Sunday, March 16, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mary asks…

How many of you feel recycling is a waste of time and space in your garage?

I hate to take that attitude but it seems as though there would be more incentive to recycle by paying more per pound for cardboard and aluminum cans.

The Expert answers:

I read some where, that I think it was New York or New York city, stopped doing glass because it wasnt even cost efficient? I saw once tons of glass being conveyer belted into a huge cargo ship heading to some foriegn nation for processing, how green is that!! Where I use to live, I liked the ideas that the neighborhood kinda left thier recyclables in a bundle for those going thru the rubbish. To me, that was recycling to its best intent. It was horrid when the city gave out bins, and tickets to the people who really needed the money.

Paul asks…

Is paper recycling really a waste of time and energy?

My husband claims that recycling paper is pointless… My good friend says he is ignorant and I should not listen to him. I am not sure who to believe. I AM currently leaning toward my husband because at least he gave me some points that sound good. My friend’s only “point” is that my husband is ignorant. I am hoping for some more facts to support both sides of this argument so I can form a more educated opinion on the matter.

This is what he says: The work that goes into recycling the stuff causes more pollution than if we put it in the landfill… since it is 100% biodegradable and 100% renewable… Replanting trees causes no pollution. He says the only things we need bother recycle are things that are non-renuable resources that are not biodegradable… Like plastics for example. Using and disposing of paper is not depleting rainforests, because the countries that are doing that are not using the trees to make paper for us – that it is done for reasons such as creating more farm-land. All the paper we use here is from trees that are grown and replanted…

The Expert answers:

Your husband is neglecting a few critical points.

1) It takes a long time for trees to grow. The more paper we recycle, the fewer trees need to be cut down to make new paper, and this gives newly planted trees more time to grow and replace the cut down trees.

2) Making new paper from recycled paper uses 30-50% less energy than making paper from trees and it reduces contributions to air pollution by 95%.


So no, recycling paper is certainly not a waste of time and energy. In fact, it saves energy.

James asks…

Does anyone else think recycling is a waste of time?

Facts: The more paper we use the more money trees a worth so the more trees get planted. There are 3 times as many trees in the USA today then there were in the 20’s.____Also 60% of things put in recycling bins dont even get recylced because it is too expensive to recycle most things._____ The exhaust from machines used to recylce(collection truck included) does more damage then just making new stuff.

The only thing worth recycling is metal that is why you can sell old metal it is easier to reused old metal then to mine new metal. If recycling paper was worth it then the paper companies would pay you for your old paper like the metal companies pay you for old cans and other metals

The Expert answers:

Yeah, except cans … The rest is hippy BS

Ken asks…

my parents think recycling is a waste of time how can i change their minds?

The Expert answers:

Tell them that when you recycle can and bottles at your local grocery store you earn money.

Lizzie asks…

Paper Recycling: is it just a waste of time and money now?

Yeah, ok, let’s bow to green pressure and stick it all in a warehouse. It is currently uneconomic to make new paper from it due to the price per Tonne falling from £40 to £1, and is likely to stay this low until the recession finishes.

Any likelihood of realism dawning?

ps: Y!A wanted this to go in the sports section!
None of the TDs from me I swear, just some of the TUs.

The Expert answers:

Yes, I mean just look at the refuse collectors, all the rubbish goes into one dustcart, general bottles and paper, and after the time we take to sort the things out.

Richard asks…

Is recycling a waste of time ?


The Expert answers:

I think it is. I mean I do it if it’s about if it’s out of my way then I don’t go searching for it.

Joseph asks…

If recycling turned out to be a waste of time would you feel betrayed?

Hypothetically! Would you?
What if it was harming the environment! Blame this video! It made me think recycling is just another gri gri!

The Expert answers:

Yes i would feel betrayed,like it was a waste of time, and the recycling truck truckers would feel double betrayed,wasting their time collecting recycling bins >_>

i mean,i actually care for the earth. I actually DO recycle, and convince others to do the same, and “if it was harming the environment”, i would feel 100x betrayed.

George asks…

Is it true that recycling is just a waste of time?

The Expert answers:

This is not a simple yes/no answer. Does recycling help the environment. Definately yes. Does it help the environment as much as we think? That is an entirely different question.
Some plastics do end up in the landfill because they are not suitable for recycling (too thin, wrong composition ect…). However, some of the plastics received are a good match for recycling.
My personal thoughts are that we should all recycle away because even if a little of what is sent to the recycling plant gets recycled it’s better than none ever making it there.

William asks…

what are the long time benefit of waste recycling?

The Expert answers:

Did you know its cheaper to get aluminum from recycled cans than it is to get it from raw ore? Sometimes recycling is actually cheaper. The same thing happens with copper. Which is why some people have taken to stealing live power cables to sell the copper inside to recycling plants.

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