Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mary asks…

recycle bin?

is it at all possible to get back something you deleted in the recycle bin?

The Expert answers:

Hi, create a system restore on a certain date i.e the day b4 u erased it from ur bin and that shud reset ur pc from the day b4 with that u shud b able 2 recover wot u put in there x

Donna asks…

recycle bin?

when u accidentally delete the Recycle Bin in your desktop.. where can u find it again?. I use Windows Vista and i need to find the recycle bin ! please help?!

The Expert answers:

1) Right click on the desktop,
2) Click “personalize”,
3) On the on the left hand side of the pop up, click “Change desktop icons”,
4) Another pop up will appear, tick the recycle bin.
Done =)

Robert asks…

recycle bin?

ant to delete a program from my computer and it says that it is too long for the recycle bin and i deleted the main the that i wanted gone but it still brings the error that the file is too big for the recycle bin what can i do please tell me is hereany software i can download to delete it

The Expert answers:

You dont need to delete the recycle bin, you can just tell it to stop putting stuff in it. Do this :
1) Right click on the recycle bin icon on your desktop
2) Click ‘Properties’
3) Tick the box that says ‘Do not move files to the Recycle Bin. Remove files emmidiately when deleted’.
That should fix the problem.
Good luck StarWarsKnower

Jenny asks…

Recycle bin?

What happens to all those files/photos etc that disappear when you empty the recycle bin.
a) Where do they go?
b) Can they be removed completely by burning to a CD/DVD thus freeing up more Hard drive space?
c) Is it possible to automatically redirect unwanted files to a CD?DVD instead of disposing of them be Recycle Bin?
Many thanks.

The Expert answers:

Of course,it is possible to save a copy of your files, Photos or unwanted files to a CD?DVD using nero7 or other softwares for burning CD/DVD. It much better if you use DVD RW so you can erase it in case you don’t want to keep anymore the files and add other files.

Ruth asks…

Recycle Bin???????

When i want to delete folder about 5.0 GB and it said:,,The File is to big for recycle bin.” Now is the problem about 2 days pass and i need part of the folder and i try to recover with file recover but i said that my hard disk is corrupted.Is there any way to recover all or all least part of it?

The Expert answers:

Wow, this is tricky. Especially since you waited so long. Recovery may be possible but at this stage it’s far from guaranteed. You might want to try a program called PC Inspector File Recovery. I’ve used it a couple times to get back deleted files.

Maria asks…

Recycle Bin.?

Please could someone tell me on vista how to set it so that when you delete items they go to the recycle bin or they are permanently deleted.

Thanks! 10pts available.

The Expert answers:

You can set whether to use the recycle bin or not in the Recycle Bin properties. Right click it, and select “Properties”, and you can select “Do not move files to the recycle bin”.

They will then delete completely, bypassing the bin.

Steven asks…

recycle bin?

Can I view what has been deleted from my recycle bin?

The Expert answers:

Recycle bin is permanent.

Richard asks…

recycle bin?

how do i remove the recycle bin icon from my desktop so that it is not visible on start up?

The Expert answers:

Use TweakUI

Edit: before you remove it you can create a shortcut to it and put the shortcut in a folder somewhere. You’ll still be able to right-click the shortcut to empty it.

James asks…

Recycle bin?

If i defragmented c drive have I cleaned out my recycle bin???

why does the # 6 show up at the top of my screen if i go to (webdate) a live cam/mic chat dating site, my font changes to strange and dark and 6 appears and i cant type or scroll and it freezes then i can only control/alt/delete/ end task????

The Expert answers:

Defragging has nothing to do with your recycle bin. To clean out your system go to your Start Menu ..all programs. Accessories.. System tools.. And choose disk cleanup.

Also sounds like you need to run a spyware program as well. Spybot Search and Destroy is a good free one

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Steven asks…

Help me answer some questions about recycle?

I’m working on my last portfolio about recycle. I have some questions about Waste Management. If you guys know about it, please help me figure out. Thank you!
1. How do WM collect their garbage?
2. Do they have any current programs that encourage people recycle?
3. Do they have any new plans to help people realize the importance of recycling?
Thank you very much!

The Expert answers:

This changes with each different area and Waste Management company.
I would suggest that you contact your local Waste management company and ask them your questions.
The ones in my area are willing to answer any questions that i might have, however it is a very small community and I am personal friend with many of their employees.

Donald asks…


i’m in 9th grade and i’m doing science fair research this year, and doing actual science fair next year. i can’t think of an idea besides “The effect of different air freshener brands on plant growth”
i don’t even think that it’s the best idea. and i want to make it to at least state. here are some idea’s that i narrowed down and could you please help.
by the way, it can’t be tested on humans or vertebrates, there has to be a reason for this project, and it has to be tested (i.e.:which means i cant go to the sun to test it). and do you think my idea is good to begin with.
plus, it can’t be a project something a middle schooler, or a sixth grader would do.


-Environmental Engineering

-Land Resource Management, Forestry

Recycling, Waste Management


-Air Pollution and Air Quality

-Soil Contamination and Soil Quality

-Water Pollution and Water Quality


-Inorganic Chemistry

-Organic Chemistry

-Physical Chemistry




-Disease Diagnosis and Treatment


-Climatology, Weather

-Geochemistry, Mineralogy

-Planetary Science







The Expert answers:

Get some water tests kits (pH, oxygen, etc) and test the local waterways (streams, rivers, and lake) over a period of time (maybe 2-3 times a week for a month). Research things like acid mine drainage, acid rain, fertilizer run off from farm fields and the like. Guarantee with a well put together project on this you will have a very good chance of making it to state. Email me ( if you need help, always a pleasure to help a fellow science fair researcher.

David asks…

How much does trash pickup cost for an apartment complex?

I’m doing a school report trying to compare trash pickup costs and recycling pickup costs to try to optimize waste management at my apartment complex. Anyone have a rough estimate of how much it’d cost for daily trash pickup for a complex with 3 small dumpsters?

The Expert answers:

That really depends on the arrangement between your apt. Complex and the trash pickup company. You should ask either of them, but don’t be surprised if they don’t discuss their finances with you. If they don’t, tell the trash company that you have 3 small dumpsters at your house and you’d like to know how much it would cost to pick them up. Then they’ll tell you.

Susan asks…

battery recycling and disposal?

I know the EU has introduced new legislation to set collection and recycling targets. And the US has legislation banning mercury in batteries. But I can’t find any australian laws.

I was wondering if Australia has any laws regulating battery waste management?

The Expert answers:

Ye s australia had also benn doing the battery waste management. But most of us don’t knw.actually australia has not sufficient laws about this, as the waste f the batter is reused in some other purposes.

Richard asks…

i’m wanting to start my own business?

I have an idea to start a business in recycling and waste management, my idea isn’t being done by other companies but the technology is there my problem is trying to get the money and some land to get me started plus find someone to build the machinery. so i was just wondering if someone can give me any good ideas on how to go about this.

The Expert answers:

Firstly, you need to work out how much money you have available yourself by raiding your savings. Ask friends and family if they want to invest too.

Next, put a business plan together and take it to the bank – if you satisfy their criteria, they’ll lend you the money you need.

Essentially what they want to know from your business plan is that it’s a viable business, you’ve planned how to make profits and that you will be able to pay the money back. They also want to know that you have enough confidence in the business to invest your own money into the operation.

If this fails, try business angels – these are guys who invest in good ideas. You’ll need a good business plan and a good idea of how to sell your idea. Have a look at for tips on sales techniques

Paul asks…

I have a homework question about recycling.?

One waste management tool is ________, a process in which you reduce the amount of waste you generate.

You have to unscramble the letters: cesrou ceuditron

The Expert answers:

Source reduction

Sandra asks…

Government Questions…Help?!?

U.S. District courts hear what kinds of cases?
a. Appellate cases only
b. Original cases only
c. Appellate and original cases
d. District cases only

This president’s single term in office is remembered by high inflation, rising energy costs, and unemployment, rather than the nearly eight million jobs that were created and how he began to successfully decrease the budget deficit

a) President Gerald R. Ford

b) President Jimmy Carter

c) President Ronald Reagan

d) President Bill Clinton

The president’s cabinet is made up of people who:
a) represent various special interest groups and advise him on proposed bills.

b) Come from the House and Senate to work with the president on bi-partisan projects.

c) advice him on important decisions to be made, in their area of expertise.

d) represent the state legislatures and advice him when making
decisions that impact the welfare of those particular states.

Cases dealing with juvenile crime up to murder are heard originally?
a) In state courts

b) In county courts

c) In the United States Supreme Court

d) In the State Supreme Court

This local service includes water purification, drainage, paving of new roads, maintenance of existing roads, mosquito control, recycling, and waste management.
a) Public works

b) Chamber of Commerce

c) Parks and Recreation

d) City government


The Expert answers:

Willy nelson

Mandy asks…

What else can I add to this paragraph?

I’m writing a paper and this paragraph seems too short. What can I add to it?
Enforcing everyone to recycle would not only help our planet to be cleaner and last longer, it would also establish immediate relief to our economy. Recycling would stimulate our economy by creating over one million jobs and over thirty seven billion dollars in payrolls annually. It would create five jobs for every one job created in waste management. This is a great solution to our economy crisis.

The Expert answers:

Enforcing everyone to recycle would not only help our planet to be cleaner and last longer, it would also, however, establish immediate relief to our economy. Not only would recycling stimulate our economy by creating over one million jobs and over thirty seven billion dollars in payrolls annually, it would also create five jobs for every one job created in waste management. Although these benefits are quite significant, recycling would help our world in so many more ways, and start to heal our environment of the damage people have been creating for centuries, once and for all!

—i changed it a little bit, and added stuff to help it flow…hope it helped!

Michael asks…

What can engineers do to reduce the amount of e-waste?

specifically Industrial/management engineers, but any engineers will do as well. So far I have design more eco-friendly devices that can be recycled and have no toxic chemicals, and design devices that last longer to reduce e-waste. Thank you!

The Expert answers:

That mostly covers it.

Perhaps easier to repair would help.
And use minimal packaging and use recyclable materials.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Michael asks…

How much money can you make saving and recycling plastic bottle caps?

Idk why but I just started collecting the tops off of soda bottles and juice jugs and I’m trying to find ways to recycle them. But if I take them to the recycling company, how much money would I get for them?

The Expert answers:


Plastic for recycling has little cash value due to no markets and such a low price for virgin plastic resins.

The soft plastic used for those items you are saving has no market at all. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

If you want to stay on top of those market developments, you can find them at these websites with a little research.

Sharon asks…

how do you start a plastic recycling plant/company?

how do you start a plastic recycling plant/company?
Can you give me details? or where I can find details? including start up cost etc?
not in my country my dear (TRINIDAD)

The Expert answers:

Money lots and lots of money
environmental reviews
do you have enough raw materials
do you have purchasers for the finished product
research recycling programs in the U.S.
Look at the big boys and how they do it
and don’t forget lots of money

Mark asks…

Could you list all the possible ways of recycling a plastic bottle?

I have an Environmental Science project coming up and need to write down all the possible ways of recycling and reusing a household waste article (in my case it’s plastic bottles, etc)

The Expert answers:

Well i think you need to visit here i have found all kind of recycling ways. I think i helped you

Steven asks…

Do you wash your recycling plastic, glass, aluminum before you put it in the recycle bin?

Seems kind of contrary to the point of recycling if you wash it with the wasted water and soap and energy for heating the water. However, it is somewhat disgusting to have bacteria gathering in cans and jars in your recycle bin for the week.

Anybody have any good solutions (or opinions) on this?

The Expert answers:

I usually give them a quick rinse, but I don’t wash them like the dishes. It seems cleaner, but is probably not necessary. Anyway, all water is recycled. Water is a renewable resource that gets recycled by rain falling.

George asks…

How much can I get for recycling plastic bottles?

How much can you get for a pound of plastic?
How much money can I get for a pound of plastic in NJ?
Where can you take plastic water bottles to get money?

The Expert answers:

To be honest you could get a round $20 with two loaded black bags. I do!!

Helen asks…

My city doesn’t have a plastic recycling program. How would I go about starting one?

We do have a recycling program for paper, metal, and glass, just nothing set for plastic.

The Expert answers:

Start with the Public School district. They already have the infrastructure in place. Start using their facilities to campaign your good

Carol asks…

Can you recycle a plastic bottle that has rust stains in it or will the recycling center not accept it?

Can you recycle a plastic bottle that has rust stains in it (and by rust i mean covered in orange not just a little) or will the recycling center not accept it? I would not think they wouldn’t recycle it but im just curious

The Expert answers:

It doesn’t matter what condition a bottle is in, all redemption centers should take them.

Daniel asks…

plastic recycling for consumer?

As consumers, what should we do in order to decrease the work for the recycling factory? Shall we need to seperate the different kind of plastic before we send it to the factory? And anything else?

The Expert answers:

Our recycling doesn’t need to be seperated. They just dump it all into the same truck.

Jenny asks…

When recycling plastic water bottles are we supposed to separate the cap from the bottle?

Someone told me recently that unless the cap is taken off the bottle it won’t get recycled. I highly doubt that. What’s the word on the street?

The Expert answers:

I’d say that the only way to find out for sure what you should do is ask your own recycling centre / council / curbside collection team because it really does depend where they’re going and what they’re used for. The answer given by one council could easily differ from that given by another, because they have signed up with different companies for the final disposal.

My local centre says they want the caps off so that the bottles can be crushed with lower use of energy – but obviously I want to crush the bottles before I take them to the recycling centre (to save storage space and allow me to take more on one trip) so I usually crush them then put the caps back on (otherwise they just pop back out to their original size!).

So I’m afraid they get them with caps on from me.

It is true that the caps use a different plastic (most drink bottles are polyethylene terepthalate, caps are often polypropylene or even harder plastics) and in some circumstances they’d need to be separated – but I suspect that most recycled plastic goes into applications where the mix doesn’t matter much. After all they probably also get different bottles (washing up liquid or shampoo is probably in polyethylene, some things have to be in multi-layered plastics to provide different properties such as an oxygen barrier, acid resistance etc.) as well.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

How do I get started Recycling?

I live in Knoxville and want to know how I can start recycling?
I mean like what do i do to get started? like where can i get recycling bins?

The Expert answers:

First off, contact your local council and see what recycling facilities are available in your area.

Then, sort out your recycling according to that. You might like to segregate paper, cardboard, tins, drinks cans, glass and plastics into separate containers.

Try not to buy more plastic/whatever than you need to, and it’ll make your job easier. Unless you have huge amounts of stuff to be recycled, a bin won’t be necessary. And anything that you do have can be compressed down to take up less space.

Helen asks…

never getting a “real” job…what else can i do?

SO FAR I AM GOING TO DO ODD JOBS, SELL MY HAND-MADE CRAFTS, AND RECYCLE ALUMINUM AND STEEL CANS IN ORDER TO GET ENOUGH MONEY TO HELP PAY RENT AND ALL, (i am going to roommate with someone and also paying for food and all is going to be around 1000 dollars i need each month to pay everything off and put a little in the bank.)


sorry about the large caps, its just that no one reads the details and they mostly base their answers off of the inital question..

and also reasons why i will not get a real job.

1 less tax by the government,
2 the money i earn will not be cut in half by taxes
3 my money will not go away by the saying of two words “your fired”
4 not the same routine everyday.

and alot more.
do you really want to know how hard it is for a transgender to find work?

The Expert answers:

Dream on…your never going to make $1000 a month recycling cans and doing odd jobs. At the current rate, you would need to recycle nearly 3000 POUNDS of cans EVERY month to make your rent. Good luck…enjoy being homeless!

Lisa asks…

Environmental Jobs – Starting Out Help?

I would like to know how i could get into a starting role within the environmental job sector. I am currently doing Environmental Science BSc at Birkbeck University and have a real passion for my subject. However i currently work on the London Olympic construction project as a chainman with a View to joining the Bovis Lend Lease sustainability team, however i don’t believe this will happen and i think i am considered as “just a worker”. How can i take my passion for my subject and enthusiasm and turn it into a real job within the environmental industry that is relevant to my degree with the experience i have? Thank you.

The Expert answers:

I work in the recycling and waste sector in a city council. I don’t think I would have got my job without the volunteering I did at BTCV (British Trust of Conservation Volunteers). It shows passion and dedication and there are lots of environmental groups out there.
I did a 5 month, full time stint but I’m sure even a few weekends would show that you have a greater understanding of sustainability.
You also get skills such as leadership, teamwork and project planning that all look good on the CV and interviewers like to talk about them.

Steven asks…

Recycling paper bad?

I’ve recently gone green.I bought reusable grocery bags,started recycling bottles,cans and paper. I’ve actually been going to my local grocery store and taking all the old sales adds they throw away and recycling them,but a friend recently told me that the chemicals they use to recycle paper polutes the air so badly it negats any good you’re doing by recycling it? Is the true a bunch or rubbish?

The Expert answers:

Ok, where does paper come from? Trees, which are a renewable resource. Because paper companies need to have trees to make paper, in developed, non-tropical nations (tropical woods are no good for paper) like the US, we actually plant more trees than we cut every year. And, making paper doesn’t release the CO2 that’s trapped by the trees – recycling does (the bleaching process releases trapped gasses). Now, it’s true that making recycled paper takes 60% less energy than virgin paper. But, if you figure every tree cut down is replaced almost immediately, you’re actually reducing CO2 levels by throwing away paper instead of recycling it – there’s a cost-benefit analysis to be done.

Ok, so what are the other benefits of using virgin paper over recycled? Recycling paper isn’t really environmentally friendly when you consider all the chemicals used to clean, bleach and then reconstruct the paper. What does throwing it away do? Well, it degrades, the CO2 returns to the soil where it is consumed by other plant life and removed from the atmosphere. Plus, you’re providing jobs for thousands of Americans.

And did you know that clear cutting forests which are then replanted is actually beneficial for the wildlife? As long as buffers are left around water sources (to ensure the integrity of the soil) clear cutting will increase the diversity of the forest (the same effect as a forest fire, but more controlled).

So, I don’t recycle paper. I do recycle non-renewable resources like metals and plastics, but I see no need to counter-act natural CO2 reduction methods.

Ken asks…

Please help autozone job?

I’m trying to get the job at autozone something simple to work with I have knowledge with the automotive for quite some time and I’m also getting training from the vocational school called wyotech I have my all data certification and hvac recovery and recycle certification and I’m also studying and paying for my ged class at the school and im high school equivalent i have 180 school credits im short 50 at the momemnt so I was wondering what are the educational requirents to work with autozone I have experience under my belt

The Expert answers:

Hi! The best way to find out the educational requirements for working there would be to ask the manager or take a look at their job opening listings on sites like and Good luck! 🙂

Sharon asks…

Recycling Questionnaire?

Okay so for my Product Design GCSE I have to make a product that will compact and contain Recycling. First though I have to make sure that the problem is valid, so I need to do a questionnaire. If you just quickly completed it, you have no idea how much it would help me:)


1. What do you keep your Recycling in?
A) Boxes
B) Recycling Bin
C) Other

2. Does the contents overflow?
A) Yes
B) Sometimes
C) Never

3. How often do you take your Recycling to the Recycling Centre (Bottle Bank)?
A) Three or more times a week
B) Once or twice a week
C) Never, the bin men take some of it and we throw the rest in the normal bin

4. When you get to the Recycling Centre, how long does it take you to Recycle the rubbish?
A) About 15-30 Min’s
B) About 5-15 Min’s
C) About 0-5 mins

5. Do you find it irritating that you have to take the Recycling to the Recycling Centre?
A) Yes, it’s just another job I have to do
B) We don’t go, the bin men take some of it and we throw the rest in the normal bin
C) No, it’s fine

6. Does the amount of time Recycling takes up affect how much you Recycle?
A) Yes, we leave some for the bin men to take and we throw the rest in the normal bin
B) No, but Recycling does take up a lot of time
C) No

7. Does the Recycling rubbish get in the way or clutter up the house?
A) Yes, it takes up a lot of room
B) Sometimes
C) No

8. Overall, would you say Recycling is irritating?
A) Yes very
B) A bit
C) No

9. Do you already have a solution to the problem?
A) No
B) Yes, the bin men take some of it and we throw the rest in the normal bin
C) Yes we ……………………………. <—-Fill in please:)

I know you're probably thinking I CBA TO DO THIS but if you just take some time to complete the questionnaire it would help my GCSE massively:)

The Expert answers:

1. B)

2. C)

3. D) Never, the bin men take all of it. You didn’t give this option.

4. C) 0 mins only. We don’t go to the recycling centre!

5. D) We don’t go, the bin men take ALL of it. You didn’t give this option.

6. C)

7. C)

8. C)

9. C) Yes, we put ALL our recycling in the recycling bin.

Chris asks…

how can i create a recycling organzation in our school?

plz give some ideas on how i could recruit members and since theres no benifits for the members and they would have to do work how could i get people to join?

The Expert answers:

Adding to the above, contact your local recycling companies to see if they have a partnership program like this one. Http://

There are benefit for members as this volunteer activity (make it an official school club) may be listed on resumes, job applications and college applications.

Susan asks…

Recycle Club?

I had inquired about mediating a recycle club in our small community. Wanting to get together with the current mediator to find out what my responsibility’s would be if I took over the job.
Well today I found out I had the job without knowing what to do.

So for you recycle people out there, what would you like to see a recycle group do?
I am also going to ask the member of the group to email me privately to find out there opinions based on past experience of this particular group.
Thank you all :0) Have a wonderful day!

The Expert answers:

This is what I did in Grade 11: we set-up bins all around the schl, like in the places where we thought people would dump the most trash (cafeteria, one bin in each corridor, entrance foyer, etc.), to collect stuff like cans, plastic bottles, & paper. We then sold them to the recycling facility monthly, put the funds aside, & then donated them to the SPCA at the end.

I think it’s a great how we benefitted the environment, school, & the charity organisation as we managed to help the school get rid of its garbage in a more sensible & useful way, plus we helped the recycling facility by collecting stuff for them, AND we contributed to the charity organisation (SPCA) by donating our funds to them. (:

We stopped in Grade 12 (final year) as we were too busy though, & passed it on to the new Grade 11s. It’s like a cycle lol.

All the best with yr project!

Donald asks…

What is Recycling?What is its benefit?

The Expert answers:

Its the process of making new products out of used products, recycling helps preserve natural resources such as wood, cotton etc. The recycling has numerous economic benefits too; it creates cheaper raw material thus lower production cost and low prices to customers. Recycling is also a huge industry which has created many jobs.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

James asks…

Is recycling bottles and cans an option in Arizona?

I currently live in Los Angeles
recycling bottles & cans is a source of revenue for me here
I’m looking at moving to the Phoenix AZ area & I’m curious as to the potential for collecting recyclables there
if so(?)
is the return worth the trouble?

do empty containers belong to the authorities there?

The Expert answers:

Check out the seb site referenced for sources of recycling in Arizona.
As long as you have adequate clean storage space for your recyclables it is worth it. The key is “space” because it often takes a lot of cans or papers to give you a decent monetary return. This “space” needs to stay clean so you do not attract bugs, spiders, and other vermin.

Lisa asks…

How much do you get for recycling cans in Minnesota?

And can you get money for recycling bottles?

The Expert answers:

32 to 40 cents for aluminum ,glass and paper usually run a penny a pound

Carol asks…

Where can I find a recycling company that well accept crushed cans in Washington ?

I have a lot of cans in my house so i crushed them and took off the metal caps , can you give me an address in Washington to turn in the cans for money, thanks ! Anywhere in Washington is fine.
The State

The Expert answers:

DC or state?

Chris asks…

How much money can i get for recycling 155 cans?

ive been saving the ones i drink so i can get money for it.
how much can i get for 155 regular sized cans?

The Expert answers:

It depends on howmuch the deposit is for your cans, where ever you live. Here its 5 cents… So 5×155=625 therefore… $6.25 🙂
haha i like bottles better, you would get much more.

George asks…

Where do u drop off recycling cans in montgomery county md?

I always have parties at my place and get many cans.Were can I drop them off and what is the compensation?I heard is like 70 cents a on is it true?

The Expert answers:

Check ur phone book for recycleing and we have a place here called try2recycle there may be something like that there and the price ranges from place to place

Mandy asks…

How much money does one make if they sell aluminum cans to metal recycling companies?

I’m a teenager and to get some extra cash I want to collect my neighbors pop cans and sell them to a recycling plant. I was wondering how much money I would get. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Right now it is about $0.75 per pound of cans, but that can vary by state and locality. There are some states that have a deposit requirement and then your reimbursement rate is probably about double that rate or better. It generally takes about 32 cans to make up a pound of aluminum.

Donna asks…

How much can I get for recycling aluminum cans in Logan, Utah?

What is the price, per pound I could get for recycling aluminum cans in Logan, Utah? Is it even worth it?

The Expert answers:

2 cent
its worth it your helping the environment and you will have to pay less on your garbage disposal

Linda asks…

Where can I find Soda Cans or something I can get money from by taking it to a recycling center?

I am low on cash and need some money, I am unemployed, Got Let go 2 weeks ago and my bills need to be paid, Where can I find Soda Cans or something I can get money from by taking it to a recycling center?

The Expert answers:

Roadways, parks and other areas aforementioned may work.

One idea is to go to a sporting event like a local race track or game and lurk under the bleachers after everyone leaves for the night. They usually don’t clean up until the morning after.

Ken asks…

How much money can you make for recycling cans in Southern Illinois?

My friends and I want to recycle soda cans to make money and we want to know how much we can make. We’ve heard 70 cents a pound, but I’ve also hear of 5 cents a can which is twice as much. We would also like to know if we can make money off of 2 liter soda bottles.

The Expert answers:

Check with the recycling facilities near you. Usually, it’s the private recycling facilities that compensate people for the recyclables they bring in.

Check out this story for inspiration:

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

Can I recycle this?

There is only a paper recyclilng site, and plastic bags that I give to my grandma that she recylces in her town. There is no where to recycle plastic bottles, or almuium cans. Can I recycle yogurt cups, and plastic milk cartons? I live in Medina, OH anywhere that’s under 4O mins. or shorter, and what can I leave at the end of my driveway that the garbage man will pick up and recycle.

The Expert answers:

As far as I’m aware, the garbage man does not recycle anything – they only haul to landfills.

I’m in Columbus, OH. Rumpke (out of Cincinnati) has a curbside recycling service. We can put paper, plastic (only those marked 1 or 2), aluminum, steel, and glass.

Don’t know if Medina is serviced. But if you call whoever does operate the garbage collection there, they at least might be able to tell you who you could call to find out?

Susan asks…

Does your city have certain trash bags that you have to buy?


The Expert answers:

No need for certain kinds of bags except for recycling. Compost-able yard waste is supposed to be placed in paper bags you can buy in many places (to save the effort of unbundling plastic bags) or tied with string in bundles no more than 4 feet long or placed in a ‘green bin’. Yard waste is only collected at certain times of the year …
Christmas trees are collected in January and either mulched, or placed in stream beds for protection of young fish …
Recyclable items are to be placed in clear plastic bags, washed, or placed in a ‘blue bin’. Cardboard should be cut down and tied in bundles, also no more than 4 feet by two …
Newspapers and other non-colored papers go in the ‘grey bin’ or clear bags or tied with string …
For regular garbage, the city sells large wheeled bins for garbage, but plastic bags are accepted. Some areas limit the number of bags per pickup, or sell tags per bag …
Yes, we have many rules, but the garbage dumps are nearly full, with few other places to go. All these rules are cost-effective and have lessened the volume of regular garbage going to the dump to less than a third of what it was.
Green, blue and grey bins, plus another lidded container for regular garbage – a colorful display on garbage day, until they are emptied and blow into the street. By the way, the colored bins were free from the city! …

Answers is a Jungle

Laura asks…

Are plastic bags recyclable?

I just want to make sure that I can place plastic bags from grocery stores in my bins.


The Expert answers:

Check out the website for your recycling/garbage company or city or whoever recycles your stuff. Where I live, you can recycle any plastic, but that’s not true everywhere. It’s pretty enlightening to check out what can be recycled too. Good luck!

Maria asks…

How many garbage bags a week do you produce?

And do you feel guilty about it?

The Expert answers:

We have 4 adults living in the house and produce 2 bags of garbage and 5 recycle bins. I don’t feel guilty about it as were doing the best we can.

God bless u,


Daniel asks…

How to Recycling old school papers?

I have a box of like four notebooks, a few folders, and a TON of worksheets and such from last school year. I don’t want to throw them in the garbage, but how would i got about recycling them?

The Expert answers:

Put them in a paper recycling bin.

Or find an animal shelter in your area that needs shredded paper (ask first though because not all do and they don’t like bags of it left at their door if they can’t use it).

You can use it to make the base of a no dig garden.

You can give it to a friend who has small animals and needs bedding.

Betty asks…

How can I recycle cat food metallic cans? I live in MI?

My cat consumes about 80 cans per month (the small metallic cans). Do any of you know how to recycle them or what to do with them, other than throw them in a garbage bag…

DOES ANYONE BUY THEM???? Does any pet store or walmart or something collect them?

It seems so much WASTE!

I live in metro-Detroit, MI

The Expert answers:

If you have recycling in your area, you will almost definitely be able to put those in with the rest of the recyclables.

Cat food cans are usually steel, which recycles easily and is profitable for recyling companies. Check to see by putting a magnet up to the can. If it sticks, it’s probably steel. If it doesn’t, it’s probably aluminum. Either one will recycle.

If you don’t have recycling in your area, wash them out and save them. A scrap metal company will probably buy them. It may not be much, as they buy by weight, but it’s better than nothing.

ONE LAST NOTE: Removing the labels is very helpful for your recyclers. If the paper is mixed with the molten steel, it will ignite and could cause a flash fire, which is dangerous to the workers at the steel mill.

Donna asks…

Recycled Garment Project?

Hey guys! So i have to do a project for a design class. We have to take plastic bags and recycle them into a new garment (iron/fuse them together) . I’m not sure what i should do. Any ideas? and I would like it to be easy, seeing as i have no sewing ability. Hahah, any websites you could give me would be helpful. Thanks 🙂

The Expert answers:

I did this once.
I made a dress out of a garbage bag, and i cut out pics from magazines ( designer names )
and i taped them to the plastic bag.
And then i like put velcrow on both sides so it would shut.
I got an A.
Good luck!

Ken asks…

garbage reduction? i need some suggestions?

I have this project in school where i have to reduce either garbage recycling or composte. do you guys have any ideas how to reduce either one?

The Expert answers:

Garbage can be reduced by following the golden rule of recycling


Reduce the use by reusing the things like paper wrappings, covers, plastic bags, boxes, etc.
Using single box/bag for multiple things(which dont mix with each other)
is also a g8 way to reduce the papers/boxes/bags needed…
100% of paper in the world can be recycled…
So recycling paper for making new paper/boxes/bags/paper mesh things etc can be considered for UR project!
Reducing the use of cans/papers/bags/ by reutilization can also help!!!
Google is our grandfather who’s always ready to help us…so try googleing too!!!
Best of Luck for ur project!!!

Chris asks…

What happens to a bag of garbage when it’s put in the recycling bin?

I know someone who does this occasionally and I want to explain to her exactly why it’s bad for the system / sanitation engineers / etc. What actually happens to garbage that’s placed in a recycling bin? (Household bins). Does anyone know?

The Expert answers:

Most recycling companies use large machines called Tromells to separate out the recyclable metal and plastics from the loads the receive. So if garbage is thrown in, it gets separated out.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Nancy asks…

Recycle bin?

I’m using windows vista and I accidentally deleted the recycle bin while I was trying to empty its content. Do I download a recycle bin? If so can you provide me a link? Or can I restore it ?
I did undo but it didn’t work. I deleted the recycle bin not the short cut 🙁

The Expert answers:

Below you will find three methods of restoring your Recycle Bin to your desktop:
Method #1:

Right-click an empty area of your desktop
Select Properties
Click the Desktop tab
Click the Customize button
Click Restore Default
Exit all windows and restart your computer
Method #2:

Note: Be sure to make a backup copy of your registry prior to making any changes.

Go to Start>> Run. Type in: regedit [Enter]

Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerDesktopNameSpace

Hold the mouse on NameSpace and right-click once. From the resulting menu, select Edit>> New>> Key

Copy and Paste the following Key code (including the brackets):


Press Enter on your keyboard, exit the registry editor and restart your system.


Download this registry fix to repair or replace the recycle bin

Ruth asks…

I can’t find my recycle bin?

I deleted my recycle bin on accident and now I can’t find it…can someone tell me how to restore it?

The Expert answers:

How to Hide/Un-Hide Recycle Bin Icon on Desktop in XP
Posted by Shailendra Doke | Jan 21, 2008

In this post you will learn How to Hide or Un-Hide the Recycle Bin Icon in Windows XP. Many people hate this icon, I don’t know why, they just don’t want to let it appear on their Desktop.

I am explaining two ways from which you can Hide the Recycle Bin Icon and whenever you need it, you can Un-Hide it.

1) This is the simple way as compare to second one.

From Group Policy Editor we will Hide the Recycle Bin Icon.

Click Start, Click Run, Type GPEDIT.MSC, Press Enter
On the Left Column Expand Administrative Templates, click on Desktop
On the Right Column Find Remove Recycle Bin Icon from Desktop
Double click on it, A Property Window will Appear
Select Enable option, Press OK.
Refresh Desktop, Enjoy!
To Show Recycle Bin Icon on Desktop, Do same steps but instead of Enable select Not Configured.

Chris asks…

just deleted my recycling bin?

i havent slept in 19 hours and i deleted some files and then when i went to emtie my recycling bin i deleted it, i cant find it deeper in the computer, i dident even know you can delet it, i would just retreiv it from the recycling bin but for some reason i cant find it, lol
im srry, i use windows vista

The Expert answers:

Vista/Win 7

Click Start.
Click on Control Panel.
Click on Personalization
Click on Change desktop icons on the left side of the Personalization box.
Put a check/tick in the box next to Recycle Bin.
Click OK.


Right-click an empty area of your desktop.
Select Properties.
Click the Desktop tab.
Click the Customize button.
Click Restore Default.
Exit all windows and restart your computer.

If you want to prevent the Recycle Bin from accidental deletion, follow these steps:

***Always back up the registry before making changes (make a Restore Point)***

1.Navigate through the Registry Editor to
2.Create a new registry key called Shell.
3.Create a new registry key named Delete and put it beneath the Shell key. The path should look like this:
4.Modify the Default key and assign it a value of Recycle Bin.
5.Exit Regedit.

© arou42

Richard asks…

Allocated space for Recycle Bin?

Just then I put around 30GB of files into the Recycle Bin, and saw that I had 115GB used on the HDD.
After I emptied the Recycle Bin, I check my HDD properties again to see that 128GB is now being used.

Why is this? Is there a way I can bring it back down to 115 or lower?
Edit: I am now uninstalling unwanted programs and find that that too increases the disk space used.

The Expert answers:

It “could” be that you just didn’t see and interpret the information correctly regarding your hard drive space before and after because emptying your recycle bin is “supposed” to free up hard drive space.

Or it could be that there is some corruption in your Recycle Bin data file.

For testing purposes, perhaps you could try a program like CCleaner since it’s free and it’s supposed to do the same job as well as several others.


The freeware CCleaner hasn’t seen many major revisions since Piriform launched it in 2004, so when you do see a major update, you can be assured that it’s going to come with impressive new tools. CCleaner 3 doesn’t disappoint on that front, introducing two major new features that make it worth the upgrade.

One is a drive wiping tool that can wipe all the data from your hard drive, but can also scrub only the available free space. As with many of the tools in CCleaner, it’s fairly nuanced and allows for a simple one-pass overwrite, a Department of Defense-level three-pass option, a National Security Administration-level seven-pass cleaning, and a 35-pass Gutmann-level deep scrub. The more passes you select, the slower the deletion process.

Edit: I am now uninstalling unwanted programs and find that that too increases the disk space used.

That’s not supposed to happen. Maybe you have a virus or something that duplicates files that you try to delete, or maybe like I said there is some corruption with your Recycle Bin data file or some configuration error for the Recycle Bin. Here are the instructions for deleting that file in Windows Vista. If you’re using a different version you should be able to follow the general instructions to delete that file.


Lisa asks…

if you delete your desktop recycle bin..?

when you delete files, how can you delete them from the recycle bin? it’s gone, but it still exists, and I wanna get rid of them for good. how do you get it back?

The Expert answers:

I’m assuming that you cannot find the Recycling Bin icon that is normally on your desktop. If this is the case then here is how you get it to show back up:

– Right-click on your desktop and choose “Properties” on the menu that pops up.

– Choose the “Desktop” tab at the top of that window and at the bottom of that window you will see a button called “Customize Desktop”, click on that and you will get a new window to pop up

– In the new window you will find a checkbox for the Recycling Bin, just put a check in that box and click OK on that window as well as OK in the Properties window that opened first and it should be there

Now you should be able to right-click on the Recycling Bin icon and choose “Empty Recycling Bin”

Hope that helps!

Mark asks…

keeping files in recycle bin?

does keeping files in recycle bin consumes space
if yes, how does file storage works in recycle bin

The Expert answers:

The recycle bin is just another folder on your computer. If you want to restore files from it you can, so it’s more of a last-ditch “are you REALLLY sure you want to delete that?” for trigger-happy users.

A better question is, how can you restore files that are destroyed and no more? (P.S. To empty or restore files in the recycle bin, forever, right-click it. You can go from there.)

David asks…

Windows XP Recycle Bin icon trouble…?

I (being the stupid person I am) accidentally deleted my Recycle Bin icon off my desk-top. How do I get it back?

The Expert answers:

From the Microsoft website:

Edit the registry to restore the Recycle Bin
Warning Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by using another method. These problems might require that you reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk.

Note This procedure does not work if the system administrator used a Group Policy setting to hide the Recycle Bin (or “All Icons”) on the Desktop.

To edit the registry to make the Recycle Bin icon reappear on the desktop, follow these steps: 1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
3. Locate the following registry key:

Maria asks…

Where is recycle bin?

I have tons of infor that bas been going into the recycle bin. I have looked everywhere i know and cant find it!! Does anyone know where I can find the recycle bin? Sincerely, Ed

The Expert answers:

You probably hid the Recycle Bin.

Windows XP.
1. Right click on an empty point of the desktop, and click Properties.
2. Click the “Desktop” tab.
3. Click “Customize Desktop”.
4. Check “Recycle Bin” if unchecked.
5. Click OK to exit out.

Windows Vista:
1. Right click on an empty point of the desktop, and click Persoonalize.
2. On the left pane, click “Change desktop icons”.
3. Check “Recycle Bin” if unchecked.
4. Click OK to exit out.

Mary asks…

I deleted my Recycle bin ?

i deleted my recycle bin from my laptop desktop i use a toshiba if that makeds a diffrence i know its in my computer some were i just cant find it any help were it might be ?

The Expert answers:

HOW. How you deleted your recycle bin. And which window you are using.

Because recycle bin can’t be deleted. You must haver deleted a shortcut to recycle bin.

Search in your system recycle bin

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

John asks…

How can I recycle tiny scrap pieces of rubber?

I work for a pool/highway supply distributor. We have barrels upon barrels of tiny pieces of scrap rubber. We are unsure of what to do with this scrap. Does anyone have any ideas about how we can recycle or reuse this rubber? We really don’t want to contribute to the landfills if we don’t have to! Thanks!

The Expert answers:

If you have a waste to energy plant nearby you can take them their.

Donald asks…

Where can i recycle my old ipod for cash?

I have an old ipod mini (4gb) it still works apart from its battery needs replacing. I know you can recycle your old mobile phones for cheques but is there any website or place that will do the same for ipods etc?

The Expert answers:

Try Using Ebay

Richard asks…

Who could we find to take free bales of mixed plastic to recycle?

We are a reclamation center for a toy store. We have a few truck loads of baled, mixed plastic and can’t find anyone to take it for free? I have been on several websites and can’t find anyone to take it. We usually recycle this through a company but they aren’t interested anymore. We don’t want to throw it away, we want it to be recycled.

The Expert answers:

The price for recyclable materials has tanked. Things that were worth $200 a ton are now worth less than $20. Recyclers around the nation are having to stock pile items so they aren’t willing to take anything right now. Who knows how long this will last, as long as consumers aren’t buying, then no one is making things so there is no value to the materials needed to make them. I hate to say it, but you will likely have to store it for a year or longer or bring it to a landfill.

Charles asks…

how can we recycle the home garbege?

home garbage consist of different types of thing so what is the convient method to recycle the things.

The Expert answers:

It depends on several things such as the space you have, how handy you are, how much money you want to spend and what your community says needs to be separated for pickup or drop off. If you are only recycling one or two items or can mix your recyclable materials then a pull-out recycling bin system that fits into a kitchen base cabinet may be ideal. These units are available at home centers and stores like The Container Store. A simple and less expensive way to handle only a few items is to use stackable plastic bins that you can place near the kitchen trash can or in some other convenient place like a pantry or the garage. For keeping several types of items separated for recycling it may be best to put several different colored cans near the outside trash cans or in a garage and have one or two bins in the kitchen area that you empty frequently, separating the items into the other cans.

Sandra asks…

Where can I recycle military uniforms without the worry of them falling into the wrong hands?

I have a large amount of military uniforms and I would rather recycle them instead of throwing them in the trash. Does anyone know a good place to do this? I live in Mobile, AL. Selling them is not an option.

The Expert answers:

You could take them to the nearest post and see if you can still ‘dx’ them. They can probably take them for you and they will dispose of them properly.

Mary asks…

How do you recycle used cell phone and computers?

Example , like what parts of the cell phone or computers can be recycle into what products??

The Expert answers:

Donate your used cell phones to your local police department or victim advocate’s office. They use them for domestic violence cases in case someone needs to diall 911. Schools and colleges may take your used computer parts.

Ruth asks…

How do I recycle my old rags in Chicago?

A stray cat peed on some old rags and I can’t get the smell out after washing them. Any ideas on where I can recycle these? I don’t want to fill up a landfill if I don’t have to.

The Expert answers:

Try washing them with vinegar.
Can you donate them to the humane society? They probably have solutions that can get the smell out, plus they are always looking for old towels and things.

Carol asks…

How do I recycle and old credit card machine?

How do I recycle an old credit card machine? We have about 10 of them and we are afarid that the customers credit card numbers might be in them so we dont want to sell them. We just want them to be destroyed.

The Expert answers:

Credit card numbers are not stored on the machines. But, ifyou are still worried about it, contact your merchant service provider (credit card processor) and have them delete the program(s) on the terminal. If you no longer have a merchant service provider, contact any local provider and ask them if they will buy it from you to reprogram for re-sale. A reputable provider wouldn’t do anything with credit card numbers because they would be too concerned about losing their VISA/MasterCard certification.

Susan asks…

Can plastic be recycled?

well there are some plactics that can be recycled


The Expert answers:

Recycling plastics is easy. First, you should learn what types of plastics can be recycled and only give your collector those types of plastics. Plastics have different formulations and should be sorted before they are recycled to make new products. Mixed plastics can be recycled, but they are not as valuable as sorted plastics because the recycled plastic’s physical properties, such as strength, may vary with each batch.

It’s also important to rinse the container and squash it, you may leave the paper labels on the container, but always throw away the plastic caps. Plastic caps are usually made from a different type of plastic than the container and cannot be easily recycled.

A recycling plant uses seven steps to turn plastic trash into recycled plastic:

1. Inspection
Workers inspect the plastic trash for contaminants like rock and glass, and for plastics that the plant cannot recycle.

2. Chopping and Washing
The plastic is washed and chopped into flakes.

3. Flotation Tank
If mixed plastics are being recycled, they are sorted in a flotation tank, where some types of plastic sink and others float.

4. Drying
The plastic flakes are dried in a tumble dryer.

5. Melting
The dried flakes are fed into an extruder, where heat and pressure melt the plastic. Different types of plastics melt at different temperatures.

6. Filtering
The molten plastic is forced through a fine screen to remove any contaminants that slipped through the washing process. The molten plastic is then formed into strands.

7. Pelletizing
The strands are cooled in water, then chopped into uniform pellets. Manufacturing companies buy the plastic pellets from recyclers to make new products. Recycled plastics also can be made into flowerpots, lumber, and carpeting.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

Why bother recycling?

I realize recycling is great! In central PA we have “recycle” dumpsters for your cardboard, bottles, etc. Trouble is, they are making it totally obvious that what you are putting in there isn’t going to be recycled! They are slowly going to dumpsters that are for ALL recyclables. You just throw everything in there! I find it highly unlikely they have people who sort everything. Once, a few years ago at an apartment I lived at, we had several dumpsters. One for glass, one for plastic, and one for paper. One day I saw the garbage man putting them all in the same garbage truck. I asked him what the point of recycling is if they are just going to mix it all up and take it to the dump. He said that residents are expected to recycle, but there are no such regulations on waste management companies. It all just gets mixed in with regular garbage. I am all about helping the environment. I just don’t get the point of recycling in this manner. Sure I realize that there are places that really do recycle the material, but they are few and far between.

The Expert answers:

For a while, people did sort the recyclables, and some places still use inmates to sort, but new technologies can sort without the problems of using people to sort.

Having separate containers for each category of items was a bother for most people and needed sorted anyhow because of it, so items needed sorted anyhow. Now items are now sorted with machinery rather than people which is more cost effective.

Recycling does save a lot of money, but it comes down to the city or municipality to follow through with sorting the stuff to recycle or just dumping everything into a land fill. Some municipalities don’t sort and recycle, but those that do save money from land fill fees, and make a little by selling the recycled stuff.

Charles asks…

How do I get my company to recycle paper?

75-90% of the company’s waste is good quality, clean paper. All that paper is being thrown in the garbage and ending up at a dump. When asked, my superiors wanted to know how much it would cost. Are there any sites or resources that I can research? This is a collossal waste of a valuable, renewable resource. Companies that do this should be fined!

The Expert answers:

Have you tried going to any government web sites?

Chris asks…

Who buys food and agriculture waste?

We have large quantity of supermarket returns pastries, pizza and bread dough’s, pies, pastries, scotch eggs and sausage rolls, prepared foods, sandwiches, restaurant and catering wastes and
Packaged products… Which company buys all these items for recycling? Please help! Thank you!

The Expert answers:

Contact a local pig farmer its all good food to the pigs,, or a local composting company they might like to add the food to help build the bacteria levels up in their composting piles

Ruth asks…

How much do Biffa charge for their general waste and confidential waste disposal?

Hi there

I am in need of a confidential shredding company and I know biffa is a big name. Any ideas how much they charge for general waste and confidential waste destruction? Is it an on site or off site process? is it all recycled.
I have had a look at the website and called them but no one is prepared to give me basic costs over the phone…I havent time to see lots of sales guys so just need costs to compare to other providers.

The Expert answers:

You may have to put up with sales people. What they charge depends on the volume of waste you produce. Consider buying a larger shredder and just recycling with the rest of your paper waste.

Susan asks…

Is it surprising that there are so many toxic chemicals in our food?

When all the companies are doing is recycling/selling us their toxic waste from one industry to make a profit in another?

The Expert answers:

The world is full of toxic chemicals and they are not all man made by a long shot. Did you know that potatoes contain a small amount of cyanide for instance.

Sandra asks…

Where can I sell a huge amount ($1000lbs) of Plastic bottles?

Scrap yards and recycling plants that pay you for alluminum,steel,iron,etc,etc……… do not buy plastic. The waste company picks it up every 2 weeks curbside but they are a business and make money off all that waste. I come across a huge amont of plastic and this is the item that I want to contiune to save and store and sell to someone, all at one time in bulk. please help with quality answers

The Expert answers:

See They allegedly buy bulk waste plastic “nationwide.”

Linda asks…

Why is there not a ban on the amount of packaging waste used on things like kids toys?

My son got a set with pencils and tonnes of other stuff in it and it took him about half and hour to get all the packaging off, which took up a tonne of space in my recycling bin.
And it seem the cheaper the items the more elaborately packaged they are.
Why with all this green thing going on are company’s still able to pump out so much plastic?

The Expert answers:

It’s disgusting isn’t it?

I see the supermarkets are getting on the eco-band wagon and stopping giving away plastic carriers for free, instead asking us to buy stronger, longer lasting reusable ones, yet they continue to sell products packaged in piles and piles of plastic and cardboard.

I HATE with a passion, the amount of packaging used nowadays.

But will it ever stop? Not until the earth is covered in the damn stuff.

Laura asks…

How can I recycle plastic bags to make building bricks?

We have a lot of waste plastic bags and am wondering if I can recycle them to make building bricks. There is one or two companies in my location recycling the same to make fencing poles, but I would like to manufacture huge quantities of hardened brings for building, Road construction etc. By doing this, I will be resolving a very big environmental problem as well as creating jobs and some income.

I would like to know the technology involved and if there is a company involved in what I have in mind and is preparing to either go into partnership with me or help me in setting up such a factory..

The Expert answers:

First, I do not think that at this point in time you will be able to produce safe and effective bricks or road material using plastic.

The closest you will get is the new type of plastic lumber that is coming out. That is some really good stuff and people are using it today. I can not say how much recycled content they have though.

Carol asks…

Rubish removal companies your views and opinions please?

I run a small rubbish removal and house clearance business in the uk which uses vans instead of skips, I would just like to hear peoples opinions eg. would you use this kind of company etc. I have also just put a forum page on my website and would be greatfull if you would start some conversations on recycling and waste issues on there:

The Expert answers:

I want a company with skips

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

What if my plastic containers do not have a recycle symbol or number on them? Should I get rid of them?

They range from older to newer…plates, cups, bowls, containers.
I guess what I meant to ask is…if they don’t have a symbol or #, are they safe to eat off? From the reading I have done on this, I thought if the plastics had a #3,6,or 7, you should get rid of them, because they really aren’t safe to eat out of or store food in. So, my question is…what if they have no information? And…if they have a 3,6, or 7 should we eat off them?

The Expert answers:

Some programs take just PETE (1) and HDPE (2). Others will take all plastics. The other plastics are quite safe; you buy food in them, don’t you? The only way you might get into trouble is by using a non-food container for food without a thorough cleaning. They sometimes are coated with the chemicals used to facilitate popping them out of the molds. The only plastic items that I would never re-use are the ones used to package things like pesticides, motor oil, and other nasty stuff. Plates, cups, bowls, and other containers can be reused as long as they are sound.

Joseph asks…

What does it mean if a container doesn’t have a recycle symbol or number?

Does it mean that it isn’t recyclable?

The Expert answers:

Depends on the type of container… Some plastics aren’t recyclable. All aluminum containers are.

James asks…

I have a container that has a recycle symbol on it, but no number… Is it recyclable? ?

This dental floss container has the recycle symbol on it, but there is no number in the middle of it. Why is that?

The Expert answers:

Lots of things have the recycle symbol on it, BUT what is actually recyclable is up to your local council. Eg. Plastic butter cartons have a recycle symbol, but they are not recyclable in my council area, because they have no way to recycle them. So the best way to find out is to phone your local council and see what they can or can not recycle.

John asks…

next to my address bar on the right is a recycle symbol?

If there is not a search symbol or go next to the address box how do you use the address box.

The Expert answers:

Type in the address bar, then tap or press on the ‘Enter’ key on your computer.

Sharon asks…

What does the little number on the inside of the recycle symbol on plastic mean?

The Expert answers:

Plastic can only be recycled so many times. The number is a marker telling the recycle people how much recycle life that plastic has.

Mary asks…

If it doesn’t have the recycle symbol, can you recycle it?

So on certain things which seem recyclable (the plastic that holds the newspaper), there is no recycle sign on it. As a general rule, should you never recycle something if it doesn’t have the recycle symbol on it? (unless its obviously recyclable like paper).

The Expert answers:

Sometimes, it just depends

Linda asks…

I need the recycle symbol for a t-shirt design?

I need it large, black and white and in an outline so i can write words on it. If you see any clip-art online that fits or could be blown up without pixelating please list it.

The Expert answers:


that should be good!

Chris asks…

Are there registration requirements to use recycle symbol on a label?

The Expert answers:

The recycling symbol is public domain and does not belong to anyone. However, local laws usually restrict its use on anything that isn’t recyclable.

Donna asks…

Where Can I Buy T-Shirts With The Recycle Symbol On Them?

I want to buy shirts with the recycle symbol on them but i don’t want to shop on the internet because of spam and i don’t want to put my credit card # on the inter-web!!!!!!!!!

The Expert answers:

I would figure you could get them in any retail store. But is 100% safe they accept paypal or by phone orders accredited with BBB.

I’m leery of the inter-web but if you do research it should be fine or get a pre-paid credit and load only the amount needed to cover the purchase.

But I have used Zazzle and trust them plus a wider selection of tees not found in local stores.

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