Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ruth asks…

The soil on a farm can very quickly become depleted of the minerals essential to plants because harvesting of?

A)reproductive cycles of animals
B)recycling of inorganic compounds
C)flow of energy
D)transport of groundwater

The Expert answers:

If this is your home work. I don’t wonder that you are confused. None of the four answers given is complete or accurate.

The depletion of minerals in farm soils is caused by either the export of those minerals in produce. Be it animal or plant. Or the leaching of those minerals from the movement of water and soil particles from that ecosystem.

A good soil structure with lots of humus and organic matter will mean that minerals will be held in the soil. Also all farms should have nutrient traps to prevent nutrients from leaving the farm other than in produce. Most active biological soils have the ability to access and replace mineral loss through the export of produce. The quickest way to deplete soil minerals is to kill the soils biological activity and force water through the ecosystem with out Nutrient traps.

You will find some information on Biological farming here


Lizzie asks…

Will YOU do your bit to save the environment?

Basically, I just want everyone to work together to save our beautiful planet.
So, would you like to help?
All you have to do is do two or more “green things” today, like turning off all of the unused lights in your house, gathering up some recyclable trash and recycling it, or walk, cycle or use public transport to get to work tomorrow. Then answer in what two or more green things you did today (remember: the more, the merrier!)
Thanks for stopping by to do your bit!

The Expert answers:

I don’t understand why people feel the need to make facetious, unintelligent and rude remarks on topics such as this one. Congratulations on being ignorant and selfish! Way to go!

I ride my bike to school
Recycle as much as possible
Refuse excess packaging
Keep the heat turned down
Don’t buy bottled water
Eat lower on the food chain

Nancy asks…

Do i need to recycle filter media that came from a tank thats already been cycled?

My friend has a tank that he wants me to have, and he already cycled his filter. But the filter hasn’t had water running through it for a few weeks. is the bacteria dead? Or will it come back once I run water through it?

The Expert answers:

You will be starting over. The beneficial bacteria in a filter start to die off in a matter of hours.

In that case, you might as well start with fresh filter media in case anything got to it while it was not in use.

Mary asks…

What would be the best supplement for a cutting cycle MR. Supplements Beastdrol or Helladrol?

Yes, I wanted to know would be best to run first MR.Supplements Beastdrol or Helladrol? I want to gain some muscle and also cut a bit. So what would be best for a cutting cycle Helladrol or Beastdrol? And my pct would be anabolic innovations cycle support, PES Erase, Purus labs recycle.

The Expert answers:

Your best answer would probably come from a personal trainer or a doctor that works with body builders. There are far too many products on the market and far too many spammers and scammers (those who sell fake products and whatnot) that you’ll want to find out the type of product you should get from a trusted source and you can probably find said product at your local health food store. Any answers for a specific product you would get online would probably just end up being spam. Good luck and I hope I helped!

Thomas asks…

how does the water cycle recycle matter?

I need this for school and i could not find it on the internet… HELP! plz

The Expert answers:

A matter of evaporation.

Carol asks…

Earth’s geochemical and biogeochemical cycles are important because they tend to maintain a balance of Earth’s?

Earth’s geochemical and biogeochemical cycles are important because they tend to maintain a balance of Earth’s materials.


On Earth, old matter is recycled into new matter.


The Expert answers:

Earth’s geochemical and biogeochemical cycles are important because they tend to maintain a balance of Earth’s materials.


On Earth, old matter is recycled into new matter.


Mark asks…

Is it possible to ever run out of water?

I don’t know the technological aspect but I can’t imagine that water, which is recycled through the Earth’s natural cycles, like every other resource would ever run out.

The Expert answers:

Ocean water? Probably not.

Clean, drinkable water? Yes.

Jenny asks…

So I have to recycle my tank cos I had to clean it out. Will the cycle start again on it’s own?

I have a betta in there. Can he survive a cycle. How can I make sure he does?

The Expert answers:

Depends how well you cleaned it?

If the gravel remained wet, and you kept the filter media then you still have most of the cycle, even if you scrubbed the tank and changes 100% of the water.

Even if you didn’t, the tank will naturally cycle again, and a betta will probably survive the process.

Extra water changes for the next few weeks should ensure he stays healthy.


James asks…

Can someone please answer this biology question?

Which of the following is NOT recycled in a biogeochemical cycle in the biosphere?

A. Energy
B. Nitrogen
C. Carbon
C. Water


The Expert answers:

A, Energy.

It says, well known cycles are
“carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the oxygen cycle, the phosphorus cycle, the sulfur cycle, and the water cycle”

carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the oxygen cycle
doesn’t say the Energy Cycle. After all, it doesn’t pass through the environment as energy. Nitrogen goes through as nitrogen compounds, but Energy goes through chemicals like Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

James asks…

Does Wal-Mart or any other companies recycle?

im doing a project on waste products and i want to know if Wal-Mart or any other companies recycle at all (for example like Johnson and Johnson). if they do can i please have a list of them.

The Expert answers:

You should check our CER wires for your research, theyre always putting out press releases to show that theyre not all bad

Donna asks…

How to terminate waste collection contract.?

I am so unhappy with the level of service I am receiving from a waste collection company called biffa. I reduced my collection from 2 to 1 per week as I opted for recycling with their company. I have quite a bit of backed-log waste as they refuse to take it claiming its too haevy & they don’t come back when they say they will. I spend the cost savings of the reduction on calling their offices almost most weeks, I have complied to what they say, like meeting them to take the waste out if it is too heavy at their stated time but they dont turn up!!

In this state of economy, you think meeting invoices is more stressful, but this company is far worst! Please help!! I have read their T&C’s, if I terminate they probably would make me pay damages of 40%. This contract was also automactically ‘rolled-over’ as I failed to notify them last contractual year.

Also, what is the regulation over ‘rolled-over’ contracts?? They seem to cause soo much problems!

The Expert answers:

You need to read your original contract and its conditions regarding the “roll-over”. It may have been in there that unless you told them by a certain date you didn’t wish to continue they could roll it over. If so, and you accepted those conditions and didn’t tell them you’re stuck, I’m afraid. If you’re uncertain of the terms you’ll need to get a lawyer to look at them.

Betty asks…

Where in Broward County can I DROP OFF a computer for recycling?

I am in Broward County, FL. As a favor, I am helping a friend clean out his small company’s offices. They’re moving. He is in a very small commercial park which does not provide, or have contacts with, any places where you can DROP OFF electronics items to be recycled. He has 6 old computers that need to be recycled properly. Not by hiring somebody with a sledgehemmer to come smash them, which another friend actually suggested to me (!)

No, I need to follow the law and have this disposed of properly. And we are NOT going to hire a trash disposal company to do this for him.

I know there must be a place, like a junkyard or some kind of waste mgmt center, in Broward County, FL, where a person can just drive in and drop off items to be salvaged/recycled. And yet, calling the county’s offices has not helped.

Does anyone out there know where I can take the stuff? Thank you for the advice. And please, if you own/know of a trash disposal company, plz do NOT respond.

The Expert answers:


Start there, and find the closest center to you. If you are a business, you need to contact 954-577-4160 for disposal information. If there isn’t too much stuff, you can claim the disposal as a resident to avoid fees. 6 computers are small enough to do that.

Daniel asks…

Where can a mid-sized corporation find information about a recycling program?

I’m a city planner and we’re always printing out large-format drawings, marking them up, and then throwing them away. Problem is, we just throw them in the garbage. Before I got to the company, they had a dumpster outside of the building that was to be used for paper and cardboard. This didn’t end up working out because after hours people would bring regular garbage and throw it in there with the recyclables. The recycling service said that once it’s all mixed up like that, then all of it has to go to the regular garbage. Bummer.

Since much of it wasn’t getting recycled, my company was no longer able to justify paying for the recycling services. I’m trying to encourage the VP to implement it again, but I’d like to have some good information so we have a good place to start.

Can anybody offer any advice or point me in the direction of where I can find examples of some ways corporations can benefit from implementing recycling programs? We waste a LOT of paper daily!

Thanks in advance.

The Expert answers: has lots of info about recycling.

Maria asks…

Does anyone have an issue with vehicles that waste fuel?

I have some issues with people who drive large vehicles to commute, especially with 1 person! I do my best to be kind to mother earth, recycle, don’t drive very much, purchase recycled materials and use green companies. I can’t stand to see people driving around in vehicles with only 1 person in them. What are other peoples views on this? Don’t we realize that our resources are going to run out?
I want to make it clear, I am NOT trying to offend anyone. This is important to me and am wanting to find out how other people feel.

The Expert answers:

Though I agree that humans, especially Americans (statistically), are incredibly wasteful, this isn’t really a debate place. But I won’t be a killjoy, I agree that people who drive Hummers sicken me. They cost $40,000 and have like 3-5mpg. They’re ugly too. When I see those people I wonder, “WHY?!” but the truth is, people generally don’t care about anything but their own lives. They may care a little about other things, but many people only care about what is going on in their lives. Some people are just uninformed. It’s sad really..

Sandra asks…

I want to know the uses of waste tires,how they can be shredded and recycled?

Any companies willing to share technologies for using waste tires – names and addresses and contact details will help.

The Expert answers:

I know they are used to rubberize high school tracks. The asphalt makes up the track then a company comes in a ‘rubberizes’ it. This makes it more comfortble and gives less risk of injury to the runners. I dont know any names or numbers, but check it out on the web. Lookfor companies that shred tires to rubberize tracks.

Sandy asks…

WHERE in Broward County can I DROP OFF a computer for recycling?

I am in Broward County, FL. As a favor, I am helping a friend clean out his small company’s offices. They’re moving. He is in a very small commercial park which does not provide, or have contacts with, any places where you can DROP OFF electronics items to be recycled. He has 6 old computers that need to be recycled properly. Not by hiring somebody with a sledgehemmer to come smash them, which another friend actually suggested to me (!)

No, I need to follow the law and have this disposed of properly. And we are NOT going to hire a trash disposal company to do this for him.

I know there must be a place, like a junkyard or some kind of waste mgmt center, in Broward County, FL, where a person can just drive in and drop off items to be salvaged/recycled. And yet, calling the county’s offices has not helped.

Does anyone out there know where I can take the stuff? Thank you for the advice. And please, if you own/know of a trash disposal company, plz do NOT respond.

The Expert answers:

Proof of residency required

North Collection Center
2780 N. Powerline Rd., Pompano Beach
Fridays and Saturdays, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

South Collection Center
5601 W. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Hollywood
Fridays and Saturdays, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.

ARC Broward, Inc.
10250 NW 53rd St., Sunrise
Monday-Friday, 8:30-4:00 p.m.

Jenny asks…

Poll Question: How many of you are aware of computer and other electronic recycling programs?

I am writing a paper, and need to conduct a public poll. If you want to add any info that you know about recycling of e-garbage or e-waste that would be fine.

Basically, all the computers and other electronic equipment that ends up in our landfills are causing serious harm to our environment. Some states offer rebates on your taxes for recycling, some companies offer the recycling for no cost to the consumer, some charge a fee to recycle the equipment.

How many of you are aware of such programs in your state ( or if you live in another country, programs where you live) that accept used electronic equipment for recycling? If you answer yes, have you ever used these services? If you answer no, are you aware of the effects on the environment from disposing of electronic equipment in landfills or in burned in incinerators?

The Expert answers:

I am aware of it.

Lizzie asks…

i work im a constuction company in kuala lumpur and i would like to sell my wood waste?

im finding a list of company to buy my wood waste and could use in recycle industry such as agriculture

The Expert answers:

You could post selling leads on B2B to find the wood waste buyer.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Michael asks…

extra summer cash?

so I have a job already, but I only work nights.
so I was thinking I can do some stuff for my neighborhood, like walking dogs, or taking out the recycle to the big bin.

what are some more things I can do, I don’t do yard work.
and no “intense” cleaning, like mopping or cleaning a bathroom.
well I do do them, but I don’t want a job doing them haha.

also what should I charge?
I don’t want to charge too much.
and how long should I take the dogs out for a walk? 30 min? 1 hour?

what would you pay someone to do for you?

Thank you (:

The Expert answers:

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Lisa asks…

i.m so desperate for a good…?

laugh right about now. i.m in a really bad mood. i need something to cheer me up? i.m bored && sad. please? just say something funny?

other than the fact that the suggested category is valentines day?

The Expert answers:

You Must Be A Redneck If

* You recycle your own toilet paper * Your mom has to shave more times a month than your dad * You see a bill board that says ‘Don’t do crack’ and it reminds you to pull up your pants. * You stare at a carton of orange juice because it says ‘concentrate.’ * Your bumper sticker reads: ‘One more Whore and We Get Gore.’ * The nativity scene you set up in your yard at Christmas includes two pink flamingos and baby Jesus lying in a painted tire. * Most of your teeth are on a chain around your neck. * You hunt from your bedroom window. * Your dad walks you to school because you’re in the same grade. * You refrigerate your food stamps. * You use a 10 penny nail to pick your teeth after a night of road kill. * You have ever dressed your child as a ‘Snot-rag’ for Halloween. * Your idea of a loaded dishwasher is getting your wife drunk. * You and your spouse get divorced and you are still relatives. * You go to your local ice cream store and order Copenhagen ‘sprinkles’ on your cone. * You know instinctively that red wine goes with opossum. * You’re always looking to find your Mother-in-Law’s picture on the back of a milk carton! * The officer that just pulled you over asks if ‘you have any I.D.’..and you respond ‘About whut?’ * You take a beer to a job interview. * You are caught roll’n your trailer down the street to jump start the heater. * When you finish eatin’ your bologna you use the rind for dental floss. * You go to Goodwill to meet women. * You and your friends are putting an engine in a pickup, drinking beer, and the conversation is: Which county jail has the best food!

Sorry you’re sad =[. Stupid jokes like these always make me laugh. You probably won’t think there that funny but i tried lol.

Sharon asks…

Please answer and help me urgently?

Hi everyone

Can someone please give me advantages of factory farming. I desperately need some facts.

Please help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Thanks everyone 4 answering. Best answer will be rewarded.


The Expert answers:

Aspects of factory farming

Low monetary cost — Intensive agriculture tends to produce food that can be sold at lower cost to consumers. This is achieved by reducing land costs and management costs.
Standardization — Factory farming methods permit increased consistency and control over product output.
Efficiency — Animals in confinement can be supervised more closely than free-ranging animals, and diseased animals can be treated faster. Further, more efficient production of meat, milk, or eggs results in a need for fewer animals to be raised – at the expense of food quality and animal or plant health.[citation needed]
Economic contribution — The high input costs of agricultural operations result in a large influx and distribution of capital to a rural area from distant buyers rather than simply recirculating existing capital. A single dairy cow contributes over $1300 US to a local rural economy each year, each beef cow over $800, meat turkey $14, and so on. As Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Dennis Wolff states, “Research estimates that the annual economic impact per cow is $13,737. In addition, each $1 million increase in PA milk sales creates 23 new jobs. This tells us that dairy farms are good for Pennsylvania’s economy.” [56]
Food safety — Reducing number and diversity of agricultural production facilities may make oversight and regulation of food quality easier. Centralized and standardized food production can protect general food safety.[citation needed]
Animal health — Larger farms may employ greater resources to maintain a high level of animal health. Larger farms can potentially employ expert employees who devote their working hours to assessing animal health, a task which would be cost-prohibitive for most small farms. Larger farms may be more able to make regular use of veterinarians and the resources of state and federal agricultural extension services. Industrial agriculture generally provides more mechanisms for the use of antibiotics to prevent and treat diseases than non-industrial agriculture.[citation needed]
Diseases – Intensive farming may make the evolution and spread of harmful diseases easier. Many communicable diseases spread rapidly through densely spaced populations of animals with low genetic diversity. Animals raised on antibiotics may develop antibiotic resistant strains of pathogenic bacteria (“superbugs”).[57] Use of animal vaccines can create new viruses that kill people and cause flu pandemic threats. H5N1 is an example of where this might have already occurred.[58][59][60]
Pollution — Large quantities and concentrations of waste are produced.[61] Lakes, rivers, and groundwater are at risk when animal waste is improperly recycled. Pollutant gases are also emitted. Concentrations of animals can produce unacceptable levels of foul smells as opposed to the tolerable odours of the countryside. In less intensive conditions, natural processes can break down potential pollutants. Large farms can maintain and operate sophisticated systems to control waste products. Smaller farms may be less able to invest in the same standards of pollution control.[citation needed]
Ethics — Cruelty to animals: Crowding, drugging, and performing surgery on animals. On some farms, chicks may be debeaked when very young. Confining hens and pigs may lead to physical problems such as osteoporosis and joint pain, and psychological problems including boredom and frustration, as shown by repetitive or self-destructive actions.[62] Animal treatment is subject to welfare legislation, though there is not consensus on what is acceptable. Some harmful treatments, such as debeaking, are tolerated on the basis that the alternative is greater harm to the animals.[citation needed]
Destruction of biodiversity — A tendency towards using single adapted breeds (a mono-culture) in factory farming, both in arable and animal farming, gives uniform product designed for high yields, at the risk of increased susceptibility to disease. The loss of locally adapted breeds reduces the resilience of the agricultural system. The issue is not limited to factory farming and historically the problem is reflected in the rapid adoption of one or two strains of crops across a wide area as seen in the Irish potato famine of 1845 and the Bengal rice famine in 1942.[63] The loss of the gene pool of domesticated animals limits the ability to adapt to future problems. This issue exists in all types of farming practices.[citation needed]
Nutrient poor food – Heavy reliance on non-heritage, high yield breeds of plants and animals reduce nutrient content. This is also symptomatic of heavy use of heavy chemical pesticides, fertilizers and depleted soil conditions from intensive, non-rotated use.[citation needed]

Carol asks…

If you were God,would you move around from one point in space to the next creating each planet?

seperately,which you could do if you were God,or would you initiate a process that you knew would get it all done ? And if you were God,would you create each animal in all it’s complexity seperately,or initiate a process that does the job perfectly ? I think if God is intelligent,He would put animals on earth,which is constantly changing it’s climate,that could change and adapt with it,evolve.?? ( not trying to prove God’s existence,that’s pointless !!)

The Expert answers:

Automated creation huh… Too cute.

Honestly, my take is that life/energy is never lost, just transformed. The universe is the perfect example of this, star constantly being formed by the matter that old stars exude when dieing. The universe is one big recycling center, in essence. So with this being said, if I believed in God, or in fact was God, I would like to make the process of creating (or rather recycling) as enjoyable and unique as possible. Spending my time getting all the quirky little details that would set this planet apart from the other trillion, just right!

What a fun thought process!

William asks…

I read today in the newspaper that Sheryl Crow asked her fans to only use one square of toilet paper…?

… whenever possible! That is just complete insanity! I need mittfulls of TP to properly clean myself after using the facilities! Jeepers Creepers! Has she lost her mind? I don’t need 2-ply, and I don’t need really fluffy, brand new stuff. In fact, I like recycled paper because it doesn’t unravel in your hairy crack. Sorry to be so graphic, but I NEED to be clean in that area… I sometimes feel it necessary to use ‘personal wipes’ that have been sealed in lovely lotion… Is that wrong?
I think she said she was joking only because she realized afterwards what a bonehead thing to say it was. But i could be wrong… I like her music, by the bye… and the question was kind of facetious too…. Q!

The Expert answers:

ROTFLMAO! That is sooo funny! I do agree with you, one square just won’t cut it esp. On the heavy duty jobs. Nothing wrong with being clean!

Daniel asks…

Permaculture: Can we buy ourselves green?

Permaculture: Are people missing the point about the green message? Instead of cutting down our own consumption people seem more concerned about buying themselves green. Buy MORE recycled products. Buy new dual flush toilet cisterns replacing perfectly good ones, when the could put a brick in the cistern? Buying solar panels and wind turbines instead of insulating lofts, filling gaps and putting on a jumper etc. Can we ‘buy’ ourselves green?

The Expert answers:

You’re exactly right. The key is to drop the myths and scare tactics of the special interests and look at the facts. You mentioned some specifics–here’s a counterpoint: the “macro” or broader view:

Shifting to a “green” way of doing things means economic development–in two ways. First, “conservation” means–or should mean–not “doing without” but increasing efficiency. That LOWERS costs. One small example illustrates the point: I switched to energy-efficient light bulbs. I’m not “doing without” anything–but my electric bill has dropped $8-10/month.

That’s money I spend on other things–which, multiplied by millions of people, means more demand for goods and services–hence more business, new jobs, etc. Economists call this the “multiplier effect.”

The other half of this is alternative enrgy production. That implies developing new technologies–which ALWAYS means new industries, new (and good) jobs–and economic growth.

In other words, yes–we CAN buy our way to a “green” world–in fact, that’s the best and easiest way to get the job done. Everyone benefits–especially the average person who will get more opportunities, better products, and ultimately cheaper energy.

Well, almost everyone. I suppose this is a disaster if you’re an oil company fat cat.

Maybe I’ll send them a sympathy card. Lol

Paul asks…

Why did someone STEAL the resonator on my car ?

Hi all.

I left my 1999 Grand am on the street and when I went to the car this morning it was really loud, I got scared and shut off my car. I looked underneath and someone cut off my resonator from the exhaust system. I was crying and I’m just wondering why would someone steal something like that off my car ?
No. the catyletic converter is on the car. they stole the resonator.

The Expert answers:

I would be willing to bet that your “resonator” was actually your “catalytic converter.” The catalytic converter has a high content of precious metals inside, and makes them quite valuable at a metal recycling shop. Unfortunately the metal recycle folks (many of them…not all) don’t care about the fact that they area recycling a stolen item – they just want to make a profit from the item that they just purchased.

I’m sorry this happened to you, but due to the fact that crack addicts need money, they steal high value items that are easy to turn into money. Here in my home town, the government has passed a law that the metal recycle shops have to get personal ID from everybody that brings in metal to recycle, and then they send a check in the mail: no cash.

Here is some good news though, you can purchase a replacement catalytic converter on eBay for about $100, and then have a muffler shop install it for about $70.00. By “good news” I meant that going this route will be a whole lot cheaper than just having a muffler shop do the entire job for you- that would be about $400.00. Call around and get the best price on the install.

My best to you!

Ken asks…

pray tell what is the meaning of this scripture??

weep and wail,because of the misery that is coming upon you. Your wealth is rotted,etc etc (more of same)will testify against you and eat your fleshlike fire. you have hoarded wealth IN THE LAST DAYS look the wages you failed to pay—-are crying out against you the cries have reached the ears of the almighty, you lived in luxury and self-indulgence(lots more of the same) the rich will be condemned. might this affect how one votes James , 5 :1-5

The Expert answers:

This is the prettle of an ignoramusWho is insulting God unwittingly. He seems to think that God is a magistrate fuctioning under him to conduct an enquiry into whatever a person did that was a sin acording to the whims and fancies of the ignoramusSuch tactics were used by somecrooks in the past proclaimig themselves the sole agent of god on earth to threaten innocent people of harsh punishments in the aftr-life which no one can ever dream of having have.The fact is that even when a man is alive , the pain is felt by the tissues of the flesh and teh brain idetifies the spot of the damage .This sensation won’t be there in spirit even assuming that the spirit really exists and is capable of independent existence. Another important facr , scientific fact is that nothing really ever dies.For proof , take a small bit of any part of the so-called dead body and scrutinize it under an electron microscope . You would see teh electron in evry atom of the various elements of which the tiisues of th body are made of spinning around teh proton with hte same speed with which they are running in the atom of any or the same element in the body of a so-called living being or any inanimate matter ever dies in thie world .cience has also has already testified to this fact and proved that matter never dies,This is what the hindu upanishads and Bahavad Gita also tells .matter is indestructible and and any bieng never dies . They change form one to another. Nature recycles as we recycle the tins . Plastics and paper. None of these recycled stuff return as what they were before recycling , but return as other stuff of the same kind .We go no wher and before no God for judgement .God is not a loafer with out any wasting his time doing the job of a magistrate to please the imagination of some ignoramuses.If at all he had done any such job , it should have been to judge the ignoraus to punish him by consigning him to hell for telling lies to thereaten innocent people to exercise authority over them by a false self-procalamation as his sole agent. For tunately for those people also , God could not hae have done that , for god has better things to do.. Nothing could ever follow any man to hell or heaven.neither his good nor his bad follows him anywher after his death , for he he goes no where . Nothing fromn theis earth is capapble of escaping the gravity and atmospher of this earht,Even the gods would not escape the earth’s garavity. All that a man hoards here ,will be here only as no man can take anything with him when he dies.A man has to forget even his name and address and everything he learned here , befeore he is fit to go. No man dies if there is evn a trace of consciousness . Only after the brain dies that a man is declard dead . So evey man reaches at the time of death ,the same stage at which he was while he was born. A blank slate . A blank hard disc in his mind . That means tha no man really takes anythign for himself and he leaves everything behind when he goes , Where is the question of his being punished for taking everything for himself ? If really people who preach such things to the innocen tpoeple beliegved in such things , there could have been no instnces of the preiests commiting sexual offenses in the premises of the churches and temples and ptople killing innocent humans in the name of religon. It is all humbug and falsehood . If yu want to see if really anything lives even after what we call death, just do this and see for yur self . Just burn some piece of paper to ashes . Now you have burned an apparently a piece of papaer you call that is life less and inanimate . Further you have burnt it to ashes . So absolutely thwre is no possibility of its having any life in it . Now if you see the shes under an electron microscope to look at the atom of the burned piece of paper the carbon element of the burned portionof the papaer . Try to get it by some labopratiory and see if it is dead. You e=will see the carbon atome very much alive . Water can not wet it and fiore can not burn it . It is itself water and it is itself is fire. It is undying and unceasing in its action. If it cease s to work , the whole unierse would cease to exist . Matter is never dead . Nothing made of matter is efer dead . Man also never dies . He only changes from one to another . We cahnge roles . That is the order of the universe.. We brought notheing , and so we take away nothing .The learned – very highly learned and the unletttered , the saint and teh sinner were all the same when they came and again they are all thesame when they go. It is only here that they are spoken of differently. But no wher elese.hell and jeaen are here only . And we who create it them and mange them. God does not demean himself to do such jobs for the ingnoramuses.So forget the prattle . Try to be happy . The only way to e happy is to keep evry body around you happy. You will feel a good scent and aroma in a gardenof lowers evenif you have some stink on you . But if you sit in th emidst of stinking filth , even if you have sprauyed yourself with the best perfume , you will only smell filth . So it is necessary to make people around happyif you want to be happy. Simple but great philosophy.that never involves any fear of hell or heaven.

Steven asks…

How many people are really afraid of nuclear power given that more people die every year…?

from lung disease shown to be caused by coal burning plants upwind of where they live? And the number of people actually killed by radiation since 1947 is less than the number of coal miners killed in any single decade? Have you really done ony NON-biased research into it’s pros and cons?

The Expert answers:

To answer brainiac’s question – The average electricity production cost in the US in 2004 for nuclear energy was 1.68 cents per kilowatt-hour, for coal-fired plants 1.90 cents, for oil 5.39 cents, and for gas 5.87 cents (US dollars).

And here’s some more facts:

– a coal fired power plant produces more radiation than a nuclear power plant, for the same size of plant. That’s becuase most coal contains a lot of uranium (50-100 ppm) and that all goes up the chmney in an uncontrolled mess. And don’t let the coal industry fool you with their propoganda about “clean coal” there is no escaping that coal produces huge amounts of CO2 during the combustion process.

– Nuclear energy is by far the world’s largest source of emission-free energy. Nuclear power plants produce no air pollutants or greenhouse gases.

– The energy in one uranium fuel pellet—the size of the tip of your little finger—is the equivalent of 17,000 cubic feet of natural gas, 1,780 pounds of coal, or 149 gallons of oil.

– Nuclear energy produces about 0.00001% of the waste as an equivalent sized coal fired plant, with less total radiation. 100% of the waste from a nuclear power plant is controlled and contained.

– A passenger on a jet plane flying from LA to New York in 5 hours will be exposed to more radiation than a worker in a uranium mine or nuclear power plant in one month.

So why are people afraid of nuclear energy – the media has done a terrible job of reporting the facts, and the majority of people don’t know the real facts.

Nuclear energy is the only rational solution to our energy demand that will not contribute to global warming.

EDIT – a comment for galactonerd and anybody else worried about radioactive waste.

In one year, a 1,000 MW nuclear plant produces about 27 tonnes of spent fuel. 24 of those tonnes are recycled into new fuel, and that leaves 3 tonnes of true radioactive waste. With the high SG of nuclear waste, those 3 tonnes comprise a block barely 40 cm (16″) per side – about the size of an average suitcase. That seems quite manageable to me.

In the same amount of time, a 1,000 MW coal fired plant produces 7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, 100,000 tonnes of sulphur dioxide, 75,000 tonnes of nitrous oxide, 5,000 tonnes of radioactive fly ash, and 150,000 to 200,000 tonnes of radioactive solid waste. Now here’s the real kicker – coal naturally contains uranium, and the waste from a coal fired plant produces more total radioactivity than the 40x40x40 cm block from the nuclear plant. Not only that, the radioactive coal waste is spread all over the earth.

So the question on radioactive waste should really apply to the coal fired plant and not the nuclear plant.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mary asks…

Would this be a high dollar profit Recycling Business?

I would like to collect cans and bottle and run them to a state that pays a premium for them. For example Michigan and Iowa pay 10 cents per can or bottle. Taking transportation out of the equation since I can calculate those costs. Does anyone know any business that would pay on large volume? Do they pay as good in those states with large volume?
I live in Minnesota so transportation costs would be high. Where would be the best places to get the product to sell for as cheap as possible?

The Expert answers:

Better yet- on trash day ,go around and take all the recycle bins
your cost zero

Donna asks…

How to request a recycling bin?

Hi there, I live in Michigan, in Oakland County. I was wondering, if I don’t have a recycling bin, where can I request one?

The Expert answers:

Talk to Waste Management…they will be able to help you.

Carol asks…

Can you get in trouble for taking recycled newspapers from recycling dumpster?

Not so much the newspapers, but the coupons.
I am talking about the yellow & green recycle dumpsters that are at schools & some churches…
Any help (links) is appericated!
I am in Michigan
Whats so gross? Its newspaper…! There is no garbage

The Expert answers:

No, of course not. I suppose that by taking the newspapers your kind of recycling them also so that
can’t be bad, can it?

James asks…

Which states give you money per can for recycling?

I live in Pennsylvania and they give you money per pound but I wanted to know what state gives you money per aluminum can.  I heard it was 10 or states including California and Michigan (which gives you .10 cent).Does anyone know the other states?

The Expert answers:

I used to work at a recycling center and for anything under 10 pounds, the difference is nominal at best between per pound and per unit. If you go per unit, it becomes more tedious and time consuming than it is worth. The only advantage of recycling per unit is you avoid the water weight deduction that comes with weighing the cans/bottles.

The answer to you state question can be found on the can/bottle. Michigan is the only state that offers 10 cents. I live in CA and assure you it is 5 here. The other states that offer cash for recycling are HI, CT, ME, VT, DE, IA, MA, NY, and OR.

Lisa asks…

Why, in Michigan, do you get a $.10 deposit on bottle/can returns?

I have always believed that this deposit was designed as a way to lure people into recycling. I have recently found out that you only receive a deposit on carbonated beverages. Why only carbonated? The purpose is clearly not recycling if non-carbonated beverages are not included.

The Expert answers:

If the “purpose is clearly not recycling if non-carbonated beverages are not included” then what is the purpose?

It clearly is for recycling purposes. Compare the litter of pop cans and bottles, beer cans and bottles on the roadsides of Michigan with neighboring states and you’ll see how successful this program is.

The reason it is only carbonated beverages (and beer, wine coolers, and the like) is because that is the way the law is written. The law was written well before we had bottle water and the like.

Betty asks…

I live in Michigan (Detroit) why can’t I recycle all my plastic trash they only take #1 #2 plastic?

I dislike throwing out plastic things toys,bottles,kid pools etc

The Expert answers:

Some plastics actually cost more to recycle then it does to make brand new…these plastics fall in that category !!!

Chris asks…

How would I go about recycling a large variety of items & materials locally?

I live in the Capital Area of Michigan, and need to find somewhere to recycle a large variety as well as quantity of items and materials.

Here are some items & materials which I have to recycle. Please keep in mind that this does not cover every item or material, and some items and materials I am currently able to recycle.

Used motor oil, oil containers, used anti-freeze, anti-freeze containers, metal paint cans, oil based paint, latex paint, spray paint – some have paint and others don’t, cell phones, dead batteries from UPS (Uninterpretable Power Supply) units, CD and DVD drives, paper, magazines, news papers, various plastics some with and without recycle category number, speakers, magnets, computers, LCD monitors, CRT TVs, CRT monitors, rear projection TVs, printers, toners, inkjet cartridges, washers, dryers, refrigerators with compressor full (it’s bad for the Ozone to just cut the lines, so don’t suggest that), card board boxes (both layered and flat), fans, various car parts, steel, stainless steel, copper, aluminum, electric wire (strained and solid), coax (the cable line used for TVs).

There is much more that could be listed, however, I feel that this is more than sufficient for giving you a general idea. I’m not a “tree hugger” as many people label others that care about the environment. I just figure why trash it, I have to live here. While others may hate to recycle or won’t; I offer to do it for them, hence how I get so much stuff. If it’s any good I will try to sell it or donate it. Profit usually goes toward my truck for repair and fuel as there is little to no profit to be made.

If you know of any companies in the area, or any websites listing information please let me know. Any and all viable information is much appreciated. Several of these items I am already able to recycle. The items and materials listed above are just an example of what I have to recycle. I’m currently able to recycle most metals easily. It’s the other items that are a little harder to move. Once again, thank you for your time and input.

Well, I have, what I believe is apprx, 10 Gal. of motor oil in sealed containers. I’m not a business. I merely scrap stuff, and keep others from sending it to a land fill or dumping it in the woods. As far as newspaper, I haven’t ever heard of being paid to recycle it. Most containers are empty or close to it. If a container has more than a few drops, I’ll empty it into a larger container. Aware of MSDS. Businesses which are supposed to take back oil when you buy oil often don’t, hence my current amount. Disposal, rarely will anyone find out what others do. I seen a neighbor dump stuff out back before. Makes me wonder where they think it goes. I didn’t man any offense by saying “tree huger” either, if I have offended anyone I do apologize. I appreciate all help. While doing my part, I don’t feel like paying to do what’s right. They can either take it as-is, or I can just put it all in a ton of small bottles and make a trip once a week. Seems that you would be awarded for doing right…

The Expert answers:

Http:// ~ this is the link to Waste Management. They will take a lot of substances including electronics that others will not take.


Above is the Link to Michigan DEQ. If you contact them before they contact you, you can do a ‘self-disclosure’ and ask for assistance in getting that cleaned up and in compliance.

Many of the items you have listed above are waste or toxic substances that must be disposed of per the MSDS that comes with those products.

If you are in business and have all these substances laying around you may be in violation of Environmental Regs at least federally. I don’t know MI Dept of Environmental Quality, but I know if you store toxins on your site, you are required to file your Tier II with your local Fire Department. Any of the substance you have listed if allowed into the ground, will affect the aquifers and your water supply.

Donald asks…

Reduce,Reuse,Recycle Research Project?

OK so in school we are doing a Reduce,Reuse,Recycle Research Project and we had to pick a topic and I chose to find out what happens to used electronics and if they can be recycled or not (IN MICHIGAN). I need to know where online I can find answers to that. If anyone can help me that would be great.


P.s i need the information by Thursday May 15, 2088.
I also need a site that i can find a graph to make somehow?

The Expert answers:

See source below

Jenny asks…

I can’t find a recycling place that takes 3-7 type plastics, only 1-2. Any ideas?

I live in S.E. Michigan (Detroit area). I haven’t been able to locate anywhere that takes more than just the 1 & 2 plastics. I have a lot of 3, 5, 7 plastics that are just getting thrown away because I can’t find anywhere that will take them. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Go to type in what you want to recycle and your city you will get a list of nearby recycle centers.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donna asks…

Does anyone put electronics in the bin ?

When something electronic is completely dead or is obselete/ no need for it anymore
do you personally,

chuck it in the bin
or take it to the proper place to be recycled

eg if a crt monitor is replaced do you chuck it in the bin?

I have taken my crt monitor to a electronics recycling firm, and my old tv and scanner etc etc.

i have sent my mobile phone to a recycling firm too.

The Expert answers:

I bin it cause only 10% of the world recycle

Linda asks…

Where do you take electronics to be recycled?

I live in Greater Vancouver if that helps.
Specifically, I need to scrap a computer monitor

The Expert answers:


Paul asks…

Somewhere I can get paid to recycle old cords?

I know that online you can get paid to recycle old cell phones, mp3 players and other electronics, but I was wondering if anyone knows of a website I can get paid to recycle old cords? I have plenty of cords from computers, phones, etc and if I could get paid to get rid of them that would be great.

Thank you to all who answer helpfully!!!!

The Expert answers:

They are all copper so you can weigh them in for scrap metal
the price of copper is very high right now so you should wait till you have a bag full then take em to the scrap yard and you will get a decent price for em

Carol asks…

Is it possible to recycle a cooling pad that no longer works?

I bought a iConcepts Cooling Pad from Amazon to find out that it was very poor quality and now is broken and will no longer work. I try to recycle everything, so I was wondering if there was a mail-in program or a business that will accept broken electronics equipment, specifically a cooling pad and it’s USB cord. Any ideas?

The Expert answers:

BEST BUY HAS RECYCLING STATIONS!!!! I take all sorts of stuff i no longer use working and none!!

If for some reason they wont accept that particular part they will even go as far as to help you find a place that does! 🙂

Michael asks…

Are there chemicals that make electronics non-recyclable?

If so… then can you name some?


Are there some chemicals that make recycling Electronics dangerous?

The Expert answers:

Depending on the type and age of electronic device, some common toxic/difficult to recycle materials:

– Mercury
– Lead
– Teflon
– Ceramic
– Gold
– Barium
– Beryllium
– Cadmium
– Hexavalent chromium
– Brominated flame retardants (BFRs)
– Selenium
– Bismuth

Mary asks…

What are some excellent legit recycle for cash websites?

recycle for cash or legit buyers that buy computers from you, or phones, and other electronics

The Expert answers:

Try Earth Saver….

Good luck!

Sandra asks…

Recycling Electronics For Cash?

How can I recycle damaged and non working electronic gadets for cash like Kindles?

The Expert answers:

Few websites and electronic do offer option to get some cash of electronic sent for recycle. Search for them in you location. They may offer some discount for the recycle for next purchase.

William asks…

What should we do with our old electronics?

(tv, microwave, printer, radios, computers, etc.) i got quite a few old and nonworking electronics and i just wanted to know what i should do with them. i mean, do i throw them away or can i recycle them, and if so where can i recycle them. thanx 4 ur help

The Expert answers:

Check for a recycling center close to you.

Charles asks…

Where do nuclear fuels come from and why don’t they have to recycle them?

When you buy anything with electronics in it, you pay an open or hidden tax to cover recycling. Why aren’t nuclear fuels regulated as closely as transistor radios?

The Expert answers:

See the propaganda you stirred up? Less than 1% of spent nuclear fuels are “recycled”. That token amount does zilch for the problem, Like in Japan right now, the spent fuel is as big a problem as the reactors.

The biggest source of nuclear fuel is the State of Utah. And they just distribute poison, they don’t take it back.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandy asks…

Why do people recycle? It’s pointless. ?

Even if everyone in America recycled and rode their bicycles instead of driving there still would be every other industrialized country not recycling and polluting, and killing the environment. Recycling is POINTLESS. Stop wasting your time, accept that soon humans will die out. So enjoy yourself while it lasts instead of turning into an eco-nazi.

The Expert answers:

Yes but we are the biggest polluters in the world so WE should start the recycling trend. Yes, humans will die out eventually but that doesn’t mean we should destroy the world…..

William asks…

food ans waste 10 points?

i need help for a project
-Name 8 food items, whether each item was consumed completely, whether it was in the trash or recycled, its frequency of use, and whether it was a necessary item.
– Which food items do you think will have the least amount of waste over time?

-How could you change your habits to better consider conserving food consumption and waste?

The Expert answers:

This is an observation project for your own home. We cant answer this and have it be anywhere near useful to you. If you want a completely fabricated story just pick 8 items and assign a status to them.

Steven asks…

What are your favorites “green” products?

– Which green products do you believe have the greatest impact for the for personal use?

– Which ones do you like the best?

– Which ones are a waste of time?

– Do you go out of your way to buy earth friendly products if it is a comparable price and quality?

– Would you be willing to pay a little extra to buy more earth friendly products?

– Do you even take it into consideration if it is earth friendly or not when making your purchase decision?

– Do you think that people overstate their “greenness” to be trendy?

– Are you considering buying green Christmas/ Birthday Presents?

– Which of these do you consider earth friendly:

Solar products
recycled products fair trade
wind energy Products
organic products
bamboo products
efficient lighting
recycling assistants (bins, can crushers, sorters, water purifiers, water bottles, etc)
Earth Friendly cleaning supplies, cosmetics, body care products, etc.

I would greatly appreciate people providing feedback on this topic.

Basicallly I am starting a green goods store because I try to buy everything I can that is eco friendly, and I have found that a majority of it is crap that Ii end up having to pitch anyway, and almost all of it is overpricced for what you get bbecause it has the “green” label on it. Obviously I am in it to make some money, but I am primarily in it to help others to be more environmentallly friendly, be confident in the quality they will recieve, and know that each product was researched for the validity of their “green claims”.

What do you all think?

The Expert answers:

I believe that products that create the biggest impacts will be products you use frequently.
Some examples would be:
Eco-Friendly Household Cleaners
Reusable Bags
Efficient Lighting
Recycling Products

Items like solar phone chargers and wind energy radios for the most part seem to just cash in on the “green” label and either don’t function correctly, are too costly, or just useless.

I am willing to pay more for an eco-friendly product if it is well made and if I’m sure that it really is a greener alternative.

Lisa asks…

Why do i feel perfect when i know i’m not?

I need to know something… i mean i need to figure out what’s wrong with me. Lately I’ve been thinking about this a lot and… well i feel perfect. First off, i just wanna say that im not a spoiled brat, my parents don’t spoil me at all. I have really nice curly red hair, and it’s completely natural. You need to understand that i have gotten thousands of compliments on my hair. I’m not joking. It’s like every week and even sometimes more than once a week i get compliments. I get people that come up to me when I’m shopping and tell me, and even once i got someone tell me my hair was lovely at a recycling place. Then there are my eyes, they are a very sea green and i used to think they were blue but i supposed eye colors can change because they look very sea green to me and my family now. My brother told me that they were so sparkly and pretty. And he is 21. I’ve been told my skin is so pretty, and my freckles are too. I have nice long nails and people compliment them too! Just yesterday my mom was telling me about someone saying i was so pretty and asking how old i was. I’ve gotten that before. And then there are my hobbies. I LOVE doing a lot of things like dancing, singing, and acting. I have been told many times I’m an amazing dancer, I’ve been told that my singing voice is great, and that acting is something i will sooo be an actress when i grow up and that im really good at it. I also love to write! Stories, poems, and lyrics. One of my best friends told me that i am so good at writing, and so have my English teachers. I enjoy doing hair and makeup and fashion, and i get compliments on that too. I have been told numerous times how sweet, kind, and thoughtful i am. I have 4 very close sweet best friends, and other friends too. My parents and my family are great, even though my little sister has attitude problems and gets angry at me for no particular reason that is my fault, and i love all of them so much!

So now i know what your thinking. What is this all about? She has a great life, so what? Yeah, i do have a great life. I LOVE my life. But the thing is… i know i’m really pretty and nice and maybe talented. That’s the problem. I feel so… proud. I’m so vain!! I wake up in the morning and i spend maybe an hour and a half primping myself. I shower, fix my hair, do my makeup, and try to pick the right clothes. I do that even on days when i don’t go anywhere. When i will just be home all day. I always find myself wasting time staring into the mirror trying to get my hair, makeup, or clothes just right. And i always frown at what i do and waste more time just so i can look ‘perfect’ for nobody but me my parents and my siblings. Why? It’s because i get compliments all the time. All the time. I get tired of them! I want to tell people “Thanks, but your just making me vainer and prouder” and the thing is, i don’t even know if that’s it! Maybe it’s something entirely different. I don’t know… honestly the more compliments and flattery i get the happier and prouder i get. Now i just wish i wasn’t so…. well what looks like perfect. Oh yes, i have also been called perfect before. By a number of different people. I know i’m not perfect, but how can i stop being so proud and vain? When I’m vain and proud, i don’t feel pretty, but like an ugly spoiled girl that gets anything, everything, and whomever she wants. I don’t wanna be like that… Please. How do i stop thinking that im so… well perfect? Thanks in advance, and thanks for reading this because i know it’s very long(:

The Expert answers:

There’s nothing wrong with being proud of yourself, Hun. As long as you’re not looking down on others or thinking youre better than people because of it, keep your confidence! 🙂 hope this helps!!

James asks…

Recycling waste question?

I am unsure about recycling. We have twelve separate dustbins in our small flat; one for tin cans, one for telephone directories and unwanted copies of the TV Times, one for PVC and plastics, one for the labels off tin cans, one for old shoes, one for old clothes, one for veg and potato peelings, one for green bottles, one for other bottles, one for electrical appliances under 30cm, one for broken crockery and finally, one for old cars.

Where should I put my daughter’s recently deceased Guinea pig? I have tried telephoning the council, but they are unable to help.
“Small flat”. We do not have a garden to bury it in, I’m afraid.
Freecycle is a very good idea. I might just… Some of the things you see there on offer are in much the same category!

The Expert answers:

Hmmm… Have you tried yahoo groups? There’s a frecycle near you for ‘items’ such as these.

Ruth asks…

How does it cause global warming if I waste electricity?

I leave all of my lights, tv, radio, and computer on 24 hours a day. I waste tons of water too. I litter all of the time too. I never recycle anything.

The Expert answers:

It doesn’t cause global warming….. Or Cooling.

Go ahead and live life to its fullest!

George asks…

Persuasive Speech?

I am taking grade 11 english. I need to make a persuasive speech, my topic is “Recycling– The most expensive waste of time“. Now tell me, what should the setup be of a persuasive speech?

The Expert answers:

Write the paper as if you need to convince your parents or buddies what a waste of time recycling is. You need to persuade, or convince you reader of something

Mandy asks…

Am I supposed to throw by gum in the recycling bin or in the trash?

All the sweet is gone and I only feel the plasticky thing roaming around my mouth. It’s time to get rid of my chewing gum.

So, the question: where do I throw it:
– In the trash, together with food waste?
– In the recycling bin, since it’s all plastic anyway?

The Expert answers:

On the ground.

Donna asks…

Do you think recycling is overrated?

Well, if you ask anyone I know whether or not recycle, you will get three possible answers. The first possibility is a slap in the face (I’ll admit I’m exaggerating). The second is a “YES!! Recycle!! It’s not that hard! There’s a recycling center on the way to school/work…” (my family recycles) and the third is a combination of those two.

But the symbol for recycling is that one triangle with the arrows and the name I forget… never mind that, the point is, it’s a triangle and it’s got THREE arrows, THREE sides, and THREE angles, not one! I thought the motto had the words “reduce” and “reuse” BEFORE the “recycle”! Now it might as well be “recycle, recycle, recycle” and nobody would notice!

If only 12% of what we send in for recycling is ever actually recycled, if there’s so much energy required to take the materials to the recycling centers, if for every ammount of waste we dispose of, 70 times that is disposed of to even MAKE it in the first place, if a recycling center requires 11 times more people to operate than a landfill… I pose the question, might recycling just be overrated?

By the way guys, I’m not saying “let’s just throw it all in the landfill,” but can’t we reduce (if the whole world consumed like America, we’d need about 3 Earths to have that kind of resources) and reuse (99% of all items bought in an American household will not be in use six months later) at least a little first?

Oh, and yes, I did wathch The Story of Stuff ( recently… but I’ve had the question for a longer time than that… and a search for the phrase “recycling is overrated” only returned 19 results, none of them explaining why in a very convincing way…

The Expert answers:

I am sorry you are discouraged by the recycling effort. I agree that we should all REDUCE and REUSE, along with recycling. There are groups on yahoo that promote the REUSE part of the triangle. In yahoo groups, look for a “freecycle” group in your area, or start one! Using the old belief that “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” you can give away items you no longer need or want, and accept things that other people don’t want or need anymore. That way the stuff doesn’t end up in the landfill. You can also encourage others to REUSE by using a cool metal thermas to carry your water in, instead of buying water in plastic bottles. I bought a Britta water picther to filter my water, and I’m real happy with my tap water now. It tastes great! Little changes in daily life make a big difference to the enviroment, and in the way we appear to others. Never stop questioning. And always remember that it you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Just find a part of the triangle that you are comfortable with and stick to it. And remember… We’re all in this together. Plus there are alot of websites that have tons of info on different ways to approch the issue.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

James asks…

Do files on your recycle bin take up space on your computer?

Well, i just want to know if the files (documents, images, etc) which are in your recycle bin actually take up computer space, or if what is in the recycle bin doesn’t affect the computer space at all.

The Expert answers:

Yes, they take the same amount of space when they were not in the recycle bin. They are on the same exact space on the hard drive as they were before. So if a file took 100MB of space, it takes the same in the recycle bin.

Richard asks…

I accidentally deleted my Recycle Bin icon on my laptop. Can I recover it and how?

I was trying to empty the contents of my Recycle Bin recently and I accidentally deleted the Recycle Bin itself. I think it can be recovered. Can it and how?

The Expert answers:

If you are running Windows Vista

Step 1: Right-click on the Windows Vista desktop and choose Personalize.
Step 2: On the Tasks pane, select Change desktop icons.
Step 3: Tick the Recycle Bin checkbox. And then Click “OK”

If you are running Windows XP

Step 1: Try right-clicking your desktop and selecting “properties.”
Step 2: On the window that comes up, select the “desktop” tab, then click “customize desktop.”
Step 3: On the next window, select “recycle bin (full)” and click “restore default,” then repeat with “recycle bin (empty).”

Lizzie asks…

Is it possible to retrieve deleted files even if you’ve emptied the Recycle Bin?

If I delete something, it goes to the Recycle Bin. If I empty the Recycle Bin, is there still a way to get those files and folders back? I deleted some files a while ago and have since done a number of System Restores and even had my C drive wiped.

Is it still possible to retrieve those deleted files at all?

I use Windows XP, if that helps.

The Expert answers:

You can often successfully recover deleted files from a PC, it all depends on what has happened since the files were deleted.
When you delete files the data itself isn’t deleted, just the index entry that tells the system where the data for those files is located. The area containing the deleted data is also now marked as free space so it is available for any new files to be written there instead.

If and when that happens, then it is too late to recover your deleted files so it is very, very important to not save any new files or data to the device concerned.

One of the easiest ways to see if you can recover deleted files is to try some good file recovery software.

A good tip is to try the free demo version of a commercial product that will scan the device for deleted files and show you exactly what files can be recovered. At least that will show you if you can recover the deleted files or if it’s too late already. You can find more useful information on how to recover deleted files at

Carol asks…

Can I remove cleaned virus files from the histories in symantec via exporting to recycle bin and then deleting?

Can I remove cleaned virus files from the histories in symantec via exporting to recycle bin and then deleting?

The Expert answers:

Antivirus tips and antivirus download:

Daniel asks…

Why have i lost my recycle bin in my computer?

on my computer desktop, i can’t find the recycle bin icon, i have done a system restore, but no change. I also searched it in the menu bar, but nothing has came up. Does this mean i have deleted the recycle bin? & if yes, how can I get it back?

The Expert answers:

I had the same thing, ur a fast clicker like me.

If it is vista just go to config screen/Personal tools then u see in the top left side somtin abt desktoppictograms. Check the bin and it will re appear

Helen asks…

Does deleting something from your Recycle Bin get it off your hard drive permanently?

If I clear my Recycle Bin is everything that was in there gone permanently? I’m trying to clear off space on my computer.

The Expert answers:

The data is not physically deleted from the hard drive. It is simply marked for deletion.

That is, the computer can use that space on the hard drive to write new data.

The information is there until the hard drive writes over that data.

However, Windows will recognize the deleted information as free space, so it is considered free space.

Paul asks…

How do I recover a file that was deleted and cleared from recycle bin?

its deleted and cleared from the recycle bin…is there a way I can recover it?

The Expert answers:

You may try asoftech photo recovery which helped me before.

The pro version enables recovering not only photos, but also other files including videos, document, etc. Just that scan may take long time depends on hard disk capacity.

Laura asks…

How can I put my Recycle Bin icon back on my desktop after it’s been deleted?

Somehow, my Recycle Bin icon was deleted from my desktop. I just want to know if there’s a way to restore it. I can access the Recycle Bin through My Computer, but I would like to have a desktop icon…I’m using Windows Vista.

The Expert answers:

Simple enough….. Quickest way… Go to the folder in My Computer where you can see the Recycle Bin… Drag it to the desktop USING THE RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON…. (THIS IS IMPORTANT… RIGHT NOT LEFT)… Then let go of the right mouse button and a menu should appear… Click on Create Shortcut here… Done…

David asks…

Is the red ribbon worn by the blue duck a symptom of decadent recycle bins? By which edible wings?

The Expert answers:

The platypus sings at dawn while the wombat plays the base

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asks…

Is it illegal going through blue recycling trash cans?

you know how people leave their trash cans out on the curb on trash day? is it illegal in California to look through those and get recyclables? if so what is the fine?

The Expert answers:

Technically, yes. (at least in Los Angeles County)

Once in the blue cans (and the regular “trash” and “yard waste” cans for that matter) the waste is technically “city property.” I’m not sure about the exact fine….in L.A. I believe it’s less than $100.

The “crime” however is largely over-looked. The cities say they have better things to worry about. I personally think that part of it is because recycling is actually very expensive for the cities and they’d rather have individuals taking the stuff to local centers on their own.

In any case, the only time I’ve heard of them cracking down on this is when organized groups of “pickers” swarmed into a neighborhood on trash day and made the locals nervous.

William asks…

Help with Recycling ?

well i have aluminum cans ( like those coke cans ) i want to recycle for money. they have the recycling sign but no “Hi; Me 5c ” so does that mean i don’t get any money for recycling ? I live in California ! Thanks .
I also wanna help the earth ! not just for the money ! 🙂

The Expert answers:

The cans never have my state on it (MT), but I can still get $ for aluminum, it’s just not as much as the states listed on the can.

You can also recycle lots of plastics, paper, and cardboard, although you can’t get money for it. Glass is a huge one too, and I think CA recycles glass (Montana doesn’t have the ability to though so sometimes I tike mine with me on trips to WA).

Good luck.

David asks…

where in california can i recycle car batterys for $12.00 each?

city,location,name of business.
“where they pay you a 12.00 core for each battery

The Expert answers:

Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority
1700 State Street
Crescent City, CA 95531

Free of Charge, no fee.

Sandy asks…

where can i trade my soda cans for money in santa rosa california?

i am currently living in santa rosa i moved here about a month ago and my soda cans have been piling up can someone please tell me where i can find a recycling center that will pay for my cans?

The Expert answers:

Try Safeway.

Sharon asks…

Are there any recycling places in Olympia WA that will pay you for bottles and cans?

In California they had places where they would pay you for beer bottles, etc

I can’t find a place that will pay me for used glass.

The Expert answers:

You have to keep in mind: 1) Washington has no bottle deposit fees, 2) Olympia isn’t that big a city — the chances that somebody else from Olympia who knows the answer will read your question before expiration is pretty small. So you had probably be willing to accept a “generic” answer:

— Check the yellow pages under “recycling”
— Call the municipal offices, probably the Solid Waste division

Mark asks…

Where in california can i recycle car batterys for $12.00 each?

The Expert answers:

Usually wherever you buy ’em you can return ’em for a deposit. I don’t know about California’s deposit amount, but I’d imagine it’s the same across the state.

Try Wal-Mart!

Donald asks…

Is there an article or map/chart showing recycling rates broken out by U.S. state? I’ve been unable to find.?

I know the average, which is currently 32%. But I wanted to see a map or chart that breaks down the recycling rates by state. California is clearly leading in the recycling movement. I wanted to get a better idea of what it is like across the U.S. I’ve been told it is night and day comparison… I can’t imagine places without recycling but they do exist…

Thanks ahead.

The Expert answers:

It’s hard to get real recent rates among various states.

In 1995 According to sites below Washington State has the best recycling rate at 48% of waste generated. California rates highest in waste generated, however isn’t in the top 10 states in regards to recycle percentages.

In general the rate nationwide may be 32% however it all depends on the various rates in all the different commodities.
It’s hard to get real recent rates among various states.
Sites below with give the best and worst states, etc. However not a specific state. Keep searching on your own.

Start at:

then click on various links there like:

Sandra asks…

if i put like rocks on recycling cans do i get more money?

because i heard that they pay u by pounds of cans. how much money do they give u by pound in california? and if they pay you by weight cant i just put like rocks or something? would it be possible?

The Expert answers:

It would work…but DONT DO IT!
Its totally dishonet and itll mess up the recycling system.

Laura asks…

can u recycle glass bottles in california for money?

n where do i go… n there alcohol bottles like uv vodka n stuff
idk how it got put in this category haha… but where do i go? whats the place called

The Expert answers:

Your local redemption center. I’m in CA and take our cans in every week, and I see people with plastic water bottles and glass bottles all the time. They pay by weight, not the CRV value.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Chris asks…

How do i restore a 60 yr old fishing rod?

I have a wooden 12 ft sea fishing rod i would like to restore.( a project for my 14yr old man cub and myself) It is in 3 sections of the same length. made of a very close grain dark red wood, (not a split cane). It weighs 35 oz`s including the remaining brass Ferrell’s and existing eyes/line guides.There is no reel keep/seat but signs that the reel seat sat approx 26 inch from butt end with a hand grip at the butt end. The brass feralls are fubar and the line eye`s/guides/runners are silver/chrome but showing signs of age, eg like green verdigris on copper.Non of these are with ceramic inserts.The top section has 7 runners,mid section has only 2 runners, 23mm & 30mm(apologies for metric! man cubs metric,i`m old school imperial ) The rod had been expertly brush painted in a bronze/copper colour. What type of paint and best way to apply to this rod?The original whipping is black. Can`t think of any more info i can give, besides the fact we`re both learning how to whip rods!

The Expert answers:

Wow…..You’ve got a job and a half on your hands.
You can get some very good but expensive lacquers and varnishes for rods and more affordable types..
If the wood looks good after sanding, a clear varnish will make it look even better, done right. If it’s not so eye-candy-ish, well, a colored lacquer or varnish may be best.
Whichever way you want to go it’s a long job , and of course if a real nice varnish pops into your sight on the shelves and stands out, well, maybe it’s telling you something….daft thinking but I’m not 14 any more…..logic doesn’t have to be logical for everything we do.
Sand off the old varnish or lacquer, inspect every inch of the wood ….Oooops!….every 12.27mm… For cracks or other damage. Fix up any damage however slight. Stitch in time.
That’s the first week of spare hours gone. Slow and steady, no point rushing this sort of job.
Spare hours?
Recycled ones., some hopes…it just means something else not done….always plenty of that anyway.
A very fine sandpaper followed by fine grade steel wool, good brush off everywhere with a stiff brush, wipe off with a spirit-dampened cloth to remove any oil or grease traces, and re-lacquer or varnish with 3-4 coats minimum leaving a day at least between each coat and sanding down real smooth with fine sandpaper before the next coat goes on.
Builds up a treat and gives a classy superior finish that way.

Furniture is best replaced with modern stuff. It’s an awful long job getting bits properly cleaned and with rings especially it’s better to have bright shiny new ones than fixed-up old ones. You’ll have matching rings all the way up then, and you’ll be able to trust them. There are lots of types so just choose as takes your fancy, but big enough for the job and positioned so you get the line running smooth and straight all the way through the lot of them on the way out and with the rod flexing the way it’s designed too on the way in with a 12-pound bass (OK,we can dream) which is almost impossible if you’ve never had it in use before.
The flexing that is, not the bass…beginners luck might just just work a treat first time out.
New rings won’t always have the same depth…stand-off from the rod—as the old ones had so you might need to choose new positions for one or two of them if you can’t find rings that closely match the originals for dimensions.
Whipping thread can be got in all sorts of grades. You can get thread varnishes and glues or use superglue very sparingly and varnish over it, maybe in a contrasting color….might look good, depends what you can find. A small jar of proper varnish made for the job will be handy for other rods too.
Where there’s one….just takes time and then there’s two.

Ferrules can be tough decision time. Leave them on if they only need a slight clean and it’s a smooth fit with it’s mate and in real good condition after a clean with wire wool or cut gently through them, carefully prise them off and get new ones. They’ve normally got a cement under them, so it’s a slow careful job. Brain surgeon time.
Copper cleans fairly easily but if the verdigris is deep or the metal is wearing thin or is too distorted for a simple fix, well, it’s cutting off time. More time gone, but nothing beats a proper job. With bare wood all the way you can do a nice neat job of the sanding and varnishing.

Have a look for any sign of an identification on the rod. The more info you can get the better you can fix it up as it was.
That rod seat for example. You can get a few types to fix on to suit different reels. Get the best you can find. With time and money invested in the rest of the rod, no point cutting corners.
Some are pricey for what they are. Some you can make yourself with a couple of rings.Consider the balance, appearance, and what type of reel you are going to use, and of course the line of rings you intend to fit.
The whole course of the line from the reel spindle to escaping from the rod into fresh air and adventure and coming home again should be as smooth and efficient as possible, so a large drawing and some notes would be very helpful to work from. Wallpaper comes in more than rod-length sizes and a very cheap roll of it is very handy for drawings for rod building furniture making, hobbies, craftwork etc. 50c or $1 from a thrift shop if you’re lucky.
At 14 he’ll want it done in a day I suppose. Bet on a couple of weeks at least till it’s done and another week after that till you’re fishing with it with hardened enough lacquer or varnish. Don’t test for hardness on the rod. Varnish something else the same as you did the rod, for a test piece. Just an inch or or whatever on some scrap wood, end of a broom handle, whatever.
When your fingernail doesn’t make an impression on that bit the rod is ready.
Have a great time.
There are loads of forums to read and get tips….even roller tips for rod ends,haha…and sites for rod building and repairs.
Http:// . . . . . .
Http://,221931 . . . .
Http:// . . . . .
Http:// . . . .
Check list for building a fly rod but useful to read…PDF . . . . ..

Donna asks…

How can i make money?

So my parents have told me that in order to drive my car (hand-me-down) that I have to pay my own gas, insurance, and for the plates. Well that is fair, except for the fact that I don’t have job… I can’t really help my neighbors because I live in the country, so there isn’t anyone to help. My parents don’t pay me for doing chores, they just expect it to get done. I also have sports after school until about 5ish… Can someone help me out here?

PS. my mom would never let me do online surveys.
Oh also im only 15
Lol by the way i’m a girl

The Expert answers:

Here is a list of simple ideas that should be easy to put into practice :

Collecting old papers and delivering them to a factory for recycling ;
Offering to teach lessons to younger children at school or helping them to do their homework ;
Finding a summer job : harvest, gas station, restaurant, tourist guide…
Writing a short story and selling it to a review or a newspaper.

William asks…

Whats the best way to skip school?

High school

The Expert answers:

Why do I believe that you are giving no thought to the fact that your parents are paying for your education? In a few weeks time you will possibly write another letter asking why your grades are slipping.

You need to get real about your education because it will be too late when you apply for your first job only to be told that you are not adequately qualified.

Time you waste cannot be recycled. When you waste your time, you waste your life.

Do the right thing.

Mandy asks…

If there is not modern day Revelation in Islam then what are clerics Eamon or mullahs for?

How do you hear the voice of God is their personal revelation or purpose?

The Expert answers:

Lots of reasons but in fact they are deceived, blind guiding the blind
mohammud is an accursed false prophet who borrowed from the monotheism around him and used war, violence, murder, etc. To start his false religion (with the devils help of course)

he recycled a moon god called allah who is really a demon if anything at all
so the mullahs are in it for tradition, a job, pride, ectc
the only revelation they can have is to compound error upon error, wrong upon wrong

Sharon asks…

ideas for making money?

my language class is thinking about taking a trip to France as learning experience. we are a very small class so i was wondering does anyone have any good ideas of how to make money. i cannot get a job due to the fact i take multiple ap.classes & heavily involved in after school programs. its about $3000 per person. any ideas ?! thank you for all the help!

The Expert answers:

Here’s how to save/make money: Stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, & drugs. Stop drinking sodas/energy drinks & drink water instead. Start growing/hunting your own food instead of buying frozen junk/fastfood. If you use CFL or LED bulbs in your house it’ll lower your electric bill. Just don’t spend money on anything frivolous/destructive that doesn’t benefit you.
Then some ways to make money besides getting a job are recycling cans & unwanted metal, selling books & DVDs to book stores, garage sales, & looking for coins in vending machines & loose change around your house.

Avoiding the junk listed above will not only save money at the counter, it’ll save you from future medical bills & it’ll make you healthier making you a better worker.

Richard asks…

About cell phone packaging.?

I want to know more about cell phone packaging (the box). There should be environmental facts and all those other stuff…

The Expert answers:

Knock yourself out.
Mobile Phone Boxes – Packaging materials for the mobile phone industry
Mobile Phone Boxes for companies dealing in used, refurbished and 14 day … Mobile phone – The re-cell solution. Packaging materials for the … – 12k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter

Placon;Better Design:Better Packaging, Thermoformed Products, Cell …
Better Design: Your source for Plastic Packaging, Packaging Design, … 9/10/2007. Placon Announces New Cell Phone Accessories Packaging … – 14k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter
Placon;Better Design:Better Packaging, Thermoformed Products, Cell …
Placon Announces New Cell Phon. 9/10/2007. MADISON, WI (September 10, 200 … 2008 Placon all rights reserved | phone: 1-800-541-1535 fax: 1-608-271-3162 … – 12k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter

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PlasticWorks Packaging — Product Packaging
Let that someone be Plasticworks Packaging! We provide packaging solutions for cell phones and cell phone accessories. Maximize your product’s appeal. … – 22k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter

Cellphone-packing smoke detector dials for danger – Engadget
Cellphone-packing smoke detector dials for danger. By Donald Melanson, posted Feb 21st 2007 at 4:24AM. While most smoke detectors will handle the basic job … – 59k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter

Sony Ericsson @ CTIA – W800 Walkman phone packaging – Engadget
Mar 15, 2005 … Normally we couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the packaging a cellphone comes in—it’s almost always some generic box with images of the phone … – 101k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter

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The Life Cycle of a Cell Phone
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – View as HTML
and can result in waste. Some packaging, how-. Ever, can be made from recycled materials. Useful Life. Unlike other countries, cell phone companies … – Similar pages – Filter

Buy Unlocked GSM Cell Phones, Cell Phone Accessories – PureMobile
Save on mobile accessories like cell phone chargers, memory cards, and car kits from Golla, …. Wireless Solutions iPhone Car Charger Retail Packaging … – 103k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter

Advanced Packaging – EoPlex to Manufacture Innovative Cell Phone …
May 15, 2008 … Advanced Packaging – EoPlex to Manufacture Innovative Cell Phone Antennas – (May 15, 2008) Redwood City, CA — EoPlex Technologies disclosed ……/328806/36/ARTCL/none/none/1/EoPlex-to-Manufacture-Innovative-Cell-Phone-Antennas/ – 51k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter

Cell Phone Packaging-Wholesale Cell Phone Accessories-Wholesale …
Wholesale Cell Phone Accessories, Cellular Phones, ipod Accessories. Importers and Manufacturer from China. Retail Chain and independent stores are welcome. … – 56k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter

Jenny asks…

Do you think if gas prices were to go down to “normal’ level, most people would stop thinking “Green”?

you know, alternative energy sources, recycling, energy conservation, back to big SUV’s, selling their PRIus’s, etc.

The Expert answers:

I have been doing extensive research on people’s attitudes towards environmentalism and the research shows that people are concerned about the environment when the economy is doing well. When people are worried about their job, they can’t worry about anything else. Just like right now, many people are in denial that oil is finite and we have to take drastic measures if we want to avoid a huge disruption in our social system when the oil starts running out. So people aren’t thinking green right now, they are thinking about saving themselves the most amount of money possible. The media is telling everyone to go green and I think it’s starting to sink in more to the general public.

Another conclusion I found is that people are so petrified of alternative energy, they are willing to ride the oil bandwagon until the last drop is drilled. They think that sustainable energy will not provide enough economy. They aren’t thinking about the fact that their electric bill would be substantially less each month.

If the power elite of this nation all decided to “Go Green”, it would happen. Only our mega corporations have the money to build a sustainable infrastructure. The only way for that to happen is for public pressure, or to stop earning record profits from fossil fuels. Right now, the public is too concerned with gas prices and the Iraq war to even notice that the Arctic is predicted to be completely unfrozen for the first time in recorded history. The environment will continue to be a second-rate issue while our economy crumbles. It’s really sad because we have the ability to fix both the human effects on the environment and the economy by switching to alternative energy sources.

Thomas asks…

If Paul Wolfowicz was the chief mastermind of the Iraq war…?

Why is he allowed to be recycled into the system and get promoted at the World Bank, if he is as much to blame as anyone for the Iraq mess?
right, Wolfowitz, thanks for the correction.

The Expert answers:

This one man is responsible for a whole lot more than just the outline for what we are now seeing in Iraq—-he goes WAY BACK in the system of the Republican mastermind think tank (the American eqivilent of the “Republican Guard”)
Under Reagan — he came up with a document that is called to this day —-the Wolfowitz Doctrine—in which he states that the United States has the right to govern the world and should proceed with all haste to do just that !!!
He has been at the center of multitudes of globalist think tanks in which his views of a world governed by the moneyed elite is the only future FOR the world and THAT single thing and his INSIDE THE CORE CONTACTS is the EXACT REASON he has the job he has right now !!!
It is VERY unfortunate — but we have not seen near the last of this little dimigod — but he will never be out front— he and his kind always work from the back room of the biggest STAR CHAMBERS of world leadership— they are the little trolls that manipulate the ‘talking heads’ that appear to us as if they are the leadership– when in fact all that they are is the puppets of these dudes in the back room (Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain—ie–wizard of oz) !!!!!!!

Sandra asks…

Hlp i need money plz answer my question?

Can some one tell me where can a 15 year old boy get a job in dallas tx i really need it any ideas at least

The Expert answers:

For one thing you should get your local board of education on the phone to ask about getting a work permit. They may know of local employers that need competant summer help but you’ll never know if you don’t ask.

Working for an employer is a great way to get experience working with money, working with customers, teaching responsibility, handling and budgeting money, paying taxes, etc. But you’ll make way more money if you set up your own business than you will working for someone else. Think about what you enjoy doing and you might be onto something that will pay you year-round.

Check your library for books like “Fast Cash for Kids” by Bonnie & Noel Drew. There are many books like it. In fact, as you research the answer to your question, think about writing your own book because almost every teen I know wants to make money. Why not make $2 a copy from your book and sell 100 or more books a day, week or month??? Money adds up.

Think about a recycling center for local residents and businesses. Think about babysitting or taking it to the next level with puppet shows or story hours. Why not write a newsletter on a favorite topic or hobby? Why not tutor kids in favorite subjects? What about making crafts? How about cooking or baking desserts or lunches for local office buildings? What about mowing lawns? Taking kids on local field trips to museums or movies or other local activities? Vacuuming out dryer vents to prevent fires? Designing websites for small businesses? Working with stained glass or wood or making garden flags? What about pulling weeds or growing spices or raising goldfish???

You see there are alot of things you can do but you have to be the one to come up with what is right now only for you but for your customers.

Check the library, talk to family or neighbors or local business owners, or get an Ebay account. Do something TODAY to start your journey to success. Mainly, believe in yourself and what you do.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mark asks…

Is it true that Lego can be used to build a house?

I have a piece of land and I want to build my own house. I thought that I might try and construct an “Earthship” sort of thing using old car tyres and recycled wood, Food Town bags and garbage cans. But someone suggested that Lego is a fantastic medium and that an amazing home was recently constructed with Lego in South Australia. Does anyone know anything about this?

The Expert answers:

Yes it is possible-

You’ll need to get building consent and I believe you’ll struggle to do this with a house made entirely from Lego.


Lizzie asks…

Aluminum can pricing in Ohio? – Appx weight of a 39 gallon bag full?

I have a bunch of 39 gallon garbage bags full of aluminum cans from the years past stacked out back. Any ROUGH idea what a bag full would recycle for in the Ohio area? Thank You so much in advance!!!!

The Expert answers:

The most accurate way at home would be to find out the local prices (most places have a website), weigh a bag on your bathroom scale, and calculate the total weight of all the bags.

OR if you’re closer to Michigan by any chance, they give you a nickel a can……

David asks…

What do I do with ripped/stained clothes and other fabrics?

I have a big garbage bag of clothes and socks that would be of no use to donate because they’re in pretty rough shape. Is there anywhere I could take them for textile recycling?

The Expert answers:

Here is a site that can give you some info about textile recycling. I did some research for you 🙂

To find out where you can go in your area to recycle textile, go to the link below and in the “Business search” box, put “textile recycling” and in the second box, put your city and state. It will show you some places you can go in your town or city.


Also, if you are into painting at all, you can cut the fabric into squares and use it to wipe your brush on instead of using paper towels. Its super eco-friendly because you don’t waste paper.

Hope this helps! Good luck!

Robert asks…

Recycling HELP!!!!????????????

How much money would I make if I brought a garbage bag FULL of plastic bottles and pop cans to the recycling center? in Canada.
This is doing research lol.

The Expert answers:

Canada is cool!!

Mary asks…

If you recycle all things plastic, what do you use for garbage bags?

The Expert answers:

Kangaroo pouches…100% biodegradable.

Sharon asks…

recycling aluminum cans?

I am concerned about the environment so I collect empty aluminum cans off the street when I walk my dog. Right now I have 3 large garbage bags full of crushed aluminum can. The problem is… some of the cans have dirt on and in them. Some of thoroughly flattened ones may even have small pebbles embedded in them. Will these be accepted at the recycling facility? I’m guessing it doesn’t matter because when they melt them any organic materials will burn away and any dirt particles or small pebbles will be separated from the molten aluminum. What do you think?

The Expert answers:

The dirt won’t be a problem, normally. The pebbles might, but I haven’t heard any mention of this being a problem.

Add: Aluminum melts at around 960 F, while most rocks won’t. By that time, the dried up sugars and cigarette butts will have all burned off. You can melt aluminum in a cast iron frying pan, but I really don’t recommend trying that: If a drop of water hits the molten aluminum it’ll expand somewhere around 1700 times it’s original volume, nearly instantly. This will be like a small bomb going off, and molten aluminum will spray all over. That’s quite dangerous, even if you do have protective gear.

Charles asks…

Will you personally wear this for anything?


I’m wondering if you personally wear an outfit/dress made out of unused/unused recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bags for anything. If yes how and when, if no will you at least try it once.


The Expert answers:

Absolutely no way Jose. I only wear real clothes bought new.

Donald asks…

How do I recycle in Ontario?

Stupid question but we just moved into a house after years of living in an apartment. We now have to drop our 3 garbage bags a week for our 4 soon to be 5 person family and turn it into 1. We have a blue bin, a gray bag and a yellow bin but frankly Im not sure of the procedures of what goes in which and how to arrange everything. They are very strict around here and will leave it if not proper. I have called the city several times with no luck.

The Expert answers:

There are handy guides put out in local papers with the recycling times to place your ble bins and usually a monday. A recycling clender is available at city hall and maps should be available or directions placed on boards on city hall. Or in cities.
Also recycling companies drop off at collection depot .
Google maps might have the location.
One i know of is located on 4th avenue but yours would be different.
Anyway you couls just ask your local green party and they could have it racycled or you could use the plastic bottles as water bottles and plastic ice cream containers as rice containers or the mayyonaise and peanut buuter jarss you might have as food storage for raisens or brown sugar.

Paul asks…

Do you support this or at least heard of this cause?


Do you support or heard of the cause of making wearing unused/recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bags as outfits/dresses a permanent mainstream fashion. If not will you at try it once or spread the word.


The Expert answers:


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