Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Chris asks…

How is life in Netherland?

I’m an expat working in Dubai and just got a job offer from a company in the Netherland. Do you know how is life in the Netherland? Have you experience Dubai and comparatively what do you advice? In terms of development, exposure, taxes, life quality, etc…

The Expert answers:

It’s a good place to live and bring up children (speaking as a mum of 2). Family values are still respected, and it is a society with rules and regulations and by & large which are followed

To answer the first person, Marijuana is not legal in any part of the country (laws apply throughout the country and not to specific parts such as Amsterdam!). Marijuana is tolerated under agreed conditions and hard drugs acted on stringently. The simple fact is that marijuana is not a big deal in the Netherlands (like it is with some foreign tourists). Actually the consumption rates in (e.g. Teenagers) is substantially lower here than in the rest of Western Europe

Taxes are relatively high compared with many countries in Europe, but you see this back in the services such as education, policing, and public amenities.

Recycling is actively promoted (already for many years).

The Netherlands was in the top 10 counties where people surveyed stated their “happiness”.

It is not all sun & roses of course. The climate is very different from Dubai. It does rain substantially more here (throughout the year). Also depending on where you live, there are areas of population density (e.g. In the Amsterdam-Den Haag-Rotterdam-Utrecht area) where the majority of industry is (and therefore people wanting to live close to work).

English is spoken in this same area to quite a high level considering it is not a native language, so you are able to get around (supermarket etc), but it is advisable to learn Dutch if you are settling here beyond e.g. 6 months so that you can experience life to the full

Many tv programs are purchased from the US & UK in English (and merely subtitled in Dutch below) so you are able to watch TV (and cinema movies) in English. There is a wide selection on offer and many international channels are available on satiliette & digital.

My experience of Dubai is limited to my dealing with colleagues and business associates there (my former company had a warehouse there & a distributor). Of course over dinner we were able to discuss life in Dubai.

Anyway, I have experience with many foreign nationals (from working in an International company) who live here in the Netherlands, and the vast majority throuroughly enjoy their time here and relish the experience of living here

So personally would say, if you have the opportunity, to take it with both hands. It is a great experience for both personal growth and of course for your cv!

Susan asks…

my dumbo rat/scabs and cuts on his skin?

i have had my rat for about a half a year now and he has had this problem its hard to explain,but he has cute and scabs all over his skin which i didnt notice untill acouple months ago when i was giving him a bath and saw it under his hair.i feel so bad for him it looks very painful they are all over his body and i brought him to the petstore twice and they havent been able to do anything to help him and i really cant afford to take him to the vet since i dont have a job currently,if you can help me at all with figuring out what is wrong with him it would be greatly appreciated.

The Expert answers:

The only thing rats and hamsters have in common are the fact that they are both rodents!
What are you feeding your rat? The food you are giving him/her may be too high in Protein, and causing a skin irritation, you also didn’t mention a cage mate, if he/she doesn’t have one, you should get a second, it may also be a condition called “Barbering” which is excessive grooming, and is a sign that he is needing a cage mate, if you don’t have a second rat, get one that is younger & smaller, that way there will be less of a chance that they will fight for dominence. Try giving your rat a small piece of whole wheat bread soaked in Olive Oil as a treat, or put a few drops of Olive Oil on his back, this will help if it’s just dry skin. I know it looks painful for him, but rats do not have pain sensors in their skin, so he’s not in any pain, I’m not saying that it doesn’t itch…but he’s certainly not in any pain. I feed my rats a mix of Oxbow Regal Rat food, and Suebee’s rat diet ( It’s very unlikely that he has mites or lice, you’d see those.
But the bedding could also be his issue! Soft Wood beddings like Cedar & Pine have toxic essential oils in them that can wreak havoc with your little friends immune system, and upper respritory tract, in fact, the phenols in these woods can cause the cells of the URS to break down, collapse the treachea and Kill him! Please switch to a Hardwood bedding (Aspen is a type of wood-not a “brand”) or a recycled paper bedding like Care Fresh, or Yesterdays News! I wish you the best of luck, and please email me to let me know how he’s doing!

Mark asks…

how can a 13 year old make money???

hi i want to get a small job mum says no survey sites,no dog walking and no babysitting as i’m in the uk it’s against the law plus i’ve not got loads of confidence my mum cleans houses and i don’t know about ebay she’s not keen HELP!!

The Expert answers:

I asked my mom this same question when I was 5. She gave me a few ideas and I started my first business at 5. Eventually I had other kids working for me.

This is what I did:
a) Offered to take the neighbors trash bags to the dumpster once a week.
B) Offered to pick up the trash, paper and leaves that had blown into the their front lawns.
C) Asked for soda bottles that they wanted to get rid of then I recycled them.
D) Scavenged for soda bottles to recycle (they were not recycling cans at that time)
e) Started a kool-aid stand.
F) Eventually hired other neighborhood kids to do all of the above and I paid them a percentage of what we collected. Even when they were doing all the work I still made money off their efforts because most of the other kids were more interested in being a part of something than the money they earned. I also told the other kids that we would have a party with some of the money I made so they gladly gave me the money and I paid them a percentage of it.

Later I ordered both greeting cards and seeds from a comic book (no money up front). Then I began selling them door to door. I usually sold out whatever I was selling in one day and had to re-order. People like helping kids out and are impressed when they see that they are ambitious at a young age.

At 12 I bagged groceries and carried them to people’s car for them for tips.

At 13 you could start a business mowing your neighbors grass. Setting their trash containers on the curbside and then returning them on trash day. Running errands. Washing neighbors cars at their house (Waxing them too if you’re good) …anything they are willing to pay you to do (legal of course).

If you, at 13 can buy candy wholesale you could make really good money selling it in parking lots outside of busy stores or wherever their is traffic. Chocolate bars do very well. (Go to ) Your success or failure at this will depend totally upon your approach. Follow the example of kids who are doing fundraisers. But be honest and tell them that you are just trying to raise money for yourself for whatever your reason is for needing money. Many people love helping young kids and will buy it just to help you out. They will also pay a bit more than the candy would cost in the store.

Many ways to make money online but that requires some technical know-how. The experiences from asking this question at a very young age led me to operate a number of different businesses and eventually get rich from my efforts. (It is a fact that most successful entrepreneurs have the experience of having asked this question at a young age.

Once you find that you can actually make your own money and create your own income stream you will NEVER be limited by a JOB as most people are. Seeking the answer to your question, acting on it and actually putting money in your pockets from your own entrepreneurial efforts will change your life so whatever you do…. Don’t give up on this pursuit.

Good luck and hope this helps.

James asks…

can someone show some proof that a muslim was ever harmed in mecca before mohammad migrated to medina?

i have read the hadiths and i have yet to find where so much as one muslim was ever harmed there. so can someone give some proof that the meccans ever harmed a muslim. i do know that the leaders of mecca went to mohammad’s uncle and requested he stop mohammad from trashing their gods that they had worshiped for thousands of years. mecca had thousands of residents and mohammad after 13 years of preaching had 72 to 100 followers and after mohammad ran out of the fortune of his first wife’s money he sent his followers to Ethiopia. where they remained until mohammad moved to medina. so can someone give some proof that a muslim was ever harmed in mecca.
myot; i need some proof not your brainwashing. i could make up lies but i don’t. so please! show us a hadith that states a muslim was ever harmed by the people of mecca.
maryam if you knew just a little bit about islam. you would know at this time the muslims prayed facing Jerusalem not the kaaba. the place the moon god,allah was being worshiped.
spider midget give some proof from the hadiths. i not at all interested in your brainwashing. by the way learn some manners.

The Expert answers:

Muslims are bloodthirsty liberals.

MUSLIMS, these questions are for YOU.

Muslims state that they believe that the Bible is a book filled with pornography, and quoted Gen 19:32 where Lot made his two daughters pregnant.
My Question is: Do you feel that the Bible should be removed from every library in Canada? And are you comfortable with the fact that your prophet Muhammad married a six year old child, when he was 55 years old? Do you think this is a good story to tell children?

Muslims proudly quote several passages in the Koran 30:48; 24:43, as scientifically accurate explanations of the hydrologic water cycle.
My question is: given the fact the Bible had already fully documented the hydrologic water cycle 1600 before the Koran in Job 36:27-28, and 3 other passages (Eccl 11:3; Job 26:8; Eccl 1:6-7), doesn’t this proof Muhammad merely copied the scientific facts of the hydrologic water cycle directly from the Bible? (Clouds hold water: Eccl 11:3; Job 26:8; Rivers recycle water: Eccl 1:6-7; Evapouration: Amos 9:6)

The Islamic religion teaches that Jesus Christ was a practicing Muslim.
My question is: is this any less ridiculous than if Christians said Muhammad was a practicing Buddhist?

Informed Christians know there is no passage in the Koran that says the Bible is lost altered or corrupted.
My question is would you please list all the passages you know where the Qur’an says the Bible that was in the hands of the Christians at the time of Muhammad had been corrupted?

“myo” can you answer these questions for me, muslim? And just so you know, wikipedia is not reliable, people go on there and create accounts and they post whatever garbage they want. So good luck fighting with false information.

Sandra asks…

What are skills that change the world?

What life skills/attributes should children be developing in school/camps/sports that will help shape their lives and change the world? Please chose one skills that you think is important and explain why it is important. (It’s okay if there are repeats…in fact…I encourage it!)


The Expert answers:

Volunteering to help the charities you feel are most worthy. This will cost you nothing but some time and help them to either raise funds or maybe even go to places that have problems and assist them directly by digging wells, educating people or whatever.
If you do go traveling you can take your camera to take images of the issues you see these images can the be published on the web to show the 1st world what is really going on.

However be advised that it’s really not to nice out there! Having spend 10 months in Africa I have seen children maimed on purpose to give them a ‘job’ begging and other such things. This is sadly one of the side effects of some charities, some people come to rely on them.
If the world continues to be the same, or worse with millions of people hungry, homeless or unemployed, and inflicted by Aids and other diseases—a time will come for widespread epidemic and wars, misery and chaos.

It is therefore important to improve living conditions, to grow more crops, and to find better ways for human beings to survive. A person can change society if he is diligent, responsible and has special skills or knowledge. Govts must endeavor to send every child to school, to create jobs and produce enough food for their people.
Collectively, individuals will change the nation, and many nations in unity and with positive goals, will change the world.

I try to recycle all kinds of items, to help those who are disadvantaged, and to influence certain people in daily life and here, to follow and recognize certain positive and healthy norms of society, universal truths, etc and to aim to create harmony, right thinking and peace wherever they are.

The Internet is the best platform to change the world in attitudes about race, religion, values and virtues–but it must strive to embrace morals. You could help your organization and society in some beneficial ways to effect positive changes. And there has never been a more ideal time in history than to start now–new changes, world order, renaissance, whatever–and to proceed in a sensible, civilized and peaceful manner without the need of resorting to rockets, tanks, mine-fields, nuclear bombs, invasions, terrorism, fear and intimidation !

Helen asks…

Do you still believe n biofuel and alcohol???

I have said since this bio and alcohol hype started that it is not viable The amount of land and resourses make it more damaging than what we already use. Now they are finding out that this is a fact.

Why not go nucluar until resurch finds the answers???

The Expert answers:

No, I was excited at first about ethanol. But, now realize even if every field in America was devoted to fuel corn it would not meet the need. So that would obviously create many new problems. Like hunger. And, some say it uses too much fuel to produce to make sense. It’s only a partial fix. And, I have no idea how bio-fuel would ever work. If you’re referring to bio diesel only so many cars in a given area could be supported. I just saw a show another documentary on Chernobyl so that’s not my cup of tea. I know it was a poor plant but it’s not worth the risk to me. It even threatened the underground fresh water supply for Russia.

I vote for live near your job, hydrogen hybrid cars, solar for your home, and buying quality products that are not junk! Recycle too.

Mandy asks…

using drive erase pro it is asking about shreding?

The Expert answers:

Are you erasing the entire drive or just files and free space? Third party drive cleaner programs call it incinerator, cleaner, shredder they all usually just write X’s and O’s several times on the whole drive and delete them. Usually you can pick the # of times or the type of shredding or incinerating you want to do.

I have a program that incinerates files it works like trash bin but just does a better job of deleting the files from the hard drive in fact it replaced my recycle bin with a red incinerate bin.

Good luck

Lisa asks…

Disk Drive isn’t working. I need to know whats going on ASAP!?

I have an Acer Aspire 5810TZ . The disk drive doesn’t work: I placed a disk into the disk drive and nothing will pop up on the screen like it should. Does anyone know whats wrong with it? Plz help me. Thank you!

The Expert answers:

I’m going by the fact you don’t indicate there are physical indications (not software related indications) that the disk drive isn’t working. If it still makes sounds and whirrs and what have you then it may actually still be working.
I’m guessing the autorun function has been turned off if you’re using a Windows OS. This is actually a very good idea, and very sound practice. Why? Malware and nasties come from all sorts of sources, including portable devices used on other computers, flash drives for instance. The number of times I’ve had my pen drive/flash drive whatever and taken it to the internet cafe or something, downloaded some songs or whatever, and some douchebag has decided to stick in a hidden folder called Rescycle Bin on my pen drive to try and catch me out? Countless times. It’s always the same one too! It’s the same dumbass who can’t spell recycle for toffee which insults me the most of all never mind the fact some dolt is trying to give my system a load of problems. So don’t sweat it. It doesn’t just happen with pen drives, but also cover cds on magazines when the nice people from the relevant PC mags decide not to do the best job of checking for viruses or malware.
Just open up your explorer, the link for the drive should be in there, and go from that. Don’t panic over something that isn’t that much of a big deal…especially when it is actually more of a help than a hinderance – and believe me when I say it is a HUGE help.

Donald asks…

What are your views on freeganism?

The Expert answers:

I like and agree with the idea that they don’t want to burden the planet and use things that would otherwise go to waste but…………
I am repulsed by the fact that they choose not to work, that they still think it’s their right to have access to the NHS, NHS dentists and local schools.
That to me is shocking, they are apparently, as part of freeganism trying to lead people to a better lifestyle but they are (Judging by the couple on wife swap) to dam lazy to get a job, even in a recycling plant!
Whats wrong with being a freegan but still working?
Still paying taxes?
Still making a contribution towards society?
I can’t help but kind of admire the idea of freeganism but in my opinion they are going about it @rse about face!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ken asks…

Where do I take my aluminum cans to be recycled for money in Bellingham MA?

The Expert answers:


William asks…

can you get money for recycling cans, newspapers, bottles, and carpet in florida and if how much money?

The Expert answers:

No, there is no “deposit” on bottles and such in Florida. I have a friend who moved to Key West a number of years ago and was heartbroken to see all those soda and beer cans and bottles lying around that he couldn’t pick up and exchange for cash, like you can here in New York state. My pal Marshall used to make forty or fifty dollars a week picking up and returning those things up here. He recently moved back to upstate New York, and is happily back into bottle exchanging…

Sharon asks…

Where do I take my aluminum cans to be recycled for money in Toledo, Ohio?

The Expert answers:

Usually locally we take it to either the pepsi company or shoprite. Im not sure if you have shoprite in ohio but the pepsi company will usually cash your recycled cans/bottles.
I hope this helps,
mkaymichelle 🙂

Susan asks…

Where do I take my aluminum cans to be recycled for money in Cincinnati, Ohio?

The Expert answers:

Spring Grove Avenue near Marshall, west side of the street. Garden Street Iron and Metal.

They also have a location in Harrison.


They’re good people. Bring your driver’s license.

Laura asks…

Can you make money by recycling at Grocery Stores?

I’ve heard that you can go to safeway, or albertsons, and you can recycle your cans and stuff, but you get a certain amount of money for each item you recycle.I was just wondering if anyone had done that before, and knows how much money you can recieve. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

On the side of a recycleable bottles and cans there is an are which has the abbrevation of states and the amount of money someone paid when they bought it.

The state you live in determines how much you get back. Usually 5c-10c.

In California if you turn in less then 50 items they count them and give you 5 cents back for each. If it is more than 50 items they weigh them. You usually get more money if they count them.

When you recycle, unless you are getting cans and bottles from other people, you are simply getting the your money back.

Carol asks…

in recycling, can i bring in more than just aluminum cans?

im starting to bring in recycling for money but all i have is aluminum and i was wondering if i can bring in cardboard,glass, plastic, anything like that

i live in the 55119 area that’s in maplewood, st. paul minnesota

The Expert answers:

It just depends on what the recycling place takes. You should check at the place where you’re taking your cans and find out what they’ll pay for other stuff.

Some places will pay for newspapers, but the amount tends to be so low that it’s not worth the trouble for the average Joe to pack papers to the center.

I would probably take whatever the center will accept and not worry about the dollar amount. The main benefit from recycling is the good karma from thinking green … But that’s green as in the earth, not green as in your wallet.

Helen asks…

Can you get money for recycling bottles in Louisiana?

I need to know if I could get money for bottles in Louisiana; I know I can get money for cans.

The Expert answers:

Yes but not many monay

Michael asks…

Recycling cans for money? Crushed or not? How many?

so do you crush the cans or not? And is there a limit to how many you can redeam? What about bottles?

The Expert answers:

Recycling cans for money, why not? Our finite supply of resource..minerals, gas and oil are getting exploited in an unimaginable way. Then through promotion of consumerism, they produce things that don’t last so you have to keep buying and buying. The results? More and more trash, environmental cost to produce these items, toxic waste is generated in the process and waste disposal is another big issue.Government should subsidize to encourage recycling. The price is dictated by the market at the moment.They should be crushed and as many as you like. Depends which country you are, you should check with the department that provide these facilities.

Robert asks…

can you get money for recycling plastic water bottles in Oregon?

Me and my friends are collecting Cans, glass bottles and plastic 2 litter bottles to get money, but we have so so many other plastic things like, water bottles, Oj bottles, and others and we wanted to know if you can get money for those too.

The Expert answers:

Go to to locate local recycle centers then use the contact info to see what they pay.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

David asks…

where in nyc can i recycle #6 plastic?

is there an exact address where I can bring #6 plastics for recycling?

The Expert answers:

Number 6 plastic is polystyrene. NYC does not currently recycle number 6 plastic (see below). However, if you really want to recycle it, there is a way (see the text after “EPS National Mail-Back Option”).

The majority of polystyrene products are currently not recycled due to a lack of suitable recycling facilities. Furthermore, when polystyrene is “recycled”, it is not a closed loop because polystyrene cups and other packaging materials are usually recycled into fillers in other plastics, or other items that cannot themselves be recycled and are thrown away. Thus, polystyrene is not really recyclable, so you best bet is to try to lower your consumption of products packaged in polystyrene.

At present, the NYC’s recycling program accepts ONLY plastic bottles and jugs. CHECK THE NECK: if it’s smaller than the body, put it in the recycling bin. If it is NOT a bottle or jug, put it in the regular garbage.
Over 90% of all plastic bottles and jugs are made of #1 PET and #2 HDPE (ALSO SEE information on the recycling arrows ). Other plastic items, including tubs, trays, pots, toys, and bags, may be composed of any number of other resins (PS, LDPE, PVC, etc.) that are present in extremely low quantities in our waste stream. See what’s in NYC’s waste.
Plastic resins must be sorted by type before they can be used to make new products. The presence of even small quantities of “contaminating” resins can ruin an entire batch of recycled plastic. Markets for recycled plastic are strong for PET and HDPE due to their significant presence in the waste stream and consumer commodities. Markets for other resins, due to their relatively small presence in the material economy, are weak or lacking. For both reasons, it is economically and environmentally advantageous to concentrate on HDPE and PET recycling over other resins.
While some plastic yogurt and other wide-mouth containers are composed of #2 plastics, some are composed of other plastics, such as #5 (polypropylene) plastic. Wide-mouth containers or plastic bags made from #2 plastics can’t be recycled along with #2 plastic bottles because they are formed differently and have different melting points.
In other municipal recycling programs in the U.S., such as San Francisco, residents are encouraged to recycle all plastics in order to maximize the recycling rate of HDPE and PET. If residents do not have to think about which plastic to recycle or to discard, the thinking goes, they will recycle more overall. In such programs, non-HDPE and non-PET resins are usually sorted out and discarded at the recycling plant. The labor and disposal costs involved are justified by the higher yield of HDPE and PET that “all plastics” programs achieve. In New York City, high labor and transportation costs suggest that such an approach is not worth the expense and extra citizen effort.

EPS National Mail-Back Option

If there is no EPS recycling in your community please send it via U.S. Postal Service or other carrier to the address below. Average shipping fees range from $1.50-$9.00 based on the total packaging weight. To maximize your EPS recycling efforts via the mail-back option we recommend the following:

1. Make sure the EPS is clean and free of any plastic film, loose parts or glued-on cardboard.

2. To increase the amount of EPS in each shipping container, it can be easily broken or cut into smaller pieces so that more foam can fit in individual boxes. AFPR will also recycle the corrugated boxes used to ship the EPS.

3. When shipping EPS biomedical coolers simply tape the top and bottom pieces together with shipping tape and apply the label and postage directly to the EPS. An outer, corrugated box is not necessary.

4. AFPR does not accept extruded polystyrene (XPS) foam including meat trays, cups, egg cartons or other disposable foodservice items for recycling.

5. Prepare shipping label and affix postage for delivery to:

Alliance of Foam Packaging Recyclers
1298 Cronson Boulevard, Suite 201
Crofton, MD 21114 USA

6. To facilitate shipping from home, the United States Postal Service (USPS) provides numerous options for printing labels and/or postage using online resources. This convenience also allows you to have the shipment picked up by your local USPS carrier as outbound mail.

EPS can be identified by the number 6 plastic resin identification code. Many types of foam plastic are not clearly marked; if you have questions please contact AFPR at (410) 451-8340 for clarification. To obtain information about other recycling opportunities, including foodservice, rigid durable goods and other plastics, please check the U.S. & Canadian Recycled Plastic Markets Database. For loose fill “peanut” recycling please visit the Plastic Loose Fill Council or call the Peanut Hotline at 800-828-2214.

Carol asks…

Plastic garbage bag solution?

I’ve already bought reusable bags for shopping, but what about garbage? I’ve thought about using paper bags from grocery stores, but that still means more waste. I’ve thought of using a plastic trash can without a liner and just empty it in the dumpster, but is it bad to just throw non-recyclable garbage loose like that? (I know less people = less waste, but) what is your solution?
The purpose of asking about throwing out loose trash (which I would NOT like or want to do, because it IS gross) is to see what other people have considered. No verbal attacks are necessary here, just be helpful.

The Expert answers:

The bags made from corn are one option, and paper is better than plastic because it will decompose much faster.
For me personally, I use paper bags from the grocery store from when I don’t have enough canvas bags that day. I have also reduced my garbage by composting my food, recycling, and buying less (especially buying less of the overpackaged items). I now throw out one paper bag of garbage about every three weeks to every month, and it doesn’t even smell bad. :}

Ruth asks…

Recycling questions (:?

So I live in apartments located in lewisville, tx. I was wondering how would you recycle if you live in apartments since it’s not like a house where you get recycling bens. Is there a way you can recycle if you live in apartments? If there is then please inform me. (: Please and thank you.

The Expert answers:

There are recycle stations usually around the town. You can get glass, plastic and aluminum in different bags/containers and bring them to these stations/centers. They even pay you money for it in some places.
Just keep in mind, usually everything you recycle or most of it end up in the land-field anyway. The other part goes to China for recycling. So usually it double or triple the cost of the products that made from recycled materials. And to just ship all that garbage a lot of fuel and energy spent. But who really cares?

John asks…

What’s Better for Recycling Plastic Bags ?

The plastic bags you put produce in at the grocery store, as well as the plastic bags that bread/bagels/rolls come in. I usually save these bags and re-use them to clean out the kitty litter boxes in my home. Would it be better to recycle these bags as opposed to re-using them because they end up in the garbage? Would it be better to buy brown paper bags to clean out the litter boxes?

The Expert answers:

I’d use the paper bags for the kitty box and recycle the others.

Lisa asks…

Why does recycling cost so much?

why does it cost money to “go green”, while throwing them out is free?

if everyone wants to go green they should be paid for by the city, and whoever else wants to “go green” not everybody has money.

The Expert answers:

Where I live,even though I don’t pay the bill,we have to pay for garbage($30 a month) AND recycling($60 a month) separately. And the recycling people don’t pick up glass or plastic bags. It would make more sense for them to either make it free or reduce the price but they want to line their pockets too. It’s ridiculous and stupid but they know it’s now a need and they can make a quick buck. (Garbage and recycle people only pick up once a week and the recycling can is so small that a 5 year old couldn’t fit in it. If you want to upgrade to a bigger can you have to pay $85.)

William asks…

Can you recycle the plastic bag that’s inside of the cereal box?

I just recycled an empty cereal box. The bag, the one that holds the cereal, i pitched in the garbage and now I am feeling guilt and shame! Can that bag be recycled? Answer quick while I still have time to fish it out !

The Expert answers:

Boston’s recycling program (for example) specifically says no plastic bags.

Cereal bags can be used in place of wax paper, parchment paper, and sandwich bags in many cases. Here is a list of ideas for re-using them.

Some grocery stores accept plastic bags in bins near their entrance. This is a tool that will help you find drop-off locations in your area:

The drop-offs typically accept the following:
* Grocery bags
* Retail bags (hard plastic and string handles removed)
* Paper towel and toilet paper plastic wrap
* Plastic newspaper bags
* Plastic dry cleaning bags
* All clean, clear bags labeled with a #2 or #4
Unfortunately, cereal bags are not mentioned specifically, so call to verify acceptable materials before visiting the drop-off location.

Lizzie asks…

which plastic garbage bag is greener?

if you have only two options
a low density garbage bag
and a high density garbage bag ?
which one is greener ? which one use less plastics?

The Expert answers:

They both have polythylene in them, which is terrible. But i found this website that has recycled garbage bags…you should use these (it’s the second source)

Mandy asks…

Is it okay to reuse a used garbage bag?

I was thinking about ways to save money, and so long as the bag isn’t ripped or too smelly, might it be okay to reuse the bag if I empty it out into the compactor?

The Expert answers:

Assuming that you intend to reuse it for its original intended purpose (to store garbage) then it’s more than okay. Recycling garbage bags is not just economical, it’s good for the environment! Just remember to disinfect your hands everytime you handle them.

Richard asks…

what is the environment friendly option to throw DAILY GARBAGE IN as AGAINST using plastic(/polythene) bags ??

its a daily affair so it has to be something handy, easily available and something not too expensive .. cause polythene bags are basically dirt cheap.. i feel environment saving should be taken up in these little daily activities of our lives to make real impact. be as creatively crazily as you want to be. :))

The Expert answers:

At some stores and groceries they now have bins you can throw your plastic bags in to recycle. I’ve seen them at a couple of Walmarts. I normally use them as trash bags in the bathrooms for the small waste baskets. Or sometimes I’ll store them and use them as protective stuffing or void stuffing for Christmas presents. They also come in handy whenever you are moving. Use them to wrap and pad your glassware and other breakable items.

Some of the larger bags can be used as sort of a raincoat in an emergency by cutting out holes for your head and/or arms to go through.

Sometimes I’ll use them as a lunch bag. Another good use is to use them as protective plastic sheeting for in case you spill something so you won’t have to vaccuum it up off the carpet. Or you can sometimes tape it against the wall for doing paint touch ups on your house walls. Or you can use them under a model toy when you or your kid is gluing a model together so they don’t get glue on the table.

I’ve even seen them used as quick plastic booties so someone doesn’t track in dirt into a house when doing remodeling or coming in from outside in the rain. A couple bags and a large rubber band does the trick.

I also use them for storage. I re-use my Christmas bows and I stick them in a plastic bag when I’m done and reuse them next year. And some of the Christmas ornaments and decorations are much easier to keep and store in plastic bags such as the tinsel strands and bead strands and bows.

And finally, if I don’t need a plastic bag I don’t take one. If you have one or two items, why do you you really need a bag if you can carry them by hand?

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asks…

Recycle Bin is empty…?

how come when i delete items from my drives.. i cant find them in the recycle bin? that by the end of the day i cant find them and restore them? how do i make items appear at recycle bin when i delete them.. thank you!

The Expert answers:

The recycle bin’s capacity may have been set to zero.
If it has:

1. Right clik on the recycle bin icon
2. Choose properties
3. Uncheck the “Do not move file to the …” Box if it has been checked off.
4. You may need to set the recycle bin capcity. Simply slides the bar to maybe 5%. Or 10 for a bigger size.

Check out this microsoft article for more info.

Sandy asks…

Recycling Bin… dell laptop?

I accidentally deleted the Recycling Bin short cut on my desktop. How do i get it back? Please help

The Expert answers:

Restore Recycle Bin (Windows XP):

1. Right-click an empty area of your desktop
2. Select Properties
3. Click the Desktop tab
4. Click the Customize button
5. Click Restore Default
6. Exit all windows and restart your computer

Restore Recycle Bin (Vista):

1. Right click the Vista Desktop
2. Click on Personalize
3. Select: ‘Change desktop icons’
4. At the Desktop Icon Settings, place a tick next to: ‘Recycle Bin’.

Donald asks…

How can I find the recycling bin?

i cannot find the recycling bin. i tried to go to the control panel but i didn’t see the recycling bin option.
i have a vista computer.

The Expert answers:

The recycle bin can be found by 1) going to Start, then 2) Search, and then 3) typing in recycle bin in the search box. This should bring up the recycle bin. You can then click and drag it to your desktop. Good Luck!

Joseph asks…

recycle bin shortcut?

How can I create a shortcut to empty recycle bin on my desktop

The Expert answers:

You can use the Microsoft Fixit program to put the recycle bin on your desktop:


P.S. I see that what you really want is to automatically EMPTY the recycle bin.
This website shows how to do exactly this thing.

Empty recycle bin by simply clicking a desktop shortcut or through command prompt

P.P.S. I downloaded the file and followed the directions and I have a nice “Empty Recycle Bin” icon to click on – in addition to the regular Recycle Bin icon. It seems to work well, but it momentarily opens a DOS-like window. The window appears and disappears so fast one can barely see it. In general I like this Empty Recycle Bin Icon.

Thomas asks…

deleted my recycling bin from my desktop?

i was doing something on my desktop and then i accidentally deleted my recycling bin… so is there any way that i can get it back to my desktop???

The Expert answers:

The fact is u cant delete recycle bin. It jst got hidden!!! If u r using vista or windows 7 click on start then type desktop icon -then click on show or hide desktop icons – a dialog box will appear showing ‘DESKTOP ICON SETTINGS’ cheak on the select box near the recycle bin menu, then select ‘OK’.
Another way is click on control panel-personalization( a dialog box will appear)- then on left hand side click on desktop icon settings.

Another way is select run program -there type ‘GPEDIT.MSC’ then press enter
now a dialog box will appear there on left hand side
*expand ‘Administrative Templates’
*then click on desktop
*there find ‘Remove Recycle Bin Icon from Desktop’ on the right hand box
*double click on the above file
*a property window will appear then select ‘Not Configured’ option then click ‘OK’.
*now log off the desktop.

Sandra asks…

Question about the Recycle Bin?

When you delete files, it first goes in the recycle bin right? Does the Recycle Bin eventually delete all those files automatically?

The Expert answers:


If it is a large amount of data it wont store in Recycle bin.

Windows-based computers have file allocation tables. These tables tell the system at which location on the disk a file can be found. When you drop a file on a certain location, the table is updated, then read by the system to find the file when requested.

When a file is deleted (dropped into the recycle bin), the system simply changes the first few bytes of the file handle in some way, to “mark” the file as deleted in the allocation table. However, the space the file occupies isn’t made available at first, not until the file is voluntarily removed from the recycle bin. This gives you the opportunity to “recover” the file (by undoing the handle changes made by the system). Once the file is “emptied’ from the bin, the system marks the space as available, so other files can overwrite it. That’s when it really gets deleted.

This is why it’s possible to recover deleted or ’emptied’ files with some work and the proper tools.

This is why all computer users need two things:

1. Backups of all critical files.

2. The ability to ask themselves if they really want to delete the file, and if they backed it up.

Good Luck,

Linda asks…

Recycle bin information?

When we delete anything from our computer, I know it goes directly to the recycle bin but can you delete anything from the recycle without it coming back. There are somethings I need to delete and I dont want those who have access to my computer to find the deleted things even after they are deleted from the recycle bin. Once, I deleted something from the recycle bin and a couple of days later I checked the recycle bin and there it was again. Was this a mistake? Or do they not come back after they are deleted for once from the recycle bin?
Thank you!

The Expert answers:

Once you empty the recycle bin, the files should be deleted and not come back to the recycle bin.
There are some software programs that can recover deleted files but there is also software to securely delete sensitive information. Try searching for ‘secure delete’ or similar. Or check out Eraser:

Also, a quick shortcut is to use SHIFT + DELETE when deleting a file, rather than just delete. This will bypass the recycle bin and delete the file immediately.

Helen asks…

How do you delete Recycle Bin?

How do you delete the recycle bin icon off of your desktop?

The Expert answers:

It would be stupid to actually delete the recycle bin but it sounds like you don’t want to see it on your desktop anymore. My friend had this problem when he tried to make his pc look like a mac. Right click anywhere on your desktop and then go to, Arrange Icons By, then uncheck show desktop icons. This will make it so that you have no icons on your desktop. Also if you want files to skip the recycle bin and just get deleted right click the recycle bin, click properties and check the box that says, Do not move files to Recycle Bin. Remove files immediately when deleted. This way you dont need to show your icons every so often and empty your recycle bin, It will always be empty.

Jenny asks…

about empty recycle bin?

hi to all
in my pc while emptying the recycle bin . it shows less free space compare to before emptying the recycle bin . how it is possible? can u provide soluntion this..?
thanks in advance..

The Expert answers:

Emptying your Recycle Bin does NOT remove the items from your machine… It just deletes it from the directory. The actual contents, however are still there and it does make your computer appear to have some more space.

Deleting through the Recycle Bin just puts the contents up for overwriting,

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

Where can I run an ad for free besides pennysaver and recycler.?

They share info with 3rd parties now,,, i.e. telemarketers calling your house.

The Expert answers:

Use many sites there is and

George asks…

how do I delete the RECYCLER folder on my external hard drive?

There are viruses in it. I have tried safe mode. (no joy)
It tells me I can’t delete it because it is either write protected or in use.

Please can you help me?
(also, I can’t move the contents because I don’t have any more space)

The Expert answers:

¶The first step is to open the properties menu from the Recycle Bin on the desktop
“Right click” and select “Properties” from the context menu

once in the properties dialogs change the setting from global to manage individual drives

then change the setting for the individual drive with the problem to 0% and
also select the “Do Not Move Files to the Recycle Bin” check box
click apply

open windows explorer and navigate to that drive

that should wipe all the files out of the bin on that drive

next step try and delete the RECYCLER folder again

in windows explorer select the option to display folders in the left pane

then right click on the RECYCLER folder in the left pane

press and hold the shift key and press the D key

if it still says “in use …”

then the next step is to get the tool from MS website called Process Explorer

once you have Process Explorer
run it

in the “Find” menu is
“Find Handle or DLL …”

type in the find dialog


close every RECYCLER “handle” that appears in the search results

after all the handles are closed

go back to the drive in windows explorer and attempt to delete again

if you still can not delete
then your system is still running an infected file locking the RECYCLER folder

a clean system can delete the RECYCLER folder from any administrator account, limited accounts are a no go.

Side Note:
RECYCLER – (all Caps) is created on FAT & FAT32 Disks
Recycled – is created on NTFS Disks
These folders are created only when a file is deleted from within windows explorer or an explorer based file dialog
even when the Recycle Bin is set to 0%
When “Shift+Delete” is used then the file(s) are just bombed and no Recycle Bin folder is created.

Lisa asks…

What would you like to ask?How to completely remove RECYCLER virus?

it remains even after formatting pen drive
Please anyone help me!!

The Expert answers:

RECYCLER virus = autorun.inf worm.

It won’t format because of autorun.inf worm.


Chris asks…

What does False Info Secondary Metals Recycler mean?

So my real dad got put in jail and this is what it says. he also got arrested for receiving stolen property 2nd degree so if that helps

The Expert answers:


Paul asks…

how to remove recycler file ( virus) from my computer and pen drive?

Even from dos comment I am not able to remove it. Formating the pen drive also not useful. I have AVG free (uptated daily) in my computer

The Expert answers:

AVG is not a good ‘remover’ of infections – it is more of a scanner –
You need Malwarebytes and SUPERantispyware to remove infections –
You could also use Spybot S & D and Ad Aware to remove problems –
All these programs are free to D/load and use – (Just Google them –

Robert asks…

How do I remove the recycler virus?

my computer has a recyler virus and I cant remove it. what should i do??

The Expert answers:

Install AVG Free version and free version. Should kill anything. Works everytime.

Steven asks…

I manually deleted a virus that was attached to an mp3. nortons has now detected that virus in my recycler?

now that the mp3 virus is in my recycler folder, should I still try to find this folder and remove the mp3 file virus and if so, how do I find this folder ?

The Expert answers:

Empty the recycle bin!

Ruth asks…

How do I get rid of the G:RECYCLER folder? What is it for?

I was clearing out my hard drive and did a Drive Report with Ashampoo WinOptimiser, and discovered that over 10% of my drive was being used up by a folder called ‘RECYCLER‘. I can’t access it, and when I did manage to delete one of the folders with strange names it didn’t seem to clear any space.

I am running out of disk space and I could really use those extra gigabytes. Is there a way of getting rid of it?


The Expert answers:

If I am right, recycler is the place where windows stores information about the files you have deleted, this information is used by some undeleters (programs that bring back deleted files) to bring the files back. If you think you will ever need to bring back your files, do not delete it. If you are sure and desperate about deleting it, use unlocker , one of my favorite and yet small application. Here is the URL

Joseph asks…

How do you eliminate the “recycler” and the “autorun.inf” virus?

It is said many antivirus solutions cannot eliminate them and that special programs or special manual procedures are needed.
I hope there are some experts at this issue here

The Expert answers:

Http:// Go here and use this information. Bleuken is a programmer and has helped me on many occasions very smart when it come to these and other problems.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Steven asks…

Can our American friends please answer this question for me?

When visitng my daughter who lives in OHIO, I was SHOCKED to see how much WASTE there was taken away each week in the TRASH? Particularly cardboard and paper, and bottles, it was mind bending! Especially with Global Warming being such an issue today.

I live in England, we have a lot of recycle points, for all materials apart from plastic bags. I put a lot of effort in but felt maybe we are wasting our time, if this type of TRASH is simply DUMPED???
Are those living in America ECO FRIENDLY as we are trying to be accross the pond??? I hope this was an isolated case – but perhaps you can throw some light on it for me.
I am NOT GENERALISING here, simply wondering if its widespread or just them, if its the case, I shall try and re-educate them. This is NOT judgement, simply a question.
I am treating TRIBUNES totally unnecessarily anti-American comments with the contempt they deserve.

This is not a judgement on anyone, simply wondering others are taking this siutaion as serious as I am.

The Expert answers:

We live in Ohio & we have recycle bins . They are dark green & every one is supose to put card board , bottles , some types of medel cans , news paper , plastic . Any thing that you would recycle in them . Some times we have to much for the ben so we put it in a card board box next to the ben . The trash man knows what belongs to the recycle truck .
Some citys sort things after they get to the sorting building , but they give us the bins to save time & money . Our trash bill per month is real cheap because of recycleing . If you saw card board flattened & bundled & setting close to the trash cans , it is not picked up by the trash truck , we are supose to do it that way & the recycle truck pickes it up with the rest of the recycle stuff .
Our city picks up & composts leafs . Christmas trees & other trees from storms . We can go there & get compost to mix with dirt for gardens , We are blessed we have a city & trash people that do things right .
We do care in Jelly city in Ohio

Thomas asks…

Are you worried about the environment?

I don’t really worry about the environment. I litter all of the time. I never recycle. I waste water, gas, and electricity. I buy a lot of things just to throw them in a landfill later.

The Expert answers:

Wow…i hope you’re being sarcastic.

Yes, i worry about the environment.

Lisa asks…

Is recycling sometimes counter productive?

The reason I ask is I live in the Country and we and others bring our small amount of recyclables to the drop off center. now we might each have a few pounds of tin, paper , aluminum and so on. But, think of the gas it takes to drive up there,the time spent, The three or four people that have to be paid by tax payers to work there. I just think the cost and the waste of other resources to do the recycling a lot of times make it counter productive.

The Expert answers:

I suppose it is counter productive, but the answer would depend on how your trash is handled. Do you have to cart that somewhere yourself or is it picked up for you?

Where I live, the trash and recycling are picked up in separate bins, but there are also drop-off locations for those who have large cardboard boxes or a one-time load of recyclables.

What isn’t recycled here is burned in an incinerator. The metals are reclaimed from the ash, and the heat from combustion is used to make electricity for 75,000 homes. The remaing ash is used to make “ashphalt” for paving streets.

Donna asks…

Is there a “Do Not Junk (Snail) Mail” List?

Seriously. I get boatloads of unwanted dead trees in my mail box every other day. I just throw it straight in the recycle bin. Its a waste of resources and a waste of time and effort me me and the sender.

Where can I sign up to not have anyone mail me any more coupon magazines or credit card applications?

The Expert answers:

In the UK there’s the TPS to not list your phone number. You can also use this service to have your physical address removed from all of those unwanted mailing lists.
Save the trees :o)

Joseph asks…

What are your favorite “green” products? (key word Obama)?

Which green products do you believe have the greatest impact for the for personal use?

– Which ones do you like the best?

– Which ones are a waste of time?

– Do you go out of your way to buy earth friendly products if it is a comparable price and quality?

– Would you be willing to pay a little extra to buy more earth friendly products?

– Do you even take it into consideration if it is earth friendly or not when making your purchase decision?

– Do you think that people overstate their “greenness” to be trendy?

– Are you considering buying green Christmas/ Birthday Presents?

– Which of these do you consider earth friendly:

Solar products
recycled products fair trade
wind energy Products
organic products
bamboo products
efficient lighting
recycling assistants (bins, can crushers, sorters, water purifiers, water bottles, etc)
Earth Friendly cleaning supplies, cosmetics, body care products, etc.

I would greatly appreciate people providing feedback on this topic.

By the way, sorry about the whole keyword thing, I am simply trying to draw more attention to the topic.

Basicallly I am starting a green goods store because I try to buy everything I can that is eco friendly, and I have found that a majority of it is crap that Ii end up having to pitch anyway, and almost all of it is overpricced for what you get bbecause it has the “green” label on it. Obviously I am in it to make some money, but I am primarily in it to help others to be more environmentallly friendly, be confident in the quality they will recieve, and know that each product was researched for the validity of their “green claims”.

What do you all think?

The Expert answers:

I am not a trendy type person but I am excited about the milk
and vegetables and then maybe the meat. I have long thought pesticides in the food caused cancer ( one of the causes ) and the hormones also. The other green products at this point are too expensive.

Sandy asks…

Have you been offered a free holiday? Want to hear our experience?

We were offered a free holiday but couldn’t identify the catch early enough to stop us wasting our time. And I want to share the horrible experience with you so maybe you won’t waste your time.

1) There was a silly short telephone survey, they said they were East Devon Marketing.
2) A few weeks later they called back to say that for answering the survey we had won a free holiday. I said no thanks, that if it sounds too good to be true then it is too good to be true. However they insisted that it was not time share, it was a genuine offer, that the company believe it better to spend their marketing budget on cheap holidays (to buy market share) and word of mouth than TV adverts. All we had to do was give them 2.5 hours of our time, no obligation to buy anything and we’d get the free holiday. They said it was going to be with The Holiday Group but then I didn’t hear that name again. They said they’d give us shopping vouchers to cover the travel cost. We could take 2 years to decide where to go so long as we gave 10 weeks booking notice.
3) East Devon Marketing called us again and said it wasn’t free but £49 each to cover admin, seems a bit more reasonable than free eh? I was concerned that we’d have to make 50 phone calls or something and they promised there was none of that either. Why not sit through the presentation and get the free holiday?
4) We went along and the whole thing WAS set up to sell us time share – we were lied to. The sales people were pretty unpleasant to us, however I consoled myself that we half expected this and would get a free-ish holiday for listening to him. We found that the name of the company turned out to be Interval World. Their web site is open about that being a time share, hence they didn’t give that name earlier. So we stuck it out for the free holiday. They used hard sell techniques and tried subtle things to make us feel bad about not buying into their time share but fortunately we were firm about it. It would have cost maybe £15k plus about £500 per year.
5) We said no. We were given our travel vouchers and leaflet to claim the cheap holiday. I asked how much the travel vouchers were for and they said about £40 for how far we had come – it turned out to be £10 on the card we were given SO THEY LIED TO US TWICE ABOUT THIS.
The leaflet about the holiday was from The Sugar Reef Travel club and it was stamped by St Frances Marketing. At this point we found out that you had to be in gainful employment and:
a) unless we bought our own flights we had no choice about where we could go, they would specify the destination
b) we had to be ready to fly from ANY UK airport!!!
c) we had to specify 4 different weeks when we could go over the next 2 years (there were further restrictions on this). THEY WOULD TELL US UP TO 15 DAYS BEFORE THE ACTUAL DATE THAT WE HAD THE HOLIDAY COMING UP – COMPLETELY IMPRACTICAL.
d) actually we had to apply within 14 days for any of the overseas holidays
e) we had to pay the airport taxes, not mentioned until then
f) only one of our choices of weeks could be in peak time – but we are limited by school holidays
g) we would have to agree to sit through another presentation once at the holiday (so actually in the initial phone marketing they should have said you have to sit through TWO presentations)

I believe they rely on it being too impractical for people to take the cheap holiday that they offer and so they can offer it at the start. THE RIGHT QUESTION AT THE START WOULD HAVE BEEN TO ASK FOR THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE HOLIDAY UP FRONT, OR WE WON’T GO. If they are hiding something then they won’t share that. I felt that I had been misled many times already, that the conditions were too difficult to practically work and I didn’t trust any of the people in the process so the leaflet for the “free” holiday went in the recycling.

If you want a time share then maybe it’s good for you, but surely it’s better to take the time to buy one after having time to consider it carefully; and would you trust a set up where they mislead you about so many things?

If Interval World get to see this then: guys I’m sorry to blow your cover but I’m being honest about my experience.

The Expert answers:

Thanks for that warning.

Donald asks…

Does the proclivity to insult override common human decency when responding to questions concerning God?

This is the R & S section so one could logically make the conclusion there would be questions concerning issues about, let’s see, religion and spirituality.

Insults in response to questions which are nothing more than trolls wasting time, I can understand.

But why waste your time with snide remarks in response to sincere questions?

Not to mention such comments are often recycled, lack creativity, and demonstrate the respondent’s lack of intellectual capacity to formulate meaningful responses.
@sirius…no i don’t mean disagreement.
@gazoo….Here is an example of an insult so perhaps you’ll understand what I’m talking about……

Yes, the bible says a donkey spoke, but this has occurred only once. However, Gazoo you may be proof that such a phenomenon is happening again. I think you get the point of this ‘insult example.’

Now do try again, for if you think you cannot have a reasonable discussion with someone who disagrees with you, than you are a waste of my time and everyone else’s.
@dissident…yes i understand. it is hard to recognize sometimes if someone is just trolling or serious.
@mark…you attempted to try and put together a coherent response, but obviously your illogical disdain for one group prevents you from doing that, without including the same old rehashed insults.

The Expert answers:

Common human decency is limited to when actually conversing with each other.

Remove any fear of retribution from other parties, like by putting them in cars or behind a computer screen, you get people only too happy to be aggressive, safe in the knowledge that no retribution will come to them.

This is a good example of how much empathy plays a part in society.

Robert asks…

Do women consider badling men sexy?

Dustin Pedroia. Dudes like 25, receding hairline and hes an absolute stud. The guy kills Goliath, who oddly enough looks like Kevin Youkilis. What if Youk’s part-time job was to be Goliath’s stunt double? I guess it would be a pretty sweet gig, unless they had to film Goliath being hit in the noggin with a baseball multiple times. If I were Goliath, I would just deflect that baseball with my glorious wiry beard. But I don’t have a beard, I have to remain clean shaven because I work in a corporate setting. So when I waste time at work answering yahoo answers when I should be doing things productive, my skin is fresh and clean, although I do have five-oclock shadow because I got really drunk lastnight and didnt feel like shaving this AM.

Its okay though because my supervisor took a personal day today so I essentially could have worn a loincloth to work and it would’ve a-ok. But there are some real lookers here and I wouldn’t want to pitch a tent in a loincloth, I imagine that that would be embarassing and or awkward.

On the other side of the coin, I would have to be beating the women away with a club, being all dressed like Tarzan of the jungle. I think that would be fun though, I could just borrow a deli ticket dispenser and each wench could take a ticket and wait in line. That would be interesting. What’s mor interesting is how Tarzan, and all monkeys for that matter, swing from tree to tree with the greatest of ease in the jungle as a form of cheap, yet dangerous, transportation.

They’re doing it right, its an economic way to travel being as how it doesn’t burn a hole in your wallet. Also it doesn’t harm the environment. So, in theory, this is an ECO^2 way to travel. ECOnomic and ECOlogic. Wow. This is a really good idea.

Imagine the possibilites! People all over the world could travel to work swinging from building to building like the fantastic Spiderman. OR maybe everyone could get bitten by radioactive spiders and become just like our buddy Spidey.

Think about it, no accidents would occur because just before the impending peril, the Spidey sense would chime in, saving the day. Also, this would create more jobs that would in turn help nurse the economy back to health. with everone shooting webs everywhere, there has to be people to clean that stuff up, or even better, recycle it! Imagine that! An endless supply of silk!

Thats great, because more bullet-proof vests could be manufactured because major components in bullet-prood vests is kevlar, but silk is three times stronger than kevlar.

There currently isn’t enough silk to mass-produce silk bullet-proof vests, but now there would be! Jesus, this idea is just getting better and better for humans, and ultimately the environment and the economy! Holy Guacamole!

To the future, to infinity and beyond!
* Balding

The Expert answers:

What’s badling?

John asks…

Teacher needs to make money after work ?

I am a single mother and full-time educator. I’d like some suggestions of people in similar situations that have found a way to supplement their incomes.

I know there are a lot of scams out there that just want to sell some recycled garbage, however I want to start the new year off right and I don’t want to waste time with some multi-level scam. It’s taken me a long time just to build up the courage to ask this question. Thanks for the help

The Expert answers:

I’m work in the school system by day. Though I’m not a teacher, I found myself in the same and situation as you. I have in the last year really come a long way. I too had to deal with the seminars and the goons with the tapes and chalk boards, but after 100 strikeouts I finally found a great use of my time and effort and something that suits my comfort level. Try these guys out. Great info and it really worked for me, plus it didn’t cost anything. Http://

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Susan asks…

HELP! We are in charge of the recycling board.?

Our group at work is in charge of The Green Initiative Board. We want to put up information about items that can be recycled from the common newspaper to the unthinkable. We also want to have statistics about how long it takes for different items to bio-degrade in landfills. We also want to integrate our companies recycle policy into the board. I need suggestions for recyclables and bio-degrade times. Please help our group WIN the most awesome information board. Thank you!

The Expert answers:

The EPA who oversees the protection of our Environment is a great resource. Not only can you find informaton, they have training and kid resources to help you promote good ecology.

Besides the typical paper, plastic, glass, and aluminum, have people save their steel cans from soup and vegetables. Often an item that goes in the trash. Any steel yard will take those willingly. If they dont have the stackable bottom, zip the bottoms off so they can be flattened.

But wait…. Did you know that this same can might be used to plant next years vegetable garden. Stick the can in the ground less bottom, and plant the seeds inside. The plant grows up, the roots grow well below the bottom and the can itself, being food grade, will desinigrate after a few years leaving minerals in the soil. Plus, it makes it so easy to identify and manage a garden.

How about mixing egg shells into the soil as a source of calcium. Putting scraps like potato peelings, vegetables, and the like into a pile in the garden will break down and can be tilled right in as well.

Other than a few minor meat scraps, you have pretty much saved all your trash into a useful purpose.

But wait, there’s more. The little pull ring on most cans IS ALUMINUM. So is the little pour spout on your dishwaher powder. Magnets are great things for kids to learn with. Aluminum wont stick to a magnet so it’s fun for them to identify what target items can be separated.

Donald asks…

What is the cost of recycling plastic in the U.K?

Facts and statistics are needed, thanks 😀

The Expert answers:

Cheap I believe some do it for free so that thay can make a profit from it by selling the byproduct

Robert asks…

Information on oil recycling?

I’m having trouble finding this information for my homework.. how much oil is recycled in new york? in america?
I’m not asking you to do my homework.. I just need to find out the statistics before I answer the question, asking to analyze. 🙂

The Expert answers:

You might talk with the New york waste commission at the state level. They would have some idea of the quantity. While some may dump it illegally, there are also those who burn it as fuel for heat. They don’t show up in the numbers, they just get lumped in with those dumping illegally.

Total US? EPA or API might have soe estimates.

You can also check here and

William asks…

How much new corrugated cardboard is being produced each year?

I could only find statistics on how much is being recycled.
I need a website with these statistics. Please include website in your answer, thanks.

The Expert answers:


Sorrrryyy 🙂

Chris asks…

Are collected recyclables really recycled?

I have heard that a large percentage of collected paper, metal, and plastic never actually gets recycled. Are there statistics verifying that these materials actually become utilized in making new materials or are we basically dupes?

The Expert answers:

No its not recycled, we are being forced to do it by government (local, state, federal) out of control.. I used to go to disposal facilities (TSDFs) and audit them. When plastic comes in, there is too much of it to be recycled. (Plastic also has a “memory” and when you make a new bottle, the limit for recycled plastics is somewhere around 10%, otherwise bottle will not be strong enough. Also plastic prohibited for medicinal use.) So they actually have to pay people to throw all the 2 liter plastic bottles back onto a conveyor belt that takes the waste to the incinerator. (If all the bottles were dumped onto belt at once, it would not burn evenly and it would exceed emission limits for dioxin.)

The other thing that happens to valuable scrap like aluminum cans, is that on the night they are recycled, “independent contractors” drive around and take all the AL & throw it into their pick-ups to sell the next day.

So the gov run recycling programs collect a lot of worthless crap (plastic & newspaper) that actually makes the disposal of these items MORE expensive. When these were planned out 15 years ago, this was not a result they considered. If it was industry, they would know the next year that they were losing money, and that would be the end of the program. But we all know that is not how gov works. They just do whatever it is they did the day before.

Here is a link to a Princeton Report that shows recycling WASTES money & energy.

This has been a pet peeve of mine, but no-one will listen. Al Gore, Greenpeace, and the MSM have everyone mesmerized into believing a false green god. Science appears to be a casualty of this belief.

Ruth asks…

Is confidence intervals in statistics .. please help me .. thx !!?

A poll is taken in which 352 out of 550 randomly selected people indicated they regularly used the grey and blue recycling boxes.

(a) Find the margin of error for this 98% confidence interval for p.

The Expert answers:

352/550 = 0.64. This is your proportion = p.

The estimated value of sigma is ?(p(1-p)/n) = 0.0204

look in your z table and find the z value for 98%. It’s 2.33. Remember here you need to split the 2% with 1% on either side of the curve. So in the table, you want the z for a 99% probability.

So the CI is p + 2.33(0.0204) and p – 2.33(0.0204)

= (0.592, 0.687)

i don’t know if you’re familiar with continuity correction. In this example, you can get a slightly more accurate answer with it. You’d simply add 0.5/n to the upper limit, and subtract 0.5/n to the lower limit. 0.5/550 is 0.0009, so it’s not much of an improvement. Not worth it really.


Paul asks…

How can I revise this? Help?

Anyone here help me to revise what I wrote in more proper way. Thank you all in advance.

I did learn a lot from this course, first ,I learned that Communication is very powerful. Each culture has its own and particular way of watching and perceiving the world and when we communicate with someone we need to know whom are we addressing to, like Child, Adults, friends etc. We all have different beliefs and opinion that we share together and one must respect and find the best way how to explain or understand what one wants to say. I learned that the group work is very essential . Because through our group work I learned more about my group members and their cultures also their thoughts of particular subject trough our discussion and we became friends . finally, I learned and got many information while I was researching for my essay assignments and group project.While researching for my group presentation for the topic recycling I learned a lot like what products can be made from the recycling products and how we can benefit from recycling. Isn’t amazing to learn how to make handbag from the recycled candy wrappers. There are so many things we can make and that’s what I learned and I never even thought about it.
I also, did like our professor’s teaching techniques in organized way. Everything was clear and each new assignment was shown in the blackboard after the class not as everything in one at a time. I did also like the Group discussion board. Oh, That’s was my favorite I did communicate with people that I never talk to and shared my opinion with them. The class was interesting overall not boring at all and I enjoyed a lot.
I also did Like the reflection #2 assignment about friendship it made an impact on me because today it is hard to find best friend and I realized we need to keep our friendship strong and respect each other. I would love to know more about the Recycling topic I did research a lot for this topic but I could not find the recycling statistics for our college. Overall, it is the best topic.

The Expert answers:

This course taught me a lot. Firstly, I learned just how powerful communication can be. Each culture or country is very socially diverse and we ought to learn their ways of addressing their children, adults, elders, and other individuals. Though we may have very diverse opinions, you do not have to dig too deeply to find our outstanding similarities. We have to find a way to express the diverse opinions in a way as not to offend the opposing party. I discovered just how essential group work is. I learned much from the members of my group, about their opinions and cultures and this resulted in our becoming friends. I also learned a lot researching for my essays and group project. During my research on recycling, I learned just how beneficial it can be. You never realize how much of your belongings are recycled. I also enjoyed my professor’s organized teaching technique; it was very clear and each assignment was written on the blackboard after class. My favorite part of the course was the group discussion board. I got to communicate and share my opinions with people I never would have otherwise. I enjoyed the second reflection assignment, about friendship. It made a great impact on me because it made me realize how hard it is to find a best friend in our time and that we need to keep friendship strong and respect each other. Overall, this course was very absorbing and informative, I am greatful to have had the chance to attend it.

David asks…

How can I revise this?

Anyone here help me to revise what I wrote in more proper way. Thank you all in advance.

I did learn a lot from this course, first ,I learned that Communication is very powerful. Each culture has its own and particular way of watching and perceiving the world and when we communicate with someone we need to know whom are we addressing to, like Child, Adults, friends etc. We all have different beliefs and opinion that we share together and one must respect and find the best way how to explain or understand what one wants to say. I learned that the group work is very essential . Because through our group work I learned more about my group members and their cultures also their thoughts of particular subject trough our discussion and we became friends . finally, I learned and got many information while I was researching for my essay assignments and group project.While researching for my group presentation for the topic recycling I learned a lot like what products can be made from the recycling products and how we can benefit from recycling. Isn’t amazing to learn how to make handbag from the recycled candy wrappers. There are so many things we can make and that’s what I learned and I never even thought about it.
I also, did like our professor’s teaching techniques in organized way. Everything was clear and each new assignment was shown in the blackboard after the class not as everything in one at a time. I did also like the Group discussion board. Oh, That’s was my favorite I did communicate with people that I never talk to and shared my opinion with them. The class was interesting overall not boring at all and I enjoyed a lot.
I also did Like the reflection #2 assignment about friendship it made an impact on me because today it is hard to find best friend and I realized we need to keep our friendship strong and respect each other. I would love to know more about the Recycling topic I did research a lot for this topic but I could not find the recycling statistics for our college. Overall, it is the best topic.

The Expert answers:

I have learned a lot from this course, most importantly, that communication is very powerful. Each culture has a particular way of watching and perceiving the world. When we communicate with someone, we need to know whom are we addressing; child, adult, friend, etc. We all have varying beliefs and opinions that must be respected, and we must find the best way to explain or understand what one wants to say. I learned that group work is very essential; through our discussion, I have learned about my group members’ cultures and thoughts of a particular subject. I spoke to people I would have otherwise not spoken to, and we have also became friends through our communication with one another. Finally, I acquired information while researching my essay topic and group project. When researching for my group presentation on the subject of recycling, I learned which products can be made from post-consumer materials and how we can benefit from this important process. It is amazing to learn how to make a handbag from recycled candy wrappers, something I have never given thought. I also enjoyed the group discussion board and the professor’s techniques in teaching in an organized manner. Everything was clear, and each new assignment was shown in the blackboard after the class. Overall, the class was interesting and engaging thanks to the material, students and professor.

I particularly enjoyed the reflection #2 assignment about friendship. It had an impact on me; today it is hard to find a “best friend” and it helped me realize that we need to keep our friendships strong and maintain respect for each other. I would love to know more about the recycling topic, such as the recycling statistics for our college, which are unavailable.

A) Stop capitalizing random words like child, adult, recycling, etc.
B) Don’t use words like ‘oh.’
c) Make your opinions stronger. “Overall, it is the best topic” is very vague.
D) Don’t say “first…” when that’s your only opinion (your second one was “finally…”)

This is a really weak essay so far. You have not proven in any way how communication is REALLY important. WHY is it hard to find a best friend? WHAT did you like about the professors teaching technique? You also need to organize your work better, which I have not done for you. Talk about the assignment, class, prof, etc. Seperately. Everything is all over the place right now.

To make this essay stronger, when you said, “Each culture has its own and particular way of watching and perceiving the world,” give a SOLID example of how each culture perceives the world. Give an American example, and give an example of a varying culture… Such as Native American, African, Asian, etc. Compare and contrast.

Good luck!

Mark asks…

How should we look after our world?

How should we Recycle, Save energy etc to save our world. This is homework please get back to me before Tues. If you can give me statistics?

The Expert answers:

Well as everyone knows our world is rapidly warming know as the global warming i would suggest people to useless equipment’s that would effect the green house gases.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandy asks…

Recycle Bin on Vista?

I accidentally deleted the actual Recycle Bin from my desktop on Vista. I thought I was deleting the files within it, but I deleted the icon. Now I can’t find the Recycle Bin anywhere.

Does anyone know where I can search for it and find it?

The Expert answers:

Vista – Recycle Bin – Restore it
Don’t panic if you accidentally delete your Recycle Bin from your Windows Vista desktop. Putting your Trash Can back onto your desktop is an easy thing to do.
Right click with your mouse anywhere on the computer screen and choose PERSONALIZE from the menu that pops up.
Select CHANGE DESKTOP ITEMS from the left side pane.
Check the RECYCLE BIN box from the top right pane of the small pop up menu.

Sandra asks…

Recycling Bin Problem?

Whenever i delete something it dosent go to the recycling bin!!!!!!!!!

The Expert answers:

Your recycle bin could be full or set to delete files automatically. Either delete files from the bin and/or increase the amount of storage you can have in the bin. You can allocate more space by these steps

– right on the recycle bin and choose Properties
– move the slider increasing the storage to the desired percentage

Make sure the box is NOT checked for “Do not move files to the recycle bin”

Donna asks…

I accidentally deleted my recycling bin?

I accidentally deleted my recycling bin on windows vista. I had put a file in it, when i meant to click empty I accidentally clicked delete and I don’t know how to get it back.


The Expert answers:

The actual Recycle Bin, if you did delete it from Windows Explorer, should regenerate when you restart the machine. If you’ve just lost the icon from the desktop, here’s how to get that back:

With Windows XP:

There may be a more direct way, but here’s the only one I know of:

1.Download and install a freebie from Microsoft called TweakUI (see below for the URL). Install it on the desktop. It happens to be a nice tool, by the way.
2.Run it.
3.Click the Desktop entry on the left.
4.On the right, a series of check boxes for desktop icons should appear. The Recycle Bin should be one of them. Click it.
5.Click OK.

That should do it for XP.

For Vista, things are much simpler:

1.Right-click on the desktop and select Personalize.
2.Click the Change Desktop Icons entry in the left pane.
3.Check the Recycle Bin checkbox.
4.Click OK.

That should do it for Vista

Hope that helps.

Susan asks…

accidentally deleted recycle bin on computer?

i accidentally deleted the recycle bin on my desktop how do i get it back and i cant undo the delete cause i deleted something else after it please help

The Expert answers:

The actual Recycle Bin, if you did delete it from Windows Explorer, should regenerate when you restart the machine. If you’ve just lost the icon from the desktop, here’s how to get that back:

With Windows XP:

There may be a more direct way, but here’s the only one I know of:

1.Download and install a freebie from Microsoft called TweakUI (see below for the URL). Install it on the desktop. It happens to be a nice tool, by the way.
2.Run it.
3.Click the Desktop entry on the left.
4.On the right, a series of check boxes for desktop icons should appear. The Recycle Bin should be one of them. Click it.
5.Click OK.

That should do it for XP.

For Vista, things are much simpler:

1.Right-click on the desktop and select Personalize.
2.Click the Change Desktop Icons entry in the left pane.
3.Check the Recycle Bin checkbox.
4.Click OK.

That should do it for Vista

Hope that helps.

Betty asks…

On my computer the recycle bin is gone?

I’ve got windows vista and a couple of days ago my recycle bin has dissapeared. I thought it would come back but it didn’t, does anyone know how I can get it back?

The Expert answers:

Restoring the recycle bin in Vista
In Vista, it’s possible to remove the Recycle Bin from the desktop. I’ve also heard of some people who have the Recycle Bin disappear from their desktop for some unknown reason. If either of these has happened to you and you want to bring back the Recycle Bin to your desktop, here’s what you need to do.

– Right-click on the desktop and choose Personalize.

– Click on the Change desktop icons link in the upper left corner in the Tasks section.

– In the Desktop tab, there will be a Desktop Icons section with checkboxes and some possible icons to put on your desktop. One of these is labeled Recycle Bin, check the box next to that one then click the Apply button and you will now have the Recycle Bin back on your desktop.

John asks…

how to find the recycling bin?

my mom accidentaly deleted the recycling bin thing off her desktop by pressing delete instead of emty. so she now wants to know how to get it back on her desktop. (please make it simple, as we don’t know computers well) THANK YOU

The Expert answers:

It’s easy to blip off the recycling bin icon, though it is still accumulating files even when gone. It is your option to show it or not on your desktop. Here is easy:

Show or hide the Recycle Bin

The Recycle Bin usually appears on the desktop. If you prefer, you can hide it.

To show or hide the Recycle Bin on the desktop

1.Open Personalization by clicking the Start button , clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Personalization.

2.In the left pane, click Change desktop icons, and then do one of the following:

•To remove the Recycle Bin from the desktop, clear the Recycle Bin check box.

•To display the Recycle Bin on the desktop, select the Recycle Bin check box.

3.Click OK.

That easy enough? By the way, it is almost impossible to screw up anything like this to a point where it cannot be fixed. There are five other ways in case this doesn’t work for you.

To the guy who said buy one from Apple, do you live on this planet? These folks come here for help, not smart assed comments.

James asks…

why is nothing going ti my recycle bin?

when i delete anything it dont go to recycle bin

The Expert answers:

Your Recycle Bin is set up to delete permanently without saving a temporary copy. Right-click the Recycle Bin and go to Properties. Make sure you are on the menu. Remove the check next to “Do not move files to the Recycle Bin. Remove files immediately when deleted.”

Paul asks…

Recycle Bin in Windows 7?

I want to use my recycle bin without having to enable all my desktop icons..Is there a way I can do this, like putting it in the taskbar?
OK I currently have no icons on my desktop AT All except for the ones in my taskbar. I have tried turning
them on in the Control Panel>Personalize>Change Desktop Icons Yet they still are elusive/or invisible. Could I have turned them off somehow? All I want is to access my recycle bin but it is no where to be found not in the control panel or the task bar, I even searched the computer for it and its nowhere!

The Expert answers:

The recycle bin is always on your computer its actually a type of folder to hold temporary information of were “to be deleted” items are stored

you can open up explorer (open any folder like my computer under the start menu) and then in the address bar you can type Recycle bin

and just something to add even though you deleted something and empty the recycle bin the information is still on the hard drive until overwritten with some other information

Mary asks…

empty recycle bin?

someone could tell me how to do to clean up recycle bin?
because I delete some documents in my computer but is gone to my recycle bin than I want to delete that from my computer and recycle bin .

The Expert answers:

HI ..

For empty recycle bin :: Right click on recycle bin then chose empty recycle bin ..
Use Shift+Delete Keys for deleting without using the recycle bin but be careful for what you delete

Best regards

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Charles asks…

Chemistry Safety Protocol Help?

I’m doing chemistry homework about safety protocol but the answers are things not in the book. Most are common sense but I some aren’t specific so I’m not sure. It’s true and false. Please just answer any you know. Thanks.

1. Dispose of chemicals in a recycle waste container.
2. Dispose of organic chemical is a special waste container.
3.When an experiment requires water, use distilled water.
4. Clean glassware with tap water, and rinse with distilled water.
5. Allow porcelain and glassware to cool before moving to the desktop.

The Expert answers:

1) False
2) True
3) True
4) Urm, could be either I guess, you can rinse with distilled water, not really necessary though
5) False, well I do not see it being an issue considering the heat capacity of porcelain/ glass is relatively low so should not do damage to the work area.
Sorry the last 2 answers were not exact, but I am sure you can get the answers right for them if you justify your answers, somewhat weak question to be honest. Sorry if this is not too helpful but I am sure about the first 3

Mandy asks…

Check my quiz about recycling??? URGENT.?

Which of the following is an example of hazardous waste that might come from homes?
A) Pesticide
B) Plastic
C) Leaves
D) Glass containers <–this one.

Recycling aluminum products helps reduce the amount of raw materials needed to create other products.
A) True <— this
B) False

By recycling leaves and using them as mulch, you can reduce the amount you need to water.
A) True
B) False <– this

One way communities are addressing recycling issues is by building landfills to store recyclables.
A) True
B) False <– this

Trees are a non-renewable resource because we cut them down to make paper.
A) True
B) False <– this

I'm not sure if they're right or not so can you help me check?

The Expert answers:

Which of the following is an example of hazardous waste that might come from homes?

B – PLASTIC. Pesticides are the most hazardous on the list but they not normally something that comes from the home.

Recycling aluminum products helps reduce the amount of raw materials needed to create other products.

A – TRUE. Recycling means not having to mine or quarry the raw materials and not having to go through the heavy industrial processes of mineral extraction.

By recycling leaves and using them as mulch, you can reduce the amount you need to water.

A – TRUE. Organic material such as leaves retain moisture and so reduce the amount of watering you need to do.

One way communities are addressing recycling issues is by building landfills to store recyclables.

B – FALSE. Landfill sites are for non-recyclable material. The site will be filled then covered over with soil, whatever goes into it stays there.

Trees are a non-renewable resource because we cut them down to make paper.

B – FALSE. We do cut down trees to make paper (and other things) but we also plant new trees to replace those that have been cut down. Done properly there’s a balance and the resource will be renewed again and again.

Ruth asks…

How much money is wasted on aluminum can recycling deposit credit systems?

Of course aluminum cans (and other beverage containers, and plastics and so on…) should be recycled. Throw it all in the “Big Blue Bin”.

Except for those nickel deposits.

Cans and bottles being transported around separately. Machines to collect and crush, trucks to haul the material to a recycling plant – rather than just hopping a ride on the other truck with the other recyclables from the Big Blue Bin.

Seems like a lot of effort, time, and money being spent over nickels.

Why do we continue to put the beverage can deposit up on a pedestal?

The Expert answers:

Lefty, I generally admire your comments, but I disagree with you on this one. There is a financial reason behind this for companies, but I think it has to do with giving people an incentive to recycle as well. “Throwing it in the Big Blue Bin” is not always effective, because it is not properly recycled all time. Directly handing it over to the government to give to a recycling plant is more effective and efficient.

In the long run, it logically makes sense, because aluminum and plastic are resources that cannot be wasted. Without having a proper recycling system, the cost of plastic and aluminum would skyrocket because of the limited resources. Because plastic is made of petroleum, without proper recycling of the material, all petroleum products would go up in cost. Makes sense financially to give people an incentive to recycle.

Companies aren’t losing money because mass production of new products is far more expensive than the process of recycling and the 5 cent incentive.

David asks…

what to do with all the garbage?

sort the following into 5 sections of (landfill, incineration, recycling depot, composting and household hazardous waste operation. please help me !!!
poly coat
multilayer packaging
sanitary products
pharmaceutical and cosmetic waste, including containers
foot wear luggage and handbags
hazardous waste
animal waste including kitty litter
bulky items
building materials
floor sweeping
kitchen organics
yard waste

The Expert answers:

I just put it all in one big bag and let the garbage collectors figure it out. And that’s how I do my homework.

Susan asks…

Are any pharmacy plastic bottles recycleable?

I save my empty containers hoping they can be recycled or used for something else but feel it they create a lot of waste in the world.

The Expert answers:

They are not recyclable in Western Massachusetts (where I work as a recycling professional) and in many areas. This is because they are small; small items such as lids, caps, and medicine bottles fall through the sorting equipment at the recycling facility. They are also a different type of plastic that can have a heat and cold insulating layer, which makes them harder to recycle into something else.
I like what some users have written about reusing them – great!
Here’s a big thing to watch out for: DO NOT flush unwanted medications down the toilet! There is no way to remove these from water and therefore the water supply can be tainted with medications. This tainted water can harm human health and wildlife. Contact your local waste authority of how to discard. Or, to throw away unwanted medications, use the original bottle and tape it up or put inside plastic bag. Put in the trash.

Paul asks…

best answer… Renewable or non-renewable?

Quick answer for best answer =]]
This is a list of raw materials.. classify renewable or non renewable

Waste Paper for recycling
Recycled milk and juice containers
cotton linters –
coal –
paper pulp –
calcium carbonate –
waste paper for making fine paper –

The Expert answers:


*Waste paper for recycling
*waste paper for making fine paper
*cotton linters
*paper pulp
*Recycled milk and juice containers


*calcium carbonate
*calcium carbonate

James asks…

Why don’t fast food companies go completely green by using 100 % biodegradable containers/cups/flatware?

McDonald’s made a movement years ago where they tried to be “greener” by discontinuing their styrofoam containers in place of paper/cardboard wrappers. With their sloppy sandwiches, those cardboard/paper wrappers never get recycled due to food contamination, so the trash STILL piles up from fast food meals. Why don’t these places go with a greener alternative? There are items made completely from sugar cane, corn, wheat that can be plowed right into the ground after use. Why doesn’t Obama force these companies that make so much landfill waste step up and start using biodegradable packaging/silverware? The prices are not really higher than regular packaging, and the biodegradable companies even offer discounts for larger orders. Why is this technological break thru such a secret yet?

The Expert answers:

Cost to much..They use every method possible to keep the cost down so people will buy their product.

Sure would be nice if they did use biodegradable products so they would just absorber into the ground when people throw them out the window. Then we wouldn’t see Styrofoam, plastic bags and food containers all over the road side like it is now.

Lisa asks…

How to make restaurants to recycle plastics?

So I work at a restaurant, and everyday, I can see how much plastics are being wasted. Soda bottles, plastic cups (used when holding a big banquet), ingredient containers(some glass but most are plastics), plastic containers (take out boxes, pints and quart for soups). its is kinda dumb they want household to recycle things but not restaurant. how can I tell this to the authority or who should i suggest this to ? it must be some kinda the authority that can set up these regulations. Thanks people ! Go Green !

The Expert answers:

Restaurants cannot. They pay a private carter to take their trash. Private carter cannot handle recyclable since there is no profit. It is not economically feasible for a restaurant nor do they have the storage and the Board of Health would be issuing violations every day.

Sandy asks…

Why can’t we recycle plastic packaging in the US?

When I was living in Japan, they collected light plastic wrapping containers and bags every Tuesday. But in the US they are not picked up for recycling, and I can’t figure out why. It’s frustrating, because when I could recycle the stuff, I only had to take out the garbage every other week (and that’s with a small bag). I eat a diet that doesn’t leave any food waste left behind, so all of my trash ends up being plastic wrapping, bags, or unrecycleable containers.

The Expert answers:

Different cities have different recycling capabilities. Where I live, we can recycle plastic packaging.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

How do I start recycling in my neighborhood?

I live in a small community in Orlando, FL with townhouses. I would really like to start recycling here but I do not fully understand how to go about that. Help?

The Expert answers:

Does the city you live in have a recycling system. There are probably bins that you can put used paper in. They are usually in a school or office building’s parking lot. If your city doesn’t have it’s own recycling system, maybe you should mention this to the city council, or somebody who can help you with that.

I hope I could help!!

John asks…

What happens if you throw food in the paper-recycling section?

I do recycle but sometimes when I throw my trashes away, it sometimes slips in some orange peel and Coffee and stuff like that and usually I don’t care. Can food thrown in the paper recycling section have some type of negative impact? Will it destroy the recycling process?

The Expert answers:

If you want to do your part to recycle, please separate your thrash. Organic waste, recycled items and regular trash would make it easier for the recyclers and be less smelly and could be a place for bacteria to grow if too much food is mixed with the dry stuff.

Start a worm house or compost bin if you have the space. It’s a win win situation for our environment.

Joseph asks…

How do I start recycling cardboard and glass bottles at the restaurant I work at?

I manage at a comedy club and see all of the recyclable materiels that we throw away everyday. I want to know what we need to do to start a recycling program at our comedy club.

The Expert answers:

Depends on where you live as to the recycling programs in your area. I’d start by calling your solid waste disposal dept. For the city/county and ask about recycling. Also check the phone book for recycling centers in your area and see what they can offer you as a small business. If possible, talk to other small businesses near you and combine your efforts: if you were to, say, get a collection container from a recycling company and you shared the cost of the container with a few other area businesses, you’d save money and help the environment at the same time. You could also check to see if any area nonprofit organizations collect recyclables as a money-making project (although I don’t think there’s any money in collecting glass–but recycling it is VERY important). Perhaps a Boys and Girls Club, scout groups, animal shelters, etc.

And, thanks for caring enough to want to do the right thing!!

Michael asks…

How steel recycling minimize the consumption of energy?

I have gone through various recycling techniques,I just wanted to know more about steel recycling.

The Expert answers:

It doesn’t save to much energy but it does save a lot of space at the dump. Think about how much space would be used up if every car (made of steel) was not recycled and was just stacked up someplace. That add rail cars, building steel beams, rebar, and other steel items to that list. Not only would we be burried under steel trash but the supply of raw material would probably be hard to get.

It’s really only aluminum that saves a lot of energy when you compare refining raw aluminum to refining recycled aluminum.

George asks…

How much would a recycling place give for a 24 pack of water bottles, in CA?

I buy a lot of 24 pack of water bottles a month. My mom does recycle them but gives them to my little cousin. I am a college student and trying to earn some money. If I recycle one pack how much money would I receive at a recycling place?

The Expert answers:

Its either 5 or 10 cents each bottle so 24 bottles at 5 cents each would be $1.20, or 24 at 10 cents would be $2.40

Daniel asks…

How can recycling relate to financial and factor markets?

The factor market is the exchange of the factors of production the resources necessary to create a good or service including components of land, labor, and capital, such as a coffee company purchasing equipment to process coffee beans.

The financial market refers to the stock market and banking services, including the loans all the other economic players use to meet their goals

So if the subject is recycling, what’s the realtions, or how do these markets deal witht the issue of recycling?

The Expert answers:

Metal can be melt back in to raw form and make new metal, old paper can make paper,,,old tires can make asphalt….after recycle, people will buy the materials to make new product, and its cheaper to get it from recycle than raw

Paul asks…

How do you start a recycling program?

I want to start a recycling program for the mall I work at. I know who to talk to, but the stores wont pay for the bins. Are there companies that will donate the supplies?

The Expert answers:

There are probably companies in your area that would give you all the supplies you require, and they would happily take all the products that are put into them. Look up recycling companies either in the phone book…that is if you have one 😀 or even quicker online. I would suggest talking with a few different companies to see what kind of set up you can put together. Now you might wonder why they will give you the cans, and take the stuff for free…that is because they are in the business of recycling, and when you can get your product for free, the profits are always better.

Good luck and have fun with it!

Robert asks…

How can I start a recycling program for my apartment building?

It would be nice to help the Earth by recycling cans, plastics, papers, etc.

The Expert answers:

Yes! That sounds awesome!
You may want to contact your I live in an apartment.

How can I recycle?

“Municipal or county-operated curbside-recycling programs generally do not serve apartment buildings. More counties and municipalities are instituting recycling programs for multi-family dwellings over time. If you live in an apartment building, you can certainly recycle. One way is to ask your building property manager to set-up a recycling program. If not, a list of County drop-offs is available on MDE’s recycling web page.”-this is an example..see the link below.

Ruth asks…

Is any paper or cardboard lost during the recycling process?

I’m doing this for a business studies project, simple question, lets say 10 tonnes of waste cardboard is put into the recycling process. (straight into the machinery) would you get 10 tonnes of recycled material coming out?

The Expert answers:

No it is no. Always there is loss some amount / quantity what ever you recycle.

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