Friday, March 7, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

David asks…

After this halloween will you still celebrate halloween ?

(Read this chilling story about a senseless murder this halloween of a family that were “trick-or-treating it could have been in any really nice and quiet neighborhood it could have been in your neighborhood.)

Trick-or-Treat Tragedy
November 02, 2008 23:54 PM

The Sumter Coroner’s Office identified the child as 12-year-old Tony “TJ” Darrisaw.

Quentin Patrick, 22, has been arrested in what police are referring to as an attempted murder. Investigators have arrested a woman who lives with Patrick and charged her with obstruction of justice.

Police say 19-year-old Ericka Patrice Pee, and her two-year-old daughter tried to leave the home with Patrck after the shooting. Investigators say Pee and Patrick took $7500 in bundled cash from the home.

Sumter Police Chief Patty Patterson says father Freddie Grinnell and three of his children were trick-or-treating Friday night when the shooting occurred.

The Grinnell family had just finished trick-or-treating at a city of Sumter sponsored event, when they decided to make a couple of stops in their neighborhood before they retired for the night.

Chief Patterson says the family stopped at the home on Wise Drive around 8:30 p.m., where the porch light was lit. Investigators say Freddie Grinnell and three of the couple’s four children left to knock on the door, while mother Daphne and a son stayed inside the car.

As the family made their way to the door of the home, they could hear what they thought were fireworks. They say TJ Darrisaw, Freddie Grinnell and a nine-year-old son were each struck by the gunfire. “The children were celebrating the traditional Halloween trick or treat and were attempting to knock on doors for candies when Quentin Patrck opened ire on them,” says Patterson.

Investigators say Patrick told them that he could see people wearing masks on his front porch, one of which was Darrisaw. Patrick told police that he had been shot before and wasn’t going to be shot again.

That’s when Patterson said Patrick opened fire on the family with an AK-47 assault rifle, unloading over 29 rounds in the assault.

Darrisaw died at the hospital, Moore said. Grinnell and one child were injured, and have each been released from the hospital.

“It’s very shocking that something like this would happen and especiallly to kids who were trick or treating. You just wouldn’t think about something like that happening,” says Nell Welch, a neighbor of the suspect. Darrisaw and his brothers knocked on her door, just before heading to Patrick’s house.

“They had real nice manners. They said thank you and sounded real sweet,” she says.

It’s hard news for even a seasoned law enforcement officer like Patterson. “The loss of a bright young man whose life was snuffed out for no apparent reason,” she describes the situation.

Patrick is being detained at the Sumter-Lee Regional Detention Center, and is charged with one count of murder, two counts of attempted murder and one count of assault and battery with intent to kill.

Jail officials say Patrick most likely will not appear in front of a judge until sometime this upcoming week.

Patterson said there were other people inside the home at the time of the shooting, but she didn’t expect any of them to be charged. Patterson did say that Patrick “is known to law enforcment,” and was convicted of possession with intent to distribute cocaine, making Patrick a convicted felon.

According to South Carolina law, convicted felons are prohibited from purchasing or owning any kind of firearm.

“The investigation is continuing into what has been a very tragic evening,” Patterson said. “Our sorrow and sympathy goes out to this family.”

A neighbor said he heard a loud noise about the time of the shooting and thought it was simply Halloween mischief.

“I thought, trick-or-treat night – pranks go down. Anything goes,” said Lenwood Dixon, 49, who works at a hazardous waste and recycling company. “I heard a noise like maybe gunfire, then my daughter saw a bunch of lights flashing and saw some cops.”

In his six years in the neighborhood, he said he wasn’t aware of any violent crimes. He said a few trick-or-treaters had been on his block that night.

“I’m surprised. Since I was here, I’d never heard of anything like that happening. It’s a quiet neighborhood,” he said. “You don’t see many children in the neighborhood. It’s more elderly.”

The Expert answers:

I will still celebrate, I won’t allow myself to allow others to ruin a holiday for me. Ask yourself, would you stop celebrating Easter or Christmas if a murder happened then too? Probably not. As a matter of fact, there are alot of murders at Christmas time. Usually family members killing family members.

Jenny asks…

Is there any organization or company in alexandria that would support us in our environmental project?

Me and my friends in (Egypt-Alexandria) are part of the Global Environmental Youth Convention taking part in August 2008 in (China). And we were part of it last year in Dubai and took the 1st place prize in the Paper Waste project.
In part 3(starting now) of our course we have to do a project related to sustainable development and the environment.
We need an organization or company or hotel or supermarket or resort(any of the kind) that would be eager to support our project and idea “by carrying/trying them out”. We are going to be dealing with (Waste recycling/reducing) issue. e.g. reducing usage of paper and recycling. or reducing the usage of plastic.
I urgently need to find it.
Thanks in advance.

The Expert answers:

Good luck

Charles asks…

Biffa Waste company, cost of services, please help?

How much do Biffa charge for their general waste and confidential waste disposal?
Hi there

I am in need of a confidential shredding company and I know biffa is a big name. Any ideas how much they charge for general waste and confidential waste destruction? Is it an on site or off site process? is it all recycled.
I have had a look at the website and called them but no one is prepared to give me basic costs over the phone…I havent time to see lots of sales guys so just need costs to compare to other providers.

The Expert answers:

Try here

Carol asks…

papaer recycling for school.?

i go to a school in the philadelphia, pennsylvania area. what is the paper recycling company jawn that gives you dumpsters to put paper in? i feel that my school wastes a lot of paper and really needs to recycle.

The Expert answers:

If they waste allot of paper you don’t really need to know all that be brave and come up to the principle and talk to them about it.

William asks…

Why do I get so many phone books?

I used to get one new phone book once a year and that was it. Now I’m getiing them three or four times a year from different companies. What a waste of trees! They all have the same info in them and I’m not paying for them so there can’t be much competition. Just one more thing clogging up my recycling bin.

The Expert answers:

Just cancell it all. You can find people number/address online for free!

Sharon asks…

X-ray film disposal/recycling services in Central Ontario? ?

I’m looking for a waste management company to pick up and properly dispose of several years worth of inactive X-rays. My business is located in the Peterborough/Whitby Area. Does anybody know of a place that may offer this service?

The Expert answers:

Those XRAY films are valuable to a recycling company because they contain silver that can be recycled.

I would expect if you were to look in your telephone book for metals recyclers you would find someone that wants them to recycle for the silver they contain.

Ruth asks…

Can Someone help me Edit this essay?

Im supposed to act like a landfill can anyone help me check this? .. Whoever helps me the MOST will be chosen as best answer 😀 thank you!! I really appreciate anyones help !
Dear Companies,

I’m a landfill and I believe that recycling is more important than my job. Anyhow, my job of being a landfill is to dispose more trash than regular dumps or junkyards. There is many reasons on why you as companies that manufacture goods should promote recycling.

To start, recycling is important to environment and business, according to the EPA students , that I can pollute groundwater because the waste people throw seeps into the soil and then pollutes the groundwater. Compare to recycling, this has a positive impact, it saves earth because it preserves our natural recourses, instead of wasting them. For example, you as companies can recycle paper. Since, every year over 3 to 6 billion trees are cut down to make paper according to Brant Olson a strategist on national corporate campaigns.

Furthermore, recycling saves up some space in my land and saves up energy. I get approximately over 2,000 tons of garbage each day. Instead of letting trash go to waste, recycling is the best idea. An expert named Peter Bonenberger, found that recycling one tin can save enough energy to power a television for three hours. In addition to that, recycling glass bottle saves enough energy to power a computer for twenty-five minutes. Eventually, recycling is the best resource to save energy than disposing trash and polluting groundwater.

Moreover, decomposing waste in my land often releases noxious gases and chemicals. These gases and chemicals often cause air pollution. Air pollution kills humans, animals and plants. In 2000 people recycled solid waste and prevented the release of 32.9 million metric tons of poisoning gases and chemicals in air. Researched a environmental journalist named, Brian Bass.

As a result, you should take this in consideration, if you throw more trash out and put it in my land than recycling, you can cause pollution and other environmental problems. However, you can help by recycling and generating the amount of trash you will use up.



The Expert answers:


Dear Companies,

I’m a Landfill and I believe that recycling is more important than my job. My job of being a landfill is to dispose more trash than regular dumps or junkyards. There ARE many reasons why you, as companies that manufacture goods, should promote recycling.

To start, recycling is important to environment and business, according to the EPA students. I can pollute groundwater because the waste people throw IN ME seeps into the soil and then pollutes the groundwater. CompareD to recycling, this has a NEGATIVE impact. RECYCLING saves THE Earth because it preserves our natural reSourCes instead of wasting them. For example, you as companies can (MAYBE USE SHOULD INSTEAD OF CAN?) recycle paper. ACCORDING TO BRANT OLSEN, A STRATEGIST ON NATIONAL CORPORATE CAMPAIGNS, BETWEEN 3 AND 6 billion trees are cut down EVERY YEAR to make paper.

Furthermore, recycling saves up some space in my land and ALSO saves energy. I get approximately over 2,000 tons of garbage PUT IN ME each day. Instead of letting trash go to waste, recycling is the best idea. An expert (WHAT KIND OF EXPERT?) named Peter Bonenberger found that recycling one tin can saveS enough energy to power a television for three hours. In addition to that, recycling ONE glass bottle saves enough energy to power a computer for twenty-five minutes. THIS SHOWS THAT recycling EVEN A LITTLE is the best resource to save energy than disposing trash.

FURTHERMORE, decomposing waste in my land often releases noxious gases and chemicals. These gases and chemicals often cause air pollution, WHICH kills humans, animals and plants. ACCORDING TO BRIAN BASS, AN ENVIORNMENTAL JOURNALIST, IF 2000 people recycled solid waste, THEY COULD PREVENT the release of 32.9 million metric tons of poisoning gases and chemicals in air. (IN HOW LONG? ONE YEAR? ONE DAY?)

As a result, you should take this in consideration. If you PUT MORE TRASH in my land than YOU recycLE, you WILL cause pollution and other environmental problems. However, you can help by recycling and generating the amount of trash you will use up. (I’M NOT TOO SURE WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY HERE, BUT GENERATING ISN’T THE RIGHT WORD TO USE)



Maria asks…

Who do you think is responsible for ensuring that waste is recycled and that pollution is alleviate?

A Government (local/national/international
B Scientists
C Everyone
D Industrial companies e..g manufacturers
E other
F all the above
Alleviated* sorry

The Expert answers:

E- charities.

BTW – is C exclusive of the other groups, or is F just really redundant?

Susan asks…

How can I get my apartment office to place a recycling trash can in our neighborhood?

I have been writing letters to the apartment for the past 3 years about the inconvenience of not having a recycling trash can in our apartment neighborhood, but I have never got a positive response. Every week, we still have to carry all our recyclable trashes to the recycling trash can in our old apartment. Other residents though, don’t seem like they want to feel ridiculous making that trip, as we did at first, and they throw all their trashes–recyclable or not–into the same trash can… These trashes are probably all going into landfills. I feel really bad every time I see people throwing cardboards and bottles and stuff away. WHAT CAN I DO TO PERSUADE MY APARTMENT? Should I do a petition? Should I call the waste services company? Any suggestions??
hair – Do you know which city I live in? I think you’re probably talking about a different “City”. But I certainly hope that my city also has a similar policy! Thanks for your response. I will find out more about it and maybe it will serve as the impetus for my apartment to finally install a recycling garbage can.
OK. I think I might have used the wrong words here… I’m not talking about a small garbage can but one of those really big, metal DUMPSTERS. Sorry about the confusion.

The Expert answers:

The apartment complex would have to pay a recycling collection service to place a collection bin onsite. Obviously they don’t want to be the bad guy in raising the rent just for recyclables unless they feel the renters would be inclined to pay more if such a bin were available. You’ve already mentioned that your neighbours don’t seem overly concerned about recycling.

As a commercial business, the apartment can not take advantage of the city’s recycling program, just as it can’t take advantage of the city’s trash collection and has to contract with a collection service separately hence the ubiquitous metal bins.

Your best bet would be to have your neighbours sign a petition stating that you all want recycling bins but don’t be surprised if a separate recycling fee shows up on your shared utilities or your rent goes up with a memo blaming it on recycling.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

Why do most recycling places only take plastics 1 and 2?

There are so many types of plastic… It’s such a waste to only be able to recycle 1 and 2. I know there are different things in each type, but I don’t see why they can’t just be melted together or something?… Is there a place we can take our other numbers of plastic [3-7 or something]?

The Expert answers:

When a city recycles plastic, what it does is separate out the plastics by type, then shreds the plastic and sells it as a raw material (or they sell the bundles to a larger recycler that shreds it and sells it.) For many plastics, it is more expensive to sort it and shred it than it is to just use virgin materials. For these plastics, there is no market for recycled materials.

In other words, the city could sort it and shred it, but they would need to get such a high price for it that no one would buy it.

So its just not cost effective to take and separate these types of plastics.

You can’t just melt all the plastics together. Each type of plastic has very specific qualities. In the same way that you can’t just melt all your metals together and then use them to make a new aluminum can or a new steel girder, you can’t just treat plastic as “plastic” – you need to treat each material as a separate commodity.

Good question.

Donna asks…

Does anyone know where in South Florida I can find a recycling center to turn in my cans/bottles?

I have looked for numbers and places and cannot find them. I know there is some but where?

The Expert answers:

Here is a link for Gorgo and Fort Myers

Just Yahoo it and ask and you shall find your answer 🙂

Chris asks…

Do Drivers License numbers get recycled when people die?

The Expert answers:

No….that would cause too many problems.

Jenny asks…

Do you know of anyone who sorts recyclable plastics by their numbers?

My husband insists that we sort our recyclable plastics by their numbers. He is concerned that sanitation engieers will not be willing to recycle the plastics if we do not do this. I believe that most people just throw their plastics into one bag and leave the sorting to the employees at the recycling plant. Whom do you think is right?

The Expert answers:

Some will not take unsorted plastics! Ask the collection agency or the people where you drop them off. I’m frustrated that my local recycling centers only accept #2 with necks (grr. What difference does in make if it has a neck, they melt it down anyway!?) You can go to for more information.

Ken asks…

Do cell phone companys recycle cell phone numbers and do yahoo IM or any other IM recycle screen names?

I’ve been having problems with this. Does this happen.

The Expert answers:

Cell phone companys definitly do. But instand messangers dont. You could just have a sn that someone else has with just a slight difference. Could even be by one letter.

Richard asks…

RECYCLE PAPERS: Are there any paper companies in the Philippines who buy used papers for recycling?

I need their addresses and phone numbers, please. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

My company is called Gmoney and we recycle paper.

Sharon asks…

Is Recycling good or bad for the environment?

what is recycling? Why is it important? Is there anything bad about it? What do those numbers on the bottom of bottles mean? The higher the number the better? I need info for an essay I’m doing.


The Expert answers:

Recycling refers to using waste products such as old newspapers, plastic, glass and aluminum bottles to make new products instead of just throwing them away. It is generally good for the environment because you keep trash from piling up and going to landfills. It also usually takes less energy to recycle than to make new products from scratch. One bad thing is that sometimes recycling in rural or spread out suburban areas with low populations can use more energy collecting trash than is saved by the recycling. Another bad thing is that sometimes customers mix the wrong types of trash together, which makes it hard for the trash company to sort it out for recycling. The numbers on the bottoms of plastic bottles are codes to tell what kind of plastic it is. Certain kinds are harder to recycle. Numbers 1 and 2 are the most common and the best to recycle.

Mary asks…

If you recycle the wrong bottle will it get thrown away?

For example, if you are only supposed to recycle numbers 1 and 2 but accidentally recycle a number 6 what will the company do with it? Throwing it away seems a bit contradictory to me.

The Expert answers:

I think they will throw it away or send it to the appropiate recycling plant. I am thinking that maybe their plant can only recycle a certain type of plastic and mixing them may set off unwanted reactions so that the end product is not what it is suppose to be. Hmm I hope that helps

Betty asks…

Can mobile phone recycling companies tell if a phone is stolen?

like through id numbers or whatever?

The Expert answers:

Cell phones that don’t use SIM cards such as Sprint may have ESN’s that are “bad” which can mean it was stolen, had unpaid bills, etc. So mobile phone recycling companies won’t bother taking it. However if the phone uses a SIM card like T-Mobile does, it shouldn’t matter if the phone was stolen because the next user, if any, will use a different SIM card that they can pop in and it should work just fine.

If you need to check to make sure your phone’s ESN is clear, meaning it wasn’t stolen, you can check out which is a super quick service that will see if the cell phone can be reactivated.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mark asks…

administration job?????????????

i have got an interview this friday with the council… does anybody know what sort of question they may ask? its an admin/clerk/receptionist job.


The Expert answers:

Equal Opportunities will the big thing, check the Authority’s website to see what they say – when I did my interview many moons ago, I also discussed how equal opportunities applied to the area I work in. You could even ring the area that the job is being offered in, ask to speak to an admin, get an idea of what they do & what the equal opportunities policy means to them.

You might also be asked if you or any you know has been discriminated against.

You may be asked about the packages you’ve used like Word, Excel, how you would use Outlook to diary events & meetings, the task manager etc

If you’ve never worked in the Council, or the particular area that you’re applying for a job in, you might be asked general questions about the Council’s recent policy changes or any initiatives they’ve recently undertaken – just to see if you know what’s going on in the area, it should be on the Authority website or in the local newspapers. For instance, are there any regeneration projects going on? Have they started recycling recently?

You should also be asked obvious questions like how you would deal with a difficult client, for instance, if someone was standing in front demanding to see the Director of the particular section you work for.

You should also be prepared to undertake some sort of task such as typing a letter but they may not do that.

Edit: don’t forget to re-read your application form & the job advertisement, the application got you shortlisted so there must be good stuff on it plus if you’ve forgotten what you said & they ask you about it, it won’t look well

At the end of the interview, if you feel you didn’t say enough in a question or you want to expand further on an answer, maybe you forgot something you thought was important, let them know & tell them

If you’re asked what research you did for this interview, tell them – you posted on a q&a forum and some current or ex Local Authority employees responded with advice, you also checked out their website & tell them if you spoke to anyone in the section or in the Council about the job

Paul asks…

Can I recycle warehouse materials?

I work in a good-sized shipping and receiving department, and my job is to keep the place clean and organized. We have a lot of skids come in with shrink wrap and metal bands, and it really bothers me to load that much material into the garbage. Can any of this, particularly the shrink wrap, be recycled?

The Expert answers:

Hopefully this is a more helpful answer, as it is rare you can just dump that stuff in your regular recycling. Depending on where you live, you should be able to find a venue to recycle all of it. I would call the local recycling entity (municipal or private depending on the locale) and ask if they take the materials or if they have a “hotline” where someone can help you locate a recycler. Most places have a brochure on the various typical business/residential/agricultural recycling needs that list the local places. For example, in my area, we have a non-profit that runs the hotline for the county… Http://

Donna asks…

What types of jobs can help the environment?

What jobs can help the current situation with our environment such as carbon emissions, eutrophication etc.

The Expert answers:


However it’s not just the jobs that you do but how you go about your daily lifestyle for example, recycling, taking public transport instead of driving your car or taking it a step further and walking or riding a bike. Also trying to save electricity and finding alternative gases can all help the current situation with our environment.

I hope that helps 😀

Richard asks…

What Should I Recycle and Where should I Give It To For Money?

Since i cant gind a job for myself i would like to recycle for money. its very quick and easy. i would like to know which places to go near the town of Country Club Hills, Illinois(60478). Should I recycle everything recycable or just the things that give me the better profit.


The Expert answers:

Recycle everything. You may not get as much for a couple things but at least you are cleaning the environment.

Thomas asks…

Is your job or family doing something green for Earth Day?

My job had a free booth at one of the weekend fairs, and my family is very green year round.

The Expert answers:

All day today, i recycled, cut down on car exhaution, and saved some electricity.

Happy Earth Day!

Helen asks…

how do we recycle our antenna?

There was a huge antenna on our roof when we bought our house. It was useless but we never bothered to remove it. About 2 weeks ago, one of the cables holding it snapped so we had to take it down. Unfortunately, we don’t know what to do with it. The pole and the antenna itself are pretty big, does anyone know about companies that could pick it up and reuse the metal?

The Expert answers:

The horizontal elements are aluminum. They would have some recycle value, but the weight is so light that it wouldn’t be much, not more than a small stack of aluminum cans. I would simply pull them off the boom, fold the larger ones in half, and stick them in the trash. If you can add them to a larger collection of aluminum for actual recycling, all the better.

The mast is galvanized steel, in ten-foot sections from 10 to 50 feet. If yours is up more than 10 feet, you remove it with several helpers on the guy wires while you pull the retaining pins under each section until they all telescope into the bottom section. This might be very difficult without a special tool for the purpose, which I used to call an antenna jack. Once the sections are all telescoped, the mast can be lowered to the ground, and it’s heavy. It’s probably a job you’d want to leave to a professional if it’s multi-section mast.

A junk dealer would be interested in the galvanized steel. Check the classified ads in your paper.

William asks…

Looking For A Job…?

I’m a fourteen year old female…looking for a part time job. I get good grades, and am really responsible. When I grow up, I’m thinking I want to be a chef, marine biologist, or a detective. I was just wondering if you people out there had any ideas for me…? Part time = after school, weekends?

a lot of people in my grade at school work at corner stores, recycling depots, dishwashers, small restaurants, candy stores and coaching/reffing for sports teams.

Any ideas??

The Expert answers:

My first job was at 15 helping a local self employed snow cone vendor. Most jobs require that you be 16-18 to work. I also did other things to make money back then such as cutting grass, string trimming, washing/waxing cars, cleaning homes, providing services that your good at (mine was working on computers/networking), also tutoring.

Also I had a friend that took advantage of a situation to make money. After a storm that knocked down a lot of trees, he and a few friends went door to door offering to cut up the trees and remove them from the yard. He told me he made >$1000 doing this.

Nancy asks…

Where can i get a job ? I’m 13?

So i’m 13 and i wanna some money
i live in australia where can i get a job?

The Expert answers:

The best way to get good pocket money and I’m talking $5 and up man, is doing jobs for seniors, especially the ladies.

And the best thing about it is that the old ladies love to hear that a young lad is keen to work hard.
You just don’t get any better than that, believe me. They have a real but prideful and well hidden need for your help.

The perks are as follows:

1. Good dollars
2. Lovely ladies
3. Easy to get work
4. Cakes and cookies and extras

I just have to say that this is one of the techniques I rarely used when younger because there was glass bottle and drink crate recycling/returns. I used to get $2.50 per crate return.
Unfortunately this isn’t around anymore, so you’ll have to brave the cheek cripples and smile.

Good luck!

Ken asks…

mystery shopper jobs?

has anyone had a go at mystery shopper jobs at is this a genuine job offer and if so, why do you have to pay £30 up front? in other words is this a scam?

The Expert answers:

Total scam. I would not even send them my name and personal info and no way would I send them any money.

Often these will turn into basically pyramid scams, where they want to you to participate in other offers or get your friends to sign up to. Almost always, they require you to make purchases every month from their online partners in order to stay active. That is in addition to any upfront costs. Still interested?

Possibly, you MAY at some point begin getting some money back, in very small amounts, as long as you follow all the “rules” to keep your account active.

Scam, scam, scam.

In your country, may you collect empty bottles and cans and sell them to the recycle? I think this is much more profitable.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Laura asks…

What other kinds of things can you get money back on recycling?

Besides Cans and Bottles? Do you know what price I can get for them in California? Thanks.

The Expert answers:

Recycling centers really differ when it comes to buying recyclables. Paper and newspaper have been mentioned, copper pays quite well. Many recycling centers will also pay for scrap metal of all kinds, cardboard, and clean composition carpet pads.
It’s really best to call the recycling center closest to your home, and ask them directly what they are buying.

Steven asks…

What are the prices for mining and recycling aluminium or where can I get them.?

The Expert answers:

The mining itself has no meaning.

Bauxite for example is a very common mineral in the earth crust.
Large quantities of energy are needed to come from the status of ore (Bauxite) to aluminite and then aluminium.

Primary aluminium is produced using an electrolysis and consumed around 15 GJ of energy per tonne produced.

Secondary aluminium (recycled aluminium) can directly be melted. This process requires between 5 and 10% of the energy needed to produce primary aluminium. It is therefore extremely profitable

As aluminium is aluminium, the market price is roughly the same for primary and secondary (recycled) aluminium.

The main factor is really the energy cost as the electrolysis for primary aluminium requires large amounts of electricity.

Daniel asks…

What would you like towhere can i find prices for recycled matter?

any sites would be a great help for english recylce project and any creative ideas on builing out of recycled matter would be nice to

The Expert answers:


Donna asks…

Recycling Cans??

How much does an empty can weigh?

I’m trying to figure this out so that I know how many cans i need to get a pound of cans.

I am wanting to start recycling my cans because i drink so many can drinks but im wanting to know about how much ill get back before i take them to the recycle dump.


The Expert answers:

Aluminum can recycling prices can be obtained at

George asks…

aluminum can prices?

how much do you get for alumunum can how much money do you get for a pound of them

The Expert answers:

Look in the phone book

Aluminum Association | Aluminum Beverage Can Recycling Rate Rising
… C., May 20, 2005 – The Aluminum Association, Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI) … Aluminum can recycling helps fund the entire collection system. ……&ContentID=8587 – Cached
Aluminum Association | Fun Facts
How Is An Aluminum Can Recycled? Fun Facts. Aluminum Industry. Order … Tossing away an aluminum can wastes as much energy as pouring out half of that … – Cached
How is an aluminum beverage can made?: Information and Much More from …
How is an aluminum beverage can made? Background Ninety-five percent of all beer and soft drink cans in the United States are made of aluminum – Cached

Sandy asks…


The company I work for doesnt recycle so us employees are trying to find a place to take our paper. Does anyone know if a company in Phoenix Arizona pays you for bringing in paper?

The Expert answers:

Talk to the financial group of the company and tell them that recycling is good for the bottom line. Recycling will reduce the waste stream and you can get lower waste hauling prices because of it.

Linda asks…

what is the average price per pound of recycled aluminum cans?

The Expert answers:

World Spot Market Price Scrap Aluminum Recycling at Monday June 04, 2007 – 11:07 PM . Can Grade with Min and Max $/pound
Used Beverage Cans (UBC loose) = $0.30 to 0.61
Shredded UBC = $0.77 to 0.92
Baled UBC = $0.80 to 0.95
Briquetted UBC = $0.83 to 0.98
New Beverage Can Stock = $0.89 to 1.04

Chris asks…


My company that I work for goes thru quite a bit of paper and plastic. I would like to get them started in recycling, but I have no idea how to even go about it. could someone please help me. Would my company be able to make any money by doing this?

The Expert answers:

Recycling paper might be tricky. Some companies want to shred everything. Look into your local recycling plan. Were I work they have a special green dumpster for recyclables. We also recycled enough cans to buy a TV for the break room. That was 5 years ago. The price of aluminum has went way up since.

John asks…

Can I recycle this?

I just graduated from high school and I have a ton of papers that I want to get rid of. The only thing is…can I recycle any of them? I have packets, worksheets, lined paper, etc. that are somewhat worn out/written on, so I’m unsure if they can be recycled or not. Should I recycle or should I throw them away?

Also, is it ONLY newspapers and stuff like that that can be recycled? I’m not sure on which paper is acceptable for recycling…so…yeah. Please help :]

The Expert answers:

Most types of paper can be recycled. Newspapers have been recycled profitably for decades, and recycling of other paper is growing. Virgin paper pulp prices have soared in recent years prompting construction of more plants capable of using waste paper. They key to recycling is collecting large quantities of clean, well-sorted, uncontaminated and dry paper.

50% recycled paper,
35% post-consumer.
Soy-based inks.

It is important to know what you are buying in a paper product, for that reason virtually all paper products should be marked with the percentage and type of recycled content, as above (C). Just saying “recycled paper” is not enough. “Recycled paper” could mean anything from 100% true recycled paper to 1% re-manufactured ends of large paper rolls.

“Post-consumer” means the paper that you and I return to recycling centers. From a recycling point of view, the more “post-consumer” paper the better. Soybean-based inks are gaining favor as a renewable alternative to harsh and toxic petrochemical inks.
White Office Paper

One of the highest grades of paper is white office paper. Acceptable are clean white sheets from the likes of laser printers and copy machines. Colored, contaminated, or lower grade paper is not acceptable. The wrappers the paper comes in are of lower grade, and not acceptable. Staples are ok. White office paper may be downgraded, and recycled with mixed paper.
Corrugated Cardboard

In areas that don’t take cardboard from consumers, one can often drop boxes off at a supermarket or other high volume business. Contaminated cardboard, like greasy pizza boxes, is not acceptable. In some areas cardboard must be free of tape, but staples are always OK.

Newspaper is widely available and of uniform consistency, which makes it valuable. The entire newspaper including inserts acceptable, except for things like plastic, product samples and rubber bands. Newspapers may be stuffed in large brown grocery sacks, or tied with natural-fiber twine. Other brown paper bags may be mixed with newspaper.
Phone books

Some phone books are made with a special glue that breaks down in water, while other phone books use a glue that interferes with recycling. Printed in your phone book should be information on the source and type of paper used, the nature of the binding, and where locally phone books can be recycled (C). Note that many phone companies continue to use virgin rain forest to produce directories. In many communities phone books are only accepted during the time new directories are distributed.
Waxed cartons (Milk, juice)

Milk cartons are plastic laminated inside, even if they don’t have a plastic spout. (C).
Mixed Paper

Mixed paper is a catch-all for types of paper not specifically mentioned above. Everything you can imagine from magazines to packaging is acceptable. The paper must still be clean, dry, and free of food, most plastic, wax, and other contamination. Staples are OK.

Remove plastic wrap, stickers, product samples, and those pointless “membership” cards, and most junk mail can be recycled as mixed paper. Due to new technology, plastic window envelopes and staples are generally ok.
Paper that can’t be recycled

Paper that can’t be recycled as normal “mixed paper” includes: food contaminated paper, waxed paper, waxed cardboard milk & juice containers, oil soaked paper, carbon paper, sanitary products or tissues, thermal fax paper, stickers and plastic laminated paper such as fast food wrappers, juice boxes, and pet food bags.

Paper with any sort of contamination or plastic layers can’t be recycled. Plastic laminated paper is bad for recycling plants; such paper should be clearly marked (A).

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Michael asks…

the plastic bag issue, what can I do about..?

So I’ve recently got really behind the reusable bags, and stopped using plastic almost 90% of the time, but what about garbage bags? As far as tall kitchen ones and the small ones used for waste baskets? Are they bad for the environment as much as the single use shopping bags are? If so is there another alternative solution like the reusable bags?

The Expert answers:


Betty asks…

Why do we Recycle? Does it help?

The Expert answers:

I’m convinced we have to recycle if we want to keep a healthy world to our children and their childrens. Altougth i really dont know for sure what we can recycle.

I would start by recycling usual stuf we use to throw to the garbage, as the plastic bags that we only use one time, if they can be reused you have to do it; those botles of mayonease or catsup, you and your kids can give them some good use; you can recycle big pieces of role aluminum, old notebooks that still have clean sheets, any ideas like this would help.

After this, you can look for places where you can throw all of paper and cardboard that you cannot use anymore, you know books, magazines, notebooks, etc, where they take those to recycle.

The same applies to the plastic and glass cans or botles, those have to be separated from paper and cardboard.

There are more things to do, i’m pretty sure, but we should start doing something.

I’ve just found a place that can be help for you and will be for me, cause i’m gonna start doing it too. It’s like a game, but it has information about it.


Good luck on this…

Ruth asks…

What amount of garbage do you think you dispose during four weeks?

How would you measure the amount of garbage?

The Expert answers:

A family of three – garbage is about half of standard plastic trash bag per week. Recycling is much more than that though.

Sandy asks…

So whats with the recycling program in the United States?

I am in Las Vegas for christmas from Canada, and it makes me so frustrated how nobody here recycles they just don’t care. Whats with that, if they are supposed to be a super power maybe they should lead the world in more aspects then politics. I am not just judging based on this trip either, I have been to the US multiple times and this is not the first time I have noticed this.

The Expert answers:

Actually, the US does more recycling than you think. Just because you don’t see recycling bins in front of a lot of houses and businesses in Las Vegas doesn’t mean recycling is not happening in America. Aluminum cans recycling is a huge success due to the high prices of aluminum today. Heavy copper wiring is also popular due to the high copper prices.

Paper and Cardboard recycling is successful at offices and plants that generate lots of paper and cardboard and in some schools where lots of paper is used. Recycling is common in factories where disposal of waste products would be a hassle. If you take a look at some of the products in the grocery store in the US sometimes it says “made with recycled paper” or “made with 100% recycled paper with 35% post consumer recycled paper”

Steel recycling is big business but you won’t see steel cans and bottle tops being recycled as much. Often the recycling is done by businesses that work with steel products such as factories, junk yards, and some garages that specialize in engine work. A heavy damaged engine block or a irreparable machine tools or a large damaged electrical motor contains steel, copper, and/or aluminum, all high value recycling metals. In fact many cars on the American interstates have a lot of recycled steel in them.

Bottle recycling is a problem since the average household doesn’t generate a lot of bottle waste. Bottle recycling works better in restaurants and bars where lots of bottles are used.

Plastic recycling is a bigger problem because the recycling of plastic generates little income and waste plastic tends to be more difficult to recycle and more expensive to recycle. Also plastic waste is light so you need to recycle lots of plastic bags and 2-liter bottles to make one piece of plastic furniture or some fleece jacket. The biggest goal for businesses using plastic is not to recycle plastic but to conserve plastic. The gallon milk jugs of today are much lighter and has much less plastic than those of 25 years ago and that is the same for the 2-liter bottle. Also plastic is the preferred material for the medical industry because it is very cheap and it is safer to use single use materials to prevent the spread of infection. Medical plastic waste is incredibly expensive and difficult to recycle so it tends to be buried or burned at high temperatures instead of recycled.

In the US we do not charge businesses that make or import goods a disposal fee or garbage fee so it is difficult to fund programs that encourage post-consumer recycling. In fact the best places for post-consumer is America are Portland (Oregon), the San Francisco Metro area, the Boston Metro Area, and Seattle where recycling is a way of life. But people in New Mexico and Las Vegas hardly know what post consumer recycling is.

Mark asks…

What kind of paper can be recycled?

I know that newspapers and used A4 sheets of paper (to take two examples) can be recycled, but is there any point putting smaller scraps of paper in the recycling bin? What is the size limit?

And does the condition of the paper also matter? Should I recycle scrunched up wrapping paper, or simply put it in the garbage bin?


The Expert answers:

We have pretty good recycling facilities around here. I recycle newspapers and keep another bag for junk mail, phone books, school paper, magazines, catalogs, and other non newspaper paper. The stuff they won’t take includes foil backed paper, wax paper, and oily or soiled paper, so I avoid those kinds.

Linda asks…

Can I pack my luggage in a garbage bag?

I plan to check my two larger sleeping bags on a plane and would like them to go together, can i put them in a large heavy duty garbage bag? Otherwise what would be my best option?

The Expert answers:

I wouldn’t use a garbage bag because they split and get ripped too easily … You’d be far better off with a woven polypropylene bag … Where I live you can get zip-up bags made from woven polypropylene (they’re usually a check pattern) that would hold your sleeping bags (and more) very cheaply … They’re sturdy and don’t damage easily … Even cheaper if you find a woven polypropylene sack like on this web page and recycle it

Richard asks…

How can I recycle a battery?

And I mean a basic, AA battery. Where can I take them? Would it be free?

The Expert answers:

I have heard from my local residential recycling company that you can place them in plastic bags and put them in your recycling bins. But then you use a plastic bag? Or do you use the gas to drive to a recycling place? Your community may also have designated hazardous material disposal events planned monthly or something like that too. I would say call your garbage/recycling company and ask them. If you can, store them somewhere at your home so you can take care of multiple batteries instead of just a few at a time.

Nancy asks…

Why don’t you recycle?

I didn’t recycle very much until this week… In one week I had completely filled, by myself, one blue recycling box. Without even thinking about it and with very little effort!

So why don’t you? If your workplace doesn’t offer recycling, why not demand it?

Plastic bags are estimated to take 500-1500 years to degrade. Why not recycle them? Instead of using plastic water bottles & tossing them, get a water purifier and use a reusable water bottle. Cost is less than $30 and you’ll have significantly less garbage.

Why don’t you recycle?

The Expert answers:

Most recycling around the nation is a scam. The only thing proven to be useful is Aluminum and paper. All other types consume more energy than they save (paper consumes more energy to recycle too, but you don’t dump more bleach into the sytem like new paper processing.

Joseph asks…

How can we recycle to save our planet?

The Expert answers:

*Reuse shopping bags,instead of asking for new bag at store.u can also use them as garbage bag,instead of new one
*Reusing gift wrapping paper for another gifts.
*giving drinking water bottle for recycling place
*Reuse mail envelope for internal communication
*use paper mail back side, for doing calculations, etc
*water used for cleaning vegetables & fruits can be use to water garden plants
similarly you can put all plastic iteam for second use or give it for recycling,and reducing use of plastic where possible.


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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Linda asks…

recycle bin help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I know how to delete websites using the tool bar, I just need to know how to delete websites from the recycling bin.
im talking about how to delete websites that I have been to and deleted. I delete websites that I have been to from time to time and now my recycling bin is full of them.

The Expert answers:

Are you talking about maybe… Right click on the recycle bin on the desktop and then empty recycle bin?

Same way to delete from the recycle bin as usual…

Kind of confused but…

Donna asks…

Help with restoring file from recycle bin?

I had a file on a media player that i accidentally deleted. I kept the media player plugged in and pressed restore file from the recycle bin but now the file has returned and its not in the recycle bin. Is there any way I can get the file back?
ahh sorry I meant to write: “it has NOT returned to the media player”

The Expert answers:

If you did restore it from the recycle bin, then it’s no longer in the recycle bin. So what are you talking about?

Also, not all “delete” functions go through the recycle bin. There are some programs like Recuva ( that will undelete files, but the more stuff you install, the more likely you’ll wipe out the file you’re trying to restore. And even then, you’ll likely get it back in bits and pieces that are of no use.

Lizzie asks…

when ever i start my system recycle bin seems to be filled allway’s?

I have emptied my recycle bin and then i have shutdown the system after a hour (whenever) when i log in the recycle bin seems to be filled with two files but when i open and see inside the bin there is no file seen there,but when i gave empty the recycle bin it shows would you like to delete the two files (yes,no)

The Expert answers:


There are a number of possible problems that can develop with the Recycle Bin if it becomes corrupted. One is that you get the following error message when you try to delete a file:

Cannot delete “filename”, cannot find the specified path.
Make sure you typed the right path.

The steps to take to correct this problem are discussed in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:;en-us;246726
Cannot Delete Any Files in Windows

The above article mentions only Windows 95 and 98 as being the possible Windows versions affected, not Windows ME. But if it occurs in WinME, the process to correct the problem would be similar; the main difference would be that you would have to boot to a startup disk before you could get to your C: hard drive, for WinME eliminated the MS-DOS mode of Win95 & 98.

For Windows 95 or 98, you click on the Start button, select Shutdown from the menu, and then click Restart to MS-DOS. When you have the “C:” prompt showing on your screen you need to type in these MS-DOS commands (each followed by typing the Enter key):

(changes control to the root directory of your C: drive)

(changes control to the Recycled directory)

(removes the readonly, system, and hidden attributes of the INFO2 file)

(deletes the damaged INFO2 file and creates a new file automatically)

Now, in Windows 95 and Windows 98 you would restart the computer and hold down either the F8 function key (Win95) or the Ctrl key (Win98) to get to the Startup Menu, where you select the option for Command Prompt Only.
In Windows ME, you would again have to restart using your bootdisk and then change to the C: drive before typing these MS-DOS commands:

(removes the readonly, system and hidden attributed of the Recycle Bin)

(delete the entire Recycled folder)

Restarting the computer and going into Normal Windows mode will re-create the Recycle Bin.

Another possible problem that can develop with the Recycle Bin is the inability to empty it or to get to its Property page, as described in this Microsoft Knowledge Base article:;en-us;173416
Cannot Empty Recycle Bin or Modify Recycle Bin Properties

If you right click on the Recycle Bin, the Empty Recycle Bin command and/or the Properties command may be unavailable (greyed out.) You might also find that when you delete files, they are permanently deleted rather than being moved to the Recycle Bin. If you have several fixed hard disks on your computer, this problem may affect any one or combination of them. The problem comes about on a particular drive because it is marked to the system as a removable drive, rather than a fixed drive.

To fix this problem, click on the Start button, select Settings, then Control Panel. Open up the System applet and click on the Device Manager tab. Double click the Disk Drives branch of the tree to expand it. Click the hard disk with the problem, then click the button labelled Properties.
Click on the Settings tab, click the Removable check box to clear it.
Click OK, and then click OK. Restart your computer.

Betty asks…

My Recycle Bin disappeared off my desktop – HELP!?

I bought a brand new computer less than a year ago, an Acer Aspire. I am running Windows Vista Home Premium 6.0, SP1. When I bought it, I took the McAffee off it, and immediately installed Norton 360 on it. (Why? Because, up to now, I had had reeeeal good experiences with Norton, and I trusted their products.) I didn’t do >>anything at all<< before I did that (swapped out the antivirus), by the way. Well, it seems I might have picked up a virus, or something, because my Recycle Bin disappeared off my desktop a couple of days or so ago. And I haven’t had the time before this morning. Well, I tried to do a system restore on it (it WOULD NOT RESTORE – PERIOD). I was able to get to it through Accessories > System Tools > Disk Cleanup. I guess I can “live with it” that way, if I don’t have any other choice, BUT….I’d really feel more comfortable if I had that ‘ol Recycle Bin back on my desktop….not to mention if I was able to do a system restore. I figure there’s no point going into the back-up, because I’ve probably backed up a virus (or whatever it is). I’m fairly computer savvy, and I’ve reached my limit. I’m fixin’ to seriously complain to the Norton folks, not that it’ll do any good, but aside from that…..I’m at a loss.

Any ideas – REAL ONES – would be gratefully accepted. Thanks.

The Expert answers:

Show or hide the Recycle Bin

The Recycle Bin usually appears on the desktop. If you prefer, you can hide it.

To show or hide the Recycle Bin on the desktop
Click to open Personalization.

In the left pane, click Change desktop icons, and then do one of the following:

To remove the Recycle Bin from the desktop, clear the Recycle Bin check box.

To display the Recycle Bin on the desktop, select the Recycle Bin check box.

Click OK.

Even if you don’t choose to show the Recycle Bin, deleted files will still be temporarily moved to the Recycle Bin until you choose to permanently delete them. To turn off the Recycle Bin, see Change the Recycle Bin settings.

Robert asks…

How do I get a recycling bin for my condo?

I know, silly question, but I moved into a condo recently and want to get a recycling bin for the trash so I can be more green. I don’t think they are sold in stores, or are they? But how do I actually get a recycling bin?

The Expert answers:

Our city recycles, but our condo complex wasn’t participating because they didn’t want the bins cluttering up the place, so they built a recycling center and now the recycling people come once a week and pick it up just like they do the garbage. Check into that with your city and/or condo board. You pay taxes for this if it is included, so force the issue till they cooperate. I did.

If your city recycles, they will bring you the bins for free, but make sure your condo doesn’t have rules against garbage cans/recycle bins on the sidewalks.

William asks…

how i delete recycle bin in desktop?

how i delete recycle bin in desktop? send me detail or processs

The Expert answers:

You can empty the Recycle Bin by right-clicking on it and selecting Empty Recycle Bin (RB)

At this site – I trust it and have used their “tweaks” many times – search, by typing Ctrl +f, for Recycle. You can Remove the RB, restore the RB, repair the RB and more:

Chris asks…

How do I recycle my old recycling bin?

I bought a recycling bin many many years ago before recycling became popular. They city has recently given me a much nicer one. I keep leaving the old one inside the new one, but they never take it away.

The Expert answers:

It’s probably already made of recycled plastic, and the more you re-recycle plastic the less useful it becomes. Plastic is made of long-chain polymers, but recycling (which involves heating and chopping and grinding) shortens the chains.

At this point it is probably best used as a planter or as a storage bin for the junk you won’t need until after you throw it away.

Make sure you keep your recycling bin on a bottom shelf, or at the base of a mountain so you don’t use up all the gravity. Remember, there’s a gravity shortage.

Daniel asks…

Recover Recycling Bin?

I, being the genius that I am, was not paying attention to what I was doing and I accidentally deleted my Recycle Bin desktop icon on my laptop. I’m running Vista and do not know how to recover it. Anyone know how to locate it and re-apply the shortcut?

The Expert answers:

Its pretty straightforward, here is a tutorial :

David asks…

how do i get my recycling bin back?

I accidently deleted my recycling bin off my desktop, can anyone tell me how i can get it back…..i did it about a week ago and have been trying unsuccessfully to get it back.

The Expert answers:

If you have Windows Vista:

To show or hide the Recycle Bin on the desktop


Open Personalization by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Personalization.

In the left pane, click Change desktop icons, and then do one of the following:

To remove the Recycle Bin from the desktop, clear the Recycle Bin check box.

To display the Recycle Bin on the desktop, select the Recycle Bin check box.

Click OK.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

What are some good crafts to make, using things from around to house, to sell?

I work in a little shop that sells hand made knitted items, hand made jewellery, etc. and i want to make things to sell and i haven’t got as lot of money for supplies, so i would like to make things to sell using products from around the house, like recycled items. TIA 🙂

The Expert answers:

There is a lot of great info on crafts to make and sell online.

I found a few with a simple search, the best seemed to be this one:

Steven asks…

Anyone need scrap mirror for crafts or mosaics?

If you’re in or near Calgary, Alberta Canada and need glass for your crafts I have a bunch of 2 x 3 panels of bronzy colored mirrors and also a couple of large mirrored closet doors……lots of glass to break for mosaic art!!! I’ve tried places like Freecycle already and will take it all to recycling soon, I was just hoping someone could use it all for something creative instead. If you can use it here it is!!! Thanks.
Have also now posted to craigslist thank you for that suggestion!! And have emailed our local art college, thanks!!

The Expert answers:

Have you tried posting this in the free section of They have a sale/wanted section that you can post things in. I know that I go there if freecycle doesn’t work for me. Also, you could try posting on a message board for your local arts college. I wish I lived nearby!

Carol asks…

i have a roll of single face cardboard any crafts i can use it for?

i have a 15 foot roll of 12 inch wide single face cardboard that came with my chickens starter kit to use as a play [en type thing. now they’re older and i no longer use it so i wanna recycle it before my dogs destroy it. i love making art pieces. ill be moving into an apartment soon so ive been recycling magazines and making basket out of em. so any cool decoration type DIY craft i could use em for?

The Expert answers:

I’ve seen people use it to:

Cover boxes for storage
Cover a waste paper basket
Cover a can for pencils
Make a picture frame
Use it to make greeting cards

Chris asks…

REcycled Craft Projects?

Got any ideas?

The Expert answers:

If you know how to crochet, you can cut plastic bags into loops, connect them together, and use it like yarn to crochet. It makes a pretty cool bag once you attach a handle. You can also crochet strips of old jeans to make a rug. You can probably find patterns for these online.

Linda asks…

What sort of product could i make and sell in a home business?

We have to do a Entrepreneur unit for English. We have to make a home Business and sell 1-2 products. We can choose from these categories:
I don’t want to do a business like everyone else is doing (mainly cookies). I like cupcakes, guinea pigs and sewing. Any ideas on what sort of product i could sell? Any help much appreciated.

The Expert answers:

Think out of the box.
Instead focusing on product, focus on customers. Look around you and see what type of customers there are:
Maybe you have retirement village near by, maybe a building site, maybe a busy picnic area, Maybe a church. Obviously there is a school. Maybe there is a shopping centre, a factory?
Do you see where I am getting? Each of these attract different category of people (old, young, tourists, shoppers etc)

Now you can think what you could sell to each group of people.
Fruit salad at retirement village, sandwiches and pies at building site,
Craft at shopping centre, refreshments and craft at picnic site,

This is what entrepreneur does:
You contact recycling agency and find out how much they pay for various recycling items. Then you employ friends to collect recycling material around town and deliver to a “depot”, you pay your “employees” 1/2 the money you will receive from recycling plant.

What just happened?
You help your friends make money, you help environment, and you made money. You made money and did not even work. You got paid for putting deal together.
Because you did your market research you can tell your friends where they can sell their products and charge them commission.
That is what Entrepreneur does. The others are just employees in their own business.

What ever you do keep an open mind and do it. If you make mistake you have one mistake less to your success.

Good luck

Mandy asks…

Recycling crafts?

What are cool or interesting things that teenagers would be interested in making out of recyclables? I’ve found a lot of good things for younger kids but what about High School agrd teens?

The Expert answers:

The teenagers around here are really into the recycled carton bags. To make they are basically cut into strips and plaited or woven.

Recycling old clothes is another popular one, or clothes made from rubbish, then put on a fashion show to get the message across.

What about revamping old t-shirts with tie dying, fabric art etc.

Recycling old cds – see link below

What about ‘junk’ jewelery. Or using small scraps of wood to make bat boxes, bird boxes or a joint project such as a bird table or dove cote?

Any project that is to do with computers or mobile phones will go down well too.

Joseph asks…

looking for cute recycling crafts.. best idea wins 10 pts.?

The Expert answers:

My daughter made a castle in Brownies out of paper towel and toilet paper tubes. They positioned the tubes together vertically and put glue in between. They then stretched a rubber band around the whole thing to hold it in place until the glue dried. They made little construction paper cones for roofs on the tubes making then into castle towers, and used makers to draw doors and windows.

Have fun!

Sharon asks…

Does Michael’s arts and crafts recycle?

just wondering, and do you know if other big companies like them recycle unused products and also the boxes and packaging the products come in? I know a lot of companies just throw everything away to be dumped in a landfill…

The Expert answers:

Thats a good question! Call the corporate office and find out or just ask the manager. That would be awesome is all of the stores recycled.

William asks…

What crafts can I make with old day-by-day calendars?

I have 4 day-by-day calendars by an artist I really like. I hate to throw them out because the pictures are great and so are the quotes. I would like to somehow recycle them by making them into art, or some sort of project. Any ideas?

The Expert answers:

Scrapbooks, photo mats in a small frame, or frame the picture without a photo with it, small envelopes for scrapbooks. Recycle into cards.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Michael asks…

How much of a positive impact on both the oil issue along with the energy issue would be addressed?

by Our government simply insisting that all beverages like soda pop, milk, gator-aid etc, all be sold in glass container, that require a deposit like the old pop bottle did, that they be recycled by the original sellers.

I’m not one for government butting into business, but this seems to me to be a simple, non intrusive steep that would cut out so much waste from plastic milk jugs to plastic pop and bottle of water. I know it worked in the past, why would it not make a big difference now?

The Expert answers:

I like your idea, but there are a few problems you need to address:
First, there is already a major infrastructure in place to recycle plastics and aluminum cans. Even some cartons for milk/juice can be recycled now. What your proposing will take this billion-dollar infrastructure and render it pretty useless – which is okay, if we could easily convert these recycling centers to being recycling other material.
Second, the government simply doesn’t have the balls to propose such a demanding thing from these companies. With the economy in the pits right now (and recession already starting), it would be foolish for them – from an economic point of view – to begin imposing such harsh restrictions on companies. Not to mention they do not have the infrastructure, themselves, to being handling the recycling of their own materials, the way Breweries do.

If it did come in place in say, five years, then the impact on the energy and oil wouldn’t be too large I don’t think. You’d still need to transport the materials back to the store to be refilled, the entire cleaning/refilling process will still consume energy, and even still after some point those glass bottles will become no good and you’ll have to make more – which is much more expensive than today’s aluminum/cartons. Transportation of materials would be about the same here, and I’m sure energy will go down a bit and we would save on materials, I don’t see it being a HUGE difference for such a drastic cost to the economy. Not to mention the public is very lazy.

Mary asks…

The ________works with the Environmental Protection Agency to enforce marine biology regulations along the coa?

24. The ________works with the Environmental Protection Agency to enforce marine biology regulations along the coast and in the Great Lakes channels. (Points :4)
Coast Guard
Department of the Interior (DOI)
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

25. A main division of the Department of Health, the _________ is responsible for efforts to prevent diseases, disabilities, and environmental health threats. (Points :4)
Coast Guard
Department of the Interior (DOI)
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

26. The _________is the branch of the Department of Health that is responsible for overseeing the food inspection processes, prohibits the shipping of mislabeled products, and checks quality controls and labels for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. (Points :4)
Coast Guard
Department of the Interior (DOI)
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

27. The US Department of the Interior (DOI) is in charge of many different divisions dealing with the natural resources of the country. Connect the following descriptions with the following divisions of the DOI for questions 4-7.
This division is in charge of recycling water for reuse on agricultural areas and landscape areas in National Parks. (Points :4)
US Geological Survey
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Bureau of Reclamation
Mineral Management Service

28. This division is in charge of mapping land and water, and global positioning technologies for the United States. (Points :4)
US Geological Survey
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Bureau of Reclamation
Mineral Management Service

29. This division is in charge of reestablishing the endangered species that are facing possible extinction. (Points :4)
US Geological Survey
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Bureau of Reclamation
Mineral Management Service

30. This division is in charge of US oil reserves, all mining activities, oil drilling, and natural gas extraction procedures, abandoned mines, polluted wells, strip mining scares and other earth damage are the main repair concepts of this department. (Points :4)
US Geological Survey
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Bureau of Reclamation
Mineral Management Service

31. Use the following Agencies to match with their primary functions listed in questions 8-11.
This agency was implemented to develop regulations for a more efficient and safe national transportation system. They are in charge of all forms of transport systems and vehicles. They have improved the safety standards for rail service, commercial jets, and for American ships. (Points :4)
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The Department of Transportation (DOT)
The Department of Energy (DOE)

32. This is a division of DOI, in charge of the health, biodiversity, and control of the use of public lands and reserves. It regulates cattle grazing on public lands, controls populations of wild burros and horses on reserves, and is in charge of keeping records on native and endemic species. (Points :4)
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The Department of Transportation (DOT)
The Department of Energy (DOE)

33. This Agency was established by Congress to oversee all aspects of pollution, including contamination, endangered species, environmental clean up, toxic substances, hazardous waste, pesticide use and many, many more. It has control of researching solutions, policy development, and regulation enforcement. (Points :4)
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The Department of Transportation (DOT)
The Department of Energy (DOE)

34. This agency is in charge of finding reliable energy sources. Current energy fuels coming from foreign oil, coal, and other fossil fuels are required to be reduced over the next ten years. Replacement fuels and technologies are part of its research and development division. It is currently looking into renewable and environmentally compatible wind power, solar energy, and new biomass energy sources. (Points :4)
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The Department of Transportation (DOT)
The Department of Energy (DOE)

35. The Environmental Protection Agency is in charge of all of these except: (Points :4)
1970 The Clean Air Act (CAA) – Required the reduction of pollutants being released into the air.
1972 The Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) – Regulated dumping of ha

The Expert answers:

I would suggest that you do the work required to answer these questions. You were given a brain, and it will never grow if I or others in here do your work for you. The internet has made finding answers rather easy. Plus, there is always the text book assigned for your class. Yes, that rectangular thing with pages. You will never be underserved by knowledge, only ignorance

Charles asks…

What must be done to recycle “Spent Earth” back into reusable “Bleaching Earth”?

In processing CRUDE Coconut Oil into REFINED edible Coconut Oil, Refiners use “Bleach Earth” as a Filter Medium. After some use, the un-usable “Bleach Earth” becomes “Spent Earth” – the Refiners’ By-Product Industrial Waste (with about 20% Oil Content) simply dumped in the Plant’s Open Yard. Hence, I ask 3 questions: (Q1) What would make a good low-cost environmental-friendly “Recycling Technology”?; (Q2) Could this Recycling Technology be easily adapted & located within the Plants’ Premises?; (Q3) How much would this Recycling Facility cost?

The Expert answers:

Recycling is the reprocessing of old materials into new products, with the aims of preventing the waste of potentially useful materials, reducing the consumption of fresh raw materials, reducing energy usage, reducing air (from incineration) and water (from landfilling) pollution by reducing the need for “conventional” waste disposal, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions as compared to virgin production.[1][2] Recycling is a key concept of modern waste management and is the third component of the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” waste hierarchy, though colloquial usage of “recycling” can also include “reuse”.

“Recyclable materials” or “recyclables” may originate from home, business or industry. They include glass, paper, metal, textiles and plastics. Though analogous, the composting of biodegradable waste—such as food or garden waste—is not typically considered recycling.[2] These materials are either brought to a collection centre or picked-up from the curbside; and sorted, cleaned and reprocessed into new products bound for manufacturing.

To judge the environmental benefits of recycling, the cost of this entire process must be compared to the cost of virgin extraction. In order for recycling to be economically viable, there usually must be a steady supply of recyclates and constant demand for the reprocessed goods; both of which can be stimulated through government legislation.[2]

Meanwhile, critics claim that government mandated recycling wastes more resources than it saves. These critics claim that free market prices, and not politicians, are the most accurate way to determine whether or not any particular type of garbage should be recycled. According to these critics, whenever recycling truly does save resources, the private sector will voluntarily offer people money for their garbage.[3][4]

Jenny asks…

democratic national committee?


In the past Al Gore as a candidate has frustrated me. I thought that he paid too much attention to pollsters and conflicting advisors, and failed to heed his own convictions. He knew that the environment is the most important long-term concern that this nation faces (pollution, global warming, energy resources, topsoil erosion, etc.), but he was afraid that the American people would not listen, or that he would be tarred as an out-of-touch policy wonk.

Now things have changed. The nation seems to be spontaneously greening. The big oil companies tout their green energy programs; evangelical Christians are going green; architects win prizes for their green building designs; large companies spontaneously are capping carbon emissions; environmental organizations are finding new clout (witness their influence in the recent $45 billion buyout of the energy giant TXU in Texas); people are buying hybrid cars; trying to reduce waste, recycle, and compost. We have a long way to go as a nation, but it is becoming obvious that the people (the electorate) are way ahead of the politicians. A critical mass may be coalescing. A sea change in public thinking may be on the horizon.

Major cultural changes don’t happen until the time is ripe. That is why I believe that it may be time to draft Al Gore for the Democratic 2008 Presidential race. I don’t believe he will aggressively seek the nomination and confront Hillary. But his recent Oscar for “An Inconvenient Truth” has undoubtedly stoked the old fires of political ambition. Gore is smart and articulate, deeply comprehends foreign and domestic policy issues, and will be a shrewder campaigner than before. And he does have a dry sense of humor. Hillary remains a polarizing figure. Obama is young and inexperienced. Gore is unquestionably the best-qualified individual on the scene today to lead our country out of the current morass.

What sane person would today want the daunting job of U.S. President?
Gore is indeed sane, and if he can be persuaded to run, our country will be very fortunate. Let’s try to see that he is drafted. Please join me in discussing him with progressive influential friends, forwarding this e-mail, or whatever you can do to get the ball rolling. We owe it to our country – to our children and grandchildren, — and to our planet, which is our only home.

Neal Chandler, March 2007

The Expert answers:

I think Al Gore is a hypocrite for talking the talk, but not walking the walk when it comes to the enviroment.

Lisa asks…

Is everyone dazzled by Barack Obama, or do you see him for who he really is? Naive and irresponsible.?

Who cares about the spotted owl who may be endagered because we drill for oil at ANWR the American people are hurting and starving. Obama is against drilling and raising taxes on oil companies, great, that just means higher gas prices, he wants to tax big corporations wonderful, they lay off entry level, not CEO’s, he wants to talk to the terrorists, so did FDR, Pearl Harbor was bombed. Obama is against Nuclear energy, which could recycle our waste and create millions of new jobs, and “explore new energy” we’ve been doing so for thirty years with no solution, at least no solution that will pass legislation. McCain is just as bad, his immigration stance is appalling, his views on Iraq, well, we’ll see, but we owe it to our troops who have sacrificed themselves to see it through and not let their lives to be shed in vain. McCain 4 more years of stand still, Obama World War 3. I know not how World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones. Vote McCain.

The Expert answers:

There are sane people out there and think logically….i thought i was alone!!

Same views!!!!!!!! Omg ive never met someone who hates both canidates for the same reason before!

And what is this change obama is promising? O right the change to marxism…

And mccain, i say he better have a good vice president cause hes gonna have a heart attack as he’s sworn in

Linda asks…

San Francisco’s new law good or bad idea?

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Thirsty San Francisco city workers will no longer have bottled water to drink under an order by Mayor Gavin Newsom, who says it costs too much, worsens pollution and is no better than tap water.


Newsom’s executive order bars city departments, agencies and contractors from using city funds to serve water in plastic bottles and in larger dispensers when tap water is available.

“In San Francisco, for the price of one 1 gallon (3.8 litres) of bottled water, local residents can purchase 1,000 gallons (38,000 litres) of tap water,” according to the mayor’s order.

Newsom estimates San Francisco could save $500,000 (250,196 pounds) a year under his directive, which also addresses environmental concerns over the amount of oil used to make and transport plastic water bottles.

“All of this waste and pollution is generated by a product that by objective standards is often inferior to the quality of San Francisco’s pristine tap water,” according to the order.

The ban on the ubiquitous plastic bottles follows a prohibition in March by city officials on plastic shopping bags in large supermarkets because recycling efforts had largely failed.

The Expert answers:

It seems reasonable if just for the fact that they have been getting free bottled water off the tax payer. Most employers do not provide this. I’m used to seeing work crews drinking from the large orange plastic coolers that are filled from the tap.

Joseph asks…

How come Liberal Progressives can’t let go of the past and come to the future?

Really, they hold onto old idea’s and President Obama is leading the way.

Democrat Jimmy Carter put into law a wind fall tax profit on oil companies. To record each profit then send it off to the IRS created a tax increase to consumers at the gas pump along with waiting lines for gas. Gas was so high that the cost to transport food went up along with home heating oil. Reagan got rid of that and gas prices went down, people could get gas whenever they wanted, food prices went down and home heating oil went down.

Now why is President Obama seeking to tax the use of Energy?

France uses about 80% of Nuclear and 95% of the waste is recycled.

In the USA on the Morning Joe show today a spokes woman for Nuclear Power said it wouldn’t cost the tax payers as they have investors and the capability to reuse the waste.

SO which would you prefer going broke with Obama’s Energy Tax knowing that there will be no laws protecting the money collected (like the raiding of social security).


Nuclear Power which won’t cost us but it will cost us less to flick on a switch. Also Nuclear Power is the CLEANEST power around.
caldude1…DUH….? Your answer is WRONG and You didn’t answer my ASK question which shows your afraid.

zaza : Your right but Nuclear doesn’t TAX the consumer or Businesses.

It’s clear the Enviormentalist’s Goals are to TAX and then get rich.

If Obama’s Cap n Trade goes through Gore stands to make billions.

SO people need to ask themselves why does ALL enviromentalists Programs INCLUDE A TAX .

It’s all a HOAX to soak us.

Kevin A.R.T. : FULL of it?

YOU can’t run out of money you don’t spend.

How much is Obama collecting in taxes?

Beside the liberals are putting Ronald down as his plans worked and Obama’s just don’t.

FRANCE has CLEAR AIR and your wrong on Nuclear not being the Cleanest.

Air Emissions
Nuclear power plants do not emit carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, or nitrogen oxides.

The Expert answers:

Progressive is actually a reference to STATIST! They PROGRESS away from the constitution and it’s original meaning in order to PROMOTE their liberal agenda in the name of humanity, environment, equality and rights. It’s sounds AMAZINGLY good on the surface until you dig deeper into the true meaning of what they want. If you dare oppose their views, you HATE the planet and all mankind. It’s a double edged sword with a hidden agenda.

John asks…

Help with crossword!?

I’m stuck on this crossword based on recycling! This is for homework!!

Match up these answers to the clues:

3) The process of burning rubbish
5) You should “was and……..” plastic bottle before recycling them
8) To utilise an item more than once
9) Material that comes from the Quercus suber tree?
11) Rubbish
12) Collective name for food wrapping and boxes
14) What type of material is made from oil?
15) Rubbish dumped illegally is called……..tipping

1) Items decay naturally in the eviroment are called this.
2)To convert rubbish into either the same product or a different one
4) Old clothes and toys can bo donated to………….
6) This metal does not stick to your recycle-more magnet
7) Where you take your packaging to be recycled
10) Rubbish is buried in a ………. site
13) Organic kitchen and garden waste can be turned into this.

The Expert answers:

3) Incineration
5) Squash
8) Reuse
9) Cork
11) Waste
12) Packaging
14) Plastic
15) Fly

1) Biodegradeable.
2) Recycle
4) Charity
6) Aluminium
7) Bringbank
10) Landfill
13) Compost.

Helen asks…

why are people so hung up on this religion thing and no one is worrying about the environment?

i think instead of all these fights and arguments about religion, people should stop being lazy and acctually give a sh1t about the earth. ya i am aware of all the crap going on around the world, but if all plants die than all the wild animals die, and if the wild animals die than guess who comes next? humans!!! now if people cant have enough compassion for animals to save them just for the sake of doing it, than help the environment because if you dont you will DIE!! and dont pull that whole “global warming is a myth” thing because it most certaintly is not. their is of course already an atmosphere and such that holds in gases, and yes cows contribute to those gases along with other natural occurances. but humans with our cars and factories and other things are mulitpling that naturally occuring number of greenhouse gases several times. and that equals sun coming into the atmosphere, and bouncing around inside, making it heat up and causing all the polar bears to die. and ya i know we need cars and factories and all that stuff, but it is just so angering when you hear of another oil spill or another disaster caused because big company men were to cheap to actually pay for the correct back up systems. their are so many little things that anyone can do to help, recycle, compost, dont waste energy, take all this seriously and dont just think i am a stupid environmentalist. and no this is not a rant, i am asking. do you care at all about the environment, and is it on your list of small things you can do to help the world?? 8]
do you unplug your computer at night when it is off? if it is plugged in while off it is just sucking in energy that is put to not use.

The Expert answers:

Living the green life here 🙂 thats the great thing about being an Atheist i actually give a crap about our world instead of just assuming “god will look after us”

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

Need help ASAP, senior project!!! Where can i find how much plastic is recycled per year?

I need to find some statistics on how much post-consumer plastic waste is actually recycled per year, maybe dating back to 1990? thanks i need this asap, its for my senior project due tomorrow, it determines if i graduate or not. thanks!!

The Expert answers:

_The quantity of post-consumer plastics recycled has increased every year since at least 1990. In 2006 the amount of plastic bottles recycled reached a record high of 2,220,000,000 pounds.
_The amount of PET bottles recycled in 2006 increased more than 102 million pounds compared to 2005.
HDPE bottle recycling increased in 2005 to 928 million pounds.
_All plastic bottles were recycled at a rate of 24 percent in 2005.

*Hope This Helps*

Mandy asks…

Statistics for trash dumping, liter etc.?

I’m making a video and need the statistics for like how much litter is thrown on the streets and how much of it is recycled and stuff like that

The Expert answers:

For every piece of litter dropped, seven little baby kittens are slaughtered mercilessly.


James asks…

Statistics questions?

Wording Bias: Comment on each of the following as a potential sample survey question. Is the question clear? I sit slanted toward a desired response?

a)”some cell phone users have developed brain cancer. Should all cell phones come witha warning label explaining the danger of using cell phones?”

b)”Do you agree that a national system of health insurance should be favored because it would provide health insurancee for everyone and would reduce adminstrative costs?”

c)”In view of escalating enviornmental degradation and incipient resource depletion, would you favor economic incentives for recycling of resource-intensive consumer goods?

The Regan-Carter Election Debate:
Some television stations take quick polls of public opinion by announcing a questin on the air and asking viewers to call one of two telephone numbers to register their opion as “yes” or “No.” Telephone companies make available “900”numbers for htis purpose. Dialing a 900 number r

The Expert answers:

A) I put this statement with statements such as:

“Some people who breathe develop lung cancer”

well, cell phone use could be linked to brain cancer but at this point so many people use cell phones that it would not be possible to isolate the use of cell phones as primary factor in brain cancer

b) the problem with this statement is that it gives information and pushes the answerer in one direction. By saying no to this question you are saying that you disagree with the possible benefits but does not address any of disadvantaged of a national health insurance program. The question should only be “do you support or not support a national system of health insurance” and then allow for the answerer to explain.

C) similar to part b. The first part of the statement pushes the answerer to say yes. Otherwise they are saying that they don’t care about the environment… The actual question, support of economic incentives for recycling is a secondary issue.

For the tv question…

Robert asks…

Statistics homework help please….?

A random sample of 500 households was indentified in a major North American city using the municipal voter registration list. Five hundred questionnaires went out, directed at one adult in each household, which asked a series of questions about attitudes regarding the municipal recycling program. Eighty of the 500 surveys were filled out and returned to the researchers.

a) can the 80 households that returned questionnaires be regarded as a random sample of househoulds? why?

b) what type of bias might affect the survey outcome?

The Expert answers:

A) Not really because then it’s more of a convenience sample. You only get an idea of those who take the time and effort to mail it in. You don’t know anything about the people who didn’t. It’s not random enough.

B) Probably only those who have strong feelings about the recycling program will both to send it back in. Those who don’t really care or haven’t really thought about it probably won’t respond.

Charles asks…

statistics help!!! PLEASE?

Each month,an American household generates an average of 28 pounds of newspaper for garbage or recycling .Assume the standard deviation is 2pounds.If a household is selected at random,the probability of generating between 27 and 31 pounds per month is——————-(Answer should be rounded to the nearest ten thousandth-four numbers after the decimal point Answer should be written in decimal , not in percentage)

The Expert answers:

Assume that the households trash generation is normally distributed.

Standardize all values so that you can compare them to a standard normal curve by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation.

E.g. If X is the variable representing trash generation, it is distributed Normal with a mean of 28 and a standard deviation of 2. X ~ N(28,2).

To standardize it we write (X – 28) / 2 = Z is distributed Normal with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

We need to find the probability that X lies between (27,31) or the probability that Z lies between ( (27-28)/2, (31-28)/2) = (-1/2 , 3/2).

Notice that you have to standardize the interval by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation.

To get the probability that Z is in the interval (-1/2, 3/2) you need to look up the Normal CDF chart in your book, or Z table. The probability is the area under the Z curve (or normal (0,1) curve) between -1/2 and 3/2.

You can compute the values using an online applet like the one found here:

There is .3085 area to the left of -1/2 and an area of .9332 to the left of 3/2. That means there is an area of (.9332 – .3085) = .6247 between the values. Thus the probability that a random household is in the interval is .6247.

Mark asks…

Statistics: Probability Questions?

I have a questions from my Review booklet that i dont know how they got the answer so if you could explain how to get to the answer…

You flip an UNfair coin 2 times. the probability that you get heads both times is 0.36
What is the probability that you get tails both times?
..Answer : 0.16

A recycling plant compresses cans into bales. The weights of the bales are known to follow a normal distribution with standard deviation of 8 pounds. in a random sample of 64 bales, what is the probabilty that the sample mean differs from the population mean by no more than 1 pound?
… Answer : 0.6826

Bottles of apple juice are filled by a machine. Fill volumes are normally distributed with a mean of (u) and standard deviation of 1.46ml. The label on the bottles say that they contain 500ml of juice. What value should (u) be set at so that only 2% of bottles will be underfilled?
…Answer : 503 ml

The Expert answers:

Since P(HH) = 0.36, P(H) = 0.6, P(T) = 0.4, P(TT) = 0.4^2 = 0.16

Lizzie asks…

Statistics Help Please?

Can someone please answer there 3 questions for me?
Q1. The probability that a container holds more than 500mL of use is 0.2. If a batch of 10 of these containers is tested, what is the probability that:
(a) At least half of them will contain more than 500mL?
(b) None of them will contain more than 500mL?

Q2.Plastic buckets are made by machine on a production line. The weight of each bucket is normally distributed with mean 1250g and standard deviation 120g. Let X be the weight of a bucket in a randomly chosen batch.
(a) Find Pr(X > 1250)
(b) Find Pr(1250 < X < 1380)
(c) Find Pr(1135 < X < 1275)
(d) Buckets weighing less than 1180g are regarded as underweight and need to be thrown out for recycling. What proportion of buckets are underweight when they come off the production line?

Q3.Amy thinks that all brands of chocolate taste the same. She decides to test four brands by having 20 people test them and state their preference. Her results are shown below.

Prefered by: 8 4 5 3

(a) Copy and complete the table to show the expected frequencies in this problem.
(b) Perform the x2 test to see whether there appears to be any significant preference for one brand of chocolate over another.

The Expert answers:

Q1 (a) ANSWER: PROBABILITY At least half (5 or more) = 3% which is the same as saying 97% of 4 or less.


(sample size)
(from 0 up to and including k NUMBER OF SUCCESSES)

P(k ? 4) = n!/[k!*(n – k)!] * p^k * (1 – p)^(n – k)= 0.97

Carol asks…

I am doing presentations on saving the earth. Do you have any statistics or other ideas for me?

I am searching for new ideas. I need facts and figures that 4 – 9 year olds will easily understand. I am planning on covering the reduce, reuse, recycle portion and ways they can be more eco-friendly. I was also thinking about doing a project with them that would be an example of recycling and reusing. I was going to do making paper or paper mache but I need to find projects that are a little less messy and less time consuming. I only have half an hour to work with them!

The Expert answers:

Well, you can obviously recycle! You can also start riding a bike or something everywhere instead of a car or truck. You can have the 4-9 yr olds to tell there parents to do that (no car). I think that the 9-4 yr olds will enjoy a contest to help save the animals like becomeing a vegitarian for a couple of days or so and whoever does it the longest wins! Hope the ideas work and i hope you help save our planet.

Daniel asks…

Can ANY paper be recycled?

I feel guilty throwing away old lecture notes. Xerox paper and notebook paper…can these be recycled?

The Expert answers:

Paper recycling is the process of recovering waste paper and remaking it into new paper products. There are three categories of paper that can be used as feedstocks for making recycled paper: mill broke, pre-consumer waste, and post-consumer waste.[1] Mill broke is paper trimmings and other paper scrap from the manufacture of paper, and is recycled internally in a paper mill. Pre-consumer waste is material that was discarded before it was ready for consumer use. Post-consumer waste is material discarded after consumer use, including OMG (old magazines), OTD (old telephone directories), and RMP (residential mixed paper). Paper suitable for recycling is called “scrap paper”.

While there are differences depending on the specific type of paper being recycled (corrugated fiberboard, newspaper, mixed office waste), recycling processes include the following steps:

Pulping: Adding water and applying mechanical action to separate fibers from each other.
Screening: Using screens, with either slots or holes, to remove contaminants that are larger than pulp fibers.
Centrifugal cleaning: Spinning the pulp slurry in a cleaner causes materials that are more dense than pulp fibers to move outward and be rejected.
Flotation: Passing air bubbles through the pulp slurry, with a surfactant present, causes ink particles to collect with the foam on the surface. By removing contaminated foam, pulp is made brighter. This step is sometimes called deinking.
Kneading or dispersion: Mechanical action is applied to fragment contaminant particles.
Washing: Small particles are removed by passing water through the pulp.
Bleaching: If white paper is desired, bleaching uses peroxides or hydrosulfites to remove color from the pulp.
Papermaking: The clean (and/or bleached) fiber is made into a “new” paper product in the same way that virgin paper is made.
Dissolved air flotation: Process water is cleaned for reuse.
Waste disposal: The unusable material left over, mainly ink, plastics, filler and short fibers, is called sludge. The sludge is buried in a landfill, burned to create energy at the paper mill or used as a fertilizer by local farmers.
In the mid-19th century, there was an increased demand for books and writing material. Up to this time, paper manufacturers had used discarded linen rags for paper, but supply could not keep up with the increased demand. Books were bought at auctions for the purpose of recycling fiber content into new paper, at least in the United Kingdom, by the beginning of the 19th century.[28]

Internationally, about half of all recovered paper comes from converting losses (“pre-consumer” recycling), such as shavings and unsold periodicals; approximately one third comes from household or “post-consumer” waste.[29]

Some statistics on paper consumption:

The average per capita paper use in the USA in 2001 was 700 pounds (318 kg). The average per capita paper use worldwide was 110 pounds (50 kg).[30]
It is estimated that 95% of business information is still stored on paper. [Source: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) Discussion Paper (IIED, London, September 1996)]
Although paper is traditionally identified with reading and writing, communications has now been replaced by packaging as the single largest category of paper use at 41% of all paper used. [Source: North American Factbook PPI, 1995. (Figures are for 1993)]
115 billion sheets of paper are used annually for personal computers [Source: Worldwatch Institute]. The average daily web user prints 28 pages daily [Source: Gartner group and HP]
Most corrugated fiberboard boxes have over 25% recycled fibers. Some are 100% recycled fiber

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donna asks…

The pros and cons of nuclear waste?

The Expert answers:

I’m not sure what the exact question is here because the concept of a “pro” regarding nuclear waste is unfamiliar to me. Let me assume that the nuclear waste being discussed is, in fact, used nuclear fuel that is supposed to be disposed of by the U.S. Government in accordance with the Nuclear Waste Policy Act. This particular nuclear waste is very useful because more than 90% of the potential energy within the fuel is still available to be extracted if the fuel is recycled instead of buried. In my mind that is a huge pro!

The cons of nuclear waste is that perfectly reasonable and calm people become very unreasonable and irrational and frightened when discussing how and where to dispose of or recycle this material. Radiation scares people. Hollywood and the main stream media have done an excellent job of convincing ordinary people that the tiniest amount of radiation will turn somebody into the Hulk, or Spiderman, or give them incurable brain tumors or make them grow a third eye. This is total crap and people should be ashamed of spreading such ridiculous concepts and other people should be ashamed to believe in such blatant fantasies.

A pro of nuclear waste is that it is very easily detected. A radiation meter will pick up very low levels of nuclear waste without much trouble. Unlike lead or arsenic or chromium or other chemicals in the environment that require a laboratory and fancy instruments to detect low levels, a relatively cheap and easy to use radiation meter can be brought just about anywhere to quickly determine if radioactive materials are present in quantities that are immediately hazardous to people or the environment. If you need a lab to detect radioactive materials, the amounts are far too low to cause any immediate harm and probably too low to cause any long term harm, despite what the fear mongers want you to believe.

Carol asks…

What do you suggest? Would be all right if…..?

I want to replace my 1.5 ton air-conditioner with 20 refrigerators! If I keep the door of the fridges open, would it be all right?
All of you got amused but with a wrong concept! Just I heard the fact (from my sister’s son) that the science behind air con & fridge is absolutely different! Please do not think that air con would replace fridge or vice versa!

The Expert answers:

You are going to be labeled as a fool if you really asked such question to know the fact! But I’m a fan of your questions & answers so far; so I know how intelligent you are. Sure you tried to know our scientific sense I guess. To answer your question, I will say first that an air-conditioner’s job is to suck the air from inside a room by a hole & then it recycle the same air through another hole with metal-filter, passing the air with a touch of several ice-cool pipes—that the mechanism. But a fridge works differently—-it cools the atmosphere of a limited air within a box, i.e. The fridge-compartment. The two machines works differently. No one is the alternative of each others. I laughed at the other answers where they were after cost & expenditures! You’re successful st your attempt!

Ken asks…


I’m doing a debate in my classroom about earth. And I’m going to talk that we should have laws of dumping. Can anyone tell be any facts or websites about dumping?
If it’s a fact can you please at least make it a “Did you know……..?”

The Expert answers:

Random thoughts.
Of necessity, we will run out of resources before we run out of dumping sites, because used material goes to the dump.
We should have laws about the prudent use of raw materials, about the need to recycle, about dumping such that the site becomes reusable after some years.

Perhaps people should be allowed only so many dresses or trousers, so much furniture etc. Who can use 100 dresses? Six cars for two people? A house with 10 bedrooms and no children?

We should be looking at the phase before we dump. Rather than dump, superfluous articles should not be bought, you should pay double when buying a new item unless you give the old one away in usable condition for someone else to use or prove that it is worn out and non repairable, things should be recycled, or mended, if you buy an article just because you want a new one, then, you should be obliged to pay the costs of sending your discarded item overseas to the really needy.

The result of my policy ? Drastic drop in consumption , causing a loss of production, causing a loss of jobs, and additionally much less need to dump.

Not to worry ! You will not need so much money because your surpurflous needs have disappeared, you have more time to smell the roses growing on the diminished dump heaps and you will have no money worries, You will not be thumbing your nose at the Jonses as you both have the same things to boast about so you talk to each other rather then boast about your third beach house,

Playgirl, I had no idea What was tucked away in my head when I read your question, but I have really enjoyed letting them flow. I apologise that they are probably not to the point but at least, I have surprised myself. Hope you get some more helpful answers than I suspect mine is. All the best.

Mark asks…

Are you getting tired of the unprecedented power grabs by the Obama admin?

Here is another one.

As someone who grew up on a farm, doing farm chores I can personally attest to the fact that if anything it made me a stronger, better person.

The Expert answers:

That’s pretty old news–not sure why that paper recycled it now–they decided against that months ago.

The reason why was simple. Most children who are maimed are maimed as a result of one of two things–car accidents or farm accidents.

It’s kinda wild what happens when you try to make one rule to be the law of the land. Everyone gets a sick feeling when they learn that in other countries twelve year olds salvage land mines to earn extra money. No one wants kids who are too young to really understand the risks working in dangerous jobs. However, get OSHA involved and every job is ‘dangerous’, and a desire to prevent sweatshops and the worst versions of capitalism turn into a situation where kids are not allowed to work at all at anything–which is pretty twisted too. So, how do you write a ‘no sweat shops’, ‘kids don’t risk life and limb’ child labor law that will not take kids out of school to support their families, etc., but will still allow them to work afterschool jobs? It’s harder than it sounds.

Sandra asks…

Is this a good resume?

I have never applied for a job so I am nervous about my resume. Right now, it is a bit less than 2 pages long..

phone number

I am looking for the opportunity to get work experience by obtaining a job in retail.

Annandale High School (2010-2014)
Annandale, VA
IB Diploma Anticipated Candidate 2014
Junior, GPA 3.86

High School Awards and Honors
•A-B Honor Roll: 2010-2013
•Student of the Quarter (Geometry Honors, Algebra II Honors, IB Physics): Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Winter 2012
•Middle Years Program (MYP) Certificate: Spring 2012
•Math Honor Society: Fall 2011-present
•Science Honor Society: Fall 2012-present
•Social Studies Honor Society: Fall 2012-present

Work Experience
I am a student and have no work experience

Volunteer and Community
Math tutoring: Spring 2011-present
•Tutored fellow students in geometry, algebra I and II, and IB math

Relay for Life: Spring 2012
•In three hours, raised over $50 by informing people about cancer and asking for donations

Recycling (Annandale High School): Spring 2011-Winter 2012
•Went around school and collected cans and other recyclable materials every Wednesday

Teacher Assistant (Braddock Elementary): Winter/Spring 2012
•Helped a first year teacher prepare for her lessons by cleaning and setting up classroom. Also checked the students’ assignments and various errands that I was assigned

Reading Remediation (Braddock Elementary): Winter 2012
•Monitored 17 4th graders and helped them understand their readings through plays

Leewood Nursing Home: Spring 2010
•Performed violin for patients and talked with them

Spanish Literature Club (Braddock Elementary): Spring 2010
•Tutored children with reading and writing in Spanish

Custodian (Braddock Elementary): Spring 2010
•Followed a custodian around and helped clean the school

George Mason Library: Spring 2008
•Helped organized the books
With my volunteer experience, I improved on how to communicate with others

Orchestra (violin): 2005-present
Just World Club: Fall 2011-present

Fluent in English and Spanish
Application: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft OneNote
•Winter 2013: Created a chart of potential visitors with contact information for my Just World Club festival planning
Internet: can research and use any website
Can follow written and verbal instructions

References upon request

The Expert answers:

It looks like you’re off to a great start! Without being able to see the formatting of your résumé, I would say you covered the basics. I like that you were able to list all the volunteer and extra curricular activities you were involved in. The fact that you have even put a resume together without having work experience is a huge advantage over other candidates in your situation who don’t bother putting a résumé together.

You may want to move your skills to the top of your résumé and put that you are bilingual in English and Spanish. Often, when recruiters are searching for candidates, they will search “bilingual”. If you put “Bilingual in English and Spanish” it is more likely it will show up in a recruiters’ search results.

For more tips, check out my blog:

Mandy asks…

Would you continue to hire this person to help you clean your place?

OK, the facts are: She was using a knife the other day to do a dirty job (really dirty) and she put the knife back in with the clean cutlery (luckily I grabbed it before it would be missed). She dumped some papers of mine into the recycling that were semi-important and had my name/address on it – something I never do because you never know who could use that info.

The previous job she did cleaning a family member’s apartment – and I had to redo some of it because it was not up to the landlord’s expectations (which were pretty high but not impossible).

She’s a friend and we get along with each other. I don’t have any other family or friends able to help me clean. The alternative is to hire somebody I don’t know for cleaning jobs – but not sure I like to trust strangers. Most of the time I can do it myself – but some jobs are too big to comfortably handle alone.

I have spoken to her about these things, but the fact is her style is “just get it done” and she’s not detail-oriented, if you know what I mean.

The Expert answers:

No, I wouldn’t work with her for a few reasons. #1 You have two different styles of cleaning. She’s the type where as long as it’s “done”, it’s ok to take short cuts. You are the type that take pride in your work and want things to not only get done, but get done right.

Her throwing away paper work (that she doesn’t know if it’s useful or not) and then throwing a dirty knife back in with the clean cutlery. What if you don’t catch it next time and the family uses the dirty utensil and gets sick? What if she messes up and you lose a lot of clients because of it?

I know it’s hard to trust people. However, you can always do a back ground check, a reference check (call the employers, don’t just accept letters of recommendation), drug tests and even a credit check if you so desire. Even if the first person you hire isn’t what you are really looking for, eventually you’ll find the right person. Put a 90 day clause in there (if they don’t work out they will be terminated).

Don’t let your friends get away with stuff that you wouldn’t let your enemies get away with. One of the quickest way to ruin a friendship is by allowing them to do things, only because they are your friend.

Tell your friend in a nice way, that you don’t think this cleaning together is working out and you’ll be hiring someone else. Explain to your friend it’s nothing personal, but you both just have different working styles. If she can’t handle it… Then she wasn’t your friend to begin with. She has admitted to you that she doesn’t have the same work ethic as you. So it should come to no surprise when she’s terminated.

David asks…

Would you continue to hire this person to help you clean your place?

OK, the facts are: She was using a knife the other day to do a dirty job (really dirty) and she put the knife back in with the clean cutlery (luckily I grabbed it before it would be missed). She dumped some papers of mine into the recycling that were semi-important and had my name/address on it – something I never do because you never know who could use that info.

The previous job she did cleaning a family member’s apartment – and I had to redo some of it because it was not up to the landlord’s expectations (which were pretty high but not impossible).

She’s a friend and we get along with each other. I don’t have any other family or friends able to help me clean. The alternative is to hire somebody I don’t know for cleaning jobs – but not sure I like to trust strangers. Most of the time I can do it myself – but some jobs are too big to comfortably handle alone.

I have spoken to her about these things, but the fact is her style is “just get it done” and she’s not detail-oriented, if you know what I mean.

The Expert answers:

You said she is your friend. Friends trust each other and communicate. You have to use better communication to get your standards of cleaning across to her. It is call constructive criticism. Friendships are more important than house cleaning so don’t fire her. The next cleaner could be worse. Just sit down and have a friendly, constructive work talk. Then hug her and say, “See ya later” or whatever. She may have had something on her mind when she put the knife back. Who said, “To error is human. To forgive is divine?”

Sharon asks…

Can someone in explain to me in detail how file recovery programmes work.?

ie here’s a good example of what i’m talking about

, it says it can recover files even from my recycle bin and if that possible doesn’t that mean they not really “deleted”

The Expert answers:


the bin is just a folder
deleting a file just moves it to the bin

old msdos style delete just blanks the first character of the filename from the filing
system table and releases the disk blocks occupied by the file so other files
can use that space. So even an Emptied bin stills means all the data is untouched
That means file recovery programs know the whole name of a file except the first
character. They also know which disk blocks the file was using for its data.
Even if the filing system is erased due to formatting, a Deep Scan can do a
good job of guessing which disk blocks were written together, as they have a
marker inside the data that Chains to the Next block used.

Only a File Shredder application will erase data blocks, or a full diagnostics
program that rewrites every disk sector guarantees file data is gone.

Even that process leaves a trace of previous data and Clever electronics
can scan every data byte in every data block, and GUESS what was previously
written there. That may require dismantling of the drive to gain access to the
internal circuits of the drive.

It is a fact that disk block data will leave a kind of fingerprint in the magnetic
information that previous values can be tracked back over several writes.
This can mean that even a disk thats full formatted and then has a new
operating system loaded, involving one two or three or more writes to specific
disk blocks, can be traced back as Ones and Zeroes so that original file
data can be accurately determined and recreated.
This is a tricky process though and file shredders mix up data enough to make
retracing file data thats properly shredded, almost impossible.
This data retrieval could cost a lot of money, and is usually restricted to one or
two files that are so precious, NOT a whole disk drive.

Happy days

Sandy asks…

What do you think about Greenpeace?

The Expert answers:

SCAM and shame of most actual ecologists

they are not sincere. They make use of the fact that nobody knows everything so the can tell people anything in a easy to-believe way. Like i studied genetics and ecology, so that is what i can judge – they talk nonsence, but in a way one can go for it easily – here they hire young students to spread it further, the phrases they were taught. When they are campaigning (like instead of actually doing something) they seem to have been through some training what they should parrot on and on, but never think about it. Always trying to persuade how good and caring they are but whanever i ask for facts, they are lost or cone up with lies – i asked them why they published only fraction of their tests (they didnt like the majority of results, that is why) they replied that the presented figures were mean figures – they were not. They were the figures that they liked only.

I personally think that conservation and ecology should get more attention than it gets and i work in conservation and i am happy that i do that – so i am not biased against “greens”. Right the oposit – i am ashamed that some people take Greenpeace as ecologists. When the newspaper or tv says “the ecologists in our country” i would like these to be the people who teach ecology at universities, not greenpeace.

After i graduated i was looking for a job in conservation and i was naive enough to think of them – i was horrified that i would make living of lying and backed off right away. Since that time i dont take them as truthful. Oh please, dont believe them, go for renowned source of information.
I wouldnt call them independent, no way

they did more for showing off than for real conservation and environment, oh compare them to wwf
they fiddle with statistics and data as they choose – like take their so called surveys – just invalid from scientific point of view – you prove what you want to prove, if you pick up the results that you like and if you dont do a blind test – that is what i was offered to participate in!!! Maybe if i didnt contact them i would have believed them to this day. They predecide on what issues are interesting for them and they are not those that are the most pressing but those that can win them attention. At least here.
Like last time they stopped me in the streat with something about protection of primeval forests, but they were hopeless – of course it would be shameful to exploit primeval forests, so i asked them what company does that and sells here – they said that they were told that paper mills, so i asked them to be specific, they didnt know, but they were told that paper mills… After a lengthy discussion it turned out that the guy was ignorant of true problems in paper recycling and sustainable sources of paper pulp here and actual troubles and environmental consequences of paper industry here – there are some and should have been made public, but they did not talk of it at their trainings, dont care, it is better for them if they say “we are campaigning for primeval forests” it just sounds much better.

I would love if there was organizaton just like greenpecae but sincere and truthful, i would love it beyond anything. The founders must toss in their graves.. (EDIT” THAT S WHAT CONSULTANT TOM WITTNESSED BUT I DIDNT – I AM 33)

btw – look at this and you will get a clue how you truth “mabe in greenpeace” is made :
Greenpeace: gmo foods are bad , because antibiotics were used in breeding. So we are supposed to say omg, now i know. But really – if they say “t-shirts are bad because very sharp scissors are used in their manufacture” – you wouldnt go for it, because you know that probably in the manufacture of trousers scissors are used too, but nobody has a clue about how the antibiotics are used in GE and in what quantities and what chemicals are used in agriculture breeding – so we can believe anything. So i ask the girl – when you get antibiotics by prescription, is your pee contained and disposed of in a safe way so that you go to normal toilet ? The answers should be yes if you understood and meant what you just said!!!!

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