Monday, February 24, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mary asksā€¦

Why is it important to recycle tea bags?

for our science project. šŸ˜€
Please give me some answers, thank you!!

The Expert answers:

The less recyclable material buried in a landfill, the better. All of my veggie waste goes into a compost bin. Then into the garden after it composts. We have less garbage, and “free” fertilizer. Tea bags, coffee grounds, fruit and veggie waste, old bread and tortillas all compost quite well.

Laura asksā€¦

where is a can recycle?

can anyone tell me wheere there is a can recycle place for 5 cents a can in brentwood, CA by Trader joes?

The Expert answers:

Try calling your garbage pick up company. They usually will pick up recycled garbage and many time will provide you with special bags for the recycled products.

Sharon asksā€¦

does you family recycle?

The Expert answers:

Yes. In my rural area, we have to haul our own refuse to the collection center and it’s easy to have a carton for recyclables and a bag for garbage. In addition, much of our food waste goes into the composting bin, along with litter from the chickens, leaves, and lawn cuttings. In addition, the center has a small building where you can put or take things that are still useful. You never know what you are going to find in there.

Richard asksā€¦

Recycling Project Help please ^^?

It’s some kind of a contest without a prize at my school.. A group of students will have to think of a recycle product, make it and do a presentation about it in 1 month duration.

The recycle product should be useful instead of just beautiful accesories etc. Could someone give me ideas for it ^^

It could be from anything. Even combination of recycleable stuff is accepted. Like papers, cans, bottels(plactic and glass), clothes, metals, plastic bags, CDs, rug, wires, pipes, paper bags etc. The most challenging aspect is the recycle product must have and advantage and useable for everyone or a group of people.

Please and thank you ?

The Expert answers:

You no on garbage day some people leave out old funeture, you can make it like a project to find as many as those as posibul (alot are in the citys) and then repair them, so its like getting free funature thats nice and and you are recycling

Michael asksā€¦

does anyone know where I can get a garbage bag for my real christmas tree?

This is the first time I got a real Christmas tree and I do not know where to get one of those garbage bags for them.

The Expert answers:

Usually by this time they’re pretty hard to find, if not impossible. (We’ve tried.) We’re going to try to make our own bag, by cutting large garbage bags down their side seam, and then wrapping them around the tree, maybe securing with duct tape. Or we may just run with the tree outdoors really fast, lol.

You could check Lowes or Home Depot, or any other hardware store like that. Also try Bed Bath and Beyond, Linens and Things, and Target. Maybe Walgreens.

In my city, even if you put your Christmas tree in a plastic bag they still pick it up and recycle it into mulch. They do the same with lawn clippings, which you are actually required to bag.

Helen asksā€¦

recycling glass and best way to do it?

If I want to recycle glass can I take it to my county recyclers and get money for it?
Do I get more money by seperating glass by color?
Which color is worth the most?
Is crushed glass worth as much as non crushed glass?

The Expert answers:

Whether you get paid or not, most recycling centers separate glass by color. – I have recycled glass for years now and I find that presorting into containers by color to be the quickest and smoothest way to go. Right now, I’m generating much glass for recycle and, I have reasonable access to a recycling location. So, I have a kitchen garbage can with plastic bags outside; one bag for clear, green, and brown. In times past, I have had two, old fashioned, galvanized metal, garbage cans for my glass: one for clear and one with two plastic garbage can liners for brown and green glass. My glass containers have always sat outside, pretty much in the elements, and often with inadequate lids. As a result, I have come to prefer containers with cracks, splits, or holes in the bottom for drainage. At the same time, most of my containers have come to me as others cast-offs and/or have been found along side the road. From experience, your container must be strong enough and/or in good enough condition to be able to be filled with glass and still be able to be moved without falling apart.

In terms of receiving money for your recycled glass….Chances are, you will not receive recycling money from your county and/or regular garbage folks. If there is money to be earned through the recycling of materials/selling of recycled materials for further re-use/re-manufacture – your county folks and/or regular garbage stream folks are probably using monies received to further recycling efforts and/or build recycling infrastructure. There are some states that do mandate a glass bottle deposit and, in those cases you may be able to recoup the deposit fees. All too often, recycling is cheaper than sending the materials off to landfills but, either cost the collector money to gather, sort, and send off for re-use/re-manufacture or, not enough money to capture the costs of recycling. As a result, the “profits” from the other recycled materials are used to off-set the costs of landfill and/or recycling of the other materials. So, as a recycle through the county and/or your regular garbage stream folks, you don’t reap a direct payment for your materials. Rather, you realize over-all reduced costs, accessibility, and other infrastructure development.

On the other hand, if your area does have a reasonably close market for recycled glass – You may be able to find a private recycler who is paying for glass. Check the yellow pages for your immediate and surrounding areas for recyclers – call, and find out what they have to say. Do remember however, that these folks are typically “middle-men”. To be able to pay you, they must in turn be able to sell the materials they pay you for at a profit. In turn, this means that there must be someone within in reasonably close, geographical proximity who has a need adequate enough to pay for the glass.

I have never heard of anyone preferring crushed or broken glass over whole glass from the individual collector type. Your containers should be able to handle the potential for broken glass; particularly with respect to your own, personal protection. Do remember your own “profitability” with respect to storage capacity and transport: If you have to travel a distance, you may find that collecting for several months and/or a year necessary for profitability. On the other hand, you must also consider how and/or if you are able to transport a volume of glass.

Betty asksā€¦

Do cloth grocery bags really reduce the use of plastic?

4 plastic grocery bags filled with garbage will fit into a kitchen sized garbage bag with enough room left over to close the bag, so a kitchen sized garbage bag uses more plastic than 4 plastic grocery bags. So if you’re using cloth grocery bags and garbage bags for your garbage, you end up using more plastic than you would if you used the empty grocery bags for your garbage. Right?

The Expert answers:

I always use our reusable bags whenever I go shopping, so it’s very rare that a plastic bag makes it into our home. Any that do are taken in to be recycled. I use biodegradable bin liners, the biggest ones I can get so that I don’t use very many.

Joseph asksā€¦

How is recycling plastic bags economical/not economical/good for environment/bad for environment?

The Expert answers:

My personal opinion is that it is very good for the environment to recycle and reuse plastic bags.

Many stores have drop off receptacles at the entrances near the doors (usually large and round with a dome top) to recycle the bags. This is an ever growing trend. If you don’t see one ask and even suggest they start it.

You can also reuse them for things like dog poop pick up, wet swim suits, trash bags for the car, garage sales, etc.

My daughter wants to try and make fabric out of them by cutting them down and ironing them and then make a prom dress out of them when she is older.

The very BEST thing is to invest in 5-6 reusable shopping bags for $.50 each and never use plastic shopping bags again.

By recycling them you are not leaving them in a landfill for 100 years, sending them off to a garbage barge, taking the chance of them floating away in the wind and ending up in the “plastic belt in the ocean” or worse in the trash belt in space!

Granted recycling plastic does require energy and does have other toxic side effects and there are some that argue recycling centers of ANY kind do just as much damage to the environment as good.

Linda asksā€¦

How to remove a garbage bag full of empty beer from a tree?

yes so last night me and my friends got a little tipsy. and in the morning when we went to throw away the alcholol i threw it outta my car and it landed in a tree. It wasnt until i returned home that i realized what i did, im really for the enviroment and i would like to know how to get it down since it is a good bit higher then me, so i may properly dispose of it, thank you for helping to resolve my embrassasing situation.

The Expert answers:

Use a pole to dislodge the bag. There are also tongs that are used to extend your reach that could be used to grab the bag. Then recycle the cans or bottles.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asksā€¦

Accidently deleted recycle bin off desktop?

I have Windows Vista Home Basic Edition and i accidently deleted my recycle bin off my desktop. Can anyone tell me how to get it back please? thank you!

The Expert answers:

To edit the registry to make the Recycle Bin icon reappear on the desktop, follow these steps:

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.

3. Locate the following registry key:

4. Right-click the registry key that you located in step 3, point to New, and then click Key.

5. Type {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}, and then press ENTER.

6. Click the new {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} key that you created in step 5.

7. In the right pane, double-click the (Default) entry.

8. In the Edit String dialog box, type Recycle Bin in the Value data box, and then click OK.

9. Quit Registry Editor.

David asksā€¦

Recycle Bin question?

If I delete something and empty the recycle bin after, is there any other way somebody could find it after that? I’m not the administrator on the computer if that matters.

The Expert answers:

Yes. Someone can undelete something deleted from the recycle bin. It’s pretty easy.

When you delete a file from the Recycle bin, it removes the first character of the file name, and removes it from the directory. Just search for ‘undelete program’. Typically, it’ll run and turn up tons of programs that were deleted.

If you DON’T want someone to find whatever you want to delete, rename it first to a single character name with no extension. For example, you can rename sexypicture.jpg to q, and then delete it. After you’ve deleted several “q” files, they’ll be difficult to get back — no one will know what they really are.

Good luck

Helen asksā€¦

recycle bin?

How do I get to my recycle bin?
well duhhhh,there it is thankz dawg(I should dye my hair blond)

The Expert answers:

Double-click the Recycle Bin icon on your desktop.

Thomas asksā€¦


Hi, I had a really long video (an hour plus) on my laptop which I filmed with webcam. Anyway, I wanted to delete it so I right clicked, pressed delete then a message came up saying something along the lines of:
“This file to too large to go to the recycle bin.”
I can’t find it in my videos, but is it still deleted even though it didn’t go to the recycle bin?
Thanks in advance.

The Expert answers:

Yes it will be deleted.
If a file is too large for the recycle bin it just gets deleted without going to the recycle bin.
You can adjust the amount of disk space available for the recycle bin if you have Windows 7 or Vista (and possibly XP)

Chris asksā€¦

I LOST my recycle bin Icon off my desktop ?

I already tried * right clicking on desktop * left on personalization* then left on change desktop icons AND clicking ON box on recycle bin and restoring default. THAT didnt work I still dont have my desktop Recycle Icon back can anyone help PLEASE…I have VISTA !

The Expert answers:

Microsoft offers solutions to this problem here

If you cannot restore the Recycle Bin by using the resolutions that are listed in this article, work around this issue by creating a shortcut to the Recycle Bin:

1. Click Start, and then click My Computer.
2. On the Tools menu, click Folder Options.
3. Click the View tab, and then click to clear the Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) check box.
4. Click Yes when the warning message appears, and then click OK to close the Folder Options dialog box.
5. Click Folders on the toolbar.

Note If Folders is not visible on the toolbar, point to Toolbars on the View menu, and then click Standard Buttons.
6. In the left pane, under Folders, locate the Recycle Bin folder, and then drag the Recycle Bin folder to the desktop.
7. On the Tools menu, click Folder Options.
8. Click the View tab, and then click to select the Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) check box. Click OK.

Note This procedure does not re-create the original icon. However, this procedure restores most of the features of the Recycle Bin, including the following:

* Delete a file by dragging it to the Recycle Bin icon on your Desktop.
* Retrieve a file that you deleted by double-clicking the Recycle Bin icon on your Desktop, right-clicking the file that you want to retrieve, and then clicking Restore.
* Empty the Recycle Bin by right-clicking the Recycle Bin icon on your Desktop, and then clicking Empty Recycle Bin.

When you use these step to work around the problem, you cannot right-click the Recycle Bin shortcut to access the Recycle Bin Properties. To set properties for the Recycle Bin, follow these steps:

1. Double-click the Recycle Bin shortcut on the Desktop. The Recycle Bin folder opens.
2. In the upper left corner of the Recycle Bin folder, right-click the Recycle Bin icon, and then click Properties.

Jenny asksā€¦

How do I access the recycling bin program in my computer without using the desktop icon? I’m using Vista.?

How do I access the recycling bin program in my computer without using the desktop icon? ( I may have unknowingly deleted the icon somehow and now need to check the contents.) I’m using Vista.

The Expert answers:

The recycle bin is a protected folder and so it can’t be viewed through normal means. Follow these steps to get the folder.

First thing’s first. Go to control panel. Select classic view. Go to folder options. Click the tab “view” at the top. Unheck the box labeled “hide protected operating system files” and also check the box labeled “show hidden files and folders”. Then click ok and ignore the warning. You can change it back later if you wish.

Then go to My Computer and click your C: drive. Recycle bin will be a folder labeled $Recycle.bin

Your recycle bin contents will be somewhere in here.

Ken asksā€¦

How to get recycle bin on usb?

Is there any way i can get a recycle bin on my USB stick, which when files are deleted it goes straight to that bin. I havent lost any files or anything but it would be handy so that if you accidentally delete something of your usb you can get it back,

The Expert answers:

Well, I see no way of getting a recycle bin on your USB Flash drive. If you delete files on your USB it gets stored on the COMPUTER’S recycle bin. Why don’t you just create a folder and name it Recycle bin? Create the folder, right-click it, select properties and click customize. Click “change icon”. Now choose the Recycle bin icon. That’s a simple solution.

Linda asksā€¦

I lost my recycle bin?

I deleted my recycle bin how do I get it back on my desktop?

The Expert answers:

Below is a tips of how to recover your recycle bin if same no longer appears on your windows desktop :-
To proceed , access the registry :
Go to menu Start > Run and type regedit
Scroll to the following key:
Create a new key and name as follows:


Double-click on the default value and assign the following value:
@ = “Recycle Bin”

Mandy asksā€¦

how do i restore my recycling bin?

i deleted my recycle bin shortcut how do i get it back

The Expert answers:

(In Windows 7)

Go to “My Computer”, press the “ALT” key on your keyboard and a menu will show up with “File”, “Edit”, “View”, “Tools” and “Help”. Click on “Tools” and then click on “Folder Options”. Click on the “View” tab and un-check the box beside “Hide Protected Operating System Files (Recommended).”

A warning will come up. Click “Yes” and then click “Ok” in “Folder Options.” Now go into the hard drive of your computer (usually the C:/ drive) and look for a folder called “$Recycle.Bin” and open it. Now right-click on the Recycle Bin icon and select “Send To > Desktop (Create Shortcut).”

A shortcut to your Recycle Bin will show up on your desktop.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

George asksā€¦

Which of the following is not true of the nitrogen cycle?

A) It requires different types of bacteria.
B) Nitrogen gas is converted to nitrates in plant leaves.
C) Nitrogen is cycled through living organisms.
D) When plants and animals die, their nitrogen is recycled.
E) Nitrogen is a component of all proteins.

The Expert answers:

B, that happens through small fauna

Linda asksā€¦

What happens to the syringes after they are disposed?

1)What happens to the syringes after they are disposed?
Are they crushed? recycled? what happens to the metal needles?where do they go after disposal?please tell full cycle.
2) Syringe producers themselves sterilize the needles or they outsource to any other small company to sterilize them?
3) is sterilizing the used needles illegal in any country? specially India?

The Expert answers:

That would be a question for your local Solid Waste Division for the City you reside in. Hospitals are responsible for proper disposal of bio-hazardous waste. Now, with respect to individuals that live in your community that have for example Diabetes:

Some cities use landfills, some have energy-from-waste facilities that burn all Municipal Solid Waste (generating electricity in the process).

The individuals throw their sharps in the trash that is picked up by whichever trash company, the local Solid Waste Division for your city / state tells them where they are permitted to take it.

Hope this helps.

Susan asksā€¦

Is oxaloacetate and citric acid the same thing?

In my bio book it says that during the Krebs cycle, the beginning product (citric acid) is recycled back into itself, and it says that the end product is oxaloacetate which indicates that recycling has occurred. I’m a bit confused….are these two chemicals the same thing?

The Expert answers:

At the end of the Krebs cycle, the final product is oxaloacetic acid. This is identical to the oxaloacetic acid that begins the cycle. Now the molecule is ready to accept another acetyl-CoA molecule to begin another turn of the cycle.

Acetyl-CoA enters the Krebs cycle by combining with a four-carbon acid called oxaloacetic acid. The combination forms the six-carbon acid called citric acid.

So Oxaloactetate and citric acid are not the same.

Ken asksā€¦

Why Does my Maytag Centennial Washer Refuse to Start When Locked?

Our Household has had a Maytag Centennial Washer for eight months and it won’t start after it locks. I wash off the top of the washer whenever Ioad it because I dumpster dive/recycle to remove the odor from the washer’s opening. Was that confusing the washer’s cycles?

The Expert answers:

I don’t know about the washer, but your question sure confused me.

Check the safety latch that keeps the washer from working when the lid is open.

Donald asksā€¦

How would you Describe the Hydrological Cycle?

How would you describe the Hydrological Cycle in brief? Including the Journey and Stages and the water recycling between states of matter in brief?
Thanks in advance
10 Points are ready!

The Expert answers:

Sea cloud rain river sea cloud rain river sea cloud rain river . . .

Carol asksā€¦

Describe the differences in the way that energy compared to materials move through ecosystems.?

I understand that there are trophic levels & that energy is decreased at each one and that it involves a food chain. I also understand that matter is constant and atoms are recycled for materials. I just don’t know what other differences exist between the cycling of energy and the cycling of materials.

The Expert answers:

Tropic levels general describe the transfer of energy as each level only having 10% of the energy available for use from the previous trophic level.

Michael asksā€¦

32) Quantities of mineral nutrients in soils of tropical rain forests are relatively low because?

A) the standing crop is small.
B) microorganisms that recycle chemicals are not very abundant in tropical soils.
C) the decomposition of organic refuse and reassimilation of chemicals by plants occur rapidly.
D) nutrient cycles occur at a relatively slow rate in tropical soils.
E) the high temperatures destroy the nutrients.

The Expert answers:

I’d say C is the right answer: decomposition and reassimilation are rapid.

I initially had the wrong answer with my own reasoning, but I found the web site shown below as my source, and I learned what nutrient cycle means. From that site, “As organic material decays, it is recycled so quickly that few nutrients ever reach the soil, leaving it nearly sterile.”

Briefly, rainforest soils are depleted of nutrients, so the plants depend primarily on the rapid decomposition of organic material. The fast growing vegetation immediately takes up the freshly released nutrients.

The web site is worth reading in depth for a full understanding.

Donna asksā€¦

Where can I find information about Styrofoam and Paper cups environmental impact in it’s Life Cycle?

I am doing a Life Cycle analysis of the two types of disposable cups to compare and derive which one is more harmful to the environment in its whole life cycle. Starting from the Resource Extraction, followed by Manufacturing (Raw Material & Product), Usage and Recycling/Disposal. Any detailed sources providing these information are welcome. Thanks!!

The Expert answers:

If you are an American then be aware that disposable cups are not made of styrofoam, they are made of expanded polystyrene. Styrofoam is a brand name that Americans misuse, like people say they will Hoover when they mean they will vacuum clean. Styrofoam is EXTRUDED polystyrene foam, a different product used to insulate walls. Disposable coffee cups are not made out of Styrofoam, they are made out of EXPANDED polystyrene.

When you are clear which product you actually mean, then the following link might be helpful to you:

Sandra asksā€¦

what are the best freecycling websites?

please can you let me know the best sites for free stuff, im looking at doing a project just involving recycled or reclaimed materials i have discovered free-cycle but it seems very limited and you have to be very lucky to actually find anything, im not sure if there are any others that i cant seem to find.
if possible im going to try and be completly self sufficient on things that others do no longer need
thanks for your help
South East London Area

The Expert answers:

Eastleigh Freecycle!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Susan asksā€¦

Wasting water?

If we’ve always had the same amount of water on this earth, and it obviously gets recycled, how are we ever “wasting it”?? Just wondering, cus wouldnt it just get recycled again?

The Expert answers:

It takes mad amounts of money to ‘recycle’ it but good point

John asksā€¦

wasting water?

How is it possible to ‘wastewater? Like, when they say don’t let the faucet run because you’re wasting water…doesn’t it just go back into the earth anyway? I thought it was cleaned at a water-treament center, then like, recycled…how is that wasting? I don’t get it….

The Expert answers:

The answer depends heavily on where you are and how your water is won. If being in small village up in the Rocky Mountains and water is taken from a local creek, it does not really matter if it goes downhill directly or by your toilet. If it is a village or town, not all of the water of the creek should be used for toilets because otherwise there is no creek anymore – an no tourists coming for fishing. Not even a substatial part should be used for human neds (toilet, wahing, cleaning the dishes etc) without clearance because this would pollute the river and there might be no fish anmore as well,

If being in California, New Mexico or other states in the south, the water supply is taking from rivers – Rio Grande (Great River) is not great anymore because almost all water is taken by humans) – or from groundwater, sometimes even from groundwater reservoirs that took thousands of years to form. Taking more water from groundwater than is resupplied by nature means to lower the level of groundwater. The consequences are disastrous because the area of the reservoir will slowly turn into a desert. Plants can not reach water with their roots, ponds and lakes fall dry, rivers as well.In some of the southern states of the USA this is a serious problem. And in many other parts of the world as well. Ensuring access to clean drinking water for every human without destroying the basics of living has been marked as one of the most important problems for 21st century by the UN.

David asksā€¦

how can you waste water if it’s being recycled?

The Expert answers:

Mostly because it cannot be used again for sometimes hundreds of years. We draw water up from aquifers that is potable, but we either contaminate it to where we either cannot use it, or we can treat it. It can also just evaporate and end up in the ocean where it cannot be efficiently use. Meanwhile, the aquifer only recharges at a certain rate, so if we’re pumping more than it recharges, especially during drought, it can be pretty easy to “waste” water. It’s true it’s recycled, but it’s the matter of how long it takes for that to happen on it’s own, or the energy we need to put into it that’s what really matters.

Linda asksā€¦

what are the associated costs with recycling waste in construction?

what are the associated costs with recycling waste in construction

The Expert answers:

Construction waste recycling is the separation and recycling of recoverable waste materials generated during construction and remodeling. Packaging, new material scraps and old materials and debris all constitute potentially recoverable materials. In renovation, appliances, masonry materials, doors and windows are recyclable.
Most construction waste goes into landfills, increasing the burden on landfill loading and operation. Waste from sources such as solvents or chemically treated wood can result in soil and water pollution.

Some materials can be recycled directly into the same product for re-use. Others can be reconstituted into other usable products. Unfortunately, recycling that requires reprocessing is not usually economically feasible unless a facility using recycled resources is located near the material source. Many construction waste materials that are still usable can be donated to non-profit organizations. This keeps the material out of the landfill and supports a good cause.

The most important step for recycling of construction waste is on-site separation. Initially, this will take some extra effort and training of construction personnel. Once separation habits are established, on-site separation can be done at little or no additional cost.

Sandra asksā€¦

Please help me with my essay about “waste and recycling” 1000 words.?

The Expert answers:

Today, recycling, maintaining our sustainability and taking care of our environment is a big thing. While the best method is to reuse our wastes, this often cannot be done. Therefore, the only way to go seems to be to recycle, to use the same materials to make that same product again and again. While this seems to be a great idea, it is not always the case.

I usually carry a water bottle in my bag. I drink bottled water not because I believe it is safer or cleaner than tap water; but rather merely out of convenience. It allows me to have quick access to water when Iā€™m not near a bubbler or a fast-food restaurant. I also refill my water bottle whenever possible. This is reusing waste products, and therefore the best way to sustain our environment. However, water bottles break. When it is broken, I throw it in the rubbish bins provided, NOT the recycling bin. Why?

I think that recycling is somewhat a pointless exercise. It is not totally useless though. I recycle aluminium cans and such. The reason why I recycle aluminium cans and not plastics bottles will be discussed later.

In the New York Times, John Tierney wrote an article called ā€œRecycling is Garbageā€. In that article, he declared that ā€œRecycling may be the most wasteful activity in modern America: a waste of time and money, a waste of human and natural resourcesā€. In the article, he points out many things. For instance, packaging saves resources, reducing food spoilage. Fast-food meals generate less trash per person than home-cooked meals. Also, the cheapest way to dispose of garbage is in a landfill.

Recycling, however, costs a lot of money. The time, effort and money spent on picking materials and sorting them out costs more than it would cost to dump it in landfill. Then it would have to be re-processed. Tierney figures that the value of the labour of recycling to be literally hundreds of dollars per ton more.

People might say that landfills are taking too much space. However, it is a common myth. A. Clark Wiseman of Spokane’s Gonzaga University figures that, at the current rate, Americans could put all of the trash generated over the next 1,000 years into a landfill 91 m high and 56 km square or dig a similar-size hole and plant grass on top after it was filled. America has an area of 9,631,418 square km. I doubt they will have trouble finding an area to dump their rubbish. Some people might be worried that this landfill is hazardous and potentially lethal to the environment. An easy solution to this is to shoot off the rubbish into space. All we need to do is provide that much space for rubbish and shoot it off to space once every a thousand years.

People also say that we are going to run out of resources in the near future, they are wrong. Resources on earth are not scarce at all. WorldWatch, a group which has constantly predicted the near future when humans will run out of resources, now acknowledges: ā€œThe question of scarcity may never been the most important oneā€.

People think that recycling paper saves trees. This is wrong. Paper is made from trees which are specifically grown to be chopped down to be turned into paper. It has the same concept as a chicken farm. Australians eat 1 billion chickens every year. And yet, chicken is not an endangered species. This is because we farm chicken. If we are to hunt chickens from the woods and still eat the same amount of chicken, chicken will be extinct in a matter of hours. The same goes for trees. We ā€˜farmā€™ trees the same way we farm chickens. Recycling paper doesnā€™t save trees. As a matter of fact, recycling paper does more harm to the environment than to just make paper freshly from trees. The process of transporting used paper, sorting different types of paper and many other processes involved in recycling paper produces a lot more pollution than just chopping down trees and turning them into paper. The only real way to reduce paper consumption is to read the content of the paper over and over again. A fully-grown oak tree soaks in about 380 L of water a day. That is a lot of water. However, this oak tree does not only consume water, it also eats greenhouse gases and helps purify the air. On the contrary, if everybody stops using paper all of a sudden, we will eventually destroy those trees and use the area for something else. So in fact, throwing away paper saves trees. More paper demand means more trees will be planted and therefore cleaner air.

People also think that we are running out of water. But truthfully, water does not run out. Where would water go? We donā€™t shoot water off to space. The water that we use is contained inside earthā€™s gravitational pull. In fact, we have more water than the dinosaurs, since the icecaps are melting. The dinosaurs lived for 115 million years and they didnā€™t die out because they run out of water. Humans have only been around for 2 mill

William asksā€¦

recycle aquarium water?

Does anyone recycle their aquarium water and reuse it for the aquarium. If so, what method do you use? I vacuum the gravel and feel it is such a waste to dump out all that water when all the muck settles on the bottom of the container.

The Expert answers:

It is not just the waste at the bottom that you need to remove by vacuuming the gravel. The real goal is to remove the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate (poop is future ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate). You will almost always have small traces of these compounds in your WATER (not just sitting at the bottom), so adding the water back to the tank would really be doing very little (really, it completely counters your time spent cleaning the tank). Many people use their tank water to water their houseplants because the fish poop is pretty much fertilizer…

Soop Nazi

Donald asksā€¦

How can water be wasted? Doesnā€™t it automatically recycle?

The Expert answers:

It gets naturally recycled, generally yes. But if one country were to waste a lot of water through evaporation due to improper agricultural practices (like, for example, India), then that water isn’t lost for the planet as a whole, but it might only come down as precipitation in other countries, or over the ocean, our out of season.
So yes, it’d difficult to destroy water, but it doesn’t cycle instantly, and you can have local losses, or losses for a season, and thus have water shortages.

Nancy asksā€¦

Is it worthy to recycle plastic packages since you waste water on washing them after use?

I think that one wastes a certain amount of water when washing his plastic packages before he gives them away for recycle. I can’t figure out if the amount of water used is worthy. I mean what will have greater positive impact on the nature – to recycle plastic package or to save the water to wash it?

The Expert answers:

The amount of water needed to rinse a plastic container is negligible compared to the resources used to make a new one. If you wash them in water used to wash dishes, you’re not wasting any water.

Steven asksā€¦

World water day????/?

what do people basically do on this day?
how can we contribute on this day?

The Expert answers:

Donot waste water at home
Recycle the water in your society
Use rainwater harvesting in your area

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Carol asksā€¦

How do recycling centers sort/recycle plastic containers or bottles that contained harmful chemicals?

I’m hoping that Recycling centers are sorting the plastic bottles and containers properly. Do the process they use at plastic recycling centers kill all the harmful leftover contaminants? Imagine having an opened pesticides container with some traces of liquid left in contact with plastic water bottles that are going to be used for more plastic water bottles.

There are markers that identify the plastic type at the bottom of each bottle/container but not what type of liquid was in each. I hope they don’t recycle plastics that contained harmful chemicals to things people would be in contact with like toys and storage containers.

The Expert answers:

I think it is by hand and by sight. I can’t think of any machine that would do this but man.

As for old water bottles into new one, that is against the law I was told at a water bottling plant when that question came up.

Donald asksā€¦

For the MAC recycling program, do they only accept empty MAC containers?

I have lots of empty cosmetic cases, and some of them are sephora, & other brands, and i was wondering if you could recycle them at mac? thanks.

The Expert answers:

They only accept MAC containers, but only if its back2mac.
On the box of the product it should say ‘back-2-mac’. If it doesn’t say back2mac then you can’t bring it to MAC.
If you return 6 empty MAC containers you can get a free lipstick, but everything has to be intact, like if you depotted your eyeshadows, they won’t take the container without the pan in it..

William asksā€¦

Why is recycling the Tablet Containers difficult?

The Expert answers:

The containers may contain traces of the medicines. The cleaning process must thus be meticulous and is expensive.

Michael asksā€¦

Why won’t my county recycle yogurt & margarine containers?

We just got nifty new recycling containers along with a pamphlet about the Single Stream (don’t have to sort) recycling program in our county. It specifies that we can not recycle margarine and yogurt containers. That seems so strange to me… why not?

The Expert answers:

That seems very strange. Yogurt and margarine containers are made out of plastic, and should be recycleable.

It’s possible your county doesn’t have plastic recycling, but it could be something else.
I’d call your county offices…get more info.

Paul asksā€¦

10 POINTS! Why is the beer industry been so successful with its container recycling compared to the others? ?

10 POINTS! Why is the beer industry been so successful with its container recycling compared to the others?

Compare the packaging methods of the beer industry in Ontario to the dairy, soft drink, wine, and liquor industry. Why is the beer industry been so successfull with its container recyling compared to others?

Could they achieve similar sucess?

How could this be done?

The Expert answers:

The more beer cans you recycle the more beer you can buy next time around.

Donna asksā€¦

Can tennis ball containers be recycled?

I recently noticed that my tennis ball containers are made of number 1 plastic — which I know is acceptable for recycling. However, there’s a metal strip on the very top. I assume it’s aluminum. Do you think the whole thing can be put on the curb to collect?

The Expert answers:

Yes! The cans that tennis balls come in are made of a PET #1 plastic that is accepted in the Containers recycling category.

Ken asksā€¦

How to buy a recycling trash container in Wyoming?

I’m living in Wyoming and I’m asking you for advice. Can anyone help me to purchase a recycling trash container for my business nearby?
Thanks so much for the information!

The Expert answers:

My cousin got a recycling trash container here recently. It was a good quality.

Sandra asksā€¦

i am trying to find a source from Washington state government or educational system free recycling containers

The Expert answers:

You nee another word or two to make a complete sentence.

Sharon asksā€¦

After washing plastic & glass containers for recycling, should I dry them too?

The Expert answers:

No, it isn’t necessary. Just wash them so they don’t attract flies

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Thomas asksā€¦

what’s my boss upto? pls look into this?

actually i work for this architect (my boss) as an artist, and he knows iam gay… he thinks iam dating a girl he’s been seeing me with but iam not, cause she’s straight, but yes iam in love with her n i know it wud’nt work out,
she dint have a house so after trying everythin i thot i’l call my boss and asked him to help her, n he did! surprisingly he got her a house he’s paying the rent n all that dunno y… n tody at work he was complaining about her that to me… so i caled her this evenin to know wats hapening n she said everything was fine and had no clue y he’s been doin that?
what do u think? im really concerned cause its kinda causing a misunderstanding btwn me n her…
my boss is paying her rent cause she agreed to work for him from nex month….. in his buisness. n i asked him to help cause he n i r good frnz than a boss and an employe…
she actually sounded like she knew nothin abt wat was hapening n im quite sure she wudnt give in for sex or what so evr

The Expert answers:

Human behavior always reveals the underlying realities. Your boss is in fact “keeping” this girl. Paying rent, and the like is always expected to be reciprocated. This girl is no moron, she is playing it for all it’s worth. You know this girl but you don’t know this girl. What you love about her is her persona and the way she interacts with you.

The reason she acted as if she knew nothing about it is she is playing you as well. She doesn’t want you butting in and upsetting the apple cart as they say. Her next move will be to tell him the things you asked her and in the process she will in fact complain that you are getting in her business and she feels offended. He will then in turn be her night in shining armor and come to you.

When he comes to you, he will be demanding towards you and protective of her. You will lose your friendship with him and your job. She will not care. I call people like her “Chameleons.” They leave a great deal of devastation in their wake.

You will as always, be entangled in drama but in the end lose out. She won’t care, your boss will feel like a big macho man, and she will continue to play him until he is no longer useful to her and she will then move on like a shark to her next “meal.”

Not pretty but accurate….

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Helen asksā€¦

are jewish people cheap or is it just a stereo type? im a fellow jew so dont this question?

Im wondering what you all think about this question…there are some very cheap jews out there,,,but overall are we anymore cheap than other groups ….or is it just false…? fun question not racist,,,

The Expert answers:

In fact I am an Israelite and as Jewish as they come. There stereotype of Jews being cheap were created by Euro-trash prior to WW I. Jewish people give more money to charity than per capita than any other people on earth. If you are Torah observant you could understand that spending on oneself is an act of idolatry, but spending on the needs of others is a blessing.

Never be a slave to the created, but obey the Laws & Teachings of the Creator. Pope John Paul made a belated apology to the Jewish people for the way we were treated and stereotyped by Anti-Semitic church leaders during WW I & WW II. If anyone is cheap it’s the Germans and other like minded Europeans and not the Jews.

On Christian holidays, as is my experience, Jews work in the place of Christians in a myriad of jobs. We work so they can have the holidays off for their families. In modern day Israel again it is the Jews who provide more humanitarian aid to the so called Palestinians than do their own governing Authorities and we do it with private funds.

These are simply facts. Yassar Arafat and his wife stole 9 billion dollars from the Palestinian Authority and moved it to banks in France and no one raised an eyebrow. 89% of all foreign aid sent to the Palestinian occupied territories is stolen and used to purchase weapons to kill Israelis or allow Islamic leaders to fuel hatred while living in lavish lifestyles. There are some Jewish people (Meeshpookah) who are a bit thrifty and won’t spend very much at all on themselves but give tons of money to Jewish charity and they do so quietly so as not to glorify themselves.

Hope this helped….

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Donna asksā€¦

What do you think about my opinion on problem solving?

I think many people suffer with how to efficiently and effectively solve problems. In many circumstances, certain people feel that in order to solve a problem they have to consult another individual to aid them in the process. The problem with this logic is, that if you never truly learn how to conquer a problem on your own, you will be forced to accept the idea that nothing you accomplish throughout your life will have been something you did on your own. Your life is comprised of solving simple and complex problems that shape who you are and who you will become. You want to look back on your life and know that you shaped your future and not the sole influence of others. I know for me personally, I try to use my own logical, rationality, and intelligence to solve problems as I know it will more significantly benefit who I am if I do my best to control my own destiny.

The Expert answers:

I mostly agree, and it influences whose questions I attempt to answer here.

But this notion, if taken to extremes, misses the fact that a great deal of problem-solving is learning technique, and most of our technical expertise is learned from others. I don’t see anything wrong with seeking help when you don’t see the correct approach to a problem. In fact, I think it should be encouraged; a student who wastes time on useless approaches may not learn what he needs to learn, and unless he is led to the correct technique, he may waste his instructor’s time, too.

But the point of seeking help is to learn the technique, not simply to have the problem “done” for you. That is why I typically skip questions when someone has simply “dumped” their homework out here for someone else to do. If I do it, the sheer number of questions they asked practically guarantees that they will not learn, and they are likely to hand in the homework and convince their instructor they know the material, leading to a very bad situation for both when they are tested later.

I once had a student job helping other students in a computer lab. I ran into people who simply wanted the work done for them–including one classmate who had fished a pre-debugging copy of my own program out of the recycling bin and copied it, then expected me to supply the fixes for the bugs from my finished version. I also ran into someone who asked me a question only every few weeks, and was always far more advanced before he came back with another question.

My favorite was someone who kept seeking me out because I was so nasty to her. She’d made it clear that she really wanted to understand, not just get the answers, and I got into the habit of leading her to the answers by asking her questions. (Socrates must have been pretty hard to take as a teacher.) Anyway, we both enjoyed the exchanges; she learned a lot, and so did I.

Laura asksā€¦

Is it weird if a 23 year old woman dates a 38 year old guy?

The Expert answers:

Not really all that weird. It is happening more and more as the younger people get out of High school and get jobs etc, it is a proven fact they can’t support a family. If they go off to college they may do better, but the job market isn’t to good even with a college degree. So serious minded women are realizing an older more established man (Not Boy) treats them better in all departments. My wife is 13 years younger than me, we are getting a divorce, she is just to immature and not very intelligent. So her intelligence and maturity was beneath me, and the stupid stuff we argue over is outrageous. It’s not the age that’s the problem but the generation gap in our upbringings. We the older generation had a harder life and you kids today you have no idea. The older generation gets blamed for not taking care of the earth, but it is really you kids today that are contaminating it. We used to take the glass bottles back to the store for a deposit, a big family passed down hand me down clothes, if we sent something fragile we packed it in newspaper not bubble wrap or Styrofoam, we drank water from the fountain not a plastic bottle that has to be recycled, we used cloth diapers and washed them out and reused them, not disposable diapers that clutter the city dumps.We used newspaper and scrap wood to start the fire in the stove. We didn’t have cloth diapers, plastic bottles, styrofoam cups, wax milk cartons, etc. If the girl and the older man can get on the same page they have it made. If she thinks everything the guy does is old fashioned there may be problems. However, an older guy can take care of the girl a lot better than most of these young guys that don’t have a clue. Age doesn’t matter, your mind set will make it or break it. Wouldn’t it be better to have 10 or 12 years of happiness rather than 40+ years of fighting and struggling marrying a younger guy who is not established and not ready for the responsibility of being a husband and a father?

Michael asksā€¦

Is minimum wage enough to live on?

Minimum wage is $5.15 an hour in the United States

The Expert answers:

In answer to your question, I doubt that anyone would think that the Federal minimum wage is enough to live on. In fact 17 states doubt it too and have minimum wages higher than the federal one.
Having said that, there are a good number of people who have no choice but to live on minimum wage, until their situation improves. There are ways to do it. If you look at the current poverty guidelines set by the Federal government, you’ll notice that the rate for a family of 1 is $9,800 – below the annual income ($10,712, assuming a 40 hour work week with no overtime). How convenient. I think it would be almost impossible to do without subsidized housing – public housing or Section 8. People, including households where they want one of the parents to stay home and home school the kids, have come up with all kinds of ways to live frugally. These methods include cooking all the meals once a month, clipping coupons and joining coupon orgainzations for trading coupons, recycling cans and bottles, making and selling things, shopping at the thrift store, and on and on, not to mention that people often work 1 1/2 – 2 jobs and/or overtime to make ends meet.
I’ll just leave you with a mental picture; a true story from my property management days at the Housing Authority in NYC. I once rented an appartment to an applicant who was a single man making the minimum wage pumping gas ($100 a week at the time). He came in neat and clean and with a letter of recommendation from his employer. His living arrangement and employment had already been verified and inspected (in person) by the Applications Unit. THE MAN LIVED IN A CARDBOARD BOX. He was so greatful to get an apartment in a housing project. I have to admit, I had to tear around and pretend to fiddle with papers so he wouldn’t see the tears welling up in my eyes – and it’s not that I’m overly soft (I’ve had to evict seniors, children, and invalids). That’s a person trying to live on the Federal minimum wage.

Sandy asksā€¦

What is your opinion on going green?

I am writting a persuasive speech for my 9th grade english class and i need an oposite side to going green. i support it but i need people to write why they dont support going green thank you.

The Expert answers:

Some people mistakenly think that “going green” is expensive. In fact, I’ve saved a ton of money by living a green lifestyle for the last 40 years.

Some people think “going green” will cost jobs. It may. But then, buggy whip makers lost their jobs as the world around them changed. NEW jobs will be created.

Some people argue that “going green” is simply a marketing ploy with little practical effect. For SOME products and companies, that is true, but not for all. Shaklee products I used back in the 70’s have always been “green.” “Green” labels can be misleading, so actually reading the labels or doing a little research on the product can be required. Some may object that it is “too difficult.” I disagree, and think that living in a polluted and depleted world would be much MORE difficult.

Going green can be inconvenient if your community does not make recycling readily available. Our little town offers only paper recycling. I have to haul the recyclables to another town when I am going that way anyway, which means that quite a bit accumulates and it can be a storage problem. I still do it, but many simply do not.

I’m hard pressed to find reasons to support the “opposite” side. Good luck.

Susan asksā€¦

what do you think can be done to preserve the environment/?

The Expert answers:

Clean energy alternatives, recycling and other programs to improve the environment are all very worth while and have merit.

The problem lies not with local government or even nations. But, all nations. The United Nations should make the environment a primary concern to include a unified global program.

Too often when a global program is attempted, the cry of jobs and economics comes into play.. But, that doesn’t excuse or obscure the fact a global program regarding the environment is needed, to work in and include the economics, of every nation. ASAP…

Carol asksā€¦

do you think this list help the world and its people during this time?

if people would:
stop having babies for a while ,
stop raping which is still wrong,
recycle a lot more,
save energy for an hour at night,
stop making new cars and cell phones,
be a little careful when drinking too much water,
eat only when its usual,
stop moving to different areas unless thats part of your job,
stop cutting down trees,
use recycled paper for school and work,

i know there might be even more ideas so be kind enough to add some. but even if you read this list do you think that the economy would get a little or a lot better? if it does would you be greatful that you helped everyone? yourself? family? the poor? orphans?

The Expert answers:

Remember that these are all my views, so there may be better ones or unaddressed details:
1. Stop having babies for a while
I wouldn’t say that the problem is people having babies. I think people lack a general respect for sex or the process of having children itself. Unwanted children are plentiful across the world.

2. Stop raping which is still wrong,
The problem with rape laws is that rape is hard to define. Everyone understands that rape is unacceptable, but interpretation defines what is and isn’t convicted.

3. Recycle a lot more,
I can’t argue with that, though some places don’t have the availability to recycle. Recycling costs money which in many places is more scarce.

4. Save energy for an hour at night,
It would definitely help a lot, more than anyone can imagine. I personally have gotten into the habit of turning things off when I don’t use them. It’s somewhat of a discipline, although, it takes an extra effort, which many are a bit selfish to put forth, are tired from work, or many other potential reasons.

5. Stop making new cars and cell phones,
Truly it would help, but we know that that’s not going to happen. We would be better off going into research to create more efficient cars to roam the streets. Cell phones, honestly, I don’t know as much about, so I won’t try to make something up.

6. Be a little careful when drinking too much water,
It is true what they say about needing to drink a lot of water per day. What most don’t think as much about though, is using water efficiently. Combining laundry into larger loads, taking shorter showers, and not watering your lawn on a rainy day are a few examples of how to conserve water. It’s hard to drink too much water. It’s easy to drink too much soda, though. šŸ™‚

7. Eat only when its usual,
This could most notably stabilize ones metabolism. The body itself has a general rhythm that it appreciates, and a regular, sufficient set of meals each day would most likely make it happier. Who knows? Maybe happier people would put more thought into recycling or conserving water or even saving energy!

8. Stop moving to different areas unless that’s part of your job,
This can be good or bad. When a person is single and if they are sociable, it might be very pleasant to move from place to place, meeting new people and experiencing new things. Once one begins to build a family, though, it’s not a bad idea to find a place to settle down. I, personally, love meeting new people, but even so, I don’t think I would have appreciated moving constantly throughout grade school.

9. Stop cutting down trees,
There’s no argument to this. I believe in the concept of global warming, and even though loggers are supposed to plant new trees for each and every old one, I believe that they should plant more and leave more standing. Interesting Fact: Some of the largest trees in the world (I forget the type) have such small wood fiber that they would only be good for toothpicks! Some trees are saved due to their own nature.

10. Use recycled paper for school and work,
While it is an ideal thought, the amount of loss between initial paper and recycled paper is actually quite high. The output of recycling in general is not as high as you would think, so for the world to continue to use paper as it does, more trees will need to be cut down. Many things are becoming digital these days, though. The infinite masses of papers and files are becoming computer archives, so less paper will be necessary.

Robert asksā€¦

Nibiru – Planet X Possible?

Is it astronomically and scientifically possible for a planet to be on an elliptical orbit that we have not seen yet? Its an interesting story, is there any there could be some truth to it?

The Expert answers:

Yes. In fact the semi-major-axis would be “only” about 240 astronomical units (for a period of 3700 years). This would place the aphelion(furthest point in its orbit) well within the outer solar system, albeit much further than any observed member of the system.

Of course, if such a planet really existed, none of the inner planets would have the nice, almost-circular orbits we now enjoy.

The inner solar system would be totally disrupted by now.

Earth would not be habitable.

So, even though such a planet is “possible”, the existence of Mars and Earth, in their present, low-eccentricity orbits is good evidence that it does not exist.

In any event, it would have been found a long time ago. Remember that Pluto is smaller than our Moon (1/6 the mass) and it is at 40 astronomical units. Yet it was found almost 80 years ago by a guy comparing photos two at a time.

We now have automated observatories that discover asteroids less than 100 feet across (not even dangerous enough to worry about) years before they come close to us.

According to the hoax (and to Zechariah’s story, for Nibiru), Planet X is a full-sized planet and it should be less than 5 astronomical units from us by now.

It should be visible even without telescopes. In fact, it should be at least as bright as the stars of the Big Dipper. Millions of amateur astronomers would have found it years ago.

However, we know who invented Nibiru and we know who invented Planet X (they are two very distinct fake planets, invented at different times, for different purposes).

Planet X was invented for the 2003 end-of-the-world hoax. Nancy claimed that aliens warned her that this rogue planet (rogue = not in orbit around our Sun) was going to pass too close to Earth in May-June 2003 and cause all kinds of problems (these were the original doomsday predictions: tsunami, pole flip, blocking the sunlight…).

Nancy’s “friends” were selling a book on how to survive. The aliens were going to send spacecraft to save a small portion of the human population. For a suitable donation, you could get your name on the aliens’ rescue list, if you happened to know who, on Earth, was in contact with the aliens…

After June 2003, the hoax had to be recycled.

By that time, it was difficult for people to accept that a rogue planet keeps coming back for more. The charlatans needed a more regular fake planet. So they stole one.

Nibiru was created by Zechariah Sitchin back in the late 1960s for a book he was writing. In this book, we humans had been created by the inhabitants of the planet Nibiru. They need gold for their survival. Nibiru has no gold, but Earth does. So they use ape DNA to create us (half a million years ago) and we are their slaves.

Every 3700 years, when Nibiru comes close to Earth, they come and collect their gold. In the original story, Nibiru does not harm Earth when it comes close (after all, they need our help or they die).

In the original story, Nibiru cannot return before the year 2085.

When the charlatans stole stuff from his story, Zechariah tried to complain. But the charlatans were already rich enough, so no one listened to poor Zechariah.

Nibiru, ‘his’ fake planet, was hijacked and forced to participate in the Big 2012 Hoax.

Nibiru was a very old name (Babylonians, over 3000 years ago) for the planet we call Jupiter. When Zechariah was writing his story, his job was to translate old documents from that era. That is where he got his ideas for names.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asksā€¦

how much would you get if you took cans to the recycling center?

how much would you get if you took cans to the recycling center?

The Expert answers:

Also depends on the amount you take

Robert asksā€¦

Does the state of Colorado do recycling like cans and stuff for money like NY and CA do?

Just curious. Staying here for a bit and I got tons of Pepsi cans. We save them. In NY the recycle places are in the grocery stores, in CA there’s sites to take the cans back to. You get refunds for your deposits. But what about in Colorado?

The Expert answers:

I believe there are still “can banks” here in Colorado, machines you can feed cans into and get some money back.

According to the TV show Seinfeld, the best place to take your cans is Michigan. I think you can get 5 or 10 cents apiece for them there, but you have to have a postal truck first. (If you’ve seen the show, you understand that last statement!)

Michael asksā€¦

where do you get cash for recycling cans?

I was told that you could turn in aluminum cans and glass bottles for cash. I have been saving them and now I cannot find anywhere to turn them in other than the recycling/trash place and they do not pay. Was I misinformed or is it just hiding? If there are no places in NoVa then where is the closest place?

The Expert answers:

There are metal recycling centers in Va but va does not participate in the refund program for aluminium. Difference would be that in other states they will give you 5cent or so just for the can. Here the give you money based on the weight of the aluminum.

Ruth asksā€¦

How can recycling cans pay my bills?

The local recycling center does not pay very good. There has to be someone I can send them too for better profit.

The Expert answers:

At 60 cents a pound, you’d need to gather 100 pounds a day just to make 300 a week, which is close to 8 bucks an hour.
It’s roughly 1 cent per can, so that’s a lot of cans in one day.

Not possible to pay many bills, yet.

Donald asksā€¦

Can Bud Light cans be redeemed at a recycling center in Massachusetts?

My brother has a weekly drinking night at my house and there’s always TONS of Bud Light cans laying around afterward, and I figured I’d cash in [in nickels, wahoo] on my brother’s love to party. However, I checked the cans and it doesn’t say on them whether or not they’re redeemable or in what states, and Google wasn’t any help either, so I figured I’d ask. Thanks in advance. šŸ˜€

The Expert answers:

Look on the tops of the cans. If they are returnable it will be stamped into the metal. If they are not marked it means he bought the beer in New Hampshire and the only value of the empty cans is their weight as scrap aluminum.

Donna asksā€¦

when recycling bottles and cans in Maine, how can you be sure they were purchased in Maine?

I try hard to recycle- but live in Maine on the NH border. My problem is when I separate my cans and bottles I am never sure which state they were purchased in. The recycling center is pretty firm ( $100.00 fine) about bottles and cans purchased out of state- so I am finding myself not recycling a lot of cans and bottles that were probably from Maine- any help out there??

The Expert answers:

Take your cans to a recycling center a few miles further from the boarder when you have a large load of them. They don’t care further east.

David asksā€¦

Recycling center in Manhattan, NY that takes aluminum cans and/or plastic botles for cash?

I’m looking for a place in Manhattan, NY that you can bring in up to hundreds of thousands of aluminum cans and/or plastic bottles and they will gladly give me cash in return. Locals know of any specific places in manhattan? I’ve looked everywhere online and can’t seem to find any. Greatly appreciate it if someone knows of anywhere! Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Go to, they find recycle centers by zipcode.

Thomas asksā€¦

Does the stateline recycling center pay you 70 cents a pound for aluminum cans?

I’m trying to sell cans I live in Janesville Wisconsin nd I would like to know if stateline gives you 70 cents.

The Expert answers:

You will probably have to call them at (608) 754-7715. They don’t seem to have a website.

John asksā€¦

Where can I find a printable coupon for recycling cans/bottles?

I’m going to recycle my cans for money this week but i want a coupon so i can get even more cash
Can some one post a link or website that can tell me where i can find a coupon to get more money on recycling cans/bottles?

The Expert answers:

This link might useful for you:

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ken asksā€¦

If you have a commingled recycling system how well does it work for you?

Commingled or single stream recycling is when everything goes out in one bin to be collected, does it concern you that all the material may not be able to be recycled because of contamination, eg broken glass embedded in paper? would you sort your recycling if it was made easier? would you still recycle if your council stopped kerbside collection? be great to hear your thoughts

The Expert answers:

Our community recycling is hybrid, meaning that we only sort between wet and dry. Anything wet it garbage(green clear bags) and dry stuff is to be recycled (paper, carton, plastics, glass etc)

I have often pondered on how they actually sort it all out and what exactly constitutes a contamination. I think it would be a good idea for everyone to get a glance at what really goes on in the recycling plants. Cause it seems to be a true mystery. Anyways, from my own analysys, I conclude that anything that isn’t mad of a one substance will be simply put to landfill because pulling it all apart will be a waste of time. On the other hand, I am sure these facilities have extensive purifying systems to avoid getting glass or plastic into recycled paper. Things are heated, melted, rinsed, pre-sorted, my magnetism, floatation, air etc.

I thought i had a better answer, but turns out I don’t.

Betty asksā€¦

Plastic bags – menace! how do you people recycle plastic?

Here in India, with more consumerism, plastic bags are increasing in numbers and sizes.. and there is no safe way in place to recycle them.
they clog drains and swewrs.
are there any good ways to recycle plastic bags – other than stop using them altogether?

The Expert answers:

Our school children collected plastic bags to recycle, and earned 3000 dollars or more! We use so many. Most people will not take them back to the store to recycle, but they will give them to little school children if it’s for a fundraiser type of activity.

I reuse them a lot as garbage sacks in my house, lining the smaller garbage cans.

Sharon asksā€¦

How do I recycle plastic bottles?

I live in an apartment, south Chicago. I see the bins by homes & businesses, how do I get one? I called the “City Clerk”- she connected me to the press one…press two spiel, I ended up leaving a message with “Melissa” who never called me back. I called Public Works, they didn’t know either. Anyone know where I can start?

The Expert answers:

Just leave your plastic bottles in a clear plastic bag and place it next to your regular garbage. They should see that those bottles are recyclables and will take the necessary action.

Helen asksā€¦

where do i recycle the plastic from cereal bags, toilet paper, paper towels and various snack bags?

I know that walmart has the boxes to recycle grocery bags; can i just drop them off there? My town will not accept plastic for recycling unless it is numbers 1 and 2.

The Expert answers:

You should drop them off in the wal-mart plastic bag recycling thing. I talked to my wal-mart manager and he says they take back all kinds of plastic even shrink wrap. I don’t know how much he really knows, but I don’t think it would hurt to add your items. It is better than the garbage people put in those containers. In my area people think they are garbage cans and put all their garbage in them.

George asksā€¦

list 15 questions on the improper way of disposing garbage in a community.?

its for an Information technology IA.

The Expert answers:


Here are the list of 15 questions:

~ What can cause bugs to invade a disposing garbage?
~ What can cause infestation of bugs in a disposed garbage?
~ What is one of the risk of disposing open garbage without any bags?
~ What can be recycled in a disposed garbage?
~ How sanitary it is to dispose a garbage in a black bag?
~ How can a open disposed garbage harm marine life?
~ How can we prevent community to stop disposing open garbage?
~ If we start recycling Plastics, metals, papers and certain types of glass and other renewable sources would it help our community?
~ What can cause a soil contamination?
~ Air contamination can occur in a open disposed garbage, how can we prevent it?
~ How can a community change the way of disposing garbage?
~ What can harm animal and marine as well as our life in a open disposed garbage?
~ How can we start recycling renewable sources from beginning to end?
~ What are some of the warnings to having garbage disposed in an open area near a community?
~ What are the advantages and disadvantages to dispose garbage?

Good luck!

? ??????ss ?

Mary asksā€¦

what to do with a recycling green box full of random rubbish?

I live in a student house and the green recycling box which has been outside our house if full of ramdom rubbish which people have dumped in it.

now no one will collect it and I am not keep to empty it by hand myself because for all I know it could contains sharp items which could endager my health.

I am basically looking for ideas of what to do with it as it is really bugging me?

I’ve thought of writing a note for the normal collection people to empty it but is it a good idea? what else can I do?

The Expert answers:

You’re facing one of the biggest headaches that come with recycling–people who put trash in recycling bins. Whether it’s from ignorance or spite, the end result is the same–no recycling center will pick it up or accept it.

My recycling center has 5 cardboard bins and 2 paper bins that are “always” available. What do people put in them? Bags of yard waste; bags of household garbage; dead animals; used contraceptives; broken glass; used syringes; lumber; dirty clothing; televisions; tree branches; and used carpet. Since there is a large trash dumpster 200 feet away from the recycling center, I can only assume this is done out of spite. We even lost one cardboard bin and one paper bin when someone burned them down.

Not that this solves your problem, but it does let you know that it’s a common problem.

If you want to try to keep this recycling bin, my suggestion is:
1. Find a “real” trash can and put it beside the recycling bin. Ask your school to provide one if possible. This will encourage people to put their rubbish in the trash can, not the recycling bin.
2. Contact the administration at your school and ask them to empty the rubbish out of the recycling bin into a regular trash dumpster (they should have maintenance people/janitors who can do this).
3. Make a sign, or have your school make a sign, for the recycling box. “Recycling only please – put trash in separate trash can” or something similar.

It is not likely that normal collection people will empty your recycling box, as they are supposed to empty only their own boxes or bins.

I work at a school, and I put paper-recycling bins in classrooms. The students then bring the full bins to my area. If there is ANY rubbish in the paper bins, I tell the students, “Take it out to the dumpster. It has trash in it.” After this happens once, the students no longer throw trash in the classroom bins.

Bless you for trying! It can be frustrating, I know, but at least you’re trying to do something.

Maria asksā€¦

recycling can solve the garbage crisis?

The Expert answers:

Recycling is more important than ever because just throwing away trash in a landfill or digging a hole and burying it is not a solution to the waste problem. Most natural trash items like food can break down and decompose in a matter of weeks, leaving no trace of it in the environment. But for man-made products like glass, plastic bags and aluminum cans it may take months or years to break down.

Recycling benefits everyone and everything. Here are a few reasons why:

* Conserves natural resources such as wood, water and minerals
* Saves energy because less energy is used to manufacture brand new products
* Produces less greenhouse gases because industries burn fewer fossil fuels
* Recycling programs cost less than waste disposal programs
* Recycling programs keep 70 tons of waste from being deposited into landfills every year
* Prevents the destruction of natural habitats
* Decreases soil erosion associated with mining and logging

David asksā€¦

are plastics garbagew bags rarely biogreadable?

Find out if using ecologically sound what is the need of lising plastic bags and how can reduce the amount of garbage

The Expert answers:

Most biodegradable bags are starch based. While they are strong when dry, they do lose integrity if they are subjected to moisture. If they are covered with soil in a landfill, they still take a long time to break down. They also tend to be more expensive.

So yes, they are rarely used, although many large supermarket chains are making the move toward using them to hold groceries.

The bags themselves are not as much of a problem as what we tend to put in them to throw away. With the move toward transfer stations and recycling depots, we are reducing the amount of garbage that goes into landfills.

Daniel asksā€¦

How do I recycle in Tampa?

I live in a high-rise condo building in downtown Tampa that does not recycle, they state they do not have enough room in the garbage room to accommodate the extra bins. I would like to organize something within the building so we can recycle but cannot find any quality information – any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

I have been here for life (Tampa area) and the taxes you pay pays for the collection of recycling.

We own property out in Riverview and they collect at our curb. Paper, cardboard, glass, cans and plastic. Publix will take styrofoam, plastic bags, & paper bags I think.There are recycling bins in some areas at businesses. Look around and maybe once a week you can take your own since your building is not required to recycle.

Call the county garbage service for your area and find out how to deal with it. You bought your condo so you acquire the rights of collection in your payment of property taxes in Hillsborough county.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sharon asksā€¦

need to recover files from recycle bin

i have deleted files accidentley can anyone tell me how to recover files rom the recycle bin pls

The Expert answers:

Go to the Recycle Bin. Click on the file in question, and go to the left, and click on Restore This Item. Want all the files restored? Click on Restore All Items. Already deleted them from the Recycle Bin? You may want to use this for free->Recuva. From Has worked on other computers for me.

Michael asksā€¦

empty recycle bin option unavailable?

when i right click recycle bin, “empty recycle bin” option is not highlighted and i can’t click it. what should i do? please don’t tell me to run a 3rd party software to empty my recycle bin, i want the option there to be click-able again. pls help.
i am able to delete it manually but having the “empty recycle bin” option unavailable is what bothers me. and also when i delete something the recycle bin doesn’t show the icon that it is full, the one that looks like there’s a trash inside it. if you get what i mean šŸ™‚
it’s not empty, im not that stupid

The Expert answers:

If you double click on the recycle bin icon, the bin should open. Then, on the top, there should be an “empty recycle bin” option. It could be doing that if your bin is empty.

Ruth asksā€¦

Free recycle bins for schools?

My school is in Chorley Lancashire, and we are trying to become more eco-friendly. I was wondering how we could get free recycle bins? Is there anywhere were we can get battery recycle bins?

The Expert answers:

Your local council should provide free recycling bins. If not, why not recycle other things into bins? You could ask on local websites such Freecycle or Freegan if anyone has any old bins or large receptacles that could be used as recycling bins. Or even contact the local paper to put an appeal out.

William asksā€¦

Windows Vista help with recycling bin.?

Is there a way that I can make a copy of my recycling bin, put the original shortcut in the new copy, and create a massive wormhole of confusion on my desktop?

The Expert answers:

Yes, you have to install the hyperdrive circuit board within the mother board of destiny. Once you have the sword of 1000 tears uploaded, you need to reboot in safemode. Then you can open up the MS DOS menu and make a copy of your recycle bin. Then using the sword of 1000 tears slice the old recycle bin in two, then place both pieces separately into the new copy of the recycle bin.

Linda asksā€¦

How Can I Find My Recycle Bin?

I’ve accidentally deleted my recycle bin from my desktop and can anybody tell me how to find it?

The Expert answers:

Step 1: Right-click on your desktop, and go to Personalize

Step 2: Look to the upper-left side of the box. There should be a few options towards the top. The first one will say ‘change desktop icons’. Select that.

Step 3: In the next box that appears, you will see a few different options with check boxes next to them such as My Computer, Control Panel, Recycle Bin, etc. Place a check mark in the box next to Recycle Bin. Now choose the OK button at the bottom (make sure to actually press OK, and not “cancel”).

Step 4: Take a look at your desktop and your recycle bin should be there.

Ken asksā€¦

Recycle Bin – Computer?

The question may look funny or illogical, but i was wondering where does all the trash goes after we click on EMPTY RECYCLE BIN. I mean if we consider physically then when we have loads of trash we drop them at the garbage and later it gets recycled. But in computers how does this works.

The Expert answers:

When you delete a file from a computer it gets put into a hidden directory. That is all the Recycle Bin is a hidden directory on your hard drive.

If the file is too big to go into the recycle bin, you pressed the shift key while deleting it or you empty the recycle bin then the file doesn’t go anywhere. What happens is the space on the hard drive is marked as free for reuse and will be later overwritten by new files.

This is how recovery software like Recuva – – works. So long as the file has not already been overwritten in can undelete the file.

Joseph asksā€¦

deleted recycle bin?

i accidently deleted my recycle bin instead of emptying it….can you plz help me find a way to restore it….thanks

The Expert answers:

Shut down the computer and reboot. Then delete a file from a directory. I think the Recycle Bin will heal itself.

Laura asksā€¦

Recycling bin?

i have windows vista and my recycling bin is not there anymore but it says it will send documents there…but when you search for it..its not there..NOTHING FOUND…where is it? help pleasee?

The Expert answers:

1. Right click the Vista Desktop
2. Click on Personalize
3. Select: ‘Change desktop icons’
4. At the Desktop Icon Settings, place a tick next to: ‘Recycle Bin’.

Lizzie asksā€¦

pc recycle bin?

I bought a e machine from a friend, it has vista on it. They deleted the recycle bin and I was wondering how do I get that back

The Expert answers:


Right Click the desktop, select properties. On the left, select Change Desktop Icons, Select the Recycle Bin as an item to add.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

George asksā€¦

Can all electronics be recycled?

Im doing a project so can all electronics be recyled and can all elecronics be put into landfill? Please provide sources.

The Expert answers:

I’d check with your local municipality or county, or whoever collects your garbage.

Then site them as your source.

Otherwise, most electronics get ground up, melted, and the metals extracted and sorted.

Lizzie asksā€¦

Where in Jersey can I recycle for money?

I’m in DESPERATE need of money. I have a whole bunch of paper, cardboard, bottle, scrap metal, electronics. I don’t where I can recycle for money I’ve googled a lot. I want a specific place to go too. Thanks

The Expert answers:

I am sure that if you have googled in ‘scrap’, you should have come across the site . You can sell these scrap metal, electronics, papers etc by listing a sell offer in the site.

You can also have a look at the buy offers in the site were you can find people in need of scrap

Daniel asksā€¦

Does anyone know where I can take old electronics to be recycled in the DC Metro area?

The Expert answers:

Earth911 great site here are some from areas accepting electronics in DC from the site:(it had 16 pages this is just the first)

US Post Office
0.4 mi. Municipal Location
(800) 275-8777
1750 Pennsylvania Ave Nw
Washington, DC 20038
Cell Phones Electronics Inkjet Cartridges Toner Cartridges

US Post Office
0.4 mi. Municipal Location
(800) 275-8777
1200 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC 20004
Cell Phones Electronics Inkjet Cartridges Toner Cartridges

0.5 mi. Location
(202) 638-3907
1250 H St NW
Washington, DC 20005
Cell Phones Computer Monitors Computer Recycling Electronics Inkjet Cartridges Office Machines Toner Cartridges +2 more

US Post Office
0.6 mi. Municipal Location
(800) 275-8777
1400 L Street Nw
Washington, DC 20009
Cell Phones Electronics Inkjet Cartridges Toner Cartridges

US Post Office
0.6 mi. Municipal Location
(800) 275-8777
1400 L Street Nw
Washington, DC 20043
Cell Phones Electronics Inkjet Cartridges Toner Cartridges

0.6 mi. Location
(202) 296-2311
1100 15th Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20005
Cell Phones NiCad Batteries Rechargeable Batteries
For residents of Washington only.

0.6 mi. Location
(202) 467-5052
1830 K Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20006
Cell Phones NiCad Batteries Rechargeable Batteries
For residents of Washington only.

0.7 mi. Location
(202) 833-3355
1150 Connecticut Avenue
Washington, DC 20036
Cell Phones NiCad Batteries Rechargeable Batteries
For residents of Washington only.

US Post Office
0.7 mi. Municipal Location
(800) 275-8777
1800 M Street, Nw
Washington, DC 20036
Cell Phones Electronics Inkjet Cartridges Toner Cartridges

US Post Office
0.7 mi. Municipal Location
(800) 275-8777
2201 C St Nw
Washington, DC 20520

Linda asksā€¦

where can i recycle my irobot roomba for money?

i’ve had this irobot for a couple of years now and recently it’s stopped working properly. after several attempts to fix the gadget, i’ve decided to throw it away. i don’t want to send it in for repair because the company will only charge me an unreasonable fee; i bought a dyson vacuum so i don’t need the roomba anymore; i don’t want to throw it away because i’m trying to be eco friendly; i don’t care how much money i can get out of recycling it because as a full time student, every dollar counts and a couple bucks for gas would be lovely. does anyone know where i can go to recycle electronics like the irobot? suggestions would be much appreciated. thank you!

i live in orange county, btw.

The Expert answers:

Ebay. The things are very fixable, and someone will. If nothing else, someone will use it for parts. (I’m looking for a new bumper for a dirt dog myself.)

Chris asksā€¦

What are some good websites that buy your old electronics ?

(Any websites that are LEGIT ? )

– I’ve looked up ; and the only thing is that they wont buy my two ipods , probly because theyre too old. So ican only recycle them on that website .

Your help is very much appreciated . Thankss (;
Nothing thats going to cost money LOL. Because i heard that ebay costs money ?

The Expert answers:

Post them on EBay or craigslist

Joseph asksā€¦

Where can I recycle old non-working lamps and box fans?

I’ve checked with local electronics recyclers and all they take are computer related items. I don’t want to leave this stuff in a landfill. What to do?

The Expert answers:

Any metal is recyclable, and motors by themselves are too, at any recycling center that takes metal.

Michael asksā€¦

Where Can I recycle old electical and computer cables?

I have loads of old cables (ie cables for plugging digital cameras, turntables, into a PC, internet cables etc, basic SCART leads and things from consumer electronics etc).

They are not worth much so it would not be worth trying to sell them on eBay and charity shops etc don’t accept them

The Expert answers:

Look up your local recycler, or metal scrap yard. They’ll take them for the copper.

Helen asksā€¦

Is there anybody who buys broken or Malfunctioning car electronics?

I have a broken jensen uv9 7″ indash(screen doesn’t work but isn’t cracked) that i want to sell, but i can’t find any company that buy them to recycle or fix any suggestions

The Expert answers:


Paul asksā€¦

Someone help me formulate a project idea in electronics or technology application at home or industries.?

I am in need of a project using sensors or any related technologies that can be applied at home or in any industries.Burglar/intruder alarm is so common so i can no longer use it.Until now i still don’tt have the any idea.It is an applied technology that can solve certain problems.If possible using recycle material or low cost materials.Any site that you can recommend? Thanks in advance.

The Expert answers:

If you go down the burglar alarm route the sensors you will need are:

– magnetic door catches
– magnetic window catches
– window/door shock detectors
– PIR motion dectors
– smoke alarm detectors
– carbon monoxide detectors

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