point, getting a recycling or salvaging job might be a great beginning opportunity. But, do consider widening your vision and looking for other and additional opportunities related to your passion of eco-consciousness.

Sharon asks…


How is kids+teachers not recycling a problem? how do you know? please if you say anything, show a website with info with it.
peter j:
its for school i need evidence.

The Expert answers:

Recycling involves processing used materials into new products in order to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from landfilling) by reducing the need for “conventional” waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to virgin production.[1][2] Recycling is a key component of modern waste management and is the third component of the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” waste hierarchy.

Recyclable materials include many kinds of glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles, and electronics. Although similar in effect, the composting or other reuse of biodegradable waste – such as food or garden waste – is not typically considered recycling.[2] Materials to be recycled are either brought to a collection center or picked up from the curbside, then sorted, cleaned, and reprocessed into new materials bound for manufacturing.

In a strict sense, recycling of a material would produce a fresh supply of the same material, for example used office paper to more office paper, or used foamed polystyrene to more polystyrene. However, this is often difficult or too expensive (compared with producing the same product from raw materials or other sources), so “recycling” of many products or materials involves their reuse in producing different materials (e.g., cardboard) instead. Another form of recycling is the salvage of certain materials from complex products, either due to their intrinsic value (e.g., lead from car batteries, or gold from computer components), or due to their hazardous nature (e.g., removal and reuse of mercury from various items).

Critics dispute the net economic and environmental benefits of recycling over its costs. Specifically, critics argue that the costs and energy used in collection and transportation detract from (and possibly outweigh) the costs and energy saved in the production process; also that the jobs produced by the recycling industry can be a poor trade for the jobs lost in logging, mining, and other industries associated with virgin production; and that materials such as paper pulp can only be recycled a few times before material degradation prevents further recycling. Proponents of recycling counter each of these claims, and the validity of arguments from both sides has led to enduring controversy’

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Susan asks…

Should women be held responsible and accountable for the salary they negotiate ?

In other words the salary they agree to.Or should the responsibility for an adequate salary be put in the hands of the employer ?

The Expert answers:

Yes, but in the court of public opinion they are not responsible and intelligent enough to be held accountable for their actions. They are seen as oppressed and weak, what a double standard ! They are strong and capable and weak/easily manipulated at the same time. Just pick the one that works for the situation, aka feminism.

Juniper, how does that regurgitated and recycled tripe you spew taste the second time ? If women are systematically discriminated against in wages then why are there so few, if any, lawsuits FOR DECADES ? ? ? The only one I have ever heard of is the wal-mart suit. One suit does not a widespread problem make !

I’ll tell you why because a COURT of LAW is not the court of public opinion ! Anecdotes don’t fly, and neither does the apples and watermelons comparisons that sour grapes women make trying to show that they are being discriminated against. They can’t because they aren’t ! They NEVER have the “same job”, they choose to think it is the same job while retaining their gender privileges and hiding behind a “job title”, different job description.

BUT go here and look at all the hundreds of reasons why men should make more money than women. They do more, sacrifice more, risk more, etc etc etc !

Arguing against the facts just makes one seem like an irrational feminist, is that redundant ?

Ken asks…

What is the best cat litter to use that won’t get all over the place?

At first I tried the cheapest they have at WalMart (Cats Pride) and it is like sand and went everywhere….but it kept the odor down.

Now I am using Fresh Step, and it gets tracked out of the litter box just as bad even though it’s the clay kind, and it smells a lot worse.

Any recomendations?
I have a rug under it too….

what sucks is I am a college student and don’t have a vaccume cleaner…I just borrow one from my friend every other week or so…lol…I would bye one but my mother says my aunt is “surprising me with a really nice one that I’ll be able to keep forever” for Christmas…lol…but that sure will help for the next 5 months!

The Expert answers:

The clumping litter gets EVERYWHERE, including under the covers in bed, don’t ask me how.

Clay litters usually track about 4′ from the box.

Litter ‘pearls’ aren’t much better.

Yesterdays News is usually large enough to stay in the box — it’s the fact that the litters are being caught between the cat’s toes and the big pad that get them tracked outside the box and dropped elsewhere around the house. Unless you’ve got an energetic ‘digger’ who flings litter everywhere as they dig a hole to China to do their business in.

You need a large piece litter, and the only type I’ve seen that keeps close to the box would be the Yesterday’s News which is a pellet form of compacted recycled paper.

An extra thing you can do is get rid of the carpet piece and get a piece of astroturf or fake grass type doormats to put where the cat would step when coming out of the box. The vertical ‘grass’ strands would make the cat spread it’s toes as it steps, letting the litter fall down into that mat instead of tracking away from the box. Putting the box into a corner would make it easy to have just 2 small mats or one larger one, to do the job that way.

Laura asks…

How can i start an engine outside the car?

I want to pick up an LS1 engine that’s sitting outside the car at the junkyard. Even though it comes with a warranty, i don’t want to go through the hassle of installing it and then removing it if there is a problem. SO i want to run it outside the car to see if its good.

And yeah, logic would tell you that since it’s got a warranty, it must be good otherwise they wouldn’t give you a warranty….around here that isn’t the case. It’s a 50/50 chance you end up with a good engine from the junkyard.

Anyway, don’t want ppl to veer off what i’m asking and give solutions to something other than what im asking. Just want to know how i can start am LS1 (fuel injected) engine on the ground.

I’ve seen a video on youtube a while back of a guy starting an LS engine using only a battery and a starter in his garage…now i cant find the video.

So is it possible and how exactly do i do it? What about fuel?

The Expert answers:

I’m not sure who told you that you have a 50/50 chance that a junk yard motor is good or bad. It sounds like something someone made up.
The fact is, you get a good deal on a used motor, that they bought from someone else, that didn’t have the time or space or need for it. Any good junkyard has a business based on repeat customers.
You bought one motor, they may have bought 10 this week. Before a car is disassembled, motors are tested. Bad motors are recycled and good ones are stored. The last thing a good junkyard wants is a return. It means they got ripped off. They will pay more for a bad car with a good motor, from a known source. If someone they know mislead them, they may not buy from that person again.
They don’t save bad motors to sell, because there are plenty of good ones worth saving. Even the workers avoid a mystery motor. Why spend the time taking one out, if their not sure if it’s good ? When in doubt, they throw it out.

The biggest problem with junkyard motors is they sit, while they wait to be sold. They can get stiff or even seize from sitting.
I always like to make sure a used motor turns freely. So I take the spark plugs out and lube the cylinders, first . Using a breaker bar, gently turning the bolt on the crank shaft pulley. It should turn smoothly. When you know it’s not seize, you can use it’s starter motor to spin it. I make a wire harness and use a car battery, to turn it over.
Then do a compression test. The test will tell you if each cylinder has the right compression. If it’s a good the motor, it should have great compression.

If you want to start it, without installing it, you have to secure it so it doesn’t roll over during testing. You have to have a starter, so you’ll need to mount one. A fly wheel bolts onto a motor without a transmission, an auto trans doesn’t use a flywheel, so you might have to buy a flywheel for testing, if you plan on having an auto trans.
You’ll need to rig a radiator, or only run the motor for a minute or two. Running it without coolant will ruin it.
Fuel can come from a gas can. On a fuel injected motor, an electric inline fuel pump is needed to deliver the right pressure to the fuel injection.
Ignition on a old engine was easy, just run a ground wire to the block and a hot wire to the coil connected to the distributer. A multi coil modern motor with a computer needs the sensors connected to start. So a harness would have to be made to do that.
I would just lube it and turn it over. If you want to wire a starter and do a compression test, OK, but running it would be a big job.

Sandy asks…

What order should I wear my clothes?

I have very few clothes. 5 tees, 3 pants, 3 hoodies, 1 sweater, and 1 pair of high tops.

I mean Holy crap that’s really little! I’m like 13 and my parents are those that never I mean NEVER give money unless it’s for school. This summer I got some money and spent it on one tee and I got lectured for soo long. They say that it’s plenty of clothes already and everything like that. I can’t get a job since I’m not old enough. No one wants their lawns mowed or snow shoveled or anything like that.

So what I want to know is how should I wear my clothes if I have so little? Like I go to school 5 times a week. I can’t wear the same piece of clothing for 5 days! If I wear one tee each day, do I do the same the next week? Wouldn’t everyone recognize? I find it very embarrassing to wear the same clothes and pants all the time. Can someone help me with this problem? I can’t keep on wearing the same clothes but if I do, people will recognize and the clothes get dirty in the first place. Asking my dad for money is out of the question. Is there a way to wear my clothes a certain way? I heard of numbering my clothes but I never tried it.

The Expert answers:

Wear a different shirt/hoodie with your pants (in my opinion wearing the same jeans a couple days in a row is better than wearing the same shirt). You can make it so you wear your hoodie like a shirt (just don’t take it off) and that way you will have 9 different “outfits” (just different tops). Try not to wear the same shirt too much in one week, but it should be alright with your hoodie if you change your pants.

If you want to have different clothes, you could trade with your friends or do a clothing swap.

Or if you have older cousins/people with older cousins who are close family friends, they always have old clothes that they can’t wear anymore and you could always wear their hand-me-downs (this was my childhood pretty much)

I have never done this, but you could go to thrift shops and get different pieces for cheap from there.

For money you can bring bottles from home to the recycling depot place, and you can get a few bucks change that you can spend on something new. Look up newspaper deliveries, or babysit. Make/Sell things on e-bay or whatever internet sites if you’re allowed. Have a bake sale. Have a garage sale.

If you’re super desperate and just want change, you could raid your family’s closet (as long as they don’t get super mad at you or anything). Like I took a couple of my dad’s old Christmas sweaters that he never wears and then I didn’t have to buy any “boyfriend” sweaters that were in. Or if you’re mom if fairly close enough to you in size, you could see if she has anything remotely wearable for you to borrow some days.

If you have old clothes that you wouldn’t wear anymore, you can revamp them to make them totally awesome without having to buy anything new. I had a pair of jeans (an old home-stay had left them at our house and didn’t want them) that fit nicely but were waaay too short, so I cut them and died them and now I have super awesome rainbow shorts. If you want to get some ideas you could look them up on youtube.

In fact if you have some type of material (doesn’t have to be bought. Can be old clothes), you can make your own clothes like shirts, vests, skirts (those are easy), hats etc…

Donna asks…

Anyone ever work as a sorter on a recycling line?

If so, what’s the work like? Its currently a job I’m considering since I can’t find anything else & its defiently a secure job

The Expert answers:

Throughout your life you will take jobs that you like and jobs you don’t like. Just remember this … “It’s just another gig”. If you can’t find anything else and if it’s a secure job – take it for now, and keep your eyes open. It’s not a career – but times are tough all over and having a job is much better than not having one.

Keep in mind that employers always look more favorably on applicants who have jobs – they appear more responsible and resourceful. If you find a better job in three months or six months – the fact that you are currently employed will be very much in your favor when you apply.

When I was around twenty I had a job loading boxes on trucks – my shift was from midnight to 8 AM and I hated it – but I did it for about ten months and it paid great money. I got in very good shape there. I worked at a recycling center, also – not as a “sorter on a line” but I strapped newspaper, accepted glass and aluminum, I compressed cardboard and drove a truck around picking up paper. It was no great career but I met some interesting people and paid my rent.

It’s just another gig. Take it.

Sandra asks…

How does it waste energy if I throw away everything and not recycle?

The Expert answers:

There area a lot of bogus answers here! 1-“it takes more energy to drive the trash to the dump” – so, if I recycle that aluminum can, that means the trash trucks stop running? 2- “because when you throw stuff away they burn it & if you recycled it they can re-use & turn it into energy” – what do you think they burn it for? TO CREATE ELECTRICITY! 3-“not recycling is one of the causes of global warming” – global warming is only a THEORY…NOT a FACT!…and used by the crazed elite (ie, Al Gore) to MAKE MONEY by scaring you into buying ‘carbon credits’ – what a snow job. By the way, Al Gore owns a company that sells carbon credits! I’ll die before I buy 1 carbon credit.

It’s OK to recycle. It makes sense to preserve our natural resources, and save energy used to create new items. In realistic terms, that doesn’t mean that 1 pound less of ore will be mined or that the electric producers will produce 1 kilowatt less of electricity. Think about it.

Mary asks…

What are your views on horse slaughter?

I’ve been having an argument with a large number of people on Youtube over this topic. I am pro slaughter providing that they’re killed humanely as it does something about unwanted horses and would also have prevented less horses with poor conformation being created. However, because of my own personal views, I’m being hunted down and having huge arguments with several users over this.
Getting back to the point, how do you feel about this and also Obama legalising slaughter in America? I’m so glad he did as now horses are not being transported to Mexico where there are no regulations on slaughter.

The Expert answers:

Horses are indeed being transported to Mexico and Canada as they always have been. What Obama has done is to allow refunding of inspections which had been defunded prior, forcing the slaughterhouses to close. The inspections will cost US taxpayers millions while we subsidize foreign owned slaughterhouses that provide us with nothing in the way of jobs or revenue. Only international companies like Cavel have access to the foreign horse meat market. In the past these foreign plants have notoriously employed illegals and ex cons and provided no more than a handful of lowest paid jobs to US citizens. The communities near the plants lose property value, and deal with issues of water and air pollution among others. Our horses were still transported to Canada and Mexico throughout all of the years the US slaughterhouses were in operation, and that won’t change. Many breeders who were forced to cut back on their breeding operations will now be resuming their breeding programs, because slaughter of horses encourages irresponsible breeding, and in fact, serves to subsidize it.
By 2013 the European market is anticipated to be requiring strict regulation of the animals slaughtered for human consumption. Any US horse to ever be slaughtered to provide meat for human consumption will be required to have veterinary records from birth on after documenting all medications, vaccines, dewormers, etc. Administered, and all diseases or injuries treated. Since certain drugs such as bute, for example, have no safe withdrawal time established, and the metabolites are found in the tissues indefinitely, any horse having ever been given bute will not qualify for the European horse meat market. The Asian market is likely to follow suit, since our contaminated horse meat is currently being fed to their unsuspecting children and producing diseases like aplastic anemias and cancers. Our horses have not been monitored the way animals used for human consumption should be in order to assure safety of the meat being exported. All of us horse owners may find ourselves subjected to strict regulations, required veterinary control over administration of all vaccines and drugs used on our horses, and loss of many of the freedoms enjoyed at present if all US horses are seen as part of the food chain, whether or not we ever intended our own horses to end up at the slaughterhouses.

Those who neglect and starve their horses will not be able to provide the necessary documentation so that their horses, along with the many feral horses, will not even qualify as candidates to be purchased by kill buyers fulfilling foreign meat contracts.

So, none of the over-breeding and equine overpopulation issues will be solved, and the over-breeders can flourish while the taxpayers and the throw-away horses suffer for it. We haven’t benefited anyone but those who need to clean up their acts or be put out of business.

Horse slaughter is not a necessity, and there are viable alternatives that provide for humane euthanasia, environmentally beneficial and safe recycling of carcasses, and will ultimately need to be incorporated anyway as the foreign market for our tainted horse meat dwindles, as well it should.
Here is an excerpt of an article from the IFH on new regulations to meet the requirements of the European Union regarding the monitoring of quality of North American horse meat for export…………………

“……While the current system may be inadequately implemented, this initiative is only the first in a series of new regulations that by 2013 are expected to generate an electronic database with full medical histories wherein the EID is to be an implanted microchip in each and every horse destined for slaughter. Any horses flagged for banned substances will be considered ineligible.

How then will the current enforcement of these regulations develop to guarantee this happens? It is doubtful the U.S. Will comply or adopt any formal procedures to provide sufficient information for the completion of a Canadian EID.

In any case, the market for North American horse meat may be on the verge of collapse.

Many European importers have promised customers that they will no longer purchase from the North American supply chain. This stems in part from the realization of the extreme cruelty of the slaughter pipeline in North America and Mexico, as exposed by GAIA, a respected animal welfare in Belgium, and Animals’ Angels USA,13 together with the growing awareness that horses in North America are not subject to the restrictions that apply to food animals…..”
Here is a partial listing of drugs banned for use in horses to be slaughtered for human consumption. The FDA website has a full listing……………..


Carol asks…

whats wrong if someones makes money through alternative energy?

I know it sounds like a quick way to make money when they scare us with global warming, but who even wants to work on an oil rig out on the open sea? I rather have a job in the city. what about all the coal miners that die for our electricity? how many die during installations of wind turbines and solar panels? at least you can survive the fall, not many survive when methane pockets explode and mines cave in.

The Expert answers:

There are several basic logic errors in your concepts about alternative energy sources. First is solar cells and the fact that they will not produce as much energy in their lifetimes as they use in being produced and the disposal of manufacturing waste from them. The original concept for solar cells is they would be used in huge satellites, produced in orbital factories from lunar or other orbital materials sources. Here they would operate at 4 times the efficiency they can on earth because the filtering affect of the atmosphere is removed. Also in orbit they would operate 24 hours a day where on earth over a year they might average 6 to 7 hours a day. And then there is the waste issue, in orbit the materials can be easily turned into something else usable where on earth because of environmental laws they must be put into a dump instead of being recycled. Because of silly environmental laws the US now recycles less than one third of the manufacturing waste they did just 50 years ago and it costs more to dump it instead of recycling it.

Wind turbines are also very inefficient and currently their power costs more than any other because of just a few basic facts that are due to design flaws in the machinery itself. The main problem is the propeller on a post design copied from the old Celtic windmills of 1000 years ago. There are new and better designs out there that could be used but they are not acceptable to the environmental community because they are not visible. So the why things are not proceeding is mostly because the major environmental organizations are only letting those programs that pay them off with enough money proceed. And the fossil fuel producers pay the best so the real answers like nuclear and space based solar have laws written to keep them from doing what they could, at least in the US.


Paul asks…

Will someone please explain to me what the fruck happened in Shutter Island?

Will someone please explain to me what the fruck happened in Shutter Island?? I do not understand the ending.

The Expert answers:


The Marshall killed his wife after she drowns his children. HE SNAPPED. He was sent the mental institution where he met a new wave psychiatrist in Dr. Cawley (Ben Kingsley). You have to remember the time period of the movie. Mental health was advancing away from cavemen therapy (ICE WATER; LOBOTOMY; PSYCHOSURGERY; ISOLATION; TORTURE; ETC) toward medication (PHARMACOTHERAPY) and experimental therapy like we saw in the movie (Gestalt therapy) where the patient is made aware of the “here and now” through role playing/confrontation.

There are clues throughout the movie which show that Dr. Cawley is caring, and genuinely concerned for his patients. The Nazi, Dr. Jeremiah Naehring is OLDSCHOOL. He wants to chain patients to the floor (all of them, remember?) and he wants to poke and prod at their brains. You can feel his contempt for the whole experiment throughout the movie. He just wants to play like the old days in Warsaw.

How else can you explain the anagrams that the good doctor presents at the end of the movie? There was one for him, his wife, and the doctor. Do you think they went through the trouble to make those up? When he was talking to the nut job in Ward C, the guy did say “YOU DID THIS TO ME.” And the gun..Marshall was sure it was his gun, but it was toy. That say anything about his mental state? Then there is the lighthouse. Look at that place. Do you really think they went through all the trouble to, not only empty it, but make it look like nothing was there, that quickly? The men guarding the lighthouse were put there in support of the Marshalls conspiracy/fantasy. All part of the treatment.

So they arrived on a boat. Do you think if you put some crazy guy on a boat, one who thought he needed to investigate a so called conspiracy at Shutter Island, drove the boat out a few miles, turned around and told him that they were heading in to investigate, that he would’nt immediately buy into it? It was his fantasy.

The good doctor was trying to stave off the Nazi, but it seems as if he was given one last chance to cure the Marshall, or else it was lobotomy time. Long story short, THE TREATMENT WORKED. The problem was, the Marshall had nothing to live for, he now was cognizant of the fact that he killed his wife, and he was partially responsible for the death of his kids. If your wife murdered your children, and you felt like it was your fault, and then you killed her, the woman you adore, would you want to live? So that final morning, sitting there on the front steps, he is aware of his hallucinations, and he is aware of reality. He was told that he recycled, and that if this final treatment didn’t cure him, that he would be lobotomized, that he would have no more memories, that he would be a vegetable. SO HE PRETENDED TO RECYCLE. His final words testify to that “Would you rather die as a hero, or live as a monster.” But before he even said this, his shrink shakes his head at the good doctor, indicating that the treatment didn’t work, that he did recycle. This proves that everything they said in the final 15 minutes was actually true. That is why he got up and walked away with the orderlies, that showed that he was aware of what was going on. He wanted to end it.

Somebody posted that it was foolish to believe the final 15 minutes of the movie when they were screwing with your head the first 2 hours. That’s BS. Shawshank, Sixth Sense, Beautiful Mind, ETC ETC ETC. It’s the basic structure of a story of this genre. THE TRUTH COMES OUT IN THE END. It’s an “AHA!!!” moment.

Summary, He was a Marshall, he killed his wife, he went crazy, he was cured from the experiment, and then he chose to forget his miserable life through lobotomy. No other way to see it. Watch the movie again. Listen to the words of his “partner,” the good doctor, and Leo himself.

Hope this helps…link below talks about history of psychotherapy..

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

How to start a research paper on recycling?

My thesis is basically stating people should recycle more because it helps economically and environmentally but I don’t know how to start it on the paper.

The Expert answers:

I find that it is important to choose somthing taht you feel passionate about. Is there somthing recycling related that is really bugging you? Why is there so much plastic packaging that can not be recycled for example? And then look at the resons behind this.

If you do you thesis on somthing you want to find the answer to for your own peace of mind rather than just filling a rather dull gap in research then you will make a better job of it.

Some ideas:

– Impact of Energy from Waste on recycling.
– Stronger regulatory pressure to recycle (affects of) like they have in tiawan.

Hope this helps.


Joseph asks…

Does recycling something incorrectly really ruin the entire batch?

That’s what my sister said. Recycling incorrectly could be like forgetting to unscrew the cap off a bottle, since caps aren’t recyclable. But I doubt most people even take off the caps.

The Expert answers:

No because workers and filters sort the material before it’s processed. Look up that episode of Dirty Jobs where they tour a facility and Mike gets to clean the big cylindrical sorter!

Nancy asks…

How should i start my persuasive letter about recycling?

i need to like..engage the audience in my class. i need to make it something to like spark the audience’s emotions, as my teacher says. it should stand out. i also don’t know what my reasons should be about why people should support recycling. please help me? thanks!

The Expert answers:

How to write a persuasive paper-

5 good reasons why recycling is good- 1. Saves energy
2. Conserves valuable natural resources 3.saves clean air and clean water 4.saves landfill space 5. Saves money and creates jobs

Maria asks…

Are there jobs out there where individuals go around to bring beneficial environmental changes to communities?

My dream job would to be stay at a town, get to know the area briefly enough to see what ‘green’ or environmentally friendly changes I could bring to the area, and then move on to another area.

The Expert answers:

Recyling jobs or volunteering is possible. You could also make game boards out of card board like say games about constitution as computer program and use recycled computer components for that plus say elected media geets you job.
Games like u.n. Peacekeppers against human rights attackers work to raise aareness.
Design like chess with potraits you can click on to hire heros pluus globebal shape board.

David asks…

How do I retrieve my files from yahoo email and from my documents after I deleted it from my recycle bin.?

I need these files to save my job. Is there some kind of recovery program on my windows xp to retrieve my files? The files were deleted about 3 months ago.

The Expert answers:

When I have deleted things I wanted to keep from the recycle bin, I just click Undo or Restore and they came back. But not that length of time.

George asks…

How much does an MMA fighter at the local level need to make from a day job to make ends meet?

Pretty straightforward. It obviously depends on the standard of living you want to have but for me if I decide to fight MMA I understand that I’m going to try to get by on as little as possible. Do most fighters who have day jobs work part time? And if you’re a fighter who works full time do you feel like it has a negative impact on your ability to train effectively?

The Expert answers:

The best thing for you to do is train. Compare yourself to the best guys at your gym. It is much easier to get fights in Iowa than anywhere else in the United States. Go for it! If you have no wrestling skill, no striking or subs you will be recycled and spit up pretty fast.

Crazy how guys think they can dominate MMA and have no wrestling skills……just watched a guy with decent striking get slammed and arm triangled. LMAO!!!!!


Daniel asks…

What can i collect to recycle for profit in the dominican republic?

ive been wanting to get on this recycle, going green thing for a long time.. maybe buy old cooking oil, scrap metals, plastic, glass, ect to resell for profit… help please!!

The Expert answers:

I haven’t been, I’ve only gotten as close as T&T and USVI. But I have some grasp of the economy and certainly of the climate.

Aluminum is probably the only waste product that is worth enough to send off the island. Crushed and packaged, it is probably already consolidated by someone there, I’d guess.

The things worth more than aluminum – brass plumbing fixtures, used copper pipe and wires – are great if you can find a buyer and a source. Dumpster diving at demolition sites comes to mind. I’ve had guys ask to go through scrap at job sites I’ve been on. It often helps, especially in poorer countries, to tip the site workers a few dollars for the privledge.

I’d see the big opportunities as reusing waste locally. Use the treads off old tires as the soles for locally-made sandals – I’ve seen that done in Africa.

The Heinekein Brewery once bottled beer in rectangular bottles so they could be used in the third world as bricks. Local sand plus cement make mortar and the resulting wall is lighter and more insulative than solid stone. And it would be completely termites-proof – that’s very important in the tropics. Others have used round bottles in that way, the ghost-town of Rhyolite in Nevada has such a building. The necks of the bottles overlap in the middle of a thick wall. Each wall face presents the bottoms of the bottles. Ideally you have thousands of the same size to work with.

“Tin cans”, actually galvinized steel, can be cut open, flattened and used as free roofing shingles. The 1-gallon and 5-gallon cans used for cooking oil are especially useful. Again hundreds of the same size are most useful in a roofing project.

Used cooking oil can be filtered and used to mix with regular “dino-diesel” to get free fuel. Running 100% vegetable oil is tricky without significant processing, but for 10-20%, you only need to thoroughly remove the water and particulates.

Jenny asks…

How do I quit my job without pissing off my supervisors?

I work at a recycling center and no one will admit if but the supervisor of my area is kinda prejudice against me and two other ( we are white ) its dumb, but I am also working for a staffing agency, working at that place through the agency, how do I do it

The Expert answers:

Just let the staffin agency know you don’t like it and dont’ want to go back.

If you don’t LIKE your supervisor, why worry about pissing him off?

Helen asks…

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Recycling Metals?

Could I please have a list of pros and cons for recycling metals in general.

The Expert answers:

Well!!!! I tnink you meant material rather than metal…


1. Recycling helps to limit the amount of glass, paper and plastic that must be produced. This will end with less garbage in landfills because it’s being reused. Currently, 100% of all refuse is recycled.
2. Adds jobs to the economy;
3. Slows the consuming of natural resources;
4. Makes people environmentally aware;
5. Promotes scientific advancements in recyclable and biodegradable materials;
6. Preserving the environment.


1.Separate factories must be set up for the recycling of materials
2. Pollutants produced by. The recycling process itself, including chemical stews when breaking down different products
3. Only th.e recycling of aluminium really makes any money. Reclaiming metals is feasible an.d fairly easy, wherea.s plastics and paper are expensive, wasteful and overly difficult
4. Creation of low-quality jobs. Jobs include sifting through garbage to separate it, dealing with the toxins from the breakdown process, and other manual-intensive labor tasks

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

How can I raise $750 by the end of August?

I’m 13, 14 at the end of July. My family was planning to go out west the last week of August, but we just realized we don’t have enough money. My dad’s job barely pays the bills, but we somehow had what we thought was enough money go out west, which we’ve always wanted to do. I asked my grandparents but they said they can’t afford to hire me and I’m pretty sure I’m too young to get a job. And my dad won’t let me work for a farmer, something I am old enough to do.

The Expert answers:

You’re old enough to babysit. That’s what I did when I was your age. You could also recycle soda cans or something. Or try dog walking or pet sitting. See if any of your neighbors would be willing to pay you to do odd jobs around their house. I know my grandparents sometimes pay neighborhood kids to cut their lawn or trim their hedges.

But I think you might have to face the fact that going out west might not be in the cards this year. If money is that tight for your family, then it sounds like there are better uses for it than spending it on a trip. Instead, focus on building up the family’s savings and paying down debt. And you should start thinking about putting money away toward your college education. Nothing would help your family more than you getting a great education and then getting a well-paying job so that you can then take all the trips out west that you’d like.

Richard asks…

What can I do to make my compter run faster?

The laptop I’m using is the Toshiba L655-S5096. It running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. It has 3GB RAM (in Control Panel it say only 2.86 is usable). It’s hard drive is 320 (In properties it says 284 GB so I’m not sure what the approximate size is) GB Serial ATA-300 5400 RPM. At the moment I don’t have the money buy new RAM/a new hard drive. Until then what can I do to make it run faster? I always empty the recycle bin and my cache. What are other things I can do?

Also how do I make downloading files in Firefox faster? I always download one file at a time but it still takes a long time.

The Expert answers:

Running Windows 7 defragmenting isnt necessary. Defragmentation is a leftover from the XP days, Windows 7 (since Vista) defrags weekly by default unless you changed the settings. Pre Win Vista bits and pieces of leftover files were strewn all over the drive, that doesnt happen in 7. It is not the way Win 7 distributes information over the drive, defragmenting simply moves most used programs to the front of the drive (To put it simply) and as stated does so weekly by default.

The best way to speed up your computer is by cleaning it up. You could go out and buy a 30 or 40 dollar program like System Mechanic, but there is a program available (Several actually) that have a better price (FREE) and do a better job. The one that I install on most users and students PC’s, is Wise Care 365. You can use the Freeware version, or if you choose for the added functionality, pay the 10 bucks and upgrade to Pro.

Download Wise Care 365 FREE version. This IS NOT a time limited or disabled function program. This is a full up utility that will definitely speed things up and the 10 bucks (Should you decide to upgrade) is for added functionality that will help, but is not necessary.

After downloading and installing click the Check Up button. Based on only your question I would suspect you will see you are running at a health level of 3 or less out of 10. Afterwards, click on “Clean now”. Windows and Application created junk files will be removed, privacy risks will be fixed, invalid shortcuts, memory dump, error report and system log files and a lot of other useless files that slow you down will be removed. Your health should go back to 10 or close to it.

Next click on the System Cleaner tab and run the Registry Cleaner, damaged registry or useless registry keys will slow down a PC faster than anything else, do this followed by the common cleaner and advanced cleaner, go through the cleaning process, it is one button click for each and only takes a few seconds. Click system slimming and check every box. The Winows Installer Baseline Cache will be a huge file, you do not need all the other languages unless you use your computer to send messages in foriegn languages and unless you are changing out Windows default desktops you do not need those either, get rid of them.

Click on System Tuneup at the top, Optimization at this point will already be complete. Disregard Defragmentation unless you just want to see how much is fragmented, should be nore more than 2% and does not need defragmentation. Go down and click on “Startup Manager”. It will come up on the “Startup” tab, scroll through and turn off anything you do not need to launch on system startup. This is another thing that slows down your computer, by default a lot of programs launch on boot and run in the background until you need them. You dont need them running in the background and they will work just fine when you click on them when you need them. Next click on “Services”, go through and turn off anything that is labeled as “Disable” that is not already off. Dont worry about “Records” since all that tells you is what you just did.

On the left of that same screen you will see “Registry Defrag”. Click on that, and follow the instructions. The computer will have to auto reboot to defrag the registry. Do it.

When complete, run the PC Checkup one more time, click “Check up again” and if needed click clean. And your done.

You SHOULD see a massive improvement.

Ram speedup utilities do not work with Windows 7. Windows 7 has built in RAM optimization. In fact, RAM speed up utilities have never worked, since they came on the scene with Win 3.11 they have been useless junk.

2.86 GB of RAM with 3 GB installed is normal. Part of the 3GB is allocated to other necessary functions or your computer wouldn’t work. You have 3GB of addressable memory, your BIOS, your Chipset, PCI Cards, APG, I/O, everything has a piece of RAM allocated. Without it, you wouldn’t even get to the BIOS. Your biggest performance improvement based on your specs would be a RAM upgrade, since RAM is cheap these days and you mentioned you couldn’t afford it at the moment I would suspect you cannot afford a new HD, SSD, MB or Processor at the moment either,, your only option is to clean it up and maintain it. The biggest problem with poor performance (Spec wise) on any mnachine is the failure of the user to properly ckeep clean and maintain.


32 years in the Computer Industry beginning with VAX and Unix machines. Technical Operations Manager and Area Engineer for the worlds largest Broadband Provider (Managed 4 cities), Web Manager for the worlds largest Automotive Online Auction. Cisco and MCSE certified, former owner of 3 Computer repair businesses, one Computer Instruction Business, one Web Development Business. Subcontractor for Dell In Home Warranty Services, WAN and LAN Engineer and manager. And a few other

Mark asks…

Global warming aside, do you believe the government has done enough in regards to reducing pollution?

If not, what do you believe should be done to reduce it further?

The Expert answers:

Use gm and chrysler’s bail out money to finance research by private firms with promising ideas that may someday replace the internal combustion engine

build more nuclear power plants
build solar fields
regulate ALL businesses.. Not just manufacturing ones.. Make it a requirement for all companies to have 1/2 as many recycling bins as trash cans. Dock police officers’ pay for leaving their cars on for their entire shift.. Or make them pay for 1/3 of their fuel. This one pisses me off.. I see these guys in a dennys for 3 hours and i go outside to leave and their cars are all running. Phase out coal plants. Adopt california emissions controls including smog checks, not just looking at the check engine lights. Make laws that all televisions sold in america include adjustable sleep timers.. Don’t give FHA loans or modifications on homes unless they pass energy efficiency checks. Carpool lane is a great idea.. Bring it to all states and actually enforce it. Stop letting the free market decide when green is OK. It’s more expensive but the transition will produce plenty of jobs, but in the meantime, only those that can afford to eat and drive and compute and heat their homes greenly cast economic votes in favor of it, keeping it on the fringe of mainstream and keeping it expensive.

*edit: responding to everyone saying we need nuclear power – i completely agree. But would like to add that we can easily re-enrich uranium as a ‘spent’ fuel rod is only ~5% less pure than a fresh one is. Uranium is a VERY rare element here on earth.. And even if we committed ourselves to depleting our weapons stash and using that uranium, we’d eventually find ourselves in the same situation as we are in with the oil. Not to mention the fact that we are not in a perfect world and we know that there are terrorist spies and operatives in our own country.. I don’t personally see a nuclear future happening, but we need to push doing SOMETHING other than burning fossil fuels. We take baby steps or moonwalk and say that it is progress. Seems like the entire world is planning on civilization ending in 2012.. Everyone’s so fucking near sighted
also, overpopulation wouldn’t be as much of an issue if we could limit each person’s impact on the environment and demand for natural resources. Since we wont take steps to curb the birth rate such as sterilizing people with low IQ’s or making laws as to how many kids a person can have because birth is how our economy functions, limiting each person’s impact on the world is the only way our species can survive in the long term.

Betty asks…

What photo equipment do I need to take professional wedding pictures?

I own a Nikon D40X digital SLR camera and I will be my brother’s wedding photographer for his wedding. I already have a zoom lens and a wide angle lens. The wedding is inside so I know I will need a better flash. I was looking at the SB-600 Nikon flash. What else do you think I will need in order to take professional quality pictures? Thank you for your input in advance.
I have done outside weddings before and the pictures came out wonderful. I do know how to take professional photos, but I have never did a wedding indoors before.

The Expert answers:

Here is a link,

I’m afraid you will need more than just a good camera and flash. The most important ingredient is the photographer. Even skilled and experienced amateurs have been know to flub their first wedding shoot. I am assuming your brother knows your experience level and has seen your work. Make sure his bride is fully in on the plan, too. Unless you have been shadowing a pro wedding photographer for several weddings and also have a very good set of skills of your own, it is highly unlikely that you will produce professional looking photos. For one thing, weddings move at a pretty rapid pace and there’s not time for a lot of fiddling and trial and error. For many wedding happenings you have one shot and it has to be right. So taking a series and hoping for right exposure is out of the question.

I highly suggest you visit the venue at the same time of day as the wedding and do some test shots. Take a model with you, in fact, take two . Dress one person in white and one in black. Try some exposures with and without flash and see what you’ve got. You don’t say what lenses you have. If the venue is dark, the kit lens will not be fast enough. During the ceremony there will most likely be no flash allowed. And you may be restricted on your movement as well. In low light, a tripod is essential for the ceremony. I set it up in the back or the balcony.

My usual plan is to shoot the processional from the front with a flash. When the bride (and escort/s) reach the front the photographer often moves to the back of the church or a balcony. Occasionally you can shoot from the front. If I have a second shooter I do the front and my assistant goes for the long shots. Usually no flash is allowed throughout the ceremony. Besides being distracting, many people, especially the clergy, believe flashing disturbs the sanctity of the vows and will not allow it. I use a tripod for the ceremony shots, and either a f/1.4 or f/1.8 prime or a f/2.8 zoom, depending on how far away I am. As the ceremony draws to a close I ease my way back toward the front for the kiss. Then flash again for the recessional.

By all means you will need a good flash. The SB600 will do a good job. Nikon has an excellent iTTL flash system. Unless you are comfortable with manual flash, let the system work for you. If you can bounce or use a bouncer of diffuser you will get much more pleasing light with less specular highlights and softer shadows. But beware of underexposure while using a diffuser. Usually you have to compensate the flash output, which means you will use more battery power. I highly suggest using lithium batteries in a SB600. They hold a full charge better, but you will have to keep in mind the recycle time. Some popular diffusers are the Gary Fong Lightsphere (I use the clear) the Demb diffuser, Stofen, and betterbouncecard, I have a new one called Lightscoop that I like very well.

Here is another link especially for using flash.


Practice a lot between now and the wedding. Get a backup camera of some sort, just in case. Have lots of fresh batteries and memory. If you are not completely comfortable shooting on manual, use the program mode and check the results using the histogram. Purists will hate the idea of the P mode in a wedding, but in truth P will get the amateur in the ballpark 80% of the time. Don’t be afraid to use higher ISO. True, ISO 100 will get you much less noise, but I would rather have sharp images with some noise than clean but blurred. The D40 should be acceptable at ISO 800 if needed, of course 400 would be better. Try to get some good portraits outdoors of the B&G. Watch the highlights on the dress to avoid blowing them and having a featureless white blob of a bride. Look at some wedding sites for the “must-have” shots. Make a list and discuss them with the B&G. Have someone in charge of rounding up the people in the formals. When shooting the group formals, be the only one at the front. Command attention and get your shots first. Then let the guests snap. If you don’t take control, you will have the wedding party looking in all different directions. When you are shooting, they look at you only. Always turn people’s bodies at an angle to the lens. Don’t shoot from below. Portraits made looking up someone’s nostrils are never flattering. If you are on the short side, take a small step stool for portraits. You will be seriously amazed at the difference a foot in height can make. Pay attention to the details. Hold bouquets low in the group shots, most girls want to hold them too high. I don’t like the guys to clasp their hands in front. Hands in pockets is fine. Don’t chop off limbs at a joint. Get closeups and full length. In the full length shots, do not chop feet off. A little tilt goes a long way and tilt does not suit every image. In particular the ceremony and group portraits should be level.

Also remember that as the photographer, you will not be able to be the sister. It is a very important day for your brother and the family. But you, as the event photographer, will be shooting, planning to shoot, checking the shots, setting up shots, capturing emotions, getting details, etc etc etc. You will not have time to join the festivities or participate in the emotions of the day. You can’t chat with cousins you haven’t seen in years or visit with grandparents. You will be busy. You will probably have some difficulty with family members who don’t get it that you are working. Be kind, but firm. You are responsible for the day’s memories.

Be very sure about this. Bad feelings can happen when things go wrong. Even with the best of intentions on both sides, sometimes emotions get out of control, especially if the product isn’t as good as hoped or envisioned. Sometimes the B&G don’t realize how important good photography is until they are disappointed. So make sure everyone can handle it gracefully no matter what the outcome is. I don’t say this to overly discourage you. After all, I know nothing about your skill. You may be one of the rare newbies who can deliver great wedding images. I hope so, and also that everything will go great. Best wishes and good luck!


I meant to mention, the day is about the bride, baby! Your side of the family is groom. I’m sure you know them better and are more comfortable around folks you know well. Of course, you want to document him on his day as well. But the day is 90% about the bride. As a wedding photographer, rather than the family photographer, you will have to lean your coverage toward the bride. If you forget that, most likely you will never *forget*, or hear the end of it, probably. So go for the girls!

Susan asks…

Are there other musicians out there that are losing their hearing?

I’ve had Meniere’s disease for about 11 years now and my hearing is pretty much gone. Although I can hear the sounds loud enough with a hearing aid, everything sounds like S H I T. Just noise. I’ve been playing the piano and other instruments for 32 years, (I’m 38) but I haven’t been able to listen to music (on and off it comes and goes) for about 5 years. Lately it just gets worse and doesn’t get any better.
I’d like to hear your stories.

The Expert answers:

Hey, guy, I’m sorry to hear it. I have been playing and composing (and listening, of course!) for a long time. Didn’t actually hear a lot of loud rock at concerts (maybe about 50 in my life I’d guess) so can’t explain it, but in the last 5 or 6 years my hearing has gotten worse and it distorsts sometimes and I have trouble with mainly the speech area around 1000 cycles (herz), which is a typical symptom of just “regular” hearing loss (in me the loss is about 15% left, 17% right). My ear pressure was checked recently and found to be “normal” by an audiologist who says it is nerve damage so no hearing aids would help (none, that is, except those $50,000 surgically implanted inner/middle ear ones), but I am not so sure and will explain why shortly.

Some orchestral stuff sounds pretty much the same as it always did, but some sounds (and this is going to sound nuts) either like the composer is an idiot for combining “gauche” sounds together (and believe me I like Stravinsky and other moderns, etc.); it’s almost (not quite) like the French composer Gabriel Faure who was said to have had hearing in the later years of his life that made bass notes sound a third lower and treble ones a third higher – I have at times heard high guitar riffs sound about 1/2 step higher than the key itself but this is not a consistent phenomenon; or at other times it sounds like someone is “EQ”ing certain notes to make them stand out too much, which in a way is interesting because I have to admit sometimes it lets me see something new (despite the fact I have perfect pitch and used to get A+s in Music Theory). Mostly piano sounds normal. Sometimes loud stuff kills my left ear and sometimes I even have to plug it if people talk too loud, especially if they start talking to a friend on their cellphone and are passing right by me! Kids shrieking in public restrooms sometimes hurts me so much I have to ask their father to make them be quiet until I leave (and of course papa could care less that I’m in pain and says that’s how little kids are going to be, refuses to discipline the kid who is just acting normal and then the dad acts like he wants to challenge me to a duel or something). How crazy is that!

I don’t know if I have Meniere’s or not because I also have high blood pressure (with some slight dizziness if I wait too long to take the meds, but have also had unexplained infrequent dizziness that’s not the result of a heart problem, etc.) and had some damage done to my left eardrum at a recycling center when someone dropped a lot of glass. I also had a job where I used equipment without proper audio protection and lost about 2 dB’s from my right ear as well, and I also suffer from occasional tinnitus. So it could be a combination of stuff in my case. In my case it is particularly ironic because I used to make money in the industry years ago – mainly arranging (although let’s face it that is not a reality for anyone anymore). I find the study of music history and musicians’ biograhies to be a way to stay in the game, and find some reassurance in other art foms as well as reading in a lot of fields. You have my sympathy and don’t hesitate to keep in touch thru my profile. You do not have to be alone in this.

By the way uyutrtrcjygvk: you’re an ignorant fool. Meniere’s disease is not caused by abuse to the ears at all. Go check it out.

Charles asks…

how much of the earth do we need to cover with solar cells to meet current energy demands?

If the world’s current power demand is 14TWH and the Sun produces 120000TW/Y or around 14TW/h. how much area of the earth would we need to cover in solar panels to reach current energy demands?

The Expert answers:

Hey Brian, interesting question, and one that gets to the heart of many renewable energy myths today. Your explanation might have a couple apples vs oranges. The sun produces much more power than 120,000 terawatts, or terawatts per year, but I’m not sure if TW/Y represents either of those. Total electrical energy use on our globe is about 15 terawatts continuously, or 132,000 TW hours each year. Since solar panels are about 12 to 14 % efficient today, it would take an area of 192 square miles to produce that much power. Problem is, you would need it to work 24/7, and most places on our globe are dark at night. Accomodating for night time, and twilight hours in the morning and evening when the panels would be operating below peak power, the number jumps to about 890 square miles, or about 39,000,000 acres. That sounds huge, but consider that Rhode Island takes up over 1500 square miles, and is one of the smallest states in the US, really that scenario is feasible. The fact is we are never going to do that. The cost, the enourmous demand for silicone, wiring, grids, and so on make it totally impractical. There is also the fact that Rhode Island is pretty cloudy.

Now enter the Germans, they have a fantastic plan to mine solar power from the Sahara Desert. It doesn’t involve solar panels, instead they are going to use solar thermal collectors that will heat oil to several hundred degrees, which will be circulated back into huge insulated tanks, then the hot oil will be used to boil water into steam ,which will turn a steam turbine. This idea has several advantages. First, since we can use both the light of the sun, and its resultant heat as opposed to a silicone panel, which uses only the incoming photons, the efficiency jumps to about 60%. Second, since oil does not boil until around 550 degrees, we can use the stored hot oil well into the night until it cools substantially. Now we have access to solar power at night. And the concentrators and oil(which gets continuously recycled each day) cost much less per unit power than any panel in production today. Since the efficiency is much higher, they will only need 30 to 40 square miles to power all of Europe. If you want to check it out, google, “North African Solar Project,” and read some of the resulting websites. If the system works as well as they plan, it will run most of Western Europe, and then we will probably have one in our desert southwest a few years later. This concentrator will not offset any wildlife, beyond a few scorpions and rattlesnakes living in the far out areas of the desert, and since they will be using sea water to boil into steam, the byproduct of the electrical production will be fresh water. That fresh water will be used for irrigation to farm small quantities of sunlight intensive farm stock in what is now a completely dry desert. Adding small amounts of plant life to the northwest corner of the desert where none exists now will not alter the climate, but does offer another opportunity for carbon to be converted to oxygen, reducing the CO2 content of the atmosphere slightly. There will be jobs there, installation, technicians, maintenance and operations, and as long as the sun shines in the desert, we won’t run out of fuel.

We’ve been powering our home for 11 years now on wind and solar power. I’ve learned many things during that time. One item is that there are two things in large supply in solar power, the sun, and missinformation. Lots of people have been posting interesting “facts” here about solar and wind power, having never laid a hand on a panel or wind turbine. Wind turbines do not kill as many birds each year as living room windows do, powering homes with solar panels does not require massive amounts of space, silicone panels do not need massive amounts of toxic chemicals to manufacture them, and people do not get cancer from spinning wind turbines. These are just a few of my favorites, there are many more. If you want to learn more about this technology, check out some sources below. Take care Brian, Rudydoo

Lisa asks…

How do you clean THIS messy room?

It’s a really messy home office. Looks like a joke. Tornado hit it. I’ve read a lot of organizing books but I’m not sure how to approach this. If I set up the whole Toss-Keep-Store piles then I am not going to be able to work tomorrow because the room has to be clean over several intermittent days. We need to be able to keep working here (several computer stations). My girlfriend told me to Attack Sections but when I try that one thing leads to another. Exmple, you clean one corner and find 65 things that belong in 65 other parts of the house that are not yet organized. I know this sounds nutty but I don’t know what to do. How do I clean this room without making it dysfunctonal for days? What do you do with the gazillion things that need putting somewhere else, but you don’t have time for that right now? Ack! There is so much stuff here and it is NOT just papers, there is clothing, artwork, supplies of ALL kinds.
I’m tempted to shove messes into boxes as is, but my husband says if I do that, he will kill me. 🙂

The Expert answers:

Why not just accept the fact that this is not a ONE day project!
Start by getting a large garbage pail. Start in one corner & just work your way through, making sure you have plenty of plastic boxes for sorting things out…put all pencils & pens and paperclips & small office equip in one box. Magazines in the garbage! Recycle newspapers, art work into a box to be sorted later, same with “found” mail. Get rid of all food containers opened or unopened! Get a file cabinet & file things in appropriate labeled folders. Its a big job just remember not everything can be accomplished in one day.

Thomas asks…

how can i start a msw treatment plant in india…what will be the cost & procedure?

I want to put up a Municipal Solid Waste treatment plant in Rajasthan, India.
I want to know the whole procedure from registration to operation, what will be the cost for the set up & what kind of resources need to be arranged?
Please help.
Thanks in advance for your precious time & valuable suggestions.

The Expert answers:

Despite being an attractive technological option for waste management, combustion-based processes for municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment are a subject of intense debate around the world. In the absence of effective controls, harmful pollutants may be emitted into the air, land and water which may influence human health and environment. Although incineration of municipal waste coupled with energy recovery can form an essential part of an integrated waste management system, yet strict controls are required to prevent its negative impacts on human health and environment.
Incineration technology is the controlled combustion of waste with the recovery of heat to producesteam that in turn produces power through steam turbines. MSW after pretreatment is fed to the boiler of suitable choice wherein high pressure steam is used to produce power through a steam turbine. Pyrolysis is extensively used in the petrochemical industry and can be applied to municipal waste treatment where organic waste is transformed into combustible gas and residues. Gasification is anotheralternative which normally operates at a higher temperature than pyrolysis in limited quantity of air. While both pyrolysis and gasification are feasible technologies to handle municipal waste, commercial applications of either technology have been limited.
Incineration-based technologies have been a subject of intense debate in the environmental, social and political circles. This article evaluates incineration on the basis of three parameters – environmental, human health and economic impact – and proposes an integrated mechanism to maintain a fine balance between energy recovery and environmental concerns.
Environmental Issues
The incineration process produces two types of ash. Bottom ash comes from the furnace and is mixed with slag, while fly ash comes from the stack and contains components that are more hazardous. In municipal waste incinerators, bottom ash is approximately 10% by volume and approximately 20 to 35% by weight of the solid waste input. Fly ash quantities are much lower, generally only a few percent of input. Emissions from incinerators can include heavy metals, dioxins and furans, which may be present inthe waste gases, water or ash. Plastic and metals are the major source of the calorific value of the waste. The combustion of plastics, like polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gives rise to these highly toxic pollutants.
Toxics are created at various stages of such thermal technologies, and not only at the end of the stack. These can be created during the process, in the stack pipes, as residues in ash, scrubber water and filters, and in fact even in air plumeswhich leave the stack. There are no safe ways of avoiding their production or destroying them, and at best they can be trapped at extreme cost in sophisticated filters or in the ash. The ultimate release isunavoidable, and if trapped in ash or filters, these become hazardous wastes themselves.
The pollutants which are created, even if trapped, reside in filters and ash, which need special landfills for disposal. In case energy recovery is attempted, it requires heat exchangers which operate at temperatures which maximize dioxin production. If the gases are quenched, it goes against energy recovery. Such projects disperse incinerator ash throughout the environment which subsequently enter our food chain.
Incinerator technological intervention in the waste stream distorts waste management. Such systems rely on minimum guaranteed waste flows. It indirectly promotes continued waste generation while hindering waste prevention, reuse, composting, recycling, and recycling-based community economic development. It costs cities and municipalities more and provides fewer jobs than comprehensive recycling and composting and also hinders the development of local recycling-based businesses.
Human Health Concerns
Waste incineration systems producea wide variety of pollutants which are detrimental to human health. Such systems are expensive and does not eliminate or adequately control the toxic emissions from chemically complex MSW. Even new incinerators release toxic metals, dioxins, and acid gases. Far from eliminating the need for a landfill, waste incinerator systems produce toxic ash and other residues.
The waste-to-energy program to maximize energy recovery is technologically incompatible with reducing dioxins emissions. Dioxins are the most lethal Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) which have irreparable environmental health consequences. The affected populace includes those living near the incinerator as well as those living in the broader region. People are exposed to toxics compounds in several ways:
* By breathing the air which affects both workers in the plant and people who live nearby;
* By eating locally produced foods or water that have been contaminated by air pollutants fromthe incinerator; and
* By eating fish or wildlife that havebeen contaminated by the air emissions

Robert asks…

What is the actual amount of money President Obama has spent and on what?

One thing is the $787billion stimulus:
$288 billion was tax breaks to individuals and businesses.
$226 billion for projects such as new roads and high-speed rail;
$273 billion in payments to state governments.

The Expert answers:

Well to answer the question.
You just Answered your own question.

The money for tax breaks pretty much extended the bush tax breaks.
The money for Projects is just getting around to being used for roads and stuff. (Takes a wile to come up with plans)

And the money for states, is spent by the states.

In my home town, they just finished a Landfill / Methane power plant / recycling center. [All rolled into one.] Made about 300 jobs.

And yes some of the money is being wasted. I would point out that Obama doesn’t see every project that the money goes to, he hands it down to others, so some were in there of cores some of it is going to something it doesn’t need to.

And for the guy above.
True 9%+ Unemployment is bad.
But it was 10% at the start of the year, first reduction sense the crash. Get your facts strait.

I agree the stimulus was a little badly handed, but doing nothing was a worst option.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Jenny asks…

What jobs are a violent felon allowed to do?

I know someone who committed a violent crime of passion (assault) and they received a felony for it. Their record will be expunged/sealed in about 6 months and I was wondering what kind of jobs could they apply for both before and after the sealing of the criminal record?

The Expert answers:

It is not true the expungement and sealing of records will prevent anyone from finding out about his record. Any government job and in some cases, any job where government licensing will be involved, will have access to those records, all the expungement and sealing will would prevent the record on showing up on a basic background check.

Most employers will ask if felony has been committed in the last 10 years; even with an expunged record, if he answers no and it comes to light later on, the employer can justifiably terminate him for lying on his job application.

Industries that are more forgiving of felonies are the skilled trades: construction, electrical, automotive techincian and masonry.

A starter job for many felons just out of prision is a warehouse job with Salvation Army and Goodwill or handler at a recycling plant.

Maria asks…

How many trees are killed to make paper, and how much does recycling reduce that?

Just wondering, because when I see big stacks of paper and paper being wasted, I imagine trees and animals suffering for our needs. Also I was wondering how recycling helps out as well.

The Expert answers:

Forget about paper just look how much ethanol is going to cost the planet for the sake of saving the Environment

They are insane intending to replace most of the indigenous Forrest’s in the world ,with mono cultures for the production of Ethanol,

Non sustainable, chemically grown ,heavily irrigated (with water needed for communities)one specie Forrest’s,that have only plagues of insects as fauna which are controlled with pesticides.

Killing all bio diversity,in both flora and fauna ,adding to the destruction and extinction of species ,like nothing we have ever seen before.

All in the quest for alternative energy and to save the Environment ,

The irony here is that the growing eagerness to slow climate change by using biofuels and planting millions of trees for carbon credits has resulted in new major causes of deforestation, say activists. And that is making climate change worse because deforestation puts far more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire world’s fleet of cars, trucks, planes, trains and ships combined.

“Biofuels are rapidly becoming the main cause of deforestation in countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and Brazil,” said Simone Lovera, managing coordinator of the Global Forest Coalition, an environmental NGO based in Asunción, Paraguay. “We call it ‘deforestation diesel’,” Lovera told IPS.

Oil from African palm trees is considered to be one of the best and cheapest sources of biodiesel and energy companies are investing billions into acquiring or developing oil-palm plantations in developing countries. Vast tracts of forest in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and many other countries have been cleared to grow oil palms. Oil palm has become the world’s number one fruit crop, well ahead of bananas.

Biodiesel offers many environmental benefits over diesel from petroleum, including reductions in air pollutants, but the enormous global thirst means millions more hectares could be converted into monocultures of oil palm. Getting accurate numbers on how much forest is being lost is very difficult.

The FAO’s State of the World’s Forests 2007 released last week reports that globally, net forest loss is 20,000 hectares per day — equivalent to an area twice the size of Paris. However, that number includes plantation forests, which masks the actual extent of tropical deforestation, about 40,000 hectares (ha) per day, says Matti Palo, a forest economics expert who is affiliated with the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) in Costa Rica.

“The half a million ha per year deforestation of Mexico is covered by the increase of forests in the U.S., for example,” Palo told IPS.

National governments provide all the statistics, and countries like Canada do not produce anything reliable, he said. Canada has claimed no net change in its forests for 15 years despite being the largest producer of pulp and paper. “Canada has a moral responsibility to tell the rest of the world what kind of changes have taken place there,” he said.

Plantation forests are nothing like natural or native forests. More akin to a field of maize, plantation forests are hostile environments to nearly every animal, bird and even insects. Such forests have been shown to have a negative impact on the water cycle because non-native, fast-growing trees use high volumes of water. Pesticides are also commonly used to suppress competing growth from other plants and to prevent disease outbreaks, also impacting water quality.

Plantation forests also offer very few employment opportunities, resulting in a net loss of jobs. “Plantation forests are a tremendous disaster for biodiversity and local people,” Lovera said. Even if farmland or savanna are only used for oil palm or other plantations, it often forces the local people off the land and into nearby forests, including national parks, which they clear to grow crops, pasture animals and collect firewood. That has been the pattern with pulp and timber plantation forests in much of the world, says Lovera.

Ethanol is other major biofuel, which is made from maize, sugar cane or other crops. As prices for biofuels climb, more land is cleared to grow the crops. U.S. Farmers are switching from soy to maize to meet the ethanol demand. That is having a knock on effect of pushing up soy prices, which is driving the conversion of the Amazon rainforest into soy, she says. Meanwhile rich countries are starting to plant trees to offset their emissions of carbon dioxide, called carbon sequestration. Most of this planting is taking place in the South in the form of plantations, which are just the latest threat to existing forests. “Europe’s carbon credit market could be disastrous,” Lovera said.

The multi-billion-euro European carbon market does not permit the use of reforestation projects for carbon credits. But there has been a tremendous surge in private companies offering such credits for tree planting projects. Very little of this money goes to small land holders, she says. Plantation forests also contain much less carbon, notes Palo, citing a recent study that showed carbon content of plantation forests in some Asian tropical countries was only 45 percent of that in the respective natural forests. Nor has the world community been able to properly account for the value of the enormous volumes of carbon stored in existing forests.

One recent estimate found that the northern Boreal forest provided 250 billion dollars a year in ecosystem services such as absorbing carbon emissions from the atmosphere and cleaning water. The good news is that deforestation, even in remote areas, is easily stopped. All it takes is access to some low-cost satellite imagery and governments that actually want to slow or halt deforestation. Costa Rica has nearly eliminated deforestation by making it illegal to convert forest into farmland, says Lovera.

Paraguay enacted similar laws in 2004, and then regularly checked satellite images of its forests, sending forestry officials and police to enforce the law where it was being violated. “Deforestation has been reduced by 85 percent in less than two years in the eastern part of the country,” Lovera noted. The other part of the solution is to give control over forests to the local people. This community or model forest concept has proved to be sustainable in many parts of the world. India recently passed a bill returning the bulk of its forests back to local communities for management, she said.

However, economic interests pushing deforestation in countries like Brazil and Indonesia are so powerful, there may eventually be little natural forest left. “Governments are beginning to realize that their natural forests have enormous value left standing,” Lovera said. “A moratorium or ban on deforestation is the only way to stop this.”

This story is part of a series of features on sustainable development by IPS and IFEJ – International Federation of Environmental Journalists.
© 2007 IPS – Inter Press Service


James asks…

Jobs involving humanitarian service or preservation of the environment?

Can anyone tell me what kinds of jobs are available out there for someone interested in humanitarian services and jobs that involve preservation of the environment? What type of schooling would you recommend to someone considering this type of career?

The Expert answers:

Firstly, a number of reputed schools exist to impart quality education in environmental studies.Please visit which is a site developed by Monster Worldwide.and choose the subject and the school.

The job opportunities are in the fields of Conservation, Education,Renewable Energy,Recycling,Sustainability and

Ruth asks…

How can I make money without having a job?

I am too young to get a job and I would really love to make my own money. Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

You can recycle 🙂

Chris asks…

Can you recycle toner cartridges that are all plastic in regular co-mingled recycling?

According to our copier salesman, our Kyocera toner cartridges can just be recycled in the regular recycling since they don’t have any metal parts. Even though they are empty there is always a little bit of toner left in the cartridge, and he said that this isn’t a big deal because toner is just ground up plastic. Is this true? Can I really just recycle the cartridges in our co-mingled recycling dumpster?

The Expert answers:

I disagree. The guy is a salesman. His job is to sell. He’ll say almost anything to seperate you with something you ‘need.”

I’d contact the company or jsut mail them. Corporations have a lot of pressure to recycle and be GREENER.

Contaminantes in comingled materials hurts the chance of something else in that bin of getting recycled as well. I say, keep the material clean & seperated.

Good luck!

Donna asks…

How difficult is it to recycle computers?

I have a job opportunity that has me do this. I will have to break the computers down for parts.

The Expert answers:

Recycling computers has two different methods:

For Broken Parts:
– They are sent to automated facilities where all of the medals are seperated and reused.

For Working but old parts
– Often repairs will be made to these, and they will be resold as “refurbished”
– The ones in better condition or even mint condition will be reborn in new computers! So some background knowledge of computers will help you.

Carol asks…

How much can i get for recycling glass bottles?

how much is glass recycling in phoenix Arizona? ive been collecting glass bottles to recycle to get some extra money and i probably have about 15-20lb worth of glass bottles and i was wondering how much i could possibly get for them per bottle.

The Expert answers:

You’ll get more than from plastic bottles. And i must say you’re doing very good job by recycling glass bottles!

Richard asks…

What can i do for recycled art project?

I need to do a recycled art project it HAS to be any animal but i don’t know what to do i need ideas

(no metal can be used!)
I need to do a recycled art project it HAS to be any animal but i don’t know what to do i need ideas i need it to be simple and easy

(no metal can be used!)

The Expert answers:

Start collecting toilet tissue, paper towel and wrapping paper tubes.

These make wondrful, lightweight construction materials. They cut easily and can be readilly attached with glue, tape, staples and other materials.

With these, you can constuct a frame or “skeleton” of an animal. You can then fill in the rest of your sculputure with more tubes, or try your hand at papier mache’.

The great thing about creative arts is that the artist can get away with a LOT of shortcuts to “suggest” the theme or subject without having to draw, paint or build every little detail. For example, if your subject is a horse, all you really need is to do a good job of making the LINE of the horse’s head, neck, back and tail to resemble the real thing. Everything else can be simplified and merely provide support for that important “line.” Just look at how many sculptors created works of just a human torso. These pieces need no head, arms or legs to suggest the humanity of the artists’ subjects.

Good luck and have fun.

Lisa asks…

How to get a job in Michigan at the Ford Motor Company?

Im going to school to take collision repair and the ford elective class. Can this help me to get a job at the Ford Motor company in Michigan?

The Expert answers:

Dented and scratched parts get recycled, not repaired at the factory. You’re qualified for the assembly line, or some position in dealer service shop after completing your courses.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Steven asks…

What is the point of urea recycling? As far as I can see it serves no purpose….?

I’ve been studying the kidneys and urea recycling came up. I understand what happens and how the urea is recycled but I don’t see the point in it. Surely we want to excrete all of the urea instead of dragging it back into the interstital fluid and then into the ascending limb of the loop of henle etc

The Expert answers:

Urea recycling serves a very important purpose! Water reabsorption from filtrate in the collecting duct and the Loop of Henle is due to increased solute concentration in the renal medulla. One of those solutes is, of course, sodium chloride, but the other one is urea! Only a portion of the urea in the filtrate leaves the collecting duct. This additional urea in the interstitial fluid helps “pull out” more water from the filtrate by osmosis. The urea is then returned to the ascending limb of the Loop of Henle – after its job is done – precisely because it now can continue its journey towards excretion. This two solute system enables us to produce a concentrated urine. If we were not able to do this, we would have to drink over a hundred liters of water every day to replace what we would lose by filtration. In fact, sharks keep a high level of urea in their tissues at all times to maintain themselves as isosmotic to the seawater they live in. This urea enables them to osmoconform – that is, they do not lose water from their tissues even though they live in a very salty environment.

Mary asks…

Is being green a con when it comes to recycling?

By recycling our rubbish are we just helping to keep environmental agencies profitable when they meet government subsidy targets or should we recieve a percentage rebate too, considering we pay local council tax on rubbish collection.

The Expert answers:

Well when it comes to UK we are definitely just helping to keep environmental agencies profitable as well as trying to comply (although in vain) to the standards set by the EU.


After reading the above article, it clearly proves one thing. We aren’t being encouraged to recycle, we are being forced to recycle. Instead of actually making recycling a truly environmental issue, the government instead just makes it a financial one by planning yet another stealth tax.

What is bizzare, is that I already have 3 bins at my UK house. One for general waste, one for cardboard/paper/plastic bottles and another for green (garden) waste/glass. I have all those at a significant increase in my council tax as it is, or in other words I am being charged for this priviledge.

Whilst I do try an do my bit by sorting my waste like many other people, i do not take it lightly when there is a possibility of my bins being tagged and me being charged extra on the top of my already extortionate council tax fee. No offence but by sorting my waste I am already doing half the job for them. I also happen to have a huge problem with the fact that the weekly collections have been scrapped and the rubbish is now collected fortnightly. If you have a large family, there is simply no way of reducing the waste when almost every single item these days comes in a box 6 times its size!!! Perhaps government should adress the manufacturers/packagers instead of penalising tax payers in order to raise yet more cash for their pathetic failed policies.

I also happen to be fortunate enough to be living between UK and Spain. Here in Spain, my rubbish collection is part of a community fee (UK’s council tax equivalent) which is not only a small fraction of what I pay in UK but also includes such as community private security and free sat TV. Here in Spain my rubbish is also collected daily (YES DAILY!!) apart from Sundays or public holidays. All refuse goes into the same bin – we don’t sort our rubbish here in Spain.

Which brings me to ask this question – how does Spain and other countries in Europe manage to do this at fraction of the cost and still adhere to EU recycling targets, whilst in UK we sort the rubbish for them and government still tries to screw us even more???

If you figure it out please let me know 🙂

Laura asks…

Why are there problems in not having a school library? How can I convince my school to have one?

I need some good facts that proves my point: If a school does not have a library students will be cut off of resources> THANKS A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Expert answers:

A school library is a great place to have a media center. It is great for teachers who want to give online assignments, because not every student has a computer at home.

Not every student can get to the public library where you live, because some have jobs, and by the time they can go, the library is closed. Others have no transportation. So, a school library can enable these students to be able to read books for free.

According to the No Child Left Behind legislation (NCLB), it is most important for each school to improve test scores in both mathematics and in English Language Arts (ELA). For the latter, it is important that students do a lot of reading. Thus, having an assignment where students take a quick trip to the school library is a very effective way to increase test scores in ELA, and thereby increase funding for a great variety of federal (and probably state- where do you live?) programs, as well as to keep that district’s accreditation.

School libraries make great places to study after school, and again, give students exposure to materials they would not normally see on their own.

It is easy to get books donated to start your library. Here is how to begin:

(1) Join FREECYCLE (go to, and find the group in your community). Members recycle things among each other. All is free, and you can just post a request to the list that if anyone has books that would be good for your library, please donate them. You have to be able to pick them up– ask a parent, or a friend’s parent, to help with that. Get your friends to do this as well!

(2) Ask local stores and clubs to donate a few books. Bookstores may be willing to donate some older inventory, in exchange for advertising in a school newsletter or flier.

(3) Have a book drive, and request that parents and alumni send in books.

If you volunteer to get the ball rolling, and get a faculty advisor to help you, it should be easy to get approval! Then, when you have enough books, tell the mayor and other elected officials what you have, and ask them to help you by voting to fund the money to hire a librarian, at least part time.

Best wishes. : c )

Joseph asks…

Chances of getting into Rutgers New Brunswick School of Environmental and Biological Sciences?

I’m finishing up my junior year of high school right now, and am very interested in majoring in Nutritional Sciences at RU NB. I’m worried about my chances because I had a D in honors algebra 1 my freshman year, a D in honors geometry my sophomore year, and a C+ in Advanced Honors Chemistry. I thought I could handle the work in these courses but my schedule was very demanding and I had some family issues those years that caused me to be miserable most times, I also got very little sleep. I don’t know how to explain my situation to Rutgers/if they’re be willing to listen and hear me out. I’m know I’m smart and can handle college. I don’t want a couple rotten grades ruin my simple college hopes.
Other grades:
freshman year:
Accelerated English 1: 92, A-
Accelerated World History: 89, B+
Honors Algebra: 69, D
Honors Biology: 87, B
Accelerated Spanish 1: 94, A
Wind Ensemble: 100, A
Health/Gym: 93, A-
Weighted GPA: 90.2

Sophomore Year:
Honors English 2: 87, B
Honors US History: 84, B-
Honors Geometry: 68, D
Accelerated Spanish 2: 93, A-
Wind Ensemble: 100, A
Health/Gym: 94, A
Accelerated Marketing: 89, B+
Weighted GPA: 89.24 (Not sure of the 4.0 scale..)

Junior Year: (Estimated final grades)
Honors Physics: 83, B-
Accelerated Algebra 2: 86, B
Honors English 3: 93, A-
Accelerated History: 93, A-
Accelerated Spanish 3: 92, A-
Wind Ensemble: 100, A
Health/Gym: 95, A
Personal Finance: 95, A
Weighted GPA: (not completely sure yet) around 94 maybe.
I took the SATs in March and am not happy with my score.
540 Math
560 Reading Comp
580 Writing
Taking them again in October. I hope to at least break 1800, going to work very hard over summer.
Marching Band all of my four years, I was VP my junior year and hope to be Woodwind Section Sergeant next year and President (very probable that i will be both of those..)
Drumline for 3 years
ESCAPE club (environmental protection and recycling club) for 4 years
Orchestra for the school musical for 3 years
Made the All-South Jersey Symphonic band sophomore and junior year, most likely going to make it again next year.
Olympic Conference Honors Band 1 year, this year.
I have about 20 volunteer hours right now, planning on volunteering a lot over the summer.
I do not have a job.
I’m a decent writer.
I have a great personality, great leadership skills, am intelligent, and really just want to go to a good college…. Please let me know if you think I’ll get into RU NB SEB!! Thanks 🙂

The Expert answers:

It would help to see your overall GPA as of now, but you still have senior year. Do well your senior year and you will be fine. Rutgers still looks at your senior GPA so don’t contract senioritis, plus if you do contract senioritis, it will be a huge slap in the face when you start classes in the fall albeit you get accepted. Considering D’s aren’t that great but those grades are in Honors classes, the admissions will look at that and take that into account, it is a much more harder and difficult class than regular classes. You should somehow incorporate why you didn’t do well in those classes and the fact you didn’t get much sleep in your essay/personal statement and say how you overcame these obstacles and what you will do to change yourself in order to prevent this from happening in the future again. I see you have an impressive extracurriculars. Those will help too. I was in marching band (Group VI), wind ensemble, jazz band and practically always involved in the music/arts program throughout my high school years. Maybe our schools competed against each other. I know for a fact RU NB admissions loves people who are involved in music/arts – it makes you look well rounded. Trust me. If you do well your senior year, get some good letter’s of recommendation, make your personal statement sound good, you’ll be fine.

SEBS has the most requirements/pre-reqs to graduate from rutgers than the other schools. Takes alot of time, try looking into taking AP courses and take the AP exam so you get college credit. It will help take the load off of you in college and plus if you do well in those classes in high school, it’ll be great for your GPA! Good luck, it appears i won’t be here when you are a freshman, so good luck and i bid you well on your academics.

just wanted to say that some people say that Rutgers is so easy to get into and some say it is extremely difficult. From personal experience, it was very easy to get into, I know people who did not even try in high school, people who had barely a 2.0 GPA and still got into RU New Brunswick. In your case, I know you would be accepted, but apparently Rutgers has gotten a little bit stricter with admissions with the incoming freshman every year. Just wanted to add, don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Just stick with those suggestions i mentioned above.

Carol asks…

Ways to replace my wardrobe on not much money?

I’m 12 years old and I love designer clothes and fashion, but I do not have much money (hardly any, in fact) and I am trying to replace my wardrobe, slowly but surely, with designer brands. I am trying to find ways to make more money (babysitting, etc)but I am still very young so it is hard to find real jobs that will pay. Are there any suggestions you ahve for ways for me to make more money?

The Expert answers:

Sell clothes on ebay! I recycle my wardrobe by selling clothes i no longer wear, then buy new ones with the money I make. It works for me b/c i tend to only wear things a couple of times…i then sell these and get something new. Works magic. 🙂

Michael asks…

What’s the best energy policy to put America on the road to Energy independence?

What energy industries should get the largest subsidiaries/ tax initiatives? What should we do as civil citizens on a local level?

The Expert answers:

I think we should invest in a national transit system that utilizes energy efficient technology. Building a mass transit system in 12 years would cost us less than 1 year of servicing and repairing all the interstate highways in the US.

I say that we, as citizens, should move to preserve ourselves and our country by pushing for more energy efficient technology. Using less cars and planes means saving more energy and producing less pollution.

It is a fact that New York is the most energy efficient city in the U.S. As most people walk, ride bicycles, or catch the subway. New York also has the most citizens who recycle. Their land fills grow slower than any other city.

Also, I think that small businesses should receive the most help. These businesses don’t have large trusts and agreements with other businesses so it encourages more competition. More competition means more variety. The more variety we have, the more specialization there would be, which would lead to more stable jobs in the US, and not in foreign countries. 50% of businesses will fail within the first 10 years of their opening, why not help them along. Tourists are attracted to local small businesses, not large, common business. What would you rather have when traveling? A McDonald’s hamburger, or something real authentic and only available at your destination?

Citizens can help by supporting local small businesses.

Sandra asks…

What is the United States main road block for progress towards sustainability today?

Would it be the governments fault, a lack of concern, greed, international competition, population growth or maybe something else?

Any suggestions would help.

The Expert answers:

There are several, but the main ones are:

1. Cost. Sustainability in general costs money. Even when you hear about savings, most are 10-40 YEARS down the road, so you have to spend money up front.

2. People. The cost in #1 does not grow on trees. Companies in the US can not raise prices so there is no money. You say why not? We are shipping enough jobs offshore already. Raise the price of goods made in the US, offshore prices will become even cheaper because people will buy the offshore goods.

3. People. People always in polls say they want it, but they will not put money up for it. Propose a 5% tax to make water and sewer systems better and watch the protest. Ask yourself or parents what they would do if their water bill went from $30 per month to $100 per month to help pay for sustainable practices. Most people will not pay it.

4. 3rd World. Noone will argue that China and other countries are trying to improve their economies, but they are doing it with the sin of pollution and unsustainability.

5. Government. The problem here is that the government is allowing jobs to be shipped out of the USA. Most people do not realize that the USA has some of the toughest and in some cases the toughest environmental laws. Not that we can’t do better, but see #1 above. Around 1% of manufacturing costs are for complying with environmental regulations. Sustainability would raise that to 5%. Until other countries pay that, it is hard to compete.

6. Sustainability Groups. There is tons of misinformation, starting with the fact that recycling newspapers is not a sustainable act. It is not. These groups only target USA companies. Sustainability is global and has to look at the entire life of products. Until these groups call for sanctions on offshore economies who have ZERO controls, they are hypocrites. You do not see them protesting at the Chinese and Indian embassies.

It all comes down to money. It costs money and people are not willing to spend it.

Paul asks…

When is the US government going to approve a highspeed rail linking east coast to west coast?

Wouldn’t this help our oil dependancy?

Wouldn’t this give an alternative to people who dont wanna fly?

Wouldn’t this boost the economy?

Wouldn’t this mean people getting to and fro work way faster?

Wouldn’t this mean that we have an alternative in transport?

Wouldn’t this mean better integration?

The Expert answers:

Probably not any time in the near future. Much of the US lacks the population demographics to support it. For all of its population, the US has a whole lot of low density regions, presenting a huge barrier on any coast to coast route. It also suffers from a lack of political will, and indeed a regionally oriented belief that government at any level has no place facilitating such things (while cheerfully accepting that it is government’s job to provide them with asphalt to drive on everywhere they go).

In some regions, though, it would be a great boon, particularly if it’s true high speed rail. You can expect to see more of it pop up on the Eastern Seaboard, along the Great Lakes, and on the West Coast (San Fran to LA, Seattle-Portland corridor, etc).

Yes, it would help with oil dependancy, because it does not necessarily have to be powered by oil, and even if it is, it is many times more fuel-efficient than flying or using personal vehicles per passenger-mile.

Yes, where it’s deployable, it would have economic benefits for facilitating travel.

Getting to work faster? Iffy. True high speed rail tends to function as an intercity connector. The more likely effect would be to extend viable commuting distances.

Yes, it does simplify travel. I’ve travelled from Washington DC to Boston on the Acela Express. Even at its neutered speeds due to unsuitable track, it’s notably faster than driving through city after city after city, and I arrive rested rather than frazzled. Check-in is massively simpler than flying, and the conditions are notably more comfortable. No stink of recycled air. Actual leg-room. Space to get up and move around. Space to sleep. And the ability to disembark directly into downtown with the ability to RAPIDLY retrieve one’s bag instead of wondering if it even came on the same plane? Oh yes. Where it’s available, it’s VERY nice to have that option.

It gets criticized for its cost, and ‘rugged individualists’ suggest that it’s cheaper to just drive one’s car. It really isn’t. It’s not like that road they drive on is FREE. In fact, the massive subsidies to drivers in the form of road construction are sucking US coffers dry at all levels of government. You think Amtrak is a drain? Look at the costs of providing the infrastructure for air travel or the interstate highway system.

Ruth asks…

How do I speed up my computer without paying for anything?

I’ve noticed my computer slowing down quite a bit lately. Is there anything I can do to speed it up WITHOUT paying for anything?

Thanks in advance.

The Expert answers:

Hmmm… For those that recommended overclocking, I dont recommend this, because, it slows your computer down from (in my opinion) heat stress.

OK… Speeding up your computer… Well, there are several options you can do.

1. Get and install a lighter, slimmer version of an Internet Browser (I use Google Chrome, fantastic, and prevents internet crashes :D)
2. Do disk cleanup to your hard drive. As your computer gets older, it gets slower because it has to recollect files which have been moving further and further apart. This may slow your computer down for a few hours, but believe me, finding files is a lot faster (after it is done)
3. Turn off things that you don’t need. Even when the computer is idle, a lot more RAM is needed. So for example, rememember that Steam account that you got last month and never use? Turn it off. Or MSN, turn it off if you dont need it, etc, etc.
4. Get slimmed down versions of programs. For example, remember that huge bloated Adobe Acrobat Reader? Well, ditch it in favour of something that does the job the same and slimmer. Like Foxit PDF reader, for example. 🙂
5. Do a scan for viruses which maybe slowing your PC down. I recommend Avira, does the job nicely, and it’s free 😀
6. Get rid of trial and old programs. The irratable thing about Trial programs is the fact that they will almost guarantee to ask for some £££ from you. In which, dont cough up your dosh, and instead opt for some open source software.
7. Clean out your recycle bin. RAM is still used to support the Recycle Bin. Clean it out, more RAM to work with 🙂

And etc. Hope that helps.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

George asks…

How much do clean up jobs get paid?

I clean up at a store where I have to throw out the trash all around the store and recycling, I have to sweep the whole store and sometimes clean the bathroom and upstairs.

I usually work 2 hours 6 days a week. How much should I get paid an hour, or what a reasonable and realistic amount?

The Expert answers:

Not enough for all that hard work. Barely enough to live on

William asks…

What happens to the used and recycled motor oil?

Is recycled motor oil used for anything?

The Expert answers:

The Many Uses of Recycled Motor Oil

Recycling used motor oil keeps oil out of landfills and ensures that this oil is available for re-use, reconditioning, reprocessing or re-refining. From a purely environmental point of view, the best thing that the motor oil consumer can do is to buy a longer-lasting oil. In that way, less used oil is generated in the first place. Over 380 million gallons of used oil is recycled each year according to the U.S. EPA, which equates to over 50% of all motor oil purchased annually. Currently, used motor oil can be re-used or recycled one of three ways – reconditioning, reprocessing or re-refining. It is important to note that each process can be important in helping to manage the overall volume of used motor oil in the U.S.

Proper, modern Re-refining with careful feed and product quality control, as well as sophisticated processes can successfully treat used motor oil to remove impurities so that it can be used as base stock for new lubricating oil. In other words, with good design and process management the used oil can be re-refined into “new” oil, giving it a second life so it can be used for vehicle motor oil again.

Currently 14% of used motor oil is re-refined and the consumer demand for this product has not made re-refining economically efficient for oil manufacturers. The result is that in some cases re-refined motor oil may be more expensive than virgin motor oil, When purchasing re-refined motor oil make sure that the oil specifications for the product meet those required by your vehicle manufacturer.

In some industries, oil is filtered through a commercial filtration system or otherwise cleaned. This process helps remove insoluble impurities so the oil potentially can be used again and again. Although the cleaning process does not always bring the oil back to its original quality, such cleaning, when combined with replenishment of key additives, does extend the oil’s life and use.

Re-Use and Reprocessing
Both lubricants, such as motor oil, and fuels, such as heating oil, are petroleum products. When an oil can no longer perform its original lubrication job, it may be perfectly suitable for Re-use and a second life as a fuel petroleum product in, say, a power plant with little or no treatment. If some treatment is needed, reprocessing of used motor oil removes some water and particles so that the oil can be burned and used as fuel to generate heat or electricity for commercial operations. 74% of all oil re-use/recycling in the U.S. Is for burning in turbines, incinerators, power plants, cement kilns and manufacturing facilities (asphalt, steel, etc…). An additional 11% of used motor oil is burned in specifically designed industrial space heaters. This creates a valuable form of energy, which helps our economy by avoiding the need to refine new commercial heating oil from imported crude oil.

Ken asks…

How to write a job application essay that is “I want a career at X because”…?

I have to submit an essay along with a job application that is on the topic of “I want a career at (employer) because…”. I was wondering if anyone had any good advice on what I should include in this essay? In other words, what would make me stand out and what do you think employers are looking for in this type of essay?

The Expert answers:

Always accentuate the positive. Lead with what the company wants and needs and of course interject yourself as the best candidate to give them what they want and need. Research the company and demonstrate by what you state that you know who the company is, who the company’s target market is, what the company’s service or product is and how you can help them achieve their goals and work within.

What is the company’s Mission Statement?

You do not need to throw it back out at them verbatim, but you should know what it is as you communicate with them.

For example, I am enthusiastic about starting my career at XYZ Company because XYZ Company is a leader in providing BLANK to its clients and customers and I want to work with the best. I have the education, skills and experience to become a very valuable asset to the XYZ Company’s team of professionals who are recognized as the preeminent experts in their field. I have distinguished myself as a successful BLANK by doing BLANK and my educational background in BLANK makes me an excellent candidate for XYZ Company…

Something along those lines. Make positive statements that show that you know the company, you think highly of the company and those that work there and describe how you can enhance their core objectives. And PROOFREAD and have someone else look it over before you send it.

I no longer apply for interviews as I am an independent contractor and I have decided to partner with some people in my state to expand upon a company that is making cell phones free anyone who will participate in the cell phone recycling plan they have, ( RECYCLE!) and giving other people who want to work independently an opportinity to work with the company.

BUT– when I was applying for jobs I was often able to get the interview and nail the job with strong oral & written communications skills and by choosing jobs or positions for which I was qualified and well-suited.

Today I have managerial experience and a MA degree that I like to utilize to educate and inspire young people to reach their highest potential in life.

Continued SUCCESS to you with this new position that you are going to GRAB!


Helen asks…

How effective is recycling in the UK and how does this compare to other countries across the world?

What is your personal opinion about recycling?
How effective are the recycling schemes in the UK

The Expert answers:

There are many recycling companies in the UK that are doing a good job. They not only recycle your recyclable items, but also pay you for that. I have been using GreenTech’s services for recycling my empty printer cartridges. They collect your cartridges for free and then even pay you for that according to the worth of your cartridges. Many, schools, charities and individuals have used cartridge recycling to raise funds.

Daniel asks…

What are some jobs someone under 18 can do for good pay?

Jobs that most people would not think of, and they can be employed jobs or unemployed jobs such as yardwork or whatever. Thank you in advance

The Expert answers:

Man when I was in high school I would hustle! My money maker was selling water. A friend in I would buy a few packs of water and some ice. We would get a cooler, a good location and sell them for $1 each on a hot summer day.

You could offer dog walking services

Auto detailing

Position ur self in a train station or busy bus stop and sell candy, say its for ur school. Or go into business non- retail like a dr.s office, car dealership, travel agency, job agency and sell candy, places like that usually buy large amonts at once. If the candy cost u $1 sell it for $2.00

Recycle. If it pays to recycle where u live

Charge someone for running their errands for them

Hope that helped some

Carol asks…

How can I find an accountancy job that benefits the environment?

I am a qualified management accountant with 3 years post qualification experience working in financial services. I am environmentally conscious and an animal lover and feel I am missing an opportunity to do something more beneficial to the world. I live in London and can’t afford to take a huge pay cut as I have a mortgage to pay. Does anyone have any ideas what type of jobs are out there that might match?

The Expert answers:

The link below actually lists organisations that are environmentally conscious. But maybe you should consider how to bring environmental issues into where you are now? I have always raised issues on recycling, sustainable and fair trade procurement policies, energy conservation and cherishing diversity whereever I have worked – sometimes they listen sometimes they don’t.

Mandy asks…

What can be done to get restaurants and large housing projects to start recycling?

I work at a restaurant and hate that most of the trash is recyclable. I also live in a townhome community and would love it if we had several recycling bins next to our dumpsters. How does one become active into getting a fairly large city in on recycling?

The Expert answers:

I worked in a restaurant once, too, and the waste that went on was disgusting. What I did was start small.
Start with your own store, talk to the bosses tell them whats up, maybe have an employee meeting with the rest of the staff. I provided the bins and told them what could and should be thrown in there, and I took them home to recycle, too. Don’t forget the office “trash”. Now, I quit the job before I could take it very far but as it was going well, I was going to take my case to the corporate bosses and see if they were willing to start a recycling program. You will need to really sell the idea to them, if it costs them extra money, they won’t go for it. So make sure you do some research, have a presentation set up, give them an incentive. That’s about all I can suggest to you on that level.
As for your community, go around and see if others are interested in recycling as well, maybe have them sign their names to a petition. Then go to the community leaders or city officials and see what can be done about a recycling program, offer to do the research if it must be done. Go to your local waste management and ask them what might have to be done to get this going.
All in all, talk to as many people as you can, get the word out.
You could go to your local gov’t leaders, but don’t count on them to do anything about it, they haven’t yet, right?
Don’t rely on others to get this done, like Gandhi said “you must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
good luck to you!

Jenny asks…

how could i go about becoming a leader in making my state a recycling state?

i would really like to see my state to really care about recycling so much so that our legislature will build a huge recycling center for towns within the state to send their recyclable goods for disposal and made in new raw materials for new goods (the state i live in is seperated from the U.S. so our transportation is expensive which is why this state needs its own recycling center). i also hope to see people decrease their dependence on new merchandise that may end up dumped in a land fill or the thrift store. i don’t know where to begin and how to go about becoming that leader? i’ll be grateful for any advice and encouragement.

The Expert answers:

Hawai’i or Alaska I’m guessing? If Alaska, lobby for a bottle return bill. I live in Washington where there is a steady line of cans and bottles along the road. A few miles away in Oregon there aren’t half as much trash along the roadsides since they have to pay 5c per can, and get that 5c back when they bring it back to a store. Some states have the system set up so the state makes money off the program, while others cater mostly to big businesses and the program is a hassle to everyone else. Show the state how they can make money off the program and they might be interested. Alaska could make their own low cost fiberglass insulation from the bottles they collect.
Hawai’i already does a half decent job in recycling, so don’t know what else they could do, except add value to the products somehow, and no one wants heavy industry in a tourist trap.

Michael asks…

How do you find jobs for people who prefer to not deal with people?

I don’t like to deal conversationally with people and I would prefer to be by myself. Are there any good jobs for this? How would I find them? I have a GED.

The Expert answers:

Yes you can apply for Night Porter positions at fast food joints. You will work by yourself overnight cleaning the restaurant. Or try a loading position at UPS, minimal contact other than communicating with fellow loaders. Janitor, garbage truck person, recycle truck person, deliver newspapers, basically any job where you don’t have to use a phone or stand behind a cash register.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

What percentage of lost jobs are due to technological advances?

Machines do not create jobs, they definitely eradicate the need for human effort. The fact that the engines of the industrial revolution created jobs was a reflection of human shortcomings. The development of artificial intelligence and advances in technology have overcome human shortcomings, and automation has stopped generating jobs since the 80’s.

The truth is not only are people now in surplus, but they are also a liability. People make mistakes, machines do not. People get tired and cranky, machines do not. People are erratic and unreliable, machines are not. People think and act slowly, machines do not. People have very definite limitations of endurance and concentration, machines do not. Just as horses became obsolete and were phased out of the workplace, so have people.

In every field machines are making improvements and replacing workers and the result is superior to any human effort. The manufacture of goods is automated. Whole factories build consumer goods without employing anyone. No human can compete with the relentless, accurate, speed of the robot.

Automatic Teller Machines provide a continual, convenient banking service. No human agency could supply such a benefit at such a low cost. Throughout our community goods and services are being improved by reducing the number of people required.

In the last 15 years we have seen the invention and expansion of the internet, which most people turn to for their shopping, banking, bill paying, and many other needs.

What percentage of lost jobs would you say are due to technological advances?

The Expert answers:

Hi My Friend,

From my opinion, Machines cannot create or kill jobs, neither technological advances.
If we observed the history of Industrial Revolution, human being created many many new jobs by technological advances.
What could you make your life during the middle ages? A farmer, a hunter, a teacher, a black smith, a clergy, a knight or a king; it was very limited variety! But because of the machine application development, our society needs more numbers of miner, more people working in the machine shop to build machines, and more numbers of worker to operate the machines. Even after the product consumption, society needs more people to work on the recycle or garbage treatment. Under these development process, human being create many new jobs.

Technological advances are reshaping the social structure, since industrial revolution, we see the significant growth of employment, a hard push to the people to learn more new techniques. Its growing likes the growing of a baby. The first two or three years growing is very vigorous; then the growth rate will slow down. You cannot say the baby has any health issue or he/she is dying because of the growth rate slowdown!
You simply can say the jobs creating rate has been slowdown or saturated since 80’s.

Just like what you’ve observed, people have changed their focus from actual shopping, banking or acquiring their needs by visiting the stores or bank. They can complete them and getting all done from internet.
It means the social structure is changing. People changed their work site from the field to the factory, but with the help of factory automation, people change their work site from the factory to the computer support industry (They can work as the IT programmer, network service support, or even network hardware installer, etc… All of those jobs are new)
Don’t forget there are many new factory products.Simply using TV/computer monitor as an example, there was no TV set two decades ago, then CRT TV set came out from the factory, following by the Plasma flat screen TV, then LCD, LED, LED backlit TV, etc… It implies the number of jobs is growing.

You are right, the new bleed of machine can have a higher production rate, it may not need that many people to support itself. But it is not equal to cutting down the number of jobs. As the number of factories increases, the number of jobs is increasing.

Look at the blooming China, four decades ago, many people are living in a small village, no refrigerator, no TV set, many of them used bicycle to commute. Especially the families were living in the village, their works were farming. Even they had extra money, they could not buy extra meat, or any luxury goods. Of course, television set was not popular in the small village.
But as their government opens the economy market, let the foreigners brought China the new technologies, with the automated factories, more people move out from village. Similar to the SIM CITY, with the help of technologies, a small village changes to a town, from a town, it changes to a city, from a small city it changes to a metropolitan.
I can’t believe I witness a small village has been growing to a metropolitan with airport and subway network.

It is the fact.

Actually, if we experience the growth rate is slowing down, we need to think how to keep it grow and don’t let it running into its old age.

The CONS of Advanced Technology(ies) is not cutting down the numbers of job, the CONS side is advanced technology may be dangerous to our environment. It pushes people to enjoy the luxury life but forgot about their health and spiritual concerns.

I remember the date of the East side of North American black out, it rings the bell to make us alert the importance of electricity (part of technology). It also made us to alert about our insufficiency if withdraw us from the high tech. I can’t cook my own meal, if there is no electricity, and I lost everything in the fridge and freezer. All of my wireless phones, no matter the land line phone or my cell didn’t work, etc… It was a nightmare!

Think about the Japanese nuclear plant issue. Before we step out to explore a new technology, we have to consider the consequence.

Think about this!!!!

Mandy asks…

What are ways to make money in college without committing to a job?

I am a freshman nursing major and pretty much do not possibly have enough time to commit to a job. All the upperclassmen nursing program students that I have talked to have said it is essentially impossible to balance work and this program because so much studying is required. However, I do need some way to make money while I am here so I can save a little bit at a time for the years to come. What are some odd jobs that college students can do to make a little extra cash? (Please no inappropriate answers)

The Expert answers:

If you’re healthy, donate plasma

Participate in any paid research studies at your college (in the psychology department). Larger universities with more money are more likely to have paid ones. I go to a small college and they only occasionally have them.

Sell your old textbooks

Sell stuff (any old stuff that you don’t want anymore- craigslist, ebay, or in person). Or you can sign up with a company to sell their products (I sold Avon for a while.. It’s only $10 to start up, and it really does sell itself.) You have to sell a lot to make a profit, but it’s fun. You can sell it to girls on campus, and if you can walk off campus once in a while to sell to other people in the town, you can make even more.

Babysit (for occasional date-nights or while moms are in class for a couple hours each day)

Tutor. If you take good notes, you can sell your notes for a class. If you can write good notes/papers, people will pay for that stuff. Usually only undergrad students will though- they’re taking gen. Ed. Classes that they don’t care learning about, and they may not have mastered college-level skills yet.

Collect bottles, cans, etc. To recycle

Sell a skill- if you can sing, write, do artwork, photography, etc…then advertise that

Laura asks…

Recycling Question for video we are making in class?

What are three pros to recycling? (environment)
Whats one recycling deterrent for not recycling?
What is One pro to recycling (not environmental)
What is one recycling method or option?

The Expert answers:

I work as a recycling coordinator and educator for a garbage company, and I have a degree in Environmental Studies.

Environmental Pros:
-Recycling saves natural resources. Natural resources (like trees, minerals, oil) are used to create EVERYTHING we use. If a material is made from a recycling material, then the virgin materials did not have to be extracted from the earth. Example: if you are making carpet, it is better to used post-consumer PET bottles than to drill oil out of the ground.
-Recycling reduces green house gases (which attribute to climate change). All the mining, logging, drilling, etc. Require LOTS of energy/transportation/etc. To get the materials; all of which produce CO2.
-Recycling saves energy. To create glass from raw materials, the silica and assorted materials have to be heated to a temperature of 2700 (i could be off by a few hundred…) degrees and held at that temperature for 45 minutes. To create new glass from old glass, the old glass needs to be melted to a temperature of 1800 (once again, don’t have the exact number…all my documents are at work) degrees and is ready to pour immediately.

Other Pros:
Recycling creates jobs. In California, the recycling industry has around a $4 billion dollar payroll.

One recycling deterrent-
It is an extra step for the consumer, and lots of people are lazy and think its not there problem. These people are idiots and don’t realize we all share the earth.

One method of recycling-
You can take your recyclables to a buy back center, a drop-off center, or your city offers a curbside collection program. Depending on your area (I’m in CA), you have to recycling, as its law.

Good luck on your project! Hope this helped!

Michael asks…

What kind of jobs with the 2009 stimulus package create?

Lots of coverage, not a lot of detail about the new stimulus package. What kind of jobs are supposed to be being created? How do unemployed citizens find information about which jobs will be created in their local areas, and how to apply for these jobs or appropriate training programs?

The Expert answers:

We new government inspectors to study and protect the environment and check on people who are polluting, not recycling, and wasting energy!!!! Get efficient America NOW!!!!!!!!

Thomas asks…

What Government official do i contact about stopping jobs form going overseas?

I am really mad that we are loosing all our jobs to china and i want to know who i can contact that can change this problem. Is it congress? President? Represenatives?

The Expert answers:

That is good question! They make it nearly impossible to contact them…With the way technology is these days, your request can be dumped in the trash or the “recycle bin” and I wonder if we’re even heard at all! Government has gotten too big…close to implosion and we’ll be the ones to take the hit since they rely on us!
*By the way don’t fall for the “email petitions” that is a tracking device*…
Start with your state rep and work your way up…their jobs are on the line for the next year or two and 1 letter represents a majority of the thoughts of the people. More of us need to think like you and bombard them with letters, (emails are easily deleted/or tracked), calls to voice your opinion- that is your right, just be somewhat polite but let them know your mad and remind them they work for us or you will be labeled as a “loon” and your opinion will be dismissed…sorry but that’s how we are to them, cattle that pull the plows for a giant gov that has taken what they have not earned…
Go USA, American Made All The Way!

Lizzie asks…

free way to recycle light bulbs?

i’m trying to start a ligh bulb recycling program at my job.but the kicker is my boss does not want to pay anything for the service.any ideas? im in the chicago area.

The Expert answers:

Many city landfills will accept items such as batteries, lightbulbs, paints and cleaners at no charge if you are a citezen of the city, and can show your most recent water bill.

I would suggest calling your local waste management/landfills to see what services they offer in their hazordous waste department

Here are some local Chicago landfills:,+IL&fb=1&view=text&sa=X&oi=local_group&resnum=1&ct=more-results&cd=1

Good luck,

Ruth asks…

Compare the energy and cost between production and recycling of aluminium?

This is for my report research.
“Analyze information to compare the energy expenditure and the cost needed to produce aluminium from the ore with the recycling of aluminium.”
The cost can be in any currency and I need exact values for the energy consumption.

The Expert answers:

Good luck with your report.

Please consider the people here on Y!A, though. You’re asking total strangers to spend what could amount to hours doing research for you. How many people do you know who have that kind of time to spend on a total stranger, with no reward at all for *themselves?*

What’s the standard minimum wage where you live?

Do you realize that doing research for others is a paying job — a respected career, in fact — for many people?

Do you go into a bakery and ask them to give you a large decorated cake for free? To you, a total stranger?

What answer would you get if you went in to a health club and asked for a couple-few hours on their exercise machines, at no charge?

It’s the same with answers on Y!A. If someone wants to do this work purely for *your* benefit, well, good for them.

But if you get no useful replies, then the whole Y!A community is telling you to do your own homework. Grow up, and get real, please.

John asks…

What are some reasons to enforce recycling in businesses?

I have to write a persuasive essay to the mayor to try to get them to enforce laws on recycling in businesses. What are some persuasive reasons that I can include. I’m having a complete Writer’s Block here.


The Expert answers:

It depends on your job. At my work one of my co-workers wrote an assay about how they could cut some of the paper work because it was useless and at the same time they would be saving money on paper. The corporation liked it and passed it. You can talk about that kind of stuff as well how to cut down on certain things which is even better than recycling if you dont have to use it in the first place.

Sandy asks…

I want to start a recycling program on campus?

I am starting some community service projects on my college campus, does anyone have any good ideas on how to get college students to recycle. Serious Answers only.

The Expert answers:

Sure, do this:
-Make sure you put recycling bins in every dormitory on every floor. Make sure they’re right next to the garbage.
-Make sure recycling bins are placed around campus, on walkways, in busy hallways in buildings.
-Make sure people know what can be recycled. You’ll have to do a posted flyer blitz, that’s for sure. Better yet…
-Get the campus administration (probably student government is best) to send out a mass email to students saying what’s going on, why they should recycle, and WHAT IS RECYCLABLE. (Caps mean it’s important! 😉 )
-Keep a count, if possible, of what was recycled. How many pounds of this, that, or the other thing. Have that email go out a few weeks after the first, praising the students for their great job recycling and how much recyclable material was collected.
-In the second email, repeat what’s recyclable and what’s not.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Steven asks…

What are some important things to know in life and in the world?

What are some important topics, issues, and facts in life which are crucial to know in life and in the world? It can be anything.

The Expert answers:

Let me start with asking a question.

If I give you onions, garlic, fish, coconut oil, salt, and garnish, will you make a delicious dish?

The answer is – NO, of course. You only hae the ingredient. You need to have the kitchenware. You need to know how to prepare the proportions, when to do what, and so on. Similarly in life.

That is why your question is a very good question. Other people get locked down into a narrow part of life – for example, How do I make lots of money? You are humble and smart enough to ask a broad question so that you would not regret when you come to the end of your life.

We all want to be a winner not a loser in life. This is because in a way, life is an arena where you have to compete for respect, attention, places in schools, jobs, mate, justice, and even survival, You’re going to win some and lose some. So one of the first thing to know is that you have to do some thinking and take massive action if you are going to do well in life. Life is less crowded higher up in the world’s hierarchy.

There are four areas of life I must master and do well in – health, wealth, relationships, and contribution to the world community.

In health, you have to do independent research, to see beyond the propaganda of doctors and drug companies. Preventive medicine and complimentary medicine are the best approach to having great health. For example, instead of paying attention to health insurance and which doctor to see, you should be eating right, exercising, and resting well. Instead of treating your western doctor like a god, you should consider herbal alternative medicine.

In wealth, you need to understand the psychology of risk and master your negative emotions of greed, impatience, and laziness (doing no research). You must save, and invest like a pro so that you become more capital intensive rather than labor intensive. You know how to let your capital do all the donkey work instead of you doing the donkey work.

Enriching relationships come from diligent study and mastery of human nature. Money and luck will not save you from the negative effects of the seven deadly sins – envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth and wrath. So you need to develop the seven virtues – generosity, discipline, simplicity, humility, diligence, and serenity.

Contribution to the world will enhance the meaningfulness of your life. Several things you must do are – saving the environment by recycling products, giving to charity, social activism, and volunteering.

Daniel asks…

You have been asked to meet with all of the administrative staff in your building to explain a new recycling p

You have been asked to meet with all of the administrative staff in your building to explain a new recycling program. You were on the committee that worked on developing this program, but many of your ideas were not used. To be honest, you are not happy about the way the program turned out, yet at the same time you want to perform successfully at the upcoming meeting.
How do you effectively communicate a message you have mixed feelings about? What kinds of nonverbal communication considerations might help or hinder your ability?

The Expert answers:

You have to take your personal feelings out of the situation. Even if you don’t like the way the program turned out, the decision was made by your committee to structure it this way. Unfortunately, most programs devised by committee do not please everyone. While you were on the committee, your job was to present your ideas and try to work with the other members to make the best program you could. Now, your job is to present the program that your committee devised, whether you agree with it or not.
There are a lot of nonverbal AND VERBAL communication considerations that can affect your ability to present the program. Obviously, if you dislike the program it will show up in the words you choose and in the way you make your presentation. These “cues” can range from lack of enthusiasm (obvious) to lack of eye contact (not as obvious), and using phrases like “we think” as opposed to “we believe” can have an effect, too. Unless you present with the best of your ability, those nonverbal and verbal cues will show.
Bottom line: You have to accept the fact that your job now is to make this program work for your company. Do your best at that. Obviously, if the person or people you are presenting to ask your personal opinion, by all means give it. However, do not include your feelings in your presentation UNLESS they ask.

Ruth asks…

How do I clean a tank after all fish dieing from Ick?

My mom’s fish tank is now empty because of ick, she bought a fish from petsmart that was sick I guess and now they all got the spots and died :(…So it is my job to fix her tank

How should I clean it so it is safe for new fish?

The Expert answers:

….Have a Heart, buy a Heater1….heheheh, some one mispelled ‘heater’…..

….yeah, rais ethe tank temp to 82F to 85F…that will spedd up the life cycle of the parasitic spores
….add 1 tablespoon of salt per 5 gallons too
….during the ‘visible stage’ of the 4 stages of “Ich’s” life cycle
the disease can be killed (opps, i mean ‘treated’) and salt will ‘treat it well’… the raised temps will complete the cycling in about a week of steady temp at 82F or so
….during that week, change water 2 or 3 times at 30% to 40%, each time…and add dechlorinated warm tap water, tepid…..that way the water temps always stay above 80F
…..during the water changes it is a god idea to vaccum the gravel well…..thusly removing spores… fact if you just vaccum out the water from the bottom using a 5-gallon bucket, that is the best way to make ‘Ich treatment’ water changes…..just always vaccum good
…..if you do not have a vaccum (syphon) then here is another way to clean it
….since no fish are in it….scoop out the gravel, into a 5-gallon bucket and rinse well, several times with tap water, pouring off the water several times in between and refilling repeating till you feel like the gravelis good and clean
….meanwhile, leave the tank filter running with water at 82F-85F with a heater in the tank to maintain the temp
….the gravel could be dried out on the sidewalk, on top of some cardboard box, laid out flat, or newspaper…in the sun
…..or added back to the tank and prepared to replant the tank after the 6 to 7 day ‘Ich treatment’ cycle of high temps and salt
….either way, the Ich cycle is broken by the temps and cleaned up, by water changes and rinsing the gravel free of the spores
…alll the while the tank filter runs, change the filter media cartridge, as it may have caught the spores too
(….if you opt to use medication to cure ich, remove the filter cartridge that contains the black stuf, activated charcoal, which will interfere by absorbing the medicine)
…the bacteia in the filter can survive the treatment if they stay wet….otherwise the tank will need to recycle for 2 to 3 three weeks
…..prevention of Ich is best, by keeping tropical tanks at 78F
….also, by choosing pet stores where you watch the tank health before making your purchases….you may notice periods of ICH or or types of disease like fungus, or bacterial symptoms….perhgaps even septicemia….to be avoided at all costs
….once the fish is brought home, a good idea is to quarantine the fish for a week, in a seperate container….hmmmm, that requires an extra tank, yes? With a filter….and cycling time to avoid ammonia poisoning…
….best bet always is to choose the pet store carefully
….then keep the water clean by routine water changes 25% to 30% every 7 to 15 days….dpending on tank load
…..also just my personal opinion, living plants are needed to absorb ammonia and nitrAtes….also releasing CO2 that nourishes aerobic bacteia in the filter that eat ammonia and nitrites….
…..anaerobic bacteria colonies that form slower are the ones that eat Nitrates
….but, tank water changes must be done to keep up the removal of ammonia, nitrites and nitrAtes

Betty asks…

How does a small company get involved in going green?

I am the marketing manager in a small multimedia company (under 20 people). We are looking to get involved environmentally, going GREEN. How can we get involved in a local community with little budget? Also, we are self-serving in the fact that we would like to get some recognition out of this.

The Expert answers:

Congrats. Self-serving is ok. Look at McDonald’s.

Look at everything. Paper going out.. Recycle.
Incandescent bulbs? Replace with energy saving bulbs.
Water from sinks? (gray water) can be routed water the lawn or
collected for watering later.
Energy… Well you know about solar etc.

You can also do a hard study on telecommute jobs.
Especially since you are a multimedia company.

What jobs can be done by people at home?

The reason I mention this is on Yahoo! Answers I see a question about every day on what jobs are out there for people who have
to stay at home for one reason or another.

There is a great source of personnel there for you, and I expect
it can save your company $$ too. Less cubes in the office etc.

Good luck, I think you are great for making the effiort.

George asks…

How do I make sure porn is removed from my computer?

Well I have a lap top and I use it for work and well entertainment. Sometimes I need to go to work and use my lap top in public for this like downloading stuff. Aside from deleting resent web history and removing files from recent downloads and the recycling bin. What else to I need to check for?

The Expert answers:

What you’re doing is sufficient to remove traces of adult material.
I recommend downloading a program called “CCleaner” it’s a very basic/advanced tool just for cleaning out crap. It will get the job done in minutes. You just need to sit back and let it do it’s job.

It won’t mess up your computer either. I’ve used it for years. Just make sure you keep the default settings, as ticking more settings could cause more damage than you think!

Also, be careful what you click on, most adult websites contain malware, in fact I’d say at Least 75% of it. You may also run into illegal content by mistake. Not such a good idea. All the data you browse is kept deep on sectors of the hard drive even after deletion, even if you re-format 4 times, it will still be there 😛

Good luck 🙂

Mark asks…

How do I delete a file that causes my computer to crash whenever I try to access it?

I have a large file (5+ gigabytes) and whenever I try to delete the file it causes my computer to crash. I’ve tried dragging it to the recycle bin, delete, and shift delete. All of them cause my computer to freeze and all functions stop. My operating system is Windows XP Media Center.
There is not a virus in the folder I scanned it several times and it said it was clean. (AVG 2012 free edition)

The Expert answers:

Are you sure the problem lies in those files? The pc freezing issue can be caused by many many reasons such as outdated hardware, overload startup programs, corrupt registry issues, too many junks, virus attack, poor security software taking too much system resources, remnants of uninstalled applications etc. The fact is, you should keep some system maintenance job regularly. If you don’t want to do these manually, try the pc health check tool to give a free & full scan of your slow computer to find & fix all possible issues.

Meanwhile, upgrading hardware configuration (add RAM, change a new video card, larger-volume HDD etc) can be a fast yet effective way to improve your pc performance. But that won’t be the most economical way, as you know you can’t always afford to do that.

Note: Treat your computer as a baby and she/he will return for you 🙂

Donald asks…

What do you think the percentage is of viewers who watch Fox News just to get a good laugh?

This question clearly doesn’t need any more explanation… I personally would estimate that a whopping 30% of all viewers are laughing hysterically every time they flip over to Faux News. I find it to be inconceivable that Americans are that dumb as to believe that bs. Apart from their ridiculous pr campaign that 911 wasn’t an inside job and that we really need to be occupying Afghanistan/Iraq, Fox News actually supports evil corporations like Monsanto and Merck.

The Expert answers:

Someone has to cater to the extremely frightened and ignorant. Fox Noise is an infotainment channel driven solely by profit at the whim of Rupert Murdock. They recycle the opinions of their talking gasbags – Beck, Hannity and OReilly, using the statisics these idiots create to support their theories and present this moronic blather as fact on their news programs.

And they provide a substantial amount of material to The Daily Show and The Colbert Report on Comedy Central. And those shows are funny on purpose!

William asks…

If there was less sensationalism in the media in the US, would the political process be so screwed?

Or if people stopped paying attention to it? Really that seems big problem actual facts don’t interest people so they got to make it sound interesting. It’s saddening to see a political process that cares nothing about truth anymore.
Sophie: I’ll humour this point, but it’s wrong to say all of them are Jews, it’s mix of culture but it’s source of most bullshit you see on here, online. Truth is no longer sacred, truth is just a tired concept flung out and ignored.

The Expert answers:

The people who call themselves ‘journalists’ today are despicable for the most part (I know there are some who do their actual jobs, just not many).

They are supposed to investigate and report on ALL the stories, especially the big stories, no matter which party or issue is involved.

They are supposed to set their bias aside as much as possible and give us the FACTS. They need to actually have facts that they have discovered on their own through this little thing called work (maybe some investigation…) and not recycled information from others often without a real source.

I do not see that much these days.

The media and the reporters for the most part are a joke in my opinion.

I do not get my news from television for sure. I read as many sources as I can (and even that’s questionable…).

Linda asks…

What is the longest you have gone barefoot?

I recently took a vacation road trip to Daytona Beach. Intentionally, I didn’t bring shoes or sandals, & was completely barefoot for 17 days straight.

In answering, indicate where you live, whether you’re a student or what your job is, & whether you were on vacation, etc.

The Expert answers:

I’ve been barefoot almost full time for more than eleven years. Only the first few years I wore shoes a handful of times, the first year for two formal occasions (I long stopped doing that since), and the first few winters I got cold toes a few times so I put on shoes just long enough until I got to where I was going. I still carry footwear in my bag when it is freezing, just in case I get stranded somewhere for a really long time, but I’ve since learned to keep my feet warm by keeping the rest of my body warm & having very good circulation, so the last time I needed to wear it -very briefly- was December 2003, I believe.

Contrary to what many people believe, going barefoot is not dangerous, unhealthy or gross. Feet get very tough very quickly; in all those years, I get a tiny splinter maybe once a year, I have NEVER had a cut. That’s walking everywhere, indoors and outdoors, in nature and cities, and often enough in littered places like the recycling center, near the bottle bank, running at the train station to catch my morning train, etc, etc.

As for germs, our skin is made to keep pathogens out and feet are fully washable. For others, germs will not ‘jump’ off our soles any more than off the soles of a shoe or off the bare skin that is exposed when someone is wearing sandals or flipflops.

There are NO laws against going barefoot in stores or restaurants; unfortunately in the US many stores will set dress codes of their own, but those who claim their policy is based on Health Department laws are misinformed or plainly lying. Nor do insurance companies require or even recommend footwear for customers. In other countries -not just third world countries where health and safety rules are often ignored, but also Canada, Western Europe, Australia- signs and dress codes prohibiting bare feet are rare. I’ve never even seen a ‘no shoes, no shirts, no service’ sign here in the Netherlands, nor on my trips to Belgium and Scotland.

The only real reason for not going barefoot is social; unfortunately many people equate an alternative habit or way of dress with lack of respect. I think our differences make life more interesting and colorful, and as far as bare feet in particular are concerned, I find the gentle, soft step a much *more* respectful way of walking than stomping around in a heavy shoe. It makes us aware of our surroundings and of Mother Earth, even on man-made surfaces.

I live in the Netherlands, am 40 years old, I go barefoot at work and at home and everywhere else. I work at a history theme park, where bare feet are not out of place since we wear period (prehistory, for me) clothing, but I’m also barefoot when we do maintenance in winter, and I’ve also been barefoot at my previous job at an internet helpdesk and at some temp jobs in winter season when there is less work at the theme park. It’s rarely a problem here, of course jobs that require a uniform or safety footwear would require shoes but in other places I rarely get any complaints or even negative comments. Only teens in groups like to call me names or tell me to put shoes on, but they’ll comment on anything out of the ordinary, when I had bright red hair they’d call ‘lighthouse’ and ask if I were on fire, too. Bare feet aren’t seen as something dangerous or gross, in fact many folks know it’s quite a healthy practice, although it’s also not considered very fashionable and few people do it.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mary asks…

Questions about 9/11 that Popular Mechanics did not answer?

1) How did 19 Muslims (7 of whom are still alive), led by a sick Muslim on dialysis in a cave on the other side of the world, manage to outwit a 500 billion dollar defense system?

2) Why was Osama Bin Laden, on July 4 2001 while undergoing medical treatment at the American Hospital in Dubai, visited buy the CIA? Note that he was on the FBI and CIA MOST WANTED LISTS FOR HIS INVOLVEMENT IN THE USS COLE BOMBING.

3) Why is OBL on the FBI or CIA most wanted list for the USS Cole and other alleged offenses but not for 9/11?

4) Who faked OBL’s “admission” tape?
The Swedish company Dalle Molle Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence confirmed that Bin Laden’s video “admission” was a fake.
It looks nothing like Bin Laden. Bin Laden was suffering from terminal organ failure and was on dialysis. He was skinny sickly and pale. The guy in the video is fat healthy dark skinned and has completely different features.

5) Why were at least 5 of the Muslim “fundamentalist” seen in LA and Vegas drinking, hiring hookers and snorting Cocaine?

6) Why did five of the alleged 9/11 hijackers receive training at secure US military bases?

7) Why did the FBI try to cover up the fact that an alleged 9/11 hijacker rented room from an FBI informant?,mondo1,64920,6.html

8) How did ALL the “hijackers” manage to get box cutters onto ALL 4 of the Airplanes when box cutters weren’t allowed pre-9/11 by the airlines industry?

9) Why was steel from the ground zero shipped to China and India to be melted down and recycled before any criminal investigation (into the largest crime on US soil in US history) could be performed?

10) Why did Mayor Rudolph Giuliani ban all video and photography at the WTC ground zero?

11) Why did an FAA manager mangle, cut, and destroy 9/11 tapes?

12) Why did the Bush admin initially oppose any kind of 9/11 investigation and stone wall it for OVER A YEAR? The attacks on Pearl Harbor, the USS Cole, the USS Liberty each took less than 7 days to commence an investigation.

13) Why was the 9/11 Commission given a measly $3 million dollar budget and 16 month time frame compared to the over $40 million spent on the five-year investigation of the Clintons?

14) If the 9/11 Commission was “independent” why were 2 of it own senior officials, Philip Zelikow and Jamie Gorelick, so closely involved in the events under investigation that they had to be interviewed as part of the inquiry?

15) Why did some of the 9/11 commission conclude that the Pentagon’s initial story of how it reacted to 9/11 may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public and debated referring the matter to the Justice Department for a criminal investigation?

16) Why did the White House and CIA keep key portions of 9/11 report classified dealing with Saudi Arabia?

17) Why did President Bush, Vice President Cheney, White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales, and two other administration staff members meet behind closed doors with the 9/11 Commission, and refuse to testify before the panel or under oath and did not allow a recorder or stenographer to be present?

The Expert answers:

And those RE JUST SOME OF THE QUESTIONS that could be asked.It is beyond me how anyone can accept the official story

Donna asks…

can someone please proof read my essay?

There are 2 parts since it’s kind of long..i had to have 3 pages =/

The Alberta Oil Sands
The Alberta Oil Sands are one of Canada’s fastest growing and largest industries. Along with that, it has also proven to be a spectacular source of income. It has made Canada a leading nation in regards to the World Energy Market. While the world progresses towards using renewable and alternative sources for energy, fossil fuels will still play an important role. This essay will discuss the Alberta oil sands while emphasizing the alleviation they provide for the Canadian economy along with keeping an environmental balance, the benefits of extracting useful and natural resources such as oil, as well as employment and job opportunities in regards to oil sands.
Canadian companies that extract oil have benefited the nation greatly. Companies have provided the well-being of Canadian citizens through offering rewarding employment, paying royalties and corporate, property and taxes, along with various others. Syncrude alone has made payments of more than $10 billion to the government for royalties, payroll, municipal taxes, and other crown charges since 1978. A plentiful amount of the profits made in Alberta are sent over to other provinces, namely Ontario and Quebec. While there is much opposition towards oil sands due to the fact of environmental impact and a lack of investment towards the environment; many stakeholders have disregarded how responsible companies have become. Oil companies have used secure and responsible supplies that ensure there will be as little damage as possible to the environment. For instance, it is required that all mines are reclaimed. In fact, before the land is even disrupted, companies have to show the Alberta government how they intend to reclaim the land afterwards. Syncrude reclaimed one of their original mine pits and have been spending a number of years monitoring it and making sure it’s in equilibrium with the natural Boreal forests. There have also been a variety of monitoring equipment installed which play a significant role in examining the soil, making sure the landscape doesn’t erode, ensuring the ecosystem is established and monitoring air and water quality. The Alberta government requires companies to monitor reclaimed land for a time period of at least 15 years. To reduce accidents involving birds, radar activated bird deterrent systems have been installed that do not harm birds. Another innovation in regards to the environment is the process in which oil is removed. Instead of surface mining, surface drilling is now used. This process decreases the footprint on the surface that is used. The water that is used is repeatedly recycled. To reduce carbon emissions and green house gasses that are produced from removing crude oil, companies have invested large sums of money to create carbon capturing processes. Carbon Capturing captures the carbons molecules, such as CFC’s, that are produced during the refinery process and stores them underground. The Oil sands continue to invest billions of dollars into new technology that reduces environmental impact.
HERE’S PART 2:;_ylt=AkpTao.rvGHPotoRlbNlGQoPzKIX;_ylv=3
if you think it’s all right, tell me what to change please.


The Expert answers:

A couple of points:

The Alberta Oil Sands are one of Canada’s fastest growing and largest industries.
The Oil sands continue to invest billions of dollars into new technology that reduces environmental impact.
Actually, no. The oil sands are a natural feature of the landscape. The industry is something else.

You should include this fact: they are the third-largest proven crude oil reserve in the world.

“while emphasizing the alleviation they provide for the Canadian economy”
You can’t use alleviation like this.
Try: while emphasizing the contribution they make to the Canadian economy

Your link to part 2 doesn’t work.

Chris asks…

If YOUR husband did this, wouldn’t he deserve some voluntary sexual attention?

First off, I’ve been in both roles – I was the provider and now I am the homemaker because I have osteoporosis in my spine and can’t work due to severe pain in my back. Now, I don’t find either of them more difficult than the other because they both are vitally important for a family with children to function and they both are hard work. The homemaker works longer hours (24/7) but the provider has to deal with the public which is a cruel punishment that I had to endure for 8 years.

Anyways, I cook, I clean all 3 bedrooms (kids and ours), I clean the bathroom (disinfect), I clean the kitchen (disinfect), I wash/fold/store all laundry, I do all the lawn care, I do all the waste management (trash, recycle, cat liter, dog poo), I help the kids with their homework (individual time, not just observation), I read to the kids, I rub my wife’s back nightly, I watch the kids while she spends time on Facebook (normally an hour or two), I watch the kids while she goes out to do stuff (book club meetings, outings with the girls, business trips), I listen to her and let her talk out her problems to me (I don’t normally offer advice unless she asks), I take care of her and the children when they’re sick and try to make all the pain go away the best I can (but I know realistically I can’t make it all go away and they need to learn to deal with it), I make/set all appointments for the family (doctor, dentist, etc), I have to be the one to call all the bill collectors to argue the bill, I do all the grocery shopping (despite my back condition) and I put my own groceries away, I randomly buy her gifts to be romantic (flowers, Pez, Baja blast Mt. Dew, chocolate, cards, keepsakes), I vacuum the entire house, I do all the dishes, and I spend absolutely no time to myself when she or the kids are home.

When my wife is home from work (she’s a book keeper and work 40 hours a week maximum) I make her life very easy by having all the chores done before she gets home. Anything that isn’t finished I still do it without her help so she can do whatever socializing that she feels she has to do on Facebook or any of her other social mediums. She spends most of her nights on the computer, stuffing her face with food, helping put the kids to bed, and then asking me to pamper her by rubbing her back, popping her back zits, or anything else she can get out of me to make her feel “important”.

We have sex once every month. She never dresses up to attract me. As a matter of fact, the only time she dresses up to look “hot” is when she’s going to see her girlfriends. She hates giving oral so that’s a birthday gift and holiday present every year. She doesn’t even “play with me” as foreplay. All this coming from a woman that just turned 30 and passes hormone tests as “normal”. I have told her that if she doesn’t appreciate what I do for her then I can stop and she says “You’re an at home parent; this is your job to do everything you do.” Perhaps this is resent talking for the 8 years that I was a provider; but even when I was the provider I gave her what she wanted (which was time to see her friends and NOT sex).

So I don’t know, I think my wife is being pretty neglectful. I mean everything above IS my job except the parts about zits, back rubs, time alone away from the kids, doing ALL the chores and not dividing it, and being her personal assistant/secretary. So since I’m doing EXTRA work beyond my duty as a homemaker, shouldn’t she do EXTRA too to show appreciation for what I do??? She says that she likes sex, but she also says she can’t bring herself to do sexual things if she’s “not in the mood”. She won’t even do it as a “favor” or as a “reward for good behavior”; I’m suspicious it’s because she’s a little bit of a feminist and doesn’t want to be known for her looks/acts but instead for her smarts/intellect… But the fact is, women have been (and will always be) a sexual object for as long as men are required to procreate. We love with our eyes and touch whereas women love with their heart and their mind. In my case, I have satisfied her heart and mind (or so I think I should have with the gifts, pampering, and the emotional support); so it’s her turn to satisfy my eyes and touch.

So you tell me, besides going to find a job and living the rest of my life in pain because of my back injury, do you think I’m doing everything to be deserving of her love? Do you think she just doesn’t know how to take care of a man??? Or do you think she just doesn’t give a s**t because she only cares about herself and since she’s getting what she wanted already she doesn’t have to put the extra effort out to show her appreciation/gratitude/love???

The Expert answers:

Your wife is the typical piece of crap female, thinking herself a princess and deserving of being catered to and put on a pedestal. She has no regard for anyone but herself and her own wants. That plain and simple enough for you.

Now, this might ruin your marriage if you do it, but then again is sounds like you have no marriage anyway. All you have is a contract with a skank who thinks you are supposed to honor your part of the deal and then go even further, all while she drops her end of the bargain miserably.

Maybe you need to tell her to rub her back against a cactus, pop her zits with a fucking hair brush or mirror and needle and that she and her friends can go straight to hell. Then smile and tell her is she thinks you are joking, you can put it in written form so that she can better understand it.

Dude, you are learning what many men have learned the hard way. The creature known as a female human is about the most treacherous, mean, evil, self-serving creature on the planet. They usually mistake a man who is nice, moral, decent, kind and trustworthy for a week and stupid sap.

Put a stop to this crap right now. Do nothing nice for her. Listen to her requests and then ignore them or respond in any fashion you wish, to include just looking at her and then walking off with no reply whatsoever.

Yes, all that sounds hard core. And it is 100% accurate too. Now all the women will whine and snivel and tell you how you should kiss her ass even more of talk nice to her or explain or yada, yada, yada. Dude, she is grown. She knows what she is doing and she does not care if it hurts you, for you are the subject in the eyes of the princess and you should be glad that she even acknowledges you in her view. So turn the tables and treat her that very same way. Show her that she does you no more a favor by being with you than you do her by being with her. Seriously, that is a lot of what is wrong now. Guys have kissed female ass in hopes that it would get them treated well and get them laid. The opposite has usually proven true. Trust me, the more I dogged women, the harder they worked to be with me, the more sex I got and the better they acted toward me.

Paul asks…

How do I undelete or recover a Folder/File?

Today I accidentally deleted a file that contained all of my documents. Later, I even emptied my Recycle bin! Put this down to a ‘senior moment’.

I found a program/programme that helped me locate my deleted file, but there was a “sting in the tail”, because I was asked to pay $60 for a key, that would enable me to recover my deleted file/folder and reinstate it on my desktop.

Living only on an old persons’ pension, I just cannot afford to pay that amount of money.

Is there in fact a free program/programme that you have used successfully, that would do the recovery job for me, free gratis?

Incidentally, I was very surprised to see the large number of file/folders that I had deleted over the past year. Is there someway of really getting rid of these from my computer, or are they there for ever?

Hope you can help me.

Greetings from Scotland

The Expert answers:

Undelete Plus is a free versatile program that will work with all the latest versions of Windows and can handle both FAT and NTFS file systems. It’s equally at home with removable media too so you can recover files from memory cards and flash drives. Tick the box to select a drive and click Start Scan to analyse the drive. This can take quite a while to complete on a large drive.
When it’s completed the scan the right-hand pane shows a list of the files available for recovery. You can sort these into file types by selecting from the pane on the left. Select a location to save the undeleted files at the bottom of the screen. You have the option of retaining the original folder structure if you’re recovering entire folders.
It can be downloaded from:

Another good free one from:


Steven asks…

What type of poems are these?

What type of poems are these?
Can anyone give me the name of what TYPE the poem is? E.G. Blank verse, sonnet, etc, and why is it that?
First good answer gets 5 STARS!!!

Earth is being destroyed

Day by day, our Earth is being destroyed
By litter, pollution and many other human decoys
As the children of Earth it is our job to care
About Mother Earth and treat her fair

All the problems that we, the people have created
Mother Earth has not appreciated
The air is getting warmer, there is litter everywhere
What is going on?
Why doesn’t anyone care?

NOW, is the time to act, NOW is the time to take action
If action is not taken against this crisis, there will be no satisfaction
The consequences will be severe
Mother Earth is being ruined, year by year

Save Our Earth

Have you ever taken the time
To see what was around you?
Taken the opportunity
To gaze at every little detail of your surrondings?
Or have you closed your eyes stubbornly
Because you prefer to be blind?
In the truth
You don’t want to admit that our precious earth
Is falling apart
It’s beautiful skirts of grass
Is dying
It’s garden of stunning plants
Is running out of air
And us,
Us, the ones who made it this way
Will one day perish into a dark hole
In a way,
We are all selfish murderers
Killing the sol we walk upon
With our trash and disgrace, our ungratefullness
Slowly it shall fade
Slowly we shall perish
Save the earth
Save our hearts and souls
Or forever be lost
In a pit of death and regret
Save our home
Save our air
Save our lives

Help The Earth
We all need to help and too recycle what we can,
We all need to do our bit,
The earth is such a pretty place
But, I fear, we are killing it.

We need to stop throwing things away
Acting like we don’t care,
For when tomorrow comes,
It’s our children that need their fair share.

We are draining the earth dry
Making it old before its time.
Taking all the oil, coal
and precious metal is not fine.
It’s the inner of the earth,
It’s the organs it may need.
What are we doing it for?
Oh yes, it’s just for man’s greed.

Let’s find a better way
Let’s help all we can.
Let’s make wind power,
Water and sun power,
the energy of man.

Shall we stop all our wars?
Shall we stop the bombing too?
Shall we give the earth a chance?
We all know what, we should do!!
Pamela lutwyche

Earth is Dying

The land is red and stained with blood
The waters are poisoned with rotting flesh
The air is thick with deadly smog
The trees are dead they’re bleeding life
Our lives are forfit and incomplete
The grass is brown yet animals eat it
The colors have faded to black and brown
As our Mother, Earth is slowly dying
And no one seams to notice.
Will our young Earth die of poison
Like so many people are murdered for fun?
Yet no one seems to care!
The love I once knew is squandered on money
While people suffers from hunger
The greedy hunger for suffering
I use to see life in so many places
But now I just faint at the killing
The wounderful world is now disappearing
Alas! Now we are stuck in this misrable world
And guess what
You and I made it!
What will you do now that you know
There are no second chances?
Try to answer the question
Take as long as you please
All that is happening is the fact that
You and I are slowly dying.

The Expert answers:

None of these poems are written in “form”, in other words none of them follow rules of predefined meter or rhyme scheme. They all therefore fall into the category of “free verse” (also known as vers libre).

I am guessing here but I suspect that you wrote these poems yourself. If you want to write in form, I suggest you buy yourself a good book on poetic forms – there are plenty out there. Or borrow one from the library.

I also suggest – and this won’t make me popular – that the purpose of your poetry is to send a message. Poetry really isn’t the best form of communication to make this happen, a poem never changed anybody’s mind about anything.

Maria asks…

since English is my second language,can anyone edit this essay for me ASAP, this is a very important essay,?

Growing up the people closest to me know me as a shy girl, without any confident in herself. However, deep inside I wanted to make a difference in people life. That is why I had run to be Junior class president. With this position, I am is able to help my class getting money for our Senior trip, with this goal, I was able to get everyone in my classmates help out at the Nut Hut. I was able to accomplish a goal of getting everyone working together for one goal. Second, being class president I has to make all the right decision for this year prom from choosing the theme, to where we going to do it. However, all of this work made me feel happy because when I see a smile on my classmates from all of the hard work I had done, it made me feel good inside.
I was also a HOBY member, where I was selected from my class to participate in this leadership program. This program teach people how to be a good leader, what they could do to improve their community. With this knowledge, I had brought some of the ideas from the program such as, sorting out glasses for recycle to help out my community.

Community Service
Helping out my community is the biggest part of my life. That is why I will do everything in my power to help out my community. At my church, there is a program where they giving food to the needy. Every Wednesday, after school, I help out by being in the kitchen giving food to the people, and help cleaning after. I has been doing this project for the past two years, and still planning to volunteer as long as I’m stilling living in Oakland. Doing this program made me feel good inside because seeing a smile on those people faces and seeing them not going hungry is my greatest accomplish in life.
My dad passed away early because in Vietnam there was not a medicine to treat malaria. That is why every weekends I volunteer at the Drug Store, as a pharmacy technician counting pill, sorting the medicine, and putting the medicine back to its place. This job not only does it help people to get well, but it also made me feel good seeing them get better.

The day I was born, was the day my dad passed away. He passed away because there wasn’t any good medicine to treated malaria. After he passed away, my family was in poverty. My mom had no other choice but to let my brother lived with her mom-in-law, and me live with her mom. From a young age I was not able to be close with my brother. I only get to see him during the summer time. However, seeing him had cost my mom and me a lot of pain. From the day my mom married my dad, her mom-in-law had hated her and doesn’t see her as a daughter-in-law, she treated my mom like a slave, make her worked night and day. Vietnamese tradition is boys are more superior than girls. This is the reason why my grandma doesn’t let me lived with her. However, she does let me visit her and my brother during summer time. During this time, I had to worked just like my mom, from cleaning the whole house, to washing the dishes all by myself. All this works doesn’t please my grandma, she still hated, and nobody was going to defended me because my dad had died, and my mom had no power over my grandma. My mom had once told
Anh Marrs

me, the day I was born, she had never hug me once. From that moment on, I realized no matter what I going to do, even doing what she asked me to do, she never going to love me like her other grandsons and granddaughters. However, I still had my other grandma who love me, in fact, she treated me as a human, despite my grandma love, my school works was began to slipping, she and my mom couldn’t afforded me going to school. I knew my life from that moment on was going to worked at a rice farm, until my mom met Gary, my step-dad, he was willing to bring all of us to the United States. My life was changing when I came to the US, at the age of ten. I has a better life, a better family, and a dad who care for me. Because of the way my grandma had treating me, I had learned to treated people as a human with respect, and not judges people on the outside, and help them out when they are in trouble. My dad death, has made me realized I my future job is to be a pharmacist, helping people with their disease with the medicine available for them, because he died from lacking good medicine. Last, I realized education is the most important thing in my life right now, even though English is my second language, I still getting an “A” for my grade, and drive to go to a medical college. However, children in Vietnam doesn’t have the opportunity that I have right, which is why every year I had send money to Vietnam helping out with their school supplies, because it will help them to continues with their education.

The Expert answers:

Growing up amongst the people closest to me, know me as a shy girl, with lack of confidence. However, deep inside I want to make a difference in people lives. This is why I decided to run to be Junior class president. With this position, I am able to help my class earn money for our Senior trip. With this goal in mine, I was capable of getting my classmates to help out at the Nut Hut. I was able to accomplish a goal of getting everyone working together for one common goal we all had. In addition to, being class president I had to make all the right decisions for this year prom including choosing the theme, and the best place for the prom to take place at. However, all of this work made me feel happy because when I noticed the smiles on my classmates faces from all of the hard work I accomplished. In returned this made me feel good inside.
I was also a HOBY member, where I was selected from my class to participate in this leadership program. This program teaches people how to be a good leader,and how to improve their community. With this knowledge, I had thought of some ideas from the program such as, sorting out glasses for recycle to help out my community.

Community Service
Helping out my community is the biggest part of my life. That is why I will do everything in my power to help out my community. At my church, there is a program where they giving food to the needy. Every Wednesday, after school, I help out by being in the kitchen giving food to people, and help with cleaning. I has been doing this project for the past two years, and still plan to volunteer as long as I’m still living in Oakland. Doing this program made me feel good inside because seeing a smile on those people faces and seeing them not going hungry is my greatest accomplishment in life.
My dad passed away early (this year?) because in Vietnam there was no medicine to treat or cure malaria. That is why every weekend I volunteer at the Drug Store, as a pharmacy technician counting pills, sorting the medicines, and putting the medicines back to their places. This job not only involves helping people to get well, but it also makes me feel good seeing them get better.

The day I was born, was the day my dad passed away. He passed away because there wasn’t any good medicine to treated malaria.( YOU SAID THIS SENTENCE ALREADY YOU DONT HAVE TO NECESSARY WRITE IT AGAIN. INSTEAD WRITE: DUE TO THE FACT MY FATHER PASSED AWAY THE DAY I WAS BORN, I NEVER REALLY GOT A CHANCE TO GET TO KNOW HIM) After he passed away, my family was in poverty. My mom had no other choice but to let my brother lived with her mother-in-law, and I live with her mother. As a result, at a young age I was not able to be close with my brother. I was only able to see him during the summer time. However, seeing him had cost my mom and me a lot of pain. From the day my mom married my dad, her mother-in-law had hated her and doesn’t see her as a daughter-in-law. She often treated my mom like a slave, making her work night and day. Vietnamese tradition is boys are more superior than girls. This is the reason why my grandma doesn’t let me lived with her. However, she does let me visit her and my brother during the summer time. During this time, I had to worked just like my mom, from cleaning the whole house, to washing the dishes all by myself. All this work doesn’t please my grandma, she still hated me, and nobody was going to defended me because my dad had died, and my mom had no power over my grandma. My mom had once told
Anh Marrs

me, the day I was born, she had never hug me once. From that moment on, I realized no matter what I do, even doing what she asked me to do, she never going to love me like her other grandsons and granddaughters. However, I still had my other grandma who love me. In fact, she treated me as a human being. Despite my grandma love, my school work was beginning to slip, she and my mom couldn’t afforded me going to school. I knew my life from that moment on was going to worked at a rice farm, until my mom met Gary, my step-dad. He was willing to bring all of us to the United States. My life was changing before my eyes when I came to the US, at the age of ten. I has a better life, a better family, and a dad who care for me. Because of the way my grandma had treated me. I had learned to treated people as a human being with respect, and not judge people on the outside, and help them out when they are in trouble. My dad’s death, has made me realized my future career goal is to be a pharmacist. Helping people with their diseases with the medicine available for them, because he died from lacking good medicine. Last, I realized education is the most important thing in my life right now, even though English is my second language, I am still receiving an “A” for my grade, and drive to go to a medical college. However, children in Vietnam doesn’t have the opportunity that I have right, which is why every year I had send money to Vietnam helping out with their school supplies, because it will help them to continue with their education.


Robert asks…

How to not go crazy due to the fact that no one cares about the environment?!?

I try so hard to have as little an impact on the environment in my life as possible, and to inform other people, but so often I encounter the unfortunate fact that no one seems to give a flying shit about anything that has to do with the environment.
Billions of tons of plastic waste in the ocean?
People: Oh that’s too bad…
1 trillion plastic bags used around the world each year?
People: But they’re so convenient….
Landfills are overflowing with our non-recyclable single-use plastic waste?
People: But I just really like McDonalds!!
This is just short of an over-generalization; It is pretty safe to say that I’ve barely ever met anyone who comes close to caring about the environment or knows as much about issues as I do. And I have lived in three different countries on three different continents and travelled all over the world. I know that other very passionate people exist; but why the heck are they so sparse and in between???
Honestly, how can I stay happy and not be driven literally crazy but the complete and utter stupidity of my own species?!

The Expert answers:

You have obviously not been to a school that has environmental science students. I think you are being a little extreme since a lot of people do care but its hard for families to be environmentally friendly especially on low incomes since being green does tend to be expensive and labor intensive. Most people who work two jobs to support a family don’t want to do more work when they get home. Maybe if we lowered the cost of being green people would go more towards it. Or even had government programs to make being green easier. I hope you do realize industries will never be as green as they could be and most places that offer recycling for garbage don’t really recycle. As well if your that frustrated with humanity maybe you should just stay in your house for the rest of your life or learn to handle people better.

Charles asks…

What are some really good arts and crafts books I can use for elementary and middle school kids?

I often do arts and crafts at my job and I would like some good arts and crafts books to use. I work with k- 8th so I need books with easy crafts that has a good age range. Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

Title – “The Best of Children’s Art & Crafts”

This book is an enormous collection of activities for children, all designed to exercise busy fingers and stretch fertile minds.

Step by step instructions are designed to stimulate imagination and confidence assist with coordination, concentration and problem solving and to encourage experimentation. Good instructions with easy recipes and hints on cleaning up, excellent photos of real kids making these projects.

The projects themselves really range from fun, messy and sensory to the more complex creative projects. They involve printing, painting, construction and collage, weaving, and stitching.

This marvelous book will provide endless hours of fun-and none of it will cost a fortune. In fact, many projects can be made with recycled household materials. THE BEST OF CHILDREN’S ART & CRAFTS is an invaluable resource for parents, grandparents, and teachers of young children. You can find a wide variety of art and crafts for children of every age: bubble painting, tennis ball prints, tie-dyeing, wind socks, boats, papier mache animals, wind chimes and much more.

Each project has the age group it is suitable for – a great search tool. But the really good thing is that even the more difficult projects have different levels suitable for younger ones and the easy projects can be taken to higher levels if needed

It is well written, the directions are concise and the pictures are great. Every educator should own this book!

You can buy @

Buy the used book @ $24.95.

Sandy asks…

How will Americans digest the fact when China becomes the largest economy surpassing USA?

China is growing at a high 8-11%
USA is at 0-2%

At this rate, China is expected to surpass USA by 2020.

My question is how Americans will digest the fact?

become humble infront of Asian tigers like China and India?
Crumble and tumble?

What will be the consoling things for the Americans even when they are not the No. 1?

The Expert answers:

OK, China is not going to surpass the US for some time. They are no longer growing at 8-11% annually; NO ECONOMY CAN GROW AT THAT RATE OVER THE LONG RUN. China will be lucky to have even -10% growth this year; I think -20% is more like it. Despite their large pile of cash, the gov’t simply can’t replace even a significant fraction of the export demand.

China’s overheated growth over the last decade or so has been nothing more than a leveraged play on the west and on western consumers. That’s done-zo – western consumers are maxed out – and now China can’t go on recycling their foreign exchange earnings by buying sovereign bonds, which is what kept the Yuan suppressed. Instead, they’re now going to be forced to redirect that consumption inwards; the problem with that is most of the Chinese economy is dependent upon artificially cheap exports. In short, their economy is a sham. At the nadir of the collapse their economy will have shrunk to around half its 2008 size; however, if the social instability we’re already seeing gets really bad, a decline in output of something on the order of 75% is not at all infeasible.

It’s amazing how no one knows anything about economic history; under the same export-oriented industrialization paradigm, Japan saw similarly high growth rates from the 1960’s through 1980’s, but that went bust. However, Japan’s leveraged economy merely stagnated, as the bubble burst during a time of enormous global growth.

Quite the opposite of the “China’s taking over” hysteria, the collapse of the global financial system and the global economy will be a relative boon to the US.

Think of it like this: all of the economies who kept their currencies suppressed by recycling foreign exchange earnings into western debt were basically dealers feeding a junkie – the junkie being western consumers and the junk being debt. But the addict has OD’ed, and is being forced to go to rehab.

Now, the problem with being the pusher who feeds the junkie is this – when the junkie stops using your dope, what do you do? You’ve got all these drugs that have been fronted to you by distributors, and no one to sell them to. However, the junkies can go to rehab and clean up their act, while you’re now stuck with selling off your capital (car, two-way, whatever) at fire-sale prices to the junkie, who’s getting a job and will earn a future income. To make matters worse, you’ve got the people who fronted you on your a$s – i.e., the Chinese citizens angry with surging unemployment and an authoritarian government.

OK, that’s probably not the best example, but the point is this: other things equal, it’s better to be the guy defaulting on his debt than the guy not getting repaid. The guy who defaults (i.e., US consumers) can get his sh*t together; the creditor is just stuck with the unpaid debt. Or, if that still doesn’t do it for you, I’ll put it this way – no economy can grow faster than around 3.5% per worker per annum without leveraging up, and overleveraging is guaranteed to break you over the long run.

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