Monday, February 24, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Nancy asks…

This question is about recycling cans, bottles, etc.?

Can anyone tell me how much money do u get for cans, bottles, etc.? I want to know because I’m saving enough money to buy a present.

The Expert answers:

Depends on the state. Maine is 10 cents a can i believe but other states should be 5 cents. I’m not sure which states give money for cans though.

Linda asks…

why do recycling plants pass cans under a powerful magnet?

I actually have no idea, please help me! I have to write an essay on magnetism.

The Expert answers:

Cans are aluminum. They’re not affected by magnets… By passing them under a powerful magnet, unwanted metals will be removed from the heap.

Carol asks…

How much money if any do you get for recycling aluminum cans in Tennessee?

The Expert answers:

Go to ga. And get 41cents a pd.

George asks…

What happens if you put dirty cans in the recycling bin?

I’ve just spent 5 minutes washing clean a fray bentos steak pie tin and I find it reeeeeeally hard to believe that most other people go to such lengths to make sure all their tins and bottles are squeaky clean for the bin! So what actually happens if dirty tins go in? Does it make the whole binload unrecyclable?

The Expert answers:

I don’t think dirty recycling will affect the recycling process. I clean everything because I can’t stand to see and smell all those dirty items in the recycling box. My neighbour however does not clean her items for recycling. There are always foxes and cats sniffing around her recycled items. Let hope that rats are not the next animals to show an interest. My advice is carry on cleaning your recycled items or rats will be your next problem.

Richard asks…

How much money is it for recycling aluminum cans?

Like how much per pound or per can or whatever.
And this is in Houston,Tx

The Expert answers:

Spot market price for small amounts is $0.29 per pound for Used Beverage Cans (UBC). Loose whole or flattened aluminum beverage cans, free from excessive dirt, liquid or other foreign materials at Tuesday June 12, 2007 – 11:06 PM. (There are about 33 can per pound. So, you should get about $0.009 per can.)

Ruth asks…

Quad Cities Iowa recycling crushed cans for money, Where should i go?

someone said that the cans have to be able to stand by themselves in iowa to be able to exchange them for money, is this true? And where should i go?

The Expert answers:

I think there are factory for them
just try to ask your neighboring town.

Sandy asks…

Can you help me understand recycling cans?

Me and a few friends are collecting cans to exchange them for money. There are a few things that I have a question about…

Can we crush the cans to fit more in a bag?
About how much money can we make off of a certain about of cans?
Where can we turn the cans in?

The Expert answers:

Yes it is encourage to crush the cans prior to recycling, this allows lower shipping for the dealer.
Market price for aluminum changes daily but currently the price is about 45 to 50 cents per pound depending on the dealer.
Look in your yellow pages or google for “aluminum recycling + Zip code to get a local listing of dealers in your area

Good luck!

Daniel asks…

im trying to recycle some cans help please?

ok i got soe cans and i wont to put them in the recycle machine that u get money out of but is there a way i can get more money when i put the cans in it in one of thos recycle bin

The Expert answers:

The recycle machine you’re speaking of is probably an aluminum recycling machine. These accept only aluminum (soda, beer, etc.) cans, NOT tin or steel cans like those that held soup, vegetables, etc.

When you put the aluminum cans in, the machine will shred and weigh them. You will be paid according to the weight of the cans.

There is no way to make the machine give you more money than you’re entitled to. Putting in dirt clods, rocks, etc. To make the cans heavier will simply make the machine stop working. (Not that you’d do this, but…!)

Betty asks…

itam that can be recycled or reused?

name 5 thing which are disposed from houses and how can they be recycled or reused.

The Expert answers:

You can recycle paper, glass, metals, light bulbs, batteries etc. But before you start recycling I’d say start to reduce and reuse. Reducing and reusing are the best ways to conserve natural resources and protect the environment. It helps to eliminate wastage of resources. It would also reduce our contribution to the landfills in the country. Also, some resources, like water, are extremely expensive to recycle. So, fresh water needs to be protected at source. That’s when ‘reducing and reusing’ can make a big difference. Here are some ways to reduce water consumption at home – . Hope this helps!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Joseph asks…

How Can I Reduce Garbage?

The Expert answers:

Reducing your garbage doesn’t mean smashing everything in a trash compacter. Instead, this refers to reducing the trash you bring into the home. One of the best places to start is at the supermarket.

Practically everything you buy at the grocery store comes in some sort of package. Some of it is boxed, some of it in plastic bags. Other items are packed in plastic jugs or glass jars. One way you can reduce packaging is to buy fresh produce instead of canned. Buying loose or “bulk” is another way to reduce trash. Bulk refers to items that are loosely stored in large bins; you buy just the amount you need and scoop the product in a small plastic bag. When you do have to buy a packaged item, buying the largest possible quantity also saves on packaging.

If you must buy something packaged, take a moment to examine if the container is recyclable. Most communities only recycle certain kinds of plastics. When given the choice between a recyclable container or not, go with the one that can be recycled. Buying concentrated or multipurpose products also helps to lower your trash output.

Now that we’ve looked how to reduce packaging, let’s look at other ways we can reduce our trash.

One big change you could make is by taking a good look at the things you throw out. Thrift stores will take old furniture, clothing, household items, toys, and accessories. Your community also may have a center for collecting salvaged building materials such as old sinks, carpet, carpet pads, lumber, screen doors, cabinets, plumbing fixtures, paint and more. Certain charities will even take old cars, eye glasses, computers, and cell phones.

Robert asks…

What do I do with really old monitor & keyboard? Throw in garbage?

The Expert answers:

Just bag them up in a garbage bag and toss it in the dumpster or put it on the curb. It’ll save you money. They are not worth recycling because they’ll end up costing more to the environment to recycle or donate. In a US sanitary landfill, it is hazardous waste, but at least contained.

Lisa asks…


Why do you easterners buy your milk in BAGS?! I can’t believe ANYONE would do something like that.

Is there a reason for it?

Here in the west, milk comes in CARTONS, AND PLASTIC JUGS! You know, hard containers, not bags. You might as well start selling food in garbage bags.

The Expert answers:

In Quebec, I’m using both the plastic bags as well as the 1L and 2L cartons.

The plastic jugs I don’t like because I have to throw them in my recycling and they take up a lot of room.

I like the bags because they take up less room in my fridge, and when the bag is empty, I clean it out and re-use it for:
– freezing leftovers
– put ice inside and pound it to make crushed ice.
– put whole nuts in it and crush them with a mallet
– put meat inside and pound/tenderize to make chicken parmigiana or veal scallopini
Those milk bags are thicker than a typical sandwich bag or freezer bag, which cracks open on severe pounding.

And another thing, so many times I’ve bought the cartons only to find out they have a small leak on the bottom and I have to go back and clean sour milk out of my fridge door shelves. The milk bags are very easy to check for leaks…you squeez’em a bit and if you get squirted, they have a leak.

Keep in mind that my plastic bag and your plastic jug are pretty much the same material. So mine may be in a “garbage bag”, but yours is in what could easily be a “Rubbermaid garbage can” !

If you really want to get back to basics, let’s get the dairies to all put their milk in glass bottles again with the rubber stopper lids. Gets rid of that plastic taste in the milk.

Paul asks…

What can I replace plastic bags with to be more eco-friendly?

My family uses plastic bags from the grocery store as trash bags around the house, and I want to know what I can use to replace the trash bags with (that wont require washing) in order to be more environmentally friendly?

The Expert answers:

You can use canvas garbage bags – but what your family is doing, reusing the plastic is not bad environmentally. Even the best canvas bag user ends up with a few grocery store type plastic bags. Reusing them as your trash bags is what we do, and we take the others for recycling if we end up with too many.

Otherwise, reusable alternatives usually need washing, at least once in awhile, simply because you keep reusing them all the time.

Mandy asks…

How many garbage bags to you go through a week and how big are they?

We go through about one 13 gallon a day in our house

The Expert answers:

We go through one 13 gallon bag a day also as well as a smaller bathroom trash can with diapers and bath stuff.

We’re trying to get better about recycling!

Sandy asks…

Does recycling save you money? How?

The Expert answers:

I can think of several ways that recycling can save you money:

1. There are still places that will give you money for recycling something, such as aluminum cans. Additional, certain states charge a bottle or can deposit when you buy certain beverages. You will get your money back by returning your cans and bottles to the store.

2. Some cities charge for trash pick-up according to the size of garbage can you use, so you are charged more if you throw away more trash. They usually do not charge more for extra recycling, so the more you recycle, the less you will pay for your trash service. (Sadly, this is not offered in my city, which will allow residents to fill up to 3 – 90 gallon trash containers without any additional charge.)

3. Finally, one of the best ways to recycle, in my opinion, is to reuse certain things rather than throwing them away or sending them to a recycling facility. It takes energy (electricity, etc.) to process items at a recycling facility, so often the most environmentally friendly way to recycle something is to continue to reuse it yourself. For example, I use ziploc bags over and over again, until they fall apart, and I use old yogurt containers as tupperware. I haven’t purchased ziploc bags or tupperware in years!

Betty asks…

Do reusable grocery bags really make any difference?

I was thinking about it today while I was in Wal-Mart. It probably takes a decent amount of energy to produce one of those reusable grocery bags they have at the counter. They are canvas sewn up and have logos on both sides produced from what looks like a silk screen print. Assuming I use this bag 10 times, will the amount of energy it took to produce it be less than if it was never made and I just stuck to plastic bags (that I reuse in my garbage) how about after 50 times?

The Expert answers:

The plastic bag problem is bigger than just that it is made of petroleum. Plastic bags are a huge litter problem, they are hard to recycle and to contain. They fly away from garbage cans, automobiles and landfills. They are found in the middle of the ocean and in the backwoods, they pose a threat to both land and marine wildlife. Animals get fatally intangled, and they eat it thinking it is food. Plastic never biodegrades, it just continues to breakdown and is toxic to all life.

Sandra asks…

Wot is this issue with carrier bags& Supermarkets I thought they were biodegradable now& I re-use mine anyway?

if not for other shopping, then I use them to bag smelly waste like potato peelings. Not everybody can make a compost heep, so what am I supposed to do with stinky rubbish, if there aren’t going to be any plastic bags anymore?
Will I be able to buy plastic sandwich bags, bin liners and black bin bags still?

The Expert answers:

Many people don’t clean out the plastic bags before placing them for recycling. Recycling plants have a difficult time recycling the plastic bags because any contaminates left in the bags will contaminate the entire batch that they try to recycle, thus making it so they have to toss it as garbage. Time and money is wasted as a result, so recycling plants have taken to not accepting them as recycling material. Therefore, grocers are now phasing them out.

George asks…

Garbage can etiquette?

do you need to wash and clean soda cans, bottles, anything recyclable before throwing it in the garbarge?

will you get in trouble with the garbage truck people if you put even ONE soda can/bottle in the non recyclable normal garbage bag?

do you need to tie the bags tightly so that nothing falls out when its placed in the garbage truck?

do you need to cut anything cardboard and tie the cardboard pieces together neatly with a string for the garbage truck people?

The Expert answers:

The idea of cleaning the cans and bottles is they are usually put into open top recycling containers. You do not want to attract animals to your containers.

You do not have to recycle if you do not want to. Most places have recycling systems that catch stuff anyway, all you are doing is making it more efficient and profitable for them.

If you use cans you do not have to bag stuff but bagging it is better as it keeps stuff from blowing all over the place if the cans get knocked over. If you do not use cans then you need to bag stuff tightly.

You do not have to cut up the cardboard and tie it but it should be flat, not boxes.

You might consider tipping the garbage guys $20 for Christmas. That will make them a little more willing to cut you some slack should you screw up.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

is there anyone websites or services that buy broken computers and electronics like an xbox?

i have a laptop with a broken hard drive and im not gonna bother replacing it. i also have a red ring of death xbox that is out of warranty and again i dont feel like fixing. i want to recycle them but get something out of it if possible.

The Expert answers:

Ebay . I see broken xbox’s all the time on there… Just make sure to list it as broken.

William asks…

Recycling Old Electronics?

Is there anything I should worry about when I recycle these to my school?
An old laptop that doesn’t hold charge anymore and won’t turn on.
Damaged/Old Cellphones
Nintendo product

Is there anything I should do to these items before donating them?

The Expert answers:

Your notebook would have a lot of personal information that you should not want anyone to have access too. You would have phone numbers and possibly text messages stored in your phone. I would remove the HD from your notebook and shoot it with a rifle of sufficient size. The cell phones are a problem. If they are not working, you probably can delete the info and save bogus info over the deleted info. You may just want to shoot the cell phones several times or mash them flat with a sledge hammer.

Mary asks…

Where do I dispose of/recycle used Epson printers in Singapore?

There’s nothing on the company’s website on this. I suspect it’s the same for all other irresponsible electronics company. I feel that I would like to do a small part to make this world greener.

The Expert answers:

You don’t need to dispose those cartridges, all you need to do is to sell it to a person who buys empty ink cartridges to recycled.

Sharon asks…

I’m losing my job and no one around is hiring what do I do from here?

The company I have worked for the past 5 years is closing down due to the economy. They recycle electronics and there is just no market for the stuff anymore. I love working here and this is where I met my husband. Now I will have to find work elsewhere and most of the other companies around here that I am qualified to work at are either not hiring or also closing what should I do now?

The Expert answers:

Your wrong. Every place is hiring! Maybe you will have to work as a receptionist or a janitor for a while until you can adjust and get a better job, but people are hiring! Never say they are not. Even the big companies are hiring! Don’t give up. Keep searching and be persistent.

Donna asks…

is there gold in electronics and how do you get it out?

i want to know if there is gold in electronics that i can recycle and what kind of electronics is it in

The Expert answers:

I found this online. Given about 1 square inch of gold plated connectors and with plating at about 50e-6 thick for gold plating on a circuit board edge connector, use the following:

1 sq in * .00005 in * 16.39 cu cm per cu in * 19.3 g per cu cm * .03222 troy oz per gram * $925 per tr oz = $0.47 per board

Not worth the time if you ask me.

Susan asks…

what do you do with portable electronics that do not work?

I have a bunch of stuff that doesnt work and I feel bad about throwing it in the garbage can, because of all the recycling feedback I’ve got. but I as far as I know only plastics, aluminum and paper is to go in my recycle bin. What do I do with my broken VCR, My broken CD player and Others… They have electronic components that may be hard for the enviroment if they’re mixed up with the rest of the garbage? help lease. I just want to be environmentaly friendly

The Expert answers:

Well first I would put them on craigs list or ebay, sometimes people want to buy the parts. (You could make some mooooneeeyyy). But if you really want to do dispose of it, the best thing to do is to put all of it in the recycling. They will be filtered out at recycling plants and melted down

Daniel asks…

can you take the old electronics to be recycled at bestbuy?

i was at bestbuy the other day & this guy had some tv’s & a vcr on the cart as i was walking in the store. i asked him what he was doing with them he said im going to recycle them. I said can i have them he said yes i’ll thke them to your car i also have more stuff in my car i said ok great he had speakers a turntable 2 receivers powered sub & surround sound speakers all for free & it all worked

today i was there again at a different BB & i seen some old lcd Screens & a PC & Printer I asked the guy who worked there if i could have them he said i dont know we just throw them out you have to ask someone else. so i did but she said No we have to send them out for recycling

so i was wondering what if i just walked out with them & act like they were mine & just said i changed my mind i want to give them away. they can’t really prove there not mine would that be stealing i mean after all its just junk to them what could they say Could i go to Jail

is there a better way to go about it has anyone else had luck with getting Old Electronics from them
let me know thanks

The Expert answers:

BB accepts most kinds of used electronics for recycling, but the odds of convincing them to let you as an individual take something out is close to nil. Items brought in for a repair estimate usually get a pink sticker attached by security. Without the sticker it’s not leaving. See the first 2 links below.

There is a whole industry that has grown up around e-waste and working or salvageable items are often resold either through liquidators or on Ebay. If you try a searching for some of BB’s house brands (Dynex, Insignia, Rocketfish, etc) on you can see some of the accounts that are used. I know someone who has bought pallets full of salvage items and he told me that occasionally some items appear to be “post consumer”.

Politicians have got into the act by passing laws about the handling of items designated as e-waste – especially by businesses.

There’s also the added concerns about data security with old computers.

Intercepting items (as you did) sometimes works and the risks can be minimized by being polite and not “pushy”. You don’t want to be perceived as “soliciting”.

A safer approach is to join one or more Freecycle groups that are active in your area (out of the nearly 5000 local groups worldwide). It costs absolutely nothing to join and participate and everything is free. Other members of the group post items that they no longer need but wish to keep out of landfills. While most of the things you’ll see offered are household goods and clothing, there are often electronic items as well. I and several of my friends regularly repair computers and other items as a hobby and then give them away simply because we can.

The last link below will help you find groups in your area.


John asks…

what are the reactions to recycle the electronics?

Beyond the fact that most of them doesn’t get recycle, I need to find simple information about recycling electronics.
I would appreciate if you source your answer.

The Expert answers:

Recycling electronics is a complex interchange of physically separating those items that can be handled more cheaply apart and then dealing with the mass of lead, tin, gold, copper, and plastics that make up the innerds. There can be no simple statement of chemical reactions once you get past the physical breakdown.

Maria asks…

Recycling Electronics?

Hi. I’d like to know where i can recycle all of my old electronics. I have 2 massive bulky TVs and some other junk i’d like taken off me for free and possibly an incentive to me. These electronics may or may not work anymore. Thanks

The Expert answers:

Hi bulky old tv usually end up down the rubbish tip in there recycling bin which you have to deliver, the rest maybe in a pawn shop. If any of it still works if not in the recycling bin or the dustbin.
Sell it if it is still working and current.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Maria asks…

How does recycling of wastes help in ecological balance?

The Expert answers:

Recycling of wastes reduces the amount of waste ending up in landfills. If it can be reused why wouldn’t you?

Recycling things for instance metals, reduces the mining of news ores. I e if you mix 50% recycled iron with 50% fresh iron ore you would rely a lot less on digging up fresh iron ore.

This lessens the overall environmental impact of everything that we do.

Another example, film used in photography…
The development process uses a chemical process. The left over mix of chemicals is hazardous waste. Now this waste has a lot of silver. Well using an electical process you can remove the silver from the liquid, and then neutralize the rest. This “reclaimed” silver can then be reused.

There is a way to recycle almost anything, the problem is the cost effectiveness of the process.

Jenny asks…

What made people start recycling waste?

The Expert answers:

Recycling has really been around for perhaps thousands of years! For example, ancient cultures that
began making metal products, could melt down old broken items like pots or swords and make new ones.
More recently, during World War I and II, people would have paper drives and metal drives to collect
materials for the war effort. Nothing was wasted! When landfilling became a cheap way dispose of trash
in the 1940’s and 1950’s, recycling was less popular. But modern recycling of glass, paper, cans, etc.
Became more popular again in the 1970’s with drop-off recycling centers, and in the late 1980’s and
1990’s with curbside collection. Mother nature is, of course, the ultimate recycler… Without the natural
decay or composting process, we’d all be covered in leaves and other dead organic matter

Robert asks…

How do you recycle wasted time?

The Expert answers:

Please keep this just between us: it is, indeed, possible to recycle wasted time. When you have wasted all the time you humanly can at home, get on a plane for St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Get as much time in as you can sleeping on the beach or under a coconut tree during the day. Then spend all night dancing and singing karaoke in the bars. Your stateside wasted time will be completely re-usable and you will now have TWICE as much time to waste. Oh, yes, if you bring back the maximum amount of Cruzan Rum, you will have THREE times the amount of “wasted” time as before. If you keep going back as often as you can, you will be a wasted time millionaire. Honest.

Donald asks…

Methods of recycling food waste?

What are some ways in which food waste be recycled? What different methods are there?

The Expert answers:


Helen asks…

Recycling e-waste?

Hi all,
Can somebody tell me the basic steps for recycling electrnic waste?
Plz help!


The Expert answers:

Start by checking with your local waste disposal department. There are places that will take various electronics (computers, PDAs, VCRs, etc.) to recover precious metals like gold, copper, and palladium which can be used to manufacture new electronics.

Your waste disposal or recycling center may have certain days when they accept this type of waste to be recycled. The Environmental Commission for my city has electronics recycling days every few months when they are able to fill multiple tractor trailers FULL of old electronics to be taken to the nearest electronic hardware recovery center.

Mary asks…

Recycling Business Waste?

Hi, i run a small biz, we are producing a lot of paper, cardboard waste & want to recycle it. My question is how much does it cost on average to get a dumpster with regular collections? I’m based in Bedfordshire, England & I have had quotes between £2000 per year to £300 per year!? Whats the average? I need a fortnightly or even weekly collection! Please Help!! Thanks

The Expert answers:

My husband is a waste recycling manager for a local council. I know that he sends a crew out just to pick up paper and card from small businesses and this is done for free. So If I where you I would contact your council, they may also offer this service.

Chris asks…

what the difference between recycling and zero waste?

The Expert answers:

Recycling is one method to help achieve zero waste. Zero waste goal is to have nothing going to the landfill, it would have to be an integrated plan that would include composting, recycling and re purposing a variety of materials. Banning some materials would be likely as well. There is a variety of packaging material that can’t be recycled, most of the snack or junk food packaging is a hybrid of multiple materials that can’t be recycled and have limited reuse applications.

Recycling alone can’t achieve zero waste, but you can’t achieve zero waste without recycling.

Mandy asks…

Reduce And Recycle Waste Produced?

If your duty was to motivate your workers to participate actively in a program to find ways to reduce and recycle waste produced in the department, what could you do to make this successful. Do you think there would be any repercussions of executing your plan & what would you do if so?

The Expert answers:

As a nation we have agreed upon the capitalist system of government. I think the same system is also best for recycling. You only achieve a low level of participation when you motivate people that they are good when they recycle. But when you charge people for their soda bottle and you give cash when they recycle, you get much higher level of participation. You also get many people to make that their business so they pick up some of the slack for the real deadheads.
I favor raising recycling charges and refunds to the level that achieves a 90% recycling rate. If that means you pay a $5.00 recycling fee on a $1.00 bottle of pop, so be it. People need to either recycle or stop using. When I go to the dump and see all the recyclable materials being thrown away, I am ready for some real drastic action.

Mark asks…


The Expert answers:

* Saves Natural Resources – By making products from recycled materials instead of virgin materials, we conserve land and reduce the need to drill for oil and dig for minerals.

* Saves Energy – It usually takes less energy to make recycled products; recycled aluminum, for example, takes 95% less energy than new aluminum from bauxite ore.

* Saves Clean Air and Water – In most cases, making products from recycled materials creates less air pollution and water pollution than making products from virgin materials.


Saves Landfill Space – When the materials that you recycle go into new products, they don’t go into landfills or incinerators, so landfill space is conserved.

Saves Money and Creates Jobs – The recycling process creates far more jobs than landfills or incinerators, and recycling can frequently be the least expensive waste management method for cities and towns.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Charles asks…

How many of you are recycling last years Christmas gifts and giving them to others this year?

Get a gift you did not like last year? Are you planning on recycling it and giving it to anyone else this year?

The Expert answers:


Mary asks…

How do i go about starting a paper recycling program at my school?

We waste massive amounts of paper in computer classes at my school, printing and re-printing, then just throwing it all away after the teacher takes one look at it. I’d like to have a recycling bin to put it all in instead of just wasting it all. But im not quite sure how recycling works, can someone help me out?

The Expert answers:

First you need to get everyone that might be doing the recycling, interested and backing the idea,

then talk to your head, and think about (i was going to say a newsletter).. But maybe a presentation in assembly describeing the effects.

Make sure you know who is going to be collecting the recycling, how it will be organised or put out, and most importantly where it will be going!

The most rewarding recyling would be see a finished tangible bit of recycling, good luck and cause a stir!!

Check out the website ?

Richard asks…

I want to start a recycling business. What is the best way to get started?

I would like to collect recyclable items from area business and make money taking to recycling centers. Anyone have tips?

The Expert answers:

Start a profit and loss statement. In other words, what does the market say with regards to how much you would have to charge to break even or turn a profit? What will you offer that others are not offering?

Helen asks…

How do I delete my recycling bin off of my desktop?

I have tried everything to get my recycling bin off of my desktop on my computer. I don’t even know why I have one on it. I have a “Dell Dock’ and it has the recycling bin on that as well so I don’t understand why I have two of them. I just wanted my whole screen to be clean looking and I don’t want the recycling bin to be on it if I already have it in my Dell Dock.

The Expert answers:

Show or hide the Recycle Bin

The Recycle Bin usually appears on the desktop. If you prefer, you can hide it.

To show or hide the Recycle Bin on the desktop

Open Personalization by clicking the Start button , clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Personalization.

In the left pane, click Change desktop icons, and then do one of the following:

To remove the Recycle Bin from the desktop, clear the Recycle Bin check box.

To display the Recycle Bin on the desktop, select the Recycle Bin check box.

Click OK.

Even if you don’t choose to show the Recycle Bin, deleted files will still be temporarily moved to the Recycle Bin until you choose to permanently delete them. To turn off the Recycle Bin, see Change the Recycle Bin settings.
Hope I helped:)

Michael asks…

What kind of job can you get in recycling?

I might be changing my major to environmental studies and I want to get a job in recycling, but I’m not sure what types of jobs are available. When I send out my resume I want to be able to put a specific job, but I’m not sure what types of jobs there are in recycling. Can you help?

The Expert answers:

Hmmm.. Try tis network.. Or goto..

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Contact us with any questions!

Paul asks…

What component of a school recycling system could be automated?

So what do you think about one component of your school’s recycling program that must be automated? What components do you choose and predict how u think that the automation would have impact.

The Expert answers:


Susan asks…

How do you start a recycling center?

I’m interested in starting a recycling center in my small town. how would you go about doing it. are there grants available? or any sites that have info on the subject?

The Expert answers:

Contact the state for details. A guy down the road from my house has a drinking container redemption center and made over 150,000 per year. He quit after ten years and now lives someplace warmer. If your state doesn’t have a returnable law, try to get them to. In Maine, the state makes money on the cans people throw out and on the aluminum that they bring in. Jobs are created in rural areas and there is less trash along the road. For the poor kids, there is a ready source of a small income picking up cans along the road from those who do throw them out.

Mandy asks…

What is the latest you should empty your recycling outside?

We have our recycling bins in the back of the house and our one neighbor is pretty close by. As a matter of etiquette, how late could I empty my recycling (it’s a little loud but not too much) without being kind of jerk or bad neighbor. Is 11pm too late? It’s about as loud as a neighbor being dropped off by a friend.

The Expert answers:

Most towns have noise ordinances. You may need to contact your local constabulary about your problem.

BTW… This really is not an ETIQUETTE question… But thanks for asking!

Have a polite day.

Ruth asks…

How Do I go about starting a computer recycling business?

Hey I know there is a lot of useful information that is often provided by people on here who either are in the field or have came across the information thru other means…. So I am interested in the computer recycling buusiness can someone out there direct me with some more info. I want to know exactly how to go about gettin some companies/corpoartions to want to use you for their recycling needs. I would really appreciate any helpful information on this subject. Thank you.

The Expert answers:

Well getting a supply of computers is important. Knowing how to refurbish or just fix them is also important. You can work on getting lease return computers from computer suppliers, or other sources. Usually large corporations trade in their used computers towards new ones. Having a computer supply business in the first place is a the best way to do that, but they will sell them off in quantity and that’s where you get your margin of profit. You can sell them a number of ways, ebay is good or if you have a good population local business can be pretty good.

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

David asks…

Is anyone watching BBC Parliament?

Debate on Jobseekers ( Back to work schemes ) Bill

850,000 people in workfare schemes + 2,500,000 unemployed = 3,350,000 unemployed.

Do any of you remember when Thatcher’s government hit the 3,000,000 unemployed benchmark?
Dave – MPs debating corporate slave labour is never boring.
Disgruntled – Numbers of migrant workers are directly proportional to state of an economy. Booming economies attract migrant workers, desolate economies repel them and they usually leave in droves to go somewhere else with jobs. If it wasn’t for the legal wizardry of Dame Cait Reilly and Sir Jamie Wilson that put these cut d’etat usurpers in their place then it would have been a free reign for the corporate gangmasters in the workhouse Britain of 2013. I can hardly wait to see what ingenuity Giddleswick conjures up tomorrow as he attempts to wring out some more drips of UK plc economic saviour money from those who haven’t got any. Good to see you all again, got to get back to recovering my pc. Hopefully I’ll get it sorted for the fun tomorrow. Just remember … if you want to stay online, don’t get Windows 8. The boot repair / refresh functions don’t work from drive or disc when it’s boot files go into meltdown as they seem to h
… have a tendency to do. Make sure you keep everything backed up at all times on Windows 8 !! At least it’s only messed up a new drive, some people below have had a brand new 2 day old laptop with no discs. It’s a modern day pig in a poke.
Paine – here’s the real paradox …
Just not working: £450m back-to-work scheme WORSE at getting jobs for unemployed than doing nothing
In the first year of the £450million Work Programme, just 2 in 100 benefit claimants on the scheme went back to work for more than six months.
Ministers today admitted that, if they had left the jobless alone, 5 in 100 would have got a long-term job anyway.

Back-to-work scheme scrapped by Cameron ‘produced net gain for UK’
Government report finds Labour-backed future jobs fund made £7,750 per participant in wages, tax receipts and reduced benefits bill

The Expert answers:

No. If I want to watch a circus I’ll go to a circus. But I do remember the billboard for the Tories that said : “Labour isn’t Working”. What they failed to mention was, that our labour didn’t work at all under them, because they failed to help create the jobs to help our labour get back to work. In fact they destroyed the manufacturing base and turned us and our labour into a nation of pen pushing service sector idiots with falsely grand titles. Such as ‘Recycling Engineers’ when they really meant bin men. So what’s new?

Ruth asks…

California Y!A users: Who do you think will be our next Governor- Meg Whitman or Jerry Brown?

I’ve actually met people who were around when Jerry Brown was mayor of Oakland and governor of California the first time around. They were telling me how horrible of a job he was doing, with big pensions for state workers, lost jobs and high taxes. They even told me that the state of California went in to a huge debt because of him! Come November, who will you be voting for California’s next governor?

The Expert answers:

Jerry Brown cleaned up Oakland a lot and reduced crime and it was less than 10 years ago so it wasnt very long ago. Now he is the Attorney General. You wouldn’t find a person with more government experience. Pensions for state workers was not in the purvue of Jerry Brown as the mayor of Oakland and at that time their pensions were not very big and were not invested in the market. They did not lose jobs either during the time he was mayor. What taxes are you referring to that went up? Arnold raised our sales tax to 9 1/2 per cent. In the 1970s under Brown, it was around 4%. What is your source of this erroneous information?

You must be a Republican trying to bamboozle voters, but your facts are wrong. I suspect you invented them. What Jerry Brown did when he was Governor in the 1970s are not the same policies that he has now. We are in a totally different society, different economy and our state is twice as big almost. Jerry Brown is very conservative financially and very smart about everything.

He is very concered about the environment. In the 1970s, most people were not worried about energy and conservation of resources except Brown who was ahead of his time. We began recycling and he promoted reducing toxic waste and air pollution. At that time, Republicans made fun of him for these ideas. Since he is currently active in politics, I have no doubt he will handle our problems. He is quite different now enforcing the law than he was in the 1970s when he approved Rose Bird for Chief Justice. She was disliked because she opposed the death penalty. The State of California was not in debt in the 1970s and as mayor of Oakland, he trimmed the budget.

Lisa asks…

What do you do to keep Spaceship Earth a viable machine?

(for those unaware of Buckminster Fuller’s terminology)

The Expert answers:

Given the size of my country and the type of job I have, I’ve opted not to own a car. I recycle. I own many computers but I have been consolidating functions so I have done away with some and the rest are on strict hard-on/off timers, in fact, all electronics are blocked from pesky sleep modes by on/off timer clocks. I don’t buy products that are wasteful with packaging materials. I am putting double glass in all my windows so I don’t have to waste energy heating my home. I am researching what it will take to go off-grid completely (e.g. Solar/wind or comparable) but the technology isn’t quite up to par yet.

Thomas asks…

Do You Have to Take the spot in Oklahoma Immediately after the AT-SAT test?

I’ve applied to take the AT-SAT test for the general public announcement which closes on 31 July. I’m hoping to hear back and take the test obviously. I really have two questions:

1) How do they give you a test date? Is it a set date that you MUST be in this city, or do you have a few to choose from?

2) If you pass, do you have to go to Oklahoma right away, or can you tie up your loose ends and go later? I read that the test scores are valid for 3 years. So does that mean you can pass the test, and then start in Oklahoma anytime during the following 3 years?

Thanks in advance!

The Expert answers:

Take the test on the day they assign. The AT-SAT is sort of like a traveling road show. They appear in your city for a few days with a list of people to take the day each day they’re in town then its off to the next location. If you don’t want the day you’re assigned you MIGHT be able to get another test date, but unless you’re willing to wait 6 months until the next one is offered in your area you might be taking a trip cross country to squeez in.

You will not have to go to Oklahoma right away…in fact you’ll be wondering if they forgot about you or if you got selected (my wait from at sat to Oklahoma was around 10 months I believe and I know of people who waited 3 years…don’t quit your day job). What happens is the areas you applied for get a pile of applicants and their scores. They meet every few months and haggle over people. IF you get picked they wait until they have an open class (if not you’ll be informed and asked to reapply). You’ll then be asked to show up for processing and you should for this be given a few dates and locations. You will get processed and offered a job at one location and if everything goes well (and you take the position you wait about another 2 to 5 months before getting a call asking you if you can be in Oklahoma city on XYZ day. If you say no I don’t want the job, I don’t know about public applicants but I don’t think they get recycled. Its either take the job or go through the application process again.

If you get to the hey we have a job for you come get processed stage, thats the point I’d make sure my loose ends were locked and ready by, so don’t sweat it, you’ve got plenty of time.

Mandy asks…

Buy or Sell: If Vanilla Ice became popular today he would have had an easier time than he did in 1990?

Before you start assuming things, I’m not defending him; he lied and he was wack because of it. However, there seems to be a lot more of that today and people seem to be just fine with it. Rick Ross was a correctional officer and from what I’ve read he never had anything to do with selling drugs let alone being a big drug lord. Everyone seems to say that Weezy is a fake blood. He also became famous at like 12, and then talks about sitting behind a prom queen. And of course, you can not get much more wack than Soulja Boy. However, all of these modern artists seem to do just fine and even some regular listeners and respected rappers like these previously mentioned so-called fakes. 1990 was a totally different time in Rap and it was easy for respected artists to call him out because there were so many lyrical rappers. So do you think Vanilla Ice would have had things a lot easier if had risen to fame today instead of 20 years ago?

The Expert answers:

Would you have liked ice ice baby in 2010.

I understand your point but, with all that said about rick ross, wayne, and countless others.
You gotta use common sense.who the hell listens to ice ice baby, matter fact the last time i heard ice ice baby was in step brothers.

Although the market for music has shift. And artist are dealing with a new generation of listeners (teenagers). Because so, mainstream caters more with beats and hooks. Lyricism aint as appealing to teenagers.

It would be a good thing if vanilla ice waited 20 years to release the song, cause we would have never heard it. Like it would be hidden from existance.

As fraudulent as most rappers are about their background, don’t get it twisted. Cause the people you compare to vanilla ice have nothing in common.

Rick ross was a correctional officer, but the fact he tried to deny it. Made him look bad. Correctional officers aren’t federal, correctional officers is a second chance job/career option for early offenders or youth felons. And the perfect cover for people to slang in prison. Rick ross is from dade county, he don’t need no proof that he was a drug dealer. Only respected people out of miami make it big.

Honestly the dude running with people who are responsible for trick daddies brothers death, the dude who know doubt is respected in miami. Dude may be a idiot, but evidence only point at him being a co, which actually supports his drug dealing background. (co’s smuggle, sell drugz to inmates.) rick ross isn’t fake, he’s just retarded. But you can’t compare his music to the quality of vanilla ice.

Thats just retarded, he may not be lyrical but he’s not garbage.

Wayne isn’t a fake blood, he’s just a horrible representation of bloodz. Especially given the rumors he went from NO to NYC to join UNB. Wayne overall is a fake person. But to many people take that as a reason to attack him as an artist. Honestly how can you compare vanilla ice to anything in rap today. He’s basically had no musical effect on rap. The only thing rap inherited was a bad outlook on white rapper. Which the girl who posted early should understand. Eminem is an underground legend. And the greatest white rapper. What other famous white rapper you heard of cept beastie boys.

Now understand, that rap is music. With music comes imagination. And fantasy. So it’s easy to see why rappers rap about being kingpins, hoes, and money. And rap with it’s aggresive traits. Rap about the harsh, gritty, and dark things. Rap in alot of ways reflect it’s time period in rap. As most artist are regular citizens given mics.

But now adays, the only new struggle we have is the recession and getting jobs, everything that affecting us has been touched on in rapped a thousand times. So it’s like recycled material times 1000 max. But vanilla ice actually didn’t really rap about that.

But the funny thing is, vanilla ice doesn’t rap about or come near the things the average rapper has to mention on a average verse. Vanilla ice didn’t really have subject matters, just misguided flow and go raps. So in comparison.

Vanilla ice would be even more irrelevant than ever. Never heard vanilla ice rap about selling crack.

Sandy asks…

Can Obama whit-stand the Palin Invasion? Will an Obam loss cause major splits in the Democrat Party?

America is becoming more ethnically diverse, and it is predicted that by 2040 America will be more Black & Brown than lilly white much like Brazil or Cuba.
White women are angry at Obama , he got the nomination over Hillary & chose Biden instead of Hillary Clinton. White women are desperate to get one of their own like Palin elected, and they will vote Republican instead of Obama who is black. Most Blacks & Brown people will vote for Obama, and will get angry at white women if Obama looses the election. Hillary is undoubtedly praying that her turn comes in 2012 after Obama looses, where we could see Palin vs Clinton for President.
Blacks and Browns will boycott the Democrats if Obama looses because Democrat White women put Mc Cai/Palin in the white house.

The Expert answers:

Fact Democrats out number Republicans by a ratio of 3:1. Republicans within the last week have managed to recycle the Karl Rove Text Book play of manipulation and lies. Be that as it may; victims of Bush’s long eight years have extremely long memories. Those who have been the instrument of manipulation for war in Iraq and Afghanistan know the score. Family and friends of those lost or suffered at the weakness and failures of Katrina remember. Families displaced due to the housing foreclosures remember. Men and women without jobs due to outsourcing, will cast their votes not in favor of the Republicans. The list grows daily, with the reminder of McCain’s recycled Bush manipulations.

Joseph asks…

Is it really worth the extra money to buy a Kimber 1911?

I am having a hard time justifying spending an extra $600 on a Kimber when i can get a Rock Island or High Standard 1911 in 45 ACP for half the price. I will most likely be using this as my carry gun. I am looking at compact version with a 4 inch barrel. Thanks for reading.
Glock Dr and Cane Toad… one of says there is a huge difference between manufacturers and other says there is not much… Glock Dr. what are these differences you are referring too?

The Expert answers:

Boy, that’s a good question! I’ll try to answer it intelligently for ya.

Back when I worked in a gun shop we were always encouraged to push the Kimber line. Why? Because the owner made a heck of a lot more money on the Kimbers than he did on the Glocks.

There’s the other side to that coin though: When the gun counter is more than 50 feet long, there’s sure to be a lot of overpriced low quality pistols in there too.

In comparison to what else is around in 1911 patterns, I’ve got ‘a tell you there’s a huge difference between Kimber and other manufactures like Rock Island or High Standard. In spite of the fact that some people might not think so, there is, indeed, a lot more: fit, finish, and tighter tolerances in a typical Kimber pistol than what’s found in numerous other 1911’s.

In fact, Kimber’s retired pistol production manager is one of my closest acquaintances. Whenever I need advice or something repaired I’ll go over to see Chuck. Ya got ‘a remember that there’s really no comparison between the different grades of steel, or the forgings that are used. Cheap is cheap; and expensive is expensive.

There were occasions in the gun shop when the salesmen would get together (There were usually 6 of us; so, at the time, this was no small operation.) and joke about Kimber overdoing things with their incredibly tight mechanical tolerances. Tight chambers, tight slide to frame fit. And very good barrel lockups.

Is a $600.00 price difference worth it? I don’t know if it is to you; but, let me be brutally frank: My ugly crappy Glock EDC piece has over $500.00 worth of custom work and parts into it; and my Series 70 Mark IV Colts had well over $1,000.00 each invested into them; and all this in order to install most of the features one of today’s Kimber include as standard!

Me? After being a Christian, first, I’m a pistolero. It’s what I like; it’s what I’m good at; and it’s what I do. Quite frankly, I wouldn’t want to be found dead with a piece-of-junk Filipino pistol on my body!

I’ve sold a lot of people a lot of guns. Customers tend to buy what they like and what they can afford. Some are more discriminating than others. Some have a greater need (or interest) than others. Some just plain shoot more than others, too.

When everything’s said and done, I can’t answer that question for you; I don’t think anybody on this board can. At a certain point every salesman has to take a step back and allow the customer to make up his own mind. Some customers choose correctly, and some don’t. I’ll try to give some of the more important criteria; and you can decide:

1. Do you like to shoot; or is this going to be more of a home defense handgun?

2. Are you mechanically inclined? Does a better machine mean more to you than one that just gets the job done?

3. How long do you intend to own this gun?

4. Are you like me and a lot of my older acquaintances? Will you still be shooting the same high quality steel pistol when you’re past 50, and the newer more modern guns are all made out of recycled plastic and polymer based, ‘liquid steel’? (Because that’s where this is, all, going!)

5. To my mind a handgun purchase is a lot like a lifetime commitment to a good woman: You make the right choice, up front, and then you stick with the girl and take good care of her.

In return if you did, in fact, manage to get yourself both the right woman and the right gun, then, neither one will ever let you down. I’ll tell you something else, too: In recent years I’ve been clearing out my gun safe.

People have been paying me top dollar for the guns that I’ve shown them. ‘Why?’ Because I never bought any, ‘junk’. I bought good guns; and I took very good care of them. Consequently I’ve been paid as much as 5 times more than I originally paid for some of them; and more than double on a few others.

To my mind this means that every time you buy a gun you make an investment; AND don’t forget that I’ve had the free use of these firearms for more than a quarter of a century! In, even, 10 years from now nobody is going to give you what you paid for some Filipino piece-of-junk.

My best advice is to be sure you buy the right gun – Either something you can, ‘toss away’ without giving a damn when you’re through with it; or something else that someone is going to want when the time comes for you to be through with it. OK!

Daniel asks…

Why don’t you like Obama?

Can you give me a REAL reason? Other than calling him “a terrorist”, “no experience”, “socialist”, etc.
Wow, half of the answers on here are “biggest liberal in politics”

How ironic.
Give you a reason I DO like him? What? I could say tons of things:

I want socialized medicine.
I want gays to marry.
I want lower taxes on the middle class.

There’s a lot more than that.

The Expert answers:

Because his own advisers commented, starting in July of this year, that Obama’s plans would have to be reorganized and changed if he took office.

Even Leon Panetta, one of the Clintons chief advisors said so, and I quote:

“I accept that all candidates throw out a lot of proposals when they’re campaigning,” Panetta said in an interview. “You have to assume that’s all part of a campaign strategy to appeal to a lot of different constituencies that are out there. But once he enters the Oval Office, he’s going to have to make some hard decisions.”

Note that Obama has not made a “promise” but proposals.

Its cruel to offer up false hope to people. And here are some more reasons:

A. Obama is not a terrorist in the sense of the word. He is accused of associating with a terrorist (Ayers) and has said he will sit down with “friend and foe alike” as in terrorist-sponsoring nations, without pre-condition. In other words he will recognize terrorists as legitimate governments. Do you realllllyyyyy want that?

B. No experience. Yes, well Jimmy Carter was a darkhorse just like Obama is (and I don’t mean that racially). Carter sprung up out of Georgia. He proved to be an abysmal failure. A 1 term mental midget. We spent four agonizing years in this country after he tried the same stuff that Obama’s proposing now! As a matter of fact, some of Obama’s advisors are all recycled out of Carter’s and Clinton’s administrations.

C. Socialist. No question about it. He was a member of an international-based socialist political group when he ran for the Illinois State Senate when Clinton was in office.

He wants to double US aid to foreign countries over the next year as part of his “war on poverty” in the 3rd world. How do you think he’s going to do that? Sending industries to those countries so that they can start producing goods to sell to us. So he will be exploiting the 3rd world while exporting industry, jobs and American dollars to them.

Why? He wants to “buy” influence.

Yet in the same breath, he wants to increase taxes on industries that export jobs. Huh? Oh yeah, like Clinton. Well back in the Wild Bill days, certain industries were encouraged to ship jobs overseas to China and India, and they didn’t get hit with those freaky-deaky taxes.

So Obama wants to pick n choose. Oh and what will happen next?

Special visas for foreign workers to come here and work in our industries to compete with American workers and who will work for less pay than Americans.

Yeah. I don’t like Obama and the more I read his plans the more it makes me want to puke.

So I do plan on voting against Obama.


Betty asks…

We need help! ECO-STUFF!!?

Okay, our Program, Eco-Kids is for Teenagers and Kids to Go green. It is local, but we need your help. The more questions we get, the more helpful we’ll be. CAN YOU PLEASE email questions and concerns of the Earth?? Thanks! Any ideas are welcome.

The Expert answers:

It seems like you are very involved in finding new and better ways to help out the world, but be good for the environment, and to make those old inventions (ie: cars) better for the environment too.

Know that you have put such a broad topic out there, and there are so many things you could do. It will be hard to tackle it all, but with your program, you are making a difference.

First, activities need to be something a teen would want to do. Get creative in your plans. Suggest things that help the planet, but allow them to socialize and have fun too.

The following are a list of ideas:
1. Go to the park, plant trees, pick up trash, and see if there are recycle cans anywhere. If there aren’t, look into buying some.
2. Collect cans to donate the the recycling center for more money.
3. You could host friendly competitions for bragging rights and stuff by seeing which teams (groups of students) could do something like receive the most cans for the recycling center or something.
4. Find ways to spread the word about Going- Green; go to different events (farmer’s market, schools, fairs, etc) and have a booth or something. Make it interesting and involve lots of facts, and go beyond the regular recycling, saving water, saving electricity. People are aware of that, and it’s your job to inform them of the stuff they don’t know; it’s true that there are small differences that can be made, but bigger things are possible to achieve, and there are still a lot of small things we can do too. Be creative.
5. Hold contests for things like, have people compete to come up with the best ideas to Go Green, and how they can spread the news the most effectively. Or you could have speech and essay competitions featuring topics that need to be discussed because they are problems we are dealing with. Maybe, the winner could get something, like a certificate or a medal, and/or a cash prize like $100.
6. Start a carpooling plan, so that kids going to the same school can all save gas while getting to school. Also encourage kids to walk home and/or ride a bike. Where I live, because of budget cuts we lost our school buses, but they could take the public bus, or if you still have it, the school bus.
7. Think of those topics that really haven’t been dealt with yet in our society, and be creative; come up with the solutions to help us out.

I really hope this helps you a lot, and good job with all of your work!!!

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Susan asks…

I’m wanting to recycle some aluminum cans…?

does anyone know what the price of aluminum is today???

Thanks in advance!
ok sorry! I forgot to mention that im in the Topeka Kansas area! 🙂

The Expert answers:

Here in Michigan it’s 10 cents a can, but if you live out of state, unfortunately, it’s illegal to brings cans from one state to another to cash them in. I’m not sure of the price of other states.

Mark asks…

How can I recycle like this?

We recently visited a friend in Michigan, and on a trip to the grocery store with her, we saw this awesome area where people can bring in their cans, plastic bottles, and glass bottles and recycle them right there, getting slips from the machines and taking them to cash register.

I live in Canton Ohio and we don’t have those here. Is there anywhere close to me that does? I can transport my recyclables but would rather not have to go all the way to Michigan.

The Expert answers:

Go to to find a local recycle center, you can usually use the contact information to learn how and if they pay.

Ruth asks…

I have started to recycle cans water botttles and paper where can i take this in chicago to get cash for it ??

The Expert answers:

Michigan! LOL!

(ok, for our non-midwestern readers, the joke is Michigan has a 10/20 cent deposit on most cans and bottles, and they’re the only midwestern state that does. So lots of people finance their vacationing in Michigan with their “Michigan 10 cent deposit” cans/bottles. Don’t crush them though, the machines need em whole.)

Seriously most towns have recycling centers somewhere. They might not give cash though. There’s a place in metro Detroit that gives $50/ton for paper, but only one such place… So you might have to do some looking to find one in the windy city.

Donna asks…

Where are places in michigan that you can work when your 14?

in the ann arbor area and im a girl so it can be something a guy world only like

The Expert answers:


I suggest looking on the State of Michigan website below.

I believe a work permit can be obtained from your school (might be administrative offices) There are certain jobs no minor can perform, that might help limit your search.

I suggest trying to find employment in something you’ve an interest in or do for a hobby.

Added: I just ran across this for another question. Someone looking to recycle. This may be a possibility, but would require someone over 18 to assist. You can search for recycling centers on this website

Nancy asks…

how much can you get picking up cans?

how much do you get paid for a pound of soda cans at recycling places?
anyone know the rate in texas?

The Expert answers:

5 cents per can or bottle in most states with deposit laws, 10 cents in Michigan, and the amount varies day by day in California. You can get 15 cents per wine bottle in Maine. You aren’t going to make a lot, but you might as well do it if you don’t have anything else to do for money. Go grab yourself a shopping cart and get to work!

Joseph asks…

How much can I make? Cans and coke cans?

am saving up for a horse by making money different ways. How much can I make collecting coke cans and coke bottles? I am having my friends and family collect them for me and I am also collecting them.

Anything else I can collect to make money?
Just so you know I don’t have a Job at the moment I am trying to get a Job but with the econemy its hard so I figured making some little money just to to make some extra money, I have a few other ways by babysitting dog sitting that sorta thing, but I do need more ways thats why I asked i dont apreciate rude comments.

The Expert answers:

In Michigan, you can redeem them for 10 cents each. Other states will give you five cents.

There are recycling facilities that pay for aluminum by the pound. Either way, this is a very inefficient path to buying a horse, let alone feeding and sheltering one.

William asks…

I have a very old Compaq laptop, where can I bring it for recycling?

If someone can pick it up, it’s even better.

The Expert answers:

I work at a Goodwill in Michigan and we take all computers for free and they get recycled by Dell.

David asks…

Is there a recycling place on the southern part of michigan where you can return coke bottles and get the dep?


The Expert answers:

You can return bottles at any supermarket. IN SE Michigan, you can go to any Kroger, Farmer Jack, Meijer.

Michael asks…

How can i dispose of a mattress?!?!?!?

I wanna know some way i can dispose a queen size mattress!?!?!

The Expert answers:

Here in Michigan we have transfer stations for garbage and recycling and they take mattresses. Check your county out where you live. Regards, Dale

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Charles asks…

How do you organize recycling in your house?

I’m thinking of starting to separate trash into paper-plastic-glass -trash. I’m concerned about smells from containers..and also not sure how to best organize them. Should I use 4 plastic bags or 4 open boxes…

How do you do it, so that nothing smells and it’s also fast to dispose of stuff?

The Expert answers:

At my house we put our recycling on the kitchen counter (glass, plastic, aluminum, tin, etc.) to get rinsed out. It then goes immediately out to the recycling can in our back yard. The paper, cardboard, etc., goes next to the kitchen garbage can and gets put in the recycling can when the trash gets taken out. ALL of our recyclables go into the same can. If you need to separate them, put your recyclables into boxes (since they can be recycled as well) and your trash into a plastic bag (to reduce the smell).

Michael asks…

What are some incentives for recycling?

Im doing and earht day project with my friend and we chose recycling as our topic. We have to answer some questions and one of the questions is “What are some incentives for recycling. If you could give me a link to a website, that’d be great!

The Expert answers:

The best incentive is fewer landfills and lower garbage rates.

I personally think the recycling angle has been over played. We were making progress with it since many communities have found a way to make money doing it. Now the rate for recyclable materials or salvage is so low it is loosing momentum.

You may also want to check out the website

I much prefer to focus on the first and more important of the 3 R’s. Reduce. I have cut my household waste by about 75%. Most of my waste was food packaging. I have found many ways to reduce it, reusable grocery bags, bulk bins for a variety of items, less processed foods and avoiding excess packaging. Simple things like looking for the brand of whole grain bread that only uses 1 layer plastic or better yet, going to the bakery where it is wrapped in paper, most grocery bakery’s will slice it for you. I buy much of my meat from the butcher counter, I’m able to avoid the foam tray and get the exact number of portions I want. I plan a menu and shop with a list so I have less food waste.

Donna asks…

Where can I find a cheap, small recycling bin?

I’m looking for a garbage can for my bedroom that has two compartments, or sides to the garbage bin. One that I can put my regular trash in; the other for my paper recycling. It’s becoming a hassle to have to go downstairs to put every little piece of paper in the recycling bin there.

I’m looking for something with a similar design to this:

However, It’d prefer it wasn’t metal, and it doesn’t have to be all that fancy-just one trash can that has a divider in it.

I’d prefer it to be no more than $20, however anything around $20 is fine. No more than $30, if preferable. My mom would kill me (although I am a legal adult, as I live under her roof for the summer I’d rather not hear her complain/tease me for 5 months about being ecologically responsible and “wasting $30 on a trash can”).
I’m not looking for just any recycling bin, people. I appreciate the answers thus far, but it seems that people are giving me answers on where to find just recycling bins. Thank you, though.


I would greatly appreciate it if people told me specifically about THAT kind of recycling bin, rather than recycling bins in general. I already know how to find those.

The Expert answers:

This works for me: I got a standard kitchen trash can — 13 gallon size. I looked around and got a large rubber band that easily fits around the outer rim. This holds two trash bags in place. I put two trash bags inside, one on each side. For the paper side I fold the bag over to keep refuse out. When one is full its easy to remove and replace, and then just carry on!

William asks…

what is a good way to reduce the volume of garbage?

The Expert answers:

It would take a major shift in the way people run their lives…learning how to reuse articles or shopping bags, using cloth diapers, etc..In our disposable, throwaway society, it’s probably not very realistic to expect much improvement in reducing the volume of garbage and waste products. But what we can do much better is to recycle and reuse the waste products that we generate much more efficiently.

The billions of tons of garbage and waste products we generate every year…and expected to double by 2030…can be recycled into oil or gas products using a variety of new methods.

The TDP process…Thermal Depolymerization….can convert most carbon-based waste products and garbage into oil using the same forces nature uses to produce oil…high temperatures and pressures…only much faster and at relatively comparable prices to oil obtained from the ground at around 60.00 per barrel. Instaed of burying garbage and waste products, we should be reusing them to produce energy.In many cases, It takes oil to produce certain products…we should simply keep recycling that original oil source although some will be lost in the process.


There is also a recently developed process called plasma gasification which can convert waste products…even some hazardous wastes including some nuclear wastes…inot a net energy gain with gas as a byproduct. It utilizes an arc furnace with high temperatures…hotter than the surface of the sun…to break down most waste products at the molecular level with only inert slag and gas as the result although there are some problems with the metallurgy involved.

“Plasma arc gasification is a waste treatment technology that uses electrical energy and the high temperatures created by an electrical arc gasifier. This arc breaks down waste primarily into elemental gas and solid waste (slag), in a device called a plasma converter. The process has been intended to be a net generator of electricity, depending upon the composition of input wastes, and to reduce the volumes of waste being sent to landfill sites.”

“Reuse, recycle … burn? – “Waste is a terrible thing to waste,” says Bruce Parker, president of the National Solid Waste Management Association. His trade group supports giving trash a second life—and landfills a break—by following Europe’s lead and investing in more waste-to-energy plants, which convert trash to fuel. As much as 55 percent of waste in countries like Denmark and Sweden heads to such plants, compared with only 8 percent in the United States. Resistance comes from environmental groups, like the Sierra Club and Greenpeace, who say recycling is cheaper and cleaner. The waste-to-energy camp counters that it’s not necessarily an either-or: “Countries that have the most waste-to-energy also do the most recycling,” says Nickolas Themelis of the Earth Engineering Center at Columbia University.”

Helen asks…

will it really help the enviroment doing away with plastic bags?

the supermarkets are slowly doing away with it – some state have already done so.
but will it really help wont people just buy extra bin bags to put stuff in?
i did!!

The Expert answers:

Exactly. I use the grocery store plastic bags as kitchen garbage bags, and if they eliminate them, I suppose I’ll end up buying the bags. Heck, I’ll buy plastic sheeting and make my own bags Those store bags get at least one more use around here after they come home from the grocery store, as long as they don’t tear first. I’m old enough to remember what the kitchen garbage can smelled like when paper bags were all there were to use for the kitchen garbage, and how much fun it was trying to get a soggy paper bag of garbage as far as the outdoor garbage can without having the whole mess fall all over your shoes and the sidewalk, that’s assuming you got it out of the kitchen garbage can in the first place without having the bottom fall out of the bag so you had to pick it all up and put it in another bag. The outdoor garbage can was a delight, too, needed regular washing not to totally reek, as did the kitchen can. I used to recycle the plastic bags back to the grocery store when I got too many, but now I’m stockpiling them so I won’t have to buy them later. I’m also old enough to remember the early plastic grocery bags. They were strong enough to hold more than 2 quarts of milk without tearing. Then they made the bags thinner to save plastic, so you needed at least twice as many bags to take the groceries home in without having them spill all over the street. The old bags actually got used more because they lasted better.

George asks…

why doesn’t Singapore recycle?

I’ve noticed that in Singapore, there is no recycling system. Despite everything being clean, there are no bins for cans, glass, plastic, paper, or used batteries/light bulbs as there was in my home country. At home, everything goes down the chute into one huge garbage dump. Even the supermarkets just dish out plastic bags without thinking twice. Why doesn’t Singapore recycle? With such a strict government, it certainly seems like recycling would be a great idea.

The Expert answers:

There is a recycling in place but it doesnt work well here cause Singaporean are not green enough, esp the elderies since they are educated to be dirty, like they said dirty eat, dirty grow. And they are looking for convenience, due the fact that they are being deprive from it since young and is time to enjoy, why wait, do it now of mentality.

Nancy asks…

How do I take out the garbage?

The Expert answers:

When your getting ready to take out the garbage, do yourself a favor and just don’t take out the kitchen garbage. Look around the house; washroom, and bedroom they have garage bins in there to. So do it all. Throw it all in a big black garbage bag, find our outdoor garbage bin and through it in.

When your garbage day comes, you’ll hopefully have everything all in you bin just waiting to be pulled to the side.

Oh and don’t forget your recycling. If you recycle you save lots of space in your garbage bin for your garbage. I live on a street where they only allow you put out 2bins of garbage every week. I’m 20 and have to do all that for 7 people in my house 😛

Anywhoo, sort your recycling make sure your putting the crap in the right bin everyday and then when your garbage day comes it will be really easy!

Mark asks…

HOW is recycling really beneficial?

ok so im all for saving the environment and our resources, but it just doesnt make sense to me to recycle. First of all dont all of these things have to be washed? so thousands of gallons of water are used to clean everyhting before it can be recycled right? then what about things like plastic, doesnt plastic have to be melted down to recycle it? wouldnt that polute the air? i dont know it just seems like we are trying to save one resouce, by using up other resources that are equally, if not more important. can someone help me better understand this?

The Expert answers:

It depends on what is being recycled.

For some things it actually makes sense, since the recycled material follows a similar process as the raw materials anyway. Steel, for example, is easily recycled and the environmental cost to do so is limited to the transportation back to the plants (which is not much different than the transportation of raw ore to the plants).

Glass is also a good recyclable material. Yes, they have to wash it, but that water is recycled and cleaned just like they clean, filter and recycle sewage water. So it’s not like that dirty water is being dumped into the ocean.

For other materials it actually costs MORE to recycle the product than it does to make it from scratch. Many plastics, for example. But the reason it’s still worth recycling them is to reduce the overall load on landfills. We’re basically paying more to produce less bulk in the total garbage output.

There are a lot of things you can recycle on your own that is definitely beneficial. A simple thing you can do is save dirty dishwater (in an in-sink bucket) and use it to water plants. The detergent doesn’t bother them and the food bits actually serve as nutrients. And put leftover foods in a mulch pile. (Even in the city, there are always places you can bring such garbage for mulch purposes, if you only ask around.)

And if something’s not recyclable, figure out ways to MAKE it recyclable. I find ways to use a lot of old non-recyclable containers to store things. Sometimes it takes a little glue and creativity to come up with great new uses for what was otherwise junk.

We’ve cut our actual garbage output, for a household of 3 adults, down to one 20-gallon garbage bag per week. We bring it to a local recycling center and pay 25 cents to drop it off. So our garbage expense per month is one dollar, and our “garbage footprint” (which personally I think is a LOT more important than carbon footprints) is really very small.

Mary asks…

What are some topics in recycling?

I really need this, please help me

The Expert answers:

I’m not sure of what you mean by topics, but I think you can’t go wrong with:
– Paper recycling
– Plastic Recycling
– Garbage Separation
– Reusable goods (such as market bags)

There’s a lot of info on the subject in the Internet, surf for a while and you’ll see what I mean

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Susan asks…

Recycle Bin?????????

how do you bring back your recycle bin after accidently deleting it off the dektop?

The Expert answers:

Right click anywhere on your desktop and select ‘personalise’

On the left hand side you will see the option ‘change desktop icons’ on it

The tick the box next to recycle bin and click ‘apply’ then ‘ok’

George asks…

Recycle Bin?

Once you delete something out of your recycle bin is it gone for ever? Never re-tracable?

The Expert answers:

No it is not gone forever you may be able to recover using a couple of free programs:

Undelete Plus is a free versatile program that will work with all the latest versions of Windows and can handle both FAT and NTFS file systems. It’s equally at home with removable media too so you can recover files from memory cards and flash drives. Tick the box to select a drive and click Start Scan to analyse the drive. This can take quite a while to complete on a large drive.
When it’s completed the scan the right-hand pane shows a list of the files available for recovery. You can sort these into file types by selecting from the pane on the left. Select a location to save the undeleted files at the bottom of the screen. You have the option of retaining the original folder structure if you’re recovering entire folders.
It can be downloaded from:

Another good free one from:


Mark asks…

..recycle bin…………………..?

i;ve sumhow managed 2 delete my recycle bin..hw do i get it bk ?..
thx a lot !

The Expert answers:

well, if u have ur xp disc then put it in and choose start>run > type ‘cmd’
so that thing should come up> then in it type ”sfc/scannow” so now you should see a small dialog box then it will do the rest, make sure the disc is in there thts all……

Lizzie asks…

Self Formatting Recycle Bin?

For this reason, whenever I delete something, when I log off or the next day when I reboot my laptop, everything in my recycle bin is deleted, Very annoying! Is there a way to stop this, and how did it happen?

The Expert answers:

I’ve never seen an auto-empty option on Windows Recycle Bin (assuming you’re talking about Windows), but there is a Do Not Move Files To The Recycle Bin mode. Try this:

1. Right-click on your Recycle Bin desktop icon and select Properties.
2. Examine the Settings for selected location group.
3. If the Do Not Move … Radio button is selected, select Custom size instead and Click OK.

Hope that helps.

Steven asks…

Ipod IPA app files in recycle bin?

Today I found some IPA files in my recycle bin with apps that I have on my ipod. Is it safe to delete them and how did they get there? I did not erase any of my apps recently…


The Expert answers:

Well, this is what happened to me…

When i updated some apps on my ipod, it deleted the old version of the app automatically and replaced it with the updated version of the app. Thats why there are apps in your recycle bin (if you have updated any recently).

To find out if it is necessary to remove them you should confirm that the recycle bin files are the old version by checking the apps folder in My Computer. That folder is usually in your music folder>itunes then> folder named either ipod/phone etc. Applications. If the app file is still there, then that is the updated version of your app and the old app is in the recycle bin . It is OK to delete the recycle bin app file if your scenario is the same as the above.

I hope my advice helped,

Chris asks…

Help! I deleted my recycle bin.?

So, I’m stupid and I accidentally deleted my shortcut to my recycle bin off of my desktop. I did a search of my computer for the recycle bin and I can’t find it. I can still delete things that I’ve saved so I know it’s going somewhere. I just want to create another shortcut to put back on my desktop.
Can anyone help me find it?????
As soon as someone gives me an idea that leads me to the answer I will choose you as best answer.
I tried all the ideas exept system restore. My sister downloaded a virus months ago….that won’t affect the restore will it? I don’t want that back.

JLUII – your idea seemed so hopeful and I followed it step by step, but the icon never showed back up.

The Expert answers:

FIRST–> Right click any blank area of your desktop. In the menu that comes up, click on “Properties.”
SECOND–> Click on the “Desktop” tab, and then click on the “Customize Desktop” button.
THIRD–> On the “General” tab, you will see a field with some standard desktop icons. Click on the “recycle bin” icon and then click on “Restore Default.” Click “OK,” and then “Apply,” and finally “OK” again. You should see your recycle bin back in its spot on your desktop. If your recycle bin is still not appearing on your desktop, try the next steps.
FOURTH–>Right click a blank area of your taskbar, point to “Toolbars,” and then click on “Desktop.”
FIFTH–>Click on the double carets (>>) next to “Desktop” on your taskbar. Look for your recycle bin in the menu that comes up.
SIXTH–>Drag the recycle bin from the menu to your desktop by clicking on it with your mouse, holding the mouse button down, and moving it to the desktop.

Jenny asks…

Recycle Bin access through USB hard disk?

An old laptop of mine died but I managed to get data off it by connecting the hard disk by USB to my new laptop.

If possible, how can I access the Recycle Bin for my OLD laptop?


The Expert answers:


I don’t see why not as the recycle bin is really just a folder.

So if you can access the old hard drive it is just a case of finding where the bin is located.

That will no doubt depend on your operating system, a quick google search should find that info for you.

I found this for Vista :-

The Recycle Bin location is hidden at the root, e.g., “C:$Recycle.Bin”. There are two Recycle Bins in $Recycle.Bin, because the desktop shortcut’s icon changes when it’s full or empty. It gets more complicated. The two Recycle Bins in $Recycle.Bin are also shortcuts. The actual location of the Recycle Bin is in another hidden folder, also at the system root, called RECYCLER.


William asks…

I deleted my vista recycle bin!?

how do i get my normal recycle bin back? I dont want the shortcut one cus it doesent show when it is full or empty. plzz help me!!

The Expert answers:

Here’s how to restore your Recycle Bin to your Desktop:
1. Right click an empty area of your Desktop.
2. Select Personalize.
3. Under the “Task” category, click the “Change Desktop Icons” link.
4. Place a checkmark in the Recycle Bin checkbox.
5. Click OK.

Other option is to undo the system change with “System Restore”. Thru this option you undo changes to your computer’s operating system and programs without affecting personal files such as documents or photos.
Take in account that when you use a Restore Point, you are going back in time, so any change done to the system after the date of the Restore point (like programs installations) will be lost, because you are going back to a point when they were not installed, only your personal files (documents, photos, music, etc) will not be affected.
To use System Restore:
1. – Click the Start button Picture of the Start button,
2.- Type System Restore in the Search box,
3.- Click System Restore (type your password or provide confirmation if prompted).
4.- Follow the steps in the wizard.
System Restore might suggest a recent restore point or you you can choose from a list of available restore points.

Laura asks…

Where is my recycle bin?

My computer keeps telling me the disk is full, I want to go to my recycle bin to delete from it, but I cant find it. I have an older version of windows internet explorer. I’m not sure what is making my disk full, maybe there are some programs that I need to get rid of.

The Expert answers:

Did you happen to recycle you recycle bin?

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Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

Ideas for raising campus awareness about recycling/reducing waste?

posters, flyers, talking to classes, free reusable water bottles and coffee mugs, signable pledge banners, sidewalk chalking, petitions to remove trays from cafeteria (people waste less food), do not mail lists, etc… I need more ideas to get people to recycle on campus.

The Expert answers:

Put out recycling bins in all the hallways that are decorated nicely, put up signs above the trash cans reminding that ANY paper can be recycled. Ask the cafeteria to put out extra bins for compost materials, to waste less. Propose that your school install motion sensors in all the class rooms so that when no one is in them, the lights turn off automatically. Have a “Green Day” once a week, have everyone turn off anything they aren’t using, turn off the sink, everyone can wear green.

Jenny asks…

Where can I drop off e-Waste for recycling in midtown Manhattan?

For free, I don’t want to pay someone to recycle, I just have some old computer chips lying around and old cables, dead hard drives etc. I do not want to just trow in the garbage.

The Expert answers:

Anywhere, if you drive fast enough.

Donna asks…

Does crumb rubber from waste tires have to be devulcanized to be used in recycling applications?

I am finding conflicting information about this topic. Does the crumb rubber that comes from waste tires have to go through a devulcanization process which breaks the cross linked polymer in order to be used for any recycling process? Or can crumb rubber as is be used? Examples being construction materials like concrete with rubber additive. Thanks 🙂

The Expert answers:

Yes it does

Linda asks…

Recycling Waste Are Councils and government hitting the wrong people ?

Time and time again I read in UK papers that the local (Gestapo) council have dragged someone to court for not putting waste in the right bin or having to much waste.
Why do they not get together and hopund the Compamies who over package
Our bunch claim to have a machine which can differentiate between the various recyclable waste items but give a list of things it will and will not accept. So we have three bins Garden waste once a fortnight, Recyclable wate once a fortnight and rubbish once a week. strange my purchaes have not altered but I feel I am throwing greater quanties out. I am told that 80% is recyclable but in fact they are collecting much less

The Expert answers:

I work for a council. And they don,t recycle their waste. And and bottles what over-spill the bottle banks. The street cleaning dept. Clear them up and send them to landfill!

They have been dragging their feet about recycling, now it’s a mad rush to comply with the EU mandate.

I took a drain pipe out of a skip going to landfill. For my allotment. I was told to put it back, “it’s council property” so it went to landfill at the cost to the tax payer. But they quick to say reuse, recycle and save water. I would have done all 3 and saved on landfill space and tax. But with idiots in charge, who have never worked in the real world, and would be able to either and bent councilor’s. Nothing will change while everyone pays up their taxes. We should seize power from them.

David asks…

what does recycling nuclear waste produce?

1)Pu, plutonium.
2)Cn, copernicium.
3)Sg, seaborgium.
4)Ds, darmstadtium.
5)All of four of these.
6)None of these four.


The Expert answers:

Plutonium is definitely one of the byproducts. Fear of it getting used in bombs is why so many are against nuclear waste recycling causing worse problems.

So answer 1 is correct and answer 6 is not.

The rest are much heavier if none are byproducts then the answer is 1 if any of them are then they all must be so the answer would be 5.

Michael asks…

Difference between California EPA Permit and E-Waste Recycling license.?

I visited their websites and understood their purposes, but I dont understand what’s the purpose of their permi/license. I assume if I have the license of E-Waste Recycle, I’m legally qualified to recycle for others, but what about EPA? What’s the difference and are there qualifications needed to obtain the permits?
I basically want to know what’s the purpose of obtaining the licenses for both.

The Expert answers:

You didn’t really provide enough data but;
An EPA permit could refer to air, water, liquid or solid hazardous wastes. The EPA is federal and in CA we have the DTSC, Department of Toxic Substance Control, a state agency that manages the federal requirements at a stricter level.
E-waste is considered a universal waste in CA and thus needs to be managed as such. The CIWMB, California Waste Integrated Management Board, is the lead agency and would require permitting to be completed under their parameters. I would contact the CIWMB direct if interested in recycle of e-waste. If you want to manage hazardous wastes the threshold will be much higher.

Nancy asks…

How can we solve Britains recycling and waste problems?

The Expert answers:

We could start by restricting the amount of useless packaging used by major supermarkets.

Betty asks…

How could I recycle waste on mars?

For my science project we have to make a habitat on mars. We need to recycle air (Plants using hydro phonics) water (Normal ice from the poles, eventually drilling for ice) and waste. If anyone could help me with recycling waste that’d be great.

The Expert answers:

We shouldn’t recycle on mars, in order for us to colonise mars we need to create as much greenhouse gases as possible, since it is further from the sun than the earth is.

Ken asks…

hoew do you start a waste paper recycling plant ? what are the machineries required?

The Expert answers:

I think there is some info on youtube. Type it in the search

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